❖ 需要 call for, require, demand
❖ 遵守 abide by, observe, conform
❖ 易于,倾向于 tend / incline to, be inclined to, be prone to, be likely to, be liable to
❖ 熟悉,知道 be acquainted with, be familiar with, be informed of
仅有个别小错。 注:白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想, 则给0分。 字数不足以应酌情扣分: (1)如题目中给出主题句、起始句、结束句,均不得计入所写字数。 (2)只写一段者:0 ~ 4%;只写两段者:0 ~ 9%。(指规定三段的作文)
作文是主观性题,要想得高分我们必须把评卷 老师考虑进去。评卷老师的时间很短(每份 卷子的作文只有一两分钟就要阅完),用first of all, second, to begin with, after that, next, more important, at last等短 语,可以使阅卷老师一眼就看出你作文的条
❖ 解决,处理 solve, resolve, settle, deal with, cope with, manage, work on
❖ 必要的,不可缺少的 indispensable, essential
❖ 影响 affect, impact, have effect on
❖ 意识到 be aware of, be conscious of
❖ Above all 最重要的是 ❖ After all 毕竟 ❖ Finally, we hope that... 最后,我们希望 ❖ It may be confirmed that... 可以肯定
In my opinion, free admissions to museums are good for the public, but on the other hand they may pose problems to the museum management. Governments should provide help to museums and guide them to serve the public better.
• 1、 not only…but also… • Only by…can… • Not until…do… • 2、分词做状语,动名词做主语或宾语 • 3、适当插入一些副词或介词短语等 • This measure, undoubtedly(in my opinion),
1、内容要紧扣主题,涵盖提示要点 要审准题——看清题目、提纲、图画、表 格,扣紧题目写就不会出现大问题
注意:1.不要妄图以情动人; 2.不要妄图在构思上出奇制胜。
结构上牢记总分总:先写主题句(Topic Sentence),再写分论点,最后写总结句 (Conclusion)。 分段——文章结构的关键 引言段——扩展段——结尾段 引言段要包含中心句;扩展段每段应有主题;结 尾段自然收尾 开头空出相同字符数空格;题目不必重抄;段与 段之间不必空行
will eliminate the waste of water.
• 1、检查考生是否达到大学英语教学大纲规定的四 级教学要求。
• 2、采用总体评分(Global Scoring)方法 • 阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分(reward
In my opinion, free admissions to museums are good for the public, but on the other hand they may pose problems to the museum management. Governments should provide help to museums and guide them to serve the public better.
• 1、 not only…but also… • Only by…can… • Not until…do… • 2、分词做状语,动名词做主语或宾语 • 3、适当插入一些副词或介词短语等 • This measure, undoubtedly(in my opinion),
1、内容要紧扣主题,涵盖提示要点 要审准题——看清题目、提纲、图画、表 格,扣紧题目写就不会出现大问题
注意:1.不要妄图以情动人; 2.不要妄图在构思上出奇制胜。
结构上牢记总分总:先写主题句(Topic Sentence),再写分论点,最后写总结句 (Conclusion)。 分段——文章结构的关键 引言段——扩展段——结尾段 引言段要包含中心句;扩展段每段应有主题;结 尾段自然收尾 开头空出相同字符数空格;题目不必重抄;段与 段之间不必空行
will eliminate the waste of water.
• 1、检查考生是否达到大学英语教学大纲规定的四 级教学要求。
• 2、采用总体评分(Global Scoring)方法 • 阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分(reward
◆ 14%……切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性好。基 本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。(注: 白卷, 作文与题 目毫不相关, 或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给0 分。)
三. 写作步骤
◆ 1、审题(确定体裁或写作类型:议论文?应用文?说明
文?描述文?; 确定主题句(论点)
◆ 2、草拟提纲(围绕提示句,扩展Байду номын сангаас示句所提供的信息) ◆ 3、正文写作 ◆ 4、检查修改(时态:时态一致; 主谓关系—单复数; 人
side of the latter view. 4. After a thorough consideration, for my part, I am in
favor of the latter view that… 5. If asked to make a decision, I would prefer… 6. Taking into consideration both sides of the issue, I tend
二. 大学英语四级作文评分标准
◆ 2%……条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子 均有错误,且多数为严重错误。
◆ 5%……基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的 严重语言错误。
◆ 8%……基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强 连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。
◆ 11%……切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言 错误。
6. With the development of the society, the controversial issue of … is often brought into public focus. People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue. 随着社会的发展,______这个极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关 注。不同的人对此问题的看法也不尽相同。
三. 写作步骤
◆ 1、审题(确定体裁或写作类型:议论文?应用文?说明
文?描述文?; 确定主题句(论点)
◆ 2、草拟提纲(围绕提示句,扩展Байду номын сангаас示句所提供的信息) ◆ 3、正文写作 ◆ 4、检查修改(时态:时态一致; 主谓关系—单复数; 人
side of the latter view. 4. After a thorough consideration, for my part, I am in
favor of the latter view that… 5. If asked to make a decision, I would prefer… 6. Taking into consideration both sides of the issue, I tend
二. 大学英语四级作文评分标准
◆ 2%……条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子 均有错误,且多数为严重错误。
◆ 5%……基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的 严重语言错误。
◆ 8%……基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强 连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。
◆ 11%……切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言 错误。
6. With the development of the society, the controversial issue of … is often brought into public focus. People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue. 随着社会的发展,______这个极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关 注。不同的人对此问题的看法也不尽相同。
四六级英语写作考试辅导资料(ppt 311页)
![四六级英语写作考试辅导资料(ppt 311页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/39d93805915f804d2b16c14c.png)
所以,既然四级考试考的是英语文章,大家 就应该遵循英文议论文的写作思路和习惯: 表示支持则旗帜鲜明地支持;表示反对就彻 彻底底地反对,而不能采取“墙头草两边倒” 的做法。
一、 背诵:首先认真研究历年四级写作真题,分析 近年来四级写作的出题规律和考试重点,从语言、 结构、 内容三大层面,认真研读经典写作真题范文: 语言方面学习范文中的精彩词汇、词组、句型;结 构方面学习范文的框架结构、内在逻辑、关联词、 同义替换和代词替换;内容方面学习范文的论点、 论据和论证。同时背诵精彩写作范文,要求滚瓜烂 熟、脱口而出、多多益善,扎扎实实提高自己的写 作实力。
the election.” • "I can come today," she said, "but not
冒号Colon [:]
• 冒号后面的内容是说明冒号前面的内容,或者是满 足所提出的要求,有“如下”或“即”的含义:
• I’ve just had some good news: I’ve been offered a job in a law firm. (说明部分是个分句,可以把这个 分句看成是前面那个分句中名词短语的同位语。)
另外,英语文章和汉语不同的是段落的主题句一定 要放在段首,而不能按照中文的写作习惯放在段落 的中间或者最后,在英文应试写作中更加如此。正 因为没有“主题句”的思想,所以中国学生在写英 语文章时经常“想到什么,就写什么”,这在英语 议论文中是不能接受的。例如,例文1中每一段的 首句都简要地概括出了该段的主要内容,换句话说, 每段的内容都是根据首句来展开的,其顺序不能颠 倒。
二、默写:背诵熟练之后默写下来,仔细 对照原文,会发现你默写的文章与原文有一 些语法、拼写、标点的区别,这些区别就是 你的写作弱点,学习关键在于针锋突破,不 要全面出击。这些弱点正是你在考试中扣分 的原因所在,把这些弱点意义克服,分数自 然就会提高。
*短对话:抓关键词,判断场景。 注意同形改写,同义替换 *长对话:问答原则。 *短文题:把握开头结尾,听清原因和转折。 *复合式听写:
单词:掌握速记技巧——代替; 句子:先听大意写出关键词然后成句。
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
Fast Reading
Key words
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
2、常用句式 1)…..has become a hot topic among
people recently. Opinions vary from person to person. 2)There is a public debate/discussion/ controversy today about the problem of … 3)Some people maintain/hold the opinion that…. But other people hold a different point of view
*短对话:抓关键词,判断场景。 注意同形改写,同义替换 *长对话:问答原则。 *短文题:把握开头结尾,听清原因和转折。 *复合式听写:
单词:掌握速记技巧——代替; 句子:先听大意写出关键词然后成句。
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
Fast Reading
Key words
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
2、常用句式 1)…..has become a hot topic among
people recently. Opinions vary from person to person. 2)There is a public debate/discussion/ controversy today about the problem of … 3)Some people maintain/hold the opinion that…. But other people hold a different point of view
• Prepare for the College English Test Band 4: The course is designed to prepare students for the writing section of the College English Test Band 4 (CET4), ensuring that they understand the test format and requirements and can apply their writing skills effectively in the exam
4. Comparison and contrast
Comparing and contrasting two or more things or ideas
5. Cause and effect
Exploring the reasons behind an event or phenomenon and its sequences
Paragraph coherence
Techniques for achieving paragraph coherence
1. Use transitional words and phrases to connect ideas within the paragraph
2. Repeat key words or phrases to emphasize important ideas
2. Description: Giving a detailed account of a person, place, or thing
Paragraph unfolding techniques
4. Comparison and contrast
Comparing and contrasting two or more things or ideas
5. Cause and effect
Exploring the reasons behind an event or phenomenon and its sequences
Paragraph coherence
Techniques for achieving paragraph coherence
1. Use transitional words and phrases to connect ideas within the paragraph
2. Repeat key words or phrases to emphasize important ideas
2. Description: Giving a detailed account of a person, place, or thing
Paragraph unfolding techniques
四六级英语写作考试辅导资料PPT课件( 311页)
![四六级英语写作考试辅导资料PPT课件( 311页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/541577d3102de2bd9605885a.png)
另外,英语文章和汉语不同的是段落的主题句一定 要放在段首,而不能按照中文的写作习惯放在段落 的中间或者最后,在英文应试写作中更加如此。正 因为没有“主题句”的思想,所以中国学生在写英 语文章时经常“想到什么,就写什么”,这在英语 议论文中是不能接受的。例如,例文1中每一段的 首句都简要地概括出了该段的主要内容,换句话说, 每段的内容都是根据首句来展开的,其顺序不能颠 倒。
York right now.
问号 Question Mark [?]
• 在句子的结尾使用问号表示是直接疑问 句:
• How many provinces are there in Canada? • 注意:在间接疑问句结尾不要加问号: • *The teacher asked the class a question? • *Do not ask me why?
• Prices fell, interest rates fell, and employment figures rose.
• 这类句子中的逗号称为连续逗号(serial comma)
撇号 Apostrophe [']
• 表示属格: • This is David's computer. • These are the players’ things. (things that
• Emily Carr, who was born in 1871, was a great painter. • 引导主从复合句:
逗号 Comma [,]
• Since you know English, you should translate this paper.
• Note: • 逗号不能连接两个分句,除非和and一起使用:
Cultivate students' critical thinking
require them to be able to analyze problems, propose viewpoints, and provide arguments.
Adapt to the needs of international communication
Writing is one of the four basic skills in English learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing are complementary and indispensable.
Writing is an important criterion for measuring English proficiency: it can reflect students' English proficiency and is also an important component of various English exams.
Advanced vocabulary selection and replacement
Use emotionally charged vocabulary such as "significant" instead of "important" and "financing" instead of "interesting" to enhance the infectiousness of the article.
require them to be able to analyze problems, propose viewpoints, and provide arguments.
Adapt to the needs of international communication
Writing is one of the four basic skills in English learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing are complementary and indispensable.
Writing is an important criterion for measuring English proficiency: it can reflect students' English proficiency and is also an important component of various English exams.
Advanced vocabulary selection and replacement
Use emotionally charged vocabulary such as "significant" instead of "important" and "financing" instead of "interesting" to enhance the infectiousness of the article.
第一段:It is true that ------(指出普遍的观点) However,--------(叙述不同的观点 ) 第二段: I think-------( 提出自己的观点,即文章的论点 ) The reasons can be listed as follows.(开始论证 ) Firstly,------Secondly,------for example,-----Thirdly,------. A case in point is that -----第三段:It goes without saying that ---In conclusion,------
Model Writing for It Pays to Be Honest
It is true that most of us value honesty highly. However, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities and so on. I think that we should be honest. The reasons can be listed as follows. Firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by others over a long period of time, Secondly, honesty, as a traditional virtue of Chinese people can make our life easier and more harmonious. For example, if fewer students cheated in exams, exams would be made much simpler.
1. 保持句子结构完整。 2. 首字母要大写。 3. 结尾要有句号或问号或感叹号或省略号。 4. 句子应表达一个完整的意思。 5. 句子前后要符合逻辑推理。 6. 主语为代词时要指代明晰。 7.句子时态要正确,主要指前后一致或符合 上下文场景。
根据句子语态,句子有主动语态和被动语 态之分。根据排列顺序,句子可分为正常 语序句和倒装句。
一般说来,好的文章包含复合句、非 真实条件句、被动语态、倒装句更多,因 为它们是受教育程度高低的主要衡量指标。 它们的语法规则严格而复杂,受教育少的 人是无法正确驾驭这种句子的构建。同时 它们也是正式语体和书面语体的集中表现。
2. Mr. Bush said to his brother that he had done a good job.
Note: The reader is not sure whom “he” should be referred to. So this sentence lacks coherence.
2、要冒一次险!整个生命就是一场冒险。走得最远的人,常是愿意 去做,并愿意去冒险的人。“稳妥”之船,从未能从岸边走远。-戴尔.卡耐基。
梦 境
3、人生就像一杯没有加糖的咖啡,喝起来是苦涩的,回味起来却有 久久不会退去的余香。
大学英语四级考试 写作知识与技巧
(一) 四级作文的考试要求
1. 考生应在30分钟内,根据题目要求及写 作提纲或规定情节,图表等写出120字以上, 语言比较规范的短文。
2. 要求“内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点, 表达清楚,文字连贯。句式有变化,句子 结构和用词正确。”
1. Xiao Li was born in a small village. The village was not printed on any map. His father was a teacher in the village school. He never left the village. Later he graduated from that school and entered a junior middle school in a town. On weekdays he had to live at school. Without parents there, he learned to look after himself— buying food and washing clothes.
China”. So this is a wordy sentence.
1. What is common to all heroes is that they do not fear death, danger and hardships.
Note: They emphasize the last meaning or thing whenever there are several additional words and phrases in the English culture. We stress the first word or phrase while there is parallelism in Chinese culture. Now that we are writing in English, we have to follow their suit.
(一) 四级作文的考试要求
1. 考生应在30分钟内,根据题目要求及写 作提纲或规定情节,图表等写出120字以上, 语言比较规范的短文。
2. 要求“内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点, 表达清楚,文字连贯。句式有变化,句子 结构和用词正确。”
1. Xiao Li was born in a small village. The village was not printed on any map. His father was a teacher in the village school. He never left the village. Later he graduated from that school and entered a junior middle school in a town. On weekdays he had to live at school. Without parents there, he learned to look after himself— buying food and washing clothes.
China”. So this is a wordy sentence.
1. What is common to all heroes is that they do not fear death, danger and hardships.
Note: They emphasize the last meaning or thing whenever there are several additional words and phrases in the English culture. We stress the first word or phrase while there is parallelism in Chinese culture. Now that we are writing in English, we have to follow their suit.