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Youtiao process:

1、原料准备:中筋粉(油条专用粉)500g,无铝油条膨松剂一袋(20g),水300g (Raw materials: all purpose flour 500gm, Angel baking powder for Youtiao 1bag (20gm), water 300gm)

2、将油条膨松剂倒入面粉中。(Pour the Angel baking powder for Youtiao into the flour)

3、将油条膨松剂与面粉混合均匀。(Mix the Angel baking powder and the flour well)

4、倒入水。(Pour the water to the bowl)

5、搅拌均匀,让水被面团充分吸收。(Mix until the water is fully absorbed into the dough)

6、揉成的面团。(the picture of the dough after first mix)

7、静置10分钟。(Rest for 10 minutes)

8、揣面将面团展开。(Push down the dough with the fists to a flat format)

9、叠面。(fold the dough from one side)

10、用拳头捣平整。(Push down the dough with the fists to a flat format)

11、叠面(Fold the dough from the other side)

12、用拳头捣平整。(Push down the dough with the fists to a flat format)

13、这阶段面筋只是简单的形成。(At this stage gluten is initially developed)

14、卷成团。(Roll the dough)

15、面团温度为25.6℃。(The dough temperature is around 25℃)

16、第一次室温下静置10分钟。(The first rest for 10 minutes at ambient temperature)

17、第二次揣面将面团展开。(Push down the dough with the fists to a flat format once again)

18、再将面团从一边叠起。(Fold the dough from one side)

19、用拳头捣平整。(Push down the dough with the fists to a flat format)

20、面筋到了八成扩展。(Gluten is eighty percent fully developed)

21、将面团卷成条状,第二次室温下静置10分钟。(Roll the dough to strip form, and the second rest for 10 minutes at ambient temperature)

22、在烤盘上刷油,放入面团,(Brush the baking tray with ooil)。

23、面团表面刷少量油。(Brush the surface of the dough with oil)

24、盖上塑料袋。(Cover the dough with plastic film)

25、醒面,温度为30℃,时间为2小时。(Leaven the dough at 30℃for 2 hours)

26、取面团之前现在案板上撒点粉,防止面团粘在案板上。(Sprinkle a little flour on the board before taking out the dough in case that the dough sticks to the board)

27、面团擀平。(stretch by rolling the dough )

28、切成条状状。(cut to the slices)

29、取一根筷子蘸水。(dip the water with chopstick)

30、在其中一个面片上划条水线。(draw a water line with the wet chopstick)

31、取另一片叠在有水线的那片面片上。(cover another slice on the one with a water line)

32、用力压两条面片使其粘在一起。(Press strongly the above slice so that these two slices are strongly sticky together)

33、将两条面片拉成长条。(Stretch these two slices to a long strip)

34、扭一下使其有更好看的形状。(twist the dough strip for good-looking final product)

35、开始油炸。(Start frying)

36、油温在200-210℃。(The oil temperature is around 200-210℃)

37、翻动油条面团。(Turn over the dough stick frequently with chopsticks)

38、当油条的颜色比较金黄时就可以出锅了。(take out the Youtiao until its color turns golden)

39、无铝健康的油条出来了。(enjoy the healthy Youtiao )
