临床药学英语第一课Lesson 1 Scope of Pharmacy

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The practice of pharmacy in any given state is regulated by that state and the Board of Pharmacy within that state.
The law requires applicants for licensure:
•Clinical-pharmacy practice and rotation •Clinic-related pharmacy research •Licensure requirements •Residency and fellowship •Pharmacist≥Doctor
•Some hospitals
Professional Courses:
•Pharmacology •Medicinal chemistry •Pharmaceutics •Biopharmaceutics •The clinical-pharmacy externships •Social and administrative pharmacy •Pharmacy law
American Pharmacists Association (1952)
The mission of pharmacy
The profession responsible for the appropriate use of medications, devices, and services to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes.
The likelihood of scientific advances that will provide more drug products for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease New developments in administering medication
Is the art and science of
preparing and dispensing medications and the provision of drug-related information to the public.
The interpretations of prescription orders
The Millis Report :
Pharmacy should be conceived basically as a knowledge system that render a health service by concerning itself with understanding drugs and their effects.
Attendance Group Projects Final
1. Overview of pharmacy 2. Education 3. Licensure requirements 4. Careers 5. Graduate education
1. What does pharmacy involve? What is the mission of pharmacy? 2. What are the differences of pharmacists in China and the US? 3. What are the requirements for the Pharm D in US? What about in China? 4. Do the candidates for licensure need to have practical experience?
professional in today’s society
Prerequisite Courses:
•Physical science •Biological science
Find their way into many of the upper-level professional pharmacy courses
Comparison of pharmacy in US and China
Open for discussion
Comparison of pharmacy in US and China
•Pharm D degree
•B Pharm degree
•Clinical pharmacy service in everywhere
• To be of good moral character • Have graduated from an ACPE accredited first professional degree program
• Have passed an examination given by the Board of Pharmacy
Educated and licensed to dispense drugs and to provide drug information-experts on medications.
The most accessible member of today’s health care team and the first source of assistance and advice on many common ailments and health care matters.
•Short Clinical practice •Experimental pharmacy research •Doctor>Pharmacist
1. Overview of pharmacy 2. Education 3. Licensure requirements 4. Careers 5. Graduate education
1. What does pharmacy involve? What is the mission of pharmacy? 2. What are the differences of pharmacists in China and the US? 3. What are the requirements for the Pharm D in US? What about in China? 4. Do the candidates for licensure need to have practical experience?
pharmaceutical care.
The responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving definite outcomes that improve a patient’s quality of life.
Chapter 1
Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacist
Lesson 1: Scope of Pharmacy
梁海海 (haihailiang@126.com)
Department of Pharmacology
Harbin Medical University
The compounding, labeling and dispensing of drugs and devices Drug product selection and drug utilization reviews Patient monitoring and intervention The provision of cognitive services related to the use of medications and devices
Accrediation Council for Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE) (1932)
General Education:
•Social sciences •Humanities •Arts •History Provide the broad general •Literature education required of a
Increasingly well-informed consumers who are sophisticated about health care and eager for more detailed information about drugs and their effects
Community pharmacy Health-systems pharmacy Nuclear pharmacy Industrial pharmacy Governmental pharmacy
Degree in pharmacy
Pharm D: Doctor of Pharmacy BS Pharm: Bachelor of Science Pharmacy B Pharm: Bachelor of Pharmacy
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) (1900)
• Be 21 years of age
The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)
Factors to increase job opportunities
The increased pharmaceutical needs of a larger and older population
◆Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA)
◆National Institute of Health (NIH)
Pharmaceutical education Pharmaceutical journalism Organizational management
Areas of graduate study:
•Industrial pharmacy •Pharmacology •Pharmaceutical / medicinal chemistry •Pharmacognosy
•Social and administrative pharmacy
Master or PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)→research positions Pharm D, MS (Master of Science) or PhD→administrative or faculty positions
Millis Report (1966) :
Sponsored by the American Medical Association (AMA)
Became a forerunner for the development of Family Practice residency programs. Dr. Millis became known as the “grandfather of Family Practice.”
Opportunities for students to specialize or minor in certain professional areas:
•Hospital / institutional pharmacy •Nuclear pharmacy •Management •Various research specialties