发动机分类1 往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine2 化油器式发动机carburetor engine3 转子发动机rotary engine4 旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine5 二冲程发动机two-stroke engine6 四冲程发动机four-stroke engine7 增压式发动机supercharged engine8 风冷式发动机air-cooled engine9 油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine10 水冷式发动机water-cooled engine11 自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine12 煤气机gas engine13 液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine14 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine15 多种燃料发动机multifuel engine16 石油发动机hydrocarbon engine17 双燃料发动机duel fuel engine18 热球式发动机hot bulb engine19 多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine20 对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine21 对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine22 十字头型发动机cross head engine23 直列式发动机in-line engine24 星型发动机radial engine25 筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine26 斯特林发动机stirling engine27 套阀式发动机knight engine28 气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine29 倾斜式发动机slant engine30 前置式发动机front-engine31 后置式发动机rear-engine32 中置式发动机central engine33 左侧发动机left-hand engine34 右侧发动机right-hand engine35 短冲程发动机oversquare engine36 长冲程发动机undersquare engine37 等径程发动机square engine38 顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine39 双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine40 V形发动机V-engine41 顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine42 侧置气门发动机side valve engine43 无气门发动机valveless engine44 多气门发动机multi-valve engine45 卧式发动机horizontal engine46 斜置式发动机inclined engine47 立式发动机vertical engine48 W形发动机w-engine49 I形发动机I-engine50 L形发动机L-engine51 F形发动机F-engine52 原机Engine prototype发动机性能53 二冲程循环two-stroke cycle54 四冲程循环four-stroke cycle55 狄塞尔循环diesel cycle56 奥托循环otto cycle57 混合循环mixed cycle58 定容循环constant volume cycle59 工作循环working cycle60 等压循环constant pressure cycle61 理想循环ideal cycle62 热力循环thermodynamic cycle63 冲程stroke64 活塞行程piston stroke65 长行程long stroke66 上行程up stroke67 下行程down stroke68 进气行程intake stroke69 充气行程charging stroke70 压缩行程compression stroke71 爆炸行程explosion stroke72 膨胀行程expansion stroke73 动力行程power stroke74 排气行程exhaust stroke75 膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke76 换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke77 上止点top dead center(upper dead center)78 下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center)79 上止点前budc(before upper dead center)80 上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)81 下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)82 下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)83 排气量displacement84 发动机排量engine displacement85 活塞排量piston swept volume86 气缸容量cylinder capacity87 单室容量single-chamber capacity88 容积法volumetry89 压缩比compression ratio90 临界压缩比critical compression ratio91 膨胀比expansion ratio92 面容比surface to volume ratio93 行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio94 混合比mixture ratio95 压缩压力compression pressure96 制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep)97 空燃比air fuel ratio98 燃空比fuel air ratio99 燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio100 扭矩torque101 单缸功power per cylinder102 升功率power per liter103 升扭矩torque per liter104 升质量mass per liter105 减额功率derating power106 输出马力shaft horsepower107 马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour108 总马力gross horse power109 总功率gross power110 净功率net power111 燃油消耗量fuel consumption112 比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption113 空气消耗率air consumption114 机油消耗量oil consumption115 有效马力net horse power116 额定马力rated horse power117 马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor118 制动功率brake horse power119 制动热效率brake thermal efficiency120 总效率overall efficiency121 排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower122 功率曲线power curve123 机械损失mechanical loss124 机械效率mechanical efficiency125 有效热效率effective thermal efficiency126 充气系数volumetric efficiency127 过量空气系数coefficient of excess air128 适应性系数adaptive coefficient129 扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility130 转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient 131 强化系数coefficient of intensification132 校正系数correction factor133 换算系数conversion factor134 活塞平均速度mean piston speed135 发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency) 136 充量(进气)charge137 旋转方向direction of rotation138 顺时针clockwise139 逆时针counter-clockwise140 左转left-hand rotation141 右转right-hand rotation142 发动机性能engine performance143 加载性能loading performance144 起动性能starting performance145 加速性能acceleration performance146 动力性能power performance147 排放性能emission performance148 燃油经济性Fuel economy149 排放Exhaust emissions150 大的燃烧噪声Large combustion noise151 预混合燃烧Premixed combustion152 扩散燃烧Diffusion combustion153 大的EGR率Heavy EGR154 推迟喷油时间Retarding the injection timing, 155 推迟喷油时间Delaying the fuel injection timing, 156 燃烧激振力Combustion excitation forces (CPL) 157 CO2排放Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions158 温室气体Greenhouse gas159 热效率Thermal efficiency160 辅助涡流室Auxiliary swirl chamber161 黑烟Black smoke162 Nox氮氧化物Nitrogen oxides163 PM颗粒物Particulate matter164 EGR废气再循环Exhaust gas recirculation165 燃油供给系统The fuel injection system166 在低负荷区In the low load region167 气缸压力The cylinder pressure level168 曲轴转角The crank angle169 1/3倍频程1/3 octave band of the frequency 170 全负荷Full load171 部分负荷Partial load172 声压级Sound pressure level173 发动机扭矩Engine torque174 燃烧噪声Combustion noise175 机械噪声Mechanical noise176 涡轮增压的Turbocharged177 涡轮增压器Turbocharger178 着火燃迟期The ignition delay period179 喷油泵The fuel injection pump180 增压中冷柴油机Intercooled turbocharged diesel181 碳化氢Hydrocarbon (HC)182 进气管几何尺寸Intake port geometry183 水平轴Horizontal axis184 声功率Sound power level185 竖直轴Vertical axis186 辐射噪声Radiation noise187 发动机测功机engine dynamometer188 零负荷到中等负荷Idling to a medium-load189 振幅Amplitude190 气缸体振动Cylinder block vibration191 声压级Sound pressure level192 随着曲轴转角In relation to the crank angle193 最大汽缸压力The maximum cylinder pressure194 最大汽缸压力升高率The cylinder pressure gradient195 共轨系统Common-rail system196 可变喷嘴涡轮增压器variable nozzle turbocharger197 引导喷射pilot injection198 4气门DOHC系统4-valve DOHC system199 计算机辅助工程CAE computer-aided engineering200 固有噪声Born noise201 侧面挠度lateral bending202 排气岐管exhaust manifold203 进气岐管intake manifold204 交流发电机alternator205 齿轮箱gear case206 供油泵supply pump207 起动机starter208 共振频率resonance frequency209 气缸压力快速升高率the rapid rising rate of cylinder pressure 210 主喷量和主喷时间main injection volume, timing211 共轨油压fuel pressure in a common-rail212 放热率heat release ratio213 步进电机step-motor214 频谱图frequency spectrum map215 油膜oil film216 机械噪声mechanical noise217 识别identify218 变量variable219 隔离声音的传播途径Isolate sound transmission routes 220 衰减Attenuation221 半消声室Semi-ane choic chamber222 系数Coefficient223 正时带Timing belt224 台架实验Bench test225 气门驱动凸轮Valve-drive cam226 传递系数Transfer coefficient227 矢量vector228 气穴现象Cavitation229 微处理器microprocessor230 执行器actuator231 电控泵electronically controlled pump构造232 气缸盖cylinder head233 气缸体cylinder block234 整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)235 发动机罩engine bonnet236 气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib237 气缸cylinder238 示功图indicator chart/diagram239 缸体(转子机)stator240 缸径cylinder bore241 气缸体机架cylinder block frame242 配气机构箱valve mechanism casing243 气缸体隔片cylinder spacer244 气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket245 气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket246 气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)247 干式缸套dry cylinder liner248 湿式缸套wet cylinder liner249 气缸水套water jacket250 膨胀塞expansion plug251 防冻塞freeze plug252 气缸壁cylinder wall253 环脊ring ridge254 排气口exhaust port255 中间隔板intermediate bottum256 导板guideway257 创成半径(转子机)generating radius258 缸体宽度(转子机)operating width259 燃烧室combustion bowl260 浅盆形缩口燃烧室shallow reentrant combustion chamber 261 主燃烧室main combustion chamber262 副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber263 预燃室prechamber264 涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber265 分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber266 涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber267 半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber268 浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamber269 L 形燃烧室L-combustion chamber270 楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber271 开式燃烧室open combustion chamber272 封闭喷射室closed spray chamber273 活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber274 爆发室explosion chamber275 燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion cahmber276 发动机托架engine holding frame engine277 动力机装置power unit278 直喷柴油机DI(direct-injection)diesel engine279 非直喷柴油机IDI(Indirect-injection)diesel engine 280 动力传动系power train281 连杆connecting rod282 油底壳oil pan283 活塞销piston pin284 气缸套cylinder bore285 凸轮齿cam gear286 空气室energy chamber287 气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume288 燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume289 气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume290 压缩室compression chamber291 外径major diameter292 中径pitch diameter293 内径minor diameter294 径向间隙radial clearance295 两极调速器limiting_speed governor296 特性297 空转特性no load characteristics298 负荷特性part throttle characteristics(汽油机)load characteristics299 调速特性governor control characteristics300 万有特性mapping characteristics301 稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate工况302 怠速转速idling speed303 经济转速economic speed304 起动转速starting speed305 最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load306 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque307 最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed308 调速speed governing309 超速overspeed310 怠速idling311 转速波动率speed fluctuation rate312 工况working condition(operating mode)313 额定工况declared working condition314 变工况variable working condition315 稳定工况steady working condition316 空载no-load317 全负荷full load318 超负荷overload319 部分负荷part load320 怠速控制idling-speed control321 怠速工况idling condition322 起动工况starting condition323 起动转速cranking speed324 急减速工况abrupt decreasing condition325 加速工况accelerating condition326 驻车park327 调速Speed governing328 应急[跛行]模式limp-in mode排放329 Emission Standards in the EU 欧洲排放标准330 Fuel Quality 燃油质量331 Conformity of Production (COP) 生产一致性检测332 Fuel Consumption 燃油消耗333 Exhaust Emission Measurement 排放检测334 tailpipe 排气管335 Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳336 emissions of crankcase gases 曲轴箱燃油蒸发排放量337 Ageing test 耐久性试验338 EPEFE = European Program on Emssions, Fuels and Engine Technologies 欧洲的排放、燃油及发339 动机技术项目340 fuel properties 燃油质量341 Car Manufacturers 汽车制造商342 Impact of vehicle emissions on air quality 排放对空气质量的影响343 Cetane no. 十六烷值344 Evaporation characteristic 蒸发特性345 Sulfur-free Fuels 无硫燃油346 Testcycle 测试循环347 NEDC = New European Driving Cycle 新的欧洲标准测试循环348 Loading of charcoal canister 炭罐吸附349 preconditioning (PC) 预处理350 ESC=European steady state cycle 稳态循环351 ELR=European load response test 负荷烟度试验352 ETC=European transient cycle瞬态循环353 EEV=Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle 环境友好汽车354 ambient temperature 环境温度355 λ-sensor λ传感器356 exceeding emission limits) 排放超出限值357 Roadworthiness-Tests 道路适应性检测358at free acceleration 在自由加速工况下359 catalyst 催化转化器360 natural aspirated 自然吸气机型361 turbo charged 涡轮增压机型362 Emission Control Technologies 排放控制技术363 Three-way catalyst 三元催化转化器364 catalyst coating 催化转化器涂层365 secondary air injection 二次空气喷366 exhaust gas recirculation 排气再循环系统367 oxidation catalyst 氧化催化转化器368 piezo injection valves 压电式喷油阀369 PowerStations 发电机组370 Anthropogenic 人为因素371 ACEA = European Car Manufacturer Association 欧洲汽车制造商协会372 Target corridor 标范围373 Target value目标值374 CFV 临界流量文丘里管(Critical flow venturi)375 CLD 化学发光检测器(Chemiluminescent detector)376 FID 氢火焰离子化检测器(Flame ionisation detector)377 GC 气相色谱仪(Gas chromatograph)378 HCLD 加热式化学发光检测器(Heated chemiluminescent detector)379 HFID 加热式氢火焰离子化检测器(Heated flame ionisation detector)380 LPG 液化石油气(Liquefied petroleum gas)381 NDIR 不分光红外线分析仪(Non-dispersive infrared analyzer)382 NG 天然气(Natural gas)383 NMC 非甲烷截止器(Non-methane cutter)384 Rated power 额定功率。
发动机相关英语词汇:Words related with engine:发动机engine汽油机gasoline engine火花点燃式发动机spark-ignition engine压燃式发动机compression-ignition engine 柴油机diesel engine内燃机internal combustion engine气缸cylinder气缸体cylinder block曲轴crankshaft底盘chassis传动系power train转向系steering system制动系braking system离合器clutch变速器gear box (transmission)手动变速器manual transmission自动变速器automatic transmission变矩器torque converter传动轴propeller shaft (drive shaft)主减速器final drive差速器differential gear驱动桥drive axle (transaxle)发动机前置后轮驱动(FR) front engine rear drive发动机前置前轮驱动(FF) front engine front drive发动机后置后轮驱动(RR) rear engine rear drive发动机中置后轮驱动(MR) middle engine rear drive全轮驱动(nWD)all wheel drive车架frame车轮wheel转向盘steering wheel转向器steering gearbox转向传动装置steering linkage悬架suspension减震器shock absorber钢板弹簧leaf spring螺旋弹簧coil spring扭力杆torsion bar斜交轮胎cross-ply tire子午线轮胎radial tire有内胎轮胎tube tire无内胎轮胎tubeless tire车身body制动器brake轮毂wheel hub制动蹄brake shoe鼓式制动器drum brake盘式制动器disc brake制动主缸master cylinder制动助力器brake booster行车制动service brake紧急制动emergency brake驻车制动park brake起动机starter交流发电机alternator上止点(TDC) top dead center下止点(BDC) bottom dead center活塞行程stroke汽缸直径bore排量swept volume, displacement 发动机排量engine capacity燃烧室容积clearance volume压缩比compression ratio进气行程intake stroke压缩行程compression stroke压缩比compression ratio做功行程working stroke排气行程exhaust stroke汽缸盖cylinder head汽缸体cylinder block油底壳oil sump (oil pan)活塞piston连杆connecting rod曲轴crankshaft飞轮flywheel进气门intake valve排气门exhaust valve燃烧室combustion chamber气缸盖罩head cover水泵water pump进气管intake manifold排气管exhaust manifold水套water jacket油道oil gallery汽缸套cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner高强度螺栓high-tensile steel stub曲轴箱crankcase活塞顶piston top (crown)活塞头部piston head活塞裙piston skirt开槽slot活塞环piston ring气环compression ring油环oil ring环槽groove活塞销piston pin (wrist pin )主轴承main bearing主轴颈main bearing journal连杆轴颈crank pin journal连杆轴瓦big end shell bearing连杆盖big end cap带轮pulley平衡重counter weight发火顺序firing order扭振减振器torsional vibration damper顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft气门间隙valve clearance配气相位timing phase气门杆valve stem气门座valve seat气门导管valve guide气门弹簧valve spring挺柱tappet推杆push rod凸轮突起cam lobe摇臂rocker arm摇臂轴rocker shaft气门间隙valve clearance气门间隙调整valve clearance adjuster 测隙规feeler gauge螺丝刀screwdriver梅花双头扳手ring spanner油泵transfer pump (supply pump)喷油泵fuel injection pump高压油管high pressure fuel pipe发火性ignition property黏度viscosity凝点condensing point备燃期pri-combustion period速燃期rapid combustion period缓燃期slow combustion period燃烧室combustion chamber统一燃烧室united chamber球形燃烧室ball shape chamber涡流室turbulence chamber预燃室pri-combustion chamber喷油器injector精密偶件precise couple柱塞pump plunger柱塞套pump barrel出油阀delivery valve出油阀座delivery valve seat调速器governor两速调速器minimum-maximum governor全速调速器variable speed governor定速调速器fixed speed governor综合调速器combination governor气动调速器pneumatic governor机械离心式调速器mechanical centrifugal governor 飞块flyweight联轴节coupling粗滤清器primary filter细滤清器secondary filter涡轮增压器turbocharger中间冷却器intermediate cooler溢流管overflow line泄漏管leakage line溢流阀relief valve节温器thermostat防冻液anti-freezing liquid补偿水桶compensation reservoir百叶窗shutter大循环big circulation小循环small circulation散热翅片fins润滑剂lubricant压力润滑pressure lubrication飞溅润滑splash lubrication润滑脂grease机油压力传感器oil pressure sensor油封oil seal旁通阀bypass valve机油散热器oil cooler机油尺dip stick加机油口oil filler曲轴箱通风crankcase ventilation主油道main oil gallery金属滤网滤清器gauze screen filter全流式滤清系统full-flow filtering system分流式滤清系统divided-flow filtering system排气尾管tail pipe消音器muffler活性炭罐active charcoal canister三元催化器three-way catalytic converter 废气再循环exhaust-gas recirculation Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作台fasten锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)barcode条码barcode scanner条码扫描器repair修理operator作业员ME制造工程师MT制造生技cosmetic inspect外观检查inner parts inspect内部检查thumb screw大头螺丝to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |报废automatic screwdriver电动启子spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车。
常用 汽车 英语
![常用 汽车 英语](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/116d462cb4daa58da0114a54.png)
汽车:automobile ;auto ;car ;motor car ;vehicle ;motor vehicle发动机:engine(机车、火车头)内燃机:internal combustion engine 。
(internal:内部的;combustion:燃烧)燃料:fuel汽油:gasoline;petrol柴油:diesel煤油:kerosene汽油机:gasoline engine;petrol engine柴油机:diesel engine车轮、轮子:wheel (FWD: Front-Wheel Drive ;RWD: Rear-Wheel Drive ;4WD: 4-wheel Drive)曲轴:crankshaft蒸气机:steam engine拖拉机;牵引车:tractor有轨电车【英】:tramway有轨电车【美】:streetcar活塞:piston气缸:cylinder冲程:stroke (four-stroke engine;two-stroke engine)摩托车:motorcycle化油器:carburetor装配线: assembly line底盘chassis电气系统electrical system传动轴drive shaft驱动轮drive wheels齿轮和轴:gears and shafts活塞发动机:piston engine汪克尔转子发动机,汪克尔发动机,转子发动机:Wankel rotary engine气轮机:gas turbine斯特林发动机:stirling engine均质预混合压燃发动机:homogeneous charge compression ignition(HCCI) engine压缩:compression n. ;compress v.点火,点燃:ignition n. ; ignite v.火花点火:spark ignition压缩着火:compression ignition汽油机:gasoline engine, petrol engine柴油机: diesel engine悬架系统:suspension system转向系统:steering system制动系统:braking system传动系: driving system电动机:electric motors变速器;传动,传递,传输:transmission 离合器:clutch变速器:gearbox主减速器:final drive差速器:differential扭矩、转矩:torque空挡;中间的:neutral一档:gear二档:gear空挡:neutral gear倒档:reverse gear弹簧:spring减震器,吸震器:shock absorber扭杆:torsion bar转向柱:steering column方向盘:steering wheel转向器,转向装置:steering gear制动器总成brake assembly制动踏板,刹车brake pedal鼓式制动:drum brake盘式制动:disc brake刹车:brake防滑制动系统:Anti-skid Brake System 防抱死制动系统:Anti-lock Brake System 发动机罩hood行李舱盖板trunk deck蓄电池:battery起动系:starting system点火系:ignition system充电;充量:charge循环:cycle自行车:bicycle上止点:Top Dead Center (TDC)下止点:Bottom Dead Center (BDC)供油系统:fuel system油轨:fuel rail喷油嘴:fuel injection nozzles喷射:Injection喷嘴:nozzlefilter滤清器air filter空气滤清器fuel filter燃油滤清器oil filter机油滤清器electronic control unit (ECU) 电控单元electronic 电子的electric 电的,电动的intake port 进气道intake 进气exhaust 排气ignition n.点燃ignite v. 点燃wear n.磨损lubricate 润滑v.lubrication 润滑n.oil 油、石油lubricating system 润滑系统oil pan 油底壳oil pump 机油泵pump泵air pump空气泵fuel pump燃油泵water pump水泵cooling system 冷却系water jackets 水套coolant 冷却液,冷却介质antifreeze 防冻液Four stroke 四冲程:(intake/inlet/induct 进气;compress 压缩;power 作功;exhaust 排气)Intake system 进气系统Intake pipe进气管Intake port进气道Intake manifold 进气歧管Intake valve进气门exhaust system 排气系统exhaust pipe排气管exhaust port排气道exhaust manifold 排气歧管exhaust valve排气门Valve 气门Vacuum 真空volume 体积swept volume 气缸工作容积,扫气容积total capacity 总排量capacity 容量;能力clearance volume 余隙容积emission control system 排放控制系统emission 发射;排放combustion chamber 燃烧室compression ratio 压缩比multi-cylinder engine 多缸发动机test bed 试验台架spray 喷射,雾化inject 喷射Injection 喷射ignition n.点燃ignite v. 点燃self-ignition 自燃transmit 传递,传输,传送transmission传递;变速器⏹MT: manual transmission⏹AT: automatic transmissionaccelerate 加速acceleration加速,加速度decelerate 减速deceleration减速,减速度coach 大客车,两门小客车;教练lorry 载货汽车,卡车truck货车,卡车heavy-duty 重型货车light-duty 轻型卡车tank 油箱fuel filter 燃油滤清器low-pressure pipe 低压油管high-pressure pipe 高压油管fuel leak-off pipe 回油管pipe 管,管道leak 泄漏fuel lift pump 输油泵fuel injection pump 喷油泵,燃料喷射泵in-line pump 直列式喷油泵distributor Pump Assembly (DPA) 分配式喷油泵总成,分配泵总成fuel injector 喷油器filler neck 燃油注入口neck 脖子;瓶颈liter 升,公升(The bottle holds a liter of beer.这个瓶子装一升啤酒。
汽车专业英语单词基本词汇和词组category 种类,类型body 车身chassis 底盘electrical equipment 电气设备brake 制动,制动器power train 传动系统steering 转向,操纵suspension 悬架allow for 考虑;允许refer to... as... 把……称为…component 部件,构件,元件capacity 容量,生产量passenger car 轿车commercial vehicle 商用车act as 担当,起作用,尽职责power unit 动力装置internal combustion engine 内燃机cylinder 气缸gasoline 汽油机spark 火花ignition 点燃,点火diesel 柴油机compression 压缩transmission 变速器;传输,传送crankshaft 曲轴,曲柄assembly 总成,装配shock 冲击clutch离合器torque converter 变矩器drive shaft 传动轴final drive 传动轴differential gear 差动齿轮,差速器transaxle 驱动桥(用于前轮驱动的汽车)engage 接合,啮合disengage 脱离steering box 转向器regardless of 不管,不顾absorber 减振器withstand 抵挡,经受住radial 放射状的,子午线的tubeless 无内胎的starter 起动机charge 充电alternator 交流发电机flywheel 飞轮,调速轮low-tension 低压的high-tension 高压的spark plug 火花塞consist of 由…组成supply 提供provide 提供primary circuit 初级回路secondary circuit 次级回路piston 活塞connecting rod 连杆crankshaft 曲轴power stroke 做功行程intake stroke 进气行程compression stroke 压缩行程exhaust stroke 排气行程inlet (intake) valve 进气阀exhaust valve 排气阀engine capacity 发动机排量revolution 旋转,转数compression ratio 压缩比engine block 发动机缸体cylinder head 气缸盖water jacket 使固定camshaft 凸轮轴alloy 合金intake manifold 进气总管oil pan 油底壳aluminum 铝drain off 排出,流出crankcase 曲轴箱,曲柄箱withstand 抵抗comprise 由……组成,包含inertia 惯性,惯量cylinder wall 气缸壁in place 在适当的位置bush 衬套,轴瓦,套筒rotary 旋转的align with 匹配timing gear 正时齿轮impulse 脉冲firing order 图表N. B. 注意,留心overhead camshaft 顶置凸轮轴dual 双的seesaw 跷跷板,杠杆valve clearance 气门间隙liable to 容易view... as...把……看成……parameter 参数,参量radius 半径,范围correspond with 相当于gear ratio 传动比crude 天然的characteristic 特性,特征;特有的,典型的vapor lock 气封,气阻,气塞( be) exposed to 易受……(的影响)antiknock 防爆的,抗爆的;防爆剂,抗爆剂audible 听得见的air/fuel ratio 空燃比mass 质量weak mixture 稀混合气rich mixture 浓混合气curve 曲线,弯曲compensate for补偿,偿还throttle 节气门idle speed 怠速in proportion to 与……成比例nozzle 喷嘴advance angle 提前角dwell angle 提前角actuator 执行器,调节器,调速控制器delivery line 出油管overflow line 溢流管leakage line 泄漏管feed pump 输油泵governor 调速器common rail 共轨thermostat 节温器,自动调温器circulation 循环radiation 辐射detach 分离relief valve 溢流阀tail pipe 排气尾管turn around 回转pollutant 污染物质grip [ grip ] 附着力,抓牢guarantee 保证,担保standstill 停止,停顿stationary 不动的,静止的depress 踩下slipping 打滑slave cylinder 从动缸powerplant 动力装置neutral 齿轮的空挡selector mechanism 换挡机构hydraulic 液压的planetary gear 行星齿轮sun gear 太阳轮planet carrier 行星架insulate 隔离sliding joint 滑动联轴器universal joint 万向节final drive 主减速器,后桥bevel 锥齿轮clearance 间隙differential 差速器align 使…成一行traction 牵引力service braking 行车制动parking braking 驻车制动drum brake 鼓式制动器disc brake 盘式制动器lock up 锁住,固定leading shoe 领蹄trailing shoe 从蹄adjuster 调节器,调停者fade 衰减instability 不稳定(性)distribution n.分配,分发adhesion 附着,粘着,粘附critical 临界的,危急的underbrake 制动不足antilock 防抱死的reserve 储备backup 备用的,辅助的;备份protocol 协议,草案emerge 出现,呈现,形成node 节点rigidity 刚性air-conditioning 空调dash panel 仪表板compressor 压缩机steering box 转向器king pin 主销Oversteer 过度转向Understeer 不足转向break-away 突然离开,脱离power steering 动力转向road feel 路感transverse 横向的crosswise 交叉的shock absorber 阻尼器,减振器front suspension 前悬架rear suspension 后悬架toe 轮胎缘距caster 主销倾角camber 车轮倾角front wheel alignment 前轮定位wheel 车轮rim 轮辋tire 轮胎inner tube 内胎auxiliary 附属设备auxiliary 附属设备lead-acid battery 铅酸电池owing to 由于,应归功于electrode 电极replace 补充conductor 导体mean value 平均值with (in) regard to 关于,对于,在……方面,按照wrap around 缠绕allow for 考虑static 静态的,静力的insufficient 不足的,不够的fine 细的in parallel 并联headlamp 前照灯sensor 传感器inertial 惯性的anti-theft system 防盗系统protocol 协议network 网络benefit(s)优点(复数)notice(s)要点(复数)module 模块application 应用hybrid drive 混合驱动,混合动力be superior to 优于,胜过fuel cell 燃料电池attribute 属性,品质,特征,加于,归结in excess of 多于,超过,过分难点内容hood (发动机)罩trunk deck行李箱盖cargo 货物sedan 私家轿车maximum 最大量,最大限度;晟多的,最大极限的saloon 轿车,餐车convertible 敝篷车van 有篷货车;用车搬运coach 长途汽车,四轮大马车tipper 翻斗车,自卸车flatbed 平板车tanker 罐车shaft 轴vertical 垂直的,直立的;垂直线,垂直面,竖向transverse 横向的,横断的longitudinal 纵向的,经度的mount 安装,装上,安放conventional 传统的,惯例的,常规的,习俗的hydraulic液压的coupling 半轴tie-rod 转向横拉杆,拉杆,连杆ball joint 球铰键disc brake 盘式制动器drum brake 鼓式制动器alloy 合金regulator 调节器,调整器distributor 分电器TDC 上止点BDC 下止点every other 旋转,转数knock 敲缸,敲打lubrication 润滑fasten 使固定gray iron 灰铸铁overhead-cam ( OHC) 顶置凸轮casting 铸件side force 侧向力tangential force 切向力radial force 径向力,法向力hollow 空的splash 飞溅let go 放开,松手coordinate 协调valve insert 气门座reinforce 加强mesh 相啮合inline engine 直列发动机distributed system 分布系统centralized system 集中系统processor 处理器distill 蒸馏petroleum 石油volatility 挥发性flammability 易燃,可燃性misfire 不发火,失火optimum 最适宜;最适宜的carburetor 化油器filter 滤清器impurity 杂质pickup 传感器throttle valve 喷管needle valve 针阀idling valve 怠速阀auxiliary-air device 附加/旁通空气装置uniform 统一的,相同的,一致的,均衡的interference 冲突,干涉superfine 特级的separate out 分(离)出,析出plunger-type 柱塞式speed droop 调速率combination governor 复合式调速器variable-speed governor 全程式调速器minimum-maximum-speed governor 两级式凋速器centrifugal 离心的brass 铜wax 蜡Intermediate 中间的muffler 消声器hydrocarbon 碳化氢carbon dioxide 二氧化碳three-way catalytic converter 三元催化转化器exhaust-gas recirculation 废气再循环Protrusion 露出,突出Equilibrium 平衡,平静,均衡Coefficient 系数counter shaft 中间轴throwout bearing 分离轴承clutch fork 分离叉pressure plate 压力盘sliding-mesh transmission 滑动啮合变速器constant-mesh transmission 常啮合变速器synchro-mesh transmission 同步啮合变速器reverse idler shaft 倒挡轴layshaft 副轴,中间轴countershaft 中间轴mainshaft 主轴pneumatic 气动的,有气胎的continuously variable transmission ( CVT) 无级变速器spider 十字轴,十字叉constant-velocity universal 等速万向节reversal 反转,反向,逆转coaxial 同轴的,共轴的longitudinally 纵向地transversely 横着conventional 传统的kinetic energy 动能retarding braking 缓速制动coefficient 系数aside from 除……以外(尚有)duo-servo 双力作用的magnitude 数量,巨大,大小duplex 双的,双重的vacuum brake booster 真空制动助力器tandem master cylinder 串列式制动主缸split-coefficient 附着系数criteria 准则,标准electro-hydraulic braking (EHB) 电液制动fail-safe mode 失效安全模式brake response 制动响应pedal feel 踏板感electromechanical braking system(EMB)机电制动系统brake by-wire 线控制动cruise control 巡航控制hill hold 坡道保持time-triggered 时间触发的vacuum brake booster 真空制动助力器tandem master cylinder 串列式制动主缸split-coefficient 附着系数criteria 准则,标准cam and roller 球面蜗杆和滚轮recirculating ball 循环球rack-and-pinion 齿轮齿条式electric power-assisted steering 电动助力转向hydraulic power steering 液压动力转向oscillation 振动,摆动rolling 沿纵轴的摆振pitching 沿横轴的摆振shimmying 沿转向主销的转向车轮摆振shimmy damper 转向轮减振器toe-in 轮胎前束positive camber 车轮外倾角negative camber 车轮内倾角positive caster 主销正倾角negative caster 主销负倾角windscreen wiper 风窗刮水器washer 洗涤器potential 电位,电势ampere hour 安[培].[小]时(A.h) accumulator 蓄电池,积聚者magnetic field 磁场induced current 感应电流electromagnet 电磁capacitor 电容器relay 继电器series-wound 串联的,串绕的Subassembly 部件,组件overrunning-clutch 超速离合器homogeneous 均匀的,均一的primary coil 一次线圈secondary coil 一次线圈transformer 变压器contact-breaker 断电器buffer 缓冲器amplifier 放大器dip-beam lamp 斜光灯,近光灯main-beam lamp 主光灯,远光灯raw data 原始数据oxygen sensor 氧传感器inflate 膨胀,充气restraint 约束,制止,克制actuator switch 操作开关knob 按钮controller area network ( CAN) 控制器局域网local interconnect network ( LIN) 本地互联网wiring harness 线束,电气配线electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) 电磁兼容性。
Internal combustion engine 内燃机Power unit 动力装置Spark ignition engine 火花塞点火式发动机Compression ignition engine 压燃式发动机Two-stroke/Four-stroke engine 二冲程/四冲程发动机Direct/Indirect injection engine 直喷式发动机/非直喷式发动机Reciprocating internal combustion engine 往复式内燃机Carburetor engine 化油器式发动机Rotary engine 转子发动机Supercharged engine 增压发动机Airoil-cooled engine 风冷油冷发动机Naturally aspirated engine 自然吸气发动机Liquefied petroleum gas engine 液化石油气发动机Diesel gas engine 柴油煤气发动机Multi-fuel engine 多燃料发动机Opposed-cylinder/Opposed-piston engine 对置气缸/对置活塞发动机Cross head engine 十字头型发动机In-line engine 直列式发动机Radial engine 星型发动机Stirling engine 斯特林发动机Front-engine 前置式发动机Rear-engine 后置式发动机Central engine 中置式发动机汽油机gasoline engine 汽油喷射式汽油机gasoline-injection engine 柴油机diesel engine 旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine Leftright-hand engine 左右侧发动机Dual overhead camshaft engine 双顶置凸轮轴发动机DOHC valve in-head engine 顶置气门发动机side valve engine 侧置气门发动机multi-valve engine 多气门发动机horizontal engine 卧式发动机vertical engine 立式发动机oversquare/undersquare engine 短冲程/长冲程发动机engine performance 发动机性能twofour-stroke cycle 二四冲程循环diesel cycle 狄塞尔循环otto cycle 奥托循环mixed cycle 混合循环constant volumepressure cycle 等容等压循环woking cycle 工作循环ideal cycle 理想循环thermodynamic cycle 热力循环up down stroke 上下行程intake stroke 进气行程charging stroke 充气行程compression stroke 压缩行程expansion stroke 膨胀行程power stroke 作功行程exhaust stroke 排气行程top bottom dead center 上下止点BTDC before top dead center 上止点前ATDC after top dead center 上止点后Bore 缸径Cylinder clearance volume 气缸余隙容积Combustion chamber volume 燃烧室容积Displacement 排量Compression ratio 压缩比Critical compression ratio 临界压缩比Expansion ratio 膨胀比Surface to volume ratio 面容比Stroke-bore ratio 行程缸径比Compression pressure 压缩压力BMEP brake mean effective pressure 制动平均有效压力Air fuel ratio fuel air ratio 空燃比燃空比Fuel equivalence ratio 燃料当量比Power per litter cylinder 升功率单缸功率Gross power horse power 总功率马力Net power 净功率Fuel consumption 燃油消耗量Specific fuel consumption 比燃油消耗率Power curve 功率曲线Mechanical loss 机械损失Mechanical efficiency 机械效率Effective thermal efficiency 有效热效率Volumetric efficiency 充气系数Coefficient of excess air 过量空气系数Coefficient of torque adaptability 扭矩适应性系数Coefficient of intensification 强化系数Correction factor 校正系数Economic speed 经济转速Starting speed 启动转速Speed at maximum torque 最大扭矩转速Maximum no load governed speed 最高空转转速Speed governing 调速Working condition 工况Declared working condition 额定工况Variable working condition 变工况Steady working condition 稳定工况No-load 空载Full part load 全负荷部分负荷Major pitchminor diameter 外中、内径Radical clearance 径向间隙Loading startingacceleration performance 加载性能启动性能、加速性能Power emission performance 动力性能排放性能Part throttle characteristics 负荷特性Governorcontrol characteristics 调速特性Mapping characteristics 万有特性Steady state speed governing rate 稳态调速率Cylinder block head 缸体缸盖Cylinder head gasket 气缸盖垫片Cylinder liner sleeve 缸套Dry wet cylinder liner 干湿缸套Water jacket 气缸水套Cylinder wall 气缸壁Deformation 变形Cavitation 穴蚀Aging 老化Fatigue 疲劳Rough running 工作粗暴Knock 敲缸Cylinder score 拉缸Dynamometer 测功机Automobile Mechanics 汽车构造Engine Cylinder Block Crankcase 发动机气缸休曲轴箱Piston Connecting Rod 活塞连杆Crankshaft Flywheel 曲轴飞轮Valves and Valves Train 气门与气门传动组Engine Fuel System 发动机燃油系统Engine Lubricating System 发动机润滑系统Engine Cooling System 发动机冷却系统engine Ignition System 发动机点火系统engine Starting System 发动机起动系统Clutch 离合器Transmission 变速器Suspension System 悬挂系统Crank shaft 曲轴Oil pan 油底壳Piston pin ring 活塞销环Valve timing 配气相位VVTVariable Valve Timing 可变气门相位VVT-iVariable Valve Timing Intake 智能可变配气正时VVTLVariable Valve Timing and Lift 可变气门相位及升程VTECVariable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control System 可变气门相位及升程电子控制系统FSI Fuel Straight Injection 汽油机缸内直喷技术OBD On Board Diagnostics 车载故障诊断系统VCMVariable Cylinder Management 可变气缸管理即闭缸技术Muffler 消音器volume ratio of combustion cahmber燃烧室容积比surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber燃烧室口径比flywheel cover飞轮壳dome head piston圆顶活塞flat head piston平顶活塞crown head piston convex head piston 凸顶活塞concave head piston凹顶活塞piston skirt活塞裙部oil control ring 油环connecting rod small end连杆小头connecting rod big end连杆大头connecting rod bearing连杆轴承one-piece crankshaft整体式曲轴assembled crankshaft组合式曲轴crankshaft main journal 曲轴主轴颈crank pin曲柄销eccentric shaft偏心轴crankcase曲轴箱flywheel飞轮reciprocating inertia force1st order一级往复惯性力reciprocating inertia force 2nd order二级往复贯性力camshaft bearing journal凸轮轴轴颈camshaft bearing 凸轮轴轴承camshaft gear wheel 凸轮轴齿轮inlet cam进口凸轮exhaust cam排气凸轮timing gear正时齿轮swirl rate进气涡流intake turbulence进气紊流valve lift气门升程valve timing气门正时valve guide气门导管roller 滚柱rocker arm摇臂fuel delivery per cycle循环供油量rated fuel delivery 额定供油量fuel injection beginning喷油始点fuel injection end喷油终点fuel injection duration angle喷油持续角injection delay喷油延迟pilot injection 引燃喷射injection starting pressure启喷压力carburetor化油器governor 调速器air filter空气滤清器intake preheater进气预热装置intake manifold进气歧管indicated power指示功率indicated thermal efficiency指示热效率indicated specific energy consumption指示油耗率indicator diagram示功图mechanical supercharging机械增压supercharge ratio增压比boost pressure增压压力surge喘振standard atmospheric conditions标准大气状况atmospheric pressure 大气压力inlet air temperature进气温度performance test性能试验thermo-shock test热冲击试验cylinder fuel-cut test停缸试验turbo-charger matching test增压机匹配试验exhaust analysis test排气分析试验stability test稳定性试验verification test验证试验approval test鉴定试验reliability test可靠性试验durability test耐久性试验type approval test定型试验acceptance test验收试验field test现场试验delivery test出厂试验spot check test抽查试验re-check test复查试验bench test台架试验hydraulic dynamometer水力测功机eddy current dynamometer电涡流测功机electric dynamometer电力测功机fuel and vapor separator油气分离器catalyst催化剂converter转化器catalytic converter催化转化器oxidation catalyst氧化型催化剂reduction catalyst还原型催化剂three-way catalyst三元催化剂catalyst poisoning催化剂中毒lean rich mixture稀浓混合气temperature sensor温度传感器pressure sensor压力传感器position sensor位置传感器speed sensor转速传感器knock sensor爆震传感器nondispersive infrared不分光红外线分析法nondispersive ultraviolet不分光紫外线分析法flame ionization ditector氢火焰离子化检测器gas chromatograph气相色谱仪heated flame ionization detector加热式氢火焰离子化检测器opacimetersmokemeter烟度计off-road vehicle越野车sports car跑车racer racing car赛车interchangeability 互换性final assembly 总装dash board 仪表盘clean diesel 清洁柴油grade ability 爬坡能力moisture ejector 除湿器modular bus body 组合式客车车身test of steering wheel returnability 转向盘回正性试验steering wheel impulse input test 转向盘转角脉冲试验air deflector 空气导流板steering wheel step input or transient state yaw response test 转向盘转角阶跃输入试验limiting lateral acceleration test 极限侧向加速度试验automobile ride random input running test 汽车平顺性随机输入行驶试验automobile ride single pulse input running test 汽车平顺性单脉冲输入行驶试验measurement of natural frequency and damping ratio of suspension 汽车悬挂系统固有频率与阻尼比的测定试验test of effect of sudden power change 功率突然变化影响试验test of control at breakway 收油门后控制试验test of crosswind stability 横向稳定性试验kick-back test 反冲试验test of burst response of tyre 轮胎爆破响应时间试验obstacle avoidance test 绕过障碍物试验lane change test 移线试验test of J turn J型转弯试验frequency response test 频率响应时间试验transient response test 瞬态响应时间试验step response test 阶路响应时间试验pulse response test 脉冲响应试验static steering effort test 静态操舵力试验jack-up test of suspension 悬架举升试验test of overturning immunity 耐翻倾试验rim slip test 转毂错动试验wind tunnel test 风洞试验test of breaking stability 制动稳定性试验minimum turning diameter test 最小转弯直径试验steering effort test 操舵力试验汽车automobile 拖拉机tractor 铁路机车locomotive 有轨电车tram 无轨电车trolley 军用车辆military vehicle 蒸汽机steam engine 煤气机gas engine 汽油机gasoline engine 国民经济national economy 国内生产总值GDP Gross Domestic Production 全拆散CKD Completely Knock Down 半拆散SKDSemi-Knock Down 改革开放reform and opening 技术引进technical import 国产化localization 支柱产业pillar estate 轿车car 客车bus coach 货车truck lorry 公路用车road vehicle 非公路用车off-road vehicle 发动机engine 机体engine body 曲柄连杆机构crank-connecting rod mechanism 配气机构valve timing mechanism 供给系fuel supply system 冷却系cooling system 润滑系lubricating system 点火系ignition system 起动系starting system 底盘chassis 传动系power train 离合器clutch 变速器gear box 传动轴propeller shaft 驱动桥drive axle 行驶系runninggear 车架frame 悬架suspension 前轴front axle 桥壳axle housing 车轮wheel转向系steering system 转向盘steering wheel 转向器steering gear 转向传动装置steering linkage 助力装置power assisting device 制动系braking system 控制装置control device 供能装置power supply device 传动装置transfer device 制动器brake 车身body 车前板制件front end panels 车身壳体body shell 车门door 车窗window 附属装置auxiliary device 货箱carrying platform 发动机前置后轮驱动FR front engine rear drive 发动机前置前轮驱动FF front engine front drive 发动机后置后轮驱动RR rear engine rear drive 发动机中置后轮驱动MR midship engine rear drive 全轮驱动nWD all wheel drive 驱动力tractive force 阻力resistance 滚动阻力rolling resistance 空气阻力air resistance drag 上坡阻力gradient resistance 附着作用adhesion 附着力adhesive force 附着系数coefficient of adhesion 第一章发动机工作原理二冲程发动机two stroke engine 四冲程发动机four stroke engine 水冷发动机water cooled engine 风冷发动机air cooled engine 上止点UDP upper dead point 下止点LDP lower dead point 活塞行程stroke 汽缸直径bore 工作容积working volume 排量swept volume displacement 进气行程intake stroke 压缩行程compression stroke 压缩比compression ratio 做功行程working stroke 爆燃敲缸detonation knock 排气行程exhaust stroke 示功图indicating diagram 汽缸体cylinder block 汽缸盖cylinder head 油底壳oil sump 活塞piston 连杆connecting rod 曲轴crankshaft 飞轮flywheel 进气门intake valve 排气门exhaust valve 挺柱tappet 推杆push rod 摇臂rocker 凸轮轴camshaft 正时齿轮timing gear 燃油箱fuel tank 燃油泵fuel pump 汽油滤清器gasoline filter 化油器carburetor 空气滤清器air cleaner 进气管intake manifold 排气管exhaust manifold 火花塞spark plug 点火线圈ignition coil 断电器breaker 蓄电池storage battery 发电机generator 水泵water pump 散热器radiator 风扇fan 放水阀drain valve 水套water jacket 分水管distributive pipe 机油泵oil pump 集滤器suction filter 限压阀relief valve 润滑油道oil passage 机油滤清器oil filter 机油冷却器oil cooler 起动机starting motor 有效功率effective power 有效转矩effective torque 燃油消耗率specific fuel consumption 发动机转速特性engine speed characteristic 节气门开度throttle percentage 部分特性partial characteristic 外特性outer characteristic 第二章曲柄连杆机构汽缸套cylinder sleeve cylinder liner 发动机支承engine mounting 活塞顶piston top 活塞头部piston head 活塞裙piston skirt 开槽slot 活塞环piston ring气环compression ring 油环oil ring 环槽groove 活塞销piston pin 主轴承main bearing 主轴承盖main bearing cap 主轴瓦main shell 连杆轴承big end bearing 连杆盖big end cap 起动爪cranking claw 带轮pulley 平衡重counter weight 发火顺序firing order 扭振减振器torsional vibration damper 第三章配气机构顶置气门OHV Over Head Valve 顶置凸轮轴OHC Over Head Camshaft 单顶置凸轮轴SOHC Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴DOHC Dual Over Head Camshaft 多气门发动机multi-valve engine 气门间隙valve clearance 配气相位timing phase 气门杆valve stem 气门座valve seat 气门导管valve guide 气门弹簧valve spring 第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气combustion mixture 消声器silencer muffler 汽油gasoline petrol 分馏distil 蒸发性evaporating property 热值heat value 抗爆性anti-knock property 辛烷值RON Research Octane Number 过量空气系数coefficient of excessive air 理论混合气theoretical mixture 稀混合气thin mixture 浓混合气thick mixture 主供油系统main supply system 怠速系统idle system 加浓系统thickening system 加速系统accelerating system 浮子float 浮子室float chamber 针阀needle valve 量孔metering jet 阻风门choke 滤芯filter cartridge 沉淀杯sediment cup 泵膜pump diaphragm 油浴式oil bath type 石棉垫aestos pad 预热pre-heating 汽油直接喷射gasoline direct injection 电控electronic control 多点喷射muti-point injection 单点喷射single point injection 电路控制circuit control 分电器信号distributor signal 空气流量信号airflow signal 冷却水温信号water temperature signal 第五章柴油机供给系输油泵transfer pump 喷油泵fuel injection pump 高压油管high pressure fuel pipe 发火性ignition property 黏度viscosity 凝点condensing point 备燃期pri-combustion period 速燃期rapid combustion period 缓燃期slow combustion period 燃烧室combustion chamber 统一燃烧室united chamber 球形燃烧室ball shape chamber 涡流室turbulence chamber 预燃室pri-combustion chamber 喷油器injector 精密偶件precise couple 柱塞plunger 出油阀delivery valve 调速器governor 两速调速器two speed governor 全速调速器full speed governor 定速调速器fixed speed governor 综合调速器combined governor 气动调速器pneumatic governor 机械离心式调速器mechanical centrifugal governor 复合式调速器complex governor 喷油提前角调节装置advancer 飞块flyweight 联轴节coupling 粗滤清器primary filter 细滤清器secondary filter 涡轮增压器turbocharger 中间冷却器intermediate cooler 第七章冷却系节温器thermostat 防冻液anti-freezing liquid 补偿水桶compensation reservoir V-带V belt 百叶窗shutter 大循环big circulation 小循环small circulation 散热翅片fins 第八章润滑系润滑剂lubricant 压力润滑pressure lubrication 飞溅润滑splash lubrication 润滑脂grease 机油压力传感器oil pressure sensor 油封oil seal 旁通阀bypass valve 机油散热器oil cooler 机油尺dip stick 加机油口oil filler 曲轴箱通风crankcase ventilation 第九章点火系一次绕组primary winding 二次绕组secondary winding 热敏电阻heat sensitive resistance 点火提前ignition advance 分电器distributor 活动触点moving contact 固定触点fixed contact 分火头distributor rotor arm 电容器condenser 点火提前装置ignition advancer 离心式点火提前装置centrifugal ignition advancer 真空式点火提前装置vacuum ignition advancer 辛烷值校正器octane number rectifier 中心电极central electrode 侧电极side electrode 瓷绝缘体ceramic insulator 跳火间隙spark gap 半导体点火系semi-conductor ignition system 晶体管transistor 二极管diode 三极管triode 无触点点火系non-contact ignition system 霍尔效应Hall effect 正极板anode 负极板cathode 隔板separator 电解液electrolyte 蓄电池格battery cell 接线柱terminal 电缆cable 硅整流交流发电机silicon rectified A.C.。
内燃机:internal combustion engines外燃机:external combustion engines往复式内燃机:reciprocating engine自然吸气:naturally aspirate增压:supercharge涡轮增压:turbo charge机械动力:mechanical power混合气:fuel-air mixture工作介质:working fluids机械部件:mechanical components火花点火机:spark-ignition engines压燃机:compression-ignition engines能/重量比:power/weight ratio发电机:power generation热机:heat engines活塞:piston 汽缸:cylinder 煤气:coal-gas 活塞冲程:piston stroke 工质:charge齿系组:rack assembly 动量:momentum真空:vacuum大气压力:atmospheric pressure 输出轴:output shaft热效率:thermal efficiency四冲程:four piston strokes进气:intake stroke压缩:compression stroke膨胀或做工:expansion or power stroke排气:exhaust stroke四冲程机器:four-stroke engine分层工质:stratified-charge重量和体积:weight and volume最大热效率:maximum efficiency膨胀比:expansion ratio热损失:heat losses工作容积:displaced or swept volume上止点:top center下止点:bottom center进气门:inlet valve 排气门:exhaust valve气缸套:cylinder liner凸轮轴:camshaft曲柄销:crank pin初始压力:initial pressures在广泛意义上:in the broader sense二冲程内燃机:two-stroke internal combustion engines 敲缸:knock 爆震:detonation化油器:carburetor连杆:connecting rod点火系统:ignition system单缸机:single-cylinder engines旋转式内燃机:rotary internal combustion engines原油:crude oil or crude petroleum蒸发:vaporize挥发:volatile热裂解:thermal cracking电子驱动启动器:electrically driven starters煤油:kerosene四乙铅:tetraethyl lead添加剂:additive活性催化剂:activated catalyst氮氧化物:oxides of nitrogen碳氢化合物:hydrocarbon compounds排放指标:emission standards零件:component安装:mount直流扫气:uniflow scavenging往复运动:reciprocating/oscillating motion活塞群部:piston skirt火花塞:spark plug曲轴:crankshaft喷油嘴:fuel injector发动机机体:engine block蒸发和凝结:evaporation and condensation顶置气门机构:overhead valve locations燃烧室:combustion chamber火焰传播时间:flame travel-time气门导管:valve guide气门座:valve seats局部过热:local hot spots凸轮轴:camshaft挺柱:tappets推杆和摇臂:push rod and rocker arm进/排气歧管:intake/exhaust manifold燃油喷射器:fuel injectors凸轮驱动摇臂:cam-driven rocker arms浮子室:float chamber节气阀:throttle valve喷油泵:injection pump连续喷射:continuous injection喷射脉冲:injection pulses曲轴转角:crank angle气体性质:gas properties点火线圈:ignition coil磁场:magnetic field湍流火焰:turbulent flame残余废气:residual gas最佳点火时间:optimum spark timing扫气过程:blowdown process惯性力:inertia force四冲程直列发动机:four-stroke in-line engines紧凑:compact对置式:opposed-piston engines锐角:acute angle摆动力矩:rocking moment涡轮增压器:turbocharger进气压力:inlet pressure压气机:compressor剖面图:cutaway drawing涡轮转子:turbine rotor化油器曲轴箱压缩:carburetor crankcase-compression type 换气过程:gas-exchange process偏心轮:eccentric shaft异步:out of phase做工脉冲:torque pulses负载控制:load control自燃:spontaneous ignition循环扫气:loop-scavenged柱塞:plunger螺旋槽:helical groove分配泵:distributer pumps外部驱动:external drive超速调节器:overspeed governor直接喷射:direct-injection活塞头部:piston crown余隙容积/燃烧室容积:clearance volume结构紧凑:compact shape旋转气流(涡流):swirling air flow多孔喷嘴:multihole nozzle顶置式凸轮:overhead-valve-cam预燃室:prechamber辅助燃烧室:auxiliary combustion chamber水冷:water cooled风冷:air cooled自然吸气:naturally aspirated风箱:air blower强迫气体对流:forced air convection碗状燃烧室:bowl-in-piston combustion chamber 部分负载:part load工作范围:operating range最大扭矩:maximum torque额定功率:rated power额定转速:rated speed缸径:cylinder bore连杆长度:connecting rod length曲柄半径:crank radius活塞销:piston pin曲柄轴线:crank axis制动扭矩:brake torque循环指示功:indicated work per cycle道路负载功率:road-load power缸套:cylinder liner轴承:bearing油底壳:oil pan汽缸盖:cylinder head。
1、电器设备:electrical equipment2、铰接客车:articulated bus3、内燃机:internal combustion engine4、变矩器:torque converter5、差速器:differential gear6、传动轴:propeller shaft7、转向柱:steering column8、钢板弹簧:leaf spring9、螺旋弹簧:coil spring10、扭杆弹簧:torsion bar11、连杆:connection rod12、上止点:top read center13、下止点:bottom read center14、吸气行程:induction stroke15、做功行程:power stroke16、压缩行程:compression stroke17、排气行程:exhaust stroke18、有效容积:swept volume19、发动机排量:engine capacity20、转向系统:steering system21、传动系统:power train system22、制动系统:brake system23、车身:automobile body24、底盘:chassis25、发动机:engine26、电气系统:electrical system27、压缩比:compression ratio28、气缸体:cylinder block29、气缸盖:cylinder head30、顶置凸轮:overhead-cam31、灰铸铁:gray iron32、碳钢:carbon steel33、铝合金:aluminum alloy34、进气总管:internal manifold35、曲轴箱:crankcase36、活塞环(销):piston ring(pin)37、切向力:tangential force38、径向力:radial force39、气缸壁:cylinder wall40、气缸筒:cylinder bore41、往复运动:reciprocating motion42、点火次序:firing order43、人造橡胶:elastomer44、合成橡胶:synthetic rubber 45、气门间隙:valve clearance46、凸轮挺赶:cam follower47、气门正时:valve timing48、进气门:intake valve49、排气门:exhaust valve50、电子式气阀控制:electronic valve control51、顶置凸轮轴:overhead camshaft52、齿轮带:cog-type belt1、有些零件使汽车更舒服或更美观,但其中大多数是使汽车行驶。
内燃机英语名词--------------------------------------------------------------------------------活塞式内燃机英语名词、术语(一)(GB1883 )序号中文名词、术语英文名词、术语1 往复活塞式内燃机Reciprocating engine2 二冲程内燃机Two-stroke engine3 四冲程内燃机Four-strokeen gine4 汽油机Gasolineengine5 顶置气门汽油机Overhead-valve engine6 侧置气门汽油机Side-valvengine7 汽油喷射式汽油机Gasoline-injection engine8 顶置凸轮轴内燃机Overhead camshaft engine9 柴油机Dieselengine10 煤气机Gas engine11 柴油煤气机Gas-Diesel engine12 多种燃料内燃机Multi-fuel engine13 低转速柴油机Low-speed Dieselengine14 中转速柴油机Medium-speed Diesel engine15 高转速柴油机High-speedDieselengine16 增压柴油机Supercharged Diesel engine17 低增压柴油机Low-supercharged Diesel engine18 中增压柴油机Medium-supercharged Dieselengine19 高增压柴油机High-supercharged Dieselengine20 超高增压柴油机Superhigh supercharged Dieselengine21 废气涡轮增压柴油机Turbocharged Diesel engine22 机械增压柴油机Mechanical pressure-charged engine23 两级增压柴油机Two stage super-charged engine24 复合式柴油机Compound Dieselengine25 十字头式柴油机Crosshead Diesel engine26 船用挂机Outboardengine27 水冷内燃机Water-coolede ngine28 风冷内燃机Air-cooled engine29 单缸内燃机Single-cylindeenrg ine30 多缸内燃机Multi cylinder engine31 卧式内燃机Horizontalengine32 立式内燃机Vertical engine33 斜置式内燃机34 直列式内燃机In-line engine35 对置气缸内燃机Opposed-cylinder-type engine36 对动活塞内燃机Opposed-pistonengine37U 形内燃机U-pistonengine38V 形内燃机V-engine39W 形内燃机W-engine40X 形内燃机X-engine41 星形内燃机Radialengine42 ▽形内燃机▽-Type engine43 工字形内燃机工-type engine44 王字形内燃机王-type engine往复活塞式内燃机英语名词、术语(二)(GB1883 )序号中文名词、术语英文名词、术语45 气缸直径Cylinderbore46 活塞行程Stroke 47 上止点Top dead centre48 下止点Bottom dead centre49 行程缸径比Stroke-borrea tio50 连杆比Ratio between crank radius andconnecting rod length 51 充量Charge52 工质Working medium53 进气行程Suctionstroke54 压缩行程Compression stroke55 膨胀行程Expansionstroke56 排气行程Exhauststroke57 换气-压缩行程(二冲程)Scavenging-compression stroke 58 膨胀-换气行程(二冲程)Expansion-scavengingstroke59 工作循环Working cycle60 扫气过程Scavenging61 直流扫气Uniflowscavenging62 回流扫气Loopscavenging63 横流扫气Crossscavenging64 扫气泵扫气Scavenging by blower65 曲轴箱扫气Crankcase scavenging66 活塞底泵扫气Under-piston pump scavenging67 进气温度Intaketemperature68 进气压力Intakepressure69 进气涡流Intakeswirl70 排气温度Exhaust-gastemperature71 排气背压Back pressure72 排气烟度Exhaust gas opacity73 充量系数Charging efficiency7474 残余废气系数Residual gas ratio75 扫气利用系数Coefficient of scavenging76 扫气漏失系数77 扫气系数Scavengingfactor78 压缩始点压力Compression beginning pressure79 压缩终点压力Compression end pressure80 压缩始点温度Compression beginning temperature81 压缩终点温度Compression end temperature82 最高燃烧温度Maximum combustion temperature83 膨胀终点温度Expansion end temperature84 膨胀终点压力Expansion end pressure85 平均压力增长率Mean rate of pressure increase86 放热速率Rate of heat release87 燃烧速率Burningvelocity88 火焰传播速度Rate of flame propagation89 表面点火Surfaceignition90 放热规律Regularity of heat release91 过量空气系数Excess air factor92 总过量空气系数Total excess air factor 93 气缸工作容积Piston swept volume 94 总排量Engine sweptvolume95 压缩多变指数Polytropic exponent of compression96 膨胀多变指数Polytropic exponent of expansion97 最高爆发压力Maximum cylinder pressure98 压力升高比Rate of explosion99 初期膨胀比Cut-offr ate100 后期膨胀比Expansionrate101 放热系数Coefficient of heat release102 热平衡Heat balance103 有效功的热当量Mechanical equivalent of heat104 排气热损失Exhaustloss105 冷却热损失Coolingloss106 热平衡余项损失Heat loss as residual term of the heatbalance107 示功图Indicator diagram 108 示功图丰满系数Diagram factor109 扫气过量空气系数Delivery ratio110 空燃比Air-fuerla tio111 扫气效率Scavengingefficiency112 低热值Lower calorificvalue113 空气利用率Rate of air utilization114 热量利用系数Coefficient of heat utilization115 压缩比Compression ratio116 有效压缩比Effective compression ratio117 分子变更系数118 指示功Indicatedwork119 平均指示压力Mean indicated pressure120 指示热效率Indicatedthermalefficiency121 指示热消耗率Indicated specific heat consumption122 工作过程Working process123 压缩空气瓶容量124 指示燃油消耗率Indicated specific fuel consumption125 燃油消耗率Specific fuel consumption126 燃油消耗量Fuelconsumption127 热消耗量Heat consumption128 机油消耗率Specific oil consumption129 机油消耗量Oilconsumption130 空气消耗量Airconsumption131 最低燃油消耗率Minimum specific fuel consumption132 进排气重叠角Valve overlap133 进气持续角Intake valve-opening time134 排气持续角Exhaust valve-opening time135 点火提前角Advance angle of ignition136 进气提前角Intake advance angle137 进气滞后角Intake retard angle138 排气提前角Exhaustadvanceangle139 排气滞后角Exhaust retard angle140 扫气持续角Scavenging port-opening time 141 燃烧持续期Combustion duration 142 滞燃期Ignitiolna g143 显然期Apparent combustion period144 后燃期Afterburning145 早燃Preignition146 回火Back fire147 爆燃Detonation148 工作粗暴Engineroughness149 发火顺序Firingorder150 正时Valve timing往复活塞式内燃机英语名词、术语(三)(GB1883 )序号中文名词、术语英文名词、术语151 燃烧过程Combustion process152 油膜燃烧Film combustion153 空间燃烧Space combustion154 复合燃烧Compound combustion155 混合气形成Mixing156 废气净化Exhaust emission control157 雾化Atomization158 喷油速率Injection rate159 喷油规律Characteristic of fuel delivery160 喷油持续角Fuel injection period161 喷油延迟角Fuel injection lag162 供油提前角Deliverybeginning163 喷油提前角Fuel injection beginning164 换气过程Gas exchangeprocess165 配气相位Valve timing166 残余废气Residualgas167 增压Supercharging168 增压比Pressureratio169 气波增压Comprex supercharging170 增压压力Boostpressure171 废气涡轮增压Turbocharging172 机械增压Mechanicalsupercharging173 复合增压Two stagesupercharging174 定压增压Constantpressure175 脉冲增压Pulseturbocharginsgy stem 176 增压中冷Intercooling 177 增压度Degree ofcharging178 增压器出口温度Supercharger outlet temperature179 脉冲进气Impulse suction往复活塞式内燃机英语名词、术语(四)(GB1883 )序号中文名词、术语英文名词、术语180 时间-面积值/角度-面积值Time area181 积炭Carbon deposit182 结胶Sticking183 敲缸Knock184 气阻Vapour lock185 燃烧室面容比Surface volume ratio186 燃烧室的挤流面积Squish area187 激冷效应Quenching188 燃料当量比Equivalenceratio189 L型燃烧室** Side valve combustion chamber190 楔形燃烧室** Wedge combustion chamber191 盆型燃烧室** Basin type chamber192 F型燃烧室** F-head type combustion chamber193 半球形燃烧室** Semispherical combustion chamber194 开式燃烧室* Open combustion chamber195 分开式燃烧室* Divided combustion chamber196 半开式燃烧室* Semi-divided combustion chamber197 涡流室燃烧室* Swirl chamber type198 预燃室燃烧室* Precombustion chamber type199 直接喷射燃烧室* Direct injection type chamber200* 主燃烧室Main combustion type chamber201* 球型燃烧室Spherical combustion chamber202* ω型燃烧室ωtype chamber203* 盆型燃烧室Dish type chamber204 层状充气Stratificehda rging205 挤压涡流Squishswirl206 螺旋进气道Spiralport207 切向气道Tangentialp ort注释:*指柴油机燃烧室,**指汽油机燃烧室。
1. accessory [əkˈsesəri] 附件2. atmosphere[ˈætməsfɪə(r)] 空气3. bare[beə(r)] 裸露4. bearing [ˈbeərɪŋ]轴承5. bedplate ['bedpleɪt] 机座6. blower[ˈbləʊə(r)] 压气机7. bolt[bəʊlt] 螺栓8. brake[breɪk] 刹车9. calorific[ˌkæləˈrɪfɪk] 热值10. camshaft[ˈkæmʃɑ:ft] 凸轮轴11. capacity[kəˈpæsəti] 电容12. cetane number [ˈsi:tein ˈnʌmbə]十六烷值13. cetane ['si:teɪn] 十六烷值14. charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] 充气15. combustion chamber [kəmˈbʌstʃənˈtʃeimbə] 燃烧室16. combustion[kəmˈbʌstʃən] 燃烧17. compress[kəmˈpres]压缩18. connect rod big end[kəˈnekt] [rɒd]连杆大端19. crank journal[kræŋk ˈdʒə:nl] 主轴颈20. crankshaft[ˈkræŋkʃɑ:ft] 曲轴21. crown [kraʊn] 活塞顶22. curve[kɜ:v] 曲线23. cylinder[ˈsɪlɪndə(r)] 气缸24. diesel[ˈdi:zl]柴油机25. drawbar ['drɔ:ˌbɑ:] 挂钩26. dynamometer[ˌdaɪnə'mɒmɪtə] 测功器27. eliminate[ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt] 排除28. exert [ɪgˈzɜ:t] 施加29. exhaust gas driven turbocharger[ɪgˈzɔ:st][gæs][ˈdrɪvn][ˈtɜ:bəʊtʃɑ:dʒə(r)] 废气涡轮增压器30. exhaust[ɪgˈzɔ:st] 排气31. fan[fæn] 风扇32. film[fɪlm] 油膜33. flame[fleɪm] 火焰34. frame[freɪm] 机架35. friction [ˈfrɪkʃn] 摩擦36. gallon[ˈgælən] 加仑37. generator[ˈdʒenəreɪtə(r)] 发电机114. frequency response [ˈfri:kwənsiriˈspɔns] 频率响应115. frequency responsecharacteristic [ˈfri:kwənsi riˈspɔns][ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk]频率响应特性116. Hall effect [ɪˈfekt] 霍耳效应117. Hall element [ˈelɪmənt] 霍耳元件118. dynamic response [daiˈnæmik riˈspɔns]动态响应119. eddy-current ['edi:k'ʌrənt]涡流120. eddy-currentdynamometer ['edi:k'ʌrənt] [ˌdaɪnə'mɒmɪtə] 电涡流测功器121. eddy-current testing ['edi:k'ʌrənt][ˈtestɪŋ]涡流检测122. eddy-current testinginstrument ['edi:k'ʌrənt][ˈtestɪŋ][ˈɪnstrəmənt] 涡流检测仪123. eddy-current thicknessgauge['edi:k'ʌrənt] [ˈθɪknɪs geidʒ]涡流测厚仪124. inductive transducer [inˈdʌktivtrænzˈdju:sə] 电感式传感器125. charge amplifier[tʃɑ:dʒˈæmpləˌfaɪə] 电荷放大器126. ammeter [ˈæmi:tə(r)] 电流表127. voltmeter[ˈvəʊltmi:tə(r)] 电压表128. chromatography [ˌkrəʊməˈtɒgrəfi] 色谱学129. chromatograph['krəʊmətəgrɑ:f]色谱法130. chromatogram[krəʊ'mætəˌgræm]色谱图131. chromatograph ['krəʊmətəgrɑ:f]色谱仪132. linear range[ˈlɪniə(r)][reɪndʒ]线性范围133. linear system [ˈlɪniə(r)] [ˈsɪstəm]线性系统134. natural frequency [ˈnætʃərəl ˈf ri:kwənsi]固有频率135. phase difference [feiz ˈdifərəns]相位差136. piezoelectric effect[paɪˌi:zəʊɪ'lektrɪk] [ɪˈfekt]压电效应137. piezoelectric accelerationtransducer [paɪˌi:zəʊɪ'lektrɪk] [əkˌseləˈreɪʃn][trænzˈdju:sə(r)] 压电式加速度传感器138. piezomagnetic effect[paɪi:zəʊmæg'netɪk] [ɪˈfekt]压磁效应139. pressure transducer [ˈpreʃətrænzˈdju:sə]38. gross [grəʊs] 毛重39. handle[ˈhændl]控制40. hold-over['həʊld'əʊvər] 遗留物41. horsepower[ˈhɔ:spaʊə(r)] 马力42. ignite[ɪgˈnaɪt]点火43. illustrate [ˈɪləstreɪt] 图示44. impose[ɪmˈpəʊz] 施加45. inhale[ɪnˈheɪl]进气46. initial[ɪˈnɪʃl]初始值47. injection [ɪnˈdʒekʃn] 喷射48. injector [ɪn'dʒektə] 喷油器49. intermittent [ˌɪntəˈmɪtənt]断续50. Internal combustion engine[inˈtə:nəl kəmˈbʌstʃən ˈendʒin] 内燃机51. intimate[ˈɪntɪmət] 宣布52. jacket [ˈdʒækɪt] 水套53. lever[ˈli:və(r)] 杠杆54. liner [ˈlaɪnə(r)] 气缸套55. list [lɪst] 清单56. load[ləʊd] 负荷57. major [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)]主体58. mean [mi:n] 均值59. measure [ˈmeʒə(r)] 测量60. mixing['mɪksɪŋ]混合61. offer[ˈɒfə(r)] 提供62. offset[ˈɒfset] 偏移63. opposed [əˈpəʊzd] 对置64. overlap[ˌəʊvəˈlæp] 重叠65. overload [ˌəʊvəˈləʊd] 过载66. particular [pəˈtɪkjələ(r)] 特色67. peak[pi:k] 峰值68. pilot [ˈpaɪlət] 引导69. pin[pɪn] 销70. piston ring[ˈpistən riŋ]活塞环71. piston[ˈpɪstən] 活塞72. plier['plaɪə] 钳子73. propeller [prəˈpelə(r)] 螺旋桨74. puzzle[ˈpʌzl] 疑惑75. radius [ˈreɪdiəs] 半径76. recommend[ˌrekəˈmend] 推荐77. represent[ˌreprɪˈzent] 代表78. reservoir [ˈrezəvwɑ:(r)] 瓶79. resistance [rɪˈzɪstəns] 电阻压力传感器140. relative error[ˈrelətiv ˈerə]相对误差141. sampling[ˈsɑ:mplɪŋ]采样142. sampling frequency[ˈsɑ:mplɪŋ][ˈfri:kwənsi]采样频率143. sampling period [ˈsɑ:mplɪŋ] [ˈpɪəriəd]采样周期144. sampling rate [ˈsɑ:mplɪŋ][reɪt]采样率145. sound field [saund fi:ld]声场146. sound intensity [saund inˈtensiti]声强147. sound intensity level [saund inˈtensiti ˈlevl]声强级148. sound level [saund ˈlevl]声级149. sound pressure [saund ˈpreʃə]声压150. sound pressure level[saund ˈpreʃəˈlevl]声压级151. sound power level[saund ˈpauəˈlevl]声功率级152. span[spæn]量程153. strain[streɪn]应变154. strain effect[strein iˈfekt]应变155. strain gauge[strein geidʒ]应变片156. strain-gauge-typetransducer [streɪn] [geɪdʒ][taɪp][trænzˈdju:sə(r)] 应变式传感器157. step response[step riˈspɔns]阶跃响应158. step response time [step riˈspɔns taim]阶跃响应时间159. thermal radiation [ˈθə:məl ˌreidiˈeiʃən]热辐射160. thermocouple ['θɜ:mə'kʌpl]热电偶161. thermocouple wires thermocouple wires ['waɪəz]热电偶丝162. thermodynamic scale [ˈθə:məudaiˈnæmik skeil]热力学温标163. threshold value [ˈθreʃhəuld ˈvælju]阈值164. time constant[taim ˈkɔnstənt]时间常数165. transducer [trænzˈdju:sə(r)]传感器166. transfer function[trænsˈfə: ˈfʌŋkʃən]传递函数167. transient [ˈtrænziənt]瞬态168. steady state [ˈstedi steit]稳态169. zero drift [ˈziərəu drift]零点漂移170. signal-to-noise ratio[ˈsɪgnəl] [tə]80. revolution[ˌrevəˈlu:ʃn] 转81. ring[rɪŋ]活塞环82. rod [rɒd] 连杆83. satisfactory [ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri] 安全84. scavenge [ˈskævɪndʒ] 扫气85. seal [si:l] 密封86. silencer[ˈsaɪlənsə(r)] 消音器87. skirt[skɜ:t] 活塞裙88. specifications [spesɪfɪ'keɪʃnz]说明书89. spray [spreɪ] 喷洒90. stroke [strəʊk] 冲程91. term[tɜ:m] 术语92. torque [tɔ:k] 扭矩93. travel [ˈtrævl]传播94. turbocharger [ˈtɜ:bəʊtʃɑ:dʒə(r)]增压器95. twist [twɪst] 扭曲96. vaporization [,veipərai'zeiʃən]蒸发97. variable[ˈveəriəbl] 变量98. vehicular [vəˈhɪkjələ(r)] 车辆99. viscosity[vɪ'skɒsətɪ] 粘度100. weld[weld] 焊接101. absolute error [ˈæbsəlju:tˈerə] 绝对误差102. amplitude [ˈæmplɪtju:d]振幅,幅值103. atmospheric pressure [ˌætməˈsferɪk ˈpreʃə]气压104. sensor[ˈsensə(r)]传感器105. biosensor[bi:əʊ'sensər] 生物传感器106. calibration [ˌkælɪˈbreɪʃn]校准,标定107. capacitivetransducer [kə'pæsɪtɪv] [trænzˈdju:sə(r)]电容传感器108. charge amplifier [tʃɑ:dʒˈæmpləˌfaɪə] 电荷放大器109. damping['dæmpɪŋ]阻尼110. damping coefficient [ˈdæmpiŋ ˌkəʊəˈfɪʃənt] 阻尼系数111. delay time [diˈlei taim]滞后时间112. deviation [ˌdi:viˈeɪʃn] 偏差113. error of indication [ˈerə(r)][ˌɪndɪˈkeɪʃn]示值误差[nɔɪz] [ˈreɪʃiəʊ]信噪比171. sensing element [sensɪŋ][ˈelɪmənt]敏感元件172. sensitivity [ˌsensəˈtɪvəti]灵敏度173. sensitivity characteristic [ˌsensɪˈtɪvɪti: ˌkæriktəˈristik]灵敏度特性174. sensitivity drift[ˌsensɪˈtɪvɪti: drift]灵敏度漂移175. sensitivity error[ˌsensɪˈtɪvɪti: ˈerə]灵敏度误差176. sensitivity coefficient [ˌsensɪˈtɪvɪti:ˌkəʊəˈfɪʃənt]灵敏度系数177. response[rɪˈspɒns]响应178. response characteristic[riˈspɔnsˌkæriktəˈristik]响应特性179. response speed [riˈspɔns spi:d]响应速度180. response time[riˈspɔns taim]响应时间181. on -line[ɒn] [laɪn] 在线182. on-line processing[ɒn] [laɪn][ˈprəʊsesiŋ]在线处理183. on-line equipment [ɒn] [laɪn] [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] 在线设备184. on-line real-time processing[ɒn] [laɪn] [ˈri:əl][taɪm] [ˈprəʊsesiŋ]在线实时处理185. in line [in lain]在线186. off line [ɔf lain]离线187. real time [riəl taim]实时188. random error[ˈrændəm ˈerə]随机误差189. systematic error[ˌs istəˈmætik ˈerə]系统误差190. noise [nɔɪz]噪声191. vibration[vaɪˈbreɪʃn]振动192. vibration analyzer[vaɪˈbreɪʃn] ['ænəˌlaɪzə]振动分析仪193. infrared spectrum [ˈinfrəˈred ˈspektrəm]红外光谱194. infrared fiber [ˌɪnfrəˈred] ['faɪbə]红外光纤195. hysteresis error [ˌhistəˈri:sis ˈerə]滞后误差196. hysteresis [ˌhɪstə'ri:sɪs]滞后197. intelligent sensor [inˈtelidʒənt ˈsensə]智能传感器198. flow rate [fləu reit]流量199. flowmeter ['fləʊmi:tə]流量计200. scale[skeɪl]标度尺。
内燃机最常用的200个单词1. Internal combustion engine 内燃机ICE2. atmosphere 空气3. bare 裸露4. bearing 轴承5. bedplate 机座6. blower 压气机7. bolt 螺栓8. brake 刹车9. calorific 热值10. camshaft 凸轮轴11. capacity 电容12. cetane number 十六烷值13. cetane 十六烷值14. charge 充气15. combustion chamber 燃烧室16. combustion 燃烧17. compress 压缩18. connect rod big end 连杆大端19. crank journal 主轴颈20. crankshaft 曲轴21. crown 活塞顶22. curve 曲线23. cylinder 气缸24. diesel 柴油机25. drawbar 挂钩26. dynamometer 测功器27. eliminate 排除28. exert 施加29. exhaust gas driven turbocharger 废气涡轮增压器30. exhaust 排气31. fan 风扇32. film 油膜33. flame 火焰34. frame 机架35. friction 摩擦36. gallon 加仑37. generator 发电机38. gross 毛重39. handle 控制40. hold-over 遗留物41. horsepower 马力42. ignite 点火43. illustrate 图示44. impose 施加45. inhale 进气46. initial 初始值47. injection 喷射48. injector 喷油器49. intermittent 断续50. accessory 附件51. intimate 宣布52. jacket 水套53. lever 杠杆54. liner 气缸套55. list 清单56. load 负荷57. major 主体58. mean 均值59. measure 测量60. mixing 混合61. offer 提供62. offset 偏移63. opposed 对置64. overlap 重叠65. overload 过载66. particular 特色67. peak 峰值68. pilot 引导69. pin 销70. piston ring 活塞环71. piston 活塞72. plier 钳子73. propeller 螺旋桨74. puzzle 疑惑75. radius 半径76. recommend 推荐77. represent 代表78. reservoir 瓶79. resistance 电阻80. revolution 转81. ring 活塞环82. rod 连杆83. satisfactory 安全84. scavenge 扫气85. seal 密封86. silencer 消音器87. skirt 活塞裙88. specifications 说明书89. spray 喷洒90. stroke 冲程91. term 术语92. torque 扭矩93. travel 传播94. turbocharger 增压器95. twist 扭曲96. vaporization 蒸发97. variable 变量98. vehicular 车辆99. viscosity 粘度100. weld 焊接101. absolute error 绝对误差102. amplitude 振幅,幅值103. atmospheric pressure 气压104. sensor 传感器105. biosensor 生物传感器106. calibration 校准,标定107. capacitive transducer 电容传感器108. charge amplifier 电荷放大器109. damping 阻尼110. damping coefficient 阻尼系数111. delay time 滞后时间112. deviation 偏差113. error of indication 示值误差114. frequency response 频率响应115. frequency response characteristic 频率响应特性116. Hall effect 霍耳效应117. Hall element 霍耳元件118. dynamic response 动态响应119. eddy-current 涡流120. eddy-current dynamometer 电涡流测功器121. eddy-current testing 涡流检测122. eddy-current testing instrument 涡流检测仪123. eddy-current thickness gauge 涡流测厚仪124. inductive transducer 电感式传感器125. charge amplifier 电荷放大器126. ammeter 电流表127. voltmeter 电压表128. chromatography 色谱学129. chromatograph 色谱法130. chromatogram 色谱图131. chromatograph 色谱仪132. linear range 线性范围133. linear system 线性系统134. natural frequency 固有频率135. phase difference 相位差136. piezoelectric effect 压电效应137. piezoelectric acceleration transducer 压电式加速度传感器138. piezomagnetic effect 压磁效应139. pressure transducer 压力传感器140. relative error 相对误差141. sampling 采样142. sampling frequency 采样频率143. sampling period 采样周期144. sampling rate 采样率145. sound field 声场146. sound intensity 声强147. sound intensity level 声强级148. sound level 声级149. sound pressure 声压150. sound pressure level 声压级151. sound power level 声功率级152. span 量程153. strain 应变154. strain effect 应变155. strain gauge 应变片156. strain-gauge-type transducer 应变式传感器157. step response 阶跃响应158. step response time 阶跃响应时间159. thermal radiation 热辐射160. thermocouple 热电偶161. thermocouple wires 热电偶丝162. thermodynamic scale 热力学温标163. threshold value 阈值164. time constant 时间常数165. transducer 传感器166. transfer function 传递函数167. transient 瞬态168. steady state 稳态169. zero drift 零点漂移170. signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比171. sensing element 敏感元件172. sensitivity 灵敏度173. sensitivity characteristic 灵敏度特性174. sensitivity drift 灵敏度漂移175. sensitivity error 灵敏度误差176. sensitivity coefficient 灵敏度系数177. response 响应178. response characteristic 响应特性179. response speed 响应速度180. response time 响应时间181. on -line 在线182. on-line processing 在线处理183. on-line equipment 在线设备184. on-line real-time processing 在线实时处理185. in line 在线186. off line 离线187. real time 实时188. random error 随机误差189. systematic error 系统误差190. noise 噪声191. vibration 振动192. vibration analyzer 振动分析仪193. infrared spectrum 红外光谱194. infrared fiber 红外光纤195. hysteresis error 滞后误差196. hysteresis 滞后197. intelligent sensor 智能传感器198. flow rate 流量199. flowmeter 流量计200. scale 标度尺。
内燃机专业英语自编讲义部分:1. Engine Classification and Overall MechanicsThe automobile engines can be classified according to: 1. number of cylinders; 2. arrangement of cylinders; 3. arrangement of valves; 4. type of cooling; 5. number of cycles (two or four); 6. type of fuel burned; 7. type of ignition.The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels go around and the car move. The automobile engine is an internal-combustion engine because the fuel (gasoline) is burned inside it. The burning of gasoline inside the engine produces high pressure in the engine combustion chamber. This high pressure forces piston to move, the movement is carried by connecting rods to the engine crankshaft. The crankshaft is thus made to rotate; the rotary motion is carried through the power train to the car wheels so that they rotate and the moves.The engine requires a fuel system to supply it with a mixture of air and fuel. The fuel system does this by pumping liquid gasoline from a tank into the carburetor, a mixing device that mixes the gasoline with air. The mixture is delivered to the engine where it is burned.The engine also needs a cooling system, the combustion of the air-fuel mixture in the engine creates a very high temperature (as high as 2000 to 2700 ℃). The cooling system takes heat away from the engine by circulating a liquid coolant (water mixed with antifreeze) between the engine and a radiator. The coolant gets hot as it goes through the engine. It cools off as it goes through the radiator. Thus, the coolant continually takes heat away from the engine, where it could do damage, and delivers it to the radiator. Air passing through the radiator takes heat away from the radiator.The engine also includes a lubricating system. The purpose of the lubricating system is to supply all moving parts inside the engine with lubricating oil; the oil keeps moving parts from wearing excessively.The engine requires a fourth system, the ignition system. The ignition system provides high-voltage electric sparks that ignite, or set fire to, the charges of air-fuel mixture in the engine combustion chambers.The fifth is starting system and its purpose is to change the electrical current into the mechanical energy to push the crank-shaft around. By means of this, the engine can be started.These five systems are discussed briefly in following sections.Words and Expressionscombustion chamber 燃烧室;ignition. 点燃;power train 动力传动系统;carburetor 化油器;antifreeze 防冻的;coolant 冷却剂(液态);crankshaft 曲轴2. Four-stage-engine OperationThe action taking place in the engine cylinder can be divided into four stages, or strokes. “Stroke” refers to piston movement; as stroke occurs when the piston moves from one limiting position to the other. The upper limit of piston movement is called TDC (top dead center). The lower limit of piston movement is called BDC (bottom dead center). A stroke is piston movement from TDC to BDC or from BDC to TDC. In other words, the piston completes a stroke each time it change its direction of motion.Where the entire cycle of events in the cylinder requires four strokes (or two crankshaft revolutions), the engine is called a four-stroke-cycle engine, or a four-cycle engine. The four piston strokes are intake, compression, power, and exhaust.Intake stroke. On the intake stroke, the intake valve has opened, the piston is moving downward, and a mixture of air and vaporized gasoline is entering the cylinder through the valve port. The mixture of air and vaporized gasoline is delivered to the cylinder by the fuel system and carburetor.Compression stroke. After the piston reaches BDC, or the lower limit of its travel, it begins to move upward. As this happens, the intake valve closes. The exhaust valve is also closed, so that the cylinder is sealed. As the piston moves upward (pushed now by the revolving crankshaft and connecting rod), the air-fuel mixture is compressed. By the time the piston reaches TDC, the mixture has been compressed to as little as one-tenth of its original volume, or even less. This compression of the air-fuel mixture increases the pressure in the cylinder. When the air-fuel mixture is compressed, not only does the pressure in the cylinder go up, but the temperature of the mixture also increases.Power stroke. As the piston reaches TDC on the compression stroke, an electric spark is produced at the spark plug. The ignition system delivers a high-voltage surge of electricity to the spark plug to produce the spark. The spark ignites, or sets fire to, the air-fuel mixture. It now begins to burn very rapidly, and the cylinder pressure increases to as much as 3-5 MPa or even more. This terrific push against the piston forces it downward, and a power impulse is transmitted through the connecting rod to the crankpin on the crankshaft. The crankshaft is rotated as the piston is pushed down by the pressure above it.Exhaust stroke. As the piston reaches BDC again, the exhaust valve opens. Now, as the piston moves up on the exhaust stroke, it forces the burned gases out of thecylinder through the exhaust-valve port. Then, when the piston reaches TDC, the exhaust valve closes and the intake valve opens. Now, a fresh charge of air-fuel mixture will be drawn into the cylinder as the piston moves down again toward BDC. The above four strokes are continuously repeated.Words and Expressionsstroke 行程,冲程;BDC 上止点;TDC 下止点;surge 冲击,脉动;terrific 了不起的,绝妙的;crankpin 曲柄销,连杆轴颈;intake stroke 吸气冲程;compression stroke 压缩冲程;power stroke 做功冲程;exhaust stroke 排气冲程;fresh charge (发动机)吸入的新鲜混合油气3. Two-stage-engine OperationIn the four-stroke-cycle engine, already discussed in lesson 1、2, the complete cycle of events requires four piston strokes (intake, compression, power, and exhaust). In the two-stroke-cycle, or two-cycle, engine, the intake and compression strokes and power and exhaust strokes are in a sense combined. This permits the engine to produce a power stroke every two piston strokes, or every crankshaft rotation.In the two-cycle engine, the piston acts as a valve, clearing valve ports in the cylinder wall as it nears BDC.A fresh air-fuel charge enters through the intake port, and the burned gases exit through the exhaust port. The complete cycle of operation is as follows: As the piston nears TDC, ignition takes place. The high combustion pressures drive the piston down, and the thrust through the connecting rod turns the crankshaft. As the piston nears BDC,it passes the intake and exhaust ports in the cylinder wall. Burned gases, still under some pressure, begin to stream out through the exhaust port. At the same time, the intake port, now cleared by the piston, begins to deliver air-fuel mixture, under pressure, to the cylinder. The top of the piston is shaped to give the incoming mixture an upward movement. This helps to sweep the burned gases ahead and out through the exhaust port.After the piston has passed through BDC and stars up again, it passes both ports, thus sealing them off. Now the fresh air-fuel charge above the piston is compressed and ignited. The same series of events takes place again and continue as long as the engine runs.We mentioned that the air-fuel mixture is delivered to the cylinder under pressure. In most engines, this pressure is put on the mixture in the crankcase. The crankcase is sealed except for a leaf, or reed, valve at the bottom. The reed valve is a flexible, flat metal plate that rests snugly against the floor of the crankcase. There are holes under the reed valve that connect to the engine carburetor. When the piston is moving up, a partial vacuum is produced in the sealed crankcase. Atmospheric pressure lifts the reed valve off the holes, and air-fuel mixture enters the crankcase. After the piston passes TDC and starts down again, pressure begins to build up in the crankcase. This pressure closes the reed valve so that further downward movement of the piston compresses the tapped air-fuel mixture in the crankcase. The pressure which is built up on the air-fuel mixture then causes it to flow up through the intake port into the engine cylinder when the piston moves down far enough to clear the intake port.The two-stroke engine is not only very simple but gives nearly twice the powerof a four stroke engine from a cylinder of given size, but it is wasteful of gasoline, as some mixture inevitably finds its way into the exhaust system on the combines intake/exhaust stroke, and there are always some combustion products left in the cylinder which reduce the rapid burning of the fuel. This kind of engine is always used in motorcycles.Words and Expressionssweep 扫气;connecting rod 连杆;crankcase 曲轴箱;seal off 密封;leaf (reed)valve 片簧阀;air-fuel charge 可燃混合油气4. Diesel Engine Operating FeaturesWe all know that diesel engines, in principle, work in the same way as gasoline engines do. Both kinds of engines are internal-combustion engines, but each of them has its characteristic features. As their names suggest this type of engines burn their fuel inside the working parts of the engines. “Internal” means “inside”, “combustion”means “catching fire or burning”. In any internal combustion engine, burning fuel heats air which consequently expands, and in expanding exists a push to a piston which, in turn, rotates the engine crankshaft through a connecting rod.Now let us compare the diesel engine with the gasoline engine. Firstly, the explosive mixture of the gasoline engine is provided by a carburetor, but in the case of the diesel engine the supply is a ffected by an injection or “jerk” pump which forces a “short” of fuel into each cylinder in turn according to the correct firing sequence. Secondly, the fundamental difference between gasoline and diesel engines is that in the gasoline engine the source of the heat for igniting the charge, namely, an electric spark, is generated outside the engine, and is taken, as it were, into the waiting charge at the required instant. In the diesel engine the source of heat for igniting the charge is created within the engine by compressing pure air to a degree that will initiate combustion and then injecting the fuel at the right time in relation to the movement of the crankshaft. Both classes of engines are of very similar construction. But as the diesel engine is called upon to withstand very much greater stresses due to higher pressures in cylinders, it has to be of more substantial construction, and is thus heavier. In general, the diesel engine may weigh about 9.25 kilograms per kilowatt. The most important advantage of the gasoline engine is its lower weight per kilowatt. The gasoline engine for automobiles weighs about 6.17 kilograms per kilowatt, and gasoline engines for airplanes may weigh as little as 0.77 kilograms per kilowatt. This advantage prevents the diesel engine from replacing the gasoline engine in some automobiles and airplanes.However, the diesel engine is more efficient, because it has higher compression ration. Its ratio may be as high as 16 to 1. Up to 40 percent of the chemical energy of the burning fuel may be changed into mechanical energy. In addition, the diesel engine runs cooler than the gasoline engine. This advantage is especially obvious at lower speeds. Diesel oil is not only cheaper than gasoline, but also safer to store. Words and Expressions:diesel:柴油机;internal-combustion engines:内燃机;jerk pump:脉动史喷油泵;compression ration:压缩比5. Engine Cylinder Block CrankcaseWe have seen how the mixture of air and fuel is delivered by the fuel system to the engine cylinder, where it is compressed, ignited, and burned. We have noted that this combustion produces a high pressure that pushes the piston down so that the crankshaft is rotated. Now let us examine the various parts of the engine in detail.Engine cylinder blockThe cylinder block of liquid-cooled engines forms the basic framework of the engine. Other parts are attached to the cylinder block or are assembled in it. The block is cast in one piece from gray iron or iron alloyed with other metals, such as nickel or chromium. Some blocks are cast from aluminum. The block contains not only the cylinders but also the water jackets that surround them. In aluminum blocks, cast-iron or steel cylinder sleeves (also called bore lines) are used. These metals have better wearing qualities than aluminum and can better withstand the wearing effect of the pistons and ring moving up and down in the cylinders. For most engines, cast iron has been found to be a satisfactory cylinder-wall material. However, in some small engines, the cylinder walls are plated with chromium, a very hard metal, to reduce wall wear and lengthen their life.Cylinder HeadThe cylinder head is usually cast in one piece from iron, from iron alloyed with other metals, or from aluminum alloy. Aluminum has the advantage of combining lightness with high heat conductivity. That is, an aluminum head tends to turn cooler, other factors being equal. There are two types of head, L head and I head. Cylinder head contains water jackets for cooling; in the assembled engine, these water jackets are connected through openings to the cylinder-block water jackets. Spark-plug holes are provided, along with pockets into which the valves can move as they open.GasketsThe joint between the cylinder block and the head must be tight and able to withstand the pressure and heat developed in the combustion chambers. The block and head cannot be machined flat and smooth enough to provide an adequate seal. Thus, gaskets are used. Head gaskets are made of thin sheets of soft metal or asbestos and metal. All cylinder, water, valve, and head-bolt openings are cut out. When the gasket is placed on the block and the head installed, tightening of the head bolts (or nuts) squeezes the soft metal so that the joint is effectively sealed. Gaskets are also used to seal joints between other parts, such as between the oil pan, manifolds, orwater pump and the block.Oil PanThe oil pan is usually formed of pressed steel. It usually holds 5 to 10 litres of oil, depending on the engine design. The oil pan and the lower part of the cylinder block together are called the crankcase; they enclose, or encase, the crankshaft. The oil pump in the lubricating system draws oil from the oil pan and sends it to all working parts in the engine. The oil drains off and runs down into the pan. Thus, there is constant circulation of oil between the pan and the working parts of the engine.Words and Expressionscylinder block 气缸体;block crankcase 曲轴箱;framework 结构,车架;gray iron 灰铸铁;water jacket 水套;plate……with 镀金属;cylinder head 气缸盖;gaskets 密封垫;asbestos 石棉;manifold 岐管;oil pan 油盘;pocket 凹槽;bore liner 气缸衬套6. Piston Connecting RodPistonThe piston is essentially a cylindrical plug that moves up and down in the engine cylinder. It is equipped with piston rings to provide a good seal between the cylinder wall and piston. The piston absorbs heat from the gas, and this heat must be carried away if the metal temperature is to be carried away if the metal temperature is to be held within safe limits. The constant reversal of the piston travel sets up inertial forces, which increase both with the weight of the piston and with its speed. For this reason, designers try to keep piston weight low, particularly in high-speed engines. As lower hood lines and over-square engines became popular, the semi-slipper and full-slipper pistons came into use. On these pistons the number piston rings was reduced to three, two compression and one oil-control. One reason for the slipper piston is that, on the short stroke, over-square engine, the piston skirt had to be cut away to make room for the counterweights on the crankshaft. Also, the slipper piston, being shorter and having part of its skirt cut away, is lighter. This reduces the inertial load on the engine bearings and, in addition, makes for a more responsive engine. The lighter the piston, the less the bearing load and the longer the bearings will last. Another way to lighten the piston is to make it of light metal. The idea piston material would be light and strong, conduct heat will, expand only slight when heated, resist wear, and be low in cost. Thus, most automotive-engine pistons today are made of aluminum, which is less than half as heavy as iron. Iron pistons were common in the earlier engines. Aluminum expands more rapidly than iron with increasing temperature, however, and since the cylinder block is of iron, special provisions must be made to maintain proper piston clearance at operating temperatures. To take care of it, the crown is machined on slight taper, the diameter being greatest where the crown meets the skirt and becoming less toward the top.Piston RingsA good seal must be maintained between the piston and cylinder wall to prevent blow-by. “Blow-by” is the name that describes the escape of burned gases from the combustion chamber, past the piston, and into the crankcase. In other words, these gases “blow by” the piston. It is not practical to fit the piston to the cylinder closely enough to prevent blow-by. Thus, piston rings must be used to provide the necessary seal. The rings are installed in grooves in the piston. Actually, there are two types of rings, compression rings and oil-control rings. The compression rings seal in theair-fuel mixture as it is compressed and also the combustion pressures as the mixture burns. The oil-control rings scrape off excessive oil from the cylinder wall and return it to the oil pan.The rings have joints (they are split) so that they can be expanded and slipped over the piston head and into the recessed grooves cut in the piston. Rings for automotive engines usually have butt joints, but in some heavy-duty engines, the joints may be angles, lapped, or of the sealed type.The rings are somewhat larger in diameter than they will be when in the cylinder. Then, when they are installed, they are compresses so that the joints are nearly closed. Compressing the rings gives them an initial tension; they press tightly against the cylinder wall.Connecting RodThe connecting rod is attached at one end to a crankpin on the crankshaft and at the other to a piston, through a piston pin or wrist pin. The connecting rod must be very strong and rigid and also as light as possible. The connecting rod carries the power thrusts from the piston to the crankpin. At the same time, the rod is in eccentric motion. To minimize vibration and bearing loads, the rod must be light in weight. To maintain good engine balance, connecting rods and caps are carefully matched in sets for engines. All rods in an engine must be of equal weight; if they are not, noticeable vibration may result. In original assembly, rods and caps are individually matched to each other and usually carry identifying numbers so they will not be mixed if the engine is disassembled for service. They must not be mixed during any service job, since this could result in poor bearing fit and bearing failure.Words and Expressionscounterweight 平衡重;groove 凹槽;recess 凹口;lap 搭接;eccentric 偏心的;lower hood lines 低发动机罩;over-square engine 短行程发动机;semi-slipper piston 半裙式活塞;full-slipper piston 全裙式活塞;match in set 配套;blow-by 漏气;initial tension 初张力;poor bearing fit 轴承不配套;bearing failing 轴承故障。
发动机engine内燃机internal combustion engine动力机装置power unit汽油机gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机spark ignition engine压燃式发动机compression ignition engine往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机carburetor engine柴油机diesel engine转子发动机rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机two-stroke engine四冲程发动机four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机indirect injection engine增压式发动机supercharged engine风冷式发动机air-cooled engine油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine煤气机gas engine液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机multifuel engine石油发动机hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机duel fuel engine热球式发动机hot bulb engine多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机cross head engine直列式发动机in-line engine星型发动机radial engine筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机stirling engine套阀式发动机knight engine气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机slant engine前置式发动机front-engine后置式发动机rear-engine中置式发动机central engine左侧发动机left-hand engine右侧发动机right-hand engine短冲程发动机oversquare engine长冲程发动机undersquare engine等径程发动机square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机V-engine顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机side valve engine无气门发动机valveless engine多气门发动机multi-valve engine卧式发动机horizontal engine斜置式发动机inclined engine立式发动机vertical engineW形发动机w-engineI形发动机I-engineL形发动机L-engineF形发动机F-engine性能performance二冲程循环two-stroke cycle四冲程循环four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环diesel cycle奥托循环otto cycle混合循环mixed cycle定容循环constant volume cycle工作循环working cycle等压循环constant pressure cycle理想循环ideal cycle热力循环thermodynamic cycle冲程stroke活塞行程piston stroke长行程long stroke上行程up stroke下行程down stroke进气行程intake stroke充气行程charging stroke压缩行程compression stroke爆炸行程explosion stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke动力行程power stroke排气行程exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke止点dead center上止点top dead center(upper dead center)下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center)上止点前BTDC(before top dead center)上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径cylinder bore缸径与行程bore and stroke空气室energy chamber气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume压缩室compression chamber排气量displacement发动机排量engine displacement活塞排量piston swept volume气缸容量cylinder capacity单室容量single-chamber capacity容积法volumetry压缩比compression ratio临界压缩比critical compression ratio膨胀比expansion ratio面容比surface to volume ratio行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio混合比mixture ratio压缩压力compression pressure制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep) 空燃比air fuel ratio燃空比fuel air ratio燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio扭矩torque单缸功率power per cylinder升功率power per liter升扭矩torque per liter升质量mass per liter减额功率derating power输出马力shaft horsepower马力每小时,马力/时horsepower-hour总马力gross horse power总功率gross power净功率net power燃油消耗量fuel consumption比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption空气消耗率air consumption机油消耗量oil consumptioneffective thermal efficiency充气系数volumetric efficiency过量空气系数coefficient of excess air活塞平均速度mean piston speed发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency)怠速转速idling speed经济转速economic speed起动转速starting speed最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed 调速speed governing超速overspeed怠速idling转速波动率speed fluctuation rate工况working condition(operating mode)额定工况declared working condition变工况variable working condition稳定工况steady working condition空载no-load全负荷full load超负荷气缸cylinder(转子机)缸体stator缸径cylinder bore气缸体机架cylinder block frame气缸盖cylinder head配气机构箱valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)干式缸套dry cylinder liner湿式缸套wet cylinder liner气缸水套water jacketpower performance排放性能emission performance空转特性no load characteristics负荷特性part throttle characteristics调速特性governor control characteristics万有特性mapping characteristics气缸体和气缸盖cylinder block and head气缸体cylinder block整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)发动机罩engine bonnet燃烧室combustion chamber主燃烧室main combustion chamber副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber预燃室prechamber涡流燃烧室swirl combustion chamber分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamberL形燃烧室L-combustion chamber楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber开式燃烧室open combustion chamber封闭喷射室closed spray chamber活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber爆发室explosion chamber燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion chamber燃烧室口径比surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber 通道面积比area ratio of combustion chamber passage曲轴箱通气口crankcase breather凸轮轴轴承座camshaft bearing bush seat定时齿轮室罩camshaft drive(gear)cover曲轴箱检查孔盖crankcase door曲轴箱防爆门crankcase explosion proof door主轴承盖main bearing cap气缸盖罩valve mechanism cover飞轮壳flywheel cover扫气储器scavenging air receiver活塞piston裙部开槽活塞直接冷却式活塞direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞indirect cooled piston滑裙活塞slipper piston活塞速度piston speed活塞顶部piston head活塞裙部piston skirt整体活塞裙solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧piston skirt expander滑履式活塞裙slipper skirt隔热槽heat dam活塞标记piston mark活塞销piston pin活塞销孔piston pin boss活塞销衬套piston pin bushing全浮式活塞销full-floating piston pin半浮式活塞销semifloating piston pin固定螺钉式活塞销set screw piston pin活塞环piston ring组合式活塞环compound piston ring同心活塞环concentric piston ring偏心活塞环eccentric piston ring自由环free ring闭合环closed ring梯形环keystone ring半梯形环half keystone ring矩形环rectangular ring油环oil control ring开槽油环凸轮轴轴承camshaft bearing凸轮轴偏心轮camshaft eccentric凸轮轴链轮camshaft sprocket凸轮轴正时齿轮camshaft timing gear凸轮轴齿轮camshaft gear wheel进口凸轮inlet cam排气凸轮exhaust cam快升凸轮quick lift cam快升缓降凸轮quick lift gradual clsing cam凸轮轮廓cam contour凸轮包角cam angle正时齿轮timing gear链传动机构chain drive链轮sprocket wheel链轮盘chain sprocket正时链条timing chain带齿皮带toothed timing belt链条张紧轮chain tension gear半速齿轮half speed gear正时齿轮刻印记号timing gear punch mark气门valve进气过程intake process换气过程gas exchange process扫气过程scavenging process给气比delivery ratio分层充气stratified charge充量系数volumetric efficiency涡流比swirl rate进气涡流intake swirl螺旋进气道进气helical duct intake导流屏式气门进气masked valve intake切向进气道进气tangential duct intake进气紊流intake trubulence进气提前角intake advance angle进气持续角intake duration angle进气迟后角intake lag angle进面值time-area value气门升程valve lift气门正时valve timing扫气口面积scavenging port area菌形气门mashroom valve, poppet valve钠冷却气门sodium filled valve(natrium cooled valve)双气门dual valve进气门intake valve (suction valve,inlet valve)排气门exhaust valve顶置气门overhead valve侧置气门distributor fuel injection pump多缸燃油喷射泵multicylinder fuel injection pump框架安装式燃油喷射泵cradle mounted injection pump喷油始点fuel injection beginning喷油终点fuel injection end喷油持续角fuel injection duration angle喷油延迟injection delay引燃喷射pilot injection启喷压力injection starting pressure峰值喷油扭矩peak injection torque峰值喷油压力peak injection pressure喷油泵油缸数目number of cylinders of an injection pump 无气喷射solid injection喷射正时injection timing集中喷射group injection喷油器injector整体式喷油器unit injector喷嘴nozzle轴针式喷嘴pintle type nozzle环槽式喷嘴annular slot nozzle孔式喷嘴hole type nozzle长杆喷嘴long stem nozzle孔板式喷嘴orifice plate nozzle开式喷嘴open nozzle闭式喷嘴closed nozzle喷油提前器timing advance unit喷射泵壳体injection pump housing喷嘴锥体nozzle hole cone柱塞plunger柱塞套barrel柱塞行程plunger stroke喷孔spray orifice燃油滤清器fuel filter增压器supercharger增压装置supercharging device涡轮增压器turbo-charger机械增压mechanical supercharging涡轮增压turbo-charging增压比supercharge ratio增压压力boost pressure增压中冷inter-cooling中冷度inter-cooling level增压度supercharging levelelectronic indicator燃烧分析仪combustion analyzer压力传感器pressure transducer精密声级计precision sound level meter排放emission排放物emission排气污染物gaseous pollutant蒸发排放物evaporative emission曲轴箱排放物crankcase emission漏气blowby gas氨氧化物oxids of nitrogen一气化碳carbon monoxide碳氢化合物hydrocarbon甲烷methane无甲烷碳氢化合物non-methane hydrocarbons光化学活性碳氢化合物photochemically reactive hydrocarbons 微粒物particulated matter黑烟black smoke蓝烟blue smoke白烟white smoke碳烟soot光化学烟雾smog臭味odor丙烷propane排放浓度concentration of emission排气烟度exhaust smoke先期排气initial exhaust亚临界排气subcritical exhaust超临界排气supercritical exhaust强制排气forced exhaust自由排气free exhaust排气提前角exhaust advance angle排气迟后角exhaust lag angle排气热损失exhaust heat loss排气净化exhaust purification排气背压exhaust back pressure残余废气residual gas排气有害成分poisonous exhaust composition柴油机排烟diesel smoke综合排放浓度composite concentration of exhaust emission 空燃比反馈控制系统air-fuel ratio feedback control system理论配比stoichiometric高效带window氧传感器oxygen sensor稀混合气lean mixture浓混合气rich mixture分层充气stratified charge温度补偿temperature compensating温度传感器temperature sensor压力传感器pressure sensor位置传感器position sensor转速传感器speed sensor机械磨损mechanical wear化学磨损chemical wear热磨损thermic wear疲劳磨损fatigue wear腐蚀性磨损corrosion wear故障磨损failure wear故障malfunctioning断裂breakdown损坏damage更换(零件)replacing擦伤scratching刮伤scoring摩托车motorcycle轻便摩托车moped轿车passenger car微型轿车minicar普通级轿车subcompact car中级轿车compact car中高级轿车intermediate car高级轿车limousine (pullman saloon)活顶轿车convertible saloon旅行轿车station wagon短头轿车forward control passenger car 小型轿车coupe敞蓬小轿车drop head coupe跑车sports car赛车racer (racing car)单座小客车one-seater七座小客车seven-seater越野车off-road vehicle轻型越野车light-off-road vehicle中型越野车medium off-road vehicle重型越野车heavy off -road vehicle超重型越野车extra heavy off- road vehicle 吉普车jeep硬顶吉普车hard top jeep客车bus微型客车minibus轻型客车light bus中型客车medium bus大型客车large bus客货两用小客车estate car (estate)多用途客车multipurpose vehicle厢式小客车closed car出租小客车taxicar城市客车urban bus大客车coach城间大客车intercity bus长途大客车long distance coach旅游客车sightseeing bus(touring bus)铰接客车articulated bus无轨客车trolley bus双层客车double-deck bus团体客车private coach货车truck(lorry)微型货车mini-truck轻型货车light truck中型货车medium truck重型货车heavy truck公路货车highway vehicle小型货车pick-up平板货车platform truck(flat bed truck)通用货车general -purpose vehicle短轴距货车short-wheel base truck长轴距货车long-wheelbase truck集装箱运输货车container carrier客货两用车cargo-bus厢式货车van牵引汽车towing vehicle全挂牵引汽车towing vehicle牵杆式牵引车full-trailer towing vehicle半挂牵引车semi-trailer towing vehicle道路列车road train客用道路列车passenger road train铰接式道路列车articulated road train双挂式道路列车double road train混合式道路列车composite road train天然气车辆natural gas vehicle(NGV)压缩天然气车辆compressed natural gas vehicle 液化天然气车辆liquid petroleum gas vehicle液化石油气车辆liquid petroleum gas vehicle双燃料车辆duel fuel vehicle单燃料车辆single fuel vehicle专用车special vehicle垃圾车dust car (refuse collector)冷藏车refrigerated van洒水车street sprinkler (street flusher)囚车prison van殡仪车hearse售货车mobile store(mobile shop)图书馆车mobile library宣传车mobile louderspeaker商业广告车spiel truck展览汽车demonstration car博览会专用车fairground vehicle流动艺术展览车artmobile邮政车mobile post office运油车fuel tanker加油车refueller飞机牵引车aircraft tractor救护车ambulance (medical vehicle)病院汽车clinic car医疗急救车rescue ambulanceX射线诊断车mobile-x-ray clinic防疫监测车mobile epidemic control vehicle计划生育车mobile family -planning clinic伤残者运送车handicapped person carrier炊事车kitchen vehicle餐车mobile canteen沐浴车mobile shower bath保温车insulated van电视转播车TV relaying vehicle电视录像车video recording vehicle摄影车mobile photographic studio电影放映车film projection vehicle邮件运输车mail carrier农用车farm vehicle种子检测车plant seeds inspection van植物保护车plant pest control vehicle计量检测车metrology inspection vehicle环境检测车mobile environment monitor畜禽防疫车mobile animal eqidemic control交通监理车traffic control car刑事勘察车mobile crime investigation vehicle气卸散装水泥车bulk-cement pneumatic delivery tanker气卸散装煤粉车bulk-coal powder pneumatic delivery tanker气卸散装电石粉车bulk-calcium carbide pneumatic delivery tanker 气卸散装化学粉粒车bulk-chemicals pneumatic delivery tanker食用植物油运油汽车edible oil tanker食用植物油加油车edible oil pump delivery tanker活鱼运输车life fish carrier气卸散装面粉车bulk-flour pneumatic delivery tanker吸尘车vacuum sweeper高压清洗车high-pressure sewer flushing vehiclechart of automotive model后驱动汽车rear drive automobile前驱动汽车前轮距track front后轮距track rear双胎间距space between twin wheels前悬front overhang后悬rear overhang离地间隙ground clearance纵向通过角ramp angle接近角approach angle离出角departure angle车架高度height of chassis above ground驾驶室后车架最大可用长度maximum usable length of chassis behind cab 车身长度货厢容积loading surface门高door height门宽door width车架有效长度chassis frame useful length比功率power/mass ratio比扭矩torque/maximum total mass ratio。
Chapter 1 Enging types and their operation1.1 Introduction and historical perspective1.内燃机的目的是从蕴含在燃料中的化学能中得到机械动力。
The purpose of internal combustion engines is the production of mechanical power from the chemical energy contained in the fuel .2.有别于外部燃烧机器,在内燃机中,能量是在机器内部燃烧或氧化燃料释放出来的。
In internal combustion engines ,as distinct from external combustion engines, this energy is released by burning or oxidizing the fuel inside the engine.3.实际上正是由于燃烧发生在机器做功部件内部才使它们的设计和运行特征从根本上有别于其他类型的机器。
It is the fact that combustion takes places inside the work-producing part of these engines that makes their design and operating characteristics fundamentally different from those of other types of engine.4.他的专利利用将液体燃料喷入仅由压缩而加热的空气中触发燃烧使效率高出其他类型内燃机的两倍。
His concept of initiating combustion by injecting a liquid fuel into air heated solely by compression permitted a doubling of efficiency over other internal combustion engines.Much greater expansion ratios, without detonation or knock were now possible.5.Houdry 发现蒸发的油在450至480度的温度下经过活性催化剂可转化为高质量汽油,比热裂解的产出高得多。
发动机分类1 往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine2 化油器式发动机carburetor engine3 转子发动机rotary engine4 旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine5 二冲程发动机two-stroke engine6 四冲程发动机four-stroke engine7 增压式发动机supercharged engine8 风冷式发动机air-cooled engine9 油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine10 水冷式发动机water-cooled engine11 自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine12 煤气机gas engine13 液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine14 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine15 多种燃料发动机multifuel engine16 石油发动机hydrocarbon engine17 双燃料发动机duel fuel engine18 热球式发动机hot bulb engine19 多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine20 对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine21 对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine22 十字头型发动机cross head engine23 直列式发动机in-line engine24 星型发动机radial engine25 筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine26 斯特林发动机stirling engine27 套阀式发动机knight engine28 气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine29 倾斜式发动机slant engine30 前置式发动机front-engine31 后置式发动机rear-engine32 中置式发动机central engine33 左侧发动机left-hand engine34 右侧发动机right-hand engine35 短冲程发动机oversquare engine36 长冲程发动机undersquare engine37 等径程发动机square engine38 顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine39 双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine40 V形发动机V-engine41 顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine42 侧置气门发动机side valve engine43 无气门发动机valveless engine44 多气门发动机multi-valve engine45 卧式发动机horizontal engine46 斜置式发动机inclined engine47 立式发动机vertical engine48 W形发动机w-engine49 I形发动机I-engine50 L形发动机L-engine51 F形发动机F-engine52 原机Engine prototype发动机性能53 二冲程循环two-stroke cycle54 四冲程循环four-stroke cycle55 狄塞尔循环diesel cycle56 奥托循环otto cycle57 混合循环mixed cycle58 定容循环constant volume cycle59 工作循环working cycle60 等压循环constant pressure cycle61 理想循环ideal cycle62 热力循环thermodynamic cycle63 冲程stroke64 活塞行程piston stroke65 长行程long stroke66 上行程up stroke67 下行程down stroke68 进气行程intake stroke69 充气行程charging stroke70 压缩行程compression stroke71 爆炸行程explosion stroke72 膨胀行程expansion stroke73 动力行程power stroke74 排气行程exhaust stroke75 膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke76 换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke77 上止点top dead center(upper dead center)78 下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center)79 上止点前budc(before upper dead center)80 上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)81 下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)82 下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)83 排气量displacement84 发动机排量engine displacement85 活塞排量piston swept volume86 气缸容量cylinder capacity87 单室容量single-chamber capacity88 容积法volumetry89 压缩比compression ratio90 临界压缩比critical compression ratio91 膨胀比expansion ratio92 面容比surface to volume ratio93 行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio94 混合比mixture ratio95 压缩压力compression pressure96 制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep)97 空燃比air fuel ratio98 燃空比fuel air ratio99 燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio100 扭矩torque101 单缸功power per cylinder102 升功率power per liter103 升扭矩torque per liter104 升质量mass per liter105 减额功率derating power106 输出马力shaft horsepower107 马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour108 总马力gross horse power109 总功率gross power110 净功率net power111 燃油消耗量fuel consumption112 比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption113 空气消耗率air consumption114 机油消耗量oil consumption115 有效马力net horse power116 额定马力rated horse power117 马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor118 制动功率brake horse power119 制动热效率brake thermal efficiency120 总效率overall efficiency121 排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower122 功率曲线power curve123 机械损失mechanical loss124 机械效率mechanical efficiency125 有效热效率effective thermal efficiency126 充气系数volumetric efficiency127 过量空气系数coefficient of excess air128 适应性系数adaptive coefficient129 扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility130 转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient 131 强化系数coefficient of intensification132 校正系数correction factor133 换算系数conversion factor134 活塞平均速度mean piston speed135 发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency) 136 充量(进气)charge137 旋转方向direction of rotation138 顺时针clockwise139 逆时针counter-clockwise140 左转left-hand rotation141 右转right-hand rotation142 发动机性能engine performance143 加载性能loading performance144 起动性能starting performance145 加速性能acceleration performance146 动力性能power performance147 排放性能emission performance148 燃油经济性Fuel economy149 排放Exhaust emissions150 大的燃烧噪声Large combustion noise151 预混合燃烧Premixed combustion152 扩散燃烧Diffusion combustion153 大的EGR率Heavy EGR154 推迟喷油时间Retarding the injection timing, 155 推迟喷油时间Delaying the fuel injection timing, 156 燃烧激振力Combustion excitation forces (CPL) 157 CO2排放Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions158 温室气体Greenhouse gas159 热效率Thermal efficiency160 辅助涡流室Auxiliary swirl chamber161 黑烟Black smoke162 Nox氮氧化物Nitrogen oxides163 PM颗粒物Particulate matter164 EGR废气再循环Exhaust gas recirculation165 燃油供给系统The fuel injection system166 在低负荷区In the low load region167 气缸压力The cylinder pressure level168 曲轴转角The crank angle169 1/3倍频程1/3 octave band of the frequency 170 全负荷Full load171 部分负荷Partial load172 声压级Sound pressure level173 发动机扭矩Engine torque174 燃烧噪声Combustion noise175 机械噪声Mechanical noise176 涡轮增压的Turbocharged177 涡轮增压器Turbocharger178 着火燃迟期The ignition delay period179 喷油泵The fuel injection pump180 增压中冷柴油机Intercooled turbocharged diesel181 碳化氢Hydrocarbon (HC)182 进气管几何尺寸Intake port geometry183 水平轴Horizontal axis184 声功率Sound power level185 竖直轴Vertical axis186 辐射噪声Radiation noise187 发动机测功机engine dynamometer188 零负荷到中等负荷Idling to a medium-load189 振幅Amplitude190 气缸体振动Cylinder block vibration191 声压级Sound pressure level192 随着曲轴转角In relation to the crank angle193 最大汽缸压力The maximum cylinder pressure194 最大汽缸压力升高率The cylinder pressure gradient195 共轨系统Common-rail system196 可变喷嘴涡轮增压器variable nozzle turbocharger197 引导喷射pilot injection198 4气门DOHC系统4-valve DOHC system199 计算机辅助工程CAE computer-aided engineering200 固有噪声Born noise201 侧面挠度lateral bending202 排气岐管exhaust manifold203 进气岐管intake manifold204 交流发电机alternator205 齿轮箱gear case206 供油泵supply pump207 起动机starter208 共振频率resonance frequency209 气缸压力快速升高率the rapid rising rate of cylinder pressure 210 主喷量和主喷时间main injection volume, timing211 共轨油压fuel pressure in a common-rail212 放热率heat release ratio213 步进电机step-motor214 频谱图frequency spectrum map215 油膜oil film216 机械噪声mechanical noise217 识别identify218 变量variable219 隔离声音的传播途径Isolate sound transmission routes 220 衰减Attenuation221 半消声室Semi-ane choic chamber222 系数Coefficient223 正时带Timing belt224 台架实验Bench test225 气门驱动凸轮Valve-drive cam226 传递系数Transfer coefficient227 矢量vector228 气穴现象Cavitation229 微处理器microprocessor230 执行器actuator231 电控泵electronically controlled pump构造232 气缸盖cylinder head233 气缸体cylinder block234 整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)235 发动机罩engine bonnet236 气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib237 气缸cylinder238 示功图indicator chart/diagram239 缸体(转子机)stator240 缸径cylinder bore241 气缸体机架cylinder block frame242 配气机构箱valve mechanism casing243 气缸体隔片cylinder spacer244 气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket245 气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket246 气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)247 干式缸套dry cylinder liner248 湿式缸套wet cylinder liner249 气缸水套water jacket250 膨胀塞expansion plug251 防冻塞freeze plug252 气缸壁cylinder wall253 环脊ring ridge254 排气口exhaust port255 中间隔板intermediate bottum256 导板guideway257 创成半径(转子机)generating radius258 缸体宽度(转子机)operating width259 燃烧室combustion bowl260 浅盆形缩口燃烧室shallow reentrant combustion chamber 261 主燃烧室main combustion chamber262 副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber263 预燃室prechamber264 涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber265 分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber266 涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber267 半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber268 浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamber269 L 形燃烧室L-combustion chamber270 楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber271 开式燃烧室open combustion chamber272 封闭喷射室closed spray chamber273 活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber274 爆发室explosion chamber275 燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion cahmber276 发动机托架engine holding frame engine277 动力机装置power unit278 直喷柴油机DI(direct-injection)diesel engine279 非直喷柴油机IDI(Indirect-injection)diesel engine 280 动力传动系power train281 连杆connecting rod282 油底壳oil pan283 活塞销piston pin284 气缸套cylinder bore285 凸轮齿cam gear286 空气室energy chamber287 气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume288 燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume289 气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume290 压缩室compression chamber291 外径major diameter292 中径pitch diameter293 内径minor diameter294 径向间隙radial clearance295 两极调速器limiting_speed governor296 特性297 空转特性no load characteristics298 负荷特性part throttle characteristics(汽油机)load characteristics299 调速特性governor control characteristics300 万有特性mapping characteristics301 稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate工况302 怠速转速idling speed303 经济转速economic speed304 起动转速starting speed305 最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load306 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque307 最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed308 调速speed governing309 超速overspeed310 怠速idling311 转速波动率speed fluctuation rate312 工况working condition(operating mode)313 额定工况declared working condition314 变工况variable working condition315 稳定工况steady working condition316 空载no-load317 全负荷full load318 超负荷overload319 部分负荷part load320 怠速控制idling-speed control321 怠速工况idling condition322 起动工况starting condition323 起动转速cranking speed324 急减速工况abrupt decreasing condition325 加速工况accelerating condition326 驻车park327 调速Speed governing328 应急[跛行]模式limp-in mode排放329 Emission Standards in the EU 欧洲排放标准330 Fuel Quality 燃油质量331 Conformity of Production (COP) 生产一致性检测332 Fuel Consumption 燃油消耗333 Exhaust Emission Measurement 排放检测334 tailpipe 排气管335 Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳336 emissions of crankcase gases 曲轴箱燃油蒸发排放量337 Ageing test 耐久性试验338 EPEFE = European Program on Emssions, Fuels and Engine Technologies 欧洲的排放、燃油及发339 动机技术项目340 fuel properties 燃油质量341 Car Manufacturers 汽车制造商342 Impact of vehicle emissions on air quality 排放对空气质量的影响343 Cetane no. 十六烷值344 Evaporation characteristic 蒸发特性345 Sulfur-free Fuels 无硫燃油346 Testcycle 测试循环347 NEDC = New European Driving Cycle 新的欧洲标准测试循环348 Loading of charcoal canister 炭罐吸附349 preconditioning (PC) 预处理350 ESC=European steady state cycle 稳态循环351 ELR=European load response test 负荷烟度试验352 ETC=European transient cycle瞬态循环353 EEV=Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle 环境友好汽车354 ambient temperature 环境温度355 λ-sensor λ传感器356 exceeding emission limits) 排放超出限值357 Roadworthiness-Tests 道路适应性检测358at free acceleration 在自由加速工况下359 catalyst 催化转化器360 natural aspirated 自然吸气机型361 turbo charged 涡轮增压机型362 Emission Control Technologies 排放控制技术363 Three-way catalyst 三元催化转化器364 catalyst coating 催化转化器涂层365 secondary air injection 二次空气喷366 exhaust gas recirculation 排气再循环系统367 oxidation catalyst 氧化催化转化器368 piezo injection valves 压电式喷油阀369 PowerStations 发电机组370 Anthropogenic 人为因素371 ACEA = European Car Manufacturer Association 欧洲汽车制造商协会372 Target corridor 标范围373 Target value目标值374 CFV 临界流量文丘里管(Critical flow venturi)375 CLD 化学发光检测器(Chemiluminescent detector)376 FID 氢火焰离子化检测器(Flame ionisation detector)377 GC 气相色谱仪(Gas chromatograph)378 HCLD 加热式化学发光检测器(Heated chemiluminescent detector)379 HFID 加热式氢火焰离子化检测器(Heated flame ionisation detector)380 LPG 液化石油气(Liquefied petroleum gas)381 NDIR 不分光红外线分析仪(Non-dispersive infrared analyzer)382 NG 天然气(Natural gas)383 NMC 非甲烷截止器(Non-methane cutter)384 Rated power 额定功率。
A安培ampere安装,固定mount安装install按键开关key switchB把…转换为…convert…into…百分比percentage摆动swing半导体semiconductor磅,平方英寸psi保险丝,熔断器fuse 爆炸explosion备用,备份back-up备用standby泵,泵入pump比值比率ratio避雷lightning shielding避雷器lightning arrester编组的marshalling变电站substation变更modification变换转换convert变压器transformer变压器油箱tank变质老化,变坏deterioration 标称电压nominal voltage标么值per unit system冰雪sleet并联补偿shunt compensation不带电的deenergized不可接受的unacceptable不可预见的unpredictable 不足的insufficient布置layout布置安装arrangement步骤措施procedure部分componentC参考坐标reference frame 槽slot测定determine插座receptacle差分保护differential protection 超出exceed持续不断的sustained尺寸,方面dimension 冲击shock冲击式水轮机impulse turbine 臭氧ozone除尘器precipitator触电死亡electrocute 传导电流conduction current 传动轴,轴shaft传输delivery传输电平transmission level 串联补偿series compensation串联绕组series winding瓷绝缘子porcelain insulator 磁场field磁场magnetic field磁芯,铁心core磁性灭弧magnetic blowout 磁滞损耗hysteresis loss 粗略的rough淬火,熄quenchingD大坝,水坝dam 大功率容量bulk—power 大体上substantially大致的approximately带电energize带电导体live conductor 弹簧spring挡板barrier导电率c onductivity等面积equal-area等效电路equivalent circuit 低熔点low-melting-point 低位差low head抵消作用cancellation effect底座footing地线ground wire典型的typical电磁力electromagnetic 电功率electric power电弧are电解electrolysis电抗capacitance电抗reactance电缆管,输水管raceway电离,游离ionization 电离ionize电离反应ionizing effect 电力系统power system电流current电流表ammeter电流互感器current transformer 电能electric energy电势potential电压表voltmeter电压不足undervoltage电压互感器potential transformer 电压应力voltage stress电源power source电晕corona电阻resistance电阻率resistivity定子stator动触头moving contact动能kinetic energy动态模型dynamic model短持续时间short—duration短路short circuit断开break up断路器breaker断路器件circuit breaker断续器interrupter堆积云cumulus clouds对称的,均匀的symmetrical对流convectionE额定功率rating二次绕组secondary windingF发电机generator阀valve反应堆reactor非峰期off—peak废气exhaust分段section分接tap分解decomposition分离的parting峰荷peak—load伏特volt幅值, 量值, 振幅magnitude辐射状的radial辐射状系统radial system辐条型的spoked辅助的auxiliary 负荷密度load density负载load附着物attachment复杂的complicatedG感抗inductance干扰,妨碍interference高度海拔elevation高幅值的high—magnitude高位差high head隔离开关disconnect switch给…馈电feed更新update公用绕组common winding功率平衡power balance 构件组件member估算rate故障fault关闭,断开switch out惯性inertia惯性矩moment of inertia光电效应photovoltaic effect锅炉boiler过热器superheaterH行波traveling-wave核反应堆nuclear reactor核燃料fissionable material恒定的constant横臂cross-arm互联interconnection户外的open—air环网系统loop system黄铜brass火花放电隙spark gap火线lineJ击穿breaking down击穿strike机械功率mechanical power机械力mechanical force基本负荷base-loading激发initiate级联,串列连接tandem 极,电极pole极大地,剧烈的intense 极性polarity极性变换reversal几分之一 a fraction of技术要求specification继电器relay加长lengthen架空电缆overhead cable尖部,端部,小费tip间隔,距离interval 间隙clearance监视监视仪monitor减轻a lleviate建立establish交流发电机alternator焦化charring角动量angular momentum角速度angular velocity绞合的stranded接触contact节约的sparingly结合混合combine截面cross section介电强度dielectric strength介电系数k-factor介质agent金属波纹管metal bellows金属的metallic紧急情况emergency静触头stationary contact静电的electrostatic局部in local regions局部过热local overheating 巨大的enormous聚乙烯polyethylene绝缘insulation绝缘带tape绝缘漆insulating varnish绝缘体,绝缘的dielectric 绝缘子insulator绝缘子串insulator stringK开关设备switchgear 开路open—circuit抗拉张的tensile可靠性reliability可裂变的fissionable空隙voidL雷电lightning雷击lightning stroke离心力centrifugal force离子偶ion—pair理想的desirable力矩torque励磁电流field current 连接的关联的associated联机,联网点on—line 两重的duplicate临界的,极限的critical 临近处vicinity零序电流zero sequence current另外in addition漏磁通leakage flux漏电creepage炉膛,燃烧室furnace裸导线bare conductorM埋地电缆underground cable 灭弧的arc-suppressing 民用的residential敏感的susceptible模拟计算机analog computer磨煤机mill 磨煤机pulverizer末端的终端的terminal母联bus—coupler母线busbarN内部的internal内电压internal voltage内燃机internal combustion engine逆弧,再次点燃电弧reignite凝汽器c ondenserO欧姆ohmP排定安排schedule排放release旁路bypass旁路位移电流shunt displacement current 配电盘,开关屏switchboard配电网distribution network配电线路distribution circuit喷管nozzle喷溅喷洒spray频闪仪stroboscope平方square平衡状态equilibrium state平均负荷average load破坏性因素destructive agency破裂ruptureQ启动initiation启动装置trigger起反应,起反作用react起作用function气泡bubble汽包炉筒drum汽轮发电机turbine—generator汽轮机steam-driven turbine牵线式的guyed切断deenergizes切换transfer氢hydrogen清除clear去离子效应deionizing effect去能deenergizeR燃烧combustion扰动disturbance绕组winding热交换器heat exchanger热效率thermal efficiency人工的手动的manually日负荷曲线daily load—demand curve软导线cord软延长线extension cordsS三相电three—phase三相交流电流three phase alternating current 删除eliminate闪光,发火花flash闪络,飞弧flashover设备appliance设备facility设备外壳enclosure射流jet识别,辨认distinction使成环loop使共振,谐振resonate示意图,方式scheme示意图schematic diagram事故电路removal of fault适用的adaptable室,腔chamber释放,松开断开,trip输出的outgoing输电线transmission line竖向的,垂直的vertical衰减振荡响应damped oscillatory response水电厂hydroelectric power plant水斗式水轮机pelton wheel水库reservoir水龙头kitchen faucet水轮机hydraulic turbine瞬间的momentarily瞬时额定值momentary rating瞬时功率instantaneous power瞬态稳定度transient stability伺服机构,跟踪装置servomechanism随时瞬时from minute to minute所规定的prescribedT炭化char套管bushing特征,特点feature特征特性characteristic替代取代supersede调度员dispatcher调换transpose调节器regulator铁壳的metal-clad停断cease停电outage通风ventilation通风管stack通路corridor同步synchronism 同步转速synchronous speed同时的simultaneous铜损copper loss凸极式转子salient pole rotor 图,简图diagram图解说明illustrate退火annealingW弯曲flex 完全的radically网孔mesh网络系统network system危害damage危险hazard微秒microsecond维修检修maintenance尾水渠tail race稳定的stable稳态条件steady-state condition 涡流eddy current涡流损耗eddy current loss 涡轮机turbine蜗壳spiral casing污染contaminate无法使用的inoperative无功功率表varmeter无论何种原因for any reason 无刷励磁brushless excitation无损失lossless无限长母线infinite busX熄灭extinguish显示测定sense现象phenomena线圈coil线性的linearly相角phase angle相量phasor相邻的adjacent向中心,向内inward谐波的harmonic泄露spilling星形连接wye-connected星型轮spider悬挂suspension旋转转动rotationY烟囱chimney阳极塔positive遥控remote control叶片blade一次绕组primary winding一捆bundle一匝线圈turn已电离的ionized以…速度at…r ate以热离子形式thermionically异常的,不规则的a bnormal 易熔的fusible阴极辉点cathode spot引入的incoming引入线箱service(entrance) box应用,使用application永久的permanent用电设备utilization equipment油浸纸介质oil-impregnated paper有功功率表wattmeter有利的advantageous有气空的porous有时on occasion余量excess与…同相位in phase with预见到anticipate原动机prime云母micaZ匝数比turns ratio再热器reheater在某些情况下in some cases暂时的temporary真空vacuum振荡oscillation蒸发,气化evaporate蒸馏extract正极阳极anode正弦波sinusoid正弦的sinusoidal正弦稳态sinusoidal steady state支撑结构supporting structure直径diameter直流交流回路dc/ac circuit值得考虑的相当大的considerable值守值班station滞后lag置入,嵌入embed中间的intermediate中性点, 中性线neutral重合闸reclosing重要的主要的significant周围periphery轴axis转而。
Chapter 1 Enging types and their operation1.1 Introduction and historical perspective1.内燃机的目的是从蕴含在燃料中的化学能中得到机械动力。
The purpose of internal combustion engines is the production of mechanical power from the chemical energy contained in the fuel .2.有别于外部燃烧机器,在内燃机中,能量是在机器内部燃烧或氧化燃料释放出来的。
In internal combustion engines ,as distinct from external combustion engines, this energy is released by burning or oxidizing the fuel inside the engine.3.实际上正是由于燃烧发生在机器做功部件内部才使它们的设计和运行特征从根本上有别于其他类型的机器。
It is the fact that combustion takes places inside the work-producing part of these engines that makes their design and operating characteristics fundamentally different from those of other types of engine.4.他的专利利用将液体燃料喷入仅由压缩而加热的空气中触发燃烧使效率高出其他类型内燃机的两倍。
His concept of initiating combustion by injecting a liquid fuel into air heated solely by compression permitted a doubling of efficiency over other internal combustion engines.Much greater expansion ratios, without detonation or knock were now possible.5.Houdry 发现蒸发的油在450至480度的温度下经过活性催化剂可转化为高质量汽油,比热裂解的产出高得多。
单词:Unit 1internal combustion engine 内燃机transmission 传动装置,变速器clutch 离合器gear 排挡pedestrian 行人cumbersome 笨重的boiler 锅炉gallon 加仑(容量单位)condenser 冷凝器crank 曲柄backfire 逆火,回火electric starter 电发动机churn out 大量生产marginalisation 边缘化feedwater pump 给水泵consign 使处于;把……置于carbon monoxide 一氧化碳nitrogen oxide 氧化氮throttle 节流阀heat resistant coating 耐高温涂层spin-off 副产品emission 排放物;排放量diesel 柴油(机)shakeup 重大改变Unit 2motor 运动的rudimentary 未成熟的feat 功绩;壮举medic 医生physician (内科)医生telemedicine 远程医疗ultrasound 超声波vein 静脉carotid artery 颈动脉endovascular 血管内的blood vessel 血管torso 躯干video feed 视频反馈infrared light 红外线high-resolution 高分辨率的stereoscopic 立体的aluminium 铝tendon 筋,腱incision 切口automaton 机器人Unit 3grail 圣杯cardiovascular心血管的cardiac 心脏(病)的aerospace 航空与航天空间valve (心脏的)瓣膜circulatory 循环的bug 瑕疵brushless motor 无电刷电动机pericardium 围心,心包膜membrane 薄膜,隔膜polyurethane 聚亚安酯hydraulic fluid液压机液体Unit 4entrepreneur 企业家savvy 懂行的monetize 用……来赚钱permalink 永久链接Unit 5tout 兜售elixir 长生不老药alchemist 炼金术士gullible 易受骗的,轻信的longevity 长寿lucre 金钱收益;利润carbohydrate 碳水化合物elasticity 弹性superimpose 添加,附加parasitic 由寄生虫引起的inadvertent 不经意的,出于无心的demise 死亡vehemently 强烈地purport 声称envision 预见,展望militate 产生作用或影响burgeoning 迅速发展的paucity 少量,不足putative 假定存在的Unit 6Bascule 活动结构seesaw 跷跷板mast 桅杆pier 桥墩Helmet 头盔barge 驳船caisson 沉箱rivet 铆钉Cantilever 悬臂snugly 合适地Abutment 桥台scaffolding 支架Unit 7give up the ghost 不能运转,报废lifespan 使用期white goods 大型家用电器whiz(z) 发出飕飕声take its toll 造成损失conk out 出故障premature 提前的;过早的scrap 抛弃Refund 退还shell out 花费,支付paramount 最重要的Unit 8intuitive 直观的constellation 星座;一系列orbit 轨道trilateration 三边测量(术)radii 半径(radius的复数)electromagnetic 电磁的pseudo-random code 伪随机码Nanosecond 十亿分之一秒in a nutshell 简言之Gauge 测量almanac 年鉴翻译Unit 3:(1)They needed the ultimate in reliability, and the answer came from design methodologies, testing strategies and know-how for the electronics on satellites.译:他们需要最终的可靠性,而答案来自于卫星电子设备的设计方法、测试策略和诀窍。
内燃机英语单词单词:internal -bustion engine1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:一种通过燃料在其内部燃烧产生动力的发动机。
1.3英文解释:An engine in which thebustion of fuel takes place inside the engine itself to produce power.1.4相关词汇bustion engine(同义词),IC engine(缩写,派生词)。
2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“internal”源于拉丁语“internus”,表示内部的;bustion”源于拉丁语bustio”,表示燃烧;“engine”源于古法语“engin”,原指天赋、能力,后指机械装置。
3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) internal -bustion engine vehicle:内燃机汽车例句:Most cars on the road today are internal -bustion engine vehicles.翻译:如今道路上的大多数汽车都是内燃机汽车。
(2) high - performance internal -bustion engine:高性能内燃机例句:The new sports car is equipped with a high - performance internal -bustion engine.翻译:这辆新跑车配备了高性能内燃机。
4. 实用片段(1) "I heard that your new motorcycle has a really powerful internal -bustion engine. How does it feel when you ride it?" Tom asked his friend. His friend replied, "It's amazing! The acceleration is so fast."翻译:“我听说你的新摩托车有一个非常强劲的内燃机。
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V形喷油泵V type fuel injection pump 两列柱塞偶件轴线呈V形排列,带单根凸轮轴的合成式喷油泵。
泵端压力pressure at pump end 喷袖泵出袖口端管内的燃油压力。
泵-喷嘴 unit injector 喷油泵与喷油器合为一体,同时进行泵油和喷油的装置。
闭式喷油嘴 closed nozzle 具有一个受弹簧控制的菌形阀或针阔的喷油嘴。
标定供油量 rated fuel delivery 相对于所配套柴油机标定工况下喷油泵的循环供油量。
拨叉式油量调节机构fork fuel control mechanism 通过调节拉杆(或柴油机调速杠杆)上的调节叉拨动柱塞尾部的调节臂,使柱塞转动以调节供油量的机构。
残余压力 residual pressure 供油结束后,高压油管中残存的燃油压力。
操纵轴 control lever shaft 装有调速于柄的轴。
差动比differential ratio 喷油嘴针阀圆柱工作面直径与针阔密封锥面密封直径之比。
柴油机燃油系统-术语 Fuel system for diesel engine –Terminology 齿杆式油量调节机构 rack fuel control mechanism 通过调节齿杆与调节齿套(或装在控制套筒上的调节齿圈)啃合,使柱塞转动以调节供油量时的机构。
齿轮式输油泵 gear fuel supply pump 泵油元件为一对齿轮的输油泵。
出袖阀偶件 delivery valve assembly 由经选配的出油阀和出油阔座两个零件组成,让高压燃油单向通过,并在喷油泵停止供油时,迅速降低高压油管中的残余压力,使喷油干脆利落。
出油阀弹簧delivery valve spring 装在出油阔的上部,使出油间在柱塞开始卸油时迅速落座和保持闭合状态的圆柱形螺旋弹簧。
出油阀减容器delivery valve volume reducer 在出油阔弹簧的上端,减小出油阀紧座腔室容积的零件。
出油阀紧座delivery valve holder 以螺纹旋入喷油泵体(或上体)固定出油阀座的零件,上端有螺纹及出油口与高压油管组件相连。
出油阀开启压力delivery valve opening pressure 使出油阀克服出油阔弹簧压力而升起的燃油压力。
出油阀座delivery valve seat 出袖阀偶件中的圃筒形零件,出油阀在其孔内作往复运动。
出油阔delivery valve 出油阔偶件中作往复运动的零件,具有圆锥形密封面。
出油阔垫圄delivery valve gasket 位于出油间座与出油阀紧座之间的垫圈,防止燃油从该处泄漏。
传动部件drive disk assembly 将转速感应部件的作用力传递给油量调节机构的部件。
从动法兰部件driven flange assembly 由从动法兰、飞锤销(或弹簧导销)等组成的部件,将驱动法兰运动传递给喷油泵凸轮轴。
调速器governor 随柴油机负荷与转速的变化,自动调节喷油泵供油量以限制或稳定转速的装置。
几何供油终点geometric fuel delivery end 指凸轮使柱塞开始移动至回油孔开启时的位置,通常以凸轮轴转角表示。
减压容积retraction volume 在供油结束后,带有减压凸缘的出油阔落座过程中,减压凸缘下边缘从关闭出袖阀座中孔起到出油间落座时所经过的容积,即在出油间落座时高压油路内增大的那部分容积。
减压行程retraction stroke 与减压容积相对应的出袖阀行程。
角度差differential seat angle 为保证喷油嘴密封锥面的有效密封,针间和针阀体的密封锥面的锥角之差值。
节流轴针式喷油嘴throttling pintle nozzle 节流升程较大的一种轴针式喷油嘴。
进油孔inlet port 在几何供油始点时,柱塞所关闭的柱塞套上的油孔。
开式喷油嘴open nozzle 无阀的喷油嘴。
孔板orifice plate 孔板式喷油嘴中,具有喷孔的圆板形零件。
孔板式喷油嘴orifice plate nozzle 针阀座面采用平面密封,喷孔在平板上的喷油嘴。
孔式喷油嘴hole type nozzle 具有一个或一个以上喷孔无轴针的闭式喷油嘴,有单孔喷油嘴和多孔喷油嘴之分。
控制套筒control sleeve 上部安装调节齿圈,下部有直槽带动柱塞转动的套筒。
喷孔长径比length-diameter ratio of spray orifice 喷孔长度与直径之比。
喷孔夹角angle between spray orifices 在孔式喷油嘴针阀体头部几个喷孔轴线间所构成的夹角。
喷雾锥角spray angle 喷油时,燃油离开喷孔后所形成的燃油束的锥角。
喷袖始点beginning of injection 柱塞移动至喷油开始(以针间被顶起为标志)时的位置。
喷油泵fuel injection pump 将燃油提高压力,经高压油管和喷油器定时定量地供给柴油机燃烧室的装置,是燃油系统的主要部件。
起动弹簧starting spring 柴油机起动时,可使喷油泵油量调节机构处于供油量超供位置,以利于起动的弹簧。
起动加浓装置starting excess fuel device 起动时能增加喷油量,起动后自动停止加浓的装置。
气动式调速器pneumatic governor 感应元件用膜片等气动元件做感应进气管压力变化,以调节柴油机转速的调速器。
前控制板front control plate 装在分配转子的凸缘上,与后控制板一起转动可改变柱塞行程,用于调整最大供油量。
驱动法兰部件driving flange assembly 由驱动法兰、弹簧座(或飞锤销)等组成的部件,将柴油机正时齿轮(或联轴器)的运动传递给从动法兰、飞锤等。
燃油精滤器fuel fine filter 可滤除较小颗粒杂质的燃油滤清器。
燃油系统fuel system 柴油机中对燃油起贮存、滤清、输送、调节和向燃烧室高压喷射等作用的一系列装置所组成的系统。
燃油系统一般包括: a.燃油箱; b.输油泵; C.低压油管p d.调速器; e.燃油滤清器F f.喷油泵; g.喷油提前器或联轴器p h.高压油管组件; i.喷油泵。
燃油箱fuel tank 燃油系统中贮存燃油的装置。
手动喷油提前器manual advance device 根据柴油机转速的变化,用于扳动手柄,调整喷油泵供油始点使喷油提前的装置。
手压泵部件hand primer assembly 由手压泵体、手压泵活塞和手压泵盖等组成的部件,用于操作,使燃油系统低压油路充满燃油,以排出油路中的空气。
输抽泵活塞fuel supply pump piston 在输油泵体孔内作往复运动,以泵压燃油的圆柱形零件。
输油泵fuel supply pump 将燃油从燃油箱吸出,并克服燃油滤清器等的阻力,以一定压力和流量输往喷油泵的装置。
输油泵体fuel supply pump housing 用以安装输油泵各零部件的壳体。
双作用式输油泵double acting fuel supply pump 活塞往复行程中,两个行程均输出燃油的活塞式输油泵。
顺转clockwise 从喷油泵的驱动端看过去,喷油泵凸轮轴或驱动轴作顺时针转动。
锁紧螺钉pressure adjusting screw 改变调压弹簧预紧力.以调整针阀开启压力的螺钉。
锁紧螺母lock nut 用以锁紧调整螺钉的螺母。
提前器弹簧advance device spring提前器飞锤flyweight提前器飞锤销flyweight pin挺杆spindle 在调压弹簧与针间之间起传动等作用的杆件。
挺柱tappet 用以安装滚轮、滚轮衬套等零件的壳体,在喷油泵体导向孔内作往复运动。
挺柱垫块tappet pad 调整柱塞预行程用的垫块,设置在柱塞尾端与挺柱之间。
挺柱体部件tappet assembly 由挺柱、滚轮和滚轮销等组成的部件,将凸轮轴的旋转运动转换成柱塞的往复运动。
凸轮升程cam lift 凸轮轮廓线的最高点与基圆半径之差。
凸轮轴camshaft 以凸轮经挺柱体部件驱动柱塞作往复运动的轴。
推杆push rod 在喷油泵凸轮轴偏心轮的直接或间接作用下,推动输油泵活塞运动的杆形零件。
推杆套push rod bushing 装在输油泵体内,起支承推杆和耐磨作用的衬套。
校正器torque control 调速器中对速度特性上供油量起校正作用的机构。
斜槽倾角slanted slot inclination angle 斜槽形油量控制槽与柱塞圆柱工作面轴线的夹角。
泄漏leak-off 燃油从喷油嘴或柱塞偶件的圆柱工作面间世出的现象。
芯轴central spindle 与滤清器体等连接,安装滤芯的轴。
循环供油量fuel delivery per cycle 喷油泵每缸每循环的平均供油量。
压板安装式喷油器clamp mounted injector 安装面为圆柱面并以压板固定的喷油器。
液压式调速器hydraulic governor 执行机构为液压伺服器的调速器。
液压式喷油提前器hydraulic timing advance mechanisms 执行机构为活塞等液压式传动机构的喷油提前器。
溢流阀部件fuel return valve assembly 由溢流阀体、溢流阀弹簧和溢流阔弹簧座等组成的部件,用于保持喷油泵袖道中一定的压力。
油量调节机构fuel control mechanism 喷油泵中用以调节供油量,适应柴油机负荷与转速变化的机构。
油量控制槽fuel control slot (or helix) 柱塞头部表面泄油槽的控制边缘,通常呈螺旋形或斜槽形。
油量控制阔部件fuel control valve assembly 由油量控制阅、连接臂和拉杆销组成的部件,用于调节供油量。
右侧安装right-hand mounted 观察者面对柴油机自由端,喷油泵装在柴油机的右侧。
右机泵right-hand mounted fuel injection pump 观察者面对柴油机自由端,安装在柴油机右侧的喷油泵。
预喷射pilot injection 在燃油的主喷射之前,喷人柴袖机气缸内少量燃油的现象。
预行程prestroke 柱塞从开始移动到关闭进油孔位置的距离。
啧油终点end of fuel injection 柱塞移动至喷袖终止〈以针阀落座为标志)时的位置。