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Teaching Plan for Listening and Speaking
发布时间:2021-12-02T02:15:40.135Z 来源:《教学与研究》2021年第19期作者:谭晨
[导读] With the quickly development of economic globalization, English language, as an international communication tool,谭晨
Tan Chen
新东方斯林姆国际教育 100080
1. Background
With the quickly development of economic globalization, English language, as an international communication tool, is studying by millions of non-native students. Oral English, as a part of English skill, plays a very important role in English communication. Thus speaking English expertly is the most important goal in English study. More than 60% non-native English people use English to communicate with others. The English language has increasingly become a medium in every global communication. As a result, it is very important and necessary for every country to train enough people with perfect oral English skill. However, speaking skill is the more important than other English language skills because it can distinctly show comprehensive English level of person and expose their errors. English language proficiency is also important for communication among people with dissimilar language backgrounds.
2.The nature of speaking English teaching
In the past decades, many meanings of speaking English teaching have been proposed. Brown showed that when someone can speak a language, it means that he can carry on a conversation reasonably and competently. Richards illustrated that effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately in social interactions that involves not only verbal communication but also paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, stress, and intonation. Moreover, nonlinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, gestures, body language, and expression are needed in conveying message directly. Brown B1 stated that social contract in interactive language function is a key factor. It is not what you say but how you express something with the help of body language, gesture, eyes contact and so on. In their discussion on the nature of speaking English teaching, Brown pointed out that the teaching of
language has not been concerned with speaking language teaching. On the contrary, written language is characterized by well-formed sentences which are
integrated into highly structure paragraphs. Successful oral communication
(1) The ability to articulate phonological features of the language comprehensibly;
(2) Mastery of stress, rhythm, intonation patterns;
(3) An acceptable degree of fluency;
(4) Transactional and interpersonal skills
(5) Skills in taking short and long speaking turns;
(6) Skills in the management of interaction
(7) Skill in negotiating meaning
(8) conversational listening skills
(9) Using appropriate conversational formulae and fillers
(10)kills in knowing about the negotiating purpose for the conversations
Furthermore, he stated that the teachers can apply the bottom-up and top down approach to speaking English teaching The bottom-up approach means that the students begin with the smallest units of language such as single words, and then move through the mastery of vocabularies and sentences to discourse. On the contrary,. the top- down view proposes that the learners start with the large chunks of language, and then use their obtained skill to understand and use the smaller language elements correctly.
Brown thought small kills are very important in oral English teaching. He also mentions that the pieces of language should be given attention for more that make up to the whole. Teaching should be done in some attractive and communicative activities There are many types of classroom speaking activities.
in order to exchange information between two people, speaking is closely related to listening The interaction between these two skills is shown in the conversation. Brown stated that there are seven principles for designing speaking techniques
(1) Use techniques that cover the spectrum of learner needs, from language based
focus on accuracy to message-based on interaction, meaning. and fluency.
(2) Provide intrinsically motivating techniques
(3) Encourage the use of authentic language in meaningful contexts
(4) Provide appropriate feedback and correction.
(5) Capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening
(6) Give students opportunities to initiate oral communication.
(7) Encourage the development of speaking strategies
From the information above, it can be concluded that English speaking skill is always related to communication. Speaking skill can be stated as the skill to use the English to accurately express the information, in which way the knowledge and information are transferred in the whole life situation.
3. How to teach speaking English
By using “how to teach”, I do not intend to discuss which teaching method should be chosen in spoken English class, such as communicative language teaching (CLT), task based language teaching (TBLT). Wang Zuoliang used say that some methods are useful to some people sometimes in some places; no method is helpful to all people all times at all places. Since each teaching method base its advantages and disadvantages sensible middle view has been accepted by more and more teachers. I just want to discuss how to teach spoken English from several specific aspects.
In foreign language teaching and leaning field, teacher just like a guider, leading learner finds the way to study, and material is the vehicle we take. To have a great class, pay attention to the learners react, not only what you teach and objective. As what Brown (2007,p.20) claims in his book: The joy of teaching lies in witnessing your students’ attainment of broader and broader vistas of linguistic proficiency and in experiencing the
communal bond that you have been instrumental in creating in your classroom. So learner is the center of class, teachers have to follow the learner’s react and adjust the step of course.
Therefore, let us focus on learners. In ”Language Learning Styles and Strategies,” Oxford synthesizes research from various parts of the world on two key variables affecting language learning: style, i.e, one’s general approach to learning a language; and strategies the specific behaviors or thought learners use to enhance their language learning. Firstly, we have to know the learners needing, why they want to learn it and what they like, and try to balance their needing with teaching goal, then design our class. Secondly, Finding certain strategies and materials to reinforce the language using, do more drillings to strengthen specific memories. Normally, the foreign language what we are teaching, that is very hard for learners to actually use it, so keep their enthusiasm and interesting is a big deal.
4. My own teaching experience
From my own experience, I have been teaching kids to learn English for four years. But recently, I am teaching a lot of Australian kids to learn Chinese online, and what I found it totally different. We have lots of kids go to extra-curricular classes to learn English, but that is not like a language class, it is just exam after exam, teacher’s purpose is helping students raise the scores, so materials teacher choose is test paper. But when I teach those Australian kids, they have no exam, they learn it just because they like it. They have language class once a week for thirty minutes, but all the students are really engaging in it, and the achievement is beyond my expectation. Next week, when I see them again, most of the words and sentences I taught they already grasped. What they like most, it is Chinese culture. Foreign culture can give them a better understanding about the language we use. So Language is not only a way to communicate, but also has different culture behind. When I prepare for the lesson, I spend lots of time to design the class, give the students more chance to communicate, getting feedback from some drillings and adjust my step. When the learners are obtaining the way to study, practice is the procedure they do after class.
Just like William Butler Yeats said: Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. Fire the students desire to learn is most valuable in their whole life. And through what materials can reach to it, it is the most important part all the teachers should spend time to find it.
And this time we are going to talk about how to teach speaking and listening. From a communicative view of the language classroom, listening and speaking skills are closely interwined. Listening is not a one-way street. It is not merely the process of a unidirectional receiving of audible symbols. It should be clear from the foregoing that listening comprehension is an interactive process. After the initial reception of sounds, further interaction takes place immediately after the listening stage as the hearer becomes speaker in a response of some kind. When the speaker is communicating with other, he has to understand first, then reply accordingly, and try to respond in a native way. Therefore, when we are teaching, we have to pay attention to the three processes: firstly, understand what other say; secondly, respond to it; and thirdly, try to reply in a proper way. The third step comes to a high level, which requires the speaker’s grammar, pronunciation use more accurately. More often than not, teacher provides appropriate feedback and correction are also very important.
[1] Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (3rd ed). New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.
[2] Liu Yang. A study of the Problems in College Students’ Oral English Practice [J]. oversea’s English, December, 2011: 42-43.
[3] Bachman, L.F. Alternative Interpretation of Alternative Assessments: Some Validity Issues in Educational Performance Assessments, Educational Measurement: Issues and Practices, 2002 (3).
[4] Jigang Cai. Current College English Teaching Pressure, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 2002 (5). 姓名:谭晨出生年:1991年性别:女民族:汉族籍贯:北京研究方向:英语教育。