英文介绍礼仪ppt (1)
中英文介绍亚洲礼仪文化 PPT

Giving gifts is a common practice in South Korea, but it is also regulated with cultural rules. The first time someone visits a person's home he is expected to bring a gift of fruit or a flower arrangement. All gifts are to be wrapped nicely (consider having them wrapped professionally if possible). Never sign a card or write anyone's name in red ink, as a person's name is only written in red once they have passed away
Basic manners
To be punctual
About dating
When you're going to meet your friends or guests,Do not on any account be late,When you greet your elders,you should bow,and this is the correct way of expression,you must be carefully to choose a greeting.
Some taboos
The Japanese love cherry blossoms,but they hate lotus The Japanese think that green is the ominous color and they think purple is the color of sadness.Don't talk about the second world war with Japanese .

礼仪用语是社交交流中的重要组成部分。它包括礼貌用语、礼仪用语的分类 以及示例等容,有助于我们在不同场合中表达尊重和友好。
礼仪篇幅是礼仪规范中的一部分。深入研究礼仪篇幅的重要性、分类以及如 何在不同环境中灵活运用,有助于我们在社交场合中得体行事。
通过本次演讲,我们了解了现代礼仪的重要性以及行为礼仪和言语礼仪的关键作用。同时,我们还给出了一些 礼仪用语示例和礼仪篇幅的研究,希望能帮助大家在社交场合中更加得体自信。
《礼仪介绍英文》PPT课 件
Learn the art of etiquette and its significance in modern society through this engaging and informative presentation.
礼仪是社会行为准则的总称,它包括了人们在社会交往中遵循的仪式、规范和禁忌。理解礼仪的定义非常重要, 因为它能帮助我们建立良好的人际关系。
言语礼仪是有效沟通的基础。它涵盖了礼貌用语、谈话技巧以及口才训练等方面,帮助我们与他人建立和谐的 关系。
礼仪在社会交往中起着重要的作用。它有助于改善个人形象,增强人际关系, 提升职场成功率,并促进文明社会的建设。

Buffer Conversations
Outlines strategies for maintaining policy and engaging conversations while eating from a buffer, including topics that are suitable for the case
Table Conversations Provide guidelines for appropriate table conversations, focusing on topics that are political and engaging
Buffet Etiquette
Buffer Layout
Body Language
Body language plays a critical role in communication Stand up straight, maintain eye contact, and don't cross your arms
Business conferences
Social etiquette covers a wide range of behaviors, including introductions and greetings, dining etiquette, gift giving, and communication etiquette
The importance of social etiquette
Business Banquet
Dress Code
Always check the dress code for the event and dress accordingly For a business banquet, it is commonly formal attire
Outlines strategies for maintaining policy and engaging conversations while eating from a buffer, including topics that are suitable for the case
Table Conversations Provide guidelines for appropriate table conversations, focusing on topics that are political and engaging
Buffet Etiquette
Buffer Layout
Body Language
Body language plays a critical role in communication Stand up straight, maintain eye contact, and don't cross your arms
Business conferences
Social etiquette covers a wide range of behaviors, including introductions and greetings, dining etiquette, gift giving, and communication etiquette
The importance of social etiquette
Business Banquet
Dress Code
Always check the dress code for the event and dress accordingly For a business banquet, it is commonly formal attire

服务礼仪:是各服务行业人员必备的 素质和基本条件。出于对客人的尊重 与友好,在服务中要注重仪表、仪容、 仪态和语言、操作的规范;热情服务 则要求服务员发自内心的热忱地向客 人提供主动、周到的服务,从而表现 出服务员良好风度与素养。
Service etiquette: is the service personnel necessary quality and basic conditions. For the guest's respect and friendship, in the service should pay attention to instrument, appearance, manner and language, operation standard; Enthusiastic service requires the waiter from the heart to the guest warmly provide active, thoughtful service, so as to show the waiter good grace and accomplishment.
仪 态 -
站 姿
站姿要领:抬头、挺胸、收腹、提臀、 含颚、夹肩、目视前方,两腿自然站立
➢ 女士:脚跟并拢,脚尖成30至45度,双手重叠置 于腹前 ➢ 男士:双脚开立,略窄于肩,脚尖向前,右手自 然握拳
➢ 女士:双膝自然并拢,双 手重叠于一条腿上
➢ 男士:双膝分开,略窄于 肩,双手自然分置 于腿上
一个人永远没有第二次 给别人第一印象的机会!
服务礼仪的特点 普遍性、继承性、差异性、时
服务礼仪:是各服务行业人员必备的 素质和基本条件。出于对客人的尊重 与友好,在服务中要注重仪表、仪容、 仪态和语言、操作的规范;热情服务 则要求服务员发自内心的热忱地向客 人提供主动、周到的服务,从而表现 出服务员良好风度与素养。
Service etiquette: is the service personnel necessary quality and basic conditions. For the guest's respect and friendship, in the service should pay attention to instrument, appearance, manner and language, operation standard; Enthusiastic service requires the waiter from the heart to the guest warmly provide active, thoughtful service, so as to show the waiter good grace and accomplishment.
仪 态 -
站 姿
站姿要领:抬头、挺胸、收腹、提臀、 含颚、夹肩、目视前方,两腿自然站立
➢ 女士:脚跟并拢,脚尖成30至45度,双手重叠置 于腹前 ➢ 男士:双脚开立,略窄于肩,脚尖向前,右手自 然握拳
➢ 女士:双膝自然并拢,双 手重叠于一条腿上
➢ 男士:双膝分开,略窄于 肩,双手自然分置 于腿上
一个人永远没有第二次 给别人第一印象的机会!
服务礼仪的特点 普遍性、继承性、差异性、时

Etiquette is the carrier of social civilization and progress
Oriental etiquette mainly refers to China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore and other Asian countries represented by the Oriental national characteristics of etiquette culture. Etiquette in Europe and North America, mainly refers to the etiquette culture.
Etiquette is the key to the development of the cause
Etiquette can help people realize the ideal, success can promote staff solidarity, dedication, honesty and trustworthiness, can enhance the communication between people and competitive strength, so as to promote the development of various undertakings.
Daily life etiqutte: Greeting,Introduction,Commuction,Banquet,Reception,D ance, Festival custom festival etiquette: Weeding,Funeral, Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival

Social Etiquette - General Points to note
Do not use sarcasm to degrade another Do not boast, especially about where you
have travelled to, or talk down another Do not gossip but is discreet Do not name drop Do not bring a friend to a function without
The cheerful heart has a continual feast
Dining Etiquette
- General points to note
Do not make revolting noises – do not slurp your soup nor belch during or after the meal
Do not chastise a man should he fail to extend social manners to you
Be ready to first extend social courtesies to everyone, in general, and older men and women in particular
Eating Manners
The Do’s and Don’ts If you have food in your mouth, do not talk Do not chew your food with your mouth
open Cut up only one piece of meat at one time
You can toast to every one by the order of seat if
there is no special person.如果没有特殊宾客,你可以
The End
For different level, the height of goblets is different
when they touch ( Your goblet should lower the your boss or customer ).碰杯时候酒杯高度应因人而异,你 的杯子应低于别人。
Dinner seat(座位安排)
Order dishes(点菜) During dinner (用餐) Toasting (敬酒)
Dinner seat(座位安排)
Dinner seat (座位安排)
The host or hostess usually sits towards the door.主人座位对门而坐。
Don’t make noise by the tableware. 使用餐具不要发出很大声音。
Don’t turn over the dishes to take your favorite food with chopsticks.
Don’t talk with another person with food full of your
Drinks (酒水)

Follow the Leader
As the follower, you should always be attentive to the leader's movements and adjust your steps accordingly
Party etiquette
Invitation Etiquette
Arrive at the conference on time, and introduce yourself to the other participants
Prepare your presentation in advance, and practice it to ensure it flows smoothly Use visual aids to enhance your
Table Settings
Describe the correct way to set the table, including placement of dishes, cutlery, and glasses
Basic Rules
Outlines the fundamental rules of table etiquette, such as
Social etiquette requires people to be mindful of others' needs and feelings and to act accordingly This includes being sensitive to cultural differences and adapting behavior accordingly
As the follower, you should always be attentive to the leader's movements and adjust your steps accordingly
Party etiquette
Invitation Etiquette
Arrive at the conference on time, and introduce yourself to the other participants
Prepare your presentation in advance, and practice it to ensure it flows smoothly Use visual aids to enhance your
Table Settings
Describe the correct way to set the table, including placement of dishes, cutlery, and glasses
Basic Rules
Outlines the fundamental rules of table etiquette, such as
Social etiquette requires people to be mindful of others' needs and feelings and to act accordingly This includes being sensitive to cultural differences and adapting behavior accordingly

Assume our teacher goes to your company to give a lecture; you are a director of the office. After getting to your company, General Manager and Vice General Manager are receiving our teacher in your company at that time. Our teacher does not know with them, you need to give an introduction. Could you tell me who should be introduced first, our teacher, general manager or vice general manager? Key:General manager should be introduced first, then vice general manager. Because guests have the priority right to know.
When shaking hands, can a man wear gloves?
Key: No, he can't.
diplomatic etiquette missing
A detail should be paid attention to: Hold your drink in your left hand, because most individuals shake hands with their right hands.
When shaking hands, can a man wear gloves?
Key: No, he can't.
diplomatic etiquette missing
A detail should be paid attention to: Hold your drink in your left hand, because most individuals shake hands with their right hands.

This term originated in Britain,generally speaking,at that time,the British gentleman usually hold a civilization stick,wear a large hat,dress a crisp suit and leather shoes.
Brife Introduction
Traditional Characteristics3Leabharlann Basic Elements
Gentleman Education
My Opinion
Brife Introduction
Gentleman(a gentleman;the gentry)
With development of society,thing has changed.I will show you some pictures.
• we shall fight on the beaches • we shall fight on the landing grounds • we shall fight in the fields and in the
What do they wear? Umbrella,hat(chimney-pot hat,bowler-hat),pipe,suit,walking stick,pocket watch,handkerchief,bow tie. What do they play? Golf,equestrianism,billiards,hunting. What school do they attend? Eton College.Cambridge University.Oxford.
Brife Introduction
Traditional Characteristics3Leabharlann Basic Elements
Gentleman Education
My Opinion
Brife Introduction
Gentleman(a gentleman;the gentry)
With development of society,thing has changed.I will show you some pictures.
• we shall fight on the beaches • we shall fight on the landing grounds • we shall fight in the fields and in the
What do they wear? Umbrella,hat(chimney-pot hat,bowler-hat),pipe,suit,walking stick,pocket watch,handkerchief,bow tie. What do they play? Golf,equestrianism,billiards,hunting. What school do they attend? Eton College.Cambridge University.Oxford.

Chinese table manle manners 2 Dining etiquette 3 Leaving the etiquette
Chinese table manners
• One seat etiquette. First call the guests seated on the seats, please turn seated next to the seated guests for the elderly, the seat from the chair on the left to enter. Admission Dongkuaizi not after, not to come to beep, and do not get up walk.
如果要给客人或长辈布菜.最好 用公筷.也可以把离客人或长辈远的 菜肴送到他们跟前,按我们中华民族 的习惯.菜是一个一个往上端的.如 果同桌有领导,老人,客人的话.每当 上来一个新菜时就请他们先动筷子. 或着轮流请他们先动筷子.以表示对 他们的重视.
Eat the fish head and bones, bones and other things, not to spit out, also don't want to still on the ground. To slowly to their dishes by hand, or placed in close to the table or on the prepared sheet.
入座的礼仪。先请客人入 座上席,在请长者入座客 人旁依次入座,入座时要 从椅子左边进入。入座后 不要动筷子,更不要弄出 什么响声来,也不要起身 走动。
Seated posture straight, feet on my seat, not arbitrary straight, elbows shall not rely on the table, or put the hand on the next to the seat.

• 圣保罗大教堂是世界著名的宗教圣地,世界第五大教堂,英 国第一大教堂,教堂也是世界第二大圆顶教堂,位列世界五 大教堂之列 圣保罗大教堂最早在604年建立,后经多次毁 坏、重建,由英国著名设计大师和建筑家克托弗.雷恩爵士 (Sir Christopher Wren)在17世纪末完成这伦敦最伟大 的教堂设计,整整花了45年的心血。圣保罗教堂另一个建筑 特色,是少数设计、建筑分别仅由一人完成,而非历经多位 设计、建筑师的教堂之一,目前教堂内还有一个雷恩的墓碑, 上书“If you seek his monument, just look around”。
Drinking:Most men have the habit of dringking beer ,wine and tee. Tiping:The tip depend on the tipe and extent of the service you have received.
Three royal traditions • playing the flute; • the changing of the Queen's guard; • the British Queen makes a parliamentary speech.
• If you're invited to dinner,you can sent roses to the hostess.Be sure you don't give white roses. • Follow the lead of the host,hostess,and other guests when eating and drinking. • Expect to remain at a table

千万不可回答 “我也是”
How to continue? 怎样继续交谈?
Is this your first trip to China?
How was your journey? 旅途怎麽样?
Jetlag 时差
How long have you been living in China?
How to start a conversation? 怎样打开话匣子
Good morning / afternoon / evening
早安 / 下午好 / 晚上好 I am … 我是 My name is … 我的名字是
(I am) pleased to meet you; Nice to meet you; Nice meeting you 幸会
Hand Shake 握手
Light / Hard 轻重 Dry hand 干的手 No gloves
Kiss and Hug 轻吻和拥抱
Kiss 轻吻
Can be on both cheeks or on one cheek 可以是双脸颊或一面
Hug 拥抱
Names 姓名
电话 / 电邮 / 书信 …..
Topics 主题
Social Etiquette 交际礼仪
Table Manners 餐桌礼仪
Buffet Etiquette 自助餐礼仪
Social Etiquette 社交礼仪
Eye contact 眼神
Sincere smile 亲切的笑容
Body language 身体语言
Weather / sport / news
How to continue? 怎样继续交谈?
Is this your first trip to China?
How was your journey? 旅途怎麽样?
Jetlag 时差
How long have you been living in China?
How to start a conversation? 怎样打开话匣子
Good morning / afternoon / evening
早安 / 下午好 / 晚上好 I am … 我是 My name is … 我的名字是
(I am) pleased to meet you; Nice to meet you; Nice meeting you 幸会
Hand Shake 握手
Light / Hard 轻重 Dry hand 干的手 No gloves
Kiss and Hug 轻吻和拥抱
Kiss 轻吻
Can be on both cheeks or on one cheek 可以是双脸颊或一面
Hug 拥抱
Names 姓名
电话 / 电邮 / 书信 …..
Topics 主题
Social Etiquette 交际礼仪
Table Manners 餐桌礼仪
Buffet Etiquette 自助餐礼仪
Social Etiquette 社交礼仪
Eye contact 眼神
Sincere smile 亲切的笑容
Body language 身体语言
Weather / sport / news

举手注目礼系军人礼节。敬礼时举 右手,手指伸直并齐,指尖接触帽 檐右侧,手掌微向外,上臂与肩齐 高,两眼注视对方,待对方答礼后 方可将手放下,对长官或长者每次 见面都应照常行礼。
A common military etiquette
Raise your hand salute military etiquette. Salute raise right hand, fingers straight and together, fingertip contact with the right hat, palm slightly outward, the upper arm and shoulder height, looking at each other, each other to bow before the hand down
do not wear gloves, but very nob.le men and women can wear gloves.
When handshake: Don't wear gloves 不能戴着手套;
Don't look around; 不能东张西望;
After, Cannot use a handkerchief hand 握手后不能用手帕擦手;
上级与下级,上级先伸手; 职位高者与职位低者,职位 高者先伸手; 长辈与晚辈,长辈先伸手; 男女见面,女士先伸手; 主宾见面,主人先伸手; 主客分别,客人先伸手; 已婚妇女与未婚小姐,已婚 女性先伸手
Nod ritual点头礼
点头礼一般用于平辈和 同级别的人之间,属于 比较快比较生疏的礼节。 一般两人在路上行走相 遇可以在行进中继续施 行点头礼,长官对部下、 长者对晚辈答礼也可以 用点头礼。
举手注目礼系军人礼节。敬礼时举 右手,手指伸直并齐,指尖接触帽 檐右侧,手掌微向外,上臂与肩齐 高,两眼注视对方,待对方答礼后 方可将手放下,对长官或长者每次 见面都应照常行礼。
A common military etiquette
Raise your hand salute military etiquette. Salute raise right hand, fingers straight and together, fingertip contact with the right hat, palm slightly outward, the upper arm and shoulder height, looking at each other, each other to bow before the hand down
do not wear gloves, but very nob.le men and women can wear gloves.
When handshake: Don't wear gloves 不能戴着手套;
Don't look around; 不能东张西望;
After, Cannot use a handkerchief hand 握手后不能用手帕擦手;
上级与下级,上级先伸手; 职位高者与职位低者,职位 高者先伸手; 长辈与晚辈,长辈先伸手; 男女见面,女士先伸手; 主宾见面,主人先伸手; 主客分别,客人先伸手; 已婚妇女与未婚小姐,已婚 女性先伸手
Nod ritual点头礼
点头礼一般用于平辈和 同级别的人之间,属于 比较快比较生疏的礼节。 一般两人在路上行走相 遇可以在行进中继续施 行点头礼,长官对部下、 长者对晚辈答礼也可以 用点头礼。

Enhancing professional image
Proper etiquette in the workplace can improve an individual's
professional image and chances for career advancement.
How to learn basic etiquette
Arrive at meetings on time, be prepared, and have an agenda. Stick to the agenda, avoid digressions, and end the meeting when the agenda is complete.
and composure.
How to deal with unexpected situations
Handling Embarrassing Moments:
Preventing and overcoming common social faux pas, such as spilling a drink or tripping on the dance floor.
Cutlery & Glassware
Use the correct cutlery and glassware for each course. Start with the outermost fork or spoon and work inward. Drink from the glass that matches the liquid you are drinking.
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Oriental Etiquette
In China
Our country has a long history for about 5,ooo years . In ancient times, people had lots of different ways of greetings when they met with each others . Ritual (跪拜礼)
5.w o rsh i p o n b e n d e d kn e e s 拜
Wildly used in Chinese ancient society.Until the revolution of 1911,this etiquette perished with feudal system.
1.Bow with hands clasped 揖:
The basic hand gesture of traditional bow is like this:the left palm wraps or covers the right hand which is ually we give salute while bowing,that is,both hands slightly sway back and forth in front of the chest.In holidays and celebrations we give wishes to each other when making bowes.
Meeting Etiquette
• • • • •
Introduction Oriental Etiquette Western Etiquette Greetings in some countries Conclusion
Introduction and Greetings
In east Asia
Bow bend 鞠躬礼
In North Korea , South Korea and Japan ,people like bowing when they meet someone which shows their respect and gratitude.
Namaste ['nɑ:mɑ:ste] 合十礼
6 .顿首 m a ke a ce re m o n i ous nod
7.稽首 ko to w
Western Etiquette
Because of the different customs between countries and countries, their etiquettes are not identical .
2. make a low bow and withdraw 长揖
Hand held high ,from the top to the bottem
3. Fist-palm salute拱
Chinese people show their respect to others through distance , which is different from Western people who usually show respect through physical closeness. Fist-and-palm salute is done from certain distance, which is in line with modem hygiene requirements. 4.抱拳礼hold fist salute Now it is used in the Kongfu world
Handshake ritual 握手礼
Nod ritual点头礼
Raise hand and observe 举手注目礼
Hand kiss 吻手礼
kiss tual 拥抱礼
hongi [‘hɔŋi] 碰鼻礼
Greetings in some countries
Arabian's Greeting
Thanks for watching!