高中历史必修二 专题二
河北省邢台市第二中学人民版高中历史必修二专题二模拟练习题 含答案 精品
![河北省邢台市第二中学人民版高中历史必修二专题二模拟练习题 含答案 精品](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c86e87a783d049649b6658a4.png)
”导致此现象出现的主要原因有( )①自然经济的加速解体②民族资本家积极投资近代企业③欧美列强放松对中国的经济侵略④中华民国政府扶持民族工业A.①②③B.①②④ C.③④ D.①②③④2.近代中国进出口贸易的变化,反映了其经济的走向。
根据下表信息,所得出的结论正确的是()A.中国对外贸易处于顺差 B.中国沦为列强的原料产地和商品市场C.中国进口商品主要来自美国 D.中国民族资本主义发展进入“黄金时期”3.光绪二十二年(1896年)上任的杭州知府林启曾说:“东方蚕业,日本进步最猛,由其采取外国养蚕成法。
”这反映出当时中国A. 在中日竞争中处于下风B. 在向日本学习先进技术C. 蚕业受到工业文明冲击D. 改变了盲目自大的认知4.鸦片战争以后,由通商口岸发展壮大城市,呈现出快速繁荣的景象。
出现这一局面的原因是()A.中国城市职能发展不完善B.农村人口涌入城市增加城市负担C.中国工业落后,是西方商品倾销市场 D.资本主义国家控制着中国城市的政治经济命脉5.1845年,大英轮船公司职员柯拜受公派遣.任公司驻黄埔的代表,负责船只的监修工作。
据此,下列说法正确的是( )A.列强对华己开始资本输出 B.民族资产阶级己开始出现C.工业革命后英国实力强大 D.英国造船技术世界倾先6.近代薛福成认为:“夫事之艰于谋始者理也,而人之笃于私计者情也。
分析国内主要矛盾: ①人民对于建立先进的( 43 )的要求同落后的( 44)的 现实之间的矛盾; ②人民对于( 45 )的需要同当前( 46 )不能满足人民 需要的状况之间的矛盾。
提出主要任务: 就是集中力量使中国尽快地从( 47 )变为( 48 )。
C.1958年:( 49
四特征: 高指标、瞎指挥、( 50 ); 性质: ( 51 )错误严重泛滥开来; 影响: 造成社会(52)的极大破坏。
3.2 伟大的历史性转折——改革开放(1978年起) 改革:
A.从农村开始:实施 ( 53 ) 制:
主要内容:实行( 54
作用:这是( 55 )的一次重大变革,调动了( 56 从根本上改变农村的经济形势和社会面貌。
a. 一部分( 8 )、官僚、买办、商人、 华侨等投资于近代工矿企业; b. 部分手工工场开始采用( 转变为近代工矿企业。 9 )生产,
c. (10 )派创办的近代军事和民用工业, 也促进了民族工业的发展。
a. 方赞举、孙英德在上海虹口创办的( 11 )厂;
1、时间: ①产生: ( 1 ) )
②初步发展:( 2
③短暂的春天: (
鸦片战争后中国自然经济开始解体的标志 及其影响
鸦片战争后,( 5 )业的衰败, 标志自然经济开始解体。 影响:自然经济的解体, 为资本主义的发展提供了( 6 )和 ( 中国社会经济结构的变动, 促进了近代民族工业的兴起。 7 ) ,
在重农抑商的古代社会,商业及明朝中后期产生的资本主义萌芽的发展受到压抑,发展缓慢.【知识结构】1、农业的起源:“神农”的传说①耕作方式:“刀耕火种”到铁犁牛耕2、耕作技术的演进②生产工具:汉代的生产工具、牛耕的演变、灌溉工具.③水利事业:战国时期兴修的都江堰、郑国渠一、农业经济①商周时期的井田制;3、古代土地制度②封建土地所有制的三种形式;③封建社会土地兼并现象4、古代赋役制度5、古代农业经济的基本特点1、三种形态:家庭手工业、官营手工业、民营手工业;古①纺织业:类型、发展概况代二、手工业经济 2、主要成就②冶炼业:类型、发展概况中③陶瓷业:发展概况国 3、古代中国手工业发展的特征:经济 1、古代历朝商业活动概况:在三、商业经济 2、历代“市”的发展:基 3、商业都会的崛起:本 4、中国古代商业发展特点:结构①含义:与 1、重农抑商政策②产生标志:特③产生原因:点四、经济政策④特点(表现):⑤评价①秦朝:统一度量衡和统一货币②历代对私营工商业的管理2、工商业的管理 A含义③“海禁”政策 B产生原因:C影响①产生概况:3、资本主义萌芽②特征:雇佣关系③发展状况及原因:专题二近代中国资本主义的曲折发展本单元包括三节内容,主要涉及中国民族工业产生的背景、发展历程、对民族资本主义的历史命运三个方面的内容,学习过程中重点把握民族工业发展历程:①产生:19世纪60年代,洋务派创办一批军事工业企业。
下面是CCTV《鉴宝》节目展示的两件古代瓷器:图 一为“青釉四系瓷罐”,图二为“粉彩开光花瓶”。
请回答:结合所学知识判断这两件瓷器的制造时间最 早分别可能是在哪一朝代?并说明理由。
在四川成都广汉地区发现远 古文化遗址。谁也不知道是 怎么一回事。挖下去一看, 吓了人一跳。啊呀!想不到 这里埋着许多青铜器、玉器 和陶器,一锄头挖出了一个 有三四千年历史的古代青铜 文明遗址。
遗汉 址代 冶 铁
2005年1月发现于山东济南,遗址 发现有大量铁矿渣、煤渣及红烧土 等冶铁遗迹。
a.由块炼铁到生铁的进步 b.淬火工艺的出现 c.煤的使用 d.供风形式有了革命性的变化
四、从经营形态上看,官营手工业和私营手工业并存。 五、我国古代经济结构的重要组成部分。
1、东汉杜诗发明的水排是一种 A、灌溉工具 B、冶铁工具 C、播种工具 D、纺织工具 2、古代手工业品中质量最好的应出自 A、官营手工业 B、民营手工业 C、家庭手工业 D、私营企业 3、景德镇是我国著名的“瓷都”,其闻名天下始于 A、唐朝 B、宋朝 C、元朝 D、明朝 4、明清时期手工业的发展,最重要的影响是 A、促进地区或行业新的社会分工 B、促进城镇集市的发展 C、促进生产规模的扩大 D、促成雇佣关系的产生
三星堆遗址真神秘啊,至今 为止留下了一个又一个难解 之谜。
(2)战国:秦国商鞅变法废除井田制,确立土地私有制(3)战国以后:土地大部分为地主所有,农民占有土地较少(4)北魏到唐前期:推行均田制,国家授田给农民,农民承担赋役附一:战国以后中国社会存在的主要土地制度:①国家土地所有制②地主土地所有制③自耕农土地所有制④君主土地私有制附二:土地兼并问题 P6(1)产生原因:①官僚地主依靠特权,把公田据为己有②贵族、官僚及豪强霸占良田,役使贫民③农民因天灾人祸被迫卖地逃亡④国家不抑兼并的政策⑤(根本原因)土地私有制的发展,土地可以买卖(2)危害:①地权和劳动者分离,导致农耕生产秩序的严重破坏②使无数小农破产,社会动荡不安③使国家赋税减少和劳役征发困难,国力削弱④社会资金流向土地和农民的贫困又阻碍了工商业的发展和资本主义萌芽的成长(3)解决方案:①开明政治家:改革田制,缓和兼并②民众暴动:提出均田口号3.古代中国农业经济的基本特点(战国以后):(1)以小农户个体经营为主要经营方式。
4.列举古代手工业发展基本史实:(1)主要经营方式:①家庭手工业特点:与小农业紧密结合,是小农个体经济组成部分;大部分产品和原料自给自足 P10②田庄手工业特点:在汉代豪强地主的田庄中进行,也是自然经济活动的主要内容 P10③官营手工业特点:盐铁等最有利可图的行业官办,政府垄断;皇家工场专门制造官府专用和皇帝私用物品;制作工艺水平高,但生产不计成本,使国家财政支出大等 P11④私营手工业特点:民间富人创办,面向市场生产民用产品,属于商品经济性质,后期出现雇工经营的手工工场即资本主义萌芽。
人民版高中历史必修二专题二第2课民国时期民族工业的曲折发展 (17)
![人民版高中历史必修二专题二第2课民国时期民族工业的曲折发展 (17)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9cc39f25c5da50e2524d7fd4.png)
3)第二次鸦片战争后:自然经济解体的速 度进一步加快。
殖民地半殖民地 1)家庭手工棉纺织业开里始替衰外落国;资本家 2)农业生产进一步商品在营化本企;国业市,场推上销经商 3)外国洋行大量出现;品的代理人
洋务派创办近代工业的影响 它引进了西方国家的近代生产方式,第一 批近代企业在中国出现; 培养了一批近代科技人员; 在客观上对本国封建经济起到一定的解体 作用,从而刺激了资本主义的发展; 民用工业的兴办,对外国经济势力的扩张 也起到一定的抵制作用。 总之,洋务派引进西方先进生产技术,对 民族资本主义的兴起起了诱导作用。
1.创办近代军事工业 安庆军械所1861年最早的近代军事工业(曾) 江南制造总局1865年最大的近代军事工业(李) 福州船政局设备最齐全的船舶制造厂(左)
2.兴办近代民用工业 李鸿章 上海轮船招商局1872中国近代第一家轮
船公司,是最大的民用工业,打破了外国航运公 司的垄断局面
张之洞 汉阳铁厂1890中国近代第一个近代化钢 铁工业
2)为挽救民族危机,许多爱国人士 “设厂自救”“实业救国”;
3)清政府为解决财政危机,暂时放 松对民间设厂的限制;
19世纪 70年代
— 甲午战
争前 1895
— 1913
新设厂 矿总数
投资总额 (万元)
平均每 年新设 厂矿数
每年投资额 (万元)
资本主义市场,这对中国的影响不包括( )
历史必修2专题二History must take two subjects〃The tortuous development of modern Chinese capitalism”Sun shuangwu, an experimental school in wenzhou, zhejiang province (32536)The rise of the Chinese national industry in modern timesThe standard content of the courseThis paper briefly describes the change of economic structure in China and the rise of modern national industries, and the historical background of modern Chinese capitalism.To understand the major historical facts about the twists and turns of the national industry in the republic of China, and discuss the main factors that influence the development of Chinese capitalism.Under the condition of semi-colonial and semi-feuclal society, capitalism plays a role in the development process of modern Chinese history."China's economic structure and economic situation before the opium war〃. "The development of national capital before the 1870s to the first sino-japanese war〃・''Currency reform. 〃"National economic construction movement”.Reading the first, second and third sections of the book, what arethe important stages of the development of China,s national capitalist industry? The competent students write out the knowledge structure of the course.nearlygenerationIn thecountriesinformationthisThe mainThe righteousthesongfoldhair show2 low material inquiryRead the following:Material a county city of the east 〃,all learning machine industry. Craftsmen have specialised. As is often the main, daily value. With his (other) reason (why), is called unowned artisan generation (instead of), yue (for the first time in looking for). There is no master, Li Mingli bridge for work... if a room, the generation and clothing have. 〃In the Ming dynasty, the custom of suzhouMaterial 2 Hu Sheng said: 〃as early as the 19th century 40 s and 50 s, as foreign forces of capitalism into China, some poor working people has begun to be directly affected by foreign capital hired laborers enslaved”; 〃In the 60 s, the foreign capital gradually set up factories in China, coupled with the feudal bureaucratic held military industry and civilian industry, national capital industry began in the early, then gradually increase the number of proletariat."-- from the history of the Chinese revolutionMaterial 3 observe the following pictureIn 1865, the British shipyard in Shanghai was founded in 1863 by the Russian company, the shunfeng brick tea factoryWesternization enterprise ——the foreign affairs enterprise of Jiangnan manufacturing bureau —— Shanghai weave layoutProblem exploration:(1)what does the material reflect? What is the essential feature?(2)according to the material 2 and 3, and contact a compulsory 1, refined after the opium war, the reasons for the rise of China,s national capitalism industry and conditions have?(3)where are the Chinese modern national capitalist industries? Who were the first people to invest in China,s modern industry? What representative national capitalist industries have emerged in this period?3 low material inquiryRead the following:Material a Then, in the process of primitive accumulation, the lack of the original manual works as the basis of development, China,s emerging in modern enterprises, the vast majority are from scratch, complete to transplant the western existing enterprises, is the product of 〃ou feng beautiful i、ain〃・〃一history of China by historian Lin lipingMaterial 2 MAO zedong pointed out: "due to the stimulus of foreign capitalism and the feudal economic structure of some of the damage, ..................... also in sixty years ago, some merchants, landlords and bureaucrats began investing in modern industry. 〃Sun yat-sen also held this view.— from the collection of MAO zedongMaterial 3 "was China,s feudal society inside the capitalist sprout, in slowly toward the direction of a capitalist society, the introduction of foreign capitalism,To promote the development, it undermines the foundation of the feudal natural economy, caused the Chinese capitalist production development certain objective conditions and may, which makes China,s modern capitalist industry to happen, at the same timetaken by the existing capitalist sprout and grow, China,scapitalism is characterized by dual process. 〃—Lin changqing, editor-in-chief of Taiwan historian Lin changqingMaterial four z,in the early stage of the qing dynasty has a dozenof capitalism germination in the handicraft industry, only twochuai cloth and a tobacco industry after the opium war was replaced by the foreign goods, the rest is maintained. And there are nine transition to machine industry, they represent the mainstream ofbud of capitalism.The relationship between economic development, institutional change and social and cultural ideological change.Problem exploration:In the above four materials, what are the two ideas about China,s modern capitalist industries? Which view do you agree with? Please explain your reasons in combination with your knowledge of history.Low material to explore 4Read the following:Material a Chinese businessman founded six embroidery factory in Shanghai, the total capital of 1.2 million yuan, and at the same time, the French businessmen in Shanghai bao chang embroidery factory offered a capital of 1. 1 million yuan, close to Shanghai six Chinese embroidery factory capital combined.Material second serve chang machinery manufacture small steamship although "burden with Chinese”, but its own technical strength is still very weak, "engine is made in Britain”. By the 1980s, the machine factory in changchang was declining due to the exclusion of foreign enterprises. It was later annexed by British merchants in Shanghai J s yamatsu shipyard.The material sanyo merchant sees my business and commercial competition to use the new law, in the depth of the taboo, the hundred resistance, the price stops the market. Last year Jiangsu and zhejiang, hubei and other provinces, reeling silk, textile factories, all the losses, have the unemployed, have the mortgage and the foreign businessman.In the 1990s, in tianjin, li fuming opened a machine noodle factory in Beijing, using a foreign import engine to grind and grind the flour 200 stone a day. The government of Beijing saw a successful business in machine flour mill. Li fuming didn,t put up with the oppression and went to the government. As a result, the official government gave him the charge of "private mills" and 〃the office of the police, " and he went to his martial arts, 〃to make the crime of torture'7. Mr. Li,s machine mill was forced to close.The above material is adapted from the modern history of modern China.Problem exploration:What are the characteristics of the national enterprises in the early modern period in the material one, two, three, and four?Low problem to explore 5Read the following:The material is a thousand times odd, the bank railway is to be raised in all the departments, that is to return the foreign debt demand, the reality has been moved, the loan is difficult to borrow.It was introduced in 1895, the dynasty of the qing dynastyMaterial 2 February 1896, the qing government ordered: "officer for the frame, all over the business, with its affection.... in the provinces will set up the business bureau, public election by the chamber of commerce an injustice in real steady and prudent prestigious accent, pie filling bureau, dong,s bureau handleaffairs. 〃〃一from the guangxu east China recording.According to the statistics, in 1895-1898, there were more than 50 enterprises in the newly created commercial enterprises, and the total capital amounted to more than 12 million yuan. There are only eight enterprises with total capital of more than 4 million yuan.The amount of investment in a business enterprise is almost three times the amount of official and commercial enterprises. Founded in 1895 〜1898 in more than 50 commercial enterprises, capital in 100000 yuan of the following is 29, 58% of the total number of factories, the total capital of RMB 736000, accounts for only 6. 1% of the total amount of investment. There are 21 factories with capital of more than 100, 000 yuan, 42 percent of the total, and total capital of 1126.3 million yuan, accounting for 93. 9% of total investment.—from the business press, China,s recent historyProblem exploration:(1)according to the material, together with the relevant knowledge in the textbook,In the end of the 19th century and early 20th century, the Chinese national capitalist industry obtained the preliminary development.(2)according to the textbooks and combining the material 2 and 3, points out that in the late 19th and early 20th century, the development of China,s national capitalist enterprise features which represent?(3)according to the textbook, what famous national capitalist enterprises appeared in China in the late 19th and early 20th century?Contact the relevant knowledge in compulsory 1 (4), analysis of 19th century and the early 20th century, the development of Chinese national capitalist enterprises obtain preliminary, what importantinfluence on modern Chinese society?Second class, "the tortuous development of industry in the republic of China”Low exploration 1:Read the following textbook:After the establishment of the temporary government of nanjing, a number of laws to revitalize industries were promulgated.In 1913, China imported more than 570 million yuan. In 1915, it fell to more than 455 million, down more than 20 percent from 1913. During the first world war, China's imports didn,t reach the level of 1913. In 1913, China,s total export volume was 403 million, except for a slight decline in 1914, and gradually- increased year by year until the end of the war in November 1918.The government of the three northern and northern warlords also set up some rules and regulations for the reward and development of the economy. The feudal monopoly was lifted and the national capitalists were encouraged to set up mines.Material 4 observe the following pictureIn 1914, tsinghua university students boycotted and burned Japanese goodsProblem exploration:(1)reading 〃the establishment of industrial boom in the early ofthe republic of China" a yard, and analysis during the period ofthe republic of China of China,s national industry can appear"brief spring" the main reason for what?(2)according to the relevant content of the textbook, what are the main characteristics of the industrial development of China,s national capitalist industry during the first world war?(3)what impact has been made in the analysis of the relevant content of the requirement 3 and the brief development of the Chinese national capitalist industry?* 2(1) according to the teaching material 〃on the eve of the Anti-Japanese War the brief development of national industry”, a, a summary of China,s national industry will be the main cause of the golden age.(2) according to the relevant knowledge in the textbook, who is the chief beneficiary of the golden age of the Chinese national capitalist industry in the early years of the republic of China? The reason?3 low inquiryLate reading textbooks ''nationalist rule the plight of the development of Chinese national industry" one eye, analysis after their victory in the Anti-Japanese War, the national industry development is still the main reason for the difficulties and even went bankrupt have?The gaokao classicA,multiple choice(spring) China,s modern capitalism ()A. it is the development of capitalism in the feudal society, andit is the same as the Ming and qing dynastiesC. it was caused by the invasions of foreign capitalist invasionsBefore the opium war, China,s natural economy dominated. One of the characteristics of this economic form wasA. the products of the peasant family handicraft are basically used for their own consumption b. the land is concentrated inthe hands of the landlord classC. economic crops dominate agricultural production. Farmers do not sell agricultural products in the marketAfter the opium war, China,s economy gradually became entangled in the world capitalist market, which did not include the influence of ChinaThe land owned by the feudal landlord collapsed. The natural economy of self-sufficiency was gradually disintegratedC. the advanced production technology in the west was introduced graduallyIn 1861,The various kinds of foreign cloth that entered tianjin port were 325,582, accounting for 64% of the total import value of tianjin port at that time, and the opium at 948480, accounting for 18. 9% of the total value of imports. The material question is:China,s modern commercial trade is backwardC. Western countries have decriminalized the dumping of goods from ChinaThe following statement on the reasons for the initial development of national capitalism after the sino-japanese war is incorrectA natural economy further disintegrated the private capital of BThe government of the qing government adjusted the idea of "business war" in the early days of economic policyIn the 1960s and 1990s, it was a start-up period for modern Chinese enterprises, which were relatively concentratedA. b. in pearl river delta region of the Yangtze river shelter-forest region c. d. the bei jing-tianjin region trading portsAfter the sino-japanese war, there was a boom in China,s modern national industriesA. the spread of western science and technologyB. The influence of mercantilist c. the qing government eased restrictions on d.improvement ideasThe 1960s and 1990s were the early stages of China,s modern industrialization. The following statements about the source of the industrial capital of the stage are correctThe funds of the military industry were originally funded by the governmentC. the money of the military industry comes mainly from the private d. civil industry9. Guangdong (2006) according to the record, the jiangnan manufacturing bureau workers income in 1867, is in the same area of agricultural labor force 4 to 8 times or labor income, this phenomenon can be understood as a high school history teachingA.The civil enterprise is profitable and the welfare of the workers is betterB.The official value of the military industry is relatively highThe workers who were recruited from the western countries were more likely to earn moreD. The national capitalist provides a relatively generous remuneration for the workersIn the end of the 19th century, China,s national capitalism had a preliminary developmentA. The qing government relaxed the restrictions on the people's factoriesC.the European powers temporarily relaxed their economic aggression against China11.(2007) Shanghai history in the maguan treaty provisions: "the Japanese people have all the goods made in China, its transport in the mainland tax, tax on the mainland, class notes, miscellaneous pie... the Japanese subjects in China as the goods which is dealt with, since the waive should enjoy optimal example. 〃 One of the factors that has made China,s national industry struggling in modern times is that it isA. the rise of foreign industry in China has no technological advantagesThe national industry has no capital advantage D12.(2007 guangdong liberal arts foundation) at the end of the qing dynasty, national capitalists in order to avoid heavy taxes and government officials extortion, or in the enterprise is located in the concession, or s〃the foreign traders in the name of〃,or "stern bow hanging the British flag hanging when China”. This reflects theA. the arrival of the Chinese nationalist capitalism in the springC. feudalism is a resistance to the development of Chinese national capitalism. Western powers strongly support the development of Chinese national capitalism13.Guangdong history (2006) 2006-1920, China,s production of vegetable oil, industrial products such as flour export quantity increase, at the same time the number of imported goods is greatly reduced. The main factor contributing to this phenomenon isA. The Chinese people* s suppression of the Japanese food movement c. the first world war D. The strike of the Chinese working classIn 2008, some scholars thought,The import of foreign goods caused the gradual collapse of China,s natural economy. The direct evidence for this is thatIn the late 19th century, the zhenjiang customs report said, 〃once upon A time, in the former jiangbei state county, they were made of foreign cloth, and in the near term, they used to be more and more people.〃In the early part of the 20th century, some people pointed out that "the expansion of the commercial market and the lack of farmland in the construction of the building and the work of the tiller of the tiller of the land to abandon its work are inevitable. 〃C 1853 〃the shunde county annals" load: "female cloth (cloth) are counties and cities, since the WaiYang to wind fire water buffalo conveyor into cloth, deducted to base, women workers a few stops its half. 〃"The need for cotton goods, as in guangzhou, has long been restricted,〃 said the American consul in xiamen in 1850.From 1870-1910, the percentage of the total value of imported loans in China was accounted for by some Chinese imports yearCotton clothMetals and minerals mechanical187028.05.8188024.95.5189020. 25. 70.3190021. 54. 70. 7191014.74. 31. 5Table 2 reflectsA. China has reduced the demand for industrial productsThe traditional handicraft industry in China has been decliningFrom the beginning of the 20th century, z/foreign goods became popular and the cloth was becoming obsolete.〃 the most fundamental weapon of the foreign cloth was the victory over the earth clothA. foreign cloth ads are full of c. foreign clothes are leading the fashion. The price of foreign cloth is lowTwo, not a choice (Shanghai history) read the following materials.Founded in 1872, the merchant bureau of the ship was the first commercial enterprise in China. Before that, the shipping industry in China was all run by foreign shipping companies. When it was established, it bought the entire property of the American merchant flag chang-ship company in 1877 with 2. 2 million square. The following is the initial development and operation of the merchant bureau.In degreescapitalborrowingShips tonnageFreight revenuePaid interest1873. 8 to 74. 747. 6012. 30408849. 171. 771877.8to 78. 7 75. 10381.9726916232. 2336. 531881.8to 82. 7 100. 00353. 7529474188. 4710. 751883. 8 to 84. 7 200. 00227. 0933378192.3722.42Note: the loan is mainly official (government loan).Question:(1)what is the business situation of the shipping department inthe period involved in the above table? (4)Operating conditions: has been developing, the ship tonnage increases, the increase in income, private capital, increasing to expand faster than private capital officer, heavy interest burden, and so on.(2)combining the above materials, it points out what role it played in China,s economic development at the time. (2 points)The introduction of advanced means of transport, or the stimulus of private capital investment, partly resisted the invasion of foreign capital.(guangdong) read the following materialsA the beginning of the 20th century in Shanghai, wuxi, investment industry national capitalists rong zongjing, wonderful brothers, known as "flour" and "textile giant”.According to statistics, to 1936, companies with annual capacity of 16.94 million bags of flour, about about except (northeast China)in the country 27% of the total output, have 347 grinding machine, accounting for 28% of the total number of national; Rong family enterprise has yarn bursts (try the original is wrong, should be 〃ingot〃)570000, loom 5300 units, all about about except (northeast China) in the country Chinese businessman MianFangYe 21% of the total. -------------------------------------------- according to〃rong family enterprise”Material 2 In terms of today, the construction industry, as well as outline map, i. e., according to the textile thing, my country with a population of forty thousand, only yarn (should be "ingot") two million, which is the population of Europe and the United States and yarn bursts (the proportion of should be 〃ingot〃),our country existing yarn of bursts (should be "ingot"),That there is no demand for the people; But it was a great blow to the textile industry, which was to set up a factory in our country, in order to achieve its economic aggression. No more than this, the veil is necessary for life, and even for others.----- rong zongjing: "the revitalization of the industrial economic development to livelihood project”Mr. Rong died in Hong Kong in February 1938. A newspaper article says rong brothers "for China,s economy, there have been great contribution; its small make wuxi in jiangsu province is inferior to Shanghai industrial zone, big encouraged the development of natural resources on the mainland, answer by their own experience, know the important of education, in wuxi own establishment ofprimary, secondary, and university, cultivating talents for service business and society, is particularly significant. 〃 A few days later, the paper is also called 〃rong zongjing run industries, reciting the decade, efficacy, Leon lai, of the people's livelihood is a Japanese army invaded two battles, after can not threatened, avoid to far, insistence, especially as yet. 〃一〃—Feb. 11, 1938,〃 the news. 〃Answer:What is the basic starting point of the rong brothers investment industry? (3 points) what is the positive role of the rongjia enterprise in the development of the Chinese economy? (6 points) what other positive aspects does the rong brothers have? (3)Answer: (12 points)The basic starting point: develop the national economy, meet the needs of the people and resist foreign economic aggression.(3)Action: developing the national industry by developing cotton spinning and flour processing industry in China. To protect against foreign economic aggression; Make the local economy of wuxi and Shanghai a certain development. (6)Other positive aspects: education; National integrity. (3)Class exercisesAfter the opium war, China,s self-sufficiency natural economy began to unravel. The main mark is ()A. the emergence of foreign enterprises in ChinaC. the emergence of the military industry and the civilian industry created by the foreign service.D. ChinaAfter the sino-japanese war, the qing government had to order the provinces 〃to make a lot of weaving, spinning and weaving”. The main purpose of this order is ()A. promote the development of the Chinese national capitalist industry and encourage the competition between the national capitalist industry and the foreign businessmanC. to save the government of the qing dynastyIn 1935, China,s GDP grew by 2. 37 billion yuan, to 25. 8 billion yuan in 1936, an increase of 8. 86 percent. Agricultural production increased by 6. 1 percent, and industrial and commercial production increased by 21. 3%, the fastest growth in history. The main reason is ()The national government promoted the stimulus of ''monetary reform,,and the influence of "national economic construction movement”The people boycotted the foreign goods and advocated the influence of the national cargo movement and the rapid development and expansion of the bureaucratic capitalA. in b. by b. by c. by d. inThe guangdong nanyang tobacco co., founded in 1905, was reorganized in 1918 as nanyang brothers tobacco co. , LTD. In 1919, the capital increased to hk $15m and more than half of its shares were owned by Jane,s brothers. Successively in Shanghai, Hong Kong, hankou and other places set up branch factories, and for tin foil plant, printing plant, and guangdong factory, the setting up of flue-cured tobacco leaf production factory, sales organizations all over the country and southeast Asia. In 1927, the capital was nearly 20 million yuan. The main reason for the rapid development of this enterprise in this period is ()The strong support of foreign enterprises was strongly promoted by the revolution of 1911The influence of the idea of ''industrial savior" has all been withdrawn from ChinaA. in b. by c. in d. inAccording to historical records: after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War,Some ethnic capitalists believe that the spring of Chinese nationalism is coming. In the war of liberation, however, national capitalism went bankrupt. The main reason for this isThe monopoly and oppression of the national government's hyperinflation policiesThe United States has a heavy tax burden on China,s economic aggressionA. in b. by c. with d. in(14) read the following materials (all from the rise of modern Chinese industry):Material a word for five years, Fang Ju invite reputation while the iron is hot to possess townsman Sun Yingde to Shanghai, both of the partnership to raise a wupan yuan, bought some simple equipment, hongqiao east near the bus outside the hongkou lushun road (now east big name) founded the hair chang iron foundry, forging and replacement of specially for old docks mast cap ship spare parts, etc. It was founded in a small scale, with only one iron stove and four or five workers. The foreigners called them 〃NIr. In the early 1970s, the changchang was renamed as the building of the copper and iron machine, with a lathe 2 and more than 10 workers. It is used for forging, welding, turning, etc. In the late 1970s, the changchang iron factory was renamed. Qing guangxu (1876), began selling homemade small fire wheels. After three years, he started selling home-made lathe, steam hammer, etc.Material second serve chang factory make success a flat brush two-wheeled sand dredger machine, called 〃tiger〃,the captain 70 feet, 15 feet wide, feasible 30 miles an hour. On August 11, the same year, "the declaration z,issued a message praising it: "not only for China, but also for the outside world, not for the first timein a thousand years. " ''When it was made, it was Chinese, 〃 fang said. 〃so it was driving and it was not necessary for the west to be the owner of the boat. 〃 In the nineteen years of guangxu,the 〃hanyang〃 ship made by the shichang factory was sold to theoverseas Chinese merchants of north Korea and sailed between thecity of jiapu (now incheon) and the han city. On June 2, the north China Daily said, "the success of the hanyang,z is a sign of thevery trustworthy spirit of the Chinese capitalists.Material three (19th century) in the 90 s, while chang factory into development boom, the British business run by the shipyard, cheung was born has acquired a large number of foreign shipyard, almost monopoly over the whole of Shanghai shipbuilding industry. Because of the poor capital and the lack of its own shipyard, the factory has struggled to compete with foreign rivals. After the sino-japanese war, the yarson shipyard will be the target of a merger. Under the competition of the yarson shipyard, the changchang plant declined rapidly, losing a year, and the workers fell from more than 200 to more than 60. In the twenty-fifth year of guangxu, it had to be announced by jenson shipyard. In 26 years, he was forced to sell it to jisong shipyard for 40,000 yuan, making it a workshop. After the factory was annexed, fang yi-yang became a buyer of the company. He was a member of Jiangnan manufacturing bureau (now Shanghai Jiangnan shipyard). In 32 years of guangxu, fang praised his death. In the same year, the changchang hardware store wasclosed. At this point, the whole history of the changchangfactory is over.The following answer:(1)what kind of enterprises does fang hold and sun yingde founded?(1) when does this type of business first appear? (1)(2)according to the material one and material two, what。
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• 第二课 民国时期民族工业的曲折发展
基本要求:知道民族工业出现短暂春天的原因和主 要表现;知道民国时期民族工业曲折发展的历程;探讨 影响中国资本主义发展的主要因素。体会民族经济兴衰 与国家命运紧密相连之道理。 • 说明:民国时期民族工业的曲折发展包括民国初年、 抗战前夕、国民党统治后期三个阶段,要注意把握这三 个阶段民族工业发展的主要特征,在此基础上再探讨影 响中国资本主义发展的主要因素。 • “币制改革”“国民经济建设运动”知识点为学生课 外阅读内容。
(2010年浙江卷)38.(26分) 材料一(民国初期)是中国民族工业的黄 金时期。一直处于不发达状态的中国资本主义是 在辛亥革命之后才得到蓬勃发展的。 ——(法)白吉尔:《中国资产阶级的黄 金时代(1911——1937)》 (1)结合材料一合所学知识,概括民国初期民 族工业的发展的状况。(8分)
30.1 60.9% %
时间:19世纪60年代到90年代 背景: “内忧”与“外患” 目的: 维护清朝统治 口号: 师夷长技以自强 指导思想: “中体西用” 内容: 创办军事工业、创办民用工业、建立近代海军、 创办新式学堂和派遣留学生 失败原因: 单纯引进西方先进技术和设备, 不改变封建制度 影响: 中国近代化----工业化起步
第二课 民国时期民族工业的曲折发展 一、民国初期的兴办实业潮 二、抗日战争前夕民族工业的短暂发展
一.民国初年的兴办实业潮—”春天”的出现 1912---1919 1、概况:
①实业团体 ②新增厂矿和新增资本的速度和规模空前
③轻、重工业有了显著发展,重工业有一定增长 纺织业(最大):上海----天津、青岛、武汉 面粉业(第二)发展迅速:出口欧洲。
材料二海开埠后,“洋布大行,价才当梭布(土布)三分之一。 吾村专以纺织为业,近闻已无纱可纺。松、太布市,消减大半”。 从19C40S开始,中国丝、茶的出口额迅速增长。茶的出口由1843 的1300多万斤增加到1855的8400万斤;丝的出口从1843的1000多包 增加到1855年的56000多包。由于丝、茶等农产品的大量出口,一 些地区的农民放弃粮食生产转而种桑植茶。 ——摘编自李侃等《中国近代史》
(一)近代中国民族工业的兴起 (二)民国时期民族工业的曲折发展 (三)近代中国资本主义的历史命运
• 1.产生和初步发展: 晚清时期(19C六七十年代到20C初) • 2.曲折发展 民国时期(20C前半期:春天、发展、困 境) • 3.获得新生 三大改造(20C中期)
(2)材料2反映了什么现象?针对这种现象,结合所学知识分析其 形成原因及对中国经济结构的影响(10分) 现象:中国传统手工业衰落,农产品商品化程度提高 原因:由于西方列强侵略,清政府被迫签订了一系列不平等条约而 开埠通商,闭关锁国政策破产;中国在经济上落后于西方。 影响:中国传统的农业与家庭手工业相结合的自然经济开始解体; 逐步沦为资本主义国家的商品倾销市场和原料产地;客观上有利于 商品经济的发展和民族资本主义的产生。
3、中国近代自然经济解体的原因 外国资本主义的入侵
二、近代民族工业的兴起 1、产生条件: ①列强入侵,使中国自然经济逐步解体,为中国 资本主义的产生提供了商品市场和劳动力市场; ②外商企业的刺激; ③洋务企业的诱导。 2、时间、地点、代表企业: 3、产生途径: ①洋务派的官办企业; ②中小地主、官僚、买办、商人、华侨等投资 近代工矿企业; ③手工工场引进机器,转变为近代工业企业;
• 说明:近代资本主义的产生和发展是近代中国经 济结构最重大和最深刻的变化
一、鸦片战争后中国经济结构的变动 二、近代民族工业的兴起 三、中国近代民族工业的初步发展
一、鸦片战争后中国经济结构的变动 1、过程 (1)开始解体 ①时间: 鸦片战争后 商品输出 ②原因: 以英国为首的资本主义国家扩大对华______ ③标志: 手工棉纺织业 中国 的衰败 (2)解体加速 ①时间: 19世纪60年代起(第二次鸦片战争后)
(2)曲折而艰难地发展。各资本主义国家为转嫁 危机,对华倾销商品,日本加剧侵华,冲击了中国 民族工业发展。中国人民的反帝爱国运动,国民政 府采取的一些促进经济发展的措施,使民族工业在 1929年后仍能坚持下去。
生产总值增加,增长速度最快,工业 1、概况: 各行业普遍出现了较好的发展局面
2、原因: 南京国民政府的促进 反帝爱国运动、抵制洋货提倡国货运动 3、特点: 曲折艰难 原因: 官僚资本的控制 帝国主义的压迫
半殖民地半封建国家中的垄断性资本和 三、国民党统治后期民族工业发展的困境 国家政权相结合,依附于外国资本主义而形 (冬天) (1946-1949) 成的资本形式。
①经济:出现新的生产方式,一定程度上抵制 列强的经济侵略;
②政治:促使资产阶级产生; ③思想:有利于民主思想的传播。
三、中国近代民族工业的初步发展(第一个高潮) 1、时间: 甲午战争后(19世纪末)---2、原因 一战前
外因: 帝国主义的资本输出和商品输出,进一步 破坏了中国的自然经济; 内因:①在民族危机下,“实业救国”兴起; ②为支付巨额赔款,解决财政危机, 迫使清政府放宽对民间办厂的限制。 3、典型企业 4、意义
特点:与国家政权相结合,垄断性; 1、表现: 工商企业大量倒闭破产 与外国资本主义相结合,买办性; 与本国封建主义相结合,封建性。
①恶性通货膨胀政策 2、原因
②发动内战,社会动荡 ③官僚资本的压迫 ④繁重的捐税负担
19世纪六七十年代 民 族 工 业 的 曲 折 历 程 清 政 府
(2)材料2反映了什么现象?针对这种现象,结合所学知识分析其 形成原因及对中国经济结构的影响(10分) 现象:中国传统手工业衰落,农产品商品化程度提高 原因:由于西方列强侵略,清政府被迫签订了一系列不平等条约而 开埠通商,闭关锁国政策破产;中国在经济上落后于西方。 影响:中国传统的农业与家庭手工业相结合的自然经济开始解体; 逐步沦为资本主义国家的商品倾销市场和原料产地;客观上有利于 商品经济的发展和民族资本主义的产生。
北 洋 政 府
初步发展 19世纪末(19世纪末—20世纪初)
民国初期(1912-1919) 短暂春天 抗战前夕(1935-1936)
国 民 政 府
抗战时期(1937-1945) 沉重打击 日益萎缩 抗战胜利后(1946-1949)
第一课 近代中国民族工业的兴起
• 基本要求:知道鸦片战争后中国自然经济开始解体的标 志和逐渐解体的原因与影响;知道民族资本主义工业产 生的时间、途径与著名企业;知道民族资本主义初步发 展的历史条件、时间、主要表现;认识民族资本主义工 业发展的主要特点。感受民族资本主义经济产生与发展 对中国社会发展的意义;体会近代民族工业兴起的艰难, 把人物命运与时代背景结合起来评价历史人物,懂得既 要关注自身发展,又要关注社会发展。 • 发展要求:知道洋务运动与民族工业的关系;分析外国 资本主义入侵对中国社会的影响。说明近代资本主义的 产生和发展是近代中国经济结构最重大也是最深刻的变 化,
江苏南通 江苏无锡 河北唐山
大生纱厂 保兴面粉厂
(1)从产生的条件看: 在双半社会中产生;缺少资本原始积累过程; 从外国引进机器(资金少、规模小、技术力 量薄弱) (2)从分布的地区看: 集中在沿海地区,内地很少 (3)从行业的分布看: 轻重比例失调 (4)从在经济结构中的分量看:
近代民族工业的产生 时间:
地点: a.经济基础好 b.交通便利 c.便于引进 思考:为什么 机器 民族资本主义 d.自然经济 最早产生于沿 解体较早 海大中城市?
上海、广东、 天津等沿海 地区
陈启源 南海县继昌隆缫丝厂
典型企业: 创办人 张謇 荣宗敬荣德生 周学熙 地 址 企 业
给中国社会经济带来一股新气息。 (1)经济:
(2)政治:19世纪末,民族资产阶级开始登上政治舞台, 维新派掀起了旨在救亡图存的维新变法运动; 革命派发动了旨在推翻清王朝建立资产阶级 共和国的辛亥革命。 (3)思想:促进了民主思想的传播。
•近代资本主义的产生和发展是近代中国经济结 构最重大和最深刻的变化
1845年,福州官员奏称:洋 货“充积于厦口”。洋布、 洋棉“其质既美、其价复廉, 民间之买洋布、洋棉者,十 室而九。”因此,“江浙之 棉布不复畅销” ……洋商 还从中国收购大量农、副、 土特产品,其中,以丝茶为 大宗……
先天 不足
后天 畸形
在国民经济中的比重很小,自然经济占主导地位 (5)受外国资本主义和本国封建势力压迫,发展艰难。
90年代初,天津武举李福明在 北京开办一家机器面粉厂,使用外 国进口蒸汽机磨,每天能磨细面粉 200石。京城官府见机器面粉厂生 意兴隆,就存心勒索。……李福明 不甘心忍受压迫到官府去讲理。结 果,官府给他扣上“私设磨坊”、 “哄闹官署”等罪名,革去他的武 举功名,“交刑部治罪”。李福明 的机器面粉厂被迫关闭。