英语笔译专业 硕士论文答辩共26页




Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, I'm XXX and my student number is XXX. Firstly I’d like to start by thanking all of you to be here and listen to my thesis defense, thank you. As you can see on the screen, what I've done is a translation report titled on Translation of XXX (Excerpt) and Comments, from page ninety nine (99) to page one hundred and nineteen (119). Now I'll start my presentation. My presentation consists of four parts: part one…First of all, I’d like to give you an overview of the source text. The source text of my translation task is selected from Diran John Sohigian’s dissertation The Life and Times of Lin Yutang. As I looked through the source text, the first full-length academic study of Lin in English, I found that extremely fascinating because the book reveals the whole life of Lin Yutang and offers readers a broader and more complete picture of Lin Yutang’s life. Hopefully, it will help Chinese readers learn about Lin’s childhood, family background, intellectual development and growing experiences from the translation of this book and have a better understanding of Lin Yutang and his works.There are plenty of Christian terms and passive sentences in my part of source text which poses many difficulties in my translation process. As a translator, I not only want my target text readers to get it, understand what is going on in the text, but also I want them to feel it, feel the same way as the original test readers do, so the question is how to make it.After consideration, I found a solution. I choose to take the Skopos theory of Vermeer as my guiding translation theory, and there are three main rules of Skopos theory, which are Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule.Skopos rule emphasizes that the translation purpose justifies the translation process. Coherence rule emphasizes the readability and acceptability of the translation. Fidelity rule refers to the “inter-textual coherence” between the translation and the source text.And, as for translation skills, there are Conversion of Parts of Speech, amplification, and Reorganization. I'm afraid I can’t detail how every skill has been used in such a short time but I have prepared three examples to clarify it.Example 1: In some ways Dr. Talmadge was blind to his own prejudice, seeing Chinese as heathen living in darkness, sin and superstition.First, Conversion of Parts of Speech. As languages are very flexible and cultures are different from one another, so when we are doing a translation, the part of speech of some words can sometimes be changed to make the sentence both accurate and readable. Let's see this example. This is the source test. We can translate this sentence into (...). It seems not bad, and it seems perfectly matching the original test, right? But I translated into (…) Why I translate blind into 视而不见in the translation, that's because adjectives that express feelings, desires, etc. in English, are often translated into Chinese as verbs. So I simply translate Blind into a verb with a four-character structure here only to make the whole sentence more fluent and more natural.Example 2: Sporadic fights began with sticks, stones, bird guns and a few Mausers; several were killed.Second, Amplification. Amplification refers to providing necessary vocabulary for the target text on the basis of accurate understanding of the source text, let's see an example. This is the source text and certainly we can translate it literally into (….) This translation, however, it is not smooth and the components behind the literal translation are very stiff, so adopting the skill of Amplification, my version is (…). In this case, the whole sentence becomes more understandable, while the information is not lost. So I think this is also a vivid example of how I put Skopos theory into practice.Example: At the request of our landlady, who was in danger of losing her boarders -- of being ‘boycotted’-- if she permitted a Chinese Christian lad to sit at a public table in her house, my wife and I took the lad with us and dined by ourselves at a small table, in a corner of the room, partly behind a door.Let's see another example, Reorganization. English sentences are longer and more complex than Chinese sentences. This is the source sentence, we can see that there are literally no difficult words and the author does not express some deep meanings. but the difficulty lies in how to translate the sentence smoothly and coherently. The literal translation of this sentence is (...) but we can clearly find that the translation is lack of logic and goes against the syntactic features of Chinese. In Chinese, the reason is usually put at the first part of the whole sentence, so this sentence is reorganized and translated as “如果……,她就会……,所以……”. It can be seen that the translation is more acceptable and readable.Now let’s come to the final part. I’d like to conclude my presentation by thanking my tutor and in this transition process, I’ve learned a lot, I’ve learned to think independently, search information effectively and improve my translation skills. Hopefully, this translation will provide a window for Chinese readers to have a better understanding of Lin Yutang and his works.... So that’s it, that’s my presentation on my translation report, thank you once again for your time and patience, any suggestion and comment will be welcomed in the next process, thank you.。


英语硕士论文答辩陈述 汇报人:××× 编号: 809373
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时间框架下的 同传信息处理 原则
——纪录片《茶,一片树叶的故事》同传实践研 究
任务描述 任务背景 案例分析 实践总结
1.中国优秀传统文化对外输出的 大背景
2.茶文化是中国文化的精华, 在全世界有极高的接受度 3.纪录片《茶》是中央电视 台倾力之作 4.翻译是文化对外传播的 不可或缺的力量
文学性、文言性语言的删减 重复信息的替代 口语化语言的顺句驱动
同传材料:央视网(CNTV)下载获得,汉语发音,时长50分钟 同传设备:视频播放器,录音笔 参与人员:独立完成
播放视频,进行同传,使用录音笔同步记录原语和译语 整理原语为中文文本,整理译语为英文文本 从原语言特点和耗时的角度对整理的文本进行分析,
3.释意理论下信息处理的方法 与策略
旁白的文学性特点 文言文的引用 采访的口语化特点
4 音画同步性特点(严格的时间框架)
2 释意理论下的信息处理原则


























在这个过程中,我也意识到了一些不足之处,如XXX (不足之处)。

















- 1 -。






1. 你选择英语专业的原因是什么?回答:我选择英语专业是因为对英语语言和文化有浓厚的兴趣。


2. 你在大学期间参与了哪些与英语相关的活动或项目?回答:在大学期间,我积极参与了英语角、英语演讲比赛、英语翻译比赛等活动。



3. 你觉得英语专业最有挑战的是什么?回答:对我来说,英语专业最大的挑战是翻译。



4. 你在毕业设计中的研究课题是什么?你做了哪些研究?回答:我在毕业设计中的研究课题是“英汉成语的翻译问题”。



5. 你在实习期间的经验对你的专业发展有何影响?回答:在实习期间,我有机会在一个国际企业担任翻译助理。







A Study of C-E Translation Criteria for Tourist Websites from a Perspective of GlocalizationMA Candidate: 赵延I.Reasons for the StudyII.Obejectives of the StudyIII.Research QuestionsIV.MethodologiesV.ConclusionVI.Innovative PointsCONTENTSI. Reasons for the Study•1. interest•2. new perspective•3. practical value•4. interdisciplinarytranslation studyII. Obejectives of the Study •1. To find out the problems in tourist websitetranslation•2. To raise some feasible C-E translation criteria for tourist websitesIII. Research Questions•1. What are the main problems or errors in the translation of tourist websites?•2. How globalization and localization strategies work in the translation of tourist websites?•3. What are the C-E translation criteria for tourist websites?IV. Methodologies1. theoretical dicussion2. case study1) descriptive2) qualitative3) comparative3. conclusionV. Conclusion•1. Glocal Awareness in Web Design and Translation•1) Navigation Glocalization: globalize the framework of the tourist website and localize the content to be translated.•2) Measure Glocalization•3) Title Glocalization•4) Glocal AwarenessC-E Translation Criteria on Linguistic Level •2. 2. C-E Translation Criteria on Linguistic Level •1) Morphological Level: no use of hybridity of language codes, short and clear informative key words•2) Syntactic Level: clear, informative, full sentences•3) Textual Level: informationally equivalent, clear information, functionally promotive, encouraging moodC-E Translation Criteria on Pragmatic Level •3. 3. C-E Translation Criteria on Pragmatic Level •1) Interactive Level: imperative mood•2) Cross-cultural Level: cultural adaptation •3) Graphic Glocal Level: layered graphicsVI. Innovative Points•1. New perspective-glocalization•2. The joint of translation studies and translation practice•3. Interdisciplinary translation studyThanks!JUNE-ZHENG JUNE-ZHENG 作品作品。

英语笔译专业 硕士论文答辩

英语笔译专业 硕士论文答辩

总体来说,原文本属于科普文本,主要 是普及自然科学和社会科学知识,传播科学 思想,语言往往比较科学,准确和规范。因 此用来记录的语言,句子偏长,结构复杂。 对长句的处理首先应该理顺语法结构,其次 就是掌握句子之间的逻辑关系,最后就是结 合语境进行准确翻译。
Is Better Than You Think 的第一章。本书的作者是科技 公司创业家兼慈善家彼得.戴曼迪斯和科学作家史蒂芬.科 特勒。科普英语翻译有较强的实用性,对原文本的翻译也 有一定的现实意义。
第一节《人类最大的挑战》,一方面讲述了目前人类面临 的种种挑战。另一方面又讲述了该如何解决这些问题;第 二节《建立金字塔》讲解了“富足”的定义;第三节《见 树再见林》告诉我们运用科技创造更加美好的未来。

直译与意译 转换法 增译与省译

直译是英语翻译中较常用的翻译方法,直译必须忠实于原文,这样 可以准确保留原文所表达的信息。笔者在翻译第一章中,发现直译也 是此次翻译最常用的方法。例如: 原文: But if you agree with even the most uplifting of these predictions — as Dr. Nina Fedoroff, science and technology advisor to the US secretary of state, recently told reporters — only one conclusion can be drawn: “ We need to decrease the growth rate of the global population; the planet cannot support many more people.” 译文:但是,即使你相信这些最乐观的预测——如美国国务卿科技顾问尼 娜.费多罗夫博士最近像记者透露的,我们也只能得出一个结论:“我 们需要减缓全球人口的增长速度:地球无法再承载更多的人口。” 说明:在上面的例子中,笔者在保持原文内容的前提下,力求使译文与原 文在选词用字、句法结构上尽可能趋同。



When I first read these two novels, I realized the decisive effect of the environment in the process of two heroes’ evolvement. When I prepared for the dissertation, I saw a sentence said by Jack London, “I can never lay enough stress upon the marvelous power and influence of environment.” This sentence is the motive of his White Fang which is the companion piece to the call of the wild. So I decided to study the two novels from the perspective of environment. Then I searched for a theory for my thesis. The reason I adopted Environmental Determinism is that I can easily understand the theory and apply it to my thesis writing. At the same time, I didn’t think it would be difficult for me to handle my thesis.My thesis begins with the introduction to Jack London and his literary achievement. The call of the wild is universally considered to be his master piece and white fang is its companion piece. Scholars domestic and abroad have done lots of research on these two novels. It is a pity that it was very difficult for me to get some foreign publications, so my literature review is focused on the domestic research. After elaborating some important previous studies on these two novels, I classify them into four categories. First is overviewed or critical research; second, studying the call of the wild from the view of dynamic development; third, analyzing these two novels from some philosophical views; fourth, studying cultural and ecological problems reflected in these two novels. But few scholars analyze the two novels from the perspective of environmental determinism in detail. So what I mostly do in this thesis is the textual analysis.Before the textual analysis I state the history of this theory and its influence on western literature in chapter one. Environmental determinism has a long history. Some famous philosophers and ideologists in ancient china and foreign countries expressed some points of view related to environmental determinism in their works, for example, Guanzhong, Hippocrates, Plato, Montesquieu Marx and Engels. Marx and Engels’theory of the relationship between geographic environment and human society accords with the practical development of human history and society. Jack Landon was a real socialist and was influenced deeply by Marx and Engels’ theory. The environmental determinism in the call of the wild and white fang is the best reflection. In order to reflect the importance of environment determinism on western literature in my thesis, my supervisor recommended me to read some western realistic writers’works, such as Stendhal, Thomas Hardy, Balzac, Flaubert and Charles Dickens. Although I didn’t have enough time to read all of their works, from what I have read I find out that these famous masters attached great importance to the description of typical figures in typical environments in order to depict their characteristics of personality and reveal the causes of their destinies, so environmental determinism is one of the most important features of realistic literature.Chapter two is the textual analysis. In order to analyze two heroes’ different behaviors in different environments more clearly and find out the commonality in these two novels, I divide all the environments in the novels into three kinds, and two heroes’different behaviors are stated step by step according to the changing of their living environments. After the detailed analysis of the text, I find out in their life stages they had no right to choose but accepted the choice of people and nature, that is to say, they were helpless when facing the environments but changed themselves to adapt to them. When the two heroes lived in the tough natural environments, although they didn’t have the ability to change the environments, they could change themselves to get used to them and survive. When they were in the friendly social environments, they were in harmony with the rest of the world and lived comfortably. But when their masters treated them with force, although at first they fought back, they could only yield to their masters in the end because “the law of club” made their masters more powerful than them and only by yielding to such a law could they get the necessary food. But when their heartless masters abused them, they were full of hatred for human beings and couldn’t bear such a condition; they didn’t kill their masters to get freedom, but chose other ways to show their discontent and vent their resentment. But at the end of the two stories, the two heroes killed other people for their masters. The reason why they did this was that these two masters gave them true love, and they loved these two masters, so they could sacrifice everything even their life to protect their loved ones. But when the two heroes were facing the bully from other animals, they never chose yielding. They both knew they had the opportunity to defeat others and became the leaders only when they didn’t fall down and were not killed. So they chose to grow stronger, and defeated their enemies one by one and established dominant position. In summary, the natural and social environments the two heroes experienced determined their behaviors.Only by the analysis of the two heroes’behaviors could not fully demonstrate the marvelous power and influence of environment in the novels, so in chapter three the changing of two heroes’ characters and living consciousness, transformation of wild nature and human nature and the influence of their masters are stated. Till this chapter, environmental determinism reflected in the two novels has been fully analyzed.In conclusion, in The Call of the Wild and White Fang, Jack London successfully applied Environmental Determinism. At the same time, he revealed the nature of the animal objectively. At present, natural environments and social environments are totally different from the environments depicted in the novels, but the decisive effect of the environment has not changed. Human beings have made a lot of mistakes when facing our environment and now we suffer a lot from environmental problems. Why couldn’t we observe the law of environmental determinism to some extend?。





4、语言最好简单清楚,不要直接用论文中内容,应该用解释性的句式,如:when i was designing the lessons, i found that….二、回答老师问题(老师用英语提问,学生用英语回答):1、大约有6-8个问题,时间将持续10-15分钟。



4、常见问题:(1) 关于选题:如why did you choose this topic for your paper?或why were you interested in this project?(2)关于具体部分:商务方向:swot,costing,flowchart,risk,stakeholder,如do you think this point a piece of weakness of the shop?或do you think this a necessary activity for the project?(3) 关于背景知识及理论知识:如what does swot stand for?(商务)(4) 关于论文存在的问题:如in the last sentence on page … there are some grammatical errors.(5) 关于项目或论文将来的发展:如:商务方向:if possible,will you carry out the project, and if so, do you think it will make profit?6、最后要向老师们表示感谢。



英语专业翻译实践答辩逐字稿Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, I'm XXX and my student number is XXX. Firstly I’d like to start by thanking all of you to be here and listen to my thesis defense, thank you. As you can see on the screen, what I've done is a translation report titled on Translation of XXX (Excerpt) and Comments, from page ninety nine (99) to page one hundred and nineteen (119). Now I'll start my presentation. My presentation consists of four parts: part one…First of all, I’d like to give you an overview of the source text. The source text of my translation task is selected from Diran John Sohigian’s dissertation The Life and Times of Lin Yutang. As I looked through the source text, the first full-length academic study of Lin in English, I found that extremely fascinating because the book reveals the whole life of Lin Yutang and offers readers a broader and more complete picture of Lin Yutang’s life. Hopefully, it will help Chinese rea ders learn about Lin’s childhood, family background, intellectual development and growing experiences from the translation of this book and have a better understanding of Lin Yutang and his works.There are plenty of Christian terms and passive sentences in my part of source text which poses many difficulties in my translation process. As a translator, I not only want my target text readers to get it, understand what is going on in the text, but also I want them to feel it, feel the same way as the original test readers do, so the question is how to make it.After consideration, I found a solution. I choose to take the Skopos theory of Vermeer as my guiding translation theory, and there are three main rules of Skopos theory, which are Skoposrule, coherence rule and fidelity rule.Skopos rule emphasizes that the translation purpose justifies the translation process. Coherence rule emphasizes the readability and acceptability of the translation. Fidelity rule refers to the “inter-textual coherence” between the translation and the source text.And, as for translation skills, there are Conversion of Parts of Speech, amplification, and Reorganization. I'm afraid I can’t detail how every skill has been used in such a short time but I have prepared three examples to clarify it.Example 1: In some ways Dr. Talmadge was blind to his own prejudice, seeing Chinese as heathen living in darkness, sin and superstition.First, Conversion of Parts of Speech. As languages are very flexible and cultures are different from one another, so when we are doing a translation, the part of speech of some words can sometimes be changed to make the sentence both accurate and readable. Let's see this example. This is the source test. We can translate this sentence into (...). It seems not bad, and it seems perfectly matching the original test, right? But I translated into (…) Why I translate blind into 视而不见in the translation, that's because adjectives that express feelings, desires, etc. in English, are often translated into Chinese as verbs. So I simply translate Blind into a verb with a four-character structure here only to make the whole sentence more fluent and more natural.Example 2: Sporadic fights began with sticks, stones, bird guns and a few Mausers; several were killed.Second, Amplification. Amplification refers to providing necessary vocabulary for the target text on the basis of accurate understanding of the source text, let's see an example. This is thesource text and certainly we can translate it literally into (….) This translation, however, it is not smooth and the components behind the literal translation are very stiff, so adopting the skill of Amplification, my version is (…). In this case, the whole sentence becomes more understandable, while the information is not lost. So I think this is also a vivid example of how I put Skopos theory into practice.Example: At the request of our landlady, who was in danger of losing her boarders -- of being ‘boycotted’-- if she permitted a Chinese Christian lad to sit at a public table in her house, my wife and I took the lad with us and dined by ourselves at a small table, in a corner of the room, partly behind a door.Let's see another example, Reorganization. English sentences are longer and more complex than Chinese sentences. This is the source sentence, we can see that there are literally no difficult words and the author does not express some deep meanings. but the difficulty lies in how to translate the sentence smoothly and coherently. The literal translation of this sentence is (...) but we can clearly find that the translation is lack of logic and goes against the syntactic features of Chinese. In Chinese, the reason is usually put at the first part of the whole sentence, so this sentence is reorganized and translated as “如果……,她就会……,所以……”. It can be seen that the translation is more acceptable and readable.Now let’s come to the final part. I’d like to conclude my presentation by thanking my tutor and in this transition process, I’ve learned a lot, I’ve learned to think independ ently, search information effectively and improve my translation skills. Hopefully, this translation will provide a window for Chinese readers to have a better understanding of Lin Yutang and hisworks.... So that’s it, that’s my presentation on my transla tion report, thank you once again for your time and patience, any suggestion and comment will be welcomed in the next process, thank you.。


the lexical level and the is applied in... syntactical level
is applied in...
Semantic Communicative Translation Translation
is applied in the translation of
expressive texts
thinking process & stylistic features
informative/vocative texts
accuracy of information & the reaction of the audience
Ⅶ. Limitations
Ⅰ. Research Background
1. Globalization and China’s comprehensive strength
2. The flourish of Diplomatic speeches
3. The insufficiency of relevant translation research
from Foreign Ministry of China
According to Newmark’s
Text Type Classificaiton
2 for Expressive text 2 for Informative text
2 for Vocative text
Analyze and compare from
May, 25th 2013
Contents of the presentation






















翻译报告答辩问题 (2)

翻译报告答辩问题 (2)




















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