尼古拉斯凯奇英文介绍(Nicholas Cage)
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父亲:奥古斯丁· 科波拉August Coppola 旧金山大学比较文学教授【已逝(于2009年10 月27日心脏病突发离世,终年75岁)】 母亲:Joy Vogelsang舞蹈家尼古拉斯· 凯奇 叔父:弗朗西斯· 福特· 科波拉Francis Ford Coppola(代表作《教父系列》《现代启示录 》) 堂妹:索菲亚· 科波拉Sofia Coppola(代表作《迷失东京》《绝代艳后立即搜索》) 祖父:Camine Coppola NBC首席吹笛手【已逝(于1990年病逝,终年80岁)】 妻子:爱丽丝· 金Alice Kim 儿子:威斯顿· 科波拉· 凯奇Weston Coppola Cage /卡尔· 科波拉· 凯奇Kal-Er Coppola Cage
尼古拉斯· 凯奇(Nicolas Cage),原名 尼古拉斯· 金· 科波拉(Nicholas Kim Coppola),1964年1月7日出生于美国加 州长滩。17岁进入电影行业,1992年因 在《我心狂野》中扮演男主角而获第43 届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖。1996年又凭 借《离开拉斯维加斯》中扮演的酒鬼一 角夺得当年度奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。而 后转型于动作类影片,并且获得成功。 现任妻子爱丽斯· 金是韩裔,曾在洛杉矶 某酒店做过招待员,后于2004年5月在新 西兰附近岛屿闪电结婚。
尼古拉斯.凯奇(原名:尼古拉斯· 金· 科波拉,“ 凯奇”是他喜欢的一本漫画的主角的名字), 1964年1月7日出生在美国加州的一个艺术之家, 他的父亲是前旧金山大学文学院院长奥古斯特· 科波拉,他的叔叔是以《教父》和《现代启示录 》等片闻名于世的大导演弗朗西斯-科波拉。他 的堂妹是以《迷失东京》和《绝代艳后》等片而 终于一跃成为美国最原创、最有前途的年轻女导 演索菲娅· 科波拉(Sofia Coppola)。作为科波拉 家族的一员,他从小就在充满音乐与书籍的环境 中长大,并对演戏、摄影产生了浓厚的兴趣。他 17岁开始进入电影圈,为了不受叔叔名气的影响 ,为纪念他最爱的漫画角色——1个刀枪不入的 黑人佣兵:卢克· 凯奇,而改姓。
Nicolas Cage尼古拉斯凯奇
基本资料中文名:尼古拉斯·凯奇英文名:NicolasCage全名:NicholasKimCoppola性别:男生日:1964年1月7日祖籍:意大利出生地:美国加州长滩星座:摩羯座血型:A型身高:183cm体重:210磅(95.2KG)毕业院校:加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校影剧系职业:导演、演员、电影制片人想合作的导演:昆汀泰伦狄诺(黑色追缉令)想演的角色:教父中的吉米坎JimmyCaan、吸血鬼德拉库拉Dracula 想做的事:自己打造一部车子、开音乐公司、开漫画公司喜欢的收集:漫画书、古典火车喜欢的文学名著:俄国作家杜思妥也夫斯基之《卡拉玛助夫兄弟们》喜欢的文学角色:吸血鬼德拉库拉Dracula欢赏的艺术品:琉璃、意大利车(会移动的雕塑品)生命中最重要的女人:母亲、妻子、前女友(儿子Weston的妈妈)偶像:劳勃狄尼诺RobertDeNiro、马龙白兰度MarlonBrando、克林伊斯威特ClintEastwood人物简介尼古拉斯·凯奇尼古拉斯·凯奇,原名尼古拉斯-科波拉,出生于1964年1月7日,通过美国G.E.D测验念比佛利高中高二即辍学,之后在美国艺术剧院学演戏。
Action English (235)
Action English (235)Nicolas Cage 尼古拉斯.凯奇生于:1964年1月7日出生地:Long Beach, California, USA人物简介:虽然身为大导演柯波拉的侄子,不过尼可拉斯凯吉可没有因此而得以平步青云,仍然是靠著自己一步一脚印,花了一段摸索期,才能在竞争激烈的影坛奠定今天的一切。
《夺面双雄》 的成功使吴宇森成 为全球第一个票房 超过一亿美元的华 人导演,从这个意 义上说,他不仅让 自己在好莱坞坐稳 了一把交椅,而且 也给华人露了把脸。
1997年凭借动作片《变脸》获得全 美华裔艺术基金会金环奖。
《变脸》——吴宇森的极致之所以说极致,因为《变脸》是迄今为止吴宇森在 好莱坞最成功、也是在最举足轻重的一部作品。这部电影无论是艺术,还是票 房都达到了空前绝后的成功。十五年过后,重温这部经典依然感慨万分。提到 吴宇森,我们不能不谈他的“暴力美学”。迄今为止,虽然我找不到对“暴力 美学”的明确解释,暴力与美,看似两个风马牛不相及的东西,让吴宇森把他 们发挥到了极致。在他的电影中,暴力占了大量的戏分,可正是这一个个或是 惊险,或是柔情,或是感人的场面,让我们获得了充分的视觉享受!特拉沃塔 杀不杀凯奇已经无关紧要,是否能换会自己的脸也无足重轻。我们在影片里, 更多的看到人性的复杂,与凄美。凯奇看上去是一个穷凶极恶的魔鬼,可是在 平时玩世不恭的他看着自己唯一的亲人从高空上坠落,自己的眼眶也湿润了。 毕竟他也是人,或许大多数时候,自己都是在身不由己的工作。而真情也总是 在枪火中不合时宜的涌上心头,如同《无间道》陈永仁看见黄警官坠楼惨死一 样,他们不痛苦吗?也许下一秒中,这情感又会淹没在那种似乎是命中注定的 身不由己里。凯奇在变脸后,为“妻子”准备了烛光晚餐,这是多么浪漫的事 呀,我们想象,凯奇知道什么是家吗?他渴望,但命运无法给他这个机会,也 不许他有这个机会,可怜的人,终于能在一个安稳的夜晚,和自己心爱的妻子, 一起进入甜蜜的梦想...对于年幼的亚当,本应是阳光彩虹的童年确无情的被暴 力抹杀了。特拉沃塔在此时,挺身而出,抱住了亚当,冲了出去,那一刻,他 们超越了人性的隔膜,特拉沃塔的父爱战胜了FBI的子弹...其实,电影里的每一 个人物,都闪烁着人性的光芒,与生死与共的道德。而这恰恰是当今社会所不 具有的。也许正是这个电影,让无数人记住了凯奇那忧郁的眼神,记住了亚当 那可爱的微笑,记住了世界上那最美的东西!
∙尼古拉斯·凯奇(Nicolas Cage)—罗伊·华勒(Roy Waller)∙萨姆·洛克维尔(Sam Rockwell)—弗兰克·摩斯尔(Frank Mercer)∙艾莉森·洛曼(Alison Lohman)—安洁拉(Angela)∙Bruce Altman — Harris Klein医生∙Bruce McGill — Chuck Frechette∙Sheila Kelley — Kathy∙Beth Grant — Laundry Lady∙Jenny O'Hara — Schaffer女士∙Steve Eastin — Schaffer先生∙Melora Walters — Heather∙艾伦·阿金 Alan Arkin ....Grandpa阿比吉尔·布莱斯林 Abigail Breslin ....Olive史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell ....Frank托妮·科莱特 Toni Collette ....Sheryl格雷戈·金尼尔 Greg Kinnear ....Richard保罗·达诺 Paul Dano ....Dwayne1.Richard的一番“成功学”演讲There are two kinds of people in this world, winners and losers. Inside each and every one of you at the very core of your leading is a winner waiting to be awakened and unleashed upon the world. With my nine-step “Refuse to Lose” program, you now have the necessary tools and the insights and the know-how to put, your losing habits behind you and to go out and make your dreams come true. (Sighs) No hesitating. (Chuckles) No complaining. And no excuses. I want you to go out in the world, and I want you to be winners! Thank you.2.一家人热闹非凡的晚餐Grandpa: What’s that? Chicken? Every night it’s the fucking chicken! Holy God Almighty! It is possible just once…Richard: Dad!Grandpa: … we could get something to eat around here that’s not the goddamn fucking chicken?Richard: Hey, Dad! Dad!Grandpa: I’m just sayin’…Richard: Dad!Grandpa: Christ.Richard: When you want to start cooking your own food, you’re welcome.Grandpa: At Sunset Manor, you know…Richard: If you like Sunset Manor, you shouldn’t have got kicked out.Frank: (to Dwayne) So when did you start with the vow?Richard: Been nine months, Frank. He hasn’t said a word. Not one. I think it shows tremendous discipline.Sheryl: Richard.Richard: I really do. Really, I think we could learn something from Dwayne. Dwayne has a goal. He has a dream. It may not be my dream, may not be yours, but he’s pursuing it with great conviction(深信) and focus. In fact, I was thinking about the nine steps…Grandpa: Oh, for crying out loud!Richard: The nine steps, and how Dwayne’s utilizing(利用) seven of them in his personal quest to self fulfillment.Sheryl: Richard, please.Richard: Well, I’m just saying I’ve come around. I think he could use our support.Oliver:(to Frank) How did it happen?Frank: How did what happen?Oliver: Your accident.Sheryl: Honey, here.Frank: Oh, no, it’s okay. Unless you object.Sheryl: No, I’m pro-honesty here. I just think, you know, it’s up to you.Frank: Be my guest.Sheryl: Olive, um. Uncle Frank didn’t really have an accident. What happened was he… tried to kill himsel f.Oliver: You did? Why?Richard: I’m sorry. I don’t think this is a appropriate conversation. Honey, let’s Uncle Frank finish his dinner, okay? Shh.Oliver: Why did you want to kill yourself?Richard: No, don’t answer the question, Frank.Sheryl: Richard! Richard!Richard: He’s not gonna answer the question. Frank.Frank: I wanted to kill myself…Richard: Don’t listen to him. I was very unhappy. He’s sick in his head.Sheryl: Richard!Richard: I’m sorry! I don’t think it’s an appropriate conversation for a seven-year-old.Sheryl: She’s gonna find out anyway.Richard: Okay.Sheryl: Go on, Frank.Oliver: Why were you unhappy?Frank: Um, well, there are a lot of reasons. Mainly, though, I fell in love with someone who didn’t love me back.Oliver: Who?Frank: One of my grad(毕业生) students. I was very much love with him.Oliver: Him? It was a boy? You fell in love with a boy?Frank: Yes, I did. Very much so.Oliver: That’s silly.Frank: You’re right. It was silly. It was very, very silly.Grandpa: There’s another word for it.Richard: Dad.Oliver: So, that’s when you tried to kill yourself?Frank: Well, no. The boy that I was in love with fell in love with another man --- Larry Sugarman.Sheryl: Who’s Larry Sugerman?Frank: Larry Sugarman is, perhaps… the second mo st highly regarded Proust scholar in the U.S.Richard: Who’s number one?Frank: That would be me. Rich.Richard: Really?Frank: Mm-hmm.Oliver: So that’s when.Frank: No. What happened was I was a bit upset, so I said some things that I shouldn’t have said, and I did some things that I shouldn’t have done and subsequently I was fired from my job and forced to move out of my apartment and move into a motel.Oliver: And that’s when you tried to…Frank: Well, no. Actually, all of that was okay. What happened was two days ago the MacArthur Foundation, in its infinite wisdom awarded a genius grant to Larry Sugarman. And that’s when I…Grandpa: Decided to check out early.Frank: Yes. Yes. And I failed at that as well.Richard: Olive, the important thing to understand here is that Uncle Frank gave up on himself. He made a series of foolish choices… I’m sorry… and he gave up on himself which is something winners never do.Sheryl: So that’s the story, okay? Now, everyone, just let’s move on and, uh…Frank:(to Dwayne) Is he always like this? How can you stand it?3. Oliver谈到自己要去竞选Miss Little SunshineFrank: Well, what do you think your chances are?Oliver: I think I can win, because some of the other girls they’ve been doing it longer, but I practice every day.Frank: Yeah. Good luck.Richard: Not about luck, Frank. Luck is the name losers gave to their own failings. It’s about wanting to win, willing yourself to win. You’ve got to want it badder than anybody else.Oliver: I do.Richard: Then you’re gonna be a winner.4.在车上Grandpa: Jesus, I’m tired. I’m so fucking tired. Do you know how tired I am? If some girl came up to me, begged me to fuck her. I couldn’t do it.Richard: Dad! Watch the language, huh?Grandpa: That’s how tired I am. She’s listening to music. Olive,I’ll give you a million dollars if you turn around. See?Richard: All right. But the rest of us.Grandpa: Oh, the rest of you. (to Dwayne) Can I give you some advice? Well, I’m gonna give it to you anyway. I don’t want you making the some mistake I made.Richard: Can’t wait to hear this.Grandpa: Dwayne… That’s your name, right? Dwayne? This is the voice of experience talking. Are you listening? Fuck a lot of women, Dwayne.Richard: Hey! Dad!Grandpa: Not just one woman. A lot of women.Richard: That’s eno ugh, all right?Grandpa: Are you getting’ any?Richard: Day!Grandpa: You can tell me, Dwayne. Are you getting’ any?Richard: Come on, please.Grandpa: No? Jesus. You’re what. 15? My God, man!Richard: Dad!Grandpa: You should be getting’ that young stuff. That young stuff is the best in the world.Richard: Dad, that’s enough! Stop it!Grandpa: Will you kindly not interrupt! See, right now you’re jailbait(未成年少女,导致犯罪入狱的诱因). It’s perfect. I mean, you hit 18… Man, you’re talking about three to five.Richard: Hey, I will pull this truck over right now!Grandpa: So pull the truck over! Fuck you! I can say what I want. I still got Nazi bullets in my ass!Richard: Ah, the Nazi bullets!Grandpa: You’re as bad as those fuckers at Sunset Manor.Frank: What happened at Sunset Manor?Sheryl: Frank, don’t encourage him.Grandpa: I’ll tell you what happened. I paid my money. They took my money. I should be able to do what the fuck I want!Sheryl: He started snorting heroin(海洛因,吗啡).Frank: You started snorting heroin?Grandpa: I’m old!Frank: Well, that stuff’ll kill you.Grandpa: What am I, an idiot?(to Dwayne)And don’t you start taking that shit. When you’re young, you’re crazy to do that stuff.Frank: What about you?Gr andpa: I’m old. When you’re old, you’re crazy not to do it.Sheryl: We’ve tried. Believe me. The intervention(干涉) was a fiasco(惨败). He’s worse than a two years old.Richard: Can we please talk about something else?Frank: I take it you didn’t like at Sunse t Manor.Sheryl: Frank.Grandpa: Are you kidding me? It was a fuckin’ paradise. They got a pool. They got golf. Now I’m stuck with Mr. Happy here, sleepin’ on a fuckin’ sofa. Look, I know you’re a homo and all, but maybe you can appreciate this. You go to one of those places, there’s four women for every guy. Can you imagine what that’s like?Frank: You must’ve been very busy.Grandpa: Whoa! I had second-degree burns on my Johnson. I kid you not.Frank: Really?Grandpa: Forget about it.Oliver: What are you guys talking about?Grandpa: Politics.Oliver: Oh.Grandpa:(to Dwayne)Fuck a lot women, kid. I have no reason to lie to you. Not one woman. A lot of women. You heard what I said? Did it go in anywhere?Richard: Yeah, I think we get the point. Dad.Grandpa: Don’t show me the pad. I don’t want to see the fuckin’ pad.5.在餐厅里Oliver: Mom, how much an we spend?Sheryl: I would say four dollars. Anything under four dollars.Frank: Actually, Olive, “a la mode” in French translates literally as “in the fashion.”A la mode. “Mode” is derived(起源)from Latin modus, meaning “due or proper measure.”Richard: Frank, shut up.Sheryl: Richard!Richard: Olive, can I tell you a little something about ice cream?Oliver: Yeah.Richard: Well, ice cream is made from cream whic h comes from cow’s milk and cream has a lot of fat in it.Sheryl: Richard.Richard: What? She’s gonna find out anyway, remember?Oliver: What? Find out what?Richard: Well, when you eat ice cream, the fat in the ice cream becomes fat in your body.Sheryl: Richard, I swear to God…Richard: It’s true.Oliver: What? What’s wrong?Sheryl: Nothing, honey. Nothing’s wrong.Richard: So if you eat a lot of ice cream, you might become fat. And if you don’t, you’re gonna stay nice and skinny, sweetie.Oliver: Mom…Grandpa: Olive, Richard is an idiot. I like a woman with meat on her bones.Oliver: I don’t… Why’s everyone so upset?Sheryl: No, no one’s upset, honey, I… I just want you to understand… it’s okay to be skinny, and it’s okay to be fat, if that’s what you wan t to be. Whatever you want, it’s okay.Richard: Okay, but, Olive, let me ask you this. Those women in Miss American… Are they skinny, or are they fat? Honey?Oliver: Well, they’re skinny, I guess.Richard: Yeah, I guess they don’t eat a lot of ice cream.6. Dwayne说的第一句话Fuck!!!!!!!7. Oliver见到加利福尼亚小姐Oliver: Hmm, Miss California? Do you eat ice cream?Miss C: I love ice cream. My favorite flavor is Chocolate Cherry Garcia, although, technically, I think that’s a frozen yogurt(酸奶酪,酵母乳). Okay?Oliver: Okay. Thanks. Bye.Miss C: Bye.Oliver: Mom, she eats ice cream.Sheryl: I heard.8. Dwayne和Frank在海边的对话(个人最喜欢的一段)Dwayne: Sometimes I just wish I could go to sleep till I was 18 and skip all this crap--- high school and everything--- just skip it.Frank: You know Marcel Proust?Dwayne: He’s the guy you teach.Frank: Yeah. French writer. Total loser. Never had a real job. Unrequited(无报酬的) love affairs. Gay. Spent 20 years writing a book almost no one reads. But he’s also probably the greatest writer since Shakespeare. Anyway, he, uh… he gets down to the end of is life and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered… Those were the best years of his life, ‘cause they made him who he was. All the years he was happy? You know, total waste. Didn’t lea rn a thing. So, if you sleep until you’re 18… ah, think of the suffering you’re gonna miss. I mean,high school? High school… Those are your prime(最初,青春,精华) suffering years. You don’t get better suffering than that.Dwayne: You know what? Fuck beauty contests. Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. You know, school, then college, then work? Fuck that. And fuck the Air Force Academy. If I wanna fly, I’ll find a way to fly. You do what you love, and fuck the rest.Frank: I’m glad you’re talking again, Dwayne. You’re not nearly as stupid as you look.(Both laughing.)- Teach me a con.- You're funny.No, come on, really!Teach me something.- I'm not teaching you anything.- Why not?You're a bright, innocent,beautiful girl....and I'm not gonna screw that uplike everything else.Really?- What?- You think that?That I'm beautiful?No.Then why won't you?Because crime doesn't pay?}No, it does. It does.Just not very well.- You seem to be doing okay.- I'm not.Believe me, it's no fun doing what I do.It's usually stealing from peoplewho don't deserve it.Old people, fat people. Lonely.A lot of the time, I feel sick about it.Then why do you do it?I'm not as innocent as you think.I've done stuff with boys.I've done stuff with boys,if I told you......you'd throw up.- Then don't tell me.- Then teach me something!- No! Final.At the Christmas dance last year,I went with this boy Josh Ward.- He's cute, and I really liked him.- I'm not listening.After the dance, we went to Carrie's,and he pushed me against the bed...- Not listening!...and he took his hand...- No! Okay. I'll show you one thing!- You will?杰克·布莱克Jack Black 饰杜威·费恩琼·库萨克Joan Cusack 饰罗莎莉·穆林斯莎拉·席维曼Sarah Silverman 饰帕蒂麦克·怀特Mike White 饰内德·斯尼勃利乔伊·格迪斯Joey Gaydes 饰扎克1.Battle of the Bands director: Really? I've never heard of a disease like that.2.Billy: Liza Minelli...?3.Billy: You're gonna talk to me about style? You can't even dress yourself...look at that bow tie.4.Billy: You're tacky and I hate you!5.Billy: You.6.Dewey Finn: All right, hit me.7.Dewey Finn: Because I like to eat! Is that such a crime?8.Dewey Finn: Come on, Freddy, throw me off!9.Dewey Finn: Does any one have any food?10.D ewey Finn: Does anyone play drums?11.D ewey Finn: Don't you be talkin' about my bow tie.12.D ewey Finn: Dude, I service society by rocking, O.K.?13.D ewey Finn: Give me a platform. Let's rock, let's rock, today. Now do itto me.14.D ewey Finn: Give up, just quit, because in this life, you can't win. Yeah,you can try, but in the end you're just gonna lose, big time, because theworld is run by the Man. The Man, oh, you don't know the Man. He's everywhere.In the White House... down the hall... Ms. Mullins, she's the Man. And theMan ruined the ozone, he's burning down the Amazon, and he kidnapped Shamuand put her in a chlorine tank! And there used to be a way to stick it to the Man. It was called rock 'n roll, but guess what, oh no, the Man ruined that, too, with a little thing called MTV! So don't waste your time trying to make anything cool or pure or awesome 'cause the Man is just gonna call you a fat washed up loser and crush your soul. So do yourselves a favor and just GIVE UP!15.D ewey Finn: God of Rock, thank you for this chance to kick ass. We are yourhumble servants. Please give us the power to blow people's minds with our high voltage rock. In your name we pray, Amen.16.D ewey Finn: Hey, Miss Mullins.17.D ewey Finn: Hmmm... hmmm... What's your name?18.D ewey Finn: I have a hangover and the runs.19.D ewey Finn: I pledge allegiance... to the band... of Mr. Schneebly... andwill not fight him... for creative control... and will defer to him on all issues related to the musical direction of the band.20.D ewey Finn: In the words of AC/DC: We roll tonight... to the guitar bite...and for those about to rock... I salute you.21.D ewey Finn: It's a science project.22.D ewey Finn: Katie, what was that thing you were playing today, the big thing?23.D ewey Finn: Nailed it. And fifty-four is forty-five more than what is theanswer, Marta?24.D ewey Finn: No Billy, we're past yelling at me.25.D ewey Finn: No, it's eight.26.D ewey Finn: No, it's too sissy.27.D ewey Finn: No, what are you talking about? It's too sissy.28.D ewey Finn: No, you're not gonna get in trouble. I'm hungry.29.D ewey Finn: No. It means I was drunk yesterday.30.D ewey Finn: Now raise your goblet of rock. It's a toast to those who rock!31.D ewey Finn: Ok, Freddy Jones, shut up!32.D ewey Finn: Ok, here's the deal. I have a hangover. Who knows what that means?33.D ewey Finn: Ok. This is a bass guitar. And it's the exact same thing butinstead of playing it like this you tip it on the side... cello, you gota bass.34.D ewey Finn: Really?35.D ewey Finn: See me after class!36.D ewey Finn: Sell my guitars? Would you tell Piccasso to sell his guitars?37.D ewey Finn: That's good. Slap it, shoot it, ka-boot it.38.D ewey Finn: That's right. And six times a billion is?39.D ewey Finn: There is one at the end of the month... but you have a policyabout field trips.40.D ewey Finn: Those kids are infected with a very rare disease. It's called"Stickittodamoninosis".41.D ewey Finn: Those that can't do, teach, and those that can't teach... teachgym.42.D ewey Finn: Uh oh, it looks like Mrs. Lemmons is on crack, right kids?43.D ewey Finn: We're not goofing off. We're creating musical fusion.44.D ewey Finn: Would it be educational? It would be VERY educational they playBeethoven and Mozart and stuff.45.D ewey Finn: Wrong.46.D ewey Finn: Yeah, she put on the best show I've ever seen. And she is somuch better live than she is on the album!47.D ewey Finn: Yeah... Stevie!48.D ewey Finn: YES!49.D ewey Finn: Yes.50.D ewey Finn: You don't have to worry about me because I'm a hard-ass. Andif a kid gets out of line, I got no problem smacking them in the head.51.D ewey Finn: You have to use your head and your mind and your brain.52.D ewey Finn: You know, I'd like to take the kids to a concert.53.D ewey Finn: You're lucky. It's Hell.54.D ewey Finn: You're right I was testing you... it's nine. And that's a magicnumber.55.D ewey Finn: You, Freddy, what do you like to do?56.D ewey Finn: Your kids have all really touched me, and I'm pretty sure thatI've touched them.57.D ewey Finn: [improvising some educational sing-song] Math is a wonderfulthing. Math is a really cool thing. So get off your ath, let's do some math.Math, math, math, math, math. Three minus four is?58.D ewey Finn: [raising his first three fingers] Read between the lines!59.D ewey Finn: [seeing bus and students] No way! That's so punk rock.60.D eweyFinn: Does anyone have the guts to tell me off? Huh?61.D eweyFinn: Its gonna be a really tough project, you're gonna have to useyour head, your mind and your brain too.62.E leni: The Bumblebees?63.E leni: The Koala Bears?64.F rankie: Doesn't that mean you're drunk?65.F rankie: Yea, that's cause he couldn't play anything else!66.F reddy Jones: Okay... shut the hell up!67.F reddy Jones: Shut the hell up Schneebly.68.F reddy: Are we going to be goofing off like this everyday?69.F reddy: Burn stuff?70.F reddy: Come on man, we're on a mission. One great rock show can change theworld... look out the window...71.F reddy: Cool!72.F reddy: Freddy Jones.73.F reddy: I dunno.74.F reddy: I play percussion.75.F reddy: It means you're an alcoholic.76.F reddy: Ok, so are we going to be creating musical fusion everyday?77.F reddy: Shut up!78.F reddy: You wouldn't come to work with a hangover unless you were analcoholic. Dude, you got a disease!79.K atie: Cello.80.L awrence: Let's rock, let's rock, today.81.L awrence: You're fat, and you have body odor!82.M arco: Six billion?83.M arta: Nine.84.M arta: No, it's nine.85.M ichelle: How about, Pig Rectum?86.M ichelle: Mr. S? We came up with some names for the band.87.M iss Mullins and Dewey: [singing the Stevie Nicks song while doing a high-5]Sings a song, sounds like she's singing whooo! Baby whoo! Said whooo!88.M iss Mullins: Concert?89.M iss Mullins: Maybe we can make an exception!90.M iss Mullins: Sorry to interrupt, Mrs. Lemmons said that she heard musiccoming from the classroom.91.M iss Mullins: Well I went today, maybe I will go again... TOMORROW!92.M iss Mullins: Would it be... educational?93.M iss Mullins: Yes! Stevie Nicks!94.M iss Mullins: Yes, oh my gosh! No comparison!95.M iss Mullins: You know she came to town and she did a concert and she wasjust so... wild! Oh my gosh! Oh!96.R osalie Mullins: I LOVE THIS SONG!97.R osalie Mullins: Michelle!98.S pider: What's up, dog.99.S ummer: Negative one.100.Theo: You're out. This is Spider; he's replacing you.101.Tomika: So why don't you go on a diet?102.[Dewey Plays the song in the jukebox]103.[Dewey sees Miss Mullins]104.[no one raises their hands]105.[pause]。
Awards, 53, 10th annual
golden globe awards
best actor hua ding
global best actor award
• 奥斯卡奖影帝 • 第68届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角
• 第53届金球奖最佳男演员
• 第10届华鼎奖全球最佳男演员
In 1996 with the leave Las Vegas played a corner drunkard into an Oscar for best actor.
尼古拉斯.凯奇(原名:尼古拉斯· 金· 科波拉, “凯奇”是他喜欢的一本漫画的主角的名字), 1964年1月7日出生在美国加州的一个艺术之家, 他的父亲是前旧金山大学文学院院长奥古斯 特· 科波拉,他的叔叔是以《教父》和《现代启 示录》等片闻名于世的大导演弗朗西斯-科波拉。
His cousin is”Lost in translation“And”Marie Antoinette.And the finally become America's most original, the most promising young female directorSophia coppola(Sofia Coppola).As a member of the coppola family, he grew up in grew up in the environment of full of music and books, and onactingDeveloped and photographyInterest.
尼古拉斯· 凯奇
Personal profile Personal achievement The main work
”Nic Cage as a vampire? That's what an antique collector is claiming with a Civil War-era photo. ()Nic Cage has taken on a lot of wacky roles in his career, but even this is strange.The Oscar-winning actor is a centuries-old real-life vampire -- according to an antique photo collector who's selling a Civil-War era photo of a man who is near-identical to Cage."Personally, I believe it's him and that he is some sort of walking undead/vampire, et cetera, who quickens/reinvents himself once every 75 years or so," the seller -- who's asking $1 million for the photo -- writes on eBay. "150 years from now, he might be a politician, the leader of a cult, or a talk show host."The seller, who goes by the name Jack Mord and has 100% positive feedback, insists the photo is the real deal and has not been manipulated in any way to make it resemble Cage."Any serious potential buyer will be allowed to have a photo expert of their choice examine the original photograph before any money changes hands," he adds on eBay.But although the seller seems somewhat serious about his find, the commenters on his eBay page are finding the obvious humor in the ridulous story."dude ... YOU smoke way too much weed!" writes one, to which the seller responded that he was "insulted" because he prefers "Mexican black tar heroin."Another claims to actually be Nic Cage and asks what discount he would get if he buys back the photo. (He'd get 25 percent off.)Another potential purchaser notes, "Nick Cage has aged terribly in the past 10 years, he's obviously not been drinking his daily amount of blood to stay young."The seller's thought-out response: "My theory is that he allows himself to age to a certain point, maybe 70, 80 or so, then the actor 'Nicolas Cage' will 'die'... but in reality, the undead vampire 'Nicolas Cage' will have rejuvenated himself and appeared in some other part of the world, young again, and ready to start all over."From time to time somebody might mention to him that he bears a slight resemblance to the young version that dead American actor, whose name they can't recall, but eventually, those occurrences will stop altogether."The photographer who snapped the creepy pic, Professor G.B. Smith, was famous for his portraits of confederate Civil War prisoners of war.Cage has yet to confirm or deny his undead status.Tess wrote a most touching and urgent letter to her mother the very next day,and by the end of the week a response to her communication arrive in Joan Durbeyfield's wandering last-century hand.Dear Tess,——J write these few lines Hoping they will find you well,as they leave me at Present, thank God for it. Dear Tess, we are all glad to Hear that you are going really to be married soon. But with respect to your question,Tess, J say between ourselves, quite private but very strong, that on no accountdo you say a word of your Bygone Trouble to him. J did not tell everything to your Father, he being so Proud on account of his Respectability, which, perhaps,your Intended is the same. Many a woman——some of the Highest in the Land——have had a Trouble in their time; and why should you Trumpet yours when others don't Trumpet theirs? No girl would be such a Fool, specially as it is so long ago, and not your Fault at all. J shall answer the same if you ask me fifty times. Besides, you must bear in mind that, knowing it to be your Childish Nature to tell all that's in your heart——so simple!——J made you promise me never to let it out by Word or Deed, having your Welfare in my Mind; and you most solemnly did promise it going from this Door. J have not named either that Question or your coming marriage to your Father, as he would blab it everywhere, poor Simple Man.Dear Tess, keep up your Spirits, and we mean to send you a Hogshead of Cyder for you Wedding, knowing there is not much in your parts, and thin Sour Stuff what there is. So no more at present, and with kind love to your Young Man.——From your affectte. Mother.J. Durbeyfield"O mother, mother!" murmured Tess.She was recognizing how light was the touch of events the most oppressive upon Mrs Durbeyfield's elastic spirit. Her mother did not see life as Tess saw it. That haunting episode of bygone days was to her mother but a passing accident. But perhaps her mother was right as to the course to be followed, whatever she might be in her reasons. Silence seemed, on the face of it, best for her adored one's happiness: silence it should be.Thus steadied by a command from the only person in the world who had any shadow of right to control her action, Tess grew calmer. The responsibility was shifted, and her heart was lighter than it had been for weeks. The days of declining autumn which followed her assent, beginning with the month of October, formed a season through which she lived in spiritual altitudes more nearly approachingecstasy than any other period of her life.There was hardly a touch of earth in her love for Clare. To her sublime trustfulness he was all that goodness could be——knew all that a guide,philosopher, and friend should know. She thought every line in the contour of his person the perfection of masculine beauty, his soul the soul of a saint, his intellect that of a seer. The wisdom of her love for him, as love, sustained her dignity; she seemed to be wearing a crown. The compassion of his love for her,as she saw it, made her lift up her heart to him in devotion. He would sometimes catch her large, worshipful eyes, that had no bottom to them looking at him from their depths, as if she saw something immortal before her.She dismissed the past——trod upon it and put it out, as one treads on a coal that is smouldering and dangerous.She had not known that men could be so disinterested,chivalrous,protective, in their love for women as he. Angel Clare was far from all that she thought him in this respect; absurdly far, indeed; but he was, in truth, more spiritual than animal; he had himself well in hand, and was singularly free from grossness. Though not cold-natured, he was rather bright than hot——less Byronic than Shelleyan; could love desperately, but with a love more especially inclined to the imaginative and ethereal; it was a fastidious emotion which could jealously guard the loved one against his very self. This amazed and enraptured Tess, whose slight experiences had been so infelicitous till now; and in her reaction from indignation against the male sex she swerved to excess of honour for Clare.They unaffectedly sought each other's company; in her honest faith she did not disguise her desire to be with him. The sum of her instincts on this matter,if clearly stated, would have been that the elusive quality of her sex which attracts men in general might be distasteful to so perfect a man after an avowal of love,since it must in its very nature carry with it a suspicion of art.The country custom of unreserved comradeship out of doors during betrothalwas the only custom she knew, and to her it had no strangeness; though it seemed oddly anticipative to Clare till he saw how normal a thing she, in common with all the other dairy-folk, regarded it. Thus, during this October month of wonderful afternoons they roved along the meads by creeping paths which followed the brinks of trickling tributary brooks, hopping across by little wooden bridges to the other side, and back again. They were never out of the sound of some purling weir, whose buzz accompanied their own murmuring, while the beams of the sun, almost as horizontal as the mead itself, formed a pollen of radiance over the landscape. They saw tiny blue fogs in the shadows of trees and hedges, all the time that there was bright sunshine elsewhere. The sun was so near the ground, and the sward so flat, that the shadows of Clare and Tess would stretch a quarter of a mile ahead of them, like two long fingers pointing afar to where the green alluvial reaches abutted against the sloping sides of the vale.Men were at work here and there——for it was the season for "taking up" the meadows, or digging the little waterways clear for the winter irrigation,and mending their banks where trodden down by the cows. The shovelfuls of loam,black as jet, brought there by the river when it was as wide as the whole valley,were an essence of soils, pounded campaigns of the past, steeped, refined, and subtilized to extraordinary richness, out of which came all the fertility of the mead, and of the cattle grazing there.Clare hardily kept his arm round her waist in sight of these watermen,with the air of a man who was accustomed to public dalliance, though actually as shy as she who, with lips parted and eyes askance on the labourers, wore the look of a wary animal the while."You are not ashamed of owning me as yours before them!" she said gladly."O no!""But if it should reach the ears of your friends at Emminster that you are walking about like this with me, a milkmaid——""The most bewitching milkmaid every seen.""They might feel it a hurt to their dignity.""My dear girl——a d'Urberville hurt the dignity of a Clare!" It is a grand card to play——that of your belonging to such a family, and I am reserving it for a grand effect when we are married, and have the proofs of your descent from Parson Tringham. Apart from that, my future is to be totally foreign to my family ——it will not affect even the surface of their lives. We shall leave this part of England——perhaps England itself——and what does it matter how people regard us here? You will like going, will you not?"She could answer no more than a bare affirmative, so great was the emotion aroused in her at the thought of going through the world with him as his own familiar friend. Her feelings almost filled her ears like a babble of waves, and surged up to her eyes. She put her hand in his, and thus they went on, to a place where the reflected sun glared up from the river, under a bridge, with a molten-metallic glow that dazzled their eyes, though the sun itself was hidden by the bridge. They stood still, whereupon little furred and feathered heads popped up from the smooth surface of the water; but, finding that the disturbing presences had paused,and not passed by, they disappeared again. Upon this river-brink they lingered till the fog began to close round them——which was very early in the evening at this time of the year——settling on the lashes of her eyes, where it rested like crystals, and on his brows and hair.They walked later on Sundays,when it was quite dark. Some of the dairy-people, who were also out of doors on the first Sunday evening after their engagement, heard her impulsive speeches, ecstasized to fragments, though they were too far off to hear the words discoursed; noted the spasmodic catch in her remarks, broken into syllables by the leapings of her heart, as she walked leaning on his arm; her contented pauses, the occasional little laugh upon which her soul seemed to ride——the laugh of a woman in company with the man she loves and has won from all other women——unlike anything else in nature. They marked the buoyancyof her tread, like the skim of a bird which had not quite alighted.Her affection for him was now the breath and life of Tess's being; it enveloped her as a photosphere, irradiated her into forgetfulness of her past sorrows, keeping back the gloomy spectres that would persist in their attempts to touch her——doubt, fear, moodiness, care, shame. She knew that they were waiting like wolves just outside the circumscribing light, but she had long spells of power to keep them in hungry subjection there.A spiritual forgetfulness co-existed with an intellectual remembrance. She walked in brightness, but she knew that in the background those shapes of darkness were always spread. They might be receding, or they might be approaching, one or the other, a little every day.One evening Tess and Clare were obliged to sit indoors keeping house, all the other occupants of the domicile being away. As they talked she looked thoughtfully up at him, and met his two appreciative eyes."I am not worthy of you——no, I am not!" she burst out, jumping up from her low stool as though appalled at his homage, and the fulness of her own joy thereat.Clare, deeming the whole basis of her excitement to be that which was only the smaller part of it, said——"I won't have you speak like it, dear Tess! Distinction does not consist in the facile use of a contemptible set of conventions, but in being numbered among those who are true, and honest, and just, and pure, and lovely, and of good report——as you are, my Tess."She struggled with the sob in her throat. How often had that string of excellences made her young heart ache in church of late years, and how strange that he should have cited them now."Why didn't you stay and love me when I——was sixteen; living with my little sisters and brothers, and you danced on the green? O, why didn't you,why didn't you!" she said, impetuously clasping her hands.Angel began to comfort and reassure her, thinking to himself, truly enough,what a creature of moods she was, and how careful he would have to be of her when she depended for her happiness entirely on him."Ah——why didn't I stay!" he said. "That is just what I feel. If I had only known! But you must not be so bitter in your regret——why should you be?"With the woman's instinct to hide she diverged hastily——。
•在1958年,为庆祝一所新成立小学的奠基仪式, 一群学生将自己的绘画作品封藏在时间胶囊里并 深埋入基石之下。但其中的一名神秘的女学生, 似乎听到了耳边的各种私语声,她将整张绘纸填 写上了数排无规则的数字。
很快时间流逝到50年后的现在:一批新时代的学 生从地下挖出并开启时间胶囊,来查看里面的内 容。之前那位女学生留下的神秘数字信息被其中 一位小男孩Caleb Myles拿到。而碰巧的是, Caleb的父亲、教授Ted Myles(尼古拉斯· 凯奇饰 演)揭秘了一个惊人的发现,即这些编码信息竟 然毫厘不差地预言了过去50年里每个重大灾难所 发生的日期、死亡人数和其它匹配数字。正当Te...
1986年,凯奇又主演了《忧郁男孩》和《佩吉苏要出嫁》两部影片,但并未造成 太大的影响。但1987年对凯奇来说则是颇为成功的一年。他先是在影片《抚养亚 历桑纳》中饰演一个因无法生育而想偷窃别人婴儿的男子,又在《月色撩人》中饰 演一个失去一只手掌的面包师。这两部影片在影评界人士中有着不错的评价,但却 并不是十分卖座的影片。在1988年,他有了一部颇为引人注目的影片《吸血鬼之 吻》。在片中凯奇饰演了一位纽约雅皮士,后来变成了一个吸血鬼。该片堪称是凯 奇从影以来最为“过分”的演出。在拍片时,他甚至真的活吞了一只蟑螂。不过那 只倒霉的蟑螂却似乎给他带来了好运。此后他那带点疲备,有些低调的形象开始为 人们所接受。1990年他又演出了《火鸟出击》一片,同样有相当不错的表现。 同年,尼古拉斯· 凯奇在美国前卫导演大卫· 林奇执导的影片《我心狂野》中饰 演了主角。凯奇在片中的角色是以摇滚乐传奇人物猫王为蓝图的。该片有着诡异强 烈的影像风格。同时更有着超现实的气氛。片尾凯奇身着蛇皮夹克站在滚滚车流之 上演唱猫王名曲《Love Me Tender》一段更成了电影史上的一个经典场面。不过在 《我心狂野》之后,凯奇并没有重复这种叛逆青年的路子,因为他的外形并不适合 这类的角色。他继续在小制作影片中尝试着各种角色。1992年他在影片《今夜你 寂寞吗》中饰演了一位将未婚妻输给赌场大享之后想尽办法赢回美人芳心的侦探。 在1993年凯奇又主演了《西部红石镇》、《黑白追缉令》和《超级赌徒》等影片, 也都是小制作的叫好不叫座的作品。
2018-2019-尼古拉斯凯奇变脸影评-范文模板 (6页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==尼古拉斯凯奇变脸影评篇一:战争之王观后感“战争之王”观后感尼古拉斯凯奇的战争之王从军火商的角度叙写了战争的残酷,同时也描述了当今世界的形势。
Nicolas Cage (尼古拉斯
in a certain style in maintaining security is very easy, it's like staying in a box, all of us are accustomed to you is there, do people think is the right thing, what can this?“ “在某一种
Bear the palm
本》(Adaptation.) 英国学院奖 1996 提名 最佳男主角 BAFTA电影奖 最佳男演员 (Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading
第60届(2003)金球奖 最佳男主角 尼古拉斯·凯奇(Nicolae
His Wife 爱丽丝.金——Alice. Kim 韩裔 与凯奇在洛杉矶某夜总 会偶遇,后在新西兰附 近的岛屿闪电结婚。
Happy man and wife
《豚鼠特攻队》《极度恐惧》《末日预言》 《曼谷杀手》《国家宝藏2》《恶灵骑士》 《惊天动地60秒》《勇闯夺命岛》《离开拉 斯维加斯》《穿梭阴阳界》《天使之城》 And So On
美国影评人协会奖 1996 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) 纽约影评人协会奖 1995 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) 洛杉矶影评人协会奖 1995 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) 国家评论协会奖(美) 1995 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) 独立精神奖 1996 提名 最佳男演员 (Best Male Lead) 巴哈马国际电影节 第三届巴哈马国际电影节 凯奇获得演艺终身成就奖 之前 获得该奖项的是和凯奇合作过的肖恩康纳利
尼古拉斯凯奇的电影列表影视娱乐 2008-09-13 16:43 阅读1133 评论0字号:大中小City of Angels / 天使之城Nicolas Cage / Meg Ryan / 美国/ 德国/ Brad Silberling / 天使之城/ 达纳史蒂文斯(Dana Stevens) / Peter Handke / 理查德雷丁格(Richard Reitinger) / 英语Con Air / 空中监狱/ 惊天动地Nicolas Cage / 美国/ 西蒙韦斯特(Simon West) / 空中监狱/ 斯科特罗森堡(Scott Rosenberg) / 英语Face Off / 变脸John Travolta / Nicolas Cage / 美国/ 吴宇森(John Woo) / 变脸/ 迈克尔科拉里(Michael Colleary) / 麦克韦柏(Mike Werb) / EnglishWild at Heart / 我心狂野Nicolas Cage(尼古拉斯凯奇)/ Willem Dafoe / Laura Dern / 美国/ 大卫·林奇(David Lynch) / 我心狂野/ Alex De La Iglesia (Barry Gifford) / 戴维林奇(David Lynch) / 英语Windtalkers / 风语者Nicolas Cage / Adam Beach / Peter Stormare / USA / John Woo / 风语者/ 祖白迪亚(Joe Batteer) / John Rice / English / NavajoLord of War / 战争之王尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage / 伊桑·霍克Ethan Hawke / 杰瑞德·莱托Jared Leto / Shake Tukhmanyan / Bridget Moynahan / 美国/ 安德鲁·尼科尔Andrew Niccol / 战争之王/ 安德鲁尼科尔(Andrew Niccol) / 英语The Weather Man / 天气预报员/ 气象先生尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage / 迈克尔·凯恩Michael Caine / 吉尔·贝洛Gil Bellows / 美国/ 戈尔弗宾斯盖(Gore Verbinski) / 天气预报员/ Steve ConradLeaving Las Vegas / 远离赌城Nicolas Cage / Elisabeth Shue / 法国/ 美国/ 迈克菲吉斯(Mike Figgis) / 远离赌城/ John O'Brien (II) / 迈克菲吉斯(Mike Figgis) / 英语Snake Eyes / 蛇眼/ 天眼追凶Nicolas Cage / 美国/ 布赖恩德帕尔马(Brian De Palma) / 蛇眼/ 布赖恩德帕尔马(Brian De Palma) / 戴维寇依普(David Koepp)National Treasure / 惊天夺宝/ 国家宝藏Nicolas Cage / Diane Kruger / 美国/ 乔恩特图陶布(Jon Turteltaub) / 国家宝藏/ Cormac Wibberley / 吉姆科夫(Jim Kouf) / Marianne Wibberley / 英语Gone in 60 Seconds / 惊天动地60秒/ 极速60秒尼古拉斯·凯奇(Nicolas Cage) / 乔万尼·里比斯(Giovanni Ribisi) / 安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie) / 美国/ 多米尼克塞纳(Dominic Sena) / 惊天动地60秒/ H.B. Halicki / 斯科特罗森堡(Scott Rosenberg)Guarding Tess / 第一夫人的保镖/ 斗气保镖尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage / 雪莉·麦克雷恩Shirley MacLaine / 爱德华·艾伯特Edward Albert / 美国/ 休威尔逊(Hugh Wilson) / 第一夫人的保镖/ 休威尔逊(Hugh Wilson) / Peter Torokvei / 英语Trapped in Paradise / 天堂有难尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage Mädchen Amick / 达那·卡维Dana Carvey / 乔恩·拉威茨Jon Lovitz / 美国/ 乔治·盖洛George Gallo / 天堂有难/ 乔治加洛(George Gallo) / 英语Ghost Rider / 恶灵骑士/ 鬼面骑士Nicolas Cage / Wes Bentley / Eva Mendes / USA / Mark Steven Johnson / 恶灵骑士/ EnglishMatchstick Men / matchstic menNicolas Cage / Sam Rockwell / Alison Lohman / 美国/ Ridley Scott / 火柴人/ Eric Garcia / Nicholas Griffin / Ted Griffin / 英语Red Rock West / 西部红石镇/ 乌龙杀手Nicolas Cage / 美国/ 约翰达尔(John Dahl) / 西部红石镇/ 约翰达尔(John Dahl) / Rick Dahl / 英语Moonstruck / 发晕/ 月色撩人Cher雪儿/ Nicolas Cage尼古拉斯凯奇/ 美国/ 诺曼杰维森(Norman Jewison) / 月色撩人/ John Patrick Shanley / 英语Vampire's Kiss / 吸血鬼之吻/ 衰鬼爱人尼古拉斯.凯奇Nicolas Cage / 美国/ 罗伯特·比尔姆(Robert Bierman)/ 吸血鬼之吻/ Joseph Minion / 英语Bringing Out the Dead / 替代情人/ 穿梭鬼门关Nicolas Cage / Patricia Arquette / 美国/ 马丁斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese) / 替代情人/ Joe Connelly (II) / 保罗施埃德(Paul Schrader)It Could Happen to You / 爱在纽约/ 倾城佳话Nicolas Cage, Bridget Fonda, Rosie Perez, Isaac Hayes, Seymour Cassel / 美国/ 安德鲁·伯格曼Andrew Bergman / 爱在纽约/ Jane Anderson (II)Next / 先知先觉/ 预见未来Nicolas Cage / Julianne Moore / Jessica Biel / 美国/ 李·塔玛霍瑞/ 先知先觉/ 英语The Family Man / 住家男人/ 居家男人尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage / 蒂娅·利奥尼Téa Leoni / 唐·乔戴尔Don Cheadle /美国/ 布雷特拉特纳(Brett Ratner) / 梦里情缘/ David Diamond / David Weissman / 英语The Rock / 石破天惊/ 勇闯夺命岛Sean Connery / Nicholas Cage / 美国/ 迈克尔贝(Michael Bay) / 勇闯夺命岛/ David Weisberg / Douglas Cook / Mark Rosner / 英语Adaptation / 改编剧本尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage / 梅丽尔·斯特里普Meryl Streep / 克里斯·库帕Chris Cooper / 蒂尔达·斯维顿Tilda Swinton / 美国//movies/adaptation/ / 斯派克琼兹(Spike Jonze) / 改编剧本/ Charlie Kaufman / Donald Kaufman / Susan Orlean / 英语8MM / 八毫米Nicolas Cage / 德国/ 美国/ 乔尔舒马赫(Joel Schumacher) / 八毫米/ 安德鲁凯文沃克(Andrew Kevin Walker)< 前页12后页>Raising Arizona / 抚养亚利桑纳Nicolas Cage 尼古拉斯·凯奇/ Holly Hunter 霍利·亨特/ Trey Wilson / 美国/ 伊桑柯恩(Ethan Coen) / 乔尔柯恩(Joel Coen) / 抚养亚利桑纳/ 伊桑柯恩(Ethan Coen) / 乔尔柯恩(Joel Coen)Fire Birds / 火鸟出击尼古拉斯凯奇/ 美国/ David Green (I) / 火鸟出击/ Dale Dye / John K. Swensson / Nick ThielRumble Fish / 斗鱼/ 雷鸣小子尼古拉斯凯奇/ 美国/ 弗朗西斯福特科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola) / 斗鱼/ 弗朗西斯福特科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola) / S.E. HintonDeadfall / 超级赌徒/ 连环计中计尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage / 美国/ 克里斯托弗科波拉(Christopher Coppola) / 超级赌徒/ 克里斯托弗科波拉(Christopher Coppola) / Nick VallelongaThe Boy In Blue尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage / Melody Anderson / 克里斯托弗·普拉莫Christopher Plummer / 加拿大/ Charles Jarrott / 英语。
尼古拉斯凯奇英文介绍(Nicholas Cage)
Nicholas CageBorn on: January 7, 1964Born in: Long Beach, CaliforniaNationality: AmericanCareer: Actor, Producer, DirectorNicolas Cage is a very well-known and extremely acclaimed American actor, who has an Academy Award to his credit. He also owns a production company -Saturn Films, and has been involved in production for quite sometime. Apart from that, he can also be seen working as a director, making him a multi-talented personality. Till date, Nicholas Cage has been most known for his method acting and is also considered a prototype for the same. He made his debut in the year 1981 and since then, has constantly been moving on the path of success.ChildhoodNicolas Cage was born as ‘Nicolas Kim Coppola’ on 7th January 1964, in Long Beach, California. His father, August Coppola, is a professor of literature, while Cage's mother, Joy Vogelsang, is a dancer and choreographer. Nicholas’ parents got divorced in 1976, when he was only 12 years old. Through his father, Cage is the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola and actress Talia Shire. His mother is of German descent, while his father is an Italian AmericanCage is also the cousin of director Sofia Coppola and actors, Robert Carmine and Jason Schwartzman. He has two brothers, Christopher Coppola - a director, and Marc "The Cope" Coppola - a New York radio personality. He was raised as a Roman Catholic and continues to be one till date. He went to Beverly Hills High School, but dropped out before graduation. Thereafter, he started pursuing the career of an actor.CareerNicholas Cage made his debut in the year 1981, with the movie ‘The Best of Times’. He changed his name to ‘Nicholas Cage’, from ‘Nicolas Kim Coppola’, early in his career. The reason was that he wanted to avoid being charged wit h the tag of ‘being favored’ as the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola. His ‘feature film debut’ came with ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’, in which he had a one-minute role opposite Sean Penn. Since then, Cage has done numerous movies till date, some huge successes, while some major flops.The irony with Cage has been that some of his critically acclaimed films have failed to generate major revenues, while the ones that were rejected by critics have been amongst his highest grosser flicks. For example, in 2005, he starred in two offbeat, non-mainstream films - ‘Lord of War’ and ‘The Weather Man’. Though both of them received good reviews from the critics, they failed to garner significant audience. On the other hand, ‘Ghost Rider’ (2007), was reduced to shreds by critics, but was a major hit worldwide.Nicholas has received success, in the form of high collections at the box-office, mainly from his forays into the action-adventure genre. Be it ‘National Treasure’, his second highest grossing film to date, or ‘The Rock’, in which he plays a young FBI chemical weapons expert, adventure has always suited him. His other successful films, belonging to the same genre, have been‘Face/Off’, ‘World Trade Center’, ‘Grindhouse’, etc. His most recent films (2007) were ‘G host Rider’, ‘Grindhouse’, ‘Next’ and ‘National Treasure: Book of Secrets’.Till date, Nicholas Cage has received two Academy Award nominations, one for his role as a suicidal alcoholic in ‘Leaving Las Vegas’ and other for playing real-life screenwriter Charlie Kaufman in ‘Adaptation’. Amongst his most successful films are ‘It Could Happen to You’,‘Leaving Las Vegas’, ‘The Rock’, ‘Con Air’, ‘Face/Off’, ‘City of Angels’, ‘Gone in Sixty Seconds’, ‘National Treasure 9’, ‘Ghost Rider’, ‘National Treasure: Book of Secrets’, etc.Direction and ProductionNicholas Cage made his directorial debut with ‘Sonny’, a low-budget drama that starred James Franco as a male prostitute. The film did not receive good reviews and had a short run in a limited number of theat res. His production debut was with the movie ‘Shadow of the Vampire’, which got nominated for an Academy Award. He was also the producer of ‘The Life of David Gale’, a death penalty-themed thriller that had Kevin Spacey and Kate Winslet. Cage is presently serving as the executive producer of ‘The Dresden Files’, on the Sci-Fi Channel.Personal LifeNicholas Cage dated actress Elizabeth Daily in his early 20s and the affair lasted only two years. Thereafter, he started dating Uma Thurman. The year 1988 saw him going around with Christina Fulton, with whom he now shares the joint custody of their son, Weston Coppola Cage. Cage has been married three times. His first marriage was with Patricia Arquette, with whom he tied the knot in April 1995. The union came to an end six years later, in May 2001. Later he met Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley, and married her in August 2002.The couple separated hardly four months after marriage i.e. in December 2002, and got divorced in 2004. Nicholas Cage met Alice Kim, a waitress at the Los Angeles restaurant Kabuki, while visiting a Korean Nightclub, Le Privé. The couple fell in love and soon had a son, Kal-El (born October 3, 2005). They got married in an island, situated off the coast of New Zealand. A lice also had a minor role in ‘Next’, a movie produced by Cage in 2007. Presently, the couple is living together.。
心理影评-火柴人美丽的骗局——《火柴人》——《火柴人》他,原名尼古拉斯·科波拉,1964 年 1 月 7 日出生于美国加洲的一个艺术原名尼古拉斯·科波拉,之家。
” 神永远有种忧郁的沧桑感,怀着婴儿般的无助和清风般的悠扬,因此显得无辜。
无疑,尼古拉斯· 徒。
罗伊的生活是一团糟糕,他得的是“神经性惯性行为失常神经性惯性行为失常”和开放恐惧症开放恐惧症” 罗伊的生活是一团糟糕,他得的是神经性惯性行为失常和“开放恐惧症两种怪病。
Hummel has been protesting the government's refusal to pay benefits to families of war veterans who died during covert military operations.
General Hummel has stolen some VX gas warheads and has announced that he will launch them onto San Francisco unless his demands are met.指环王Kar来自 Urban(高级特工)
Headquarters of CIA
1. Hummel has been protesting the government's refusal to pay benefits to families of war veterans who died during covert military operations. 2. Hummel has stolen some VX gas warheads and has announced that he will launch them onto San Francisco unless his demands are met 3. Goodspeed had moments of panic while he knew his object. 4. Mason was craving freedom.
Frank Moses
Joe Matheson
Marvin Boggs
Nicholas Cage was born in an art house in California on January 7, 1964 .His uncle is a world-famous director who named Francis Coppola. As a member of Coppola family, he grew up in an atmosphere filled with music and books,and he showed great interest in acting and photography. He entered the filmdom when he was only 17 years old.To avoid the influence of his uncle’s fame,he changed his family name to follow his favorite composer John Cage.In 1980, Nicholas Cage first appeared in the film “Brubaker” He played an ordinary person.In 1984, Cage’s masterpiece "Leaving Las Vegas"《逃离拉斯维加斯》came into being.As the Protagonist, he had a wonderful show of his extraordinary acting ability, attracting people’s attention. Cage's performance in the film was spoken highly of ,and from then on he stepped into success.In 1990 his another successful flim-- "Wild at Heart"《我心狂野》, had a strange style of strong images and surreal atmosphere. In the end of the flim,Cage wore a snakeskin jacket ,standed over rolling traffic , sang Elvis Presley’s song "Love Me Tender" ,which has become a classic scene in film history. The film won the 43rd Cannes Film Festival Award in 1992.This became a turning point in Cage's life.In 1996,the action movie "The Rock"《勇闯夺命岛》made him become the global international box office giant star.He proved his playing road was quite broad, and he was really the Oscar movie King who deserved the price.In 1997,his two wonderful films "Con Air"《空中监狱》and "Face Off"《变脸》dominated the summer box office. Nicholas Cage became an overnight star in Hollywood box office .In 1998, the love movie " City of Angels"《天使之城》helped Cage leave a loving angel image into the hearts of people.At the point, Cage's acting career reached the peak.In 2000, the film "Gone in Sixty Seconds"《极速60秒》, in which Cage played the main role of an almighty car- thief ,made 200 million dollars at the box office.Besides Cage’ favorite action movies, he playde in some warm affection films such as " The Family Man"《居家男人》in 2000 and the "Matchstick Men"《火柴人》in 2003, in which he both played a loving father,and the two films were well accepted.On top of that, the famous film " Lord of War"《战争之王》gave a warning to the weapon controling issues in the world. On March 20, 2009, his another horro r action film “Knowing”《先知》was released. The film has not only the general scene of "2012", but also unconventional ups and downs and movingstory drama.It has more qualification than the too entertaining "2012 " to be called a disaster film.Especially, the scene of saying goodbye to his beloved son, has a full show of Cage’s excellent acting skill.In December of 2009, the United Nations Humanitarian Award was presented to Nicolas Cage, in recognition of his appointment as United Nations’ Goodwill Ambassador. He has made outstanding achievements in working against drugs and crime. Cage said, his identity would become a spotlight to illuminate everywhere the justice was needed in the world.。
尼古拉斯·凯奇生涯15部精彩电影作品回顾!尼古拉斯·凯奇(Nicolas Cage)近年来被冠上「烂片之神」的封号,只要他主演的电影一定以「难看」、「无聊」作收,但也不得不承认从2006年开始的《恶灵线索》、《恶灵战警》、《关键下一秒》、《无声火》、《末日预言》、《魔女神兵》、《怒火狂飙》、《非法入侵》、《私法正义》(开始每部片越来越像了…)、《盗数计时》、《恶灵战警:复仇时刻》(居然还有续集!)…都惨不忍睹,不是片型雷同就是故事诡异,评价票房都惨不忍睹,但凯奇却一部接一部,好像上了瘾一样…但我们是否都忘了凯奇哥曾经是那么棒的演员?他主演过暑假卖座强片、各种类型的动作片、有深度的类型片以及拿下奥斯卡影帝的作品,就让我们来回顾凯吉哥历年来15部精彩的电影作品:【忧郁时期】凯奇的眼神有一中说不出来的「忧郁」,这种眼神(或是表演)会给观众一种非常有故事性的延伸,仿佛角色不用说太多、导演不用刻画太多,依旧可以了解角色的来历…。
15. 《八厘米》(8mm)1999年的《八厘米》不是什么顶尖作品,但其实整部片的气氛营造依旧相当不错,除了故事让人非常不舒服之外,导演舒马克也确实呈现了底层社会的情色世界是那么的不堪;卡司还包括了瓦昆菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)以及已故演员詹姆斯甘多费尼(James Gandolfini)。
14. 《穿梭鬼门关》(Bringing Out the Dead)由马丁史考西斯执导的《穿梭鬼门关》是一部颇具实验性的电影,凯奇饰演一名救护车的驾驶,穿梭在都市之间看着生死无常的社会,和《八厘米》同年上映,那阵子凯吉诠释这类具有故事、压抑以及忧郁个性的角色算是非常受到欢迎。
13. 《我心狂野》(Wild at Heart)由大卫林区(David Lynch)执导、荣获1990年坎城影展最佳影片殊荣的《我心狂野》(Wild at Heart)是怎样一部优秀的电影不用再去赘述,片中一贯林区迷幻的风格也非常适合凯奇疯癫的形象。
尼古拉斯凯奇语录:1.“惊喜总是有趣的,我从来不会将它拒之门外”2.“你不能永远活在恐惧中”3.“我不是魔鬼我是蜥蜴是鲨鱼是热追踪猎豹我要像鲍勃·丹佛嗑了药拉手风琴一样演戏”4.“要做一个好的演员你必须像一个罪犯那样,敢于去打破规则,以创造争取新的东西”5.“我曾经拥有过被我称为阳光三部曲的岁月,而现在我正处于我的午夜三部曲”6.“如果有一个好的角色,我可以将我的灵魂投资下去!”7.“在某一种风格里保持是很容易的事,那就像呆在一个盒子里,所有人都习惯了你是在那儿,做着人们认为是正确的事情,可这有什么意义呢?”8.“没有任何一部电影能够取悦所有人”尼古拉斯凯奇个人资料:尼古拉斯·凯奇(nicolas cage),1964年1月7日出生于美国加利福利亚州,美国演员。
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Nicholas CageBorn on: January 7, 1964Born in: Long Beach, CaliforniaNationality: AmericanCareer: Actor, Producer, DirectorNicolas Cage is a very well-known and extremely acclaimed American actor, who has an Academy Award to his credit. He also owns a production company -Saturn Films, and has been involved in production for quite sometime. Apart from that, he can also be seen working as a director, making him a multi-talented personality. Till date, Nicholas Cage has been most known for his method acting and is also considered a prototype for the same. He made his debut in the year 1981 and since then, has constantly been moving on the path of success.ChildhoodNicolas Cage was born as ‘Nicolas Kim Coppola’ on 7th January 1964, in Long Beach, California. His father, August Coppola, is a professor of literature, while Cage's mother, Joy Vogelsang, is a dancer and choreographer. Nicholas’ parents got divorced in 1976, when he was only 12 years old. Through his father, Cage is the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola and actress Talia Shire. His mother is of German descent, while his father is an Italian AmericanCage is also the cousin of director Sofia Coppola and actors, Robert Carmine and Jason Schwartzman. He has two brothers, Christopher Coppola - a director, and Marc "The Cope" Coppola - a New York radio personality. He was raised as a Roman Catholic and continues to be one till date. He went to Beverly Hills High School, but dropped out before graduation. Thereafter, he started pursuing the career of an actor.CareerNicholas Cage made his debut in the year 1981, with the movie ‘The Best of Times’. He changed his name to ‘Nicholas Cage’, from ‘Nicolas Kim Coppola’, early in his career. The reason was that he wanted to avoid being charged wit h the tag of ‘being favored’ as the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola. His ‘feature film debut’ came with ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’, in which he had a one-minute role opposite Sean Penn. Since then, Cage has done numerous movies till date, some huge successes, while some major flops.The irony with Cage has been that some of his critically acclaimed films have failed to generate major revenues, while the ones that were rejected by critics have been amongst his highest grosser flicks. For example, in 2005, he starred in two offbeat, non-mainstream films - ‘Lord of War’ and ‘The Weather Man’. Though both of them received good reviews from the critics, they failed to garner significant audience. On the other hand, ‘Ghost Rider’ (2007), was reduced to shreds by critics, but was a major hit worldwide.Nicholas has received success, in the form of high collections at the box-office, mainly from his forays into the action-adventure genre. Be it ‘National Treasure’, his second highest grossing film to date, or ‘The Rock’, in which he plays a young FBI chemical weapons expert, adventure has always suited him. His other successful films, belonging to the same genre, have been‘Face/Off’, ‘World Trade Center’, ‘Grindhouse’, etc. His most recent films (2007) were ‘G host Rider’, ‘Grindhouse’, ‘Next’ and ‘National Treasure: Book of Secrets’.Till date, Nicholas Cage has received two Academy Award nominations, one for his role as a suicidal alcoholic in ‘Leaving Las Vegas’ and other for playing real-life screenwriter Charlie Kaufman in ‘Adaptation’. Amongst his most successful films are ‘It Could Happen to You’,‘Leaving Las Vegas’, ‘The Rock’, ‘Con Air’, ‘Face/Off’, ‘City of Angels’, ‘Gone in Sixty Seconds’, ‘National Treasure 9’, ‘Ghost Rider’, ‘National Treasure: Book of Secrets’, etc.Direction and ProductionNicholas Cage made his directorial debut with ‘Sonny’, a low-budget drama that starred James Franco as a male prostitute. The film did not receive good reviews and had a short run in a limited number of theat res. His production debut was with the movie ‘Shadow of the Vampire’, which got nominated for an Academy Award. He was also the producer of ‘The Life of David Gale’, a death penalty-themed thriller that had Kevin Spacey and Kate Winslet. Cage is presently serving as the executive producer of ‘The Dresden Files’, on the Sci-Fi Channel.Personal LifeNicholas Cage dated actress Elizabeth Daily in his early 20s and the affair lasted only two years. Thereafter, he started dating Uma Thurman. The year 1988 saw him going around with Christina Fulton, with whom he now shares the joint custody of their son, Weston Coppola Cage. Cage has been married three times. His first marriage was with Patricia Arquette, with whom he tied the knot in April 1995. The union came to an end six years later, in May 2001. Later he met Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley, and married her in August 2002.The couple separated hardly four months after marriage i.e. in December 2002, and got divorced in 2004. Nicholas Cage met Alice Kim, a waitress at the Los Angeles restaurant Kabuki, while visiting a Korean Nightclub, Le Privé. The couple fell in love and soon had a son, Kal-El (born October 3, 2005). They got married in an island, situated off the coast of New Zealand. A lice also had a minor role in ‘Next’, a movie produced by Cage in 2007. Presently, the couple is living together.。