20世纪60年代酒店发展的主要大事:1.特许经营业务开始;2.航空公司涉入酒店业成为酒店业主;3.房间免费提供冰块与电话;4.由凯悦(Hyatt)品牌与设计师约翰·波特曼(John Portman)在亚特兰大创立的世界上第一家“中庭式酒店”(Atrium Hotel)带来了酒店设计领域的革命;5.从提供洗发水到24小时客房服务等设施, 使单纯的住宿业转变为真正的服务行业。
凯蒙斯·威尔逊(Kemmons Wilson)是这个行业的先驱者,他通过开发和特许经营的方式建立了100多家假日酒店(Holiday Inn)。
1966年,华美达酒店集团(Ramada)的总裁马里恩"伊斯倍(Marion Isbell)宣称,到1969年,他将把华美达酒店从100多家发展到500多家——酒店业的繁荣期已经到来,业界巨人诞生了。
这些酒店经营者还迅速占领了机场地区:希尔顿建立了6个机场旅馆;美国大陆航空公司也与夏威夷的岛际度假酒店集团(Inter-Island Resorts)制定了计划;美国环球航空公司与希尔顿也建立了国际联盟关系;澳大利亚澳洲航空公司已经管理着一些酒店,并且正在兴建更多的酒店;德国汉莎航空公司在着手管理一家位于科龙机场的大型酒店项目;法国航空公司在科西嘉岛已拥有了一家机场酒店,又把眼光投向纽约。
”在欧洲,Trust House 也走向世界,与澳大利亚汽车旅馆集团(Motels of Australia)一起在澳大利亚、新西兰和斐济建立了一个汽车旅馆连锁组织。
外文文献Hotel industryPeople have been making a living by providing rooms for travelers ever since the first lodging houses were built to accommodate travelers in ancient times. Today, hotels offer far more than just a room for travel increased. Motels, resort hotels, and convention hotels have been developed to cater to the varied needs of today’s traveling public. At the same time, hotel chains have established themselves as the dominant force in the industry.Motels in the United States evolved from the roadside tourist cabins and tourist courts that were first introduced in the early 1990s in response to the increase in travel. As the automobile began to replace the train as the primary means of travel in the United States, there was an increased demand for roadside accommodations. The first motels began to appear in the 1920s and were usually one-storey buildings, with an average of twenty-five units or rooms.Motels really came of age during the 1950s. Two main factors contributed to the boom in motel construction. One was the development of the interstate highway system, beginning in 1956. The other was the first time, added a number of services. Restaurant swimming pools, and in-room television became standard features.The next step in the development of the motel industry was the move away from highway locations into the downtown sections of large cities. With the increase in air travel, motor hotels also began to move out to the airports.A resort hotel is one that people visit for relaxation, recreation, and entertainment. The idea of the resort hotel was born in the 18th and 19th century Europe. Splendid hotels were built along the French Riviera in the Swiss Alps, and at various mineral springs throughout the continent. The resort hotel in the United States developed with the expansion of the railroads in the second half of the nineteenth century. All catered exclusively to the rich and to the upper middle class. Families stayed for two or three months and returned to the same hotels year after year.With the rise in mass tourism, resort hotels have been established in greet numbers at destinations throughout the world. Some of these luxury resort hotelshave survived, but today they are heavily outnumbered by resort hotels that cater to ordinary people who stay from days to weeks. With increased leisure time and higher wages, many people now take at least one vacation away from home each year. The jet airport has opened up areas of the world that were previously inaccessible to the vacationer. Resort hotel construction boomed in tropical area such as the Caribbean and Hawaii.A convention hotel is one that caters to large group gatherings. The rise of convention hotels has been one of the developments in the hotel industry, and conventioneers now account for almost 20 percent of all hotel guests. Many downtown hotels saw occupancy levels drop during the 1950s and early 1960s as motels captured a larger segment of the market. In response, some hotels began to add facilities for conventions or other group gatherings as a means of survival. At first, conventions were scheduled for off-peak periods, but as the volume of convention business increased, they began to be scheduled year-round.The business of large hotels that cater exclusively to convention groups began going up in the major cities in the later 1960s. They all feature a wide variety of restaurants, banquet rooms, meeting rooms, and convention and exhibition halls. Resort hotels, motels and airport hotels have also begun to offer convention facilities.The arrival of the jet age led to the second major hotel building period of the twentieth century, lasting from 1958 to 1974. In the early part of this period, the hotel chains’ major goals in planning new properties were economy, efficiency, and standardization of design. A Sheraton hotel in Miami, for example, might be almost identical to one nearly 3,000 miles away in Los Angeles. By the late 1960s, however, there was a reaction against this uniformity of design and new hotel architecture was born. The opening of the Hyatt marked a return to the grandeur of the old luxury hotels. Scenic elevators, fountains, waterfalls, trees, huge sculptures, and bars and cafes are included in the lobby so that it was no longer just a place for registration and checkout; it also became the main eating, drinking, and meeting area. The success of the Atlanta Hyatt Regency led to the building of similar atrium hotels in cities and combine commercial, office, and hotel facilities with sports and recreational facilities.The small country inn is a type of lodging place that has survived by offeringincreased service and facilities. In fact, many turn away from such modern conveniences as in-room television, radios, and telephones. Instead, they offer the attraction of old world charm and coziness in a scenic or historic setting. Guests might expect to find working fireplaces in their rooms, handmade quilts on their beds, and antique furniture throughout the inn. Many of the inns are direct descendants of the old inns and taverns that flourished along stagecoach routes 200 years ago. The smaller country inns, sometimes with as few as three or four rooms, are usually run by friendly couples who pride themselves on the comfort and cleanliness of their accommodations and the quality of the food that they serve.Some of the larger chain hotels (e.g. Holiday Inns) use the name inn. Motor inns, however, should not be confused with country inns. The chains use the name to suggest a feeling of warmth and friendliness, though their properties quite different from the more intimate country inns.For centuries, the hotel business could well business could well be described as a cottage industry, because each hotel was a privately-owned, independent enterprise. Occasionally, a well-know hotel would successfully produce a few namesakes under the same management, but such examples were few. The first notable exception was the Caesar Ritz group. E. M. Statler was the first to point out the economic and financial advantages of operating several large hotels under a single management. Despite Statler’s success, the chain concept was slow to catch on in the period between the two world wars. Later on, Conrad Hilton, in particular, became the originator contributing to the growth of the hotel management company. Kemmons Welson and Wallace Johnson, founders of Holiday Inn, fully enriched the chain concept by franchising the Holiday Inn name and establishing a national reservation network.The chains have expanded in a number of ways. One is through direct investment. It means that the headquarters corporation itself puts up the necessary fund to build and operate a new hotel or to buy and renovate an old one. Another is by establishing management contracts with the actual owner of the hotel, whereby the chain actually takes over an empty building and operates it according to its own operating procedures for a fee or for a percentage of the profits. This method is frequently used when the chain expends into a foreign country. A somewhat similar method is the joint venture, a partnership in which both the chain and localinvestors put up part of the capital that is necessary for new construction or the purchase of an existing building. Yet another way widely used is franchising. It is a leasing arrangement that requires the hotel operator to pay a fee for the use of the plans, manuals of procedure and advertising materials. In return, the hotel operator is granted a license to operate a business under the name of the parent corporation. The franchise operator puts up the capital, but he gets a standardized product with a predictable sales potential. He can of course also get a lot of help from the licensing corporation in establishing his operation and then in solving problems that arise after it has opened. Some franchise operations are also joint ventures, with both the corporation and the individual owner supplying part of the initial capital.There are many important competitive advantages that the hotel chains have over the individually operated hotels. The first is the resources and money on advertising and public-relations professionals at chains’ headquarters, who prepare publicity campaigns for the chain as a whole.A second advantage comes from the standardization of equipment and operating procedures. The chains publish detailed manuals that specify standardized procedures to be followed even in such tasks as making beds and setting tables. Even when the different hotels in the chain are not tightly controlled by a central office, it is customary to have an inspection system in order to guarantee the overall standards.The most important and most obvious advantage is the increased efficiency in making and controlling reservations. A guest at one hotel, for instance, can receive confirmation of a room at another within a few minutes. When a chain is owned by an airline, the traveler can make his reservations for flights and for hotel rooms at the same time and place. Hotel chains also make it easy to reserve a room by telephone in key market cities. Many of the chains are, in fact, referral systems rather than corporate owned groups. In a referral system, the operators of individual hotels or motels pay a fee to a group that has joined together in a reservation system. In most cases, the establishment is inspected by the headquarters staff of the chain to ensure that it meets the chain’s standards, it can use the name and advertising symbol, the logo for the group. In that case, the individual operation has become a chain member.Still another advantage for the chains is in increased sales potential for convention.As it is now a commonly accepted idea that conventions should combine business and pleasure, the practice of changing locations every year is very attractive to many sponsoring groups. In this way, the sponsoring group can hold its meeting in one location one year and another the next, while at the time with the assurance of very similar service and costs.Another strong point of the chain system comes from the superior planning and design of hotels. The benefits begin here even before the location is selected, because the chains have access to expensive market research data on site selection and size of the hotel. The large chains hire architects and interior decorators who specialize in hotel work. Many chains often hire consultants to advise them. The chains can either use their expert knowledge directly to build their own hotels or pass it along to others when they participate in a joint venture, a management leasing arrangement, or a franchising operation.Chains management also increases the efficiency of the total organization in other ways. For example, it permits very large bulk purchases for many kinds of equipment and supplies. The accounting and auditing systems of the chains can be centralized. A centralized personnel office for managerial and technical positions throughout the chain also provides an advantage in securing competent people. In the different hotels, management trainees can obtain experience in all the wide variety of skills that go into the operation of a hotel. Later, when they have gained the necessary expertise in several areas, these same people may return to the headquarters to direct and train others.Today, there comes very intensified competition in the hotel industry. After decades of mixed fortunes they would now face a decade when there is slow expansion, or even no growth, but with growing competition. The increased competition could rise from up-market self catering, time sharing, home entertainment and other areas, as well as from producers of a whole variety of consumer products and services. Hoteliers must ensure that they obtain their share of market. In order to do so, they should listen to the market more intense competition.As market keep on changing, it is wise to redefine markets accordingly.Unless customers’ points of view are constantly considered and their demands are best satisfied, there is a danger that present guests and customers may-drift away to competitor and new customers will not be attracted. Furthermore, it is essential to decide the advantages and weakness of one’s products, and at the same time bear in mind the different sources of business and the strength and weakness of one’s competitors. The last point on competitors is that time and money should be spent in selecting the source of business that they are best suited for and where they have the least competition.How to choose the best suitable market and sources of business? First, one should try to get as much information as possible on the hotel. Then, a series of objectively prepared league tables that grade the hotels advantages and limitations should be made. The information required may include the following: broad background information, facilities of the hotel, details of competitive hotels, guests information, activity levels, employees and their selling abilities, specific information on local communities, industry, event, communications and catchment area, and advantage and limitation list of both one’s hotel and competitors.After gathering the information, another series of league tables is required to show the hotel’s position relative to its competitors. The aim of league tables is to put the competition into visible and to show for some sources of business where is more competition and for others less. By linking these finding to the respective advantages and disadvantages of both sides, answers are provided on where to focus one’s sales and market effort.Specifically, the relevant information and league tables may include:1.Make a list of one’s hotel about its competitive advantages. The list willvary depending on the source of business.2.Calculate one’s market share of total competitive capacity and its maincompetitors’ share.3.Consider various tariffs and charges that may occur in the hotel.rmation about the facilities, sales and market capabilities, receivingcapability, location, etc. of the hotel and the competitors.5.Score the grades dependent on the demands of different sources ofbusiness, i.e., businessmen, individual tourists, conference delegates.6.Consider the various potential markets from a number of points of view.If one takes the above-mentioned information and examine one’s own business experience and judgment should help to define more clearly the main sources of business on which one’s hotel should exercise efforts. Never neglect established markets and the business parts of the week, month of year. However, many hotels have natural busy periods, such as Monday and Thursday nights in a week, or the summer season, or the festivals. So it is important to define markets, which will ensure a better profit in one’s off-season periods.Besides the above suggestions or market defining, some special market demands require attention.One is the menu fatigue. Many business executives who eat out often or stay in hotels regularly could suffer from a severe “menu fatigue”. That is when they eat in hotel restaurant or out, they can always tell you every item on the menu without even a glimpse at it. So if a hotelier can regularly try to original and fresh menus, dishes and ideas and promote them in every possible place, this mass market of people will be sure to “beat a path to his/her door”.The second is the active leisure. People are becoming much more health conscious, and many hotels begin to recognize this trend. As the result, facilities such as gym rooms with exercise machines are provided as part of their essential future marketing. Some hotels put a series of maps in the bedroom with directions to nearby parks. They also have a supply of track suits and shoes in case guests have forgotten to bring their own. Even if a hotel is not adjacent to a golf course or a tennis court, they can still do a lot to provide exercise opportunities for the guests and it does not have to be expensive.The third is the female guests. In the past few years, the biggest market growth is perhaps women staying in hotels, or eating in hotel restaurants. Many of the research on women travelers have found that the average woman executive is six years younger than her male counterpart. She tends to be in sales, marketing, public and press relations, or personnel work. Nearly 40% of the trips are to conventions. She is more likely to be single than the typical male travelers. Many women concern much about personal safety and hotel security. They would prefer to eat in the hotel rather than eating out and use room service a great deal when there is available. They want a room which is very clean, attractive and specious with good lighting. They prefer good lights for make-up and the closets highenough to keep her floor length dresses and a good supply of hangers.Hoteliers should be well alert to notice the changes and demands of the markets; otherwise they will be overtaken by the competitors.外文文献译文酒店业自从古时候人们首次建造住宿房屋来招待旅客以来,有些人就以为旅客提供客房为生。
1981年,大都会(Grand Metropolitan)兼并洲际酒店集团。
1989年,香港新世界集团(New World)收购兼并华美达集团(Ramada)。
1990年,法国雅高(Accor)集团收购兼并6号汽车旅馆公司(Mobile 6)。
1992年8月,四季饭店集团完全收购了丽晶国际饭店集团(Regent International Hotel),包括它所有的管理合同、品牌名称和商标。
匆宁软 放 字阮 学报
Journal of Nanning Polytechnic
2018年第 23卷第 1期
2018 Vo1.23 No.1
邵 万宽
(南京旅游职业学院 烹饪与营养研究所 ,江苏 南京 211100)
[摘 要 ]20世纪 中后期是 1949年之后食谱 出版 的第 一个高峰 阶段。经过 70年代 的孕育 、80年代 的发展 、90年 代 出版 的旺盛期,到 20世纪末,中国食谱 的编写 出版 出现 了蜂拥而上的势头。对这 30年 的食谱 出版情况作 系统 分析 ,发现 与前 时代相 比,各 地名师加入撰写食 谱作 者队伍和特色食谱展示等景象喜人 ,但 出版的食谱质量仍存 在 问题 ,其质量需要提升。 [关键词 ]1970~2000年;食谱编写 ;出版 情况 ;类型分析 [中图分类号1G129 【文献标识码 】A 【文章编号]1009—3621(2018 JOl一0001—04
食 谱 ,又称 菜 谱 。它是 介绍 菜肴 、面点食 物 调配 和制作方法 的书籍 ;也有称制定 每顿饭菜的食单 , 如一周食谱 。本文所论食谱指的是前者。1949年以 后 ,中国食谱 的编写发生 了很大变化 ,饮食 管理机 构引领行业厨师加人编写行列 ,作者队伍扩展到烹 饪 专业 教 师 、餐 饮 行 业 的厨 师 和 烹 饪 爱好 者 。可 以 说 ,编写人员十分广泛 ,编写的食谱 品种花样 繁多 , 食谱 的内容丰富多彩 ,数量有上万种 。中央和地方 出版社 相 继 出版 各类 相 同和 不 同名称 的食谱 。尽 管 食谱 的内容有重复 ,甚至书名都有相 同 ,出版社仍 然热衷 出版。因为 ,随着人们生活水平 的提高 ,家家 户户都有改善一 Et三餐的愿望 ,所 以全 国各地的出 版社都盯着这个市场层 出不穷地编印出版 。本文在 对 食谱 类 型分析 的基 础上 ,对 出版食 谱 的作者 队伍 、 出版数 量 与展 示 形 式 、创新 亮 点 和 食 谱 内容 及 质 量 情况 等 方 面进 行分 析 。
From the eastern shore to the western, hotels like comfortable inn, car inn and so forth rose up quickly.从东海岸到西部,酒店一样舒适的旅店,汽车旅店等急忙起来。
These hotels are also called” budget hotel” or “limited services hotel”.这些酒店也被称为“经济型饭店”或“有限服务酒店”。
Their scale is small; they have limited quantity of facilities; and the price is low.他们的规模小,他们有有限数量的设施和价格低。
These hotels which supplies neat and simple rooms are thefastest-growing segment of the industry.这些酒店提供整洁和简单的客房,是增长最快的细分市场的行业。
Their quality of services is equal to the three-star or four-star hotels', but the price is lower by 25-30%.他们的服务质量等于三星级或四星级酒店,但价格低25%-30%。
Bed and breakfast is their main service mode.“床和早餐”是他们的主要服务模式。
Nowadays they have become a relatively mature hotel style in Europe and America.现在,他们已经成为一个比较成熟的酒店风格,在欧洲和美国。
In the same manner that first-class hotel chains first swept the globe, second-tier hotels are now expanding globally.在相同的方式,风靡全球一流的连锁酒店,第二层的酒店,目前正在全球扩张。
酒店业发展史 著作
- 《恺撒·丽兹传》:这是“豪华酒店之父”凯撒·丽兹先生最为权威的传记,作者是他的夫人——同为酒店人的玛丽亚·路易斯·丽兹。
- 《斯塔特勒——美国酒店大亨》:如果说凯撒·丽兹是豪华酒店之父,斯塔特勒就是现代酒店之父。
- 《欢迎惠顾》:是希尔顿先生回顾了自己的平生,希尔顿酒店集团的发展历程,英文书名是“Be My Guest”。
- 《喜来登先生的世界》:作者是恩斯特·亨德森,他一手缔造了“喜来登酒店帝国”。
- 《一半靠运气,一半靠头脑》:该书是假日酒店(Holiday Inn)创始人凯蒙·威尔逊先生的自传。
3、商业酒店时期: 20世纪初期,随着世界经济的发展,导致了商务
旅游的急剧增加。 由于当时西方等级制度的严格限制,商务旅游者
没有资格住在大酒店,但他们又不愿住那些廉价的小客栈。 这中间似乎就存在了一个空白,那就是为这些商
酒 店 发 展 历 史
旅游和商务活动自古有之,饭店、餐馆也就应 运而生了。
早期的英国客栈是古代客栈时期的象征,是当时人 们聚会并相互交往、交流信息和落脚歇息的地方。
最早的客栈设施简陋,仅提供基本食宿,无非是一 幢大房子,内有几间房间,每个房间里摆了一些床,旅客 们往往挤在一起睡,并没有什么更多的服务要求。
到了15世纪,有些客栈已拥有20到30间客房,有些 比较好的客栈设有酒窖、食品室和厨房,为客人提供酒水 和食品。
里兹受聘总经理后,把长期以来只停留在头脑中的 酒店管理理论付诸实施。
他认为,为了能使宾客高兴,没有什么小事不屑一 做,也没有什么大事不敢去做。
结果只花了两年时间,这位27岁的瑞士农民创下了 奇迹,酒店扭亏为盈了。
1898年,里兹回到巴黎,他在旺多姆广场上开设了 一家在巴黎所有酒店中最大的酒店。
他希望在这里就餐的人,能在酒店一边聊天,一边 喝着茶或咖啡,所以在附带的花园中设置了一应俱全的桌 椅。
(一)西方酒店发展史: 1、古代客栈时期: 由于社会的需要,为满
足外出人们的吃、喝、睡等赖 以生存的基本需要,千百年以 前就出现了客栈和酒店。
1. 1960年代:酒店业开始采用标准化服务和设施,以提高效率和降低成本。
2. 1970年代:经济型酒店开始兴起,提供便宜、实用的住宿选择。
3. 1980年代:酒店业开始采用计算机管理系统和信息技术,以提高管理和运营效率。
4. 1990年代:酒店业开始采用全球化战略,在全球范围内扩张并收购其他酒店。
5. 2000年代:酒店业开始关注可持续性发展,采取环保措施并推出绿色酒店概念。
6. 2010年代:酒店业开始采用人工智能、虚拟现实和其他数字技术,提供更个性化和智能化的服务。
7. 2020年代:由于新冠疫情的影响,酒店业经历了巨大的变革,包括限制客人数量、提供无接触服务等措施。
关键词:酒店;前厅部员工;服务语言;语言表达能力Shallowly discusses the hotel lobby department staff'sservice languageAbstract:In the service industries developed rapidly today, as an important part of the hotel industry, in the play its important role, has important position. by 2010 world exposition in shanghai, and in all parts of the country build up a lot of five-star even the five-star hotel in the hotel operation, the staff was very important effect, especially in the front desk staff, directly represented a hotel image,The lobby department staff's service and the management had reflected directly the entire hotel management level, the working efficiency and the grade of service, affect the hotel directly the overall image.Therefore improves the hotel staff's comprehensive quality to be extremely important.This article introduced the present hotel onstage staff service attitude present situation, exists the question and enhances the lobby department staff to serve the language way method countermeasure.Keywords: hotel; Lobby department staff;Service language;Language power of expression引言目前旅游业迅速发展,作为旅游业的重要组成部分,酒店数量呈明显的上升趋势,酒店生产总值占国民生产总值越来越大的比例。
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1962年:柯特·卡尔逊(Curt Carlson)购买了在明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)的“丽笙酒店”(Radisson Hotel)的股份;1963年:“文华东方酒店”(The Mandarin Oriental)在香港开业;1964年:希尔顿国际酒店集团(Hilton International )脱离出来,成为以Conrad Hilton先生为主席的独立企业;1964年:“万豪名品商业集团”(Marriott-Hot Shoppes)成立,时为32岁的小马里奥特(J.W.Marriott)先生当选主席;1964年:假日酒店集团建立中央预订系统;1965年:希尔顿集团开始在美国建立特许经营酒店,1966年有9家希尔顿特许经营的酒店开业;1966年:“豪生”(Howard Johnson)、“假日”(Holiday Inns)、与“品质庭院”(Quality Courts)在美国新洲际高速公路周边逐渐发展起来;1966年:洛斯公司(Loews)收购了位于旧金山的著名的“马克霍普金斯酒店”(Mark Hopkins In San Francisco);1966年:10月,《国际服务业》杂志邮政发行量达10,000册,并且该杂志名称也被冠名到了由芝加哥卡纳出版社发行的《餐馆业协会》杂志(Institution magazine)和伦敦的《酒店评论》(“Hotel Review”);1966年:洛杉矶世纪广场酒店(The Century Plaza)时任领导人物哈里·穆里金(Harry Mullikin)(后来为威斯汀(Westin)的名誉主席),率先引入了一些新的酒店服务理念,如在大堂提供鸡尾酒服务,要求门童统一着装,开床服务时在枕头上放上薄荷糖,并提出洗手间的卫生纸也是整洁浴室的重要指标;1966年:洲际酒店集团首次在客房淋浴室引入烘干设备及商务酒廊,同时在客用走廊上提供制冰机与自动贩卖机等,并让酒店餐厅能直通主要街道;1966年:当年4月,“巴黎希尔顿酒店”(The Paris Hilton)开业;1966年:“最佳西方”公布主要扩张目标,即在欧洲、加勒比海、太平洋地区要建立系列连锁酒店,并首次推出免费预订电话服务系统;1966年:巴朗·希尔顿成为“希尔顿酒店集团”(Hilton Hotels Corp.)主席;1967年: 保罗鸲挪悸溃≒aul DUBRULE)与杰拉德鸨绰浪?Gerard Pelisson)创立Sieh酒店集团, 第一家诺富特酒店(Novotel)在法国里尔(Lille)开业;1967年:由约翰·波特曼(John Portman)设计的、耗资1800万美元的“亚特兰大凯悦酒店”开业,其令人瞩目的、21层高的中庭式建筑开创了酒店设计的新理念,改变了传统酒店设计程序;1967年:“怀基基奥特瑞格酒店”(Outrigger Waikiki)酒店开业,这是第一家以其母公司“奥特瑞格”命名的酒店;1967年:希尔顿酒店集团与各大航空公司联手推出大型推广活动——“携妻共住希尔顿”(Take Your Wife Along);1968年:《国际服务行业》杂志首次从美国和英国独立给全球150多个国家的18,000个读者开展邮政发行服务;1968年:欧洲首家假日酒店在荷兰莱顿(Leiden)开业;1969年:“万豪”首家非美国本土酒店——墨西哥“阿卡普尔科万豪酒店”的开业标志着“万豪集团”开始进军国际市场;1969年:“威斯汀”(Westin)是首家推行24小时客房服务的酒店集团;1969年:隶属于“香港上海大酒店有限公司”(The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels CO.) 开业了拥有800间客房的“香港半岛酒店”。
1970:希尔顿成为首家住宿餐饮业资产达10亿以上的公司;1970:希尔顿旗下的“Flamingo希尔顿酒店”在拉斯维加斯开业,是首家进入拉斯维加斯市场的酒店公司;1970:Don Gaston Azcarraga Tamayo建立墨西哥波萨达斯酒店管理集团(Grupo Posadas),开始从事酒店管理,旗下的节日饭店(the Fiesta Palace)也随之开业,这家饭店即为现在的“美国节日瑞福玛饭店”(Fiesta Americana Reforma );1970:塞西尔B" 戴斯(Cecil B. Day)的首家戴斯酒店(Days Inn)在美国的乔治亚州(Georgia)的泰碧岛(Tybee Island)开业;1970:发明了波音747型客机;1971:首家香格里拉酒店落足新加坡;1971:“迪斯尼公园”在美国奥兰多开业;1972:小JW马里奥特继任他父亲的职务——执行总裁;1972:法航建立艾美酒店品牌(Le Meridien),推出以“给顾客提供一个家外之家”的口号。
首家酒店“艾美星辉酒店”(Le Meridien Etoile)在法国巴黎开业,客房达1,000间;1972:位于华盛顿“水门饭店”(Watergate Hotel)的民主党总部所发生安装窃听器和偷拍民主党文件一事,导致尼克松于1974年黯然辞职;1973:“阿纳海姆喜来登酒店”(The Sheraton Anaheim)首次在客房提供免费电影;1973:莫文彼克酒店集团(Movenpick hotel chain)的两家酒店在苏黎世机场开业;1973:首家开展酒店员工培训的假日酒店大学的密西西比州橄榄分校成立;1973:半岛酒店集团在香港和上海形成品牌区域推广市场;1973:金键集团(Gold bond)更名为“卡尔逊集团”(Carlson Companies);1974:文华东方国际酒店公司在香港成立,并获得了曼谷东方酒店49%的股份;1974:美国的能源危机使饭店业受到打击,酒店采取了诸如调低走廊与客房照明亮度,午夜后关闭外景灯光并号召客人也一起节约能源的措施;1974:明尼阿波利斯索菲特酒店(Minneapolis Sofitel)在美国明尼苏达州(Minnesota)开业;1974:首家宜必思酒店(Ibis)在法国波尔多(Bordeaux)开业;1974: 最佳西方剔去原名称中的“汽车旅馆”字样,开始与提供全面服务的酒店连锁集团展开竞争;1975:四季酒店集团首次推出以品牌命名的洗发香波;1975:凯悦丽晶品牌(Hyatt Regency)推出丽晶俱乐部,一种提供VIP服务的礼宾级礼遇;1975:荷兰皇家航空公司(KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines)在全球建立下属酒店集团——金郁金香国际酒店集团;1975:戴斯酒店(Days Inn)的创始人塞西尔B" 戴斯首次推出给老年人打折活动,给年过50的客人提供奖励性的木制代用币;1975:雅高集团(后来的SIEH集团)收购美居酒店品牌(Mercure);1976:佛罗里达的两家酒店首次在客房提供HBO节目;1976:莫文彼克酒店集团走出欧洲,莫文彼克Jolie Ville金字塔大酒店(Movenpick Resort Jlie Ville Cairo Pyramids)在开罗开业;1976:四季酒店推出客房早餐服务的同时提供免费报纸;1977:希尔顿斥资35,800,000美元收购纽约的华尔道夫大饭店(Waldorf Astoria Hotel);1977:“全球最大的连锁酒店集团”成为最佳西方集团的标识之一和广告宣传主题;1977:凯宾斯基集团把其官方名称由 KempinskiHotelbetriebs-Aktiengesellschaft更名为Kempinski A.G.。
1978:威斯汀成为第一个设立行政总厨培训课程的酒店集团;1979:凯悦任命谢丽尔"费尔普斯(Cheryl Phelps)为当时美国加利佛尼亚长滩(Long Beach)凯悦玛丽女王酒店的总经理,她是酒店史上的首位女总经理;1979:康拉德"希尔顿去世;巴朗"希尔顿接任董事会主席;1979:由太阳城之父梭尔·科斯纳(Sol Kerzner)打造的太阳城首家酒店在博普塔茨瓦纳(Bophuthatswana)(后来成为南非的一个独立的州)开业;1979:最佳西方酒店集团客房销售额达10亿美元;1979:应卡集团(Vingcard)将其所发明的高科技可循环电子卡片锁引进饭店市场;Elsafe 集团首次发明了室内电子保险箱。
1980:君悦(The Grand Hyatt)与柏悦(Park Hyatt)品牌问世;1980:西方国际饭店集团(Western International)庆祝50年华诞,并更名为威斯汀饭店集团(Westin Hotels & Resorts);1980:拉斯维加斯米高梅大酒店(MGM Grand )发生美国史上第二大火灾,这导致了建筑法规的修改;1981:法兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)应邀前往大阳城演出, 这座百万大酒店受到了美国广大民众的关注;美国著名电视新闻节目“60分钟时事杂志”对太阳城作了专题报道;1981:金普顿酒店及餐饮集团在旧金山首开酒店——Bedford精品酒店(Clarion Bedford Hotel),首次推出“免费葡萄酒时段”服务;1981:戈登"巴奇"斯图尔特(Gordon “Butch” Stewart)买下了位于牙买加的当时经营不善的“大鹏湾酒店”(Bay Roc Hotel),重新改造成“蒙特歌湾檀香木酒店”(Sandal Montego Bay),是首家全包型专门服务于爱侣的度假村;1981:伦敦的“大都会”集团(Grand Metropolitan)从泛美航空公司(Pan Am)手中收购了经营不佳的洲际酒店;1882:万豪庆祝25周年华诞,客房收入达10亿美元,在毛伊岛开设第100家万豪酒店;1983:诺富特饭店经营和投资公司(Novetel SIEH Group)与雅克·勃莱尔餐饮管理集团(Jacques Borel International)合并为雅高酒店集团;1983:万豪首家“万怡”酒店在亚特兰大开业;1983:威斯汀酒店集团首次推出用信用卡进行客房预定与付费服务;1983:万豪首次推出“常客奖励计划”;1983:四季酒店推出“备选菜谱”,为顾客提供低卡路里、低胆固醇的清淡菜肴;1983:纽约川普大楼(Trump Tower)竣工;1984:54俱乐部(Famed Studio 54)的缔造者伊恩·施拉格(Ian Schrager)与斯蒂夫·鲁贝尔(Steve Rubell)在纽约创办摩根酒店,精品酒店热潮席卷纽约;1984: 精品国际饭店公司(Choice Hotels)推出“无烟客房”;1984: 假日集团在美国堪萨斯州(Kansas)的奥弗兰公园市(Overland Park)推出“大使套房”酒店品牌,这是美国首家全套房酒店连锁;1984: 万豪并购“美国度假酒店集团”(American Resorts Group)后进军分时度假酒店市场;1985: 索尔集团(Sol Hotels)首开国际酒店“巴厘岛索尔饭店”(Bali Sol Hotel);1985: 雅高新增低廉品牌“一级方程式”(Fomula 1);1985: 檀香木酒店集团(Sandals)推出池畔酒吧(swim-up pool bar);1985: 北京喜来登长城饭店开业,是中国首家国际连锁酒店品牌;1985: 文华国际酒店有限公司更名为文华东方酒店集团,管理旗下的两家旗舰酒店香港文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental Hotel Hong Kong)和曼谷东方酒店(The Oriental, Bangkok)隆重开业,;1985: 首家康拉德酒店——康拉德木星黄金海岸酒店与赌场(Conrad Jupiters Gold Coast Hotel and Casino)在澳大利亚开业;1986: 戴斯酒店集团推出连锁酒店互订系统;1987: 索尔酒店集团从卢森堡的Interpol Group购得梅丽亚酒店品牌(Melia),使其连锁酒店增加了22个;1987: 卡尔森酒店集团新推出卡尔森乡村旅馆及套房 (Country Inns & Suites By Carlson)品牌;1987:万豪从假日手中购得Residence Inn,同年在亚特兰大新开 Fairfield Inn;1987:希尔顿集团开始在各连锁酒店安装迷你吧,并推出“旅客常住计划”;1988:最佳西方推出住宿常客计划——国际金冠俱乐部(Gold Crown Club International);1988: 希尔顿首家产权式酒店——家木套房酒店(HOMEWOOD SUITE)开业;1988: 施拉格(Schrager) 在纽约重新开业了“美仑大酒店”(Royalton Hotel),这是首次由菲利普·斯塔克(Philippe Starck)设计的酒店;1988: 英国的巴斯集团(Bass)获取假日国际酒店集团旗下的140个酒店的资产;(接着于1990年购得假日酒店北美的剩余资产)1988: 立博在线赌博有限公司(Ladbroke)从联合航空公司(Allegis,现在的United Airlines)手中购得希尔顿国际饭店公司(Hilton International); Allegis把手中的威斯汀饭店集团(Westin Hotels & Resorts)也卖给了日本的青木公司(Aoki Corp.);1989: 金普顿 (Kimpton)与名厨沃夫甘帕克(Wolfgang Puck)合作, 沃夫甘帕克当时在旧金山“普雷斯科特大酒店”(Prescott Hotel)经营著名的“波士特里欧餐厅”(Postrio);1989:汉普顿旅馆(Hampton Inn)首次提出“顾客100%满意”的服务口号;1989: 香格里拉推出新品牌“商贸酒店”(Traders Hotel);1989: 英国“大都会”集团(Grand Metropolitan)把洲际酒店集团(InterContinental Hotels)转让给东京西武流通集团(Saison Group), 西武流通集团接着把公司40%的产权转给了SAS公司。