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在1999 年,我国国务院、人民银行先后批准成立了四家资产管理公司(即 AMC),分别为中国华融资产管理股份有限公司、中国长城资产管理股份有限公司、中国东方资产管理股份有限公司、中国信达资产管理股份有限公司,分别开展如下业务:“收购、受托经营金融机构不良资产,对不良资产进行管理、投资和处置;债权转股权,对股权资产进行管理、投资和处置;对外投资;买卖有价证券;发行金融债券、同业拆借和向其它金融机构进行商业融资;破产管理;财务、投资、法律及风险管理咨询和顾问;资产及项目评估;经批准的资产证券化业务、金融机构托管和关闭清算业务;非金融机构不良资产业务;国务院银行业监督管理机构批准的其他业务。
自 2012 年始,地方政府也相继设立地方资产管理公司,陆续出台《金融企业不良资产批量转让管理办法》、《关于地方资产管理公司开展金融企业不良资产批量收购处置业务资质认可条件等有关问题的通知》允许各省设立 AMC,参与本省范围内金融企业不良资产批量收购和处置业务,随后地方 AMC 名单持续扩容,截止目前江苏、浙江、安徽、广东、上海、北京、天津、重庆、福建和辽宁五地均已陆续设立了资产管理公司。
Thetopic of this paper is the study of the legal mechanism of the disposal ofnon-performing assets The selected topic refers to the bad assets which are only the badassets of banks, and refers to the assets which can not be expected to return to the bankunder the actual conditions Take credit, for example, the interest on the loan can not berecovered on time and in full, and even the principal can not be recovered or recycledless On 1998, the people's Bank of China promulgated the "loan risk classification"principle to guide the management of banks, according to a series of factors such as therepayment ability of people have to recover the debt, lending the possibility of loans,will be divided into normal,
attention, substandard, doubtful and loss, includingsubprime loans, doubtful loans and the loss of the loan refers to specific non-performingassets
In1999, the State Council and the people's Bank of China has approved theestablishment of the four Asset Management Co, respectively Chinese Huarong AssetManagement Limited by Share Ltd, China the Great Wall asset management Limited byShare Ltd, China Orient Asset Management Limited by Share Ltd, China Cinda AssetManagement Corp, were carried out as follows: business acquisition of non-performingassets, entrusted with the operation of financial institutions, non-performing assetsmanagement, investment and disposal of creditor's rights; on equity, equity assetsmanagement, investment and disposal; foreign investment; the sale of
securities;issuance of financial bonds and interbank lending to other financial institutions andcommercial financing; bankruptcy management; financial, legal, investment and riskmanagement consulting and advisory and asset; project evaluation; approval of assetsecuritization, financial mechanism of trusteeship and liquidation industry Nonperforming assets of non-financial institutions; other business approved by the bankingregulatory authority under the state council Among them, the four major AssetManagement Co to bank non-performing assets management, investment and disposal isits main business Since the beginning of 2012, local governments have also set up thelocal Asset Management Co, have issued "financial enterprise bulk transfer ofnon-performing assets management measures", "on the local Asset Management Co to carry out financial firms to acquire bulk non-performing assets disposal businessaccreditation conditions and other related issues notice" allow the provinces to set upAMC in non-performing assets within the scope of this province and the bulkacquisition of financial enterprises the disposal of business, then the local AMC listcontinued expansion, as of now, Jiangsu Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangdong, Shanghai,Beijing, Tianjin, Chongqing, Fujian and Liaoning five places have been gradually set upAsset Management Co Visible from the institutional level, at present, China's disposalof non-performing assets of professional institutions began in recent years, and underthe government's control of slow progress, for the disposal of non-performing assets inChina opened up a broad market The accelerated disposal of non-performing assets bycommercial banks and financial Asset Management Co will maximize the preservationof assets and reduce losses, and will play a role in escorting the development of China'snational economy This is the social significance of the author's selected topic
However,when dealing with the problem of non-performing assets, the banks orasset management companies in Shanghai are subject to historical reasons, policyimpact, legal system, judicial system and other factors, there are many problems In thisarticle, based on the legal panorama of the disposal of non-performing assets, after abrief introduction of the
disposal methods of non-performing assets, the author startswith the analysis of the legal environment and the legal restrictions on the specificdisposal methods of non-performing assets when banks and asset managementcompanies dispose of non-performing assets, aiming at the legislation of the disposal ofnon-performing assets and the specific disposal methods of non-performing assets
Basedon the legal basis, the institutional environment for the disposal ofnon-performing assets and the matching system for the disposal of non-performingassets, the macro-level legal mechanism for the disposal of non-performing assets inChina is constructed and corresponding suggestions are put forward
【Keywords】Bank Asset Management Co;Non-performing
(一)日本、美国、波兰不良资产处置经验 (二)国外不良资产处置给我国的启示
(一)不良资产处置的法律层次较低 (二)不良资产处置方式限制过多 (三)不良资产处置的财务制度相互冲突 (四)不良资产处置的法律监管缺失
(一)制定单独的《金融资产管理公司法》 (二)适当放宽不良资产处置的法律限制 (三)完善不良资产处置财税制度 (四)建立和完善不良资产处置的法律监管制度 (五)不良资产处置的配套制度建设 余论。