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1.n Wall divided __________ for many years. (东德和西德) The Berl
2.The teacher is ___ the class. (leading)
3. A butterfly is a symbol of ________________ (变革).
4.What is the opposite of big?
A. Huge
B. Small
C. Tall
D. LongB
5.What is the capital city of France?
A. Lyon
B. Paris
C. Marseille
D. Bordeaux
6.She is ________ a book.
7.The boiling point of water is ______ degrees Fahrenheit.
8.My ______ is very outgoing and friendly.
9.What do you call a young owl?
A. Owlet
B. Chick
C. Cub
D. Kit
10.The process of photosynthesis uses __________ and sunlight.
11.The energy stored in chemical bonds is called ______ energy.
12.I have a toy _______ that plays games with me.
13.Which insect is known for its ability to produce silk?
A. Ant
B. Beetle
C. Caterpillar
D. Spider
14. A rabbit's favorite snack is ________________ (胡萝卜).
15.What is the main language spoken in Spain?
A. English
B. French
C. Spanish
D. PortugueseC
16.What is the name of the famous mountain in Asia?
A. Mount Everest
B. Mount Kilimanjaro
C. Mount Fuji
D. Mount McKinleyA
pounds can have different properties than their _____.
18.The chemical formula for potassium chloride is _______.
19.I enjoy ______ (playing) chess.
20.The _______ changes with the seasons.
21._____ (蔬菜) provide essential vitamins.
22.My mom makes the best ______. (soup)
23. A __________ is an area of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.
24.I have a ______ of colorful markers. (set)
25.We also share similar interests, like ______ and ______. Sometimes, we spend hours talking about our favorite books or movies. It’s amazing how we can understand each other so well.
26.What do you call a collection of stars?
A. Galaxy
B. Universe
C. Planet
D. Solar System
27.The capital of Papua New Guinea is ________ (莫尔兹比港).
28.What is the common name for a large, furry animal found in North America?
A. Lion
B. Polar bear
C. Grizzly bear
D. Koala
29.What is the bright area surrounding the sun called during an eclipse?
A. Halo
B. Corona
C. Aura
D. Atmosphere
30.The _____ (rainbow/sun) is colorful.
31.The ancient Egyptians constructed ________ as burial sites.
32.The book is on the ________.
33.What do you call a large, flightless bird?
A. Penguin
B. Eagle
C. Sparrow
D. ParrotA
34. A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite ______.
35.The flowers are ___ (pretty) and colorful.
36.The _____ (butterfly/bird) is colorful.
37.The color of cabbage juice changes with pH; it can be red or ______.
38.Which fruit is red and often mistaken for a vegetable?
A. Strawberry
B. Tomato
C. Cherry
D. Raspberry
39. A __________ is a type of mountain formed by folding of the earth's crust.
40.My cousin is very __________ (勤奋).
41.I enjoy creating with my ________ (塑料积木).
42.We go ________ every summer.
43.My favorite animal is a ______.
44.What do you call a snowman?
A. Frosty
B. Snowy
C. Icy
D. ChillyA
45.What is the name of the famous battle fought in 1066?
A. Battle of Hastings
B. Battle of Waterloo
C. Battle of Gettysburg
D. Battle of Agincourt
46.My aunt loves to __________. (收集邮票)
47.The __________ (科技进步) have changed the course of history.
48.What is the name of the fruit that is yellow and curved?
A. Banana
B. Mango
C. Pear
D. PeachA
49.The Sun is primarily made of hydrogen and ______.
50.I enjoy making ________ (名词) for my toys to play with in their own world.
51.What do we call a person who studies history?
A. Historian
B. Archaeologist
C. Anthropologist
D. All of the above
52.What do you call a young kangaroo?
A. Joey
B. Cub
C. Calf
D. Kit
53.I have a toy _____ that makes noise.
54.An experiment must be repeatable to be considered ______.
55.I like to _____ in the swimming pool. (swim)
56. A ______ (刺猬) is small and covered in spikes.
57.The process of rusting is a common example of _______.
58.What is the capital of Luxembourg?
A. Luxembourg City
B. Esch-sur-Alzette
C. Differdange
D. DudelangeA
59.The book is ________ the shelf.
60.They are _____ (washing) the car.
61.The __________ was a war fought between the North and South in the U.S. (南北战争)
62.My dad tells me to call him ______ when we are at home. (我爸爸告诉我在家时叫他。
63.The ________ (explorer) travels to new lands.
64.What is the opposite of "heavy"?
A. Light
B. Strong
C. Weak
D. FastA
65.We like to ________ (listen) to podcasts.
66. A battery converts chemical energy into ______ energy.
67.The first successful organ transplant was performed in ______ (20世纪).
68.I like to eat ______ for breakfast. (eggs)
69. A force applied to a surface results in ______ (pressure).
70.What is the name of the famous explorer who sailed the ocean blue in 1492?
A. Christopher Columbus
B. Ferdinand Magellan
C. Vasco da Gama
D. Marco PoloA
71.What do we call the color of the sun?
A. Yellow
B. Orange
C. White
D. Red
72.The ancient Greeks believed in the importance of ______ (教育).
73.What is the capital of Finland?
A. Helsinki
B. Oslo
C. Stockholm
D. TallinnA
74.The _____ (lettuce) grows quickly in cool weather.
75.What is 2 + 3?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7B 5
76.The first electric car was produced in the _______ century. (19)
77. A ______ has a very keen eyesight.
78.What is the name of the famous scientist who proposed the theory of relativity?
A. Isaac Newton
B. Albert Einstein
C. Nikola Tesla
D. Galileo Galilei
79.The Earth's crust is essential for supporting ______.
80.We visit the ______ (科学中心) to explore.
81.We should _______ (保持) our environment safe.
82. A _______ (小蟋蟀) chirps at night, making music.
83.What is the main function of our brain?
A. Pump blood
B. Digest food
C. Control body functions
D. RespirationC
84.The playground is ________.
85.What do we call the study of the Earth’s physical structure and substances?
A. Geography
B. Geology
C. Ecology
D. MeteorologyB
86.The study of plants is called ______. (植物学是研究植物的科学。
87.The book is ______ (about) a magical world.
88.What do you call a group of birds?
A. Swarm
B. Flock
C. Pack
D. GaggleB
89. Depression began in the _____. The Grea
90.Do you like _____ (小动物) like rabbits and guinea pigs?
91. A ______ is used to measure the volume of liquids.
92. A _______ can be used to measure the pressure of liquids.
93.The _____ (拼图) has many pieces to fit together.
94.中国的历史上有许多关于________ (dynasties) 的传说。
95.The state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape is ______.
96.The _____ (遥控船) sails on the water.
97.I enjoy visiting the ________ (科技中心) to experiment.
98.Light can be reflected by _______.
99.I want to ___ (learn/know) more about science.
100. A magnet has two _______: north and south.。