
Every year all over the world's people would go there for joining in the snow festival in February. You can go skiing and enjoy snow sculpture.
• 温泉是富士山一带最著名的值得一去 的景点之一。在水中放松自己,在山 顶观赏雪景,可以忘记所有的疲惫和 压力。
Okinawa 冲绳
•Okinawa is the southernmost prefecture of Janpan.It consists of hundreds of the islands in a chain over 1,000 kilometers long.It's a good place for traveling. Beatiful beach,traditionnal culture,and fresh air.we can see the sea world and enjoy the sunshine.
目 录 / contents
01 Hokkaido 北海道 02 Mount Fuji 富士山 03 Okinawa 冲绳岛
Hokkaido 北海道

2021年11月22日,中国旅游研究院国际研究所发布了《中国出境旅游发展年度报告2021》。报告指出,受疫 情影响,2020年至2021年的中国出境旅游总体处于停滞状态,依然在底部盘整。2020年全年出境旅游人数为 2033.4万人次,同比减少86.9%。2021年,预测出境旅游人数为2562万人次,与2019年相比同比恢复17%,与 2020年相比,同比增长27%。相比疫情前过亿人次的出游规模,出境旅游依然基本处于停滞状态。
2009年底,中国政府将旅游业定性为“国民经济战略性支柱产业”,并确定到2015年,“出境旅游人数达 8300万人次,年均增长9%”的目标。预计2010年中国出境旅游服务体系、市场监管与服务质量等方面将有所突破。 出境旅游目的地的增多,出境旅游需求的扩大、民营出境旅行社的扩张、出境旅游经营权的逐步放开、出境旅游 服务体系的逐步完善将使危机之后的整个出境旅游市场呈现出更加开放、有序、繁荣的局面。
1997年3月,国家旅游局、公安部颁布《中国公民自费出国旅游管理暂行办法》,标志着我国出境旅游市场 的形成。经过多年发展,我国已跻身全球出境旅游消费前十位,是全球增长最快的新兴客源输出国。我国目前出 境旅游的发展大体有如下几个特点:
1994年至2003年,我国累计出境近一亿人次,年均增长13.87%。其中,2003年出境总人数达2022万人次, 首次超过日本1700万人次左右的出境规模,成为亚洲最大的客源输出国。见表1。
截至2004年,经国务院批准的我国公民出国旅游目的地总数达到90个,已经实施的达63个。我国出境旅游在 国际旅游市场上发挥越来越重要的作用。

1、世界各国及首府中英文对照-亚洲阿富汗 Afghanistan 喀布尔 Kabul孟加拉国 Bangladesh 达卡 Dhaka不丹 Bhutan 廷布 Thimphu缅甸 Burma 仰光 Rangoon柬埔寨 Cambodia 金边 Phnom Penh中国 China 北京Beijing/香港 Hong Kong/台湾 Taiwan/澳门Macau印度 India 新德里 New Delhi印度尼西亚 Indonesia 雅加达 Jakarta日本 Japan 东京 Tokyo老挝 Laos 万象 Vientiane马来西亚 Malaysia 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur马尔代夫 Maldives 马累 Male (Maale)蒙古 Mongolia 乌兰巴托 Ulaanbaatar尼泊尔 Nepal 加德满都 Kathmandu朝鲜 North Korea 平壤 P'yongyang巴基斯坦 Pakistan 伊斯兰堡 Islamabad菲律宾共和国 Philippines 马尼拉 Manila新加坡 Singapore 新加坡 Singapore韩国 South Korea 首尔 Seoul斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka 科伦坡 Colombo泰国 Thailand 曼谷土耳其 Turkey 安卡拉 Ankara越南 Vietnam 河内 Hanoi文莱斯里巴加湾市巴勒斯坦 Palestine 无锡金 Sikkim 甘托克2、世界各国及首府中英文对照-欧洲国家(coutry) 首都名称(capital)阿尔巴尼亚 Albania 地拉那 Tirana 奥地利 Austria 维也纳 Vienna比利时 Belgium 布鲁塞尔 Brussels 保加利亚 Bulgaria 索非亚 Sofia克罗地亚 Croatia 萨格勒布 Zagreb 塞浦路斯 Cyprus 尼克西亚 Nicosia 丹麦 Denmark 哥本哈根 Copenhagen 芬兰 Finland 赫尔辛基 Helsinki法国 France 巴黎 Paris德国 Germany 柏林 Berlin希腊 Greece 雅典 Athens匈牙利 Hungary 布达佩斯 Budapest 冰岛 Iceland 雷克亚未克 Reykjavik 爱尔兰 Ireland 都柏林 Dublin意大利 Italy 罗马 Rome列支敦士登 Liechtenstein 瓦杜兹 Vaduz 卢森堡 Luxembourg 卢森堡 Luxembourg马其顿 Macedonia Skopje马耳他 Malta 瓦莱塔 Valletta摩纳哥 Monaco 摩纳哥 Monaco荷兰 Netherlands 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam 挪威 Norway 奥斯陆 Oslo波兰 Poland 华沙 Warsaw葡萄牙 Portugal 里斯本 Lisbon罗马尼亚 Romania 布加勒斯特 Bucharest 俄罗斯 Russia 莫斯科 Moscow圣马利诺 San Marino 圣马力诺 San Marino 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia Ljubljana西班牙 Spain 马德里 Madrid瑞典 Sweden 斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm瑞士 Switzerland 伯尔尼 Bern大不列颠联合王国伦敦 LondonUnited Kingdom南斯拉夫 Yugoslavia 贝尔格莱德 Belgrade 3、世界各国及首府中英文对照-大洋州国家(country) 首都(capital)澳大利亚 Australien 堪培拉 Canberra斐济 Fidschi 苏瓦 Suwa基里巴斯 Kiribati 塔拉瓦 Tarawa瑙鲁 Nauru 亚伦 Yaren新西兰 Neuseeland 惠灵顿 Wellington巴布亚新几内亚莫尔兹比港 MoreabyPapua-Neuguinea Port所罗门群岛 Salomonen 霍尼亚拉 Honiara汤加 Tonga 努库阿洛法 Nuku′alofa瓦努阿图 Vanuatu 维拉港 Vila西萨摩亚 Westsamoa 阿皮亚 Apia4、世界各国及首府中英文对照-美洲国家(Country) 首都(capital)安圭拉岛 Anguilla The Valley安提瓜岛Antigua and Barbuda 圣约翰 Saint John's 阿根廷 Argentina 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires巴哈马 The Bahamas 拿骚 Nassau巴巴多斯岛 Barbados 布里奇顿 Bridgetown伯利兹 Belize 贝尔莫潘 Belmopan百慕大群岛 Bermuda 哈密尔顿 Hamilton玻利维亚 Bolivia 拉巴斯 La Paz巴西 Brazil 巴西利亚 Brasilia英属维尔京群岛罗德城 Road TownBritish Virgin Islands加拿大 Canada 温哥华 Ottawa智利 Chile 圣地亚哥 Santiago哥伦比亚 Colombia 巴哥达 Bogota哥斯达黎加 Costa Rica 圣约瑟 San Jose古巴 Cuba 哈瓦那 Havana多米尼加圣多明各 Santo DomingoDominican Republic厄瓜多尔 Ecuador 基多 Quito萨尔瓦多 El Salvador 圣萨尔瓦多 San Salvador 格陵兰 Greenland Nuuk (Godthab)格林纳达 Grenada 圣乔治 Saint George's瓜德罗普岛 Guadeloupe 巴斯特尔 Basse-Terre危地马拉 Guatemala 危地马拉 Guatemala圭亚那 Guyana 乔治敦 Georgetown海地 Haiti 太子港 Port-au-Prince洪都拉斯 Honduras 特古巴加尔巴 Tegucigalpa牙买加 Jamaica 金斯敦 Kingston马提尼克岛 Martinique 法兰西堡 Fort-de-France 墨西哥 Mexico 墨西哥城 Mexico蒙特塞拉特岛 Montserrat 普利茅斯 Plymouth尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua 马那瓜 Managua巴拿马 Panama 巴拿马城 Panama巴拉圭 Paraguay 亚松森 Asuncion秘鲁 Peru 利马 Lima波多黎各岛 Puerto Rico 圣胡安 San Juan圣卢西亚岛 St. Lucia 卡斯特里 Castries圣文森特岛金斯敦 KingstownSt. Vincent and the Grenadines苏里南 Suriname 帕拉马里博 Paramaribo特立尼达和多巴哥西班牙港 Port-of-Spain Trinidad and Tobago特克斯群岛和凯科斯群岛大特克 Grand TurkTurks and Caicos Islands美国 United States 华盛顿 Washington, DC乌拉圭 Uruguay 蒙得维的亚 Montevideo委内瑞拉 Venezuela 加拉加斯 Caracas美属维尔京群岛夏洛特阿马利亚 Charlotte Amalie Virgin Islands5、世界各国及首府中英文对照-非洲国家(Country) 首都(capital)阿尔及利亚 Algeria 阿尔及尔 Algiers安哥拉 Angola 罗安达 Luanda贝宁 Benin 波多诺夫 Porto-Novo博茨瓦纳 Botswana 哈伯罗内 Gaborone布隆迪 Burundi 布琼布拉 Bujumbura喀麦隆 Cameroon 雅温得 Yaounde中非班吉 BanguiCentral African Republic乍得 Chad 恩贾梅纳 N'Djamena刚果共和国 Congo Rep. 布拉柴维尔 Brazzaville 吉布提共和国 Djibouti 吉布提 Djibouti埃及 Egypt 开罗 Cairo赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea 马拉博 Malabo厄立特里亚 Eritrea 阿斯马拉 Asmara埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia 亚的斯亚贝巴 Addis Ababa 加蓬 Gabon 利伯维尔 Libreville冈比亚 The Gambia 班珠尔 Banjul加纳 Ghana 阿克拉 Accra几内亚 Guinea 科纳克里 Conakry几内亚比绍共和国比绍 BissauGuinea-Bissau肯尼亚 Kenya 内罗毕 Nairobi莱索托 Lesotho 马塞卢 Maseru利比里亚 Liberia 蒙罗维亚 Monrovia利比亚 Libya 的黎波里 Tripoli马达加斯加 Madagasca 安塔那利佛 Antananarivo 马拉维 Malawi 利隆圭 Lilongwe马里 Mali 巴马科 Bamako毛里求斯 Mauritius 路易港 Port Louis毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania 努瓦克肖特 Nouakchott 摩洛哥 Morocco 拉巴特 Rabat莫桑比克 Mozambique 马普托 Maputo纳米比亚 Namibia 温得和克 Windhoek尼日尔 Niger 尼亚美 Niamey尼日利亚 Nigeria 拉各斯 Abuja留尼旺岛 Reunion 圣但尼 Saint-Denis刚果民主共和国(扎伊尔)金沙萨 Kinshasa Republic of the Congo卢旺达 Rwanda 基加利 Kigali圣多美及普林西比民主共和国圣多美 Sao Tome Sao Tome and Principe塞内加尔 Senegal 达喀尔 Dakar塞舌尔 Seychelles 维多利亚 Victoria塞拉里昂 Sierra Leone 弗里敦 Freetown索马里 Somalia 摩加迪沙 Mogadishu南非 South Africa 比勒陀利亚Pretoria苏丹 Sudan 喀土穆 Khartoum斯威士兰 Swaziland 姆巴巴内 Mbabane坦桑尼亚 Tanzania 达累斯萨拉姆 Dar es Salaam多哥 Togo 洛美 Lome突尼斯 Tunisia 突尼斯 Tunis乌干达 Uganda 坎帕拉 Kampala西撒哈拉 Western Sahara 无赞比亚 Zambia 卢萨卡 Lusaka津巴布韦 Zimbabwe 索尔兹伯里 Harare相关资料:1.美国和哥伦比亚是什么关系?为什么美国好多公司和地名都要用哥伦比亚这个名字啊?比如说哥伦比亚电影公司哥伦比亚大学哥伦比亚广播公司哥伦比亚特区还有户外运动服装Columbia 他们两个国家是什么关系?哥伦比亚是一个国家,但是和美国这么多哥伦比亚命名的东西没有联系。

海关总署(the General Administration of Customs)发布了中国的贸易平衡情况。
然而,随着全球需求放缓(slow down),大量的基础设施(infrastructure)建设项目和消费品进口的增长,贸易顺差大幅下降。
韩国(South Korea)、澳大利亚(Australia)、德国(Germany)、南非(South Africa)、日本和巴西(Brazil)的贸易赤字最大。
China recorded a trade surplus of $178.18 hundred million in July of 2013. Balance of trade in China is reported by the General Administration of Customs. From 2004 to 2009 China’s annual trade surplus has increased 10 times. Yet, as the global demand is slowing down and vast infrastructure projects and import of commodities are growing, there has been a significant decline in trade surplus. In the last few years, the biggest trade surpluses were recorded with the United States, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Vietnam and Singapore. The biggest trade deficits were recorded with South Korea, Australia, Germany, South Africa, Japan and Brazil.2、这周颁布的一项新法律要求子女必须“经常”探望年龄超过60岁的父母,并确保他们经济和精神上的需求(financial and spiritual needs)得到满足。

The Romantic Lover Who Defends Tumon BayTwo Lovers Point is also called Uluwatu. It is Guam’s most famous attraction, located in the northern end of Tumon Bay. Above the cliff, it is green and luxuriant with infinite vitality; under the cliff, the microwaves are glittering and heavy waves are rolling toward the shore. The Two Lovers Point is like a handsome man who ‘is defending Tumon Bay.The Charming Scenery and the Poignant LoveThe Two Lovers Point ranks among the most beautifullandscapes. It is too beautiful too avoid moving love stories. The Two Lovers Point was named for a local poignant love story.According to legend, in the 1850s, Guam was still under Spanish. Rule. A Spanish commander took a fancy to a beautiful Chamorro girl, but the girl had her own sweetheart. In the face of the Spanish commander’s stalker and coercion step by step, the couple chose to die for love. The young girl and her lover met before a tall place in Tumon Bay. Their hairs were tied together that would never be separated, and then they jumped for love. The scene is earthshaking.The Beautiful Scenic Spots that Can Witness LoveThe Two Lovers Point is a place that can witness love. There are two important spots that can record the visitors’love stories. They are Lovers Lock and Lovers Clock.Lovers Lock: On the highest point of the Two Lovers Point, there is a viewing platform. There are a lot of concentric locks hanging on the railings. They witnessed the people”s vows of eternallove. The Two Lovers Point experiences not only a miserable love, but also a sweet love. Look at these lovers locks, and you could not help but imagine the countless couples who had promised each other.Lovers Clock: There is a lovers clock next to the Two Lovers Point Plaza, donated by Japan’s Shizuoka Prefecture, because there is a similar legend in Shizuoka Prefecture. It is said that if the couple in love knock the clock, their love will be permanent.Date with BeautyGuam, the “SaiIing island”, is a blue tropical island, where are stored the tourists’ bright memories. The beautiful Two Lovers Point is the most typical geographic landscape in the northern region of Guam. The tragic legend of the Chamorro lovers who jumped for love cast a layer of beautiful color on the place.守护杜梦湾的浪漫情人恋人岬又称为情人崖,是关岛最有名的旅游景点。

Take off your shoes when arriving at the door of a London dinner party and the hostess will find you uncivilized, but fail to remove your shoes before entering a home in Asia, Hawaii, or the Pacific Islands and you ’ ll be considered disrespectful. Not only does shoe removal very practically keeps sand and dirt out of the house, it’s a sign of leaving the outside world behind. 到伦敦人家里参加宴会时脱掉鞋子,女主人会认为你不文明,但去亚洲、夏威夷或太平洋群 岛的居民家中不脱鞋却被认为失礼。脱掉鞋子不仅把沙粒与尘土留在了门外,更意味着把外 面的世界抛之脑后。
Talking Over Dinner 就餐时谈话 Where It’s Offensive: Africa, Japan, Thailand, China, Finland. 禁忌地:非洲、日本、泰国、芬兰
What’s Offensive 禁忌: In some countries, like China, Japan, and some African nations, the food’s the thing, so don’t start chatting about your day’s adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner. You’ll likely be met with silence--not because your group is unfriendly, but because mealtimes are for eating, not talking. Also avoid conversations in places a country might consider sacred or reflective--churches in Europe, temples in Thailand, and saunas in Finland. 在日本和一些非洲国家,吃饭就是吃饭,所以当其他人都在大快朵颐时,不要谈论你当天的 经历。你可能会遭遇沉默——这并非你的同伴不友好,而是因为就餐时间只应吃饭,无需交 谈。也要避免在一些被认为是神圣或需要沉思的地方谈话——比如欧洲的教堂、泰国的庙宇 和芬兰的桑拿浴室。


名古屋市 (Nagoya)
名古屋市 (Nagoya)
City of Nagoya (Nagoya), is the capital of Aichi, Japan, Japan‘s fourth-largest city, located in central Honshu, Japan, At the same time, as an important port city, Nagoya port is also one of the five international trade port of Japan. Because between Tokyo and Kyoto, the ancient capital, also known as “zhongjing.”(名古屋市(名古 屋),是日本爱知县的首府,日本的第四大城市,位 于本州中部,日本。同时,作为重要的港口城市,名 古屋港也是日本的五大国际贸易港之一。因为东京和 京都之间,古老的首都,也被称为“中京”。
Rich good wild(富良野)
The credit of every beginning may bloom a variety of flowers, the whole rich good wild hills like a vast purple flowers. Opening hours: 9:00 - ticket (8:30 am - 18:00) in late April - September, Hugh, tickets, free of charge
The best scenery
• Osu(大须) • Dome(圆顶球场) • Nagoya TV Tower

①More and more Chinese young people are getting interested in tourism, which is a new trend in recent years. The increasing number of young tourists can be attributed to the rapid increase of income and their curiosity to explore the outside world. With more travels, youngsters spend more time in remote areas rather than big cities and famous resorts. Some of them even choose long backpacking trip. According to a recent survey, many young people want to experience different cultures, enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizon through travel.②More and more Chinese youths are developing an interest in traveling, which has been a new trend in recent years. The increasing number of young tourists can be attributed to their fast-growing income and their curiosity to explore the outside world. With more travel experience, young people tend to spend less time in big cities and well-know tourist sites. Instead, they find remote areas more appealing. Some young tourists even choose to make a long backpacking journey. According to a recent survey, many young people intend to experience different cultures, enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizon through traveling around.2014.12.2中国的互联网社区是全世界发展最快的。

补充:文莱著名景点的英文介绍:The City Center Bandar Seri BegawanOmar Ali Saifuddien Mosque Dominating the city centre of Bandar Seri Begawan, this is one of the most magnificent mosques in Southeast Asia and a symbol of the strong Islamic faith of the people of Brunei Darussalam. Completed in 1958, it is named after the 28th Sultan, Omar Ali Saifuddien, who is still referred to as the architect of modern Brunei.城市中心斯里巴加湾奥马尔阿里Saifuddien主导斯里巴加湾市中心的清真寺,这是在东南亚最宏伟的清真寺,汶莱人民的强烈伊斯兰信仰的象征之一。
Kampong AyerEarly European visitors to Brunei Darussalam described the Kampong Ayer, or Water Village, as the Venice of the East. Today, visitors continue to be fascinated by these traditional and historic houses on stilts which span the greater part of the Brunei River.甘榜亚逸文莱达鲁萨兰国早期的欧洲游客所描述的甘榜亚逸,或水乡,东方威尼斯。


大阪旅游介绍英语作文Introduction to Osaka Tourism。
Osaka, a vibrant city in Japan, is a destination that seamlessly blends rich history, modernity, and culinary delights. From its ancient castles to its bustling streets filled with neon lights, Osaka offers a plethora of experiences for travelers seeking both cultural immersion and urban excitement.Historical Landmarks:One of the must-visit historical landmarks in Osaka is Osaka Castle. This iconic structure dates back to the 16th century and played a significant role in the unification of Japan during the Azuchi-Momoyama period. Visitors can explore the castle grounds, visit the museum inside the main tower, and enjoy panoramic views of the city from the top floor.Another notable historical site is Shitennoji Temple, one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Japan. Founded in the 6th century by Prince Shotoku, this temple complex showcases stunning architecture and beautiful gardens. Visitors can participate in Buddhist rituals, admire the towering pagoda, and stroll through the tranquil grounds.Modern Attractions:For those interested in modern attractions, Osaka does not disappoint. Dotonbori is a lively district known forits vibrant nightlife, shopping arcades, and delicious street food. The area is famous for its illuminated signs, including the iconic Glico Running Man and the giant mechanical crab sign. Travelers can sample local delicacies such as takoyaki (octopus balls), okonomiyaki (savory pancakes), and sushi from the numerous food stalls and restaurants lining the streets.Universal Studios Japan is another popular destination, especially for families and thrill-seekers. This theme park features a variety of attractions based on blockbustermovies and TV shows, including The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, and Spider-Man. Visitors can enjoy thrilling rides, live entertainment, and themed dining experiences throughout the park.Cultural Experiences:To experience the essence of Osaka's culture, visitors can attend a traditional Japanese tea ceremony or participate in a kimono rental experience. Dressing up in a beautiful kimono and strolling through historic neighborhoods like Shinsekai or the Gion district offers a glimpse into Japan's traditional way of life.Osaka is also known for its vibrant performing arts scene, with kabuki theaters and bunraku puppet shows showcasing centuries-old art forms. The National Bunraku Theater is a great place to catch a performance and immerse oneself in the captivating world of Japanese theater.Culinary Delights:No trip to Osaka would be complete without indulging in its world-renowned cuisine. The city is often referred to as the "Kitchen of Japan," and for a good reason. From street food stalls to Michelin-starred restaurants, Osaka offers a diverse array of culinary delights to suit every palate.Visitors can embark on a culinary adventure by exploring the city's various food markets, such as Kuromon Ichiba Market and Takimi Koji Gourmet Street. Here, they can sample fresh seafood, Wagyu beef, and other local specialties prepared by skilled chefs right before their eyes.In Conclusion:In conclusion, Osaka is a dynamic city that offers a perfect blend of history, modernity, culture, and gastronomy. Whether you're exploring ancient castles, indulging in street food, or immersing yourself in traditional rituals, Osaka never fails to captivate the hearts of travelers from around the world. With its warmhospitality and endless attractions, Osaka promises an unforgettable experience for all who visit.。

莫干山中英双语介绍The clogged streets and smoggy skies of Asia's cities make it hard to imagine any great drives in the region. But every time Karen Yu travels, she and her husband make time to get behind the wheel.虽然亚洲城市似乎很难摆脱街道拥挤不堪、天空烟尘弥漫的景象,让人很难想像在这种地区驾车旅行能有什么好感受,但是,每次Karen Yu和丈夫一起旅行的时候,他们总会挤出时间,来那么一段自驾出行。
In recent years, the couple has toured Phuket in Thailand, Melbourne and Perth in Australia and Kyushu and Nagoya in Japan -- all by car. 'It's all about the freedom,' says Ms. Yu, a Hong Kong attorney. 'You're on your own, and you can see what you like, wander off and explore side roads.'最近几年,他们两人驾车游历了泰国普吉岛、澳大利亚墨尔本、帕斯以及日本的九州和名古屋。
Whether a four-day trip or an afternoon jaunt, whether you take the wheel yourself or hire a driver, your route is out there. From the clove-scented interior of Bali to Thailand's wine country to the mountains and fiords of New Zealand's South Island, Weekend Journal takes readers on the road.不论是一次三、四天的远行,还是短短一个下午的小游,不论是自己驾车还是雇司机同行,道路都在那里等候你的到来。


日本旅游景点英语介绍作文English: Japan is a country filled with stunning tourist attractions that cater to a wide range of interests. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene temples in Kyoto, there is something for everyone to enjoy. In Tokyo, visitors can experience the modernity of Japan with skyscrapers, neon lights, and vibrant entertainment districts like Shibuya and Shinjuku. For those seeking a more traditional experience, Kyoto offers a glimpse into Japan's rich history with its countless temples, beautiful gardens, and historic districts like Gion. Another must-visit destination is Hiroshima, a city with a tragic past but resilient spirit, where visitors can learn about the devastating impact of atomic bomb through the Peace Memorial Park and Museum. Nature lovers will also be in awe of Japan's natural beauty, from the iconic Mount Fuji to the picturesque landscapes of Hokkaido and Okinawa. Whether it's exploring bustling cities, immersing in ancient traditions, or marveling at natural wonders, Japan has something to offer for every type of traveler.中文翻译: 日本是一个充满令人惊叹的旅游景点,迎合了各种兴趣的国家。

去日本旅游英文作文英文:I recently went on a trip to Japan and it was an amazing experience. The country is full of rich culture and history, and the people are incredibly friendly and welcoming.One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the famous Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. The shrine is knownfor its thousands of torii gates that lead up to the top of a mountain. It was a beautiful sight to see and the hike up the mountain was definitely worth it.Another memorable experience was trying the local cuisine. I tried sushi and ramen, which were both delicious.I also tried matcha tea and mochi, which were unique and tasty.Overall, I highly recommend visiting Japan for anyonewho loves culture, history, and delicious food.中文:我最近去了日本旅游,这是一次非常惊艳的经历。

japan之旅英文作文英文:I recently went on a trip to Japan and it was an amazing experience. The culture, food, and people were all so different from what I'm used to in my home country. Oneof the things I loved most about Japan was how clean and organized everything was. Even the streets were spotless!Another thing that stood out to me was the politeness and respectfulness of the Japanese people. Everyone was so kind and helpful, even when we didn't speak the same language. I remember one time when I was lost and a local went out of their way to help me find my way back to my hotel.The food in Japan was also incredible. I tried so many new and delicious dishes, such as sushi, ramen, and tempura.I even went to a traditional tea ceremony and tried matcha for the first time. It was a unique and unforgettableexperience.Overall, my trip to Japan was one of the best experiences of my life. I learned so much about the culture and people, and I can't wait to go back and explore more.中文:我最近去了日本旅游,这是一次非常棒的经历。

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The Hokkaido is of northern in Japan. It's famous of the charming snowy scene.
Every year all over the world's people would go there for joining in the snow festivaling and enjoy snow sculpture.
• 温泉是富士山一带最著名的值得一去 的景点之一。在水中放松自己,在山 顶观赏雪景,可以忘记所有的疲惫和 压力。
• Okinawa is the southernmost prefecture of Janpan.It consists of hundreds of the islands in a chain over 1,000 kilometers long.It's a good place for traveling. Beatiful beach,traditionnal culture,and fresh air.we can see the sea world and enjoy the sunshine.
• Hotsprings are one of the famous scenery spots in Fuji area deserve to go.Relaxing yourself in the water,watching the snow on the top of the moutian, forgeting all the exhausted feelings and heavy stress.
每年二月世界各地的人们会到这里参加冰 雪节,在这里可以滑雪或观看冰雕。
Mount Fuji is the NO.1 peak in Japan. The altitude is 3776 meters. It's one of the most active volcano in the world. At persent,it's in the sleeping. 富士山是日本最高的山峰,高3776米,是世界上最闻名的活火山之一 ,不过目前在休眠期。 Mount Fuji comes from the Janpanese local dialect which means immortal. “富士山”取自当地方言,意为神圣。
• 冲绳是日本最南边的地区,由上百个小岛组成, 超过1000公里。是旅游的好去处。漂亮的沙滩, 传统的文化和新鲜的空气。我们可以欣赏海洋的 世界以及享受阳光。