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Preliminary version

How the environment determines the efficiency of banks: acomparison between French and Spanish banking industry*Michel DietschUniversité Robert Schuman de Strasbourg, FranceAna Lozano VivasUniversidad de Málaga, SpainPreliminary version(September, 1996)*The research was supported by CNRS and DGICYT into the research program with reference PFECS95-0005.1. IntroductionTo understand the process of financial integration and convergence in Europe, it is necessary to know more about the competitiveness and the efficiency of banks in different European countries. However, cross-countries comparisons have to take into account the potential differences coming from some country-specific aspects of the banking technology, on one hand, and from the environmental and regulatory conditions, on the other hand. In particular, the economic environment are likely to differ significantly across countries and these differences could induce important differences of bank efficiency through different channels. For instance, differences of the income per capita, or differences of the densitydifferences in the nature of the of population across countries could produce significanthousehold’s demand for banking products and services.In this paper, we focus on two countries, France and Spain, and we try to deepen the analysis of the influence of the environment conditions on the cost efficiency of the French and Spanish banking industries. As pointed out by Berger and Humphrey (1996), this issue is not addressed in the international banking efficiency literature. From our point of view, cross-country comparison of efficiency requires to define properly a common frontier which incorporates the country-specific environmental conditions. Moreover, the integration of environmental variables in the analysis would allow to verify the degree of similarity between banking technology.Three categories of environmental variables are taken into account: the main macroeconomic which determine the banking products demand characteristics conditions, the structure and regulation of the banking industry, and the accessibility of banking services.Our results suggest that, before the introduction of environmental variables, the cost efficiency scores of Spanish banks were quite low, compared to those of the French banks. However, when the environmental variables were included in the model, the differences between the two countries banking industries reduced significantly. So, our resultsdemonstrate that the environmental variables appear to play a significant role in the explanation of the different efficiency scores between the two countries. More precisely, our results show that the Spanish banks seem to suffer excess costs, or structural disadvantages, in order to adjust to some environmental compared to French banks, such as the lower density of population, the lower income level of their customers or the lower rate of financial intermediation.A brief survey of the previous literature about cross-country comparisons of efficiency is presented in Section 2. The methodology for evaluating the cross-country efficiency when the particular environmental conditions of each country are taken in account is presented in Section 3. The data and the specification of inputs, outputs and environmental variables are described in Section 4. Section 5 presents the empirical results, and, finally, we provide some concluding remarks in Section 6.2. Previous literature in international comparison of banking efficiencyIn anticipation of the expected lowering of barriers to competition among financial institutions within the European Monetary Union (EMU), many EMU countries have recently experienced consolidation of their domestic banking industry. One reason for this consolidation is the belief that larger banks will be better able to adjust to the needs of the customers when they will be allowed to set up branches in any other country, subject only to the regulations of their home country. As domestic markets become more competitive, current differences in costs and productive efficiency among the banking industries of EMU countries will largely determine each country banking structure and future competitive viability. Thus, it is important to know how different or similar are current banking costsand productive efficiency between countries in order to predict increase in cross-border competition.There appears to be only six studies in the efficiency the effects of the expected literature that attempts todetermine and compare banking performances differences across-countries. Four of them3used nonparametric approaches while two used parametric approaches. In Berg, Forsund, Hjalmarson, and Suominen (1993), DEA analysis were relied upon to capture the differences in efficiency between Norway, Sweden, and Finland, first by defining separate frontiers for each country and comparing the countries pairwise based on each country’s frontier; and then defining a “common” frontier for doing the comparison among countries. Berg, Bukh and Forsund (1995) follow up the study by adding Denmark to the countries sample. The same four countries were investigated in Bergendahl (1995), using mixed optimal strategy for defining the efficient frontier.Fecher and Pestieau (1993) and Pastor, Perez, and Quesada (1995) applied DFA and DEA analysis to 11 OECD countries and 8 developed countries, respectively. The two studies pooled the cross-country data in order to define a common frontier. The former study found reverse results to these obtained by the Berg and al., and Bukh and al. studies taking the same set of countries.1Allen and Rai (1996) by using DFA and SFA carry out a systematic comparison of X-inefficiency measures across 15 developed countries distinguished by different regulatory environments. To do so, the countries were classified, previously, into two groups --universal and separated banking countries, respectively--delineated by their regulatory environment. Universal banking countries permit the functional integration of commercial and investment banking while separated banking countries do not. Once the inefficiency levels of those groups of banks were measured, the regularities in the inefficiency measures were investigated by regressing the firm specific inefficiency measures against various bank and market characteristics.The main caveat of these cross-country studies is that the common frontier is built under the belief that the differences in efficiency across countries only come from1See Berger and Humphrey (1996) for giving the details of the methodologies and results obtained on those managerial decisions.2 That is, they are assuming that the mean difference in efficiency is located in differences of technologies. However, it is possible that the underlying technologies of the banking services productions in Europe and other developed countries are quite similar. Thus, the differences in efficiency across countries have to take into account the way in which banking services are produced. This production process is determined by country-specific differences—that are almost always excluded from cost and efficiency analyses—and not only by technology differences. Just as different relative prices of capital and labor inputs will result in different intensity of the use of these inputs in the production process, if the bank minimize costs and if the technology is constant, different national environments will result in different observed inputs, liabilities, and assets mixes and number of branches, again if the technology for producing banking services is constant. If the country-specific variables are an important factor in the explanation of the efficiency differences, then the frontier we obtain if we neglect this factor will generate an overestimation of the inefficiency levels.3If the regulatory and economic environments faced by financial institutions are likely to differ importantly across countries, the cross-country comparisons of the preceding papers are difficult to interpret. It is because in these papers the specification of the common frontier is not correct due to the fact that they do not take into account the influence of the country-specific environmental variables that will justify the use of a common frontier in cross-country comparisons of efficiency.andHere, we propose to compare the cost efficiency of the banking industries in France Spain, introducing in the cost frontier estimations the appropriate environmental2Although Allen and Rai’s paper takes into account the regulatory environments in the distinctionbetween groups of countries in order to compare the inefficiency levels, they specified banks variables and not country variables in order to explain the differences in efficiency.3Pastor et al., 1995, did corrections on efficiency measures by introducing the services provided to customers by the branch network and the degree of solvency determined by the capital ratio. Although it is well known that adding a restriction when it is using DEA increases (or leaves unaltered) the efficiency of all and every bank in the sample, they found that the relative efficiency of the countries banks improved. So, the economic environment of each country is an important explanation of the inefficiencies differences across countries and their integration will permit to avoid that the choice of the technology base influences the results when a common technology base is used for comparisons between countries.variables, so that the cross countries comparisons of efficiency would not be determined by the technology of one of the countries. That is, our goal is to permit the proper comparison of banking efficiency across countries by using a global best-practice econometric frontier, from which the banks in each country would be compared against the same standard.3. MethodologyThe technology of the banks can be defined as the set of the specific methods that the banks use to combine financial and physical inputs in order to produce a certain amount of banking services, such as liquidity and payment services, portfolio services, loans services. Those methods are diversification, pooling of risk, financial information collection and evaluation, risk management, and so on.More or less, the methods used by banks are the same in large industrial countries. So, there is a presumption that the technology should be the same in countries like France and Spain. However, the environmental conditions faced by financial institutions are likely to differ importantly. For instance, the average level of wealth, and the saving behavior of economic agents could be different in countries like France and Spain. The differences in the taxation of saving products could persist across countries in Europe, even if banks could now supply the same products all around Europe. The bankruptcy loan is still different from one country to another, so that the efficiency of the loans contracts differs across countries, and so on.With the aim of addressing the deficiencies found in the methodology applied in the intercountry efficiency comparisons that exist in the literature, we propose here an alternative methodology. In this alternative methodology, the specific environmental conditions of each country play an important role in the definition and specification of the common frontier of different countries.(3)(4)In this model, C represents the total of operating and financial (interests) costs.6 The Yj(j=l,2,3) represent the banking products. The Pm (m=l,2,3) refer to the input prices.7 Smare the share of costs paid to input m.8The term lnx is the systematic error componentThe banking outputs and inputs used in this study are as result of following the value added approach of Berger and Humphrey (1992). In the value added approach, all items on both sides of the balance sheet may be identified as outputs or inputs depending on their contribution to the generation of bank value added. Accordingly, we specified three variable outputs: loans (composed of the value of home loans and other loans), produced deposits (the sum of demand, saving, and time deposits), and other productive assets (the sum of all existing deposits with banks, short-term investments, and other investments). Prices for three variable inputs were also specified: labor, physical capital, and deposits (capturing the interest cost of deposits).The prices of inputs were computed by using the data of the banks themselves. For6That assumes that the banks try to minimize total costs and not only to minimize operating costs.7The definition of the estimated common cost frontier corresponds to the equation system (3)-(4), where the equation (3) contains as additional dependent variables the vector of country-specific variables pointed in the equation (2).8The share equations sum to one, so the physical capital share equation was omitted from the estimation.9Standard symetry and input prices homogeneity constraints are imposed on the total cost function (3).instance, the price of labor was estimated by using the information relative to the wages and taxes associated to the use of labor as they appeared in the banks accounts. Consequently, because we used the prices paid by bank for each factor of production, inefficiencies associated with overpayments to real or financial factors can not be evaluated by our approach. That could be a source of underestimation of the inefficiencies for banks paying factors at higher prices than the market prices.To compute inefficiencies by using DFA the estimate of inefficiency for each firm in a panel data set is determined as the difference between the average residual of each firm and the average residual of the firm on the frontier. That is, the average of the annualfor that bank, residuals for each bank i is computed and it served as an estimate of lnxiaverage residual of each bank i is used in the computation of X-efficiency. The efficiency score is given by the following equation:average cost residual which is assumed to be the completely efficient bank. Therefore, X-EFF is an estimate of the ratio of predicted costs for the most efficient bank to predicted costs for any bank. It is just like measuring X-efficiency by the ratio of predicted costs for the most efficient bank to predicted costs for each bank. Nevertheless, this measure ofother fully during the period. As noted by Berger (1993), this error is likely to be larger for banks near the extremes of the average residual. These banks may have experienced good (bad) luck over the entire period. Consequently, the minimum average residual, which serves here as a benchmark for the calculus of the X-efficiency, could be overestimated. To treat this problem, we have computed truncated measures of X-efficiency, where the value of average residual of the qth ((1-q)th) quantile was given to each observation for which the value of the average residual is below (above) the qth ((1-q)th) quantile value. We have used three values of q: 1%, 5%, and 25%.4. The Data and VariablesData.The data are annual accounting data over the 1988-1992 period for commercial and savings banks10 in France and Spain. It is important to emphasize that, in each country, banks are competing in the same markets and for the same customers. They have in each country quite similar access to the capital markets. In Spain and France, financial innovation and deregulation that generated an increase of competition in the banking industry appeared during the mid-eighties.11Therefore, the period of this study was a period of rapid technological changes in the production of financial and banking services during which the banks had to make strategic decisions to adjust to the new environment and the new competition. In particular, the banks began to reduce the number of employees and tried to adjust to the new environment in substituting capital for labor, specially in France.Only banks that were in existence for all 5 years were kept in the sample. The final sample used in this study contains 223 French banks and 101 Spanish banks12.Variable outputs and inputs.Table 1 presents the average values of bank outputs and inputs prices (converted in U.S.dollars)13 over the period 1988-1992 in each country. We observe that the average10By the First and Second Banking European Directives, these three categories of banks are now submitted to the same regulation.11During these years, new short-term securities were introduced, money market was modernized and it was left open to non-financial firms, new derivatives markets were created, interest rate controls were abolished and, finally, capital controls were suppressed.12Data come from official sources: Anuario de la Confederación de Cajas de Ahorros y del Consejo Superior Bancario, and Commission Bancaire. For the purpose of this study, the three French largest banks were excluded of the French sample, as their size would dominate the scale and distort the estimations. The smallest banks and the foreign banks were also excluded from the French and Spanish samples.13All variables initially measured in domestic currencies -including outputs, inputs prices or environmental variables - were converted into a common currency, following the purchasing power parity hypothesis. Here, we chose the U.S. dollar.size of the total balance sheet and the loans portfolio are very similar. This is due to the fact that our sample contains a lot of regional medium-sized banks. However, the average size of deposits differ across countries. One reason is that in France the time deposits interest rate regulation created an incentive in favor of other liquid investments, such as investments in mutual funds and money market deposits (the so-called OPCVM). So, French banks have to substitute money markets liabilities and bonds to time deposits in order to finance loans.The prices of inputs differ from one country to the other. In particular, we observe that both the labor price and the physical capital price are higher in France. This is mainly the consequence of the differences in the structure and regulation of the labor market and the real estate markets. However, due to the increase of competition in the deposits markets in Spain, the average cost of bank liabilities is higher in this country over the period. That is part of the explanation of the difference in total costs. Indeed, financial costs represent more than two third of total banking costs in Spain.Environmental variables.The environmental variables selected and used in order to identify the common frontier are macroeconomic variables as well as variables which explain the peculiar features of each country banking industry, such as regulatory conditions, banking structure and accessibility of banking services. We categorised those variables in three groups (Table 2). The first group is called “Main conditions”and includes a measure of the density of population, the income per capita, and the density of demand of each country. These indicators describe the main conditions in which banks exert their activities. The density of population is measured by the ratio of inhabitants per square kilometer. We assume that banking services supply in areas of low population density would generate higher banking costs, and at the same time would impede banks to obtain high efficiency levels. On the other hand, the income per capita of a country--measured as the ratio of Gross National Product per number of inhabitants--affects numerous factors related to the demand and supply for deposits and loans. Countries with higher income per capita are expected to have a banking system that operates in a mature environment resulting in more competitive interest rates, profit margins and efficiency levels. Finally, the density of demand, measured by the ratio of deposits by square kilometer,is assumed to be a relevant feature determining efficiency. Banks which operate in markets with a lower density of demand would likely incur higher expenses, ceteris paribus.The second category of environmental variables is called “Bank structure and regulation” and contains variables describing the structure and regulation of the banking industry in each country such as the degree of concentration, the average capital ratio, and the intermediation ratio of the banking industry of each country. The concentration of the banking industry is measured by the Herfindahl index defined as the sum of squared market shares of assets of all banks in each country. In analyzing market structure we consider each country to be a market. Since banks operate exclusively throughout each country and since entry has until recently been restricted by national borders, a national market is appropriate. We expect that higher concentration would be associated with higher costs as well as lower costs. If higher concentration is a result of the market power, concentrationand costs go in the same way. However, it could be possible that higher concentration would be associated with lower costs if the concentration is the result of either superior management or greater efficiency of the production processes. As proxy of regulatory conditions we define the average capital ratio, measured by equity capital as a fraction of total assets. Usually, lower capital ratio imply higher risk taking and greater leverage which could result in increased borrowing costs, leading to lower efficiency levels. The last variable included into the second group of environmental variables is the intermediation ratio, defined as the ratio of total deposits over total loans. By using this variable, it is possible to capture the differences between the two domestic banking industries in terms of their ability to convert deposits into loans. As higher the intermediation ratio is, as higher would be the banking industry costs.Finally, the third category of environmental variables refers to the accessibility of the banking services for customers, measured by the number of branches by square kilometer. This variable is used as a measure of branch density that takes in account the space dimension for each national market. It is also a good indicator of the potential overcapacity of the branch network in each country. This variable could measure the degree of competition in the banking market. Indeed, before the banking deregulation of the mid-eighties, the competition between banks took mainly the form of a non-price competition and during that period the banks compete by increasing their number of branches. This non-price competition strategy appeared in France as well as in Spain.particular, the capital ratio is very different. This difference could be due to the fact that during the period of our study—which precede the effective introduction of the capital ratio international regulation—the solvency constraints imposed by the Spanish banking authorities obliged Spanish banks to maintain a higher level of capital ratio, compared to that of French banks. Another difference between the two domestic banking industries come from the fact that the intermediation ratio is higher in Spain than in France. That means that Spanish banks have to collect a higher level of costly deposits (in terms of operating costs) in order to lend the same amount of loans. In these conditions, it seems more expensive to exert banking activities in Spain than in France, ceteris paribus. However, the degree of concentration of the banking industry is quite the same in the two countries.Finally, the accessibility of banking services is higher in Spain than in France. That is consistent with the previous observation concerning the density of population and the amount of deposits by km2.So, the conditions in which Spanish banks operate seem to produce higher level of operating costs. However, again, we should emphasize the fact that the number of branches could be an indicator of the competition imperfectness in banking markets.5. Empirical ResultsOur empirical exercise starts with the measurement of efficiency scores of each French and Spanish banks from its own national frontier—that is, assuming that the technology used for the banks in each country is different. These results are summarized in Table 3. They show that on average the level of efficiency is the same in France and Spain. This average efficiency level is around 88% over the 1988-1992 period. In other words, French and Spanish banks are on average equally efficient in their respective countries. However, given these results, it is not possible to predict what will happen if the banks would decide to operate in the other country. That is, it is not possible to conclude whether the French or Spanish banks will reach the same efficiency level in the othercountry than they get in their own country. To answer this question, we have to measure efficiency scores from a common frontier, and for that purpose we defined the common frontier by following the traditional approach. We measured the efficiency levels of each country banks from a common frontier by pooling the data set of the banks of the two countries, Table 4. The results show that while the average efficiency level of the French banks appear to be 58%, the Spanish banks are operating with an average efficiency level of only 9%. This surprising result is in accordance with our assumption that if the country-specific variables are an important factor in the then the frontier we build while neglecting this the inefficiency levels.explanation of the efficiency differences,factor will generate an overestimation ofintroduce those variables in the common frontier, the efficiency levels improve significantly in both countries.The influence of the environmental variables seems in general to conform to the expectations (Table 6). All the coefficients on the environmental variables in the estimation of the cost function are significant at the 1% level of confidence. That proves the effectiveness of the role of such variables. First, we consider the role of the “main conditions” or macroeconomic conditions. Contrary to the expectations, the sign of the coefficient of the density of population variable is positive. That shows that a higher density contributes to increase banking costs, instead of to decrease them, as expected. The reason could come in part from the characteristics of the banking competition. In particular, if banks compete by opening more branches, for strategic reasons, that could create an inflation of the bank operating costs. Moreover, in this form of non price competition, banks should have to open branches in large cities where the real estate is most costly and the salaries higher. The sign of the income per capita is also positive, which shows that the higher is the development level of the economy, the higher are the operating and financial costs that the banks suffer when supplying a given level of services. The sign of the density of the demand is negative. The explanation could be that it is likely more costly to give satisfaction to a less important demand of banking services, because that demand is less informed and less concentrated. Another argument is that a more important demand permits banks to extract higher scale and scope economies.Second, we consider the variables describing the structure and competition of the domestic banking industry. We observe that the banking costs are increasing with the degree of imperfection of the banking competition. In particular, the sign of the Herfindhal index variable is positive. If we take that index as a measure of the market power of banks, the positive sign tends to demonstrate that higher market power induces banks to spend more in staff or personal expenses. On the other hand, the sign of the intermediation rate variable is positive, showing that a greater amount of deposits by unit of loans induce logically an increase of banking costs. And finally, the sign of the capital ratio is negative showing that it is less costly to produce banking services if the banks are better capitalized. As mentioned before, one explanation could come from the existence of a negative relationship between bank risk and bank borrowing costs.Third, we consider the accessibility of the banking products for the customers. The observation shows that the sign of this variable is positive. The lower the density of bank。



专利名称:PRELIMINARY FORMING APPARATUS,PRELIMINARY FORMING METHOD ANDMAIN FORMING METHOD THAT USE THEAPPARATUS, AND FILM WITH PICTURE 发明人:IMAI, Kunio申请号:JP2003009853申请日:20030804公开号:WO04/056552P1公开日:20040708专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A preliminary forming apparatus and preliminary forming method capable of performing preliminary forming with high dimensional accuracy between a picture on a film and a three-dimensional shape of the formed film, and a film with picture used in the apparatus and method are provided. A preliminary forming apparatus has a vertical clamp member (68j) for sandwiching and holding a film with picture supplied by a film-supplying device and having a through hole (68a), and has a heating device (70) for heating the film with picture, being approachable to and departable from a preliminary form portion (F). A preliminary forming die (80) for preliminary forming that is performed through the through hole (68a) and a film die-cutting device for die-cutting that is performed after the preliminary forming are approachable to and departable from the preliminary form portion (F). The preliminary forming die (80) is provided with a convex die that is brought in contact with a plasticized film with picture and a concave die for receiving the convex die to perform vacuum forming. A pitch detection portion (68n’) for detecting a film mark (M1) is provided within one pitch width with respect to a film flowdirection (X) of a film (4) with picture which film is opposed to the preliminary form portion (F).申请人:IMAI, Kunio地址:JP国籍:JP代理机构:KITAMURA, Koji更多信息请下载全文后查看。



16、药理毒理研究资料综述。 17、主要药效学试验资料及文献资料。 18、一般药理研究的试验资料及文献资料。 19、急性毒性试验资料及文献资料。 20、长期毒性试验资料及文献资料。 21、过敏性(局部、全身和光敏毒性)、溶血性和局部(血管、 皮肤、粘膜、肌肉等)刺激性等主要与局部、全身给药相关的特 殊安全性试验研究和文献资料。 22、复方制剂中多种成份药效、毒性、药代动力学相互影响的 试验资料及文献资料。 23、致突变试验资料及文献资料。 24、生殖毒性试验资料及文献资料。 25、致癌试验资料及文献资料。 26、依赖性试验资料及文献资料。 27、动物药代动力学试验资料及文献资料。
这是由于胍丁胺以硫酸盐的形式存在,且分子含有 易于质子化的氨基和胍基,具有极强的亲水性,这一性 质与硫酸胍丁胺油水分配系数的研究结论是一致的。
➢ 毛细管法
按照中国药典(2000年版二部) 的方法测量其熔点。 实验中随温度升高,硫酸胍丁胺的颜色开始呈棕黄, 然后逐渐变棕褐色,固相消失不明显,无法获得本品 的准确熔点。
2、改变给药途径且尚未在国内外上市销售的制剂。 3、已在国外上市销售但尚未在国内上市销售的药品:
(1)已在国外上市销售的原料药及其制剂; (2)已在国外上市销售的复方制剂; (3)改变给药途径并已在国外上市销售的制剂。 4、改变已上市销售盐类药物的酸根、碱基(或者金属元素),但不改变其 药理作用的原料药及其制剂 。
Impurities in Drug Substance (ICH) Q3A (R)
Classification of impurities
Organic Impurities (Process and drug related)



















Preliminary Studies

Preliminary Studies

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animals, select agents, MPI, consortium, support, resource sharing
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Preliminary Studies Supporting Feasibility
Rat Model to Study Methotrexate-Induced CNS Injury. Purpose was to a) develop a rat model that employed intraventricular administration of methotrexate, and b) assess effects of methotrexate on cells in the CNS. Summary of Methods: Fisher 344 male rats were anesthetized and methotrexate (4 mg/kg) was administered through the left lateral ventricle with an Alzet osmotic pump and brain infusion cannula. After rats regain consciousness, they were returned to their cages, and examined daily for signs of CNS toxicity, infection, neurological damage, and/or failure to thrive. Animals received either methotrexate (n = 4) or artificial CSF (n = 3), and were euthanized 2 days later. Histological studies of sections from brain cortex were assessed for astrocyte reactivity using glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a commonly used marker to identify astrocytosis in a wide range of neurological injury studies. Figure 1 shows GFAP positive cells in brain cortex taken after 2 days of treatment with methotrexate or artificial CSF.

list of FEM books and articles

list of FEM books and articles

Books∙Finite Element Procedures, K. J. Bathe, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1996.∙The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis, T. J.R. Hughes, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987.∙The Finite Element Method, 4th ed., Vol. 1, O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, McGraw-Hill, London, 1989.∙The Finite Element Method, 4th ed., Vol. 2, O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, McGraw-Hill, London, 1991.∙Finite Elements of Nonlinear Continua, J. T. Oden, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1972.∙Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures, 3rd ed., T. Belytschko, W. K.Liu and B. Moran, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, 2000.∙Finite Elements: their design and performance, R. H. MacNeal, Marcel Dekker, New York, New York, 1994.∙The Finite Element Analysis of Shells - Fundamentals, D. Chapelle and K. J. Bathe, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.∙Inelastic Analysis of Solids and Structures, M. Kojic and K. J. 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Meek, Chapman & Hall, London, 1991. ∙Finite Element Method: Basic Technique and Implementation, P. Tong and J. N.Rossettos, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1977.∙Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics for Finite Element Analysis, 2nd ed., J. Bonet and R.D. Wood, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2008.∙Dynamics of Structures, 2nd ed., R. W. Clough and J. Penzien, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993.∙Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, 2nd ed.,A. K. Chopra, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001.∙Introduction to Finite Element Vibration Analysis, M. Petyt, Cambridge University Press, UK, 1990.∙Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics, 2nd ed., R. R. Craig Jr. and A. J. Kurdila, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2006.∙Matrix Analysis of Structural Dynamics: Applications and Earthquake Engineering, F.Y. Cheng, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001.∙Structural Dynamics: Theory and Applications, J. W. Tedesco, W. G. McDougal and C.A. 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Preliminary Draft

Preliminary Draft

New topographic functionals:RORS and DRSEdward Earl and David MetzlerPreliminary DraftThis(draft)paper is a continuation of"A new topographic functional"[2], which de…nes omnidirectional relief and steepness(ORS).Refer to that paper for background concepts and notation.1Reduced ORS(RORS)It is common to see a list of the highest N peaks in a region,for example,the top 531peaks in Colorado,known as the"fourteeners"—the peaks exceeding14,000 feet.However,such height-based lists must include some sort of cuto¤criterion, to avoid listing trivial subpeaks(or,in the logical extreme,an in…nity of points surrounding the summit of the highest peak on the list).Some measures,notably topographic prominence[1],need no such cuto¤;such a measure automatically factors in the independence of a summit,meaning that no trivial subpeak will get a high value.We created RORS to have this feature:it is a measure of a summit’s2independent impressiveness.In particular,we will see that its most important property is that it is automatically discrete:for any">0,the set of points p with RORS(p)>"is discrete(and hence…nite,in a bounded domain).However,our particular de…nition of RORS involves more choices than we made for ORS,some of which are justi…ed more on aesthetic than mathematical grounds.To…x ideas,consider the example of the Teton Range in Wyoming.The highest point,and the point with the highest ORS value(ORS=683m),is the summit of the Grand Teton.See the topographic map or better,view the range in Google Earth(go to N43.74W110.8).If we were to make a list of the"best"points,as judged by ORS,in the range,the summit of the Grand Teton would clearly top the list.But what should be number two?Certainly not the second-highest boulder on the same summit,and perhaps not even nearby peaks such as Mount Owen(just north of the Grand Teton),which is overshadowed signi…cantly by its neighbor,and which could reasonably be considered a subsidiary point on the same massif. The RORS value of Mount Owen will be substantially reduced,compared to its ORS value,by the presence of the Grand Teton nearby.One way to say this is that,given that the Grand Teton has a high ORS value,the fact that Mount Owen has a high ORS value does not convey that much new information,since Mount Owen is part of the same massif.The RORS value of Mount Owen is supposed to re‡ect,roughly,the relief and steepness that it has apart from its being a part of the Grand Teton massif.1The exact number depends on exactly what list is used.2Actually,RORS,like ORS,can be applied to any point on a landscape.However the points with large RORS values tend to be(but are not always)summits.1The number two on the RORS-ranked list for the Teton Range is in fact Mount Moran,which is signi…cantly more independent that Mount Owen.We present ORS and RORS numbers for selected points in the Teton Range in Section2.We…rst de…ne the RORS of a reference point p0relative to a speci…c set of points p1;:::;p n,and a landscape function h.3One should think of p0as a summit to be evaluated,and p1;:::;p n as nearby,more impressive summits.To obtain RORS,we modify the integrand in the de…nition of ORS so that each sample point contributes only to the extent that"viewing"p0from x is"more impressive"than viewing p1;:::;p n.Precisely,we setu i(x)=h(p i) h(x)k p i x k(i=0;:::;n)andv i(x)=f(u i(x))wheref(u)= 4 3 2u arctan u ln u2+1 arctan2u 1=2is the modi…ed slope function used in ORS.Then for each i=1;:::;n,v0(x) v i(x)is a measure of the"impressiveness"of the reference point p0as seen from sample point x,masked,or reduced,by the impressiveness of the point p i. Hence a simple candidate for the new integrand ismin f max(v0(x) v i(x);0)g:i=1;:::;nNote that taking the max with zero prevents negative contributions;once a nearby peak has stolen all of a certain sample point’s contribution to RORS(p0), it can’t do any more damage.Similarly,using min(instead of,for example, subtracting the sum of the v i)lets only the most signi…cant detractor act at each sample point.These are choices we make on empirical and practical grounds; one could use other conventions.We actually perform one more modi…cation on the functions v i before collect-ing them to build the RORS integrand.To explain this,consider two scenarios. In the…rst,p0lies directly between the sample point x and a better peak p1; one can think,for example,of p0as a subpeak on a ridge of p1,with the sample point at the base of the ridge.In the second scenario,p0and p1are diamet-rically opposed as viewed from x;for example,they could be on opposite sides of a valley,with the sample point on the valley‡oor.In the latter scenario,it is plausible to consider p0as more independent of p1than it is in the former, due to the relative position of the two peaks as viewed from the sample point. You can see these two scenarios in the Swiss Alps in Google Earth:Scenario1, Scenario2.To distinguish these situations,we introduce an angle weighting,as 3In the remainder of the paper we will always use h(p)as the reference height for a reference point p.2follows.For i =1;:::;n ,we let i (x )be the angle between the rays !xp 0and !xp i,and we let w i (x )=12(1+cos i (x ))=cos 2i (x )2Note that w i varies from 1,in the ridge scenario,down to 0,in the valley scenario.We then de…ne the RORS integrand g to beg (x )=min f max(v 0(x ) w i (x )v i (x );0):i =1;:::;n gand we de…ne 4RORS(p 0;p 1;:::;p n ;h )=k g k 2=24Z R 2g (x )dA (x )351=2This gives a notion of the "impressiveness"of a point as reduced by a speci…c list of other points.To make a "best"list for a region,one then follows the following procedure to obtain an absolute (not relative)version of RORS.The …rst point on the list,say p 1is the maximum of ORS for the region.The second point is the point whose RORS,relative to p 1,is maximum.The third is the4Weuse single integral signs throughout this paper,in contrast to our use of double integralsfor subsets of R 2in the previous paper.This is to avoid cumbersome quadruple integral notation for DRS.3point whose RORS,relative to p0;p1,is maximum,and so on.This yields a list with the property that the n th entry is the best among all points considered relative to the points above it on the list.However,if done by the letter,this procedure is obviously cumbersome, especially if we want a long list of best peaks.However,it is easy to make approximations and simpli…cations that reduce the time required to compute RORS signi…cantly.First,since RORS ORS,one need not consider points that do not have a relatively high ORS value.Second,since the e¤ect of re-duction falls o¤relatively quickly with distance,one need not include far-away peaks as potential reducers.Third,reducing by many points almost never pro-duces much more reduction than reducing by the most"powerful"(usually the closest)two or three reducing points.Nonetheless,calculating the top50points by RORS in a U.S.state,for example,is a compute-intensive process.It is also somewhat sensitive to small errors in the data,but that is unavoidable for a measure of this type—RORS is a"winner-take-all"measure,where two peaks that are close to being tied (and close physically to each other)can get forcibly separated on the list,with one being declared the winner,and the other getting drastically reduced by the winner.It is easy to show that any measure that is automatically discrete will have this property,so this type of sensitivity is unavoidable.(Recall that ORS, on the other hand,is continuous in the input data,and in the cases of interest to us,even Lipschitz.But it is certainly not automatically discrete—it serves a di¤erent purpose from RORS.)2Examples of RORS calculationsWe will present a number of examples of RORS calculations in a later draft of this paper.At this point we refer the reader to our lists on the Peaklist website. 3Domain Relief and Steepness(DRS)First we recall from[2]the de…nition of DRS of a region.Roughly,it is the RMS average of the ORS value for every point in the domain.But note two modi…cations:…rst,given a bounded domain K R2,and a landscape function h,we rede…ne ORS to use sample points only within the given domain.Second, instead of declaring our modi…ed slope integrand f to have f(u)=0for u<0, we extend it as an even function.55This change is not essential,but it does make the resulting formula more symmetric.It is easy to verify that using the original convention for f instead results in a de…nition of DRS p2times that given here.that is1=4Hence,with notation as in Section ??of [2],we de…ne the new version of ORS,appropriate to this setting,asORS(p ;h 0;h;K )=k f u k 2;K =24Z Kf 2h 0 h (x )k p x k dA (x )351=2and we de…neDRS(h;K )=241A (K )ZK ORS 2(p ;h (p );h;K )dA (p )351=2where A (K )is the area of K .(If A (K )=0we de…ne DRS(h;K )=0;we will justify this below.)This can be expressed directly in terms of the (new)modi…ed slope integrand f as follows.Abusing notation slightly,let u (p ;x )=(h (p ) h (x ))=k p x k .ThenDRS(h;K )=1p k f u k 2;K=241A (K )Z K Kf 2 h (p ) h (x )k p x k dA (p )dA (x )351=2Note that this (quadruple)integral is symmetric in the variables p and x ,and that it has units of length,just as ORS does (recall that f is dimensionless).Now we turn to results that go further than what we had in [2],but are not yet optimal.First,we note that DRS satis…es obvious scaling and invariance properties akin to those satis…ed by ORS .We won’t write them down explicitly.Next,we want to give a simple property of DRS which clari…es exactly how much it is like,and how much it is unlike,and ordinary RMS average.The di¤erence comes from taking sample points only from the region K .For an ordinary average,the following inequality would be an equality.Lemma 1Let the landscape function h be …xed and suppose K =K 1[K 2with K 1;K 2disjoint.ThenDRS 2(h;K ) A (K 1)DRS 2(h;K 1)+A (K 2)DRS 2(h;K 2)A (K )5Proof.Let g(K)=A(K)DRS2(h;K).Theng(K)=Z K K f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x)=Z K1 K1f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x)+Z K2 K2f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x)+2Z K1 K2f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x)g(K1)+g(K2)which is what we wanted to show.We refer to this property as the"superadditivity"of DRS(although more properly it is g which is superadditive).Proposition2DRS is continuous as a function of h in the L1norm. Proof.This is clear since DRS is(the square root of)an integral of ORS2, which is continuous in L1.In fact,DRS is substantially better than this simple proposition indicates, since it averages out the variation in ORS.With mild hypotheses,it is probably Lipschitz in h with respect to the L1norm.In other words,a tall but skinny feature will contribute only a small amount to DRS:We have not yet worked out the details,however.But even L1continuity is signi…cant,since DRS is a measure of ruggedness,which would ordinarily be calculated with derivatives.We can also look at continuity in the region K.We de…ne a metric on the set of bounded measurable regions K by taking the area(Lebesgue measure)of the symmetric di¤erence:d(K;K0)=m(K K0)There is another way to write this metric.Let K be the characteristic function of K.This is in L1exactly when K has…nite area.Then it is easy to see thatd(K;K0)=k K K0k1In other words,taking the characteristic function embeds the set of bounded measurable regions isometrically into L1.Proposition3Fix a landscape h.Then DRS(h;K)is continuous as a function of K with respect to the metric d.6Proof.On the set of regions K with positive area,it is enough to show thatthe function g(K)=A(K)DRS2(h;K)is continuous.Note that in general, d(K;K[K0) d(K;K0) d(K;K[K0)+d(K0;K[K0)Hence we can assume without loss of generality that K K0,and we let L=K0 K.We haveg(K)=Z K K f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x)sog(K0) g(K)=Z K0 K0f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x) Z K K f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x) =Z L K f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x)+Z K L f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x)+Z L L f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x)2Z L ORS2(p;h(p);h;K)dA(p)+Z L ORS2(p;h(p);h;L)dA(p)2Z L ORS2(p;h(p);h)dA(p)+Z L ORS2(p;h(p);h)dA(p)3A(L)k h k21=3d(K;K0)k h k21using the‡agpole bound on ORS.Hence g is actually Lipschitz,and DRS is continuous.Now we just need to show that as K shrinks to zero area,its DRS value(notjust g(K))goes to zero.We haveDRS2(h;K)=1A(K)Z K K f2(u(p;x))dA(p)dA(x)42A(K)Z K K j u(p;x)j dA(p)dA(x)4 2supx2K Z K j u(p;x)j dA(p)7Now,in polar coordinates centered at x ,j u (p ;x )j =j h (p ) h (x )j k p x k =j h (p ) h (x )j r2k h k 1r(a.e.)Hence we need to boundZ K 1rdA (p )which,for a …xed area A (K )=k ,is clearly maximized in the case where K is a disc of radius a =p k= centered at x ,in which caseZ K 1r dA (p )=Z 2 0Z p k= 0dr d =2p kand this is independent of x ,soDRS 2(h;K ) 16 2k h k 1p A (K )which clearly shows continuity as A (K )!0.We now look at some optimization problems for DRS :Problem 1:Given a …xed landscape h and a set K 0,…nd a subset K K 0which maximizes DRS (h;K ).Problem 2:Given a …xed landscape h ,a set K 0,and k >0,…nd a subset K K 0which maximizes DRS (h;K )subject to the constraint A (K )=k .Problem 1is a little more natural than Problem 2,since it lacks the area parameter.Note that the fact that DRS (h;K )!0as A (K )!0means that this problem will avoid a simple pathology that found be found in most problems of the form "…nd the region with the greatest average X "—usually,a search for such a region will simply converge on the maximum of X on the region.The superadditivity of DRS avoids such a pathology—a small region will always have a small DRS simply because it includes very few sample points.However in our numerical calculations for real-world landscapes,the optimal region does tend to be fairly small—not surprisingly,the horizontal scale of the optimal region approaches (in order of magnitude,at least)the vertical scale.So it can be a single massif or a small,particularly rugged subrange of a larger range.We will discuss particular examples below.However,beyond this simple,avoided pathology,there is a much larger prob-lem of whether a minimizing region exists at all,even in Problem 2,with a …xed8area.It is unclear whether,without further assumptions on K or h ,we will get a sequence of progressively better regions which has no limit (in an appropriate topology).This is of course a classic situation in the calculus of variations,and we have not yet investigated this problem thoroughly.We can lay out a modi…ed problem:Problem 3:Given a …xed landcape h ,in some class C L 1,a class K of allowed regions,and a set K 02K ,…nd a subset K K 0,with K 2K ,which maximizes DRS (h;K ).We hope that the classes C and K need not be too restrictive to guarantee a solution.Two examples of our vague thinking along these lines:Questions:(1)If h is smooth (say C 1)then can we guarantee a solution to Problem 3,with no a priori restriction on K ?Will the optimal K have a relatively nice boundary?Must we make explicit assumptions about the niceness of the set of critical points of h ?(2)For an arbitrary h 2L 1,if we require K to be convex,can we guarantee a solution to Problem 3?Note that even if one or both of these questions has a positive answer,nei-ther is particularly satisfactory,since both restrictions are rather severe for our setting.Mountain ranges have vertical cli¤s,so h is typically not even continu-ous (although it usually isn’t a horribly discontinuous function,so perhaps some sort of piecewise smoothness is an appropriate assumption).And the shape one would expect to get "naturally"(without a priori restriction on K )for a maxi-mizer would not usually be convex (picture the contours of a mountain range).But both questions are reasonable starting points,about which we have though a bit—but we’re not yet willing to write anything down.However,turning from the pure approach to a more applied,numerical ap-proach,we see no signs of any major practical obstacle to solving (approxi-mately)Problems 1and 2.Coarse-gridded numerical approximations to this problem yield stable results.For example,our calculations indicate that the most rugged region in the contiguous 48states is the Picket Range of the North Cascades,in Washington State.[3](And no,the optimal regions don’t tend to be convex,or even always connected.)We won’t go into the details of the calculations here (at least for this draft)but we will mention one practical note about how we actually proceed with Problem 2.We actually consider a slightly more general form of DRS ,namelyDRS q (h;K )=241A (K )q Z KORS 2(p ;h (p );h;K )dA (p )351=2Note that the ordinary case is when q =1,and if q =0then we get the "total"L 2norm,instead of the "average".So clearly the analog of Problem 1is silly for the case q =0,as the optimal region will always be all of K 0.But for 0<q <1,the analog of Problem 1is just as well-de…ned as it is for q =1,and it will tend to give larger and larger optimal regions as q decreases.It is not much harder to see that adjusting q gives an alternate parametrization to using A (K )for problem 2.This has proved convenient,as it avoids having to deal9with the…xed-area constraint in that problem.So in our calculations presentedon the website,we have actually looked for overall maximizers of DRS q for various q,to indirectly solve Problem2.It may also very well be the case that some DRS q with q=1is of as muchor more interest in its own right than DRS=DRS1.It has an extra arbitrary parameter,and we see no clear reason to pick some paricular q=1,which iswhy we prefer DRS1.But further investigation may make us prefer some other choice of q.References[1]"Topographic prominence",http:/wiki/Topographic_prominence[2]Edward Earl and David Metzler,"A new topographic functional",submitted to the American Mathematical Monthly.Available at/spire/theory/paper.pdf[3]/spire/10。


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APQP产品质量先期策划:491.计划和确定项目Plan and defineprogram 13=6+701. 顾客的声音Voice of the customer(VOC)02. 业务计划和营销策略Business plan and marketing strategy(VOB)03. 产品/过程标杆数据Product/process benchmark data(VOP)04. 产品/过程假设Product/process assumptions(VOP)05. 产品可靠性研究Product reliability studies06. 顾客输入Customer inputs07. 设计目标Design goals08. 可靠性和质量目标Reliability and quality goals09. 初始材料清单 Preliminary bill of material10. 初始过程流程图: Preliminary Process flow chart11. 初始产品和过程特殊特特性清单: Preliminary identification of special product and process characteristics12. 产品保证计划Product assurance plan13. 管理者支持Management support2.产品设计和开发Product designand development 1301. 设计失效模式及后果分析: Design failure mode and effects analysis02. 可制造性和装配设计: Design for manufacturability andassembly(DFM/A)03.设计验证: Design verification(DV)04. 设计评审: Design reviews(DR)05. 样件制造控制计划: Prototype build- control plan06. 工程图样Engineering Drawings07. 工程规范Engineering Specifications08. 材料规范Material Specifications09. 图样和规范的更改Drawing and specification changes10. 新设备、工装和设施要求New equipment, tooling and facilities requirements11.产品和过程特殊特性: Special product and process characteristics12. 量具/试验设备要求Gages/testing equipment requirements13. 小组可行性承诺和管理者支持Team feasibility commitment and management support3.过程设计和开发Process designand development 1101. 包装标准和规范Packaging standards and specifications02. 产品/过程质量体系评审Product/Process Quality system reivew03. 过程流程图: Process flow chart04. 工厂平面布置图Floor plan layout05. 特性矩阵图 Characteristics Matrix06. 过程失效模式及后果分析: Process failure mode and effects analysis07. 试生产控制计划: Pre-launch control plan08. 过程指导书:Process instructions09. 测量系统分析计划: Measurement systems analysis plan10. 初始过程能力研究计划Preliminary process capability study plan11. 管理者支持Management support4.产品和过程确认Product andprocess validation 801. 试生产Significant Production Plan02. 测量系统分析: Measurment systmes analysis03. 初始过程能力研究: Preliminary process capability study04. 生产零件批准: Production part approval05. 生产确认试验: Production validation testing06. 包装评估: Packaging evaluation07. 生产控制计划: Production control plan08. 质量策划认定和管理者支持: quality planning sign-off and management support5.反馈评定和纠正措施Feedback,assessment and correctiveaction: 401. 减少变差Reduced variation02. 增进顾客满意Improved customer satisfaction03.增进交付和服务Improved delivery and service04. 习得经验/最佳实践的有效应用Effective use of lessons learned/best practicsePPAP01.设计记录Design record02.工程变更文件Authorized engineering change documents03.顾客工程批准Customer engineering approval04.DFMEA05.过程流程图: Process flow diagram06. PFMEA07. 控制计划: CP08. 测量系统分析研究: MSA studies09. 全尺寸测量结果Dimensional results10. 材料/性能试验结果的记录Records of material/ performance test results11. 初始过程研究Initial process studies12. 合格实验室的文件要求Qualified laboratory documentation13. 外观批准报告Appearance approval report AAR14. 生产件样品Sample production parts15. 标准样品Master sample16. 检查辅具Checking aids17. 顾客的特殊要求Customer-specific requirements18. 零件提交保证书Part submission warrant PSW。

Epibiontne nalevniky celade vorticellidae niektorych lokalit zapadneho slovenska

Epibiontne nalevniky celade vorticellidae niektorych lokalit zapadneho slovenska

Folia faunistica Slovaca, 1997, 2: 31-40EPIBIONTNÉ NÁLEVNÍKY ČEĽADE VORTICELLIDAE(CILIOPHORA, PERITRICHEA) NIEKTORÝCH LOKALÍTZÁPADNÉHO SLOVENSKAE DUARD S TLOUKAL, D UŠAN M ATISKatedra zológie, Mlynská dolina B-1, 842 15 Bratislava[]S TLOUKAL, E., M ATIS, D., 1997: Epibiotic Ciliates of family Vorticellidae (Ciliop-hora, Peritrichea) at some localities of western Slovakia. Folia faunistica Slo-vaca 2: 31-40Abstract: Ten species od the genus Vorticella L INNAEUS, 1767 and four spe-cies of Carchesium E HRENBERG, 1830 were reported during investigation ofstagnant water bodies of western Slovakia. New substrates of five specieshave been observed.Key words: Vorticella, Carchesium, Vorticellidae, Peritricha, Ciliophora, Slo-vakia, freshwater fauna, faunisticsÚVODPrvé spoľahlivé údaje o výskyte epibiontných alebo parazitických druhov patriacich do podtriedy Peritrichea z územia dnešnej Slovenskej republiky pochádzajú z roku 1946 (S LÁDEČEK 1946), údaje o výskyte epibiontných nálevníkov sa však začínajú objavovať až neskôr (napríklad D UDICH, 1947; E RTL, 1969; H ANUŠKA, 1962; M AGALA, 1980; M ATIS, 1973, 1977). Tieto práce sú však venované prevažne ekologicko-faunistickým štúdiám kon-krétnych biotopov a zmienky o zástupcoch podtriedy Peritrichea sú často len okrajové, prí-padne determinácia druhov skončila na úrovni rodu. Týmto spôsobom sú spracované údaje z väčšiny vodných diel na Slovensku, niektorých riek postihnutých antropickými zásahmi (Nitra, Váh, Hornád, Dunaj) a z ďalších typov vodných biotopov. Podrobnejšiu pozornosťepibiontným druhom nálevníkov venoval až S TLOUKAL (1987, 1989, 1995) a S TLOUKAL et M ATIS (1993, 1994). V týchto prácach bol zaznamenaný výskyt 41 druhov epibiontných nálevníkov prevažne zo stojatých vôd z oblasti západného Slovenska.Z doteraz takmer tisíc známych druhov zaraďovaných do podtriedy Peritrichea je na území Slovenska zistených len 53 druhov, pričom s výnimkou niektorých sa jedná o druhy prítomné predovšetkým v eutrofných vodách. Doteraz boli z územia Slovenska opísané len tri nové druhy pre vedu (L OM, 1977; S TLOUKAL et M ATIS, 1994), čo vzhľadom na vysokú heterogenitu vodných biotopov a spolu s nízkym pomerom medzi u nás zistenými a celkovo známymi druhmi dokumentuje slabú preskúmanosť tohto taxónu.Stav poznania druhového spektra Peritrichea v susedných krajinách je podstatne od-lišná. V Rakúsku prof. Foissner (Universität Salzburg) a jeho taxonomická škola preskúmali mnohé typy biotopov (F OISSNER et F OISSNER, 1988), navrhli zásadné zmeny v systematike niektorých taxónov Ciliophora (F OISSNER, 1987; S ONG et F OISSNER, 1989), pričom zvláštnu pozornosť venovali aj systematike Peritrichea (F OISSNER, 1975, 1979; F OISSNER et S CHIF-FMANN, 1974). O poznanie spoločenstiev epibiontných nálevníkov na území Maďarska sa najviac zaslúžila Stiller (napríklad S TILLER, 1931, 1938, 1950, 1968), ktorej faunisticko-ekologické práce analyzovali spoločenstvá Ciliophora najmä v oblasti Balatonu, Tihany, biotopu salín v puste a ďalších oblastí. V Poľsku sa venoval výskumu predovšetkým parazi-tických druhov Peritrichea K AZUBSKI (1958-1988) a poznanie fauny epibiontných nálevní-kov je len na mierne vyššej úrovni ako u nás.Epibiontné nálevníky podtriedy Peritrichea hrajú podstatnú úlohu v procese samočis-tenia organicky znečistených vôd a v biologických procesoch prebiehajúcich v čistiarňach odpadových vôd. Na základe autekologických vlastností boli Peritrichea začlenené do mno-hých systémov biologického hodnotenia kvality vôd (F OISSNER, 1988; S LÁDEČKOVÁ et S LÁDEČEK, 1966; S LÁDEČEK, 1973-1986) a sú vynikajúcimi indikátormi stupňa organické-ho znečistenia vôd (F OISSNER, B LATTERER, B ERGER, K OHMANN, 1992).Nevyhnutnosť klásť dôraz na taxonomicky presnú identifikáciu druhov využívaných na hodnotenie kvality vôd a ďalšie aplikované štúdie zdôraznil F OISSNER (1988). Vo svojej práci poukázal na mnohé nepresnosti, ktorých sa na základe nepresnej determinácie dopúš-ťajú inak v limnológii renomovaní autori.Výsledky práce sú publikované s podporou grantu 1/1114/94 udeleného Minister-stvom školstva SR.METODIKASledované vzorky boli odoberané v rokoch 1986-87 v stojatých vodách lokalít Jurský Šúr, Bezedné (Záhorie), umelé jazierko v Botanickej záhrade UK v Bratislave, chovné rybníky na Železnej studien-ke v Bratislave a Číčovské mŕtve rameno.Vzorky boli analyzované pod svetelným mikroskopom a determinované bez fixovania s použitím vitálnych farbív.V opisoch druhov sú použité nasledujúce skratky:ED = epistomálny diskPL = peristomálny lemCV = kontraktilná vakuolaMA = makronukleusVÝSLEDKYVorticella campanula E HRENBERG, 1831 (obr. 1 A)Substrát: Ceratophyllum sp., detritLokalita: Číčovské mŕtve rameno (DFS 87-72), 21.8.1986Dĺžka zooidov 80 µm, šírka 91,5 µm.Široké vajcovité zooidy sú v strednej časti len niekedy zhrubnuté, najširšou časťou tela je PL. Široký, plochý ED takmer nepresahuje hranicu PL. Cytoplazma obsahuje veľké množ-stvo tmavých granúl prekrývajúcich ostatné bunkové organely. Štruktúra pelikuly nebola pozorovaná. Nevetvená stopka so špirálovitým kontraktilným vláknom je dlhá okolo 200 µm.Bežný druh znečistených vôd bol na Slovensku zistený v povodí rieky Nitra (H ANUŠKA 1962), v Malom Dunaji, Číčove a na Záhorí (M ATIS 1973, 1985) ako aj v ďalších tokoch.B IERHOFF et R OSS (1977) ho našli na pereiopodoch Gammarus tigrinus v Holandsku. Vorticella cyclopicola K AHL, 1935 (obr. 1 B, C)Substrát: schránka Ostracoda a články hrude Megacyclops viridisLokalita: Botanická záhrada v Bratislave (DFS 78-68), 15.8.1985; Jurský Šúr (DFS 77-69), 14.5.1986Dĺžka zooidov 34-50 µm, šírka 20-26 µm.Zooidy majú urnovitý až vretenovitý tvar s najväčšou čírkou v strednej časti tela. Pod PL sú mierne zúžené, PL nie je golierovito vyhrnutý. ED je mierne klenutý a takmer nevystupuje na hranicu PL. Priestranný vestibul siaha až do dolnej polovice tela. CV sa nachádza v hor-nej tretine tela. MA je klobásovitý alebo má tvar písmena C, je uložený vodorovne alebo šikmo v strenej časti tela. Pelikula je jemne šrafovaná. Stopka so špirálovitým kontraktil-ným vláknom je pomerne krátka, k podkladu sa prichytáva pomocou malého disku.Na Slovensku tento druh zistil S TLOUKAL (1987).Vorticella fromenteli K AHL, 1935 (obr. 1 D, E)Substrát: larvy EphemeropteraLokalita: Botanická záhrada v Bratislave (DFS 78-68), 15. a 21.8.1985Dĺžka zooidov 57-60 µm, šírka 23-25 µm.Štíhle valcovité telo sa smerom ku stopke rovnomerne zužuje. Plochý ED sa šikmo dvíha nad mierne zhrubnutý PL, ktorý je najširšou časťou tela. Cytopharynx je veľmi krátky, leží šikmo pod diskom. CV sa nachádza tesne pod vestibulom v hornej štvrtine tela. MA má tvar písmena C, leží v strede tela kolmo na pozdĺžnu os. Nevetvená stopka so špirálovitým kon-traktilným vláknom je dlhá okolo 120 µm. Štruktúra pelikuly ani cytoplazmy nebola pozo-rovaná. Šikmo ležiaci kruh pri dolnom konci tela (K AHL 1935) nebol pozorovaný.Na Slovensku tento druh zistil S TLOUKAL (1987).Vorticella globosa G HOSH, 1925 (obr. 1 F)Substrát: Hottonia palustrisLokalita: Jurský Šúr (DFS 77-69), 14.5.1986Dĺžka zooidov 35 µm, šírka 23 µm.Urnovité zooidy sú najširšie v dolnej časti tela. Smerom ku skopule sa telo rovnomerne zu-žuje, na hranici dolnej štvrtiny tela na nachádza prstencovité zhrubnutie. Peristomálny lem je golierovito vyhrnutý, nedosahuje šírku tela. ED je rovný, takmer nevystupuje nad hornú hranicu PL. Vestibul siaha do tretiny tela, pod jeho strednou časťou leží CV. Šikmo polože-ný MA tvaru písmena C sa nachádza v strede tela. Pelikula je na povrchu jemne priečne šrafovaná. Stopka so špirálovitým kontraktilným vláknom je dlhá okolo 30 µm.Na Slovensku tento druh zistil S TLOUKAL (1987).Vorticella marginata var. minor S TILLER, 1931 (obr. 1 G)Substrát: Ceratophyllum sp.Lokalita: Číčovské mŕtve rameno (DFS 87-72), 21.8.1986Dĺžka zooidov 54 µm, šírka 43 µm.Lievikovité zooidy sú mierne asymetrické. Tenký PL je veľmi široký a pri kontrakcii sa nepravidelne zvlní. Široký plochý ED sa dvíha šikmo nad PL. Priestranný vestibul siaha do strednej časti tela. CV leží pod PL. Hrubý ohnutý MA sa nachádza v strednej časti tela. V cytoplazme sú žltkasté granuly a oválne tráviace vakuoly. V pelikule sa nachádza množ-stvo drobných granúl. Nevetvená stopka dosahuje približne 2,5-násobnú dĺžku tela.Na Slovensku tento druh zistil S TLOUKAL (1987).Vorticella microstoma E HRENBERG, 1830 (obr. 1 H)Substrát: medzi epimérami hrude Gammarus sp.Lokalita: Bezedné (DFS 76-68), 8.12.1986Dĺžka zooidov 76-83 µm, šírka 50-57 µm.Oválny symetrický zooid sa na oboch koncoch hrude rovnomerne zužuje. Pod zhrubnutým PL sa telo nezužuje. PL je široký 30-34 µm. Mierne vypuklý ED vystupuje nad PL len má-lo. Vestibul siaha do tretiny tela. CV leží napravo od vestibulu blízko cytostómu. Okrúhle tráviace vakuoly sú nahromadené v strede tela a obkolesené zrnitou cytoplazmou. Pelikulaje na povrchu jemne priečne šrafovaná. Nevetvená kontraktilná stopka je dlhá asi 80 µm a široká 8-9 µm.S TILLER (1971) uvádza dlhší cytopharynx a vplyv prostredia na farbu cytoplazmy, podľa K AHLA (1935) sa nejedná o epizoický druh. Vo vodách Slovenska tento druh zistil H ANUŠ-KA 1962, M ATIS 1977 a iní.Vorticella rotunda N ENNINGER, 1948 (obr. 1 I)Substrát: zadná časť tela Daphnia magna.Lokalita: Železná studienka (DFS 78-68), 5.10.1986Dĺžka zooidov 44-46 µm, šírka 27-29 µm.Urnovité zooidy sa smerom ku stopke postupne zužujú a pod PL sú mierne zúžené. PL je vyvrátený, približne rovnako široký ako telo zooida. Plochý ED mierne šikmo vystupuje nad PL. Vestibul siaha do tretiny tela. MA tvaru písmena C leží priečne v strednej časti tela. V cytoplazme sa nachádza veľké množstvo okrúhlych tráviacich vakuol. Pelikula je zreteľ-ne hrubo priečne šrafovaná. Nevetvená stopka dlhá okolo 76 µm, pri kontrakcii tvorí len jeden závit.Doposiaľ zaznamenaný len na larvách Lestes virens v Nemecku (N ENNINGER 1948). Na Slovensku tento druh zistil S TLOUKAL (1987).Vorticella similis S TOKES, 1887 (obr. 2 A)Substrát: na ulitách MolluscaLokalita: Číčovské mŕtve rameno (DFS 87-72), 10.11.1986Dĺžka zooidov 85-114 µm, šírka 48-52 µm.Zooidy majú lievikovitý, veľmi premenlivý tvar. Najširšou časťou tela je PL široký 63-102 µm. Plochý ED vystupuje šikmo nad PL. Dlhý vestibul leží šikmo pod diskom. MA je dlhý a stuhovitý. Priehľadná cytoplazma je najmä u starších jedincov vyplnená svetlolomnými granulami. Veľké množstvo zooidov tvorí na povrchu ulitníkov sivý povlak viditeľný voľ-ným okom. Stopky zooidov sú dlhé okolo 570 µm a široké asi 10 µm a celou ich dĺžkou prebieha špirálovité kontraktilné vlákno.F OISSNER (1981) uvádza v charakteristike druhu takú variabilitu foriem, že tvar zooidov nie je možné použiť na jednoznačné odlíšenie od Vorticella convallaria L INNÉ, 1758. Spoľah-livá determinácia je možná len na základe sledovania argentofilných štruktúr. Na Slovensku tento druh v minulosti zaznamenali D UDICH (1947), M ATIS (1973, 1977) a M ATIS et T IRJA-KOVÁ (1980) a iní.Vorticella striata D UJARDIN, 1841 (obr. 2 B)Substrát: články hrude lariev EphemeropteraLokalita: Jurský Šúr (DFS 77-69), 17.9.1986Dĺžka zooidov 50-52 µm, šírka 29 µm.Telo má urnovitý tvar s najväčšou šírkou v hornej časti. PL je rozšírený (21 µm), nie však vyhrnutý. Plochý ED vystupuje nad PL. Vestibul siaha do tretiny dĺžky tela. CV leží pod PL, naľavo od vestibulu. MA tvaru písmena C sa nachádza v hornej polovici tela. Cytop-lazma má zrnitú štruktúru, pelikula je priečne šrafovaná. Kontraktilná stopka je dlhá do 93 µm a fruhá 5 µm.S TILLER (1971) uvádza veľkú premenlivosť tvaru tela a prevládajúci hruškovitý tvar. Ako substrát však udáva detrit a riasy (najmä Cladophora spp.) a len zriedkavo epizoický spô-sob života.Vorticella urnula N ENNINGER, 1948 (obr. 2 C)Substrát: tykadlá a predné články hlavohrude Cyclops sp.Lokalita: Bezedné (DFS 76-68), 26.1.1987Dĺžka zooidov 68-78 µm, šírka 51-64 µm.Zooidy majú vajcovitý tvar. PL je výrazne zhrubnutý, široký 42 µm. Telo je najširšie v strednej časti. ED je vypuklý, vystupuje nad PL. Priestranný dlhý vestibul siaha až do dolnej štvrtiny tela. CV nepravidelného tvaru leží v strednej časti. Dlhý MA je rôzne orien-tovaný, najčastejšie má tvar písmena C. V cytoplazme sa nachádza veľa tráviacich vakuol a svetlolomných granúl. Nevetvená stopka tvorí pri kontrakcii dve otáčky, je dlhá okolo 120 až 134 µm. Sledované jedince pochádzali zo silne eutrofizovanej studenej vody (2,5ºC), ktorá bola v období sledovania pokrytá ľadom a výrazne páchla sírovodíkom.Druh bol opísaný ako epizoit Macrocyclops fuscus a jeho výskyt bol zaznamenaný len v Nemecku. Na Slovensku tento druh zistil S TLOUKAL (1987).Carchesium cyclopidarum N ENNINGER, 1948 (obr. 2 D)Substrát: abdominálne články lariev EphemeropteraLokalita: Botanická záhrada v Bratislave (DFS 78-68), 25.9.1985Dĺžka zooidov 50 µm, šírka 30-35 µm.Vázovité telo je pod PL zúžené, najväčšiu šírku dosahuje v hornej tretine a smerom k stopke sa rovnomerne zužuje. ED je plochý, mierne šikmo vystúpený. Krátky šikmý vesti-bul siaha tesne pod PL. CV leží pod vestibulom v hornej pätine tela. Hrubý MA je uložený v hornej polovici tela, má tvar písmena C. Pelikula je zreteľné priečne šrafovaná. Kolóniu tvoria dva zooidy sediace na 135 µm dlhej stopke.Tento druh bol doteraz uvádzaný len ako epizoit Cyclops spp. Na Slovensku jeho výskyt zaznamenal S TLOUKAL (1987).Carchesium epistylis C LAPARÉDE et L ACHMANN, 1850 (obr. 2 F)Substrát: thorakálne články lariev EphemeropteraLokalita: Botanická záhrada v Bratislave (DFS 78-68), 15.8.1985Dĺžka zooidov 42 µm, šírka 27-28 µm.Telo urnovitého tvaru s rozšírenou hornou časťou má mierne zhrubnutý PL, ktorý je najšir-šou časťou zooida. ED je mierne vypuklý, takmer nevystupuje nad peristóm. Krátky, prieč-ne ležiaci vestibul končí cytopharynxom na hranici hornej štvrtiny tela. CV leží v oblasti PL alebo tesne pod ním. MA je hrubý, mierne ohnutý, nachádza sa v strednej časti tela. Peliku-la je zreteľne priečne šrafovaná. Hlavná stopka kolónie so špirálovitým kontraktilným vlák-nom je dlhá 80 µm, koncové stopky majú len 5-7 µm. Pozorované boli len kolónie tvorené dvoma zooidmi.K AHL (1935) uvádza, že stopka je mierne šrafovaná, čo u nami sledovaným jedincov nebolo pozorované. Ako substrát uvádza …rôzny hmyz“ a rastliny. Na Slovensku tento druh zistil S TLOUKAL (1987).Carchesium gracilis N ENNINGER, 1948 (obr. 2 E)Substrát: pri telzone Gammarus fossarumLokalita: Bezedné (DFS 76-68), 21.9.1986Dĺžka zooidov 64-68 µm, šírka 39-42 µm.Zooidy majú krčahovitý tvar so zhrubnutým ale nie vyhrnutým PL, ktorý je 30-36 µm širo-ký. ED je plochý, šikmo vystupujúci. Priestranný vestibul siaha do tretiny tela. CV leží v oblasti PL napravo od vestibulu. MA má tvar písmena C a leží v hornej časti tela. Nprieh-ľadná cytoplazma obsahuje veľké množstvo svetlolomných granúl. Pelikula nejaví na po-vrchu žiadne štruktúry, v zúženej časti nad skopulou sú zreteľné myofibrily umožňujúce kontrakciu tela pri podráždení. 17 µm hrubá a 102 µm dlhá stopka so špirálovitým kontrak-tilným vláknom, ktoré je súvislé v celej kolónii, má na povrchu tyčinkovité útvary podobné trichómom. Kolónie boli tvorené dvoma zooidmi.Podobné tyčinkovité útvary sledovali na stopkách už viacerí autori (napr. G UHL, 1979) a označili ich za ektosymbiotické baktérie. S TILLER (1971) uvádza väčšie rozmery zooidov, iný tvar MA a štíhlejší tvar tela. Tento druh bol doposiaľ zistený ako epizoit lariev Stenop-hylax latipennis v Nemecku. Pre rod Carchesium je charakteristická vetvená stopka so špi-rálovitým kontraktilným vláknom, ktoré u doposiaľ známych druhov nie je spojené s vlák-nami vo vedľajších stopkách. Ďalší výskum možno potvrdí začlenenie tohto druhu do samo-statného rodu. Na Slovensku tento druh zistil S TLOUKAL (1987).Carchesium polypinum L INNAEUS, 1758 (obr. 2 G)Substrát: dorzálna strana Gammarus sp., machy pramennej oblastiLokalita: Bezedné (DFS 76-68), 10.11.1986Dĺžka zooidov 87 µm, šírka 68-74 µm.Asymetrické lievikovité zooidy sú najširšie v oblasti PL, ktorý je tenký a rozšírený. Plochý a niekedy hrboľatý ED vystupuje šikmo nad okraj PL. Priestranný vestibul siaha až do strednej časti tela. CV leží medzi pelikulou a vestibulom, približne v strede jeho dĺžky. Dl-hý MA je nepravidelne stočený. Na pelikule neboli pozorované žiadne štruktúry. Stopka kolónie má špirálovité kontraktilné vlákno. Kolóniu tvorí do 15 jedincov a dosahuje veľ-kosť až 645 µm.S TILLER (1971) uvádza výskyt tohto druhu na Cladophora sp.. Na území Slovenska ho za-znamenali viacerí autori, napríklad D UDICH (1947) v Hrone a H ANUŠKA (1962) v prítokoch rieky Nitra.ZÁVERV práci je uvedený výskyt 10 druhov rodu Vorticella (Peritrichida) a štyroch druhov rodu Carchesium zistených v stojatých vodách niektorých lokalít západného Slovenska v rokoch 1986-1987.Prípadné rozdiely medzi opismi druhov a pozorovanými jedincami sú diskutované na záver opisov jednotlivých druhov.U troch druhov bol zistený výskyt na novom substráte, čím sa doplňujú poznatky o substrátovej preferencii epibiotných nálevníkov.Súhrn údajov v tejto práci je východiskom pre ďalšie štúdium tejto skupiny.LITERATÚRAB IERHOFF, M. J., R OSS, P. J., 1977: Sedentary ciliates from two Dutch freshwater Gammarus species.Bijdr. tot de Dierk. 46: 151-170D UDICH, E., 1947: Zur kenntnis des wirbellosen Tierwelt des Komitate Bars. Frag. Faunist. Hung.10: 94-108.E RTL, M., 1966: K poznaniu zooplanktónu československého úseku Dunaja. Biologia, Bratislava 21:545-548.F OISSNER, W., 1975: Opisthonectidae (Ciliata, Peritrichida) nov. fam. und Revision der Genera Telot-rochidium (Kent) und Opisthonecta (Faure-Fremiet). Protistologica, 11: 395-414F OISSNER, W., 1979: Peritriche Ciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora) aus alpinen Kleingewaessern. Zo-ol.Jb.Syst. 106: 529-558F OISSNER, W., 1987: Miscillanea nomenclatorica Ciliatea (Protozoa: Ciliophora). Arch.Protistenk.133: 219-235F OISSNER, W., 1988: Taxonomic and nomenclatural revision of Sladecek's list of ciliates (Protozoa:Ciliophora) as indicators of water quality. Hydrobiologia 166: 1-64F OISSNER, W., B LATTERER, H., B ERGER, H., K OHMANN, F., 1992: Taxonomische und oekologischeRevision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems. Band 2: Peritrichia, Heterotrichida, Odontosto-matida. Informationsberichte des Bayerisches Landesamtes fuer Wasserwirtschaft.Heft 5/92: 1-502.F OISSNER, W., F OISSNER, I., 1988: Catalogus Faunae Austriae. Ein systematisches Verzeichnis allerauf oesterreichischem Gebiet festgestellten Tierarten. Teil I c: Stamm: Ciliophora. Verlag der Oesterreichchischen Akademie der WissenschaftenF OISSNER, W., S CHIFFMANN, H., 1974: Morphologie und Silberliniensystem von Pseudovorticellasauvaldensis nov. spec. und Scyphidia physarum Lachmann, 1856 (Ciliophora: Peritrichida).Ber.Nat.Med.Ver.Salzburg 3: 83-94G UHL, W., 1979: Beitrag zur Systematik, Biologie und Morphologie der Epistylidae (Ciliata, Peritri-cha). Arch. Protistenkd. 121: 417-483H ANUŠKA, L., 1962: Protozoa in der Nitra-flussgebietes (Saprobial-oekologische Studie). Biologia,Bratislava 17: 812-826K AHL, A., 1935: Urtiere oder Protozoa. 1. Wimpertiere oder Ciliata (Infusoria). In: Dahl, F., (Ed.): Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. G. Fischer Verl. Jena.M ATIS, D., 1973: Príspevok k poznaniu nálevníkov dvoch rybníkov v Tomkách na Záhorí. Acta. F. R.N. Univ. Comen. Zool. 17: 49-53.M ATIS, D., 1977: Príspevok k poznaniu nálevníkov (Ciliata) Zemplínskej Šíravy. Acta. F. R. N. Univ.Comen. Zool. 22: 21-43.M ATIS, D., T IRJAKOVÁ, E., 1980: Ciliated protozoa (Ciliophora) from submerged, wet, moist and dry moses of selected localities of Slovenský Raj. J. Protozool. 29: A507N ENNINGER, U., 1948: Die Peritrichen der Umgebung der Erlangen mit Besonderer Beruecksichti-gung ihrer Wirtspezifität. Zool. Jb. Syst. 77: 169-266S LÁDEČEK, F., 1946: Ophryoscolecidae z bachoru jelena (Cervus elaphus), daňka (Dama dama L.)a srnce (Capreolus capreolus). Věstn. Král. Spol. Nauk.S LÁDEČEK, V., 1973: System of water quality from the biological point of view. Arch Hydrobiol Beih Ergebn Limnol 7: 1-218S LÁDEČEK, V., 1981: Indicator value of the genus Opercularia (Ciliata). Hydrobiologia 79: 229-232S LÁDEČEK, V., 1986: Indicator value of the genus Epistylis (Ciliata). Arch Hydrobiol 107(1): 119-124 S LÁDEČKOVÁ, A., S LÁDEČEK, V., 1966: The indicator value of some sessile protozoans. Arch Proti-stenk 109: 223-225S ONG, W., F OISSNER, W., 1989: Taxonomische Untersuchungen an Aufwuchsciliaten (Protozoa, Ci-liophora) im Poppelsdorfer Weihr, Bonn. Lauterbornia 3: 1-223.S TILLER, J., 1931: Die peritrichen Infusorien von Tihany und Umgebung. A Magyar Biologiai Kutatointezet Munkai 4: 171-205S TILLER, J., 1938: Neuere Bieträge zur Kenntnis der Peritrichenfauna des Teiches Belsoe-To bei Ti-hany. A Magyar Biologiai Kutatointezet Munkai 10: 247-252S TILLER, J., 1950: Epizoische Peritrichen aus dem Balaton II. Arch Bil Hung 9: 15-37S TILLER, J., 1968: Neue symphorionte Intranstylum-arten (Peritricha, Ciliata) aus den Larven von Chironomus plumosus. Arch Protistenk 111: 24-30S TILLER, J., 1971: Szajkoszórús Csillósok – Peritricha. Akademiai Kiadó, Budapest. 1-231.S TLOUKAL, E., 1987: Sesílne Peritricha niektorých lokalít západného Slovenska. Diplomová práca, Prírodovedecká fakulta UK, Bratislava. 1-172.S TLOUKAL, E., 1989: Nové nálezy epibiontných nálevníkov na Slovensku. Seminár Československej protozoologickej spoločnosti, Jickovice. Str. 67-79S TLOUKAL, E., 1995: Determinácia epibiontných nálevníkov podtriedy Peritrichea (Ciliophora). 4.hydrobiologický kurz, Senec: 21-28S TLOUKAL, E., M ATIS, D., 1993: Discovery of epizoic ciliate Spirochona gemmipara Stein, 1852 (Ciliophora, Chonotrichida) in Slovakia. Acta Zool. Univ. Comenianae 37: 109-112.S TLOUKAL, E., M ATIS, D., 1994: A new morphological type of peritrich ciliates and a description of Bezedniella prima n. g., n. sp. (Ciliophora, Peritrichida). Acta Zool. Univ. Comenianae 38: 79-82.Obr. 1 A – Vorticella campanula E HREBNEBERG, 1831; B, C – Vorticella cyclopicola K AHL, 1935;D –E Vorticella fromenteli K AHL, 1935;F – Vorticella globosaG HOSH, 1925; G – Vorticella margi-nata var. minor S TILLER, 1931;H – Vorticella microstoma E HRENBERG, 1830;I – Vorticella rotunda N ENNINGER, 1948Obr. 2 A – Vorticella similis S TOKES, 1887; B – Vorticella striata D UJARDIN, 1841; C – Vorticella urnula N ENNINGER, 1948; D – Carchesium cyclopidarum N ENNINGER, 1948; E – Carchesium gracilis N ENNINGER, 1948; F – Carchesium epistylis C LAPARÉDE et L ACHMANN, 1850; G – Carchesium poly-pinum L INNAEUS, 1758。

preliminary paper submissions

preliminary paper submissions

preliminary paper submissionsPreliminary Paper SubmissionsIntroduction•What are preliminary paper submissions?•Importance of preliminary paper submissions in the academic community•Purpose of this articleKey Components of Preliminary Paper Submissions1.Abstract–Brief summary of the paper’s objectives, methods, and findings–Typically limited to a certain word count2.Introduction–Background information on the topic of the paper–Research questions and objectives–Significance of the study3.Literature Review–Review of relevant scholarly articles and research–Identification of gaps in existing literature–Theory or conceptual framework supporting the study 4.Methodology–Description of research design and methods employed –Sample selection and data collection procedures–Ethical considerations5.Results and Analysis–Presentation of findings in a clear and concise manner–Use of tables, figures, or graphs to enhanceunderstanding–Data analysis techniques applied6.Discussion–Interpretation of the results in relation toresearch questions–Comparison with previous studies–Limitations and implications of the findings7.Conclusion–Summary of the key points discussed in the paper–Restatement of the study’s significance andcontribution–Suggestions for future researchSubmission Process•Selecting an appropriate conference or journal •Formatting requirements and guidelines•Submission deadline and procedures•Peer review and revision processTips for Writing a Strong Preliminary Paper Submission•Clearly state the research objectives and questions •Provide a comprehensive literature review•Use appropriate methodology and data analysis techniques •Present results and findings effectively•Discuss implications and limitations of the studyConclusion•Importance of preliminary paper submissions in academic research•Key components and submission process•Tips for writing an effective submissionRemember to check the specific guidelines and requirements of the conference or journal you are submitting to. Good luck with your preliminary paper submissions! Preliminary Paper SubmissionsIntroductionIn the academic community, preliminary paper submissions play a crucial role in promoting and disseminating research findings. This article aims to provide an overview of preliminary paper submissions, their importance, and guidelines for writing an effective submission.Key Components of Preliminary Paper Submissions1.AbstractThe abstract serves as a concise summary of the paper. It should provide a clear overview of the objectives,methodology, and findings. Typically, the abstract is limited to a certain word count, usually around words.2.IntroductionThe introduction section sets the stage for the research study. It should provide background information on the topic, highlight the research questions or objectives, and explain the significance of the study. A well-written introduction grabs the reader’s attention and creates interest in the research.3.Literature ReviewThe literature review evaluates the existing scholarly articles and research relevant to the study. It helpsidentify gaps in the literature and establishes the theoretical or conceptual framework. A strong literature review demonstrates the researcher’s u nderstanding of the field and provides a foundation for the study’s methodology and analysis.4.MethodologyThe methodology section describes the research design, methods, and techniques used in the study. It should clearly explain how the data was collected, what sample selectionprocedures were employed, and any ethical considerations considered. A robust methodology ensures the study’s credibility and replicability.5.Results and AnalysisThe results and analysis section presents the findings of the study. It should provide a clear and structured presentation of the data, using appropriate tables, figures, or graphs to enhance understanding. Statistical analysis techniques should be applied to draw meaningful conclusions from the data.6.DiscussionThe discussion section interprets the results in light of the research questions and objectives. It compares and contrasts the findings with previous studies in the field. The discussion should also address the limitations of the study and highlight its implications for future research or practical applications.7.ConclusionThe conclusion summarizes the key points discussed in the paper. It restates the significance of the study and its contribution to the existing body of knowledge. Theconclusion may also suggest directions for future research to further explore the topic.Submission ProcessSubmitting a preliminary paper requires careful attention to the submission process. Key steps include:1.Selecting an appropriate conference or journal thataligns with the research topic and objectives.2.Familiarizing yourself with the specific formattingrequirements and guidelines provided by the conferenceor journal.3.Meeting the submission deadline and following thedesignated submission procedures, which may involveonline submission platforms or email submission.4.The submitted paper will undergo a peer review process,where experts in the field evaluate the quality,methodology, and significance of the research. Oncefeedback is received, revisions may be required beforefinal acceptance.Tips for Writing a Strong Preliminary Paper SubmissionTo increase the chances of acceptance and to make your preliminary paper submission stand out, consider thefollowing tips:1.Clearly state the research objectives and questions inthe introduction.2.Provide a comprehensive and critical literature reviewthat highlights the significance of the research.e appropriate methodology and data analysis techniquesto address the research questions effectively.4.Present results and findings in a clear and logicalmanner, supporting them with visual aids if necessary.5.Discuss the implications and limitations of the study,demonstrating a deep understanding of the research’sbroader context.ConclusionPreliminary paper submissions are a crucial part of academic research. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and considering the submission process and tips provided, researchers can enhance the quality and impact oftheir submissions. Good luck with your preliminary paper submissions!。



Bluetooth 4.1 Multimedia SOCGENERAL DESCRIPTION IS2020S is a compact, highly integrated, CMOS single-chip RF and baseband IC for preliminary Bluetooth v4.1 with Enhanced Data Rate 2.4GHz applications. This chip is fully compliant with Bluetooth specification and completely backward-compatible with Bluetooth 3.0, 2.0 or 1.2 systems. It incorporates Bluetooth 1M/2M/3Mbps RF, single-cycle MCU, MODEM, UART inte rface, and ISSC’s own Bluetooth software stack to achieve the required BT v4.1 with EDR functions.To provide the superior audio and voice quality, it also integrates a DSP co-processor, a PLL, and a CODEC dedicated for voice and audio applications.For voice, not only the basic CVSD encoding and decoding but also the enhanced noise reduction and echo cancellation are implemented by the built-in DSP to reach the better quality in the both sending and receiving sides. For enhanced audio applications, SBC and AAC (optional) decoding functions can be also carried out by DSP to satisfy Bluetooth A2DP requirements. In addition, to minimize the external components required for portable devices, a voltage sensor for battery, battery charger, a switching regulator and LDO are integrated to reduce BOM cost for various Bluetooth applications.FEATURES∙ Support preliminary Bluetooth v4.1function and backward compatible with BT3.0, 2.0 and 1.2.∙ ISSC’s own Bluetooth software stack forthe headset or speaker application. It supports following profiles : - Hands Free 1.6 - Headset 1.1 - A2DP 1.2 - AVRCP 1.5 - SPP 1.0∙ Integrated 16/32 bits DSP core running upto 72MHz that supports:- Dual microphone noise suppression - Echo cancelation- SBC/AAC_LC audio format decoding - Automatic volume control for speaker output∙ Integrated a 20-bit 98dB SNR( A-weighted) stereo DAC ∙ Connections to two phones withHFP/A2DP profiles∙ Built-in four languages ( Chinese/English/ Spanish/ French) voice prompts ∙ Ultra low power consumption under10mA for SCO/A2DP link∙ Capable charging voltage from an emptybattery and sustain a direct DC input voltage up to 7V∙ Charging current up to 350mA ∙ 7 mm x 7 mm 56 QFN packageAPPLICATIONS∙ Bluetooth stereo headset ∙ Bluetooth stereo speaker∙ Bluetooth stereo speaker phone ∙ Bluetooth car audio unitI SS C C ONF ID E N T IA LBluetooth 4.1 Multimedia SOCTable of Contents1 KEY FEATURES (3)2 PIN ASSIGNMENTS (6)3 TRANSCEIVER (10)4 MICROPROCESSOR (11)5 AUDIO .................................................................................................................................................. 126 POWER MANAGE UNIT ..................................................................................................................... 137 GENERAL PURPOSE IOS .................................................................................................................. 158 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 16 9PACKAGE (28)I SS C C ONF ID E N T IAL1 Key FeaturesSystem Specification∙ Compliant with Bluetooth Specification v.4.1 (EDR) in 2.4 GHz ISM band Baseband Hardware ∙ 16MHz main clock input∙ Built-in internal ROM for program memory∙ Support to connect to two hosts ( phones, tablets…) with HFP or A2DP profiles simultaneously∙ Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) avoids occupied RF channels ∙ Fast Connection supported RF Hardware∙ Fully Bluetooth 4.1 (EDR) system in 2.4 GHz ISM band.∙ Combined TX/RX RF terminal simplifies external matching and reduces externalantenna switches.∙ Max. +4dBm output power with 20 dB level control from register control. ∙ Built-in T/R switch for Class 2/3 application∙ To avoid temperature variation, temperature sensor with temperature calibration is utilized into bias current and gain control.∙ Fully integrated synthesizer has been created. There requires no external VCO, varactor diode, resonator and loop filter.∙ Crystal oscillation with built-in digital trimming for temperature/process variations. Audio processor∙ Support 64 kb/s A-Law or μ-Law PCM format, or CVSD (Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation) for SCO channel operation.I SS C C ONF ID E N T IA L∙ Noise suppression for dual analog microphone inputs ∙ Echo cancelation∙ SBC and optional AAC decoding ∙ Packet loss concealment∙ Build-in four languages (Chinese/ English/ Spanish/ French) voice prompts and 20 events for each one Audio Codec ∙ 20 bit codec∙ 98dB SNR DAC playback ∙ Dual microphone input∙ Integrate headphone amplifier for 16/32Ω speakersPeripherals∙ Built-in Lithium-ion battery charger∙ Integrate 3V, 1.8V LDO and Switching mode regulator ∙ Built-in ADC for battery monitor and voltage sense. ∙ Two LED driversFlexible HCI interface∙ High speed HCI-UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) interfacePackage∙ 7x7mm 2 56QFN packageI SS C C ONF ID E N T IA LFunctional DiagramIFNOCCSSI2 PIN ASSIGNMENTSI SS C C ONF ID E N T IA L3 TRANSCEIVERIS2020S is design optimized for use in Bluetooth 2.4 GHz system. It contains a complete radio frequency transmitter/receiver section. An internal synthesizer generates a stable clock for synchronize with another device.TRANSMITTERThe internal PA has a maximum output power of +4dBm with level control 20dB from amplitude control. This is applied into Class2/3 radios without external RF PA.The transmitter features IQ direct conversion to minimize the frequency drift. And it can excess 30dB power range with temperature compensation machine.RECEVIERThe LNA operates with TR-combined mode for single port application.The ADC is utilized to sample input analogue wave to convert into digital for de-modulator analysis. Before the ADC, a channel filter has been integrated into receiver channel that can reduce the external component count and increase the anti-interference capability.The image rejection filter is to reject image frequency for low-IF architecture. This filter for low-IF architecture is implied to reduce external BPF component for super heterodyne architecture.There is an RSSI signal to the processor that it can control the power to make a good tradeoff for effective distance and current consumption.SYNTHESIZERA synthesizer generates a clock for radio transceiver operation. There is a VCO inside with tunable internal LC tank. It can reduce variation for components. A crystal oscillation with internal digital trimming circuit provides a stable clock for synthesizer. MODEMOn the Bluetooth v1.2 specification and below, 1 Mbps was the standard data rate based on Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK) modulation scheme. This basic rate modem meets BDR requirements of Bluetooth v2.0 with EDR specification.On the Bluetooth v2.0 with EDR specification, Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) has been introduced to provide 2 and 3 Mbps data rates as well as 1 Mbps. This enhanced data rate modem meets EDR requirements of Bluetooth v2.0 with EDR specification. For the viewpoint of baseband, both BDR and EDR utilize the same 1MHz symbol rate and 1.6 KHz slot rate. For BDR, 1 symbol represents 1 bit. However each symbol in the payload part of EDR packets represents 2 or 3 bits. This is achieved by using two different modulations, π/4 DQ PSK and 8DPSK.I SS C C ONF ID E N T IA L4 MICROPROCESSORA single-cycle 8-bit MCU is inside IS2020S to carry out the required Bluetooth protocols. It can run at the range from 16MHz to a higher clock so that MCU firmware can dynamically consider the tradeoff between computing power and power consumption. MCU firmware is implemented in ROM (Read-Only-Memory) to minimize the power consumption of program execution and to save the cost of external flash.MEMORYA single-port synchronous interface is provided to memory. There are enough ROM and RAM to fulfill the requirement of processor. In addition, attached to the embedded processor bus are a register bank, a dedicated single-port memory, and flash memory. The processor coordinates all link control procedures and data movement using a set of pointer registers.EXTERNAL RESETA watchdog timer capable of reset the chip. It has an integrated Power-On Reset (POR) circuit that resets all circuits to a known power-on state. This action can also be driven by an external reset signal that can be used to externally control the device, forcing it into a power-on reset state. The RST signal input is active low and no connection is required in most applications.REFERENCE CLOCKIS2020S is composed of an integrated crystal oscillation function. It used a 16 MHz external crystal and two specified load capacitors that a high quality system reference timer source is obtained. This feature is typically used to remove the initial tolerance frequency errors associated with the crystal and its equivalent load capacitance in mass production. Frequency trim is achieved by adjusting the crystal load capacitance through on-chip trim capacitors C trim integrated in chip. The value of trimming capacitance is around 200fF per LSB at 5 bits word, therefore the overall adjustable clock frequency is around 40 KHz.trim C =200fF * (1~31)I SS C C ONF ID E N T IA L5 AUDIOThere are several stages for input and output that all can be programmed for varying gain response characteristics. At the microphone input side, you may use single-end input or differential input. One critical point in maintaining a high quality signal is to provide a stable bias voltage source for the condenser microphone’s FET. DC blocking capacitors may be used at both positive and negative sides of input. Internally, this analog signal is converted to 16-bit 8 kHz linear PCM data. The voice data taken from common memory is converted to an analogue value by a DAC. A multistage amplifier drives the audio signal and provides a differential signal between Line_out+ and Line_out-. The output amplifier is capable of driving a speaker directly if its impedance is 16/32Ω.DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORA digital signal processor (DSP) cooperates with MCU to deal with audio section. It provides audio processing with some advanced features. The DSP includes the capability to cancel the acoustic echo that may be present in a headset or speaker. All processing is performed by a DSP with low power consumption. This technique will most effectively cancel the incoming echo signal without impact to the desired voice signal. An outgoing signal to the speaker which level exceeds a certain threshold (and therefore deemed likely to create echo) will result in suppression of signal along the input path from the microphone. Filtering is also applied and provides for a smoother transition for a more natural user experience.DUAL MICROPHONE NOISE REDUCTIONThis noise reduction technology virtually eliminates distracting background noise, including crowds, wind, vehicles and other interruptions to your conversations. It support dual microphone inputs that one for main vocal input and the other for background noise. Of course, it can use only main vocal input for single microphone application.CODECThis built-in codec contains a high Signal/Noise performance. This built-in codec contains a analog to digital converter (ADC), a digital to analog converter (DAC) and additional analog circuitry.Signal to noise ratio (SNR) is the supreme facts of a CODEC. It provides a very low noise level for background white noise. The main music stream and vocal become clear with this low noise level.I SS C C ONF ID E N T IA L6 POWER MANAGE UNITThe PMU inside the chip has two main features, charging a Li-ion battery and some regulators for voltage translation. A power switch is used to switch over the power source between battery and adaptor automatically. It also provides two LED drivers.CHARGING A BATTERYIS2020S includes a built-in battery charger optimized for use with lithium polymer batteries. The charger features a current sensor for charging control, user programmable current regulation and high accuracy voltage regulation.The charging current is configured in the EEPROM. Whenever the adaptor is plug-in, charging circuit is active. Reviving, Pre-charging, Constant Current and Constant V oltage modes are implemented and re-charging function is also included. The maximum charging current is 350mA.VOLTAGE MONITINGA 10-bit Successive-Approximation-Register analog to digital converter (SAR ADC) provides one dedicated channel for battery voltage level detection. The warning level is programmable and stored in the EEPROM. This ADC provides a good resolution that MCU can control the charging process.VOLTAGE REGULATIONThe built-in voltage converter is used to convert the battery or adaptor power for power supply. It also integrates hardware architecture to control power on/off procedure. The built-in programmable LDOs provide power for codec and digital IO pads. It is used to buffer the highI SN T IA Linput voltage from battery or adapter. This LDO need s 1uF bypass capacitor. SWITCHING REGULATORThere is a bulk voltage convert generating the voltage for RF and baseband core power. This converter has good conversion efficiency to save power and fast transient response.LED DRIVERThere are two dedicate LED drivers to control the LEDs. They provide enough sink current that LED can be connected directly with IS2020S.I SS C C ON F I D E N T IA L7 GENERAL PURPOSE IOsIS2020S provides six general purpose IOs for keys setting and saved in the EEPROM. The first button must be power key. The power on/off functions only can be set on MFB pin. There are four different operations for every button. They are short click, long click, double click and combinations.Some signals were generated to indicate or control outside devices. The most popular applications are NFC for easy pairing, external audio amplifier for louder speaker and buzzer for indication.I SNF IL8 SPECIFICATIONSESSICS SICS SINote:(1) C is set in EEPROM(2) Headroom = V ADAP_IN – V BAT(3) ENX2 is not allowed to be enabled when V ADAP_IN – V BAT > 2VC ONote: (1) f in=1KHz, B/W=20~20KHz, A-weighted, THD+N < 0.01%, 0dBFS signal, SLoad=100KΩINote: (1) f in =1KHz, B/W=20~20KHz, A-weighted, THD+N < 1%, 150mVpp inputI SS CS S II SS C C ONF ID E N T II SS C C ONF ID E N T IA LI SS C C ONF ID E N T。

ML 2005 Preliminary Version A Library for Self-Adjusting Computation Abstract

ML 2005 Preliminary Version A Library for Self-Adjusting Computation Abstract

ML2005Preliminary VersionA Library for Self-Adjusting ComputationUmut Acar1Guy Blelloch2Matthias Blume1Robert Harper2Kanat Tangwongsan2AbstractWe present a Standard ML library for writing programs that automatically adjust to changes to their data.The library combines modifiable references and memoization to achieve ef-ficient updates.We describe an implementation of the library and apply it to the problem of maintaining the convex hull of a dynamically changing set of points.Our experiments show that the overhead of the library is small,and that self-adjusting programs can adjust to small changes three-orders of magnitude faster than recomputing from scratch.The im-plementation relies on invariants that could be enforced by a modal type system.We show, using an existing language,abstract interfaces for modifiable references and for memoiza-tion that ensure the same safety properties without the use of modal types.The interface for memoization,however,does not scale well,suggesting a language-based approach to be preferable after all.Key words:incremental computation,selective memoization,changepropagation,computational geometry,convex hulls,quickhullIn many application domains,such as simulations systems,robotics,language environments,it is important for computations to adjust to external changes to their data.This ability can enable a whole new class of computations that has not been previously possible[7,8],and enable performing complex computations in real-time by taking advantage of the fact that most changes are small.The problem of processing a small change to the input of a program efficiently has been studied extensively in the programming-languages community.This is known as incremental computation.The goal has been to devise general-purpose techniques for writing programs that can adjust to changes.The two key tech-niques are dynamic dependence graphs and memoization.Dynamic dependence graphs(DDGs)[2,3]generalize static dependence graphs[10],by enabling change propagation to update the dependences.Memoization[20,14,13,3]relies on re-membering the results of function calls and re-using them when possible.Although both of these techniques are general purpose,they yield efficient up-dates only for certain kinds of input changes and certain kinds of computations. 1{umut,blume}@.Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago.2{blelloch,rwh,ktangwon}@.Carnegie Mellon University.In previous work[2,3],we point out the limitations of each technique and claim that they can be combined to improve performance substantially.In this paper, we present an SML library that combines DDGs and ing the li-brary,the programmer can transform an ordinary purely functional program into a self-adjusting program by making small changes to the code.Self-adjusting programs adjust to any external change whatsoever to their data. As a self-adjusting program executes,the run-time system builds a dynamic depen-dence graph(or DDG))that represents the relationship between computation and data.The nodes represent data and the edges represent the relationship between them.Each edge is tagged with a closure that determines how its destination is computed from its source.After a self-adjusting program completes its execution, the user can change any computation data(e.g.,the inputs)and update the output by performing a change propagation.This change-and-propagate step can be re-peated.The change-propagation algorithm updates the computation by mimicking a from-scratch execution by re-executing the closures of edges whose sources have changed.When re-executing a closure,the algorithm can re-use,via memoization, edges and nodes that the previous execution of that closure created.When an edge is re-executed,the algorithm discards the unused edges and nodes belonging to the prior execution,because these elements no longer belong to the computation.To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach,we consider an application from computational geometry[9].We implement the quick hull algorithm for computing convex hulls and perform an experimental evaluation.Our experiments show that the overhead the library is small and that the self-adjusting programs can adjust to changes significantly faster than recomputing from scratch.For quick-hull algorithm,our experiments show a near linear-time gap between change propaga-tion and recomputing from scratch.For the input sizes we consider,change propa-gation can be three orders of magnitude faster than recomputing from scratch.1The LibraryWe present a library that combines modifiable references and memoization.The library ensures safe use of modifiable references but it does not ensure safe use of memoization primitives.In Section4,we present combinators that ensure safe use of memoization.In principle,the combinators for memoization can be incorporated with the library considered in this section.We do not do this,however,because of scalability issues discussed in Section4.Wefirst present a high-level description of the underlying model(a full descrip-tion is out of the scope of this paper).We then describe the interface for the library and present the full code for the core of the implementation.1.1The underlying modelChange propagation must detect changes to data so that the computations that pro-cess those data can be re-executed.The frames of reference with respect to whichFig.1.Intervals of alternating re-use and re-executionchanges are tracked are called modifiable references.We will often abbreviate and refer to modifiable references as modifiables.A modifiable can be thought of as a memory location with afixed address but variable contents.We call computations that are guaranteed to yieldfixed results stable and other computations—those that may produce variable data—changeable.The result of each changeable computa-tion is recorded in a modifiable,and only changeable computations may read the contents of modifiables.During propagation,when there are pending changes,the implementation“fast-forwards”to the earliest affected read operation and begins re-executing the corre-sponding changeable computation from that point on.The result of this computa-tion ultimately writes to some modifiable r.Depending on the original value of r, a change(to the value contained in r)might get recorded.Notice that r itself,i.e., the address of the location that contains the potentially changed value,staysfixed.Re-executing the entire remainder of a changeable computation starting at an affected read can be very inefficient as significant portions of it might not truly depend on the changed value.We use memoization of computations to detect such situations dynamically:when a function is called with the exact same arguments as during the previous execution,then the part of the computation corresponding to this function call can be re-used.However,since a memoized computation might contain read operations that are affected by pending changes,one must propagate these changes into the result of a successful memo lookup.Thus,there is a form of duality between change propagation and memoization: change propagation takes a part of a computation to be skipped and“carves out”the sub-intervals that need to be re-executed.Memoization takes a part of a compu-tation to be re-executed and“carves out”intervals to be skipped.A simple example for this is shown in Figure1:Change propagation tries to re-use as much as pos-sible of the overall computation(interval A)but has to re-execute two of its parts(intervals B and C),because these parts are controlled by affected read operations. During the re-execution of B a re-usable part(interval D)is discovered via mem-oization.Similarly,E can be re-used during the re-execution of C.However,there is a change that affects a read operation within D which forces the re-execution of sub-interval F which is nested within D.By synergistically combining memoization and change propagation into adap-tive memoization,we can also relax the re-use rule for memoization.This relaxation enables re-using a computation even when the values that the computation depends on differ.Consider a function call f(X,y)where X represents all arguments except y.If we arrange for y to be read from a modifiable r X(where r X itself depends only on X)instead of being passed as an argument,then the value of y would notfigure into the memo-lookup.Instead,a previous execution of the function call—even for a different value of y—can be reused and adjusted to the new value of y by change propagation.Note that this differs from partial evaluation,because change prop-agation will take advantage of the similarity between the old and the new values for y.1.2The library interfaceFigure2shows the interface to the library.The BOXED VALUE module supplies functions for operating on boxed values. We used boxes(or tagged values)to support constant-time equality tests,which are necessary for efficient memoization[3].The new function creates a boxed value by associating a unique integer index with a given value.The eq function compares two boxed values by comparing their indices.The valueOf and indexOf functions return the value and the index of a boxed value,respectively.The boxed value module may be extended with functions for creating boxed values for a type.Such type-specific functions must be consistent with the equality of the underlying types. For example,the function fromInt may assign the index i to integer i.The COMBINATORS module defines modifiable references and changeable com-putations.Every execution of a changeable computation of typeαcc starts with the creation of a fresh modifiable of typeαmodref.The modifiable is written at the end of the computation.For the duration of the execution,the reference never becomes explicit.Instead,it is carried“behind the scenes”in a way that is strongly reminiscent of a monadic computation[6].Any non-trivial changeable computa-tion reads one or more other modifiables and performs calculations based on the values read.Values of typeαcc representing changeable computations are constructed us-ing write,read,and mkLiftCC.The modref function executes a given computa-tion on a freshly generated modifiable before returning that modifiable as its result. The write function creates a trivial computation which merely writes the given value into the underlying modifiable.To avoid unnecessary propagation,old and new values are compared for equality at the time of write using the equality func-tion provided.The read combinator,which we will often render as in infixsignature BOXED VALUE=sigtype indextypeαtval init:unit→unitval new:α→αtval eq:αt*αt→boolval valueOf:αt→αval indexOf:αt→indexval fromInt:int→int tendstructure Box:BOXED VALUE=struct...endsignature COMBINATORS=sigeqtypeαmodreftypeαccval modref:αcc→αmodrefval write:(α*α→bool)→α→αccval read:βmodref*(β→αcc)→αccval mkLift:(α*α→bool)→(Box.index list*α)→(αmodref→β)→βval mkLiftCC:((α*α→bool)*(β*β→bool))→(Box.index list*α)→(αmodref→βcc)→βcc (**Meta Operations**)val init:unit→unitval change:(α*α→bool)→αmodref→α→unitval deref:αmodref→αval propagate:unit→unitendstructure C:COMBINATORS=struct...endFig.2.Signatures for boxed values and combinators.notation,takes an existing modifiable reference together with a receiver for the value read.The result of the read combinator is a computation that encompasses the process of reading from the modifiable,a calculation that is based on the re-sulting value,and a continuation represented by another changeable computation. Calculation and continuation are given by body and result of the receiver.Functions mkLift and mkLiftCC handle adaptive memoization,i.e.,memoiza-tion based on partially matching function arguments.With ordinary memoization, a memo table lookup for a function call will fail whenever there is no precise match for the entire argument list.As explained above,the idea behind adaptive memoiza-tion is to distinguish between strict and non-strict arguments and base memoization on strict arguments only.By storing computations(as opposed to mere return val-ues)in the memo table,a successful lookup can then be adjusted to any changes in non-strict arguments using the change-propagation machinery.Since change prop-agation relies on read operations on modifiables,the memoized function has to access its non-strict arguments via such modifiables.The memo table,indexed by just the strict part of the original argument list,remembers the modifiables set asidefor non-strict arguments as well as the memoized computation.Given the strict part of the argument list,a lift operation maps a function of type αmodref→βto a function of typeα→βwhereαis the type of the non-strict argument.3Our mkLift and mkLiftCC combinators create lift operations for or-dinary and changeable computations from appropriately chosen equality predicates for the types involved.The strict part of the argument list is represented by an index list,assuming a1−1mapping between values and indices,e.g.,the one provided by the BOXED VALUE interface.Not shown here,our library also contains mkLift2, mkLiftCC2,mkLift3,mkLiftCC3and so on to support more than one non-strict argument.When its memo table lookup fails,a lifted function creates fresh modifiables containing its non-strict arguments,executes its body,and stores both the com-putation and the modifiables into the memo putations are memoized by recording their return value and a representation of their dynamic dependence graph (DDG)using time stamps[2].A successful memo lookupfinds modifiables and a computation.The lifted function then writes its current non-strict arguments into their respective modifiables,and lets change propagation adjust the computation to the resulting changes.It is the responsibility of the programmer to ensure that all applications of lift functions specify the strict and non-strict variables accurately.For correctness,it is required that all free variables of a memoized expression are specified as strict or non-strict.The classification of a variable as strict or non-strict does not affect correctness but just performance.In previous work[3],we proposed selective mem-oization techniques for memoizing expressions in a safe manner based on branches.The COMBINATORS module also supplies meta operations for inspecting and changing the values stored in modifiables and performing change propagation. The change function is similar to write function.It changes the underlying value of the modifiable to a new value—this is implemented as a side effect.The propagate function runs the change-propagation algorithm.Change propagation updates a computation based on the changes issued since the last execution or the last change propagation.The meta operations should only be used at the top level—the library guarantees correct behavior only in the cases that meta operations are not used inside the program.1.3ImplementationAppendix A gives the code for an implementation of the library.The implementa-tion consists of the following modules:boxes,combinators,memo tables,modifi-ables,order-maintenance data structure,and priority queues.We give the complete code for the core part of the library consisting of the modifiables,and the combina-tors.3In the actual library,arguments appear in a different order to make idiomatic usage of the interface by actual code more convenient.2Self-Adjusting ProgrammingThis section describes how to write self-adjusting programs using the library pre-sented in Section1.As examples,we consider a function forfiltering elements out of a list and a function for combining the values in a list with a binary operator. Section3describes how to implement a self-adjusting version of the quick-hull algorithm using these functions.2.1Modifiable ListsFigure3shows signature and code for a module implementing modifiable lists. Modifiable lists are similar to ordinary lists—the difference is that the tail of a modifiable lists cell is stored inside of a modifiable.Modifiable lists enable the user to change their contents by changing the values stored in the tail elements through the change meta operation.The modifiable list library provides the functions write,eq,lengthLessThan, filter,and combine.The eq function tests shallow equality of the two lists. The write function specializes the write function of the COMBINATOR module for modifiable lists.The lengthLessThan function tests if the list is shorter than the given value.This function is straightforward to implement;we therefore omit the code.The filter and the combine functions are discussed in the following sections.2.2The TransformationThe programmer can transform an ordinary program into a self-adjusting program in two steps.Thefirst step makes the program adaptive by placing values into modifiables;this is described in detail in previous work[2].The second step adds memoization.To maximize result reuse,memoization should be applied at asfine a granularity as possible.Performance,however,suffers if many memoized com-putations share the same key.The programmer can avoid this problem by making sure that each memoized function call is uniquely identified by the values of its strict arguments.As an example,consider the filter function.Figure4shows the code for ordinary filter(left)and its self-adjusting version(right).The function takes a test function f and a list l and returns the list of the elements for which f is true. Thefirst step of the transformation involves changing the input list to a modifiable list and placing modref,read,write functions appropriately[2].In the second step,we memoize filter by considering its two branches.Since the NIL branch performs trivial work it need not be memoized.For the CONS branch we create a lift operator using mkLift and memoize the branch,treating h as strict and the contents of t(bound to ct)as non-strict.Since the lift operator places ct into another modifiable,an extra read is required.signature MOD LIST=sigdatatypeαmodcell=NIL|CONS of(α*αmodcell C.modref)typeαt=αmodcell C.modrefval eq:αBox.t modcell*αBox.t modcell→boolval write:αBox.t modcell→αBox.t modcell val lengthLessThan:int→(αt)→bool C.modrefval filter:(αBox.t→bool)→αBox.t t→(αBox.t t)val combine:(αBox.t*αBox.t→αBox.t)→(αBox.t t→αBox.t C.modref endstructure ML:MOD LIST=structdatatypeαmodcell=NIL|CONS of(α*αmodcell C.modref)typeαt=αmodcell C.modrefinfix val op = C.readfun eq(a,b)=case(a,b)of(NIL,NIL)⇒true|(CONS(ha,ta),CONS(hb,tb))⇒Box.eq(ha,hb)andalso(ta=tb)|⇒falsefun write c= C.write eq cfun lengthLessThan n filter f l=...(*See Figure4*)fun combine binOp l=...(*See Figure5*)endFig.3.The signature for modifiable lists and an implementation.filter:(αBox.t→bool)→(αBox.t list)→(αBox.t list)fun filter f l=letfun filterM c=case c ofnil⇒nil|h::t⇒if(f h)then(CONS(h,filterM t))else filterM tin filterM l end filter:(αBox.t→bool)→(αBox.t ML.t)→(αBox.t list)fun filter f l=letval lift= C.mkLift ML.eqfun filterM c=case c ofML.NIL⇒ML.write ML.NIL|ML.CONS(h,t)⇒t (fn ct⇒lift([Box.indexOf h],ct)(fn t⇒if(f h)thenML.write(ML.CONS(h,C.modref(t filterM))) else t filterM))in C.modref(l filterM)endFig.4.The self-adjustingfilter function.2.3Program StabilityEven though any purely functional program can be methodically transformed into a self-adjusting program,not all such programs perform efficiently under changes. The performance is determined by how stable the program is under that change.In other work[1,4],we formalize stability and prove stability bounds for a number of algorithms.A precise treatment of stability is beyond the scope of this paper,but we would like to give some intuition.The stability of a program canfun combine binOp l=let fun halfList l=let val pairEqual((b1,c1),(b2,c2))=Box.eq(b1,b2)andalso ML.eq(c1,c2)val writePair= C.write’pairEqualval lift= C.mkLiftCC(ML.eq,ML.eq)fun half c=let fun sumRun(v,ML.NIL)=writePair(v,c)|sumRun(v,ML.CONS(h,t))=t (fn ct⇒if hash(Box.indexOf h)=0then writePair(binOp(v,h),ct)else sumRun(binOp(v,h),ct))in case c ofML.NIL⇒ML.write ML.NIL|ML.CONS(h,t)⇒t (fn ct⇒lift([Box.indexOf h],ct)(fn t⇒t (fn ct⇒let val p= C.modref(sumRun(h,ct))in p (fn(v,ct’)⇒ML.write(ML.CONS(v, C.modref(half ct’))))end)))endin C.modref(l (fn c⇒half c))endfun comb l=ML.lengthLessThan2l (fn b⇒if b then l (fn c⇒case c of ML.NIL⇒raise EmptyList|ML.CONS(h,)⇒ C.write h)else comb(halfList l))in C.modref(comb l)endFig.5.Self-adjusting list determined by comparing the executions of the program on inputs before and after the change takes place.An easy stability criterion is to look at the difference between all data computed by two executions—a large difference means that the program is not stable.A more precise analysis is based on computing the distance between the(execution)traces instead of just data.The trace is defined as the set of executed lift functions tagged with their strict arguments.The distance between two traces is total execution time of the function calls in the symmetric set difference of the two traces—we refer to such function calls as affected.A call is affected if there isn’t a call in the other trace that has the same strict arguments.Under certain conditions,it can be shown that the trace distance and the time for adjusting to a change are equal[1].For example,it can be shown that the filter function adjusts to a deletion/insertion in constant time by showing that the trace distance under this change is constant.As an example,consider summing the values in a list.The straightforward technique of traversing the list while maintaining the partial sum of all elements visited is not stable,because deleting/inserting a key will change all the partial sums that include that key.We now provide a stable solution to this problem in a more general setting.A fundamental primitive for computing with lists is a combine(a.k.a.,fold orc 5d 3b 8g 9a 0a 0g 15g 15g 20a 38a 18a 0b 18b 13d 3e 2e 2h 6i 44511i i j jFig.6.The lists at each round before and after inserting the key f with value 7.reduce )primitive that takes a binary operation and a list,and combines the values in the list by applying the binary operation.By choosing the binary operation to be applied,combine can perform various operations on lists such as computing the sum of all elements,finding the minimum or maximum element,or finding the longest increasing sequence in a list.To provide a stable solution to this problem,we adopt a randomized approach.The idea is to halve the input list into smaller and smaller lists until the list is a singleton.To halve a list,choose a randomly selected subset of the list and delete the chosen elements from the list.Deleting an element incorporates its value to the closest surviving element to the left.Note that a deterministic approach,where,for example,every other element is deleted is not stable,because deleting /inserting an element can cause a large change by shifting the positions of many elements by one.Figure 5shows the code for the approach.We assume that the given binary operator is associative—commutativity is not required.For randomization,we use a random hash function [22]that returns zero or one with probability a half.As an example,Figure 6shows an execution of combine that computes the sum of the values in the lists [(a,0),(b,8),(c,5),(d,3),(e,2),(g,9),(h,6),(i,4),(j,1)]and [(a,0),(b,8),(c,5),(d,3),(e,2),(f,7),(g,9),(h,6),(i,4),(j,1)],which di ffer by the key f,with value 7.The keys are a,...,k.The second execution can be obtained from the first by inserting f and performing a change propagation.During change propagation,only the shaded cells will be recomputed.Based on this intuition and by establishing an isomorphism to Skip List [19],it can be shown that a deletion /insertion requires logarithmic time in the size of the list [1].Fig.7.The Quick-Hull Algorithm3Self-Adjusting Quick HullThe convex hull of a set of points is the smallest polygon enclosing these points.We describe a self-adjusting version of the quick hull algorithm for computing convex hulls and present an experimental evaluation.Convex hulls have been studied both in the ordinary and the dynamic(incremental)settings[12,18,17,16,9,5].Figure8shows the code for the quick hull algorithm,as given by the transfor-mation technique described in Section2.2.As is standard in the literature,we only compute the upper hull—the same algorithm can compute the complete hull by using a slightly different distance function.The code relies on modifiable lists an module that supplies the geometric primitives specified by the POINT signature—it is straightforward to give an implementation for this signature.Figure7illustrates how the algorithms works.The algorithmfirst computes the leftmost(min)and the rightmost(max)points in the input,and calls split with the line(min,max).The split function takes the line(p1,p2)andfilters out the points below that line.The function thenfinds the point,max,that is far-thest away from the line and performs two recursive calls with the lines(p1,max) and(max,p2),respectively.The algorithm uses the combine function tofind the leftmost and the rightmost points,as well as the point farthest away from a line.To evaluate the effectiveness our approach,we measure the following quantities for a given input I.•Time for running the non-self-adjusting quick hull,denoted T verifier(I).•Time for running the self-adjusting quick hull,T initialRun(I).•Average time for a deletion/insertion,denoted T avgDelIns(I):This quantity is mea-signature POINT=sigtype tval toLeft:t*t→boolval toRight:t*t→boolval leftTurn:t*t*t→boolval distToLine:t*t→t→realval fromCoordinates:real*real→tval toCoordinates:t→real*realendstructure P:POINT=struct...endstructure QuickHull=structstructure C=Combinfix val op = C.readfun split(rp1,rp2,ps,hull)=let val lift= C.mkLiftCC2(ML.eq,ML.eq,ML.eq)fun splitM(p1,p2,ps,hull)=let fun select p=P.distToLine(Box.valueOf p1,Box.valueOf p2)(Box.valueOf p)>0.0 val l=ML.filter select psin l (fn cl⇒case cl ofML.NIL⇒ML.write(ML.CONS(p1,hull))|ML.CONS(h,t)⇒hull (fn chull⇒lift([Box.indexOf p1,Box.indexOf p2],cl,chull)(fn(l,hull)⇒let val(v1,v2)=(Box.valueOf p1,Box.valueof p2)fun select(a,b)=if(P.distToLine(v1,v2)(Box.valueOf a)>P.distToLine(v1,v2)(Box.valueOf b))then aelse bval rmax=bine select lval rest= C.modref(rmax (fn max⇒splitM(max,p2,l,hull))) in rmax (fn max⇒splitM(p1,max,l,rest))end)))endin rp1 (fn p1⇒rp2 (fn p2⇒splitM(p1,p2,ps,hull)))end fun qhull l=C.modref((ML.lengthLessThan2l) (fn b⇒if b then ML.write ML.NILelse let fun select f(a,b)=if f(Box.valueOf a,Box.valueOf b)then aelse bval min=bine(select P.toLeft)lval max=bine(select P.toRight)lval h= C.modref(max (fn m⇒ML.write(ML.CONS(m,C.modref(ML.write ML.NIL)))))) in split(min,max,l,h)end))endFig.8.Self-adjusting Quick Hull.0 0.511.522.533.54200K180K 160K 140K 120K 100K 80K 60K 40K 20K 1K T i m e Input Size Time for Ordinary (non-Self-Adjusting) RunApplcation + G.C. Time Application Time 0 5 10 15 2025 30200K 180K 160K 140K 120K 100K 80K 60K 40K 20K 1K T i m e Input SizeTime for Initial Run Application + G.C. Time Application Time Non-self-adjusting-run time 0 0.00040.00080.0012 0.00160.002200K180K 160K 140K 120K 100K 80K 60K 40K 20K 1K T i m e Input Size Average Time for Insertion/Deletions Application + G.C. Time Application Time 0 5001000 15002000250030003500200K 180K 160K 140K 120K 100K 80K 60K 40K 20K 1K S p e e d u p Input SizeSpeedup = From-Scratch/Change-Propagation Speedup (Application + G.C.)Speedup (Application)Fig.9.Timings for quick hull.sured by running a delete-propagate-insert-propagate step for each element and computing the average time.Each step deletes an element,runs change propa-gation,inserts the element back,and runs change propagation.Figure 9shows the timings for input sizes up to to 200K (i.e.,200000).The inputs are generated randomly.An input of size n is produced by randomly se-lecting n points from a 10n ×10n square.The experiments are run on a 2.7GHz Power Mac G5with 4GB of memory;the machine runs Mac OS X.We use the MLton [21]compiler with option ram-slop 1.This option directs the compiler to use all the available memory available on the system (MLton,however,can only allocate a maximum of two Gigabytes).The experiments show that the overhead T initialRun (I )/T verifier (I )of our library is no more than six,including time for garbage collection.When the time for garbage collection is excluded the overhead is about a factor of two.During initial run,the ratio of garbage-collection time to the total execution time increases as the input size increases.At its peak,garbage-collection time constitutes 67%of the total execution time.One reason for this can be that self-adjusting programs build and store the dynamic dependence graphs and the memo tables during the initial execution.Although the ratio for garbage collection can be relatively high,this is less of a problem for the initial run,because an initial run takes place only once—the computation adjusts to changes via change propagation.The bottom left figure shows the average time for a deletion /insertion via change propagation.This quantity increases very slowly with the input size.The time for。

Sensirion SGP30 多像素气体传感器数据手册说明书

Sensirion SGP30 多像素气体传感器数据手册说明书

Preliminary Datasheet SGP30Important Note:▪All specifications are preliminary and are subject to change without prior notice.▪Characterization and qualification of this product is ongoing.SGP30Sensirion Gas Platform Preliminary Datasheet▪ MEMS metal-oxide gas sensor for measuring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) ▪ Outstanding long-term stability▪ I 2C interface with TVOC and CO 2eq output signals ▪ Very small 6-pin DFN package: 2.45 x 2.45 x 0.9 mm 3 ▪ Low power consumption: 48 mA at 1.8V ▪ Tape and reel packaged, reflow solderableBlock DiagramFigure 1 Functional block diagram of the SGP30.Product SummaryThe SGP30 is a digital multipixel gas sensor designed for easy integration into air purifier, demand-controlled ventilation, and IoT applications. Sensirion’s CMOSens ® technology offers a complete sensor system on a single chip featuring a digital I 2C interface, a temperature controlled micro hotplate, and two preprocessed indoor air quality signals. As the first metal-oxide gas sensor featuring multiple sensing elements on one chip, the SGP30 provides more detailed information about the air quality.The sensing element features an unmatched robustness against contaminating gases present in real-world applications enabling a unique long-term stability and low drift. The very small 2.45 x 2.45 x 0.9 mm 3 DFN package enables applications in limited spaces. Sensirion’s state-of-the-art production process guarantees high reproducibility and reliability. Tape and reel packaging, together with suitability for standard SMD assembly processes make the SGP30 predestined for high-volume applications.1Sensor Performance 1.1Gas Sensing PerformanceAccuracy Ethanol signalFigure 2 Typical and maximum accuracy tolerance in % of measured value at 25°C, 50% RH and typical VDD. The sensors have been operated for at least 24h before all characterizations. Accuracy H2 signalFigure 3 Typical and maximum accuracy tolerance in % of measured value at 25°C, 50% RH and typical VDD. The sensors have been operated for at least 24h before all characterizations.1 ppm: parts per million. 1 ppm = 1000 ppb (parts per billion)2 The long-term drift is stated as change of accuracy per year of operation.3 Test conditions: operation in 250 ppm Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) for 200h simulating 10 years of operation in an indoor environment.Long-term drift Ethanol signal Long-term drift H2 signalFigure 5 Typical and maximum long-term drift in % of measuredvalue at 25°C, 50% RH and typical VDD. The sensors have beenoperated for at least 24h before all characterizations.Figure 6 Simplified version of the functional block diagram (compare Figure 1 Functional block diagram of the SGP30.) showing the signal paths of the SGP30.1.3Recommended Operating ConditionsThe sensor shows best performance when operated within recommended normal temperature and humidity range of5 – 55 °C and 25 –75 %RH, respectively. Long-term exposure to conditions outside normal range, especially at high humidity, may temporarily affect the sensor performance. Prolonged exposure to extreme conditions may accelerate aging. To ensure stable operation of the gas sensor, the conditions described in the document SGP Handling and Assembly Instructionsregarding exposure to exceptionally high concentrations of some organic or inorganic compounds have to be met, particularly during operation. Please also refer to the Design-in Guide for optimal integration of the SGP30.2Electrical SpecificationsFigure 7 Typical application circuit (for better clarity in the image, the positioning of the pins does not reflect the positions on the real sensor).The electrical specifications of the SGP30 are shown in Table 3. The power supply pins must be decoupled with a 100 nF capacitor that shall be placed as close as possible to pin VDD – see Figure 7. The required decoupling depends on the power supply network connected to the sensor. We also recommend VDD and VDDH pins to be shorted.SCL is used to synchronize the communication between the microcontroller and the sensor. The SDA pin is used to transfer data to and from the sensor. For safe communication, the timing specifications defined in the I2C manual4 must be met. Both SCL and SDA lines are open-drain I/Os with diodes to VDD and VSS. They should be connected to external pull-up resistors. To avoid signal contention, the microcontroller must only drive SDA and SCL low. The external pull-up resistors (e.g. R p = 10 kΩ) are required to pull the signal high. For dimensioning resistor sizes please take bus capacity and communication frequency into account (see for example Section 7.1 of NXPs I2C Manual for more details4). It should be noted that pull-up5.2Communication TimingsDefault conditions of 25 °C and 1.8 V supply voltage apply to values in the table below, unless otherwise stated.4Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Comments SCL clock frequencyf SCL-- 400 kHz - Hold time (repeated) START conditiont HD;STA After this period, the first clock pulse is generated 0.6 --µs-LOW period of the SCL clock t LOW - 1.3 - - µs - HIGH period of the SCL clockt HIGH- 0.6 - - µs - Set-up time for a repeated START condition t SU;STA - 0.6 - - µs - SDA hold time t HD;DAT - 0 - - ns - SDA set-up time t SU;DAT - 100 - - ns - SCL/SDA rise time t R - - - 300 ns - SCL/SDA fall time t F - - - 300 ns - SDA valid timet VD;DAT - - - 0.9 µs - Set-up time for STOP condition t SU;STO - 0.6 - - µs - Capacitive load on bus lineC B-400pF-Table 7 Communication timing specifications. Specifications are at 25°C and typical VDD.Figure 8 Timing diagram for digital input/output pads. SDA directions are seen from the sensor. Bold SDA lines are controlled by the sensor; plain SDA lines are controlled by the micro-controller. Note that SDA valid read time is triggered by falling edge of preceding toggle.6 Operation and CommunicationThe SGP30 supports I 2C fast mode. For detailed information on the I 2C protocol, refer to NXP I 2C-bus specification 4. All SGP30 commands and data are mapped to a 16-bit address space. Additionally, data and commands are protected with a CRC checksum to increase the communication reliability. The 16-bit commands that are sent to the sensor already include a 3-bit CRC checksum. Data sent from and received by the sensor is always succeeded by an 8-bit CRC.In write direction it is mandatory to transmit the checksum, since the SGP30 only accepts data if it is followed by the correct checksum. In read direction it is up to the master to decide if it wants to read and process the checksum.SGP30 Hex. Code I 2C address0x58Table 8 I 2C device address.The typical communication sequence between the I 2C master (e.g., a microcontroller in a host device) and the sensor is described as follows:SCL70% 30%t LOW1/f SCL t HIGHt Rt FSDA70% 30%t SU;DATt HD;DATDATA INt RSDA70% 30% DATA OUTt VD;DATt F1.The sensor is powered up, communication is initialized2.The I2C master periodically requests measurement and reads data, in the following sequence:a.I2C master sends a measurement commandb.I2C master waits until the measurement is finished, either by waiting for the maximum execution time or bywaiting for the expected duration and then poll data until the read header is acknowledged by the sensor(expected durations are listed in Table 9)c.I2C master reads out the measurement result6.1Power-Up and Communication StartThe sensor starts powering-up after reaching the power-up threshold voltage V POR specified in Table 6. After reaching this threshold voltage, the sensor needs the time t PU to enter the idle state. Once the idle state is entered it is ready to receive commands from the master.Each transmission sequence begins with a START condition (S) and ends with a STOP condition (P) as described in the I2C-bus specification.6.2Measurement Communication SequenceA measurement communication sequence consists of a START condition, the I2C write header (7-bit I2C device address plus 0 as the write bit) and a 16-bit measurement command. The proper reception of each byte is indicated by the sensor. It pulls the SDA pin low (ACK bit) after the falling edge of the 8th SCL clock to indicate the reception. With the acknowledgement of the measurement command, the SGP30 starts measuring.When the measurement is in progress, no communication with the sensor is possible and the sensor aborts the communication with a NACK condition.After the sensor has completed the measurement, the master can read the measurement results by sending a START condition followed by an I2C read header. The sensor will acknowledge the reception of the read header and responds with data. The response data length is listed in Table 9 and is structured in data words, where one word consists of two bytes of data followed by one byte CRC checksum. Each byte must be acknowledged by the microcontroller with an ACK condition for the sensor to continue sending data. If the sensor does not receive an ACK from the master after any byte of data, it will not continue sending data.After receiving the checksum for the last word of data, an NACK and STOP condition have to be sent (see Figure 9).The I2C master can abort the read transfer with a NACK followed by a STOP condition after any data byte if it is not interested in subsequent data, e.g. the CRC byte or following data bytes, in order to save time. Note that the data cannot be read more than once, and access to data beyond the specified amount will return a pattern of 1s.6.3Measurement CommandsThe available measurement commands of the SGP30 are listed in Table 9.Feature SetThe SGP30 features a versioning system for the available set of measurement commands and on-chip algorithms. This so called feature set version number can be read out by sending a “Get_feature_set_version” command. The sensor responds with 2 data bytes (MSB first) and 1 CRC byte. This feature set version number is used to refer to a corresponding set of available measurement commands as listed in Table 9.Air Quality SignalsThe SGP30 uses a dynamic baseline correction algorithm and on-chip calibration parameters to provide two complementary air quality signals. Based on the sensor signals a total VOC signal (TVOC) and a CO2equivalent signal (CO2eq) are calculated. Sending an “Init_air_quality” command starts the air quality measurement. After the “Init_air_quality” command, a “Measure_air_quality” command has to be sent in regular intervals of 1s to ensure proper operation of the dynamic baseline correction algorithms. The sensor responds with 2 data bytes (MSB first) and 1 CRC byte for each of the two preprocessed air quality signals in the order CO2eq (ppm) and TVOC (ppb).The SGP30 also provides the possibility to read and write the baseline values of the baseline correction algorithm. This feature is used to save the baseline in regular intervals on an external non-volatile memory and restore it after a new power-up or soft reset of the sensor. The command “Get_baseline” returns the baseline values for the two air quality signals. T he sensorresponds with 2 data bytes (MSB first) and 1 CRC byte for each of the two values in the order CO 2eq and TVOC. These two values should be stored on an external memory. After a power-up or soft reset, the baseline of the baseline correction algorit hm can be restored by using the “Set_baseline” command with the two baseline values as parameters in the order as (TVOC, CO 2eq). An example implementation of a generic driver for the baseline algorithm can be found in the document SGP30_driver_integration_guide .A new “Init_air_quality” command has to be sent after every power -up or soft reset.Sensor SignalsThe command “Measure_signals” is intended for part verification and testing purposes. It returns the sensor signals which are used as inputs for the on-chip calibration and baseline correction algorithms as shown in Figure 6. The command performs a measurement to which the sensor responds with 2 data bytes (MSB first) and 1 CRC byte (see Figure 9) for 2 sensor signals in the order H2_signal (s out_H2) and Ethanol_signal (s out_EthOH ) Both signals can be used to calculate gas concentrations c relative to a reference concentration c ref byln (c c ref ⁄)=s ref −s outawith a = 512 (9-bit shift), s ref the H2_signal or Ethanol_signal output at the reference concentration, and s out = s out_H2 or s out = s out_EthOH .Measure TestThe command “Measure_test ” which is included for integration and production line testing runs an on-chip self-test. In case of a successful self-test the sensor returns the fixed data pattern 0xD400 (with correct CRC).Table 9 Measurement commands.6.4 Soft ResetA sensor reset can be generated using the “General Call” mode according to I 2C-bus specification. It is important to understand that a reset generated in this way is not device specific. All devices on the same I 2C bus that support the General Call mode will perform a reset. The appropriate command consists of two bytes and is shown in Table 10.Table 10 Reset through the General Call address (Clear blocks are controlled by the microcontroller, grey blocks by the sensor.).6.5Get Serial IDThe readout of the serial ID register can be used to identify the chip and verify the presence of the sensor. The appropriate command structure is shown in Table 11. After issuing the measurement command and sending the ACK Bit the sensor needs the time t IDLE = 0.5ms to respond to the I2C read header with an ACK Bit. Hence, it is recommended to wait t IDLE =0.5ms before issuing the read header.The get serial ID command returns 3 words, and every word is followed by an 8-bit CRC checksum. Together the 3 words constitute a unique serial ID with a length of 48 bits.The ID returned with this command are represented in the big endian (or MSB first) format.Table 11 Get serial ID command.6.6Checksum CalculationThe 8-bit CRC checksum transmitted after each data word is generated by a CRC algorithm. Its properties are displayed in Table 12. The CRC covers the contents of the two previously transmitted data bytes. To calculate the checksum only these two previously transmitted data bytes are used.Table 12 I2C CRC properties.6.7Communication Data SequencesFigure 9 Communication sequence for starting a measurement and reading measurement results.7Quality7.1Environmental StabilityThe qualification of the SGP30 will be performed based on the JEDEC JESD47 qualification test method.7.2Material ContentsThe device is fully RoHS and WEEE compliant, e.g., free of Pb, Cd, and Hg.8Device PackageSGP30 sensors are provided in a DFN (dual flat no leads) package with an outline of 2.45 × 2.45 × 0.9 mm3and a terminal pitch of 0.8 mm. The circular sensor opening of maximally 1.6 mm diameter is centered on the top side of the package. The sensor chip is assembled on a Ni/Pd/Au plated copper lead frame. Sensor chip and lead frame are over-molded by a black, epoxy-based mold compound. Please note that the side walls of the package are diced and therefore the lead frame sidewall surfaces are not plated. SGP308.1TraceabilityAll SGP30 sensors are laser marked for simple identification and traceability. The marking on the sensor consists of the product name and a 4-digit, alphanumeric tracking code. This code is used by Sensirion for batch-level tracking throughout production, calibration, and testing. Detailed tracking data can be provided upon justified request. The pin-1 location is indicated by the keyhole pattern in the light-colored central area. See Figure 10 for illustration.Figure 10 Laser marking on SGP30. The pin-1 location is indicated by the keyhole pattern in the light-colored central area. The bottom line contains a 4-digit alphanumeric tracking code8.2 Package OutlineFigure 11 Package outlines drawing of the SGP30 with nominal values. Dimensions are given in millimeters. The die pad shows a small recess in the bottom left part. * These dimensions are not well defined and given as a reference only.8.3 Landing PatternFigure 12 shows the PCB landing pattern. The landing pattern is understood to be the metal layer on the PCB, onto which the DFN pads are soldered. The solder mask is understood to be the insulating layer on top of the PCB covering the copper traces. It is recommended to design the solder mask as a Non-Solder Mask Defined (NSMD) type. For solder paste printing it is recommended to use a laser-cut, stainless steel stencil with electro-polished trapezoidal walls and with 0.125 to 0.150 mm stencil thickness. The length of the stencil apertures for the I/O pads should be the same as the PCB pads. However, the position of the stencil apertures should have an offset of 0.1 mm away from the package center, as indicated in Figure 12. The die pad aperture should cover 70 – 90 % of the die pad area, resulting in a size of about 1.05 mm x 1.5 mm.For information on the soldering process and further recommendation on the assembly process please contact Sensirion.Figure 12 Recommended landing pattern.o9 Ordering InformationSamples are available upon request. Please contact Sensirion.10 Tape & Reel PackageFigure 13 Technical drawing of the packaging tape with sensor orientation in tape. Header tape is to the right and trailer tape to the left on this drawing. Dimensions are given in millimeters.NOTES:AS TRUE POSITION OF POCKET, NOT POCKET HOLE3. A0 AND B0 ARE CALCULATED ON A PLANE AT A DISTANCE "R" ABOVE THE BOTTOM OF THE POCKETSECTION A - A11Important Notices11.1Warning, Personal InjuryDo not use this product as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury. Do not use this product for applications other than its intended and authorized use. Before installing, handling, using or servicing this product, please consult the data sheet and application notes. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury. If the Buyer shall purchase or use SENSIRION products for any unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless SENSIRION and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates and distributors against all claims, costs, damages and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if SENSIRION shall be allegedly negligent with respect to the design or the manufacture of the product.11.2ESD PrecautionsThe inherent design of this component causes it to be sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). To prevent ESD-induced damage and/or degradation, take customary and statutory ESD precautions when handling this product.See ap plication note “ESD, Latchup and EMC” for more information.11.3WarrantySENSIRION warrants solely to the original purchaser of this product for a period of 12 months (one year) from the date of delivery that this product shall be of the quality, material and workmanship defined in SENSIRION’s published specifications of the pr oduct. Within such period, if proven to be defective, SENSIRION shall repair and/or replace this product, in SENSIRION’s discretion, free of charge to the Buyer, provided that:∙notice in writing describing the defects shall be given to SENSIRION within fourteen (14) days after their appearance;∙such defects shall be found, to SENSIRION’s reasonable satisfaction, to have arisen from SENSIRION’s faulty design, material, or workmanship;∙the defective product shall be returned to SENSIRION’s factory at the Buyer’s expense; and∙the warranty period for any repaired or replaced product shall be limited to the unexpired portion of the original period.This warranty does not apply to any equipment which has not been installed and used within the specifications recommended by SENSIRION for the intended and proper use of the equipment. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, SENSIRION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED AND DECLINED. SENSIRION is only liable for defects of this product arising under the conditions of operation provided for in the data sheet and proper use of the goods. SENSIRION explicitly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, for any period during which the goods are operated or stored not in accordance with the technical specifications.SENSIRION does not assume any liability arising out of any application or use of any product or circuit and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. All operating parameters, including without limitation recommended parameters, must be validated f or each customer’s applications by customer’s technical experts. Recommended parameters can and do vary in different applicat ions. SENSIRION reserves the right, without further notice, (i) to change the product specifications and/or the information in this document and (ii) to improve reliability, functions and design of this product.Copyright© 2017 by SENSIRION.CMOSens® is a trademark of Sensirion.All rights reserved.12Headquarters and SubsidiariesSensirion AG Laubisruetistr. 50CH-8712 Staefa ZH Switzerlandphone: +41 44 306 40 00 fax: +41 44 306 40 30 ****************** Sensirion Inc., USAphone: +1 312 690 5858*********************Sensirion Korea Co. +82 31 337 7700~3********************* Sensirion Japan Co. +81 3 3444 4940********************* China Co. +86 755 8252 1501*********************Sensirion Taiwan Co. Ltdphone: +886 3 5506701****************** To find your local representative, please visit /distributors。



EudraLexThe Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European UnionVolume 4EU Guidelines toGood Manufacturing PracticeMedicinal Products for Human and Veterinary UsePart IChapter 1 Quality ManagementPrincipleThe holder of a Manufacturing Authorisation must manufacture medicinal products so as to ensure that they are fit for their intended use, comply with the requirements of the Marketing Authorisation and do not place patients at risk due to inadequate safety, quality or efficacy. The attainment of this quality objective is the responsibility of senior management and requires the participation and commitment by staff in many different departments and at all levels within the company, by the company‟s suppliers and by the distributors. To achiev e the quality objective reliably there must be a comprehensively designed and correctly implemented system of Quality Assurance incorporating Good Manufacturing Practice, Quality Control and Quality Risk Management. It should be fully documented and its effectiveness monitored. All parts of the Quality Assurance system should be adequately resourced with competent personnel, and suitable and sufficient premises, equipment and facilities. There are additional legal responsibilities for the holder of the Manufacturing Authorisation and for the Qualified Person(s).The basic concepts of Quality Assurance, Good Manufacturing Practice, Quality Control and Quality Risk Management are inter-related. They are described here in order to emphasise their relationships and their fundamental importance to the production and control of medicinal products.Quality Assurance1.1 Quality Assurance is a wide-ranging concept, which covers all matters, which individually or collectively influence the quality of a product. It is the sum total of the organised arrangements made with the objective of ensuring that medicinal products are of the quality required for their intended use. Quality Assurance therefore incorporates Good Manufacturing Practice plus other factors outside the scope of this Guide.The system of Quality Assurance appropriate for the manufacture of medicinal products should ensure that:(i) medicinal products are designed and developed in a way that takes account of the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice;(ii) production and control operations are clearly specified and Good Manufacturing Practice adopted;(iii) managerial responsibilities are clearly specified;(iv) arrangements are made for the manufacture, supply and use of the correct starting and packaging materials;(v) all necessary controls on intermediate products, and any other in-process controls and validations are carried out;(vi) the finished product is correctly processed and checked, according to the defined procedures; (vii) medicinal products are not sold or supplied before a Qualified Person has certified that each production batch has been produced and controlled in accordance with the requirements of the Marketing Authorisation and any other regulations relevant to the production, control and release of medicinal products;(viii) satisfactory arrangements exist to ensure, as far as possible, that the medicinal products are stored, distributed and subsequently handled so that quality is maintained throughout their shelf life;(ix) there is a procedure for Self-Inspection and/or quality audit, which regularly appraises the effectiveness and applicability of the Quality Assurance system.Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products (GMP)1.2 Good Manufacturing Practice is that part of Quality Assurance which ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled to the quality standards appropriate to their intended use and as required by the Marketing Authorisation or product specification.Good Manufacturing Practice is concerned with both production and quality control. The basic requirements of GMP are that:(i) all manufacturing processes are clearly defined, systematically reviewed in the light of experience and shown to be capable of consistently manufacturing medicinal products of the required quality and complying with their specifications;(ii) critical steps of manufacturing processes and significant changes to the process are validated; (iii) all necessary facilities for GMP are provided including:• a ppropriately qualified and trained personnel;• adequate premises and space;• suitable equipment and services;• correct materials, containers and labels;• approved procedures and instructions;• suitable storage and transport;(iv) instructions and procedures are written in an instructional form in clear and unambiguous language, specifically applicable to the facilities provided;(v) operators are trained to carry out procedures correctly;(vi) records are made, manually and/or by recording instruments, during manufacture which demonstrate that all the steps required by the defined procedures and instructions were in fact taken and that the quantity and quality of the product was as expected. Any significant deviations are fully recorded and investigated;(vii) records of manufacture including distribution which enable the complete history of a batch to be traced, are retained in a comprehensible and accessible form;(viii) the distribution (wholesaling) of the products minimises any risk to their quality;(ix) a system is available to recall any batch of product, from sale or supply;(x) complaints about marketed products are examined, the causes of quality defects investigated and appropriate measures taken in respect of the defective products and to prevent reoccurrence. Quality Control1.3 Quality Control is that part of Good Manufacturing Practice which is concerned with sampling, specifications and testing, and with the organisation, documentation and release procedures which ensure that the necessary and relevant tests are actually carried out and that materials are not released for use, nor products released for sale or supply, until their quality has been judged to be satisfactory.The basic requirements of Quality Control are that:(i) adequate facilities, trained personnel and approved procedures are available for sampling, inspecting and testing starting materials, packaging materials, intermediate, bulk, and finished products, and where appropriate for monitoring environmental conditions for GMP purposes; (ii) samples of starting materials, packaging materials, intermediate products, bulk products and finished products are taken by personnel and by methods approved by Quality Control;(iii) test methods are validated;(iv) records are made, manually and/or by recording instruments, which demonstrate that all the required sampling, inspecting and testing procedures were actually carried out. Any deviations are fully recorded and investigated;(v) the finished products contain active ingredients complying with the qualitative and quantitative composition of the Marketing Authorisation, are of the purity required, and are enclosed within their proper containers and correctly labelled;(vi) records are made of the results of inspection and that testing of materials, intermediate, bulk, and finished products is formally assessed against specification. Product assessment includes a review and evaluation of relevant production documentation and an assessment of deviations from specified procedures;(vii) no batch of product is released for sale or supply prior to certification by a Qualified Person that it is in accordance with the requirements of the relevant authorisations;(viii) sufficient reference samples of starting materials and products are retained to permit future examination of the product if necessary and that the product is retained in its final pack unless exceptionally large packs are produced.Product Quality Review1.4 Regular periodic or rolling quality reviews of all licensed medicinal products, including export only products, should be conducted with the objective of verifying the consistency of the existing process, the appropriateness of current specifications for both starting materials and finished product to highlight any trends and to identify product and process improvements. Such reviews should normally be conducted and documented annually, taking into account previous reviews, and should include at least:(i) A review of starting materials including packaging materials used in the product, especially those from new sources.(ii) A review of critical in-process controls and finished product results.(iii) A review of all batches that failed to meet established specification(s) and their investigation.(iv) A review of all significant deviations or non-conformances, their related investigations, and the effectiveness of resultant corrective and preventative actions taken.(v) A review of all changes carried out to the processes or analytical methods.(vi) A review of Marketing Authorisation variations submitted/granted/refused, including those for third country (export only) dossiers.(vii) A review of the results of the stability monitoring programme and any adverse trends. (viii) A review of all quality-related returns, complaints and recalls and the investigationsperformed at the time.(ix) A review of adequacy of any other previous product process or equipment corrective actions. (x) For new marketing authorisations and variations to marketing authorisations, a review of post-marketing commitments.(xi) The qualification status of relevant equipment and utilities, e.g. HV AC, water, compressed gases, etc.(xii) A review of any contractual arrangements as defined in Chapter 7 to ensure that they are up to date.The manufacturer and marketing authorisation holder should evaluate the results of this review, where different, and an assessment made of whether corrective and preventative action or any revalidation should be undertaken. Reasons for such corrective actions should be documented. Agreed corrective and preventative actions should be completed in a timely and effective manner. There should be management procedures for the ongoing management and review of these actions and the effectiveness of these procedures verified during self- inspection. Quality reviews may be grouped by product type, e.g. solid dosage forms, liquid dosage forms, sterile products, etc. where scientifically justified.Where the marketing authorisation holder is not the manufacturer, there should be a technical agreement in place between the various parties that defines their respective responsibilities in producing the quality review. The Qualified Person responsible for final batch certification together with the marketing authorisation holder should ensure that the quality review is performed in a timely manner and is accurate.Quality Risk Management1.5 Quality risk management is a systematic process for the assessment, control, communication and review of risks to the quality of the medicinal product. It can be applied both proactively and retrospectively.1.6 The quality risk management system should ensure that:- the evaluation of the risk to quality is based on scientific knowledge, experience with the process and ultimately links to the protection of the patient- the level of effort, formality and documentation of the quality risk management process is commensurate with the level of riskExamples of the processes and applications of quality risk management can be found inter alia in Annex 20.CHAPTER 2 PERSONNELPrincipleThe establishment and maintenance of a satisfactory system of quality assurance and the correct manufacture of medicinal products relies upon people. For this reason there must be sufficient qualified personnel to carry out all the tasks which are the responsibility of the manufacturer. Individual responsibilities should be clearly understood by the individuals and recorded. All personnel should be aware of the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice that affect them and receive initial and continuing training, including hygiene instructions, relevant to their needs. General2.1 The manufacturer should have an adequate number of personnel with the necessary qualifications and practical experience. The responsibilities placed on any one individual should not be so extensive as to present any risk to quality.2.2 The manufacturer must have an organisation chart. People in responsible positions should havespecific duties recorded in written job descriptions and adequate authority to carry out their responsibilities. Their duties may be delegated to designated deputies of a satisfactory qualification level. There should be no gaps or unexplained overlaps in the responsibilities of those personnel concerned with the application of Good Manufacturing Practice.Key Personnel2.3 Key Personnel include the head of Production, the head of Quality Control, and if at least one of 1 these persons is not responsible for the duties described in Article 51 of Directive 2001/83/EC , the Qualified Person(s) designated for the purpose. Normally key posts should be occupied by full-time personnel. The heads of Production and Quality Control must be independent from each other. In large organisations, it may be necessary to delegate some of the functions listed in 2.5, 2.6 and The duties of the Qualified Person(s) are fully described in Article 51 of Directive 2001/83/EC, and can be summarised as follows:(a) for medicinal products manufactured within the European Community, a Qualified Person must ensure that each batch has been produced and tested/checked in accordance with the directives and the marketing authorisation ;(b) for medicinal products manufactured outside the European Community, a Qualified Person must ensure that each imported batch has undergone, in the importing country, the testing specified in paragraph 1 (b) of Article 51;(c) a Qualified Person must certify in a register or equivalent document, as operations are carried out and before any release, that each production batch satisfies the provisions of Article 51.The persons responsible for these duties must meet the qualification requirements laid down in Article 493 of the same Directive, they shall be permanently and continuously at the disposal of the holder of the Manufacturing Authorisation to carry out their responsibilities. Their responsibilities may be delegated, but only to other Qualified Person(s).2.5 The head of the Production Department generally has the following responsibilities:i. to ensure that products are produced and stored according to the appropriate documentation in order to obtain the required quality;ii. to approve the instructions relating to production operations and to ensure their strict implementation;iii. to ensure that the production records are evaluated and signed by an authorised person before they are sent to the Quality Control Department;iv. to check the maintenance of his department, premises and equipment;v. to ensure that the appropriate validations are done;vi. to ensure that the required initial and continuing training of his department personnel is carried out and adapted according to need.2.6 The head of the Quality Control Department generally has the following responsibilities:i. to approve or reject, as he sees fit, starting materials, packaging materials, and intermediate, bulk and finished products;ii. to evaluate batch records;iii. to ensure that all necessary testing is carried out;iv. to approve specifications, sampling instructions, test methods and other Quality Control procedures;v. to approve and monitor any contract analysts;vi. to check the maintenance of his department, premises and equipment;vii. to ensure that the appropriate validations are done;viii. to ensure that the required initial and continuing training of his department personnel is carried out and adapted according to need.Other duties of the Quality Control Department are summarised in Chapter 6.2.7 The heads of Production and Quality Control generally have some shared, or jointly exercised, responsibilities relating to quality. These may include, subject to any national regulations:— the authorisation of written procedures and other documents, including amendments;— the monitoring and control of the manufacturing environment;— plant hygiene;— process validation;— training;— the approval and monitoring of suppliers of materials;— the approval and monitoring of contract manufacturers;— the designation and monitoring of storage conditions for materials and products;— the retention of records;— the monitoring of compliance with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice;— the inspection, investigation, and taking of samples, in order to monitor factors which may affect product quality.Training2.8 The manufacturer should provide training for all the personnel whose duties take them into production areas or into control laboratories (including the technical, maintenance and cleaning personnel), and for other personnel whose activities could affect the quality of the product.2.9 Besides the basic training on the theory and practice of Good Manufacturing Practice, newly recruited personnel should receive training appropriate to the duties assigned to them. Continuing training should also be given, and its practical effectiveness should be periodically assessed. Training programmes should be available, approved by either the head of Production or the head of Quality Control, as appropriate. Training records should be kept.2.10 Personnel working in areas where contamination is a hazard, e.g. clean areas or areas where highly active, toxic, infectious or sensitising materials are handled, should be given specific training.2.11 Visitors or untrained personnel should, preferably, not be taken into the production and quality control areas. If this is unavoidable, they should be given information in advance, particularly about personal hygiene and the prescribed protective clothing. They should be closely supervised.2.12 The concept of Quality Assurance and all the measures capable of improving its understanding and implementation should be fully discussed during the training sessions. Personnel Hygiene2.13 Detailed hygiene programmes should be established and adapted to the different needs within the factory. They should include procedures relating to the health, hygiene practices and clothing of personnel. These procedures should be understood and followed in a very strict way by every person whose duties take him into the production and control areas. Hygiene programmes should be promoted by management and widely discussed during training sessions.2.14 All personnel should receive medical examination upon recruitment. It must be the manufacturer‟s responsibility t hat there are instructions ensuring that health conditions that can be of relevance to the quality of products come to the manufacturer‟s knowledge. After the first medical examination, examinations should be carried out when necessary for the work and personal health.2.15 Steps should be taken to ensure as far as is practicable that no person affected by an infectious disease or having open lesions on the exposed surface of the body is engaged in the manufacture of medicinal products.2.16 Every person entering the manufacturing areas should wear protective garments appropriate to the operations to be carried out.2.17 Eating, drinking, chewing or smoking, or the storage of food, drink, smoking materials or personal medication in the production and storage areas should be prohibited. In general, any unhygienic practice within the manufacturing areas or in any other area where the product might be adversely affected, should be forbidden.2.18 Direct contact should be avoided between the operator‟s hands and the exposed product as well as with any part of the equipment that comes into contact with the products.2.19 Personnel should be instructed to use the hand-washing facilities.2.20 Any specific requirements for the manufacture of special groups of products, for example sterile preparations, are covered in the annexes.CHAPTER 3 PREMISES AND EQUIPMENTPrinciplePremises and equipment must be located, designed, constructed, adapted and maintained to suit the operations to be carried out. Their layout and design must aim to minimise the risk of errors and permit effective cleaning and maintenance in order to avoid cross- contamination, build up of dust or dirt and, in general, any adverse effect on the quality of products.PremisesGeneral3.1 Premises should be situated in an environment which, when considered together with measures to protect the manufacture, presents minimal risk of causing contamination of materials or products.3.2 Premises should be carefully maintained, ensuring that repair and maintenance operations do not present any hazard to the quality of products. They should be cleaned and, where applicable, disinfected according to detailed written procedures.3.3 Lighting, temperature, humidity and ventilation should be appropriate and such that they do not adversely affect, directly or indirectly, either the medicinal products during their manufacture and storage, or the accurate functioning of equipment.3.4 Premises should be designed and equipped so as to afford maximum protection against the entry of insects or other animals.3.5 Steps should be taken in order to prevent the entry of unauthorised people. Production, storage and quality control areas should not be used as a right of way by personnel who do not work in them.Production Area3.6 In order to minimise the risk of a serious medical hazard due to cross-contamination, dedicated and self contained facilities must be available for the production of particular medicinal products, such as highly sensitising materials (e.g. penicillins) or biological preparations (e.g. from live micro-organisms). The production of certain additional products, such as certain antibiotics, certain hormones, certain cytotoxics, certain highly active drugs and non-medicinal products should not be conducted in the same facilities. For those products, in exceptional cases, the principle of campaign working in the same facilities can be accepted provided that specific precautions are taken and the necessary validations are made. The manufacture of technicalpoisons, such as pesticides and herbicides, should not be allowed in premises used for the manufacture of medicinal products.3.7 Premises should preferably be laid out in such a way as to allow the production to take place in areas connected in a logical order corresponding to the sequence of the operations and to the requisite cleanliness levels.3.8 The adequacy of the working and in-process storage space should permit the orderly and logical positioning of equipment and materials so as to minimise the risk of confusion between different medicinal products or their components, to avoid cross-contamination and to minimise the risk of omission or wrong application of any of the manufacturing or control steps.3.9 Where starting and primary packaging materials, intermediate or bulk products are exposed to the environment, interior surfaces (walls, floors and ceilings) should be smooth, free from cracks and open joints, and should not shed particulate matter and should permit easy and effective cleaning and, if necessary, disinfection.3.10 Pipework, light fittings, ventilation points and other services should be designed and sited to avoid the creation of recesses which are difficult to clean. As far as possible, for maintenance purposes, they should be accessible from outside the manufacturing areas.3.11 Drains should be of adequate size, and have trapped gullies. Open channels should be avoided where possible, but if necessary, they should be shallow to facilitate cleaning and disinfection.3.12 Production areas should be effectively ventilated, with air control facilities (including temperature and, where necessary, humidity and filtration) appropriate both to the products handled, to the operations undertaken within them and to the external environment.3.13 Weighing of starting materials usually should be carried out in a separate weighing room designed for that use.3.14 In cases where dust is generated (e.g. during sampling, weighing, mixing and processing operations, packaging of dry products), specific provisions should be taken to avoid cross- contamination and facilitate cleaning.3.15 Premises for the packaging of medicinal products should be specifically designed and laid out so as to avoid mix-ups or cross-contamination.3.16 Production areas should be well lit, particularly where visual on-line controls are carried out.3.17 In-process controls may be carried out within the production area provided they do not carry any risk for the production.Storage Areas3.18 Storage areas should be of sufficient capacity to allow orderly storage of the various categories of materials and products:starting and packaging materials, intermediate, bulk and finished products, products in quarantine, released, rejected, returned or recalled.3.19 Storage areas should be designed or adapted to ensure good storage conditions. In particular, they should be clean and dry and maintained within acceptable temperature limits. Where special storage conditions are required (e.g. temperature, humidity) these should be provided, checked and monitored.3.20 Receiving and dispatch bays should protect materials and products from the weather. Reception areas should be designed and equipped to allow containers of incoming materials to be cleaned where necessary before storage.3.21 Where quarantine status is ensured by storage in separate areas, these areas must be clearly marked and their access restricted to authorised personnel. Any system replacing the physicalquarantine should give equivalent security.3.22 There should normally be a separate sampling area for starting materials. If sampling is performed in the storage area, it should be conducted in such a way as to prevent contamination or cross-contamination.3.23 Segregated areas should be provided for the storage of rejected, recalled or returned materials or products.3.24 Highly active materials or products should be stored in safe and secure areas.3.25 Printed packaging materials are considered critical to the conformity of the medicinal product and special attention should be paid to the safe and secure storage of these materials.Quality Control Areas3.26 Normally, Quality Control laboratories should be separated from production areas. This is particularly important for laboratories for the control of biologicals, microbiologicals and radioisotopes, which should also be separated from each other.3.27 Control laboratories should be designed to suit the operations to be carried out in them. Sufficient space should be given to avoid mix-ups and cross-contamination. There should be adequate suitable storage space for samples and records.3.28 Separate rooms may be necessary to protect sensitive instruments from vibration, electrical interference, humidity, etc.3.29 Special requirements are needed in laboratories handling particular substances, such as biological or radioactive samples.Ancillary Areas3.30 Rest and refreshment rooms should be separate from other areas.3.31 Facilities for changing clothes, and for washing and toilet purposes should be easily accessible and appropriate for the number of users. Toilets should not directly communicate with production or storage areas.3.32 Maintenance workshops should as far as possible be separated from production areas. Whenever parts and tools are stored in the production area, they should be kept in rooms or lockers reserved for that use.3.33 Animal houses should be well isolated from other areas, with separate entrance (animal access) and air handling facilities.Equipment3.34 Manufacturing equipment should be designed, located and maintained to suit its intended purpose.3.35 Repair and maintenance operations should not present any hazard to the quality of the products.3.36 Manufacturing equipment should be designed so that it can be easily and thoroughly cleaned. It should be cleaned according to detailed and written procedures and stored only in a clean and dry condition.3.37 Washing and cleaning equipment should be chosen and used in order not to be a source of contamination.3.38 Equipment should be installed in such a way as to prevent any risk of error or of contamination.3.39 Production equipment should not present any hazard to the products. The parts of the production equipment that come into contact with the product must not be reactive, additive or absorptive to such an extent that it will affect the quality of the product and thus present any hazard.。

TE Connectivity 公司 Pro-Crimper III 手动压紧工具集装箱 79016

TE Connectivity 公司 Pro-Crimper III 手动压紧工具集装箱 79016

©2011 Tyco Electronics Corporation, a TE Connectivity Ltd. Company All Rights Reserved 1 of 5Instruction SheetTOOLING ASSISTANCE CENTER 1-800-722-1111PRODUCT INFORMATION 1-800-522-6752This controlled document is subject to change.For latest revision and Regional Customer Service,PRO-CRIMPER* III Hand Crimping Tool Assembly 790163-[ ]408-873810 MAY 11 Rev MPROPER USE GUIDELINESCumulative Trauma Disorders can result from the prolonged use of manually powered hand tools. Hand tools are intended for occasional use and low volume applications. A wide selection of powered application equipment for extended-use, production operations is available.Figure 11. INTRODUCTIONPRO-CRIMPER III Hand Crimping Tool Assembly 790163-[ ] consists of PRO-CRIMPER III Hand Tool Frame 354940-1 and Die Assemblies listed in Figure 1.The tool assembly is used to crimp the contacts, and the internal and external strain reliefs of the modular plugs listed in Figure 1.Read these instructions thoroughly before using the hand tool assembly.Dimensions in this instruction sheet are in millimeters. Figures and illustrations are for reference only and are not drawn to scale.Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY .2. DESCRIPTIONThe tool frame features a stationary jaw and handle, a moving jaw and handle, and an adjustable ratchet thatPRO-CRIMPER III hand crimping tool is a ?Commercial" grade and is designed primarily for field installation, repair, maintenance work, and prototyping in industrial, commercial, and institutional applications. Productcrimped with this tool will meet the crimp heightrequirement for hand tools in the appropriate application specification (114-series), but may not comply with otherfeature parameters of the document. A variety of tools areoffered to satisfy performance requirements. ForDie Assembly Moving Jaw Stationary Handle Pivot PinRatchet Adjustment WheelMoving HandleBack of Tool Stationary JawPRO-CRIMPER III Hand Crimping Tool Frame 354940-1TE Hand Tool TE Die Assembly Modular Plug •CABLESize (AWGConductor Insulation Diameter (mm)Outside Diameter (mm)Strip Length (mm)790163-1790163-2336330-1, -226-240.80-1.005.0-6.035.0+5.0790163-3790163-4336349-1 5.0-6.0790163-5790163-6336462-1 6.0-7.0790163-7790163-81711413-1, -226-240.80-1.00 4.7-5.31933441-[ ]26-240.89-1.091933442-[ ]24-230.89-1.09790163-91-790163-01933433-[ ]1499598-[ ]28-221.12-1.227.0-7.930.0+5.0• For additional modular plug part numbers, contact PRODUCT INFORMATION at the bottom of this page.NOTEiensures full crimping. The tool frame holds the die assembly. Refer to Figure 1.The die assembly consists of an insulation stuffer, wire stuffer, housing support, housing guides, and mounting and retaining hardware.3. INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF DIE ASSEMBLY1. Close the tool handles until the ratchet releases,then allow the handles to open fully. If present,remove both retaining screws from the tool frame.2. Orient the insulation stuffer as shown in Figure 2,and insert it into the stationary jaw of the tool frame.Align the holes with the associated holes in the tool frame. Insert the short retaining pins and shortretaining screw into the holes in the tool frame.Tighten the screw.3. Orient the housing support as shown in Figure 2,and insert it into the moving jaw of the tool frame.Align the holes with the associated holes in the tool frame. Orient the right housing guide as shown, and mount it onto the tool frame using the long retaining pins. Insert the long retaining screw through thehole in the right housing guide. Tighten the screw.4. Refer to Figure 2. Orient the left housing guide asshown, and secure it onto the tool frame using the tension adjusting nut. Tighten the tension adjusting nut using an assembled modular plug connectorassembly.Adjust the tension adjusting nut to allow theassembly to fit (snugly).5. Carefully close the tool handles, making sure thatthe parts align properly.6. To disassemble, close the tool handles until theratchet releases. Remove the nut, screws, housing guides, retaining pins, housing support, andinsulation stuffer out of the tool frame jaws.4. CRIMPING PROCEDUREBefore proceeding, refer to the applicable Application Specification: 114-22008 (Category 5e EMT) or 114-13035 and 114-93006 (Category 6 shielded), and ensure the following:•the modular plug and cable are compatible •the cable polarity is properly maintained•the modular plug is properly crimped andassembledMake sure that the modular plug shield is fullybottomed onto the body. With some cablescontaining shielded twisted pairs, this is especiallyIMPORTANT to check.1. Close the tool handles until the ratchet releases,then allow the handles to open FULLY.2. Hold the tool so that the back is facing you. Insertthe modular plug (including shield and cable) in the crimping chamber until it bottoms. Refer to Figure 3.Figure 2NOTE iCAUTION! Tension AdjustingNutLeft Housing GuideInsulation StufferWire Stuffer (Ref) Socket Head Cap Screw(Retains Wire Stuffer, Ref)Short RetainingScrewTool FrameLong Retaining Pin(2 Places)Short Retaining Pin(2 Places)Long RetainingScrewRight Housing GuideHousing SupportFigure 33. While holding the assembly, carefully close the tool handles until the ratchet releases, then allow the handles to open FULLY.This tool terminates 3 areas of the modular plug.For proper alignment, make sure to apply forwardpressure on the cable while closing the toolhandles.4. Remove the modular plug from the tool, and make sure that the crimp requirements are met according to the applicable application specification (refer to first paragraph of Section 4).If necessary, adjust the tool ratchet according to Paragraph 5.1 to obtain the proper crimp height.Figure 4Crimp Height Gage 904170-1 is to be used as aquick verification of acceptable crimp height asshown in Figure 4. Refer to Instruction Sheet 408-4389 for instructions on using the gage.5. ADJUSTMENTS5.1. Ratchet Adjustment (Figure 5)The tool ratchet mechanism features an adjustment wheel with numbered settings. The adjustment wheel controls the amount of handle pressure exerted on the jaws during crimping. If the crimp is not acceptable, adjust the ratchet as follows:1. Remove the lockscrew from the ratchetadjustment wheel.2. With a screwdriver, adjust the ratchet wheel fromthe front of the tool.3. Observe the ratchet adjustment wheel. If a tightercrimp is required, rotate the adjustment wheelcounterclockwise to a higher-numbered setting. If a looser crimp is required, rotate the adjustmentwheel clockwise to a lower-numbered setting.4. Re-assemble the lockscrew.5. Make a sample crimp. If the crimp is acceptable,the adjustment setting is correct. If the crimp isunacceptable, continue to adjust the ratchet, and again measure a sample crimp. If a proper crimp cannot be obtained, the tool or die assembly must be replaced. Refer to Section 7.The tool is set at the No. 7 ratchet setting at thefactory. This setting assures the proper crimpheight for solid wire and accounts for the maximumtolerance in the tooling. You can readjust your toolto a lower setting, (No. 4, minimum), as long asyou achieve the proper insertion depth, 6.02 ± .13[.237 ± .005). See the applicable applicationspecification5.2. Wire Stuffer AdjustmentIf the wire stuffer is not assembled onto the insulation stuffer or if correct alignment of these two parts is unsure, proceed with the following:1. Install the wire stuffer onto the insulation stufferusing the 4-40 UNC.621 in. socket head cap screw included with the die assembly. Refer to Figure 2.DO NOT tighten the screw. If the screw is tight,loosen it.2. Close the tool handles until the ratchet releases,then allow the handles to open FULLY. Insert amodular plug (without cable) into the crimpingchamber.3. Close the tool handles, and hold.4. Insert a key into the socket head cap screw(retaining the wire stuffer), and tighten the screw.Wire StufferInsulationStufferHousing SupportModular Plug Bottomedin Crimping ChamberNOTEiModular Plug (Ref)Crimp Height Gage(Ref) Checking Crimp HeightNOTE i NOTE iNOTE iFigure 55. Allow the handles to open, and remove thecrimped modular plug. The wire stuffer will be held in its proper position.6. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION6.1. Daily MaintenanceIt is recommended that the tool operator be made aware of, and are responsible for, the following steps of daily maintenance.1. Remove dust, moisture, and any othercontaminants from the tool with a clean, soft brush, or a clean, soft, lint-free cloth. DO NOT use hard or abrasive objects that could damage the tool.2. Make certain that the retaining pins are in placeand that they are secured with retaining rings.3. All pins, pivot points, and bearing surfaces shouldbe protected with a thin coat of any good gradeSAE* 20 motor oil. DO NOT oil excessively.When the tool is not in use, keep the handles closed toprevent objects from becoming lodged in the jaws.4. Store the tool in a clean, dry area.6.2. Periodic InspectionRegular inspection of the tool should be performed by quality control personnel. A record of the scheduled inspections should remain with the tool or be supplied to personnel responsible for the tool. Inspection frequency should be based on amount of use, working conditions, operator training and skill, and established company standards.6.3. Visual Inspection1. Remove all lubrication and accumulated film byimmersing the tool (handles partially closed) in a suitable commercial degreaser that will NOT affect paint or plastic material.2. Make certain that the retaining pins are in placeand that they are secured with retaining rings.3. Close the tool handles until the ratchet releases,and then allow the handles to open freely. If they do not open quickly and fully, the spring is defective and must be replaced.4. Inspect the tool frame for wear or damage,paying particular attention to the tool jaws and the pivot points. If damage is evident, replace it. Ifdamage is not evident, lubricate the pivot point and return the tool to service.5. Check the die assembly on a regular basis toensure it has not become worn or damaged. Inspect the crimping sections for flattened, chipped, worn, or broken areas. If damage is evident, replace the die assembly.7. REPLACEMENTCustomer-replaceable parts are shown in Figure 1. Available separately, PRO-CRIMPER III Hand Tool Repair Kit 679221-1 includes a replacement nut and a variety of pins, rings, screws, and springs. If the die assembly is damaged or worn excessively, it must be replaced. Order the repair kit and replaceable parts through your representative, or call 1-800-526-5142, or send a facsimile of your purchase order to 717-986-7605, or write to:CUSTOMER SERVICE (038-035)TYCO ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONPO BOX 3608HARRISBURG PA 17105-36088. REVISION SUMMARYSince the previous release, a ratchet adjustment note was added in Section 5.Screwdriver RatchetAdjustmentWheelLockscrew * SAE is a trademark.PRO-CRIMPER III Hand Tool Frame 354940-1(Instruction Sheet 408-9930)SDE-SA Hand Tool 9-1478240-0(Instruction Sheet 408-8851)SDE Bench Terminator 1490076-2(Customer Manual 409-10052)626 Adapter 679304-1(Instruction Sheet 408-4070)“C”-Head Assembly 2031450-1Closed Head Assembly 2031460-1Tooling Used with Dies 1790163-0。



Schlumberger Information SolutionsSchlumberger Public Interpreting Seabed DiagramsCopyright NoticeCopyright © 2004-2006 Schlumberger. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in an information retrieval system, or translated or retransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. TrademarksSchlumberger trademarks that may appear in this document include, but are not limited to Seabed.All other company or product names mentioned are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.Table of ContentsInterpreting Seabed Diagrams (1)Purpose (1)1.1 Document1.2 What is a Seabed Diagram? (1)Example Diagram (2)1.3 Seabed Diagramming Notation (3)Class (6)1.4 AbstractClass (6)1.5 Concrete1.6 Attribute (7)1.7 Attribute Value Domain (7)1.8 Association (7)Multiplicity (9)1.9 AssociationSemantic (10)Delete1.10 AssociationAssociation (12)1.11 Composition1.12 Generalization (13)Appendix A – Association Implementation Techniques Mentioned in the Web Report (14)Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract Classes (15)Example B-1 (16)Abstract (17)B.1 SingleImplementation (17)B.1.1 PhysicalIntegrity (17)B.1.1.1 ReferentialB.1.1.2 Multiplicity (17)B.1.1.3 Web Report Representation (17)Example (18)B.1.1.4 DataB.1.2 Assoc (18)B.1.1.5 PhysicalImplementation (18)Integrity (19)B.1.1.6 ReferentialB.1.1.7 Multiplicity (20)B.1.1.8 Web Report Representation (20)Example (20)B.1.1.9 DataInterpreting Seabed DiagramsPurpose1.1 DocumentThe purpose of this document is to explain the various notations used in Seabed diagrams: what they mean, how they translate to the web report, and their implications on the physical database.1.2 What is a Seabed Diagram?A Seabed diagram is a class diagram expressed in the Unified Modeling Language1 (UML) that represents Seabed data elements and the relationships between them. Although the diagrams are meant to be a logical representation of business and data rules, many aspects of the physical database design can be inferred from them. The following example diagram describes the concept of facility composition. This diagram is referenced throughout this document when describing diagramming notations.1The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual by James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch; 1999; Addison-WesleyExample DiagramFacility_Equipment_FlagSerial_Number1.3 Seabed Diagramming NotationFollowing are the various diagramming notations used in Seabed diagrams. Click the hyperlink for an explanation of its meaning, how it translates to the web report, and its implication on the physical database design.Abstract ClassFacility_Equipment_FlagConcrete ClassAttributeAttribute Value DomainThe value domain is not normally displayed to improve the readability of the diagrams.AssociationPart_Facility_SpacingAssociation MultiplicityFacility_Equipment_FlagPart_Facility_SpacingAssociation Delete SemanticThe association delete semantic is not normally displayed to improve the readability of the Facility_Equipment_FlagPart_Facility_SpacingComposition AssociationGeneralization1.4 AbstractClassWhat does it tell me? An abstract class is a type of class that represents a generalized structureor “parent” from which other classes inherit attributes and associations.An abstract class acts as the supertype in generalization (“is-a-kind-of”)associations.How is it represented inthe web report?As an Entity with Entity Type = “Abstract”.How is it represented in a physical database? Facility_Equipment_Flag Abstract classes have no direct instances and therefore are not implemented as tables or views in a physical database. Instead, the concrete classes that are children of the abstract class inherit the attributes and associations from the abstract class; and those attributes/associations become columns in the view created from the concrete class. This is explained in further detail in the Generalization section of this document.1.5 ConcreteClassWhat does it tell me?A concrete class is not abstract. A concrete class can have direct instances; therefore it is implemented as a table or view in a physical database.How is it represented inthe web report?As an Entity with Entity Type = “Table” or “View”.How is it represented in a physical database? As a view with the same structure and name as the class. For most classes, there is also a table whose name is the same as the class name with an “_” (underscore) appended to the end of the class name. The Seabed physical database is designed for users to access and update data only through views, rather than by accessing the tables directly. Note: In cases where a concrete class has a generalization association to another concrete class, the child class is implemented only as an updateable view. The parent class is a table with a matching read-only view. This is explained in further detail in the Generalization section of this document.1.6 AttributeWhat does it tell me?An attribute is a property of a class. This example shows that motor type and outer diameter are among many attributes of an ESP motor. How is it represented in the web report? It is listed as a column in the “Columns” section of an Entity. How is it represented in a physical database?As a column in a table or view.1.7Attribute Value DomainWhat does it tell me?The nature of the values that can be inserted into an attribute’s associated column in a database. It determines the datatype, width, and scale with which the column should be implemented. How is it represented in the web report?As the “value domain” of a column. The datatype, width, and scaleassociated with the value domain are represented as the “type” of a column. How is it represented in a physical database?The value domain determines thedatatype, width, and scale of a column.1.8 AssociationWhat does it tell me?An association describes the relationship between two classes. In the example above, the association shows that a facility composition “Refers To” a facility; and that a facility may be “referenced by” a facility composition. The direction of the arrow tells you thatFacility_Composition is the “source class” and Facility is the “target class.” This example also shows that the association name is“Part_Facility”.How is it represented in the web report? Each entity that participates as the target in an association will have that association listed in its “Referenced By” section, with the source class specified in the “From Entity” field, and the association name specified in the “Link” field.Each entity that participates as the source in an association will have that association listed in its “Refers To” section, with the target class specified in the “To Entity” field and the association name specified in the “Link” field.In some circumstances, the association is also represented as a column in the web report. See below.For associations between two concrete classes, the association name is listed as a column in the source entity (since it becomes an FK column in the physical database). If the target class inherits from “IT_Object”, class “_Id” is appended to the association name. The target entity is specified as the “Value Domain” of that column.For associations where the source class is abstract and the target class is concrete, the association is listed as a column in each entity inherited from the source class (since it becomes an FK column in the physical database). The target entity is specified as the “Value Domain” of each column.For associations where the target class is abstract, the web report representation is dependent on the type of technique used to implement the association. See Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract Classes for a description of the implementation techniques and how they are represented in the web report.How is it represented in a physical database? For associations between two concrete classes, the association becomes a column in the source table with a foreign key constraint in the target table. The column name corresponds with the name of the association unless the target class inherits from the “IT_Object” class, in which case “_Id” is appended to the end of the column name.For associations where the source class is abstract and the target class is concrete, the association becomes a column in each table whose associated class inherits from the source class. Each column has a foreign key constraint to the target class. The column name corresponds with the name of the association unless the target class inherits from the “IT_Object” class, in which case “_Id” is appended to the end of the column name.For associations where the target class is abstract, the implementation is dependent on the type of technique specified to implement the association. See Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract Classes for a description of the implementation techniques and how they are physically implemented.1.9 AssociationMultiplicityWhat does it tell me? The association multiplicity shows how many instances of each class canbe connected across the association. It is written as an expression thatevaluates a range of values, usually with a lower bound and an upperbound. In the example above, the multiplicity on the target side can beinterpreted as, “Each Facility_Composition instance references at least 0and at most 1 Facility instance.” The multiplicity on the source indicatesthat, “Each Facility instance can be referenced by zero or any number ofFacility_Composition instances.”The multiplicity indicates whether or not it is mandatory for one class toreference another:1..1 multiplicity on the target means it is mandatory for the sourceclass to reference the target class, since the source class must reference“at least 1” instance of the target class.0..1 multiplicity on the target side means it is not mandatory for thesource class to reference the target class.How is it represented in the web report? The multiplicity is not shown in the web report. The web report shows only whether it is mandatory for the source Entity to reference the target Entity. In this example, the link and column would have a ‘No’ in the “Required” field, since it is not mandatory for a Facility_Composition instance to reference a Facility instance.How is it represented in a physical database? For associations between two concrete classes, the association becomes a foreign key column in the source table. If the association is mandatory, the foreign key column is implemented with a NOT NULL constraint.For associations where the source class is abstract and the target class is concrete, the association becomes a foreign key column in each table whose associated class inherits from the source class. If the association is mandatory, each foreign key column is implemented with a NOT NULL constraint.For associations where the target class is abstract, see Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract Classes for details on how multiplicity for these types of associations is implemented.1.10 Association Delete SemanticFacility_Equipment_Flag Part_Facility_SpacingWhat does it tell me? The delete semantic specifies what happens when the instance of thetarget class that is referenced by an instance of the source class isdeleted. The example above shows that if the Facility instance that isreferenced by the Facility_Composition instance is deleted, then thatFacility_Composition instance is also deleted. In other words, the delete“cascades” to Facility_Composition. Following are definitions of thevarious delete semantics:Cascade: deleting an instance in the target class results in the deletion ofall instances in the source class that reference it. If the association in theexample above were Cascade, the deletion of a Facility instance wouldcause any Facility_Composition instances referring to that Facilityinstance to also be deleted.Cascade!: deleting an instance in the target class results in the deletion ofall instances in the source class that reference it. If the association in theexample above were Cascade!, the deletion of a Facility instance wouldcause any Facility_Composition instances referring to that Facilityinstance to also be deleted. Cascade! is used when a the use of a Cascadedelete semantic would result in two different cascade paths from oneclass to another.Restrict: an attempt to delete an instance in the target class results in anerror if any source instances exist that reference the target instance to bedeleted. All source instances must be deleted before the target can besuccessfully deleted. If the association in the example above wasRestrict, you could not delete a Facility instance if it had anyFacility_Composition instances referring to it.Nullify: the columns in the source containing the reference to the targetinstance are set to null when the target instance is deleted. If theassociation in the example above was Nullify, the deletion of a Facilityinstance would cause any Facility_Composition.Part_Facility_Idcolumns that contained a value referencing that Facility instance to benullified.Control: the inverse of Cascade. Control specifies that the referencedinstance in the target class be deleted when an instance in the source isdeleted. When an attempt is made to delete a target instance, the delete isrestricted. If the association in the example above was Control, theFacility instance would be deleted if any Facility_Composition instancesthat reference it were deleted.Note: There are a few cases where the diagram specifies a delete semantic that is not actually implemented in the physical database. These cases only arise in associations referencing abstract classes, and are described in detail in the next section. To determine the delete semantic that is actually implemented, refer to the web report.How is it represented in the web report? The delete semantic can be inferred from the “Implementation Technique” column for a link in the “Referenced By” or “Refers To” sections.For associations whose target is a concrete class, the Implementation Technique column displays the delete semantic displayed on the diagram.For associations whose target is abstract, the Implementation Technique is determined as follows:For associations that are implemented using the “Assoc” technique and that have a one-to-many cardinality (that is, each source instance can reference one target instance), the implementation technique displays “Assoc to One.” As stated in Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract Classes, “Assoc to One” implies a Nullify delete semantic for non-mandatory associations and a Cascade delete semantic for mandatory associations.For associations that are implemented using the “Assoc” technique and that have a many-to-many cardinality (that is, each source instance can reference many target instances), the implementation technique displays “Assoc to Many.” As stated in Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract Classes, “Assoc to Many” implies a Nullify delete semantic. For associations that are implemented using the “Single Abstract” technique, the implementation technique displays “Cascade”. As described in Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract Classes, all associations implemented with the Single Abstract technique trigger a cascade delete.How is it represented in a physical database? For associations whose target is a concrete class, the delete semantic is enforced using a database referential integrity constraint.For associations whose target is abstract, the delete semantic is enforced using alternate methods, which are described in Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract Classes.1.11 Composition AssociationWhat does it tell me? The association is a whole/part relationship that implies a strongownership of the source class (the “part”) by the target class (the“whole”). Composition implies that the lifetime of the instances of thesource class is limited to the lifetime of the instance of the referencedtarget class. By definition, when a target instance is deleted, all thesource instances that reference it must also be deleted.How is it represented in the web report? The target class has a section called “Composed Of” that lists the entities that have a composition association. Whether the target class instance can be associated with “one” or “many” source class instances is specified in the “Cardinality” column.In example above, Borehole lists Borehole_Alias in its “Composed Of” section, with a cardinality of “Many”, since the multiplicity specifies that an instance of Borehole can be referenced by many instances of Borehole_Alias.In the “General Information” section of the source class, “Extension of {target class}” is specified in the “Entity Type” field. In the example above, “Extension of Borehole” is specified as the Entity Type for Borehole_Alias.Additionally, the target class lists the source class in its “Referenced By” section, and the source class lists the target class in its “Refers To” section.How is it represented in a physical database? Both the target class and the source class are implemented as views on tables. The association between them is implemented as a foreign key. If the cardinality of the source class is “One”, its primary key is a foreign key to the target class’ primary key. If the cardinality is “Many”, the extension class has a sequence-generated primary key.1.12 GeneralizationWhat does it tell me? A generalization is a relationship between a generalthing, called the superclass or parent, and a morespecific kind of that thing, called the subclass or child.A generalization is sometimes called an “is-a-kind-of”relationship. The example above shows that an ESPpump is a kind of pump; and that a pump is a kind oftracked facility. It can also be read, “ESP Pump is aspecialization of Pump, which is a specialization ofTracked Facility. Pump is a generalization of ESP Pumpand Tracked Facility is a generalization of Pump.”How is it represented in the web report? In an entity’s “General Information” section, there is a row called “Specializations” that lists each entity that is a subclass of that entity, and there is a row called “Generalizations” that lists each entity that is a superclass of that entity.Note: If there is more than one entity listed in Generalizations, it implies an inheritance hierarchy where the first class in the list is the immediate parent, as opposed to implying direct inheritance from multiple classes. A class cannot inherit directly from more than one class. If the generalization association is between two concrete classes, the “Entity Type” of the child class is “View”.How is it represented in a physical database? If the superclass is abstract and the subclass isconcrete, t he superclass is not visible in the physicaldatabase. The subclass is generated as an updateableview that also includes the attributes and associationsfrom the superclass. There may be a table that has thesame name as the subclass, with a “_” appended at theend.If both the superclass and the subclass are concrete, the superclass is implemented as a table with a “_” appended to the end of the name. It includes all the attributes and associations from all its subclasses, plus an additional column called “Sub_Type” that stores the class name of the subclass for that instance. A read-only view is generated on the superclass with only the attributes and associations of the superclass, plus the Sub_Type column. For each subclass, an updateable view is generated and named for the subclass, which has the attributes and associations for that subclass, plus the attributes and associations inherited from the superclass, plus the Sub_Type column.If both the superclass and the subclass are abstract, the concrete classes that inherit from the abstract class inherit the attributes and associations from the abstract class, and those attributes/associations become columns in the view created from the concrete class.Note: Abstract classes are not implemented as tables in a physical database.Appendix A – Association Implementation Techniques Mentioned in the Web Report•Cascade: deleting an instance in the target class results in the deletion of all instances in the source class that reference it.•Restrict: deleting an instance in the target class results in an error if any source instances exist that reference the deleted target instance. All source instances must be deleted before the target can be successfully deleted.•Nullify: the columns in the source containing the reference to the target instance are set to null when the target instance is deleted.•Control: the inverse of Cascade. Control specifies that the referenced instance in the target class be deleted when an instance in the source class is deleted. This is normally used in situations where the target class is referenced from many source classes and a given target instance is referenced from only one instance in one source class. When an attempt is made to delete a target instance, the delete is restricted.•Assoc to One: specified when an association is implemented using the “Assoc” technique (described in Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract Classes), and when theassociation has a one-to-many cardinality; that is, each source instance can reference one target instance and a target can be referenced by many sources.•Assoc to Many: specified when an association is implemented using the “Assoc” technique, (described in Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract Classes), and when theassociation has a many-to-many cardinality; that is, each source instance can reference many target instances and a target can be referenced by many sources.Appendix B – Associations Referencing Abstract ClassesRelational databases do not support relationships to abstract classes using declarative foreign keys. However, the Seabed database architecture provides alternate ways of specifying relationships to abstract classes. Currently, there are two techniques to accomplish this: “Single Abstract” and “Assoc.” These techniques are explained in detail below.To help illustrate these techniques, consider the scenario where a user wants to specify that an ESP (Electric Submersible Pump) is an assembly made up of an ESP Pump and an ESP Motor. The Seabed class diagram for this structure, called “Facility Composition”, is shown in Example B-1. Facility Composition is a generic mechanism for defining whole facilities that are an assemblance of parts. To specify that an ESP is made up of a pump and a motor, the user would create two Facility_Composition instances: one would specify the ESP Pump as the Part_Facility and the ESP assembly as the Whole_Facility, and the other Facility Composition instance would have ESP Motor as the Part and the same ESP as the Whole Facility.Specific examples of physical implementation options for these relationships are provided later in this document. In Example B-1, assume that the ESP instance’s primary key (ID) value is 1, the ESP_Pump instance’s primary key value is 5, and the ESP_Motor instance’s primary key value is 9. Also, assume that the first Facility_Composition instance’s primary key value is 7 and the second Facility_Composition instance’s primary key value is 10.Example B-1Facility_Equipm Part_Facility_Spacing Serial_NumRated_PressureB.1 SingleAbstract“Single Abstract” is one alternative for specifying relationships to abstract classes. It is an implementation technique that applies only to one-to-many associations where the target is abstract. In other words, the “single” component of the name refers to the fact that the cardinality on the target side is ‘1’. The “abstract” component of the name refers to the fact that the target is an abstract class. In Example B-1 above, the “Whole_Facility” and “Part_Facility” associations fall into this category.B.1.1 Physical ImplementationWhen the Single Abstract implementation technique is specified for an association, the association is implemented physically as follows:1.The source table is implemented with the following two columns, the combination of whichstore the reference to the target:•{Association Name}_ID: stores the PK value of the target instance.•{Association Name}_TBL: stores the name of the table in which the target instance resides.IntegrityB.1.1.1 ReferentialWhen the Single Abstract implementation technique is specified for an association, the referential integrity is handled as follows:1. A delete trigger is added to each table that implements a concrete class that inherits from thetarget. The trigger deletes the referencing source record instance when the target recordinstance is deleted. This essentially implements a cascade delete for every associationimplemented with the Single Abstract technique.2.There is no referential integrity built in for updates to the {Association Name}_ID or{Association Name}_TBL columns, meaning no data validation is performed. Therefore, the application or user must ensure that the values are valid.B.1.1.2 MultiplicityIf the association specifies a mandatory reference to the target, the {Association Name}_ID and {Association Name}_TBL columns are implemented with NOT NULL constraints.B.1.1.3 Web Report RepresentationWhen the Single Abstract implementation technique is specified for an association, the association is represented in the web report as follows:1.The association is listed in the “Refers To” or “Referenced By” section of the web report.The implementation technique is “Cascade”. If the reference to the abstract class ismandatory, a “Yes” is in the “Required” column.2.Two columns, {Association Name}_ID and {Association Name}_TBL, are listed in the“Columns” section. The _ID column specifies the abstract class as its domain; and the _TBL column specifies Meta_Entity as its domain. If the reference to the abstract class ismandatory, both the _ID and the _TBL columns are specified as “Required.”B.1.1.4 DataExampleIn Example B-1, if the Whole_Facility and Part_Facility associations were implemented using the Single Abstract technique, the table representing the Facility_Composition table would be implemented with the following additional columns:•Whole_Facility_Id, Whole_Facility_Tbl•Part_Facility_Id, Part_Facility_TblThe records created in Facility_Composition to store the fact that an ESP is made up of an ESP pump and motor would have the following values:•Record 1 – for the pump:–Whole_Facility_Id would store a value of ‘1’ (the identifier of the ESP assembly).–Whole_Facility_Tbl would store a value of “ESP.”–Part_Facility_Id would store a value of ‘5’ (the identifier of the ESP_Pump record).–Part_Facility_Tbl would store a value of “ESP_Pump.”•Record 2 – for the motor:–Whole_Facility_Id would store a value of ‘1’ (the identifier of the ESP assembly).–Whole_Facility_Tbl would store a value of “ESP.”–Part_Facility_Id would store a value of ‘9’ (the identifier of the ESP_Motor record).–Part_Facility_Tbl would store a value of “ESP_Motor.”B.1.2 AssocThe other method to specify associations to abstract classes is called “Assoc.” This is the only method to use when the association is many-to-many, but can also be used for one-to-many associations.B.1.1.5 PhysicalImplementationWhen the Assoc implementation technique is specified for an association, the association is physically implemented as follows:1.The table generated from the source class has no columns that reference the target. Instead,information about association instances is stored in a special table called Assoc. The Assoc table is made up of the following columns:•Entity_Type - The name of the entity on the “source” (referencing) side of the。

大金 1.5匹 壁挂式空调 使用说明书

大金 1.5匹 壁挂式空调 使用说明书

EspañolFrançaisEnglish AIR CONDITIONERWall Mounted TypeOPERATING MANUALBefore using this product, read these instructions thoroughly and keep this manual for future reference. Safety PrecautionsTo prevent personal injury to others, or property damage, read this section carefully before you use this product, and be sure to comply to thefollowing safety precautions.Incorrect operation due to failure to follow the instructions may cause harm or damage, the seriousness of which is classifi ed as follows:ContentsSafety Precautions ..........................................................En-1Indoor Unit Overview and Operations .............................En-2Remote Controller Overview and Operations ..................En-3Timer Operation...............................................................En-5General Informations on Operation .................................En-6Cleaning and Care...........................................................En-6Troubleshooting ...............................................................En-8shut completely. Incomplete closing might have an effect on theproper working or performance of the product.occurs.*:To stop forced cooling, press this button or START/STOP button onthe remote controller.Each time you press SET button on the remote controller, the angleof the vertical airfl ow direction louver moves as follows:1*: Default setting in each mode.• Do not adjust by hand.• At the beginning of AUTO or HEAT mode, they may stay position 1for a while for adjustment.• If you set the angle to position 4–7 for more than 30 minutes inCOOL or DRY mode, they automatically return to position 3.In COOL or DRY mode, if the angle is set to position 4–7 for many hours,condensation may be formed, and the drips may wet your property.fl ow direction louver,the angle of the power diffuser moves as follows:• In SWING operation, power diffuser does not move.Lights in TIMER operation, and blinks slowly when the timer settingerror is detected.As for the timer setting error, refer to “Auto-restart function” on page 6.operation.Adjust two knobs by lters resist mildew growth.fl ow. Indoor Unit Overview and OperationsAIR CONDITIONER Wall Mounted Type Remote Controller Overview and OperationsYou can quickly start the operation with following 3 steps:Notes in HEAT mode:• At the beginning of the operation, the indoor unit operates at verylow fan speed for about 3–5 minutes for preparation, and thenswitches to the selected fan speed.• Automatic defrosting operation overrides the heating operation whenit is necessary.In COOL/DRY mode, the value needs to be set at lower temperaturethan current room temperature, and in HEAT mode, the value needsto be set at higher temperature than current room temperature.Otherwise, corresponding operation mode does not start to work.*:Temperature control is not available in FAN mode.In actual operation, the display is linked with the button operation, andonly shows the necessary indicators for each setting.(continued)when you want to quickly cool down or warm up the room.When you press the button to start the POWERFUL operation, the indoor unit emits 3 short beeps.POWERFUL operation is automatically turned off in the following situations:• Adjusted room temperature reached to the de fi ned temperature in temperature setting in COOL, DRY, or HEAT mode.• 20 minutes have passed after fi nishing the POWERFUL operation mode setting.It is not turned off automatically during setting of the POWERFUL operation.Notes:• The air fl ow direction and the fan speed are controlled automatically.• This operation cannot be performed simultaneously with ECONOMY operation.To return to normal operation, press the button again. Then the indoor unit emits 2 short beeps.50 °F (10 °C) so as to prevent the room temperature to drop too low.When you press the button to start the MIN. HEAT operation, the indoor unit emits 2 short beeps and the ECONOMY indicator (green) turns on.Notes:• In MIN. HEAT operation mode, only vertical air fl ow direction can beadjusted by usingbutton.• HEAT mode will not be performed if the room temperature is warm enough.• In multi-type air conditioning system, if other indoor unit is in HEAT mode, the temperature of the room where MIN. HEAT operation is performed will rise. When performing MIN. HEAT operation, all the indoor units should be run in MIN. HEAT operation mode.To return to normal operation, press the START/STOP button.The ECONOMY indicator turns off.• Signal transmit indicator on the remote controller display shows that signal from the remote controller is being transmitted.• Operating range is approximately 22 ft. (7 m).• You will hear a beep if the transmitted signal has been sent properly. If there is no beep, press the button on the remote controller again.• When AUTO is selected, the fan speed is automatically adjusted according to the operation mode.Starts or stops automatic swing of the vertical air fl ow direction louver.• Each time you press the button, the vertical air fl ow direction louver swings as follows:1Notes:• SWING operation may stop temporarily when the fan in the unit is rotating at very low speed or stopping.• In FAN mode, either of swing direction 1 ↔ 3 or 4 ↔ 7 is performed in accordance with the vertical air fl ow direction previously set before you start the SWING operation.Remote Controller Overview and Operationsfl ow direction.with gradual temperature control.a ballpoint pen or other small object in correct direction as shown in this fi gure.consumption than the other operations with a conservative adjustment of the room temperature.When you press the button, the ECONOMY indicator on the indoor unit turns on.• In COOL or DRY mode, the room temperature will be adjusted at a few degree higher than the de fi ned temperature.In HEAT mode, the room temperature will be adjusted at a few degree lower than the de fi ned temperature.• Especially in COOL or DRY mode, you can have improved dehumidi fi cation without signi fi cantly lowering the room temperature.Notes:• In COOL, HEAT, or DRY mode, the maximum output of thisoperation is approximately 70 % of usual air conditioning operation.• This operation cannot be performed during temperature monitoring by AUTO mode.• In multi-type air conditioning system, ECONOMY operation isperformed only on the indoor unit whose ECONOMY button on the corresponding remote controller is pressed.(Factory setting is °F.)AIR CONDITIONER Wall Mounted Type Remote Controller Overview and OperationsNote for timer settings:Any interruption of the power supply, such as a blackout or cutting off of a circuit breaker, makes the set internal clock go wrong.In such a case, the TIMER indicator on the indoor unit blinks, and you need to readjust the setting.O N timer or OFF timer1.Turn on the indoor unit by pressing the START/STOP button.OPERATION indicator on the indoor unit turns on.If the indoor unit is already operating, skip this step.2.Press the ON timer button or the OFF timer button.Clock indicator on the remote controller display starts blinking, andTIMER indicator on the indoor unit turns on.3.Adjust the time by pressing the SELECT button within about 5seconds, while the clock indicator is blinking.(About 5 seconds later, the remote controller display returns tostandby screen.)To cancel the timer and return to the normal operation, press theCANCEL button.To redo the timer setting, perform step 2 and 3.Program timer (combined use of the ON timer and the OFF timer)You can set an integrated ON–OFF or OFF–ON timer.Either of the timer whose confi gured starting time is closer to thecurrent time works fi rst, and the order of timer operation is displayedThe timer that is set later starts counting down after the countingdown of the preceding timer is fi nished.Notes:• If you change the setting value for the timer after the program timeris set, the counting down of the timer will be reset at that moment.• Time setting for each combination should be within a span of 24 hours.SLEEP timer1.Press the SLEEP timer button to activate the SLEEP timer.OPERATION indicator and TIMER indicator on the indoor unit turnson.2.Adjust the time by pressing the SELECT button within about 5seconds, while the clock indicator is blinking.(About 5 seconds later, the remote controller display returns tostandby screen.)Each time you press the button, the time changes as follows:To repeat the timer, press the SLEEP timer button whenindicator is not displayed on the remote controller display.To help you to fall asleep comfortably and prevent excessive warmingor cooling in sleep, the SLEEP timer controls the temperature settingautomatically in accordance with the set time shown as follows. Theair conditioner completely turns off after the set time has elapsed. Timer OperationRemote controller custom code settingUse the following steps to select the customcode of the remote controller.(Note that the air conditioner cannot receivea custom code if the air conditioner has notbeen set for the custom code.)1. P ress the START/STOP button untilonly the clock is displayed on the remotecontroller display.2. P ress the MODE button for at least fi veseconds to display the current custom code(initially set to ).3. P ress the SET TEMP. ( / ) button to change the custom codebetween →→→.Match the code on the display to the air conditioner custom code.4. P ress the MODE button again to return to the clock display. Thecustom code will be changed.If no buttons are pressed within 30 seconds after the custom codeis displayed, the system returns to the original clock display. In thiscase, start again from step 1.The air conditioner custom code is set to A prior to shipment.Contact your retailer to change the custom code.Wired Remote Controller (Option)The optional wired remote controller can be used.When you use remote controller, there are following different points ascompared with using wireless remote controller.[The additional functions for wired ones]• Weekly timer• Temperature set back timerAnd you can use both wired and wireless remote controller simultane-ously.(But function is limited)When the restricted functions on the remote controller are used, beep-ing sound will be heard, OPERATION, TIMER and the 3rd lamp of theindoor unit will fl ash.[The restricted functions for wireless ones]• SLEEP TIMER• TIMER• MIN. HEAT• POWERFUL OPERATIONDaily careWhen cleaning the indoor unit body, mind the following:• Do not use water hotter than 104 °F (40 °C).• Do not use scouring cleanser, volatile solvents such as benzene or thinner.• Wipe the unit gently by using soft cloth.C leaning the intake grille 1. Open the intake grille in direction of the arrow a . While gently pressing the left and right mounting shafts of the intake grille outward b , remove the intake grille in direction of the arrow c .2. Wash the intake grille gently with water or wipe it gently with a softcloth moisten with warm water.Then wipe it with a dry and soft cloth.3. While holding the grille horizontal, set the left and right mountingshafts into the pillow blocks at the top of the panel a . To latch each shaft properly, insert the shaft until it snaps.Then close the intake grille b .4. Press 4 places on the intake grille to close it completely.Cleaning and CareGeneral Informations on OperationMalfunctions caused by other electrical devices:Use of other electrical appliances such as an electric shaver ornearby use of a wireless radio transmitter may cause the malfunction of the air conditioner.If you encounter such a malfunction, turn off the circuit breaker once. Then turn it on again, and resume operation by using the remote controller.AIR CONDITIONER Wall Mounted Type3. Attach new or maintained air cleaning fi lter d to the fi lter holder.New air cleaning fi lter can be attached to either of the right holder orthe left holder.4. Latch 2 corners of the fi lter holder e to the air fi lter fi rmly.5. Reinstall the air fi lter. (Refer to step 6 in “Cleaning the air fi lter”.)6. Close the intake grille fi rmly.(Refer to step 4 in “Cleaning the intake grille”.)Following 2 types of air cleaning fi lters are used in this product.When you replace them, purchase dedicated air cleaning fi lters for this product.APPLE-CATECHIN FILTER: UTR-FA16(1 sheet)With using static electricity, puri fi es the air by removing fi ne particles or dust such as tabacco smoke or plant pollen.• This fi lter is disposable. Do not wash or reuse it.• O nce you open the package, use it as soon as possible. The cleaning effect is reduced if the fi lter is left the package opened.• Replace the fi lter once every 3 months under normal use.• With setting the fan speed high, the air cleaning effect increases.(Light blue, 1 sheet)Contained super micro-ceramic particles produce negative air ions,that is considered to have deodorizing effect, absorb and reduce room smell.• To maintain the deodorizing effect, clean the fi lter once every 3 months as follows:1. Remove the ion deodorization fi lter.2. F lush the fi lter with high-pressure hot water until the surface of the fi lter is covered with water.3. W ash the fi lter gently with diluted neutral detergent. Do not wash it by wringing or rubbing to prevent reducing the deodorizing effect by damage.4. Rinse the fi lter well with water fl ow.5. Dry the fi lter throughly in shaded place.6. Reinstall the ion deodorization fi lter to the indoor unit.• Replace the fi lter once every 3 years under normal use.After extended non-use of the unitIf you have shut down the indoor unit for 1 month or more, perform the FAN operation for half a day to dry the internal parts throughly before you perform normal operation.Additional inspectionAfter long period of use, accumulated dust inside the indoor unit may reduce the product performance even if you have maintained the unit with instructed daily care or cleaning procedures written in this manual.In such a case, the product inspection is recommended.For more information, consult authorized service personnel.C leaning the air fi ltersMind that you have a periodical cleaning of the air fi lters to prevent reducing the operation ef fi ciency of the product. Using of clogged air fi lter with dust will lower the product performance, and may cause air fl ow reduction or increase of operating noise. Clean the air fi lters once every 2 weeks under normal use.1. Open the intake grille.(Refer to a of step 1 in “Cleaning the intake grille”.)2. While holding the intake grille with your hand, pull up the handle aof the fi lter in direction of the arrow and release the 2 claws b .Then pull the fi lter out with gently sliding it downward c .3. Filter holder and air cleaning fi lter are attached on the rear sideof the air fi lter. Remove them from the air fi lter by unlatching each corner of the fi lter holder d .4.Remove dust by using a vacuum cleaner or by washing the fi lter.When you wash the fi lter, use neutral household detergent and warm water.After rinse the fi lter well, dry it throughly in a shaded place before you reinstall it.5. Attach the air cleaning fi lter and the fi lter holder to each air fi lter.6. Attach the air fi lter with aligning both side of the fi lter with the frontpanel, and push in the fi lter fully.Note:Make sure that 2 claws are fi rmly snapped to the guide holes on the panel.7. Close the intake grille fi rmly.(Refer to step 4 in “Cleaning the intake grille”.)Replacing the air cleaning fi lter1. Remove the air fi lter. (Refer to step 1 in “Replacing the air fi lter”.)2. Release 2 latches a of the fi lter holder, and turn over the holder indirection of arrow b .Remove the soiled air cleaning fi lter c .Note: Air cleaning fi lter is attached on each air fi lter.Cleaning and CareFollowing symptoms do not indicate the product malfunction, but they are normal functions or characteristics of this product.Immediately stop operation and turn off the electrical breaker in following cases. Then consult authorized service personnel.• The problem persists even if you perform these checks or diagnostics.• The OPERATION indicator and TIMER indicator blink while the ECONOMY indicator is blinking fast.Troubleshooting。



Preliminary ruling1.Introduction1.Definition of the Preliminary rulingA preliminary ruling is a decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the interpretation of European Union law, made at the request of a court of a European Union member state.Where a national court is presented with an issue of Union law that it feels it cannot resolve it can or, if a court of final instance, must, refer that issue to the Court of Justice of the European Union by way of a reference for preliminary ruling.The name is somewhat of a misnomer in that preliminary rulings are not subject to a final determination of the matters in question, but are in fact final determinations of the law in question. Preliminary rulings most are made by the ECJ(can also be made, in certain circumstances, by the European General Court, although).A request (or reference) for a preliminary ruling is made by way of submitting questions to the ECJ for resolution. However questions are not answered in abstraction, but rather are submitted together with the circumstances leading up to their being asked. Thus whilst the ECJ is limited to deciding the law in question, the ECJ's ruling frequently leave little room to rule other than in a certain way. The ECJ may also decline to give judgement in the absence of a genuine dispute.2. Objective of the preliminary ruling(1) To interpret the Union law: in order to have only one uniform interpretation in the EU(2) To assess the validity and interpretation of the EU acts (of the institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the Union); to provide a possibility for an individual to contest a EU act.3.the legal basis of preliminary rulingArticle 267 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union states lays down the legal basis of preliminary ruling .as following:"The Court of Justice of the European Union shall have jurisdiction to give preliminary rulings concerning:(a)the interpretation of the Treaties ;(b) the validity and interpretation of acts of the institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the Union;Where such a question is raised before any court or tribunal of a Member State,that court or tribunal may, if it considers that a decision on the question is necessary to enable it to give judgment, request the Court to give a ruling thereon.Where any such question is raised in a case pending before a court or tribunal of a Member State against whose decisions there is no judicial remedy under national law, that court or tribunal shall bring the matter before the Court.If such a question is raised in a case pending before a court or tribunal of a Member State with regard to a person in custody, the Court of Justice of the European Union shall act with the minimum of delay."2. the normal preliminary ruling procedureArticle 20The procedure before the Court of Justice shall consist of two parts: written and oral.The written procedure shall consist of the communication to the parties and to the institutions of the Union whose decisions are in dispute, of applications, statements of case, defences and observations, and of replies, if any, as well as of all papers and documents in support or of certified copies of them. Communications shall be made by the Registrar in the order and within the time laid down in theRules of Procedure.The oral procedure shall consist of the reading of the report presented by a Judge acting as Rapporteur, the hearing by the Court of agents, advisers and lawyers and of the submissions of the Advocate-General, as well as the hearing, if any, of witnesses and experts.Where it considers that the case raises no new point of law, the Court may decide, after hearing the Advocate-General, that the case shall be determined without a submission from the Advocate-General.The average time taken to respond to such requests varies at in or around 18 months. When one takes into account the procedures the Court of Justice operates to ensure that the member states and the Union Institutions are afforded an opportunity to participate in such references and the necessity to permit all parties to plead in their own language whilst the Court works in a single language, that time scale is not unreasonable. These facts are nevertheless of little comfort to an individual who finds his or her life suspended, perhaps in detention, whilst awaiting the resolution of a legal issue.These difficulties can be ameliorated, principally by means of provisional protective measures aimed at safeguarding the interests of the parties pending the judgment of the Court of Justice. However it is not always possible to address these difficulties by means of provisional measures: e.g. where there is a real riskthat a person in detention would evade if released or where the only remedy consists of positive action on the part of the administration such that, if ordered, the claimant would obtain the benefit of a decision that s/he is not entitled at law. In order to reduce the time taken to rule upon references for preliminary ruling in such exceptional circumstances, the Court of Justice has devised two procedures: the accelerated and the urgent.3. Accelerated Procedure—Article 104a of the Rules of ProcedureThe Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice provide that, at the request of the referring court, the President of the Court of Justice can decide, on a proposal from the Judge-Rapporteur and after hearing the Advocate General, to apply an accelerated procedure to a reference for preliminary ruling in cases of exceptional urgency. Once the decision to apply the accelerated procedure is made the President fixes the date of the oral hearing. The parties in the proceedings before the referring court, member states and relevant Institutions then have not less than 15 days to submit written observations. These observations are then notified to the parties, member states and relevant Institutions prior to the hearing date. The Court delivers its judgment after the oral hearing and after hearing the Advocate General.Article 23In the cases governed by Article 267 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the decision of the court or tribunal of a Member State which suspends its proceedings and refers a case tothe Court of Justice shall be notified to the Court by the court or tribunal concerned. The decision shall then be notified by the Registrar of the Court to the parties, to the Member States and to the Commission, and to the institution, body, office or agency of the Union which adopted the act the validity or interpretation of which is in dispute.Within two months of this notification, the parties, the Member States, the Commission and, where appropriate, the institution, body, office or agency which adopted the act the validity or interpretation of which is in dispute, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court.In the cases governed by Article 267 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the decision of the national court or tribunal shall, moreover, be notified by the Registrar of the Court to the States, other than the Member States, which are parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and also to the EFTA Surveillance Authority referred to in that Agreement which may, within two months of notification, where one of the fields of application of that Agreement is concerned, submit statements of case or written observations to the Court.Where an agreement relating to a specific subject matter, concluded by theCouncil and one or more non-member States, provides that those States are to be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations where a court or tribunal of a Member State refers to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling a question falling within the scope of the agreement, the decision of the national court or tribunal containing that question shall also be notified to the non-member States concerned. Within two months from such notification, those States may lodge at the Court statements of case or written observations.The Court of Justice has used the accelerated procedure on three occasions. In Jippes, which arose out of a criminal prosecution taken in the context of measures to combat foot and mouth disease, the Court received the reference for preliminary ruling on 26 April 2001 and delivered its judgment within three months on 17 July2001. Thereafter it declined to accede to requests by referring courts to have recourse to the accelerated procedure on at least eight occasions.The other two occasions on which recourse was had to the accelerated procedure occurred in 2008. It is noteworthy that recourse was had to the accelerated procedure for the first time since 2001 and for only the second and third time ever in two cases involving matters touching upon the operation of the area of freedom, security and justice, namely the European Arrest Warrant, Kozlowski, and Metock. In the second case the accelerated procedure was used, notwithstanding the entry into force of the urgent procedure on 1 March 2008. This is explained by the fact that Metock raised issues going to the interpretation of a directive regulating the free movement of persons not involving the subject matter of Title VI of the Treaty of European Union (police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters) or Title IV of Part Three of the EU Treaty (visas, asylum, immigration). The positive approach of the Court of Justice towards the application by the High Court of Ireland for recourse to the accelerated procedure may presage a greater willingness to make use of this procedure in circumstances touching upon the operation of the area of freedom, security and justice that do not, strictly speaking, come within it.In Metock the President of the Court of Justice gave some indication of the circumstances where the accelerated procedure might be available to national courts. His order referred to two of the reasons that the referring court gave for invoking the accelerated procedure. First, it was stated that the issues arising in the cases out of which the reference for preliminary ruling was made impacted upon a large number of other persons. Second, the referring court referred to the personal circumstances of the four applicant couples in the proceedings before it, and in particular the fact that since the arrest of one of the applicants in November 2007 and his deportation from Ireland in the following month, he and his spouse had enjoyed no family life. This interference with the right to family life, described as “among the fundamental rights which, according to the Court’s settled case-law, are protected in Union law”, could be removed by a swiftresponse from the Court of Justice. In these circumstances the President of the Court of Justice was satisfied that the condition of exceptional urgency required by the first paragraph of Article 104aof the Rules of Procedure had been met. Whilst the first of the reasons given by the referring court was taken into account, the second reason appears to have had greater weight on the President’s conclusions. It may therefore be surmised that the personal circumstances of individual litigants may be the most important consideration in the decision to operate the accelerated procedure.4. Urgent Procedure—Article 104b of the Rules of ProcedureWith the area of freedom, security and justice, personal freedom for the first time becomes a concrete issue for Union law. Questions relating to the European arrest warrant, requests for asylum, visas and the custody of children plainly require rapid solutions where they impinge on the freedom of the individual. The average time for the Court of Justice to deliver a preliminary ruling, currently 18 months, was considered too long for that purpose. So a new procedure was required in order to take account of these issues of personal freedom. The aim of the new high-speed reference procedure is to allow the Court of Justice to deliver a preliminary ruling in a period of the order of three months or fewer within the field concerned.As a general rule, the Court of Justice can apply the urgent procedure only if the national court requests it. Exceptionally, the court may decide to submit a case to the urgent procedure in the absence of such a request, when the application of the urgent procedure seems necessary.In its request, the national court must set out the matters of fact and law that establish the urgency and justify the application of that exceptional procedure. The national court is also invited, as far as possible, to indicate the answer that it proposes to the questions referred. It is thought that a proposed answer helps the parties to frame their observations on the case and may help the court to reach a decision more rapidly.It is helpful if the request for urgent treatment of a reference is presented in such a way as to make it immediately obvious to the court's registry that the case requires specific treatment. Thus the request for an urgent procedure should be made either in a document separate from the order for reference, or in the letter accompanying the order for reference.The new urgent procedure differs from the normal preliminary ruling procedure essentially in three respects.First, participation in the written procedure is limited to the parties in the main action, the member state from which the reference originates, the European Commission and other Community institutions in so far as one of their measures isat issue. These parties can all work in the language of the case, ie the language of the referring court. Being limited to those participants, the written procedure can be carried out in the language of the case without waiting for translation and notification either of the order for reference or of the written observations.The other interested persons mentioned in Art 23 of the Statute, in particular the other member states, may take part only in the oral procedure, and it is only at that stage that they may comment on the written observations already lodged. This arrangement allows the parties capable of working in the language of the case to press ahead with the written procedure while the court is preparing translations of the order for reference into the languages of the other member states. Thus the time needed for translation of the order for reference is condensed into the time taken for the preparation of the written observations. Furthermore, there is no provision for a formal opinion of the advocate general, but only an informal consultation. This obviates the need to translate a formal opinion into the language of the case before it is delivered.The second difference in comparison with the normal preliminary ruling procedure is that a case that may be dealt with by the urgent procedure will, on arrival at the court, be attributed to a five-judge chamber specially designated for the purpose. That chamber will decide whether or not to apply the urgent procedure and will normally rule on the preliminary questions asked (unless it decides to refer the case to a larger or smaller formation for judgment). The use of a specialised five-judge chamber makes it possible to accelerate or avoid altogether certain measures of internal administration.Third, Art 104b (6) provides that procedural documents are deemed to have been lodged if they are sent to the court's registry by fax or e-mail and, conversely, that the court's registry is allowed to serve documents on the main parties and other interested persons by fax or e-mail. Procedural documents sent in this way to the court's registry must be followed by a signed original, but no time limit is fixed for the original to be sent. Thus service of documents in cases under the new urgent procedure may largely be carried out electronically.Unlike the accelerated procedure, decisions on applications to use the urgent procedure are taken by a designated chamber of the Court of Justice. This appears to contemplate greater recourse to and availability of the urgent procedure as compared with the accelerated procedure.Under Article 104b(2) the Court Registry notifies the application to invoke the urgent procedure and the Court’s decision on that request to the parties to the action before the national court, the Member State from which the reference is made and the relevant Community Institutions. If the request is accepted, the notification will state the time within which those parties are to lodge theirwritten observations and may specify the issues of law to be addressed therein and their maximum length. The Court may omit the written part of the procedure in cases of extreme urgency.Unlike the standard and accelerated procedures, Member States other than that from which the reference originates cannot file written observations in references for preliminary ruling under the urgent procedure, although they are served with the documentation in the case and have the right to participate in the oral hearing. In a Court that of necessity depends heavily upon the written procedure this puts those intervening Member States at a significant disadvantage. Were it otherwise, however, the urgent procedure could lose much of its effect.It follows that the oral hearing is critical to the operation of the urgent procedure and parties need to focus on that aspect of their pleadings if they are to obtain maximum benefit therefrom. Oral hearings before the Court of Justice do not allow for lengthy explanations about the background to or facts of the case. It is only exceptionally that parties are permitted to address the court for more than 30 minutes and oral presentations are often (and are encouraged to be) shorter. Advocates are thus advised to identify the central legal issues arising from the order for reference and to focus on them in their oral submissions. Parties urging similar approaches upon the Court should seek to co-ordinate their presentations. The Court delivers its judgment as soon after the oral hearing as possible after hearing the Advocate General. The Court appears to interpret this to mean that the views of the Advocate General are not to be published. It is suggested that this is undesirable. The availability of the views of Advocates General is important for the development of the law in areas of fresh Community competence that directly impact upon the liberty of the individual. This is particularly the case in an adjudicative process that does not permit views dissenting from the majority to be expressed. It is suggested that the views of Advocates General could be published without impeding the rapidity of the procedure.To date the urgent procedure has been used twice. One is a reference for preliminary ruling from the Lithuanian . The order for reference was made on 30 April 2008 and was received at the Court on 14 May 2008. Some seven days later, on 21 May 2008, the referring court requested that the reference be dealt with under the urgent procedure. The Court of Justice delivered judgment on 11 July 2008, (some 50 days after it had received the request for the urgent procedure.) Th e speed of the Court of Justice’s response in Santesteban Goicoechea22 was even more impressive. On 3 July 2008, a reference asked for a preliminary ruling , The Court of Justice delivered its judgment on 12 August 2008.5. ConclusionsThe new“urgent procedure” will stand alongside the existing “accelerated procedure”. However, it goes further than the “accelerated procedure” insimplifying the various stages of the normal preliminary procedure.Both its nascent jurisprudence on substantive issues and the introduction of procedures designed to ensure the efficacious application of Union law, even in the most exiguous of circumstances, demonstrate the Court of Justice’s very real commitment to ensuring that it discharges, in a tangible fashion, the function conferred upon it by the EC Treaty, namely to ensure that the law is observed.。

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Fast Module CPU-F .................................................................................................................S-3 S.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................S-3 S.2 Differences between digsycompact CPU-F and CPU-E........................................................S-3 S.2.1 Hardware ...................................................................................................................S-3 S.2.2 Software.....................................................................................................................S-3 ® S.3 Pin Assignment digsy compact Subunit CPU-F ....................................................................S-4 S.4 Technical Data ..................................................................................................................S-6 S.4.1 Absolute maximum ratings ........................................................................................S-6 S.4.2 Dynamic properties....................................................................................................S-7 S.4.2.1 Voltage supply ....................................................................................................S-7 S.4.2.2 Digital inputs digsy®compact Subunit CPU-F .........................................................S-7 S.4.2.3 Digital and counting inputs digsy®compact Subunit CPU-F ....................................S-8 ® S.4.2.4 Analog inputs digsy compact Subunits CPU-F .......................................................S-8 ® S.4.2.5 Special analog inputs digsy compact Subunit CPU-F ............................................S-8 ® S.4.2.6 Digital outputs digsy compact Subunit CPU-F........................................................S-9 S.4.2.7 Analog outputs digsy®compact Subunit CPU-F.......................................................S-9 S.4.2.8 RS232.................................................................................................................S-9 ® S.4.2.9 CAN digsy compact Subunit CPU...........................................................................S-9 ® S.5 Description of the digsy compact Subunit CPU-F ...............................................................S-10 S.5.1 Analog inputs ...........................................................................................................S-10 S.5.2 Analog outputs.........................................................................................................S-13 S.5.3 Asynchronous interfaces .........................................................................................S-15 S.5.4 CAN-Interface ..........................................................................................................S-16 S.5.5 Application Memory .................................................................................................S-17 S.5.5.1 DCF-Configuration (and memory model) : .......................................................S-17 S.5.5.2 DCF-FLASH-Configuration (and memory model) : ..........................................S-18 S.5.6 serial access : SEA_10x.LIB ...................................................................................S-19 S.5.6.1 User Memory : serial EEPROM........................................................................S-19 S.5.6.2 User Memory :serial nonvolatile RAM ..............................................................S-20 S. Access during the process ...........................................................................S-21 S. Autosave on power down and startup..........................................................S-21 S.5.6.3 ASC1: user programmable serial Interface ......................................................S-22 S.5.7 New Library DCx_V64x.LIB for all DCx up from V6.4.x ..........................................S-23 S.5.7.1 New Trigonometric Functions by Tables ..........................................................S-24 S.5.7.2 CRC-Build- Function ........................................................................................S-25 S.5.8 New SysIn-Variables for all DCx up from V6.4.x .....................................................S-25 S.5.8.1 Retain data block variables ..............................................................................S-25 S.5.8.2 manufacturing variables ...................................................................................S-26 S.5.8.3 Serial EEPROM variables ................................................................................S-26 S.5.8.4 EEPROM CAN-configuration variables ............................................................S-27 S.5.8.5 EEPROM RS232-configuration variables ........................................................S-28 S.5.8.6 other EEPROM configuration variables ...........................................................S-28