LS300流速仪简介 -
传感器参数:流速量程0~10m/s,双向流速判别率0.001m/s流速精度0.001m/s(流速=5m/s时);0.02m/s或实际峰值速度的0.3%(采纳较大值)(流速5m/s时)超声液位量程6.5m超声液位精度0.001m超声液位判别率0.0005m静压液位量程0~10m静压液位精度0.1%FS静压液位判别率0.001m温度量程—20~60℃传感器尺寸165*50*29.5mm安装专用支架材质金属,塑料,橡胶防护等级IP68供电直流12V/24V功耗测量时70mA;休眠时25mA通信接口RS485,Modbus工作温度—20~60℃工作压力最大6Bar防雷支持防浪涌支持E M I抑制支持五、应用领域海绵城市、河长制管理、内河监测、自然河流、明渠、管道、养殖等场景。
二、技术指标1.旋桨回转直径:Φ70mm2.旋桨水力螺距:H=120mm3.仪器起转速:V0≤0.05m/s4.仪器测速范围:0.05~8m/s5.仪器工作水深:0.1~1.6m (测杆) 0.1~20m (铅鱼)6.检定精度:公式均方差m≤±1.5% V<0.2m/s时,相对误差δ≤±5%7.讯号频率:每转一个讯号8.使用环境水温:0~40℃9.连续工作时数:10h10.显示:汉字液晶显示,4行32位11.工作电源:7.2V\4200mAh,可充电12.耐腐性强、可靠性高,安全性符合国标要求。
五、配置1、LS1206B 通用水文测算仪1台2、旋浆流速仪传感器 1台4、尾翼部件 1个5、信号线1根6、扳手(27mm) 1只7、大小起子各1只8、鉴定证书1份9、说明书 1份LS1206B型便携式流速仪使用说明书前言须知:感谢您选用本公司LS1206B型便携式流速仪。
超声波多普勒流速仪一、产品和技术参数1.1 产品简介超声波多普勒流速仪是在管道、渠道或者河流内测量水的流速的设备,主要应用于以下范围:·洪涝灾害监测·污水排放·天然的河溪·市政给排水·水量流失/渗入监测·灌溉流程监测·河口&潮汐的研究·渔业/水利·海岸侵蚀研究·/暗渠流程监测·道路排水监测·运河流程研究·江河流程监测图1.1.1 超声波多普勒流速仪可以根据需要提供电池盒,以便在供电不方便的地区提供电源。
1.2技术参数型号:DY-CURRENT VELOCITY(根据不同的功能,型号会有所不同)结构:分体式;测量种类:流速、水深、水温用途:在线式测量、在线式监测、自动记录、数据遥传(选配件)流速范围:0.02m/s~5.00m/s(最小水深:8cm);测量分辨率:1mm/s;精度:测量流速的±2~3% ;水深测量:0.00~5m;分辨率:2mm 精度:±0.5%;温度范围:0~60ºC;分辨率:0.1ºC;流量范围:无流量测量功能供电:10~14VDC;输出信号:RS485 MODBUS协议;无线传输(可选件):GPRS型RTU无线传输器传感器配套电缆长度:10米;被测水道类型:管道,渠道,天然的溪流、河流;液体酸碱度要求:PH值在5~7之间。
Teledyne Hastings 300系列质量流量计说明书
INSTRUMENTSDESIGN FEATURESTeledyne Hastings Instruments (THI) prod-ucts represent over 55 years of experience in the design and manufacture of mass flow products. The 300 Series is a culmination of this experience with patented technologies that make these the finest flowmeters and controllers available today.The THI Mass Flow 300 Series products are designed to accurately measure mass flow without corrections or compensations for gas pressure and temperature. They are accurate to better than ±1.0% of full scale. THI mass flow instruments do not require any periodic maintenance under normal operating conditions with clean gases. No damage will occur from the use of moder-ate overpressures (~500 psi) or overflows. Instruments are normally calibrated with the appropriate standard calibration gas (air), then a gas conversion factor (GCF) is used to adjust the output for the intended gas. Special calibrations for other gases, such as oxygen, helium and argon, are available upon special order.The 300 Series products contain a number of features that set them apart from other available instruments: (1) They are inherently linear; no linearization circuitry is employed. Should recalibration in the field be desired (a calibration standard is required), the cus-tomer needs to simply set the zero and span points. (2) The output signal is linear for very large overflows and will not come back on scale when a flow an order of magnitude over the full scale flow rate is measured. (3) The instrument incorporates a remov-able/replaceable sensor module. (4) The unit has very fast settling times.Models HFM-305,HFC-307FEATURES• Range — 1000-2500 slm (Air Equivalent); Higher Flows Available • ±1.0% of Full-Scale Accuracy 1• Rapid Settling Times: HFM-305 ≤ 0.4 seconds HFC-307 ≤ 2.0 seconds • Operating Pressures to 500 PSI • NIST Traceable Calibration APPLICATIONS• Gas Blending • Research• R&D and Process Flows •Pollution MonitoringHFM-305HFC-307Teledyne Hastings Instruments reserves the right to change or modify the design of its equipment without any obligation to provide notification of change or intent to change.1See Product Manual for critical information on instrument accuracy and the use of GCFs (gas conversion factors). Stated accuracy is for nitrogen or other gas specific calibration and use with this gas only.Kalrez ® is a registered trademark of Dupont Dow Elastomers L.L.C.Swagelok ® is a registered trademark of Crawford Company.VCR ® is a registered trademark of Cajon Company.VCO ® is a registered trademark of Cajon Company.Viton ® is a registered trademark of Dupont Dow Elastomers L.L.C.DESIGN FEATURES (cont)Optional FeaturesFittings–VCR ®, VCO ®and Swagelok ®Cleaned for oxygen serviceAccessoriesPower supplies/readouts Flow totalizers Alarm set pointsInterconnecting cables*Note: After changing components, instruments require recalibration to meet accuracy specifications.Model HFM-305Model HFC-307All dimensions shown are in inches [mm].Your Customer Service RepresentativeTelephone: (757) 723-6531 Toll Free: (800) 950-2468 Fax: (757) 723-3925World Wide Web: E-mail: *********************************P.O. Box 1436Hampton, VA 23661PB 152-10/05 © Teledyne 2005 All Rights Reserved.Typical instrument ordering/options number:Model No. Circuit Output FittingsSeals Pressure CalibrationBoard TypeHFM-305010102010101Order No.OptionsCircuit Board 01 Pinout H (Standard)02 Pinout U 03 Pinout M Output01 0-5 Volts (Standard)024-20mAOrder No.OptionsFittings 01 1” VCR ®02 1” Swagelok (Standard)03 1” VCO ® Seals01 Viton (Standard)02 Kalrez ®03 Neoprene 04Buna NSelection ChartRange InformationRange _____________________________Flow Units __________________________Gas _______________________________Standard Conditions* _________________*Referenced to standard temperature and pressure (0°C and 760 Torr, respectively).Order No. OptionsPressure 01 500 psi (Standard) Calibration Type 01 NIST 5 Point (Standard)02 NIST 10 Point 03 NIST 20 Point 04 CurveTypical instrument ordering/options number:Model No. Circuit Output FittingsSeals Pressure CalibrationBoard TypeHFC-307010102010101Order No.OptionsCircuit Board 01 Pinout H (Standard)02 Pinout U 03 Pinout M Output01 0-5 Volts (Standard)02 4-20mA 03I/O 4-20mAOrder No.OptionsFittings 01 1” VCR ®02 1” Swagelok (Standard)03 1” VCO ® Seals01 Viton (Standard)02 Kalrez®03 Neoprene 04Buna NSelection ChartOrder No. OptionsPressure 01 500 psi (Standard) Calibration Type 01 NIST 5 Point (Standard)02 NIST 10 Point 03 NIST 20 Point 04 CurveRange InformationRange _____________________________Flow Units __________________________Gas _______________________________Upstream Pressure ___________________Downstream Pressure _________________Is downstream pressure dependent on flowresistance? Y/N ___________________Standard Conditions* _________________*Referenced to standard temperature and pressure (0°C and 760 Torr, respectively).。
7、本检测报告一式2 份,正文共页。
目录1、工程概况 (1)2、委托检测项目 (1)3、工程执行的主要技术标准 (1)4、投入设备 (2)5、检测方法 (2)6、检测结果 (3)水电站水轮机组及电力设备检测技术报告1、工程概况省检验检测技术股份有限公司受省质量技术监督局检验检测机构资质认定评审组委托(委托编号:),对水电站进行水力机械性能和电气设备的检测,接受委托后我公司于2018年8月1日组织有关技术人员进入现场检测,并依据国家有关规范标准做出报告。
被检水电站为小型水利发电站,站内共有水轮机组2台,一台转轮型号为220的混流式水轮机,立轴、金属蜗壳,转轮直径为250cm,型号为HL220-LJ-250;一台转轮型号为616的混流式水轮机,卧轴、金属蜗壳,转轮直径为100cm,型号为HLA616-WJ-100,水轮机型号参数如下表所示:表1-1 水轮机组统计表水轮机类型水轮机型号流量(m³/s)扬程(m)转速(r/min)功率(kw)1#水轮机HL220-LJ-250 15 8 1200 18002#水轮机HLA616-WJ-100 30 15 600 20002、委托检测项目根据委托要求、国家相关规范标准及现场实际情况,对水轮机组上、下游自由水位进行测量;对两台水轮机导叶叶片空蚀及磨损程度进行检测,涉及的检测参数有空蚀最大深度、空蚀面积、空蚀剥落体积、磨损面积、磨损深度,并对材料表面粗糙度进行测量;对1#水轮机组进、出口压力进行检测;对2#水轮机组的效率进行测算,涉及的参数有:流量、水力比能和电功率。
THORNTON M300系列进程分析仪说明书
A n a l y t i c a l T r a n s m i t t e r sM300 Transmittersfor Comprehensive Liquid AnalysisTHORNTONLeading Pure Water AnalyticsM300 Transmitters Conductivity / Resistivity pH / ORPDissolved Oxygen Dissolved Ozone Flow / Total FlowM 300 T r a n s m i t t e r s2The METTLER TOLEDO THORNTON M300 series of process analytical instruments provide single-channel, multi-channel and multi-parameter models to measure conductivity/ resis-tivity, pH/ORP, dissolved oxygen, ozone and flowrate. Both ¼DIN and ½DIN enclosures are available for especially convenient panel, wall and pipe mounting.The standard for measurementin pure water treatmentConductivity / Resistivity 1 2 analog; 4 relays 3Conductivity / Resistivity 2 4 analog; 4 relays 3pH ORP1 2 analog; 4 relays 4Conductivity / Resistivity, pH / ORP Dissolved Oxygen, Ozone 2 4 analog; 6 relays 5 - 6Flow 1 2 analog; 4 relays 4Flow44 analog; 4 relays4*physical and electrical specifications on page 7, order numbers on page 10M o d e l s e l e c t i o nFeaturesLarge backlit 4-line displayCompact ¼DIN panel-mounting with NEMA 4X, IP65 panel seal Robust ½DIN wall-mounting with NEMA 4X, IP65 back cover User-selectable dual-level password protection On-line sensor diagnostics for pHInternal PID control with relay or analog output USB port for configuration and data acquisition Direct sensor inputs for all parameters Compatible with existing Thornton sensors Plug-in terminal connectors for easy wiring Universal AC/DC power supplyMultiple languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish CE compliant, UL Listing pending for US and Canadian standards ApplicationsPure and ultrapure water treatment for semiconductor rinsing, critical power/steam makeup and pharmaceutical waters.Semiconductor processing in rinsers and wet benches with precise resistivity measurement and temperature compensation.Power plant cycle chemistry and stator cooling monitoring with exceptionally accurate temperature compensation for specific and cation conductivity and pH and very low maintenance dissolved oxygen measurement.Pharmaceutical water monitoring to meet USP, EP, and JP conductivity requirements including built in tables of alarm limits.Reclaim, recycle and wastewater treatment for the above industry applications for contaminant detection,diversion and neutralization.3One & Two channel modelsHighest accuracy measurement & temperature compensation Wide range of measurement allows verification in ASTM standards even for pure water measurementsTwo- & four-electrode conductivity/resistivity measurementsReverse osmosis % rejection computation on two-channel models Direct acid & caustic concentration readout USP ‹645› & EP alarm setpointsMeasurement SpecificationsM300 Conductivity / Resistivity ModelsConductivity/Resistivity Ranges0.01 Constant Sensor 0.002 to 200 μS/cm (5000 ohm-cm to 500 Mohm-cm)0.1 Constant Sensor 0.02 to 2000 μS/cm (500 ohm-cm to 50 Mohm-cm)10 Constant Sensor 50 to 40,000 μS/cm (25 to 20 Kohm-cm)4-electrode Sensor0.01 mS/cm to 650 mS/cm (1.54 ohm-cm to 100 Kohm-cm) readout in equivalent S/m ranges is selectable Concentration Ranges of HCl, NaOH, H 2SO 40-20%, 0-15%, 0-20%TDS Ranges (CaCO 3and NaCl)cover equivalent conductivity rangesCalculated Paraameters (2-channel)% Rejection, power plant calculations of pH based on specific and cation conductivity, and C02based on cation and degassed conductivity Resolution four significant digits, auto-ranged Update ratedisplay and outputs, once per second Temperature Measurement Range -40 to 200°C (-40 to 392 °F), resolution 0.1°Temperature Sensor Input RTD, Pt1000 (Pt100 with adapter)Temperature Compensation selectable as: Std (standard high purity Thornton/Light), Light 84, Std referenced to 75°C,linear %/°C, 50% glycol, 100% glycol, cation, ammonia, isopropyl alcohol, none Sensor maximum distance 61 m (200 feet); 15 m (50 ft) with 4-electrode sensorsConductivity/Resistivity Accuracy ± 0.5% of reading or 0.5 ohm, whichever is greater, up to 18 Mohm-cm Repeatability± 0.1% of reading Temperature Relative Accuracy ± 0.25 °C (± 0.45 °F) Temperature Resolution 0.01 °Temperature Repeatability ± 0.13 °C (± 0.23 °F)Setpoints/Alarms 2 - high, low, outside, between, USP, EP 6 - high, low, outside, between, USP or EP Relays2 SPDT, 2 SPST reed 2 SPDT, 1 SPST NO, 1 SPST NC, 2 SPST reed Analog Output Signals 24Discrete Inputs12M 300 T r a n s m i t t e r s4M300 pH/ORP ModelspH, ORP Ranges -1.00 to 15.00 pH, -1500 to 1500 mV Temperature Range - 30 to + 130°C (-22 to 266 °F)Temperature Sensor RTD, Pt1000 (Pt100 with adapter)Temperature Compensation automatic / manual for electrode output, plus adjustable solution temperature coefficient for solution ionization effects Update rate display and outputs, once per second Calibration 1- or 2- point, with auto buffer recognitionDiagnosticsselectable continuous checking of membrane resistance and reference diaphragm/junction resistance (with solution ground sensors)Sensor Maximum Distance10 m (33 ft)pH, ORP Relative Accuracy ± 0.03 pH, ± 2 mV pH, ORP Resolution 0.01 pH, 1 mV Temperature Accuracy ± 0.25 °C (± 0.45 °F) Temperature Resolution0.1 °CSetpoints/Alarms 4 - high, low, outside, or between Relays2 SPDT, 2 SPST reed Analog Output Signals 2Discrete Inputs1Direct electrode inputOn-line sensor diagnostics for measuring and reference electrodeAuto buffer recognition with extensive buffer library Internal PID controlCombined high/low setpoint for alarming outside a band Solution temperature compensation for pure water ionization effects as well as conventional electrode temperature compensation Automatic sensor cleaningMeasurement Specifications5M300 Multiparameter Models0.01 Constant Sensor 0.002 to 200 μS/cm (5000 ohm-cm to 500 Mohm-cm)0.1 Constant Sensor 0.02 to 2000 μS/cm (500 ohm-cm to 50 Mohm-cm)10 Constant Sensor 50 to 40,000 μS/cm (25 to 20 Kohm-cm)4-electrode Sensor 0.01 mS/cm to 650 mS/cm (1.54 ohm-cm to 100 Kohm-cm)readout in equivalent S/m ranges is selectable Concentration Ranges of HCl, NaOH, H 2SO 40-20%, 0-15%, 0-20%TDS Ranges (CaCO 3and NaCl)cover equivalent conductivity ranges RO % Rejection0 -100% (computed from two conductivity measurements)Conductivity Resolution four significant digits, auto-rangedpH, ORP Ranges-1.00 to 15.00 pH, -1500 to 1500 mV; resolution 0.01 pH, 1 mVDissolved Oxygen Ranges 0-20,000 ppb or μg/L; 0-20 ppm or mg/L, 0-200% saturation; resolution 0.1 ppb or μg/L Dissolved Ozone Ranges0-5,000 ppb or μg/L, 0-5 ppm or mg/L; resolution 0.1 ppb or μg/L Temperature Measurement Range -40 to 200 °C (-40 to 392 °F); resolution 0.1 °Temperature Sensor Input RTD, Pt1000 (Pt100 with adapter)Update ratedisplay and outputs, once per secondTemperature CompensationConductivity/Resistivityselectable as: Std (standard high purity Thornton/Light), Light 84, Std referenced to 75°C, linear %/°C, 50% glycol, 100% glycol, cation, ammonia, isopropyl alcohol, nonepHautomatic / manual for electrode output, plus adjustable solution temperature coefficient for solution ionization effectsDissolved Oxygen automatic, for membrane permeability and oxygen solubility Dissolved Ozoneautomatic, for membrane permeability and ozone solubility Conductivity/Resistivity Calibration 1-point; 2-point for 4-E sensorspH Calibration 1- or 2-point, with auto buffer recognitionpH Diagnosticsselectable continuous checking of membrane resistance and reference diaphragm/junction resistance (with solution ground sensors)Dissolved Oxygen Calibration air/comparison, zero Dissolved Ozone Calibration comparison, zeroSensor maximum distance61 m (200 ft); 15 m (50 ft) with 4-electrode sensorsConductivity/Resistivity± 0.5% of reading or 0.5 ohm, whichever is greater, up to 18 Mohm-cm pH, ORP ± 0.03 pH, ± 2 mV Dissolved Oxygen ± 1% (± 2% with long life probe) of reading or ± 1 ppb, system accuracy Dissolved Ozone± 2 % of reading or ± 3 ppb, system accuracyRelays2 SPDT, 1 SPST NO, 1 SPST NC, 2 SPST reed Analog Output Signals 4Discrete Inputs2Two Field-configurable channels for any pair of parameters:Conductivity/resistivity, pH/ORP, dissolved oxygen and/or dissolved ozone Reduces number of instruments and amount of panel space Includes all features of single parameter instrumentsMeasurement SpecificationsM 300 T r a n s m i t t e r s6Available in one and four channel models Accept input from most pulse flow sensors Compute total flow with high resolution Configurable for batch controlCompute reverse osmosis % recovery on four channel modelMeasurement SpecificationsM300 Flow ModelsFlowrate Range 0 to 9999 GPM, L/min, m /hrTotal Flow Range 0 to 9,999,999 Gallons, 37,850,000 Liters, 37,850 m 3RO % Recovery Range 0 to 100%Flow Velocity Range equivalent ft/s, m/s Frequency Range1 to 4000 HzCalculated Parameters (4-channel)ratio, sum and difference of two flowratesResolution 4 significant digits, auto-ranged; up to 8 digits for total flow Update rate display and outputs, once per 2 seconds Input pulseslow <1.0 volt; high >1.4 volts (36 volts max)Accuracy ± 0.5 Hz Repeatability± 0.2 Hz Setpoints/Alarms 4 - high, low, outside, or between 8 - high, low, outside, or between Relays2 SPDT, 1 SPST NO, 1 SPST NC 2 SPDT, 1 SPST NO, 1 SPST NC Analog Output Signals24Discrete Inputs, for external totalizer reset127Operator interface4 line back-lit LCD; 5-tactile keys1/4 DIN Model Dimensions (H x W x D)4.01 x 4.01 x5.51 in (102 x 102 x 140 mm)Max. Depth,- panel mounted4.96 in (126 mm), excluding plug-in connectors 1/2 DIN Model Dimensions (H x W x D)5.90 x 5.90 x 4.57 in (150 x 150 x 116 mm) Max. Depth,- panel mounted3.46 in (88 mm)MaterialABS/polycarbonate Weight, 1/4 DIN Models 1.5 lb (0.7 kg)Weight, 1/2 DIN Models 2 lb (1 kg)UL Electrical Environment Installation (overvoltage) Category IIRatings/Approvals UL (pending, US & Canada), CE compliant; NEMA 4X, IP 65 - 1/2 DIN wall mount and 1/4 DIN panel seal EMC Emissions according to EN55011 Class APoweruniversal 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz or 20-30 VDC; 5 W(on power loss, all settings are retained in non-volatile memory without batteries)Storage temperature-40 to 70 °C (-40 to 158 °F)Ambient temperature operating range -10 to 50 °C (14 to 122 °F)Relative humidity0 to 95%Analog outputs (as specified for individual models)powered 0/4-20 mA, 22 mA alarm, 500 ohms maximum load; not for use with externally powered circuits Analog output accuracy ± 0.05 mAAnalog output scalinglinear, bi-linear, logarithmic (1,2,3 or 4 decades), auto-ranging Relays (as specified for individual models)all contacts are potential free, with adjustable hysteresis and time delay SPDT, SPST NO, SPST NC 250 VAC/30 VDC, 3 A, resistive SPST reed300 VDC, 0.5 A, 10 WDigital communicationsUSB, type B connector, for remote configuration and data acquisitionDiscrete input (as specified for individual models)accepts dry contact closure for remote flow totalizer reset or remote PID controlauto/manual selectionDisplay auto/manual status and % output on bottom line of displaySettings auto/manual, setpoint, deadband, non-linear corner points, control limits, proportional gain, integral reset time (min.), derivative rate time (min.)Manual Station controlled by up/down arrow keys in manual mode; remote auto/manual selection by discrete input Control Output Typesone or two analog signals, relays—pulse frequency, or relays—pulse length Physical & Electrical Specifications - all modelsM 300 T r a n s m i t t e r sDimensional informationDimensions for 1/4 DIN panel-mount modelsDimensions for 1/2 DIN wall/panel-mount modelsDimensions for 1/2 DIN pipe mount kit9M 300 T r a n s m i t t e r s101/4 DIN enclosure – panel mounting kit included M3001-channel Conductivity/Resistivity 58 002 301M3002-channel Conductivity/Resistivity 58 001 304M3001-channel pH/ORP 58 001 303M3002-channel Multiparameter 58 001 306M3001-channel Flow 58 004 302M3004-channel Flow58 001 3051/2 DIN enclosure – panel/wall/pipe mount*M3001-channel Conductivity/Resistivity 58 002 311M3002-channel Conductivity/Resistivity 58 001 314M3001-channel pH/ORP 58 001 313M3002-channel Multiparameter 58 001 316M3001-channel Flow 58 004 312M3004-channel Flow58 001 315* Panel and pipe mounting require kits, listed below, ordered separately.Panel Mount Kit for 1/2 DIN models 52 500 213Pipe Mount Kit for 1/2 DIN models 52 500 212Conductivity Calibration Module58 082 300Adapter, VP to Standard, for calibrating conductivity with VP Patch Cord 58 080 102Configuration Software & Data Logger Kit 58 077 300Adapter Panel - M300 to 200/2000 cutout58 083 305StandardVP*1 ft (0.3 m) 1001-67-5 ft (1.5 m) 1005-6758 080 20110 ft (3 m) 1010-6758 080 20215 ft (4.5 m) 1015-6758 080 20325 ft (7.6 m) 1025-6758 080 20450 ft (15.2 m) 1050-6758 080 20575 ft (23 m) -58 080 206100 ft (30.5 m) 1110-6758 080 207200 ft (61 m)1120-6758 080 208* For VP Conductivity sensors only.Ordering InformationpH / ORP / Dissolved Oxygen / Ozone Sensor CablespH, Dissolved Oxygen**, Ozone3 ft (1 m) VP, -30 to 70 °C52 300 107 10 ft (3 m) VP, -30 to 70 °C52 300 108 16 ft (5 m) VP, -30 to 70 °C52 300 109 33 ft (10 m) VP, -30 to 70 °C52 300 110 High temp 3 ft (1 m) VP, -40 to 135 °C52 300 111 High temp 10 ft (3 m) VP, -40 to 135 °C52 300 112 High temp 16 ft (5 m) VP, -40 to 135 °C52 300 113 High temp 33 ft (10 m) VP, -40 to 135 °C52 300 114ORP3 ft (1 m) AS910 001 0102 10 ft (3 m) AS910 001 0302 16 ft (5 m) AS910 001 0502 33 ft (10 m) AS910 001 1002 ** For long life dissolved oxygen sensor 58 037 220 only, use standard conductivity cables in previous table.Calibration / Verification SolutionsConductivity Standard SolutionsConductivity standard, 25 μS/cm, 500 mL, HCl, ± 3%58 078 001 Conductivity standard, 100 μS/cm, 500 mL, KCl, ± 1%58 078 002 Conductivity standard, 1000 μS/cm, 500 mL, KCl, ± 1%58 078 003 Conductivity standard, 10,000 μS/cm, 500 mL, KCl, ± 1%58 078 004 Conductivity standard, 100,000 μS/cm, 500 mL, KCl, ± 1%58 078 005pH and ORP (Redox) Standard Buffer SolutionspH Buffer, 4.01, 250 mL51 340 057 pH Buffer, 7.00, 250 mL51 340 059 pH Buffer, 9.21, 250 mL51 300 193 pH Buffer, 10.00, 250 mL51 340 056 ORP Buffer, 468 mV, 6 x 30 mL51 319 058 ORP Buffer, 220 mV, 6 x 250 mL51 340 08111Mettler-Toledo Thornton, Inc.36 Middlesex Turnpike Bedford, MA 01730 USA Tel. +1-781-301-8600Fax +1-781-301-8701Toll Free +1-800-510-PURE ******************** Subject to technical changes © Mettler-Toledo Thornton, Inc. ML0122 Rev.B 02/07Visit for more information/thorntonQuality certificate.Development, production andtesting to ISO 9001.A certified ServiceXXL provider.M300 Conductivity Calibration Module 58 082 300•Includes resistances for all ranges of conductivity/resistivity and temperature •Used with 1- and 2- channel conductivity and multiparameter models •With NIST-traceable certificate of calibration•Enables efficient QA program•Includes standard patch cord connection; 58 080 102adapter available for use with VP patch cords。
利用航空摄影的方法对投入河流中的专用浮标、浮标组 或染料等,连续拍照,根据航测照片来确定断面流量。
超声波法:通过测定超声波在水流中的传播时间来测定水流速度,并 结合断面资料来推求流量的方法。 电磁法:利用电磁感应原理,根据水流切割磁场所产生的感应电势与 水流速度成正比的关系来测定流速,并结合断面资料以推求流量的方 法。 光学法:利用光学原理研制的流速仪。 (四)化学法
根据质量守恒定律,将一定浓度已知量的指示剂注入河水中,利用 扩散稀释后的浓度与水流的流量成反比,测定水中指示剂的浓度即可 推算.
61.00 60.00
程 59.00
(m) 57.00
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
m2/3 d
K=7800 C=0.050 T=0106.5 N=0015 V=0.160K=7800 C=0.050 T=0108.4 N=0016 V=0.165五.仪器的维护:测算仪的维护,短期不用时,必须拨掉插头(断开电源)保存。
六.仪器的全套设备:LS300-A速测算仪一个LS300-A仪旋桨一架信号联线一付*通讯电缆(选配)一付充电器一只附件:LS300-A型便携式流速测算仪使用说明书一本特别提醒:仪器首次次充电应大于3小时. 测试时间请设置20秒以上每次请将电池电用完后再充.(本机有过放过充保护)LS300-A型便携式流速测算仪LS300-A型便携式流速流量仪(简称便携式流速仪)是专门为水文站、厂矿、环保监测站、农田排灌、水文地质调查等部门在野外进行明渠流速流量测量而研制的。
LS300-A型智能流量流速仪可配套新型流速旋浆传感器, 该传感器是采用先进的技术于2004年底最新研制成功,旋浆螺旋角、螺距、制作工艺和材料等都进行了重新设计,旋浆直径分别为Φ15mm和Φ12mm(旋浆反光面采用先进的电镀工艺,耐磨损,信号强),起动流速≤1cm/s,起动流速、测速范围、线性度、同心度、率定系数和均方差等指标均较以往传感器有很大的改进和提高。
SITRANS FCS300流量传感器说明书
SITRANS FC (Coriolis)OverviewSensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorThe SITRANS FCS300 sensor is available in DN 15 to DN 150 mm sizes in stainless steel AISI 316 L or nickel allow wetted material. The sensor design consists of process connections, inlet and outlet manifolds mounted in a stiff frame and two parallel tubes equally sharing the process medium flow.The sensing tubes are curved in the CompactCurve shape which gives high sensitivity and low pressure loss. The CompactCurve shape was selected to ensure that the smallest flows are measured with optimal signal to noise ratio.The compact sensor design with a split flow dual tube design with high driver frequency is suitable for high end applications in all industry segments e.g. Chemical, Oil & Gas , Refineries, F&B and Power.A variety of process connections available to cover all common process connections and pressure ratings.The sensor has a solid stainless steel fully welded enclosure to protect the measuring tubes from any harsh environments. For hazardous area applications the FCS300 comes in a number of common harzardous area approved like Atex, IECEx, cCSAus, EAC, and NEPSI.Flow Measurement© Siemens AG 2023SITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorThe SITRANS FCS300 sensor is suitable for both indoor and outdoor installation and meets the requirements of Protection ClassIP67/NEMA 4X. Optionally the sensor can be ordered with hazardous certification to Zone 1 and Div 1 (ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus, EAC Ex, NEPSI).The flowmeter is bidirectional and can be installed in any orientation. The sensor is self-draining in many positions, with vertical mounting preferred.It is important to ensure that the sensor tubes are always completely filled with homogeneous fluid; otherwise measuring errors may occur. Suitable fluids are clean liquids, pastes, light slurries or gases. Condensing vapours, aerated liquids or slush are not recommended.The materials in contact with the process medium must be evaluated for corrosion and erosion resistances for long sensor life.The pressure drop through the sensor is a function of the properties of the fluid and the flow rate. A pressure loss and accuracy calculator can be found on the Siemens internet site . The preferred flow direction is indicated by an arrow on the sensor. Flow in the direction of the arrow will be measured as positive. The flow direction can be adjusted at the transmitter to compensate for reverse installation.Installation orientationThe optimal installation orientation is vertical with the flow upwards. This ensures that suspended solids or bubbles are completely pushed through the sensor. A drain valve below the sensor will allow the pipe and sensor to drain completely.SupportsIn order to support the weight of the flowmeter and to ensure reliable measurements when external effects exist (e.g. plant vibrations), the sensor should be installed in rigidly supported pipelines. Supports or hangers should be installed symmetrically and stress-free in close proximity to both of the process connections.Shut-off devicesTo conduct a system zero adjustment, secure shut-off devices are required in the pipeline.Where possible, shut-off devices should be installed both upstream and downstream of the flowmeter.Installation guidelines•The mass flowmeter does not require any flow conditioning or straight inlet pipe sections. Care should be exercised however to ensure that any upstream valves, gates, sight glasses etc. do not cavitate and are not set into vibration by the flow.•It is always preferred to place the flowmeter upstream of any control valve or other pipeline component which may cause flashing, cavitation or vibrations.•The presence of gas bubbles in the fluid may result in erroneous measurements, particularly in the density measurement. Therefore the flowmeter should not be installed at the lowest pressure point in the liquid piping system or where vapour can collect. Install the meter in pipeline sections with high pressure to maintain system pressure and compress any bubbles.•Drop lines downstream from the flow sensor should be avoided to prevent the meter tube from draining during flowing conditions. A back-pressure device or orifice is recommended to ensure that flow does not separate within the flow sensor but the metering section remains at positive pressure at all times while there is flow.•The flowmeter should not come into contact with any other objects. Avoid making attachments to the housing except for the pressure guard components (if required).•When the connecting pipeline is larger than the sensor size, suitable standard reducers may be installed. A selection of oversize and undersize connections can be ordered - refer to the sizes tables below.•The flow sensor may be supported at the junction between process connection and the manifold, but should not be used to support adjacent piping. Ensure that the piping is also supported on both sides so that connection stresses are neutral.•If strong vibrations exist in the pipeline, they should be damped using elastic pipeline elements. The damping devices must be installed outside the supported flowmeter section. Direct connection of flexible elements to the sensor should be avoided.•Make sure that any dissolved gases, which are present in many liquids, do not outgas. The back pressure at the outlet should be at least 0.2 bar (3 psi) above the vapour pressure of the process fluid.•Assure that operation below the vapour pressure cannot occur particularly for fluids with low latent heat of vaporisation.•The sensor should not be installed in the vicinity of strong electromagnetic fields, e.g. near motors, pumps, variable frequency drives, transformers etc.•When operating meters on a common mounting base the sensors should be mounted and spaced separate from each other to avoid cross-talk and other vibration interferences.•When operating meters in interconnected pipelines the pipes should be decoupled to prevent cross talk.Remote system cablingThe system is designed so that standard instrumentation cable with four cores and overall screen or two screened pairs can be used, or cable sets can be ordered with the flowmeter. The cable can be ordered in various set lengths and terminated in the field.Be aware of maximum sensor length cable depending on product selection, currently 75 m. Data transmission speed and process variable update rates may be affected by the cable characteristics. For best results, choose a cable with the following electrical characteristics:Flow MeasurementFlow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorThe flowmeter system applies maximum 15 V DC in operation andis certified intrinsically safe. The complete system is insulationtested to 1 500 V in production.Cabling solutions which can be ordered with the flowmeter are asfollows:1. High performance plugged cable using M12 connectors into preparedsockets2. Cable glands for either metric or NPT threaded terminal housings3. Plain cable in set lengths to be passed through flexible and rigid conduit(not supplied) for metric or NPT threaded terminal housingsCable for items 1, 2 and 3 are available either gray for standardapplications or light blue for Ex applications to identify the circuit asintrinsically safe.Insulation and heatingFor applications where pipeline insulation is required for personnelprotection or process temperature maintenance, theSITRANS FCS300 flow sensor may also be insulated. The form andmaterial of insulation is not prescribed and entirely depends on thepractices at the application location or plant.Insulation must not be crowded around the sensor pedestal butshaped at a 45° cone to allow the pedestal to radiate excess heatand maintain a suitable working temperature within the front-endtransmitter housing.Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensor1)Increased error can be expected for gas mass flow measurement (for gas measurement typically + 0.40 % error).2)For gas applications the max. flowrate is calculated at Mach-Number = 0.3.3)Hastelloy C is a registered trademark of Haynes International. C4 nickel alloys are equivalent to Hastelloy C4.4)Valid for the 0.1% sensor.Pressure/temperature curvesWith two major exceptions, the pressure rating of the flow sensors is independent of the process medium temperature. Design rules for flange connections in both the EN 1092-1 and ASME B16.5 standards dictate pressure derating with increasing temperature. The charts below show the effect of process medium temperature on the pressure ratings for the flanges within the FCS300 product program.Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorEN1092-1 flanged sensors in AISI 316LStainless steel ASME flange 1.4571/1.4404 (AISI 316Ti/316L) up to DN200 (8")Nickel alloy DIN flange C4 (2.4610) or nickel alloy C22 (2.4602) up to DN200 (8")Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorNickel alloy ASME flange C4 (2.4610) or nickel alloy C22 (2.4602) up to DN200 (8")Sanitary connectionsSensor variantsSITRANS FCS300 sensors are available in a wide range of process connections. The available combinations of type, sensor size and connection size are shown in the tables below.Standard variantsFlow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensor1)Apply class 600 p and t ratings for class 900 and class 1500 flanges.Hygienic sensor variantsThe hygienic sensors will have to be ordered with stainless steel tubes 316L/1.4435/1.4404 (polished). Hygienic sensors are offered with process connection conforming to various international quick-connect clamps or threaded connectors. Pressure ratings are according to the relevant standard and the sensor size.NAMUR sensor variantsThe NAMUR variants have built-in lengths according to NAMUR recommendation NE 132. The recommendations of NE 132 are stated for sensors with flanges the same size as the sensor nominal size, and for flanges to EN 1092-1 PN 40 with B1 flange facing. For DN 100 and DN 150 flanges to PN 16.Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorSensor dimensionsFlow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensor1)For FCT030 compact add 4 kg (8.8 lb)SITRANS FCS300, dimensions in mm (inch), weights in kg (lb), for a EN 1092 PN 40 flanged version.The built-in length D depends on the flange.Overall lengthThe overall length (built-in length D) of each sensor depends on the connection standard and the pressure rating. The tables below summarize the dimensions available at the time of publishing. Please contact Siemens for further information about our desired process connection specification.Sensor in AISI 316L: 7ME463.-...Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensor3/237Sensor in nickel-alloy C4: 7ME463.-...Siemens FI 01 · 2023Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensor3/238Siemens FI 01 · 2023Flow Measurement。
课程实验报告学年学期2012—2013学年第二学期课程名称工程水文学实验名称河道测深测速实验实验室北校区灌溉实验站专业年级热动113学生姓名白治朋学生学号2011012106任课教师向友珍李志军水利与建筑工程学院1 实验目的(1)了解流速仪的主要构造及其作用、仪器的性能。
(3)了解流速仪测流的基本方法.2 实验内容LS25—3C型旋浆流速仪是一种新改型仪器,采用磁电转换原理,无触点式测量,信号采集数多,灵敏度高,防水,防沙性能好,仪器结构紧凑,是一种大量程的流速仪。
1 主要技术指标(1)测速范围:V=0.04-10 m/s(2)仪器的起转速:Vo≤0.035 m/s(3)临界速度:Vk≤0。
1. 旋翼式流速仪旋翼式流速仪是一种基于转子运动测量流体流速的仪器。
2. 热式流速仪热式流速仪是一种基于热传导原理测量流体流速的仪器。
3. 超声波流速仪超声波流速仪是一种基于超声波传播时间测量流体流速的仪器。
4. 压差式流速仪压差式流速仪是一种基于流体压差测量流速的仪器。
二、主要技术指标1.测速范围:V=0.06~7.0m/s2.工作水深:一般不大于24m;3.工作水温:0~40℃;4.工作水质:淡水(含有不过分的矿物质)或含有泥沙的浑水;5.连续工作的累计时间: 8h;6.仪器的起转速度:V0≤0.05m/s7.检定公式的均方差:m≤1.5%8.桨叶螺距: 250mm;9.每二次信号间桨叶的转数: 20转三、工作原理及计算方法LS25-1型旋桨式流速仪的工作原理是:当水流作用到仪器的感应元件——桨叶时,桨叶即产生旋转运动,水流越快,桨叶转动越快,转速与流速之间存在着一定的函数关系,即V=f(n)。
目录目录0 ISA-300 综合自动化系统概述 (1)0.1 系统概述 (1)0.2 典型配置 (5)0.3 系统安全性 (7)0.4 系统技术参数 (8)0.5 站控层技术说明 (11)0.6 间隔层技术说明 (19)1 ISA-300+监控后台系统 (29)1.1 概述 (29)1.2 技术特色 (29)1.3 设计原则 (30)1.4 系统功能 (31)1.5 系统性能 (38)1.6 系统模块简介 (39)2 ISA-301C 通讯管理单元 (48)2.1 概述 (48)2.2 系统结构及装置应用 (48)2.3 技术特色 (49)2.4 硬件说明 (51)2.5 软件说明 (52)2.6 装置使用说明 (54)2.7 装置投运说明 (55)2.8 常见故障排除 (57)3 ISA-311G 微机线路成套距离保护装置(简介) (62)4 ISA-341G 单元测控装置 (66)4.1 装置同期功能说明 (66)4.2 装置测控功能说明 (67)4.3 装置端子接线 (69)5 ISA-342G 公共测控装置 (75)目录5.1 装置测控功能说明 (75)5.2 装置端子接线 (79)6 ISA-351G 馈线保护测控装置 (86)6.1 基本配置 (86)6.2 保护原理 (86)6.3 保护配置及整定说明 (86)6.4 保护动作事件类型定义 (89)6.5 装置端子接线 (90)7 ISA-353G 线路光纤纵差保护测控装置 (95)7.1 基本配置 (95)7.2 保护原理 (96)7.3 保护配置及整定说明 (96)7.4 保护动作事件类型定义 (99)7.5 装置光纤接口说明 (100)7.6 装置端子接线 (101)8 ISA-358G 备用电源自动投入装置 (106)8.1 基本配置 (106)8.2 备自投一般性说明 (106)8.3 备自投典型逻辑 (109)8.4 辅助保护和告警功能 (113)8.5 装置配置及整定说明 (116)8.6 装置动作事件类型定义 (119)8.7 装置背板布置及端子接线 (120)9 ISA-359G 电容器保护测控装置 (127)9.1 基本配置 (127)9.2 保护原理 (127)9.3 保护配置及整定说明 (127)9.4 保护动作事件类型定义 (129)9.5 装置端子接线 (130)10 ISA-361G 本体保护测控装置 (136)10.1 基本配置 (136)10.2 保护原理 (136)10.3 保护配置及整定说明 (136)10.4 保护动作事件类型定义 (137)。
流速仪的装配与测试一、要求:1. 了解流速仪的主要构造及其作用、仪器的性能。
2. 掌握流速仪的装配步骤与保养方法。
3. 了解流速仪测流的基本方法。
接触部分它包括了偏心筒,齿轮及凸轮,接触丝等部件,为传讯的机构,其中齿轮与转子部分的旋轴接触,并一起旋转、68型旋杯式流速仪,其转轴旋转20 转,齿轮旋转一周,齿轮侧面有凸轮与之同轴转动,凸轮有四个突出之处,故当接触丝与之接触时,则旋轴每转5转接通电路一次,借此送一个信号。
2. LS一68型旋杯式流速仪的性能仪器适用于V=0.2~4.0M/S的河流中,个别灵敏度较高时低速可以测到0.1M/S,率定流速公式的均方误差在上述测速范围内不超过±1.5%。
二、仪器准备使用LS1206B旋浆式流速仪前,需要进行以下准备工作:1. 检查仪器的外观是否完好,确认无损坏或漏电等情况。
2. 检查仪器的电源是否正常,确认电源稳定并接地良好。
3. 仪器的测量线路应与被测液体流经的管道相连,并确保连接紧固牢固。
4. 根据被测液体的性质,选择合适的流速测量范围和旋般规格。
三、仪器使用步骤1. 将LS1206B旋浆式流速仪通电,并等待仪器启动完成。
2. 设置流速测量范围。
3. 设置旋般规格。
4. 导入仪器校准参数。
5. 将旋般安装在被测液体流经的管道上。
6. 打开仪器的流速显示功能,并观察流速数值。
7. 根据需要,可以进行流量计算。
8. 使用完毕后,关闭仪器的电源,并进行清洁和维护工作。
四、注意事项在使用LS1206B旋浆式流速仪时,需要注意以下事项:1. 仪器应在干燥、通风良好的环境中使用,避免接触水分或腐蚀性气体。
2. 在测量前,应确认仪器与被测液体充分接触,避免气泡或污物进入旋般。
3. 若测量粘稠度高的液体,应采用较小的旋般规格,以确保测量的准确性。
4. 在使用过程中,仪器应定期进行校准和维护,以保证测量结果的准确性和稳定性。
5. 仪器不宜长时间放置在高温、潮湿或有腐蚀性气体的环境中,以免影响仪器的正常运行。
第43卷 第2期2024年 3月华中农业大学学报Journal of Huazhong Agricultural UniversityVol.43 No.2Mar. 2024,22~29进水结构对圆形循环水养殖池流场的影响李彬涛,谭鹤群,张义仁,夏成醒华中农业大学工学院/农业农村部水产养殖设施工程重点实验室,武汉 430070摘要 为精准设计工厂化圆形循环水养殖池的进水结构,基于计算流体动力学技术,采用Fluent 软件建立数值模型模拟进水管在不同进水角度θ、进径比d/r 、进水高度h 工况下养殖池内的流场分布特性,并以平均速度v avg 和均匀系数U 为评价指标,对进水结构进行优化分析,在物理试验证明该数值模型能较好地模拟养殖池内的流场特征的基础上,模拟了不同进水结构对流场分布的影响。
结果显示:在相同条件下,进水角度θ在40°时v avg 取得最大值,水层之间的U 差异较小;进径比d/r 在0.1时v avg 和U 取得较大值,水层之间的U 差异较小;进水高度h 在100~400 mm 时v avg 取得较大值,且在h =100 mm 时水层之间的U 差异最小。
研究表明,当进水角度θ=40°、进径比d/r =0.1、进水高度h =100 mm 时,养殖池内流场特性处于较优状态。
关键词 循环水养殖; 计算流体力学; 进水结构; 流场特性中图分类号 S964.3 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1000-2421(2024)02-0022-08循环水养殖是一种通过技术手段创造合理可控的养殖环境、提高鱼类质量的高效集约型养殖模式[1]。
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旋浆传感器, 该传感器是采用先进的技术于2004年底最
2、测速范围:0.01-4.00 m/s (可到5.00m/s) 测流误差:≤1.5%