


• 我有一双小小的眼睛,笑起来就 变成一条细细的缝。又弯又短的 眉毛好像挂在天空的月牙儿。俩 条短短的羊角辫可爱极了!
我的眼睛不大不小, 但是黑白分明,
特别有神,高高的鼻梁, 红红的嘴唇, 白嫩的脸蛋上有几颗小雀斑,不但不 难看,反而透出天真
•你 •是 •什 •么 •样 •的
溜溜、笑起来变成一条缝、有神、明亮的、 红红的、红扑扑的、白净的、圆圆的、胖乎乎的、瘦瘦的、粉嘟嘟的、
特别有神,高高的鼻梁, 耳朵白里透红,耳轮分明,外圈里圈都十分匀称
水汪汪的、亮晶晶的、月牙眼…… 一对黑亮的眼睛像是俩颗黑宝石、
耳朵白里透红,耳轮分明,外圈里圈都十分匀称 一对大耳朵,似乎吊壶的俩个把手
• 眼睛 塌鼻梁小鼻子
洁白的、整齐的、稀疏的、雪白、洁净的、 我的个子不高不矮,身材苗条,瓜子脸上一双大眼睛,总是闪烁着快乐的光芒!
• 大大的、小小的、不大不小、圆圆的、圆 我的个子不高不矮,身材苗条,瓜子脸上一双大眼睛,总是闪烁着快乐的光芒!
四方脸、鹅蛋脸、苹果脸 一对黑亮的眼睛像是俩颗黑宝石、
• 像黑葡萄似的眼睛、 宽大的鼻子
洁白的、整齐的、稀疏的、雪白、洁净的、 俩条短短的羊角辫可爱极了!
• 一对黑亮的眼睛像是俩颗黑宝石、 雪白的牙齿就像闪烁着的珍珠
耳朵白里透红,耳轮分明,外圈里圈都十分匀称 雪白的牙齿就像闪烁着的珍珠
• 俩个眼珠一闪一闪,好像一对美丽的珍珠、
• 眉毛
• 弯弯的、浓黑的、黑黑的、长长的眉毛、 修长的、细细的、漆黑的、浓密的、
一只俊俏笔挺的鼻子 小小的挺直的鼻子 宽大的鼻子 肉乎乎的大鼻子 塌鼻梁小鼻子
• 嘴巴
• 樱桃小嘴、红红的、小小的、大嘴、厚嘴 唇、薄薄的嘴唇,粉嘟嘟的

写作教程 第二册答案ppt课件

写作教程 第二册答案ppt课件

6. Topic sentence:
5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 9, 8, 3, 2
1) First of all 2) Secondly 3) By and by 4) In addition 5) In short
Several techniques have been used to achieve coherence:
Unit 1
Follow-up exercises
Write a focused topic sentence for thБайду номын сангаас following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
balls on the branches near the base of the tree. Meanwhile, the two older children were placing ornaments on the higher branches. Finally, our parents completed the decorating by placing a beautiful goldenhaired angel at the very top of the tree. After we finished the tree, we hurriedly dressed and walked down the street to Midnight Mass. As we listened to the service, we remembered the reason we celebrated Christmas. Then we returned home where we ate some of Mother's Christmas goodies. We always ended our Christmas Eve ritual around 2 a.m. by gathering around the tree and singing "Silent Night."


写作教程第二册答案课件演示 文稿
(优选)写作教程第二册答案 课件
Write a focused topic sentence for the following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
3 . Then while resting 3. When the show was
and drinking Cokes, we over, we decided to
decided to visit Main spend the rest of our
short visit touring the
3. When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas
Eve ritual. We always began our private celebration promptly at 6 p.m. on December 24 when the whole family assembled in our small kitchen. We watched as Mother and my older sister prepared a light supper. As soon as we finished the meal, we rushed into the living room to decorate the tree. The younger children started the decorating by putting tinsel and colorful

写作教程 第二册 答案PPT课件

写作教程 第二册 答案PPT课件

Personality One's personality plays an important role in foreign language learning. Weather Living in a place where the weather is always warm has many advantages.
l) Repetition of key words: junk food, students (as are underlined)
2) Use of transitional signals: For one reason, Also, As a result, however (as are italicized)
Unit 1
Follow-up exercises
Write a focused topic sentence for the following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
Paragraph 3 Nutritional deficiency is a major problem of the elderly.
5. Paragraph 1
The world has enjoyed many benefits from the invention of telephone. Paragraph 2 I had a terrible morning today.

写作教程第2版 ppt课件

写作教程第2版  ppt课件
chocolate chip cookies.
• Complete the table according to the steps in Sample 1:
• Step 1 Get ready flour, water, sugar, salt, eggs, and chocolate.
• The purpose of process description is usually to inform, teach, or give ideas to the reader about how something new (or interesting or conventional) happens or in what way it can be completed.
• Step 2 Mix flour and baking soda together with water.
• Step 3 Add salt and put butter and sugar together in a separate bowl.
• Step 4 Add two eggs to this mixture.
• Summarize the pattern of process description in the paragraph.
• We have observed that the sample paragraph explains or describes the successive steps of making some cookies for afternoon tea in Britain. This pattern of organization is called process writing. In this pattern, you may illustrate the process of doing something in detail from beginning to end. And the description of these details has to follow the order of the actual steps.

写作教程 第二册 答案 ppt课件

写作教程 第二册 答案 ppt课件

Paragraph I All inventions are either basic inventions or improvements on earlier inventions.
Paragraph 2 There was a serious accident in the chemistry lab yesterday.
3) Use of pronouns: they, their, this (as are boldfaced)
3. When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas Eve ritual. We always began our private celebration promptly at 6 p.m. on December 24 when the whole family assembled in our small kitchen. We watched as Mother and my older sister prepared a light supper. As soon as we finished the meal, we rushed into the living room to decorate the tree. The younger children started the decorating by putting tinsel and colorful
balls on the branches near the base of the tree. Meanwhile, the two older children were placing ornaments on the higher branches. Finally, our parents completed the decorating by placing a beautiful goldenhaired angel at the very top of the tree. After we finished the tree, we hurriedly dressed and walked down the street to Midnight Mass. As we listened to the service, we remembered the reason we celebrated Christmas. Then we returned home where we ate some of Mother's Christmas goodies. We always ended our Christmas Eve ritual around 2 a.m. by gathering around the tree and singing "Silent Night."



主题的特点 正确、集中、鲜明
二 、 应用文的材料
材料必须真实、 准确
材料必须典型 材料要新颖
先列材料,后亮 观点 先亮观点,后列 材料 边列材料,边亮 观点
三、 应用文结构
结构的含义 应用文的结构,指对应用文的内容进行的组织安排, 是作者在确立了主 题、选定了材料之后谋篇布局的结果,是作者思路的 体现。
1. 应用文的性质及特点,其与文学作品的 区别
2. 应用文的作用及学习
一、应用文的性质 文章可分两类:
文学文体,以审美为标准 应用文体,以实用为目的 所谓应用文,是指国家机关、社会团体、企事业单 位及人民群众在处理各种事务时,经常使用的、 具有直接实用价值和惯用格式的文体。
结构的要求 1.完整 2.严谨 3、清晰
叙述是一种把人物的经历或事件发生、发展、变化的过程表述出 来的一种表达方式。叙述的基本要求是:一要交待清楚,线索分 明;二要抓住本质,突出重点;三要详略得当,富于变化。
议论是一种通过事实材料和逻辑推理来表明自己的立场、观点 和态度的表达方式。议论的基本要求是:观点正确鲜明,论据 充分,论证符合逻辑。
1、标题 要求贴切、简洁、醒目 2、称谓 3、正文 包括开头、主体和结尾三部分
要力求抓住听众,有较强的吸引 力,有多种的写法。如提问式、故 事式、直入式、幽默式等。
要条理清楚、逻辑性强,还要 波澜起伏、扣人心弦,纵横自如。
(一)了解听众,有的放矢 (二)中心明确,主题新颖 (三)情理交融,语言生动 (四)行文变化,富有波澜



Activity 2
Many people use eye drops to treat a range of eye problems or to relieve dry eyes or red eyes. Make a detailed list of the steps to instruct your readers to correctly apply eye drops.
2. Process analysis may also perform the function of persuasion.
Decide on the type of the process
1. The process analysis is mainly directional or informational.
Step 1: Preparing 1. Wash your hands with soap and water and dry them with a clean towel or a paper towel. If soap and water aren’t available, you can use hand sanitizer instead. 2. If directed on the label or by your doctor or pharmacist, gently shake the bottle.
Tools: bottle of eye drops, sanitizer or soap and water to clean your hands, some tissues or other cloth to wipe away excess drops from around your eyes.


工作要点,是计划的摘要形式,多用于领导机关对下属 单位布置工作和交代任务。在写法上,多以分条列项式的写法 来写,全文几个大点几个小点,分别依次拉通排序。以文件形 式下发的计划,一般采用工作要点的写法来写,在党政机关公 文中,多采用“通知”的形式来发布“工作要点”。
第一节 计划 二、计划的种类
计划还可从不同角度进行分类。 按内容分,有工作计划、生产计划、学习计划、科研计 划等。按范围分,有国家计划、部门计划、单位计划、个人计 划等。按时间分,有跨年度的多年计划、年度计划、季度计划、 月份计划,有长期计划、中期计划、短期计划等。按性质分, 有综合性计划和专题性计划。按呈现形式分,有条文式计划、 表格式计划和文表结合式计划。
第一节 计划 二、计划的种类
预案,经常用于党政机关、企事业单位为应对各种突发 公共事件而预先制定的工作方案。预案都是为了应急之用,所 以也叫应急预案。预案是为了防患于未然,预先设想一些问题, 并对此提出解决方案,因此预案尽可能要周全、具体、可行。 事前设想得越周全,预案的目标和措施就越准确。
第一节 计划 二、计划的种类
第九章 事务文书
第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节 第五节
计划 总结 事迹材料 述职报告 新闻与简报
第一节 计划 一、计划的含义
计划是党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体或个人对未来 一定时期的生产、经营、工作、学习等,以书面形式作出有预 定具体目标的一类文种,是为完成一定时期的任务而事前对目 标、措施和步骤作出简要部署的事务文书。

文 沟
第九章 事务文书

第九章 事务文书
事务文书是党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体或 人民群众在处理日常事务时用来沟通信息、安排工作、 总结得失、研究问题的实用文体,是应用写作的重要组 成部分。事务文书包括的种类较多,计划、总结、调查 报告、述职报告、新闻、简报、大事记、策划书、会议 记录等都属于事务文书的范畴。下面主要讲述几种常用 的事务文书。



新世纪英语专业《写作教程》第二册课件Title: Courseware of New Century English Major "Writing Tutorial" Volume TwoIntroduction:The courseware of the New Century English Major "Writing Tutorial" Volume Two provides comprehensive guidance and instruction for students in developing and refining their writing skills. This courseware covers a wide range of topics including academic writing, creative writing, business writing, and professional communication. Through a combination of theoretical principles, practical exercises, and real-world examples, students can enhance their ability to communicate effectively in written form.Key Features:1. Structured Learning Materials: The courseware is organized in a systematic and logical manner, allowing students to progress from basic concepts to more advanced writing techniques. Each unit focuses on a specific aspect of writing and includes clear explanations, examples, and exercises to reinforce learning.2. Diverse Writing Styles: The courseware covers a variety of writing styles and genres to cater to the diverse needs and interests of students. Whether students are interested in academic writing, creative writing, or professional communication, they will find relevant and engaging content in this courseware.3. Real-World Applications: The courseware includesreal-world examples and case studies to demonstrate the practical application of writing skills in different contexts. Students can learn how to write effective essays, reports, emails, and other types of documents that are commonly used in academic and professional settings.4. Interactive Exercises: To facilitate active learning and skill development, the courseware includes interactive exercises and writing tasks that require students to apply their knowledge and practice their writing skills. These exercises are designed to challenge students and help them improve their writing proficiency.5. Feedback and Assessment: Throughout the courseware, students will receive feedback and assessment on their writing assignments from instructors or peers. This feedback is essentialfor identifying areas of improvement and enhancing the quality of students' writing.Benefits of Using the Courseware:1. Enhanced Writing Skills: By engaging with the courseware, students can enhance their writing skills and become more proficient in expressing their ideas and thoughts in written form.2. Improved Communication Abilities: Writing is a fundamental communication skill that is essential for academic and professional success. The courseware equips students with the tools and techniques to communicate effectively through writing.3. Career Advancement: Strong writing skills are highly valued in the workplace and can lead to increased career opportunities and advancement. By mastering the content of the courseware, students can enhance their employability and marketability in various industries.Conclusion:The courseware of the New Century English Major "Writing Tutorial" Volume Two is a valuable resource for students seeking to improve their writing skills and communication abilities. With its comprehensive coverage of writing styles, practical exercises,and real-world examples, this courseware equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in academic and professional writing. By engaging with the courseware, students can develop their writing proficiency and pave the way for future success in their chosen fields.。


今天,我们来为别人画一张像,可 以画同学、老师、家长,还可以画想象 中的人。画好了再写一写,除了写外貌, 还可以写写他的性格、爱好。

也许是我们都叫“建设”的缘故吧,从一年级 起,我们就成了形影不离的好朋友。
武建设比我胖,比我高,在班里他是最高的。 他喜欢留小平头。眼睛不大,一笑起来几乎看不见 眼珠,但视力很好。他饭量大,力气也大,连走路 都带风。他是学校篮球队的主力队员,最喜欢穿一 身蓝色球衣。
有一次和外校比赛,他投中了一个“三分球”。 从此,我们都叫他“大三”,他听了感到很自豪。
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• 2. Does this paragraph stress the similarities or differences between the two subjects?
• The paragraph stresses differences rather than similarities between the two subjects.
English Writing
Comparison and contrast
• The purpose of comparing and contrasting is to understand either of the two things more clearly and, at times, to make judgments about them. In this unit, we are going to study how to write paragraphs of comparison and contrast.
• 3. Does it follow the same pattern as in Sample 1? If not, what are the differences?
• No, it has a different pattern. • The writer shifts back and forth between the
• Examples:
• (1) a proposal for an American busi” capital gain for the Internal Revenue Service
• (3) accident report by a motorist
• In this pattern, you discuss the two subjects separately, that is to say, you discuss all of the characteristics of subdivisions of the first subject in the first half and then present all the characteristics of the other in the second half. The aspects examined in the two subjects should be the same and in both parts, you should follow the same logical order for each subject.
• 2. Now, complete the outline according to the organization of Sample 1:
• A. Americans’ concept of “a long time”: anything from forty years to forty minutes, depending on the circumstances.
• (4) for a business appointment or a date
• Attitudes to promptness: it is a binding obligation
• B. Other cultures’ concepts of “a long time”: not limited
years or even forever
• Summarize the pattern of contrast in the paragraph.
• You may have noticed that the sample paragraph deals with what Americans think “a long time” is before it moves on to discuss the views held by other cultures. This pattern of organization is subject-by-subject or groupby-group.
• Now read Sample 2, and identify the different writing pattern of comparison & contrast:
• Questions: • 1. Which two subjects are compared in this
paragraph? And on how many points are the subjects compared? • The two subjects compared in the paragraph are Americans and Koreans. • There are three points under comparison or contrast: family structure, role relations and value orientations.
• Examples: • (1) murder report by a Truck Islander • (2) envoy’s waiting in a Latin American City • (3) ritual dance in Pueblo village • (4) South Asian concept: one thousand
• Please read Sample 1, and answer some questions:
• 1.What is the topic of the paragraph? • This paragraph is developed around the
concepts of “a long time” held by Americans and people from other cultures.