
Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network in Environmental MonitoringApplicationsI. ZIGBEE TECHNOLOGYZigbee is a wireless standard based on IEEE802.15.4 that was developed to address the unique needs of most wireless sensing and control applications. Technology is low cost, low power, a low data rate, highly reliable, highly secure wireless networking protocol targeted towards automation and remote control applications. It’s depicts two key performance characteristics –wireless radio range and data transmission rate of the wireless spectrum. Comparing to other wireless networking protocols such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, UWB and so on, shows excellent transmission ability in lower transmission rate and highly capacity of network. A. Zigbee FrameworkFramework is made up of a set of blocks called layers.Each layer performs a specific set of services for the layer above. As shown in Fig.1. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard defines the two lower layers: the physical (PHY) layer and the medium access control (MAC) layer. The Alliance builds on this foundation by providing the network and security layer and the framework for the application layer.Fig.1 FrameworkThe IEEE 802.15.4 has two PHY layers that operate in two separate frequency ranges: 868/915 MHz and 2.4GHz. Moreover, MAC sub-layer controls access to the radio channel using a CSMA-CA mechanism. Its responsibilities may also include transmitting beacon frames, synchronization, and providing a reliable transmission mechanism.B. Zigbee’s TopologyThe network layer supports star, tree, and mesh topologies, as shown in Fig.2. In a star topology, the network is controlled by one single device called coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for initiating and maintaining the devices on the network. All other devices, knownas end devices, directly communicate with the coordinator. In mesh and tree topologies, the coordinator is responsible for starting the network and for choosing certain key network parameters, but the network may be extended through the use of routers. In tree networks, routers move data and control messages through the network using a hierarchical routing strategy. Mesh networks allow full peer-to-peer communication.Fig.2 Mesh topologiesFig.3 is a network model, it shows that supports both single-hop star topology constructed with one coordinator in the center and the end devices, and mesh topology. In the network, the intelligent nodes are composed by Full Function Device (FFD) and Reduced Function Device (RFD). Only the FFN defines the full functionality and can become a network coordinator. Coordinator manages the network, it is to say that coordinator can start a network and allow other devices to join or leave it. Moreover, it can provide binding and address-table services, and save messages until they can be delivered.Fig.3 Zigbee network modelII.THE GREENHOUSE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINGSYSTEM DESIGNTraditional agriculture only use machinery and equipment which isolating and no communicating ability. And farmers have to monitor crops’ growth by themselves. Even if some people use electrical devices, but most of them were restricted to simple communication between control computer and end devices like sensors instead of wire connection, which couldn’t be strictly defined as wireless sens or network. Therefore, by through using sensor networks and, agriculture could become more automation, more networking and smarter.In this project, we should deploy five kinds of sensors in the greenhouse basement. By through these deployed sensors, the parameters such as temperature in the greenhouse, soil temperature, dew point, humidity and light intensity can be detected real time. It is key to collect different parameters from all kinds of sensors. And in the greenhouse, monitoring the vegetables growing conditions is the top issue. Therefore, longer battery life and lower data rate and less complexity are very important. From the introduction about above, we know that meet the requirements for reliability, security, low costs and low power.A. System OverviewThe overview of Greenhouse environmental monitoring system, which is made up by one sink node (coordinator), many sensor nodes, workstation and database. Mote node and sensor node together composed of each collecting node. When sensors collect parameters real time, such as temperature in the greenhouse, soil temperature, dew point, humidity and light intensity, these data will be offered to A/D converter, then by through quantizing and encoding become the digital signal that is able to transmit by wireless sensor communicating node. Each wireless sensor communicating node has ability of transmitting, receiving function.In this WSN, sensor nodes deployed in the greenhouse, which can collect real time data and transmit data to sink node (Coordinator) by the way of multi-hop. Sink node complete the task of data analysis and data storage. Meanwhile, sink node is connected with GPRS/CDMA can provide remote control and data download service. In the monitoring and controlling room, by running greenhouse management software, the sink node can periodically receives the data from the wireless sensor nodes and displays them on monitors.B. Node Hardware DesignSensor nodes are the basic units of WSN. The hardware platform is made up sensor nodes closely related to the specific application requirements. Therefore, the most important work isthe nodes design which can perfect implement the function of detecting and transmission as a WSN node, and perform its technology characteristics. Fig.4 shows the universal structure of the WSN nodes. Power module provides the necessary energy for the sensor nodes. Data collection module is used to receive and convert signals of sensors. Data processing and control module’s functions are node device control, task sche duling, and energy computing and so on. Communication module is used to send data between nodes and frequency chosen and so on.Fig.4 Universal structure of the wsn nodesIn the data transfer unit, the module is embedded to match the MAC layer and the NET layer of the protocol. We choose CC2430 as the protocol chips, which integrated the CPU, RF transceiver, net protocol and the RAM together. CC2430 uses an 8 bit MCU (8051), and has 128KB programmable flash memory and 8KB RAM. It also includes A/D converter, some Timers, AES128 Coprocessor, Watchdog Timer, 32K crystal Sleep mode Timer, Power on Reset, Brown out Detection and 21 I/Os. Based on the chips, many modules for the protocol are provided. And the transfer unit could be easily designed based on the modules.As an example of a sensor end device integrated temperature, humidity and light, the design is shown in Fig. 5.Fig.5 The hardware design of a sensor nodeThe SHT11 is a single chip relative humidity and temperature multi sensor module comprising a calibrated digital output. It can test the soil temperature and humidity. The DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor, which has 3 pins and data pin can link MSP430 directly. It can detect temperature in greenhouse. The TCS320 is a digital light sensor. SHT11, DS18B20 and TCS320 are both digital sensors with small size and low power consumption. Other sensor nodes can be obtained by changing the sensors.The sensor nodes are powered from onboard batteries and the coordinator also allows to be powered from an external power supply determined by a jumper.C. Node Software DesignThe application system consists of a coordinator and several end devices. The general structure of the code in each is the same, with an initialization followed by a main loop.The software flow of coordinator, upon the coordinator being started, the first action of the application is the initialization of the hardware, liquid crystal, stack and application variables and opening the interrupt. Then a network will be formatted. If this net has been formatted successfully, some network information, such as physical address, net ID, channel number will be shown on the LCD. Then program will step into application layer and monitor signal. If there is end device or router want to join in this net, LCD will shown this information, and show the physical address of applying node, and the coordinator will allocate a net address to this node. If the node has been joined in this network, the data transmitted by this node will be received by coordinator and shown in the LCD.The software flow of a sensor node, as each sensor node is switched on, it scans all channelsand, after seeing any beacons, checks that the coordinator is the one that it is looking for. It then performs a synchronization and association. Once association is complete, the sensor node enters a regular loop of reading its sensors and putting out a frame containing the sensor data. If sending successfully, end device will step into idle state; by contrast, it will collect data once again and send to coordinator until sending successfully.D. Greenhouse Monitoring Software DesignWe use VB language to build an interface for the test and this greenhouse sensor network software can be installed and launched on any Windows-based operating system. It has 4 dialog box selections: setting controlling conditions, setting Timer, setting relevant parameters and showing current status. By setting some parameters, it can perform the functions of communicating with port, data collection and data viewing。
ZigBee Wireless Networks and Transceivers中文翻译 第一章 ZigBee基础

由于国内暂时还没有该文献的中文版本,而ZigBee Wireless Networks and Transceivers又是ZigBee界的葵花宝典,为了自己更好的学习,所以决定将比较多的蛋疼的时间拿出来做点有意义的事,虽然翻译水平不是很高,但是在翻译的过程中肯定能得到进步,最关键的就是检验自己的毅力,看看能否坚持。
废话不多说,开始ZigBee Wireless Networks and TransceiversZigBee无线网络和收发器1第一章ZigBee基础本章主要介绍了短距离无线网络通信的ZigBee标准,本章的主要目的就是对ZigBee的基础特性进行一下简单的概述,包括它的网络拓扑、信道访问机制和每个协议层所扮演的角色,在后续章节中对本章所讨论的内容有详细的解释。
1.1 什么是ZigBee?ZigBee是为低数据速率、短距离无线网络通信定义的一系列通信协议标准。
基于ZigBee的无线设备工作在868MHZ, 915MHZ和2.4Z频带。
其最大数据速率是250Kbps. ZigBee技术主要针对以电池为电源的应用,这些应用对低数据速率、低成本、更长时间的电池寿命有较高的需求。
study on Zigbee

Impact Factor: 1.852 IJESRTINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES & RESEARCHTECHNOLOGYStudy on ZIGBEE TechnologyAbhishek Kumar*1, Sandeep Gupta2*1,2Department Of ECE, Bharat Institute of Technology, Partapur, Meerut-250003, India999electro.abhi@AbstractZIGBEE is one of the most widely used transceiver standard in wireless sensor networks. Zigbee over IEEE 802.15.4., defines specifications for low rate WPAN(LR-WPAN) to support lower monitoring and controlling devices. Zigbee is developed by Zigbee alliance ,which has hundreds of member companies. Zigbee alliance(software) defines the network, security and application layers. IEEE802.15.4(hardware) defines the physical and media access control layers for LR-WPAN. This paper presents a detailed study of Zigbee wireless standard, IEEE802.15.4 specification, Zigbee device types, the protocol stack architecture and its application.Keywords: Zigbee, IEEE802.15.4. Standard, LR-WPAN.IntroductionWireless Technology is being developed rapidly nowadays. Advancement in micro electromechanical systems brings integration of sensing, signal processing and RF capability on very small devices. All kind of portable applications tend to be able to communicate without the use of any wires. Aim of wireless communication is to gather information or perform certain task in the environment. A typical sensor node contains three C’s, are Collection, Computation and Communication units. Based on the request of sink, gathered information will be transmitted wirelessly. The collection unit has series of sensors. Computation unit contains microcontroller and memory. Finally the communication unit contains transceiver to transmit and receive data; various transceivers (such as RFM TR1000 family, Hardware accelerators, ChipconCC1000 and CC2420 family , Infineon TDA 525x family, IEEE802.15.4/Ember EM2420 RF transceiver, ConexantRDSSS9M) used for this purpose.The reasons [1] for using Zigbee are,•Reliable and self healing• Supports large number of nodes.•Easy to deploy•Very long battery life•Secure•Low cost•Can be used globally• Vibrant industry support with thirty or more vendors supplying products and services •Open Standards protocol with no or negligible licensing fees•Chipsets available from multiple sources•Remotely upgradeable firmware• No new wires•Low power (ability to operate on batteriesmeasured in years)•Low maintenance (meshing, self organizing)•Standards based security [AES128]•Ability to read gas metersAll of the technologies are young – Bluetooth being the oldest with developments started in 1997. ZigBee started its developments in 2001. Different companies developed other technologies within the last three or four years. Zigbee is one of the most widely utilized Wireless Sensor Network standards with low power, low data rate, low cost and short time delay characteristics, simple to develop and deploy and provides robust security and high data reliability. Name of the Zigbee came from zigzagging patterns of honey bees between flowers, represents the communication between nodes in a mesh network [1].ZIGBEE and IEEE 802.15.4ZigBee is developed by ZigBee alliance, which has hundreds of member companies (Ember, Freescale, Chipcon, Invensys, Mitsubishi, CompXs, AMI Semiconductors, ENQ Semi conductors), from semiconductor and software developers to original equipment manufacturers. ZigBee and 802.15.4 are not the same. ZigBee is a standard based network protocol supported solely by the ZigBee alliance that uses the transport services of the IEEE802.15.4 networkhttp: // (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology[2733-2738]specification. ZigBee alliance is responsible for ZigBee standard and IEEE is for IEEE802.15.4. It is like TCP/IP using IEEE 802.11b network specification [2]. ZigBee alliance (software) defines the network, security and application layers. IEEE802.15.4 (hardware) defines the physical and media access control layers for LR-WPAN in figure1. Power needed for ZigBee is very small. In most cases it uses 1mW (or less power). But still it provides range up to 150 meters in outdoor which is achieved by the technique called direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS). Also DSSS consumes less power compared to Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS). It works in the 868 MHz (Europe),915 MHz (North America and Australia) and 2.4 GHz(available worldwide) ISM band with up to 20kbps, 40kbps and 250kbps data rate respectively .Because these wave bands are different from the bands of current common wireless networks, Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), Bluetooth, Wireless USB etc. Mutual interferences between them will not occur, therefore, this guarantees our system will not interfere other wireless networks and will not be affected as well.Figure 1: ZigBee adds network, security, and application-services layers to the PHY and MAC layers of the IEEE811.15.4 radio.The IEEE 802.15.4 standard employs 64-bit and16-bit short addresses to support theoretically more than 65,000 nodes per network [7]. ZigBee network can have up to 653356 devices, the distance between ZigBee devices can be up to 50 meters, and each node can relay data to other nodes. This leads capability of making a very big network which covering significant distances.ZIGBEE StandardZigBee device are the combination of application (such as light sensor, lighting control etc), ZigBee logical(coordinator, router, end device), and ZigBee physical device types (Full Function Device and Reduced Function Device)[1].A,ZigBee physical device types: Based on dataprocessing capabilities, two types of physical devices are provided in IEEE 802.15.4: Full Function Devices (FFD)and Reduced Function Devices(RFD). Full Function Devices can perform all available operations within the standard, including routing mechanism, coordination tasks and sensing task. The FFD plays role of coordinator or router or end devices (It can be either FFD or RFD depends on its intended application). A typical FFD in a ZigBee network will be powered from an AC-fed mains supply, as it must always be active and listening to the network . Reduced Function Devices, on the other hand,implements a limited version of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. The RFDs do not route packets and must be associated with an FFD. These are end devices such as sensors actuators which only doing limited tasks like recording temperature data, monitoring lighting condition or controlling external devices. The current ZigBee standard requires FFDs to be always on, which in practice means that FFDs must be constantly powered. Battery-powered FFDs have a lifetime on the order of a few days. B. ZigBee logical device types :There are three categories of nodes in a ZigBee system.They are Coordinator, Router and End devices. 1) Coordinator : Forms the root of the network tree and might bridge to other networks. There is exactly one coordinator in each network. It is responsible for initiating the network and selecting the network parameters such as radio frequency channel, unique network identifier and setting other operational parameters. It can also store the information about network, security keys.2) Router: Router acts as intermediate nodes, relaying data from other devices. Router can connect to an already existent network, also able to accept connections from other devices and be some kind of re- transmitters to the network. Network may be extended through the use ofZigBee routers.Figure 2: Zigbee Networkhttp: // (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology[2733-2738]3) End Devices : End Device can be low-power/ battery-powered devices. They can collect various information from sensors and switches. They have sufficient functionality to talk to their parents (either the coordinator or a router) and cannot relay data from other devices. This reduced functionality allows for the potential to reduce their cost. They support better low power models. These devices do not have to stay awake the whole time, while the devices belonging to the other two categories have to. Each end device can have up to 240 end nodes which are separate applications sharing the same radio.C. Access Modes:Two ways of multi-access inZigBee protocol, are Beacon and Non-beacon. In non beacon enabled network, every node in the network can send the data when the channel is free. In beacon enabled network, nodes can only transmit in predetermined time slots. Here PAN coordinator allocates guaranteed time slots (GTS) for each device; therefore devices will transmit their data during their own slot. All devices should be synchronized for this process. This will be achieved by sending beacon signal. The coordinator is responsible to transmit beacon signals to synchronize the devices attached to it [4]. Network in which the coordinator does not transmit beacon signal is known as non-beacon network. It cannot have GTS and contention free periods, because the devices are not synchronized. Battery life is better than beacon enabled network, because the devices are wake up less often.ZIGBEE Protocols StackProtocol architecture is based on Open systeminterconnection (OSI). ZigBee builds on IEEE standard 802.15.4 which defines the physical and media access control (MAC) layers.ZigBee alliance defines the network layer andapplication layer. Fig.2 shows protocol stack of ZigBeesystem.Figure 3. ZigBee Protocol StackA. Physical Layer: The physical layer of the IEEE802.15.4 standard is the closest layer to the hardware, which control and communicate with the radio transceiver directly. It handles all tasks involving the access to the ZigBee hardware ,including initialization of the hardware, channel selection ,link quality estimation, energy detection measurement and clear channel assessment to assist the channel selection. Supports three frequency bands, 2.45GHz band which using 16 channels, 915MHz band which using 10 channels and 868MHz band using 1 channel. All three using Direct Spread Spectrum Sequencing (DSSS) access mode.Parameters/frequency 868Mhz 915Mhz 2450Mhz Channels 1 10 16 Data rate 20Kbps 40Kbps 250Kbps Applicability Europe USA WorldB. MAC Layer: This layer provides interface between physical layer and network layer. This provides two services; MAC data services and MAC management service interfacing to the MAC sub Layer Management Entity (MLME) Service Access Point called (MLME-SAP). The MAC data service enables the transmission and reception of MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) across the PHY data service. MAC layer is responsible for generating beacons and synchronizing devices to the beacon signal in a beacon enabled services. It is also performing association and dissociation function. It defines four frame structures, are Beacon frame, Data frame, Acknowledge frame, MAC command frame. Basically there are two types of topology; star and peer to peer. Peer to peer topology can take different shapes depends on its restrictions. Peer to peer is known as mesh, if there is no restriction. Another form is tree topology. Interoperability is one of the advantages of ZigBee protocol stack. ZigBee has wide range of applications, so different manufacturer provides ZigBee devices. Z igBee devices can interact witheach other regardless of manufacturer (even if the message is encrypted).C. Network Layer: Network layer interfaces between application layer and MAC Layer. This Layer is responsible for network formation and routing. Routing is the process of selection of path to relay the messages to the destination node. This forms the network involving joining and leaving of nodes, maintaining routing tables (coordinator/router), actual routing and address allocation. ZigBee coordinator or router will perform the route discovery. This layer Provides network wide security and allows low power devices to maximize their battery life. From the basic topologies, there are threehttp: // (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology[2733-2738]network topologies are considered in IEEE802.15.4 arestar, cluster tree and mesh.D. Application Layer: The application Layer is thehighest protocol layer and it hosts the application objects.ZigBee specification separates the APL layer into threedifferent sub-layers: the Application Support Sub layer, the ZigBee Device Objects, and Application Frameworkhaving manufacturer defined Application Objects.1) The application objects (APO) : Control and managesthe protocol layers in ZigBee device. It is a piece ofsoftware which controls the hardware. Each applicationobjects assigned unique end point number that otherAPO’s can use an extension to the network deviceaddress to interact with it [6]. There can be up to 240application objects in a single ZigBee device. A ZigBeeapplication must conform to an existing applicationprofile which is accepted ZigBee Alliance. Anapplication profile defines message formats andprotocols for interactions between application objects.The application profile framework allows differentvendors to independently build and sell ZigBee devicesthat can interoperate with each other in a, givenapplication profile.2) ZigBee Device Object: The key definition of ZigBeeis the ZigBee device object, which addresses three mainoperations; service discovery, security and binding. Therole of discovery is to find nodes and ask about MACaddress of coordinator/router by using uncast messages.The discovery is also facilitating the procedure forlocating some services through their profile identifiers. So profile plays an important role. The security services in this ZigBee device object have the role to authenticate and derive the necessary keys for data encryption. The network manager is implemented in the coordinator and its role is to select an existing PAN to interconnect. It also supports the creation of new PANs. The role of binding manager is to binding nodes to recourses and applications also binding devices to channels [5].3) Application support sub layer: The ApplicationSupport (APS) sub layer provides an interface betweenthe NWK and the APL layers through a general set ofservices provided by APS data and management entities. The APS sub layer processes outgoing /incoming framesin order to securely transmit/receive the frames andestablish/manage the cryptographic keys. The upperlayers issue primitives to APS sub layer to use itsservices. APS Layer Security includes the followingservices: Establish Key, Transport Key, Update Device,Remove Device, Request Key, Switch Key, EntityAuthentication, and Permissions Con guration Table.4) Security service provider: ZigBee provides security mechanism for network layer and application support layers, each of which is responsible for securing their frames. Security services include methods for key establishment, key transport, frame protection and device management.E. Topologies: There are following topologies (1)Star Topology: Star topology consists of one coordinator and any number of end devices. In star topology a master slave network model is adopted where master is the ZigBee coordinator which is FFD and slave will be either FFD or RFD. ZigBee end devices are physically and electrically separated from each other end devices and pass information through coordinator. Devices can only communicate with the coordinator. This is does not provide multi-hop networking and mesh networking. (2)Cluster Tree Topology: The cluster tree topology is similar to the star topology. The difference is that other nodes can communicate with each other so that more RFD/FFDs can be connected to non-coordinator FFDs. The advantage of this topology is the possible geographical expansion of network. (3)Mesh Topology: In mesh topology, each node can communicate any other node within its range. Mesh topology is complex to maintain and beaconing is not allowed here. But it is more robust and tolerance to fault.Figure 4: topologiesZIGBEE ApplicationZigbee Alliance targets applications “acrossconsumer, commercial, industrial and governmentmarkets worldwide”. Unwired applications are highlysought after in many networks that are characterized bynumerous nodes consuming minimum power andenjoying long battery lives.http: // (C) International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology[2733-2738]Zigbee technology is designed to best suit these applications ,for the reason that it enables reduced costs of development, very fast market adoption, and rapid ROI.Airbee Wireless Inc has tied up with Radio craft AS to deliver “Zigbee-ready solutions; the former supplying the software and the latter making the module platforms .With even light controls and thermostat producers and includes big OEM names like HP ,Philips,Motorola and Intel.With Zigbee designed to enable two-way communication , not only will the consumer be able to monitor and keep track of domestic utilities usage, but also feed it to a computer system for data analysis.Futurists are sure to hold Zigbee up and says,” See I told you so”. The Zigbee Alliance is nearly 200 strong and growing, with more OEM’s signing up. This means that more and more products and even later, all devices and their controls will be based on this standard. Since Wireless personal Area Networking applies not only to household devices, but also to individualized office automation applications, Zigbee is here to stay .It is more than likely the basis of future home-networking solutions.Table 1 Application of ZigbeeComparison to Blue ToothZigbee was developed t serve very differentapplications than Bluetooth and leads to tremendous optimizations in power consumption. Some of the key differentiators are :(a) Zigbee: It has very low duty cycle, very long primary battery life ,Static and Dynamic star and mesh networks,>65,000 nodes, with low latency available, Ability to remain quiescent for long periods without communications, Direct Sequence Spread spectrum allows devices to sleep without the requirement for close synchronization.(b) Bluetooth: It has Moderate duty cycle ,secondary battery lasts same as master, very high QoS and very low, guaranteed latency, Quasi –static star networks up to seven clients with ability to participate in more than one network, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum is extremely difficult to create extended networks without large synchronization cost.Advantages of ZIGBEEThe main advantages include productinteroperability, vendor independence, and accessibility to broader markets. Customers can expect increased product innovation as a result of the industry standardization of the physical radio and logical networking layers. Instead of having to invest resources to create a new proprietary solution from scratch every time, companies will now be able to leverage these industry standards to instead focus their energies on finding and serving customers. the United States. This specification maintains the same usage and architecture as wired USB devices with a high-speed host-to-device connection and connects to a maximum of 127 devices. WUSB is based on a hub and spoke topology.ConclusionThe main conclusion of this Master’s thesis project is that, yes, ZigBee is a suitable base for embedded wireless development. The main reason is that development is easy and fast. ZigBee also meets the promised technical requirements. The areas that ZigBee is likely to be used in is building automation and industrial networks. The chances seem highest in the industry since ZigBee is currently the only option for such standardized wireless networks. Even though there are some competition, due to better performance, price and compliance, ZigBee is likely to dominate the home automation market as well. PC peripherals and consumers electronics are two areas that ZigBee is very unlikely to be used in, because it offers very little over the competition.“Just as the personal computer was a symbol of the '80s, and the symbol of the '90s is the World Wide Web, the next nonlinear shift, is going to be the advent of cheap sensors.”References[1].[2]"Hands-on ZigBee: implementing 802.15.4 withmicrocontrollers" Fredeady[3]ZigBee-2007 security essentials ender y¨ ukselhanne riis nielson flemming nielson informaticsand mathematical modelling, technicaluniversity of denmark richard petersens pladsbldg 321, dk-2800 kongens lyngby, Denmark[4]Shahin farahani, "ZigBee wireless networks andtransceivers"[5]H. labiod,h. afifi,c. de santis "wi-fitm,bluetooth,zig bee and wimax".[6]Wireless sensor networks: a survey on the stateof the art and the 802.15.4 and ZigBee standardspaolo baronti, prashant pillai, vince chook ,stefano chessa , alberto gotta, y. fun hu.[7]Khanh tuan le. designing a ZigBee-ready ieee802.15.4-compliant radio transceiver. chipcon,11/2004.[8]Protocols and architectures for wireless sensornetworks holger karl university of paderborn,germany andreas willig hasso-plattnerinstitute atthe university of potsdam, germany[9]Segolene arrigault, vaia zacharaki. ” Design of aZigBee magnetic sensor node” Master ofScience thesis.[10] “Part 15.4: Wireless Medium Access Control(MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)Specifications for Low-Rate Wireless PersonalArea Networks (LR-WPANs) “SponsorLAN/MAN Standards Committee of the IEEEComputer Society.http: // (C)International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology[2733-2738]。
基于Zig Bee技术的无线火灾报警系统构建,带原文的外文翻译

原文Construction of Wireless Fire Alarm System Based onZigBee TechnologyMA Shu-guangDepartment of Fire Commanding, The Armed Police Academy, Langfang, 065000, ChinaAbstractThis paper points out the defect of wired automatic fire alarm system in used, and the necessity and possibility of constructing wireless fire alarm system. ZigBee technology based on IEEE802.15.4 and its characteristics are introduced. We also give out a method of constructing wireless fire alarm system based on ZigBee, including the design of construction, hardware and software.© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Keywords: ZigBee; wireless sensor; automatic fire alarm1. IntroductionMost fire sensor networks are built based on CAN bus in currently used automatic fire alarm system, in which signals and data are transferred through cable. Compared to traditional distributed cable network, bus network have greatly improved in expansibility and difficulty of construction and maintenance. But there are still some defects. The cables are easily to be eroded, bitten by rats, frayed, causing to high fault rate and high false alarm rate. The cable transmission distance is limited, usually no more than 1km, otherwise the attenuation and interference will lead to failure of system.We may conceive that, constructing automatic fire alarm system in wireless transmission way, can avoid above problems. A new way of wireless signal relay also can increase alarm signal transmission distance. With microelectronics and wireless communication technology development in recent years, this can become a reality. This paper introduces a method of constructing automatic fire alarm system based on ZigBee technology.2. ZigBee TechnologyZigBee is an alternative name of IEEE 802.15.4, a wireless network protocol released in 2005. ZigBee technology is a two-way radio communication technology, mainly suitable for automatic control and remote controlbased on wireless communication. It can be embedded in various consuming electronics, family and building automation equipment, industrial control equipment, various sensors equipment, also supporting the geographical location function. ZigBee has the following features:Low power dissipation. Due to short working cycle, it has low power dissipation in sending and receiving messages, and adopts a sleep mode. Two 5# dry batteries can support a node work for 6 to 24 months, or even longer.Low cost. Dramatically simplifying the protocol and reducing the requirement of communication controller, causes very low cost. The modules are cheap, and ZigBee protocol patent is free.Low transmission rate. It works at 250kbps rate, satisfying the application requirements oflow data transmission rate.Short distance. The transmission distance between adjacent nodes is usually 10 ~ 100m. If increase transmitting power of RF, the distance can be 1-3km. If through the routing and communication relay, the distance will be even more.Short time delay. ZigBee has optimization in time delay sensitive application, the communication delay and activated delay from dormancy is very short. Generally, from sleeping to working, just needs 15ms, and the nodes connecting to network needs only30ms.High capacity. ZigBee network can be constructed in different types. A master node can manage 254 nodes, still can extend to bigger network by each node. Total network can have 65535 nodes in theory.High security. ZigBee provides a three-level safe mode, including data integrity checking and authenticating, using Access Control List (ACL) to prevent illegal data acquisition, using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES128) symmetrical passwords to determine the security attribute flexibly.Free frequency band. It uses direct sequence spread spectrum technology, working at global free ISM 2.4GHz frequency band. Usually, application accord with the following conditions can consider using ZigBee technology:[2]the equipment cost low, transmitting data volume is smallequipment is small in size, unfit to place big battery or power moduleunfit to replace batteries frequently or inconvenience for charging repeatedlycover a wide range of communication, many equipment in network , but only for monitoring and controlling Automatic fire alarm system has almost all of the above characteristics, so it’s very suitable to be built based on ZigBee technology.3. System Designing3.1. System StructureFig.1 System structureThe system uses ZigBee wireless network to achieve fire monitoring and automatic alarming, mainly includes three parts: the data acquisition nodes, data sink nodes and fire control center, [3] as shown in Fig. 1.Data acquisition node is an embedded wireless sensor module integrating sensors, main control unit (MCU) and radio frequency (RF) communication functions. After preprocessing thefire signals detected by the sensors, itchooses an optimal path to send them to the data sink node. The data sink nodes sends the data from the sensor network to the fire control center. When necessary, the data may also be sent to the fire control center by external network, such as Internet. Fire control center consists of supervision host and server. The server is used to store fire control data, electronic map, etc. The supervision host is used for data processing and statistical evaluation, displaying alarm information through peripheral equipment, and for data management, data query and interaction with the user.3.2. System hardwareThe system hardware mainly consists of data collector and data receiver. Data collector consists of sensors, MCU, RF chips, etc. MCU and RF chips are connected by PCI bus, they constitute the wireless transmission module. With the same kind of wireless module, data receiver communicates with the PC through RS232 asynchronous serial interface. In one direction, the control signals are emitted from the host to the data collector in wireless way, in another direction, the collected data is uploaded to the host. When fire signal is detected by the sensors, the fire control center will process and statistically evaluate the data, and convert it to suitable alarming indicator according with the pre-set rules, then send out alarm signals.Diagram of the system hardware structure is shown in Fig. 2.Fig.2 System hardware structureMCU can choose 8 or 16-bit single-chip microcomputer with on-chip integrated ROM, such as MCS51 series, HCS08 series or MSP430 series MCU., Taking MC9S08GT60 for example, one type of HCS08 series, it works at 1.8V voltage, integrated 4KB RAM and 60KB Flash ROM, and integrated 8 channels 10-bit ADC, 2 SCI interface and 1 SPI interface. It also has corresponding internal clock module and background debug interface. [4] The MCU of the data collector receives the signal sent by the sensor, then sends it to RF chip after A/D conversion. While the MCU of the data receiver receives the data sent from the RF chip, and send it through RS232 interface to the up computer for further analysis. When necessary, it may also directly drive simple audible or visual alarm devices such as buzzer, LED, etc.RF chip can choose ZigBee wireless transceiver series, CC series of TI or MC series of Freescale. They both work at 2.4 GHz band. Taking MC13192 for example, it is a low cost, low power consumption, high performance RF chip accord with ZigBee standard. It mainly consists of analysis receiving-transmission unit, digital modems, onchip frequency synthesizer, power manager and MCU interface. It’s working band is 2.405 ~ 2.480 GHz, data transfer rate is250kbps, working frequency band can be divided into 16 channels, each channel bandwidth5MHz. Due to the low transmission rate and the large bandwidth of the channel, so the SNR is very high, anti-jamming capability is strong.External crystal provides the clock needed by MC13192, and the on-chip frequency synthesizer output signals provide the clock for MCU. Read-write operation on MC13192 is achieved through a standard four-wire SPI by the MCU. It should be pointed out that, most MCUs and RF chips produced by different companies can be collocated flexibly, but in practical engineering, it is suggested to use the products from same company in order to ensure the stability of the system. Also, embedded chips integrated MCU and RF chip can be adopted.3.3. System softwareSystem software includes three parts: wireless sensor node procedures, data sink node procedures and center monitoring procedures.Wireless sensor nodes periodically detect environmental parameters. When the system begins to work, MCUs and RF chips are initialized firstly, then chooses the channel, opens interrupt for receiving data. Then initialize ADC and collect data to process. If there is an alarm signal, the signal, sensor node address and the collected data will be combined as alarm data, and translated into ZigBee communication protocol packets. Selecting an optimal communication path, the packets are sent to the data sink node, and waiting for the returned confirmation. Thus, a whole ZigBee wireless communication is completed. After receiving the confirmation returned from the sink node, the sensor node will stay at low power mode automatically. In addition, when the sensor node receiving a request from the sink node, it can collect data immediately, in order to realize real-time, active monitoring. The sensor node procedure is shown in Fig.3.The sink node procedure is mainly to receive data from wireless sensor, confirming, then send it to the supervision host through RS232 interface.Located in the fire control center, the supervision host is used for receiving the data sent by the sink nodes, monitoring , alarming, and controlling working condition of the sensor nodes. The monitoring procedure in upper computer is designed based on serial communication.VC++ provides serial communication ActiveX can easily operate on serial port. Software sends request through serial port, indicating the data receiving process by a progress bar, and can display the data waveform through a display interface instantly, and save data to database for further analysis or inquiry at the same time.Fig. 3 Flow chart of sensor node procedure4. ConclusionThe wireless automatic fire alarm system constructed based on ZigBee overcomes the limitations of the cable alarm system and avoids high power consumption of the other wireless communications technology. Compared with existing wireless sensor network, it has some advantages such as low cost, high network capacity, long life. And system installation does less damage to buildings, conveniently to place nodes and maintenance. Avoiding the unsafe factors of fire, lightning strike in cable systems, it is suitable for various occasions, especially for fire control in museums, ancient building group , with a wide application prospect.翻译基于Zig Bee技术的无线火灾报警系统构建MA Shu-guang摘要本文指出了有线火灾自动报警系统在应用中的缺陷,以及构建无线火灾报警系统的必要性和可能性。

A Coal Mine Environmental Monitor System with LocalizationFunction Based on ZigBee-Compliant PlatformDongxuan YangCollege of Computer and InformationEngineeringBeijing Technology and BusinessUniversityBeijing, ChinaYan ChenCollege of Computer and InformationEngineeringBeijing Technology and BusinessUniversityBeijing, China*****************Kedong WangCollege of Computer and InformationEngineeringBeijing Technology and BusinessUniversityBeijing, ChinaAbstract—This paper describes and implements a new type of coal mine safety monitoring system, it is a kind of wireless sensor network system based on ZigBee technology. The system consists of two parts underground and surface. Wireless sensor networks are constituted by fixed nodes, mobile nodes and a gateway in underground. PC monitoring software is deployed in the surface. The system can not only gather real-time environmental data for mine, but also calculate the real-time location of mobile nodes worn by miners.Keywords:ZigBee; localization; wireless sensor networks; coal MineI.RESEARCH STATUSAs an important energy, coal plays a pivotal role in the economic development. Coal mine monitoring system, is the important guarantee for coal mine safety and high efficiency production [1]. In order to ensure the safe operation, the installation of environment monitoring node in tunnels to real-time detection is very important. However, commonly used traditional monitoring node wired connection to obtain communication with the control system, this node exist wiring difficulties, expensive and other shortcomings. In contrast, wireless sensor node can be easily with current mine monitoring network connection, and good compatibility, facilitate constituted mine gas monitoring network, to suit various size of mine applications. Since wireless nodes are battery powered, so completely out of the shackles of the cable, shorten the construction period can be arranged at any time where the need to use.The ZigBee wireless communication technology is used in this coal mine environmental monitor system. This is a new short-range, low complexity, low power,low data rate, low-cost two-way wireless communication technology [2]. Now, wireless sensor network product based on ZigBee technology are quantity and variety, but the real product can be applied in underground environments of special sensor node is very few[3]. The sensor node that we designed in the system is truly able to apply to in-well environment, it through the wireless sensor node security certification. At the same time, due to the special nature of the wireless network is that it can spread the wireless signal, we can easily locate staff for coal mine safety monitoring provides more protection [4].II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTUREThis system is a comprehensive monitoring system which is combined with software and hardware. Hardware part includes wireless mobile nodes and fixed nodes which were deployed in the underground tunnel, the main function of them is to collect coal mine environment data and require person’s location. Software part refers to the PC monitoring software which is designed in VC++ is used to summarize and display the data of each node. Monitoring node is divided into mobile nodes and fixed nodes; they are using ZigBee protocol for wireless transmission of data. Because the fixed node is also using wireless data transmission method, so it's deployed in the underground roadway becomes very convenient. As the mobile node is carried by the miner, it must be using wireless transmission method. This allows the mine to form a topology of ZigBee wireless sensor network. The fixed node in wireless sensor network is router device and the mobile node carried by miner is the end device. Normally, the router of ZigBee network has no sensor equipment; it is only responsible for data forwarding. But considering the practical application, we believe that add sensor devices on the router will be better on monitoring underground coal mine environment. So in our design, the router also has an environment monitoring function which is usually designed in end device.Fixed node will sent received data from mobile node to the gateway, then the gateway transmits data to monitor computer through RS232 or optical fiber. The PC monitor software in the computer will process all data and display them in a visualization window. The PC software also calculates each mobile node’s real-time location through the specific localization algorithm, according to the received signal strength (RSSI) obtained from mobile nodes.III. NODE DESIGNSince the ZigBee wireless network platform sold on present market was designed for the general environment, for special underground so they are not suitable for the environment. Therefore, we need to customize the system for underground environment whit a special hardware circuit. Node photo are shown in Fig. 1 Then wireless microcontroller CC2530 chip is the core processor of the node device, it can constitute a ZigBee network with very few peripheral circuits. TheCC2530 is an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant true System-on-Chip, supporting theproprietary 802.15.4 market as well as the ZigBee, ZigBee PRO, and ZigBee RF4CE standards. Unlike other wireless chip, CC2530 built-in 8051 monolithic integrated circuits kernel, therefore we no longer need to use a single MCU to control the circuit, and this save us a lot of cost [5].A.Mobile NodeThe mobile node is the end device of a ZigBee network that can be carried by miner; it should be a portable and low power consumption node. So the mobile node we designed is only as small as a mobile phone, and it is by built-in lithium ion battery power supply. In power loss, the core processor CC2530 is a low power consumption chip, when it is in the sleep mode, it only need to use less then 1uA work current. In order to reduce power consumption as much as possible on the display, a 100*32 pixel matrix with no backlighting LCD screen was used. The battery’s capacity of the mobile node is 1500mAh,so it is enough to meet the miner’s long hour works in the underground. The battery charge management chip is TP4057, the maximum charge current can up to 500Ma.Figure 1. Node photo.The mobile node circuit includes the gas concentration sensor MJ4.0 and temperature sensor PT-1000. As far as we know, many wireless sensor platforms use the digital type sensor. The communication between the digital sensor and the MCU need strict timing requirements. But considering the actual application, the wireless MCU usually has a real-time operating system in general, if we use the microcomputer to simulate the strict timing, it will affect the real-time of whole operating system. These two sensors output analog signals not digital signals. Only input this signal into a differential amplifier, can we get an appropriate signal that can be converted to a digital signal by an ADC mode within the CC2530 chip. In order to facilitate the carrying, external antenna was not used in our mobile node, instead ofusing a 2.4GHz patch antenna. And we customize a shell like a cell phone size; it is enough to put all PCBs, sensors and battery in it. Taking into account the small shell of the explosive performance is not very good, the design of PCBs and the selection of component are all carried out the safety assessment.B. Fixed NodeFixed node is installed in the wall of the underground tunnel. Because it is big than the mobile node, it is not appropriate to carry around. The circuit of the fixed node is almost same with the mobile node, it also use a CC2530 chip as core processor. Because of underground tunnels generally deploy with power cable, fixed nodes can use cable power-supply modes. At the same time, because we use wireless signal transmission, the deployment of new fixed nodes become very convenient, which also resolves the problem of the signal lines deployment.As a fixed node, the minor who is doing work may far from it, in order to facilitate the miners observed environmental data around the fixed nodes, it uses LED digital display. At the same time, the large current LED lights and buzzer are designed in the circuit; it makes the fixed node with the function of sound-light alarm. Considering that it may occur the emergency of without electricity, fixed node also built-in a lithium-ion battery. Under normal conditions, lithium-ion battery is in charging status, when external cable disconnect, fixed node is automatic switched to battery power, which can ensure the mobile node can deliver the information through fixed nodes in underground.Without regarding to fixed nodes’ portability, we have a customized shell that has excellent explosion properties, and the internal space is enough to hold down the 2.4 GHz antenna. To ensure safety, all cables and the location of sensors are placed with particular glue sealed, so that it has a good seal.IV.POSITIONING FUNCTIONOne of the important functions of the wireless sensor networks is localization, especially in the underground tunnel, it relates to the safe of the miner's life. Currently most widely used orientation method is GPS satellite positioning, it is a high precision, all-weather and global multifunctional system with the function of radio navigation, positioning and timing. But the GPS positioning method is not suitable for the underground work environment of coal mine, once you enter the underground, it cannot receive satellite signal, thus unable to achieve targeting [6]. We need to consider how to use wireless network to realize positioning function, means using wireless signal between the communications of devices for positioning. The existing distance measuring technology between the wireless-devices basically is the following kinds of methods: TOA, TDOA, AOA and RSSI.About the TOA method, the distance between the two devices is determined by the product of the speed of light and transmission time [7]. Although the precision of this method is accurate, but it require a precise time synchronization, so it demand hardware is higher.TDOA technology need ultrasonic signal,which is setting on a node with receive and transmit function. When measure the distance, it can sent ultrasonic wave and wireless signals together. By measuring the difference between two signals arrival time, we can calculate the distance between two devices [8]. Using this method can also obtain accurate result, but the method need to increase ultrasonic sending and receiving device on the node circuit, it will increase cost.AOA technology needs to install multiple antennas through the nodes so it canobtain adjacent nodes’ signals on deferent directions [9]. With this it can determine the location information from number of adjacent nodes and calculate its own position. This method not only need to add additional hardware, but also it's still very vulnerable to external disturbance, therefore it's not suitable for utilize.RSSI ranging is a cheap and easy technology. By using this method, we don't need to add additional hardware design. We also do not need very precise time requirements. This technique is about with measuring the wireless signals strength in the propagation of the loss, to measure the distance between two nodes. Because of this method requires hardware equipment is less, algorithm is simple, so it has been using in many wireless communication field. Comprehensive all conditions, positioning on the use of RSSI ranging technique.A. Hardware Location EngineThe CC2431 wireless microcontroller chip produced by TI Company has a hardware location engine. From the software's point of view, CC2431’s hardware location engine has a very simple API interface, as long as writing the necessary parameters and waiting for calculation, it can read the location results [10].The hardware location engine is also based on RSSI technology. The localization system includes reference nodes and blind nodes. The reference node is a fixed node that located in a known position, the node know their place and send a packet notifyto other nodes. The blind node receives packets from reference nodes, which can obtains reference nodes’ location and the corresponding RSSI value and put them into the hardware location engine, and then the blind node’s location can be read from the engine [11].On the surface, using the CC2431 hardware location engine targeting the program as a good choice, but considering the practical application, it will encounter the following problems. First of all, we have choose the CC2530 as the main chip of fixed nodes of the system, its internal programs is running in ZigBee2007 protocol, but CC2431 as a early chip, it applies only to ZigBee2006 protocol. In the communications between CC2431 and CC2530 that will have compatibility problems. Secondly, CC2431 hardware location engine use the distributed computing, all mobile nodes’ location are calculated by themselves, and then they upload information to the gateway node, this will not only occupy the mobile node processing time, still it can take up more network resources. For this reason, we have to shelve this approach, consider how to implement location by using CC2530 chip.B. Software Location EngineIf we want to use CC2530 to implement location function, that we must write software location engine by ourselves. Because that chip do not have a hardware location engine inside of it. This software location engine is still used RSSI technology; meanwhile mobile node position is calculated by the PC software, so asto reduce the burden of mobile node computing. To calculate the mobile node location, there must be at least three reference nodes. We will regard router nodes as reference nodes in network, and record the X, Y coordinates of every reference node. Then we let the mobile node send signal to each reference node, so that each reference node can obtain a RSSI values, with these parameters, we can use trilateral measurement method to calculate the specified location of the mobile node. The simpler way give the mobile node to broadcast way to send data, then around it every router node would receive the data from the mobile node, thus obtains RSSI values. Once the mobile node number increasing network, this method will make router nodes more burden, because the every radio message that the router node receives will transmit from the low layer to the top layer. Finally the application layer will analyze data packets. Infact, the mobile node need not to broadcast transmitted data, other routing node can also receive the mobile node packets. Only child mobile nodes of the router node will continue to transmit the packet forwarding upward, the other router nodes will shield out the packet in the bottom of the protocol.In order to let all router nodes can receive the packet which sending by mobile nodes, and send its RSSI values up to the gateway node, we need to modify the relevant function in Z- Stack protocol which is provided by TI. First we find the function named afIncomingData, it deals with the received data from the bottom of protocol, in which we add some code that can obtain packet’s RSSI value. Then through the osal_set_event function to add and send an eventMY_RSSI_REPORT_EVT of RSSI value task to OSAL polling system. This event’s corresponding function will be executed in the task of OSAL interrupt-driven function, thus the mobile node corresponding RSSI values will be sent to gateway node. Through this method, the packet will only be processed by bottom function of the protocol. According to this method we can obtain corresponding RSSI value and save the computation time of mobile nodes.In fact, this software location engine is not implementing with a single mobile node, but through the operation of the whole system to achieve. By which the mobile node is only responsible for sending unicast packets. The mobile node’s parent router node is responsible to forward the packet to the gateway. Other router nodes are not responsible for forwarding this packet, just clipping the mobile node of RSSI value, then forwarded to the gateway. Finally the gateway bring all RSSI values of the mobile node to PC monitoring software, the corresponding mobile node’s location is calculated. In order to reduce the error, monitoring software will collect 10 times of the RSSI value and take average on it, and then select the nearest value of the three fixed nodes. Finally the trilateral measurement method is used to calculate the location of mobile nodes.V.SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATIONAll software systems embedded in nodes are based on Z-Stack. BecauseZ-Stack is an open-source project, it is very beneficial to the secondary development. These nodes were tested in a real coal mine locate in Shanxi Province. We deployed the fixed node every 50 meters in the tunnel, and also set a fixed node in each entrance of the work area. Because the fixed node have large size digital LED displays, so the display content of the fixed node can be seen far from away the miner. Each miner carries a mobile node, the temperature and gas concentration is displayed on the LCD screen at real-time.The gateway node is placed at the entrance of the mine, through the RS232 cable connected to the monitoring computer in the control room. In this system all packets collected by the gateway node are transmitted to PC through a serial port, and it can save historical data backup to a SQL database. The main function of monitoring software is to display and store the data of every node, and calculates related mobile nodes’ location according to RSSI values. The monitoring software has two main dialog interfaces, one is used to display a two- dimensional profile of the coal mine, and user can see all the miners' working position. Another interface is data displaying interface, and environmental data were shown here. The picture of PC monitoring software is shown in Fig. 2.Figure 2. PC monitoring software.VI.SYSTEM EV ALUATIONThrough repeated testing of the system, we made the system an objective assessment. First is the power consumption assess for node hardware, fixed node’s working voltage is in 9V ~ 24V when the power supplied by cable. The maximum operating current for fixed node is 93mA; the average operating current is 92.2mA. When the power cable was disconnected, fixed node powered by lithium-ion battery. On battery power, the fixed node’s maximum working current is 147mA; average working current is 146.3mA. Fixed nodes can work 8 hours on battery power at least.Another quite important performance is the location function of the system performance. At four different locations of tunnel and working areas, mobile nodes were placed there. Two sets of different average error data were shown in From table 1. Because this system uses RSSI technology and it relies mainly on the signal strength, the signal quality will be affected by interferences. From different locations’ errors we can see that, the error in working areas was larger than it in tunnels, because the tunnel is generally straight, but the shape of the working areas are uncertainty.We gratefully acknowledge Texas Instruments for devices provided to us free of charge. And also thank staffs of XinNuoJin Company for giving us supports onsystem testing.REFERENCES[1] Xinyue Zhong Wancheng Xie. “Wireless sensor network in the coal mineenvironment monitoring“. Coal technology, 2009, Vol. 28, No. 9,pp.102-103. [2] Shouwei Gao. “ZigBee Technology Practice Guide”. 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Proc Annu Int Conf Mobile Comput Networking, 2008, pp.37-42.摘要-本文介绍并设计了一个新类型的煤矿安全监控系统,它是一种基于ZigBee 技术的无线传感器网络系统。

z i g b e e相关外文资料及翻译(总6页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除The APL LayerThe application (APL) layer is the highest protocol layer in a ZigBee wireless network. The ZigBee APL layer consists of three sections, shown in Figure : the application support (APS) sublayer, ZigBee Device Objects (ZDO), and the application framework.The application support sublayer (APS) provides an interface between the network layer (NWK) and the application layer (APL). The APS sublayer, similar to all lower layers, supports two types of services: data and management. The APS data service is provided by APS Data Entity (APSDE) and is accessed through the APSDE Service Access Point (SAP). The management capabilities are offered by APS Management Entity (APSME) and are accessed through APSME-SAP.The APS sublayer constants and attributes start with apsc and aps , respectively. The APS attributes are contained in the APS Information Base (APS IB or AIB). The list of APS constants and attributes is provided in the ZigBee specification [3]. Network The application framework in ZigBee is the environment in which application objects are hosted to control and manage the protocol layers in a ZigBee device. Application objects are developed by manufacturers, and that is where a device is customized for various applications. There can be up to 240 application objects in a single device.The application objects use APSDE-SAP to send and receive data between peer application objects ( Figure ). Each application object has a unique endpoint address (endpoint 1 to endpoint 240). The endpoint address of zero is used for the ZDO. To broadcast a message to all application objects, the endpoint address is set to 255. Endpoint addressing allows multiple devices to share the same radio. In the light control example in Section multiple lights were connected to a single radio. Each light has a unique endpoint address and can be turned on and off independently.The ZigBee Device Objects (ZDO) provide an interface between the APS sublayer and the application framework. The ZDO contains the functionalities that are common in all applications operating on a ZigBee protocol stack. For example, it is the responsibility of the ZDO to configure the device in one of three possible logical types of ZigBee coordinator, ZigBee router, or ZigBee end device. The ZDO uses primitives to perform its duties and accesses the APS sublayer Management Entity via APSME-SAP. The application framework interacts with the ZDO through the ZDO public interface.The details of application framework, ZDO, and APS sublayer are reviewed in the following three subsections.The Application Framework The ZigBee standard offers the option to use application profiles in developing an application. The use of an application profile allows further interoperability between the products developed by different vendors for a specific application. For instance, in a light control scenario, if two vendors use the same application profile to develop their products, the switches from one vendor will be able to turn on and turn off the lights manufactured by the other vendor. The application profiles are also referred to as ZigBee profiles.Each application profile is identified by a 16-bit value known as a profile identifier . Only the ZigBee alliance can issue profile identifiers. A vendor that has developed a profile can request a profile identifier from the ZigBee alliance. The ZigBee alliance evaluates the proposed application profile and if it meets the alliance guidelines, a profile identifier willbe issued. The application profiles are named after their corresponding application use. For example, the home automation application profile provides a common platform for vendors developing ZigBee-based products for home automation use.The general structure of an application profile is shown in Figure . The application profile consists of two main components: clusters and device descriptions. A cluster is a set of attributes grouped together. Each cluster is identified by a unique 16-bit number called a cluster identifier . Each attribute in a cluster is also identified by a unique 16bit number known as a attribute identifier . These attributes are used to store data or state values. For example, in a temperature control application, a device that acts as the temperature sensor can store the value of the current temperature in an attribute. Then another device that acts as the furnace controller can receive the value of this attribute and turn on or turn off the furnace accordingly. The application profile does not contain the cluster itself. Instead, the application profile has a list of the cluster identifiers. Each cluster identifier uniquely points to the cluster itself.The other part of an application profile is the device descriptions ( Figure ). The descriptions provide information regarding the device itself. For example, the supported frequency bands of operation, the logical type of the device (coordinator, router, or end device), and the remaining energy of the battery are provided by the device descriptions. Each device description is identified by a 16-bit value. The ZigBee application profile uses the concept of descriptor data structure . In this method, instead of including the data in the application profile, a 16-bit value is kept and acts as a pointer to the location of the data. This pointer is referred to as the data descriptor . When a device discovers the presence of another device in the network, the device descriptions are transferred to provide the essential information regarding the new device. The device descriptions consist of five sections: node descriptor, node power descriptor, simple descriptor, complex descriptor, and user descriptor. The node descriptor provides information such as the node logical type and the manufacturer code. The node power descriptor determines whether the device is battery powered and provides the current level of the battery. The profile identifier and clusters are provided in the simple descriptor . The complex descriptor is an optional part of the device descriptions and contains information such as the serial number and the device model name. Any additional information regarding the device can be included as the user descriptor . The user descriptor can be up to 16 ASCII characters. For example, in a light control application, the user descriptor field of a wall switch installed in a hallway can read Hall switch .The node descriptor fields for ZigBee-2006 are provided in Figure . The node descriptor is a mandatory part of the device descriptions. The logical type can be ZigBee coordinator, router, or end device. The complex descriptor and userdescriptor are optional and if their corresponding fields in the node descriptor are set to zero, they are not provided as part of the device descriptions. The APS flag field determines the APS sublayer capabilities. The frequency band (868 MHz,915MHz, or GHz) is specified in the frequency band field. The MAC capacity flags field is the same as the MAC capacity field presented before in Figure . A manufacturer can request and receive a manufacturer code from the ZigBee alliance. This code is included in the node descriptor. The maximum size of the APS Sublayer Data Unit (ASDU), in octets, is specified in the maximum buffer size field. The maximum size of a single message that can be transferred to or from a node is provided in the maximum transfer size field (in octets). In ZigBeePro, the maximum incoming transfer size and maximum outgoing transfer size are two separate fields (16 bits each).The server mask field provides information regarding the system server capabilities of this node. A server is a device that provides specific services to other devices in the network. If each bit is set to one, the device has the corresponding capability shown in Figure . The trust center is the device trusted by devices within a network to distribute security keys for the purpose of network and end-to-end application configuration management. The security features are reviewed in Section . The primary binding table cache is a device that allows other devices to store their binding tables with it as long as it has storage space left. The binding procedure is further clarified in this subsection. The primary binding table cache can be used to back up the content of binding tables and restore them whenever necessary. A device can choose to keep its own binding table, known as a source binding table , instead of storing it with a primary binding table cache. However, any device can store a backup of the source binding table in the primary biding table cache device and recover it later if necessary.A ZigBee network may have a primary discovery cache device. This device is a ZigBee coordinator or router used to store the descriptors such as node descriptors and power descriptors of some other devices. An end device, for example, that sleeps for long durations can store its descriptors in the primary discovery cache device. If a device in the network tries to locate the information regarding this sleeping end device while the device is inactive, it can get the information from the primary discovery cache device instead. If a network contains sleeping ZigBee end devices, the network must have at least one primary discovery cache device.应用层(APL)是在ZigBee无线网络协议栈中最高的一层。

一个安全的网络技术,对最近通过的IEEE 802.15.4无线标准(图1)的顶部游戏机,ZigBee的承诺,把无线传感器的一切从工厂自动化系统到家庭安全系统,消费电子产品。
技术研究公司In-Stat/MDR 在它所谓的“谨慎进取”的预测中预测,802.15.4节点和芯片销售将从今天基本上为零,增加到2010年的165万台。
从某种意义上说,ZigBee的光明前途在很大程度上是由于其较低的数据速率20 kbps到250 kbps的,用于取决于频段频率(图2),比标称1 Mbps的蓝牙和54的802.11g Mbps的Wi - Fi的技术。

24G无线技术-ZIGBEE浅谈2.4G无线技术--Zigbee浅谈•导读: Zigbee是一种新兴的短距离、低速率、低功耗无线网络技术,它是一种介于无线标记技术和蓝牙之间的技术提案。
它此前被称作“HomeRF Lite”或“FireFly”无线技术,主要用于近距离无线连接。
o关键字o 2.4G无线技术Zigbee•zigbee概述“ZigBee”是什么?从字面上猜像是一种蜜蜂。
这只蜜蜂的来头还是要从它的历史开始说起,早在上世纪末,就已经有人在考虑发展一种新的通信技术,用于传感控制应用(sensor and control),这个想法后来在IEEE 802.15工作组当中提出来,于是就成立了TG4工作组,并且制定了规范IEEE 802.15.4。
但是IEEE 802的规范只专注于底层,要达到产品的互操作和兼容,还需要定义高层的规范,于是2002年ZigBee Alliance成立,正式有了“ZigBee”这个名词。
两年之后,ZigBee的第一个规范ZigBee V1.0诞生,但这个规范推出的比较仓促,存在一些错误,并不实用。
此后ZigBee Alliance又经过两年的努力,推出了新的规范ZigBee 2006,这是一个比较完善的规范。
据联盟最新的消息,今年年底将会发布更新版本的规范ZigBee 2007,这个版本增加了一些新的特性。
它此前被称作“Home RF Lite”或“FireFly”无线技术,主要用于近距离无线连接。
ZigBee 中文翻译译文 含外文原文 免费下载

更容易……译文题目ZigBee:无线技术,低功耗传感器网络原稿题目ZigBee: Wireless Technology for Low-Power Sensor Networks原稿出处电子文献ZigBee:无线技术,低功耗传感器网络加里莱格美国东部时间2004年5月6日上午12:00技师(工程师)们在发掘无线传感器的潜在应用方面从未感到任何困难。
一个安全的网络技术,对最近通过的IEEE 802.15.4无线标准(图1)的顶部游戏机,ZigBee的承诺,把无线传感器的一切从工厂自动化系统到家庭安全系统,消费电子产品。

英文文献翻译1.1 StandarsWireless sensor standards have been developed with the key design requirement for low power consumption. The standard defines the functions and protocols necessary for sensor nodes to interface with a variety of networks.Someof these standardincludeIEEE802.15.4,ZigBee,WirelessHART,ISA100.11,IETF6LoW-PAN,IE EE802.15.3,Wibree.The follow-ing paragraphs describes these standards in more detail.IEEE802.15.4:IEEE802.15.4[37] is the proposed stan-dard for low rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPAN's).IEEE802.15.4 focuses on low cost of deployment,low complexity, and low power consumption.IEEE802.15.4 is designed for wireless sensor applications that require short range communication to maximize battery life. The standard allows the formation of the star and peer-to-peer topology for communication between net-work devices.Devices in the star topology communicate with a central controller while in the peer-to-peer topol-ogy ad hoc and self-configuring networks can be formed.IEEE802.15.4devices are designed to support the physical and data-link layer protocols.The physical layer supports 868/915 MHz low bands and 2.4 GHz high bands. The MAC layer controls access to the radio channel using the CSMA-CA mechanism.The MAC layer is also responsible for validating frames, frame delivery, network interface, network synchronization, device association, and secure services.Wireless sensor applications using IEEE802.15.4 include residential, industrial, and environment monitor-ing, control and automation.ZigBee [38,39] defines the higher layer communication protocols built on the IEEE 802.15.4 standards for LR-PANs. ZigBee is a simple, low cost, and low power wireless com- munication technology used in embedded applications.ZigBee devices can form mesh networks connecting hun- dreds to thousands of devices together. ZigBee devices use very little power and can operate on a cell battery for many years. There are three types of ZigBee devices:Zig-Bee coordinator,ZigBee router, and ZigBee end device.Zig-Bee coordinator initiates network formation,stores information, and can bridge networks together. ZigBee routers link groups of devices together andprovide mul-ti-hop communication across devices. ZigBee end devic consists of the sensors, actuators, and controllers that col-lects data and communicates only with the router or the coordinator. The ZigBee standard was publicly available as of June 2005.WirelessHART:The WirelessHART[40,41] standard pro-vides a wireless network communication protocol for pro-cess measurement and control applications.The standard is based on IEEE802.15.4 for low power 2.4 GHz operation. WirelessHART is compatible with all existing devices, tools, and systems. WirelessHART is reliable, secure, and energy efficient. It supports mesh networking,channel hopping, and time-synchronized work com-munication is secure with encryption,verification,authen-tication,and key management.Power management options enable the wireless devices to be more energy effi-cient.WirelessHART is designed to support mesh, star, and combined network topologies. A WirelessHART network consists of wireless field devices,gateways, process auto- mation controller, host applications,and network man-ager.Wireless field devices are connected to process or plant equipment.Gateways enable the communication be-tween the wireless field devices and the host applications.The process automation controller serves as a single con-troller for continuous process.The network manager con-figures the network and schedule communication between devices. It also manages the routing and network traffic. The network manager can be integrated into the gateway, host application, or process automation control-ler. WirelessHART standards were released to the industry in September 2007 and will soon be available in commer- cial products.ISA100.11a: ISA100.11a [42] standard is designed for low data rate wireless monitoring and process automation applications. It defines the specifications for the OSI layer, security, and system management.The standard focuses on low energy consumption,scalability, infrastructure,robustness, and interoperability with other wireless de-vices. ISA100.11a networks use only 2.4 GHz radio and channel hopping to increase reliability and minimize inter-ference.It offers both meshing and star network topolo-gies. ISA100.11a also provides simple, flexible, and scaleable security functionality. 6LoWPAN: IPv6-based Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks [43-45] enables IPv6 packets communica-tion over an IEEE802.15.4 based network.Low power device can communicate directly with IP devices using IP-based protocols. Using 6LoWPAN,low power devices have all the benefits of IPcommunication and management.6LoWPAN standard provides an adaptation layer, new packet format, and address management. Because IPv6 packet sizes are much larger than the frame size of IEEE 802.15.4, an adaptation layer is used. The adaptation layer carries out the functionality for header compression. With header compression, smaller packets are created to fit into an IEEE 802.15.4 frame size. Address management mecha- nism handles the forming of device addresses for commu-nication. 6LoWPAN is designed for applications with low data rate devices that requires Internet communication.IEEE802.15.3:IEEE802.15.3[46] is a physical and MAC layer standard for high data rateWPAN. It is designed to support real-time multi-media streaming of video and mu-sic.IEEE802.15.3 operates on a 2.4 GHz radio and has data rates starting from 11 Mbps to 55 Mbps.The standard uses time division multiple access (TDMA) to ensure quality of service. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous data transfer and addresses power consumption, data rate scalability, and frequency performance. The standard is used in devices such as wireless speakers, portable video electronics, and wireless connectivity for gaming, cordless phones, printers, and televisions.Wibree: Wibree [47] is a wireless communication tech-nology designed for low power consumption, short-range communication, and low cost devices. Wibree allows the communication between small battery-powered devices and Bluetooth devices.Small battery powered devices in-clude watches, wireless keyboard, and sports sensors which connect to host devices such as personal computer or cellular phones. Wibree operates on 2.4 GHz and has a data rate of 1 Mbps. The linking distance between the de-vices is 5-10 m.Wibree is designed to work with Blue-tooth. Bluetooth with Wibree makes the devices smaller and more energy-efficient. Bluetooth-Wibree utilizes the existing Bluetooth RF and enables ultra-low power con-sumption. Wibree was released publicly in October 2006.1.2 IntroductionWireless sensor networks (WSNs) have gained world-wide attention in recent years,particularly with the prolif-eration in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMStechnology which has facilitated the development of smart sensors.These sensors are small, with limited processing and computing resources, and they areinexpensive com-pared to traditional sensors. These sensor nodes can sense, measure, and gather information from the environment and, based on some local decision process, they can trans-mit the sensed data to the user.Smart sensor nodes are low power devices equipped with one or more sensors, a processor, memory, a power supply, a radio, and an actuator. 1 A variety of mechanical, thermal, biological, chemical, optical, and magnetic sensors may be attached to the sensor node to measure properties of he environment. Since the sensor nodes have limited memory and are typically deployed in difficult-to-access locations, a radio is implemented for wireless communica- tion to transfer the data to a base station (e.g., a laptop, a personal handheld device, or an access point to a fixed infra-structure). Battery is the main power source in a sensor node. Secondary power supply that harvests power from the environment such as solar panels may be added to the node depending on the appropriateness of the environment where the sensor will be deployed. Depending on the appli- cation and the type of sensors used, actuators may be incor- porated in the sensors.A WSN typically has ittle or no infrastructure. It con-sists of a number of sensor nodes (few tens to thousands) working together to monitor a region to obtain data about the environment. There are two types of WSNs: structured and unstructured. An unstructured WSN is one that con-tains a dense collection of sensor nodes. Sensor nodes 2 may be deployed in an ad hoc manner into the field. Once 2 In ad hoc deployment, sensor nodes may be randomly placed into the deployed, the network is left unattended to perform moni-toring and reporting functions. In an unstructured WSN, net-work maintenance such as managing connectivity and detecting failures is difficult since there are so many nodes. In a structured WSN, all or some of the sensor nodes are de-ployed in a pre-planned manner.3The advantage of a struc-tured network is that fewer nodes can be deployed with lower network maintenance and management cost.Fewer nodes can be deployed now since nodes are placed at spe-cific locations to provide coverage while ad hoc deployment can have uncovered regions.WSNs have great potential for many applications in sce-narios such as military target tracking and surveillance [2,3], natural disaster relief [4], biomedical health monitor- ing [5,6], and hazardous environment exploration and seis-mic sensing [7].Inmilitary target tracking and surveillance, a WSN can assist in intrusion detection and identification. Specific examples include spatially-corre-lated and coordinated troop and tank movements. With natural disasters, sensor nodes can sense and detect the environment to forecast disasters before they occur. In bio-medical applications, surgical implants of sensors can help monitor a patient's health.For seismic sensing, ad hoc deployment of sensors along the volcanic area can detect the development of earthquakes and eruptions.Unlike traditional networks,a WSN has its own design resource constraints.Resource constraints include a limited amount of energy,short communication range, low bandwidth, and limited processing and storage in each node. Design constraints are application dependent and are based on the monitored environment. The environment plays a key role in determining the size of the network, the deployment scheme, and the network topology. The size of the network varies with the monitored environ-ment. For indoor environments, fewer nodes are required to form a network in a limited space whereas outdoor envi-ronments may require more nodes to cover a larger area. An ad hoc deployment is preferred over pre-planned deployment when the environment is inaccessible by hu-mans or when he network is composed of hundreds to thousands of nodes. Obstructions in the environment can also limit communication between nodes, which in turn af-fects the network connectivity (or topology).Research in WSNs aims to meet the above constraints by introducing new design concepts,creating or improving existing protocols, building new applications, and develop-ingnewalgorithms.Inthisstudy,wepresentatop-downap-proach to survey different protocols and algorithms proposed in recent years. Our work differs from other sur-veys as follows:•While our survey is similar to [1], our focus has been to survey the more recent literature.•We address the issues in a WSN both at the individual sensor node level as well as a group level.•We survey the current provisioning, management and control issues in WSNs.These include issues such as localization, coverage, synchronization, network secu-rity, and data aggregation and compression.•We compare and contrast the various types of wireless sensor networks.•Finally, we provide a summary of the current sensor technologies.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives an overview of the key issues in a WSN. Section 3 compares the different types of sensor networks. Section 4 discusses several applications of WSNs.Section 5 presents issues in operating system support, supporting standards, storage, and physical testbed. Section 6 summa-rizes the control and management issues. Section 7 classi-fies and compares the proposed physical layer,data-link layer, network layer, and transport layer protocols. Section 8 concludes this paper. Appendix A compares the existing types of WSNs. Appendix B summarizes the sensor tech-nologies. Appendix C compares sensor applications with the protocol stack.1.3 Overview of key issuesCurrent state-of-the-art sensor technology provides a solution to design and develop many types of wireless sen-sor applications. A summary of existing sensor technolo-gies is provided in Appendix A. Available sensors in the market include generic (multi-purpose) nodes and gate- way (bridge) nodes. A generic (multi-purpose) sensor node's task is to take measurements from the monitored environment. It may be equipped with a variety of devices which can measure various physical attributes such as light, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, veloc-ity, acceleration, acoustics, magnetic field, etc.Gateway (bridge) nodes gather data from generic sensors and relay them to the base station. Gateway nodes have higher pro-cessing capability,battery power, and transmission (radio) range. A combination of generic and gateway nodes is typ-ically deployed to form a WSN.To enable wireless sensor applications using sensor tech-nologies, the range of tasks can be broadly classified into three groups as shown in Fig. 1. The first group is the system. Eachsensor nodeis an individual system.In order to support different application software on a sensor system, develop-ment of new platforms, operating systems, and storage schemes are needed. The second group is communication protocols, which enable communication between the appli-cation and sensors. They also enable communication be-tween the sensor nodes. The last group is services which are developed to enhance the application and to improve system performance and network efficiency.From application requirements and network manage-ment perspectives, it isimportant th asensor nodes are capable of self-organizing themselves. That is, the sensor nodes can organize themselves into a network and subse-quently are able to control and manage themselves effi-ciently. As sensor nodes are limited in power, processing capacity, and storage, new communication protocols and management requirements.The communication protocol consists of five standard protocol layers for packet switching:application layer,transport layer, network layer, data-link layer, and physical layer. In this survey, we study how protocols at different layers address network dynamics and energy efficiency.Functions such as localization, coverage, storage, synchro- nization, security, and data aggregation and compression are explored as sensor network services.Implementation of protocols at different layers in the protocol stack can significantly affect energy consumption, end-to-end delay, and system efficiency. It is important to optimize communication and minimize energy usage. Tra-ditional networking protocols do not work well in a WSN since they are not designed to meet these requirements.Hence, new energy-efficient protocols have been proposed for all layers of the protocol stack. These protocols employ cross-layer optimization by supporting interactions across the protocol layers.Specifically, protocol state information at a particular layer is shared across all the layers to meet the specific requirements of the WSN.As sensor nodes operate on limited battery power, en-ergy usage is a very important concern in a WSN; and there has been significant research focus that revolves around harvesting and minimizing energy. When a sensor node is depleted of energy, it will die and disconnect from the network which can significantly impact the performance of the application. Sensor network lifetime depends on the number of active nodes and connectivity of the net- work, so energy must be used efficiently in order to maxi- mize the network lifetime.Energy harvesting involves nodes replenishing its en-ergy from an energy source. Potential energy sources in- clude solar cells [8,9], vibration [10], fuel cells, acoustic noise, and a mobile supplier [11]. In terms of harvesting energy from the environment [12], solar cell is the current mature technique that harvest energy from light. There is also work in using a mobile energy supplier such as a robot to replenish energy. The robots would be responsible in charging themselves with energy and then deliveringen- ergy to the nodes.Energy conservation in a WSN maximizes network life-time and is addressed through efficient reliable wireless communication, intelligent sensor placement to achieve adequate coverage, security and efficient storage manage-ment, and through data aggregation and data compression. The above approaches aim to satisfy both the energy con-straint and provide quality of service (QoS) 4 for the applica- tion. For reliable communication, services such as congestion control, active buffer monitoring, acknowledge-ments, and packet-loss recovery are necessary to guarantee reliable packet delivery. Communication strength is depen-dent on the placement of sensor nodes. Sparse sensor place-ment may result in long-range transmission and higher energy usage while dense sensor placement may result in short-range transmission and less energy consumption. Cov-erage is interrelated to sensor placement. The total number of sensors in the network and their placement determine the degree of network coverage. Depending on the application, a higher degree of coverage may be required to increase the accuracy of the sensed data. In this survey, we review new protocols and algorithms developed in these areas.1.1 标准协议:无线传感器标准已经发展出关键的设计要求低功率消耗。
Zigbee协议是 IEEE 802

Zigbee是 IEEE 802.15.4协议的代名词。
这一名称来源于蜜蜂的八字舞,由于蜜蜂 (bee)是靠飞翔和“嗡嗡”(zig)地抖动翅膀的“舞蹈”来与同伴传递花粉所在方位信息,也就是说蜜蜂依靠这样的方式构成了群体中的通信网络。
Zigbee的起源Zigbee, 在中国被译为"紫蜂",它与蓝牙相类似.是一种新兴的短距离无线技术.用于传感控制应用(sensor and control).此想法在IEEE 802.15工作组中提出,于是成立了TG4工作组,并制定规范IEEE 802.15.4.2002年,zigbee Alliance成立.2004年,zigbee V1.0诞生.它是zigbee的第一个规范.但由于推出仓促,存在一些错误.2006年,推出zigbee 2006,比较完善.2007年底,zigbee PRO推出zigbee的底层技术基于 IEEE 802.15.4.物理层和MAC层直接引用了IEEE 802.15.4在蓝牙技术的使用过程中,人们发现蓝牙技术尽管有许多优点,但仍存在许多缺陷。
另外,Zig bee使用了在它之前所研究过的面向家庭网络的通信协议Home RF Lite。

zigbee 相关 外文资料及翻译

The APL LayerThe application (APL) layer is the highest protocol layer in a ZigBee wireless network. The ZigBee APL layer consists of three sections, shown in Figure 3.44 : the application support (APS) sublayer, ZigBee Device Objects (ZDO), and the application framework.The application support sublayer (APS) provides an interface between the network layer (NWK) and the application layer (APL). The APS sublayer, similar to all lower layers, supports two types of services: data and management. The APS data service is provided by APS Data Entity (APSDE) and is accessed through the APSDE Service Access Point (SAP). The management capabilities are offered by APS Management Entity (APSME) and are accessed through APSME-SAP.The APS sublayer constants and attributes start with apsc and aps , respectively. The APS attributes are contained in the APS Information Base (APS IB or AIB). The list of APS constants and attributes is provided in the ZigBee specification [3].Network The application framework in ZigBee is the environment in which application objects are hosted to control and manage the protocol layers in a ZigBee device. Application objects are developed by manufacturers, and that is where a device is customized for various applications. There can be up to 240 application objects in a single device.The application objects use APSDE-SAP to send and receive data between peer application objects ( Figure 3.44 ). Each application object has a unique endpoint address (endpoint 1 to endpoint 240). The endpoint address of zero is used for the ZDO. To broadcast a message to all application objects, the endpoint address is set to 255. Endpoint addressing allows multiple devices to share the same radio. In the light control example in Section 2.1.4, multiple lights were connected to a single radio. Each light has a unique endpoint address and can be turned on and off independently.The ZigBee Device Objects (ZDO) provide an interface between the APS sublayer and the application framework. The ZDO contains the functionalities that are common in all applications operating on a ZigBee protocol stack. For example, it is the responsibility of the ZDO to configure the device in one of three possible logical types of ZigBee coordinator, ZigBee router, or ZigBee end device. The ZDO uses primitives to perform its duties and accesses the APS sublayer Management Entity via APSME-SAP. The application framework interacts with the ZDO through the ZDO public interface.The details of application framework, ZDO, and APS sublayer are reviewed in the following three subsections.The Application Framework The ZigBee standard offers the option to use application profiles in developing an application. The use of an application profile allows further interoperability between the productsdeveloped by different vendors for a specific application. For instance, in a light control scenario, if two vendors use the same application profile to develop their products, the switches from one vendor will be able to turn on and turn off the lights manufactured by the other vendor. The application profiles are also referred to as ZigBee profiles.Each application profile is identified by a 16-bit value known as a profile identifier . Only the ZigBee alliance can issue profile identifiers. A vendor that has developed a profile can request a profile identifier from the ZigBee alliance. The ZigBee alliance evaluates the proposed application profile and if it meets the alliance guidelines, a profile identifier willbe issued. The application profiles are named after their corresponding application use. For example, the home automation application profile provides a common platform for vendors developing ZigBee-based products for home automation use.The general structure of an application profile is shown in Figure 3.45. The application profile consists of two main components: clusters and device descriptions. A cluster is a set of attributes grouped together. Each cluster is identified by a unique 16-bit number called a cluster identifier . Each attribute in a cluster is also identified by a unique 16bit number known as a attribute identifier . These attributes are used to store data or state values. For example, in a temperature control application, a device that acts as the temperature sensor can store the value of the current temperature in an attribute. Then another device that acts as the furnace controller can receive the value of this attribute and turn on or turn off the furnace accordingly. The application profile does not contain the cluster itself. Instead, the application profile has a list of the cluster identifiers. Each cluster identifier uniquely points to the cluster itself.The other part of an application profile is the device descriptions ( Figure 3.45 ). The descriptions provide information regarding the device itself. For example, the supported frequency bands of operation, the logical type of the device (coordinator, router, or end device), and the remaining energy of the battery are provided by the device descriptions. Each device description is identified by a 16-bit value. The ZigBee application profile uses the concept of descriptor data structure . In this method, instead of including the data in the application profile, a 16-bit value is kept and acts as a pointer to the location of the data. This pointer is referred to as the data descriptor . When a device discovers the presence of another device in the network, the device descriptions are transferred to provide the essential information regarding the new device. The device descriptions consist of five sections: node descriptor, node power descriptor, simple descriptor, complex descriptor, and user descriptor. The node descriptor providesinformation such as the node logical type and the manufacturer code. The node power descriptor determines whether the device is battery powered and provides the current level of the battery. The profile identifier and clusters are provided in the simple descriptor . The complex descriptor is an optional part of the device descriptions and contains information such as the serial number and the device model name. Any additional information regarding the device can be included as the user descriptor . The user descriptor can be up to 16 ASCII characters. For example, in a light control application, the user descriptor field of a wall switch installed in a hallway can read Hall switch .The node descriptor fields for ZigBee-2006 are provided in Figure 3.46 . The node descriptor is a mandatory part of the device descriptions. The logical type can be ZigBee coordinator, router, or end device. The complex descriptor and user descriptor are optional and if their corresponding fields in the node descriptor are set to zero, they are not provided as part of the device descriptions. The APS flag field determines the APS sublayer capabilities. The frequency band (868 MHz, 915MHz, or 2.4 GHz) is specified in the frequency band field. The MAC capacity flags field is the same as the MAC capacity field presented before in Figure 3.25 .A manufacturer can request and receive a manufacturer code from the ZigBee alliance. This code is included in the node descriptor. The maximum size of the APS Sublayer Data Unit (ASDU), in octets, is specified in the maximum buffer size field. The maximum size of a single message that can be transferred to or from a node is provided in the maximum transfer size field (in octets). In ZigBeePro, the maximum incoming transfer size and maximum outgoing transfer size are two separate fields (16 bits each). The server mask field provides information regarding the system server capabilities of this node. A server is a device that provides specific services to other devices in the network. If each bit is set to one, the device has the corresponding capability shown in Figure 3.46 . The trust center is the device trusted by devices within a network to distribute security keys for the purpose of network and end-to-end application configuration management. The security features are reviewed in Section 3.6. The primary binding table cache is a device that allows other devices to store their binding tables with it as long as it has storage space left. The binding procedure is further clarified in this subsection. The primary binding table cache can be used to back up the content of binding tables and restore them whenever necessary. A device can choose to keep its own binding table, known as a source binding table , instead of storing it with a primary binding table cache. However, any device can store a backup of the source binding table in the primary biding table cache device and recover it later if necessary.A ZigBee network may have a primary discovery cache device. This device is a ZigBee coordinator or router used to store the descriptors such asnode descriptors and power descriptors of some other devices. An end device, for example, that sleeps for long durations can store its descriptors in the primary discovery cache device. If a device in the network tries to locate the information regarding this sleeping end device while the device is inactive, it can get the information from the primary discovery cache device instead. If a network contains sleeping ZigBee end devices, the network must have at least one primary discovery cache device.应用层(APL)是在ZigBee无线网络协议栈中最高的一层。
ZigBee中英文翻译 本科毕业设计

ZigBee: Wireless Technology for Low-Power Sensor Networks Technologists have never had trouble coming up with potential applications for wireless sensors. In a home security system, for example, wireless sensors would be much easier to install than sensors that need wiring. The same is true in industrial environments, where wiring typically accounts for 80% of the cost of sensor installations. And then there are applications for sensors where wiring isn't practical or even possible.The problem, though, is that most wireless sensors use too much power, which means that their batteries either have to be very large or get changed far too often. Add to that some skepticism about the reliability of sensor data that's sent through the air, and wireless sensors simply haven't looked very appealing.A low-power wireless technology called ZigBee is rewriting the wireless sensor equation, however. A secure network technology that rides on top of the recently ratified IEEE 802.15.4 radio standard (Figure 1), ZigBee promises to put wireless sensors in everything from factory automation systems to home security systems to consumer electronics. In conjunction with 802.15.4, ZigBee offers battery life of up to several years for common small batteries. ZigBee devices are also expected to be cheap, eventually selling for less than $3 per node by some estimates. With prices that low, they should be a natural fit even in household products like wireless light switches, wireless thermostats, and smoke detectors.Figure 1: ZigBee adds network, security, andapplication-services layers to the PHY and MAC layers of theIEEE 811.15.4 radioAlthough no formal specification for ZigBee yet exists (approval by the ZigBee Alliance, a trade group, should come late this year), the outlook for ZigBee appears bright. Technology research firm In-Stat/MDR, in what it calls a "cautious aggressive" forecast, predicts that sales of 802.15.4 nodes and chipsets will increase from essentially zero today to 165 million units by 2010. Not all of these units will be coupled with ZigBee, but most probably will be. Research firm ON World predicts shipments of 465 million wireless sensor RF modules by 2010, with 77% of them being ZigBee-related.In a sense, ZigBee's bright future is largely due to its low data rates—20 kbps to 250 kbps, depending on the frequency band used (Figure 2)—compared to a nominal 1 Mbps for Bluetooth and 54 Mbps for Wi-Fi's 802.11g technology. But ZigBee won'tbe sending email and large documents, as Wi-Fi does, or documents and audio, as Bluetooth does. For sending sensor readings, which are typically a few tens of bytes, high bandwidth isn't necessary, and ZigBee's low bandwidth helps it fulfill its goals of low power, low cost, and robustness.Figure 2: ZigBee's data rates range from 20 kbps to 250kbps, depending on the frequency usedBecause of ZigBee applications' low bandwidth requirements, a ZigBee node can sleep most of the time, thus saving battery power, and then wake up, send data quickly, and go back to sleep. And, because ZigBee can transition from sleep mode to active mode in 15 msec or less, even a sleeping node can achieve suitably low latency. Someone flipping a ZigBee-enabled wireless light switch, for example, would not be aware of a wake-up delay before the light turns on. In contrast, wake-up delays for Bluetooth are typically around three seconds.A big part of ZigBee's power savings come from the radio technology of 802.15.4, which itself was designed for low power. 802.15.4 uses DSSS (direct-sequence spread spectrum) technology, for example, because the alternative FHSS (frequency-hopping spread spectrum) would have used too much power just in keeping its frequency hops synchronized.ZigBee nodes, using 802.15.4, can communicate in any of several different ways, however, and some ways use more power than others. Consequently, ZigBee users can't necessarily implement a sensor network any way they choose and still expect the multiple-year battery life that is ZigBee's hallmark. In fact, some technologists who are planning very large networks of very small wireless sensors say that even ZigBee is too power hungry for their uses.A ZigBee network node can consume extra power, for example, if it tries to keep its transmissions from overlapping with other nodes' transmissions or with transmissions from other radio sources. The 802.15.4 radio used by ZigBee implements CSMA/CA (carrier sense multiple access collision avoidance) technology, and a ZigBee node that uses CSMA/CA is essentially taking a listen-before-talk approach to see if any radio traffic is already underway. But, as noted by Venkat Bahl, marketing vice president for sensor company Ember Corp. and vice chairman of the ZigBee Alliance, that's not a preferred approach. "Having to listen burns power," says Bahl, "and we don't like to do that."Another ZigBee and 802.15.4 communications option is the beacon mode, in which normally sleeping network slave nodes wake up periodically to receive a synchronizing "beacon" from the network's control node. But listening for a beaconwastes power, too, particularly because timing uncertainties force nodes to turn on early to avoid missing a beacon.In-Your-Face CommunicationTo save as much power as possible, ZigBee employs a talk-when-ready communication strategy, simply sending data when it has data ready to send and then waiting for an automatic acknowledgement. According to Bob Heile, who is chairman of both the ZigBee Alliance and IEEE 802.15, talk-when-ready is an "in-your-face" scheme, but one that's very power efficient. "We did an extensive analysis that led to the best power-saving strategy in various kinds of environments from quiet to noisy," Heile says. "We discovered that, hands down, we were better off just sending the packet and acknowledging it. If you don't get an ack, it just means you got clobbered, so send it again. You wind up having much better power management than if you listen and determine if it's quiet before you talk."Fortunately, this in-your-face strategy leads to very little RF interference. That's largely because ZigBee nodes have very low duty cycles, transmitting only occasionally and sending only small amounts of data. Other ZigBee nodes, as well as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules, can easily deal with such small, infrequent bursts. ZigBee's talk-when-ready scheme doesn't suit all purposes, however. For example, in a network of thousands of tiny sensors dropped into a war zone to monitor enemy troop movements, the power savings provided still might not be enough. With each network node sending data periodically—and with transmissions repeated numerous times through other nearby nodes of a mesh network configuration in order to reach a network controller—large numbers of packet collisions and retransmissions could waste power and significantly shorten sensor node battery life. If the sensor batteries are very small and power-limited, that's especially problematic.Although contention for airwave access isn't generally a problem for ZigBee, it can be. Sensor-network company Dust Networks, in fact, says contention issues are keeping the company from turning to ZigBee—for now, at least—even though Dust remains a member of the ZigBee Alliance. "Each ZigBee device needs to contend for airspace with its neighbors," says Dust director of product management Robert Shear, "so there's inevitably some contention and some inefficiency." To avoid ZigBee's access contention, Dust uses contention-free TDMA (time division multiple access) technology. ZigBee, through the 802.15.4 MAC layer, provides guaranteed time slots in a scheme that somewhat resembles TDMA, but only as part of an optional "superframe" that's more complex and less power-efficient than TDMA.ZigBee has still more power-saving tricks up its sleeve, however. For example, it reduces power consumption in ZigBee components by providing for power-saving reduced-function devices (RFDs) in addition to more capable full-function devices (FFDs). Each ZigBee network needs at least one FFD as a controller, but most network nodes can be RFDs (Figure 3). RFDs can talk only with FFDs, not to other RFDs, but they contain less circuitry than FFDs, and little or no power-consuming memory.Figure 3: ZigBee networks can contain as many as 65,536nodes in a variety of configurationsZigBee conserves still more power by reducing the need for associated processing. Simple 8-bit processors like an 8051 can handle ZigBee chores easily, and ZigBee protocol stacks occupy very little memory. An FFD stack, for example, needs about 32 kbytes, and an RFD stack needs only about 4 kbytes. Those numbers compare with about 250 kbytes for the far more complex Bluetooth technology.From ZigBee's relatively simple implementations, cost savings naturally accrue. RFDs, of course, reduce ZigBee component costs by omitting memory and other circuitry, and simple 8-bit processors and small protocol stacks help keep system costs down. Often, an application's main processor can easily bear the small additional load of ZigBee processing, making a separate processor for ZigBee functions unnecessary. But the main strategy for keeping ZigBee prices low is to have big markets and high volumes. The ZigBee Alliance, by making ZigBee an open standard and by vigorously promoting interoperability among ZigBee devices, expects that ZigBee will be very big in applications such as home and building automation. The alliance is currently working on interoperability procedures for those particular applications, which it expects to complete later this year along with ZigBee Specification 1.0.One reason for optimism about ZigBee adoption for home automation and security is its ease of use. ZigBee networks are self-forming, making it easy even for consumers to set them up. "In the residential space, there's no configuration involved," says the ZigBee Alliance's Heile. "You take something out of the box, put the batteries in, and maybe do something as simple as button-press security—bring two devices close together, push the buttons until the green lights come on, and you're done."ZigBee networks can also self-form in commercial and industrial settings, but professional installers will have tools that provide additional control, particularly for security. ZigBee security is flexible, says Heile, to give both consumer and professional users what they need. "You don't have to have 128-bit public-key encryption for a smoke detector," he says, "but if I'm in a high-rise office complex, that's exactly the level of security I'm going to have for my fluorescent light fixtures. If you're in a high-rise building on Fifth Avenue, you don't want someone going downthe street and turning your lights off."Proprietary CompetitionCompetition for ZigBee comes almost entirely from proprietary technologies. Sensor company Dust, as noted, is sticking with its own technology, and Ember, although pushing strongly into the ZigBee arena, plans to keep offering its proprietary EmberNet as well. In addition, Zensys is providing its Z-Wave technology to customers. Sylvania, for example, is already using Z-Wave for lighting control, while ZigBee systems remain at least several months away.By offering interoperability, however, ZigBee adds capabilities that proprietary products can't. For example, says Ember's Bahl, interoperability allows the ZigBee nodes of a lighting system to work with the ZigBee network of an HV AC system, or vice versa. "Philips Lighting is really excited about this," Bahl, says, "because it turns them from a ballast manufacturer into the infrastructure backbone of a building-automation system."Needless to say, many of the major semiconductor companies, and especially those that are big in embedded systems, are eagerly anticipating ZigBee's entry into mass markets. Freescale Semiconductor (until recently known as Motorola's Semiconductor Products Sector) is already providing ZigBee-ready technology to select customers. Other semiconductor companies, including AMI, Atmel, Microchip, Philips, and Renesas, are members of the ZigBee Alliance.ZigBee will likely be slow to penetrate the industrial market for wireless sensors, however. According to market research firm ON World, it will take five to seven years to convince industrial customers of the reliability, robustness, and security of wireless-sensor systems. ON World does predict significant long-term growth of ZigBee in industry, though. By 2010, the company projects, RF modules used in industrial monitoring and control will reach 165 million units, up from 1.9 million in 2004. About 75% of those, ON World predicts, will be based on ZigBee and 802.15.4. Eventually, ZigBee could go into a wide variety of applications. In household appliances, it could help monitor and control energy consumption. In automotive applications, it could provide tire-pressure monitoring and remote keyless entry. ZigBee could also be used in medical devices or even in computer peripherals, such as wireless keyboards or mice.Concern is increasing, though, that ZigBee could turn into a one-size-fits-all technology that doesn't fit any application particularly well. Some skeptics, for example, worry that an attempt to make ZigBee all-encompassing could make the ZigBee protocol stack too large for ZigBee's twin goals of very low power consumption and very low cost. If that happens, then ZigBee's low-power, low-data-rate niche—narrow as it is—will have proven to be too broad. And then, perhaps, we'll need yet another wireless standard to go with the burgeoning number we already have.ZigBee:无线技术,低功耗传感器网络技师(工程师)们在发掘无线传感器的潜在应用方面从未感到任何困难。

1.概述:ZigBee译为"紫蜂",它与蓝牙相类似,是一种新兴的短距离无线通信技术,用于传感控制应用(Sensor and Control)。
2001年8月,ZigBee Alliance成立。
2004年,ZigBee V1.0诞生。
2006年,推出ZigBee 2006,比较完善。
2007年底,ZigBee PRO推出。
2009年3月,Zigbee RF4CE推出,具备更强的灵活性和远程控制能力。
2009年开始,Zigbee采用了IETF的IPv6 6Lowpan标准作为新一代智能电网Smart Energy(SEP 2.0)的标准,致力于形成全球统一的易于与互联网集成的网络,实现端到端的网络通信。
ZigBee联盟现有的理事公司包括BM Group,Ember公司,飞思卡尔半导体,Honeywell,三菱电机,摩托罗拉,飞利浦,三星电子,西门子,及德州仪器。

下面就让我们一起进入这只蜜蜂的世界,与蜂共舞吧!这只蜜蜂的来头还是要从它的历史开始说起,早在20世纪末,就已经有人在考虑发展一种新的通信技术,用于传感控制应用(sensor and control),这个想法后来在IEEE 802.15工作组当中提出来,于是就成立了TG4工作组,并且制定了规范IEEE 802.15.4。
但是IEEE 802的规范只专注于底层,要达到产品的互操作和兼容,还需要定义高层的规范,于是2002年ZigBee Alliance成立,正式有了“ZigBee”这个名词。
两年之后,ZigBee的第一个规范ZigBee V1.0诞生,但这个规范推出的比较仓促,存在一些错误,并不实用。
此后ZigBee Alliance又经过两年的努力,推出了新的规范ZigBee 2006,这是一个比较完善的规范。
更新版本的规范ZigBee 2007,增加了一些新的特性。
从ZigBee的发展历史可以看到,它和IEEE 802.15.4有着密切的关系,事实上ZigBee的底层技术就是基于IEEE 802.15.4的,因此有一种说法认为ZigBee和IEEE 802.15.4是同一个东西,或者说“ZigBee”只是IEEE 802.15.4的名字而已,其实这是一种误解。
实际上ZigBee和IEEE 802.15.4的关系,有点类似于WiMAX和IEEE 802.16,Wi-Fi和IEEE 802.11,Bluetooth和IEEE 802.15.1。
“ZigBee”可以看作是一个商标,也可以看作是一种技术,当把它看作一种技术的时候,它表示一种高层的技术,而物理层和MAC层直接引用IEEE 802.15.4。

ZigBee technology is a kind of close, low complexity, low power consumption, low rate, low cost of two-way wireless communication technology. Mainly used for short distance, low power dissipation and transmission rate not high between various kinds of electronic equipment for data transmission and typical has periodic data, intermittent data and low reaction time the application of data transmission. Zigbee 作为新一代无线通讯技术的命名。
在此之前Zigbee也被称为“HomeRF Lite”、“RF- EasyLink”或“fireFly”无线电技术,目前统称为Zigbee简单的说,Zigbee是一种高可靠的无线数传网络,类似于CDMA和GSM网络。

Point-to-point Bluetooth-Link
Bluetooth Unit
Physical Channel
Physical Link
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一个安全的网络技术,对最近通过的IEEE 802.15.4无线标准(图1)的顶部游戏机,ZigBee的承诺,把无线传感器的一切从工厂自动化系统到家庭安全系统,消费电子产品。
从某种意义上说,ZigBee的光明前途在很大程度上是由于其较低的数据速率20 kbps到250 kbps的,用于取决于频段频率(图2),比标称1 Mbps的蓝牙和54的802.11g Mbps的Wi - Fi的技术。
但ZigBee的不能发送电子邮件和大型文件,如Wi - Fi功能,或文件和音频,蓝牙一样。
那么在ZigBee 802.15.4无线电的使用实现CSMA / CA(载波侦听多址接入冲突避免)技术,与ZigBee节点使用CSMA / CA是基本上采取了听先于谈话的方式,看是否有无线电通信已经展开。
但是,正如所指出的Venkat Bahl,传感器营销公司恩贝尔公司副总裁兼ZigBee联盟的副主席,这不是一个首选的方法。
“有听意见的权力,”Bahl 说,“我们不喜欢这样做。
其他ZigBee节点,以及Wi - Fi和蓝牙模块,可以轻松应付这么小,频繁爆发。
ZigBee的802.15.4 MAC层通过提供担保的计划,有点类似于TDMA的时隙,但只是作为一个可选的“超码”那更复杂,更省电,比TDMA的有效组成部分。
ZigBee 网络的自我形成,使消费者更容易对它们进行设置。
此外,Zensys是其Wave技术提供给客户的Z -。
西尔韦尼亚,例如,已经使用照明控制Z - Wave的,而ZigBee系统保持在至少数个月。
举例说,Ember 的义巴尔,互操作性允许照明系统的ZigBee节点的工作,在一个空调系统的ZigBee网络,反之亦然。
飞思卡尔半导体(直到最近,摩托罗拉半导体产品部称)已经提供ZigBee - ready技术来选择客户。
大约75%的将基于ZigBee 和802.15.4。