



Blackwire 3200 Series Schnurgebundenes-Headset mit Inline-AnrufsteuerungBedienungsanleitungInhaltÜberblick3Einrichtung4Download der Software4Passung6Kopfbügel anpassen6Positionieren des Mikrofonarms6Anpassen des Mikrofonarms6Nutzung der Inline-Steuerung7Anrufe tätigen/annehmen/beenden7Lautstärke7Stummschalten7Fehlerbehebung8Headset8Support10Gesprächstaste Blinkt grün Eingehender AnrufLeuchtet grün auf Laufendes GesprächT aste zum Erhöhen der Lautstärke Hörlautstärke erhöhen T aste zum Verringern der LautstärkeHörlautstärke verringern Stummschaltung Leuchtet durchgehend rotHeadset ist stummgeschaltet ÜberblickSchalten Sie Ihr Headset ein, indem Sie es mit Ihrem Computer oder mobilen Gerät verbinden.Sie können Ihr Headset auf zwei Arten anschließen:1Per USB-A/USB-C-Anschluss HINWEISDie Headset-Anrufsteuerung kann bei Mobilgeräten variieren.2Per 3,5 mm-Anschluss*HINWEISDie Anrufsteuerung am Headset ist nicht verfügbar.* 3,5 mm-Anschluss nur verfügbar für Blackwire 3215/3225.Passen Sie das Geräteverhalten mithilfe erweiterter Einstellungen und Optionen mit derPoly Lens Desktop-App an. Manche Softphones erfordern die Installation von PolySoftware, um Steuerungsfunktionen (Anruf annehmen/beenden und Stummschaltung) des Geräts zu unterstützen. Download: /lens .HINWEIS Die Geräteeinstellungen sind auch in der Plantronics Hub Desktop-App verfügbar.Aktualisieren Ihres Poly GerätsHalten Sie Ihre Firmware und Software aktuell, um die Leistung zu optimieren und Ihrem Poly Gerät neue Funktionen hinzuzufügen.Aktualisieren Sie Ihr Gerät über den Computer mit Poly Lens Desktop-App. Download unter /lensBeim Aktualisieren:•Verwenden Sie Ihr Poly Gerät nicht, bis das Update abgeschlossen ist.•Starten Sie kein zweites Update von einem zweiten Gerät.EinrichtungDownload der Software•Streamen Sie keine Medien.•Tätigen Sie keine Anrufe und nehmen Sie keine Anrufe an.Verlängern oder verkürzen Sie den Kopfbügel so, dass das Headset angenehm sitzt. DieOhrkissen sollten bequem am Ohr anliegen.Dieses Headset kann sowohl links als auch rechts getragen werden.Drehen Sie den Mikrofonarm so, dass sich das Mikrofon direkt vor Ihrem Mund befindet.VORSICHT Stellen Sie den Mikrofonarm auf bis zu 180°, damit dieser nicht beschädigt wird.Positionieren Sie den Mikrofonarm vorsichtig so, dass er in einem Abstand von 3 cm zur Ecke Ihres Mundes zeigt.PassungKopfbügel anpassenPositionieren desMikrofonarmsAnpassen desMikrofonarmsDie Gesprächskontrolle über das Headset ist eine Softwarefunktion, die ein kompatibles Softphone voraussetzt. Wenn Sie die Poly Lens Desktop-App (/lens ) nicht installiert haben oder kein kompatibles Softphone besitzen, drücken Sie Sie zunächst die Gesprächstaste am Headset und tätigen/beenden Sie dann den Anruf über die Softphone-Anwendung.Annehmen und Beenden von Anrufen Tippen Sie auf die Gesprächstaste oder nehmen Sie den Anruf über Ihr Softphone an.Anruf tätigen Wählen Sie mithilfe der Softphone-Anwendung.Wahlwiederholung Drücken Sie, solange kein Anruf aktiv ist, zweimal die Anruftaste, um die letzte Nummer erneut zu wählen.Halten Halten Sie die Gesprächstaste 2 Sekunden lang gedrückt, um einen Anruf zu halten.Hörlautstärke Drücken Sie die Taste zum Erhöhen (+) oder Verringern (-) der Lautstärke.Anpassen der Lautstärke des Headset-Mikrofons (Softphone)Führen Sie einen Testanruf mit dem Softphone durch und passen Sie die Softphone-Lautstärke und den PC-Sound an.Drücken Sie während eines Gesprächs kurz die Stummschaltungstaste, um das Mikrofonan der Inline-Steuerung stummzuschalten. Um die Stummschaltung wieder aufzuheben,drücken Sie die Taste erneut.Nutzung der Inline-SteuerungAnrufe tätigen/annehmen/beendenLautstärkeStummschaltenIch höre einen hohen Ton, wenn ich das Headset trage.•Stellen Sie sicher, dass der 3,5 mm-Anschluss korrekt mit der Headset-Steuerung verbunden ist.Ich kann den Anrufer nicht hören.•Die Hörlautstärke ist zu niedrig. Drücken Sie auf demHeadset auf die Lautstärketaste, um die Lautstärke zuerhöhen. Stellen Sie zudem sicher, dass dieLautstärkeeinstellung auf Ihrem Computer korrekt ist.•Ihr Headset ist nicht als Standard-Audiogerät eingerichtet.Verwenden Sie die Audioeinstellungen IhresBetriebssystems, um das Headset von Plantronics alsStandard-Audiogerät einzustellen.•Stellen Sie sicher, dass der 3,5 mm-Anschluss korrekt mit derHeadset-Steuerung verbunden ist.Anrufer können mich nicht hören.•Das Headset ist stummgeschaltet. Tippen Sie auf die Stummschalttaste, um die Stummschaltung des Mikrofons aufzuheben.•Der Headset-Mikrofonarm befindet sich in der falschen Position. Richten Sie den Headset-Mikrofonarm zu Ihrem Mund hin aus.•Ihr Headset ist nicht als Standard-Sprachgerät eingerichtet. Verwenden Sie die Audioeinstellungen Ihres Betriebssystems, um das Aufnahmegerät zu ändern.•Stellen Sie sicher, dass der 3,5 mm-Anschluss korrekt mit der Headset-Steuerung verbunden ist.Die Audiowiedergabe über das Headset ist verzerrt.Ich kann im Headset ein Echo hören.•Reduzieren Sie die Hörlautstärke an Ihrem Softphone, bis die Verzerrung nicht mehr zu hören ist.•Passen Sie die Lautstärke am Headset an.•Stellen Sie sicher, dass der 3,5 mm-Anschluss korrekt mit der Headset-Steuerung verbunden ist.Wenn ich mein Headset mit einem Softphone verwende, funktionieren die Anrufsteuerung und die Stummschaltungstasten nicht.•Schauen Sie unter / softphonecompatibility nach, ob Ihr Softphone unterstützt wird.•Falls Sie die Headset-Steuerung (Annahme/Beenden und Stummschalten) aktivieren müssen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Poly Lens Desktop-App installiert ist. Siehe Download der Software.•Eventuell unterstützt Ihr mobiles Gerät die Anrufsteuerung nicht. Wenden Sie sich an den Hersteller des Geräts.Das andere Headset, mit dem ich Musik gehört habe, funktioniert nicht mehr.•Ihr Headset richtet sich selbsttätig als Standard-Audiogerät in Windows ein. Verwenden Sie die Audioeinstellungen Ihres Betriebssystems, um das Audiogerät zu ändern.Mein Telefon findet mein Headset während eines Anrufs oder beim Musikhören nicht.•Stellen Sie während eines Anrufs oder beim Musikhören sicher, dass das Audiosignal an das gewünschte HeadsetFehlerbehebungHeadsetweitergeleitet wird, indem Sie es in den Einstellungen als Standard festlegen.SupportBENÖTIGEN SIE WEITERE HILFE?/supportPlantronics, Inc.Plantronics B.V.345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States Scorpius 171 2132 LR Hoofddorp Netherlands© 2022 Plantronics, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Poly, das Propeller-Design und das Poly Logo sind Marken von Plantronics, Inc. Alle anderen Marken sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Rechteinhaber. Hergestellt von Plantronics, Inc.211088-04 02.22。





二、使用步骤1. 打开设备首先,需要将无线麦克风打开。



2. 连接接收器接下来,需要将接收器与麦克风进行匹配。



3. 调节音量如果接收器与麦克风成功连接,则可以进行音量调节。



4. 开始使用最后,用户可以开启头戴式无线麦克风进行使用。



三、使用技巧1. 保养无线麦克风头戴无线麦克风由于是直接接触人体皮肤的设备,所以需要注意保养。



2. 预防干扰信号由于无线麦克风可能会受到其他设备干扰,所以在使用过程中,需要尽量避免接收器靠近其他无线设备,以免产生信号干扰。


3. 适当保护耳膜在长时间使用头戴无线麦克风时,需要注意保护自己的耳膜。




1 pc
Suitable for teaching, tour guide, training, promotion, publicity, morning exercise, entertainment, etc.
WAV format ○ Recording function to record and save audio files in WAV format ○ FM radio function to search and save channels up to 50 ○ Built-in high capacity Li-ion battery, operation time of more than 10h ○ 10W peak power, higher volume, and wide coverage to easily meet the needs
E300 便携式扩音器
尊敬的用户: 感谢您选购得胜E300便携式扩音器,为了您能够更好的了解使用本产品,
建议您在使用前仔细阅读本说明书。 若存在有疑问或者您有宝贵的建议,可通过拨打得胜官方服
务热线 400 6828 333 或微信扫描二维码关注得胜官方公众号与 我们联系。
E300 便携式扩音器
1.将头戴麦克风正确的佩戴在头部,并调整好麦克风的拾音角度。 2.将3.5mm的麦克风插头插入MIC输入接口孔内。 3.打开电源,LED数码显示屏亮,调整音量旋钮到合适的音量大小。 4.在使用过程中,若电量符号闪烁时,电池已处于低电量状态,请及时充电。

d fine 头戴式耳机麦克风说明书

d fine 头戴式耳机麦克风说明书

d p a m i c r o p h o ne s.c o m/df i n eOmnidirectional characteristics• The mic is sensitive to sound from all directions• The sound remains more or less the same regardless of the distance between the sound source and the mic• The positioning of mic with omni characteristics is less critical than with directional• An omnidirectional microphone is generally not very sensitive to wind, breathing, pop and handling noisesDirectional characteristics• Rejects background noise and creates higher separation• The mic is most sensitive to sound on one side (marked on some variants)• The positioning of mics with directional characteristics is essential as the low frequency level will change according to the distance to the mouth, known as proximity effect• Choose a distance that yields the desired amount of bass• Care should be taken to protect against wind and pop noise e.g. by using a windsceenIntroductionAll d:fine TM Headset Microphones provide a uniquely natural and opensound. Ultra-lightweight and adjustable, these mics ensure a secure andcomfortable fit in live performance environments. To ensure optimal performance of your d:fine Headset Microphone, please follow the simple instructions below. Placement of microphoneFor discreet placement, you can bend the microphone boom slightly so that the capsule is placed in the desired position. Do not hold the capsule while bending; bend the wireboom, making a smooth curve with your thumb to best fit the profile of the face.Mount a directional mic 2-3 cm (1 in) from the corner of the mouth to ensure optimal sound quality compared to an omnidi-rectional mic that can be placedfurther away from the mouth.How to tell the difference between d:fine TMHeadset Microphone capsulesSee the mark on the capsuleSee the mark on the capsuled:fine TM CORE 4166d:fine TM CORE 4188d:fine TM CORE 4066, CORE 4266d:fine TM CORE 4088, CORE 4288The size of the headset mount can easily be adjusted. Change the standard bend by carefully expand-ing the distance between the earhooks.To change sides, simply click the boom out of the clips and switch it over to the other side. The remaining two clips are not used. The soft cable must not be attached into the clips.For the single-ear, just open the spring hook lightly, first place the slide behind your ear-lobe (Pic. 1) and let go of the spring over your ear (Pic. 2). For the dual-ear, place the headset behind your ears and place the springs like for the single-ear. Adjust the headset mount by pulling or pushing the wires until it fits tightly (Pic. 3).A directional headset should be mounted 2-3 cm (1 in) from the corner of the mouth to ensureoptimal sound quality.Correct placement behind the earlobePic. 1Pic. 2Pic. 3See instruction video at /dfinePosition the microphone properly by pulling or pushing the boom along the slide.Switch between left and right ear wearing style simply by rotating the microphone boom. Hold on to the earhook while gently turning the boom.For the dual-ear versions, also rotate the two earhooks.Adjust the microphone boom to follow the shape of your face by gently bending the soft steel on the cable hanger.Adjust the angle of the cable run, also by gently bending the soft steel (see arrows). Position the cable as shown on the picture for securing the position of the microphone.The cable relief on the dual-ear version should be fixed in the clip that also holds the two wires on the mount.Always leave the protection grid on the d:fine TM 4166 Omnidirectional & 4166 Directional capsules, as it protects the inner grid and offers protection against wind and breathing noise. The protection grid is replaceable.Service connector to exchange cables or booms on d:fine TM 4166, 4266, 4188 and 4288 Headsets These d:fine TM Flex Headset Microphones offer exchange of cables or microphone booms. Simply locate the service access point, pull back the small locking cap and gently pull the boom away from the cable hanger.WindscreensThe enclosed windscreens offer additional protection against wind and pop noise. Gently draw the windscreen over the microphone head. For even better protection, bigger windscreens are available.Sweat stopThe microphone is equipped with a transparent sweat stop around the microphone boom to prevent sweat running along the microphone boom to the microphone head.Accessories(see more at /accessories)Grids and windscreens, cables, adapters, booms and earhooks.Cleaning d:fine TM 4066 & 4266 mic gridsRemove the mic grid from the mic element and clean the grid using a soft cloth and demineralized water only. Make sure the grid is dry before remounting it on the mic element. This is not possible on the d:fine TM 4088 and 4288 types as the diaphragm is protected inside the mic housing and the protection grids are not removable. Therefore, for these two mics, no attempt should be madeto clean the grid surface and extreme care should be taken not to clog the grids with makeup e.g.Clothing clip for d:fine TM 4266 & 4288 Head-set typesThe supplied clothing clip allows you to at-tach the cable to your clothes, thus relieving the cable draw to the headset mic. This is essential on especially the single-ear headset mic.Color codes & cable steerd:fine TM 4166 Omnidirectional & 4188 Direc-tional Microphone types come with a number of cable steer clips in different colors. Mounted on the cable relief, this clip allows for quick rec-ognition of a specific headset microphone.Protection capThe d:fine TM 4166 Omnidirectional & 4188 Di-rectional Microphones come with a red plastic cap which serves to protect the microphone head when putting on makeup, hairspray and more. Remove the cap before use.Cable maintenanceThe cable is usually longer than required. Make sure that superfluous cable is wound up in soft figure-of-eight loops (preferably 6-8 cm (2.5-3 in) diameter) and avoid kinks in the cable.Use Ecotech2 Multi Degreaser from Finish Line to remove residue from tape, glue, or makeup on the cable. Do not bend the cable or rub it harshly, it may stress the inner cores of the cable and cause them to break over time.General maintenanceThe d:fine TM Headset Microphones are resistant to high levels of humidity. How-ever, care must be taken to keep the mic away from exposure to water and cleaning fluids and to keep the mic head dry at all times. Do not use spray or use fluid containing chemicals that could remove static electricity on or close to the microphone. This could cause permanent damage. MicroDot connectors and adaptersT o provide users with safe and compact mounting of connec-tors, all headsets from DPA are fitted with the MicroDot con-nector as standard. A broad range of connection adapters is offered as optional accessories for most wireless systems for professional use. See /adapters.Please also note that standard hardwired solutions are available for popular wireless systems;03 : 3 pin LEMO10 : T A-4F Switchcraft34 : Mini-JackFrequency Response of d:fine TM 4166 Omnidirectional typesFrequency Response of d:fine TM 4188 Directional typesdB 10-10-20-3020 Hz50100200 500 1 kHz 25102040dB 100-10-20-3020 Hz50100200 500 1 kHz 25102040Black line is near field (2 – 3 cm/0.8 – 1.2 in).Green line is far field (more than 30 cm/12 in).TM TMFrequency Response (d:fine TM 4066 & 4266 Omni Headset types)Frequency Response (d:fine TM4088 & 4088 Directional Headset types)TM TMDirectional patternOmnidirectionalPrinciple of operationPressureFrequency range20 Hz - 20 kHzFrequency range, ±2 dBd:fine™ CORE 4166:20 Hz - 20 kHz with 3 dB soft boost at 8 - 15 kHz d:fine™ CORE 4066 Act & Flex:20 Hz - 20 kHz with 3 dB soft boost at 8 - 20 kHz Sensitivity, nominal, ±3 dB at 1 kHz6 mV/Pa; -44 dB re. 1 V/PaEquivalent noise level, A-weightedTyp. 26 dB(A) re. 20 µPa (max. 28 dB(A))S/N ratio (A-weighted),re. 1 kHz at 1 Pa (94 dB SPL)Typ. 68 dB(A)T otal harmonic distortion (THD)<1% up to 137 dB SPL peakDynamic rangeTyp. 111 dBMax. SPL, peak before clipping144 dB Power supply (for full performance)Min. 5 V - max. 50 V through DPA adapter forwireless systems.Current consumptionTyp. 1.5 mA (microphone)3.5 mA with DAD6001-BC XLR adapterConnectorMicroDotColor (microphone, cable and earhook)Black, beige, brownCable length1.25 m (4.1 ft)Cable diameter1.6 mm (0.06 in)T emperature range-40°C to 45°C (-40°F to 113°F)Relative humidity (RH)Up to 90%Directional characteristicsCardioidPrinciple of operationPressure gradientFrequency range20 Hz - 20 kHzFrequency range, ±2 dB,Near field 2-3 cm (0.8-1.2 in)d:fine™ CORE 4188:100 Hz- 20 kHz with 3 dB soft boost100 Hz - 20 kHz with 4-6 dB soft boost at 15 kHzSensitivity, nominal, ±3 dB at 1 kHz6 mV/Pa; -44 dB re. 1 V/PaEquivalent noise level, A-weightedTyp. 28 dB(A) re. 20 µPa (max. 30 dB(A))S/N ratio (A-weighted),re. 1 kHz at 1 Pa (94 dB SPL)Typ. 66 dB(A)T otal harmonic distortion (THD)<1% up to 137 dB SPL peakDynamic rangeTyp. 111 dBMax. SPL, peak before clipping144 dBPower supply (for full performance)Min. 5 V - max. 50 V through DPA adapter forwireless systems.Current consumptionTyp. 1.5 mA (microphone)3.5 mA with DAD6001-BC XLR adapterConnectorMicroDotColor (microphone, cable and earhook)Black, beige, brownCable length1.2 m (3.9 ft)Cable diameter1.6 mm (0.06 in)T emperature range-40°C to 45°C (-40°F to 113°F)Relative humidity (RH)Up to 90%Specificationsd:fine CORE 4066, 4166 & 4266 Omnidirectional Headset Microphone types Specificationsd:fine CORE 4088, 4188 & 4288 Directional Headset Microphone types DPI-dfine-C-M© Copyright 2017Service & repairIf you are not satisfied with the characteristics exhibited by this product, please contact your nearest DPA Microphones representative for support.Warrantyd:fine CORE Headset Microphones are covered by a two-year limited warranty.CE markingThis product conforms to all relevant directives approved by the European Commission.Product features and specifications are subject to change without notice.d p a m i c r o p h o ne s.c o m/df i n e。

TAKSTAR 便携式多媒体扩音器说明书

TAKSTAR 便携式多媒体扩音器说明书

欢迎使用 TAKSTAR 便携式多媒体扩音器。



产品特性· 集麦克风、功放、音箱、充电器、电池为一体的便携式多媒体扩音器· 具有音乐播放功能,支持U 盘、TF 储存卡的多媒体音频文件播放· 内置大容量耐久型锂离子电池,为该产品提供高电能的同时,减少废弃物 的产生· 采用Class D 数字功放模块,低功耗,能输出高达8W 的音频功率· 内置MCU 充电管理系统,具有双重放电保护功能,使电池处于安全可 靠的模式下充放电,充电只需6小时,使用时间可达20小时· 产品符合人体工学原理设计,造型新颖,外观时尚,使用舒适· 选用稀土材料扬声器,重量更轻、音质更好、声音更大控制面板功能示意图电源开关:向左旋转此开关开机,往MAX 方向旋转音量增大,往MIN 方向旋转音量减小至无声PW 电源指示灯: 正常开机后,此灯亮绿色,当电量不足时此灯亮红色RECHARGER 充电指示灯:充电时此灯亮红色;充电饱和后,此灯亮绿色。

电源适配器输入插孔:将DC 5V 直流电源插入此孔进行充电AUX IN 输入插孔:用 Ø3.5mm 连接线,将DVD 、MP3等音乐信号导入本扩音器中可做为有源音箱MIC IN 输入插孔: 将头戴式麦克风插头插入此孔,进入扩音工作状态上一曲按键 :短按此键为上一曲,长按此键可以减小音乐音量下一曲按键 :短按此键为下一曲,长按此键可以增大音乐音量音乐播放切换键 :此键可以对音乐播放进行开关控制TF 内存卡插口:根据示意的插卡方向插入TF 内存卡,插入时,听到“嗒”一声,表示已安装到位并将其锁住;取卡时只要将卡往下按,听到“嗒”一声,TF 内存卡会自动弹出来USB 移动内存插孔:可支持大容量U 盘耳机输出插孔: 将耳机插头插入此孔,进入耳机听音状态 腰挂扣肩挂扣电池仓: 内置一节大容量锂离子电池12131. 将电池按正确的标示装入电池仓内2. 将头戴麦克风正确的佩戴在头部,并调整好麦克风的拾音角度3. 将Ø3.5mm 的麦克风插头插入麦克风输入孔内4. 打开电源,电源指示灯亮,调整音量按键到合适的音量大小5. 使用过程中,若电量指示灯亮红色时,表示电池低电量,请及时充电使用说明1. 请不要将外部的音源信号(如DVD 、MP3等)从MIC 插孔输入,以免声音幅度 过大而失真2. 为了达到良好效果,请对准头戴麦克风的咪芯(1-2cm)处发音,以防方向不 正引起啸叫3. 非专业技术人员请不要擅自拆机改装或维修;如有问题或服务需求请联系当地 经销商4. 低电量或长时间不使用时应将电池充满电,以确保电池的使用寿命5. 请勿将电池或电池组放在日照、火烤等类似过热环境中6. 注意:电池或电池组更换不当会有爆炸危险,只能用同样类型或等效类型的电 池来更换并注意电池极性7. 禁止:禁止电池反接,短路,猛烈撞击和作为儿童玩具;不能使用其他充电装 置为本机电池充电,也不能用本机为其他的电池充电,使用不当会有爆炸危险; 禁止对非充电电池充电8. 整机及附件都应放置在室内干燥通风处,避免雨淋、水滴、进水、重摔及覆盖 通风孔9. 为保护环境,请将废弃电池放入指定的分类垃圾桶或寄回给生产商,不可直接 丢弃10. 应保持电源或充电适配器的操作方便。























evolution wireless G4 ew 100 G4-ME3 头戴式麦克风套装说明说明书

evolution wireless G4 ew 100 G4-ME3 头戴式麦克风套装说明说明书

FEATURES• Engineered for professional live sound:Rugged all-in-one wireless system for singers andpresenters.• Robust bodypack transmitter and feedback resistent headmic ME 3-II with high speech intelligibility for daily use on stage• True diversity half-rack receiver in a full-metal housing with intuitive LCD display for full control• Easy and flexible wireless synchronization between transmitter and receiver via infrared• Fast frequency allocation for up to 12 receivers via new linking functionality• Up to 20 compatible channels• Up to 42 MHz bandwidth with 1680 selectable frequen-cies, fully tunable in a stable UHF range• Transmission Range: up to 100 meters / 300 feet• High RF output power (up to 30 mW) depending on country regulations DELIVERY INCLUDES• EM 100 G4 true diversity receiver • SK 100 G4 bodypack transmitter • ME 3 headset microphone• GA 3 rackmount set• power supply• 2 AA batteries• 2 rod antennas• RJ 10 cable• quick guide• safety guide• manufacturer declaration sheet • frequency supplement sheetVersatile wireless systems for those who sing, speak or play instruments with up to 42 MHz tuning bandwidth in a stable UHF range and fast, simultaneous setup of up to 12 linked systems.For hands-free operation during performances and speeches: Robust bodypack transmitter and feedback resistant head-mic ME 3-II with high speech intelligibility for daily use on stage.SPECIFICATIONSEM 100 G4RF characteristicsModulation Wideband FM Frequency ranges A1: 470 - 516 MHzA: 516 - 558 MHzAS: 520 - 558 MHzG: 566 - 608 MHzGB: 606 - 648 MHzB: 626 - 668 MHzC: 734 - 776 MHzD: 780 - 822 MHzE: 823 - 865 MHzJB: 806 - 810 MHzK+: 925 - 937.5 MHz1G8: 1785 - 1800 MHz Receiving frequencies Max. 1680 receivingfrequencies, adjustable in25 k Hz steps20 frequency banks, eachwith up to 12 factory-presetchannels, no intermodula-tion1 frequency bank with up to12 programmable channels Switching bandwidth up to 42 MHzNominal/peak deviation±24 kHz / ±48 kHz Receiver principle True diversitySensitivity (with HDX, peak deviation)< 2.5 μV for 52 dBAeff S/NAdjacent channel selection Typically ≥ 65 dB Intermodulation attenua-tionTypically ≥ 65 dB Blocking≥ 70 dB Squelch low: 5 dBμVmiddle: 15 dBμVhigh: 25 dBμVPilot tone squelch Can be switched off Antenna inputs 2 BNC socketsAF characteristicsCompander system Sennheiser HDXEQ presets (switchable,act on line and monitoroutputs)Preset 1: FlatPreset 2:Low Cut (-3 dB at 180 Hz)Preset 3:Low Cut/High Boost(-3 dB at 180 Hz,+6 dB at 10 kHz)Preset 4:High Boost(+6 dB at 10 kHz)Signal-to-noise ratio (1 mV,peak deviation)≥ 110 dBATotal harmonic distortion(THD)≤ 0.9 %AF output voltage (at peakdeviation, 1 kHz AF)6.3 mm jack socket(unbalanced): +12 dBuXLR socket(balanced): +18 dBu Setting range “AF Out”48 dB (3 dB steps) Overall deviceTemperature range-10 °C to +55 °CPower supply12 V DCCurrent consumption300 mADimensions Approx. 190 x 212 x 43 mm Weight Approx. 980 gCONNECTIONSSPECIFICATIONSSK 100 G4RF characteristicsModulation Wideband FM Frequency ranges A1: 470 - 516 MHzA: 516 - 558 MHzA10: 516 - 558 MHzAS: 520 - 558 MHzG: 566 - 608 MHzGB: 606 - 648 MHzB: 626 - 668 MHzB10: 626 - 668 MHzC: 734 - 776 MHzD: 780 - 822 MHzJB: 806 - 810 MHzE: 823 - 865 MHzK+: 925 - 937.5 MHz1G8: 1785 - 1800 MHz Transmission frequencies Max. 1680 receivingfrequencies, adjustable in25 k Hz steps20 frequency banks, eachwith up to 12 factory-presetchannels, no intermodula-tion1 frequency bank with up to12 programmable channels Switching bandwidth up to 42 MHzNominal/peak deviation±24 kHz / ±48 kHz Frequency stability≤ ±15 ppmRF output power at 50 ΩMax. 30 mWPilot tone squelch Can be switched off AF characteristicsCompander system Sennheiser HDXAF frequency response Mic: 80 – 18,000 HzLine: 25 – 18,000 Hz Signal-to-noise ratio (1 mV,peak deviation)≥ 110 dBATotal harmonic distortion(THD)≤ 0.9 %Max. microphone/lineinput voltage3 VeffMicrophone/line inputimpedance40 kΩ, unbalanced / 1 MΩInput capacitance SwitchableSetting range for inputsensitivity60 dB,adjustable in 3 dB steps Overall deviceTemperature range-10 °C to +55 °CPower supply 2 AA batteries, 1.5 V orBA 2015 accupack Nominal voltage 3 V battery /2.4 V rechargeable battery Current consumption at nominal voltage:typ. 180 mAwith transmitter switchedoff: ≤ 25 μAOperating time Typically 8 h Dimensions Approx. 82 x 64 x 24 mm Weight (incl. batteries)approx. 160 gME 3Transducer principle pre-polarized condensormicrophone Sensitivity 1.6 mV/PaSound pressure level150 dB SPLPick-up pattern cardioidConnector 3.5 mm jackCable length approx. 1.60 m Temperature range-10 °C to +55 °CPRODUCT VARIANTSew 100 G4-ME3-A1470 - 516 MHz Art.-Nr. 509644 ew 100 G4-ME3-A516 - 558 MHz Art.-Nr. 509645 ew 100 G4-ME3-AS520 - 558 MHz Art.-Nr. 509684 ew 100 G4-ME3-G566 - 608 MHz Art.-Nr. 509646 ew 100 G4-ME3-GB606 - 648 MHz Art.-Nr. 509926 ew 100 G4-ME3-B626 - 668 MHz Art.-Nr. 509647 ew 100 G4-ME3-C734 - 776 MHz Art.-Nr. 509685 ew 100 G4-ME3-D780 - 822 MHz Art.-Nr. 509686 ew 100 G4-ME3-JB806 - 810 MHz Art.-Nr. 509687 ew 100 G4-ME3-E823 - 865 MHz Art.-Nr. 509942 ew 100 G4-ME3-K+925 - 937,5 MHz Art.-Nr. 509928 ew 100 G4-ME3-1G81785 - 1800 MHz Art.-Nr. 509927DIMENSIONS EM 100 G4DIMENSIONS3,5mm Klinke 3,5mm plugARCHITECT‘S SPECIFICATIONA wireless RF transmission system consisting of a stationary receiver, a bodypack transmitter and a headset microphone. The system shall operate within twelve UHF frequency ranges, with a switching bandwidth of up to 42 MHz: 470 –516 M Hz, 516 – 558 MHz, 520 – 558 MHz, 566 – 608 M Hz, 606 – 648 MHz, 626 – 668 MHz, 734 – 776 MHz, 780 – 822 M Hz, 823 – 865 MHz, 806 – 810 MHz, 925 – 937.5 M Hz, 1785 – 1800 MHz; receiving frequencies shall be 1,680 per range and shall be tunable in 25 kHz steps. The system shall feature 20 fixed frequency banks with up to 12 compatible frequency presets and 1 user bank with up to 12 user programmable frequencies.The receiver shall be menu-driven with a backlit LC display showing the current frequency, frequency bank and channel number, metering of RF level, metering of AF level, lock status, pilot tone evaluation, muting function, and battery status of the associated transmitter. An auto-lock feature shall be provided to prevent settings from being accidentally altered. The receiver shall feature an integrated guitar tuner and shall provide a sound check mode.Some receiver parameters such as receiving frequency, receiver name and pilot tone setting shall be synchronizable with the associated transmitter via an integrated infrared interface.The receiver shall feature a balanced XLR-3M audio output with a maximum output of +18 d Bu along with an unbalanced ¼" (6.3 m m) audio output with a maximum output of +12 d Bu. The receiver shall have two DATA ports (RJ 10) to set up a multichannel system. Two BNC-type input sockets shall be provided for connecting the antennas.Nominal/peak deviation shall be ±24 k Hz/±48 k Hz. Squelch threshold shall be adjustable to three levels: Low (5 d BμV), Middle (15 d BμV) and High (25 d BμV).The receiver shall incorporate the Sennheiser HDX compander system and a defeatable pilot tone squelch. Sensitivity shall be < 2 μV for 52 d BA eff S/N with HDX engaged at peak deviation. Adjacent channel rejection shall be ≥ 65 d B (ty-pical). Intermodulation attenuation shall be ≥ 65 d B (typical); blocking shall be ≥ 70 d B. Four selectable equalizer presets shall be provided: “Flat”, “Low Cut” (−3 d B at 180 H z), “Low Cut/High Boost” (−3 d B at 180 H z/+6 d B at 10 k Hz) and “High Boost” (+6 d B at 10 k Hz).Signal-to-noise ratio at 1 mV and peak deviation shall be ≥ 110 d BA. Total harmonic distortion (THD) shall be ≤ 0.9 %. The audio output level shall be adjustable within a 48 d B range in steps of 3 d B.The receiver shall operate on 12 V power supplied from the NT 2-3 CW mains unit (for 100 – 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz). Power consumption shall be 300 mA. The receiver shall have a rugged metal housing; dimensions shall be approximately 190 x 212 x 43 mm (7.48" x 8.35" x 1.69"). Weight shall be approximately 980 grams (2.16 lbs). Operating temperature shall range from −10 °C to +55 °C (+14 °F to +131 °F).The receiver shall be the Sennheiser EM 100 G4.The transmitter shall be menu-driven with a backlit LC display showing the current frequency, frequency bank and chan-nel number, metering of AF level, transmission status, lock status, pilot tone transmission, muting function, and battery status. An auto-lock feature shall be provided to prevent settings from being accidentally altered.The transmitter parameters shall either be configurable in the associated receiver’s menu and synchronized with the transmitter via an integrated infrared interface or shall be programmable in the transmitter menu.The transmitter shall be equipped with a mute switch, which shall be switchable between “AF on/off”, “RF on/off” and “Disabled” via the user interface.Nominal/peak deviation shall be ±24 kHz/±48 kHz. Frequency stability shall be ≤ ±15 ppm. RF output power at 50 Ω shall be 30 mW (typical).The transmitter shall incorporate the Sennheiser HDX compander system and a defeatable pilot tone squelch. Audio fre-quency response shall range from 80 – 18,000 Hz (microphone) or 25 - 18,000 Hz (line). Signal-to-noise ratio at 1 mV and peak deviation shall be ≥ 110 dBA. Total harmonic distortion (THD) shall be ≤ 0.9 %. Input sensitivity shall be adjustable within a 60 d B range in steps of 3 d B.Power shall be supplied to the transmitter by two 1.5 V A A size batteries or by one Sennheiser BA 2015 rechargeable accupack. Nominal voltage shall be 2.4 V for a rechargeable battery or 3 V for a battery, current consumption shall be typical 180 mA at nominal voltage; ≤ 25 μA when transmitter is switched off. Operating time shall be typical 8 h ours. The transmitter shall have a rugged metal housing; dimensions shall be approximately 82 x 64 x 24 m m (3.23" x 2.52" x 0.94"). Weight including the batteries shall be approximately 160 grams (0.35 lbs). Operating temperature shall range from−10 °C to +55 °C (+14 °F to +131 °F).The transmitter shall be the Sennheiser SK 100 G4.Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG · Am Labor 1 · 30900 Wedemark · Germany · 。



























DW Office DECT 单边头戴式音频会议手机说明书

DW Office DECT 单边头戴式音频会议手机说明书

DW OfficeComfort callsDECTHeadset Order name Art. No. EAN No. UPC No.DW Office DW 10 – EU 50430040 44155 05034 9 6 15104 17946 2 DW Office DW 10 – UK 50430140 44155 05035 6 6 15104 17949 3 DW Office DW 10 – US 50430240 44155 05036 3 6 15104 17953 0 DW Office DW 10 – AUS 50430340 44155 05037 0 6 15104 17954 7 TechnologyDECT for EU, UK, AUS DECT CAT-iq (1.880 to 1.900 MHz)DECT for US DECT 6.0(1.920 to 1.930 MHz)GAP compatible Yes (Headset)Headset Connect to BaseBase Station Connect to Desk phone and softphoneEHS (Electronic Hook Switch) Yes (accessory –order EHS adapter separately) Mechanical Hook Lifter HSL 10 (accessory –order separately)Soft phone call control Software HeadSetup (included on CD)Microsoft Communicator compatible YesTechnical dataOperational temperature range+5°C to +45 °C (+41°F to +113 °F)Storage temperature range -20°C to + 70°C (-4°F to +158 °F)Weight, headset22 gWeight, headset, cable & connector50 gEar pad size ø 50 mm / 1.96 inchesBattery (Lithium Polymere)Yes for service (see manual)exchangeablePersonalization Yes with nameplate on headsetPackage dimensions (H x W x D) 16.5 cm x 16 cm x 16 cmPackage weight940 gUnits in distributor master carton8Master carton dimensions (H x W x D)36 x 38 x 38 cmMaster carton weight 8.85 kgRange – line of sight 180 mRange – in typical office building55 mAutomatic power adjustment Yes (distance between HS and Base)Talk time in Wideband Mode Up to 8 hoursTalk time in Narrowband Mode Up to 12 hoursStand by time Up to 100 HoursAuto – headset OFF when out of range Yes Æafter 30 minutesCharge time 0 – 50% 20 minutesCharge time 0 –100% 1 hourHeadset Auto Link to Base Yes, can be activated on the base stationMicrophone Electret Condenser Microphone, Noise cancelingFrequency response Wideband Mode150 Hz –6.8 KHzFrequency response Narrowband Mode 300 Hz -3.5 KHzMute Microphone YesSpeaker Neodynium Magnet SpeakerFrequency response Wideband Mode150 Hz –6.8 KHzFrequency response Narrowband Mode 300 Hz -3.5 KHzAll acoustic parts observe the TIA-920 wideband standardsSafetyAutomatic Acoustic Shock Protection YES ÆActiveGard™EU/AU Limiter YES ÆActivation by dip switchDelivery content•Headset (with name plate for ear hook and distance holder)•Base Station•Power supply•USB cable•Audio phone cable•Headband• 1 bendable ear hook (mounted on headset)• 4 fixed size ear hooks (S; L; M; XL)•Name plate holder for headband and name plate instruction•Printed QuickGuide•CD with Manual, QuickGuide, nameplate template and HeadSetup Installation Program•Printed safety guideAccessories NEWProduct description Order name Art. No EAN No. UPC No.EHS Avaya adapter CEHS-AV 01 504100 40 44155 04738 7 6 15104 17407 8EHS snom adapter CEHS-SN 01 504101 40 44155 04739 4 6 15104 17408 5EHS Alcatel adapter CEHS-AL 01 504102 40 44155 04740 0 6 15104 17422 1EHS Cisco adapter CEHS-CI 01 504103 40 44155 04741 7 6 15104 17423 8EHS Polycom adapter CEHS-PO 01 504104 40 44155 04742 4 6 15104 17424 5EHS DHSG adapter CEHS-DHSG 504105 40 44155 04743 1 6 15104 17425 2EHS DHSG SiemensCEHS-SI 504106 40 44155 04744 8 6 15104 17426 9 acoustic adapterAccessories EXISTINGProduct description Order name Art. No EAN No. UPC No. Handset Lifter HSL 1050071240 44155 04738 7 6 15104 17407 8 Interface box forTCI 01 50027540 44155 04739 4 6 15104 17408 5 telephones featuringelectronic hook switchSingle components/spare parts Available from MarchHeadset and base can be purchased separately. This is to have a 2nd headset for one desk and/or as a spare part.•Base station (complete base with power supply and cables)•Headset (complete with ear hooks, headband, etc.)Spare parts EXISTING•Power supply US•Power supply AUS•Power supply UK•Power supply EUSpare parts Available from March•Headband•Ear pad headband•Ear hook bendable•Ear hook fixed (1 set, S, M, L, XL)•Nameplate set•Audio cable RJ 45 – RJ 9•USB cable•Refurbish kit (content: T. B. D., e. g. packaging material, etc.)Type approvalsEurope EMC - EN 301489-6CE RADIO -EN 301406Safety -EN 60950-1SAR (headset) -EN 50360 ref. EN 62209-1USA: This product meets the safety requirements of CSA No. 231437 Approved byCanada: Industry Canada RSS 213 Issue 2IC ID 2099 D-TDB1 (base station)IC ID 2099 D-TDH1 (headset)USA: FCC 47 CFR Part 15 (d)FCC ID: DMOCDBDIB (base station)FCC ID: DMOCDHDKB (headset)Australia AS/ACIF S004。








一. 话筒的特性1. 话筒的分类根据话筒的特性不同,其分类有很多种。






2. 话筒的性能参数当拿到一只话筒和它的使用说明书后,我们如何来判断这是否是一只性能好的话筒或是否是我们想要的话筒呢?下面我们简单的介绍一下话筒的性能参数。



电容话筒:5.6mv/pa,动圈话筒:1.8 mv/pa,带式话筒:1.1 mv/pa。






14dB的本底噪声指标为极好,21 dB时为很好,28 dB时较好,35 dB时则一般。


当指标为74 dB时为极好,64 dB时为良好,54 dB时就比较差了。


TAKSTAR 便携式多媒体扩音器说明书

TAKSTAR 便携式多媒体扩音器说明书

欢迎使用 TAKSTAR 便携式多媒体扩音器。



产品特性· 采用PO²数字功率合成技术,提供高达10W 的音频功率输出· 选用稀土材料扬声器,重量更轻、音质更好、声音更大· 具有音乐播放功能,支持U 盘、TF 储存卡的多媒体音频文件播放· LED 高亮度数码显示屏,直观掌控播放状态· 具有一键录音功能,可录制MIC 语音及FM 广播电台· 支持FM 广播接收,全自动搜索和保存电台· 内置大容量锂电池,以及MCU 充电管理系统,使用安全可靠,充电只需5 小时,使用时间可达8-12小时· 产品符合人体工学原理设计,造型新颖,外观时尚,使用舒适控制面板功能示意图电源开关:向ON 方向转动旋钮,听到“滴”一声,此时LED 数码显示屏 显示“Lod ”,表示扩音器已通电并进入扩音状态。

继续向左转动旋钮声音越大,反之,声音越小直至关机AUX IN 输入插孔:用 Ø3.5mm 连接线,将DVD 、MP3等音乐信号导入本扩音器中,做为有源音箱使用MIC IN 输入插孔: 将头戴式麦克风插头插入此孔,进入扩音状态上一曲按键 :在MP3播放状态时,短按此键为上一曲,长按此键可快退当前播放的曲目;在FM 播放状态时,短按此键可选上一个频道,长按此键可半自动搜台播放/暂停按键 :短按此键可控制MP3、FM 、录音的播放与暂停。

在MP3播放时,长按此键可以快速读取录音文件;在FM 播放时,长按此键进入全自动搜台下一曲按键 :在MP3播放状态时,短按此键为下一曲,长按此键可快进当前播放的曲目;在FM 播放状态时,短按此键可选下一个频道,长按此键可半自动搜台音乐循环按键:按此键设定与取消当前音乐曲目的循环播放状态功能切换按键:短按此键可切换MP3模式、FM 模式及“Lod (扩音)”模式;长按此键进入录音模式,重复操作可保存退出录音模式。

超级 Lux E105 E108 背驻极电容式头戴麦克风 使用手册技术数据说明书

超级 Lux E105 E108 背驻极电容式头戴麦克风 使用手册技术数据说明书

概述E105/E108背驻极电容式头戴麦克风,特为近讲设计,使用距离可保持一定,方便为运动,访谈,戏剧以及小型PA 系统等作扩声。


E105典型的心型极坐标图型 (图1)E108典型的双指向极坐标图型 (图2)E105头段E108头段E105典型频率响应 (图3)E108典型频率响应 (图4)-3--1--2-FREQUENCY IN HzFrequency ResponseR E L A T I V E R E S P ONS EI N d BdB 10-10-2020501002005001000200050001000020000 HzFREQUENCY IN HzFrequency ResponseR E L A T I V E R E S P O N S E I N d BdB10-10-2020501002005001000200050001000020000 Hz0技术数据类型背驻极电容式麦克风原理压力梯度型, FET 前置放大。

指向性E105:心型 (图1)E108:"8"字型 (图2)频率响应80~18,000 Hz (图3, 4)灵敏度(3V 2.2K 工作条件)E105:-46dBV /Pa (5.0mV /Pa )E108:-44dBV /Pa (6.3mV /Pa )*. 1Pa =94dB SPL标称阻抗幻像:200Ω (PS 418S 测试)电池:600Ω (PS 418D 测试)最小负载阻抗幻像:1,000Ω (PS 418S 测试)电池:2,000Ω (PS 418D 测试)最大声压级 (1,000Ω负载)E105幻像:139dB (PS418S 测试)电池:129dB (PS418D 测试)E108幻像:137dB (PS418S 测试)电池:127dB (PS418D 测试)*. THD ≦1% 1kHz等效噪声级 (A 计权)23dB (IEC/DIN 651)信噪比71 dB动态范围 (1,000Ω负载)E105幻像:116dB (PS418S 测试)电池:106dB (PS418D 测试)E108幻像:114dB (PS418S 测试)电池:104dB (PS418D 测试)输出端子相位膜片受到正压力时2脚(相对于3脚)产生一正电压电源E105/E108:3.5mm 立体接头,单声道输出。

takstar e188m便携式扩音器使用说明书

takstar e188m便携式扩音器使用说明书

产品特性广东得胜电子有限公司地址:广东省惠州市博罗县龙溪镇富康一路2号 电话:400 6828 333 传真:0752-******* 邮箱:xs @takstar .com邮编:516121 网址:控制面板功能示意图使用与注意事项技术参数标准配置E188M便携式扩音器头戴麦克风绑带说明书教学、导游、培训、促销、宣传等场合扩音用、晨练、娱乐适用场合111017835492612131412● 请不要将外部音源信号(如DVD 、MP3等)从MIC 插孔输入,以免声音幅度过大 而失真● 为了达到良好效果,请对准头戴的咪芯(1-2cm )处发音,以防方向不正引起啸 叫● 非专业技术人员请不要擅自拆机改装或维修; 如有问题或服务需求请联系当地经销商● 低电量或长时间不使用时应将电池充满电,以确保电池的使用寿命● 请勿将电池或电池组放在日照、火烤等类似过热环境中● 注意:电池或电池组更换不当会有爆炸危险,只能用同样类型或等效类型的电池来更换并注意电池极性● 禁止:禁止电池反接,短路,猛烈撞击和作为儿童玩具;不能使用其他充电装置 为本机电池充电,也不能用本机为其他的电池充电,使用不当会有爆炸危险;禁 止对非充电电池充电● 整机及附件都应放置在室内干燥通风处,避免雨淋、水滴、进水、重摔及覆盖通 风孔● 为保护环境,请将废弃电池放入指定的分类垃圾桶或寄回给生产商,不可直接丢 弃● 应保持电源或充电适配器的操作方便。

长时间不用时,请将适配器从电源插座中 拔出腰挂扣欢迎使用 便携式数字扩音器。



数字扩音技术,10W 大功率音频输出选用稀土材料扬声器,重量更轻、音质更好、声音更大具有音乐播放功能,支持U 盘、TF 存储卡上的多媒体音频文件播放采用LOW -THD 自适应技术,在大功率输出时也不会产生明显的声音失真内置大容量耐久型锂离子电池,可循环充电使用,节能环保内置MCU 充电管理系统,具有电池保护功能,使电池处于安全可靠的模式下使用;充电只需4-6小时,使用时间可达20小时以上具有AUX 音频信号输入功能,可充当小音箱使用壳体采用ABS 工程原料成型,坚固耐用产品外观设计时尚,具有肩挂及腰挂等多种佩戴方式,使用更方便电MIC 源开关和音量调整旋钮: 向左转动旋钮,听到“嘀”一声,表示扩音器已通电,此时电源指示灯②亮,继续向左转动旋钮声音越大, 反之,声音越小直至关机电源指示灯:当扩音器通电时, 此灯会亮。



ElementPremium back electret condenser, 3.0mm diameter Polar PatternOmni-directional Frequency Response20Hz-20KHz Sensitivity-35±3dB 1V/Pa @ 1KHzOutput Impedance2000 Ohms±30% SPL max140dB (155dB with optional Red Dot adapter) Operating Voltage0.8V-5V D.C CableKevlar coated; 1.2m (47.25”) Capsule Diameter3.0mm Color Black, Cocoa Brown or BeigeWireless Body Pack Adapter Included adapter: T5 Mipro Optional adapters: T1 & T1RD AudioTechnica, T2 & T2RD AKG, T3 Sennheiser, T4 & T4RD Shure, T5RD Mipro, T8 and T8RD Electro Voice, T9 Sony, T14 Lemo and T15 LectrosonicsXLR Adapter Optional adapter : MJ-53 for wired useAccessoriesSpare audio cable and windscreens Weight (microphone, 1 cable and 1 T5 connector) 12.39g (0.437 ounces)HSP-49 Specifications:With a capsule diameter of just 3mm, the HSP-49 provides asuper low profile combined with premium performance audiooutput. This premium grade omnidirectional condenser headwornmic offers a lightweight single ear design. It features an adjustablelength 0.7mm flexible boom and distinctive ear loop that hooksover either ear without any adjustment. The HSP-49 eliminates thefrustration from trying to achieve a secure and comfortable fit.The HSP-49 comes with two screw-on replaceable audio cables,acoustically transparent windscreens and a MIPRO wirelessbodypack adapter. Additional optional adapters are available foruse with Shure, AudioTechnica, AKG, Sennheiser, ElectroVoice,Lectrosonics, Sony and other belt packs. Optional Red Dot (RD)adapters have a built-in 15dB pad for use with MIPRO,AudioTechnica, AKG, ElectroVoice and Shure belt packs.The HSP-49 is available in black, cocoa brown or beige and shipsin a hard shell case. This comfortable single ear headworn micis a perfect solution for Houses of Worship, Theaters, Lecturers,Broadcast, Corporate A/V, and other applications where intelligiblesound and low visibility are required. The HSP-49 features an adjustable length boom and a distinctive flexible ear-hook made with a self-adjusting soft spring polymer that eliminates the frustration of getting a secure and comfortable fit regardless of who is using it!Avlex HSP-49 Headworn Microphone Fitting and Handling GuideThe Avlex HSP Premium Grade Series of microphones are made of a lightweight, flexible soft metal. The ultra low pro-file 0.7mm soft metal boom of the HSP-49 bends easily but care should be taken when making adjustments to prevent damaging the microphone. Please avoid bending the boom at a sharp angle. Use a round object or the edge of your finger as a guide to prevent kinking the boom. Repeated bending in the same location will eventually cause a break in the boom or internal wires. Do not attempt to bend the boom near the capsule or next to the cable connector.LIMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTYThis Limited Warranty is extended by Avlex Corporation to the owner of any Avlex HS or HSP series microphone purchased in the United States of America, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or the US Virgin Islands. Avlex Corporation will repair or replace, at its sole option, any covered Avlex product that fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year following the date of the initial user purchase.Cables and windscreens are excluded from coverage under this warranty. Product failure caused by misuse, abuse, neglect, accident, improper wiring or improper installation is not covered by this warranty.This warranty does not cover any loss of time or income that may be caused by the failure of a warranted product. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.To obtain performance under this warranty, return the warranted product with proof of the purchase date to the place of purchase, or contact Avlex Corporation Customer Support at 877-447-9216. A Customer Support Representative will go through the standard troubleshooting procedures in an effort to resolve the problem. If it is necessary to return the product you will be given a return authorization (RA) number and shipping instructions. Please be certain to write this information down. The product being returned along with the RA number, your contact information, and proof of purchase must be securely packed in an adequate (corrugated) shipping carton. The RA number must be written on the outside of the shipping carton (on the shipping label). You will be responsible for freight charges to Avlex and the product will be returned via UPS Ground with the shipping charges prepaid. Expedited shipping is available at an additional cost.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.The HSP microphones use a replaceable, Kevlar covered cord. These cords are as light as possible in order to keep them comfortable and provide low visibility. Use caution when wearing and removing the mic and bodypack to keep the cord safe. Do not wrap excess cord around the bodypack. This will stress the cord and adapter and will result in the mini coaxial connector being broken.We're confident you'll find the Avlex HSP-49 Premium Grade headworn microphone to be a truly excellent product. Lightweight and comfortable, it will produce a clear natural sound for years to come. For additional information on the HSP Series of Avlex Microphones including videos regarding fitting and handling, please visit the Avlex microphone section on our web site at .How to mount the HSP-49 headworn microphone:The distinctive flexible ear-hook is made with a self-adjusting soft spring polymer thateliminates the frustration of getting a secure and comfortable fit regardless of who is using it!It is extremely comfortable to wear and automatically adjusts to each wearer, staying in placeby applying consistent pressure regardless of ear size. It can easily be taken on and off by thewearer and returns to its original shape each time.The HSP-49 may be used over the left or right ear. Carefully open the soft spring hook andplace it over your ear, let go of the spring. It’s that simple. The base of the ear-hook should comfortably rest behind your earlobe.Adjusting Boom Length and Placement:The HSP-49 features an adjustable boom that easily accommodates different face shapes andhelps eliminate pops and breath noise. Adjusting the length of the boom arm is a simpleoperation. Grasp the base of the ear-hook and rotate the boom slightly while making lengthadjustments to avoid undue stress to the boom arm. The optimum position is when thecapsule is located just behind the edge of your mouth.For proper placement gently curve the boom to the right for left ear use or to the left for rightear use. Use your thumb and forefinger to shape the boom carefully. Allow at least ½ inch ofstraight boom next to the earpiece; this allows the headset to be properly held in position.With the headset firmly on the ear, adjust the boom up or down for best capsule location. Theoptimum position is when the capsule is located just behind the edge of your mouth when yousmile and about a half inch from the side of your face. Do not position the capsule directly infront of the mouth. This will result in “pops” and breathing noise. The pickup pattern of theHSP-49 will allow for the mic to function well over a large area.。



1. 嘿,你可别小看这个头戴麦克风啊!比如你在唱歌的时候,要是没调整好位置,那声音效果可就差远啦!所以一定要确保它稳稳地戴在头上哦。

2. 注意啦,千万别把麦克风离嘴太近,不然“噗噗”的声音会很难听哟!就像你跟人说话贴太近会让人不舒服一样。

3. 哇塞,使用头戴麦克风的时候,可别粗暴对待它呀!它可不是铁打的,你要是用力拉扯,它会“受伤”的呢,像你自己被弄疼了也不开心呀。

4. 你知道吗,不能让麦克风沾到水呀!这就好比你不想让手机进水一样,不然它就可能坏掉啦。

5. 嘿呀,在嘈杂的环境里,你得把麦克风的音量调好呀!不然别人怎么能听清你的声音呢,这就像在闹市说话得大声点一样。

6. 切记哦,用完头戴麦克风别忘了关掉呀!难道你想让它一直开着耗电吗?就像你出门不会一直开着灯吧。

7. 哦哟,别把麦克风和那些乱七八糟的东西放一起呀!万一刮花了咋办呢,你也不想自己的宝贝受伤吧。

8. 千万别随便拆卸麦克风呀!它可不是玩具,拆坏了可就没得用啦,就像你不能随便拆电视一样。

9. 总之,好好对待你的头戴麦克风,它才能好好为你服务呀!。

Shure WH20 动态头戴麦克风用户指南说明书

Shure WH20 动态头戴麦克风用户指南说明书

©2005, Shure Incorporated 27G3078 (Rev. 7)Printed in U.S.A.Model WH20 User GuideGENERALThe Shure Model WH20 is a rugged, light-weight, dynamic headset microphone that provides high-quality voice pickup. It fits securely for active microphone users, such as aerobics instructors and musicians, with low visibility for stage appearances. The WH20 is suitable for any voice com-munications application where comfort and reliability are required.The WH20 has a cardioid (unidirectional) pickup pattern. This provides greater gain-before-feed-back and isolation from ambient noise and other unwanted sound sources, such as air-condition-ing, musical instruments and loudspeakers. A carefully shaped frequency response includes a voice-frequency presence peak and a low-frequency rolloff to compensate for the proximity effect inherent in cardioid microphones during close-talk operation.An integrated elastic headband secures the headset comfortably. The headband, wireframe, and gooseneck are adjustable to accommodate any head size or shape. The WH20 is supplied with a foam windscreen and clothing clip.FEATURES•Lightweight wireframe and headband adjust for a secure, comfortable fit•Extra-strong, small-diameter attached microphone cable resists breakage•Collapsible microphone boom for easy storage and transportation•Smooth, natural frequency response comparable to high-quality dynamic hand-held vocal mi-crophones•High input clipping level eliminates overload distortion•Reliable at temperature and humidity extremes•Supplied foam windscreen and clothing clipMODEL VARIATIONS•The WH20QTR has a right-angle 1/4-inch phone plug for use with Shure Headset Wireless Microphone Systems, or any unbalanced microphone input.•The WH20TQG has a miniature four-pin female connector for direct connection to Shure wire-less body pack transmitters.•The WH20XLR has a three-pin male XLR connector with a convenient detachable belt clip.34MICROPHONE PARTSThe WH20 consists of the following parts:MICROPHONE PARTS FIGURE 1COLLAPSIBLE MICROPHONE BOOMThe WH20 headset features a collapsible boom for shipment and storage. Before wear-ing the headset, unfold the boom until it snaps and locks into place. Refold for storage or transportation.WEARING THE HEADSETPlace the headset wireframe around the head so that the wireframe and elastic band are horizontal across the back of the head and the ends of the wireframe fit over and in front of the ears. Position the elastic headband either above or below the wireframe to provide the greatest comfort and stability. The white “SHURE” should face outward.1.Microphone Cartridge 2.Microphone Boom 3.Hinged Housing 4.Cable and Cable Retainer 5.Wireframe 6.Elastic Headband5ADJUSTING THE HEADSET•If the headset feels loose or uncomfortable, carefully bend the sides of the wireframe to make it tighter or looser (Figure 4A). The angle of the wireframe earpieces may also need adjustment (Figure 4B).•Adjust the tension of the elastic headband across the back of the head by sliding it up or down the ends of the wireframe (see Figure 5).ADJUSTING THE WIREFRAMEFIGURE 4WEARING THE HEADSET FIGURE 2POSITIONING THE MICROPHONE FIGURE 3BA6ELASTIC HEADBAND ADJUSTMENT FIGURE 5POSITIONING THE MICROPHONEIMPORTANT: For maximum gain before feedback, position the gooseneck sothat the microphone grille (silver side) is within 25 mm (1 inch) of the right cornerof the mouth. Do NOT position it directly in front of the mouth (see Figure 3).USING THE CLOTHING CLIPThe supplied spring-loaded clothing clip secures the microphone cable to the user's cloth-ing and keeps it from becoming entangled with the user's movements.OPERATIONConnect the WH20 to the microphone input of a wireless microphone transmitter or a bal-anced wired microphone input.NOTE: The WH20 is a dynamic microphone and has inherently lower outputthan condenser microphones. The transmitter gain may need to be increased tocompensate for the WH20's lower output.WINDSCREENIf breath noise or “popping” is audible over the sound system, install the suppliedwindscreen.WASHING THE FOAM WINDSCREENThe foam windscreen protects the WH20's microphone-element from dirt and moisture. When necessary, it can be removed and cleaned in a mild soapy water solution.IMPORTANT: Never clean the windscreen with any liquid solution without firstremoving the windscreen from the microphone boom.1.Gently pull the windscreen away from microphone.2.Immerse the windscreen in mild soapy water and gently squeeze it several times.3.Rinse the windscreen in clean water and dry it with a clean cloth or paper towel. Allow it to air-drythoroughly.4.When the windscreen is dry, slide it over the WH20 microphone.WASHING THE ELASTIC HEADBANDThe elastic headband can be removed from the wireframe and hand-washed in a mild soapy wa-ter solution. To remove and wash the headband, follow these steps:1.Remove the microphone cable retainer from the wireframe.2.Slide the elastic headband off the wireframe.3.Wash the headband and allow to dry thoroughly.4.Slide the headband around the wireframe to its original position. Reattach the cable with the plasticretainer.Note that the elastic headband supplied with the WH20 is not a standard size; head-bands purchased in stores are too long for this application.SPECIFICATIONSTypeDynamic, Close-TalkingFrequency Response (at 8 mm)50 to 15,000 HzFIGURE 67Polar PatternCardioid (unidirectional) response-uniform with frequency, symmetrical about axisFIGURE 7ImpedanceRated at 150 ohms (200 ohms actual)Output Level (close talked* at 1,000 Hz)Open Circuit Voltage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -67.0 db/Pa (0.45 m). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Pa = 94 dB SPL*At 12.5 mm (1/2 inch)Hum Sensitivity38.4 dB equivalent SPL in a 1 millioersted fieldPolarityWH20QTR as a wired microphone: Positive sound pressure on diaphragm produces pos-itive voltage on tip with respect to sleeve (ground) of microphone output phone plug connector.WH20QTR, WH20TQG used with Shure Wireless Systems:1/4-inch Phone Jack Receiver Outputs: Positive sound pressure on diaphragm produc-es positive voltage on tip of receiver output connector.3-pin XLR Receiver Outputs: Positive sound pressure on diaphragm produces positive voltage on pin 2 with respect to pin 3 of low-impedance output connector, and on tip of Aux output connector.8WH20XLR as a wired microphone: Positive sound pressure on diaphragm produces positive volt-age on pin 2 with respect to pin 3 of microphone output XLR connector.Environmental ConditionsOperating Temperatures: -18° to 60°C (0° to 140°F)Storage Temperatures: -29° to 74°C (-20° to 165°F)Humidity: 0 to 95%CableAttached 1.22 m (4 ft), small-diameter, shielded, PVC-jacketed, two-conductor.Cable ConnectorWH20QTR: Right-angle 1/4-inch phone plugWH20TQG: Female 4 pin mini connector (TA4F)WH20XLR: Three-pin XLR with detachable belt clipConstructionBlack thermoplastic housing; stainless steel grille; black TEFLON®-coated stainless steel wire-frame; flexible plastic-clad monel gooseneck; rubber/nylon elastic headbandNet Weight (including connector)WH20: 63 g (2.2 oz)WH20TQG: 63 g (2.2 oz)WH20XLR: 98 g (3.5 oz)CERTIFICATIONEligible to bear CE Marking.Conforms to European EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. Meets applicable tests and performance criteria in European Standard EN55103 (1996) parts 1 and 2, for residen-tial (E1) and light industrial (E2) environments.REPLACEMENT PARTSCable Connector (for WH20TQG only) ................................................................WA330 Connector Belt Clip (for WH20XLR only) ........................................................RK200BCBlack Elastic Headband .......................................................................................RK319Black Elastic Headband and Wireframe ............................................................RPM600 Microphone, Cable and Connector Assembly:1/4-inch (WH20QTR only) ................................................................................RPM100Mini, four pin connector (WH20TQG only) .......................................................RPM102XLR (WH20XLR only) ......................................................................................RPM104Black Windscreens (2) and Clothing Clip ........................................................RK318WS910WIRING DIAGRAMSFIGURE 8CARTRIDGESHURE Incorporated United States, Canada, Latin America, Caribbean:5800 W. Touhy Avenue, Niles, IL 60714-4608, U.S.A.Phone: 847-600-2000 U.S. Fax: 847-600-1212 Int’l Fax: 847-600-6446 Europe, Middle East, Africa:Shure Europe GmbH, Phone: 49-7131-72140 Fax: 49-7131-721414 Asia, Pacific:Shure Asia Limited, Phone: 852-2893-4290 Fax: 852-2893-4055。

头戴式耳机的游戏语音通话 了解游戏耳机的麦克风效果

   头戴式耳机的游戏语音通话  了解游戏耳机的麦克风效果






















4560 CORE Binaural 头戴式麦克风说明书

4560 CORE Binaural 头戴式麦克风说明书

4560 CORE BinauralHeadset MicrophoneUser’s manual dpa /4560Congratulations on your new 4560 CORE Binaural Headset Microphone.Immersive sound is an emerging market and there are many possible uses for the 4560 CORE Binaural Headset Microphone. The 4560 is an appealing solution for applications such as sound system documentation, soundscape analysis, sound quality assessment, as well as sound for theatrical productions, podcasts and gaming.The 4560 is made from a handpicked stereo pair of 4060 Miniature Omnidirectional Microphones. With the use of our head and ears as natural spacers/shadows and reflectors we can create a sonic 3D print of the sound around us. This is based on the theory of the HRTF, which also means that the recorded material must be listened to via headphones or converted to a relevant 3D format that includes the height information.Learn more: dpa /binaural-recording-techniques The two 4060 mics are mounted on a flexible, unobtrusive headset, which is ergonomically designed to fit comfortably. The headset adjusts easily to fit any ear size as well as head shape.IntroductionCable management and additional adjustment options see: dpa /4560Getting started Adjusting frame sizeTwo sizes of foam windscreens are supplied with the 4560 to secure the mics’ position in the ears and to offer extra damping of wind noise. Gently place the desired size onto the microphones.To decrease the frame size, hold the coils on the headset frame and slowly pull the coils away from each other to the desired size. After making the frame adjustments, starting from the top, smooth the entire braided sleeving back down the cable. Replace the clothing clip.To increase the frame size, hold the cable and frame behind the earhooks and slowly pull the ear hooks away from each other to the desired size.Before adjusting the frame size, you need to loosen the braided sleeving covering the cable. Remove the clothing clip, grab the bottom of the sleeving and pull it gently upwards, smoothing it up the entire length of the cable to make it loose at the top.Make a little loop with the cable so there is enough slack to turn your head from side to side.To make sure the microphones stay in place, use the clothing clip. This relieves the weight of the cable on the headset.Adjusting the cableMounting on the head Make sure the earhooks sit comfortably and securely around the ears.Place the microphones gently in your ear canals. They should not be pressed tightly into the ears because this might affect the sound.0Connecting the 4560Make sure you correctly plug the connections into the right/left device inputs. (If the mic with the white marker is in your right ear, the white connection should be plugged into the right input.)The 4560 needs bias voltage (DC supply) and connects to any audio device (like the MMA-A Digital Audio Interface) or transmitter via MicroDot connections. Please note: The white MicroDot corresponds to the mic with the white marker (near the ear).SpecificationsFrequency responseTypical frequency response.Directional pattern Omnidirectional Cartridge typePre-polarized condenserEffective frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz Sensitivity, nominal ±3 dB at 1 kHz 20 mV/Pa; -34 dB re. 1 V/Pa, ±1.5 dB pair Equivalent noise level, A-weighted Typ. 23 dB(A) re. 20 µPa (max. 26 dB(A))Distortion, THD < 1%126 dB SPL RMS, 129 dB SPL peak Dynamic range 106 dBDUA0531BFoam windscreensFoam windscreens DUA0560DAD6001-BC OptionalMMA-ADigital Audio Interface OptionalGeneral maintenanceAccessoriesThis headset microphone is resistant to high levels of humidity and water . For optimal performance, themicrophone capsule should be kept dry. Keep the microphone away from cleaning fluids. Do not use sprays or fluids containing chemicals that could remove static electricity on or close to the microphone. Doing this could cause permanent damage.Only demineralized water should be used when rinsing the microphone capsule. Afterwards, the microphone should be left to air-dry.Please refer to our instructions and videos explaining the cleaning /wash-miniatureAdapter for MicroDot to 3-pin XLR© Copyright 2019WarrantyThe 4560 Binaural Headset Microphone is covered by a two-year limited warranty. Service & repairIf you are not satisfied with the characteristics exhibited by this product, please contact your nearest DPA Microphones representative for support.CE markingThis product conforms to all relevant directives approved by the European Commission.Product features and specifications are subject to change without notice.dpa /4560。



























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许多用户看到电视节目中,使用领夹式麦克风(Lavalier Mic)发音的音效非常理想,于是也使用这种麦克风在现场扩音,结果都达不到想象中那么满意的音效。






可是新的问题又来了,由于我们的嘴巴在讲话时,对有些发音如含有英文字母的『B、F、P…』或中文的『ㄆ、ㄈ、ㄊ、ㄏ…』等等字音,会由嘴巴发出强烈的『气爆』冲击到麦克风的振动膜,使麦克风产生过荷(Overload)失真,导致喇叭输出强烈的『气爆杂音』(Pop Noise),严重破坏了正常音质,这种现象尤其在麦克风对着嘴巴正面或下巴附近使用时最明显,而且麦克风距离嘴巴越近,气爆杂音也就越严重。




除了灵敏度会因距离嘴巴的远近而改变之外,音头的近接效应(Proximity effect)与『气爆杂音』的反应也比较敏感。





调整音头位置时,最好一边调整,一边利用现场的扩音系统试音,请用中文发音:『丰富!丰富!…』,或英文发音:『PUSH! PULL! ...』,在嘴角边细心的微调音头的位置及方向,直到获得最满意的灵敏度及没有气爆声的最佳音效。
