



9月5日 买进4份9月份的瑞士法郎期货 价格:1瑞士法郎=0.7760美元 价值:125000*4*0.7760=388000(美元)

2009年1月26日,美国某出口商向日本进口商出口一批 货物,2个月后装船交货并获得一笔外汇收入25000万日元, 签约日美元与日元的即期汇率为:
最后 交易 日
意向 首日
03/17 /08
06/16 /08
09/15 /08
12/15 /08
03/16 /09
03/17 /08
06/16 /08
09/15 /08
12/15 /08
03/16 /09
06/15 /09
03/19/08 06/18/08 09/17/08 12/17/08 03/18/09 06/17/09
通过期货空头交易,交易者可以降低因外汇现汇下跌 而给所持有的外汇债权带来的风险。

例1 假设7月5日美国某公司出口了一批商品,2个月后收到500000瑞 士法郎。为防止2个月后瑞士法郎贬值,公司决定利用瑞士法郎(每
1.4734 1.4732 1.4741

(三) 单份合约的外币数额
在IMM交易的不同外币币种的期货合约所规定的外币数额是不一样的。如 表6-1所示,单份英镑期货合约规定的英镑数额为62500英镑,而单份加元期货 合约规定的加元数额为100000加元。单份日元期货合约规定的日元数额为 12500000日元。如果一个交易者在IMM市场购买一份英镑期货合约,根据上面 的最新喊价成交,意味着他如果不在该合约到期前对冲离场,那么,他在交割 日就要支付92087.50美元,而获得62500英镑。相反,如果一个交易者在IMM市 场卖出一份英镑期货合约,根据上面的最新喊价成交,意味着他如果不在该合 约到期前对冲离场,那么,他在交割日就要支付62500英镑,而获得92087.50

第七章 期权交易

第七章  期权交易
第七章 期权交易
第一节 期权交易概述

金融期权交易是国际金融创新的一个很显著的方面, 产生的时间很短。

人们需要一种更灵Biblioteka 的防范外汇风险的避险工具。因为 当人们对一笔交易能否实现及实现的时间、数量不确定时, 远期或期货就不能满足其需要。于是期权交易应运而生,因 为可以放弃。如:制造商在欧洲市场上分别用美元和欧元为 其商品标价,他可以获得美元收入或欧元收入,由于其收入 的货币不确定,签订的其他货币套期保值的合约可能不合算, 但也无法放弃。

五、交易所对期权合约的规定 见书P128


1、非标准化 2、交易私下达成,大额交易不会成为“噪音” 3、电话联系 期权费私下协商 4、没有二手市场。中止的方式:到期中止;协商中止;对冲 5、参与者:银行、金融机构、政府部门、投资公司、大 型非金融公司、富人

交易所 规章制度 标准化
(一)期权费 亦称权利金,是期权买方为获得买卖商品或金融工具 的选择权利而支付给卖方的费用代价。一般由买方在确 立期权交易时付给卖方。 (二)影响(决定)因素 1、货币汇率的波动性。 较稳定的货币期权费低 2、期权合约的到期时间。 时间越长,期权费越高 3、协议日与到期日的差价(即约定价与市场价的差价) 协议日价<到期日价 买权费高,卖权费低 4、期权供求关系 供>求 费低 供<求 费高

1、投资组合风险管理 3、金融杠杆 2、风险转移 4、获得收益


确保有足够的信息反馈和公众监督系统。信息社会需要相应的信息系统,而对于高风险的期货市场来说更是 这样。只有高效的信息反馈,才有可能满足市场有效前提的存在,促进投资者的合理流动,实现现货市场和期货 市场的互动。同时,市场治理的公正与否,也需要公众的社会监督。
密切国际市场的动态。目前国际市场上有7万亿美元游资和16万亿美元政府债券在快速流动,实行风险治理 应密切大量资金对高风险衍生产品的集中性。全球大约90%的衍生产品业务把握在少数几家美国商业银行手中, 如摩根银行公司、花旗银行、美洲银行和大通曼哈顿银行等。随着表外业务的增多,每日衍生产品交易与实物物 品贸易有关联的不超过2%,由此可见其风险的高度集中。
01 期权介绍
03 管理方式
02 交易角度 04 现实意义
外汇期货期权(options on foreign currency futures)指以货币期货合约为期权合约的基础资产。也就 是期权买方有在期权到期日或以前执行或放弃执行以执行价格购入或售出标的货币期货的权利。与货币期权的分 别在于:货币期货期权在执行时,买方将获得或交付标的货币的期货合约,而不是获得或交付标的货币本身。
金融期货 交易系统
危机事件 风险
所(CME)首先在全球推出了外汇期货。随着国际贸易的发展和世界经济一体化进程的加快,该交易所的外 汇期货交易连续多年保持着旺盛的发展势头。美国的中美洲商品交易所(MCE)和费城期货交易所( OT)也进行 外汇期货交易,但数量不大,因而影响力远不如CME。从交易络的角度看,CME在1984年又首开先河,与SIMEX建 立了世界上第一个跨交易所交易络,开展欧洲美元、英镑、日元和德国马克的期货交易



买方 卖方
佣金商 (非交易所会员)
场内经纪人 (非清算所会员)
佣金商 (交易所会员)
场内经纪人 (清算所会员)
佣金商 (交易所会员)
场内经纪人 (清算所会员)
佣金商 (非交易所会员)
场内经纪人 (非清算所会员)
(买方) (卖方) (卖方) (买方)


例:某年6月份,美国一进口商预期3个月后支付 货款DM500,000,现汇市场汇率DM1=$ 0.50000
时期 6月份 现 汇 市 场 外汇期货市场 市场行情:DM1=$0.5000。已 期货行情:DM1=$0.5200。购入4份 知9月份将需购入DM500,000, 9月到期的期货合同。 此时成本为$250,000= 0.5000×500,000,担心DM 升值 期货行情:DM1=0.7100。卖出4份9月 市场行情:DM1=$0.7000。买 入DM500,000,需支付成本$ 到期的DM期货合同,冲抵原有期货头 350,000=0.7000×500,000。 寸。 相对6月份的成本,9月份的亏损 冲抵后盈利为 (0.7100为(0.5000-0.7000)×500,000=-$ 0.5200)×5000,000=$95,000 100,000。 -$100,000+$95,000=-$5,000
第11讲 外汇期货与期权交 易
本讲主要讲述外汇期货交易与期权交易的基本原 理及其运用。通过本讲内容的学习,同学们需 要掌握以下内容: 了解外汇期货交易的概况,掌握外汇期货交易 的作用。 了解外汇期权交易的内容,着重了解期权交易 的作用。
第一节 外汇期货交易


ST E 时,A、 B两种方式都得到 ST
ST E 时,投资组
合A的收益(E) 大于B( ST )
如此,可以得到,投资组合A的价格至少和B一样高 则:


保证金:如果投资者的账户余额低于 维持保证金水平,就必须存入相应金 额使得账户余额达到初始保证金水平, 否则他的账户将被强行平仓。
前三天期货合约的结算价、投资者的利得及账户余 额如下
日期 1 2 3
结算价 $1.31 $1.30 $1.27
利得 $1,250 –$1,250 –$3,750
账户余额 $ 7750 $6,500 $2750
日期 1 2 3 4 5
结算价 $1.31 $1.30 $1.27 $1.26 $1.24
利得 $1,250 –$1,250 –$3,750 –$1,250 –$2,500
期权到期 时的价格若 在价内,则
获利ST – E。
若在价外, 则净损失c0



04 外汇期货投资策略及风险管理
当投资者预期未来外汇汇率将上涨时,可以 在期货市场买入相应数量的外汇期货合约, 以锁定未来的购汇成本。
当投资者持有外汇资产并预期未来汇率将下 跌时,可以在期货市场卖出相应数量的外汇 期货合约,以规避汇率下跌带来的损失。
• 外汇期货概述 • 外汇期权概述 • 外汇期货与外汇期权比较 • 外汇期货投资策略及风险管理 • 外汇期权投资策略及风险管理 • 跨境资本流动下的外汇衍生品市场机遇与挑战
01 外汇期货概述
外汇期货是一种金融衍生品,其标的 物为外汇汇率。买卖双方通过签订标 准化合约,约定在未来某个特定日期 以特定汇率进行交割。
买入看跌期权并卖出看涨期权,或相反操作,适用 于对汇率走势有一定预测但不确定的情况。通过调 整买卖期权的行权价格和到期时间,可以构建不同 的风险逆转组合策略。
买入较高行权价格的看涨期权和卖出较低行权价格 的看跌期权,适用于预期汇率波动幅度较大的情况。
定期评估组合策略的表现并根据市场变化及时调整 策略参数,以确保策略的有效性。
05 外汇期权投资策略及风险管理









如何套利?如何消除套利?货币市场外汇市场美元利率20% 即期汇率1美元=2马克马克利率10% 1年远期汇率1美元=2.1马克第二章现货工具及其应用1.举例说明商品市场与货币市场如何配置?2.商品市场与外汇市场的现货工具如何配置?举例说明。




















• 试比较远期外汇市场和外汇期货市场各 自的特点,并分析其优缺点。
• 中国目前是否有必要发展远期外汇市场 和外汇期货市场?发展的时机是否成熟? 目前的现状如何?
• 进一步学习(外汇)期权市场的有关理 论知识,并了解一下外汇期权市场在世 界范围内的发展情况。

竹笋虽然柔嫩,但它不怕重压,敢于 奋斗敢 于冒尖 。。20. 8.520.8. 5Wednesday, August 05, 2020
– 买入期权,call option,又叫看涨期权,其买方有权 在未来的一定时间内按约定的汇率向期权的卖方买 进约定数额的某种外汇
– 卖出期权,put option,又叫看跌期权,其买方有权 在未来的一定时间内按约定的汇率向期权的卖方卖 出约定数额的某种外汇
• 美式期权和欧式期权
– 美式期权是指期权的买方可以在合约到期日 之前的任何一天行使选择是否履约的权利
• 外汇期权的价格
– 影响期权价格的主要因素
• 期权期限的长短 • 市场即期汇率与期权合同中约定的执行价格之间
的差别 • 汇率的预期波动程度
• 外汇期权的作用
– 买方具有较大的灵活性和选择性,既为国际 企业提供了外汇保值的方法,又为国际企业 提供了从汇率变动中获利的机会
– 该市场有严格的组织管理,只有会员才能进入交易 所进行交易,非会员必须委托会员买卖,并缴纳交 易费和/或经纪人佣金
– 外汇期货合约是标准化的,合约都是以各种货币的 一定金额作为订约单位,期货交易按订约单位或其 整数倍进行,并且交割日期、交割地点也由交易所 统一规定,唯一不确定的是成交价格



外汇期货交易为交易者提供了又一种套期保值机 制。但是,就回避外汇风险而言,在货币期货市 场上抛补并不比在远期外汇市场上优越。因为, 第一,只有少数几种货币可在期货市场上交易, 且交易的货币数量必须标准化;第二,货币期货 合约在一年内只有四个或八个固定的交割日期; 第三,期货套期保值成本(保证金、佣金、买卖价 差等)要高于远期外汇交易成本。因此,外汇期货 市场并非是一个最理想的套期保值场所。
即买入套期保值,是指将要以外汇支付 的款项,采取先在外汇期货市场上购进同 等数量的外汇期货合约,等到将来在现货 市场上购进所需外汇时,卖出购进的期货 合约的保值方式。
【例】美国某进口商从德国进口一批设备,预计3个月后必须在现 货市场买进500万欧元,以支付这批设备的货款,为避免3个月 后因欧元升值而花费更多的美元,以稳定设备的购入价值,该 进口商可先行在期货市场上买进40份欧元期货合约,总额500 万欧元。此时,现货市场上美元对欧元的汇率为1欧元=1. 0000美元,购买40份期货合约需要500万美元。该进口商在外 汇市场上购进了3个月期交割的欧元期货合约,并按1欧元= 1.0100美元的汇率成交,这40份合约的成交额为 1.01X12.5X40=505万美元。假设3个月后,欧元果真升值 为1欧元=1.0600美元,该进口商在现货市场上以升值后的欧 元汇率购进500万欧元,作为支付进口设备之用,需要美元 530万美元(1.06X500=530万美元),亏损30万美元。与此 同时,该进口商又在期货市场上把3个月前购进的40份欧元期 货合约卖出,成交汇率为1欧元=1.0700美元,可得到535万 美元(1.07X12.5X40=535万美元),盈利30万美元,由此可见, 该进口商在现货市场上亏损的30万美元,又从期货市场上得到 了补偿,其实际支付的金额被锁定在500万美元。

外汇交易原理与实务第七章 外汇期权交易

外汇交易原理与实务第七章 外汇期权交易

外汇期权交易交易的货币通常是少数几个 国际货币, 例如英镑、瑞士法郎、欧元、日元等,报 价方式大都采取美元报价的方式,即单位 外汇等于多少美元。

3.交易方式有场内交易 和场外交易两种

外汇期权交易方式可以分为以交易所作为交易 场所的场内交易和在银行同业间进行的场外交 易,两者的交易方式有所不同,在交易所内采 用公开竞价的方式进行交易,其交易过程与外 汇期货交易相同;而银行同业间进行的一般采 取电讯设备直接询报价,类似即期外汇交易的 交易方式。
第七章 外汇期权交易

第一节 外汇期权交易的概述 第二节 外汇期权交易的标准术语 第三节 外汇期权的基本交易策略
一、外汇期权交易的概念 外汇期权(foreign
第一节 外汇期权交易的概述
exchange option)又称 货币期权(currency option),是期权交易的 一种,具体来说就是以外汇作为买卖标的物 的期权交易,是一种选择权契约,其持有人 即期权买方(buyer or holder)享有在契约 期满或之前以特定的价格购买或销售一定数 额的某种外汇资产的权利,而期权卖方 (seller or writer)收取期权费,有义务在 买方要求执行时卖出(或买进)合约规定的特 定数量某种外汇资产。
权的买方有权从卖方手中销售美元,同时买 入瑞士法郎。
外汇期权的买方和卖方的权利与义务 之间的关系
外汇期 权的买 方
外汇期 权的卖 方
有权利在期权到期 日或之前决定是否 按合约价格买入某 种外汇资产 有义务在期权到期 日或之前应期权买 方要求按合约价格 买入某种外汇资产



第一节 外汇期权交易概述
一、外汇期权交易的概念 期权,也称为选择权,是指具有在约定的期 限内,按照事先约定的协定价格,买入或卖出一 定数量的某种商品、货币或某种金融工具等标的 物的权利。 例如:股票、利率、货币等等金融产品。 期权交易就是把这种权利当作可以买卖的商 品而通过买卖期权合同来实现这样的目的而进行 的交易。 期权合同内容一般包买方、卖方、协定价格、 交易金额和到期日等。期权合同可以变动的是期 权价格,也称为期权费。这一点与期货不同。
在20世纪80年代外汇市场开始有了外汇期权 交易。1982年12月美国的费城股票交易所 (Philadephia Stock Exchange,简称PHLX)首先 开始有了标准化的外汇期权合约的交易,之后美 国的芝加哥商品交易所(Chicago Mercantile Exchange,简称CME)于1984年沿用费城交易 所的形式开始进行外汇期权合约的交易。到20世 纪90年代,外汇期权市场己涵盖了以费城(PHLX) 和芝加哥(CME)为中心的场内交易,以及伦敦、 纽约和东京各地的银行间市场的场外交易。
(4)担保性 在交易所进行的期权交易,卖方还需缴纳一 定量的保证金作为自己的履约保证。 (5)盈利能力与风险不对称性 对于期权的买方最大的损失是期权费,而盈 利潜力则随市场价格的变动幅度而不断增加,同 样对于期权的卖方,最大的收益是期权费,而潜 在的损失可能是巨大的,所以外汇期权具有盈利 与风险不对称性。 (6)期权费 期权费的多少取决于该期权的内在价值和时 间价值,它与期权的有效期、市场的即期价格、 市场预期、两种货币的利率、交割日期等等多因 素为基础构成的。
4、美式期权与欧式期权 外汇期权根据其行使期权的时限的不同可分 为美式期权(American options)和欧式期权 (European options)。 ⑴美式期权。它是指在合约未到期前,买方都可 要求卖方履行合约, ⑵欧式期权。是指在合约到期日当天,外汇期权 买方才可要求卖方履行合约, 美式期权的买方在履约时间上的限制比欧式 期权要少,选择更加灵活,因而期权价格也相对 贵一些。近年来无论在欧洲、美国还是在其他地 区,美式期权已经成为主流。



第七章外汇期货与外汇期权1.$1,700 + [($1.3140 - $1.3126) + ($1.3126 - $1.3133)+ ($1.3133 - $1.3049)] x 125,000 = $2,837.50,2. $1,700 + [($1.3126 - $1.3140) + ($1.3133 - $1.3126) + ($1.3049 - $1.3133)] x 125,000 = $562.50,因为保证金账户余额只有562.50,将会经历追加保证金要求,增加保证金账户余额至最初的水平3.3496 x 125,000 =620000004. 因为未来即期价格高于期货合约价格,因此多头方有利。

3个合同多头方的预期利润为 3 x ($0.083800 - $0.077275) x 500,000 = $9787.5如果期货的价格与未来的即期价格相同,则没有获利。

5. 空头3 x ($0.077275- $0.07500) x 500,000 = 3412.5如果期货的价格与未来的即期价格相同,则没有获利。







若即期价格为大于等于108.5美分,则净到期价值为0.1 / 1。

第7章必讲 外汇期货与外汇期权

第7章必讲 外汇期货与外汇期权
Futures and Options on Foreign Exchange
Chapter Objective:
This chapter discusses exchange-traded currency futures contracts(交易所交易的货币期货合约), options Fourth Edition contracts, and options on currency futures.
Futures Contracts: Preliminaries

Standardizing Features:

Contract Size (合约规模) Delivery Month (交割月份) Daily resettlement

Initial performance bond(Initial margin,初始履 约保证金)and Maintenance performance bond (Maintenance margin,维持保证金,about 2 percent of
Chapter Outline (continued)

Basic Option Pricing Relationships at Expiry(期 权到期时的基本定价关系) American Option Pricing Relationships European Option Pricing Relationships Binomial Option Pricing Model European Option Pricing Model Empirical Tests(实证检验) of Currency Option Models

《国际金融学》课件-7 外汇期货与期权交易 共43页PPT资料

《国际金融学》课件-7 外汇期货与期权交易 共43页PPT资料

保证金制度 交易佣金
结算机构即保证人,双方交易可不考 没有结算机构,必须考虑对方信


交易参与者目的 套期保值、投机 2交01易9/武8监/3汉管理工大学经济学院政金府融机学构系 统一监管
武汉理工大学经济学院金融学系 2019/8/3
copyright 沈蕾
1.2 外汇期货交易的基本规则
公开叫价制度 保证金制度 逐日盯市制度
原始保证金(initial margin) 维持保证金(maintenance margin) 变动保证金(variation margin )
copyright 沈蕾
1.1 外汇期货交易的基本特征——标准化合约
IMM 3个月英镑外汇期货交易合约
报价 最小变动价位
美元/英镑 0.0002(英镑)
copyrigh交t 沈易蕾双方自我管理
11 11
1.3 远期外汇交易与外汇期货交易的比较—联系
-为防止或转移汇率风险,达到套期保值或投机获 利的目的



国际金融与结算实务第二部分市场篇(上)——交易篇6 外汇期货与期权交易国际金融与结算实务能力目标1.能够区分外汇期货与期汇、外汇期货与期权交易;2.能够通过外汇期货或期权交易进行涉外交易项目中的套期保值和投机获取利润的操作;3.能够进行外汇期货和期权交易的实践操作.知识目标1.了解外汇期货与期权交易的内涵和特征;2.明确外汇期货市场的构成与外汇期权交易的类型;3.理解外汇期货与期权交易的程序。

国际金融与结算实务6.1 外汇期货交易6.2 外汇期权交易6.3实操锻炼目录国际金融与结算实务导入实例1.2009年2月26日,美国某出口商预计三个月后需收入英镑62.5万,为了防止将来英镑汇率下跌造成损失,出口商应如何运用期货套期保值交易以防范风险?国际金融与结算实务2.2009年2月26日,我国某进口公司预计三个月后要支付5万美元贷款,现有的外汇是日元,即期汇价是:USD 1 = JPY 96.18若日元升值,该公司可直接在三个月后的即期市场上买入美元;若日元贬值,该公司没有保值措施就会蒙受损失,该公司可以用那些方法规避这个风险?若决定购买一笔看涨期权,金额为5万美元,协定价格为:USD 1 = JPY 96.18到期日为5月26日,期权费为:USD 1 = JPY 0.5000情况一,若期权到期时的即期汇率为:USD 1 = JPY 96.18该公司该怎么做?损益情况如何?情况二,若期权到期时的即期汇率为:USD 1 = JPY 96.50该公司该怎么做?损益情况如何?情况三,若期权到期时的即期汇率为:USD 1 = JPY 96.05该公司该怎么做?损益情况如何?国际金融与结算实务6.1 外汇期货交易6.1.1外汇期货交易的内涵外汇期货也称货币期货,是金融期货交易的一种,是指期货交易者在固定场所内根据规定的交易币种、合约金额、交割时间等标准化的原则买进或卖出远期外汇,再在约定的时间,按约定的币种、价格、数量等进行交割或对冲的一种外汇交易。

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Lecture10(Chapter 07)Futures and Options on Foreign Exchange外汇期货与期权1. A put option on $15,000 with a strike price of €10,000 is the same thing as a call option on €10,000 with a strike price of $15,000.TRUE2. A CME contract on €125,000 with Septe mber delivery 交货A. is an example of a forward contract.B. is an example of a futures contract.C. is an example of a put option.D. is an example of a call option.3. Yesterday, you entered into a futures contract to buy €62,500 at $1.50 per €. Suppose t he futures price closes today at $1.46. How much have you made/lost?A. Depends on your margin balance.B. You have made $2,500.00.C. You have lost $2,500.00.D. You have neither made nor lost money, yet.4. In reference to the futures market, a "speculator"A. attempts to profit from a change in the futures priceB. wants to avoid price variation by locking in a purchase price of the underlying asset through a long position in the futures contract or a sales price through a short position in the futures contractC. stands ready to buy or sell contracts in unlimited quantityD. both b) and c)5. Comparing "forward" and "futures" exchange contracts, we can say thatA. they are both "marked-to-market" daily.B. their major difference is in the way the underlying asset is priced for future purchase or sale: futures settle daily and forwards settle at maturity.C. a futures contract is negotiated by open outcry between floor brokers or traders and is traded on organized exchanges, while forward contract is tailor-made by an international bank for its clients and is traded OTC.D. both b) and c)Topic: Futures Contracts: Some Preliminaries6. Comparing "forward"远期合约 and "futures"期货合约 exchange contracts, we can say thatA. delivery of the underlying asset is seldom made in futures contracts.B. delivery of the underlying asset is usually made in forward contracts.C. delivery of the underlying asset is seldom made in either contract—they are typically cash settled at maturity.D. both a) and b)E. both a) and c)7. In which market does a clearinghouse serve as a third party to all transactions?A. FuturesB. ForwardsC. SwapsD. None of the above8. In the event of a default on one side of a futures trade,A. the clearing member stands in for the defaulting party. 结算会员代表为违约方B. the clearing member will seek restitution for the defaulting party.寻求赔偿C. if the default is on the short side, a randomly selected long contract will not get paid. That party will then have standing to initiate a civil suit against the defaulting short.D. both a) and b)9. Yesterday, you entered into a futures contract to buy €62,500 at $1.50 per €. Your initial performance bond is $1,500 and your maintenance level is $500. At what settle price will you get a demand for additional funds to be posted? 题目的意思是,初始保证金余额1500,维持保证金水平为500,当汇率在哪个水平上,客户需要追加保证金?,A.$1.5160 per €.B.$1.208 per €.C.$1.1920 per €.D.$1.4840 per €.10. Yesterday, you entered into a futures contract to sell €62,500 at $1.50 per €. Your initial performance bond is $1,500 and your maintenance level is $500. At what settle price will you get a demand for additional funds to be posted?A.$1.5160 per €.B.$1.208 per €.C.$1.1920 per €.D.$1.1840 per €.11. Yesterday, you entered into a futures contract to buy €62,500 at$1.50/€. Your initial margin was $3,750 (= 0.04 ⨯€62,500 ⨯$1.50/€ = 4 percent of the contract value in dollars). Your maintenance margin is $2,000 (meaning that your broker leaves you alone until your account balance falls to $2,000). At what settle price (use 4 decimal places) do you get a margin call?A.$1.4720/€62500×(1.5-?)=3750-2000B.$1.5280/€C.$1.500/€D. None of the above12. Three days ago, you entered into a futures contract to sell €62,500 at $1.50 per €. Over the past three days the contract has settled at $1.50, $1.52, and $1.54. How much have you made or lost?A.Lost $0.04 per € or $2,500B.Made $0.04 per € or $2,500C.Lost $0.06 per € or $3,750D. None of the above13. Today's settlement price on a Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Yen futures contract is $0.8011/¥100. Your margin account currently has a balance of $2,000. The next three days' settlement prices are $0.8057/¥100, $0.7996/¥100, and $0.7985/¥100. (The contractual size of one CME Yen contract is ¥12,500,000). If you have a short position 空头in one futures contract, the changes in the margin account from daily marking-to-market will result in the balance of the margin account after the third day to be 日元贬值,赚钱A. $1,425.B. $2,000.C. $2,325.=(0.8011-0.7985)×125000+2000D. $3,425.14. Today's settlement price on a Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Yen futures contract is $0.8011/¥100. Your margin account currently has a balance of $2,000. The next three days' settlement prices are $0.8057/¥100, $0.7996/¥100, and $0.7985/¥100. (The contractual size of one CME Yen contract is ¥12,500,000). If you have a long position 多头in one futures contract, the changes in the margin account from daily marking-to-market, will result in the balance of the margin account after the third day to be 日元贬值,亏钱A. $1,425.B. $1,675.C. $2,000.D. $3,425.Topic: Currency Futures Markets15. Suppose the futures price is below the price predicted by IRP. What steps would assure an arbitrage profit?A. Go short in the spot market, go long in the futures contract.B. Go long in the spot market, go short in the futures contract.C. Go short in the spot market, go short in the futures contract.D. Go long in the spot market, go long in the futures contract.16. What paradigm is used to define the futures price?A. IRP利率平价B. Hedge RatioC. Black ScholesD. Risk Neutral Valuation17. Suppose you observe the following 1-year interest rates, spot exchange rates and futures prices. Futures contracts are available on €10,000. How much risk-free arbitrage profit could you make on 1 contract at maturity from this mispricing?A. $159.22F=1.45×1.04/1.03=1.4641B. $153.10(1.48-1.4641)×10000=459C. $439.42D. None of the aboveThe futures price of $1.48/€ is above the IRP futures price of $1.4641/€, so we want to sel l (i.e. take a short position in 1 futures contract on €10,000, agreeing to sell €10,000 in 1 year for $14,800).Profit =To hedge, we borrow $14,077.67 today at 4%, convert to euro at the spot rate of $1.45/€, invest at 3%. At maturity, our investme nt matures and pays €10,000, which we sell for $14,800, and then we repay our dollar borrowing with $14,640.78. Our risk-free profit = $159.22 = $14,800 - $14,640.7818. Which equation is used to define the futures price?A.B.C.D.19. Which equation is used to define the futures price? A.B.C.D.E.Topic: Currency Futures Markets20. If a currency futures contract (direct quote) is priced below the price implied by Interest Rate Parity (IRP), arbitrageurs could take advantage of the mispricing by simultaneouslyA. going short in the futures contract, borrowing in the domestic currency, and going long in the foreign currency in the spot market.B. going short in the futures contract, lending in the domestic currency, and going long in the foreign currency in the spot market.C. going long in the futures contract, borrowing in the domestic currency, and going short in the foreign currency in the spot market.D. going long in the futures contract, borrowing in the foreign currency, and going long in the domestic currency, investing the proceeds at the local rate of interest.21. Open interest in currency futures contractsA. tends to be greatest for the near-term contracts.B. tends to be greatest for the longer-term contracts.C. typically decreases with the term to maturity of most futures contracts.D. both a) and c)22. The "open interest" shown in currency futures quotations isA. the total number of people indicating interest in buying the contracts in the near future.B. the total number of people indicating interest in selling the contracts in the near future.C. the total number of people indicating interest in buying or selling the contracts in the near future.D. the total number of long or short contracts outstanding for the particular delivery month.23. If you think that the dollar is going to appreciate against the euro, you shouldA. buy put options on the euro.B. sell call options on the euro.卖出欧元看涨权C. buy call options on the euro.D. none of the above24. From the perspective of the writer 卖家of a put option 看跌期权written on €62,500. If the s trike price执行价格 i s $1.55/€, and the option premium is $1,875, at what exchange rate do you start to lose money?A.$1.52/€B.$1.55/€C.$1.58/€D. None of the above25. A European option is different from an American option in thatA. one is traded in Europe and one in traded in the United States.B. European options can only be exercised at maturity; American options can be exercised prior to maturity.C. European options tend to be worth more than American options, ceteris paribus.D. American options have a fixed exercise price; European options' exercise price is set at the average price of the underlying asset during the life of the option.26. An "option" isA. a contract giving the seller (writer) of the option the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a given quantity of an asset at a specified price at some time in the future.B. a contract giving the owner (buyer) of the option the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a given quantity of an asset at a specified price at some time in the future.C. a contract giving the owner (buyer) of the option the right, but not the obligation, to buy (put) or sell (call) a given quantity of an asset at a specified price at some time in the future.D. a contract giving the owner (buyer) of the option the right, but not the obligation, to buy (put) or sell (sell) a given quantity of an asset at a specified price at some time in the future.27. An investor believes that the price of a stock, say IBM's shares, will increase in the next 60 days. If the investor is correct, which combination of the following investment strategies will show a profit in all the choices?(i) - buy the stock and hold it for 60 days(ii) - buy a put option(iii) - sell (write) a call option(iv) - buy a call option(v) - sell (write) a put optionA. (i), (ii), and (iii)B. (i), (ii), and (iv)C. (i), (iv), and (v)D. (ii) and (iii)28. Most exchange traded currency optionsA. mature every month, with daily resettlement.B. have original maturities of 1, 2, and 3 years.C. have original maturities of 3, 6, 9, and 12 months.D. mature every month, without daily resettlement.29. The volume of OTC currency options trading isA. much smaller than that of organized-exchange currency option trading.B. much larger than that of organized-exchange currency option trading.C. larger, because the exchanges are only repackaging OTC options for their customers.D. none of the above30. In the CURRENCY TRADING section of The Wall Street Journal, the following appeared under the heading OPTIONS:Which combination of the following statements are true?(i)- The time values of the 68 May and 69 May put options are respectively .30 cents and .50 cents.(ii)- The 68 May put option has a lower time value (price) than the 69 May put option.(iii)- If everything else is kept constant, the spot price and the put premium are inversely related. (iv)- The time values of the 68 May and 69 May put options are, respectively, 1.63 cents and 0.83 cents.(v)- If everything else is kept constant, the strike price and the put premium are inversely related.A. (i), (ii), and (iii)B. (ii), (iii), and (iv)C. (iii) and (iv)D. ( iv) and (v)31. With currency futures options the underlying asset isA. foreign currency.B. a call or put option written on foreign currency.C. a futures contract on the foreign currency.D. none of the above32. Exercise of a currency futures option results inA. a long futures position for the call buyer or put writer.B. a short futures position for the call buyer or put writer.C. a long futures position for the put buyer or call writer.D. a short futures position for the call buyer or put buyer.33. A currency futures option amounts to a derivative on a derivative. Why would something like that exist?A. For some assets, the futures contract can have lower transactions costs and greater liquidity than the underlying asset. 标的资产B. Tax consequences matter as well, and for some users an option contract on a future is more tax efficient.C. Transactions costs and liquidity.D. All of the above34. The current spot exchange rate目前即期汇率is $1.55 = €1.00 and the three-month forward rate is $1.60 = €1.00. Consi der a three-month American call option on €62,500. For this option to be considered at-the-money, the strike price must beA.$1.60 = €1.00B.$1.55 = €1.00C. $1.55 ⨯ (1+i$)3/12= €1.00 ⨯ (1+i€)3/12D. none of the above35. The current spot exchange rate is $1.55 = €1.00 and the three-month forward rate is $1.60 = €1.00. Consider a three-month American call option on €62,500 with a strike price of $1.50 = €1.00. Immediate exercise of this option will generate a profit ofA. $6,125B. $6,125/(1+i$)3/12C. negative profit, so exercise would not occurD. $3,12536. The current spot exchange rate is $1.55 = €1.00 and the three-month forward rate is $1.60 = €1.00. Consider a three-month American call option on €62,500 with a strike price of $1.50 = €1.00. If you pay an option premium of $5,000 to buy this call, at what exchange rate will you break-even?A.$1.58 = €1.00B.$1.62 = €1.00C.$1.50 = €1.00D.$1.68 = €1.0037. Consider the graph of a call option shown at right. The option is a three-month American call option on €62,500 with a strike price of $1.50 = €1.00 and an option premium of $3,125. What are the values of A, B, and C, respectively?A. A = -$3,125 (or -$.05 depending on your scale); B = $1.50; C = $1.55B. A = -€3,750 (or -€.06 depend ing on your scale); B = $1.50; C = $1.55C. A = -$.05; B = $1.55; C = $1.60D. none of the above38. Which of the lines is a graph of the profit at maturity of writing a call option on €62,500 with a strike price of $1.20 = €1.00 and an option premium of $3,125?A. AB. BC. CD. D39. The current spot exchange rate is $1.55 = €1.00; the three-month U.S. dollar interest rate is 2%. Consider a three-month American call option on €62,500 with a strike price of $1.50 =€1.00. What is the least that this option should sell for?A. $0.05 62,500 = $3,125B. $3,125/1.02 = $3,063.73C. $0.00D. none of the above40. Which of the follow options strategies are consistent in their belief about the future behavior of the underlying asset price?A. Selling calls and selling putsB. Buying calls and buying putsC. Buying calls and selling putsD. None of the aboveTopic: American Option-Pricing Relationships41. American call and put premiumsA. should be at least as large as their intrinsic value. 内在价值B. should be at no larger than their moneyness.C. should be exactly equal to their time value.D. should be no larger than their speculative value.42. Which of the following is correct?A. Time value = intrinsic value + option premiumB. Intrinsic value = option premium + time valueC. Option premium = intrinsic value - time valueD. Option premium = intrinsic value + time value43. Which of the following is correct?A. European options can be exercised early.B. American options can be exercised early.C. Asian options can be exercised early.D. All of the above44. Assume that the dollar-euro spot rate is $1.28 and the six-month forward rateis . The six-month U.S. dollar rate is 5% and the Eurodollar rate is 4%. The minimum price that a six-month American call option with a striking price of $1.25 should sell for in a rational market isA. 0 centsB. 3.47 centsC. 3.55 centsD. 3 cents45. For European options, what of the effect of an increase in S t?A. Decrease the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusB. Increase the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusC. Decrease the value of calls, increase the value of puts ceteris paribusD. Increase the value of calls, decrease the value of puts ceteris paribus46. For an American call option, A and B in the graph areA. time value and intrinsic value.B. intrinsic value and time value.C. in-the-money and out-of-the money.D. none of the above47. For European options, what of the effect of an increase in the strike price E?A. Decrease the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusB. Increase the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusC. Decrease the value of calls, increase the value of puts ceteris paribusD. Increase the value of calls, decrease the value of puts ceteris paribus48. For European currency options written on euro with a strike price in dollars, what of the effect of an increase in r$ relative to r€?A. Decrease the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusB. Increase the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusC. Decrease the value of calls, increase the value of puts ceteris paribusD. Increase the value of calls, decrease the value of puts ceteris paribus49. For European currency options written on euro with a strike price in dollars, what of the effect of an increase in r$?A. Decrease the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusB. Increase the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusC. Decrease the value of calls, increase the value of puts ceteris paribusD. Increase the value of calls, decrease the value of puts ceteris paribusTopic: European Option-Pricing Relationships50. For European currency options written on euro with a strike price in dollars, what of the effect of an increase r€?A. Decrease the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusB. Increase the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusC. Decrease the value of calls, increase the value of puts ceteris paribusD. Increase the value of calls, decrease the value of puts ceteris paribus51. For European currency options written on euro with a strike price in dollars, what of the effect of an increase in the exchange rate S($/€)?A. Decrease the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusB. Increase the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusC. Decrease the value of calls, increase the value of puts ceteris paribusD. Increase the value of calls, decrease the value of puts ceteris paribus52. For European currency options written on euro with a strike price in dollars, what of the effect of an increase in the exchange rate S(€/$)?A. Decrease the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusB. Increase the value of calls and puts ceteris paribusC. Decrease the value of calls, increase the value of puts ceteris paribusD. Increase the value of calls, decrease the value of puts ceteris paribus53. The hedge ratioA. Is the size of the long (short) position the investor must have in the underlying asset per option the investor must write (buy) to have a risk-free offsetting investment that will result in the investor perfectly hedging the option.B.C. Is related to the number of options that an investor can write without unlimited loss while holding a certain amount of the underlying asset.D. All of the above54. Find the value of a call option written on €100 with a strike price of $1.00 = €1.00. In one period there are two possibilities: the exchange rate will move up by 15% or down by 15% (i.e. $1.15 = €1.00 or $0.85 = €1.00). The U.S. risk-free rate is 5% over the period. The risk-neutral probability of dollar depreciation is 2/3 and the risk-neutral probability of the dollar strengthening is 1/3.A. $9.5238B. $0.0952C. $0D. $3.174655. Use the binomial option pricing model to find the value of a call option on £10,000 with a strike price of €12,500.The current exchange rate is €1.50/£1.00 and in the next period the exchange rate can increase to €2.40/£ or decrease to €0.9375/€1.00 (i.e. u = 1.6 and d = 1/u = 0.625).The current interest rates are i€ = 3% and are i£ = 4%.Choose the answer closest to yours.A.€3,275B.€2,500C.€3,373D.€3,24356. Find the hedge ratio for a call option on £10,000 with a strike price of €12,500.The current exchange rate is €1.50/£1.00 and in the next period the exchange rate can increase to €2.40/£ or decrease to €0.9375/€1.00 (i.e. u = 1.6 and d = 1/u = 0.625).The current interest rates are i€ = 3% and are i£ = 4%.Choose the answer closest to yours.A. 5/9B. 8/13C. 2/3D. 3/8E. None of the above57. You have written a call option on £10,000 with a strike price of $20,000. The current exchange rate is $2.00/£1.00 and in the next period the exchange rate can increase to$4.00/£1.00 or decrease to $1.00/€1.00 (i.e. u = 2 and d = 1/u = 0. 5). The current interest rates are i$ = 3% and are i£ = 2%. Find the hedge ratio and use it to create a position in the underlying asset that will hedge your option position.A. Buy £10,000 today at $2.00/£1.00.B. Enter into a short position in a futures contract on £6,666.67.C. Lend the present value of £6,666.67 today at i£ = 2%.D. Enter into a long position in a futures contract on £6,666.67.E. Both c) and d) would workF. None of the above58. Draw the tree for a put option on $20,000 with a strike price of £10,000. The current exchange rate is £1.00 = $2.00 and in one period the dollar value of the pound will either double or be cut in half. The current interest rates are i$ = 3% and are i£ = 2%.A.B.C. None of the above59. Draw the tree for a call option on $20,000 with a strike price of £10,000. The current exchange rate is £1.00 = $2.00 and in one period the dollar value of the pound will either double or be cut in half. The current interest rates are i$ = 3% and are i£ = 2%.A.B.C. None of the above60. Find the hedge ratio for a put option on $15,000 with a strike price of €10,000. In one period the exchange rate (currently S($/€) = $1.50/€) can increase by 60% or decrease by 37.5% (i.e.u = 1.6 and d = 0.625).A. -15/49B. 5/13C. 3/2D. 15/4961. Find the hedge ratio for a put option on €10,000 with a strike price of $15,000. In one period the exchange rate (currently S($/€) = $1.50/€) can increase by 60% or decrease by 37.5% (i.e. u = 1.6 and d = 0.625).A. -15/49B. 8/13C. -5/13D. 15/4962. Find the dollar value today of a 1-period at-the-money call option on €10,000. The spot exchange rate is €1.00 = $1.25. In the next period, the euro can increase in dollar value to $2.00 or fall to $1.00. The interest rate in dollars is i$ = 27.50%; the interest rate in euro is i€ = 2%.A. $3,308.82B. $0C. $3,294.12D. $4,218.7563. Suppose that you have written a call option on €10,000 with a strike price in dollars. Suppose further that the hedge ratio is ½. Which of the following would be an appropriate hedge for a short position in this call option?A.Buy €10,000 today at today's spot exchange rate.B.Buy €5,000 today at today's spot exchange rate.C.Agree to buy €5,000 at the maturity of the option at the forward exchange rate for the maturity of the option that prevails today (i.e., go long i n a forward contract on €5,000).D.Buy the present value of €5,000 discounted at i€ for the maturity of the option.E. Both c) and d) would work.F. None of the above64. Find the value of a one-year put option on $15,000 with a strike price of €10,000. I n one year the exchange rate (currently S0($/€) = $1.50/€) can increase by 60% or decrease by 37.5% (i.e. u = 1.6 and d = 0.625). The current one-year interest rate in the U.S. is i$ = 4% and the current one-year interest rate in the euro zone is i€ = 4%.A.€1,525.52B. $3,328.40C. $4,992.60D.€2,218.94E. None of the above65. Find the value of a one-year call option on €10,000 with a strike price of $15,000. In one year the exchange rate (currently S0($/€) = $1.50/€) can increase by 60% or decrease by 37.5% (i.e. u = 1.6 and d = 0.625). The current one-year interest rate in the U.S. is i$ = 4% and the current one-year interest rate in the euro zone is i€ = 4%.A.€1,525.52B. $3,328.40C. $4,992.60D.€2,218.94E. None of the above66. Consider a 1-year call option written on £10,000 with an exercise price of $2.00 = £1.00. The current exchange rate is $2.00 = £1.00; The U.S. risk-free rate is 5% over the period and the U.K. risk-free rate is also 5%. In the next year, the pound will either double in dollar terms or fall by half (i.e. u = 2 and d = ½). If you write 1 call option, what is the value today (in dollars) of the hedge portfolio?A. £6,666.67B. £6,349.21C. $12,698.41D. $20,000E. None of the above67. Value a 1-year call option written on £10,000 with an exercise price of $2.00 = £1.00. The spot exchange rate is $2.00 = £1.00; The U.S. risk-free rate is 5% and the U.K. risk-free rate is also 5%. In the next year, the pound will either double in dollar terms or fall by half (i.e. u = 2 and d = ½). Hint: H= ⅔.A. $6,349.21B.C.D. None of the aboveTopic: Binomial Option-Pricing Model68. Which of the following is correct?A. The value (in dollars) of a call option on £5,000 with a strike price of $10,000 is equal to the value (in dollars) of a put option on $10,000 with a strike price of £5,000 only when the spot exchange rate is $2 = £1.B. The value (in dollars) of a call option on £5,000 with a strike price of $10,000 is equal to the value (in dollars) of a put option on $10,000 with a strike price of £5,000.69. Find the input d1 of the Black-Scholes price of a six-month call option written on €100,000 with a strike price of $1.00 = €1.00. The current exchange rate is $1.25 = €1.00; The U.S. risk-free rate is 5% over the period and the euro-zone risk-free rate is 4%. The volatility of the underlying asset is 10.7 percent.A.d1 = 0.103915B.d1 = 2.9871C.d1 = -0.0283D. none of the above70. Find the input d1 of the Black-Scholes price of a six-month call option on Japanese yen. The strike price is $1 = ¥100. The volatility is 25 percent per annum; r$ = 5.5% and r¥ = 6%.A.d1 = 0.074246B.d1 = 0.005982C.d1 = $0.006137/¥D. None of the above71. The Black-Scholes option pricing formulaeA. are used widely in practice, especially by international banks in trading OTC options.B. are not widely used outside of the academic world.C. work well enough, but are not used in the real world because no one has the time to flog their calculator for five minutes on the trading floor.D. none of the above72. Find the Black-Scholes price of a six-month call option written on €100,000 with a strike price of $1.00 = €1.00. The current exchange rate is $1.25 = €1.00; The U.S. risk-free rate is 5% over the period and the euro-zone risk-free rate is 4%. The volatility of the underlying asset is10.7 percent.A.C e = $0.63577B.C e = $0.0998C.C e = $1.6331D. none of the aboveINSTRUCTOR NOTE: YOU WILL HAVE TO PROVIDE YOUR STUDENTS WITH A TABLE OF THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION.。
