12天攻克雅思听力 pdf

12天攻克雅思听力 pdf
标题:12天攻克雅思听力 PDF
本文将为大家介绍一套12天攻克雅思听力 PDF 的学习计划,帮助考生在有限的时间内提升听力能力,取得理想的成绩。
1. 针对雅思听力考试的特点
1.1 雅思听力考试的题型和要求
1.2 雅思听力考试的时间限制和难度
1.3 雅思听力考试的常见题材和词汇
2. 制定学习计划
2.1 设定目标和时间表
2.2 制定每天的学习任务
2.3 制定复习和模拟考试计划
2.4 寻找合适的学习资源和材料
3. 提高听力技巧
3.1 提升听力速度和准确度
3.2 训练听力理解和推断能力
3.3 学习识别常见的语音特点和语调
3.4 掌握常见的听力技巧和解题技巧
4. 增强词汇和语法知识
4.1 扩大词汇量和词汇记忆方法
4.2 学习常见的语法规则和句型结构
4.3 掌握常见的词汇和语法考点
4.4 运用词汇和语法知识解答听力题目
5. 做好备考准备
5.1 做模拟试题和真题练习
5.2 分析错题和弱点,进行针对性复习
5.3 培养良好的考试习惯和心态
5.4 制定考试策略和应对技巧

雅思听力基础教案第一章:雅思听力考试简介1.1 了解雅思听力考试的格式和内容1.2 熟悉雅思听力考试的评分标准1.3 掌握雅思听力考试的技巧与策略第二章:雅思听力基本技能训练2.1 提高听力理解能力2.2 加强听力笔记技巧2.3 提升听力词汇量和词汇搭配知识第三章:雅思听力场景训练3.1 日常生活场景听力训练3.2 教育学术场景听力训练3.3 工作职业场景听力训练第四章:雅思听力题型训练4.1 选择题训练4.2 填空题训练4.3 匹配题训练4.4 图片题训练第五章:雅思听力模拟测试5.1 完成一套完整的雅思听力模拟试题5.2 对模拟测试结果进行分析与讲解5.3 针对错题进行针对性的讲解和训练第六章:雅思听力考试策略与技巧6.1 听力考试各部分策略6.2 提高听力答题速度和准确性6.3 应对听力考试中的常见问题与困难第七章:听力长对话训练7.1 熟悉雅思听力长对话的题型与特点7.2 练习听力长对话的技巧与策略7.3 分析并讲解听力长对话的实例第八章:听力讲座训练8.1 了解雅思听力讲座的题型与特点8.2 掌握听力讲座的技巧与策略8.3 分析并讲解听力讲座的实例第九章:听力实践与模拟测试9.1 完成一套完整的雅思听力实践试题9.2 对实践测试结果进行分析与讲解9.3 针对错题进行针对性的讲解和训练第十章:雅思听力复习与总结10.1 复习前述内容,巩固知识点10.2 分析学习过程中的优点与不足10.3 制定后续学习的计划与目标第十一章:听力地图题和流程图题训练11.1 理解地图题和流程图题的解题技巧11.2 练习地图题和流程图题的解题步骤11.3 分析并讲解地图题和流程图题的实例第十二章:听力混合题型训练12.1 熟悉混合题型的特点与解题策略12.2 练习不同题型的组合解题技巧12.3 分析并讲解混合题型的实例第十三章:雅思听力考试常见词汇与表达13.1 掌握雅思听力考试中的高频词汇与短语13.2 学习常见的听力考试题干表达方式13.3 提升听力考试中的词汇理解和应用能力第十四章:雅思听力模拟考试与点评14.1 完成一套完整的雅思听力模拟考试14.2 对模拟考试结果进行点评与分析14.3 根据点评结果制定针对性的复习计划第十五章:雅思听力考试技巧与策略总结15.1 总结雅思听力考试的解题技巧与策略15.2 反思学习过程中的优点与不足15.3 制定长期的雅思听力学习计划与目标重点和难点解析本文主要介绍了雅思听力基础教案的十五个章节,涵盖了雅思听力考试的简介、基本技能训练、场景训练、题型训练、考试策略与技巧、长对话训练、讲座训练、实践与模拟测试、复习与总结等内容。

雅思听力练习题及答案Section 1: 个人信息填写题目:在雅思听力考试中,个人信息填写部分通常涉及一些基本的个人信息,如姓名、地址、电话号码等。
个人信息表:- Full Name: _______________________- Address: _______________________- Phone Number: ____________________答案:- Full Name: Zhang Wei- Address: 123 Maple Street, City Centre- Phone Number: 01234567890Section 2: 旅游信息题目:在这部分,你将听到一段关于旅游的对话。
问题:1. 旅游目的地是哪里?2. 旅游团的出发日期是什么时候?3. 旅游团的费用包括哪些服务?答案:1. 旅游目的地是希腊。
2. 旅游团的出发日期是2024年7月15日。
3. 旅游团的费用包括住宿、交通和导游服务。
Section 3: 学术讲座题目:这部分是一个关于环境保护的学术讲座。
讲座笔记:- 主题:环境保护的重要性- 讲座者:Dr. Smith- 讲座要点:- 环境问题包括:_____________________- 解决方案包括:_____________________- 个人行动:_____________________- 政府角色:_____________________答案:- 环境问题包括:全球变暖、污染、生物多样性丧失。
- 解决方案包括:使用可再生能源、减少废物、推广环保教育。
- 个人行动:减少使用一次性产品、回收利用、支持环保组织。
- 政府角色:制定环保政策、投资绿色技术、提高公众意识。
Section 4: 学术讨论题目:在这部分,你将听到两位学者讨论关于历史事件的影响。


Section 1Questions 1-5听力材料:你将在录音中听到关于租房信息的对话。
Questions 1-5选择正确答案或完成句子。
1. What type of property is available for rent?A. ApartmentB. HouseC. Studio2. How much is the monthly rent?A. $800B. $850C. $9003. When can the tenant move in?A. 15th AugustB. 20th AugustC. 25th August4. What furniture is included in the rent?A. Bed and wardrobeB. Sofa and TVC. Dining table and chairs5. What should the tenant do before signing the contract?A. Pay the depositB. Bring identificationC. Sign the lease agreementSection 2Questions 6-10听力材料:接下来你将听到一段校园导览介绍。
Questions 6-10选择正确答案或完成句子。
6. Where is the library located on the campus?A. Next to the science labB. Behind the student centerC. Across from the cafeteria7. What can students borrow at the library?A. LaptopsB. CalculatorsC. Notebooks8. What should students do if they want to reserve a study room?A. Visit the library in personB. Call the library staffC. Use online booking system9. Who is the main contact person for library inquiries?A. Professor BrownB. Ms. WatsonC. Dr. Johnson10. What are the library hours on weekends?A. 9:00 am - 5:00 pmB. 10:00 am - 6:00 pmC. 11:00 am - 7:00 pmSection 3Questions 11-15听力材料:你将听到一段讨论关于毕业生就业的访谈。

下面是雅思阅读听力分数对照表的详细介绍:0分(Did not attempt the test): 没有参加测试。
1分(Non User): 无法使用英语进行交流。
2分(Intermittent User): 熟悉最基本的英语词汇和语法,但无法进行基本的交流。
3分(Extremely Limited User): 只能在非常简单的情况下进行简单的交流。
4分(Limited User): 能够理解日常生活中简单的英语,但无法进行流畅的交流。
5分(Modest User): 能够理解日常生活中的大部分英语,但在阅读和听力方面仍有一定困难。
6分(Competent User): 能够理解大多数英语材料,并且在阅读和听力方面拥有较好的能力。
7分(Good User): 能够理解较复杂的英语材料,并且在阅读和听力方面具有优秀的能力。
8分(Very Good User): 能够理解非常复杂的英语材料,并且在阅读和听力方面具有非常出色的能力。
9分(Expert User): 在阅读和听力方面具有完美的能力,并且能够理解各种复杂的英语材料。

剑桥雅思真题英语听力剑桥雅思真题英语听力剑桥雅思真题英语听力剑桥雅思真题英语听力篇 1 Good morning. Stretton Festival box office. How can I help you 上午好,这里是Stretton庆典售票处,有什么能帮您Oh, hello. My family and I are on holiday in the area, and we“ve seen some posters about thefestival this week. 哦,你好,我和家人正在这个地区度假,我们看见一些海报上在宣传这个周的庆典。
Could you tell me about some of the events, please 能请你给我介绍一些庆典上的活动吗Of course. 当然啦。
First of all, are there still tickets available for the jazz band on Saturday 首先,周六要举行的爵士乐队表演还有票吗There are, but only £15. The £12 seats have all been sold. 有,不过只剩15英镑的票了,12英镑的所有座位都已经卖光了。
OK. And the venue is the school, isn“t it 好的,举行地点是在学校,对吧Yes, that"s right, the secondary school. 是的,没错,在中学。
Make sure you don"t go to the primary school by mistake! 千万别走错路去了小学。
And there"s an additional performer who isn"t mentioned on the posters — Carolyn Hart isgoing to play with the band.还有一位海报上没有提到的演出人员——Carolyn Hart ,她也将和乐队一起表演。

英语雅思听力练习题Passage 1Questions 1-3Listen to the conversation between a student and a librarian.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Student: Hi, I'm having trouble finding some materials for my research project. Can you help me?Librarian: Of course! What do you need assistance with?Student: I'm specifically looking for books related to ancient civilizations and their cultural impact.Librarian: Alright. Let me see if we have any in stock. Could you provide me with more details about your research topic?Student: Sure, I'm interested in exploring how ancient civilizations influenced art and architecture.Librarian: Got it. Let me check our catalogue to find the most relevant books for you.Questions 4-6Listen to the discussion between two friends about a party they attended last night.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Friend 1: Hey, did you have fun at the party last night?Friend 2: Oh, definitely! It was the highlight of my week.Friend 1: I agree. The music was great, and the atmosphere was fantastic. By the way, have you seen Sarah today?Friend 2: No, I haven't. Is something wrong?Friend 1: I think she left her jacket at the party. I'll give her a call later and let her know.Friend 2: That's nice of you. I hope she can get it back.Questions 7-10Listen to a radio interview about a volunteering program.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Interviewer: Today, we have Rebecca Brown with us, a representative from the local volunteering organization. Rebecca, could you tell us more about the program?Rebecca: Absolutely. Our program aims to make a positive impact in the community by connecting volunteers with various projects and organizations.Interviewer: That sounds wonderful. What types of projects are available?Rebecca: We offer a wide range of projects, from environmental initiatives such as tree planting, to community services like helping at local shelters.Interviewer: How can people get involved?Rebecca: It's quite simple. Anyone interested can visit our website and fill out an application form. We'll then match them with a suitable project based on their preferences and availability.Interviewer: And is there an age requirement for volunteers?Rebecca: We encourage people of all ages to participate. However, for certain projects which involve working with vulnerable individuals, volunteers need to be at least 18 years old.Interviewer: Lastly, how can someone support your organization if they are unable to volunteer?Rebecca: We greatly appreciate donations which help fund our projects. Additionally, spreading the word about our organization on social media platforms is also a valuable way to support us.Passage 2Questions 11-13Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor about an assignment.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Student: Professor Johnson, I'm having trouble understanding the instructions for the assignment.Professor: I'd be happy to clarify. Which part is confusing you?Student: Well, it's not clear what sources we're supposed to use to support our argument.Professor: Ah, I see. You can use any academic sources you find relevant to the topic. Remember to include citations to support your claims.Student: Alright, I'll make sure to use reputable sources in my paper.Questions 14-16Listen to a radio advertisement about a gym membership.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.Announcer: Are you looking to get fit and live a healthier lifestyle? Look no further than our local gym, FitZone! We offer a wide range of fitness classes suitable for all ages and abilities.With our membership, you'll have access to a fully equipped gym, including cardio machines, weightlifting equipment, and even a swimming pool.For only $30 per month, you can enjoy unlimited access to our facilities, as well as complimentary fitness assessments and personalized training programs.Don't wait any longer! Join FitZone today and achieve your fitness goals in a supportive and motivating environment.Questions 17-20Listen to a lecture about the importance of time management.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Good time management is crucial in our daily lives. By managing our time effectively, we can improve productivity and reduce stress.One common technique is the Pomodoro Technique, which involves breaking tasks into 25-minute intervals, known as Pomodoros, separated by short breaks. After completing four Pomodoros, take a longer break of about 15-30 minutes.When creating a schedule, it's important to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. This prevents procrastination and ensures that crucial deadlines are met.By identifying our peak productivity hours, when we feel most energized and focused, we can allocate these times for more challenging and demanding tasks. This maximizes efficiency and helps us accomplish more in less time.Remember, effective time management not only allows for increased productivity, but also provides valuable opportunities for relaxation and leisure activities. So, start implementing these strategies today and make the most out of your time.Note: The transcript for the listening practice questions has been provided. The content has been tailored to simulate a listening exercise for IELTS preparation.。


Section 1: Multiple Choice Questions1. Question: What is the main topic of the lecture?A) History of architectureB) Modern art movementsC) Famous paintersD) Impressionist techniquesAnswer: B) Modern art movementsExplanation: The lecturer discusses various art movements in the 20th century, such as Cubism and Surrealism, indicating that the main topic is modern art movements.2. Question: According to the lecture, what is a characteristic of Abstract Expressionism?A) Emphasis on geometric shapesB) Use of vibrant colorsC) Focus on historical eventsD) Representation of realistic figuresAnswer: B) Use of vibrant colorsExplanation: The lecturer mentions that Abstract Expressionism artists often used bold, vibrant colors in their artworks, indicating that it is a characteristic of this art movement.Section 2: Note CompletionIn this section, you will listen to a conversation between a student and an advisor. Complete the notes below.Advisor: So, based on your interests and skills, I recommend you consider the following majors:1. ________2. ________3. ________Answer:1. Sociology2. Environmental Science3. Communication StudiesExplanation: The advisor suggests three possible majors for the student - Sociology, Environmental Science, and Communication Studies. These options are based on the student's interests and skills.Section 3: MatchingMatch each statement with the appropriate person.Person A) Sally ThompsonPerson B) Mark DavisPerson C) Professor Johnson1. ________ specializes in environmental studies.2. ________ is an expert in ancient history.3. ________ is offering a seminar on poetry.Answer:1. Person B) Mark Davis2. Person A) Sally Thompson3. Person C) Professor JohnsonExplanation: The lecturer introduces three individuals and their areas of expertise. By matching the statements with the appropriate person, we can identify Mark Davis as the specialist in environmental studies, Sally Thompson as the expert in ancient history, and Professor Johnson as the person offering a seminar on poetry.Conclusion:通过这些提供的雅思听力练习试题以及相应的答案解析,考生们可以更好地了解雅思听力考试的题型和考点。

剑桥雅思听力原文---------------------------------------T e x t 1 Section 1Man: Hello,this is Land Transport information at toronto Airport.Woman: Oh,good morning,I’m flying to toronto Airportnext week, and I need to get to a town called um,Milton.Cpould you tell me how I canget there?Man: Milton,did you say? Let me see. I think that’s about 150 miles south-west of here .In fact it’s 147 miles to be exact, so it’ll take you at least –say ,three to four hours by road.the Greyhound.Woman:Oh, that doesn’t sound too bad.especially if it*ll take me straight to the hotel.Man:But you do need to reserve a seat.Woman:OK. Is it possible to make a booking right now? Through you?Man:Sure.Man: OK.I just have to fill this form out for you. So what date do you want to book this for? Woman:The 16th of Octobler –oh,no,sorry.that’s my departure date. I arrive on the 17th, so book it for then,please.Man: So, That’s the Toronto Airport Shuttle to Milton.And this is for just one person or…? Woman: yes, just me, please.Man:Right. And you said your excepted time of arrival was 11:30? So if I book your Shuttle for after 12:00-let’s say, 12:30 that should give you plenty of time to, you know, collect your baggage maybe grab a coffee?Woman:Yeah, that sounds fine, as long as we land on time!Man: Well,we’ll take you flight details so you don’t need to warry too much about that. Now. what about the fare? What sort of ticket do you want? One way or…?Woman:Yes,that’ll be fine, provided I can book the return trip once I’m there.Man:No problem – just allow a couple of days in advanced to make sure you get a seat. And what’s you name, please?Woman:Janet, Janet Thomson.Man:Is that Thompson spelt with a “p”?.in the We’ve upgraded all these Spanish sites, and improved them considerably from their original three-star ratingWe believe our holidays offer superb facilities for the whole family. Parents who want their children to be fully occupied for all or part of the day can take advantage of our children’s activities. These are organised by our well-qualified and enthusiastic staff. Each day kicks off a sports match, perhaps football, or volleyball, followed by an hour of drama for everyone. This may include singing or dancing, mime or other activities. In the afternoon, there’s a different art activity for each day of the week including a poster competition or model making. What’s m ore, our sites are truly child-friendly, and, with this in mind, we operate a no-noise rule in theevenings. Children’s evening activities usually finish at 9:30, or occasionally 10, and from 10:30 holiday-makers are expected to be quiet in the areas where there are tents.We want nothing to go wrong on a PS Camping holiday, but if it does, we also want all customers to be insured. If you haven’t organised an annual insurance policy of your own you’ll need to take out the low-cost cover we offer and we require that you arrange this when you take your holiday reservation.There are many advantages to choosing PS Camping, and to recommending it to others. As a regular customer. You’ll be kept informed of special offers. And your friends can benefit from ten per cent off their holiday, or book a luxury tent for the price of a standard one. In return, we’ll send you a thank-you present, which you can choose from a list of high-quality items.When it comes to our tents, these are equipped to the highest standard. We really do think ofin Philip:Yes, I did. On the positive side, exposure to such diversity helps encourage creativity which is generally an asset to a company. But unfortunately individual difference are also the rootof conflict between staff and they can lead to difficulties for management, which can sometimes be serious.**********************************************Tutor:Thanks,philip. So now I guess the two main things to remember here are to identify individual talent and then to utilize it. So Janice, you were looking at identifying different talents in workers Do you think this is easy for managers to do?Janice:Well,currently teamwork is in fashion in the workplace and in my opinion the importance of the individual is generally neglected. What managers should be targeting is those employees who can take the lead in a situation and are not afraid to accept the idea of responsibility.Tutor:That’s true. Janice but unfortunately many managers think the entire notion of encouraging individuality amongst their staff is far too hard.Janice:Yes. That may be true but I think one of the most important tasks of managers is to consider the needs of the individual on one hand and group co-operation and conformity on the other. It requires creative thinking on the part of management to avoid tension.Tutor:So Janice, what kind of people do you think companies should be looking for?Janice Well, it has to start from the very beginning when companies are looking for new employees. When the personal department is choosing between applicants they need to look for someone who’s broken the mould and can think for themselves. Instead, people making these decisions often ues a range of psychological tests to see if a person is a problem solver, or will do as they’re told. I’m not convinced these qualities are actually the most important.This is the first seninar in preparation for our archaeological fieldwork in Namibia, we are fantastically luck to have received partial research funding for this trip from our Institute, so I shall expect 200% attention and participation from you all. First in this seminar, I’m going to give a brief introduction to contemporary research on rock art, and in the seco nd part I’m going to give you some do’s and don’ts for our fieldwork trip in April – so please listen very carefully.I’m first going to focus on the interpretation of rock art in Namibia, we are very fortunate to be going to an area where you can find some of the most important sites in the entire world. And I hope to show you how easy it is foe everyone to make mistakes in looking at cultures which are different from our pwn – the first and most important lesson we have to learn.In Namibia there are both paintings and engraving –that’s where the surface of the rock is cut out. Many of the engravings show footprints of animals and most scholars used to think that the purpose of these was simple and obvious. This r ock art was like a school book with picture to teach children about tracks whick belonged to which animal – giraffe, lion and so on.But there were some mysteries. First, when you look at a typical Namibian painting or engraving, you see the tracks are repeated, there are dozens of tracks for t he same animal. You’d expect just one clear illustration if the reason – the aim – was to teach tracking.Now there were two more problem, why are some of the engraving of animals very accurate as you’d expect – all clearly identifiable- and others quite unrealisticAnd another mystery – some of these unrealistic animals – that*s in the engravings – seem to be half human. Some, for example, have got human faces, Many reaearchers now think that theseAnd lastly please don’t even move rocks or branches to take photographs – you should leave the site intace –I’m sure I can rely on you to do that..Well,That’s about all I want to say before today’s first discussion, but if you have any question please ask them now –and don’t forget you’ll find some fascinating information aboutworld-wide sites on the Internet. Right, first question then?Text 2Section 1Woman: Hello… motor insurance department …Man: Oh hello… I’d like to ask about insurance for my car.Woman: Yes, of course. I’ll just take a few details. What’s your name?Man: Patrick Jones.Woman: And your addrss?Man: It’s 27 Bank Road.Woman: 27 Bank Road. Is that in Greendale?Man: Yes.Woman: And what’s your daytime phone number?Man: My work number is 730453.Woman: And could ask what your occupation is?Man: Dentist.Woman: OK… now a few details about your car… What size is the engine?Man: It’s a Hewton Sable.Woman: Social use (murmuring). Will you be using it to travel to work?Man: Yes… sometimes.Woman: …Anything else?Man: No. that’s it…Woman: And finally… when would you like to start the insurance?Man: I’ll need it from the 31st of January.Woman: Right… Mr Jones… I’m getting a couple of quotes coming up on the computer now… and the best bet looks like being with a company called Red Flag. Man: Yeah.Woman: And that comes out at $540 per year…Man: Well … that seems OK… it’s quite a bit lower than I’ve been paying up to now…Woman: Great… so would you like me to go ahead with that?Man: Sure… why not?Woman: How would you like to pay?Section 2Thank you for calling the Tourist Line. There are many different ways of getting round the city and we’d like to suggest some you may not have thought of.How about a city trip by boat? Thare are four main stopping points – from west to east: atop A Green Banks, stop B City Bridge, stop C Roman Landing and atop D Newtown.You can find the main booking office at stop A.The first boat leaves at 8 a.m. and the last one at 6:30 p.m. There are also many attractions youInterviewer: Now my first question is about the choice of location for the centre. Why Christchurch? Was it because of the climate?Doctor: Well, actually New Zealand is the second closest country to Antarctica and Christchurch isoften used on Antarctic expeditions.Interviewer: Right. So it’s because of where we are… coupled with our historical role. So tell us – what is the main purpose of the centre?Doctor: Well…we have two complementary roles. One is as a scientific base for expeditions and research and the other is as an information centre.Interviewer: Tell ue something about the role as a scientific base.Doctor: We’re able to provide information about what scientists should take with them to the South Pole – for example, the centre contains a clothing warehouse where expeditions are supplied with suitable clothing for the extreme conditions.Interviewer: I suppose you need a bit more than your normal winter coat!Doctor: yes, exactly and then there’s also the specialist library and mapping services. Interviewer: Right. And which countries are actually located at the centre?Doctor: Well…the centre houses research programmes for New Zealand, for The United States as well as for Italy…there*re even a US post office at the American airforce base here. Interviewer: Really?And what does the v isitor’s centre offer?Doctor: Well, since very few people will ever experience the Antarctic first hand, the visitors* centre aims to recreate the atmosphere of Antarctica. There’s a mock camp site where you canDoctor: Well, as far back as the 19th century, when eleven nations organised an international event.Interviewer: When was that exactly?Doctor: In 1870. And it was called the Polar Research Metting. And then, Not long after that, they organised something called the First International Polar Year.Interviewer: And that took place when exactly?Doctor: Over two years from 1882 to 1883. But it wasn’t until the 1950s that the idea of an international treaty was proposed. And in 1959 the Treaty was actually signed. Interviewer: What do you see as the main achievements of the treaty?Doctor: Well, firstly it means that the continent is reserved for peaceful use.Interviewer: That’s Article a, isn’t it?Doctor: Yes…Interviewer: That’s impor tant since the territory belongs to everyone.DOCTOR: yes but not as important as Article 5, which prohibits any nuclear explosions or waste disposal.Interviewer: Which is marvellous. Well, I’m afraid we’re going to have to stop there because I’m afraid w e’ve run out of time. Thanks for coming along today and telling us all about the centre and its work.Section 4My topic is handedness – whether in different sports it is better to be left – or right-sided or whether a more balanced approach is more succes sful .I’m left-handed myself and I actually–STUDENT:Oh,good morning ,Is this…er… room number 26?AGENT:Yes,that's rightSTUDENT:So ls this the Student Job Centre?AGENT:It certainly is.How can I help you?STUDENT:Well,actually I’m looking for a job -a part-time Job, Do you haveanything available at the moment?AGENT:Ah.Yes… Are you a registered student?I`m afraid this service isonly available to full-time studentsSTUDENT:Yes… I am I'm doing a degree in Business Studies.Here's mystudent cardAGENT:Which year are you in?STUDENT:Well… I've been at uni for four years but I'm in the Third Yearbecause I took last year off.AGENT:Right… well,let's just have a look at what positions are available at The moment There's a Job working at the reception desk at the SportsCentre,for three evenings a week that's Wednesdays ,Thursdays andFridays.STUDENT:That sounds 1ike fun but unfortunately I have evening lectures- sothat's not possible ,I’m afraid Is th ere anything during the day? AGENT:OK.That's no good then .Um .What about cleaning ? There's aposition for a cleaner at the Child Care Centre.thing.STUDENT:Well.I speak some JapaneseAGENT:Right I’ll make a note of that Now- let's see what else is availableWhat do you think of administrative work? There is a position for anOffice Assistant at the English Language CentreSTUDENT:That sounds interesting.AGENT:It's for 3 days a week—Monday , Friday and Saturday mornings.Interested?STUDENT:Mmm, I was hoping to have Saturdays free . But I need the work so… can you tell me what the job Involves?AGENT:Yes, sure. It says here that you'll be required to deal with studentenquiries and answer the phone.STUDENT:I’m su re I can handle all that without a problemAGENT:Great Well,would you like me to arrange an interview for you ? Say,Friday morning,around ten?STUDENT:Could we make it a bit later ? Unfortunately , I've got something to doat ten、Would that be OK?AGENT:Not a problem , How about eleven thirty ? Hope it works out for youAnitaSTUDENT:Me too . And thanks for all your help.However , you will need to be extremely fityou’re interested in coming with us . You have plenty of time to get into shape.You will be sleeping in tents so you must have quite a bit of equipment with you but you will be helpedby local assistants .Your bedding and so forth will be carded by them . We ask that you only walk with a small rucksack with needs for the day .I don’t think I've really said enough about the mar vell ous area you’ll be walking in . Let's havea look at some of the sights you’11 be seeing Apart from these spectacular snow-covered peaks and valleys, there are marvellous historic villages.The area has been famous for centuries for making beautiful carpets , although recently there has been a trend to moveinto weaving blankets and wood carving The people are extremely friendly and welcoming . We deliberately keep the parties small in size to minimize disruption to people and landscape .I hope that there are still some people interested . I will be distributing leaflets at the end where you call find out more information,but just for the moment I’ll outline the itinerary, the main highpoints of the holiday.Obviously , you’ll start by flying out to Kishba ,the capital city , on Day One.After a couple of days to acclimatize yourself , you’ll start the trek on Day Three walking through the enormous Katiba Forest which will take the whole of the day.Day Four takes us higher up,going through the foothills past a number of villages and visiting a school for the disabled in Sohan . Then you have a rest day ,that's Day Five ,before going to the spectacular Kumi Temple with twelfth-century carvings ,set in a small forest bya lake and that's Day Six,the highlight for many.We stay near there for Day Seven because then comes the hardest day ,walking through very mountainous country ,but culminating in a swim in the Parteh Falls , This is the highest waterfall in the region . Day Nine is much easier,whole kilometres down in the water.It stays at this depth for about 10days and is carried around by the currents which operate in the oceanat this level . During this time it's possible for it to cover quite largedistances but the average is fifty kilometresSTUDENT 2:So what is it actually recording ?SIMON:Well at this stage nothing.but as it rises to the surface it collects allsorts of data,most importantly variations in salinity ,that's salt levelsand the changes In temperature,a bit like underwater weather balloons”then when it gets back to the surface all the data it's collected isbeamed up to the satellite . After about five hours on the surface thefloat automatically sinks , beginning the whole process again STUDENT 1:What happens to the data?SIMON:Well the information Is transferred direct to onshore meteorological stations...like our one in Hobart...and within four hours thefindings can be on computers and they can be mapped and analysed.STUDENT 2:You say you're building models of the world's ocean systems buthow're they going to be used,and more importantly , when? SIMON:Some of the data has already helped in completing projects . Forexample,our understanding of the underlying causes of El Niňoevents is being confirmed by float data Another way we’re using floatdata is to help us to understand the mechanics of climate change,likeSECTION 4Good morning everyone . Today's lecture forms part of the Hospitality and Tourism module Last week 1 looked at the economy end of the hotel business;this week I'm going to discuss The luxury end of the market . Let's consider the following scenario. . .You wake up in the middle of the night in a strange hotel miles away from home , disoriented most probably from jet lag,when even the most expensive surroundings can seem empty and dispiriting . You have paid a great deal of money to stay in this first—class hotel with its contemporary technology ,but according to recent research carried out by an international travel and public relations company , all is not well . The research suggests that even the mostopulent,luxurious hotels seem to have underestimated the most basic needs of their customers-be they travelling for work or pleasure:the need to feel at home in surroundings which are both familiar and inviting .Do these findings , however apply only to hotels situated in particular areas ? Is it possible that the external environment can affect a guest's well-being ? The company's research covered a whole range of different hotel types , both independent hotels and those which are part of large chains . They investigated chic so-called boutique hotels in the heart of downtown business districts,stately mansions located in the depths of beautiful countryside ,and plush hotels built at the edge of tropical beaches surrounded by palm trees and idyllic blue ocean And the research concluded that what was outside the hotel building simply didn't matter.This is a fascinating revelation and those of you hoping to move into careers in the travel andPopular. . .Test 4SECTION 4OFFICER:Yes ,what can I do for you?SUTDENT:My friend Is in homestay … and she really enjoys it… so I'd like tojoin a family as wellOFFICER:Okay ,so let me get some details What's your name?SUTDENT:My name is Keiko YuichiniOFFICER:Could you spell your family name for me? SUTDENT:It's … Yuichini that's Y_U—l—C—H—I—N.I_ OFFICER:And your first name?SUTDENT:It's Keiko.K.E-I—K—O感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。

二、题型解析雅思听力考试共有四部分,分别是Section 1、Section 2、Section 3和Section 4。
其中,Section 1和Section 2主要涉及日常生活对话、访谈和指示;Section 3和Section 4则是涉及学术讲座和学术对话。
三、考试注意事项1. 仔细阅读题目:考生在听力材料播放之前,应该先仔细阅读题目,了解问题的要求,明确需要听取哪些信息。
2. 注重听力材料的细节:在播放听力材料的过程中,考生需要特别注意细节的信息,包括人物的尊称、时间、地点等关键信息。
3. 多做模拟练习:通过多做模拟练习,考生可以熟悉听力考试的题型和节奏,提高对听力材料的理解和把握能力。
4. 提高听力速度:在备考过程中,考生要提高自己的听力速度,尽可能准确地捕捉到材料中的重要信息。
四、解题技巧1. 注意关键词:在听力材料中,有些信息是直接呈现的,而有些信息需要通过关键词来获取。
2. 注意上下文逻辑关系:在做题的过程中,考生要注意上下文的逻辑关系,通过理解对话或讲座的整体逻辑来帮助解答问题。
3. 注意同义替换:有些题目会采用同义替换的方式进行表述,考生在做题时要留意同义词的使用,以免错过重要信息。
4. 预测答案:在听力材料播放的过程中,考生可以根据已经了解的内容预测答案,这样可以帮助更好地把握重点信息。

雅思听力A类评分对照表详细介绍了不同分数对应的答题情况,以下是根据参考信息整理的详细介绍:1. 雅思听力评分标准:5-6分在这个分数段内,考生通常能够听懂一些基本的听力材料,但可能在理解复杂或详细的听力内容上存在困难。
2. 雅思听力评分标准:6-7分在这个分数段内,考生能够听懂一些复杂的听力材料,并且在理解详细的信息上有所提高。
3. 雅思听力评分标准:7-8分这个分数段的考生通常能够很好地理解听力材料,即使在面对较长、较复杂的听力内容时也能表现出色。
4. 雅思听力评分标准:8-9分这个分数段的考生在听力理解上接近或达到专家水平,能够轻松应对各种复杂、抽象的听力内容。

1. 录音中提到了哪个国家?2. 录音中提到的活动是什么?3. 活动举办的时间是什么时候?答案一:1. A. 英国2. B. 音乐会3. C. 2023年5月试题二:听对话,选择正确的答案。
对话内容:- 女士:请问,图书馆在哪里?- 男士:沿着这条街直走,然后右转就可以看到。
问题:1. 图书馆的位置是什么?2. 女士应该如何到达图书馆?答案二:1. A. 在街道的尽头2. B. 沿着这条街直走,然后右转试题三:听一段讲座,完成以下信息填空。
讲座内容摘要:- 讲座主题:环境保护- 主讲人:Dr. Green- 讲座时间:2023年6月10日- 讲座地点:大学礼堂问题:请根据讲座摘要填写以下信息:讲座的主题是:________________。
主讲人的名字是:Dr. Green。
对话内容:- 男士:你打算周末做什么?- 女士:我计划去购物和看电影。
问题:女士周末计划做什么?A. 购物B. 看电影C. 去图书馆D. 参加聚会答案四:A. 购物B. 看电影试题五:听一段对话,判断以下陈述是否正确。
对话内容:- 女士:我需要帮助,我找不到我的钥匙了。
- 男士:别担心,我帮你找。
问题:1. 女士丢失了她的钥匙。
2. 男士愿意帮助女士。
答案五:1. 正确2. 正确请注意,以上内容仅为示例,实际的雅思英语听力试题及答案应由官方雅思考试机构提供。

Section 1题目:请听一段对话,回答以下问题。
1. What time will the train leave?2. How long will the journey take?答案解析:根据听力材料,我们得知这段对话是关于两个人讨论火车的离开时间和旅程所需时间的。
Section 2题目:请听一篇讲座,回答以下问题。
1. What is the topic of the lecture?2. What are the main characteristics of the new species mentioned in the lecture?答案解析:根据听力材料,我们可以推断出讲座的主题以及新物种的特点。
Section 3题目:请听一段学术讨论,回答以下问题。
1. What is the problem the students are discussing?2. What are the two possible solutions mentioned in the discussion?答案解析:根据听力材料,我们可以了解到学生们在讨论一个具体问题,并提出了两个可能的解决方案。
Section 4题目:请听一篇讲座,回答以下问题。
1. What is the main idea of the lecture?2. What are the three factors that contribute to climate change mentioned in the lecture?答案解析:通过听力材料,我们可以获得讲座的主要观点以及导致气候变化的三个因素。

雅思听力全真试题及答案Section 1: Questions 1-10You will hear a conversation between a student and a university accommodation officer. For questions 1-6, choose the correct answer (A, B, or C) for each statement.1. What is the main reason the student is looking for accommodation?A. To be closer to the universityB. To be closer to his workplaceC. To live with his friends2. What type of accommodation is the student interested in?A. A single roomB. A shared flatC. A studio apartment3. How much is the deposit for the accommodation?A. £200B. £300C. £4004. What is included in the rent?A. UtilitiesB. Internet accessC. Both A and B5. When can the student move in?A. ImmediatelyB. In two weeksC. At the end of the month6. What is the student's preferred method of payment?A. Monthly installmentsB. A lump sum paymentC. A bank transferFor questions 7-10, choose the correct letter (A-D) for each statement.7. What does the accommodation officer suggest the student do?A. Visit the accommodation officeB. Apply onlineC. Contact the landlordsD. Check the university website8. What is the deadline for submitting the application?A. One week from nowB. Two weeks from nowC. One month from nowD. There is no deadline9. What is the student's concern about the accommodation?A. The location is not convenientB. The cost is too highC. The facilities are not adequateD. The availability is uncertain10. What does the accommodation officer promise to do?A. Contact the student with more informationB. Show the student around the accommodationC. Help the student with the application processD. Negotiate the price with the landlordsSection 2: Questions 11-20You will hear a talk about a local history museum. For questions 11-16, choose the correct answer (A-D) for each statement.11. What is the main purpose of the museum?A. To preserve historical artifactsB. To educate the public about local historyC. To promote tourism in the areaD. To host special events12. When was the museum established?A. In the 18th centuryB. In the 19th centuryC. In the 20th centuryD. In the 21st century13. What type of exhibits does the museum have?A. Paintings and sculpturesB. Historical documents and photographsC. Interactive displays and multimedia presentationsD. All of the above14. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a feature ofthe museum?A. A gift shopB. A caféC. A libraryD. A playground15. What special event is the museum hosting next month?A. A lecture seriesB. A temporary exhibitionC. A guided tourD. A live performance16. How can visitors find more information about the museum?A. By visiting the museum's websiteB. By calling the museum's information lineC. By reading the museum's brochureD. By following the museum on social mediaFor questions 17-20, choose the correct letter (A-D) for each statement.17. What is the speaker's opinion about the museum's location?A. It is in a convenient areaB. It is in a quiet neighborhoodC. It is in a busy commercial districtD. It is in a remote part of the city18. What does the speaker say about the museum's staff?A. They are knowledgeableB. They are friendlyC. They are helpfulD. All of the above19. What does the speaker recommend visitors do before visiting the museum?A. Make a reservationB. Check the opening hoursC. Plan their visitD. Join a guided tour20. What does the speaker suggest visitors do after visiting the museum?A. Visit the gift shopB. Have a meal at the caféC. Write a review onlineD. Share their experience on social mediaSection 3: Questions 21-30You will hear a discussion between two students about their university course. For questions 21-25, choose the correct answer。
雅思听力考试技巧 (集锦15篇)

雅思听力考试技巧 (集锦15篇)雅思听力考试技巧 (集锦15篇)雅思听力考试技巧 1雅思听力考试是雅思索试四大模块中的其中之一也是其中的难点,雅思听力的提高是一个渐渐积累的过程,但是在考试中把握一些技巧就可以更快更好的提高听力成果.在备考的时间里,大家最好在每天一个特别规律的时间点进行一套完好的雅思听力训练。
Michael Phelps可能万万没有想到自己的一时之吸竟会引发媒体如此的轩然大波,很多粉丝弃之而去。

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attend参加eventually最终memorise记忆share分享cancel取消review promptly立即复习difficult to take down everything 难以接受的一切space out for saving time空间节省时间stress应力advise建议approach方法familiar with熟悉的discuss the seminar 讨论的研讨会semester一学期confident自信的education system 教育系统assign分配choose选吧!injure伤害include包括cause原因名词名词Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期日January一月February二月March3April四月May可June六月July七月August8 September 九月October十月November 十一月December 十二月关于教育关于教育term术语semester 一学期session会议lecture讲座tutorial教程course课程compulsory course 必修课obligatory course 必修课orientation取向summary总结accommodation住宿reception接待enrollment招生registration注册breakfast早餐lunch午餐supper味道好极了!dinner晚餐university大学institute研究所college学院school学校professor教授associate professor 副教授assistant professor 助理教授lecturer讲师coordinator协调员counselor辅导员adviser顾问tutor导师supervisor主管nationality国籍course课程administration building 行政大楼lecture讲座culture文化local music本地音乐scientific research科学研究学校设施学校设施notice board公告板library图书馆pink slip粉红色的支路information desk 信息台pence便士essay plans论文计划research paper 研究论文documental纪实quiz测验sports体育运动corporation crime 公司犯罪individual个人的company公司oil explosion石油爆炸serious result严重的后果mass media 大众传媒academic学术intentionally 故意地aware意识到literary theory 文学理论system系统astrology占星术astronomy天文学关于休闲活动关于休闲活动dollar美元pound磅pence便士snacks小吃drinks饮料music音乐games游戏decoration装饰map地图transportation 运输common room 常见的房间classroom教室telescope望远镜location位置cafécafédepartment store 百货商店restaurant餐厅criminal犯罪thief小偷啊!case案例witness见证人street街avenue大道boulevard林荫大道road路upset心烦意乱的purse钱包door-key房间钥匙人物特征人物特征feature特征appearance外观hair color头发颜色scar瘢痕curly卷曲的slim苗条的distinguishing feature 特色chins下巴wings翅膀helicopter直升机wing design 机翼设计solution解决方案New Zealand 新西兰Australia澳大利亚previous data 以前的数据wind tunnel 风洞engine发动机efficiency效率plant植物的function功能的dampness潮湿的environment 环境的advantages优势disadvantages缺点temperature温度university resources 大学资源cassettes录音带videos视频book in advance提前预订course课程United States美国South Africa南非Australia澳大利亚record记录data数据wing design机翼设计Sydney悉尼similar experiments 类似的实验benefits效益reduce减少windy刮风的maintain humidity 保持湿度less dangerous那么危险temperature温度centigrade.摄氏度。
low noise frequency 低噪声频率evaporates water 水蒸发factors因素tree evaporation 树蒸发sunlight阳光water水new surroundings 新的环境distant deadline 遥远的日期impression印象library building图书馆建筑frequency频率living condition居住条件weekends周末特殊的report报告price价格lecture讲座adult成人children儿童touch table 联系表blind盲visitors游客expensive 昂贵的restaurant 餐厅rare罕见的狮子condition条件animals动物design设计interview采访medicine医学的language语言psychology心理学culture文化parents’ wishes父母的愿望high score in school 在学校获得高分friends朋友规则century世纪Intervention干预royal commission皇家委员会monopoly of education 教育垄断tutorial教程lecture讲座scientists科学家Prime Ministers总理public公开private私人的standard标准的书目Faculty-based 教师的funny有趣的intelligent智能video project 视频项目field system场系统commuter通勤financial advice 财务咨询instrument仪器仪表second-hand 二手student union 学生会occupation职业的导演photographer 摄影师interviewer面试官interviewee 应聘者quality质量reform改革Greece希腊Britain英国teacher老师Russia俄罗斯blond hair金色的头发funny有趣的智能reporters记者railway worker铁路工人beautiful真美!equipment设备title标题designer设计师writer作家overhead view顶上的视图college close-up学院近摄Interviewee: teacher 记者:老师clear and informative 明确和内容丰富coffee break咖啡休息kindergarten幼儿园parking停车场lecture rooms演讲室Registration注册home-stay民宿surname姓氏passport护照personal consulting 个人咨询available time可用时间work systematically 工作系统extensive writing广泛写作good results好的结果practical materials实用材料focus on专注于terms条款leisure time休闲时间Advanced English Studies 高级英语学习non-smoker非吸烟者non-drinker不喝酒的人pet宠物favorite food最喜欢的食物sea food海洋食品tennis网球preferred transportation首选的运输方式(train)(火车)visa签证currency form货币形式embassy大使馆transportation card交通卡Student ID Card学生证International Student Card 国际学生证passport photos护照照片accepted currency可接受的货币Australian dollars and Yen 澳元和日元a survey一项调查occupation职业的cashier出纳big department store大百货商店jeans牛仔裤books, sportswear trousers, 书,运动服裤子,stationery文具goal球进了!intention意图efficiently有效的consultation咨询financial source财政来源radio station广播电台student fund学生基金participate参与partner合作伙伴Professor and teacher教授和教师ground floor一楼cost成本overseas student海外学生reading ability阅读能力vacation假期part time job部分时间工作English language system 英语语言系统tax税castle城堡common houses普通住宅campus radio station 校园广播站advertisement广告donation捐赠topic主题conference会议assignment分配volunteer志愿者various varied各种不同的unusual不寻常的interview采访pop music流行音乐current affairs时事phone-in热线电话local news本地新闻December十二月time table时刻表schedule时间表the title标题professor教授seafood restaurant 海鲜酒家passage通道aisle过道corridor走廊lift升降机ground floor 一楼cocktail鸡尾酒receptionist 接待员delegate fee 代表费guest客人steak牛排fish鱼barbecue烧烤seminar研讨会campus life 校园生活home country国家passage通道archaeology考古学tribute贡goods产品historian历史学家rapid population人口的迅速cultivate培养evidence证据stores and temples 商店和寺庙imported进口rich-coloredrich-colored陶器marketing system营销体系exchange in craft goods 商品交换的工艺noble houses贵族的common residents普通居民precious stones宝石expiry到期的injection注射Yellow Fever黄热病mosquito net蚊帐walking boots步行靴comfortable shoes舒适的鞋子检查in US Dollars 在美元credit card信用卡present目前的plastics塑料制品medicine医学的chemist’s化学家video视频Silent Island 沉默的岛Rain Forest 热带雨林coffee shop 咖啡店waste of time 浪费时间注释stress应力pressure压力unsociable不合群的influenced影响business业务local food当地食物interest-free 无息的long term loan 长期贷款furniture家具refreshment 点心career职业生涯increase rate增长率inflation rate通货膨胀率deflation rate通货紧缩率therapy治疗therapy method治疗方法psychological patient 心理病人examine the record 检查记录in clinical circle在临床圈diploma毕业文凭Master’s Degree硕士学位presentation介绍heart disease心脏病roommates室友disadvantage不利的disturbance扰动moustache小胡子dark hair黑色的头发beard胡须light colored hair 浅色头发bathroom浴室diary日记daughter女儿traffic jam交通堵塞ambitions野心的法reform the改革voting system 投票系统heart rate心率disordered无序的maximum最大的heart rate心率beats节拍unhealthy diet 不健康的饮食festival音乐节festival音乐节concert演唱会野餐performance性能louder speakers 响亮的喇叭performance time 演出时间date location日期地点Drama Theatre 戏剧剧场Town Hall市政厅Harbour港湾(chest) infection (胸部)感染prescribed明antibiotics抗生素spoon勺医学的remarks备注side effects副作用penicillin青霉素before meals餐前cough medicine咳嗽药drowsiness昏睡的tutor about their presentations 导师介绍confident自信的unsatisfied不满意sense of relief解脱的感觉sense of satisfaction满足感咨询reference books参考书lack of vocabulary缺乏词汇reading speed阅读速度environmental study环境研究public health公共卫生engineering工程reading strategy阅读策略migration迁移的tones found existing in Chinese 色调发现存在于中国initial migration最初的移民lock windows锁窗户地址empty for空的clean woman干净的女人rent租金water heater热水器fridge冰箱midnight午夜details细节landlady女房东research and education 研究和教育forest area森林面积market garden市场花园目的period时期species物种rare animal珍稀动物goats, horses, hens 羊、马、鸡demonstration of fishing 示范钓鱼soft drinks软饮料books about animals关于动物的书soft toys毛绒玩具variety of food食品的种类survey research调查研究London伦敦University Press大学出版社research研究essay文章subjects主题sun report太阳报home、bone、grand home、bone、grand the tribe部落painting绘画temple walls寺庙墙壁bones骨头women and children 妇女和儿童female女性的corpse僵尸teeth, fingers, bones 牙齿,手指骨头big toe大脚趾small stones小石子research time研究时间mills米尔斯teeth牙齿的decay衰变sugar糖cold drink冷饮料coffee咖啡problem问题American美国map地图bus system总线系统food and drink 食物和饮料tuition学费scholarship奖学金educational level 教育水平subjects主题enrollment time 报名时间art gallery艺术画廊cathedral大教堂castle城堡market市场conference会议term paper学期论文consultation咨询assignment分配reasonable合理的deadline截止日期useful有用的limited value有限的价值only read the first section 只读第一部分conclusion结论quieter place安静的地方un-coorperated landlord un-coorperated地主attractive neighbor有吸引力的邻居environment环境的parental teaching父母的教学average平均information technology信息技术bus routes公交路线picnic野餐Malaysia马来西亚accommodation住宿specialized sport facilities 专门的体育设施educational standard教育标准全部时间information engineering technology 信息工程技术illness or accident疾病或事故useful, limited value有用的,有限的价值method方法interpret解释immigrate to other places移居到其他的地方lack opportunity缺乏机会location位置investigation调查exotic异国情调的working dress工作服霜cheque支票lovely view可爱的观点pool游泳池furniture家具garden花园store商店fridge/desk/bed冰箱/台/床computer计算机traveling/lecture/assessment 旅游/讲座/评估main lecture hall主要演讲厅building建筑student union building 学生会大楼full-time,part-time全职,兼职distance距离obligatory courses必修课程computing计算statistics统计peregrine falcons游隼migrate迁移flying ability飞行能力height高度hunt亨特general health一般健康。