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【Key words】 Video recording;Uterine myoma;Classroom teaching
子宫肌瘤是女性生殖系统最常见的良性肿瘤, 常见于 30~50 岁的妇女,据尸检解剖统计其发病 率发现,患有子宫肌瘤的妇女占 50%以上[1]。在妇产
科学的临床教学中,子宫肌瘤属于比较重要的一个 章节,按照教学大纲要求,一个学时内必须掌握子 宫肌瘤的类型、临床表现、诊断及各类子宫肌瘤的
第 41 卷
妇科宫腹腔镜手术录像在子宫肌瘤课堂 教学中的应用成效分析
王新玲 董志红 张云霞
【摘要】 目的:探讨宫腹腔镜手术录像在子宫肌瘤课堂教学中的应用价值。方法:选取临床医学本科四年级两
个平行班随机分为实验组和对照组。对照组采取传统的临床教学方法 PPT 及图片,实验组在传统教学的基础上将
【关键词】 手术录像;子宫肌瘤;课堂教学
Application of Laparoscopic combined Hysteroscopic Surgery Videos in Uterine Myoma Classroom Teaching

随堂测试和问卷调查了解教学内容掌握情况。结果:实验组具体教学内容掌握程度优于对照组( <0.05);学生对实
验组教学设计的满意度高于对照组( <0.05)。结论:在子宫肌瘤的课堂教学中应用宫腹腔镜手术录像可激发学生
基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区科技支疆项目(2016E02070)。 通讯作者:张云霞,女,副教授,硕士研究生导师,从事妇科肿瘤放疗研究。
2019 年 8 月 第 41 卷 第 4 期
农垦医学 Journal of Nongken Medicine
Aug.2019 Vol.41 No.4
治疗手段,按照传统的教学方法,此章节多以教师 讲授为主,同时结合 PPT 授课。对于未接触临床的 医学院学生来说,在限定时间内完成计划内容,仍 存在一定困难。目前宫腹腔镜技术迅速发展,已被 广泛应用于盆腹腔疾病的诊断与治疗中。宫腹腔镜 手术的应用使得较多妇科疾病的治疗获得了完整 的影像学资料,既可重复观看,提高诊断和手术技 术水平,又可为临床教学提供良好的素材。目前新 疆医科大学第三临床学院 95%的子宫肌瘤均可在 宫腹腔镜下完成,故积累了丰富的手术录像资料。 妇产科临床医生不仅承担医疗诊治工作,还承担医 学院本科生教学工作,为激发学生学习的积极性, 更有效地掌握专业知识和技能,本课题组尝试在子 宫肌瘤的课堂教学中应用剪辑的宫腹腔镜手术录 像资料作为辅助手段,通过实验设计,了解教学成 效和学生对此教学方法的满意度。现将宫腹腔镜系 统手术录像在本科子宫肌瘤教学中的应用情况总 结如下。
WANG Xin-ling,DONG Zhi-hong,ZHANG Yun-xia
(Department of Gynecology, the Third Clinical College of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, 830000)
【Abstract】 Objective: To explore the value of hysteroscopy video in the classroom teaching of uterine myoma. Methods:Two parallel classes in the fourth grade of clinical medicine were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. The control group adopted the traditional clinical teaching methods with PPT and pictures. On the basis of traditional teaching, the experimental group replaced the pictures with the edited surgical video, including hysteroscopic submucous myomectomy, hysteromyomectomy and total hysterectomy. Immediately after the completion of teaching, in-class test and questionnaire survey wer used to understand the mastery of the teaching content. Results:The mastery of the specific teaching contents in the experimental group was better than that in the control group ( <0.05), and the student’satisfaction with the teaching design in the experimental group was higher than that of the control group ( <0.05). Conclusion:The application of hysteroscopy video system in the classroom teaching of uterine leiomyoma will stimulate the students' enthusiasm for learning, fully grasp the knowledge required by the syllabus within the prescribed class hours, and the students' satisfaction with this teaching method is higher.