
托福口语官方范例1一所你曾经读过的学校Describe a school that you have attended.描述一所你曾经就读过的学校。
I like my university, Nanjing university, which locatesthe center area of Nanjing.我喜欢我的大学南京大学,它坐落在南京的中心区域。
We have dormitories, teaching buildings andrefectories named by number and research buildingsnamed by subject.我们的宿舍,教学建筑和食堂都是按照编号命名,而科研楼则按照研究主题命名。
So you can easily find a specific spot.所以你很容易就可以地找到一个特定的地点。
There is also a large playground and gym with a number of exercise facilities.这所大学还有一个大操场及具有很多运动设施的体育馆。
Furthermore, it has beautiful scenery in the campus, and there are lots of trees, flowers andgrasses, so you can enjoy the fresh air and the euphonic birds'singing in the morning.此外,在校园里有着美丽的风景,有很多的树,花花草草,所以早上你可以呼吸新鲜的空气,听悦耳的鸟儿歌唱。
托福口语Part 3校园场景应答解析

托福口语Part 3校园场景应答解析托福口语中的第三部分是一个integrated task, 学生有45秒钟来阅读一篇小短文,然后听一篇和这段小短文内容相关的听力对话,在30秒钟准备时间后,考生即被要求根据听力和阅读内容作出一分钟的回答。
所以,应对这部分考题时,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生首先要熟练掌握校园词汇,如permit, assignment, due time, requirement, announcement, grade, credit等。
在概括大意时,我们可以记熟一些常用语句,如:The reading passage introduces Professor X’s policy on…等,这样在考场中就不需要临时组织语言了。
比如下面这道考题的阅读内容为:Late Assignments Not AcceptedStudents who take Leadership & Supervision must complete 10 assignments which account for 50 percent of the final score. Requirements and the due datesof these assignments are listed; please note late assignments will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to submit each assignment on time. On the due date, no excuses, including medical excuses, will be accepted. Please make sure you start and complete your assignments early so that you will not miss the deadline even if something serious arises. Please also note that you will not receive any grade on late assignment.其实,不用阅读全文,但从题目中,我们就可以知道,这篇阅读文章是关于late assignment 的举措。

托福口语校园场景词汇:学习成绩closed out adj 被某门课程拒绝excram v 仓促地准备即将到来的考试cut class v 逃课skip class v 同上declare v 选择专业distance learning n 远程学习drop out v 退学fail v 不及格field trip n 实地考察fill-in-the-blank(test) n,adj 填空题get behind v 落后或迟到get caught up v 补偿(以前落下的课程)G.P.A n 总平均成绩grade point averagehit the books v 努力学习honors adj 成绩优异的,优等的interactive television n 互动式电视教学interlibrary loan n 馆际互借keep grades up v 保持较好的中平均成绩lab n,adj 实验室(laboratory的缩写)lab assistant n 实验室助理新托福口语场景词汇:作业论文作业论文articles n 论文ex We read six articles in addition to the reading in the extbook.sag You had better read the articles that were assigned.assume You read the articles already?problem I need to read the articles again.assignment n 任务ex The assignment was to read two chapters in the textbook.sug You had better read the assignment before class.assume so you did read the assignment after allproblem I can't finish the assignment before class.dissertation n (博士学位)论文draft n 草稿essay n 论说文group project n 要求集体合作完成的任务hand back v 返还(作业)handout n 讲义plagiarize v 剽窃plagiarizing n 剽窃的行为新托福口语场景词汇:学校部门学校活动,部门及制度coed adj 男女同校的commencement n 毕业典礼committee n 学术委员会course request(form) n 课程申请表curve n 基于正常成绩分布曲线的评分方法:很少的A和不及格,多数是Cdepartment n 系,部门division n (大学的)部(由几个系组成)enroll v (为某课程)注册fraternity n (男生的)兄弟会fraternity row n 有许多兄弟会房屋的街道graduate school n 研究生院incomplete n 某门课中允许学生下学期达到要求即可得评分placement office n 就业办公室sorority n (女生)联谊会spring break n 春季学期间的短假期stacks n (图书馆)阅览区托福口语校园场景词汇:校园其他due adj 到期的ex The assignment is due on Friday.extension n 延期fee n 收费fine n 罚款full-time adj 全日制internship n 实习(对优秀学生或即将毕业的学生提供的培训机会) makeup test n 补考multiple-choice test n 多项选择题objective test n 客观题on probation prep phrase 处于留校查看orientation n 向新生介绍学校情况的活动override n 允许不符合要求的学生进入课堂。

新托福校园生活场景口语语汇(中→英)A安排时间arrange one’s time昂贵的expensive熬夜stay upB把论文弄短一点shorten the paper白天daytime班级的大小class size颁奖典礼awarding ceremony/awarding celebration 搬出去move out搬走move away办公楼administration building报(学校)apply for报道article报名sign up for抱怨complain that…备份backup copy(博物馆)被关闭be closed被夸大了be overstated被录用be hired(电脑资料)被删除be erased/be deleted (活动)被推迟be put off/be delayed/be postponed本科生undergraduate students比赛competition笔记本电脑laptop computer必修课required course/compulsory course毕业graduate避免干扰avoid interference编辑editor变化change表达某人关于…的看法present one’s idea about 表弟cousin表演艺术the arts of acting博士论文dissertation 博物馆museums补考make-up exam不必要的unneccessary不方便not convenient不公平unfair不够用there are not enough…不可用的unavailable不实用impractical不适合be not the right …for…不在乎don’t care不知道怎样…don’t know how to do sth.C参观visit参观者visitors参加补考make up the exam参加(典礼或活动)attend参考书reference books参考资料reference materials餐厅canteen草坪lawn长途、远距离long distance长远的解决之道long-term solution倡议proposal超负荷工作overwork车位parking place成绩score乘坐出租车take a taxi出差be on a business trip出勤participation传真机fax machine辞职quit凑钱share cost存储资料save materialsD答疑answer the questions打算plan to do打印机printer打印文件print打字type大教室lecture theater大学校长university president大一新生first-year undergraduate/freshman代替replacement代替replace耽误delay当领导的经历leadership experiences导演direct a drama倒班change the schedule/reschedule到期due得到了机会got a chance等很久wait for a very long time地方space地毯blanket电脑维修处computer helpdesk电脑系统computer system电影院movie theater雕塑sculpture雕塑课sculpt course调查investigation, survey调查问卷questionnaire掉队be left behind读者reader短论文essay对…不感兴趣be not interested in…对…不满be not satisfied with…对…感兴趣be interested in对…严格be strict with…对付,治疗deal with…对学生的写作能力的要求writing requirement 对学生的学习情况进行评估assessment E额外的extra额外的费用extra fee二年级学生second-year studentF发烧got a fever罚单ticket罚款fine法语口语spoken French反对disagrees with…/doesn’t agree with…反感resentment反馈feed back饭馆restaurant饭卡meal card方案solution/plan方便be much more convenient房租rent访谈interview非住校生non-resident students/off campus students 费用fee分数要求minimal grade demand服务service辅导tutorial classes辅导tutoring辅导小组tutoring group父母parents付不起费用can’t afford it负面效果negative rusult负责…be in charge of/take charge of复习review for the tests复印photocopy复印机copier复杂的问题complex problemG改变change改变拥挤现状change the crowded condition 改善improve改天reschedule one’s plan感冒caught a cold/have a cold高年级学生upper classman(third and fourth year students)个人电脑PC给…打电话call sb./telephone sb./give sb. a shout 给…发邮件send an email to sb.给某人添麻烦trouble sb.给学生提供方便更多选择more choices更加方便more convenient更新update公车public transportation公交路线bus route公开信letter公寓apartment供应商supplier鼓励encourage雇佣hire关闭close down观测(星星)observe观众audience管理take in charge of光线light光线暗的dark广播站radio station规定policy过期overdue过于拥挤的overcrowdedH合格的qualified和…相处融洽get along well with和某人交流communicate with…户外露营camping 户外音乐节outdoor music festival花很长时间take a very long time花钱spend money(机器、车)坏掉了broke down/doesn’t work/there is sth. wrong with…环境environment换个工作look for another job荒唐的ridiculous回来come back会议室meeting room彗星comets活动activity伙食质量quality of the food获了个奖won a prize获取经验get experienceJ机房computer lab/ computer room机会opportunity/chance即使…也…even though/ although / though集体活动group activity几天a couple of days计划做某事plan to do sth计算机中心computer center记笔记take notes on…技术人员technician加强与社区居民的关系strengthen the relationship with communities加重学生的负担make student s’ burden heavier家人family假期vacation假设hypothesis尖子生top student兼职part-time job兼职的part-time减少cut back, cut down检查physical exam检查电子邮箱check e-mail建立(新系统)establish建设build up建议suggestions(食物/身体)健康的healthy讲座lecture奖学金scholarship降低噪音reduce noise交流、谈论talk about…/discuss about交流exchange their opinions交通工具vehicle/car交作业submit assignment教室lecture hall教授与学生面谈的时间office hour教学楼teaching building阶梯教室lecture theater接电话answer calls节目program节约用地save space结果是…turn out to be解决问题solve this problem借入borrow借书证library card尽早as early as possible经费紧张lack of money举办活动hold俱乐部club捐助者donor觉得这个做法不妥doesn’t think this idea is good 教学人员faculty membersK咖啡馆café开车上学will drive to school(机房)开放时间computer lab hours/operating hours(图书馆)开放open开始做… get…started开新课程provide students new courses科学图书馆science library可用的available 客座教授visiting professor课本textbooks课表schedule课程安排course arrangement课程协调人/班主任coordinator课后自测take-home quiz空间、地方space夸大overstate旷课miss class扩大expand扩建(图书馆等)expand, enlargeL垃圾litter垃圾回收系统recycle program来得及will not miss it浪费钱be waste of money浪费时间it wastes time老师instructor老师的讲课lecture乐队band类似的课程similar course冷食cold food理工科学生those who major in science历史history利益benefit亮灯工程illuminating light system to light up the campus buildings邻居neighbor临时的temporary零钱change领队team director令人疲劳的exhausting流感flu留学study abroad论文paper/thesis论文草稿paper draftM(借来的书)马上到期will due very soon 买得起afford(书)卖完了be sold out没必要be unnecessary没道理there is no reason to没效果ineffective没意思not funny/not interesting /boring没有长远眼光的方案short-term solution 每日花消daily expenditures美国文学American Literature美术楼art building面对面的face to face面试官interviewer民意调查poll木地板wood floor目前at present目前的工作current jobN男生male student(课程或讲座的)内容contents匿名的anonymous暖气heatingP排队wait in line排练rehearsal疲惫feel exhaustedQ期刊journal期末the end of the term期末报告final report期末考试final exam期末论文final paper期中考试mid-term exam 其它方式other ways起床get up(体育馆里的)器材equipment(不可数名词)强制force/push sb. to do sth.请(医生、老师)hire求职面试job interview取消eliminate/cancel /cut/terminate全职的full-time全职员工full-time staff memberR热情enthusiasm热食hot food人类学anthropology入门课,基础课introduction courseS三百万three million dollars商量talk about上交(作业)submit上课have class上课老师发的印刷品handout上网access to the net(房租)上涨be raised设备equipment设施facility社交活动social activities社区community社区服务中心community services center社团society,association摄影俱乐部photography club申请(车位、学校)applied for申请application申请表application form申请者applicant生孩子give birth to a baby生物学biology声誉reputation省大量钱save much money省汽油save gas省钱save money失望be disappointed诗歌朗诵poem reading时间冲突time conflict/schedule conflict 时间限制time limit时刻moment实际的practical实际情况truth实习机会internship实验experiment实验报告lab report实验室laboratory/lab实用的practical食堂cafeteria/dining hall/canteen使用图书馆use the library市政府city government收入income受益get benefits书架bookshelves/shelves暑假summer vacation数学mathematics数学课calculus class.说服persuade硕士论文thesis宿舍dormitory/dorm索性…just do sth.T太忙没时间schedule is so busy讨论discuss/talk about讨论会seminar腾出时间make time踢足球play soccer提高效率improve the efficiency提供(课程)offer/provide提交(申请)submit体育锻炼sports/exercise体育馆stadium 体育活动athlete activity/ sport game天气预报weather forecast天文课astronomy course天文学教授astronomy professor条件requirement听众listeners停车parking停车办公室parking office停车场parking lot/parking place/parking/lot 停车费parking fee停车规定parking regulations/parking policy 停车计时器parking meter停车困难parking problem停车设施parking structure通过互联网via the Internet通知notice/announcement同事coworker/coleague同学fellow students投票vote for投票过程voting process投票站voting site投资invest money in doing sth.图书馆library图书馆开放时间library hours图书馆员librarian徒步旅行go hiking推迟postpone/ put off /delay推荐recommend推荐信letter of recommendation退课drop退休retireW完成作业get all one’s work done晚间计算机课程night computer class网站web site望远镜telescopes位于… be located…文献materials文学literature文学阅读literature reading物理学physicsX西班牙语Spanish吸引(学生)attract students希望hope to膝盖knee下个学期the next semester先进的advanced先前的previous现代文学modern literature限期within a limited period /before…限制limit项目program小讲座small seminar小毛病illness小学elementary school/primary school小组学习group study小组作业group project校报school newspaper校外off-campus校园竞选campus election校园事务campus issue协会association/club协会成员club members写作技能writing skills写作能力writing capacity心理学psychology新规定new policy/new rule新来(某个城市)的new comer新生入学参观校园orientation薪水payment(做法)行不通doesn’t work行政办公室administrating office/admin office 休息take a rest修建build up需要学生进行独立钻研的课外课题project 许可permission续借renew宣布announce宣传let sb. know/ inform sb.选举结果the result of the election选课enroll in new course/take… course选修课elective course/optional course选择option选择题multiple choice questions学费tuition学分credit学期semester/term学生会student union/student body/ student organization / student association/ student community学生健康中心student health center学生讨论students' discussion学生中心student center学术写作academic writing学位degree学习顾问academic advisor学习小组study group学校宿舍dormitory学校通知campus announcement训练trainingY延期extend延期extension研究research研究工作research job研究论文research paper研究生graduate student/postgraduate研究生学习阶段grad study研究生院graduate school研究职位research position演出performance/play样品文章sample paper要求requirement野外考察field trip一年级学生first-year student医疗服务health care艺术画廊art gallery艺术家artist艺术课art class艺术楼art building艺术系art department艺术系学生students from art department/art major 艺术项目art program艺术学院art college艺术作品art works隐私privacy应急小组emergency response team影评movie review影响affect/influence/impact拥挤的crowded用…把…替换掉replace…by…优秀生honors students由于…的原因because/because of/due to…有更多的机会have more opportunities to do sth. 有考试will take a test有利于be good for sb. to do sth.有效率的efficient有营养的nutritious与…合用share…with…语言能力language competency语言项目language program语言学习language study预算短缺budget shortfall预算减少budget cuts预算限制budget constraints预约make an appointment(疾病)严重的serious阅读能力reading ability运动馆athletic stadium运动损伤sports injury Z在…期间during在短期内in a short time在两周内in 2 weeks在校园里停车park on campus早餐breakfast噪音noise噪音太大的noisy噪音污染increase the noise增加increase增加交流increase communication展览exhibition占用时间或空间takes up (time/space)招聘会career fair招聘者interviewer招生办a dmission’s office找工作job application/look for a job/job hunting 找教授延期ask professor for an extension照顾take care of哲学philosophy针对某一专题进行的发言presentation珍惜(机会)cherish整整一周a whole week支持(做法)support直接的direct职位position志愿者volunteer质量quality周末weekend/the end of a week周一到周五weekdays主演leading actor住房申请housing application住宿accommodation住宿条件living condition住校live on campus住校生on campus students/students who live on campus助教TA (Teaching Assistant)注册enrolment注册费registration fee注册办公室registrar’s office专家expert专心于学习focus on study/concentrate on study 专业major专业课程major course专业论文professional paper专业素质qualification转班switch to a different class转学的学生transfer student赚钱make money装修宿舍renovate (update/reconstruct) dorm准备prepare for准时on time资料materials (向某人)咨询ask sb. for advice/information; consult sb.自助小餐厅cafeteria租(校外公寓)rent租房rent组员group member组织(讲座)organize最好的the best/superior最后期限the due date/the deadline (for)作品work作业assignment/project座位seat做实验do experiments(学生会或社团的)主席president新托福校园场景口语语汇(英→中)Aa couple of days几天a whole week整整一周academic advisor学习顾问academic writing学术写作access to the net 上网accommodation 住宿activity活动admin office 行政办公室administrating office行政办公室administration building办公楼a dmission’s office 招生办advanced先进的affect影响although即使…也…American Literature美国文学announcement通知announce宣布anonymous匿名的answer calls接电话answer the questions答疑anthropology 人类学apartment公寓applicant申请者application form 申请表application申请applied for申请(车位、学校)arrange one’s time安排时间art building美术楼art class艺术课art college艺术学院art department艺术系art gallery艺术画廊art major艺术系学生art program艺术项目art works艺术作品article报道artist艺术家as early as possible尽早ask professor for an extension 找教授延期ask sb. for advice咨询assessment 对学生的学习情况进行评估assignment 作业association协会astronomy course天文课astronomy professor天文学教授at present目前athlete activity体育活动athletic stadium运动馆attend参加(典礼、活动)attract students吸引(学生)audience观众available可用的avoid interference避免干扰awarding ceremony颁奖典礼Bbackup copy备份band 乐队be absent缺席be closed(博物馆)被关闭be delayed(活动)被推迟be deleted(电脑资料)被删除be disappointed失望be erased(电脑资料)被删除be good for sb. to do sth. 有利于…be hired被录用be in charge of负责…be interested in对…感兴趣be left behind掉队be located…位于…be much more convenient方便be not interested in…对…不感兴趣be not satisfied with…对…不满be not the right …for…不适合be on a business trip出差be overstated被夸大了be postponed(活动)被推迟be put off(活动)被推迟be raised(房租)会上涨be sold out(书)卖完了be strict with…对…严格be unneccessary不必要的be waste of money浪费钱because of由于…的原因because由于…的原因benefit利益biology生物学blanket地毯bookshelves/shelves书架boring没意思borrow借入breakfast早餐broke down坏掉budget constraints预算限制budget cuts预算减少budget shortfall预算短缺build up建设bus route公交路线Ccafeteria 自助小餐厅café咖啡馆calculus class数学课call sb. 给…打电话camping户外露营campus announcement学校通知campus election校园竞选campus issue校园事务can afford…买得起can’t afford it付不起费用cancel取消canteen 餐厅career fair招聘会car汽车caught a cold/have a cold感冒celebration庆典chance机会change the crowded condition改变拥挤现状change the schedule换班change改变;零钱check e-mail检查电子邮箱cherish惜视(机会)choice选择city government市政府class size班级的大小close down 关闭club members协会成员club 俱乐部,协会cold food冷食coleague同事come back回来comets 彗星communicate with…和某人交流community services center社区服务中心community社区competition比赛complain that…抱怨complex problem复杂的问题compulsory course 必修课computer center计算机中心computer helpdesk电脑故障询问处computer lab hours(机房)开放computer lab机房computer room机房computer system电脑系统concentrate on study专心于学习consult sb.向某人咨询contents(课程或讲座的)内容coordinator 课程协调人/班主任copier 复印机course arrangement 课程安排cousin表弟coworker同事creative writing course写作课程credit学分crowded拥挤的current job目前的工作cut back减少cut down减少cut取消Ddaily expenditures每日花消dark光线暗的daytime白天deal with…对付,治疗degree 学位delay耽误,推迟didn’t work(机器)坏了dining hall 食堂direct a drama导演direct直接的disagrees with…反对discuss about交流、谈论dissertation 博士论文do experiments做实验doesn’t agree with…反对doesn’t think this is a good idea觉得此做法不妥doesn’t work(做法)行不通don’t care不在乎don’t know how to do sth. 不知道怎样…donor捐助者dormitory 学校宿舍dorm宿舍drive to school 开车上学drop退课due to…由于…的原因due到期during在…期间Eeditor编辑efficient有效率的elective course选修课elementary school小学eliminate取消emergency response team应急小组encourage鼓励enlarge 扩建enroll in new course选课enrolment 注册enthusiasm热情environment环境equipment(不可数)设备;(体育馆的)器材essay 短论文establish建立(新系统)even though即使…也…exchange their opinions交流exercise体育锻炼exhausting疲劳exhibition展览expand扩建(图书馆等)expensive昂贵的experiment实验expert专家extend 延期extension延期extra fee额外的费用extra 额外的Fface to face面对面的facility设施faculty membersfaculty members大学教学人员family家人fax machine 传真机feed back反馈feel exhausted疲惫fee费用fellow studentsfellow students 同学fever发烧field trip野外考察final exam期末考试final paper期末论文final report期末报告fine罚款first-year student一年级学生first-year undergraduate大一新生flu 流感focus on study专心于学习force sb. to do强制freshman大一新生full-time staff member全职员工full-time全职的Gget all one’s work done完成作业get along well with和…相处融洽get benefits受益get experience获取经验get up起床get…sta rted开始做…give birth to a baby生孩子give sb. a shout给…打电话go hiking 徒步旅行got a chance得到了机会got a fever发烧grad study研究生学习阶段graduate school研究生院graduate student研究生graduate毕业group activity集体活动group member组员group project小组作业group study小组学习Hhandout 上课老师发的印刷品have class上课have more opportunities to do sth. 有更多的机会health care医疗服务healthy(食物/身体)健康的heating 暖气hire雇佣hire请(医生、老师)history 历史hold举办活动honors studentshonors students优秀学生hope to希望hot food热食housing application住房申请hypothesis 假设Iillness小毛病illuminating light system to light up the campus buildings亮灯工程impact影响impractical不实用improve the efficiency 提高效率improve改善in 2 weeks在两周内in a short time在短期内income收入increase communication增加交流increase the noise噪音污染increase增加ineffective没效果influence影响inform sb. 宣传instructor老师internship实习机会interview 访谈interviewer招聘者,面试官introduction course入门课,基础课invest money in doing sth. 投资investigation 调查It wastes time浪费时间Jjob application找工作job hunting找工作job interview求职面试journal期刊just do sth. 索性…Kknee膝盖Llab report实验报告lab 实验室laboratory实验室lack of money经费紧张language competency语言能力language program语言项目language study语言学习laptop computer笔记本电脑lawn草坪leadership experiences当领导的经历leading actor 主演lecture building教学楼lecture hall教室lecture theater 大教室/阶梯教室lecture 老师的讲课;讲座let sb. know宣传letter of recommendation 推荐信letter公开信librarian 图书馆员library card 借书证library hours图书馆开放时间library图书馆light光线limit限制listeners听众literature reading文学阅读literature文学litter垃圾live on campus住校living condition住宿条件long distance长途、远距离long-term solution长远的解决之道look for a job找个工作look for another job换个工作lot停车场Mmajor course专业课程major专业make an appointment预约make money赚钱make student s’ burden heavier加重学生的负担make time腾出时间make up the eaxm (参加)补考make-up exam补考male student男生materials资料,文献mathematics 数学meal card饭卡meeting room会议室mid-term exam期中考试minimal grade demand分数要求miss class旷课modern literature现代文学moment时刻more choices 更多选择more convenient更加方便move away搬走move out搬出去movie review影评movie theater电影院multiple choice questions 选择题museums博物馆Nnegative effect负面效果neighbor邻居new comer新来(某个城市)的new policy新规定new rule新规定night computer class晚间计算机课程noise噪音noisy噪音太大的non-resident students非住校生not convenient不方便not funny没意思not interesting没意思notice通知nutritious有营养的Oobserve观测(星星)off campus students非住校生off-campus在校外offer提供(课程)office hour 教授与学生面谈的时间on campus students住校生on time准时once planed to…曾经计划open(图书馆)开放operating hours(机房)开放时间opportunity机会optional course选修课option选择;选修课organize组织(讲座)orientation新生入学参观校园other ways其它方式outdoor music festival户外音乐节overcrowded 过于拥挤的overdue过期overstate夸大overwork超负荷工作Ppaper draft论文草稿paper论文parents父母park on campus在校园里停车parking fee停车费parking lot停车场parking meter停车计时器parking office停车办公室parking place车位;停车场parking policy停车规定parking problem停车困难parking regulations 停车规定parking structureparking structure停车设施parking停车;停车场participation 出勤part-time job兼职part-time兼职的payment 薪水PC 个人电脑performance演出permission许可persuade说服philosophy哲学photocopy复印photography club摄影俱乐部physical exam检查physics物理学plan to do sth计划做某事plan to do打算play soccer踢足球play演出poem reading诗歌朗诵policy规定poll (民意)调查position职位postgraduate 研究生postpone推迟practical实用的;实际的prepare for准备present one’s idea about表达某人关于…的看法presentation 针对某一专题进行的发言president(学生会或社团的)主席previous 先前的primary school小学printer打印机print打印文件privacy 隐私professional paper专业论文program节目;项目project 课后作业proposal倡议provide students new courses开新课程provide提供(课程)psychology心理学public transportation公车push sb. to do 强制put off 推迟Qqualification专业素质qualified合格的quality of the food伙食质量quality质量questionnaire 调查问卷quit辞职Rradio station 广播站readers 读者reading ability阅读能力recommend推荐reconstruct dorm装修宿舍recycle program垃圾回收系统reduce noise降低噪音reference books参考书reference materials参考资料registrar’s office注册办公室registration fee registration fee注册费rehearsal排练renew续借renovate dorm装修宿舍rent房租rent租(校外公寓)replace…by…用…把…替换掉replacement代替replace代替reputation声誉required course必修课requirement要求;条件reschedule one’s plan改天、改期;倒班research job研究工作research paper研究论文research position研究职位research 研究resentment反感restaurant饭馆retire退休review for the tests复习ridiculous荒唐的Ssample paper样品文章save gas省汽油save materials存储资料save money省钱save much money省大量钱save space节约用地schedule conflict时间冲突schedule is so busy太忙没时间schedule课表scholarship奖学金school newspaper校报science library科学图书馆score 成绩sculpt course雕塑课sculpture 雕塑seat座位second-year student二年级学生semester学期seminar讨论会send an email to sb. 给…发邮件serious(疾病)严重的service服务share cost凑钱share…with…与…合用shelves书架shorten the paper把论文弄短一点short-term solution没有长远眼光的方案sign up报名similar course类似的课程small seminar小讲座social activities社交活动society 社团solution方案solve this problem解决问题space空间、地方Spanish西班牙语spend money花钱spoken French法语口语sport game体育活动sports injury运动损伤sports体育锻炼stadium体育馆stay up熬夜strengthen the relationship with communities加强与社区居民的关系student association学生会student body学生会student center学生中心student community学生会student health center学生健康中心student organization学生会student union学生会students' discussion学生讨论students from art department艺术系学生students who live on campus住校生study abroad留学study group学习小组submit assignment交作业submit上交(作业);提交(申请)suggestions建议summer vacation暑假superior最好的supplier供应商support支持(做法)survey 调查switch to a different class转班TTA (Teaching Assistant) 助教take a rest休息take a taxi乘坐出租车take a very long time花很长时间take care of照顾take charge of负责…take notes on 记笔记take… course选课take-home quiz课后自测takes up (time/space)占用时间或空间talk about…交流、谈论;商量teaching assistant助教teaching building 教学楼team director领队technician技术人员telephone sb. 给…打电话telescopes望远镜temporary临时的terminate取消term学期the arts of acting 表演艺术the deadline (for) 最后期限the due date最后期限the end of a week周末the end of the term期末the next semester下个学期the result of the election选举结果there are not enough…不够用there is no reason to没道理there was sth. wrong with…(机器)坏了thesis硕士论文those who major in science理工科学生though即使…也…three million dollars三百万ticket罚单time conflict时间冲突time limit时间限制top student尖子生training训练transfer studenttransfer student转学的学生trouble sb. 给某人添麻烦truth实际情况tuition学费turn out to be结果是…tutorial classes辅导tutoring group辅导小组tutoring 辅导type打字Uunavailable不可用,不可靠undergraduate student本科生undergraduate 本科unfair 不公平university president大学校长update dorm装修宿舍update更新upper classman(third and fourth year students)高年级学生use the library使用图书馆Vvacation假期vehicle交通工具via the Internet通过互联网visiting professor客座教授visitor参观者visit参观volunteer志愿者vote for投票voting process投票过程voting site投票站Wwait for a very long time等很久wait in line排队weather forecast 天气预报web site网站weekdays 周一到周五weekend周末will due very soon(借来的书)马上到期will not miss it来得及will take a test有考试within a limited period /before…限期won a prize获了个奖wood floor木地板work作品writing capacity 写作能力writing requirement对学生的写作能力的要求writing skills写作技能。


独立语料库1.个人知识有知识→更有能力→解决问题→获取好工作XXX(如:Avariety of courses)helps me to gain more knowledge,which can help me solve a lot of problems and boost my confidence.This will make me more likely to have a good job.词组积累:gain more knowledge:积累知识/solve problems:解决问题boost confidence:增加自信/have a good job:获得好工作例子:I am a senior student who studies in Beijing University(a top university in my country)My university provides me with a platform to learn different knowledge. My major is business management.During the past few years,I have learned some related courses,such as economics,accounting,marketing and so on.All these help to lay a solid foundation for my future career.2.团队知识一起合作→共享→更好解决问题Working in a group allows us to share ideas and learn from each other.We can work together and help each other think outside the box to better solve the problem.词组积累:share ideas:分享想法/think outside the box:突破局限性思维例子:Last time I had an internship in a finance company.My xxx were really nice.If Ihad any questions,I’d just ask them directly without waiting and they would patiently answer my questions.So we worked very well together and always finished the work in a good quality.3.独立能力有机会锻炼独立能力→更好照顾自己,适应环境XXX gives me a chance to be independent.It helps me adapt to a new environment,and overcome different problems on my own instead of relying on others for help.词组积累:adapt to适应/overcome problems:克服困难/rely on others for help:依赖别人When I first came to xxx for study,I felt so homesick and just wanted to go home. But gradually I learned how to take care of myself,keep the room clean,cook anice meal and even fix my own clothes!I definitely became more independent. Homesick:思乡/Take care of myself:照顾自己/Become independent:变得独立4.成功励志遇到困难→积极解决→变得自信Last semester,I joined a speech contest in university.To be honest,I didn’t have any talent in public speaking,but I wanted to challenge myself.Therefore,I spent a lot of time on the practice,such as searching for information,writing my speech, improving my body language and so on.No kidding,I even practiced in the washroom(laugh secretly)!Ok,anyway(sounds natural),in the end,I won the first prize in this competition.Since then,I became more and more confident!Amazing experience,right?5.社会经验积累社会经验→适应社会→突颖而出(XXX is a good chance for me to apply what I’ve learned,better master the knowledge on the subject and solving real problems.It also enables me to accumulate social experience,which helps me better adapt to modern society and allows me to distinguish myself from my peers(脱颖而出).1.文化有机会接触不同文化→拓展视野→多方面看问题→融入新环境XXX gives me a chance to expose myself to a different culture,which expands my horizons and allows me to see things in a different perspective.This helps me adapt to new environments better.词组积累:expose to a different culture:接触新文化/expand horizon:扩大视野see things in a different perspective:多角度看问题例子:Last time I visited India,I was amazed.The way they dress and behave was so different.Their food and customs were also different.They would also shake their head when they mean to say yes!That was very interesting and definitely expanded my horizon.Amazed:震撼/Wear jewelry:穿戴首饰/Pierce nose:穿鼻洞/Shake head:2.钱无收入→省钱/赚钱→经济独立/减轻负担As a student,I don’t have a regular income,so XXX allows me to earn/save money. So that I can do the things I want,become financially independent and reduce family’s financial burden.词组积累:regular income:稳定收入/financially independent:经济独立reduce family’s financial burden:减轻家庭负担3.放松减压有压力→放松→焕然一新,更好集中注意力XXX is a good habit to develop,so when I feel stressed,it helps me to blow off some steam/take a break from study/relax/release pressure,therefore,I can feel refreshed and better focus on my work.词组积累:develop a habit:形成习惯/feel stressed:压力很大/blow off some steam:放松减压refreshed:焕然一新4.长辈帮助多年工作经验→给出有用的建议→更好解决问题+避免不必要的错误Having been working for so many years,XXX are more knowledgeable and experienced.Therefore,they will be able to provide insightful suggestions to help their xxx better solve problems,so xxx can avoid unnecessary mistakes.词组积累:knowledgeable:知识渊博的/experienced:经验丰富的insightful suggestions:有用的建议/avoid unnecessary mistakes:避免不必要的错误I remember the year I graduated from high school.I was very concerned. Fortunately,my XXX helped me figure it out.She told me to follow my interest and shared a lot of her experience with me,she even helped me search for information about the schools online.Now I’m studying at my dream school!5.增进感情有机会一起做某事→share daily life→增进感情Xxx is a good way to connect with family and friends,especially in modern society,everyone is so busy with their work,so XXX provides a chance for us to share our daily life and communicate more frequently,we would have more topics to discuss,therefore it will strengthen our relationship.词组积累:connect with:更好沟通/communicate more frequently:沟通频繁/strengthen relationship:增进感情例子:Music and movie are common topics that I can share with many people.Like my friend Amy and I are both big fans of music.Even though we now both are very busy with study/work,we would still find time to go to a concert together.We would talk about the music all day long.6.艺术灵感有创造力→激发灵感→头脑风暴/突破局限性思维→原创想法+欣赏艺术XXX is a creative form of art,it inspires children to brainstorm and think outside the box,so they will be more likely to come up with original ideas and appreciate the beauty of art.词组积累:inspire:激励/激发/brainstorm:头脑风暴/think outside the box:突破局限性思维come up with:想到/original:原创的/appreciate the beauty of art:欣赏艺术的美例子:I used to learn painting as my hobby.It was very fun to me,like how to use the brush and how to make a new ter,I realized it’s also a good exercise for me to creatively combine different elements together to create my own painting. Use the brush:使用画刷Good exercise:很好的锻炼Combine different elements together:结合不同元素Create my own painting:创造自己的画7.运动没机会做运动→多做运动→健康As a student,I find myself stuck with a lot of homework.So XXX gives me more motivations to exercise more which strengthens my health and improve quality of my life.词组积累:stuck with:忙于/exercise more:更多运动/strengthen my health:增强健康例子:Playing basketball is my favorite exercise.It allows me to stretch my arms and move my body as much as possible,I even need to jump up and down to catch the ball!It’s a lot of exercise but I enjoy the process a lot.Stretch my arms:伸展手臂/Enjoy the process:享受过程8.环境环境污染严重→保护环境→健康/节约资源We suffer severe/serious environmental pollution,XXX protects the environment/ reduces the pollution,which is good for our health and can help save more natural resources.词组积累:suffer serious environmental pollution:环境污染很严重protect the environment:保护环境例子:I remember last time I joined a community activity to plant trees and flowers. Trees and flowers help absorb polluted air and produce fresh air,which is definitely better for local people’s health.And it’s also a good way to beautify the neighborhood,so that people would have a comfortable environment to live in.Community activity:社区活动/Pound of myself:感到自豪/Absorb polluted air:吸收污气Produce fresh air:释放氧气/Beautify the neighborhood:美化社区Comfortable environment:舒适环境9.氛围户外→大自然→新鲜空气,美丽景色XXX is a good chance to explore nature,breathe fresh air,and see beautiful scenery.It is relaxing and I don’t experience it every day,so it is refreshing.词组积累:explore nature:探索大自然/refreshing:使人焕然一新课堂氛围→更好集中→更多动力→提高效率XXX provides me a quiet and comfortable studying/working atmosphere,so Ihave more motivation to work harder.I will focus better,so that I can improve my efficiency and the quality of my work.词组积累:help me focus better:使我更好集中/incentive:动力/improve efficiency:提高效率10.朋友Sometimes I have more in common with our peers than our family members. They are easier to talk to because they are going through similar situations. Therefore,they can better understand me and provide support for me.词组积累:have in common with sb:有共同点/easy to relate to:更好沟通go through similar situations:相同经历/provide support for sb:提供支持11.家人1.Most parents have unconditional love(无私的爱)for their children.When children encounter difficulties,they are always there for them no matter what. This commitment to their children is what makes parents unique to their children.词组积累:unconditional love:无私的爱/encounter difficulties:遇到困难be there for sb:随时支持/commitment:投入/奉献/unique:独特的17.情感支持倾听问题→给予建议→更有动力迎难而上I can hang out with friends who will kindly listen to my problems and give me advice to solve the problems.In this way I will be able to share my feelings and have more motivation to face difficulties head on(迎难而上)/move on.词组积累:listen to my problems:倾听问题/in terms of:在某个方面例子:Last time I failed my TOEFL exam,I felt very frustrated.I stopped my study.But my best friend Amy talked me out of it.She encouraged me to talk about the problems and not to bottle up my feelings.She was such a good listener.I felt very motivated to move on.Talk me out of it:劝服我不要做某事/Talk about the problem:谈论问题Bottle up feelings:压抑情感/Good listener:很好的倾听者18.团队合作一起做某事→有机会锻炼团队能力→跟不同领域人合作Learning a new sport,especially a team sport,is a good way to improve team work and cooperation skills.It also helps me improve my communication with others.All these skills will be useful in other areas of life.词组积累:team work:团队精神/cooperation skill:合作能力/communication:沟通能力traits:性格特征/serve me well in other areas of life:其他领域帮助很大例子1:When we play basketball,we need to discuss a strategy to win like how to defend and how to score.After the discussion,we would need to practice the strategy alot.It takes a long time to prepare for a game but it’s worth it.Strategy:策略/How to defend:防御/How to score:得分例子2:When we prepare for a play,we need to discuss a lot of details like how to set up the play and how to tell the story.After the discussion,we would need to rehearse a lot.It takes a long time to prepare for a play but it’s worth it.Set up the play:布置场景/How to tell the story:叙述故事/Rehearse:彩排19.交友有机会交友→锻炼社交能力→扩大社交网→创造更多机会Living in a new place gives me a chance to know more people from different backgrounds/all walks of life(各行各业),which is a good way for me to practice my social skill,so that I can expand my network and create more opportunities词组积累:people from different backgrounds:来自不同领域的人/all walks of life:各行各业practice social skill:锻炼社交/expand network:扩大人脉/create more opportunities:创造机会例子:Last time I traveled to America,I made so many friends with people from different countries,like Germany,France,Japan,Korea etc.My English was not good but I still managed to talk to them!My social skill has improved a lot. Manage to do sth:成功做某事/Improve social skill:提高社交技能20.高科技/资源丰富资源丰富→找资料方便→省时+提高质量The internet is very resourceful.It allows me to easily locate the information I want,save time and improve the quality of my work.词组积累:resourceful:资源丰富的/locate information:定位信息/improve quality of work:提高质量例子:Last time I had to finish a presentation about American history.At first,I knew nothing about it!Then I turned to internet.There are a lot of articles I can use formy presentation and there’s even a section for me ask questions.In the end,I finished the presentation in a good quality!Know nothing about:什么都不知道/Turn to internet:求助互联网/Section to ask question:提问区域。

托福口语校园场景资料汇总二21. I need to speak with my advisor about my course request form. <美> (学生的)指导老师22. I need to be more organized so I won’t have to cram for my tests. 临时抱佛脚/为应考临时死记硬背23. I can’t take enough credit hours to graduate this semester.学时,学分24. Since the exams were graded on the curve, a 95 was a B.25. I can’t cut class because I have too many absences.26. I can’t make a dean’s list this semester.优秀生名单,荣誉名册27. Joe needs to declare his major soon.28. I can’t meet with the department chair until after registration. 系主任,系主任的职位29. I can’t find enough research on my dissertation topic.30. I can only take three distance learning classes.31. I have to drop out because I don’t have enough money for tuition.32. I can’t complete the assignment by the due date.33. I can’t take any elective classes this semester.34. I can't enroll in that class without taking the introductory class first. 入门课,绪论课 35. I already have one excused absence in Dr. Mitchell’s class托词缺席a short absence 短时间离开an enforced absence 被迫离开He excused his absence by saying that he was ill36. I would be expelled if I helped you.开除,除名He was expelled from the schoolThe pupil was expelled for stealing.37. I need to meet with my professor to discuss an extension.(美)为非本科生开设的进修部,进修课a university extension大学补习部; 附设部分(夜大, 函授班等)extension course大学函授班(夜校等)开设的课程38. I have to go on a field trip Saturday morning, but my boss won’t let me off work. 野外实习;实地考察旅行39. I can’t find a place to park on fraternity row.[美]大学生联谊会/兄弟会/一群同职业[兴趣, 信仰]的人; 同人; 社友; 会友40. I need to register as a full-time student to be eligible for a loan.。

如,停电,很多同学瞬间不知道怎么翻译成英语,但其实很简单,power is out/power outage/electricity went out等。
因此,这次把大家把校园话题常出现的日常口语表达总结出来,大家好好背背,task3和task5阻碍就少很多!1. 洗衣服do the laundry2. 买菜 do the grocery3. 借宿一宵crash at someone’s place4. 理由不让人信服 reason is totally off5. 你的猜想是错的the assumption is wrong/ assuming things makes an ass between you and me6. 找司机 hunt down a driver7. 这不是问题it’s not the issue8. 这不是很好的解决办法 they are going about it the wrong way9. 探头看 stick my head into every lecture hall10. 很幸运 you may luck out11. 扭伤手腕 sprain the wrist12. 练习不够 out of practice13. 彩排 rehearse for14. 精力充沛的 rested15. 放松 unwind16. 事情不受控制 things got out of hand17. 提前 in advance18. 承担重任 take on the role19. 代替 take over20. 选修课/必修课optional course/ required course/ it’s optional21. 讲话太夸张 they are being drastic22. 到期 due23. 过期 pass the deadline24. 摘除耳机 unplug music devices25. 远离网络/隐居 off the grid26. 一对一指导 one on one discussion27. 转学分 transfer the credit28. 我没有想过这方面的问题I haven’t thought of that29. 爆水管 water pipe burst / wore out30. 预算低 budget is tight31. 挡住视线 block the view32. 停电 power is out/ power outage /electricity went out33. 没电phone’s d ying/ battery is running low34. 作业延期 grand a deadline extension35. 特例 grand an exception36. 逆转潮流 counteract the trend37. 宿舍设施不好 dorms are in great shape38. 被打扰 students will be disturbed39. 搬出校外 move off campus40. 收到消息 hear from sb41. 走读 commute42. 做广告 place commercial43. 从xxx获利 make money out of xxx44. 颁奖 hand out awards45. 校友 alumni46. 不会有影响won’t make a difference47. 回复 got back to sb48. 打乱计划throw off sb’s whole schedule49. 分担房租 split the rent50. 长远影响 long-term consequence51. 污迹 red stain52. 小疾病 minor ailments53. 第一稿/最终稿 first draft/ final draft54. 咄咄逼人 pushy55. 进退两难 tough spot56. 精益求精 pursue a higher standard of excellence57. 迟交作业 late submission58. 压力大 be stressed out59. 一次性费用 one charge for the whole year/one-time expense60. 前所未有的高 reach record-high level61. 学校放假 school will not be in session62. 窗口通风 the window is drafty63. 不是某人的特长is not in someone’s area of expertise/isn’t exactly her specialty64. 最终稿/总结 write-up65. 合理的改变 logical change66. 很好的提醒 a good reminder67. 记不住台词can’t remember his line68. 场景 scene69. 小角色 minor role70. 独特珍贵见解 unique /valuable insight71. 从经验中回答 answer from experience72. 亲身经历 first hand experience73. 酱汁溅出来 spill some sauce74. 日历表 calendar page75. 报道故事 cover stories /news coverage76. 跟踪信息keep track of information77. 没什么味道the food doesn’t have much flavor78. 安装网络 install internet79. 地方太小容纳不了这么多人 the place is too small to accommodate so many people80. 载某人上学 give sb rides/ give me a ride81. 安排见面 set up a meeting/an appointment82. 大礼堂被预定了 the auditorium has been booked83. 不切实际it’s unrealistic84. 复习课 review session85. 替某人上课cover sb’s class86. 不太熟悉,生疏了 getting rusty87. 话剧开幕 play opening88. 自行车架子 bicycle racks89. 空出更多空间 free up more space90. 丢失零件/生锈 some are missing parts/ rusty91. 问答环节 question and answer section92. 没出现didn’t show up93. 关键词搜索 look through the titles94. 不会对学校预算造成任何压力won’t put any strain on the university's budget95. 上课期间 when class in session96. 偶尔需要去考试 make occasional trip to take exam or go to library97. 留下坏印象 make a bad impression98. 请假/放假 ask time off/ take time off99. 扣分 take a few points off the grade100. 押金 cash deposit101. 代班cover sb’s shift/ find su bstitutes for her shift102.其它人的建议other students’ point of view103.过边境 cross the international boarder104. 带领参观 show sb around105. 减轻工作量 cut back/reduce working hours106.扫兴/真是糟糕that’s a drag107.不能出席can’t make it tonight108. 走读生 commuter students109.住宿生/住宿学校 dormitory residents/ boarding school110. 休息室 lounge111. 拼车 share car rides/ carpool112.延迟/推迟 put it off/ reschedule113.未来事业 future endeavors114.全神贯注 be preoccupied with115.注册人数 enrollment116.觉得刚好相反 feel the opposite/ the opposite is true117.状况很好/很坏 in bad shape/ in good condition118.迎新项目 orientation program119.感觉错过了宝贵的机会 feel missed out120.投入太多时间 big time commitment121.出版杂志 put together an issue122.担当职务 serve on the committee123.身处这个状况中看不清形势 too close to t he situation/ can’t be objective124.拍摄电影/最后场景 direct a film/film a final scene 125.后期编辑 final editing126.论点陈述完毕 I rest my case127.公开对老师的评价 publish teacher evaluation128.做出精明的决策 make informed decision129.懒得做won’t bother doing sth130.急着走 in a hurry to leave131.校友 alumni132.美金 buck/dollar/grand133. 没修完 incomplete (n.) / take incomplete134. 一夜之间 overnight135. 大熔炉 melting pot。

1. 第一种综合口语题的话题是关于学校规定。
2. 第二种综合口语题的话题是关于学术研究。
3. 第三种综合口语题的话题是关于学术课程。
toefl 托福托福写作高分词句校园教育话题-1

1. instill…in sb. 向某人灌输…Many schools all try to instill perseverance in their students to better deal with adversity. 许多学校都努力灌输给学生在面对逆境时应有不屈不挠的精神。
History instills a sense of cultural identity in students.历史灌输给学生文化认同感.Through helping children with school work, parents can instill children with values that will allow them to successfully pursue their ambitions.通过辅导孩子的功课,父母可以灌输给他们以后能帮助孩子实现抱负的重要价值观。
2. adapt to sth.适应Students who studied abroad claimed that their international schooling allowed them to quickly adapt to diverse workplaces.出国留学的人都说自己的游学经历让他们很快能够适应不同的工作环境。
Every newly minted college graduate may go through a hard time adapting to new work routines.每个刚毕业的大学生都可能会经历新工作时的不易。
(newly minted新崛起的,新产生的)3. have a grasp of 领会,掌握You will have an accurate grasp of your strengths and weaknesses after you take the test.在你考试以后就能精准了解自己的优缺点。

托福口语校园生活语句一:im studying in a junior college我正在一所大专就读A:Hi Im lan.Im studying in a junior college 你好,我是lan,我正在一所大专就读B:Im Sam.Im studying in a vocational high school 我是Sam我正在一所高级职业学校就读She goes to a boarding school她就读于一所寄宿学校A:We dont see Mia very often now我们现在比较少看到MiaB:She goes to a boarding school她就读于一所寄宿学校Shes studying for her Masters degree她正在攻读硕士学位A:What is Sabrina doing in England?Sabrina在英格兰做什么B:Shes studying for her Masters degree她正在攻读硕士学位join our club加入我们的社团吧A:Im very interested in horse back riding我关于骑马很有兴趣B:Then,join our club.那加入我们的社团吧Would you be interested in joining the student council?你有没有兴趣加入同学会?A:Would you be interested in joining the student council?你有没有兴趣加入同学会?B:Sure I am.当然有兴趣了!Where is the class attendance sheet?点名簿在哪里?A:Where is the class attendance sheet?点名簿在哪里?B:It is in the drawer.托福口语校园生活语句二:Present!出席!A:Carla Jones?Carla Jones?B:Present!出席!Hes taking sick leave他请病假。

托福口语校园场景资料汇总三41. I need to get caught up before final exams.42. I can’t raise my G.P.A. if I take calculus.43. Bill needs to write a proposal before Tuesday if he wants to be considered for a grant.补助金;助学金;赠款;津贴44. I can’t find the head resident.舍监45. My friends have to hit the books this weekend so they can’t go to the party with me. [美俚]沉溺于; 埋头于46. The courses in the honors program are much harder than the regular courses. 荣誉项目47. I can’t ask Dr. Young for another incomplete.48. I can’t seem to find the desk for interlibrary loans.馆际借书馆际互借是图书馆之间根据协议,互相利用对方馆藏来满足本馆读者需求、开展馆际合作的一种形式,其标准的英文名称为Inter-library Loan,缩写为ILL。
49. I need to serve a two-year internship.50. I can’t keep my grades up and work full-time51. The tutors at the learning assistance center are all juniors and seniors, so I don’t qualify.52. I can’t use my library card because I owe a fine.53. Sue needs to find out a report at the lost and found.54. I have to take a lower-division class before I can take the advanced course. 报个初级班55. Dana needs to take a makeup test before spring break.补考春假Spring break, also known as March break in some parts of Canada, is a week-long recess from studying for students at universities and schools in the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, and other countries.春假,在早春时节,美国、加拿大、日本、韩国及其它一些国家会给学生放假一周,在加拿大的部分地区将之称为三月假。

Task2. Do you agree or disagree that the success of a school depends on experienced teachers? Task2 - Do you agree or disagree that experienced teachers is a deciding factor to the success of a school? 托福⼝语范⽂⼀: Sample answer: Alright, let’s back to life, back to reality, experienced teachers can not be the deciding factor to judge whether a school is good or not cuz experienced teachers have been teaching for so many years and they're probably tired of teaching the same old stuff over and over again and for the record, they are not as passionate as new teachers when it comes to teaching. In that case, a school should also hire some new faculty members in order to import some new blood so that students can benefit more from this change and the school, of course, is going to be a very successful school. What’s more, advanced facilities like a spacious indoor gym with all sorts of equipments, fancy and cozy dorms with wifi, and a wider selection of school activities are also really crucial when it comes to the evaluation of a successful school. 托福⼝语范⽂⼆: Sample: I agree with the statement that experienced teachers are important. First, students choose a school mostly because they value the education they are about to get in the next 3-4 years. And on a great level, the education process depend on teachers. Experienced teachers are qualified, not because of the degrees and titles they have, but the years of dealing with students and programs. They know about and understand the knowledge of their own fields, so they get what students need for academic and career reasons. So in this way, experienced teachers are more capable of teaching successful students-hence help building a successful school. Second and naturally, experienced teachers are mostly representatives of the school. They can draw the attention of potential talented students and make for a better chance for the school to succeed.。

1. What kind of characteristics or ponents should a good school have?Well, personally, I think prestigious universities should have better facilities, sciencestudents depend on lab equipments to test theories in books, just learning theories withoutexperiment in the lab is too boring and unproductive, so facilities, like research centers arevery important.On top of that, professors are the key resource of a university, cuz they are the ones whocan motivate the students and develop their skills and make them more creative, thus givingthe students a better chance to be suessful in the future.2. Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study at home or indormitories. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons and details in your response.I would say I'd like to study in the library. The most obvious reason is that it is very quietin the library, and I can fully focus on your work and nothing can distract me.There are justtoo much distraction to study at home, I can lay on my bed and play puter games when Ifeel bored, it is just not that productive pared to studying in the library. Plus, studying inthe library, I feel like people around me are also studying, and that is a motivation for me toconcentrate on my own work. For these reasons, I would say I like to study in the library.3. Talk about a subject you enjoy learning in school.Well, English is the subject that I like most. I have great motivation to learn English, tobegin with, I find English not very difficult to learn, and actually it is pretty easy to pick up.Unlike other subjects like math, physics, which are pretty abstract and boring to learn. It isvery cool to be able to speak a foreign language, and I can make friends with people who arefrom distinctive cultural backgrounds, thus I got a chance to talk to foreigners and get toknow their culture, customs and way of living. By interacting with them I can broaden myhorizon and have new perspective on things, and I bet I can learn from them enormously.4. Talk about two schools which you attended and their differences.Well, the first school that I attended in the US is called XXXXX, it's located in a very smalltown with a population less than 20 thousand. The professor seems toknow everyone,because the class size is very small. so everyone got a chance to discuss with the professorabout academic problems. The second university I went to is university of XXXX, thisuniversity is in decent size with a big campus, there is about 30000 students and facultiesaltogether. I like the second one because it's a big athletic university and I am big collegesports fan. I follow Mizzou basketball and football very closely.5. Which of the following do you think is the best way to get to know a new school, joininga one-day campus tour, spending a weekend on a campus playing field or auditing the lectures?Personally, I would say auditing class is the best way to know the university better, sincefaculty members are an indispensable part of the university. Their knowledge,teaching skillsand even the way they teach the class represent the university. The values they uphold in theclass are the ones that are cherished by the university. Plus, when auditing class, one can tell ifthere are lots of class discussions or not, also, they get to know the size of the class. Theseare important factors when choosing a university since nobody wants to attend a school, whoseclass size are too big, because in a big class one cannot interact with their peers andprofessors.6. A friend of yours always gets up late in the morning and misses his morning classes. Theprofessor has told him that this behavior will affect his grade. What advice would you give himand why?Personally, I would suggest him sleep early, actually he should go to bed before 10 o'clock,and then he can take a good rest, hence the next day he can go to the class refreshed.Additionally, I would say he should talk to the professor and ask him or her if it is possible forhim to make up the absence in another way, like doing an extra credit assignment and I bet ifhe is sincere enough, the professor will understand his tough situation and might say yes tohim, so eventually he can keep a higher GPA.7. Some students like to choose university with a high reputation but no scholarship,others prefer to choose a university with scholarship but less reputable. Which one do you liketo choose?Well, personally, I would prefer to study in a less well known university with a scholarship.To begin with, the university tuition can be really expensive, and getting scholarship can helpme to relieve my financial pressure. Consequently, I can concentrate on my study.Additionally, most of the time, one needs to be research assistant or teaching assistant uponreceiving the scholarship. These teaching and research experience will be very helpful formyfuture, like when I plan to apply for a graduate school and even future jobs, and I will get abetter to achieve my dreams in the future.8. Some people think that the best way to learn is to attend lectures. Others think that it isbetter to learn on their own. Which do you prefer and why?Well, personally, I prefer to attend lectures. Actually, studying alone can be boring and Iam the kind of person who likes to interact with others when learning. By attending lectures, Iget a chance to hear multiple points of view, although some points might not be as thought-provoking, I can learn a lot of stuff beyond the textbooks anyway, and understand how anidea works in real life when otherstudents share their personal experiences. Additionally, theprofessor who holds the lecture can make difficult and abstract concepts and ideas easy tounderstand, one mightnot be able to understand some materials when studying alone.9. Do you like to buy new books or used books. Use specific reasons and examples tosupport your answer.I would say I prefer buying used books. As a college students, professors sometimesrequire students to buy textbooks, and most of the time, the textbooks can be reallyexpensive, you might easily spend over $100 on asingle book. That is a lot for a college kid.Additionally,most of the time used books are not that crappy, you can use it, and take noteson it and highlight the important part, it has no impact on your study at all. So based onthese reasons, I find it more reasonable to buy used books at a cheaper price.10. Some people like to listen to audio books, others like to read paper books. Which doyou prefer and why?Well, personally, I prefer to read paper books. It is true that one can listen to audio bookspractically everywhere. You can listen on the bus, or in bed before you fall asleep. However, Istill prefer to read book myself since I can get more involved when reading myself. What I amtrying to say is that the person who reads the audio book sometimes doesn't tell the story theway that I like. I mean I might not like the tone of their voice, and sometimes I find that I zoneout and miss important parts of the book when I listen to audio books.。

托福写作话题之校园类为了帮助大家备考托福写作,熟悉各种话题的写作,下面小编给大家带来托福写作话题之校园类,望喜欢!托福独立写作素材——话题:校园教育1. have a grasp of 领会,掌握You will have an accurate grasp of your strengths and weaknesses after you take the test.在你考试以后就你那精准了解自己的优缺点。
If you find it hard to keep up in class, hiring a tutor can help you out to gain a better grasp.如果你在课堂觉得很难跟得上,找个家教能帮你更好掌握。
2. draw on 吸取,借鉴,利用In every discipline, creativity also draws on skill, knowledge and control.在每个学科中,创新同样要利用技术,知识和管理力。
The benefit of learning history is that people can draw on experience from the past.学历史的好处是人们可以吸取过去的经验教训。
3. open up job prospects 打开职业前景Work preparation can offer students a competitive edge and open up job prospects.职业规划可以为学生们提供竞争优势并且打开职业前景。
In a less-than-ideal economy, job hunter may have a hard time opening up job prospects.经济不景气的时候,求职者想要打开职业前景就会有些困难。
4. rise above + n. 克服Successful man have the capacity to rise above challenges and obstacles in life.成功人士有克服挑战和困难的能力。

1 / 5托福口语话题语料库:学校为了帮助大家积累更多的优秀素材,为大家带来托福口语话题语料库:学校,希望能够帮助大家更好的备考托福口语,一起来看看吧!托福口语话题语料库学校的硬件设施:gym :活动类型:哑铃do some dumbbell, 室内跑道 run on the indoor track, 在场地上打球 play some sport on the court, 水上运动do some aquatic activities, 邮箱运动如瑜伽、游泳、在跑步机上跑步aerobics like yoga, swimming, running on a treadmill体育馆是个休闲娱乐的地方,是打发时间的首选;在这里可以做各种各样的运动(举以上的例子)。
2 / 5A gym is the place where students can have fun and relax themselves, for many students it can be the first choices when it comes to how to spend their spare time. There are lots of fun activities you can do in the gym like, play some sports on the court, do some aerobics like yoga, swimming, and running on a treadmill,and stuff like that.作用:保持体型Keep fit, 有趣 have fun,放松 relax,引导学生健康、活跃的生活方式 lead a healthy and active lifestyle总之,很有必要建设一个体育馆。
In a nutshell, it is really important for a university to own a nice recreation center(gym 的同义词),for it helps to promote a healthy, active lifestyle.实验室laboratory :做实验conduct research, 把理论应用于实际apply theory in practice, 直观的理解概念understand concepts intuitively(直观的),培养学生的创造力 develop students' creativity;实验室是好学校的重要组成部分,然后展开实验室的作用(即以上内容)。
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gym :
哑铃do some dumbbell, 室内跑道run on the indoor track, 在场地上打球play some sport on the court, 水上运动do some aquatic activities, 邮箱运动如瑜伽、游泳、在跑步机上跑步aerobics like yoga, swimming, running on a treadmill
A gym is the place where students can have fun and relax themselves, for many students it can be the first choices when it comes to how to spend their spare time. There are lots of fun activities you can do in the gym like, play some sports on the court, do some aerobics like yoga, swimming, and running on a treadmill,and stuff like that.
作用:保持体型Keep fit, 有趣have fun,放松relax,引导学生健康、活跃的生活方式lead a healthy and active lifestyle
In a nutshell, it is really important for a university to own a nice recreation center(gym 的同义词),for it helps to promote a healthy, active lifestyle.
实验室laboratory :
做实验conduct research, 把理论应用于实际apply theory in practice, 直观的理解概念understand concepts intuitively(直观的),培养学生的创造力develop students' creativity;
Great labs are a big part of a good university, students can use the lab to apply theory into practice and conduct researches in their fields, moreover, by doing experiments students can understand the concepts better and develop their creativity.
名声reputation :
Reputation of a university has no direct impact on its students, and it is kind of meaningless.
教员faculty :
跟audit class联系在一起;
Auditing class is the best to know the university better, since faculty members are an indispensable part of the university. Their knowledge,teaching skills and even the way they teach the class represent the university. The values they uphold in the class are the ones that are cherished by the university.
地点location :
比如大都市metropolis, 多文化的multicultural, 方便的convenient, 公共交通public transportation, 商店shops, 酒吧和餐馆bars and restaurant,充满活力full of dynamics; 当然也可以跟social里面的broaden your horizon and enrich your experience结合在一起。
大学的大小size :
多元化diverse student body, 俱乐部和社团lots of clubs and societies, 完备的设施well established facilities, 著名的教授lots of famous professors, 活动很多various activities;
个人而言, 我喜欢较大的大学,学生团体会比较多元, 国际学生很多,他们组织好多社会活动。
Personally, I would say I like to attend a big university. A big university tends to have a diverse student body, there might be lots of international students like me, and they organize all kinds of social activities.
Also, a big university is likely to have very well established facilities like multi-functional libraries, recreation centers and research facilities. These are big parts of a colorful university life.。