









这个案例分布于各章,它将运用各章所讲述的人力资源管理概念与技术来描述此案例的主角——业主/管理者詹妮弗·卡特(Jennifer Carter)——在日常工作小所面临的各类人事管理问题与她是如何解决的。

第1章人事/人力资源管理导论案例背景詹妮弗·卡特于1984年6月毕业于州立大学,在对几种可能的工作机会进行考虑之后,她决定从事自己一直计划去做的情况——进入她的父亲杰克·卡特(Jack Carter)的企业。














这个案例分布于各章,它将运用各章所讲述的人力资源管理概念和技术来描述此案例的主角——业主/管理者詹妮弗·卡特(Jennifer Carter)——在日常工作小所面临的各种人事管理问题以及她是如何解决的。

第1章人事/人力资源管理导论案例背景詹妮弗·卡特于1984年6月毕业于州立大学,在对几种可能的工作机会进行考虑之后,她决定从事自己一直计划去做的事情——进入她的父亲杰克·卡特(Jack Carter)的企业。







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散发人性道德光辉 沉淀人类管理智慧
詹妮弗根据自己对洗衣店的逐项了解所得出的结论是,她所要做的第一件事就是为洗 衣店管理人员编写职位说明书。 正保詹妮弗所说,她在大学所学的一般管理课程和人事管理课程都强调了职位说明书 的重要性,但在学习时,她一直不相信职位说明书在一家企业的顺利运行中会有如此重要 的作用。但在她上班的最初几周内,她多次发现每当她问及洗衣店的管理人员为什么违反 既定的公司政策利办多程序时,这些人总是回答:“因为我不知道这是我的工作内容”或 “因为我不如道应该这么做”。詹妮弗这时才知道,只有花大力气编写职位说明书并制定 一整套标准和程序来告诉大家应该做些什么以及如何去做, 才能使这一类的问题得到缓解。 从总体上说,洗衣店的管理人员负责指挥店里的所有活动,其目标包括:生产服务质 量的监督、顾客关系的维护、营业额的增长,以及通过有效地控制劳动力、物资、能源等 方面的成本实现利润的最大化等。 在完成这些总体目标的同时,洗衣店管理人员的任务和职责还包括:质量控制、店铺 的外观和清洁、顾客关系、账簿和现金管理、成本控制和生产率、事故控制、价格掌握、 库存管理、机器维修、衣物的接收与清洗、雇员安全、人力资源管理、不良事件控制等。 詹妮弗现在必须回答的问题如下: 问题: 1.编写洗衣店管理人员的职位说明书应该用什么样的格式,最终格式应该是什么? 2.是应当将工作标准和程序写进职位说明书.还是应当将它们单独分列出来? 3.詹妮弗如何才能搜集到编写工作标准、工作程序以及职位说明书所需要的信息?









这个案例分布于各章,它将运用各章所讲述的人力资源管理概念和技术来描述此案例的主角——业主/管理者詹妮弗·卡特(Jennifer Carter)——在日常工作小所面临的各种人事管理问题以及她是如何解决的。

第1章人事/人力资源管理导论案例背景詹妮弗·卡特于1984年6月毕业于州立大学,在对几种可能的工作机会进行考虑之后,她决定从事自己一直计划去做的事情——进入她的父亲杰克·卡特(Jack Carter)的企业。







在完成这些总体目标的同时,洗衣店管理人员的任务和职责还 包括:质量控制、店铺的外观和清洁、顾客关系、帐簿和现金管理、成 本控制和生产率、事故控制、价格掌握、库存管理、机器维修、衣物的接收与清洗、雇员安全、人力资源管理、不良事件控制等。
建立胜任特征模型,包括建立的方法和 实践练习12:制工定作人说力明资书源编规写划〔1/2)
詹妮弗经过对市场的调查分析,和父亲讨论后, 决定未来三年要再开5家分店,并预测每分店收入以 15%的年增长速度增长。
接下来詹妮弗要做人员规划了,詹妮弗上学时学 过相关课程,现在她要做的就是把这些知识应用到实 践。
请大家帮助詹妮弗制定一份未来三年卡特洗衣公 司的人力资源规划吧。
实践练习2: 工作说明书编写〔1/2)
结果。 实做践天练 宏习公司绩效管理案例
—目—前为卡卡特特洗洗衣衣公公司司有做6家顾分问店,每店配备一个现场管理人员即分店经理,还有7个左右的员工,每店年收入约50万美元。 目实前践卡 练特习洗衣公司有6家分店,每店配备一个现场管理人员即分店经理,还有7个左右的员工,每店年收入约50万美元。 ——为卡特洗衣公司做顾问
(C〕北京邮电大学经济管理学院 赵欣艳
实践练习4:绩效目标设定 本周做
请根据前几讲练习为卡特洗衣公司分店经理制 定的工作说明书、胜任特征模型,并考虑卡特 公司2019年的战略目标〔小组讨论确定), 小组讨论帮助詹妮弗制定一份分店经理的绩效 考评表。
作为分店经理, 如何为自己的分店营业人员设 置绩效目标,以确保分店营业额和利润目标的 实现?请列出这一过程。
要求: 根据讲义中介绍的方法,并搜集更多资料,为卡特洗
(C〕北京邮电大学经济管理学院 赵欣艳









这个案例分布于各章,它将运用各章所讲述的人力资源管理概念和技术来描述此案例的主角——业主/管理者詹妮弗·卡特(Jennifer Carter)——在日常工作小所面临的各种人事管理问题以及她是如何解决的。

第1章人事/人力资源管理导论案例背景詹妮弗·卡特于1984年6月毕业于州立大学,在对几种可能的工作机会进行考虑之后,她决定从事自己一直计划去做的事情——进入她的父亲杰克·卡特(Jack Carter)的企业。














这个案例分布于各章,它将运用各章所讲述的人力资源管理概念和技术来描述此案例的主角——业主/管理者詹妮弗·卡特(Jennifer Carter)——在日常工作小所面临的各种人事管理问题以及她是如何解决的。

第1章人事/人力资源管理导论案例背景詹妮弗·卡特于1984年6月毕业于州立大学,在对几种可能的工作机会进行考虑之后,她决定从事自己一直计划去做的事情——进入她的父亲杰克·卡特(Jack Carter)的企业。




























这个案例分布于各章,它将运用各章所讲述的人力资源管理概念和技术来描述此案例的主角——业主/管理者詹妮弗·卡特(Jennifer Carter)——在日常工作小所面临的各种人事管理问题以及她是如何解决的。

第1章人事/人力资源管理导论案例背景詹妮弗·卡特于1984年6月毕业于州立大学,在对几种可能的工作机会进行考虑之后,她决定从事自己一直计划去做的事情——进入她的父亲杰克·卡特(Jack Carter)的企业。








确定培训需求之后,必须确立满足这些需求的目标。 有效的培训目标应当显示出培训完成后,对组织、部门 和个人将会产生什么样的结果,这种结果应以书面形式 描述。 培训目标的分类:
1 指导性目标
2 组织和部门目标
3 个人绩效和成长目标
在职培训和工作轮换 学徒式培训 课堂培训 网上培训
4 核心小组法
核心小组由组织中不同部门、不同层级的员工组 成,人力资源部门的专家或外请专家主持小组会议。
5 公文测验法
通过检查组织的缺勤、流动率和事故发生率方面的 记录,以及通过组织的绩效评估系统收集的绩效评估信 息,来确定是否有问题存在,是否任何被确认的问题可 以通过培训解决。
不论采用什么方法,系统地、准确的需求评估 要在培训开始之前进行。
让员工知道他们针对一些标准取得的进步有助于为后 面将要学习的内容确立目标。这种分析和确立目标的连续 过程极大地促进了学习。
基本思想是产生积极后果的行为倾向于重复发生,产 生消极结果的行为倾向于不再出现。
要让员工不仅清楚培训目标,同时还知道该部分内容 是如何与计划的其他部分内容相匹配的。后面的内容要建 立在前期已提出内容的基础上。
新员工的管理者通常负责部门和职位上 岗引导。
果,就必须在企业需求和员工需求之 间实现良好的平衡。
对于组织来讲,它比较感兴趣的 是盈利、向顾客提供优质服务、满足 员工需求和健康需求,以及承担社会 责任。




卡特洗衣中心是一家专业从事各类服饰的洗涤机构。 卡特干洗采用国际的最新产品和技术,全方位的人性化服务 ,倾力倡导“最专业,最环保,最健康”的洗涤服务,特别 是“绿色环保干洗”、“特殊污渍处理”、“高档皮衣精洗 ”、“消毒灭菌处理”和“专业精工织补技术”等五大特色 。我们拥有专业的技术,同时也需要你的支持。加入我们,一
前台人员 3名
招聘方式:全职 学历:大专以上 年龄要求:18-25 性别要求:女 其他要求:
1、五官端正,面貌清秀,身体健康; 2、语言标准流利,思路敏捷,表达、沟通及处理问题的能力强; 3、为人耐心,沉稳,有责任感;
工作认真、积极,具有良好的团队精神; 4、具备专业知识,熟悉电脑操作,有洗染业工作经验者优先; 薪资待遇: 1、1000元+ 提成+奖金 2、上岗前对员工进行相应的培训,确保员工的专业性。 工作概述/主要职责: 1、工作时间7:30-8:30,月休3天 2、负责前台电话接听、顾客接待、收衣、取衣、衣物上架等 3、遵守公司规章制度,执行上级工作安排 4、做好门前三包卫生及大厅卫生
• 概述/主要职责: • 1、工作时间7:30-8:30,月休3天。2、遵守公司规章制度,执行上级工作安排 • 3、负责干洗、水洗客衣的熨烫。 • 4、保证熨烫后的衣服达到挺括、平整、美观。 • 5、安全操作,人员离开时须关闭点熨斗电源,防止以外事故的发生。 • 6、做好设备、区域卫生工作。
• 招聘,作为员工忠诚度全程管理的第一站,是员工进入企 业的“过滤器”,其“过滤”效果的好坏直接影响着后续 阶段忠诚度管理的难度。詹妮弗和她的父亲在招聘过程中, 要以忠诚度为导向。



Continuing report of HRM (The Hotel Paris International)院系:班级:人力学号:姓名:课程名称:人力资源管理完成时间:年月至年月ContentCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (4)CHAPTER 3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND ANALYSIS (6)CHAPTER 4 JOB ANALYSIS AND THE TALENT MANAGEMENT PROCESS (9)CHAPTER 5 PERSONNEL PLANNING AND RECRUTING (13)CHAPTER 6 EMPLOYEE TESTING AND SELECTION (16)CHAPTER 7 INTERVIEWING CANDIDATES (18)CHAPTER 8 TRAINING AND DEVELOPING EMPLOYEES (22)CHCAPTER 9 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND APPRAISAL (25)CHAPTER 10 MANAGING EMPLOYEE RETENTION, ENGAGEMENT, AND CAREERS..27 CHAPTER 11 ESTABLISHING STRATEGY PAY PLANS (30)CHAPTER 12 PAY FOR PERFORANCE AND FINANCIAL INCENTIVES (31)CHAPTER 13 BENEFITS AND SERVICES (32)CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTI sum up five main points specific HR problems I think Cater Cleaning will have to grapple with.First of all, they were lake for personnel management regulations and procedures both every manager and each employee. As there were many of problems which were harmful to their management because workers’ lake a series of clear knowledge, abilities and skills. For example, fair employment problems would serious damage employees’ rights but they didn’t know up to now. Human resource managements always asked people of applicants about their national topic and some other sensitive topics but they didn’t refer to professional, abilities and, many other useful topics. Luckily, they haven’t been reported their discrimination because the employees were almost women and ethnic minority which were short of laws concept. This phenomenon told us they couldn’t clarify fair employment rules and professional knowledge and laws knowledge.In addition, human resource managements couldn’t make employees clear their own duties and responsibilities. They employees didn’t know their clear division of responsibilities; as a result, Cater Center would be inefficiency after confusion day by day. Numan resource of Cater Centercouldn’t keep employee loyalty and employee stability. It is terrible for a company to face employee thefts there. It would not only cause benefits of company, but also cause legitimate equities of the firm. What’s worse, as a result, corporate cultural development and employees’ activities will be destroyed. Not only the issue of fair employment lacks attention, but also the manager himself has not received any basic training.If I were Jennifer, I will persuade every management to pay much attentionmake a Post Office Book at first for all of my employees in order that they can identify their responsibilities and obligation.In addition, we must identify the management process is based on the functions of planning, organization, staffing, leading, and controlling. In total, we start with these five functions and we will avoid mistakes like I summed up in my first paragraph.We must consummate the rules and processes of HRM. We can achieve it by solving the fair employment problem, improving their knowledge, abilities and skills of cleaning and service, enhancing legal knowledge and experience. By doing these, we can improve Cater Center’s personnel management regulations and procedures both every manager and each employee.CHAPTER 3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND ANALYSISI would recommend that the Caters expand their quality program. My reasons are as shown below.First, the company faced to a larger scale and only holding employee meetings can't solve all the problems they facing. So we must expend ways and measures for every employee in order to widening the feedback channel for the problem of company.Second, as a manager, we can’t be everywhere watching everything all the time. And expending the quality program is a real way for innovation and sustainable development to the company. We need to discover a series of finding for making progress at any time.Specifically, Cater should expand their quality program by taking forms as shown below.We need make a scientific strategic human resource management in the whole company in order to guarantee the running of it.Training and development is the first step for strategy. It will be explicit if Caters make employees know that where are they now and who they are, and writing a job description, significantly. They will learn to size up the situation including perform external and internal audits.,Afterwards, Caters’ strategic options will be known and be created by managers and even employees easily. At the same time, they will be supportive and having a high performance. It can minimize the plane turnaround on ground and the meals and frills and so on. All of these benefits are to decrease costs and increase revenues for the organization.A question we must face to and need to be solved urgently is whether the employees want to act and accept like mini-manager only with earning about $8 to $15 per hour. It refers to the question of salary administration. So if we make a fair salary system that employees approval, we will gain a different group which is much better and competent than ever before.In addition, I think Caters should focus on the outline summarizing important HR practice as I designed below.First of all I think it is important to collect the opinions of customers and employees before we make a systematic of HR practice. We will identify clear condition of working and program by doing this.Then we must make Job Description to each position of Cater Center. We can decide how to measure the performance of an old or new hires. For example, with Cater system, hiring managers input their evaluations of each new hire at the end of the employees’ first several days.Refer to their important designed, we can make a HR practicecategory and analysis for Caters as I refer below.HR practice category Description ExamplesStuffingProcedures to evaluaterelevant knowledge, skills,abilities for fitSelective screeningassessment oftechnicalinterpersonalskills/attitudes/personalSelf-managed teamsPower downward bygranting authority andresponsibilityEmployeeparticipationprogramsTeams with decisionmaking authorityDecentralized decisionmaking Empowering employeesAuthority to makedecisionsparticipatemanagementTrainingFormalizing programs todevelop knowledge , skills,abilitiesTraining forcurrent/future skillsTechnicalinterpersonalFlexible work assignmentsBroaden individualknowledge, skills, abilitiesJob rotationjob enrichmentabilities to performjobCommunication Open com. Channels toexpress viewpointsEmployee suggestionsystemsCompensation Performance-contingentpay, group-based pay,market pay policiesProfit/gain sharingownershipCHAPTER 4 JOB ANALYSIS AND THE TALENT MANAGEMENT PROCESSThe format to be used to write the job description of the laundry managerFirst of all, we need to analyze the structure of Cater Cleaning Company so that identify the description of job. We can get the table ofstructure by analyzing as shown above.From the drawing above, we can see that laundry organization is the simplest vertical management mode, laundry managers are their basic jobs, but there are multiple posts under them. This simple organizational structure is suitable for this kind of company.From the drawing above, we can see that laundry organization is the simplest vertical management mode, laundry managers are their basic jobs, but there are multiple posts under them. This simple organizational structure is suitable for this kind of company. First of all, the size of a laundry as an enterprise will not be large. Secondly, the generalobjectives and tasks and responsibilities of the Laundromat managers mentioned in the case are relatively specific and relatively small. In the end, the staff of the laundry will not have a high level of knowledge, which is related to the content of their work. To sum up, we should pay attention to the following points in writing the job instructions of the laundry manager.1.The job description should be simple and easy to write in the format, not too complicated2.The job description should be easy to understand in the description of the contentAccording to this, the job description of the form is best suited to the manager of the laundry.What’s more, work standards and procedures should be written into the job description.The job description is a detailed description of the information related to the job, which includes the person concerned, and the description also contains a description of the related matter. The working standard and procedure is a description of the job related matters. It further explains what extent the duty personnel should do and how to do it. As a result, I think that work standards and procedures should be written into the job description.How can Jennifer collect the information needed to write workstandards, work procedures, and job descriptions?I think there are many ways of collecting information, such as the following:1. Summary of the work standards, procedures and job descriptions of similar enterprises.2. Collect opinions on customers and employees.3. Consult a number of experts and intermediaries.4. Get the main information from the activities of employees, actions of people, the working performance, working background and the requirement of employees and so on.The store managers’ job description should look like and contain as the table below.Post Name Post Number Post Category Subordinate Department Post Sequence Post QuotaJob basisJob contentSummary of postJob targetMain Relationship of Post Basic Training RequiredDuties and Standards Basic Capacity RequiredPerformance Indicators Use Tool Equipment Qualification Working HoursProficient Work Period Diversity of Work ExperienceDate of Compilation Dural theConveyances Effective DateInformingCHAPTER 5 PERSONNEL PLANNING AND RECRUTINGHow would I recommend we go about reducing the turnover in our stores? I prepare some solutions below.Making a reasonable recruitment plan is the most important step to keep employees staying in the company. We need to research carefully when we interview them and we must exclude someone shaky. To a certain extent, the rate of turnover will be decreased by doing this.Shaping an attractive corporate culture is an important measure to retain employees and executive. As we all know, a nice kind of culture can shape personality and also form a sense of belonging and dependence.Making positive compensation and welfare is also important for retaining employees. We not only need to give justice salary to employees, but also need to make active welfare system for stimulating. Also, we can offer the company's stock options or equity plans is a relatively low cost way to increase the long-term potential income of employees.Last but not least, we must take care of emotions of employees at any time. Such as their relations with families, with supervisor-subordinate, with colleagues, and even with their own spiritsincluding their career happiness and so on. I believe we can retain our employees much better by doing these I demonstrated above.I think we need these causes to resolve the question how to improve the quality of applicant and the rate of passing.Make a feasible recruitment strategy. HR's own quality and knowledge are also important to choose the appropriate location and location, and to improve the recruitment efficiency.The recruitment information will help us to select talents scientifically, make clear qualifications, and identify highly qualified applicants with competence. In addition, structured interviews can be carried out.Promote the employing department to participate in the whole process of recruitment. Because the work environment, leadership style and management concept are used because of the unit for what kind of It differs from man to man., job seekers, only use department most clearly, therefore, recruitment departments to continue to instill in Department Recruitment concept, promote their active participation in the whole process of recruitment, human resource planning, recruitment, interview needs to develop recruitment, etc.. Last but not least, it is also important to create a harmonious enterprise environment.Considered carefully for all of information the job seekers need when we publishing a job advertisement. We can make jobadvertisement as is shown below.The job advertisement for Cater Cleaning Company AddressPublishing timeDeadlineMore than one year's work experience| Age is not limitedMore than$6 per hour Feedback in 5 daysJob descriptionPost dutiesTenure requirementsWorking experience preferredHave basic management abilityHave strong business understanding, plan execution, writing ability and learning ability.Be familiar with... Laws and regulations to avoid labor disputes;Higher professionalismEnterprise introductionOther information:Department: Human Resources DepartmentProfessional requirementsContactE-mailPlease indicate the name or number of the position in the mail and indicate that the recruitment information comes from the CHAPTER 6 EMPLOYEE TESTING AND SELECTIONSome advantages to Jennifer’s company of routinely administrating honesty tests to all its employees.Testing honesty of employees can not only strengthen the company's discipline, but also keep the company open and fair and the organization structure is complete and transparent.In addition, it can promote the orderly conduct of production and avoid unnecessary financial losses.It can strengthen the cohesiveness of enterprises and setting up a good social image, so as to ensure the credibility of the staff and enhance corporate reputation and customer satisfaction.Some disadvantages to Jennifer’s company of routinely administrating honesty tests to all its employees.Employees maybe lack a sense of security and belonging, and they feel that they are doubted by their superiors. Also, it may increase the cost of work and time and reduce the effective rate of return of enterprisesWhat other screening techniques could the company use to screen out theft-prone and turnover-prone employees? And how exactly could these be used?We can import the introduction of special personnel, who is integrity testing literacy, including leakage theory, information manipulation theory, real monitoring theory, and interpersonal deception theory and so on.Also, we can design integrity test scale to identify the faith of employees. The types of tests are tests of cognitive abilities, tests of motor and physical abilities and measuring personality and interests and achievement tests and improving performance through hires. We can make the background check more valuable information of employees by doing these tests.How to fire a stolen employee and how to deal with the reference calls about these employees when they go to other companies looking for jobs?I think we should fire stolen employees in front of the staffs of our company. Not to let him be disgraced deliberately, but to let employees know how important the sincerity is and how precious the trusts are.As for the reference calls about these employees when they go to other companies looking for jobs, I think I will be mercy to him and tell another company that this employee can be inspected and retained if he didn’t make too much of mistake, even though I fired him abide by the rules. We see, forgiveness and kindness are the greatest virtues, they can save a person who still has a warm heart.CHAPTER 7 INTERVIEWING CANDIDATES The way to improve the practice of interviewing:The main body of the interview is the interviewer and the interviewee, so in order to improve the company's interview practice. We must first have a group of professional interviewers. They should have the following qualities: good insight with some psychology and organizational behavior knowledge of good psychological ability expressed excellent judgment and spoken interview experience preferred logical thinking ability, can according to the resume and job requirements and the basic quality of setting questions to understand the basic knowledge of job industry and knowledge industry the salary level have a good analysis ability.In addition, there are something errors that can undermine an interview’s usefulness and we had better avoid them: first impression, not clarifying what the job requires, candidate-order error and pressure to hire, nonverbal behavior and impression management, effect of personal characteristics including attractiveness, gender and race, etc., diversity counts.She should make an interview form for management and non-management interview questions by doing I illustrate below.Key points and test questions management personnel recruitmentexam questions:1. Do you think what is "management"?Test whether the applicant can combine theoretical management knowledge with work practice.2. A good enterprise to make progress, what is decisive? In the complex market environment, success factors of different enterprise big difference. The answer is to test the extent to which the applicant understands the management of the original unit.What are the 3 you've read about management books? Good management is very pay attention to the collection of information and knowledge updating.3. What do you think is the most difficult as a manager?"Bad news report" is a concise and comprehensive answer. It simply because it can make deep and serious recruiters ask further questions and superficial recruiters will not consider the use of additional questions to ask, do not let the candidates have the opportunity to further elaborate its set people thinking idea, but do not want to understand whether the answer behind what is hidden deep life experience. This answer tells us how a manager in trouble should react."Let those of me be able to act in accordance with my instructions, so that they are ready to do so." It is the second possible answer. This shows that the manager is ready to control the situation and carry out theleadership."To mobilize the enthusiasm of the personnel, to form a competent team." It may be the third way to answer this question, which indicates that the applicant has a deeper experience and has the ability to manage others.There are also specific questions to be faced with as answers. Recruiters need to pay attention to whether a manager has a more open eye as a manager, rather than trying to deal with a specific business.4. You how to control and reduce the risk?We should pay attention to the risk degree candidates aware, then answer the investigation method, and the risk involved, whether there is always such effects on the other.5. What do you think is the relationship with the position you apply for your department or the company's strategy? It is the ability of on the candidates to grasp the overall situation.6. How would you plan and organize an important (or long) of the project?The recruiter should pay attention to the various links of the candidate planning and running the project, not whether the project itself is the closest to the work of the unit.7.How do you deal with the contradiction between the 9 with other departments?No contradiction is unrealistic, and applicants often answer through communication. The question is to see whether the applicant can pay attention to the root of the contradiction and not only solve or deal with the problem means.8. Please briefly talk about you around the typical case management. Inspect whether or not the candidate enterprises success / failure reasons, and sharply pointed out the problem, concise and comprehensive.Jennifer should carry out a training program for the manager. The manager who is for interviewing the stuffs should have this characteristic.We must first have a group of professional interviewers. They should have and prepare me the following qualities: good insight with some psychology and organizational behavior knowledge of good psychological ability expressed excellent judgment and spoken interview experience preferred logical thinking ability, can according to the resume and job requirements and the basic quality of setting questions to understand the basic knowledge of job industry and knowledge industry the salary level have a good analysis ability.CHAPTER 8 TRAINING AND DEVELOPING EMPLOYEESThe Caters should cover in their new employee orientation program and they should convey this information by the table below.ContentsCompany overview, rules and regulations,organizational structure, corporate culture,product knowledge, working hours, payroll,benefits, communication skills, team buildingskills, etc.Guidance of workingPlanningFrom a brief introduction to a longer formal plan,including employee employment guidancemanuals, human resources department work,department heads' guidance, special seminars,etc.TrainingProvide employees with the skills required tocomplete their present work Overview of trainingDevelopmentDeveloping current or future managers to solvecurrent and future possible jobs Aim of trainingTechnical skills required to impart workThe survival and development of the enterprise needs speedand flexibility to meet the requirements of the customer inquality, variety, convenience, time saving and other aspects.Impart other more extensive skills to employees, such ascommunication, team building, and other skillsStrengthening the dedication of employees by trainingEvaluation: identify training needsSet up training goals which is clear and measurableTraining: job training, job trainingThe basic process oftrainingEvaluation: Reflect performanceResponse: the trainee's response to the training programKnowledge: test the traineeBehavior: to understand the changes in the behavior of the trainedtraineesEvaluation of trainingeffectEffectiveness: measure the final results of a plan based on apredetermined training goalWe should use such a form to analyze the work of the counter attendant. Counter attendant task analysis record table is as to below.Importance Concrete work Take up time5Responsible for the store customers and theshuttle service, and introduces the mainservices of laundry facilities and equipmentand method of use to the guests15%6To deal with the various items entrusted byguests in this area.20%4Read the work record carefully, and completethe work handed down work5%1Responsible for the inspection, declarationand change of the equipment state with anerror rate of zero; assist the supervisor tocoordinate the hygienic condition of the store;30%9In charge of assisting the cleaners to do a goodjob in the store, the rate of qualification is100%5%7Responsible for security work in the store andreporting of emergencies, report supervisor ina timely manner if situation is found.5%3Master the lease of the shop equipment, fill inthe daily and do the work of the handoverclass (check the 2 rooms for each flight)5%5Deliver and record the guest's legacy in time10%10Complete the other tasks assigned by thesuperior5%In the training of ironing workers, decontamination workers, managers, and counter attendants, we should use specific training methods as is mentioned below.Work category Training methodsDirect supervisor: dry cleaning / washing SupervisorResponsibilities: accept the leadership of the group leader, finishthe hospitality and ironing work with high quality and efficiencyIroning workers Job description:(1)According to the working procedures and standards, all kinds of machine do the preparatory work before the use of security check Patient.(2)Clean, maintain a clean and tidy work area.(3)Complete other work assigned by the captain and senior management, etc..Decontaminationworkers Strictly abide by the system of disinfection and isolation.Do a good job of occupational protection, enter the decontamination area to wear the appropriate protective equipment (including round cap,Masks, isolation clothes or waterproof aprons, gloves, special shoes, goggles, etc., must not move freely in other areas. Recycling equipment inventory check, registration, transfer of work.counter attendants Look back the previous answer in detail.CHCAPTER 9 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND APPRAISALJennifer believes that the proposal to establish a formal work performance evaluation system for workers is correct.The proposal to establish a formal work performance evaluation system for managers is also correct. My reason and design are below.Managers are the backbone of organizing talents, and play a more and more important role in the development of modern organizations. The structure of job performance evaluation of middle managers is to establish a scientific, complete and effective performance evaluation system, so as to achieve effective management for middle managers. The work performance of middle managers is a multi-dimensional construct. This multidimensional structure can effectively explain those behaviors reflected in the job performance questionnaire. Job performance is a construct that can be reflected by behavior. Therefore, we can identify those typical behaviors and form a measurement tool that has certain reliability (internal consistency) for measuring job performance.I’ve researched the five factor structure model of the middle level manager of the organization to make a formal measure to the managers and workers of Cater Cleaning Company.interpersonal communication Maintaining good interpersonal relationships Solidarity and collaboration Communication and coordinationListen to advice / adviceCare for subordinatesHelp peopleActing style flexiblePay attention to details Autonomy / independence introspection Enthusiasm and dedication To grant authorization Match word to deedleadership behavior Safeguard the interests of the Department Supervision / controlStandard managementstrainPolicy decisionCalm / calm downAssumed liabilitiesTask execution Organization and command Improvement and innovation Motivating and directing subordinates Plan and implementSolve the problemBe conscientious and conscientious Work conscientiously and responsible ObeySelf-discipline and leadWork initiative and enterprisingCHAPTER 10 MANAGING EMPLOYEE RETENTION, ENGAGEMENT, AND CAREERSThe benefits of career planning program are below.First of all, career management is the primary problem of the rational allocation of enterprise resources. Human resource is a kind of can continue to develop and continuously increment resource value, because of the development of human resources through continuous updating of people's knowledge and skills, improve people's creativity, so that the life of "material" resources as its use, especially in the era of knowledge economy, knowledge has become the social the main body, and to grasp and create these knowledge is "people", so enterprises should pay more attention to people's wisdom, skill, ability and comprehensive development. Therefore, to strengthen the occupation career management, make the best use, is the primary problem of the rational allocation of enterprise resources. If the rational allocation of people is left, the rational allocation of enterprise resources is an empty word.Secondly, career management can fully mobilize the intrinsic enthusiasm of the people, and better realize the organizational goals of the enterprise. Occupation career management is to help employees improve satisfaction levels in various needs, to meet the needs of the。




早晨 7 点,当王厂长驱车上班时,他的心情特别好,因为最近的生产率报告表明,由于他的精心经营,他管辖的江南分厂超过了公司其他两个分厂,成为公司人均劳动生产率最高的分厂。


除了下午 3:30 分有一个会议外,今天的其他时间都是空着的,因此,他可以解决许多重要的问题。

他打算仔细审阅最近的审计报告并签署他的意见,并仔细检查工厂 TQM 计划的进展情况。



王厂长到达工厂的时间是 7:15,还在走廊上,就被会计小赵给拦住了。






处理这件事只需 10 分钟,但实际上占用了他 20 分钟的时间。











这个案例分布于各章,它将运用各章所讲述的人力资源管理概念与技术来描述此案例的主角——业主/管理者詹妮弗·卡特(Jennifer Carter)——在日常工作小所面临的各类人事管理问题与她是如何解决的。

第1章人事/人力资源管理导论案例背景詹妮弗·卡特于1984年6月毕业于州立大学,在对几种可能的工作机会进行考虑之后,她决定从事自己一直计划去做的情况——进入她的父亲杰克·卡特(Jack Carter)的企业。








Continuing report of HRM (The Hotel Paris International)院系:班级:人力学号:姓名:课程名称:人力资源管理完成时间:年月至年月ContentCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.......... 错误 ! 未定义书签。



CHAPTER 5 PERSONNEL PLANNING AND RECRUTING................... 错误 ! 未定义书签。

CHAPTER 6 EMPLOYEE TESTING AND SELECTION..................... 错误 ! 未定义书签。

CHAPTER 7 INTERVIEWING CANDIDATES............................ 错误 ! 未定义书签。




CHAPTER 11 ESTABLISHING STRATEGY PAY PLANS................... 错误 ! 未定义书签。

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Continuing report of HRM (The Hotel Paris International)院系:班级:人力学号:姓名:课程名称:人力资源管理完成时间:年月至年月ContentCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (4)CHAPTER 3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND ANAL YSIS (6)CHAPTER 4 JOB ANAL YSIS AND THE TALENT MANAGEMENT PROCESS (9)CHAPTER 5 PERSONNEL PLANNING AND RECRUTING (13)CHAPTER 6 EMPLOYEE TESTING AND SELECTION (16)CHAPTER 7 INTERVIEWING CANDIDA TES (18)CHAPTER 8 TRAINING AND DEVELOPING EMPLOYEES (22)CHCAPTER 9 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND APPRAISAL (25)CHAPTER 10 MANAGING EMPLOYEE RETENTION, ENGAGEMENT, AND CAREERS .. 27 CHAPTER 11 ESTABLISHING STRATEGY PAY PLANS (30)CHAPTER 12 PAY FOR PERFORANCE AND FINANCIAL INCENTIVES (31)CHAPTER 13 BENEFITS AND SERVICES (32)CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTI sum up five main points specific HR problems I think Cater Cleaning will have to grapple with.First of all, they were lake for personnel management regulations and procedures both every manager and each employee. As there were many of problems which were harmful to their management because workers’ lake a series of clear knowledge, abilities and skills. For example, fair employment problems would serious damage employees’ rights but they didn’t know up to now. Human resource managements always asked people of applicants about their national topic and some other sensitive topics but they didn’t refer to professional, abilities and, many other useful topics. Luckily, they haven’t been reported their discrimination because the employees were almost women and ethnic minority which were short of laws concept. This phenomenon told us they couldn’t clarify fair employment rules and professional knowledge and laws knowledge.In addition, human resource managements couldn’t make employees clear their own duties and responsibilities. They employees didn’t know their clear division of responsibilities; as a result, Cater Center would be inefficiency after confusion day by day. Numan resource of Cater Centercouldn’t keep employee loyalty and employee stability. It is terrible for a company to face employee thefts there. It would not only cause benefits of company, but also cause legitimate equities of the firm. What’s worse, as a result, corporate cultural development and employees’ activities will be destroyed. Not only the issue of fair employment lacks attention, but also the manager himself has not received any basic training.If I were Jennifer, I will persuade every management to pay much attentionmake a Post Office Book at first for all of my employees in order that they can identify their responsibilities and obligation.In addition, we must identify the management process is based on the functions of planning, organization, staffing, leading, and controlling. In total, we start with these five functions and we will avoid mistakes like I summed up in my first paragraph.We must consummate the rules and processes of HRM. We can achieve it by solving the fair employment problem, improving their knowledge, abilities and skills of cleaning and service, enhancing legal knowledge and experience. By doing these, we can improve Cater Center’s personnel management regulations and procedures both every manager and each employee.CHAPTER 3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND ANALYSISI would recommend that the Caters expand their quality program. My reasons are as shown below.First, the company faced to a larger scale and only holding employee meetings can't solve all the problems they facing. So we must expend ways and measures for every employee in order to widening the feedback channel for the problem of company.Second, as a manager, we can’t be everywhere watching everything all the time. And expending the quality program is a real way for innovation and sustainable development to the company. We need to discover a series of finding for making progress at any time.Specifically, Cater should expand their quality program by taking forms as shown below.We need make a scientific strategic human resource management in the whole company in order to guarantee the running of it.Training and development is the first step for strategy. It will be explicit if Caters make employees know that where are they now and who they are, and writing a job description, significantly. They will learn to size up the situation including perform external and internal audits.,Afterwards, Caters’ strategic options will be known and be created by managers and even employees easily. At the same time, they will be supportive and having a high performance. It can minimize the plane turnaround on ground and the meals and frills and so on. All of these benefits are to decrease costs and increase revenues for the organization.A question we must face to and need to be solved urgently is whether the employees want to act and accept like mini-manager only with earning about $8 to $15 per hour. It refers to the question of salary administration. So if we make a fair salary system that employees approval, we will gain a different group which is much better and competent than ever before.In addition, I think Caters should focus on the outline summarizing important HR practice as I designed below.First of all I think it is important to collect the opinions of customers and employees before we make a systematic of HR practice. We will identify clear condition of working and program by doing this.Then we must make Job Description to each position of Cater Center. We can decide how to measure the performance of an old or new hires. For example, with Cater system, hiring managers input their evaluations of each new hire at the end of the employees’ first several days.Refer to their important designed, we can make a HR practice category and analysis for Caters as I refer below.CHAPTER 4 JOB ANALYSIS AND THE TALENT MANAGEMENT PROCESSThe format to be used to write the job description of the laundry managerFirst of all, we need to analyze the structure of Cater Cleaning Company so that identify the description of job. We can get the table ofstructure by analyzing as shown above.From the drawing above, we can see that laundry organization is the simplest vertical management mode, laundry managers are their basic jobs, but there are multiple posts under them. This simple organizational structure is suitable for this kind of company.From the drawing above, we can see that laundry organization is the simplest vertical management mode, laundry managers are their basic jobs, but there are multiple posts under them. This simple organizational structure is suitable for this kind of company. First of all, the size of a laundry as an enterprise will not be large. Secondly, the general objectives and tasks and responsibilities of the Laundromat managers mentioned inthe case are relatively specific and relatively small. In the end, the staff of the laundry will not have a high level of knowledge, which is related to the content of their work. To sum up, we should pay attention to the following points in writing the job instructions of the laundry manager.1.The job description should be simple and easy to write in the format, not too complicated2.The job description should be easy to understand in the description of the contentAccording to this, the job description of the form is best suited to the manager of the laundry.What’s more, work standards and procedures should be written into the job description.The job description is a detailed description of the information related to the job, which includes the person concerned, and the description also contains a description of the related matter. The working standard and procedure is a description of the job related matters. It further explains what extent the duty personnel should do and how to do it. As a result, I think that work standards and procedures should be written into the job description.How can Jennifer collect the information needed to write work standards, work procedures, and job descriptions?I think there are many ways of collecting information, such as thefollowing:1. Summary of the work standards, procedures and job descriptions of similar enterprises.2. Collect opinions on customers and employees.3. Consult a number of experts and intermediaries.4. Get the main information from the activities of employees, actions of people, the working performance, working background and the requirement of employees and so on.The store managers’ job description should look like and contain as the table below.CHAPTER 5 PERSONNEL PLANNING AND RECRUTINGHow would I recommend we go about reducing the turnover in our stores? I prepare some solutions below.Making a reasonable recruitment plan is the most important step to keep employees staying in the company. We need to research carefully when we interview them and we must exclude someone shaky. To a certain extent, the rate of turnover will be decreased by doing this.Shaping an attractive corporate culture is an important measure to retain employees and executive. As we all know, a nice kind of culture can shape personality and also form a sense of belonging and dependence.Making positive compensation and welfare is also important for retaining employees. We not only need to give justice salary to employees, but also need to make active welfare system for stimulating. Also, we can offer the company's stock options or equity plans is a relatively low cost way to increase the long-term potential income of employees.Last but not least, we must take care of emotions of employees at any time. Such as their relations with families, with supervisor-subordinate, with colleagues, and even with their own spirits including their career happiness and so on. I believe we can retain ouremployees much better by doing these I demonstrated above.I think we need these causes to resolve the question how to improve the quality of applicant and the rate of passing.Make a feasible recruitment strategy. HR's own quality and knowledge are also important to choose the appropriate location and location, and to improve the recruitment efficiency.The recruitment information will help us to select talents scientifically, make clear qualifications, and identify highly qualified applicants with competence. In addition, structured interviews can be carried out.Promote the employing department to participate in the whole process of recruitment. Because the work environment, leadership style and management concept are used because of the unit for what kind of It differs from man to man., job seekers, only use department most clearly, therefore, recruitment departments to continue to instill in Department Recruitment concept, promote their active participation in the whole process of recruitment, human resource planning, recruitment, interview needs to develop recruitment, etc.. Last but not least, it is also important to create a harmonious enterprise environment.Considered carefully for all of information the job seekers need when we publishing a job advertisement. We can make job advertisement as is shown below.The job advertisement for Cater Cleaning CompanyAddressPublishing timeDeadlineMore than one year's work experience| Age is not limitedMore than$6 per hour Feedback in 5 daysJob descriptionPost dutiesTenure requirements➢Working experience preferred➢Have basic management ability➢Have strong business understanding, plan execution, writing ability and learning ability.➢Be familiar with... Laws and regulations to avoid labor disputes;➢Higher professionalismEnterprise introductionOther information:➢Department: Human Resources Department➢Professional requirements➢Contact➢E-mailPlease indicate the name or number of the position in the mail and indicate that the recruitment information comes from the CHAPTER 6 EMPLOYEE TESTING AND SELECTIONSome advantages to Jennifer’s company of routinely administrating honesty tests to all its employees.Testing honesty of employees can not only strengthen the company's discipline, but also keep the company open and fair and the organization structure is complete and transparent.In addition, it can promote the orderly conduct of production and avoid unnecessary financial losses.It can strengthen the cohesiveness of enterprises and setting up a good social image, so as to ensure the credibility of the staff and enhance corporate reputation and customer satisfaction.Some disadvantages to Jennifer’s company of routinely administrating honesty tests to all its employees.Employees maybe lack a sense of security and belonging, and they feel that they are doubted by their superiors. Also, it may increase the cost of work and time and reduce the effective rate of return of enterprises What other screening techniques could the company use to screen out theft-prone and turnover-prone employees? And how exactly could these be used?We can import the introduction of special personnel, who is integritytesting literacy, including leakage theory, information manipulation theory, real monitoring theory, and interpersonal deception theory and so on.Also, we can design integrity test scale to identify the faith of employees. The types of tests are tests of cognitive abilities, tests of motor and physical abilities and measuring personality and interests and achievement tests and improving performance through hires. We can make the background check more valuable information of employees by doing these tests.How to fire a stolen employee and how to deal with the reference calls about these employees when they go to other companies looking for jobs?I think we should fire stolen employees in front of the staffs of our company. Not to let him be disgraced deliberately, but to let employees know how important the sincerity is and how precious the trusts are.As for the reference calls about these employees when they go to other companies looking for jobs, I think I will be mercy to him and tell another company that this employee can be inspected and retained if he didn’t make too much of mistake, even though I fired him abide by the rules. We see, forgiveness and kindness are the greatest virtues, they can save a person who still has a warm heart.CHAPTER 7 INTERVIEWING CANDIDATES The way to improve the practice of interviewing:The main body of the interview is the interviewer and the interviewee, so in order to improve the company's interview practice. We must first have a group of professional interviewers. They should have the following qualities: good insight with some psychology and organizational behavior knowledge of good psychological ability expressed excellent judgment and spoken interview experience preferred logical thinking ability, can according to the resume and job requirements and the basic quality of setting questions to understand the basic knowledge of job industry and knowledge industry the salary level have a good analysis ability.In addition, there are something errors that can undermine an interview’s usefulness and we had better avoid them: first impression, not clarifying what the job requires, candidate-order error and pressure to hire, nonverbal behavior and impression management, effect of personal characteristics including attractiveness, gender and race, etc., diversity counts.She should make an interview form for management and non-management interview questions by doing I illustrate below.Key points and test questions management personnel recruitmentexam questions:1. Do you think what is "management"?Test whether the applicant can combine theoretical management knowledge with work practice.2. A good enterprise to make progress, what is decisive? In the complex market environment, success factors of different enterprise big difference. The answer is to test the extent to which the applicant understands the management of the original unit.What are the 3 you've read about management books? Good management is very pay attention to the collection of information and knowledge updating.3. What do you think is the most difficult as a manager?"Bad news report" is a concise and comprehensive answer. It simply because it can make deep and serious recruiters ask further questions and superficial recruiters will not consider the use of additional questions to ask, do not let the candidates have the opportunity to further elaborate its set people thinking idea, but do not want to understand whether the answer behind what is hidden deep life experience. This answer tells us how a manager in trouble should react."Let those of me be able to act in accordance with my instructions, so that they are ready to do so." It is the second possible answer. This shows that the manager is ready to control the situation and carry out theleadership."To mobilize the enthusiasm of the personnel, to form a competent team." It may be the third way to answer this question, which indicates that the applicant has a deeper experience and has the ability to manage others.There are also specific questions to be faced with as answers. Recruiters need to pay attention to whether a manager has a more open eye as a manager, rather than trying to deal with a specific business.4. You how to control and reduce the risk?We should pay attention to the risk degree candidates aware, then answer the investigation method, and the risk involved, whether there is always such effects on the other.5. What do you think is the relationship with the position you apply for your department or the company's strategy? It is the ability of on the candidates to grasp the overall situation.6. How would you plan and organize an important (or long) of the project?The recruiter should pay attention to the various links of the candidate planning and running the project, not whether the project itself is the closest to the work of the unit.7.How do you deal with the contradiction between the 9 with other departments?No contradiction is unrealistic, and applicants often answer through communication. The question is to see whether the applicant can pay attention to the root of the contradiction and not only solve or deal with the problem means.8. Please briefly talk about you around the typical case management. Inspect whether or not the candidate enterprises success / failure reasons, and sharply pointed out the problem, concise and comprehensive.Jennifer should carry out a training program for the manager. The manager who is for interviewing the stuffs should have this characteristic.We must first have a group of professional interviewers. They should have and prepare me the following qualities: good insight with some psychology and organizational behavior knowledge of good psychological ability expressed excellent judgment and spoken interview experience preferred logical thinking ability, can according to the resume and job requirements and the basic quality of setting questions to understand the basic knowledge of job industry and knowledge industry the salary level have a good analysis ability.CHAPTER 8 TRAINING AND DEVELOPING EMPLOYEESThe Caters should cover in their new employee orientation program and they should convey this information by the table below.Guidance of working ContentsCompany overview, rules and regulations,organizational structure, corporate culture,product knowledge, working hours, payroll,benefits, communication skills, team buildingskills, etc.PlanningFrom a brief introduction to a longer formal plan,including employee employment guidancemanuals, human resources department work,department heads' guidance, special seminars,etc.Overview of trainingTrainingProvide employees with the skills required tocomplete their present work DevelopmentDeveloping current or future managers to solvecurrent and future possible jobsAim of training Technical skills required to impart workThe survival and development of the enterprise needs speed and flexibility to meet the requirements of the customer in quality, variety, convenience, time saving and other aspects. Impart other more extensive skills to employees, such as communication, team building, and other skills Strengthening the dedication of employees by trainingThe basic process oftrainingEvaluation: identify training needsSet up training goals which is clear and measurable Training: job training, job trainingEvaluation: Reflect performanceEvaluation of trainingeffectResponse: the trainee's response to the training programKnowledge: test the traineeBehavior: to understand the changes in the behavior of the trainedtraineesEffectiveness: measure the final results of a plan based on apredetermined training goalWe should use such a form to analyze the work of the counter attendant. Counter attendant task analysis record table is as to below.In the training of ironing workers, decontamination workers, managers, and counter attendants, we should use specific training methods as is mentioned below.CHCAPTER 9 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND APPRAISALJennifer believes that the proposal to establish a formal work performance evaluation system for workers is correct.The proposal to establish a formal work performance evaluation system for managers is also correct. My reason and design are below.Managers are the backbone of organizing talents, and play a more and more important role in the development of modern organizations. The structure of job performance evaluation of middle managers is to establish a scientific, complete and effective performance evaluation system, so as to achieve effective management for middle managers. The work performance of middle managers is a multi-dimensional construct. This multidimensional structure can effectively explain those behaviors reflected in the job performance questionnaire. Job performance is a construct that can be reflected by behavior. Therefore, we can identify those typical behaviors and form a measurement tool that has certain reliability (internal consistency) for measuring job performance.I’ve researched the five factor structure model of the middle level manager of the organization to make a formal measure to the managers and workers of Cater Cleaning Company.CHAPTER 10 MANAGING EMPLOYEE RETENTION, ENGAGEMENT, AND CAREERSThe benefits of career planning program are below.First of all, career management is the primary problem of the rational allocation of enterprise resources. Human resource is a kind of can continue to develop and continuously increment resource value, because of the development of human resources through continuous updating of people's knowledge and skills, improve people's creativity, so that the life of "material" resources as its use, especially in the era of knowledge economy, knowledge has become the social the main body, and to grasp and create these knowledge is "people", so enterprises should pay more attention to people's wisdom, skill, ability and comprehensive development. Therefore, to strengthen the occupation career management, make the best use, is the primary problem of the rational allocation of enterprise resources. If the rational allocation of people is left, the rational allocation of enterprise resources is an empty word.Secondly, career management can fully mobilize the intrinsic enthusiasm of the people, and better realize the organizational goals of the enterprise. Occupation career management is to help employees improve satisfaction levels in various needs, to meet the needs of thedegree from Pyramid to the final shape of the trapezoidal transition close to rectangular, even low levels of physical employees need improving gradually, and make them the self-realization of the spirit of the need to gradually increase the degree of satisfaction of senior. Therefore, not only need occupation career management in line with the development of life, but also need advanced people, need that is based on love, respect and self-realization, to truly understand what employees want in personal development, coordinate their planning, to help them achieve the occupation career goal. This will inevitably arouse the strong mental strength of employees' strong service in enterprises, and then form a great driving force for the development of enterprises, so as to better achieve organizational goals of enterprises.Thirdly, career management is the organizational guarantee of an enterprise. The fundamental reason for any successful enterprise is to have high quality entrepreneurs and high quality employees. The talent and potential can be fully realized, human resources will not be wasted, wasted, the survival of the enterprise growth is inexhaustible, inexhaustible source.I support that picking out part of the employees selectively to make career plans in the company is better.And the career planning should include the aspects below.CHAPTER 11 ESTABLISHING STRATEGY PAY PLANSThe company should agree on the use of job evaluation to establish a formal salary structure.The principle of fairness is one of the principles of salary management. It is divided into internal fairness and external fairness. The internal equity emphasizes that the salary structure between the different types of work within the organization should be reasonable. That’s why the company should agree on the use of job evaluation to establish a formal salary structure.It is not reasonable to Carter's policy of paying wages above the average of 10%.For the first, the employee's salary is not only for the employees' work enthusiasm and work income, but also by the laws and regulations of the state. Second, the cost of living and the price level should be a normal proportion. Third, there are certain rules for the salary level between the regions and the industries. So I think the employee's salary should be adjusted properly rather than fluctuating at randomIt is unwise for Jack, Carter's differential wage system for men and women. Because that will lead people misunderstand that the company has sex discrimination, after all, women employees can do well..CHAPTER 12 PAY FOR PERFORANCE AND FINANCIAL INCENTIVESThe incentive plan should not be extended to other ironing workers and other employers should not carry out similar plans, as it will decrease the quality as we see from the case.I suggest that another form of incentive plan is better than Cater’s. That is in accordance with the same quality of work per hour increase, but the premise is that the qualified rate is 99%. And the rate of increase per hour can be increasing gradually.The incentive compensation plan needs to pay according to some predetermined objective performance criteria. All the incentive schemes have a characteristic that is to find a set of performance criteria that can be used to compare with them so as to determine the reward amount.CHAPTER 13 BENEFITS AND SERVICESI drafted a policy statement on vacation, sick leave, and non-working hours below:Remuneration policy of Cater Cleaning CompanyScope of applicationThis system is applicable to all employees of the Cater Cleaning CompanyWage structureThe composition of the salary is mainly designed from the angle of the monthly salary. The monthly salary structure of the company is as follows:Monthly salary = basic salary + performance wage + bonus + bonus + fine + deductions + overtime pay + allowance + special salary The paying in detailBut to a particular post and a person's vacation, our company has made the following provisions1. Fine。
