animal abuse虐待动物

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•Today my topic is animal abuse. I divided my presentation into three parts.
•The reason why I choose this topic is in my opinion, Animals are the most innocent and loving creatures on the planet.
Unless provoked, they will never intentionally harm humans, for fun or any other reasons, like humans harm these creatures, as and when they feel like.
In today's world where animals are slaughtered['slɔtɚ] and tortured for selfishness and gains. The cruelty inflicted on these creatures has reached new heights. There are many different types of animal cruelty which people need to know about.
•There are basically two types of animal cruelty and which can be categorized as active and passive. In the active form of cruelty, animals are intentionally tortured, while in the passive form, unintentional cruelty results from neglect of animals.
However, classification of types of animal cruelty can be done in many different ways.
•First is active abuse of animals. Active form of abuse involves direct cruelty to animals. It is when an individual purposely tries to cause harm to an animal, like torturing or beating it.
The other is passive abuse includes lack of care or negligence
towards pets. This happens as a result of inaction. Generally, it has been observed that such a situation arises when the pet owner is not aware of or does not bother to take proper care of the pet's needs for food, shelter, medical attention etc.
•The practice of animal cruelty is not just limited to above mentioned acts. As stated earlier, passive cruelty also is a type of animal abuse. A general neglect of pet animals can be dangerous for their health and in worst cases be life-threatening. Giving food to the pet animals in a timely manner is necessary; many different health problems in animals can crop if proper care is not taken. Health problems which result from ignorance include dehydration, starvation, etc. One of the examples of unintentional or passive form of animal cruelty is that of leaving animals locked in a car (by mistake). By the time the pet owner returns and opens door of the car, the animal has suffered a lot due to the heat that builds up in the enclosed environment. Circus animals too, face a similar kind of neglect and abuse. Transportation in small cages takes a toll on their body and also has psychological implications.
•Studies on the reasons behind animal cruelty have exposed a number of motives on the part of abusers. These include giving
pain and suffering to animals for some specific benefit or hurting animals for pleasure, apathy towards the suffering of animals, etc.
•Most people relate to animals as their source of food. While meat eating cannot exactly be classified as animal abuse, people associated with the trading of animals for human consumption, treat animals most cruelly. Animals in the rearing farms live in very poor conditions. It is the most common form of cruelty observed in day-to-day life. There are many ways in which animals are tortured to death in slaughterhouse.
•They are not fed properly or reared in unhygienic[,haɪdʒɪ'ɛnɪk] conditions, or taken care of medically, i.e. vaccinated, treated for diseases or injuries, etc. Traders are least bothered, as they are more concerned with their profits.
•Poaching and fishing
•Although hunting animals is illegal, there are ways to flout [flaʊt]藐视;愚弄the law, as poachers know. Leopards['lɛpɚd]豹, cheetahs['tʃitə]猎豹, crocodiles['krɑkə'daɪl]鳄鱼, snakes, cattle and alligators['ælɪɡetɚ]短吻鳄for their skin;
minks[mɪŋk]貂, foxes, beavers['bivɚ]海狸, jackals ['dʒækl]豺, rabbits, skunks[skʌŋk]臭鼬, possums
['pɑsəm]负鼠, etc. for fur;elephants for ivory;tiger nails, feathers, horns, bones of animals etc. are used for the purposes of jewelry, making various instruments and decorative pieces, bone fertilizers['fɝtəlaɪzɚ]肥料, etc.
The activity of fishing might seem harmless as the underlying cruel acts are hardly brought to the notice of general public.
However, fishing is the area where animal cruelty reaches its peak. Dolphins are killed in Japan in the period between October and March. These dolphins are chased in order to bring them together in bays[beiz] with shallow['ʃælo] water
i.e. near the coast. Upon reaching the coast, these creatures are
brutally killed and in such great numbers that the sea water turns red. A similar form of cruelty is displayed off the coastal regions of Denmark where dolphins are killed every year. The reason for killing dolphins in this part of the world is not just about obtaining food. People see this practice of slaughtering dolphins as the symbol of transitioning from teenage to adulthood.
•Animal abuse during the production of films is common all over the world, including some big budget Hollywood movies.
Many a time it has been alleged that the kind of treatment meted out to animals during the process of film-making, is objectionable. Serious harm has been caused to animals including death. Similarly, animals are badly exploited in circuses. The working conditions as well as living conditions in circuses are not at all suitable for the health and survival of animals.
•Yet, there are no laws to ban the use of animals in circuses.
Also, events like rodeo ['rodɪo], bull-fighting, cock-fighting, etc. are all inhumane activities encouraged by man for his entertainment without sparing a thought for the animals and their suffering.
•You can see these two pictures, which are the war scenes of the TV series Three Kingdoms. To make stimulating war scenes, horses were really burned, wrung[rʌŋ]their necks, tumbled['tʌmbl] to death, crashed, exploded, etc., among them
6 horses were tortured to death, and eight horses went crazy
because they cannot endure unimaginable terror, fear, and even death threats, more horses were badly hurt and scared. •Psychological Reasons
•The activities related to intentional abuse have deep connections to some severe psychological problems. Surveys
conducted on psychiatric patients reveal that people with psychopathic personality disorders have a tendency to torture pets and other small animals. This type of behavior is termed as zoosadism['sedɪzəm]. It's often found that children and adolescents who show cruelty towards their pet dogs and cats have actually undergone some abusive behavior themselves or have witnessed some forms of abuse.
•Animal abuse can be reduced to a great extent, if people stop treating animals as their personal property. They end up abusing animals more because of their attitude that animals are needed either as food or as companions or for entertainment.
Animal rights is as important an issue as Human Rights, and the issue of animal abuse should be given its due importance by punishing people who abuse animals the same way that people who abuse other humans or kids are punished! Only then is there any hope of reducing, and eventually stopping animal abuse. As long as the perpetrators['pɜːrpətreɪtər] are allowed to roam free, and not made to account for their acts of violence or negligence towards these innocent creatures who look to them for love and care, there is no way this can be stopped.
•Strict laws need to be put in place to protect these loving creatures who are at our mercy. The way we treat creatures which are at our mercy, reveals our true character.。
