ASEACCU 2006 14th Annual Conference Business Meeting
共收 录近 20 5 0篇论文 及摘 要 。 并按 2 5个议题 该学 会获奖 的学 者 颁 发 r奖 牌。 令年 的 1 MBEOlo 术的 发展 , F l 分约 20个组 别进 行 r 5 分组报 告 。人会分组 报告分 别以 S h t奖 得主 是来 自抖兰 V T技 术研 究 中心的 Nio c mi t T i l S rn mmi aa u 博士 。 夫会国 际 委 员会副 主 席 Fu hk miio 演讲 硬海 报展 示两 种方式进行 ,报 告内容 涵盖 r 理系 生
『 亍此纶坛
刘音博 ’ 陈霏 z
1 国 港中 文大学 电子工程 系生物 医学 工程联 合研究 中心 中 香 2 中国香 港Βιβλιοθήκη 文大学信 辨高等 工程研 究所
由国际医学 物理 与医学 上程 科学联 合会 (U E M] 1P S 国 际医 学 物理 组 织 /OMP 国 际医 学 生物 工 程 联 合 I ) 会 (F B ) 韩 国 KS IM E , MP和韩 国医 学 生 物 工 程组 织 ( KOS OMB 共 同主办 的 20 E) 06年 世界医学 物理 和生物 医学 工 程 大会 于 20 06年 8月 2 7至 9月 1H在 韩 国 首
都首 尔的 C OEX会 议中心 胜利 召开 。世 界医 学物 理和 生 物 医学 工程 大 会每 三 年举 办一 次 .本 届大 会的 主题
定为 “ 想未来 的医学 ( gn eFtr Mein). 构 I igt uue d ie” ma h c 来 自垒世 界近 3 0I 专家学 者及 展商 代表参 加 r本次 0( 大 会。 大 会主 席 S nI i l u Km 尊十主 持 了开幕 式 井致 开幕 词。此 次 夫会 得到 了韩 国政 府 的大 力支持 .韩 国总 理 Ha en —o k受 邀 出席 了开幕 式 .并 就生 物 医学 nMyo gso r 邀 演 阱。 应
又复发及外伤性病例 , 由于其损伤严 重往往造成组 织疤痕 化 , 粘 连概 率 就 高 要 用 K P+微 孔支 架 植 再 T
入术 +抗炎 、 粘 药 物 治 疗 。术 中要 用 激 光 和 泪道 抗
扩张 绳把管 内壁 肉芽 清 除干 净 。 3 .鼻 泪 管开 口于下 鼻道 , 泪道 阻塞 往 往 与鼻 腔 情况 有关 。术 前一 定 要 仔 细 检查 鼻 腔 , 除鼻 道 肿 排 物 。本 院 3例 未 愈 病 例 就 由于 鼻 腔 畸形 插 管 未 成 功 。展望 将来 有 可 降 解 材 料 的 微 型 管 可 解 决 此 问
泪 道疾 病 主要 由于 泪 道 的炎 症 、 阻塞 导 致 患 者
溢泪溢脓 。过去传统的治疗方法分为手术治疗和非 手 术治 疗 。非 手 术 治疗 以泪 道 冲 洗 探 通 为 主 , 由于
此 方法 不能 使 阻塞 的泪道彻 底疏 通 , 治疗 效果 不佳 。 常是强 行穿 破 泪道 , 至造 成假 道 , 成 疤痕 加重 阻 甚 形 塞 。手术方法以泪囊鼻腔吻合术为主 , 组织损伤大 , 遗 留皮肤疤 痕 , 改变 泪液排 出途 径 , 不符 合人 体生 理 要求 。泪囊 解 剖损伤 , 为地废 弃 泪道鼻 泪 管段 , 人 造 成泪 囊萎 缩 , 通 旁道 重 新 阻 塞 J 随着 近年 激 光 再 。
9 5% 。
影前应排空泪囊 内存 积物 ) 。根据造影 的不 同表现 采 取相 应 的治疗 措 施 。 我们 发 现 , 道 阻塞 病 人 小 泪
泪 囊数 目远 较 大 泪囊 多 。 大 泪囊 的予 以手 术 治 疗 , 由于泪 囊粘 膜充 分 吻合 孔 空 间大 , 术 效 果 一 般 较 手 好 。小 泪 囊 根 据 泪 道 阻 塞 程 度 , 分 阻 塞 的运 用 部 K P联合 药 物 治疗 。对 于 阻塞 段 长病 程 长 , T 治疗 过
度—— 日 , 本 在首都东京 Bg i t i S h 展馆 , g 全球各地
的非织造业界人士纷至沓来 , 汇集 、 展示 、 沟通 、 采 购 、 流, 同 参 与 非 织 造 业 亚 洲 盛 会—— 交 共
R inau r eehes 以及由 C T f e N A组织参展的 3 O余家公 司都在展会亮相。参加 A E 20 N X 06的展商来 自非 织造卷材 、 原材料 、 机械设备 、 测试仪器 、 非织造深 加工 、 化学助剂行业以及媒体 、 贸易商和协会等 , 展 出的非织造产品包括汽车 、 建筑 、 过滤 、 城市工程 、
A E 20 , 起见 证 全球 非 织 造业 创 新 和 完 善 交 N x 06 一 汇 的天地 。在这 里 , 界 非织造 及相关 行业 的顶级 世
展览会 , 0多家参展商来 自日本 、 2 0 中国、 韩国及欧 美等世界 2 O多个国家和地 区, 本企业居多 , 以日 展 商们纷纷将其先进的技术和产品向世界展示 , 欧美 业 界 的 重 量 级 厂 商 也 都 现 身 展 会 。A lr h tm, so
厂商和采购商汇聚一堂 ; 在这里, 可以见 闻世界非
由 A F 亚 洲 非织 造 材 料协 会 ) N A( 主办 、 N A A N (日本 不织 布协 会 ) E JKas 和 .. rue日本公 司承 办 的 亚洲非 织造 材料 展 览会 A E 20 N X 06于 20 06年 5月
织和服装关税率降低的变化情况。王延熹副会 长
指出, 非织造材料是一种结合四大类柔性材料加工 方法的新型纤维材料 , 但是 目 前在海关税率表 中仍
1.2007加拿大多伦多国际贸促会将于3月举行 [J],
2.第二届国际古生物学大会(IPC2006)将于2006年在北京大学举行 [J],
3.首届加拿大华裔/华文文学国际学术研讨会在多伦多举行 [J], 无
5.第三届国际传统中医药大会在加拿大多伦多举行 [J],
中国代表团访问Analytica 2006
闲时间里使用互联 网 , 因为互联 网没有时 间限制。
除参加主要的仪器展览会外 , 光散射仪器行业
但仅仅通过网络 , 很难真正地了解产品。科学家将
继续对仪器展览保持高度 的热情 。A a ta D . ” nli 的 i yc t
的领导者 , ytTcnl i 公司还会邀请其 日益增 W a ho g s te oe 长的学术和工业方 面的客户 , 参加在该公司总部所 在地加州圣 塔芭 芭拉 市举行 的年 度“ 光散射 讨论 会” E 。C M和 Wyt a 两家公司 , t 一方面通过举行学术
研讨会和学术交流会?这基本上不需要增加任何投 资。未来 , 网络究竟将如何影 响这些大大小小的仪
器展览 , 目前还有待观察。
相关 技术
小的仪器公司 , 尤其是其产 品和技术并非大型 仪器展览会主角的的小公司 , 提出一些新的思路 , 也 就是在参加大型仪 器展览会 的同时 , 还专 门为本公
曩代仅■ (w moen sr.r.n w w. d ri t ogc ) n s
(nl ah a A a ta A a nI i 也非常便 Aa cCi 和 nli — nc d ) n yc o na
也非常适合用于参展商展示他们 的产品 , 与 自己 并
公司主页相链接” 。随着行业 内大多数公 司已经建 立起 自己的网站 , 为什 么不更多地应用网络来举行
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
A a ta 0 的统 计数据显 示 ,0 nl i2 4 yc 0 3 %的参展 商
来 自德国以外的地 区, 中最大的三个代表 团来 自 其
2014 5th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2014)
The 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO)
formal methods, database security, secure software, applied cryptography 第14届IEEE数据挖掘国际会议 · Systems analysis and design methods · Object-oriented enterprise modelling · Knowledge based systems to support database design · Automated mediation in group support systems · Distributed information systems, electronic commerce · Software copyright infringements Foundations, algorithms, models, and theory of data mining Machine learning and statistical methods for data mining Mining text, semi-structured, spatio-temporal, streaming, graph, web, multimedia data Data mining systems and platforms, their efficiency, scalability, and privacy Data mining in modeling, visualization, personalization, and recommendation
2006年国际计量经济学大会2006 International Conference on Econometrics中国上海2006 年 7 月 14 日Shanghai, China, July 14, 2006会议日程Conference Agenda主办单位Organized by:上海财经大学高等研究院Institute for Advanced Research, SHUFE上海财经大学经济学院数量经济研究所Institute for Quantitative Economics, School of Economics2006 International Conference on Econometrics2006年国际计量经济学大会数量经济研究所简介Introduction to the Institute for Quantitative Economics●宗旨研究所的主要宗旨是为学科建设,学术交流和人才培养提供一个平台,目标是建成国内一流,国际知名的研究机构。
●OBJECTIVEThe main objective of the Institute for Quantitative Economics (IQE) is to provide a platform for discipline construction, academic exchange, and talent cultivation in order to build a domestically first-class and internationally renowned research institute. The research institute will focus on the following areas:1.To conduct research which exerts big influences on discipline development? Meanwhile,great effort will be made to publish more articles in well-known international journals;2.To hold regular advanced quantitative economics conferences and seminars so as toenhance peer academic exchange and cooperation at home and abroad;3.To strengthen the programs of study, including graduate, doctoral, and post-doctoralprograms in order to better serve enterprises, institutions of higher learning, and government organizations;4.To combine the existing resources to establish a comprehensive economic and financialdatabase;5.To provide appropriate talent cultivation, quantitative consultation and analysis, anddecision-making references for governmental agencies, financial institutions and enterprising groups.2006 International Conference on Econometrics2006年国际计量经济学大会●研究团队研究所现在拥有以美国普林斯顿大学经济学博士郑旭为所长和学科带头人的科研团队,其有海外讲座教授2人、海外兼职教授4人,全职教授3人、副教授6人、助教与讲师7名。
E m i edz o7 om icr — a :w n yhu @ht a . n l lo
部 ( S S Z e ag 举办 的 20 年度 A E 峰会 A E - hj n ) i 06 SS
髓来创新 , 创新才有未来 。山东大学的蔡德贵教授 昌 说 ,L 之功 用 由 中国走 向世 界 , 时 的儒 学 热背后 年 孑儒 现第 f I J Nhomakorabeag
授认为 , 儒家主张个人机会 的增进应当同时也给他 人提供增进的空间,这一思想反映在儒家对音乐演
奏 的要求 中 ,它 喻示 了在 一个 社会 组 织 中个体 是如
说, 随着现代一元进步论的终结 , 多元文化价值观的 产生 , 国际社会 已经处 于激 烈 的文化 冲突之 中 , 必 有 要汲 取来 自于 中国的儒 学 资源 来解 决 当前 的一 系列 重 大国际问题 。 加拿大学者韦尔特 ( l a We e) Ab lr e t
论述 了儒学 与 佛教 之 间 的关 系 ,他 认为 佛教 在亚 洲 是一种 政治 权 力性 质 的宗教 ,历史 上佛 教 与儒学 经 常发 生 冲突 ,需要 用后 现代 时期 的儒学 来重 新界 定 对 佛教 的传 统 异议 。 美 国来 的黑 静斯 ( tle r gis 教 Ka en Ma eHi n ) h i g
周 娟 :研 究 生 。 T l 3 7 4 89 e:t7 7 5 2 8
并不是一种简单的文化现象 ,而是深藏着一种民族 捌 生存 的热切愿望 , 应当恰当、 理性地分析儒学热。北 京外 国语 大学 海 外 汉 学研 究 中心 的张 西 平 教 授说 , 圈 中国儒 家是 “ 教”还 是 “ ”, 是 中 国 自身 的 问题 , 家 不 涤 是西方如何看待儒学 的问题 ,中国儒学应该先 回到
Fund Returns
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Using TASS data S&P500 Returns Beta = .28, rho = .24
Market neutrality in the ‘real world’
Fund Returns
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 S&P500 Returns Beta = -.91, rho = -
Fixed income arbitrage
Fund Returns
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 S&P500 Returns Beta = 0.01, rho =
Funds of Hedge Funds
Fund of Funds
Hedge Fund 1 Hedge Fund 2 Hedge Fund 3
Diversification – lower value at risk
Funds of Hedge Funds
Fund of Funds
These strategies fail in liquidity crises
Risk is considerably understated
InerБайду номын сангаасial
25 Feb - 26 Feb 2014 25 Feb - 27 Feb 2014 25 Feb - 28 Feb 2014
2014 8th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS) 2014 IEEE 5th Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems (LASCAS)
19 Feb - 22 Feb 2014
2014 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS) 2014 Fifth International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT)
2014 International Conference Communication & Systems (ICCCS)
20 Feb - 21 Feb 2014
2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT)
26 Feb - 28 Feb 2014
2014 8th National and 5th International Conference on e-Learning and e-Teaching (ICeLeT)
1. 国际光学工程学会(SPIE)会议:SPIE是全球最大的光学学会之一,每年举办多个国际会议。
2. 国际光学学会(OSA)会议:OSA是国际光学学会,也是光学领域最具影响力的学会之一。
3. 光学学会(Optical Society)会议:光学学会是一个国际性的学术组织,也是光学领域的重要会议之一。
4. 国际量子光学学会(IQEC)会议:IQEC会议是国际量子光学学会主办的一个重要会议,每两年举办一次。
IQEC 会议汇集了世界各地的专家学者,展示了最新的研究成果和技术应用。
5. 国际光子学会议(ICP):ICP会议是国际光子学会主办的一系列会议,旨在促进光子学领域的学术交流和合作。
ICP 会议的学术水平较高,吸引了众多光子学领域的专家学者参与。
newsletter avril 2006
La France en Chine 31 Mars 2006 ScienceInfo FranceSummaryEvents / 事件•法国驻华使馆科技合作处迎来科技副参赞:Christine M’RINI – 明素英•法国“癌症论坛”中文版出版协议在北京法国文化中心签署•诺贝尔物理奖得主Claude COHEN-TANNOUDJI访问中国Sino-french scientific cooperation / 法中科技合作•巴黎市政府博士后奖学金申请开始截止日期:2006年四月十四日•法国信息与自动化研究院(INRIA)博士后奖学金申请开始截止日期:2006年四月三十日•法国国家健康与医学研究院(INSERM)博士后奖学金申请开始 截止日期:2006年五月三十一日•法国国家科研中心(CNRS)博士后奖学金申请开始截止日期:2006年六月三十日•关于奖学金Scientific news / 科技热点•Evolution – the sixth finger with true uses进化 – 有实在功用的第六根指头•Orangutan's vanishment: the genome accuses the forest felling 猩猩的消失:基因组指控森林砍伐•Discovery of the missing link in the menagerie of distant galaxies 发现一种新型星系•Small exoplanet discovered发现一颗类似地球的太阳系外小行星•The most powerful white laser beam in the french sky强度最大的白色激光射向法国天空•Discovery of a new source of nitrous acid发现一种新的亚硝酸来源•Topex-Poseidon : the end of a 62,000 orbit adventure•Topex-Poseidon : the end of a 62,000 orbit adventureTopex-Poseidon: 环绕地球六万两千圈探险的结束•EGNOS : first public demonstration of an emergency serviceEGNOS: 急诊服务的第一次公开展示Events法国驻华使馆科技合作处迎来科技副参赞:Christine M’RINI – 明素英三月初,法国驻华使馆科技处迎来了副科技参赞,Christine M’RINI – 明素英博士。
A类序号会议英文名称1ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Conference2ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference3ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference4ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition5STLE/SAME International Joint Tribology Conference6International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering7CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering) General Assembly8International Conference on Technology of Plasticity 9FISITA World Automotive Congress10Annual Meeting of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences11International Conference on Gears12IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology13International Conference on Metal Forming14SAE World Congress15the IAVSD Symposium16International conference on Applied Surface Engineering 17International Bionic Engineering Conference18International Conference on Composite Materials19World Congress in Mechanisms and Machine Science 20ADIA Fuze ConferenceB类序号会议英文名称1Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies2Annual Meeting of Institute of Industrial Engineers3ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work4IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management5IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 6International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics7International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice8International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 9International Conference on Production Research10The International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization & Engineering11The International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture12International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress13International Fatigue Congress14Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium械15Robotics: Systems and Science16The World Congress on Computational Mechanics17Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies18World Conference on Nondestructive TestingC类序号会议英文名称1 IFAC World Congress2ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing3Annual Meeting of American Society for Precision Engineering 4Asia international conference on tribology5ASME summer/winter annual meeting6Association for Computing Machinery International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work7International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 8CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering 9Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 10Design Automation Conference11Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information Conference12Digital Manufacturing and Manufacturing Process Management 13European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 14IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 15ASABE Annual International Meeting16European Conference on NDT17IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation18IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems19IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics20IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control21International Conference on Progress of Machining Technology 22International Conference on Experimental Mechanics23International Conference of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management24International conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology25International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures26International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems27International Conference on Rotordynamics28International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery29International Conference on Wear of Materials30International Symposium on Transport Phenomena31International Institution for Production Engineering Research32IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics33SME/STLE Joint Conference on Tribology34STLE Annual Meeting35ICFG Workshop36The Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics机械37Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association 38World Tribology Congress航空A类序号会议英文名称1AIAA Conference2ASME Conference84International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science4International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives andPyrotechnics5International Symposium on Ballistics6IEEE Conference on Control Application7IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting89World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics andThermodynamics90Symposium of the Combustion Institute91International Heat Transfer Conference92IUTAM93International Conference on Fatigue94International Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials95European Materials Research Society96International Seminar“New Trends in research of Energetic MaterialsB类序号会议英文名称1IMechE Conference2International Conference on Vehicle Structural Mechanics3Int. Conf. on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences4AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference5American Control Conference89International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic MatrixComposites,90The 5th International Conference on MechanicalEngineering and Mechanics91International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 92International Conference on Plasticity Engineering93Smart Structures and Materials / NDE Conferences94SPIE meeting95Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference96International Conference on Power Engineering97International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic MatrixComposites,98IEEE Aerospace Conference9910th International conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics10016th International Conference on Experimental MechanicsC类序号会议英文名称1International Forum on Special Equipment and Engineering Mechanics 2Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials3International Conference on Mechatronics and Automatic ControlSystems4International Conference on Engineering Design5The 2014 Society for Experimental Mechanics Fall Conference6International Symposium on Combustion7International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials 8IEEE meeting9American Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics10International Conference of Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics 11International Mode Analysis Conference12TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition13International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology14International Congress on Sound and Vibration15ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference仪器A类序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement TechnologyConference2IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement &Instruments3International Measurement Confederation Conference4International Conference on Solid-state Sensors and Actuators5Conference on Guidance,Navigation and Control6International IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Conference IEEE MEMS 7IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information Processing inSensor Networks8International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring9International Meeting on Chemical Sensors10IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered andMolecular Systems11European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks12IEEE Internationnal Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems13Inertial Sensors and Systems/Symposium Gyro Technology14IEEE SENSORS15International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 16International Conference and Exhibition on Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17International Conference on Nanotechnology and BiosensorsB类序号会议英文名称1International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements andInstrumentation2International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation andAutomation3International Conference on Precision Instrumentation andMeasurement4Conference on Optical Fier Sensor5International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and IntelligentInfractructure6International Conference on Digital Signal Processing7International Symposium on Communications and InformationTechnologies8 International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems机械9Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry -Electrochemistry for Life Science and Bioanalysis10International Conference on Mechanic Automation and ControlEngineering11Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry -Interfacial Electrochemistry at Atomic, Molecular and NanoscaleDomainsC类序号会议英文名称1International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Materials Engineering2International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes3International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering4International Symposium on Test and Measurement 测试会议5China Conference on Wireless Sensor Network6International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology 7International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis8China Satellite Navigation Conference,CSNC9International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics10International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing11Proceeding of international conference on mechatronic system and measurement technology12International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials A类序号会议英文名称1The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics2The International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solid3SAE International Congress4International Symposium on Ballistics5International Institute of Electrical Engineers6International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics7AIAA Conference8ASME Conference9International Conference on Nano- Science and Technology10European Conference on Nonlinear Oscillations11International Detonation Symposium12Shock Compression of Condensed Matter13International Conference on Experimental Mechanics14Electromagnetic Launch Technology Symposium15International Symposium on Shock Waves16International Symposium on Combustion17Annual Fuze Conference18International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics19Hypervelocity Impact Symposium仪器B类序号会议英文名称1Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies2TMS (The Minerals, Metals &Materials Society) Annual Meeting3International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics 4International Forum on Special Equipment and Engineering Mechanics 5The Word Congress on Computational Mechanics6Robotics: Systems and Science7International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics8International Conference on Fracture9International Conference on Metal Forming10International Symposium on Robotics11International Conference on Technology of Plasticity12Materials Science Forum13Materials Science & Technology14International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology15ASME/STLE Joint Conference on Tribology16ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference17International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 18European Conference on Fracture19International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering20International Conference on Rock Mechanics21International Conference on Computational Ballistics22the international Conference on Combustion and energy utilization 23World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science24International Society for Optical Engineering25International Heat Transfer Conference26International Symposium on Test and MeasurementC类序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation2Annual Meeting of American Society for Precision Engineering3American Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics4International Modal Analysis Conference5Asia international conference on tribology6International Conference of Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics 7Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength8European Mechanics Conferences9International Conference on Flow Dynamics10International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials11World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics12International Conference on Vehicle Structural Mechanics14Asia Pacific Vibration Conference15International Congress on Sound and Vibration16ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 兵器18International Conference on Engineering Design19International Conference on Rotordynamics20International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures 21Design Automation Conference22International conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology23IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics24 International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures 25International Conference on Computational Methods27European Turbulence Conference28International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena29Meetings of Acoustical Society of America30Annual Meeting Society of Engineering Sciences31Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and its Application32Asia Fluid Mechanics Conference33International Conference of Discrete Simulation of Fluid DynamicsA类序号会议英文名称1 International Conference on EnvironmentalCatalysis2American Association for Cancer Research 3American Chemical Society National Meeting4Annual International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Science5European Congress of Chemical Engineering 6European Congress on Catalysis7International Annual Conference of ICT ( Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry9International Conference on Nano- Science andTechnology10International Conference on Surface and ColloidScience11International Congress of Quantum Chemistry 12International Congress on Catalysis13International Congress on Thermal Analysis andCalorimetry14International Pyrotechnics Seminar15Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium16Materials Research Society17North American Thermal AnalysisSociety18Royal Society Chemistry Conferences19Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference20International Conference on Green Chemistry andSustainable EngineeringB类序号会议英文名称1International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries2Challenges in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry3Computational Modeling and Simulation ofMaterials4Congress on Catalysis Applied to Fine Chemicals5International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems6International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (马来西亚)7International Conference on Theoretical Biology and Computational Chemistry8International Elastomer Conference9International Group of Experts on the Explosion Risks of Unstable Substances10International Seminar“New Trends in research of Energetic Materials” (主办方University of Pardubice)11International Symposium onSpecial Topics in Chemical Propulsion(ISICP)12International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry13International Symposium on MolecularSpectroscopy14International Symposium: Synthesis in OrganicChemistry15International Union of Materials Research Society -International Conference in Asia16Korean International Symposium on High EnergyMaterials (KISHEM)17National Organic Chemistry Symposium 18Safex International Meeting19The International Conference on Combustion & Energy Utilisation (ICCEU)20The International Conference on ComputationalMethods(ICCM)C类序号会议英文名称1 Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition2 International Conference on Hydrogen Atom Transfer (iCHAT 2014)3247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition4Accuracy and Sampling Across Quantum Chemistryand Molecular Modeling化工5Annual World Congress on IndustrialBiotechnology6Conference on computational physics7Enhancing Prediction and Design of Physical Systems Through Computational Chemistry8Gordon Research Conference: Molecular & IonicClusters9International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in MaterialsCharacterisation10International Symposium and Exhibition onSophisticated CarOccupant Safety Systems11IWA International Water Association 12WQA Aquatech13International Conference on One-dimensionalNanomaterials14Annual International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process15Challenges in Nanoscience (ISACS15)16International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology17International Conference on Safety & Environment in Process & Power Industry18International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers19International Heat Transfer Conference 20International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes21Joint CSJ RSC Symposium on SupramolecularChemistry22Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry23The International Chemical Congress of PacificBasin Societies生A类序号会议英文名称1International Conference on Environmental Catalysis2International Symposium on Polymer Chemistry3Nanomaterials: Application & Properties '20144International Congress on Membrane and MembraneProcesses5Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society6Topical Meeting of International Society of Electrochemistry7 International Meeting on Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence8International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology9ASM General Meeting10World Water Congress11International Conferences of Specialists Groups of IWA12American Chemistry Society National Meeting13AIChE Meeting14IUPAC Conference15 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering16International Biophysics Congress17International Congress of Genetics18Asia Pacific Congress of IWA19International Conferences on Catalysis20Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects ConferenceB类序号会议英文名称1Fuel Cells 2014 Science & Technology29th International Aerosol Conference3Energy Systems Conference4Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology5SPSJ International Polymer Conference6 The 5th Biophotonics Summer School766th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry8Asia-Pacific Congress on Catalysis电子A类会议序号会议英文名称1 Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium2IEEE Radar Conference3IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS)4Asia-Pacific Microwave cofference5 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility6IEEE International Wireless Symposium7European Microwave Conference8IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest9IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging & SystemsB类会议序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband2ional Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology3 Conference on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromag4rnational Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory5tional Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering 6nal Workshop on Electromagnetic Theory, Modeling and Simulation 7IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology8International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation9IEEE Antennas Propagation /URSI Conf10IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation11Conference on the Computation ofElectromagnetic FieldsC类会议序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies For Wir2 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium环生光学A类序号会议英文名称1Topical Meetings of Optical Society of America2Topical Meetings of European Optical Society3Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics4International Symposium on Measurement Technology andIntelligent Instruments5International Measurement Confederation6IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting7SPIE Photonic West8SPIE Photonics Europe9SPIE Optics + Photonics10Optical Fiber Sensors11SPIE Annual Meeting12Biomedical Optics13Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference14OptoElectronics and Communications Conference15IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 16SPIE Medical Imaging17International IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Conference 18SPIE Remote Sensing19International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena20Topical Meetings of SPIEB类序号1Congress of ICO (International- Commission –for -Optics) 2Optical Fiber Communication Conference3International Conference on Optics-photonics Design &Fabrication4International Conference on Nanophotonics5International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturingand Testing Technologies6Laser Metrology and Machine Performance7International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 8International Conference on Infrared Optoelectronics: Materialsand Devices9The International Conference on Near-field Nano Optics &Related Techniques10SPIE Asia- Pacific Remote SensingA类通信序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech and Signal Processing2IEEE International Conference on Communications 3ACM International Conference on Multimedia电光4IEEE Radar Conference5IEEE International Conference on ImageProcessing6Global Navigation Satellite Systems Conference7Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association8IEEE Military Communications Conference9IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and PatternRecognition10IEEE International Symposium on Antennas andPropogation Society11IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience andRemote Sensing12International Conference on Digital SignalProcessing13IEEE International Symposium on InformationTheory14IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 15IEEE International Conference on Radar B类序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Electronics,Circuits and Systems2International Conference on Signal Processing3IEEE International Symposium on Circuits andSystems4IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting5International Conference on Natural LanguageProcessing6European Conference on Computer Vision 7Picture Coding Symposium8SPIE Conference on Visual Information Processingand Communication9Annual IEEE Conference on ComputerCommunications10International Conference on Pattern Recognition 11Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics 12IEEE Symposium on Circuits and Systems13IEEE international conference on Automatic Faceand Gesture Recognition14European Navigation Conference - Global Navigation Satellite Systems15International Conference on Signal ProcessingSystems16ACM Conference on Computer and CommunicationsSecurity通信17IEEE International Conference on Networking,Sensing18IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognitionand UnderstandingC类序号会议英文名称1International Broadcasting Convention2IEEE International Conference on IntelligentTransportation System3International Joint Conference on NeuralNetworksA类序号会议英文名称1ACM Conference on Management of Data2ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining3International Conference on Very Large Data Bases4rnational Conference on Research on Development in Information Retrieval5ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing6Conference on File and Storage Technologies7High-Performance Computer Architecture8ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking9International Conference on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer c 10IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications11ACM International Conference on Multimedia12ACM SIGGRAPH Annual Conference13International Cryptology Conference14IEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyB类序号会议英文名称1ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval2ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics3IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo4High-Performance Distributed Computing5International Conference on Distributed ComputingSystems6Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques7International Parallel & Distributed ProcessingSymposium8International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services9CM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 10ACM SIGMOD Conference on Principles of DB Systems11IEEE International Semantic Web Conference12International Conference on Data Mining13IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering14International World Wide Web Conferences15International Conference on Embedded Software16Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference17IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 18International Conference on Network Protocols19nternational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing 20nternational Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services C类序号会议英文名称1ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers2IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computingand Communications3International Conference on High Performance Computing4International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems5International Symposium on Circuits and Systems6International ACM Workshop on Web and Databases7International Conference on Mobile Data Management8International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases9Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining10The Asia Pacific Web Conference11Web Information Systems Engineering12ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems13EE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications14EEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing15Computer Animation and Social Agents16Computer Graphics International17International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality18IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium19International Conference on Image Processing20International Conference on Multimedia Modeling21Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia22Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems23IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks24 Global Communications Conference, incorporating the Global Internet Symposium25IEEE International Conference on Communications26EE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks27IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems28IEEE International Conference on P2P Computing29EE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference30 International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks31American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium32Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference33International Conference on Spatial Information Theory34Annual Computer Security Applications Conference35International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Sec 36International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection计科。
C n e e c n Na o c e c a d o fr n e o n s in e n Na oe h oo y , n tc n lg
议中的报告内容相比,单纯的纳米材料制备工作 已 经较少 ,报告者更重视纳米材料的功能的开发和特
学研究的重要学术会议 , 为加强亚洲纳米科技研究 殊性 质的发现 。 同时 , 各种 理论技术 的应 用也得 到更 的学术交流、提高亚洲纳米科技研究 的整体水平 、 大的重视。我国南京航空航天大学的郭万林教授介 促进纳米科技研究与企业单位的合作 , 起着重要 的 绍了他们在应用理论模拟预计纳米尺度智能材料的 推 动作用 。 研究成果 , 受到了广泛的重视。
20 亚洲纳米科技会议 06
张 浩 力
( 兰州大学化 学化 工 学院 , 兰州 700 300)
20 0 6亚洲 纳 米 科技 会 议 ( h 0 6 A i 论 的内容分别包括纳米粒子、 T e 20 s n a 纳米线、 碳纳米管 、 高
l I }
米生物学、 单分子检测与纳米动力学 、 纳米器件、 纳 米加工、 纳米表征技术 以及 自组装技术等。会议安 目 排了口头报告和展板等形式。从参加各个分会的人
们的芯片设计采用了微流体技术来实现待测样品的 连续检测。 所不同的是 , 他们采用了与场效应晶体管 结构 , 使检测灵敏度有所提高 。据 Sw ua a a r 博士介 m 绍, 他们已经成立了二个公司, 努力在近期将该检测
出席本次会议 的代表绝大多数来 自亚洲各国 , 但也有多位代表来 自美 国、 澳大利亚 、 德国等 8 个
本届会议 中也有大量 的工业界 的代表参予 , 韩 国三星公司的 C rt hrH s o hio e a  ̄gK 博士作 了题 sp n
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Business MeetingASEACCU 200614th Annual ConferenceBusiness Meeting1) Financial Report 2005-2006a) Nanzan Account (August 21, 2006; Currency: ¥)BalanceItemExpensesDate Income690,665 690,665carry over from previous year 2005/09/07 308,212 998,877 2005/2006Annual Dues 2005/20060206/03/24 37,200 961,677air ticket (Korea, March 13-15) 2006/04/27 5,210 956,467 4/26printing & postage2006/04/28 2,120 954,347 4/12printing & postage206/05/17 10,943 965,290 2006/2007Annual Dues 2006/7 Nanzan 2006/05/12 11,115 976,405 2006/2007Annual Dues 2006/7 Seishin 2006/07/18 10,107 986,512 2006/2007 MiriamCollegeAnnual Dues2006/7 MiriamT o t a l1,031,042 44,530 986,512Business Meetingb) Bank of Orient Account (July 31, 2006; Currency: U.S.$)Balance July 31, 2005 U.S.$ 3,564.47.-Interest U.S.$ 19.02.-Annual Dues U.S.$ 1,500.00.-Balance July 31, 2006 U.S.$ 5,083.49.-2) Observer Participation & Membership Applicationa) St. Paul University Manila, PHILIPPINES680 Pedro Gil St., Malate, 1004 Wynna Marie A. Medina, Presidentrecommended bySister Remy Angelo Unio, SPC, President, St. Paul University Philippines Rev. Fr. Gregorio L. Banaga, Jr. C.M., President, Adamson Universityb) Fuji Women's University, JAPANKita 16, Nishi 2, 001-0016 Sapporo, JAPAN Yoshiko Nagata, Presidentrecommended byRev. Hans-Jurgen Marx, President, Nanzan UniversitySister Junko Monica Shioya, Chairperson of the Board, Seisen Universityc) Catholic Sangji College, REPUBLIC OF KOREA393 Yulse-dong, Andong-si, Gyeongbuk, 760-711 Changrae Cho, Presidentrecommended byRev. Lim Byeng-hun, President, The Catholic University of Korea Rev. Kyung-Don Suh, Ph.D., President, The Catholic University of DaeguBusiness Meeting3) Yearbook of International Organizations entry updated May 17, 2006 Website: 4) IFCU Activitiesa) Administrative Council Meeting at St. Jerome's University, Waterloo, CANADA, March 6 - 9, 2006b) Bologna Process Official Seminar. "The Cultural Heritage and Academic Values of the European University and the Attractivenesss of the European Higher Education Area." Vatican City, March 30 - April 1, 2006c) IFCU 22nd General Assembly. "International Justice." Assumption University, Bangkok, THAILAND, July 31 - August 4, 20065) ASEACCU ActivitiesVisiting The Catholic University of Daegu, and The Catholic University of Korea, March 13 -15, 2006, in preparation for this year's Annual Conference.6) Theme for 15th ASEACCU Annual Conference, 2007La Salle University System, PHILIPPINES2006 The Catholic University of Daegu, KOREA, 24 - 26 August 2006."Humanity Development and Technological Advancement"2005 Fu Jen Catholic University, TAIWAN, 25-28 August 2005. "Education for Life and Professional Ethics"2004 Nanzan University, JAPAN, 27-29 August 2004. "Religion and Culture as a Challenge to Catholic Higher Education in Asia."2003 Assumption University, THAILAND, 7-9 August 2003. "Peace and Unity: The commitment and Responsibility of Catholic Colleges and Universities."2002 University of Notre Dame Australia, AUSTRALIA, 2-4 August 2002."Renewing Our Commitment to the Mission of Catholic Universities Through Academic, Administrative and Student Reform"Business Meeting2001 Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, INDONESIA, 30 August - 2 September 2001. "The Role of Catholic Universities in a Plural Society"2000 University of San Carlos & University of San Jose-Recoletos, Cebu City, PHILIPPINES, 24-27 August 2000. "Catholic Higher Education: Responding to the Culture of Today's Youth"1999 University of Santo Thomas, Manila, PHILIPPINES, 19-22 August 1999. "Catholic Higher Education in Asia for the 21st Century: The Challenges to Leadership"1998 Providence University, TAIWAN, 28-30 August 1998. "Our Concerns and Contributions to the Effects of the Current Economic Crisis on our Countries' Poor."1997 Ateneo de Manila University, Manila, PHILIPPINES, 29-31 August 1997. "Challenges to the Management of Our Schools."1996 The Catholic University of Korea & Sogang University, Seoul, KOREA, 23-25 August 1996. "Responses of the Institutions to the Rapidly Changing World"1995 Atma Jaya Yogyacarta University, Yogyacarta, INDONESIA, 25-28 August 1995. "Strengthening the Role of Catholic University Alumni in Pluralistic Communities in Asia of the Twenty-First Century"1994 University of St. La Salle, Bacolod City, PHILIPPINES, 26-29 August 1994. "Integration of Values Education into University Life in Asia"1993 Assumption University, THAILAND, 20-23 August 1993. "Value Education"7) Venue for the 2008 Annual Conference8) ASEACCU Homepage - Please update your information regularly!。