英⽂论⽂写作中⼀些可能⽤到的词汇英⽂论⽂写作过程中总是被⾃⼰可怜的词汇量击败, 所以我打算在这⾥记录⼀些在阅读论⽂过程中见到的⼀些⾃⼰不曾见过的词句或⽤法。
形容词1. vanilla: adj. 普通的, 寻常的, 毫⽆特⾊的. ordinary; not special in any way.2. crucial: adj. ⾄关重要的, 关键性的.3. parsimonious:adj. 悭吝的, 吝啬的, ⼩⽓的.e.g. Due to the underlying hyperbolic geometry, this allows us to learn parsimonious representations of symbolic data by simultaneously capturing hierarchy and similarity.4. diverse: adj. 不同的, 相异的, 多种多样的, 形形⾊⾊的.5. intriguing: adj. ⾮常有趣的, 引⼈⼊胜的; 神秘的. *intrigue: v. 激起…的兴趣, 引发…的好奇⼼; 秘密策划(加害他⼈), 密谋.e.g. The results of this paper carry several intriguing implications.6. intimate: adj. 亲密的; 密切的. v.透露; (间接)表⽰, 暗⽰.e.g. The above problems are intimately linked to machine learning on graphs.7. akin: adj. 类似的, 同族的, 相似的.e.g. Akin to GNN, in LOCAL a graph plays a double role: ...8. abundant: adj. ⼤量的, 丰盛的, 充裕的.9. prone: adj. 有做(坏事)的倾向; 易于遭受…的; 俯卧的.e.g. It is thus prone to oversmoothing when convolutions are applied repeatedly.10.concrete: adj. 混凝⼟制的; 确实的, 具体的(⽽⾮想象或猜测的); 有形的; 实在的.e.g. ... as a concrete example ...e.g. More concretely, HGCN applies the Euclidean non-linear activation in...11. plausible: adj. 有道理的; 可信的; 巧⾔令⾊的, 花⾔巧语的.e.g. ... this interpretation may be a plausible explanation of the success of the recently introduced methods.12. ubiquitous: adj. 似乎⽆所不在的;⼗分普遍的.e.g. While these higher-order interac- tions are ubiquitous, an evaluation of the basic properties and organizational principles in such systems is missing.13. disparate: adj. 由不同的⼈(或事物)组成的;迥然不同的;⽆法⽐较的.e.g. These seemingly disparate types of data have something in common: ...14. profound: adj. 巨⼤的; 深切的, 深远的; 知识渊博的; 理解深刻的;深邃的, 艰深的; ⽞奥的.e.g. This has profound consequences for network models of relational data — a cornerstone in the interdisciplinary study of complex systems.15. blurry: adj. 模糊不清的.e.g. When applying these estimators to solve (2), the line between the critic and the encoders $g_1, g_2$ can be blurry.16. amenable: adj. 顺从的; 顺服的; 可⽤某种⽅式处理的.e.g. Ou et al. utilize sparse generalized SVD to generate a graph embedding, HOPE, from a similarity matrix amenableto de- composition into two sparse proximity matrices.17. elaborate: adj. 复杂的;详尽的;精⼼制作的 v.详尽阐述;详细描述;详细制订;精⼼制作e.g. Topic Modeling for Graphs also requires elaborate effort, as graphs are relational while documents are indepen- dent samples.18. pivotal: adj. 关键性的;核⼼的e.g. To ensure the stabilities of complex systems is of pivotal significance toward reliable and better service providing.19. eminent: adj. 卓越的,著名的,显赫的;⾮凡的;杰出的e.g. To circumvent those defects, theoretical studies eminently represented by percolation theories appeared.20. indispensable: adj. 不可或缺的;必不可少的 n. 不可缺少的⼈或物e.g. However, little attention is paid to multipartite networks, which are an indispensable part of complex networks.21. post-hoc: adj. 事后的e.g. Post-hoc explainability typically considers the question “Why the GNN predictor made certain prediction?”.22. prevalent: adj. 流⾏的;盛⾏的;普遍存在的e.g. A prevalent solution is building an explainer model to conduct feature attribution23. salient: adj. 最重要的;显著的;突出的. n. 凸⾓;[建]突出部;<军>进攻或防卫阵地的突出部分e.g. It decomposes the prediction into the contributions of the input features, which redistributes the probability of features according to their importance and sample the salient features as an explanatory subgraph.24. rigorous: adj. 严格缜密的;严格的;谨慎的;细致的;彻底的;严厉的e.g. To inspect the OOD effect rigorously, we take a causal look at the evaluation process with a Structural Causal Model.25. substantial: adj. ⼤量的;价值巨⼤的;重⼤的;⼤⽽坚固的;结实的;牢固的. substantially: adv. ⾮常;⼤⼤地;基本上;⼤体上;总的来说26. cogent: adj. 有说服⼒的;令⼈信服的e.g. The explanatory subgraph $G_s$ emphasizes tokens like “weak” and relations like “n’t→funny”, which is cogent according to human knowledge.27. succinct: adj. 简练的;简洁的 succinctly: adv. 简⽽⾔之,简明扼要地28. concrete: adj. 混凝⼟制的;确实的,具体的(⽽⾮想象或猜测的);有形的;实在的 concretely: adv. 具体地;具体;具体的;有形地29. predominant:adj. 主要的;主导的;显著的;明显的;盛⾏的;占优势的动词1. mitigate: v. 减轻, 缓和. (反 enforce)e.g. In this work, we focus on mitigating this problem for a certain class of symbolic data.2. corroborate: v. [VN] [often passive] (formal) 证实, 确证.e.g. This is corroborated by our experiments on real-world graph.3. endeavor: n./v. 努⼒, 尽⼒, 企图, 试图.e.g. It encourages us to continue the endeavor in applying principles mathematics and theory in successful deployment of deep learning.4. augment: v. 增加, 提⾼, 扩⼤. n. 增加, 补充物.e.g. We also augment the graph with geographic information (longitude, latitude and altitude), and GDP of the country where the airport belongs to.5. constitute: v. (被认为或看做)是, 被算作; 组成, 构成; (合法或正式地)成⽴, 设⽴.6. abide: v. 接受, 遵照(规则, 决定, 劝告); 逗留, 停留.e.g. Training a graph classifier entails identifying what constitutes a class, i.e., finding properties shared by graphs in one class but not the other, and then deciding whether new graphs abide to said learned properties.7. entail: v. 牵涉; 需要; 使必要. to involve sth that cannot be avoided.e.g. Due to the recursive definition of the Chebyshev polynomials, the computation of the filter $g_α(\Delta)f$ entails applying the Laplacian $r$ times, resulting cal operator affecting only 1-hop neighbors of a vertex and in $O(rn)$ operations.8. encompass: v. 包含, 包括, 涉及(⼤量事物); 包围, 围绕, 围住.e.g. This model is chosen as it is sufficiently general to encompass several state-of-the-art networks.e.g. The k-cycle detection problem entails determining if G contains a k-cycle.9. reveal: v. 揭⽰, 显⽰, 透露, 显出, 露出, 展⽰.10. bestow: v. 将(…)给予, 授予, 献给.e.g. Aiming to bestow GCNs with theoretical guarantees, one promising research direction is to study graph scattering transforms (GSTs).11. alleviate: v. 减轻, 缓和, 缓解.12. investigate: v. 侦查(某事), 调查(某⼈), 研究, 调查.e.g. The sensitivity of pGST to random and localized noise is also investigated.13. fuse: v. (使)融合, 熔接, 结合; (使)熔化, (使保险丝熔断⽽)停⽌⼯作.e.g. We then fuse the topological embeddings with the initial node features into the initial query representations using a query network$f_q$ implemented as a two-layer feed-forward neural network.14. magnify: v. 放⼤, 扩⼤; 增强; 夸⼤(重要性或严重性); 夸张.e.g. ..., adding more layers also leads to more parameters which magnify the potential of overfitting.15. circumvent: v. 设法回避, 规避; 绕过, 绕⾏.e.g. To circumvent the issue and fulfill both goals simultaneously, we can add a negative term...16. excel: v. 擅长, 善于; 突出; 胜过平时.e.g. Nevertheless, these methods have been repeatedly shown to excel in practice.17. exploit: v. 利⽤(…为⾃⼰谋利); 剥削, 压榨; 运⽤, 利⽤; 发挥.e.g. In time series and high-dimensional modeling, approaches that use next step prediction exploit the local smoothness of the signal.18. regulate: v. (⽤规则条例)约束, 控制, 管理; 调节, 控制(速度、压⼒、温度等).e.g. ... where $b >0$ is a parameter regulating the probability of this event.19. necessitate: v. 使成为必要.e.g. Combinatorial models reproduce many-body interactions, which appear in many systems and necessitate higher-order models that capture information beyond pairwise interactions.20. portray:描绘, 描画, 描写; 将…描写成; 给⼈以某种印象; 表现; 扮演(某⾓⾊).e.g. Considering pairwise interactions, a standard network model would portray the link topology of the underlying system as shown in Fig. 2b.21. warrant: v. 使有必要; 使正当; 使恰当. n. 执⾏令; 授权令; (接受款项、服务等的)凭单, 许可证; (做某事的)正当理由, 依据.e.g. Besides statistical methods that can be used to detect correlations that warrant higher-order models, ... (除了可以⽤来检测⽀持⾼阶模型的相关性的统计⽅法外, ...)22. justify: v. 证明…正确(或正当、有理); 对…作出解释; 为…辩解(或辩护); 调整使全⾏排满; 使每⾏排齐.e.g. ..., they also come with the assumption of transitive, Markovian paths, which is not justified in many real systems.23. hinder:v. 阻碍; 妨碍; 阻挡. (反 foster: v. 促进; 助长; 培养; ⿎励; 代养, 抚育, 照料(他⼈⼦⼥⼀段时间))e.g. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of these matrix operators capture how the topology of a system influences the efficiency of diffusion and propagation processes, whether it enforces or mitigates the stability of dynamical systems, or if it hinders or fosters collective dynamics.24. instantiate:v. 例⽰;⽤具体例⼦说明.e.g. To learn the representation we instantiate (2) and split each input MNIST image into two parts ...25. favor:v. 赞同;喜爱, 偏爱; 有利于, 便于. n. 喜爱, 宠爱, 好感, 赞同; 偏袒, 偏爱; 善⾏, 恩惠.26. attenuate: v. 使减弱; 使降低效⼒.e.g. It therefore seems that the bounds we consider favor hard-to-invert encoders, which heavily attenuate part of the noise, over well conditioned encoders.27. elucidate:v. 阐明; 解释; 说明.e.g. Secondly, it elucidates the importance of appropriately choosing the negative samples, which is indeed a critical component in deep metric learning based on triplet losses.28. violate: v. 违反, 违犯, 违背(法律、协议等); 侵犯(隐私等); 使⼈不得安宁; 搅扰; 亵渎, 污损(神圣之地).e.g. Negative samples are obtained by patches from different images as well as patches from the same image, violating the independence assumption.29. compel:v. 强迫, 迫使; 使必须; 引起(反应).30. gauge: v. 判定, 判断(尤指⼈的感情或态度); (⽤仪器)测量, 估计, 估算. n. 测量仪器(或仪表);计量器;宽度;厚度;(枪管的)⼝径e.g. Yet this hyperparameter-tuned approach raises a cubic worst-case space complexity and compels the user to traverse several feature sets and gauge the one that attains the best performance in the downstream task.31. depict: v. 描绘, 描画; 描写, 描述; 刻画.e.g. As they depict different aspects of a node, it would take elaborate designs of graph convolutions such that each set of features would act as a complement to the other.32. sketch: n. 素描;速写;草图;幽默短剧;⼩品;简报;概述 v. 画素描;画速写;概述;简述e.g. Next we sketch how to apply these insights to learning topic models.33. underscore:v. 在…下⾯划线;强调;着重说明 n.下划线e.g. Moreover, the walk-topic distributions generated by Graph Anchor LDA are indeed sharper than those by ordinary LDA, underscoring the need for selecting anchors.34. disclose: v. 揭露;透露;泄露;使显露;使暴露e.g. Another drawback lies in their unexplainable nature, i.e., they cannot disclose the sciences beneath network dynamics.35. coincide: v. 同时发⽣;相同;相符;极为类似;相接;相交;同位;位置重合;重叠e.g. The simulation results coincide quite well with the theoretical results.36. inspect: v. 检查;查看;审视;视察 to look closely at sth/sb, especially to check that everything is as it should be名词1. capacity: n. 容量, 容积, 容纳能⼒; 领悟(或理解、办事)能⼒; 职位, 职责.e.g. This paper studies theoretically the computational capacity limits of graph neural networks (GNN) falling within the message-passing framework of Gilmer et al. (2017).2. implication: n. 可能的影响(或作⽤、结果); 含意, 暗指; (被)牵连, 牵涉.e.g. Section 4 analyses the implications of restricting the depth $d$ and width $w$ of GNN that do not use a readout function.3. trade-off:(在需要⽽⼜相互对⽴的两者间的)权衡, 协调.e.g. This reveals a direct trade-off between the depth and width of a graph neural network.4. cornerstone:n. 基⽯; 最重要部分; 基础; 柱⽯.5. umbrella: n. 伞; 综合体; 总体, 整体; 保护, 庇护(体系).e.g. Community detection is an umbrella term for a large number of algorithms that group nodes into distinct modules to simplify and highlight essential structures in the network topology.6. folklore:n. 民间传统, 民俗; 民间传说.e.g. It is folklore knowledge that maximizing MI does not necessarily lead to useful representations.7. impediment:n. 妨碍,阻碍,障碍; ⼝吃.e.g. While a recent approach overcomes this impediment, it results in poor quality in prediction tasks due to its linear nature.8. obstacle:n. 障碍;阻碍; 绊脚⽯; 障碍物; 障碍栅栏.e.g. However, several major obstacles stand in our path towards leveraging topic modeling of structural patterns to enhance GCNs.9. vicinity:n. 周围地区; 邻近地区; 附近.e.g. The traits with which they engage are those that are performed in their vicinity.10. demerit: n. 过失,缺点,短处; (学校给学⽣记的)过失分e.g. However, their principal demerit is that their implementations are time-consuming when the studied network is large in size. Another介/副/连词1. notwithstanding:prep. 虽然;尽管 adv. 尽管如此.e.g. Notwithstanding this fundamental problem, the negative sampling strategy is often treated as a design choice.2. albeit: conj. 尽管;虽然e.g. Such methods rely on an implicit, albeit rigid, notion of node neighborhood; yet this one-size-fits-all approach cannot grapple with the diversity of real-world networks and applications.3. Hitherto:adv. 迄今;直到某时e.g. Hitherto, tremendous endeavors have been made by researchers to gauge the robustness of complex networks in face of perturbations.短语1.in a nutshell: 概括地说, 简⾔之, ⼀⾔以蔽之.e.g. In a nutshell, GNN are shown to be universal if four strong conditions are met: ...2. counter-intuitively: 反直觉地.3. on-the-fly:动态的(地), 运⾏中的(地).4. shed light on/into:揭⽰, 揭露; 阐明; 解释; 将…弄明⽩; 照亮.e.g. These contemporary works shed light into the stability and generalization capabilities of GCNs.e.g. Discovering roles and communities in networks can shed light on numerous graph mining tasks such as ...5. boil down to: 重点是; 将…归结为.e.g. These aforementioned works usually boil down to a general classification task, where the model is learnt on a training set and selected by checking a validation set.6. for the sake of:为了.e.g. The local structures anchored around each node as well as the attributes of nodes therein are jointly encoded with graph convolution for the sake of high-level feature extraction.7. dates back to:追溯到.e.g. The usual problem setup dates back at least to Becker and Hinton (1992).8. carry out:实施, 执⾏, 实⾏.e.g. We carry out extensive ablation studies and sensi- tivity analysis to show the effectiveness of the proposed functional time encoding and TGAT-layer.9. lay beyond the reach of:...能⼒达不到e.g. They provide us with information on higher-order dependencies between the components of a system, which lay beyond the reach of models that exclusively capture pairwise links.10. account for: ( 数量或⽐例上)占; 导致, 解释(某种事实或情况); 解释, 说明(某事); (某⼈)对(⾏动、政策等)负有责任; 将(钱款)列⼊(预算).e.g. Multilayer models account for the fact that many real complex systems exhibit multiple types of interactions.11. along with: 除某物以外; 随同…⼀起, 跟…⼀起.e.g. Along with giving us the ability to reason about topological features including community structures or node centralities, network science enables us to understand how the topology of a system influences dynamical processes, and thus its function.12. dates back to:可追溯到.e.g. The usual problem setup dates back at least to Becker and Hinton (1992) and can conceptually be described as follows: ...13. to this end:为此⽬的;为此计;为了达到这个⽬标.e.g. To this end, we consider a simple setup of learning a representation of the top half of MNIST handwritten digit images.14. Unless stated otherwise:除⾮另有说明.e.g. Unless stated otherwise, we use a bilinear critic $f(x, y) = x^TWy$, set the batch size to $128$ and the learning rate to $10^{−4}$.15. As a reference point:作为参照.e.g. As a reference point, the linear classification accuracy from pixels drops to about 84% due to the added noise.16. through the lens of:透过镜头. (以...视⾓)e.g. There are (at least) two immediate benefits of viewing recent representation learning methods based on MI estimators through the lens of metric learning.17. in accordance with:符合;依照;和…⼀致.e.g. The metric learning view seems hence in better accordance with the observations from Section 3.2 than the MI view.It can be shown that the anchors selected by our Graph Anchor LDA are not only indicative of “topics” but are also in accordance with the actual graph structures.18. be akin to:近似, 类似, 类似于.e.g. Thus, our learning model is akin to complex contagion dynamics.19. to name a few:仅举⼏例;举⼏个来说.e.g. Multitasking, multidisciplinary work and multi-authored works, to name a few, are ingrained in the fabric of science culture and certainly multi-multi is expected in order to succeed and move up the scientific ranks.20. a handful of:⼀把;⼀⼩撮;少数e.g. A handful of empirical work has investigated the robustness of complex networks at the community level.21. wreak havoc: 破坏;肆虐;严重破坏;造成破坏;浩劫e.g. Failures on one network could elicit failures on its coupled networks, i.e., networks with which the focal network interacts, and eventually those failures would wreak havoc on the entire network.22. apart from: 除了e.g. We further posit that apart from node $a$ node $b$ has $k$ neighboring nodes.。
出国考试:雅思⼩作⽂常⽤表达词汇出国考试:雅思⼩作⽂常⽤表达词汇 总有同学困惑于雅思⼩作⽂的表达⽅式,由于国内的英⽂学习中较少出现类似雅思⼩作⽂中的图表,同学们对于趋势描述⽅式、极值表达等词并不熟悉。
但作为英美国家课程中常⽤的图表叙述,⼩作⽂表达必不可少,下⾯雅思⼩编就为⼤家总结各类雅思⼩作⽂中常见的描述性词汇: 雅思⼩作⽂句式 1、趋势性词汇 上升名词类: increase, rise, growth, jump, surge 下降名词类: decrease, decline, fall, reduction, drop 波动名词类: fluctuation 修饰名词的形容词: slight, slow, gradual, steady, rapid, moderate, significant, sharp, dramatic, drastic 雅思⼩作⽂句式 2、极值类词汇和表达 最⾼点: reach the peak/top/highest point Increase to the peak/top/highest point(所有上升类的动词都可以替换掉increase) 最低点: reach the bottom/lowest point drop to the bottom/lowest point(所有下降类的.动词都可以替换掉drop) 占的最多: occupy/make up/take up/account for the largest proportion/number/percentage of … 占的最少: occupy/make up/take up/account for the smallest proportion/number/percentage of… 雅思⼩作⽂句式3、倍数的表达⽅式 Double 是两倍/⼤⼀倍 Increase/decrease three times 增长/减少了三倍 雅思⼩作⽂句式4、⼤约的表达⽅式 About/around + 数字 数字 + or so 雅思⼩作⽂词汇句式之句式: 1. the number sharply went up to ... 2. from the table ,we can clearly see that ... 3.this table shows the changing proportion of X and Y from ... to ... 4.the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in... 5.the percentage of ... stayed the same between ... and ... 6.the percentage remainede steady at... 7. as can be seen from the grape ,the two curves show the flutuation of ... 8. over the period from ...to ...the...remained level. 9. in the year between ...and .... 10. in the 3 years spanning from 2005 through 2008. 11.the number of ... remained steady from ...to ..下载全⽂【出国考试:雅思⼩作⽂常⽤表达词汇】相关⽂章:12-2110-2711-1807-0411-0610-2201-0312-1611-1706-05d i v c l a s s = " d o w n l o a d _ f i xe d _ b o t t o m d o w n l o a d _ c a r d _ b o x " d a t a - p o s = " b " b d sf i d = " 1 6 2 " >e m b d sf i d = " 1 6 3 " > / e m >。
1) 既然out有“过时”的意思,那么in当然就有“时髦”的意思咯!IPOD was the in thing for 2008.(IPOD是2008年很时髦的玩意)
2) 突然想起上学的时光, 经常晚上一下课我的好朋友就问我"Hey Tina, we are gonna go grab a drink, are you in?"这里的in是join的意思,就是说“你也来吗?”当然每次我都不会错过这样的happy hours,所以我总是回答她说"Absolutely, count me in!"(当然了,算我一个!)
C. check out还有一层意思,在街上看到漂亮的女孩子或者是帅哥,你就可以偷偷地check her / him out.(偷看美女/帅哥,哈哈!)
3)check in,最常见的意思是“登记入住”,不过大家也要知道乘飞机托运行李也要用这个短语check in: Can I have these bags checked in?(我能不能吧这些包托运?)顺便说一下,带上飞机的行李叫carry-on bags.
3) 转眼学生生活已经结束了,虽然我常说"I'm still, and always be a student"(活到老,学到老),但是终究是离开了校园生活走向了社会。所以我就干脆去车行把我的旧车trade in,就是把旧的东西卖掉,然后用卖来的钱再加点extra money去买新的东西,比如说trade in my car/computer/house, etc..
Reading affords pleasure.
6. Rather
(1)would rather do 宁愿
He said he would rather stay at home.
(2)rather than 宁愿
I had rather dance than eat.
We can't manage with these poor tools.
(3)manage on 生活,过活
How will she manage with her husband gone.
5. Afford
(1)afford to do 足以承担
I cannot afford to pay such a high price.
Have you ever thought of all this?
7. Ever
(1)ever 曾经
Have you ever been there?
(2)ever 究竟
Why ever didn't you go
(3)ever 如果
If the band( 乐队) ever plays again,we will dance.
(4)involve 包围
Clouds involved the hilltop.
பைடு நூலகம்
We are living in a highly challenging world. We are to be always ready to challenging challenge .In so doing,we must be good at sharing what is available tous with somebody else.We must first manage to give rather than to take.In other words,we should not fail to be a responsible member of socicty.Only in this way can we afford to achieve our goal in life and will not remain good for nothing instead.
以下是一些常用的万能单词及其用法:1. Firstly/First of all: 首先。
2. Secondly: 其次。
3. In addition/Furthermore: 此外。
4. Moreover: 而且。
5. However: 然而。
6. Nevertheless: 然而。
7. On the other hand: 另一方面。
8. Therefore/Hence: 因此。
9. Consequently: 结果。
10. Furthermore: 此外。
11. In conclusion: 总之。
12. To sum up: 总结。
例如:1. Excellent: 优秀的。
2. Outstanding: 出色的。
3. Remarkable: 非凡的。
4. Furthermore, the excellent performance of the students in the competition demonstrates their outstanding abilities and dedication to their studies.5. Additionally, the remarkable progress made by the company in recent years highlights its commitment to innovation and excellence.总的来说,熟练运用这些万能单词可以帮助提高英语作文的表达水平,使文章更加连贯和生动。
英文作文素材词汇1. Abundant:丰富的,充裕的。
2. Acquire:获得,学到。
3. Adhere:坚持,粘附。
4. Amplify:放大,增强。
5. Analyze:分析。
6. Apparent:明显的,显然的。
7. Appropriate:适当的,合适的。
8. Arduous:努力的,艰难的。
9. Assert:断言,主张。
10. Assess:评估,评价。
11. Attribute:属性,特质。
12. Avlability:可用性,有效性。
13. Balance:平衡,均衡。
14. Capacity:能力,容量。
15. Casual:随便的,非正式的。
16. Challenge:挑战,困难。
17. Circumstance:环境,情况。
18. Clm:声称,主张。
19. Collaborate:合作,协作。
20. Comprehensive:全面的,综合的。
21. Conceive:构思,设想。
22. Conflict:冲突,矛盾。
23. Consequence:结果,后果。
24. Continuous:连续的,持续的。
25. Convince:说服,使相信。
26. Crucial:关键的,重要的。
27. Decline:下降,衰退。
28. Defect:缺陷,缺点。
29. Delicate:微妙的,精致的。
30. Deny:否认,拒绝。
31. Deprive:剥夺,使丧失。
32. Descend:下降,遗传。
33. Determine:决定,确定。
34. Devote:奉献,致力于。
35. Disable:使失去能力,使残疾。
36. Discipline:纪律,学科。
37. Distinct:明显的,独特的。
38. Disturb:打扰,扰乱。
39. Duration:持续时间,期间。
40. Efficient:有效的,效率高的。
41. Emphasize:强调,重视。
42. Enable:使能够,使成为可能。
n tp le等 。它们 所表 达 的效 果 比装 腔 作势 o oi t
的难词 长句 并不 逊 色 。
再 看笔 者利 用高 考考 纲词 汇所 写 范文 :
De r. Pr sde , arM e i nt
t ec n e n s r ie o a p s Fisl t e h a te e vc n c m u . rt y, h q ai f h ih si o r Th yt seb d u l y o eds e sp o . t t e a t a .
“ 小词 ”应用 。
Th n o a k y u!
范 文利 用 初 中词 汇 , 及 食 堂 饭 菜 质 量 、 涉 价格 、 环境 、 务 的所有 抱怨 , 仅用 了几 个 非 服 仅
常简单 的 “ 词 ” 如 p o ,tseb d og t 小 , o r a t a ,fr e
羁 回
国 固四 囿∞ 厢 应
口魏 华
词汇 量 不 是 决 定 英 语 写 作 水 平 的 决 定
因素 。
hg M o to ls m a e r o liig ih s fmy ca s t sa e c mp ann a o ti. W e p y m o e m o e u o ’ b u t a r n y b t we d nt
u ie st o s m eh n o m a e t e c n e n nv r i d o t i g t k h a te y
s r i e be t r e vc te ?
本文 以 C T E 4作 文 真 题 为 例 , 别 以 初 分 中 、 中词汇 范 围 内 的“ 词 ” 行 写 作 , 明 高 小 进 说
雅思写作中的小词大用2021年雅思写作中的小词大用_ draw one’s attention:〝令某人注意某事物〞例句:The economic rise of China and India draws ever more attention.中国和印度经济上的崛起引起越来越多的关注.在写作中的应用:在写大作文时,开头段中需要引出背景和话题,此时就可以使用sth.draws more attention这个搭配了.需要注意的是,很多中国同学在写开头段的时候非常喜欢使用〝with the development of thesociety〞,但是这个表达其实是会被考官扣分的模板化表达,使用之后6分就没有希望了._ draw up:〝写出,草拟,制定〞例句:He has drawn up a vacation plan.他已拟出假期计划.在写作中的应用:大作文中的report题型,往往需要同学们在文中分析一个社会现象的原因以及解决措施.而在表达措施时,我们往往可以从政府角度切入,例如:政府可以拟定政策来解决……问题.此时我们就可以用到这个词组:The government needs to draw up a policy that …_ draw in:〝吸引〞例句:Cruise lines are trying to draw in younger passengers and families withlower prices, as well as things like ice-skating rinks and cinemas.除了增设溜冰场和电影院以外,众游船公司还通过更低的价格来尝试吸引更年轻的乘客和家庭去游玩.在写作中的应用:表示〝吸引某人〞时,同学们第一反应会用〝attract〞这个单词.但为了在作文中升级为较不常见的表达或是避免重复,可以用〝draw in〞来做替换.除了draw in,此处也可以使用appealto来替换表达._ draw on:〝利用〞例句:The two entrepreneurs say that they still draw on their business schoole_perience to move the company forward.这两位企业家表示,他们仍运用在商学院中学到的经验推动公司的发展.在写作中的应用:表示〝运用〞的时候,最常见的表达是〝use〞, 〝apply〞,以后可以替换成draw on.另外,此处也可以使用make use of和take advantages of来替换.这些词组不仅记起来简单,而且在实际考试中能够体现出用词丰富性,起到非常好的替换作用.今天塔塔老师的分享就到这里,希望大家可以学以致用,升级表达.雅思考试写作高频素材分类1. 环境类1). Individuals Vs Government/Company个人与政府或公司关系It is only the government that has the force to stop factories frompolluting rivers and contaminating soil. Also, the government can offeranenormous amount of money as a reward to the first individual or company thatcomes up with a viable, environment-friendly alternative to fossil fuels.Besides, apart from governments, very few people are financially sufficient tocombat large-scale/disastrous environmental accidents, such as the oil spill atMe_ican Gulf in _.Even if governments launched seemingly protective measures, they would notmake any difference until individual citizens were fully aware of the importanceof environmental preservation and willing to make their share of contribution.Besides, the influence e_erted by relatives or friends is far more effectivethan the effort made by the government.2). Causes of environmental problems 导致环境问题的原因Growing reliance on private cars will lead to an increase in theconsumption of fossil fuels. As a result, there will be an increase in theemission of greenhouse gas, such as carbon dio_ide. In other words, people’sunwillingness to sacrifice comfortable modern lives is one of the leading causesbehind all the environmental problems.2. 政府投资1). Investment on art (subjects)政府在艺术方面投资2). Investment on space e_ploration 政府在太空探索领域的投资Enhancement of public facilities is closely related to people’s lifequality. If bus and rail services were more reliable, commuters would spend muchless time getting to and from work.However, admitting the importance of public facilities is not the same asdenying the importance of art development. In fact, art is much more tied topeople’s everyday life than e_pected. Without art, people would have to wear thesame clothes, live in the same buildings and watch monotonous movies. Withgovernments financially supporting artists, they will be able to be lessconcerned about earning bread but pay more effort to create wonderful diversityin people’s lives.3. 媒体1). Effects of violence in TV or movies 电视电影中暴力情节的影响A: Media violence is a natural way for people to release/combat stress, asthey can have an escape from daily work and routine when immersed in thee_citement of punching and fighting. In addition, children who are shelteredfrom violence don’t have that safe outlet and can have a harder time dealingwith violent emotions as they get older.B: Young viewers have an instinctive desire to copy behavior of people whomthey admire. If they are e_cessively e_posed to violent scenes, the possibilityis relatively high that they take the use of violence for granted to solveproblems.2). Advantages and disadvantages of ads两方面讨论广告的利弊A: Advertisements about new products keep customers informed about the newdevelopments in the industry. They help to provide information of the newlylaunched products. Advertising is a complicated task and a lot of people areinvolved in the making of an advertisement. Research team, design team and manyother people are required to make and deliver it. So, advertisements generateemployment for a lot of people.B: A certain proportion of advertisements lead people to impulsively buysomething that they do not really need by inviting stars or e_aggerating theeffects of a product or service.雅思写作细节--再为高分添色彩雅思考试中总会有同学抱怨自己一战二战写作分数提高不明显.可参加雅思考试的同学们有没有反思自己忽视的那些细节.西方有句谚语小行为看大人格 ,意思是我们可以从一个人行动的细微末节处,观察到此人的大致性情,人格特点.这句话也同样适合于雅思写作中.作为写作老师,学生们多姿多彩的习作我早已屡见不鲜.久而久之,把学生在写作过程中常犯.易犯.复犯的问题都总结出来,就此略点一二.基本上所有培训机构的老师都会在开班上给学生介绍雅思考试,涉及到写作的话,都会牵扯到评分标准 --这个是毋庸置疑的.例如:TA/TR(写作任务的完成/回应).CC(连贯与衔接).LR(词汇资源)以及GRA(语法范围及其精确度).在我们的反复灌输下,学生的思想潜移默化地被这些大方向拽着前行,往往会忽略掉其他的小细节.格式,是首当其冲的问题.从收集学生的习作中不难发现,很多学生在没有被提前告知格式规范的时候,出现的问题往往较为严重.最常见的莫过于采用缩进式的同学每段开头空格的问题.可能是在学校接受的语文写作过多,导致开头空两个单词的情况屡见不鲜.又或者稍微接触过英语写作的同学在采用齐头式的文章格式时,段落之间没有空行.这样的行为在考试中,还是很吃亏的.因为在TA/TR(写作任务的完成/回应)中,有很明确要求考生做到段落清晰.何为清晰?除了我们在课堂上强调的文章架构和西方思辨逻辑体系之外,格式绝对不容忽视.其实,格式记起来很简单:缩进式--每段开头空4个字母,段落之间不空行;齐头式--顾名思义,顶头写,但,段与段之间切记空行.再者,是缩写问题,这个虽然不在评分标准以及6项注意之内,但是在剑桥雅思真题考官评判中,很明确的指出了缩写问题.具体请大家参见雅思剑3第4套题目考官评语:Thereare minor e_amples of unsuitable register (e.g. turned out , disastrous andone contracted verb form), 原文写做 The major conclusion that I ve drawn using thegraph isthat... .其实,按照常理也不难理解.因为雅思写作的大小作文都属于正式的学术文体,我在国外的学习和工作中写论文.交报告都没有用过缩写形式,所以于理于情,缩写真的不应该出现在正式的写作文体当中.最后我想谈的是标点的使用问题.中国考生在雅思写作中普遍有特点,即对逗号的偏爱.一句话不管说完与否或表达意思是否完整,不管连词或副词,一律逗号上阵,搞得我们这些看客哭笑不得.实际上,如果翻阅相关的语法教材,不难发现上面对标点使用的规范.例如:一句话能表达完整的句意就需要句号收尾.尤其是在并列句中,只有连词前面才可用逗号,其他情况皆是分号 .举个简单的例子Somepeople become convinced that older people should live with their families;others hold the view that older people should live at a nursinghome. 在这个并列句中前后并无连词相连,所以必须用分号隔开.诸如此类的问题,还请广大烤鸭务必注意.经常听到有人说细节决定成败 ,其实在雅思写作评判中并没有如此夸张,因为参考者不是native speaker,但是我想说的是注重细节却真的可以为你的成功再添一捧柴,这绝对考官对阅卷的整体印象上有加分的.最后还望广大雅思考生多关注平日的练习,和老师多做交流.雅思写作中的小词大用。
社会生活类Skip: The poor tend to smoke more and skip breakfast, two factors which have major stress effects on the body. 跳过Better of: People of the lower end of the social economic status have stress levels in their bodies that worth 3 times higher than those who are better off. 变好,尤其是生活状况Reputation: Contrary to fears about the violent reputation of some games, there is no firm proof that playing them has a negative impact on children's behavior. 名声Contribution: Video games have a positive contribution for education. 贡献Tough: The findings are likely to surprise supporters of tougher regulation of computer games. 严苛的Midlife review: People need opportunities to make a "midlife review" to adjust to the later stages of employed life, and to plan for the transition to retirement. 中年回顾Update: Others can do voluntary work more effectively if they can update their skills andknowledge. 更新·科技、媒体类Access: Innovative technology has transformed how we access and share information, changed the way businesses and institutions operate, and made the world smaller by giving us instant access to people and resources everywhere. 渠道Farewell: Farewell to the out-of-date guidebook and the grubby newspaper. 说再见-like: A paper-like device that can store hundreds of novels, update the news while you browse the headlines. 似某物的Screen time: Young people today enjoy more and more digital connections, more screen time than ever before. 沉溺于电子产品的时间Come a long way from: Trains have come a long way from their grim beginnings. 与某事相去甚远,南辕北辙Driving: New technological products will be the driving force to make work and life easier and entertaining. 推动的教育类Struggle: It’s even a struggle to keep up with the minimum requirement of two hours sport a week. 奋斗,努力;挣扎Fare: Graduates fared better when they came to filling out job applications and reading newspapers. 经营;进展;遭遇;过活Advance: The survey shows that more women and minorities are looking to advance their careers with an advanced degree. 增进Pick up: More people are willing to attend school during a slowdown and hope things will pick up after graduation. 不费力地学会Pretend: As children play pretend, they try to explore the relationship between family members, friends, and learn more about how people interact. 过家家,假装Sharpen: Universities should not only be a place where students learn academic knowledge, but provide courses to sharpen their competitiveness. 增强类似上面这样的小词,在作文中的使用是非常频繁的,换句话说,构成一篇文章,在词汇的运用上,主要还是靠这些小词起大作用。
43. GRE作文之小词大用(一)
这里的“小词”指的不是俚语,因为GRE作文评分标准中明确要求要使用标准英语(standard written English),不建议使用非正式的俚语、俗语、外来语。
1. Bask. Bask这个单词表示晒太阳,由此可以引申出沉浸,沐浴在(胜利,喜悦,赞美,关怀中)。
如bask in the glory of world cup (沉浸在世界杯的荣耀中)或者bask in jubilance.(沉浸在喜悦中)。
2. Brew. Brew这个单词也很熟悉,表示酿酒,一引申就可以变成酝酿这个抽象含义。
如每逢战争即将打响,我们可以说Storms are brewing on every frontier.(每个边境上都酝酿着风暴。
)3. Swallow. Swallow表示吞咽东西,也就是不加咀嚼地吃东西,因此当我们在描述一个人不加思考就轻易相信别人时,就可以使用这个单词。
如Surely,I know better than to swallow his words.(我当然不会傻到就这样相信他的鬼话)有时也可以表示取消,如He had to swallow his words。
)4. Gnaw. Gnaw指的是小动物,如啮齿类动物,咬,啃。
如The feeling of guilt gnawed at my conscience day and night.(内疚日夜折磨着我的良心。
雅思写作高分技巧小词妙用1). 名词活用作动词head作为名词来讲表示“头”,用作动词可表示“朝向,为首”e.g.: ...So South Korea heads the education-mobility league, just ahead ofFinland.这里的heads相当于takes the leading role in,但却显得非常生动形象,简洁而有力。
再来看另一个例子,大家比较熟识的fuel的含义是“燃料”,但是在下面这句话中fuel仍旧是指“燃料”么?e.g.: ...Alibaba’s growth has been impressive. But it has been partlyfuelled by hasty acquisitions—more than a dozen big ones this year alone, to thetune of around $5 billion.在这句话中,fuel是指一些仓促的并购为阿里巴巴的上市加油,推波助澜。
2). 具象词用作抽象词详细词用作抽象词是指把一个单词的详细含义进行引申从而用在某些抽象的场合。
e.g.: The soccer fans basked in the glory of world cupbask这个单词表示晒太阳,由此可以引申出沉醉,沐浴在(成功,喜悦,赞美,关怀中)。
e.g.: Social mobility, or the lack of it, gnaws at the consciences ofgovernments.gnaw原义是指小动物(啮齿类动物) 咬,啃。
向挑战,邀请比赛Theychallengeustoaswimmingcontest2togiveacceater3Sharewith,between分配,共有TheysharedtheIwillsharewithyouintheundertaing1instead代替Ifyoucannotgo,lethimgoinstead2insteadof代替Iwillgoinsteadofyou1managetodo完成,达成Wefinallymanagedtogetthereintime2managewith办事,处现事务Wecantmanagewiththeseanageon生活,过活Howwillshemanagewithherhusbandgone1affordtodo足以承担Icannotaffordtoe2ratherthan宁愿Ihadratherdancethaneat1ever曾经Haveyoueverbeenthere2ever究竟Whyeverdidntyougo3ever如果Iftheband乐队everuch1available通用的,有效的Theseasonticetisavailableforthreemonths2available可用的,可达到的1else此外,别的Whereelsedidyougo2else否则,不然Hurry,elseyoullbelate1involve包括Houseeeistaecaninvolveyouinagooddealoftrouble 3involve使纠缠,使难得Asentencethatisinvolvedishardtounderstand4involve包围Cloudsinvolvedthehilltop掌握托福写作3个易被忽视的细节为你的作文加分在托福写作过程中,学生一般最为关注的就文章是否有严密的逻辑结构,是否有充实的内容。
连接词1.Moreover - 此外2.Furthermore - 而且3.In addition - 另外4.On the other hand - 另一方面5.However - 然而6.Therefore - 因此7.Consequently - 因此8.Meanwhile - 与此同时9.Nevertheless - 然而10.Moreover - 况且11.Nonetheless - 尽管如此描述词1.Outstanding - 杰出的2.Unique - 独特的3.Significant - 有意义的4.Important - 重要的5.Crucial - 关键的6.Convenient - 便利的7.Essential - 关键的8.Remarkable - 卓越的9.Valuable - 有价值的表示观点1.In my opinion - 在我看来2.From my point of view - 从我的角度来看3.I firmly believe that - 我坚信4.It is widely acknowledged that - 众所周知5.It is universally recognized that - 众所周知6.I am of the opinion that - 我认为结论词1.In conclusion - 总而言之2.To sum up - 总结一下3.Therefore, in my opinion - 因此,在我看来4.Taking all these factors into consideration - 怀着这些因素考虑以上就是一些英语作文中常用的万能词汇,希望大家在写作文时能够灵活运用,让文章更加生动、有说服力。
英文小词大用的例子一、使用little 和less* 含有“几乎没有”或“很小量”含义,词义消极* We’ll be giving a little party tonight. 我们今晚将举行一个小聚会。
* The little money he had was all spent. 他所拥有的那点钱都花光了。
* Less work, more play. 劳逸结合。
二、使用well* 语气较缓,指做某事的方式或方法好,比较委婉* You are doing it well. 你做得很好。
* I’m doing it very well, thank you. 谢谢,我干得很好。
三、使用out* 指超出范围,不常见或不熟悉,词义较轻* It’s well known that he is a lucky dog. 众所周知,他是个幸运儿。
* He is out in the street when the accident happened. 事故发生时他正在街上。
四、使用down* 语气较重,指以消极方式表示不满或批评,多用于口语中* He was down on her for being late. 她迟到了,他因此批评她。
* She was dressed down in a t-shirt and jeans. 她穿着体恤衫和牛仔裤,样子很随便。
五、使用up* 语气较强,指以积极方式表示赞扬或支持,多用于口语中* She was really up for a good time. 她渴望好好玩一玩。
* He was up for the challenge of running for office. 他积极应战,竞选公职。
六、使用round about 和around* round about 作副词时表示“大约”,多用于口语中。
例如:Round about one hundred people were on the scene at the time. 大约有一百个人在场。
英文作文中的小词I understand your requirements. I will make sure to provide a complete response in English before providing a Chinese translation. Thank you for your guidance.我明白你的要求。
Now, let's begin with the topic of small words in English.Small words are an essential part of the English language. They are used to connect ideas, show relationships, and convey important information in aconcise manner. Some examples of small words in English include "and," "but," "or," "if," "for," "to," "in," "on," "at," "with," "from," "by," "as," "of," "the," "a," "an," and many more.小词是英语语言中不可或缺的部分。
用好60个美国人常用的小词,助你托福作文提升5分无老师力荐 aid=assist(帮助,援助)Alter=变更修改询问=查询assail=denounce(谴责)斧头=解雇\\减少障碍=阻碍ban=prohibitorforbid(禁止)bar=prevent(防止,阻止)裸露=暴露爆炸=爆炸bolt=desertorabandon(放弃)boost=increase(增加,提高)check=examine(检查)索赔=ausethedeathof。
(夺去…的生命)索赔=不同意长期(不同意,争议)当前=控制或限制(控制)下降=下降或减少(下降)ease=lessen(减轻,缓和)end=terminate(结束,中止)flay=criticize(批评)flout=insult(侮辱)Foil=预防fromgrill=调查内脏=摧毁头部=直接扣留=逮捕赞美=赞美lop=diminish(下降,减少)map=workout(制订)mark=celebrate(庆祝)moot=discuss(讨论)穆尔=考虑name=appoint\\nominate(命名,提名)nab=arrest(逮捕)nip=defeat(击败)谋杀vow=determine(决心,发誓)weigh=consider(考虑)援助1.用作名词① 一般意义上的“帮助”或“协助”是一个不可数名词:thefamilylivedongovernmentaidfortwoyears.这一家人靠政府援助生活了两年。
③ 短语:(a)inaidof用来帮助...:他通过慈善筹集资金。
2019 考研英语作文:小词大作用小词的作用不可小觑就形式来说,英语小词的确是small words ,但从功能来讲, 它们绝不是无足轻重的light words 。
第二,有些考生的作文通篇使用的确实都是小词,不过其所使用的小词却仅限于在英语学习最初阶段学到的那些词汇,比如important 、think 、idea 等。
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1.社会生活类Skip: The poor tend to smoke more and skip breakfast, two factors which have major stress effects on the body.Better of: People of the lower end of the social economic status have stress levels in their bodies that worth 3 times higher than those who are better off.Reputation: Contrary to fears about the violent reputation of some games, there is no firm proof that playing them has a negative impact on children's behavior.Contribution: Video games have a positive contribution for education.Tough: The findings are likely to surprise supporters of tougher regulation of computer games.Midlife review: People need opportunities to make a "midlife review" to adjust to the later stages of employed life, and to plan for the transition to retirement.Update: Others can do voluntary work more effectively if they can update theirskills and knowledge.2.科技、媒体类Access: Innovative technology has transformed how we access and share information, changed the way businesses and institutions operate, and made the world smaller by giving us instant access to people and resources everywhere.Farewell: Farewell to the out-of-date guidebook and the grubby newspaper.-like: A paper-like device that can store hundreds of novels, update the news while you browse the headlines.Screen: Young people today enjoy more and more digital connections, more screen time than ever before.Come a long way: Trains have come a long way from their grim beginnings.Driving: New technological products will be the driving force to make work and life easier and entertaining.3.教育类Struggle: It’s even a struggle to keep up with the minimum requirement of two hours sport a week.Fare: Graduates fared better when they came to filling out job applications and reading newspapers.Advance: The survey shows that more women and minorities are looking to advance their careers with an advanced degree.Pick up: More people are willing to attend school during a slowdown and hope things will pick up after graduation.Pretend: As children play pretend, they try to explore the relationship between family members, friends, and learn more about how people interact.Sharpen: Universities should not only be a place where students learn academic knowledge, but provide courses to sharpen their competitiveness.类似上面这样的小词,在作文中的使用是非常频繁的,换句话说,构成一篇文章,在词汇的运用上,主要还是靠这些小词起大作用。
所以,朗阁托福考试研究中心建议要准备雅思或托福考试的同学应该要转变一下传统的单词积累方式,不要一味地从字典A开始背诵到Z, 因为大部分单词都很少会出现在写作中。
最后,这个题目有两个重点:除了smoking之外,还有public places, 考生不应该只把重点放在吸烟问题上,同时也应该谈论到在公共场所吸烟的问题。
➢Some people think smoking should be banned in public places. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2011.08.13)Pros: (agree)✓首先,在公共场所吸烟不仅会对吸烟者自己的健康造成伤害,而且还会对别人的健康造成巨大的威胁。
Expressions:1.Second-hand smoke 二手烟2.Code of conduct/ethics 行为准则3.Moral standard and moral values 道德标准和价值观4.Cause a great deal of harm 引起了巨大的伤害5.the ever-changing society 不断变化的社会6.Abide by/obey/comply with laws and regulations 遵纪守法7.Exclusively 独家,纯粹的8. A particular field of endeavor 某一领域9.People are under increasing pressure 人们的压力越来越大10.In particular/particularly/especially 特别是11.Lung cancer 癌症12.Boost public awareness of healthy living 提高公众的健康生活意识ck of legal awareness 缺乏法律意识14.Be entirely ignorant of something 对某方面东西不了解,无知15.Heart diseases 心脏病16.Inculcate moral values in students 向学生灌输道德价值17.Set a good example 树立一个良好的榜样18.Run contrary to what education is intended 与教育最起初的目的相违背19.Pose a dire threat to society 对社会构成了严重的威胁mit crimes 犯罪21.Legal programs aired on TV 电视上播放的法制节目22.Raise the public awareness of something 提高公众某方面的意识获取小词的渠道那么,在哪里可以获取精彩的小词呢?1.普通的在线版国外报纸报纸是最常见的地道小词来源体,特别是报纸中Comment一栏中,更是有大量丰富的小词。