SIEMENS S7-200 可编程序控制器 说明书
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质量、安全、特性 结构 • SIMATIC 的最新获奖的牢固 • 国际标准: SIMATIC CPU 22X • 数据安全性 紧凑的塑料外壳 系 列 符 合 VDE , UL , CSA 在内部 EEPROM 储存用户 • 易于接线,操作员控制及显 和 FM 标准和船籍社船用电 原程序和预设值。另外,在 示元件带前面罩保护 器认证。 一个较长时间段(典型 190 • 通过安装孔或标准 DIN 导轨 在生产过程中使用的质量保 小时) ,所有中间数据可以 可以垂直或水平地安装在机 证体系已取得 ISO 9001 认 通过一个超级电容器保持, 柜上。 证。 如果选配电池模块可以确保 • 端子排作为固定的接线配件 停电后中间数据能保存 200 (选用) 天(典型值) 。 内 部 集 成 的 PPI 接 口 为 SIMATIC S7-200 的用户提供 了强大的通讯功能。 PPI 接口物理特性为 RS485, 可在三种方式下工作: 一、PPI 方式 PPI 通讯协议是西门子专 为 S7-200 系列 PLC 开发 的一个通讯协议。可通过 普通的两芯屏蔽双绞电缆 进行联网。波特率为 9.6kbit/s , 19.2kbit/s 和 187 .5kbit/s。 S7-200 系列 CPU 上集成的编程口同时 就是 PPI 通讯联网接口。 利用 PPI 通讯协议进行通 讯非常简单方便,只用 NETR 和 NETW 两条语句 即可进行数据信号的传 递,不需额外再配置模块 或软件。 PPI 通讯网络是 一个令牌传递网,在不加 中继器的情况下,最多可 以由 31 个 S7-200 系列 PLC , TD200 , OP/TP 面 板或上位机(插 MPI 卡) 为站点,构成 PPI 网。
《可编控制器技术》实验及工程应用综合设计实验指导书中南大学信息科学与工程学院2010年3月目录第一章可编程控制器实验装备使用介绍 (1)1.1TVT-90系列可编程控制器训练装置简介 (1)1.2电源模块的使用 (3)1.3电源模块、CPU单元和继电器扩展模块的使用 (5)1.4输入输出模块的使用 (6)1.5实验单元板的使用 (8)第二章实验 (10)实验一熟悉STEP7 V5.3编程软件的使用及基本逻辑指令的编程方法 (10)实验二、比较指令与定时指令的基本编程及应用 (22)实验三、计数指令的基本编程及应用 (25)实验四传送指令和移位以及循环移位指令的基本编程及应用 (27)实验五浮点型数学运算基本指令的编程及应用 (31)第三章综合程序设计训练 (33)综合设计实验一电动机控制 (33)综合设计实验二天塔之光 (36)综合设计实验三交通灯自控与手控 (38)综合设计实验四水塔水位自动控制 (44)综合设计实验五多种液体自动混合系统 (46)综合设计实验六自动装车送料系统 (49)综合设计实验七邮件分拣 (51)综合设计实验八电梯控制 (56)综合设计实验九自动售货机 (66)综合设计实验十温度控制系统 (70)综合设计实验十一电镀流水线 (74)综合设计实验十二霓虹灯控制 (81)综合设计实验十三自动化仓库系统 (87)综合设计实验十四机械手装配搬运流水线 (89)综合设计实验十五自控飞锯 (94)综合设计实验十六自动扶梯系统 (103)综合设计实验十七无塔供水系统 (105)综合设计实验十八接触器联锁正反转三相异步电机控制 (108)综合设计实验十九三相电机顺序控制 (110)综合设计实验二十时间继电器控制Y-△三相电机降压起动控制 (112)综合设计实验二十一、触摸屏使用实验 (116)综合设计实验二十二、变频器控制异步电机实验 (129)第一章可编程控制器实验装备使用介绍1.1 TVT-90系列可编程控制器训练装置简介TVT-90系列可编程控制器训练装置由可编程序控制器主机、编程用计算机、电源模块、输入输出模块和16块模拟控制对象单元实验板组成。
西门子智能可编程控制器SIMATIC S7-200 SMART说明书
sSIMATIC S7-200 SMARTS7-200 SMART Programmable controllerwww.siemens.co.in/smartplcSiemens is synonymous with innovation, especially in the domain ofindustrial automation. Committed to R&D, promotion and application of latesttechnologies, Siemens has been instrumental in enhancing our customers’competitiveness for over 140 years. Our state-of-the art automation productsand solutions not only improve production efficiency but also reduce total costof ownership.One such innovation from the house of Siemens is the SIMATIC controllerseries. These Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) from Siemens offer a widerange of selection options starting from the most basic logic controller ‘LOGO!’to powerful SIMATIC S7 series, which are high performance programmablecontrollers. For specific applications with higher demands on data storage,faster communication with embedded applications including GUI, Siemensalso offers the automation controller system based on PC. Irrespective of therequirements, one can flexibly combine one or more Simatic controllers andcustomize the solution optimally.SIMATIC S7-200 SMART, our newly launched micro PLC product, is designedto suit the needs of developing markets that are under constant pressure dueto prices and demands for continuous performance. Providing an excellentperformance-to-price ratio, SIMATIC S7-200 SMART when combined withother SMART drive products from Siemens helps in building an extremely costeffective yet efficient automation solution.2Technical specification for analogue input module ................ 26Technical specification for analogue output module .............. 26Technical specification for analogue input/output module ..... 26Technical specification for digital input/output signal board .. 27Technical specification for analogue output signal board ......... 27Technical specification for battery signal board .................... 27Technical specification for RS485/232 signal board ............... 27Technical specification for analogue input signal board ......... 28Technical specification for RTD module ................................. 28Technical specification for thermocouple module .................. 28Technical specification for Profibus DP slave module ............. 28General technical specification ............................................. 29Order number description .................................................... 29Order data (30)Product highlights ............................................................... 04CPU module ......................................................................... 06Signal board ......................................................................... 08Network communications .................................................... 09Motion control ..................................................................... 10User-friendly software improves programming efficiency ...... 12SMART micro automation solutions ...................................... 14Common SD card – Fast Update ............................................ 15Technical specification ......................................................... 16Technical specification for CPU SR20/ST20 ............................ 16Technical specification for CPU SR30/ST30 ........................... 18Technical specification CPU SR40/ST40/CR40 ........................ 20Technical specification CPU SR60/ST60/CR60 ........................ 22Technical specification for digital input module ..................... 24Technical specification for digital output module .................. 24Technical specification for digital input/output module (25)Contents3SIMATIC S7-200 SMART Product HighlightsMore models, more choicesIt provides CPU modules that have a large number of I/O points onboard (up to 60 points.) The CPU module has a standard type and compact type for the users to choose, which can meet the different needs of customers.Extension options, accurate customizationThe new signal boards are designed with scalable communication ports, digital or analog channels, that are closely fitting to the user's application requirements, and lower the user’s costs for expansion.High speed chip, excellent performanceIt is equipped with Siemens dedicated processor chip, the basic instruction execution time is up to 0.15 μs, it has the leading performance compared to the micro PLC of the same level, it can easily deal with complex and fast processes.Ethernet interconnectivity, economic and convenientAll CPUs have integrated Ethernet interface to download the programs conveniently and quickly using the common cable. Through the Ethernet port, it can connect to other Simatic CPUs / HMIs to realize interconnection and set upthe network.4Tri-axial pulse, freedom in motionProvides powerful functions of speed and positioning control, the CPU modulecan maximally integrate three 100 kHz high speed pulse outputs, and supportPWM/PTO.Common SD card, fast updateThis PLC integrates Micro SD card slot, supports common Micro SD card, canbe used to update the program or device firmware, and can provide greatconvenience to the engineer who conducts the field service.User-friendly software, programming efficiencyBased on the powerful functions inherited from the Siemens programmingsoftware, it has absorbed more humanized design which has enhanced the userfriendliness of the software greatly. Improved the efficiency in developing theprogram.5Ethernet interfaceI/O expansion moduleRS485 serial portSignal board expansionSupporting Micro SD cardReal-time clock 1)High speed countersHigh speed pulse output 2)1)Only supports the standard type CPU module2)Only supports the standard type transistor output;TypeCR40CR60SR20SR30SR40SR60ST20ST30ST40ST60High speed counter 4 at 100 kHz for single phase4 at 200 kHz for single phaseHigh speed pulseoutput —2 at 100 kHz3 at 100 kHzNumber of communicationports 22 ~ 3Number of Expansion modules —6Maximum I/O handling capacity 3)4060212222232252212222232252Maximum analogue I/O 3)—363)The maximum I/O handling capacity is considering I/O expansion with Signal boards.Compact type CPU module CPU CR40/CR60Standard type CPU module CPU SR20/SR30/SR40/SR60CPU ST20/ST30/ST40/ST606The input and output are removable.Siemens dedicated high speed chip is incorporated, with basic instruction execution time up to 0.15 μs;It is equipped with supercapacitor, when the power isdown, it still can guaranteethe normal work of the clockConvenient installation,screw type installation7Installation stepsRemove the cover board of terminalRemove the cover board with Screw driverNo fastening screw is required, gently insert it;The installation is completeSignal board configurationWhen the standard CPU module is selected in the system block, the aforementioned four signal boards will display the SB options:• When SB DT04 is selected, the system can automatically distribute I7.0 and Q7.0 as the beginning of the I/O image area • When SB AE01 is selected, the system can automatically allocates AIW12 as I / O image area • When SB AQ01 is selected, the system can automatically allocates AQW12 as the I/O image area • When SB CM01is selected, it can be done via selecting the RS232 or RS485 in the port type setting box.• When SB BA01 is selected, the low power consumption alarm can be initialized or the power consumption state can be monitored via I7.0.Model Specification DescriptionSB DT042DI/2DOtransistor outputIt provides additional digital I/O extensions, and support 2 digital inputs and 2 digital transistor outputs.SB AE01 1AI It provides additional analog I / O expansion, and support 1Analog input , the precision is 12 bits SB AQ011AO It provides additional analogue I/O extension, and support 1 analogue output, with a precision 12 bits.SB CM01RS232/RS485It provides additional RS232 or RS485 serialcommunication interface, the conversion can be realized via simple configuration in the software.SB BA01Battery moduleIt supports the generic CR1025 cell (battery), which can drive the clock for about 1 year.Basic information of the signal board8All S7-200 SMART CPUs offer 1x Ethernet interface and the 1x RS485 interface onboard. Using Signal board CM01, one can add additional RS485/232 interface.Ethernet communicationAll the CPU modules are equipped with Ethernet interface, which supports Siemens S7 protocol, can support many terminal connections:• Can be used as the programs downloading port (via general network cable)• Communicate with Simatic Key/touch HMI with Profinet/Ethernet interface, maximally support 8 sets of equipment• Communicate with multiple Ethernet equipment through the switch to achieve fast data communication.• Supports up to 8 active GET/PUT connections and 8 passive GET/PUT connections. PROFIBUSWith EM DP01 expansion module S7 200 SMART CPU can be used in Profibus DP slave network. Slave ID of the CPU can be selected from the rotary switch on the EM DP01 module. The module supports any PROFIBUS baud rate between 9600 baud to 12M baud, the maximum allowable input 244Bytes and 244 output bytes.It supports the following protocols:• MPI Slave• PROFIBUS-DP slaveSerial communicationOn board RS485 port as well as additional RS232/485 port using CM01 can communicate with the inverter and touch screen and so on third party equipments. Signal board offers configurable RS232/RS485 port, maximally supports for up to 4 devices.Serial port supports the following protocols:• Modbus RTU• PPI• USS• Free port communication (for interconnection with Bar code scanners, weighing scales, serial printers etc.)OPC Communication (PC Access SMART)*Using Siemens PC Access SMART tool, it is possible to read/ write the data from S7-200 SMART PLC on to the host computer. This can be used for simple GUI requirements for data monitoring or data archiving.(PC Access SMART is an OPC server protocol specifically developed for S7-200 SMART series PLC, an OPC software dedicatedly developed for interaction between the S7-200 SMART PLC and host computer)Network communication*) please consult the Siemens offices and authorized distributors for the specific information.9Basic functions of motion control• Standard type transistor output module CPU, ST30/ST40/ST60 provides three 100 kHz high speed pulse output (ST20 provides two 100 kHz), supports PWM (pulse width modulation) and PTO (pulse train output).• In PWM mode, the cycle of the output pulse is fixed, the pulse width and duty cycle are adjusted by the program, which can adjust the speed of the motor, the opening of valves etc.• In PTO mode (motion control), the output pulse can be configured as multiple modes of operation, including automatically finding the original point, for realising the control of the stepper motor or servo motor, achieving the purpose of speed adjustment and positioning; • The Q0.0, Q0.1 and Q0.3 on the CPU body can be configured as the PWM output or high speed pulse output, the above functions can be set up via the Wizard;PWM and motion control wizard settingsIn order to simplify the control functions in your application, the position control wizard provided by the STEP 7- Micro/WIN SMART can help you complete the PWM and the PTO configuration in a few minutes. The wizard can generate the position instructions, you can dynamically control the speed and position in your application with these instructions.According to the user selected PWM pulse number, the PWM wizard can generate PWMx_RUN subroutine frame corresponding to editing.Motion control wizards can maximally provide the settings for three pulse outputs, the pulse output speed is adjustable from 20 Hz to100 kHz.PLC1# servo drive 2# servo drive 3# servo drive1 # motor2 # motor 3# motor10Monitoring of motion controlIn order to help users develop motion control scheme, STEP7- Micro/WIN SMART provides the motion control panel. The operation, configuration and envelope configuration settingslet the users easily monitor, on the motion control function operation, the start and test phases in the development process.• The use of the motion control panel can verify whether the motion control wiring is correct or not, you can adjust the configuration data and test each mobile envelope;• Display the current speed, current position and direction of the bit control, as well as the input and output of LED (except pulse LED) status;• View to modify the configuration settings of the bit controloperation stored in the CPU moduleNew menu designIt has no more traditional drop-down menu. It has adopted the band-type menu design, all menu options can be seen completely. The image of the icon display makes the operation more convenient.By double clicking on the menu, it can be hidden so as to provide more space for a visual programming window.Fully movable window designAll windows in the software interface can move freely, and provide eight kinds of drag and drop methods.The main window, the program editor, the output window, variable table, state diagram etc. windows can be combined according to the user's habits, maximally improve the programming efficiency.The definitions of variables and program notesThe users can define the variable name according to the process flow, and can call through the variable name directly, allowing users to fully enjoy the convenience of high-level programming language. A special function registers the address call, automatically naming the variable, which can now be called directly the next time.Micro/WIN SMART provides a perfect function for annotation, can add annotations to program block, programming network and variables,with its readability greatly improved. When the mouse is moved to the instruction block, data types supported by each pin are automatically displayed.STEP 7-Micro/WIN SMART Software features:1. New menu design2. Fully movable window design3. Variable definitions and notes4. Novel wizard setting5. Status monitoring6. Convenient command Library7. Powerful password protection functions ……….For detailed information about the software, consult the S7-200 SMART System Manual.Convenient command LibraryIn PLC programming, the same tasks that are repetitively executed will be generally included in a subprogram, which can be directly used in the future. The use of subroutines can better organize the program structure, facilitate the debugging and reading.Micro/WIN SMART provides the command library functions, converting the subroutine into a block of instructions, as a common block of instructions, which will be directly dragged and dropped into the programming interface to complete the call. The command library function provides password protection function, preventing the database files from being randomly reviewed or modified.In addition, Siemens offers a large instruction library to complete a variety of functions, which can be easily added into the software.Setup wizardMicro/WIN SMART integrates simple and quick wizard settings; you can just follow the wizardprompts to set up the parameters for each step of the complex function setting. The new guidance function allows the user to directly set up a step function, and without the need to reset every step, to modify the wizard settings.The wizard setting supports the following functions: • HSC (high speed counter) • Motion control • PID• PWM (Pulse width Modulation) • Text displayStatus monitoringIn the Micro/WIN SMART status graph, it can monitor the current values of each input / outputchannel of PLC, at the same time, it can conduct the mandatory input operation to test the program logic for each channel.Status monitoring value can be displayed in numerical form, and can also be directly displayed in the waveform, the aforementioned two can also be switched each other.In addition, the Micro/WIN SMART system can monitor the PID and motion control operation, equipment operation status through the dedicate operation panel.SIMATIC Touch/Key HMIEthernetSIMATIC S7-200 SMARTUSS/MODBUS RTUSINAMICS V20USS / MODBUS RTUSINAMICS V90SIMOTICS S-1FL6SIMOTICS GP 1LE0Recommendations for the use of S7-200 SMART:• While programming and debugging, it is suggested to, using 1 set of ordinary switchboard, to connect the related equipment (including PLC, touch screen, computer) to the switch. After downloading the PLC or touch screen programs, they can be directly tested on the touch screen throughtouch. When testing the PLC working state, there is no need to use a cable to connect the PLC and touch screen.• Through the use of Micro SD card the fast and batch downloading of the PLC program can be realized. The well-prepared source card can bedelivered to the end user by courier, or, in the scenario of urgent demand, the source file stored in the card can be sent via Email directly to the user at the site, the source file will be copied to the SD card and can be used after receiving.Common SD card – Fast Update!!Restore factory settingsA memory card can be used to erase all retained data, putting the CPU back into a factory default condition.Program TransferA memory card can be used to transfer user program content into the CPU's permanent memory, completely or partially replacing content already in the load memory.For duplication of program from one CPU to other CPUs, you need not require software. Time & cost saving is also achieved.Firmware upgradeA memory card can be used to update the firmware in a CPU and any connected expansion modules.No return to the factory for FW upgrade, it can be done with SD card.The S7-200 SMART CPUs support the use of a microSDHC card for:• User program transfer.• Reset CPU to factory default condition.• Firmware update of the CPU and attached expansion modules as supportedYou can use any standard, commercial microSDHC card with a capacity in the range 4GB to 16GB.For detailed information about the software, consult the S7-200 SMART System Manual.Technical specifications Technical specification for CPU SR20/ST20Technical specification for CPU SR30/ST30Technical specification for CPU SR40/ST40/CR40Technical specification for CPU SR60/ST60/CR60Technical specification for digital input modulesTechnical specification for digital output modulesTechnical specification for digital input/output modulesTechnical specification for analogue input modulesTechnical specification for analogueoutput modulesTechnical specification for analogue input/output modulesTechnical specification for digital input /output signal boardTechnical specification for analogue output signal boardTechnical specification for battery signal boardTechnical specification for RS485/232signal boardTechnical specification for RTD moduleTechnical specification of thermocouplemoduleTechnical specification for analogue inputsignal boardTechnical specification for Profibus DP slave moduleGeneral technical specificationsOrder number description6E S7―288――0A A0 Siemens S7 series PLCS7-200 SMART1: CPU2: Digital expansion module3: Analog expansion module5: Signal boardC/S stands for CPU typeC stands for economic type, S stands for standard typeD/A represents the extension module typeD represents a digital expansion module, A represents an analog expansion moduleE/Q represents input/outputR/T represents the digital expansion module relay output / transistor outputM represent the mixed input /output expansion module* AR represents the RTD expansion module, AT represents the thermocouple moduleXX represents the number input/output portsOrder dataSIMATIC S7-200 SMART order dataNotes31The information described hereby in the catalogue is only for the general description and characteristics of the products. The contents of this catalogue may show discrepancy with the actual application, and may change along with the product development. Only when there are clear provisions in the terms and conditions of the contract, Siemens Inc shall have the responsibility to provide the product characteristics specified in the catalogue.All the names involved in the Catalogue may be subsidiaries of the Siemens company, or its suppliers’ brands or product names; unauthorized use by any third party may violate the right of the owner.May change without prior notice Siemens LtdDigital FactoryFactory AutomationR&D Technology CentreKalwa Works, Thane Belapur Road Thane – 400 601Tel.************Siemens Inc. All Rights Reserved DF-FA-6182016。
LabVolt系列SIEMENS ET200S IM151-8可编程逻辑控制器说明书
LabVolt Series DatasheetProgrammable Logic Controller (SIEMENS ET200S IM151-8 with Case)587529 (3240-AA)* The product images shown in this document are for illustration purposes; actual products may vary. Please refer to the Specifications section of each product/item for all details. Festo Didactic reserves the right to change product images and specifications at any time without notice.Festo Didactic en 240 V - 50 Hz 12/2023Programmable Logic Controller (SIEMENS ET200S IM151-8 with Case), LabVolt SeriesTable of ContentsGeneral Description_________________________________________________________________________________3 Features & Benefits_________________________________________________________________________________3 List of Manuals_____________________________________________________________________________________3 Table of Contents of the Manual(s)_____________________________________________________________________4 Additional Equipment Required to Perform the Exercises (Purchased separately) ______________________________4 Specifications______________________________________________________________________________________4 Module Options Description__________________________________________________________________________4Programmable Logic Controller (SIEMENS ET200S IM151-8 with Case), LabVolt Series•▪▪▪•••••••••••▪••General DescriptionThe Programmable Logic Controller (SIEMENS ET200S IM151-8 with Case) is specially designed to helpstudents develop skills in operating, programming, and troubleshooting modern PLC-controlled systems. Driven by a Siemens ® ET200S IM151 8 controller, the training module is compatible with several didactic applications.Listed below are the PLC applications compatible with this Programmable Logic Controller.- Traffic Lights, Model 8075-1: Full compatibility - Electro-Pneumatic, Model 8075-2: Full compatibility- Electro-Mechanical DC Motor, Model 8075-3: Full compatibility - Electro-Mechanical Step Motor, Model 8075-4: Full compatibility- Wind Turbine, Model 8075-5: Full compatibility, but requires the Analog Expansion Kit, Model 3244-C, to perform all exercises- Level Process Control, Model 8075-6: Full compatibility, but requires the Analog Expansion Kit, Model 3244-C, to perform all exercises- Bottling Process, Model 8075-7: Partial compatibility onlyFeatures & BenefitsDigital and Analog I/Os Ten 24 V dc digital inputs Six 24 V dc digital outputs Two analog inputs (0-10 V dc)24 V dc built-in power supplyBuilt-in 10/100 Mbps Ethernet/IP port for peer-to-peer messaging and programming Eight fault switches Online editingFive push-buttons, five toggle switches, and Two 0-10 V dc outputs PID CapabilityEmbedded Web server and LCD screen Onboard traffic light simulatorEasy expansion using rackless I/O modules (Analog Expansion Module, Model 3244-A)Compatibility with MicroLogix and SLC instruction setRequires the RSLogix Micro programming software, Model 3245-A ** RSLogix Micro Starter Lite for MicroLogix 1000 and 1100 is available for free on Allen-Bradleywebsite ().For programming, an Ethernet cable is included with the trainer. A serial cable, Model 3246-4, can also be orderedIncludes curriculumList of ManualsDescriptionManual numberProgrammable Logic Controller (Workbook) _____________________________________________589767 (52281-00)Programmable Logic Controller (Workbook (Instructor)) ___________________________________589768 (52281-10)Programmable Logic Controller (SIEMENS ET200S IM151-8 with Case), LabVolt Series•••••••••Table of Contents of the Manual(s)Programmable Logic Controller (Workbook) (589767 (52281-00))1 Familiarization with the PLC Trainer and RSLogix Micro2 Online Operations and Monitoring I/O Data Files3 Relay Instructions Part 14 Relay Instructions Part II5 Timer Instructions6 Counter Instructions7 Comparison Instructions8 Move Instructions9 Sequencer InstructionsAdditional Equipment Required to Perform the Exercises (Purchased separately)Qty Description Modelnumber1PLC Software (RSLogix Micro, Educational) ___________________________________________ 587552 (3245-A0)SpecificationsParameterValuePLCAllen-Bradley MicroLogix 1100Power Requirements 120-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 1.5 ASwitches (10) 5 push buttons and 5 toggle switches Inputs (10)24 V dc (four 40 kHz high-speed)Outputs (6)24 V dc (two 40 kHz high-speed), each with a pilot light Analog Inputs (2)0-10 V dc (10 bits resolution)Communication Ports (2)Ethernet, serial (DF1 full-duplex protocol)Fault-Insertion Switches 8ProtectionCircuit breakerPhysical Characteristics Dimensions (H x W x D)202 × 327 × 266 mm (8 × 12.9 × 10.5 in)Net Weight5 kg (11 lb)Module Options DescriptionPLC Software (RSLogix Micro, Educational) 587552 (3245-A0)The RSLogix Micro software is a tool to design and implement ladder programs for the Allen-Bradley MicroLogix™ family of processors (it cannot be used with SLC 500 controllers). It is a Windows ®-based application produced by Rockwell Software that allows PLC programming using a personal computer.The free-form ladder of RSLogix Micro lets students concentrate on the application logic rather than using the proper syntax when editing programs. Several other features of RSLogix Micro greatly facilitate PLC programming, such as a project verifier, drag-and-drop editing, and search-and-replace functions. The PLC can be programmed via either an RS-232 port or an Ethernetport on the PLC processor. This software comes with RSLinx™, which provides connectivity between the PLC and the computer.Programmable Logic Controller (SIEMENS ET200S IM151-8 with Case), LabVolt SeriesThe software is available with either an educational license (Model 3245-A) or as a commercial license (Model 3245-B).SpecificationsParameter ValueComputer Requirements A currently available personal computer with USB 2.0 ports, running under one of the following operating systems: Windows® 7 or Windows® 8.Programmable Logic Controller (SIEMENS ET200S IM151-8 with Case), LabVolt Series Reflecting the commitment of Festo Didactic to high quality standards in product, design, development, production, installation, and service, our manufacturing and distribution facility has received the ISO 9001 certification.Festo Didactic reserves the right to make product improvements at any time and without notice and is not responsible for typographical errors. Festo Didactic recognizes all product names used herein as trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. © Festo Didactic Inc. 2023. All rights reserved.Festo Didactic SERechbergstrasse 373770 DenkendorfGermanyP. +49(0)711/3467-0F. +49(0)711/347-54-88500Festo Didactic Inc.607 Industrial Way WestEatontown, NJ 07724United StatesP. +1-732-938-2000F. +1-732-774-8573Festo Didactic Ltée/Ltd675 rue du CarboneQuébec QC G2N 2K7CanadaP. +1-418-849-1000F. +1-418-849-1666。
目录第一章概述 (2)一、PLC的分类及特点 (2)二、PLC的结构与工作原理 (4)三、CPM2A PLC的硬件组成及指令系统 (5)四、PLC控制系统的设计与故障诊断 (7)五、PLC的应用及展望 (7)第二章实训项目 (9)实训一 PLC认知实训 (9)实训二电动机点动控制 (12)实训三电动机自锁控制 (14)实训四电动机正反转控制 (16)实训五电动机星三角启动控制 (18)实训六装配流水线控制 (21)实训七加工中心控制 (24)实训八步进电机控制 (27)实训九三层电梯控制 (29)实训十自动冲压系统 (32)实训十一自动售货机控制 (34)实训十二音乐喷泉控制系统 (37)实训十三温度PID控制 (39)PLC、变频器综合应用技能实训 (41)实训十四变频器功能参数设置与操作 (41)实训十五变频器控制电机正反转 (44)实训十六变频器无级调速 (46)实训十七基于PLC的变频器外部端子的电机正反转控制 (48)实训十八基于PLC数字量方式多段速控制 (50)附录一 CX-Programmer软件的使用 (52)附录二 PLC仿真实训软件使用帮助 (55)附录三 CPM2A系列主机指令集 (57)附录四 THPF-A型工业自动化创新实训平台使用说明书 (61)第一章概述一、PLC的分类及特点可编程控制器简称PLC(Programmable Logic Controller),在1987年国际电工委员会(International Electrical Committee)颁布的PLC标准草案中对PLC做了如下定义:PLC是一种专门为在工业环境下应用而设计的数字运算操作的电子装置。
第一章可编程控制器简介可编程控制器是60年代末在美国首先出现,当时叫可编程逻辑控制器PLC (Programmable Logic Controller),目的是用来取代继电器,以执行逻辑判断、计时、计数等顺序控制功能。
plc 西门子 中文手册
本机I/O 数字量 模拟量
6入/4出 --
高速计数器 单相
CPU 222 90 x 80 x 62
4096字节 4096字节
2048字节 50小时
8入/6出 -2个模块1
2路20KHz 2路20KHz
脉冲输出(DC) 模拟电位器 实时时钟 通讯口 浮点数运算 I/O映象区 布尔指令执行速度
STEP 7--Micro/WIN既可以在PC机上运行,也可以在Siemens公司的编程器上运行。PC机或编程器 的最小配置如下:
- 操作系统 Windows 2000, Windows XP (专业版或家庭版)
- 至少100M硬盘空间 - 鼠Micro/WIN
文本显示器(TD 200和TD 200C)
TD 200和TD 200C是20字符双行显示器,可以连接在S7--200上。通过TD 200向导,您可以轻松地 在S7 -- 200上实现文本消息和其它应用程序数据的显示。
TD 200和TD 200C可以为您提供价格低廉 的人机界面,通过它们您将能够查看、监 控和改变应用程序的过程变量。
16384字节 24576字节
10240字节 100小时
24入/16出 -7个模块1
6路30KHz 4路20KHz
2路20KHz 2 内置 2 RS--485
1 您必须对电源消耗作出预算,从而确定S7--200 CPU能为您的配置提供多少功率(或电流)。如果超过CPU电源预算值,那么,您可能无法将 全部模块都连接上去。关于CPU和扩展模块要求,可参看附录A,关于电源消耗预算,可参见附录B。
西门子 CPU224CN型 可编程控制器成套设备实训指导手册(A)亚龙科技集团有限公司前 言可编程序控制器(programmable controller)简称PLC,它是美国60年代来在传统的顺序控制器基础上引入微电子技术和计算机技术而研制出的新型工业自动控制装置。
实训主机选用西门子公司生产的S7-200 CPU226CN型PLC,这种PLC结构紧凑、可靠性高、组成灵活、操作方便。
目 录第一部分 STEP7-MICRO/WIN32编程软件 (1)一、STEP7-M ICRO/WIN32软件的使用 (1)二、STEP7-M ICRO/WIN32简介 (5)三、程序编制及运行 (9)四、实训步骤 (12)五、实训注意事项 (12)第二部分可编程控制器基本指令及实训设备 (13)一、亚龙PLC实训成套设备 (13)二、SIEMENS CPU224CN可编程控制器简介 (13)三、可编程控制器基本指令训练 (14)第三部分 PLC应用实训 (17)实训一全自动洗衣机的控制 (17)实训二三相电动机的顺序控制 (20)实训三步进电机控制 (23)实训四交通灯控制 (27)实训五抢答器的控制系统 (30)实训六电镀生产线控制 (32)实训七水塔水位自动控制 (36)实训八自控成型机 (39)实训九自动送料装车系统 (42)实训十多种液体自动混合 (45)实训十一自控轧钢机 (48)实训十二邮件分拣机 (52)实训十三铁塔之光 (56)实训十四七段数码管 (59)第一部分 STEP7-Micro/WIN32编程软件一、STEP7-Micro/WIN32软件的使用1、概述编程软件STEP7-Micro/WIN32 Version 3.1适用于S7-200系列PLC的系统设置(CPU组态)、用于程序开发和实时监控运行;升级版Microwin3.1 SPL扩充了V3.1的功能;Toolbox(工具箱)提供用户指令和触摸屏TP070的组态软件;汉化软件是针对SP1和Toolbox的软件,但不能汉化V3.1及早期版本的软件。
⼆、实训器材西门⼦S7-200 PLC实训板,计算机,通讯线。
* 实训项⽬⼆电动机启停顺序控制⼀、实训⽬的1、熟悉定时器指令。
⼆、实训器材西门⼦S7-200 PLC实训板,计算机,通讯线。
⼆、实训器材西门⼦S7-200 PLC实训板,计算机,通讯线。
⼆、实训器材西门⼦S7-200 PLC实训板,计算机,通讯线。
西门子 SIMATIC S7-1200可编程序控制器 说明书
S7-1200 可编程序控制器产品样本 • 08.2010SIMATIC S7-1200Answers for industry.3323S7-1200 可编程序控制器产品样本 • 08.2010技术综述 4S7-1200 CPU CPU 1211C 10CPU 1212C 12CPU 1214C 14输入/输出扩展模块SB 1223 数字量输入/输出模块(信号板) 16SM 1221 数字量输入模块 16SM 1222 数字量输出模块17SM 1223 数字量输入/输出模块 18SB 1332 模拟量输出模块(信号板) 19SM 1231 模拟量输入模块 19SM 1232 模拟量输出模块20SM 1234 模拟量输入/输出模块 20电源模块 PM 1207 21输入仿真器 SIM 1274 21通讯模块CM 1241 通讯模块22CSM 1277 紧凑型交换机模块 23SIMATIC HMI 精简系列面板 24工程组态软件 STEP 7 Basic 25附录附录 1 — 中央处理单元接线图 26— 扩展模块接线图28附录 2 — 通用技术规范 30附录 3 — 订货数据31SIMATIC S7-1200SIMATIC S7-300SIMATIC S7-400LOGO!S7-200CN高端的离散和过程自动化系统中使用的的控制器模块中端的离散自动化系统中使用的控制器模块低端的离散自动化系统和独立自动化系统中使用的小型控制器模块低端的离散自动化系统和独立自动化系统中使用的紧凑型控制器模块低端独立自动化系统中简单的开关控制解决方案使用的智能逻辑控制器I/O能力,程序大小,指令速度,通讯能力,…具体应用SIMATIC S7-1200 技术综述西门子控制器家族产品西门子控制器系列是一个完整的产品组合,包括从高性能可编程逻辑控制器的书本型迷你控制器 LOGO! 到基于 PC 的控制器,无论多么苛刻的要求,它都能满足要求—根据具体应用需求及预算,灵活组合、定制(系列化的控制器家族产品满足你的不同应用及需求)。
可编程序控制器实验指导书测控技术与仪器系孙明革吴猛刘麒2010年12月目录实验一基本指令的编程练习 (1)实验二定时器/计数器功能实验 (4)实验2 水塔水位控制 (7)实验四液体混合装置控制的模拟 (9)实验3 五相步进电动机控制的模拟 (13)实验4 天塔之光控制的模拟 (16)实验7 装配流水线控制的模拟 (19)实验5 LED数码显示控制 (21)实验6 十字路口交通灯控制的模拟 (24)实验8 机械手动作的模拟 (28)实验十一四节传送带控制的模拟 (32)实验十二 PLC综合设计实验 (37)实验一基本指令的编程练习1.实验目的1、熟悉PLC实验装置。
2.实验内容(1)用短线将基本指令练习区按钮接入PLC的I0.0,I0.1,I0.2,I0.3通道,在PLC 的输出通道Q0.0,Q0.1,Q0.2,Q0.3中接入基本指令练习区的LED指示灯;(2)练习西门子200编程软件(V4.0 STEP 7 MicroWIN);●双击V4.0 STEP 7 MicroWIN软件,打开菜单“文件”-“新建”出现下,如图1-1:图1-1●在梯形图窗口中编写下面程序(如图1-2):图1-2●按菜单“查看”-“梯形图”,翻译成梯形图指令形式;●按菜单“文件”-“保存”,保存程序到文件夹,准备下载;●按菜单“PLC”-“编译”,确定无误后开始下载程序;●按菜单“文件”-“下载”,将程序下载到PLC中;●按菜单“PLC”-“RUN”,运行程序;●按菜单“调试”--“开始程序状态监控”,开始在线监控PLC运行状态。
SIEMENS S7-200CN可编程序控制器 说明书
CPU 特性/端口 扩展选件
• AC 或 DC 电源 • 1 个模拟
设置调整器 • PID 控制器 • 运行中
编辑模式 • 诊断 LED • 浮点运算
• AC 或 DC 电源 • 1 个模拟
设置调整器 • 利用 EM 277
可扩展为两 个串行端口 • PID 控制器 • 运行中 编辑模式 • 诊断 LED • 浮点运算
• AC 或 DC 电源 • 可拆卸端子排 • 利用 EM 277 可扩
展为两个串行端口 • 2 个模拟
设置调整器 • PID 控制器 • 实时时钟 • 运行中编辑模式 • 诊断 LED • 浮点运算
• AC 或 DC 电源 • 可拆卸端子排 • 利用 EM 277 可扩展为四个
串行端口 • 2 个模拟设置调整器 • 自整定 PID 控制器 • 实时时钟 • 运行中编辑模式 • 诊断 LED • 浮点运算
附录 3 通用技术规范国家和国际标准
附录 4 S7-200CN 订货数据
• I/O • 速度 • 存储容量 • 组网(网络功能)
S7-400 S7-300 S7-300C
˙ 高速计数器 ˙ 脉冲串输出 ˙ 串行通讯端口 ˙ 最大 DI/DO ˙ 最大 AI/AO ˙ CPU 本体集成模拟量通道
S7-200CN CPU 硬件特点
√ 实时时钟和日历 (对于 221/222 CN CPU)
二,实验装置1.FX-48MR型PLC 1台2.FX-20P简易编程器 1 台3.FXGP-WIN-C编程软件1套4.THPLC-C可编程序控制器教学实验设备1台三,实验内容本实验可以结合以下基本逻辑指令实验一起操作。
a. 走廊灯两地控制实验:不同地方的两个开关可以独立控制同一盏灯。
b. 走廊灯三地控制实验:不同地方的三个开关都可以独立控制同一盏灯。
四,实验步骤1. FX-20P简易编程器的操作使用1)程序的写入、检查和修改:将编程器用电缆接到PC上,接通PC电源,PC的运行开关拨到STOP位置,首先清除用户程序存储器的内容,方法:逐条指令的清除:INS-DEL-GO指定范围的清除:RD-WR-STEP-指令序号-SP-STEP-指令序号-GO全部范围清除:RD-WR-NOP-A-GO-GO写入程序方法:RD-WR-LD-X-0-GO(例)RD-WR-OUT-T-0-SP-K-1-0-GO(例)2)指令的删除、插入和修改删除(光标所对应的指令):INS-DEL-GO插入(光标所在指令之前):INS-指令-GO修改(光标所对应的指令):RD-WR-指令-GO3)程序的模拟运行写完程序后,将PC的运行开关拨到RUN位置上,若PC上的PROG-E灯没有闪烁,则说明写入的程序没有错,用户程序开始运行,观看并记录实验现象(此时已经接好对应实验的I/O外部接线)。
第一章可编程控制器简介可编程控制器是60年代末在美国首先出现,当时叫可编程逻辑控制器PLC (Programmable Logic Controller),目的是用来取代继电器,以执行逻辑判断、计时、计数等顺序控制功能。
西门子 SIMATIC S7-300 可编程控制器 说明书
PS CPU (选件) (选件) S7-300 结构
Siemens ST 70.2C·2003
结构 简单的结构使得 S7-300 灵活 而易于维护 • DIN 标准导轨安装 只需简单地将模块钩在 DIN标准的安装导轨上, 转动到位,然后用螺栓锁 紧。 • 集成的背板总线 背板总线集成在模块上, 模块通过总线连接器相 连,总线连接器插在机壳 的背后。 • 更换模块简单并且不会 弄错 更换模块时,只需松开 安装螺钉。很简单地拔 下已经接线的前连接 器。在连接器上的编码 防止将已接线的连接器 插到其他的模块上。 可靠的接线端子 对于信号模块可以使用 螺钉型接线端子或弹簧 型接线端子 • TOP 连接 采用一个带螺钉或夹紧连 接的 1 至 3 线系统进行预 接线。或者直接在信号模 块上进行接线。 确定的安装深度 所有的端子和连接器都在 模块上的凹槽内,并有端 盖保护,因此所有的模块 都有相同的安装深度。 没有槽位的限制 信号模块和通讯处理模块 可以不受限制地插到任何 一个槽上, 系统自行组态。
max.10m 368连接电缆 主机架(CR)
IM 365
扩展能力(水平排列,CPU 314 以上)
Siemens ST 70.2C·2003
结构(续) 如果用户的自控系统任务需 要多于 8 个信号模块或通讯 处理器模块时,则可以扩展 S7-300 机架(CPU314 以上) • 在 4 个机架上最多可安装 32 个模块 最多3个扩展机架(ER) 可 以接到中央机架(CR) 上 每个机架 (CR/ER) 可以插 入8个模块 • 通过接口模块连接 每个机架上 (CR/ER) 都有 它自己的接口模块。它总 是插在CPU旁边的槽内, 负责与其他扩展机架自 动地进行通讯。 - 通过 IM365 扩展 可扩展 1 个机架, 最长 1 米,电源也是由此扩 展提供。 - 通过 IM360/361 扩展 可扩展 3 个机架, 中央 机 架 (CR) 到 扩 展 机 架 (ER) 及 扩 展 机 架 之 间 的距离最大为 10 米。 • 独立安装 每个机架可以距离其他 机架很远进行安装,两 个机架间(主机架与扩展 机架,扩展机架与扩展 机 架 ) 的 距 离 最 长 为 10 米。 灵活布置 机 架 (CR/ER) 可 以 根 据 最佳布局需要,水平或 垂直安装。
3、端口分配及接线图(1)、I/O端口分配功能表(2)、控制接线图4、编程训练及程序运行(1)、操作步骤与要求:a、打开编程软件,编译基本的与、或、非程序段,编译附件中梯形图,并逐个下载至PLC 中,验证其逻辑关系;b、能正确完成PLC端子与开关、指示灯接线端子之间的连接操作;c、拨动K0、K1等,指示灯能正确显示;(2)、与、或、非的编程实验(3)、定时器的编程双击指令树中的“系统块”图标,在“断点数据保存”对话框中点击“默认值”按钮,V,T,C,M使用默认的断点保持的地址区。
Siemens 控制器说明书
Step 30. Select the Deadband Value Submenu Press d . The display will show 020.0, otherwisepress b or c.Press d to store and advance to next menu item.Step 31. Enter the Alarm 2 MenuThe display will show ALR2the top menu for Alarm 2.Repeat steps from 29 and 30 to set for Alarm 2 the same conditions as for Alarm 1.Step 32. Configuration of Display Color Selection Press a until the COLR Display Color Selection Menu appears on the Display. Configure COLR as N.CLR /GRN (green), 1.CLR / RED (red), 2.CLR /AMBR (amber). Please refer to the operator’s manual if needed.For color change on Setpoints refer to Owners Manual Section 2.Step 33. Run a TestPress a until reset the controller and return to RUN Mode to display 075.0(Ambient Temperature). Now you are ready to observe temperature as it rises 10°F higher thandisplayed. Touch the tip of the Thermocouple to raise the temperature above the Alarm 2 High value 082.0, and AL2will turn on, and Display Color will change from Green to Amber. Continue touching the tip to raise the temperature above the Alarm 1 High value 087.0and Display Color will change from Amber to Red. Annunciator “1” is turning on and off displaying output 1.Step 11. Enter to the Thermocouple Type Input Submenu Press d to display flashing, previously selected Thermocouple type.Step 12. Scroll through available selection of TC types Press b to sequence thru flashing Thermocouple types,(select k -for type "K" CHROMEGA ®/ALOMEGA ®)J K T E N DIN J R S B C - TC types J k t E N dN J R S b C - DisplayStep 13. Store TC typeAfter you have selected the Thermocouple type press d to store your selection, the instrument automatically advances to the next menu item.Step 14. Enter to Reading Configuration MenuThe display shows RDG Reading Configuration, which is the top menu for 4 submenus: Decimal Point, Degree Units,Filter Constant and Input/Reading Submenus.Step 15. Enter to Decimal Point Submenu Press d to show DEC Decimal Point.Step 16. Display the Decimal Point positionPress d again to display the flashing Decimal Point position.Step 17. Select the Decimal Point position Press b to select FFF.F Decimal Point position.Step 18. Store selected Decimal Point positionBy pressing d momentarily the Decimal Point position will be stored and the instrument will go to the next menu item.Step 19. Enter to Temperature Unit Submenu Display shows TEMP Temperature Unit.Step 20. Display available Temperature Units Press d to display the flashing Degree °F or °C .Step 21. Scroll through Temperature Units selection Press b to select °F Degree.Step 22. Store the Temperature UnitPress d to display momentarily that the Degree Unit has been stored and the instrument will go automatically to the next menu item.Step 23. Enter the Filter Constant Submenu Display shows FLTR Filter Constant Submenu.Step 24. Display the Filter Constant Value Submenu Press d to display the flashing, previously selected Filter Constant.Step 25. Scroll through available Filter Constants Press b to sequence thru Filter Constants 0001, 0002,0004, 0008, 0016, 0032, 0064and 0128.Step 26. Store the Filter ConstantPress d momentarily to store 0004Filter Constant and the instrument will automatically go to the next menu item.Step 27. Enter Alarm 1 MenuPress a until the ALR1Alarm 1 Menu appears on the Display. In the following steps we are going to DisableLatch, Active Above, Deadband 020.0, and above Setpoint 1Value will activate Alarm 1.Step 28. Select Latch Type SubmenuPress d to display flashing DSBL / ENBL .If flashing DSBL is displayed, press a , if ENBL is displayed, press b until DSBL is displayed, then press d to store and go to the next menu item.Step 29. Select the Above Type of Active Submenu Press d . If flashing ABoV Above is displayed, press a ,otherwise press b until ABoV is displayed. Press d to store and advance to next menu item.MQS3720-SM/0305WARNING:These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient-connected applications.It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply.OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives.OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA Engineering,Inc.accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.TRADEMARK NOTICE:®,®,, andare Trademarks ofOMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.®SPECIFICATIONAccuracy:+0.5°C temp;0.03% rdg. process typical Resolution:1°/0.1°; 10 µV process Temperature Stability:0.04°C/°C RTD;0.05°C/°C TC @ 25°C (77°F); 50 ppm/°C process Display:4-digit, 7-segment LED, 101.6mm (4.00”)with red, green, and amber programmable colors for process variable, set point and temperature units.Input Types:Thermocouple, RTD, Analog Voltage and Current TC: (ITS 90)J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, L RTD: (ITS 68)100/500/1000 ohm Pt sensor2-, 3-, or 4-wire; 0.00385 or 0.00392 curve Voltage:0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1 V, 0 to 10 Vdc Current:0 to 20 mA (4 to 20 mA)Output 1†:Relay 250 Vac @ 3 A Resistive Load,SSR, Pulse, Analog Voltage and Current Output 2†:Relay 250 Vac @ 3 A Resistive Load,SSR, Pulse†Only for AlarmsOptions:Communication RS-232 / RS-485 or Excitation:24 VdcPower:100-240 Vac ±10%,50-60 Hz, 22.5 W Dimensions:480.0L x 210.8W x 95.4D mm (18.11" x 8.31" x 3.76")Panel Cutout:414.3 L x 179.4 W mm (16.31” L x 7.06” W)Weight:2,495 g (5.5 lbs)Approvals:CE per EN61010-1:2001This Quick Start Reference provides information onsetting up your instrument for basic operation. Thelatest complete Communication and OperationalManual as well as free Software and ActiveXControls are available at or onthe CD-ROM enclosed with your shipment.The instrument is a panel mount device protected in accordance with EN 61010-1:2001, electrical safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory.Remember that the unit has no power-on switch. Building installation should include a switch or circuit-breaker that must be compliant to IEC 947-1 and 947-3. SAFETY:•Do not exceed voltage rating on the label located onthe back of the instrument housing.•Always disconnect power before changing signal andpower connections.•Do not use this instrument on a work bench withoutits case for safety reasons.•Do not operate this instrument in flammable orexplosive atmospheres.EMC:•Whenever EMC is an issue, always use shielded cables.•Never run signal and power wires in the same conduit.•Use signal wire connections with twisted-pair cables.•Install Ferrite Bead(s) on signal wire close to theinstrument if EMC problems persist.。
实验指导书启东计算机总厂有限公司DICE - PLCSM400目录第一章系统简介一、可编程序控制器(PC)主机二、编程装置三、输入输出部分四、输入/输出接口的使用方法五、实验演示屏介绍第二章软件的安装与使用一、软件的安装二、软件的使用第三章PLC控制实验实验一基本指令实验实验二定时器及计数器指令实验实验三移位寄存器指令实验实验四置位/复位及脉冲指令实验实验五跳转指令实验实验六常用功能指令实验实验七舞台灯的PLC控制实验八LED数码管显示控制实验九交通信号灯的自动控制实验十驱动步进电机的PLC控制实验十一电机的星/三角启动控制实验十二机械手的PLC自动控制实验十三四层电梯的PLC控制实验十四刀库捷径方向选择控制实验十五物料混合控制实验十六水塔水位控制实验十七邮件分拣控制实验十八四级传送带的控制第四章电子实验演示装置的使用一、简介二、电子实验演示装置软件的安装三、电子实验装置的测试四、电子实验演示装置的实验五、电子演示装置的实验说明正文第一章系统简介西门子(SIMATIC)S7-200系列小型PLC(Micro PLC)可应用于各种自动化系统。
紧凑的结构、低廉的成本以及功能强大的指令使得S7-200 PLC成为各种小型控制任务的理想的解决方案。
一、可编程序控制器(PC)主机在我们的实验箱中,选用的PC主机是SIMATIC S7-200 CPU226,有24个输入点,16个输出点,可采用助记符和梯形图两种编程方式。
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第一章可编程控制器简介可编程控制器是60年代末在美国首先出现,当时叫可编程逻辑控制器PLC (Programmable Logic Controller),目的是用来取代继电器,以执行逻辑判断、计时、计数等顺序控制功能。
2.I/O分配输入输出起动按钮:I0.0 L1:Q0.0 L5、L9:Q0.4停止按钮:I0.1 L2:Q0.1 L6、L10:Q0.5L3:Q0.2 L7、L11:Q0.6L4:Q0.3 L8、L12:Q0.73.按图所示的梯形图输入程序。
三、喷泉控制语句表四、喷泉控制梯形图图1-2 喷泉梯形图实验二数码显示的模拟控制一、实验目的用PLC构成数码显示控制系统二、实验内容1.控制要求A→B→C→D→E→F→G→H→ABCDEF→BC→ABDEG→ABCDG→BCFG→ACDFG→ACDEFG→ABC→ABCDEFG→ABCDFG→A→B→C ……循环下去2.I/O分配输入输出起动按钮:I0.0 A:Q0.0 E:Q0.4停止按钮:I0.1 B:Q0.1 F:Q0.5C:Q0.2 G:Q0.6D:Q0.3 H:Q0.73.按图所示的梯形图输入程序。
图2-1 数码显示控制示意图三、数码显示控制语句表四、数码显示控制梯形图图2-2 数码显示控制梯形图图2-2 (续)实验三舞台灯光的模拟控制一、实验目的用PLC构成舞台灯光控制系统二、实验内容3.控制要求L1、L2、L9→L1、L5、L8→L1、L4、L7→L1、L3、L6→L1→L2、L3、L4、L5→L6、L7、L8、L9→L1、L2、L6→L1、L3、L7→L1、L4、L8→L1、L5、L9→L1→L2、L3、L4、L5→L6、L7、L8、L9→L1、L2、L9→L1、L5、L8……循环下去4.I/O分配输入输出起动按钮:I0.0 L1:Q0.0 L6:Q0.5停止按钮:I0.1 L2:Q0.1 L7:Q0.6L3:Q0.2 L8:Q0.7L4:Q0.3 L9:Q1.0L5:Q0.43.按图所示的梯形图输入程序。