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第22卷第3期2024年3月动力学与控制学报J O U R N A L O F D Y N AM I C S A N D C O N T R O LV o l .22N o .3M a r .2024文章编号:1672-6553-2024-22(3)-056-006D O I :10.6052/1672-6553-2023-0662023-02-28收到第1稿,2023-06-20收到修改稿.*基础研究项目群专题研究项目(514010502-204),B a s i c R e s e a r c h P r o j e c t G r o u p S p e c i a l R e s e a r c h P r o je c t s (514010502-204).†通信作者E -m a i l :l u o w e if e n g@861c h i n a .c o m 结合灵敏度分析的圆锥壳-折板结构动力学研究*章海亮1 胡阳鸣2 罗伟峰1,2† 戴宏亮2 邓勤1 朱振涛3 邓劭廷1 胡飞1(1.湖南云箭集团有限公司,长沙 410100)(2.湖南大学机械与运载工程学院,长沙 410082)(3.北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076)摘要 圆锥壳-折板结构在航空舱体装备结构中十分常见,作为航空装备重大核心精密科学仪器设备的承载体,舱体结构强度设计问题尤为关键.本文以圆锥壳-折板结构为对象,对其动力学特性展开分析.通过仿真计算,得到圆锥壳-折板结构在随机振动下的响应结果,并且建立材料参数与动力学响应之间的响应面函数.进一步利用S p e a r m a n 秩相关系数,进行灵敏度分析,筛选出圆锥壳与折板结构中影响舱体结构动强度的主要因素.最后得到各个主要因素对于响应面动力学响应的影响规律曲线.关键词 动强度分析, 板-壳耦合结构, 随机振动, 有限元分析, 灵敏度分析中图分类号:O 324文献标志码:AS t r u c t u r a l D y n a m i c s o f C o n i c a l S h e l l -F o l d i n g P l a t e B a s e d o n S e n s i t i v i t y A n a l ys i s *Z h a n g H a i l i a n g 1H u Y a n g m i n g 2L u o W e i f e n g1,2†D a i H o n g l i a n g 2D e n g Qi n 1Z h u Z h e n t a o 3D e n g S h a o t i n g 1Hu F e i 1(1.H u n a n V a n g u a r d G r o u p C o .,L t d ,C h a n gs h a 410100,C h i n a )(2.C o l l e g e o f M e c h a n i c a l a n d V e h i c l e E n g i n e e r i n g ,H u n a n U n i v e r s i t y ,C h a n gs h a 410082,C h i n a )(3.B e i j i n g I n s t i t u t e o f A s t r o n a u t i c a l S y s t e m s E n g i n e e r i n g ,B e i j i n g100076,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t T h e c o n i c a l s h e l l -f o l d i n g p l a t e s t r u c t u r e i s v e r y co mm o n i n t h e s t r u c t u r e o f a v i a t i o n c a b i n ,a n d a s t h e b e a r e r o f m a j o r c o r e p r e c i s i o n s c i e n t i f i c i n s t r u m e n t s a n d e q u i p m e n t o f a v i a t i o n e q u i pm e n t ,t h e s t r e n g t h d e s i g n o f c a b i n s t r u c t u r e i s p a r t i c u l a r l y c r i t i c a l .I n t h i s p a p e r ,t h e d yn a m i c c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e c o n i c a l s h e l l -f o l d i n g p l a t e s t r u c t u r e a r e a n a l y z e d .T h r o u g h s i m u l a t i o n c a l c u l a t i o n ,t h e r e s p o n s e r e s u l t o f t h e c o n i c a l s h e l l -f o l d i n g p l a t e s t r u c t u r e u n d e r r a n d o m v i b r a t i o n i s o b t a i n e d ,a n d t h e r e s po n s e s u r f a c e f u n c t i o n b e t w e e n t h e m a t e r i a l p a r a m e t e r s a n d t h e d y n a m i c r e s po n s e i s e s t a b l i s h e d .F u r t h e r m o r e ,t h e S p e a r m a n r a n k c o r r e l a t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t w a s u s e d t o a n a l y z e t h e s e n s i t i v i t y ,a n d t h e m a i n f a c t o r s a f f e c t i n gt h e d y n a m i c s t r e n gt h o f t h e c a b i n s t r u c t u r e i n t h e c o n i c a l s h e l l a n d f o l d e d p l a t e s t r u c t u r e w e r e s c r e e n e d o u t .F i n a l l y ,t h e i n f l u e n c e c u r v e o f e a c h m a j o r f a c t o r o n t h e d y n a m i c r e s p o n s e o f t h e r e s po n s e s u r f a c e i s o b t a i n e d .K e y wo r d s d y n a m i c s t r e n g t h a n a l y s i s , c o n i c a l s h e l l -f o l d i n g p l a t e s t r u c t u r e , r a n d o m v i b r a t i o n , f i -n i t e e l e m e n t a n a l y s i s , s e n s i t i v i t y a n a l ys i s第3期章海亮等:结合灵敏度分析的圆锥壳-折板结构动力学研究引言随着航空技术朝着 高精尖 方向发展,航空装备需在舱体内搭载各种不同用途的科学仪器设备,使航空装备舱体结构逐渐趋向于大型化㊁复杂化与多功能化.作为航空装备重大核心精密科学仪器设备的承载体,舱体结构强度设计问题尤为关键,目标对象定位意义重大.圆锥壳-折板结构在舱体结构中十分常见,其动力学特性研究十分重要.高空飞行器悬挂物舱体结构在工作过程中结构极易发生振动,长此以往便容易使其产生疲劳损伤,甚至发生断裂,这将导致极大的安全隐患.随着航空装备的设计要求提高,各种因素对舱体动强度的影响越来越受到重视.因此,有必要研究杂弹体结构动强度影响因素,并且探究其影响规律.不同结构之间存在能量的传递和流动,导致组合结构的动力响应复杂.因此,不少学者对这种组合结构的振动特性进行了研究.基于变分原理, C h e n g等[1]研究了末端耦合圆板的有限长圆柱壳的自由振动.采用瑞利-里兹方法,C h e n等[2]建立了圆柱壳板耦合结构的数值模型,计算了耦合结构的能量流和振动行为.邹明松等[3]半解析地求解了两端具有端板的圆柱壳结构的自由振动问题.基于板-壳耦合结构处的连续性条件,李鸿秋[4]建立了一般连接形式下板-壳耦合结构分析模型,并且验证了该模型耦合结构动力学特性的正确性.基于谱几何法,石先杰等[5]构建了热环境下F GM圆锥壳振动的半解析分析模型,并研究了不同因素的影响规律.在改进的傅立叶-里兹方法的理论框架内, M a等[6]求解了具有一般边界条件的圆柱壳-环形板耦合结构的振动行为.X i e等[7]在波基法的基础上,研究了弹性边界条件下含弹性耦合环形薄板圆柱壳的自由稳态振动行为.基于一种改进的傅立叶级数方法,C a o等[8]求解了不同边界条件下圆柱壳-圆板耦合结构的振动行为.C h e n等[9]结合了F lüg g e薄壳理论和波的方法,分析了具有内部结构有限长圆柱壳的振动行为.Q i n等[10]利用M i n d-l i n板理论和S a n d e r s壳理论,得到了平板和壳的能量方程,研究了旋转圆柱壳-环形板耦合结构的振动特性.采用最小二乘复频域法,李旭龙等[11]对对接圆柱壳结构进行了计算模态分析和实验模态分析.基于D o n n e l l薄壳理论,韩勤锴等[12]采用多尺度方法研究了变速旋转圆柱薄壳动力稳定性.迄今为止,国内外相关研究绝大多数都是对针对圆柱壳及其耦合结构展开的,圆锥壳耦合结构的相关研究较少.本文以圆锥壳-折板结构为对象,对其动力学特性展开分析.通过仿真计算,得到圆锥壳-折板结构在随机振动下的响应结果.经过计算得到不同结构下多个样本值,并且利用其建立材料参数与动力学响应之间的响应面函数.基于上一步得到的响应面函数模型,进一步利用S p e a r m a n秩相关系数,进行灵敏度分析,筛选出圆锥壳-折板结构中影响舱体结构动强度的主要因素.最后,利用参数化模型开展参数影响规律研究,得到各个主要因素对于响应面动力学响应的影响规律曲线.1理论模型的建立1.1动力学方程典型舱体结构主要分为两个部分:尾舱以及安装座.尾舱几何外形为厚圆锥壳,安装座几何外形为对称四折板结构,舱体几何结构如图1所示.动载荷下舱体结构的整体动力学方程为MX㊃㊃+D X㊃+K X=F(t)(1)其中:M为质量矩阵,D为阻尼矩阵,K为刚度矩阵,F(t)为激励振动载荷向量,X为广义位移向量.由动力学方程可得结构的频域运动方程,表示为(K-ω2M)X=F(t)(2)其中:ω为激振频率.用于求解结构模态振型的特征方程可表达为(K-ω2i M)A i=0(3)其中:ωi为第i阶固有频率,A i为第i阶实模态振型.结构复频响函数矩阵为H(ω)=X F=[K-ω2M]-1(4)结构模型可认为是小阻尼系统,可认为引入的阻尼并不影响系统的特征向量,因而可用实模态理论分析系统振动行为.利用求得的模态振型矩阵A,对上述方程做正交变换有75动 力 学 与 控 制 学 报2024年第22卷H (ω)=X F=A [K -ω2M ]-1A T =ðni =1A i AiTω2i (1+i ηi )-ω2(5)式中ηi 为由阻尼部分产生的第i 阶模态损耗因子.节点响应为S (ω)=H (ω)S x (ω)(6)其中:S x (ω)为激励载荷功率谱密度函数,S (ω)为响应功率密度谱.1.2 灵敏度分析理论建立材料参数与响应参数之间的响应面函数:y =a +ðN i =1a i x i +ðN i =1ðNj =1a i jx i x j (7)式中:x i 为自变量,数量为N ;y 为动力学响应;a ㊁a i 与a i j (i =1,2, ,N ;j =i ,i +1, ,N )均为待定系数.对L 个样本点进行数值模拟,得到L 个响应结果(z 1,z 2, ,z L ).结合二阶响应面函数进行回归分析得l =ðLi =1z i -(a +ðN i =1a i x i +ðN i =1ðNj =1a i j x i x j )2(8)令∂l ∂a=0∂l∂a i=0∂l∂a i j=0(9)对其进行求解,从而确定待定系数a ㊁a i 与a i j (i =1,2, ,N ;j =i ,i +1, ,N )的值.确定响应面函数后,以材料参数q 为自变量输入,结构响应p 为输出,计算n 个样本,得到n 个数据对:q 1p 1,q 2p 2 , ,q np n(10)将一组数据对转化成等级数据R (q 1)R (p 1) ,R (q 2)R (p 2) , ,R (q n )R (p n )(11)式中R (q i )和R (p i )分别是q i 和p i 的位次.S pe a r m a n 相关系数ρ为 ρ=ðni =1[R (q i)-R (q )]㊃[R (p i)-R (p )]{ðni =1[R (q i)-R (q )]2}㊃{ðn i =1[R (p i)-R (p )]2}(12)S pe a r m a n 相关系数ρ反映了结构响应p 与材料参数q 之间的相关性:相关系数ρ为正,说明结构响应p 随材料参数q 的增加而增加,两者呈正相关关系;反之相反.而|ρ|的大小反映了结构响应p 与材料参数q 之间相关的显著程度.|ρ|越大,表示材料参数q 的变化对于结构响应p 的影响越显著,即结构响应p 对于材料参数q 越敏感.本文以S pe a r m a n 相关系数ρ作为灵敏度判断指标,文章中后续出现的相关系数均代指S pe a r m a n 相关系数.2 灵敏度分析算例为了研究圆锥壳-折板结构的动力学特性,结构尺寸如下:尾舱几何外形为厚圆锥壳,顶端外径为315mm ,底端外径为410mm ,高705mm.安装座几何外形为对称四折板结构,板厚2mm 且厚度均匀,顶面为180mm ˑ120mm 的方形,肋板高70mm ,两侧座脚均为120mmˑ13mm 的方形.载荷输入位置与响应输出位置如图1所示.图1 圆锥壳-折板耦合舱体结构F i g .1 C y l i n d r i c a l -c o n i c a l s h e l l c o u pl e d w i t h f o l d e d p l a t e 灵敏度分析时各参数变化范围为ʃ10%,具体数值如表1所示.表1 灵敏度分析材料参数变化范围T a b l e 1 R a n g e o f s e n s i t i v i t y a n a l ys i s m a t e r i a l p a r a m e t e r s P a r a m e t e r s R a n ge of v a l u e U n i t D e n s i t y of c a b i n 2.442~2.984ˑ103k g/m 3Y o u n g's m o d u l u s o f c a b i n 62.14~75.94G P aD e n s i t y o f f o l d i n g p l a t e 7.065~8.635ˑ103k g/m 3Y o u n g 's m o d u l u s o f f o l d i n g pl a t e 180~220G P a85第3期章海亮等:结合灵敏度分析的圆锥壳-折板结构动力学研究输入载荷的激励类型为随机振动,随机振动是由无数正弦波构成,用通过在中心频率设置的窄幅过滤器的加速度信号平方的平均值的单位频率值表示,即功率谱密度.载荷输入位置如图1所示,输入载荷功率谱密度如图2所示.由图3可知,尾舱材料密度与变形响应和应力响应均呈现正相关关系,且相关系数较大,分别为0.29与0.36.尾舱材料杨氏模量与变形响应和应力响应均呈现负相关关系,且相关系数较大,分别为-0.33和-0.37.安装座材料密度与变形响应呈现负相关关系,且相关系数较大,为-0.18.安装座材料杨氏模量与应力响应呈现正相关关系,且相关系数较大,为0.59.图2 载荷功率谱F i g .2 S p e c t r a l d e n s i t y of l o a d 图3 不同响应对各参数灵敏度对比F i g .3 C o m p a r i s o n o f t h e s e n s i t i v i t y o f d i f f e r e n t r e s po n s e s t o e a c h p a r a m e t er 图4 各参数与位移响应间相关曲线F i g .4 T h e c o r r e l a t e d c u r v e s b e t w e e n e a c h p a r a m e t e r a n d t h e d i s p l a c e m e n t r e s po n se 图5 各参数与应力响应间相关曲线F i g .5 T h e c o r r e l a t e d c u r v e s b e t w e e n e a c h p a r a m e t e r a n d t h e s t r e s s r e s po n s e 95动力学与控制学报2024年第22卷3主要参数的影响规律研究各参数与位移变形响应的相关曲线如图4所示.由图4(a)可知,尾舱材料密度与位移变形响应整体呈现出正相关关系,随着密度的增大变形响应逐渐增大,同时曲线斜率逐渐增大,位移变形增大的趋势逐渐加强.在尾舱材料密度低于2500k g/m3后,位移变形响应变化不再明显.尾舱材料密度越低,杨氏模量变化带来的位移变形响应变化越小.由图4(b)可知,尾舱材料杨氏模量与位移变形响应整体呈现出负相关关系,随着材料杨氏模量的增大变形响应逐渐减小,同时曲线斜率逐渐变小,位移变形减小的趋势逐渐减缓.在尾舱材料杨氏模量超过75G P a后,位移变形响应变化不再明显.尾舱材料杨氏模量越高,密度变化带来的位移变形响应变化越小.各参数与应力响应的相关曲线如图5所示.由图5(a)可知,尾舱材料密度与应力响应整体呈现出正相关关系,随着材料密度的增大应力响应逐渐增大,同时曲线斜率逐渐增大,应力增大的趋势逐渐提高.尾舱材料密度越低,杨氏模量变化带来的应力响应变化越小.由图5(b)可知,尾舱材料杨氏模量与应力响应整体呈现出负相关关系,随着材料杨氏模量的增大应力响应逐渐减小.尾舱材料杨氏模量越高,密度变化带来的应力响应变化越小.由图5(c)可知,安装座材料杨氏模量与应力响应整体呈现出正相关关系,随着材料杨氏模量的增大应力响应逐渐增大,同时曲线斜率逐渐增大,应力增大的趋势逐渐提高.安装座材料杨氏模量越低,密度变化带来的平均应力响应变化越小.各参数与加速度响应的相关曲线如图6所示.图6各参数与加速度响应间相关曲线F i g.6 T h e c o r r e l a t e d c u r v e s b e t w e e n e a c h p a r a m e t e r a n d t h e a c c e l e r a t i o n r e s p o n s e由图6(a)可知,安装座材料密度与加速度响应整体呈现出负相关关系,随着安装座材料密度的增大加速度响应逐渐减小,同时曲线斜率逐渐变小,加速度减小的趋势逐渐减缓.在安装座材料密度超过8300k g/m3后,加速度响应变化不再明显.尾舱材料密度越高,杨氏模量变化带来的加速度响应变化越小.由图6(b)可知,安装座材料杨氏模量与加速度响应整体呈现出正相关关系,随着安装座材料杨氏模量的增大加速度响应逐渐增大,同时曲线斜率逐渐变大,加速度增大的趋势逐渐减缓.在安装座材料杨氏模量低于185G P a后,位移加速度响应变化不再明显.4结论通过本文的研究可以得出了如下结论:(1)以圆锥壳-折板结构模型为基础,进行了随机振动下的结构动力学分析,得到了结构的位移㊁应力以及加速度响应.(2)通过基于响应面法和S p e a r m a n秩相关系数的灵敏度分析,分析影响圆锥壳-折板结构动强度的主要因素.结果表明:对于圆锥壳-折板结构,位移变形响应受圆锥壳密度与杨氏模量影响最为明显,其灵敏度相关系数分别为0.29和-0.33;应力响应受圆锥壳材料密度与杨氏模量以及折板材料杨氏模量影响十分明显,其中折板材料杨氏模量影响最为显著,其灵敏度相关系数分别为0.36㊁-0.3706第3期章海亮等:结合灵敏度分析的圆锥壳-折板结构动力学研究和0.59;加速度响应受折板材料密度与杨氏模量影响较为明显,其灵敏度相关系数分别为-0.37和0.38.(3)利用参数化模型开展参数影响规律研究,得到各个主要因素对于结构动力学响应的影响规律曲线.参考文献[1]C H E N G L,N I C O L A S J.F r e e v i b r a t i o n a n a l y s i s o fa c y l i n d r i c a l s h e l l-c i r c u l a r p l a t e s y s t e m w i t h g e n e r a lc o u p l i n g a nd v a r i o u s b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s[J].J o u r-n a l o f S o u n d a n d V i b r a t i o n,1992,155(2):231-247.[2]C H E N Y H,J I N G Y,L I U Z G.V i b r a t i o n a l e n e r-g y f l o w a n a l y s i s o f c o u p l e d c y l i n d r i c a l s h e l l-p l a t es t r u c t u r e w i t h g e n e r a l b o u n d a r y a n d c o u p l i n g c o n d i-t i o n s[J].P r o c e e d 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tube61. IntroductionThe tube6 is a device that serves multiple purposes in various industries. It is widely used in manufacturing, construction, transportation, and other sectors to transport fluids, gases, and even solid materials. This document aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the tube6, its features, applications, and benefits.2. FeaturesThe tube6 boasts several significant features that set it apart from other similar devices. These features include:•Durable Construction: The tube6 is constructed using high-quality materials to ensure durability and longevity. It can withstand harshenvironmental conditions, including extreme temperatures and corrosivesubstances.•Versatility: The tube6 is highly versatile and can be used for various applications. It can transport fluids, gases, and solid materials without anyleakage or contamination.•Easy Installation: The tube6 is designed for easy installation. It comes with connectors and fittings that can be easily attached to the device, allowing for a quick and hassle-free setup.•Wide Range of Sizes: The tube6 is available in different sizes to meet specific requirements. Whether you need a small tube for a residential project or a large tube for an industrial application, the tube6 has you covered.3. ApplicationsThe tube6 finds applications in multiple industries for different purposes. Some of the key applications of the tube6 include:•Transporting Fluids: One of the primary uses of the tube6 is to transport fluids such as water, oil, chemicals, and gases. It is widely used inplumbing systems, industrial processes, and agriculture for efficient fluidtransportation.•Pneumatic Systems: The tube6 is commonly employed in pneumatic systems to transport compressed air. It plays a crucial role in industries that heavily rely on pneumatic tools and equipment.•HVAC Systems: The tube6 is also used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to circulate air and maintain optimal temperature and air quality. It ensures proper airflow and efficient cooling or heating.•Construction and Infrastructure: The tube6 is extensively used in construction and infrastructure projects. It facilitates the transportation ofmaterials such as concrete, sand, gravel, and other solid materials.4. BenefitsThe tube6 offers several benefits that make it a preferred choice for many industries. Some of the key benefits of using the tube6 include:•Efficiency: The tube6 enables efficient transportation of fluids, gases, and solid materials, saving both time and money. Its smooth interior surface and seamless construction minimize flow resistance and pressure loss.•Safety: The tube6 ensures the safe transportation of hazardous materials, as it is designed to withstand high pressure and chemical exposure.Its durable construction reduces the risk of leakage and potential accidents.•Cost-Effective: The tube6 is a cost-effective solution, as it requires minimal maintenance and has a long lifespan. Its durability eliminates the need for frequent replacements, reducing overall costs.•Ease of Use: The tube6 is easy to install and requires no special tools or skills. Its connectors and fittings allow for a quick and hassle-free setup,saving valuable time and effort.5. ConclusionThe tube6 is a versatile and reliable device used in various industries for fluid, gas, and solid material transportation. Its durable construction, wide range of sizes, and ease of installation make it a cost-effective and convenient solution. With its numerous benefits and applications, the tube6 is an essential component in many manufacturing, construction, and transportation projects.Note: The content provided in this document is for informational purposes only, and does not endorse any specific brand or product.。
6自由度工业机械臂的机械结构英文回答:Articulated Robots.Articulated robots, also known as jointed robots, are the most common type of industrial robot. They are designed to mimic the movement of the human arm, with a series of joints and links that allow them to reach and manipulate objects in a wide range of orientations.Articulated robots are typically used in assembly, welding, painting, and other applications where precision and flexibility are required. They can be equipped with a variety of end effectors, such as grippers, welding guns, and spray nozzles, to perform a wide range of tasks.The mechanical structure of an articulated robot consists of a series of links and joints that are connected by bearings. The links are typically made of lightweightmaterials, such as aluminum or carbon fiber, to reduce the robot's weight and inertia. The joints are typically powered by electric motors or hydraulic actuators.The most common type of articulated robot is the six-axis robot. Six-axis robots have six degrees of freedom, which allow them to move in all directions and orientations. This makes them extremely versatile and capable of performing a wide range of tasks.Parallel Robots.Parallel robots, also known as delta robots, areanother type of industrial robot that is commonly used in assembly and packaging applications. Parallel robots have a unique mechanical structure that allows them to achievehigh speeds and accelerations.Parallel robots consist of a series of links that are connected in a parallel arrangement. The links aretypically made of lightweight materials, such as aluminumor carbon fiber, to reduce the robot's weight and inertia.The joints are typically powered by electric motors or hydraulic actuators.The most common type of parallel robot is the three-axis robot. Three-axis robots have three degrees of freedom, which allow them to move in the x, y, and z directions.This makes them ideal for applications where high speed and precision are required.SCARA Robots.SCARA robots, also known as selective compliance assembly robot arms, are a type of industrial robot that is commonly used in assembly and packaging applications. SCARA robots have a unique mechanical structure that allows themto achieve high speeds and accelerations, while also providing high precision and compliance.SCARA robots consist of two links that are connected in a parallel arrangement. The links are typically made of lightweight materials, such as aluminum or carbon fiber, to reduce the robot's weight and inertia. The joints aretypically powered by electric motors or hydraulic actuators.The most common type of SCARA robot is the four-axis robot. Four-axis robots have four degrees of freedom, which allow them to move in the x, y, z, and theta directions. This makes them ideal for applications where high speed, precision, and compliance are required.中文回答:关节式机器人。
丙基u600乳化剂结构英文回答:The chemical structure of the emulsifier Cetyl U600 can be described as follows:Cetyl U600, also known as Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, is a quaternary ammonium compound. Its chemical formula is C19H42BrN and its molecular weight is 364.46g/mol. The structure of Cetyl U600 consists of a long hydrocarbon chain with 16 carbon atoms (cetyl group) attached to a positively charged quaternary ammonium group (trimethylammonium). The bromide ion (Br-) is the counterion to balance the positive charge.The hydrocarbon chain of Cetyl U600 is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water. On the other hand, the quaternary ammonium group is hydrophilic, meaning it is attracted to water. This unique structure allows Cetyl U600 to act as an effective emulsifier.When Cetyl U600 is added to a mixture of oil and water, it forms micelles. The hydrophobic tails of the emulsifier molecules cluster together, while the hydrophilic heads are oriented towards the water. This arrangement helps to stabilize the emulsion by reducing the interfacial tension between the oil and water phases. As a result, the oil and water are able to mix more easily, forming a stable emulsion.Cetyl U600 is commonly used in various industries, such as personal care products (e.g., creams, lotions, and shampoos), pharmaceuticals, and industrial applications. In personal care products, it helps to create stable emulsions and improve the texture and feel of the products. In pharmaceuticals, it can be used as a surfactant and antimicrobial agent. In industrial applications, it is used as an emulsifier in the production of paints, coatings, and adhesives.中文回答:丙基U600乳化剂的化学结构如下:丙基U600,也被称为溴化十六烷基三甲基铵,是一种季铵盐化合物。
(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201910292940.5(22)申请日 2019.04.12(71)申请人 上海交通大学地址 200240 上海市闵行区东川路800号(72)发明人 吴金鸿 吴乔羽 杨丹璐 于颖 顾欣哲 龚盛祥 汪少芸 王正武 (74)专利代理机构 上海旭诚知识产权代理有限公司 31220代理人 郑立(51)Int.Cl.C12N 15/12(2006.01)C07K 14/435(2006.01)C12N 15/70(2006.01)A23L 3/3526(2006.01)C12N 1/04(2006.01)A01N 1/02(2006.01) (54)发明名称一种雪蚤抗冻蛋白SF-P的制备方法及其应用(57)摘要本发明公开了一种雪蚤抗冻蛋白SF -P的制备方法及应用。
首先将人工合成的SF -P编码基因插入到PET28a -sumo载体中,构建所述抗冻肽的表达质粒;将重组质粒转化至大肠杆菌感受态细胞,进行蛋白表达,用亲和层析法对蛋白进行纯化后进行酶切,获得SF -P抗冻肽。
大肠杆菌具有遗传稳定性,可以持续分泌表达外源基因,所获重组工程菌株,可以高量、稳定地分泌表达雪蚤抗冻肽SF -P,在抗冻蛋白领域发挥了重要的作用。
权利要求书1页 说明书4页序列表1页 附图1页CN 110055257 A 2019.07.26C N 110055257A权 利 要 求 书1/1页CN 110055257 A1.一种重组雪蚤抗冻肽SF-P的制备方法,其特征在于,包括以下步骤:步骤一:将人工合成的抗冻肽编码基因构建于克隆载体上;步骤二:将含有所述抗冻肽表达序列的重组质粒转化至大肠杆菌感受态细胞中,进行蛋白表达;步骤三:用亲和层析法对表达蛋白进行纯化;步骤四:使用蛋白酶切开纯化蛋白标签,获得所述抗冻肽。
A-T Controls Series L2 PFA Locked Liner Split Body
L2-3R-20230613Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.Cincinnati, Ohio 45246FAX (513) 247-5462********************See automated data sheets for pre-sized assembliesEasy to Automate!A-T Controls’ Series L2 ball valves feature thelatest technology in PFA. These fully lined ballvalves are available with stainless steel or epoxycoated carbon steel body. The superior PFAlining is able to withstand temperatures up to400ºF and demonstrates greater durability thanPTFE. This high purity PFA has extremely low gaspermeability and outperforms other materials incritical services.These split body valves feature adjustablepacking. The lining thickness is at least 3mm.throughout the body and ball. One-piece ball andstem design reduces side loading and extendsstem and packing life.Excellent for:• Pharmaceutical• Food and Beverage• Paints and Solvents• Caustics and Acids• Deionized Water andSemiconductorPneumatic ElectricSERIES L2PFA Locked Liner Split Body Flanged Ball Valve1.502.87 5.000.630.06VALVE DIMENSIONSBreak Away TorquesCv ValuesComponent Temperature RatingsWCBDouble Acting Assembly DIMENSIONS (IN)VALVE SIZEABCD1/2" 6.50 3.63 4.01 2.813/4" 6.50 3.63 4.01 2.811" 6.50 3.63 4.01 2.811-1/2"7.60 4.26 4.90 3.352"9.29 5.09 5.20 4.182-1/2" 4.183"11.02 5.407.38 4.274"11.50 6.077.994.786"15.357.9913.98 5.988"19.378.9918.70 6.86SIZED FOR 60 psi AIR SUPPL YMODEL L2-F1-050/3RDD-XX L2-F1-075/3RDD-XX L2-F1-100/3RED-XX L2-F1-150/3RFD-XX L2-F1-200/3RFD-XX L2-F1-250/3RGD-XX L2-F1-300/3RHD-XX L2-F1-400/3RJD-XX L2-F1-600/3RKD-XX L2-F1-800/3RMD-XXDIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR ASSEMBLIES SIZED FOR 80 PSI SUPPLYASME Class 150 Flanged PFA Lined Ball ValveVALVE Cv2445731783155197651,3654,8809,045Actuators are sized based on full differential pressure with clean water. Consult the Application Sizing Guide for assistance with sizing actuators.SUFFIX 1M SAMPLE PART #L2C-F1-150/3RED-XXSee automated part number matrix on back cover for complete part number and options.Valve SeriesSeat MaterialValve SizeEnd ConnectionCarbon Steel TRIAC Actuator SeriesActuator Size Double ActingSUFFIX 1: Voltage SUFFIX 2: AccessoriesASIZED FOR 60 psi AIR SUPPL YMODEL L2-F1-050/3RF4-XX L2-F1-075/3RF4-XX L2-F1-100/3RF4-XX L2-F1-150/3RG4-XX L2-F1-200/3RJ4-XX L2-F1-250/3RJ4-XX L2-F1-300/3RK4-XX L2-F1-400/3RL4-XX L2-F1-600/3RR4-XX L2-F1-800/3RU4-XXSpring Return Assembly DIMENSIONS (IN)VALVE SIZEABCD1/2"7.60 4.26 4.01 3.353/4"7.60 4.26 4.01 3.351"9.29 5.09 4.01 4.181-1/2" 4.182"11.50 6.075.20 4.782-1/2"13.396.937.38 5.593"13.39 6.937.38 5.594"15.357.997.995.986"22.3610.2413.988.128"24.8012.6418.7010.24DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR ASSEMBLIES SIZED FOR 80 PSI SUPPLYVALVE Cv1783155197651,3654,8809,045ASME Class 150 Flanged PFA Lined Ball ValveOther options available - call for detailsActuators are sized based on full differential pressure with clean water. Consult the Application Sizing Guide for assistance with sizing actuators.SUFFIX 1SAMPLE PART #L2C-F1-150/3RFS-XXSee automated part number matrix on back cover for complete part number and options.Valve SeriesSeat MaterialValve SizeEnd ConnectionCarbon Steel TRIAC Actuator SeriesActuator Size Spring ReturnSUFFIX 1: Voltage SUFFIX 2: AccessoriesAMODULATING MODELL2-F1-050/WEA2-XX L2-F1-075/WEA2-XX L2-F1-100/WEA2-XX 1-1/2"L2-F1-150/WEA2-XX L2-F1-200/WEB2-XX 2-1/2"L2-F1-250/WEC2-XX L2-F1-300/WEC2-XX L2-F1-400/WED2-XX L2-F1-600/WEF2-XX L2-F1-800/WEH2-XXElectric Assembly DIMENSIONS (IN)VALVE SIZEABCD1/2" 4.95 5.53 4.01 4.093/4" 4.95 5.53 4.01 4.091" 4.95 5.53 4.01 4.091-1/2" 4.95 5.53 4.90 4.092" 4.95 5.53 5.20 4.092-1/2" 6.693"13.3110.557.389.024"13.3110.557.999.026"14.4911.9713.9810.208"16.1412.9918.7011.69DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR ON-OFF ASSEMBLIESVALVE CvASME Class 150 Flanged PFA Lined Ball ValveSAMPLE PART #L2C-F1-150/WEA1-XXSee automated partnumber matrix on back cover for complete part Valve SeriesCarbon Steel Seat MaterialValve SizeEnd ConnectionTRIAC Actuator SeriesActuator SizeOn-Off SUFFIX 1: Voltage DHOW TO ORDER: Manual ValvesHOW TO ORDER: Automated ValvesSAMPLE PART #(2) Valve Series(4) End Connection(5) Valve Size(6) Seat, Lining, & TrimMaterial(7) Special Designation(8) Additional Specials(9) Special Designation(3) Body/Ball/StemMaterialL2C-F1-150-LXX-X**2500 & 3500 60 psig springL2-3R-20230613Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.Cincinnati, Ohio 45246FAX (513) 247-5462********************SAMPLE PART #L2C-F1-150/3RFS-XX(2) Valve Series(3) Body/Ball/StemMaterial(6) Valve Size(5) Seat, Lining, & TrimMaterial(4) End Connection(7A) TRIAC Actuator Series(7A) Actuator Size(7B) Spring Return(8) Accessory(9) Accessory3P=Teflon™ (PTFE) Coating。
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1.产品名称及公司标识产品名称:固持胶化学类型:厌氧胶危险性类型:无公司信息:供应商:烟台信友新材料有限公司地址:山东烟台卧龙中路12号电话:传真:2.成分/组成信息成分CAS%聚乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯25852-47-565-70甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯818-61-110-30糖精81-07-2 1.5-5过氧化物10508-09-51-5增稠剂60676-86-03-53.危险性标识危险性类别:健康危险性:2*着火危险性:1物理危险性:1警告:避免与皮肤和眼睛接触。
9.物理和化学性能物理状态:液体外观:绿色气味:温和PH:无比重: 1.08水溶性:微蒸汽压:<5mmHg@27℃挥发性有机物含量:无10.稳定性及反应性稳定性:稳定。
astm f2009-00(2011)测定模块化假体锥形连接件轴向拆卸力的试验方法
astm f2009-00(2011)测定模块化假体锥形连接件轴向拆卸力的试验方法1. 引言1.1 概述本文旨在介绍ASTM F2009-00(2011)标准中测定模块化假体锥形连接件轴向拆卸力的试验方法。
1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分,在此进行简要介绍:第一部分为引言部分,主要内容包括概述、文章结构和目的。
最后,在目的部分明确说明了本文旨在解析ASTM F2009-00(2011)标准中有关模块化假体锥形连接件轴向拆卸力试验方法的相关内容。
第二部分是正文,主要涉及到ASTM F2009-00(2011)标准的介绍、锥形连接件的重要性和应用领域,以及模块化假体锥形连接件轴向拆卸力的意义。
第三部分详细介绍了ASTM F2009-00(2011)标准中测定模块化假体锥形连接件轴向拆卸力的试验方法。
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3 Where does wealthy people’s income come from? T either through business or excellent investment choices they make, or both.
Part Three (Para. 6)
Read paragraph six and find out its main idea. Tips: To build wealth and make money we must have our financial situation under control and then have either a business or invest in high return opportunities.
Unit Six
Text Structure
Part One (Para. 1)
Read paragraph one and find out its main idea. Tips: Although wealth and money are the major topics of every one’s life, the amount of time most of us devote to it is surprisingly low.
Part Two (Paras. 2-5)
1 What is the main reason that people get in to massive debt? Tips: Lack of accounting skills.
2 Is taking up a job and working on it till you retire the only way to make money? Tips: No. There could be other ways.
4 How do those people who’re conditioned to play safe deal with their money? Tips: They either leave their money in a bank account where they get around 4 to 5 % return or put it in some kind of mutual funds where return could be 10 % on average.