IE 的研究领域

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IE 的研究领域
2002-10-27 18:06:36 bbsland 作者:IE111
看来中国学生对IE 的研究领域不是很清楚,正好我手边有一份工业工程学会的IE Keyword, 献给大家。

从这份keyword 可以看出,MIS 仅仅是43项中的第23项。

而且就我所熟悉的为数不多的IE领域中,第22项的financial engineering及第13项的supply chain management 就比MIS 要热得多,研究领域也比MIS 要宽。


另外清华聘的第一个讲席教授Purdue IE 的G.Salvendy 是第6项ergonomics, human factors 的教授。


1 management science (business administration)
2 education/training on industrial engineering and management science
3 organization theory
organizational innovation
personnel management
4 behavioral science
industrial psychology
cognitive science
5 work measurement
method study
work management
job design
6 ergonomics, human factors
human-machine system
kansei engineering
7 production technology
management of technology
8 CAD/CAM computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing CAE computer aided engineering
9 production management
production planning
JIT just in time
flow control
10 production system, manufacturing system
MRP material requirements planning
ERP enterprise resources planning
CIM computer integrated manufacturing
FA factory automation
FMS flexible manufacturing system
11 materials management
purchasing control
inventory control(management)
12 physical distribution management
13 supply chain management
14 quality control
TQM total quality management
quality assurance
15 product planning
product design
VE value engineering
PL product liability
16 facility planning
plant location
17 equipment management, plant engineering
equipment maintenance
TPM total productive maintenance
18 reliability engineering
safety engineering
19 cost control(management)
cost accounting
managerial accounting
20 engineering economy economical analysis
21 financial management financial statement analysis
22 financial engineering
23 OA office automation management information system SIS strategic information system EDI electronic data interchange
24 office work analysis
office work design
office management
BPR business process reengineering
25 decision support system
26 groupware
electronic communication electronic meeting
27 knowledge management
28 business model, business method EC electronic commerce
29 environmental management recycle
30 business strategy
operations strategy
overseas expansion
risk management
31 legal environment
intellectual property
business model patent
business method patent
32 marketing
market research
demand forecasting
sales management
CRM customer relationship management
34 probability, statistics
design of experiments
35 multivariate analysis quantification theory
36 OR operations research optimization technique
mathematical programming
AHP analytic hierarchy process
37 simulation
38 complex system
artificial life
39 evolutionary computation
neural network
fuzzy theory
40 expert system
artificial intelligence
41 algorithm
42 computer network
WWW world wide web
43 data structure
data mining
44 human interface
virtual reality
MIS 可以说是CS(computer science)在IE 里的运用.MIS 没有自己独立的体系。

义来说,MIS 仅仅是IE 或者是CS 的一个研究方向。

工业界我不太清楚,从学术界来看,MIS 的教授很多都拿的是IE 或者是CS 的博士学位,可能比MIS 的博士还多。

MIS 也没有像样的学会及期刊。

MIS 的教授要搞研究的话,往往


IE,CS转MIS 非常容易,但要从MIS 转到CS,IE 基本是不可能的。
