



The Business as a Hunting GroundEsther Vilar There are many women who take their place in the working world of today. Secretaries and shop assistants,factory workers and stewardesses —not to mention those countless hearty young women who populate the colleges and universities in ever-increasing numbers. One might even get the impression that woman’s nature had undergonea radical change in the last twenty years. Today’s young women appear to be less unfair than their mothers. They seem to have decided — perhaps out of pity for their victims — not to exploit men any more, but to become, in truth, their partners.The impression is deceptive. The only truly important act in any woman’s life is the selection of the right partner. In any other choice she can afford to make a mistake. Consequently, she will look for a man where he works or studies and where she can best observe and judge the necessary masculine qualities she values. Offices, factories, colleges, and universities are, to her, nothing but gigantic marriage markets.The particular field chosen by any young woman as a hunting ground will depend to a large extent on the level of income of the man who has previously been her slave, in other words, her father. The daughters of men in the upper income brackets will choose colleges or universities. These offer the best chances of capturing a man who will earn enough to maintain the standards she has already acquired. Besides, a period of study for form’s sake is much more convenient than a temporary employm ent. Girls from less-well-off homes will have to go into factories, shops, offices, or hospitals for a time — but again with the same purpose in mind. None of them intend to stay in these jobs for long. They will continue only until marriage — or, incases of hardship, till pregnancy. This offers woman one important advantage, any woman who marries nowadays has given up her studies or her job “for the sake of the man of her choice” —and “sacrifices” of this nature create obligations.Therefore, when women work and study, it merely serves to falsify statistics and furthermore to enslave men more hopelessly than ever, because education and the professions mean something very different when applied to women as opposed to men.When a man works it is a matter of life and death, and, as a rule, the first years of his life are decisive. Any man of twenty-five who is not well on his way up the ladder can beconsidered, to all intents and purposes, a hopeless case. At this stage, all his faculties are being developed, and the fight with his competitors is a fight to the death. Behind a mask of business friendship, he is constantly on the watch for anysign of superiority in one of his associates, and he will note its appearance with anxiety. If this same associate shows signs of weakness or indecision, it must be taken advantage of at once. Yet man is only a tiny cog in a gigantic business machine, he himself being in effect exploited at every turn.When he drives others, he drives himself most of all. His orders are really orders from above, passed on by him. If the men at the top occasionally take time to praise him, it is not in order tomake him happy; it is only to spur him on, to stimulate him to greater effort. For man, who was brought up to be proud and honorable, every working day is merely an endless series of humiliations. He shows enthusiasm for products he finds useless, he laughs at jokes he finds tasteless, he expresses opinions which are not his own.Not for a moment is he allowed to forget that the merest oversight may meandemotion, that one slip of the tongue may spell the end of his career.Yet woman, who is the prime cause of all these struggles, and under whose very eyes these fights take place, just stands aside and watches. Going to work means to her flirting and dates, teasing and banter, with the odd bit of “labor” done for the sake of appearances — work for which, as a rule, she has no responsibility. She knows that she is only marking time, and even if she does have to go on working for one reason or another, at least she has had years of pleasant dreams. She watches men's battles from a safe distance, occasionally applauding one of the contestants, encouraging or scolding, and while she makes their coffee, opens their mail, or listens to their telephone conversations, she is cold-bloodedly taking her pick. The moment she has found “Mr. Right,” she retires gracefully, leaving the field open to her successor.The same applies to university education. American colleges admit more and more women, but the percentage who actually complete their courses is less than before the SecondW orld War. They sit happily in lectures designing their spring wardrobe and between classes flirt with the boys. With their scarlet nails carefully protected by transparent rubber gloves, they play around with corpses in the dissecting rooms, while their male colleagues realize their whole future is at stake. If a woman leaves the university with an engagement ring on her finger, she has earned her degree; man has hardly begun when he obtains his diploma. Degrees are, after all, easy to come by —you have only to memorize. How many examiners can tell the difference between real knowledge and bluff? Man, however, has to understand his subject as well. His later success will depend on whether his knowledge is well-founded; his later prestige will be built on this, and often other people’s lives are dependent on it.None of these battles exists for woman.If she breaks off her studies and marries a university lecturer, she has achieved the same level as he has without exerting herself. As the wife of a factory owner she is treated with greater respect than he is (and not as somebody who at best would be employable on the assembly line in the same factory). As a wife she always has the same standard of living and social prestige and has to do nothing to maintain them — as he does. For this reason the quickest way to succeed is always to marry a successful man. She does not win him by her industry, ambition, or perseverance —but simply through an attractive appearance.We have already seen what demands the well-trained man makes on a woman’s appearance. The best women trainers — without the least effort — catch the most successful fighters among men. The so-called “beautiful” women are usually those who have had an easy life from their childhood days and therefore have less reason than others to develop their intellectual gifts (intelligence is developed only through competition); it follows as a logical consequence that very successful men usually have abysmally stupid wives ( unless, of course, one considers woman’s skill at transforming herself into bait for man a feat of intelligence). It has almost become a commonplace that a really successful man, be he a company director, financier, shipping magnate, or orchestra conductor, will, when he reaches the zenith of his career, marry a beautiful model usually his second or third wife. Men who have inherited money often take such a supergirl as their first wife although she will be exchanged over the years for another. Yet, as a rule, models are women of little education who have not even finished school and who have nothing to do until they marry but look beautiful and pose becomingly in front of a camera. But they are “beautiful” —and that makes them potentiallyrich.A small percentage (ten to twenty percent) of women students in industrial countries of the West do, in fact, obtain their degrees before they get married. Despite occasionalexceptions, they are, as a rule, less attractive and have failed to catch a suitable provider while still in school. But then, this degree will automatically raise their market value, for there are certain types of men who feel bolstered if their wife has a degree —providing they have one themselves. It is clear evidence of his own cleverness if such a highly educated woman is interested in him. If by chance this female mastermind happens to be sexy, he will be beside himself with joy.But not for long. Even women doctors, women sociologists, and women lawyers “sacrifice” their careers for their men, or at least set them aside. They withdraw into suburban ranch houses, have children, plant flower beds and fill their homes with the usual trash. Within a few years these new entertainments obliterate the small amount of “expert knowledge,” learned by rote, of course, and they become exactly like their female neighbors.。



1. Information about the MOOCs

3.A MOOC is a model of educational delivery that is, to varying degrees,
massive, open, online, and a course. Most MOOCs are structured similar to
1. Information about the MOOCs

MOOC - Massive Open Online Course 1.Massive, open, online courses (known as MOOCs) are short courses that are delivered online for free. They don't have any entry requirements and are open to anyone anywhere in the world with an
a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them.❶

❶ It is from the book The Idea of a University by John Henry Newman,

Background Information
1. Information about MOOCs
2. Attitude towards MOOCs 3. Cultural Background Information



新世纪研究生综合英语u n i t8Unit8Power to the peopleAlmost a century has gone by since humans began exploiting a compelling new way to power the global economy. The switch to fossil fuels prompted促使 an explosion innovation either side of the 1900s.including creations such as the internal combustion engine. Such technologies have since provided the means to drive our thirsty, energy-intensive modern societies.Today we stand at a similar turning point. Solar power, wind turbines and other sources of clean power--- the preserve of visionaries 有预见的人and enthusiasts little more than a decade ago--- are now poised on the brink of the mainstream, helped in no small part by the environmental deficiencies of fossil fuels. The need to create clean energy has become a pressing concern for policy makers and big business--- not to mention the consumer.Such thinking is fuelled by the growing realization that all along nature has provided ready-made means to power modern civilizations, namely through the elements. Crucial advances in new technology have these inexhaustible sources cheaper to use with, for example, the cost of solar energy plunging by up to 98 percent over the past 20 years.In theory, these renewable energy resources are incongruous large. The sun alone provides the means to deliver 7,000times our own energy consumption; blanking just 2.6 percent of the Sahara desert with solar cells could supply our entire needs. Yet for all this impressive potential, renewable energy currently produces just two percent of our total energy output.However, as the computer industry discovered in the 1980s, rapid growth can swiftly transform a minority sector into a giant capable of dominating our lives. Already companies across the globe are scrambling征服争夺 to become the next Intel or Microsoft of the new energy revolution. Our homes, cities, and workplaces--- our lives--- may be reshaped in ways we can only begin to guess at the solar cell, the wind farm and the electric car enter larger sectors of the marketplace.Blazing a trailThe sun’s capability to power the planet is phenomenal杰出的. Already a billion-pound business, projections indicate an annual growth rate for the next decade of 14 percent. But the price of solar technology has always been its biggest sticking point, and the cost of solar cells will need to fall by up to 50 percent in order to fully competitive with coal-fired electricity.Several companies are currently developing a new generation of wafer-thin photovoltaic光电的 solar panels that will slash大量削减 costs still further. Photovoltaics(pv) convert the sun’s heat into electricity, silently and without pollution. They use semi-conductors that send out electrons the instant sunlight reaches them, triggering使触发引起 the flow of electricity. The greater the volume of sunlight, the more electrons are emitted发射或发射出.Solar power could provide thousands of times more energy than we world currently uses, the earth receiving an unimaginably huge amount of energy way beyond the capabilities of fossil fuels or nuclear fission. In figures, the sun’s continuous power input stands数据 at 200 watts followed by 15 zeros.Its uses are impressively varied. Solar cells now power satellites, mobilephones, television sets, highway signals and water pumps. Last year the Dutch solar car Nuna broke the world record--- with an average speed of 91 km/h--- in the world Solar challenge, a 3,010-kilometer race across Australia for cars powered by the sun.A look at the planet’s most conspicuous明显的 consumers reveals that solar energy is finally beginning to make real inroads as an alternative energy. The USA’s Million Solar Roofs Initiative aims to put a million solar systems on the roofs of commercial and residential building by 2010. In addition, 30 states now have official policies encouraging the development of solar energy with financial incentives for investment in the use of PV modules and cells.Advocates believe that PV could claim to be the simplest and most elegant technology to harness the power of the sun, being easy to install and requiring minimal maintenance. Given this advantages, the future of solar photovoltaics appears bright.Tapping into waterHarnessing the power of moving water, whether through the natural rhythems of the tide and ocean waves or by means of massive artificial dams, offers another renewable energy source with a major future. Wave power alone has the potential to provide enough power to supply an estimated 1.4 million households in an industrial society.However, the intrinsic difficulties in harnessing开发 the strength of rough seas have created major headaches for engineers; two wave-power stations in Scotland and Norway have already fallen victim to the sea. Once again though, the biggest hurdle is financial, with construction of turbines at sea expensive, despite the actual energy being plentiful and free.Further difficulties are caused by the fact that waves refuse to flow in one direction. One solution to this problem has been to fit turbines in a chimney-type seabed structure that can be oriented to face the direction of energy-giving waves.By contrast, hydroelectric power is well established, producing almost a quarter of the world’s electricity and supplying more than one billion people with power. Hydropower produces energy equivalent to 3.6 billion barrels of oil a year. Electricity is produced by falling water passing through a turbine; dams are often used to ensure water supply can be controlled depending on the demand for power.However the construction of mighty dams often has huge environmental impacts caused by having to flood large areas, triggering acute damage existing habitats--- the three gorges dam currently under construction in china will see 632 square kilometers inundated洪水泛滥 and1.1 million people facing resettlement. Such obvious deficiencies 缺点aside, hydropower offers a clean, renewable source of energy that offers cheap electricity.Blowing hot and coldWonderfully simple in concept, perfectly practical in reality, wind power has been on the drawing board of energy providers for centuries. Yet its potential has long been hamstrung 不起作用by opponents claiming wind farms spoil the beauty of the landscape. This is compounded加重 by year of under-investment and a lack of political support.Power is generated by the wind turning massive blades that in turn drive turbines, with the ensuing energy piped to the national grid. Simple. And there are absolutely no destructive by-products. What’s more, vast swathes 长条形地带of the globe provide idol conditions to harness开发 wind power, though of course most coastal and mountainous regions experience enough of the resource to make it visible, at least locally.In China, estimates place its wind resource at 350,000 megawatts, sufficient to provide the world’s largest national population with electricity today. Britain, the windiest country in Europe, itself endures sufficient brisk breezes to serve its electricity generation three times over. Offshore plants are favoured where the wind is stronger and no one can complain at the intrusion into their environment.However, as well as the visual impact of wind-farms, some local residents have complained about levels of noise from the turbine gearing systems and blades. Some people are particularly sensitive to low level noise and there is evidence that in certain sites, like Landdinam in Wales, the sound is amplified by some sort of resonance within the valley. Other objects include interference with television and radio reception, negative impacts on local tourism and property values, and the potential disruption扰乱 to wildlife, especially birds.Hydrogen time-bombHigh hopes are pinned or the fuel cell, a technology forecast to reshape the world energy economy, and adds-on to power transport-systems of tomorrow by replacingpetro. Again, its green credentials证书 are indisputable: fuel cells release nothing more damaging into the atmosphere than water vapour. Onlike oil, gas and coal it does not produce carbon dioxide, and has the advantage of being twice as efficient as conventional engines in converting chemical fuels into power.Fuel cells also hold potential for developing nations because they are almost as economical on a small-scale as a large one, require little maintenance and no recharging. In simple terms, fuel cells work using a chemical reaction to produce electricity from hydrogen, which can be derived from such sources as natural gas and methanol甲醇. Governments are understandably keen on a technology that offers the possibility of true”zero emission” energy.With the cost of power failures to it economies greater than ever, off-grid sources such as stationary fuel cells could soon become commercial necessities.Be oriented to调整适应Be pinned on 信赖,附属于Blaze a trail 开路先锋,带头Blow hot and cold犹豫不决Convert into 变换转变Make inroads 涉足另一个新领域On the drawing board在设计阶段Solar panel 太阳能电池板Tap into开发着手Zero emission 零排放选择题1、At the press conference, they were scrambling攀登 to give the impressionthat the situation was in control.A/searching B/struggling C/crowding D/exiting2、Written off again and again, he has proved phenomenon in resilience andpolitical craftiness.A/notable B/tangible C/extraordinary D/sensible3、This news has sent a wave of panic through the world which to me seemsway out of proportion.A/ far B/mean C/simply D/away4、Downtown business owners say that they want the city’s homeless sheltermoved to a conspicuous location.A/confronted B/ fantastic C/confident D/noticeable5、Over the past year, Linux has significant inroads into embedded designsrequiring rich, high performance networking.A/ Made money B/made achievement C/ made advances D/ madeprogress6、The important thing is to harness growth to self-knowledge, a readyacceptance of change, swift-moving business practice and sound judgment.A/ make use control produce escape7、We are the ones willing and able to run an obstacle course filled with hurdlesthat we must complete before anyone else.Barriers bless reports handouts8、I haven’t been able to orient my ideas to the new conditions since I workedabroad three months.Change adjust direct organize9、The company office was inundated with telegrams of congratulations on thetenth anniversary of its foundation.Overjoyed flooded crowded satisfied10、He had draw a contradictory conclusion in his thesis because he pinned hisfaith on an absurdity.Decided practiced depended placed。



综合英语Unit8教案《新世纪英语专业综合教程》(Unit 5, Book 1)教案Unit 8 My Forever ValentineTeaching objectives:Students will be able to:Language knowledge (认知目标)1.Grasp the main idea and general structure of Text A;2.Master the key language points and learn how to use them in context.Language skills (技能目标)1.Appreciate the narrative skills demostrated in Text A (selection of details, coherence, etc.);2.Express themselves more freely on the theme of My Valentine after doing a series of theme-related listening, reading, and speaking activitiesCulture awareness (文化目标)Understand the cultural background related to the content Affects (情感目标)1.Be encouraged to cherish the profound relationship with their fathers;2.Learn to obtain a forever valentine by mutual respect and love ;3.Take an affectionate or grateful attitude towards the people around themStrategies (策略目标)1.Memorize the meaning and use of key expressions through learning the lexical collocations and guessing the meaning in the context/doc/df8072536.html,municate and expressthemselves freely and smoothly in the relevant topic with the text by means of thecommunicative strategies.Teaching important and difficult points:1. Important points:1) Key words & Expressions2) Sentence Interpretation3) Summarization of the main ideas in each paragraphs2.Difficult points:Firstly, how to make clear the main idea and the structure of the whole essay is one difficult point in my teaching. Secondly, how to paraphrase the key and difficult sentences is another one. Lastly, it can not be missed how to guide the Ss understand the meaning of the wole text comprehensively.Teaching Time Allotment:Pre-reading activities& Global reading (2课时)Detailed reading (4课时)Consolidation activities(4课时)Teaching Methods:Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method. Teaching procedures:Period 1&2Time required: 90 minutesTeaching objectivesAfter learning these two periods, students should be able to1. get familiarized with the theme or topic of the unit;2. grasp the main idea and general structure of the text.Teaching focusCultural information on the text, the audiovisualsupplements of the text and the main idea and structure of the text Teaching difficultiesNaturally lead in to the topic of the textThe structure and main idea of the textTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Pre-reading activities (45 mins)1. Warming-up: reading aloud2. Provision of the cultural information on the text3. Audiovisual supplements and answer the topic-related questionsStep 2 Global reading——skimming & scanning (45 mins)1. Teacher asks students to go through the text again within 5 minutes, then try to answer two questions, to guide the Ss to summarize the main idea of the text;2. Teacher initially gives the hints indicating the development of the whole text and asks students to go through the whole text within 5 minutes, then divide it into several parts and summarize the main idea of each part with the help of the clues given above.Period 3-6Time required: 180 minutesTeaching objectivesAfter learning these two periods, students should be able to1.Master the meaning and usage of new vocabularies and useful expressions in the text;/doc/df8072536.html,prehend the meaning of each sentence in the text;3. Grasp the main idea of each paragraph in the text.Teaching focus and difficultiesThe new words and expressions in the textThe sentences difficult to be understoodThe main ideas of each paragraphTeaching proceduresStep 1 Review (3 mins)Teacher reviews what have been learned last time by asking students the main idea and structure of the textStep 2 Detailed reading ——language study (177 mins)1. The traditional holidays in our house when I was a child were spent timing elaborate meals around football games. Explanation: Some of the traditional holidays in the United States are Valentine’s Day (February 14); St. Patrick’ Day (March 17); and Halloween (October 31). In some states, Arbor Day(tree planting day), Bird Day(for bird conservation), and Flag Day are school holidays. Child Health Day (the first Monday in October) is widely observed in schools. Many schools and some businesses close on Good Friday(耶稣受难日)Translation:小时候,我们家的传统节日总是根据足球比赛的时间来准备精美的饭菜。




具体来说,知识目标包括:1.掌握 Unit8 中的 15 个核心词汇。


技能目标则要求学生能够:1.听懂并能够正确回答与 Unit8 相关的问题。



二、教学内容本节课的教学内容主要来自于教材 Unit8,包括以下几个部分:1.Unit8 的单词表,共计 15 个单词。

2.Unit8 的主要句型,包括疑问句、否定句和一般现在时等。

3.Unit8 的对话内容,涵盖了日常交流的各个方面。





四、教学资源为了支持教学内容和教学方法的实施,丰富学生的学习体验,我们将准备以下教学资源:1.教材:Unit8 的课本和相关练习册。





2.作业:布置与 Unit8 相关的作业,如练习题、写作等,检查学生对知识的掌握程度。

3.考试:定期进行单元测试,评估学生对 Unit8 单词、句型和对话的掌握情况。




Unit 8 Teaching Objective Master the key words and structures, and understand the story about the antique Chinese Chinese Bowl. Bowl. Bowl. Students Students should also also learn learn something about antiques and auctions. Vocabulary antique confirm fetch fragment identical inspect intrigue novel pension property provide some stick sufficient agree to sth. clear out date back to decide on sth. earn a living in position send off to the annoyance of sb. / to sb.’s annoyanceStructure it is… that (emphatic structure); so… thatSkills How to locate specific information rapidly by scanning Teaching Procedures Lead Lead In In In Activity; Activity; Activity; Study Study Study of of of the the the Text; Text; Text; Study Study Study of of of Words Words Words and and and Phrases; Phrases; Phrases; Study Study Study of of Reading Skills; Study of Practical Reading; Study of Practical Writing I. Lead in 1. Antique An antique is an object, often furniture or any other domestic item, that is highly valued because of its age, or because it belongs to a specific time period.Formerly, it referred only to the remains of the classical cultures of Greece and Rome; Rome; gradually, gradually, decorative decorative arts arts arts of of of all all all past past past eras eras eras and and and places places places came came came to to to be be considered antiques. The The collecting collecting collecting of of of antiques antiques antiques goes goes goes back back back almost almost almost as as as far far far as as as history, history, history, beginning beginning with with the the the preservation preservation preservation of of of temple temple temple treasures. treasures. treasures. It It It was was was in in in the the the 20th 20th 20th century century century that that collecting antiques became a truly popular pursuit. 2. AuctionAn auction is the process of buying and selling things by offering them up for bid (出价), taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder. Auctions are publicly seen in several contexts: in the antique business, in the sale of collectibles, in thoroughbred horseracing, and in legal contexts. The The world's world's world's two two largest largest auction houses auction houses are are Christie's Christie's Christie's and Sotheby's. and Sotheby's. The world's largest online auction site is eBay. 3. Sotheby’sSotheby's is a noted auction house founded by Samuel Baker in London in 1744 and acquired by A. Alfred Taubman, an American businessman and art patron patron in in in 1983. 1983. 1983. Throughout Throughout Throughout the the the 19th 19th 19th and and and early early early 20th 20th 20th centuries, centuries, centuries, Sotheby’s Sotheby’s concentrated chiefly on auctioning books, manuscripts, and prints; though other collectibles were occasionally offered for sale, paintings and other works of art did not begin to dominate Sotheby’s sales until after World Wa r I. Today, the firm has a turnover of approximately $2 billion per annum. Its main offices are in New York City and London, supplemented by other sales offices and auction rooms worldwide. Paragraphs Main Ideas Para. 1 What Mr. Fox did after retirement. Para. 2 When and where Mr. Fox found the fragments of the antique bowl and what he did with them. Para. 3 When When and and and where where where Mr. Mr. Mr. Fox Fox Fox found found found the the the two two two missing missing missing pieces pieces pieces and and where he displayed the now repaired bowl. Para. 4-6 A stranger’s call at Mr. Fox’s house. Para. 7-8 What the st ranger’s visit led Mr. Fox to do. Para. 9 Sotheby’s Sotheby’s agreeing agreeing agreeing to to to put put put the the the bowl bowl bowl up up up to to to auction auction auction after after after an an Para. 10-15 The visit by two detectives and the true story of the bowl. Para. 16 Where the antique bowl finally went. 1.Some: Related words and phrases: approximately, about, around, more or less Paraphrase: Actually his pension changed according to the general level of the provide for:4. Clear out:: make sth. empty or tidy by removing what is inside itParaphrase: 6. intrigue: 7. stick: 8. in preparation for (sth): getting prepared for (sth)9. in position:10. to tell (you) the truth: used to introduce a confession or an admission Paraphrase:12. decide on:13. send off:: send by postParaphrase:15. date back to:: have existed since16. novel: Paraphrase:。



IntroductionWith the globalization of education and the increasing number of English learners around the world, it is essential for English teachers to improve students' language skills not only in grammar but also in listening and speaking. The teaching of integrated skills in English allows students to develop language proficiency through engaging activities and authentic contexts. In this article, we will design a public English lesson focusing on improving students' listening and speaking abilities for Unit 8 of Comprehensive English Teacher.OverviewThis lesson is designed for a Grade 7 Comprehensive English class with a total of 45 students. The lesson aims to improve students' listening and speaking abilities by engaging them in different activities such as interactive conversations, role-plays, video watching, and group discussions. The lesson follows three phases: pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening. The lesson will last for 60 minutes, and it is divided as follows:I – Pre-Listening Phase (15 minutes)In this phase, the teacher will activate students' prior knowledge on the topic of communication. The teacher will elicit students' experiences of communication problems they encounter in their daily lives. Then, the teacher will introduce the objectives of the lesson and demonstrate the use of some useful language that students can use while communicating.II – While-Listening Phase (30 minutes)In this phase, the teacher will prepare a video from "TED Talks" that demonstrates how language can be a barrier to communication. The video will feature two people speaking different languages trying to communicate, and the students will be asked to watch the video and write down what barriers to communication they notice. After the video, the students will come up with some strategies that can be used to overcome language barriers and communicate effectively.III – Post-Listening Phase (15 minutes)In the post-listening phase, the teacher will divide the class into small groups of five students each. Each groupwill be given a task to create a real-life situation wherethey can practice using the strategies they learned in the while-listening phase. The teacher will monitor the groups to ensure that each student gets an opportunity to speak.ConclusionIn conclusion, teaching integrated skills in English is crucial for students' language development, especially in the areas of listening and speaking. This lesson plan has been designed to improve students' abilities in this area and features interactive and engaging activities that make the lesson enjoyable and memorable. In conclusion, the teacher should always aim to help students' language development in a fun and engaging way.。



Unit 8Text AIII. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) People’s frequent use of automobiles lead to the use of non-renewable fuels, a dramaticincrease in the rate of accidental death, social isolation and the disconnection of community, rise in obesity, the generation of air and noise pollution, the facilitation of urban sprawl and urban decay.(2) First, increased road-building exerts negative effects on the habitat for wildlife, primarilythrough habitat fragmentation and surface runoff alteration. Second, new roads built through sensitive habitats can cause the loss or degradation of ecosystems, and the materials required for roads come from large-scale rock quarrying and gravel extraction, which sometimes occurs in sensitive ecological areas. What’s more, road construction also alters the water table, increases surface runoff, and increases the risk of flooding. All these threaten the existence of wildlife.(3) Automobiles are a major source of air pollution and noise pollution. They contributegreatly to the global climate warming by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.What’s more, the increased road-building exerts negative effects on wildlife habitat. (4) Automobiles brought about changes to urban society. First, streetcars, cable cars, and otherforms of light rail in the urban areas are replaced by coaches or buses. Second, it’s more dangerous for pedestrians to walk. Third, people have less contact with their neighbors and become more disconnected.(5) Until the advent of the automobile, factory workers lived either close to the factory or inhigh density communities farther away, connected to the factory by streetcar or rail. The automobile and the federal subsidies for roads and suburban development that supported car culture allowed people to live in low density communities far from the city center and integrated city neighborhoods. The outward growth of cities accelerated. The suburban society came.2. VocabularySection A(1) favorable (2) sprawl (3) proliferation (4) fragmentation (5) manure72(6) sanitation (7) diesel (8) integrate (9) ideology (10) solidifySection B(1) A (2) D (3) B (4) C (5) D (6) B (7) A (8) C (9) B (10) D3. Cloze(1) emphasizing (2) particularly (3) brought (4) alternative (5) moves(6) reliance (7) least (8) sure (9) intact (10) as(11) shadow (12) prospect (13) cigarettes (14) doubt (15) vast(16) suburban (17) mean (18) abandoned (19) right (20) purchasing4. TranslationA. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) The two countries should initiate bilateral dialogues and cooperation on the basis of mutualrespect and equality, which will be beneficial to the economic development of both sides.(2) Unless we take all factors into account, we shall be faced for a long time with the socialproblem of insufficient employment, which is one element that causes social instability. (3) In this century, our country will continue to accelerate the strategic adjustment of theeconomic structure in an attempt to seize every opportunity to develop.(4) With the advent of biological economic era, many countries put a high value on developingbiotechnology industry.(5) The rampant deforestation has broken the panda habitat into isolated areas, which isespecially da ngerous for pandas’ existence.(6) Action, gesture, eye, and voice contribute to the greater effectiveness of drama ascompared with the novel.(7) Aside from wealth, potential moon travelers will need time to train for the mission andmust meet health requirements.(8) In response to an epidemic reported in the area, the government authorities immediatelydecided to fly in doctors and medical supplies to ease difficulties of the affected areas.2) Translate the following paragraph into English.At a time when most carmakers are struggling to cope with the worst crisis the industry has experienced in living memory, the ambitions of Geely, China’s biggest privately owned car firm, are breathtaking. The company is simultaneously developing six modern platforms—an astonishing number even for a global giant such as Toyota—and is committed to launching nine new cars in the next 18 months and up to 42 new models by 2015. Its technical director, Frank Zhao, claims that Geely will have the capacity to make 2m cars a year by then.B. English to ChineseUnit 8 731) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.汽车对于中产阶级的文化有着重要的影响,汽车融入到了从音乐到书籍到电影的各个生活层面。



新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程第8册课程设计1. 课程简介本课程是针对大学英语专业的学生开设的,主要涵盖英语听、说、读、写等方面的内容,旨在帮助学生全面提高英语综合能力。


2. 课程目标本课程的目标是帮助学生:1.提高英语听、说、读、写能力;2.培养独立思考、自主学习和解决问题的能力;3.掌握具有实际应用价值的词汇、语法和表达方式;4.培养跨文化交流能力,了解不同国家和地区的文化差异。

3. 课程大纲章节主要内容第一章课文解析、词汇讲解、语法解析、口语训练、实践活动第二章课文解析、词汇讲解、语法解析、口语训练、实践活动第三章课文解析、词汇讲解、语法解析、口语训练、实践活动第四章课文解析、词汇讲解、语法解析、口语训练、实践活动第五章课文解析、词汇讲解、语法解析、口语训练、实践活动第六章阅读材料解析、词汇讲解、语法解析、口语训练、实践活动第七章阅读材料解析、词汇讲解、语法解析、口语训练、实践活动章节主要内容第八章阅读材料解析、词汇讲解、语法解析、口语训练、实践活动4. 教学方法本课程采用多种教学方法,包括:1.授课讲解:教师讲解教材中的课文、语法和词汇等知识点;2.个案讨论:教师引导学生对特定话题进行探讨,启发学生思考、分析和解决问题的能力;3.交互式教学:教师和学生之间进行双向、互动性强的教学,创造积极、主动的学习氛围;4.实践活动:教师组织多种形式的实践活动,如听力训练、口语练习、写作任务等;5.小组讨论:教师将学生分为小组,让学生相互合作,交流、分享、探讨自己的想法和成果。

5. 考核方式本课程的考核方式包括:1.期中考试:考核学生在前半学期所学内容的掌握情况,占总成绩40%;2.期末考试:考核学生在整个学期所学内容的掌握情况,占总成绩60%;3.日常表现:考核学生上课态度、参与度、课堂表现等,作为评价学生成绩的参考因素。

新世纪高等院校英语专业综合教程Unit 8 Two truths to live by课文翻译

新世纪高等院校英语专业综合教程Unit 8 Two truths to live by课文翻译

1. 生活的艺术就是要懂得何时紧抓、何时放手,因为人生就是个矛盾:在令我们依恋于它所赋予的种种恩赐的同时,它也注定我们最终得放弃这些恩赐。


”2. 我们当然要紧抓生命,不仅因为它奇妙无比,而且因为它所蕴含的美已散布到了地球的每个角落。


3. 我们铭记褪色的美、消逝的爱。


4. 最近的一次经历再次使我明白了这个道理。



5. 一天上午,我得接受几项额外的检查。


6. 在我们从病房出来的瞬间,阳光洒在我的身上,我所感觉到的就只有这阳光。

它是多么美丽,多么温暖,多么闪耀,多么辉煌啊!7. 我环视四周,看看是否还有其他人也在享受这金色的阳光,然而所有的人都是来去匆匆,且大多数人眼睛只顾盯着地面。


8. 我从这次经历所洞悉的灼见,其实与这次经历本身一样平淡无奇:生命的恩赐是珍贵的——只是我们对此从未留心罢了。

9. 因此,对我们有着自相矛盾的要求的人生一方面要求我们:不要过于忙碌而错失生活中的美好和庄严; 虔诚地迎接每个黎明的到来;拥抱每一个时辰,抓住珍贵的每一分钟。

10. 紧紧把握人生……但又不能抓得过死,松不开手。


11. 要学会这点并非易事。




New Century College English (Book II)Unit 8: AdversityText A: Did You Have a Tough Childhood?I. Teaching Objectives:1. To make clear the writer’s purpose to write the text and the ideas about how adversity might contribute to achievement and success.2. To grasp the key words and phrases.3. To master the skills of writing and reading in this unit.1)To read between the lines.2)To understand idiomatic expressions.II. Teaching Content1. Lead-in Activities2. Text Organization3. Skill Learning in Writing and Reading4. Language Points( key words, phrases and difficult sentences)5. Grammar Focus (the agreement of the subject and the verb)6. Guided Practice (exercises, oral practice and group work)III. Teaching Process1. Warm-up Questions1)Have you ever experienced any intense difficulties, hardships or major obstacles in your life?2)How do you usually deal with adversity?3)Do you think adversity can make you grow better and stronger?2. A brief appreciation of the following quotes about adversity1) Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors--- African proverb2) When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.--- Ralph Waldo Emerson3) Adversity is the first path to truth.--- Lord Byron4) If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.--- Anne Bradstreet3. Text OrganizationPart I (Paras.1) Difficulties and obstacles in one’s childhood may not necessarily mean problems or failures over one’s entire lifetime.Part II (Paras.2-11) The author cites some examples of successful people who overcame various difficulties and obstacles and fully developed their potential..Part III (Para.12) The author calls on readers to adopt a positive attitude toward hardship and take action to develop their true potential.4. Language Points1. (Para. 1) claim: v. state that sth. is true, even though it has not been provedThe company claims that their product “makes you thin without dieting”.(=After the battle both sides claimed victory.)2. (序言) hardship: n.sth. that makes your life difficult or unpleasant, especially a lack of money, or the condition of having a difficult lifeMany students are suffering severe financial hardship.磨难接踵而来。



Unit8教案Title: Unit 8 Lesson PlanIntroduction:In this lesson, we will explore the key concepts and skills related to Unit 8. The lesson plan aims to provide a structured and efficient learning experience for students. Through engaging activities and clear objectives, students will gain a firm understanding of the unit topics.Objective:By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:- Understand the main themes and concepts covered in Unit 8- Apply critical thinking skills to analyze and discuss the unit topics- Demonstrate their understanding through group activities and individual tasksMaterials:- Textbook and related materials- Whiteboard or blackboard- Projector (optional)- Handouts- Markers and pensProcedure:1. Warm-up Activity (5 minutes)- Begin the lesson with a brief discussion on the previous unit to activate prior knowledge.- Ask students a set of questions related to the previous unit to engage their thinking.2. Introduction to Unit 8 (10 minutes)- Provide an overview of Unit 8 and its objectives.- Introduce the key topics that will be covered in this unit.- Use visual aids or examples to facilitate understanding.3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)- Present a list of vocabulary words related to Unit 8.- Discuss the meanings and provide examples for each word.- Engage students in activities that reinforce their understanding of the vocabulary (e.g., matching exercises, sentence completion).4. Reading Comprehension (20 minutes)- Assign a text or passage from the unit's reading material.- Have students read the text individually and highlight the main ideas.- Discuss the text as a class, encouraging students to share their interpretations and ask questions.5. Group Discussion (15 minutes)- Divide students into small groups.- Assign discussion topics related to Unit 8.- Encourage open dialogue and critical thinking within the groups.- Rotate among groups to facilitate and guide the discussions.6. Class Activity (20 minutes)- Conduct a class activity related to the unit's theme.- It could be a role-playing scenario or a problem-solving exercise.- Provide clear instructions and ensure participation from all students.7. Individual Task (15 minutes)- Assign an individual task that assesses students' understanding of Unit 8.- This could be a written assignment or a short quiz.- Provide feedback and address any questions or misconceptions.8. Summary and Closure (5 minutes)- Summarize the main points covered in the lesson.- Allow students to ask final questions or share their reflections.- Provide a brief preview of the next lesson in Unit 8.Conclusion:This lesson plan provides a comprehensive framework for teaching Unit 8 effectively. By incorporating various activities and assessments, studentscan engage with the material in a meaningful way. Remember to adapt and modify the plan based on the specific needs of your students, ensuring an enjoyable and impactful learning experience.。

UNIT 8研究生英语 教学 教程 课件

UNIT 8研究生英语 教学  教程  课件

But most of today’s Internet companies have substantial short-terms losses, which stock market investors typically assume will turn into profits in some never-quite-arriving “Year Three” of the business plan. 但是如今大多数国际互联网公司都承受着重大 的短期损失, 的短期损失,证券市场投资者通常认为这种损 失会在商业计划里某个似乎永远不会到来的 第三年”中转为盈利。 “第三年”中转为盈利。
other than (line 6) : except (prep.) 除了窗户,房子所有其他部分都完好。 除了窗户,房子所有其他部分都完好。 All parts of the house other than the windows were in good condition.
Questions for Para. 3
Thin as these rationales for profitability… thin 空洞的,缺乏根据的 空洞的, Tired as I was, I tried to help them.
III. Cloze
1. be depicted 2. marvel at 3. suffering 4. beneath 5. as 6. when 7. enjoy 8. Nearly 9. from 10. before 11. so long 12. have not respected 13. used 14. than 15. announcing
as opposed to: in contrast to (prep.) 相对之下, 相对之下,与…对照下 对照下 His daughter is very athletic as opposed to his son, who is very clever. 他的女儿擅长运动,儿子却擅用头脑, 他的女儿擅长运动,儿子却擅用头脑,两人恰 成对比。 成对比。 be opposed to: 反对



unit8课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能掌握Unit 8的核心词汇和基础语法结构,如:时态、被动语态等。

2. 学生能理解并运用课文中的关键句型进行日常交流。

3. 学生能了解并描述与本单元主题相关的社会文化现象。

技能目标:1. 学生具备通过听力、阅读等方式获取信息,提炼关键信息的能力。

2. 学生能够运用所学词汇、语法进行口头表达和书面写作。

3. 学生能够通过小组讨论、发表观点等方式,提高解决问题的能力。

情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生培养对英语学习的兴趣和自信心,树立积极的学习态度。

2. 学生学会尊重不同文化背景,增强跨文化交际意识。

3. 学生通过学习本单元内容,培养合作精神,提高团队协作能力。






二、教学内容本单元教学内容主要包括以下几部分:1. 词汇:本单元的核心词汇,如:……(列举与课本相关词汇),以及与主题相关的扩展词汇。

2. 语法:本单元的语法重点,如:一般现在时、一般过去时、被动语态等。

3. 句型:课文中的关键句型,如:……(列举与课本相关句型),以及日常交流中常用的句型。

4. 阅读理解:课文内容的理解和分析,以及与主题相关的阅读材料。

5. 口语表达:运用所学词汇、语法进行日常交流,如:自我介绍、描述事物、表达观点等。

6. 写作:结合本单元主题,进行书面表达,如:书信、日记、小短文等。





Book 4 Unit 8教案Focus on Global Warning1.Teaching ObjectivesTo help the studentsA.To get students know the causes and effects of global warming so as to improve theirawareness of environmental protection for survival.B.To understand the purpose of writing and organization of the text.C.To reinforce some basic linguistic knowledge by doing various types of exercises2. Lead-in Questions2.1. What do you know about global warming? What is the cause of global warming?Global warming is caused by an increased emission of greenhouse gases which results from fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human and nature.2.2 What do you think greenhouse gases do?They trap the heat of the sun and cause the gradual rise in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, which means greenhouse effect.2.3 What changes could the greenhouse effect create in the Earth’s climate?A slight increase in heat and rain in equatorial regions would likely spark an increase invector-borne diseases such as malaria. Even a moderate rise in sea level could threaten the coastlines of low-lying islands such as Maldives.3. Global Reading3.1 About the textThis text is to curb increasing global warming which is one of the most urgent tasks in environmental protection and is no longer confined to the interest of academic research. The text addresses the issue from three perspectives---the general public concern,its causes and consequences, and practical actions to tackle the problem.3.2 Structure of the textPart I (par. 1-2): The author tells how global warming has become a matter of increasing public concern.Part II (pars. 3-7): It tells us the serious situation of global warming with detailed facts and the horrible results of continuing global warming.Part III (pars. 8-10): The author puts forward some suggestions on what to be done.PartⅣ(par. 11): The author invites the participation of everybody to combat global warming and to “make a real difference”.4. Detailed Analysis4.1 Part 1 (Pars.1-2)Q1. Why have people shown increasing concern about global warming? (Paragraph 1-2) The answer lies in the second paragraph: it is a harbinger of what is to come—the threat to low-lying nations, change of rain and drought patterns, frequent hurricanes and intense EL Nino.peruse v. read through carefullye.g. Please peruse this report at your leisure.Comparison:skip v. to leave out sth. that would normally be the next thing that you would do, read, etc.e.g. You can skip the next chapter if you have covered the topic in class.skip it: used to tell sb. rudely that you do not want to talk about sth. or repeat what you have said.periodical n.a regularly published magazine, esp. one of a serious kind published at regular intervals.e.g. The quarterly magazine is a periodical published every three months.Comparison:magazine n. a type of large thin book with a paper cover that you can buy every week or month, often on a particular topice.g. She sued the magazine for defamation of her charactersection n. sth. or a group of things, that forms part of a larger groupe.g. A section of the city was destroyed during a war.Comparison:part n. some but not all of a thinge.g. We spent part of the time in the museum.the best/better part of sth.: most of sth., especially a period of time; more than half of sth.abstract n. short piece of writing that summarizes the main points of an article, speech, document, etc.e.g. He made an abstract of a long article.hardcore a. (often derogate.贬义) very strongly following a particular belief.e.g. Hardcore gamers constitute one of the most idiosyncratic communities on the Net.journal n. a serious magazine, usu. produced by a specialist society.e.g. He got a job as editor of a trade journal.Comparison:magazine n. a type of large thin book with a paper cover that you can buy every week or month, often on a particular topice.g. I picked up a magazine and flicked through it.the Wall Street Journal: a famous newspaper in USAblurb n. a short description of the contents of a book printed on the cover or in the advertisemente.g. In the blurb I couldn't see anything about thinking at all.esoteric a. known only by a few peoplee.g. Some words are really too esoteric for this dictionary.How we regulate insurance is not an esoteric issue.geopolitical a. of or relating to politics, esp. international relations, as influenced by geographical factorse.g.Hungary and Poland have suffered before because of their unfortunate geopoliticalposition on the European map.attest v. demonstratee.g.The perfection of their design is attested by the fact that they have survived for thousands ofyears.consciousness n. the condition of being awake and understanding what is happeninge.g. The wounded soldier opened his eyes once, but lost consciousness again immediately. microwave n. a machine that cooks food very quickly, using electric waves instead of heate.g. Reheat the soup in the microwave.deserve v. be worth ofe.g. He has been so awful that he deserves whatever he gets.The money is only given to the most deserving cases---to people who need it most. Derivation:deserving a. that deserves help, praise, a reward, etcwith the exception of except, not includinge.g. I think every student, with the possible exception of Fauzi, will pass the exam.asteroid n. any one of many small planets between Mars and Jupitere.g. There are many small planets between Mars and Jupiter.threat n. a strong possibility that sth. very bad will happene.g. The concentration of too many jobless illegal immigrants was regarded by the residents of the community as a possible threat to their securityDerivation:threaten v. to say that you will cause trouble, hurt sb., etc. if you do not get what you want threatening a. expressing a threat of harm or violencespew v. flow out or make sth. flow out with a lot of forcee.g. Leaking oil spewed from the tanker.Comparison:spout v. to send out sth., especially a liquid, in a stream with great forcee.g. The wound was still spouting blood.spout (off/on) (about sth.): to speak a lot about sthgreenhouse n. a glass building used for growing plants that need to be protected from the weathere.g. The tomatoes were grown in the greenhouse.harbinger n. a sign that shows that sth. is going to happen soon, often sth. bade.g. The thing is a harbinger of his failure.curb v. stop sth. that is harmfule.g. A man must decide either curb to his appetites or to surrender to them.emission n. the act of sending forth; gas that is sent to aire.g. The government is pledged to clean up industrial emissions.low-lying a. (of land) not much above the level of the seae.g. Sea walls collapsed, and low-lying areas were flooded.Comparison:nether a. lowere.g. He’s between the upper and nether millstone.low-level: close to the groundawash a. (not before noun) covered or flooded with water esp. seawater or raine.g. The ship's deck was awash in the storm.The low-lying areas are awash with water after a hurricanes.Collocation:awash with sth. having sth. In large quantitiese.g. The city is awash with drugs.hurricane n. a violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy raine.g. This movement carried all before it like a hurricane.comparison:tornado n. a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circlee.g. A tornado whirled into the town last week.hurricane lamp: a type of lamp with glass sides to protect the flame inside from the windSentence Paraphrase:1) As an Internet search on global warming now attests, the subject has become as rooted in ourpublic consciousness as Madonna or microwave cooking. (Paragraph 1)Paraphrase: An Internet search on global warming proves that the subject has got fixed in people’s mind, just like Madonna or microwave cooking.2) With the possible exception of another world war, a giant asteroid, or an incurable plague,global warming may be the single largest threat to our planet. (Paragraph 2)Paraphrase: Global warming will probably be the most serious threat to our Earth, if we do not take into account some other possible incidents, such as another world war, collision of our Earth with some large orbiting planets, or spread of incurable diseases.Summary of Part 1:These two paragraphs(1-2)make up the first part, which serves as the introduction to the whole passage. In this part the author mentions how global warming, which used to be a topic of academic journals, has become a matter of increasing public concern.4.2 Part 2 (pars. 3-7)Q1. Where do these greenhouse gases come from? (Paragraph3)We can include emission of carbon dioxides from our power plants and cars, production of methane from our trash decomposition and cattle-breeding, and release of nitrogen oxide from our fertilizers.concentration n. the relative amount of a particular substance within a solution or mixture or in a particular volume of spacee.g. The pesticide has reached a dangerous concentration in the lake water.gasoline n. petrol; a liquid used for producing power in car enginese.g.There is still some gasoline left in the tank.spit out make sth. flow out suddenly or violentlye.g. The nurse told the child to spit out the stone.Comparison:disgorge v. to pour sth. out in large quantitiese.g. The pipe disgorges sewage into the sea.pour sth. out: to serve a drink by letting it flow from a container into a cup or glasscarbon dioxide: a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds e.g.Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.methane n. a colorless, odorless flammable gas which is the main constituent of natural gaspounds such as methane can be cleaved to carbon and hydrogen.trash n. sth. of extremely low quality or valuee.g. Pop music doesn’t have to be trash, it can be art.Comparison:litter n. small pieces of rubbish such as paper that people have left lying in a public placee.g. There will be fines for people who drop litter.litter lout : a person who leaves litter in public placesdecompose v. (cause to) decaye.g. The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun.Most animals decompose very quickly after death.Collocation:decompose (sth.) (into sth.) : to divide sth. into smaller partsDerivation:decomposition n. the process of decomposinglandfill n. a large deep hole in which large quantities of rubbish are disposed ofe.g.Environmentalists say there is a high risk of pollution from the landfill site.breed v. develop (a variety of animals or plants) for a particular purpose or qualitye.g. Many animals breed only at certain times of the year.belch v. send out gas noisily from the stomach through the mouthe.g. He wiped his hand across his mouth, then belched loudly.Comparison:burp v. to let out air from the stomach through the mouth, making a noisee.g. Charlie burped loudlyfertilizer n. any substance to make the soil more productivee.g.artificial/chemical fertilizersnitrogen n. the chemical element of atomic number 7, a colourless, odourless, unreactive gas that forms about 78 percent of the Earth’s atmospherenitrogen oxide a binary compound of oxygen with nitrogene.g. The discharge amount of nitrogen oxide can reduce 30%.Summary:As the beginning of the second part (3-7), this paragraph introduces a number of causes that lead to the rising concentration of greenhouse gases.IPCC was established in 1988, which is open to all members of the UNEP and WMO. The role ofthe IPCC is to assess the scientific technical and socio-economic information relevant for the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change. It does not carry out research, nor does it monitor climate-related data or other relevant parameters. It bases its assessment mainly on peer reviewed and published scientific/technical literature.The Industrial Revolution : the change in social and economic organization resulting from the replacement of hand tools by machines and development of large-scale industrial production in Britain in the late 18th and 19th centuries.Q2: How does the rising concentration of greenhouse gases cause the change in climate?(Paragraph 4)The rising concentration of greenhouse gases, which is primarily caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere, is trapping excess heat (from the sun) and preventing it from leaving the Earth, hence creating global warming.paleoclimate n. a climate prevalent at a particular time in the geological paste.g. Pollen analysis helped to find out the paleoclimate information.fossil n.1) remains of an animal or plant that lived thousands of years ago, or its shape preserved in rocke.g. At this distance of time it is difficult to date the fossil.2) an old person, especially one who is unable to accept new ideas or adapt to changese.g. The man is a fossil.abundant a. more than enoughe.g. There is abundant evidence of continuing racial prejudice in societyDerivation:abundance n. a large quantity that is more than enoughe.g. The country has an abundance of skilled workers, but not enough jobs.Collocation:in abundance: in large quantitiesthermal a. (only before noun)of or caused by heate.g. They will build another thermal power station.thermals n.[pl.] (especially BrE) warm underwear that prevents heat from escaping from the body radiation n. energy in the form of heat or light sent out as beams that you cannot seee.g. In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation.Comparison:radiator n. a hollow metal device for heating roomse.g. There is a central heating system with a radiator in each room.radiation therapy: the treatment of cancer and other diseases using radiationin essence: what is the most important feature of sth.e.g.What is she saying, in essence, is that the law does not protect against this type of abuse excess a. more than is usual or allowede.g. Excess food is stored as fat.excess baggage: bags, cases, etc. taken on to a plane that weigh more than the amount each passenger is allowed to carry without paying extrawindshield n. the glass window of a car or other vehicle at the front through which the driverlookse.g. A sheet of frost covers the windshield.roughly ad. almost, approximatelye.g. There are, roughly speaking, three possible solutions to our problem.recession n. (of water, glacier, etc.) the process of moving back from an area that it was coveringe.g.A rise in interest rates plunged Britain deeper into recession.Summary:Paragraph 4 explains how the rising concentration of greenhouse gases results in climate change. To support his explanation, the author cites some records and information from the IPCC and paleoclimatic readings.speculate v. to form an opinion about sth. without knowing all the details or factse.g. On the way home, they’d speculate and wonder about the treasure.Comparison:guess v. to try and give an answer or make a judgment about sth. without being sure of all the facts e.g. I don’t really know. I’m just guessing.keep sb. guessing : to not tell sb. about your plans or what is going to happen nextresult in have as a result, lead to, causee.g.A minimal error or deviation may result in wide divergence.latitude n. the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth’s equator, usu. expressed in degreese.g.The latitude of the island is 20 degrees south.hemisphere n.1) a half of the Earth, especially the half above or below the EQUA TORe.g.This animal is to be found only in the Southern Hemisphere.2) either half of the braine.g. the left/right cerebral hemisphereexceed v.1) be greater than, as in quantity or degreee.g. The sales exceeded my expectation.2) to do more than the law or an order, etc. allow you to doe.g. He was taken to the police box for exceeding the speed limit.fund n. amount of money that are available to be spent, esp. that is given to an organization for a particular purpose.e.g. They are raising funds for a new laboratory.Congress has cut back on the funds for the program.They have spent their scarce funds on expensive housingfend v.1) to defend oneself from a blow, attack, or attackere.g. He managed to fend off the attacker with a stick.2) to protect yourself from difficult questions, criticisms, etc., especially by avoiding theme.g. She managed to fend off questions about new tax increases.equatorial a. near or at the equatore.g. Too much rain is the problem of the equatorial lands in the Amazon and Congo basins.This country has an equatorial climate.spark v. stimulate or activatee.g. The proposal would spark a storm of protest around the country.Comparison:flash v. to shine very brightly for a short timee.g. Lightning flashed in the distance.flash sth. around: to show sth. to other people in order to impress them.vector n. an insect that causes disease by carrying a germ of parasite from one person to anothere.g. People should pay attention to the vector which can cause disease.malaria n. a disease common in hot countries that is often spread by mosquitoese.g.Malaria is a kind of serious malady.moderate a. neither very great nor very small in strength or degreee.g. He became the official mouthpiece of the moderate leadership.Comparison:temperate a. behaving in a calm and controlled waye.g. He is temperate in his habits.moderator: a person whose job is to help the two sides in a dispute to reach an agreement coastline n. the edge of the coast; the land along a coast, especially when you are thinking of its shape or appearancee.g. We should protect the coastline from oil spillage.Maldives n. a republic consisting of over a thousand coral islands in the Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lankae.g.Diving in the Maldives have to issue a PADI diving licenseheatstroke n. a sometimes severe condition of fever and weakness caused by too much heate.g. You should be careful not to heatstroke when traveling in summer.vulnerable a. weak and easily affected by illnesse.g. People with high blood pressure are especially vulnerable to diabetes.ozone n. a poisonous blue gas that is a type of oxygene.g. They will press for international action to safeguard the ozone layer.ozone hole : an area in the ozone layer where the amount of ozone has been very much reduced so that harmful rays from the sun can pass through itozone layer: a layer of ozone high above the earth’s surface that helps to protect the earth from the sun’s harmful raysperilous a. very dangerouse.g. The journey through the jungle was perilous.Comparison:risky a. involving the possibility of sth. bad happeninge.g. Investing in airlines is a very risky business.do sth. at your (own) peril: used to warn sb. that if they do sth. it may be dangerous or cause them problemsadmission n. permission to enter [U] [C] [(+ to/into)]e.g. She has the qualifications for admission to the college.The cinema owners have the right to refuse admission to anyone under seventeen years of age.respiratory a. connected with breathinge.g. The old man suffers from respiratory diseases.Comparison:breathable a. allowing air to pass throughe.g. Breathable, waterproof clothing is essential for most outdoor sportsbreathalyzer: a device used by the police to measure the amount of alcohol in a driver’s breath Sentence Paraphrase:As far as human health is concerned, those hit hardest will probably be residents of poorer countries that do not have the funds to fend against changes in climate. (Paragraph 7) Paraphrase: In terms of human health, it is those who live in the poorer countries that will suffer most, because they do not have money to protect themselves against climate changes.Complete the following table by matching damages or diseases with climate changes: (ParagraphIn Paragraph 6 the author depicts the variation of climate changes in different geographic areas. Then in Paragraph 7 he pinpoints one of the consequences of global warming: the threat to human health. Many health problems would occur according to the degrees of climate change varying from slight increase in heat and rain to intense rain and hurricanes.4.3 Part 3 (pars.8-10)Q3. What are the immediate actions that we should take? (Paragraph 8)We should take such immediate actions as a) cutting our consumption of fossil fuels, b) using technologies to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, and c) protecting our forests.Q4: What does “adapt to those most likely to occur” mean? (Paragraph 9)It means “do things to get ourselves prepared for the situations that are most likely to occur.”Q5: What are the long-term policies that should be worked out? (Paragraph 10) We should encourage people to use environmentally clean fuels and technologies, and stop the clear-cutting of forests.take action: begin to acte.g. We have to take action to stop them.The government was already taking action to stop the strike.The medicine will not take action for two hours.result from: happen as a result ofe.g. Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar sign andsymbol of social intercourse.Nothing will result from their airy plans.These two phrases are kind of opposites; we use result from to express the cause and result in to express the result.result in = lead to result from = because ofFor examples:Tom's lie resulted from his lack of confidence.Tom's lie resulted in his dismissal from his job.Exercise :Hard work result in his success.His success result from hard work.release v. let a substance spread into atmosphere, esp. as part of a chemical reactione.g. Oxygen from the water is released into the atmosphere.Cooing the grain will release the starch from the outside coating.particle n. an extremely small piece or amount of sth.e.g. There is not a particle of truth in what you said.molecule n. the smallest amount of a chemical substance which can exist by itselfe.g. A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. deforestation n. the progress of removing the trees from an area of lande.g. One percent of Brazil's total forest cover is being lost every year to deforestation consumption n. the action of using up a resourcee.g. Consumption of oil has declined in recent years.The meat was condemned as unfit for human consumptionmitigate v. make an unpleasant situation or its effect less serious and less difficult to beare.g. Do our successes mitigate our failures?Comparison:relieve v. to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or paine.g. Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to relieve her.relieve yourself: a polite way of referring to going to the toiletimpact n. a strong influence or effect produced by an idea invention, etc.e.g.The computer had made a great impact on modernlife.adapt to: change in order to deal with a new situation.e.g. We want the imagination necessary to better adapt to changes in circumstance.advocate v. support [+n/v-ing]e.g. Some extremists are now openly advocating violence.n. [C] supporter [(+of)]e.g. They are advocates of free trade.combat v. fight (against)e.g. The president emphasized the importance of combating international terrorism. alternative a. other, different from the usuale.g. Electricity companies were criticized for failing to develop alternative energy sources.4.4 Part 4 (par.11)The last paragraph (11) is the conclusion in which the author invites the participation of everybody to combat global warming and to “make a real difference.”5. Grammar Work1) The present perfect tense vs. the simple past tense2) Connectives (because, as, since, seeing that, for, because of)6. Drills on Language Skills7.1 Drills on vocabulary and grammar7.2 Drills on listening and speaking7.3 Drills on translation and writing7.4 Drills on reading7. Emphasis and difficultiesEmphasisA. Usages of the key words and expressionsB. Usages of The present perfect tense vs. the simple past tense and Connectives (because,as, since, seeing that, for, because of)C. Paragraph development---grouping details;DifficultiesA. Some difficult sentence.B. The use of nonfinite clauses, personal pronouns;8. ReferencesA. Random House.Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dic of English Language. Grameercy,New York.1994B. M.H. Abrams, ed. The Norton Anthology of English literature, Sixth Edition. New York,London: W.W.Norton&Company.1962.。



新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程教材讲解资料unit8book3competitionUnit 8 Book 3petition and CooperationI. Difficult Sentences1. “Dog-eat-dog” rivalries are fueled by “greedy self-interests”operating according to “the law of the jungle” in which“survival of the fittest” is the only rule.(1)What do the phrases “the law of the jungle” and “survival ofthe fittest” mean?(=a. “The law of the jungle” means everyone cares for himself only.b. “Survival of the fittest” means only the strongest creatureswill stay alive.(2)Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=“贪婪的私利”遵循“丛林法则”中“适者生存”这唯一的一条定律,使“互相倾轧”的竞争变本加厉。

)2. But those who deplore free-market petition simply do not understandit.What is the author’s att itude toward the people who are strongly against free-market petition?(=In the author’s opinion, they don’t really know what petition means.)3. petitive markets excel at promoting cooperation.Paraphrase the sentence.(=petitive markets do quite well in encouraging people to cooperate.)4. petition and cooperation exist side by side.(1) Translate the sentence.(=竞争与合作并存。

新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读 A Unit 8

新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读 A Unit 8

What is the result of the assessment? What is “biological models”? What is the result of these simulations? Where are you likely to find the same size of trout as those in moorland streams? Is this a perfect sort of biological modeling?
Work in pairs and predict from the title “How trees are killing our river” what the text will be about.
What problem caused a drop in water quality in almost 60 miles of Welsh rivers? What about the water quality in its tributary streams? What is the problem many streams are facing? (what is the cause?) How big are the plantations of conifer trees?
Text Learning
What problem caused a drop in water quality in almost 60 miles of Welsh rivers?
acid rain
What about the water quality in its tributary streams?



Unit 8 Family and SocietyThinking AheadStudents are asked to discuss the following questions in groups. The reference answers for the questions are offered below:1. What is the “typical” family structure in China? Please describe it.Most modern Chinese families are nuclear families consisting of two parents (mother and father) and one child. In some cases, the grandparents are also invited to live together and help take care of the grandchild especially in his/her infancy since both of the parents work outside. Big decisions like spending money are usually made by husband and wife together, and housework such as cooking is shared.2. Brainstorm and list as many common social problems/issues as you can.environment pollution, labor and employment, health care/welfare, education/human resources, transport, aging, housing problems, crime, food safety, drug abuse, violence, etc.Part I Video TimeIn this part, students will have 2 tasks to accomplish.Task 1In task 1, students will watch a movie clip about a church wedding ceremony of Bernard and Lydia from Four Weddings and a Funeral and then do the exercises as required. Before watching, they are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the clip.TranscriptThe Bernard and Lydia CeremonyFather Gerald: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy(adj:圣洁的,神圣的;至善的n:神圣的东西)Spirit. Amen. Let us pray. Father, you have made the bond(n:债券;结合;约定;粘合剂vi:结合;团结在一起vt:使结合;以…作保)of marriage a holy mystery,a symbol of Christ’s love for his church.Hear our prayers for Bernard and Lydia throughyour Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns(vi:统治;支配;盛行;君临n:统治;统治时期;支配)with you and the Holy Goat... Ghost. One God, for ever and ever.Amen.Mathew: It’s his first time. He’s a family friend.Father Gerald: Bernard and Lydia, I shall now ask if you freely undertake the obligations of marriage. Bernard, repeat after me. I do solemnly(adv:庄严地;严肃地)declare... Bernard: I do solemnly declare...Father Gerald: that I know not of any lawful impediment(n:口吃;妨碍;阻止)... Bernard: that I know not of any lawful impediment...Father Gerald: why I, Lydia...Bernard: why I, Bernard...Father Gerald: Sorry. Why I, Bernard Godfrey Saint John Delaney, ...Bernard: why I, Bernard Geoffrey St John Delaney, ...Father Gerald: may not be joined in matrimony(n:结婚;婚礼;婚姻生活)to Lydia John Hibbott.Bernard: may not be joined in matrimony to Lydia Jane Hibbott.Father Gerald: Lydia, repeat after me. I do solemnly declare...Lydia: I do solemnly declare...Father Gerald: that I know not of any lawful impediment...Lydia: that I know not of any lawful impediment...Father Gerald: why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott, ...Lydia: why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott, ...Father Gerald: may not be johned in matrimony...Lydia: may not be joined in matrimony...Father Gerald: to Bernard Geoffrey Sidd... Siddun... Delaney.Lydia: to Bernard Geoffrey St John Delaney.Father Gerald: I call upon those persons here present to witness...Bernard: I call upon those persons here present to witness...Father Gerald: that I, Bernard...Delaney, ...Bernard: that I, Bernard Delaney, ...Father Gerald: do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott, ...Bernard: do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott, ...Father Gerald: to be my awful wedded wife.Bernard: to be my lawful wedded wife.Father Gerald: That’s ri... That’s right. May Almighty God bless you all. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spigot... Spirit. Amen.Gareth: Bravo!Key to ExercisesExercise 1 Watching for DetailsBeing nervous, the priest in the movie clip makes several slips of the tongue during the Bernard and Lydia ceremony. For example, he says “the Holy Goat” instead of “the Holy Ghost”. Students are asked to watch the clip and name at least five of the errors made by the priest.the Holy Goat vs. the Holy Ghost Lydia vs. Bernard Saint /seint/ John vs. St. /snt/ JohnJohn vs. Jane Johned vs. joined awful vs. lawful the Holy Spigot vs. the Holy SpiritExercise 2 Watching and DictatingStudents are asked to watch the clip again and write down the complete marriage vows taken by the groom.I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I, Bernard Geoffrey St John Delaney may not be joined in matrimony to Lydia Jane Hibbott. I call upon those persons here present to witness that I, Bernard Delaney do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott to be my lawful wedded wife.Task 2In task 2, students will watch a movie clip about family relationship from Desperate Housewives and then do the exercises as required. Before watching, they are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the clip.TranscriptTom vs. LynetteTom: Yeah, that is nineteen, nineteen, nineteen-zip. Bring it.Lynette: Just stay here with Penny for a second, okay?Lynette: Tom?Tom: Yes! In your face! That is twenty-zip game, out!Lynette: Tom, what are you doing?Tom:I’m playing air hockey. What’s it look like? Kevin, you’re up.Lynette:Well, it’s the middle of the day, and shouldn’t you be at work?Tom: Mm, no. I quit.Lynette: You did not.Tom: Yes. Yesterday. I told Peterson he could stick(vt.& vi.粘贴;张贴;插入;刺入vt.容忍;产生作用;(尤指迅速或随手)放置;阻延或推迟n.棍棒,棍枝;枝条;操纵杆;球棍)it. Boom! You’re not bringing it, Kevin! Bring it! Lynette:Could you talk to me for a second? I don’t understand.Tom: What? You asked Peterson’s wife to make sure he wouldn’t promote me. So he gives a huge promotion to Annabel, so I quit. What don’t you understand?Lynette: Okay. Okay. Could we go home and talk about this, please?Tom:No, we can’t. Serve it up, meat.Lynette:You’re just gonna stay here and play games all day?Tom:No, I’m gonna go and get some ice cream, and then I’m gonna go up to the lake, maybe renta boat, do whatever it is I feel like—God!Boy: Gotcha!Lynette: Tom.Tom: Go home, Lynette. Go home before I say something I regret. Go home.(Lynette walks away.)(Lynette’s House)Lynette: So, did you have a fun day?Tom: As a matter of fact, I did. I probably had the most fun that I have had in a long time. Lynette: You know, I didn’t tell you to quit.Tom:No. No, no, no. No, you made damn sure that I’d go nowhere for the next t wenty years. Lynette:I don’t know what to say.Tom:I hear “please forgive me” is popular.Lynette:Yes, I am sorry. I am so, so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you. But I was trying to protect our family. If you got a promotion, we never would have seen you. You would have been traveling all the—Tom:Lynette, Lynette, Lynette, you’re right. You’re right. You’re right. That promotion would have just killed us, so this is gonna all work out.Lynette: What does that mean?Tom: It means that I can use the break.Lynette: Oh, well, yeah. I think it would be good for you to take some time off.Tom:No, not some time. Full time. I’m gonna be a stay-at-home dad.Lynette: Huh?Tom: What the heck(int.& n.真见鬼)? You earn the living for a while.Lynette:Tom, that’s ... crazy.Tom:Why? Why is it crazy? You and I both know that you’re better at the ad game, and you tell me all the time how hard it is to be a mom.Lynette: Well, yes, yes, it is har d, but I, I love it, too, and I’ve been doing it for six years, and I haven’t complained the entire time.Tom:Fair enough. Fair enough. But be honest. Secretly, you miss the ad game, don’t you? I mean, you miss the pressure and the deadlines and the, the power lunches. Or am I wrong? Maybe, maybe you want to sort dirty socks the rest of your life.Lynette: We should talk about this seriously before we make any rash decisions.Tom:I already made the decision. You’re going back to work.(Tom gets up and goes upstairs.)Key to ExercisesExercise 1 Watching for DetailsStudents are asked to watch the clip and match the following expressions with their meanings correspondingly.1) bring it A. It’s your turn.2) in your face B. used to say you are going to do sth that you know you should not do3) You’re up! C. an exclamation of contempt4) go nowhere D. to give one’s all in a particular effort5) What the heck? E. to make no progress or have no success1) D 2) C 3) A 4) E 5) BExercise 2 Watching for General UnderstandingStudents are asked to watch the clip again and answer the following questions.1) What happened to Tom’s job? How did it happen?Tom quit his job because he failed to get an expected promotion due to Lynette’s interference.2) What decision did Tom make?He would stay at home and Lynette should go back to work.3) What’s the attitude of Lynette towards his decision?The decision took her by surprise, and she thought it was too rash.Exercise 3 InterviewSuppose Tom does become a stay-at-home dad after quitting his job. Students are asked to work in pairs to conduct an interview. Tom is to be interviewed about his life as a stay-at-home dad.Reference for the InterviewInterviewer: Why did you decide to be a stay-at-home dad?Tom: It was a rash decision. At the time, I was working full time in a well-paid job and my wife was a stay-at-home mom. Unfortunately, I got frustrated for I failed to get an expected promotion and then made such a decision. With hindsight, I suspect that I also had a somewhat unrealistic expectation of what childcare would involve. As far as I could see, young children seemed to sleep for most of the day, and when they were awake they happily entertained themselves for hours on end with an old sock or something. This, I assumed, would leave me with the chance to do all the things I’d always wanted to do, but had never had the time.Interviewer: Do you miss the office?Tom:To be honest, I don’t really miss the work, but there are a few things I miss. For a start, there’s the chance to talk to other adults, especially male adults, and the time spent without children being around. Then there’s the money. There is no s alary for being a stay-at-home dad. Going to work also provides a level of shared experience, and something in common with other people, other than children. I guess the strangest thing I miss is the occasional pat on the back and congratulations for a job well done.Interviewer: What do you do all day?Tom: A typical day is spent looking after the toddler, making sure she eats when she’s hungry, naps when she’s tired, and most importantly of all, doesn’t get bored. And then of course, there are all the household chores that need to be done.Interviewer: Do you do all the housework?Tom:Yes. The daily routine of vacuuming, cleaning, cooking, washing, and ironing is usually done in the 45 minutes between when my wife calls to say she’s leaving work and when she gets home.Interviewer: What do people think about you doing this?Tom:Reactions vary a lot. Men with children tend to think I’m insane. Women tend to smile knowingly to themselves.Interviewer: What’s it like to have a wife as the breadwinner?Tom: It is definitely a strange feeling for a man not to be the breadwinner, but I have no doubt that I’m making as big a contribution to my family as I would be if I were going to work.Part II Listening ActivitiesIn this part, students will have 3 listening tasks to accomplish.Task 1In task 1, students will listen to a passage about a charity and do the exercises as required. Before listening, they are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the passage.TranscriptJet Li: One Foundation Passes Along Funds and HopeHe started his speech with a slow, deep bow to the audience and also ended that way.But the bows(n.弓;鞠躬;船头;艏n.鞠躬;船头;艏vi.(向…)弯腰,鞠躬vt.低头;俯首;垂首;(使)弯曲)were not only from himself, said kungfu and action movie star Jet Li, but also from the most vulnerable(adj.(地方)易受攻击的;易受伤的;易受批评的;[桥牌]已成局的)members of the global family who will receive the help they need.Speaking to China Daily in an interview in Tianjin yesterday, Li, who one year ago started the Red Cross Society of China Jet Li One Foundation Project, said humans comprise(vt.包含,包括;由…组成;由…构成)one big family despite different religions, languages and nationalities.“I believe that in helping others we also find our own happiness”, Li said.The foundation says that if each person donates at least one yuan or one dollar each month, individual donations will transform lives.“Our goal is to build a sustainab le(adj.可持续的;可以忍受的;可支撑的), professional, and trustworthy foundation to encourage social development and bring out mass participation in philanthropic (adj:博爱的;慈善的)giving and volunteerism in each human being,” Li said, adding that the One Foundation is still an infant(n.婴儿,幼儿;未成年人;初学者,生手adj.婴儿的,幼儿的;幼稚的,幼小的;初期的;未成年的),but he has confidence it will grow into a giant that can shoulder a great burden.Li said the foundation will not simply collect and deliver cash or material donations for theneedy, but develop and popularize the idea of giving love.“Everyone participates and that brings out natural kindness. The important thing is being truly loving and caring, which cannot be measured by amount of money.“My breath will cease(vt.停止,终止,结束vi.终止,停止;永不停止的过程;停止行动n.停止)someday, but the beauty of love should be carried on forever through this, generation by generation.”One Foundation includes not only China, but the whole world.“We combine our charitable(adj.仁慈的,慈善的;宽恕的,宽厚的;慷慨的)strength and make sure that the most vul nerable members of our global family will receive the help they need.”Li said he plans to start One Foundation in Singapore this year, mainly to foster(vt.培养,促进vt.& vi.收养,养育adj.(与某些代养有关的名词连用);养育的;领养的;照顾孤儿的)10 to 20 NGO professionals.He also hopes to sta rt it in India, whose population when added to China’s is two-fifths of the entire world.Li admitted that the credibility of a single person like himself is very limited, but fortunately many world leading partners have come to join the fund’s management, including global giants in consulting, accounting, marketing, public relations and banking.“It is because of the powerful credibility established by them that One Foundation raised more than 60 million yuan within two weeks of the devastating Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan province,” Li said.Li added he was now under more pressure.“Raising money is easy, but how to scientifically and rationally apply it is far more important and difficult.”He said One Foundation will closely watch the policies of the central government in the relief and reconstruction of quake-hit areas and will work with the government and other NGOs to efficiently distribute the donation program in Singapore to train NGO talent in Singapore this year.Li will devote this year to the foundation by giving up all acting work to focus on the charity. Since early this year Li has traveled throughout the world to study charities in other countries. In November One Foundation will also hold its first charity forum(From /language_tips/cdaudio/2008-05/30/content_6724261.htm) Key to ExercisesExercise 1 Making a Sound JudgmentStudents are asked to listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).F 1) One Foundation was set up to help the poor and the needy in China.F 2) The foundation is a governmental organization.F 3) Li plans to start One Foundation in five countries this year.F 4) The sole aim of the foundation is to collect and deliver cash or material donations for theneedy.T 5) Jet Li will cease film production for the entire year, devoting all of his time to developing and growing the foundation.Exercise 2 Listening for DetailsStudents are asked to listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with the missing information.1) According to Jet Li, their goal is to build a sustainable, professional, and trustworthy foundation to encourage social development and bring out mass participation in philanthropic giving and volunteerism in each human being.2) M any world leading partners have come to join the fund’s management, including global giants in consulting, accounting, marketing, public relations and banking.3) One Foundation raised more than 60 million yuan within two weeks of the devastatingWenchuan earthquake in Sichuan province.Cultural NoteHistory of the One Foundation: While Jet Li was vacationing in the Maldives(马尔代夫群岛)on December 26, 2004 with his family, the Great Southeast Asian Tsunami(海啸)of 2004 struck. He was immediately able to grab hold of his older daughter while his younger daughter (a toddler at the time) was swept aside by the water. As a result of his calls for help and recognition amongst the locals, she was saved and reunited with Jet Li. Understanding that in life there are countless times when help is given by others, he was inspired by this incident to create and set up the Jet Li One Foundation as his way of giving back.Task 2In task 2, students will listen to a piece of news about healthcare reform package in China and do the exercises as required. Before listening, they are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the news.TranscriptHealthcare N etwork to “Cover A ll”China aims to expand its medical insurance to cover all citizens and upgrade services through its new healthcare reform package, Health minister Chen Zhu said at the ongoing CPPCC session. The government already put the 850-billion-yuan ($124 billion) plans into action from January 21 following public criticism over soaring(vi.高飞;飞腾;猛增,剧增;高耸,屹立n.高飞;高涨;高飞范围;上升高度vt.高飞越过;飞升到)medical fees, a lack of affordable services, poor doctor-patient relationships and low insurance coverage.“We will improve medical insurance systems and services to ensure both equality andef ficiency when it comes to healthcare,” the minister said.The package lists public health, rural areas, urban community services and basic medical insurance as the four key areas for government investment. It also promises to tighten control on medical fee s in public hospitals, with a “basic medicine system” set up to include a catalog(n.目录,目录册,目录簿;[美]大学概况一览;登记,记载;产品样本vt.登记;为…编目;编目录;记载v.把…按目录分类;把…编目)of the most prescribed(vt.指定,规定;指定,规定vi.建立规定,法律或指示;开处方,给医嘱)medicines to ease(n.轻松,舒适;容易;安逸;不拘束,自在vt.解除痛苦;减轻;延缓;松弛vi.缓解,减少;轻松前进)concerns of rising drug costs.Chen admitted there was pressure to make the plan happen, with cooperation vital(adj.维持生命所必需的;至关重要的;生死攸关的;生气勃勃的), especially in areas such as attempts to eliminate the chronic (adj.慢性的;长期的;习惯性的;痼)prescribe-for-pay phenomenon.But he assured new cooperative medical systems in rural areas, expansions to urban community health services and public health will be top priorities for government investment.In recent years, the government has promoted a rural system guided and supported by it but with volunteers working on its administration, as well as also financed by individuals and collectives. The new system focuses on serious disease planning and mutual aid and fraternity (n.兄弟会;大学生联谊会;友爱)between rural residents.A Ministry of Health report last week showed about 1 billion Chinese—from a population of1.3 billion—were covered by some sort of health insurance by the end of 2008, including 814 million rural residents.In an a ttempt to improve the country’s medical services, especially those at the grassroots(n.基层,基层民众;草根adj.基层的;草根的;乡村的)level, China will build another 5,000 clinics at the township level, 2,000 hospitals at the county level and 2,400 urban community clinics in three years, the minister said.At the same time, China will also increase spending on public health to enhance prevention and education.Statistics from the Ministry of Health show China’s financial costs in healthcare reached 2.36 trillion yuan in 2005, two-thirds of which were related to cases involving chronic diseases.(From /language_tips/cdaudio/2009-03/04/content_7535437.htm) Key to ExercisesExercise 1 Listen to Draw InferencesStudents are asked to listen to the news and choose the best answers to the questions.1) B2) D3) BExercise 2 Listening for DetailsStudents are asked to listen to the news again and fill in the blanks with the missing information.1) China aims to expand its medical insurance to cover all citizens and upgrade services through its new healthcare reform package.2) The package lists public health, rural areas, urban community services and basic medical insurance as the four key areas for government investment.3) China will build another 5,000 clinics at the township level, 2,000 hospitals at the county level and 2,400 urban community clinics in three years, the minister said.Additional ListeningIn this section, students will listen to a radio address by the former U.S. president Bush about drug control in the U.S. and do the exercises as required. Before listening, they are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the address.TranscriptU.S. National Drug Control Strategy of 2008Good morning. Today, my Administration is releasing(vt.释放;放开;发布;发行n.释放,排放,解除;释放令;公映的新影片,发布的新闻[消息]) our 2008 National Drug Control Strategy. This report lays out the methods we are using to combat(n.格斗,搏斗,战斗;〈美〉竞赛,比赛;论战vt.与…战斗;与…斗争;防止;减轻) drug abuse in America. And it highlights the hopeful progress we’re making in the fight against addiction.When I took office in 2001, our country was facing a troubling rate of drug abuse, particularly among young people. Throughout America, young men and women saw their dreams disrupted(vt:使混乱;扰乱) by the destructive cycle of addiction. So I committed our Nation to an ambitious goal: In 2002, we began efforts to cut drug use among young people by 25 percent over five years.Our strategy has three key elements. First, we are working to disrupt the supply of drugs by strengthening law enforcement and partnering with other countries to keep drugs out of the United States. Second, we’re working to reduce the demand for drugs through prevention and education programs. And third, we’re providing treatment options for those who’ve fallen prey to addiction. These efforts have produced measurable results. Since 2001, the rate of youth drug abuse has dropped by 24 percent. Young people’s use of marijuana is down by 25 percent. Their use of Ecstasy has dropped by more than 50 percent. And their use of methamphetamine has declined by 64 percent. Overall, an estimated 860,000 fewer young people in America are using drugs today than when we began these efforts.Our drug control strategy will continue all three elements of this successful approach. It will also target a growing problem—the abuse of prescription drugs by youth. Unfortunately, many young Americans do not understand how dangerous abusing medication can be. And in recent years, the number of Americans who have died from prescription drug overdoses has increased.One of the factors behind this trend is the growing availability of highly addictive prescription drugs online. The Internet has brought about tremendous benefits for those whocannot easily get to a pharmacy in person. However, it has also created an opportunity for unscrupulous doctors and pharmacists to profit from addiction.One victim of such a doctor was Ryan Haight. The young man from California was only 18 when he overdosed on pain killers that were illegally prescribed over the Internet. With only a few clicks of the mouse, Ryan was able to get a prescription from a doctor he had never met and have the pills sent to his front door. The doctor who wrote Ryan’s prescription had prev iously served time in prison for illegally dispensing controlled substances.We need to prevent tragedies like this from happening in the future. So I’m asking Congress to work with my Administration to put an end to the illegal sale of highly addictive prescription drugs on the Internet. By working together to meet this goal, we can ensure a safer future for our children.Government action is only one part of the solution to the problem of drug abuse. Others in our society have an important role to play as well. People in the entertainment and sports industries serve as role models to millions of young Americans, and that comes with the responsibility to dispel the notion that drug abuse is glamorous and free of consequences. Teachers, pastors, and parents also have an obligation to help young people develop the character and self-respect to resist drugs. The Federal Government will continue to do its part to keep our young people safe, and I urge all Americans to do the same. Our children deserve nothing less.Thank you for listening!(From /lesson/meiguozongtongyanshuo/54317.html) Key to ExercisesExercise 1 Listening and SummarizingStudents are asked to listen to the address and write a summary about it.The measures taken by the Bush government to combat drug abuse since 2001 have proved effective. The 2008 strategy will continue the three elements of the successful approach and target a growing problem—prescription drug abuse by youth, which mainly resulted from the growing accessibility of such drugs online. Therefore, in this address President Bush called for the joint effort of the government and individuals to put an end to that and help young people develop the character and self-respect to resist drugs.Exercise 2 Listening for Deeper UnderstandingStudents are asked to listen to the address again and answer the following questions.1) What are the three key elements of the strategy? Try to describe each element with no more than 3 words.disrupt the supply; reduce the demand; provide treatment options2) Has the government achieved its goal made in 2002?Not yet. The rate has just dropped by 24% in six years.3) Who is Ryan Haight? Why did Bush mention him in this address?He is a victim of prescription drug abuse. His tragedy was mentioned to warn the U.S. public, especially the young of the hazards of this practice.Part III Oral PracticeIn this part, students will have 3 tasks to accomplish.Task 1 Information SharingExercise 1Students are asked to draw a family tree on a piece of paper and explain “who is who” to their partners according to the given picture.Reference Answer(omitted)Exercise 2There is nothing more valuable to families than time together. And yet it seems tougher than ever to find, with so many of us living such busy lives. Students are asked to plan a family day involving at least 2 of the activities on the given pictures and share it with the group.Reference for the Family Day PlanThere are four activities on my family day list—exercises, camping, a dinner and family reading.For a start, we’ll have some physical exercises. Spring is a wonderful season, with its warm, sunny days, cool evenings and postcard perfect colors. It’s the perfect time to get in shape. I’d like to get outside and enjoy the season with my family by bicycling, walking, hiking, jogging, playing badminton, or any other outdoor activity. The exercises may help to keep the whole family physically and emotionally healthier, I believe. In fact, I plan to involve my whole family in a new fitness routine against obesity. By exercising together, we can keep one another motivated, and it will be more fun.Then, I dream of going camping with my family at a park with both hills and lakes. It’s absolutely the perfect chance to spend some fun quality time. Doing a week at a summer camp with the family can make great memories: outdoors fun during the day-time, campfires at night. The fun is endless. Can you imagine that? The whole family will go nuts for soaking up freshwater fun. Back on land, the pace of excitement never slows down! We may walk hand-in-hand along romantic, winding tracks through the forest or just read a book in the folding chairs for a moment of peace. I bet the time spent out in nature will do as much good for our mind as for our body.。

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新世纪研究生综合英语u n i t8Unit8Power to the peopleAlmost a century has gone by since humans began exploiting a compelling new way to power the global economy. The switch to fossil fuels prompted促使 an explosion innovation either side of the 1900s.including creations such as the internal combustion engine. Such technologies have since provided the means to drive our thirsty, energy-intensive modern societies.Today we stand at a similar turning point. Solar power, wind turbines and other sources of clean power--- the preserve of visionaries 有预见的人and enthusiasts little more than a decade ago--- are now poised on the brink of the mainstream, helped in no small part by the environmental deficiencies of fossil fuels. The need to create clean energy has become a pressing concern for policy makers and big business--- not to mention the consumer.Such thinking is fuelled by the growing realization that all along nature has provided ready-made means to power modern civilizations, namely through the elements. Crucial advances in new technology have these inexhaustible sources cheaper to use with, for example, the cost of solar energy plunging by up to 98 percent over the past 20 years.In theory, these renewable energy resources are incongruous large. The sun alone provides the means to deliver 7,000times our own energy consumption; blanking just 2.6 percent of the Sahara desert with solar cells could supply our entire needs. Yet for all this impressive potential, renewable energy currently produces just two percent of our total energy output.However, as the computer industry discovered in the 1980s, rapid growth can swiftly transform a minority sector into a giant capable of dominating our lives. Already companies across the globe are scrambling征服争夺 to become the next Intel or Microsoft of the new energy revolution. Our homes, cities, and workplaces--- our lives--- may be reshaped in ways we can only begin to guess at the solar cell, the wind farm and the electric car enter larger sectors of the marketplace.Blazing a trailThe sun’s capability to power the planet is phenomenal杰出的. Already a billion-pound business, projections indicate an annual growth rate for the next decade of 14 percent. But the price of solar technology has always been its biggest sticking point, and the cost of solar cells will need to fall by up to 50 percent in order to fully competitive with coal-fired electricity.Several companies are currently developing a new generation of wafer-thin photovoltaic光电的 solar panels that will slash大量削减 costs still further. Photovoltaics(pv) convert the sun’s heat into electricity, silently and without pollution. They use semi-conductors that send out electrons the instant sunlight reaches them, triggering使触发引起 the flow of electricity. The greater the volume of sunlight, the more electrons are emitted发射或发射出.Solar power could provide thousands of times more energy than we world currently uses, the earth receiving an unimaginably huge amount of energy way beyond the capabilities of fossil fuels or nuclear fission. In figures, the sun’s continuous power input stands数据 at 200 watts followed by 15 zeros.Its uses are impressively varied. Solar cells now power satellites, mobilephones, television sets, highway signals and water pumps. Last year the Dutch solar car Nuna broke the world record--- with an average speed of 91 km/h--- in the world Solar challenge, a 3,010-kilometer race across Australia for cars powered by the sun.A look at the planet’s most conspicuous明显的 consumers reveals that solar energy is finally beginning to make real inroads as an alternative energy. The USA’s Million Solar Roofs Initiative aims to put a million solar systems on the roofs of commercial and residential building by 2010. In addition, 30 states now have official policies encouraging the development of solar energy with financial incentives for investment in the use of PV modules and cells.Advocates believe that PV could claim to be the simplest and most elegant technology to harness the power of the sun, being easy to install and requiring minimal maintenance. Given this advantages, the future of solar photovoltaics appears bright.Tapping into waterHarnessing the power of moving water, whether through the natural rhythems of the tide and ocean waves or by means of massive artificial dams, offers another renewable energy source with a major future. Wave power alone has the potential to provide enough power to supply an estimated 1.4 million households in an industrial society.However, the intrinsic difficulties in harnessing开发 the strength of rough seas have created major headaches for engineers; two wave-power stations in Scotland and Norway have already fallen victim to the sea. Once again though, the biggest hurdle is financial, with construction of turbines at sea expensive, despite the actual energy being plentiful and free.Further difficulties are caused by the fact that waves refuse to flow in one direction. One solution to this problem has been to fit turbines in a chimney-type seabed structure that can be oriented to face the direction of energy-giving waves.By contrast, hydroelectric power is well established, producing almost a quarter of the world’s electricity and supplying more than one billion people with power. Hydropower produces energy equivalent to 3.6 billion barrels of oil a year. Electricity is produced by falling water passing through a turbine; dams are often used to ensure water supply can be controlled depending on the demand for power.However the construction of mighty dams often has huge environmental impacts caused by having to flood large areas, triggering acute damage existing habitats--- the three gorges dam currently under construction in china will see 632 square kilometers inundated洪水泛滥 and1.1 million people facing resettlement. Such obvious deficiencies 缺点aside, hydropower offers a clean, renewable source of energy that offers cheap electricity.Blowing hot and coldWonderfully simple in concept, perfectly practical in reality, wind power has been on the drawing board of energy providers for centuries. Yet its potential has long been hamstrung 不起作用by opponents claiming wind farms spoil the beauty of the landscape. This is compounded加重 by year of under-investment and a lack of political support.Power is generated by the wind turning massive blades that in turn drive turbines, with the ensuing energy piped to the national grid. Simple. And there are absolutely no destructive by-products. What’s more, vast swathes 长条形地带of the globe provide idol conditions to harness开发 wind power, though of course most coastal and mountainous regions experience enough of the resource to make it visible, at least locally.In China, estimates place its wind resource at 350,000 megawatts, sufficient to provide the world’s largest national population with electricity today. Britain, the windiest country in Europe, itself endures sufficient brisk breezes to serve its electricity generation three times over. Offshore plants are favoured where the wind is stronger and no one can complain at the intrusion into their environment.However, as well as the visual impact of wind-farms, some local residents have complained about levels of noise from the turbine gearing systems and blades. Some people are particularly sensitive to low level noise and there is evidence that in certain sites, like Landdinam in Wales, the sound is amplified by some sort of resonance within the valley. Other objects include interference with television and radio reception, negative impacts on local tourism and property values, and the potential disruption扰乱 to wildlife, especially birds.Hydrogen time-bombHigh hopes are pinned or the fuel cell, a technology forecast to reshape the world energy economy, and adds-on to power transport-systems of tomorrow by replacingpetro. Again, its green credentials证书 are indisputable: fuel cells release nothing more damaging into the atmosphere than water vapour. Onlike oil, gas and coal it does not produce carbon dioxide, and has the advantage of being twice as efficient as conventional engines in converting chemical fuels into power.Fuel cells also hold potential for developing nations because they are almost as economical on a small-scale as a large one, require little maintenance and no recharging. In simple terms, fuel cells work using a chemical reaction to produce electricity from hydrogen, which can be derived from such sources as natural gas and methanol甲醇. Governments are understandably keen on a technology that offers the possibility of true”zero emission” energy.With the cost of power failures to it economies greater than ever, off-grid sources such as stationary fuel cells could soon become commercial necessities.Be oriented to调整适应Be pinned on 信赖,附属于Blaze a trail 开路先锋,带头Blow hot and cold犹豫不决Convert into 变换转变Make inroads 涉足另一个新领域On the drawing board在设计阶段Solar panel 太阳能电池板Tap into开发着手Zero emission 零排放选择题1、At the press conference, they were scrambling攀登 to give the impressionthat the situation was in control.A/searching B/struggling C/crowding D/exiting2、Written off again and again, he has proved phenomenon in resilience andpolitical craftiness.A/notable B/tangible C/extraordinary D/sensible3、This news has sent a wave of panic through the world which to me seemsway out of proportion.A/ far B/mean C/simply D/away4、Downtown business owners say that they want the city’s homeless sheltermoved to a conspicuous location.A/confronted B/ fantastic C/confident D/noticeable5、Over the past year, Linux has significant inroads into embedded designsrequiring rich, high performance networking.A/ Made money B/made achievement C/ made advances D/ madeprogress6、The important thing is to harness growth to self-knowledge, a readyacceptance of change, swift-moving business practice and sound judgment.A/ make use control produce escape7、We are the ones willing and able to run an obstacle course filled with hurdlesthat we must complete before anyone else.Barriers bless reports handouts8、I haven’t been able to orient my ideas to the new conditions since I workedabroad three months.Change adjust direct organize9、The company office was inundated with telegrams of congratulations on thetenth anniversary of its foundation.Overjoyed flooded crowded satisfied10、He had draw a contradictory conclusion in his thesis because he pinned hisfaith on an absurdity.Decided practiced depended placed。
