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In terms of composition, the English family is called nuclear family – two adults and their unmarried children. At the age of 18, he can enjoy complete freedom of choosing a spouse, but between 16 and 18, marriage must the parent’s consent.
Class Structure
Upper class: people with incomes from rents and property payments Subdivided into: (1) upper landed class, controlling most of the agricultural land enjoying the most privileges, called nobility or aristocracy, playing key roles in The House of Lords.
Middle class: educated people dealing with paper in business or in a profession. Today, the middle class accounts for over 60% of the total population.
After Christianity was introduced The marriage has always been based on into monogamy. British families were Britain, a Historically, valid marriage was regarded patriarchal in structure. A wife took the as a special type of contract between a husband’s and her legal existence was man andsurname a woman. suspended during marriage
Family life has always been of great importance for the British people. The British culture, influenced by Christianity, attaches the utmost importance to family life and the upbringing of children.
Economically, the Middle class plays the major role because its members are the best educated and more skilled
Working class : people doing manual labor. Today, class distinctions have become blurred because the number of working class employees in service industries has greatly increased. Traditional image of a worker engaged in manual labor has changed. As many new jobs require higher education and special skills, it is no longer easy to tell which jobs are middle class and which are not.
The contract was considered holy and could only be terminated by death, but not divorce
The marriage has always been based on monogamy. Historically, British families were patriarchal in structure. A wife took the husband’s surname and her legal existence was suspended during marriage. Today, a wife still takes the husband’s surname, but both spouses have an equal rights and obligations.
Chapter 6
Traditionally, the British culture has enjoyed the reputation for its requirement of decency and civility in doing things. This requirement is reflected in the traditional image of the English gentleman.
After Christianity was introduced into Britain, a valid marriage was regarded as a special type of contract between a man and a woman. The contract was considered holy and could only be terminated by death, but not divorce