山东省烟台市2016届高三下学期诊断性练习英语试题 扫描版含答案.doc


烟台栖霞市2016年高三英语综合模拟月考卷1 含答案

烟台栖霞市2016年高三英语综合模拟月考卷1 含答案

综合模拟月考卷1(必修1、2)(120分钟150分)第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1。

5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。


听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。



Where does this conversation probably take place?A。

In a restaurant。

B. In a department store.C。

In the office.2. Who did the woman want to call?A。

James. B。




3. What do we know about Mike?A. He is on vacation。


He likes travelling。

C. He likes collecting postcards.4。

What is the relationship between Jim and Bob?A. Classmates。

B. Close friends. C。

Brothers.5. What day is it today?A. Sunday。


Tuesday. C. Wednesday。

第二节(共15小题; 每小题1。

5分, 满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置.听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题.6. If possible,what will they do this weekend?A. Go climbing.B. Go for a picnic。



山东省烟台市、德州市2024届高三下学期高考诊断性考试数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.已知集合U =R ,集合{}{}2230,02A xx x B x x =+-<=≤≤∣∣,则图中阴影部分表示的集合为()A .()3,0-B .()1,0-C .()0,1D .()2,32.若5250125(12)x a a x a x a x -=++++ ,则24a a +=()A .100B .110C .120D .1303.若点(1,2)A 在抛物线22y px =上,F 为抛物线的焦点,则||AF =A .1B .2C .3D .44.若π1cos 43α⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,则sin2α=()A .59-B .59C .79-D .795.将8个大小形状完全相同的小球放入3个不同的盒子中,要求每个盒子中至少放2个小球,则不同放法的种数为()A .3B .6C .10D .156.设,a b 为两条不同的直线,,αβ为两个不同的平面,下列说法正确的是()A .若a //,b α//α,则a //bB .若,a b 与α所成的角相等,则a //bC .若,a αβ⊥//,b α//β,则a b ⊥r rD .若,,a b αβαβ⊥⊥⊥,则a b⊥r r7.已知定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 满足()()2=f x f x -,当01x ≤≤时,()21xf x =-,则()2log 12f =()A .13-B .14-C .13D .128.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,点()()1,0,2,3A B -,向量OC mOA nOB =+,且40m n --=.若P 为椭圆2217y x +=上一点,则PC 的最小值为()ABCD.二、多选题9.已知12,z z 为复数,下列结论正确的有()A .1212z z z z +=+B .1212⋅=⋅z z z z C .若12z z ⋅∈R ,则12z z =D .若120z z ⋅=,则10z =或20z =10.先后抛掷一枚质地均匀的骰子两次,记向上的点数分别为,x y ,设事件A =“(1)log x y +为整数”,B =“x y +为偶数”,C =“2x y +为奇数”,则()A .()16P A =B .()112P AB =C .事件B 与事件C 相互独立D .()7|18P A C =11.给定数列{}n a ,定义差分运算:2*11Δ,ΔΔΔ,N n n n n n n a a a a a a n ++=-=-∈.若数列{}n a 满足2n a n n =+,数列{}n b 的首项为1,且()1*Δ22,N n n b n n -=+⋅∈,则()A .存在0M >,使得Δn a M <恒成立B .存在0M >,使得2Δn a M <恒成立C .对任意0M >,总存在*n ∈N ,使得n b M>D .对任意0M >,总存在*n ∈N ,使得2Δnnb M b >三、填空题12.若圆22()(1)1x m y -+-=关于直线y x =对称的圆恰好过点()0,4,则实数m 的值为.13.在三棱锥-P ABC 中,2PB PC ===,且,,APB BPC CPA E F ∠∠∠==分别是,PC AC 的中点,90BEF ∠= ,则三棱锥-P ABC 外接球的表面积为,该三棱锥外接球与内切球的半径之比为.14.若函数()sin 1f x x x ωω=-在[]0,2π上佮有5个零点,且在ππ[,]415-上单调递增,则正实数ω的取值范围为.四、解答题15.已如曲线()()22ln ,f x ax x x b a b =+-+∈R 在2x =处的切线与直线210x y ++=垂直.(1)求a 的值;(2)若()0f x ≥恒成立,求b 的取值范围.16.如图,在三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,,3,2AB AC AB AD DB ⊥===,O 为BC 的中点,1A O ⊥平面ABC .(1)求证:1AA OD ⊥;(2)若1AA =1B AA O --的余弦值.17.联合国新闻部将我国农历二十四节气中的“谷雨”定为联合国中文日,以纪念“中华文字始祖”仓颉的贡献.某大学拟在2024年的联合国中文日举行中文知识竞赛决赛,决赛分为必答、抢答两个环节依次进行.必答环节,共2道题,答对分别记30分、40分,否则记0分;抢答环节,包括多道题,设定比赛中每道题必须进行抢答,抢到并答对者得15分,抢到后未答对,对方得15分;两个环节总分先达到或超过100分者获胜,比赛结束.已知甲、乙两人参加决赛,且在必答环节,甲答对两道题的概率分别41,53,乙答对两道题的概率分别为21,32,在抢答环节,任意一题甲、乙两人抢到的概率都为12,甲答对任意一题的概率为512,乙答对任意一题的概率为34,假定甲、乙两人在各环节、各道题中答题相互独立.(1)在必答环节中,求甲、乙两人得分之和大于100分的概率;(2)在抢答环节中,求任意一题甲获得15分的概率;(3)若在必答环节甲得分为70分,乙得分为40分,设抢答环节经过X 道题抢答后比赛结束,求随机变量X 的分布列及数学期望.18.已知双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b-=>>经过点()2,0A -,直线l 过点()3,0D 且与双曲线C 交于两点,P Q (异于点A ).(1)求证:直线AP 与直线AQ 的斜率之积为定值.并求出该定值;(2)过点D 分别作直线,AP AQ 的垂线,垂足分别为,M N ,记,ADM ADN 的面积分别为12,S S ,求12S S ⋅的最大值.19.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,半径为1的圆A 沿着x 轴正向无滑动地滚动,点M 为圆A 上一个定点,其初始位置为原点,O t 为AM 绕点A 转过的角度(单位:弧度,0t ≥).(1)用t 表示点M 的横坐标x 和纵坐标y ;(2)设点M 的轨迹在点0000(,0))(M x y y ≠处的切线存在,且倾斜角为θ,求证:1cos2y θ+为定值;(3)若平面内一条光滑曲线C 上每个点的坐标均可表示为((),()),[,]x t y t t αβ∈,则该光滑曲线长度为()()F F βα-,其中函数()F t满足()F t '=当点M 自点O 滚动到点E 时,其轨迹 OE为一条光滑曲线,求 OE 的长度.参考答案:1.A 【分析】解不等式化简集合A ,再结合韦恩图,利用交集的定义求解即得.【详解】解不等式2230x x +-<,得31x -<<,即(3,1)A =-,由[0,2]B =,得(,0)(2,)U B =-∞+∞ ð,所以图中阴影部分表示的集合为()(3,0)U A B =- ð.故选:A 2.C 【分析】利用二项式定理分别求出24,a a 即可计算得解.【详解】在5250125(12)x a a x a x a x -=++++ 中,2225C 240a =⨯=,4445C 280a =⨯=,所以24120a a +=.故选:C 3.B【解析】由抛物线的定义转化即可求值.【详解】因为点(1,2)A 在抛物线22y px =上,即222p =,所以2p =,故||1122A pAF x =+=+=故选:B【点睛】本题考查由抛物线的定义转化求值问题,属于基础题.4.C【分析】根据二倍角公式以及诱导公式即可求解.【详解】由π1cos 43α⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭可得2ππ7cos 2=2cos1249αα⎛⎫⎛⎫---=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,故π7cos 2=sin 229αα⎛⎫-=- ⎪⎝⎭,故选:C 5.B【分析】对每个盒子放入2个球,再看余下2个球的去向即可得解.【详解】依题意,每个盒子放入2个球,余下2个球可以放入一个盒子有13C 种方法,放入两个盒子有23C 种方法,所以不同放法的种数为1233C C 6+=.故选:B 6.D 【分析】根据空间中点线面的位置关系,即可结合选项逐一求解.【详解】对于A ,平行于同一平面的两条直线可能平行,也可能异面,故A 错误,对于B ,,a b 与α所成的角相等,则,a b 可能异面,可能相交,也可能平行,故B 错误,对于C ,,a αβ⊥//,b α//β,则,a b 可能垂直,但也可能平行或者相交或者异面,故C 错误,对于D ,,,a b αβαβ⊥⊥⊥,则a b ⊥r r,D 正确,故选:D 7.A【分析】根据给定条件,探讨函数()f x 的周期,再利用对数函数单调性及指对数运算计算即得.【详解】在R 上的奇函数()f x 满足(2)()f x f x -=,则()(2)f x f x =--,于是()(2)[(4)](4)f x f x f x f x =--=---=-,即函数()f x 的周期为4,而81216<<,则23log 124<<,21log 1240-<-<,又当01x ≤≤时,()21x f x =-,所以24log 32222341(log 12)(log 124)(log )(log )(21)433f f f f =-==-=--=-.故选:A 8.A【分析】根据给定条件,求出点C 的轨迹,再借助三角代换及点到直线距离公式求出最小值.【详解】设点(,)C x y ,由()()1,0,2,3A B -及OC mOA nOB =+,得(,)(2,3)x y m n n =-+,即23x m n y n =-+⎧⎨=⎩,而40m n --=,消去,m n 得:3120x y -+=,设椭圆2217y x +=上的点(cos ),R P θθθ∈,则点P 到直线3120x y -+=的距离d =ϕ由tanϕ当sin()1θϕ+=时,min d =,而PC d ≥ ,所以PC 故选:A【点睛】思路点睛:求出椭圆上的点与其相离的直线上点的距离最小值,可转化为求椭圆上的点到直线距离有最小值解决.9.ABD【分析】设出复数的代数形式,结合共轭复数的意义计算判断ABD ;举例说明判断C.【详解】设复数12i i,(,,,,R)a b c d z a b c z d =+=+∈,对于A ,1212()()i ()()i (i)(i)a c b d a c b z d a z bc zd z +=+++=+-+=-++-=,A 正确;对于B ,12()()i z z ac bd ad bc =-++,12()()i z z ac bd ad bc =--+,12(i)(i)()()i z z a b c d ac bd ad bc ⋅=--=--+,1212⋅=⋅z z z z ,B 正确;对于C ,取12i,2i z z ==,满足122R z z =-∈,而12z z ≠,C 错误;对于D ,由120z z =,得()()i=0ac bd ad bc -++,即0=0ac bd ad bc -=⎧⎨+⎩,则22222222=0a c b d a d b c +++,即2222()()0a b c d ++=,因此0a b ==或0c d ==,即10z =或20z =,D 正确.故选:ABD 10.BCD【分析】列举所有的基本事件,再由古典概型的概率公式,相互独立事件的定义及条件概率的概率公式计算可得.【详解】先后两次抛掷一枚质地均匀的骰子,得到向上的点数分别为x ,y ,则基本事件总数为(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5),(2,6),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(3,4),(3,5),(3,6),(4,1),(4,2),(4,3),(4,4),(4,5),(4,6),(5,1),(5,2),(5,3),(5,4),(5,5),(5,6),(6,1),(6,2),(6,3),(6,4),(6,5),(6,6),共36种情况,满足事件A 的有(1,1),(1,2),(1,4),(2,3),(2,1),(3,1),(3,4),(4,1),(4,5),(5,6),(5,1),(6,1)共12种,其概率()121363P A ==,故A 错误;满足事件B 的有(1,1),(1,3),(1,5),(2,2),(2,4),(2,6),(3,1),(3,3),(3,5),(4,2),(4,4),(4,6),(5,1),(5,3),(5,5),(6,2),(6,4),(6,6),共18个,故()181362P B ==;满足事件AB 的有(1,1),(3,1),(5,1)共3个,所以()313612P AB ==,故B 正确;满足事件C 的有(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(3,4),(3,5),(3,6),(5,1),(5,2),(5,3),(5,4),(5,5),(5,6),共18个,故()181362P C ==,满足事件BC 的有(1,1),(1,3),(1,5),(3,1),(3,3),(3,5),(5,1),(5,3),(5,5),共9个,所以()()()91364P BC P B P C ===,所以事件B 与事件C 相互独立,故C 正确;满足事件AC 的有(1,1),(1,2),(1,4),(3,1),(3,4),(5,6),(5,1),共7种,所以()736P AC =,则()()()7736|1182P AC P A C P C ===,故D 正确.故选:BCD 11.BC 【分析】由已知求出2Δ,Δn n a a 及范围判断AB ;利用累加法结合错位相减法求和求出n b 及范围判断C ;求出2Δn b 及2Δn nb b 的范围判断D.【详解】对于A ,由2n a n n =+,得22(1)(1)()22n a n n n n n ∆=+++-+=+,显然Δn a 有最小值4,无最大值,因此不存在0M >,使得Δn a M <恒成立,A 错误;对于B ,由选项A 知,22n a n ∆=+,则22(1)2(22)2n a n n ∆=++-+=,显然当2M >时,2Δn a M <恒成立,B 正确;对于C ,由1Δ(2)2n n b n -=+⋅,得11(2)2n n n b b n -+-=+⋅,当2n ≥时,12132431()()()()n n n b b b b b b b b b b -=+-+-+-++- 即01221324252(1)2n n b n -=+⨯+⨯+⨯+++⨯ ,于是0122122232422(1)2n n n b n n --=⨯+⨯+⨯++⨯++⨯ ,两式相减得11221111211222(1)21(1)2212n n n n n n b n n n -------=+++++-+⨯=+-+⨯=-⨯- ,因此12n n b n -=⋅,显然11b =满足上式,则12n n b n -=⋅,由11(2)20n n n b b n -+-=⋅>+,得数列{}n b 是递增数列,n b 有最小值1,无最大值,从而对任意0M >,总存在*n ∈N ,使得n b M >,C 正确;对于D ,121(2Δ)2(3(2))42nn n n n n b n --⋅-+⋅==++⋅,由选项C 得2Δ41n n b b n=+,显然数列{41}n+是递减数列,4015n <+≤,因此对任意0M >,不存在*n ∈N ,使得2Δn n b M b >成立,D 错误.故选:BC【点睛】关键点睛:涉及数列新定义问题,关键是正确理解给出的定义,由给定的数列结合新定义探求数列的相关性质,并进行合理的计算、分析、推理等方法综合解决.12.4【分析】利用轴对称列式求出点(0,4)关于直线y x =的对称点的坐标,再代入圆方程即得.【详解】依题意,点(0,4)关于直线y x =的对称点(,)a b 在圆22()(1)1x m y -+-=上,则422410b ab a +⎧=⎪⎪⎨-⎪=-⎪-⎩,解得4,0a b ==,因此点(4,0)在圆22()(1)1x m y -+-=上,则22(4)(01)1m -+-=,解得4m =,所以实数m 的值为4.故答案为:413.10π2+【分析】第一空作出辅助线,证明三三垂直,将三棱锥放入长方体中求解外接球半径即可,第二空利用体积相等求出内切球半径,再求比值即可.【详解】如图,BPC AP CPA B ∠∠=∠=,且2PB PC ===,故PA =,可得PAB PAC ≅△△,则AC AB =,取BC 中点D ,连接,AD PD ,则,AD BC PD BC ⊥⊥,又AD PD D =I ,,AD PD ⊂面ADP ,可得BC ⊥面ADP 又PA ⊂面ADP ,则BC PA ⊥,又,E F 分别是,PC AC 的中点,连接EF ,则PA //EF 由题意得90BEF ∠= ,故EF BE ⊥,PA BE ⊥,又BE BC B = ,,BE BC ⊂面BEC ,故PA ⊥面BEC ,又PA BP ⊥,则90APB ∠= ,可得90APB BPC CPA ∠∠∠=== ,则,,PA BP PC 两两垂直,故以,,PA BP PC 作长方体,如图所示,则该长方体外接球即为所求三棱锥-P ABC 的外接球,连接PM ,其中点O 为所求外接球的球心,设其半径为R ,可得2222(2)R =2+2+,故2410R =,解得R =24π10πS R ==,设该三棱锥内切球半径为r ,球心为1O ,连接1111,,,,O B O A O C O P ,则1111P ABC O ABC O PAC O PBC O PAB V V V V V -----=+++,可得1111133333PBC ABC AB AC BC P P P r r r PA S S S S S r ⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯+⨯⨯=++ ,故PBC ABC AB A P P C PBC r PA S S S S S =(+++)⨯ ,而AB ==,CB ==AC ==易知1O 是CB 的中点,由CB AB =,得1CB AO ⊥,故得112BO BC ==而由勾股定理得12AO =,则122S =⨯⨯=△ABC 故可将PBC ABC AB A P P C PBC r PA S S S S S =(+++)⨯一式化为111122222222r =(+⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯2)⨯,解得r =,而半径比为22R r =,故答案为:10π2【点睛】关键点点睛:本题考查内切球和外接球的半径问题,解题关键是构造出长方体,将三棱锥放入其中,然后求出外接球半径,得到面积,进而由体积关系转化得到所要求的内切球半径,再求比值即可.14.9542ω≤≤【分析】根据给定条件,利用辅助角公式化简函数()f x ,再利用正弦函数的性质求解即得.【详解】依题意,函数π()2sin()13f x x ω=+-,由()0f x =,得π1sin()32x ω+=,则ππ2π36x k ω+=+或π5π2π,Z 36x k k ω+=+∈,由[0,2π]x ∈,得πππ[,2π]333x ωω+∈+,由()f x 在[0,2π]上恰有5个零点,得29ππ37π2π636ω≤+<,解得935412ω≤<,由3ππ22πx ω+≤-≤,得5ππ66x ωω-≤≤,即函数()f x 在5ππ[,]66ωω-上单调递增,因此5ππ[,]ππ[,]41566ωω-⊆-,即45π6πω≤--,且π6π15ω≥,解得502ω<≤,所以正实数ω的取值范围为9542ω≤≤.故答案为:9542ω≤≤【点睛】方法点睛:求函数()()sin 0,0y A x A ωϕω=+>>的单调区间时,可把x ωϕ+看成一个整体,由()π3π2π2πZ 22k x k k ωϕ+≤+≤+∈求得函数的单调递减区间,由()ππ2π2πZ 22k x k k ωϕ-+≤+≤+∈求得函数的单调递增区间.15.(1)12a =(2)32b ≥-【分析】(1)根据斜率关系,即可求导求解,(2)求导判断函数的单调性,即可求解函数的最值求解.【详解】(1)由于210x y ++=的斜率为12-,所以()22f '=,又()221f x ax x '=+-,故()224122f a '=+-=,解得12a =,(2)由(1)知12a =,所以()()()221221x x x x f x x x x x+-+-'=+-==,故当1x >时,()()0,f x f x '>单调递增,当01x <<时,()()0,f x f x '<单调递减,故当1x =时,()f x 取最小值()1112f b =++,要使()0f x ≥恒成立,故()11102f b =++≥,解得32b ≥-,故b 的取值范围为32b ≥-16.(1)证明见解析;【分析】(1)根据给定条件,借助余弦定理及勾股定理的逆定理证得AO OD ⊥,再利用线面垂直的判定、性质推理即得.(2)由(1)的信息以O 为原点建立空间直角坐标系,利用面面角的向量求法求解即可.【详解】(1)在三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,,3AB AC AB ⊥==,则160,2ACB OA BC ︒∠===由3,2AB AD DB ==,得1DB =,在DBO中,30,1,DBO DB OB ︒∠==由余弦定理222121cos301OD ︒=+-⨯⨯=,得1OD =,2224OA OD AD +==,于是AO OD ⊥,由1A O ⊥平面,ABC OD ⊂平面ABC ,得1A O OD ⊥,而11,,AO AO O AO AO =⊂ 平面1AOA,因此OD ⊥平面1AOA ,又1AA ⊂平面1AOA ,所以1AA OD ⊥,(2)由(1)知,1,,OA OD OA 两两垂直,以O 为原点,直线1,,OA OD OA 分别为,,x y z 轴建立空间直角坐标系O xyz -,由1AA AO ==13AO =,则13(0,0,3),(,,0)2A AB ,于是133,3),,0)22BA BA =-=- ,设(,,)m x y z = 为平面1ABA 的一个法向量,则33022302x y z y -+=⎪-=,取x =m = ,显然(0,1,0)n = 为平面1AOA 的一个法向量,因此cos ,||||m nm n m n ⋅〈〉==1B AA O --的大小为锐角,所以二面角1B AA O --的余弦值为13.17.(1)745;(2)13;(3)分布列见解析,32681.【分析】(1)把得分之和大于100分的事件分拆,再利用相互独立事件及互斥事件的概率公式计算即得.(2)甲获得15分的事件是甲抢到答正确与乙抢到答错的事件和,再列式求出概率.(3)求出X 的可能值及各个值对应的概率,列出分布列并求出数学期望.【详解】(1)两人得分之和大于100分可分为甲得40分、乙得70分,甲得70分、乙得40分,甲得70分、乙得70分三种情况,所以得分大于100分的概率112141114121753325332533245p =⨯⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯⨯=.(2)抢答环节任意一题甲得15分的概率151********p =⨯+⨯=.(3)X 的可能取值为2,3,4,5,由抢答任意一题甲得15分的概率为13,得抢答任意一题乙得15分的概率为23,211(2)()39P X ===,121214(3)C 33327P X ==⨯⨯⨯=,1243121228(4)C ()()333381P X ==⨯⨯⨯+=,13334412121232(5)C ()C ()33333381P X ==⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=,所以X 的分布列为:X2345P1942728813281数学期望142832326()2345927818181E X =⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=.18.(1)证明见解析,45-;(2)312581.【分析】(1)由已知求出双曲线C ,设出直线l 的方程,与双曲线方程联立,利用韦达定理结合斜率坐标公式计算即得.(2)设出直线AP 的方程,求出点,M N 的纵坐标,再建立面积积的函数关系,借助基本不等式求出最大值即得.【详解】(1)令双曲线半焦距为c,依题意,2,ca a==由222c a b =+,解得4b =,则双曲线C 的方程为221416x y -=,显然直线l 不垂直于y 轴,设直线l 的方程为3x my =+,由2214163x y x my ⎧-=⎪⎨⎪=+⎩消去x 得,22(41)24200m y my -++=,22410Δ256800m m ⎧-≠⎨=+>⎩,设()()1122,,,P x y Q x y ,则1212222420,4141m y y y y m m -+==--,直线,AP AQ 的斜率分别为,AP AQ k k ,所以212122212121222204412024225(255)5254141AP AQ y y y y m k k m x x m y y m y y m m m m -=⋅===--+++++++--⋅⋅.(2)设直线AP 的方程为(2)y k x =+,则直线DM 的方程为1(3)y x k =--,由(2)1(3)y k x y x k =+⎧⎪⎨=--⎪⎩,得点M 的纵坐标251M k y k =+,用45k -替换上式中的k 得点N 的纵坐标21002516N k y k -=+,则()()21222222531253125164125162541M N k S S y y k k k k⋅===++++而22162540k k +≥=,当且仅当k =因此12312581S S ⋅≤,所以12S S ⋅的最大值为312581.【点睛】思路点睛:圆锥曲线中的几何图形面积范围或最值问题,可以以直线的斜率、横(纵)截距、图形上动点的横(纵)坐标为变量,建立函数关系求解作答.19.(1)sin ,1cos x t t y t =-=-;(2)证明见解析;(3)8.【分析】(1)根据给定条件,结合三角函数及弧长计算求解.(2)利用复合函数的求导公式,求出切线斜率,再借助三角恒等变换推理即得.(3)由(1)及给定信息,求出()F t '并确定原函数,再求出弧长即得.【详解】(1)依题意, 1cos ,||y t OB BMt =-==,则||sin sin x OB t t t =-=-,所以sin ,1cos x t t y t =-=-.(2)由复合函数求导公式t x t y y x '''=⋅及(1)得sin 1cos x tt xt t y x y t y x x t '''⋅'===''-,因此sin tan 1cos t tθ=-,而222222cos 21cos 22cos sin cos tan 1θθθθθθ+===++2222(1cos )1cos sin 22cos ()11cos t t y t t t -===-=-+-,所以01cos 2y θ+为定值1.(3)依题意,()2|sin |2t F t '=.由0π2t ≤≤,得sin 02t ≥,则()2sin 2tF t '=,于是()4cos 2t F t c =-+(c 为常数),则(2π)(0)(4cos π)(4cos 0)8F F c c -=-+--+=,所以OE 的长度为8.【点睛】结论点睛:函数()y f x =是区间D 上的可导函数,则曲线()y f x =在点00(,())x f x 0()x D ∈处的切线方程为:000()()()y f x f x x x '-=-.。



2018—2019学年度第二学期期末学业水平诊断高一英语试题参考答案听力:1—5ACACB 6—10CBABA 11—15BCBAC 16—20BABCB阅读理解:21—23 CBB 24—26 ADA 27—30 BDCD 31—35 AGDEC完形填空:36—40 BACAD 41—45 ACBBD 46—50 CABDD 51—55 CACBD语法填空:56. abandoned 57. friends 58. which 59. as 60. an61. faster 62. What 63. are used 64. providing 65. to help应用文写作:Dear John,Knowing you’re crazy about Chinese calligraphy, I’m writing to inform you that a calligraphy course is to be offered specially to exchange students in our school.The course is aimed to help foreign students appreciate the beauty of Chinese calligraphy. The teacher has a good knowledge of calligraphy. Besides, with a high level of fluency in English, he has no trouble communicating with foreigners. If you’re interested, please sign up at the Students’ Union or on the school website before July 15.Yours,Li Hua 读后续写:Paragraph 1When we realized it was time to walk home, we found ourselves lost. It was getting darker and darker. I felt so scared that tears rolled down my face again. David attempted to comfort me. He told me that he once made some marks on the trees in the forest, which might help us find the way home. Therefore, we made efforts to look for the marks but in vain. Having walked anxiously for about an hour in the forest, we failed to find our way out.Paragraph 2It was completely dark when we saw fireworks(烟火) being set off in the distance. We ran excitedly in that direction as fast as possible. Soon we found my aunt’s house, in front of which my cousin Kristy was holding some fireworks and lighting them. Seeing us back safe, Kristycheerfully hugged us. She told us that when noticing we had been away for long, she was concerned about our safety. She set off fireworks to draw our attention and guide us. It was an unforgettable experience. Without David’s comfort and Kristy’s fireworks, I would have lost in the forest forever.附:听力录音材料Text 1W: Mr. Johnson, I’ve been working hard for two months. I really need a break from work. I want a one-week holiday.M: That’s totally OK, Gina. You’ve got a hard job.Text 2M: How much do tickets for the movie cost, please?W: They’re 8 dollars for adults, half price for students.M: Give me three student tickets, please.Text 3W: What happened?M: Sorry, honey. I fell when I was moving the two chairs upstairs.W: Need to see the doctor, darling?M: No, I didn’t get hurt. But look at the chairs. They broke.Text 4M: Excuse me. Are you Mrs. Brown from London?W: That’s it.M: Welcome to the Big Apple, Mrs. Brown. I’m Calvin Smith. My company arranged me to pick you up here. My car is over there.Text 5W: Have you sent an invitation to Laura?M: Rosa?W: No. I said Laura, not Rosa. Laura, Maria’s sis ter.M: Yes. I’ve done that. But should we also invite Maria?Text 6M: Oh, the ink is poured on the desk. I’m terribly sorry.W: Oh, my new book. I bought it just yesterday. I haven’t even read it yet.M: I’m sorry again. Don’t worry about the book. I’ll get you a new one.W: And there is ink all over the desk. The class will begin soon. How can I clean it?M: I’ve an old pair of gloves in my desk. I’ll clean your desk with them. It’s all my fault. I’ll take care of everything.Text 7M: The meeting came to an end at last. So, Mary, what would you like to have for lunch?W: I’d like to go to the Seafood Palace. It’s next to the shopping mall.M: Well, you’ll have some nice ocean views, but we don’t have much time. The movie will begin in forty minutes.W: Oh, you’re right. So what about Jim’s Café?M: Er, it’s also a little far. I think Rose Restaurant is perfect for today, and the steak there is wonderful.W: Sounds great.Text 8M: Good afternoon. Have a seat and tell me what’s wrong.W: I’ve had a stomachache for a long time. It started Friday morning.M: You’ve had a stomachache for four days. Why did you wait so long?W: I didn’t think it was serious.M: And do these stomachaches happen at any particular time?W: Yes, every morning, just before lunchtime.M: Have you changed your morning routine recently?W: Well, I have a new job, and I’ve been skipping breakfast and drinking more coffee.M: That’s probably why your stomach has been bothering you. Let’s order some tests, and I’ll examine you. But you should consider changing your breakfast habits.Text 9W: John, have you watched the film Spies in Disguise?M: No. Is it a new movie?W: Yes. It was expected to be one of the best movies in the year 2019.M: So what’s it about?W: It’s about t wo spies who work together as a team to find dangerous spies. One of them is named Lance Sterling. He’s cool, good-looking and skilled. Saving the world is his job. He’s voiced by Will Smith.M: I love Will Smith’s performance in Men in Black. And I love his voice. So what about the other man?W: The other man is Walter voiced by Tom Holland. Walter has a great mind but he isn’t good at social activities.M: Oh, I love Tom Holland’s performance in Spider-Man: Homecoming. By the way, is there the movie on tonight? I can’t wait to go to watch it.W: Yes, there’s one at 8:00 pm.M: Great. There are still two hours left. I can make it.Text 10M: My name is Jerry Brown. I entered high school last year. I get up around 6:30 am every day. After I get up, I usually do a morning run and do a little exercise. And I go to fetch the papers for my father. Then I take a shower before eating my breakfast prepared by my mother at 7:15 am. It usually takes me 15 minutes to get to school by bike. The class begins at 8:00 am with my favorite class math. All our subjects like physics, science, math, English, Chinese and so on, are covered within eight classes. After the fourth class, we can take a two-hour break. The break ends at 1:30 pm and thereafter we continue for fou r classes. The school ends at 4:55 pm. I usually don’t go back home immediately. Instead I play some outdoor sports games like football and basketball on the playground for about an hour. Students of different classes meet together and make friends with on e another. I usually get home around 6:30 pm. Then it’s time for supper and homework.。










第I卷(共105分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第二节语法和词汇 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1.When you’re faced with failure, you need is to take courage and try again.A.that B.all C.which D.it2.the players didn’t have a good rest shouldn’t be all excuse for losing the game.A.That B.What C.Why D.Whether3.A large number of people are held up in the railway station for tickets to return home. A.wait B.waited C.to wait D.waiting4.I think it’s better to give it a second thought so many of us consider it a risk.A.as B.before C.although D.once5.—Have you got news that a terrorist incident occurred in Kunming the other day?—Yes,it’s shock to all of us.A.the;the B.a;不填 C.the;a D.不填;a6.—What has happened to you.Jim?— . I cut myself shaving this moming.A.It's nothing B.No idea C.No problem D.Forget it7.—I some courses at university,so I can’t work full time at the moment.A.take B.am taking C.took D.have taken8.This outdoor training is an exercise , as we know, teenagers'confidence can be built. A.which B.what C.that D.where9.Volunteering, as a way of building character, is popular among young people in western countries.A.seeing B.to see C.seen D.being seen10.—Madam,here is your order, fish and chips and a coca-cola, ?—Right here.A.Anything else B.Is that OK C.For here or to go D.Something to drink第二节完形填空(共30个小题;满分40分)阅读下面两篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项。



山东省烟台市2024届高三下学期高考诊断性测试全真演练物理试题一、单选题:本题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分 (共7题)第(1)题如图所示,直角三角形ABC为三棱镜的横截面,,,真空中一束与BC边成角的单色光线从BC边的中点O射入棱镜,在AC边反射后从AB边射出。


则光在三棱镜中的传播时间为( )A.B.C.D.第(2)题如图所示,完全相同的甲、乙两个环形电流同轴平行放置,甲的圆心为,乙的圆心为,在两环圆心的连线上有a、b、c三点,其中,此时a点的磁感应强度大小为,b点的磁感应强度大小为。

当把乙环的电流改为等大反向电流后,c点的磁感应强度大小为( )A.B.C.D.第(3)题a、b两车在同一平直公路上行驶,车做匀速直线运动,车做匀减速直线运动,两车的位置随时间的变化关系图线如图所示,直线和曲线刚好在时相切,则( )A.时刻两车刚好并排行驶B.车的速度一直小于车的速度C.时刻车的速度大于车的速度D.从0到时间内,两车运动的位移相等第(4)题核能是蕴藏在原子核内部的能量,合理利用核能,可以有效缓解常规能源短缺问题。

在铀核裂变实验中,核反应方程是,核的结合能为,核的结合能为,核的结合能为.则( )A.该核反应过程动量不守恒B.该核反应方程中的X为C.该核反应中释放的核能为D.该核反应中电荷数守恒,质量数不守恒第(5)题2022年2月27日,我国长征八号运载火箭一次发射了22颗卫星,假设其中卫星1、卫星2分别沿圆轨道、椭圆轨道绕地球逆时针运动,圆的半径与椭圆的半长轴相等,两轨道面在同一平面内且两轨道相交于A、B两点,某时刻两卫星与地球在同一直线上,如图所示。

下列说法正确的是( )A.两卫星在图示位置的速度v1>v2B.两卫星在图示位置时,卫星1受到的地球引力较大C.卫星1在A处的加速度比卫星2在A处的加速度大D.若不及时调整轨道,两卫星可能发生相撞第(6)题将一质量为的小球以大小为的速度水平拋出,经过一段时间,小球的竖直分位移与水平分位移大小相等,不计空气阻力,在此过程中,小球重力的冲量的大小为( )A.B.C.D.第(7)题如图1所示,粗糙斜面体A放置在粗糙水平地面上,物块B放置在斜面上,B通过跨过光滑定滑轮的细线连接一光滑小球C,平衡时,A、B、C均保持静止,B与滑轮之间的细线与斜面平行,C与滑轮之间的细线竖直,C与斜面的侧边接触。




2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题用黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内;写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。





1.下列说法正确的是( )A.研究乒乓球的发球技术时,乒乓球可看成质点B.研究体操运动员在平衡木上的动作时,运动员可看成质点C.研究自行车的运动时,无论什么情况,自行车都不能看成质点D.研究“玉兔”号巡视器巡视月球时的运动轨迹,“玉兔”号巡视器可看成质点2.在平面直角坐标系中,一质点从坐标原点O 开始沿x 轴正方向运动到的A 点后,又沿y 轴正方向运动到坐标为的B 点,总共用时,则从O 运动到B 的过程中,下列说法正确的是( )A.质点通过的路程是B.质点通过的位移大小是C.质点平均速度的大小为D.质点位移方向与x 轴正方向夹角的正切值为0.753.关于物体速度与加速度的关系,下列说法正确的是( )A.物体加速度为零,速度一定为零B.物体加速度减小,速度一定减小C.物体速度变化快,加速度一定变化得快D.物体加速度越大,相同时间内速度的变化量一定越大4.下列说法正确的是( )A.两个相互接触的物体间一定存在弹力B.物体所受滑动摩擦力的方向可能与其运动方向相同C.物体受摩擦力作用时,其作用力的大小一定满足D.重力是由于地球的吸引产生的,因此地球的吸引力就是物体所受的重力5.脚蹬拉力器由脚环、两根相同的弹性绳、把手等组成,可以做到手脚配合,锻炼手臂、腿、腰部、腹部等部位,深受健身人士的喜欢。




在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)(共8题)第(1)题虹和霓是太阳光在水珠内分别经过一次和两次反射后出射形成的,可用白光照射玻璃球来说明.两束平行白光照射到透明玻璃球后,在水平的白色桌面上会形成MN和PQ两条彩色光带,光路如图所示.M 、N、P、Q点的颜色分别为A.紫、红、红、紫B.红、紫、红、紫C.红、紫、紫、红D.紫、红、紫、红第(2)题如图为一列沿x轴正方向传播的简谐横波在t=0时刻的波形图(振动刚传到x=0.2m处),已知该波的周期为0.4s,a、b、c为沿波传播方向上的质点,则下列说法中正确的是( )A.质点a比质点b先回到平衡位置B.在t=0.4s时,质点b的速度方向为y轴负方向C.在t=0.6s时,质点c的速度达到最大值D.在t=0.8s时,质点c的加速度达到y轴正向最大值第(3)题如图所示,边长为a的正三角形区域内有垂直纸面向里磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场。

现有一带正电、电荷量为q、质量为m的粒子,由边上距A点的P点,以初速度垂直边进入磁场,后从边离开磁场,则磁场磁感应强度的大小可能是( )A.B.C.D.第(4)题如图所示,一对父子掰手腕,父亲让儿子获胜。

若父亲对儿子的力记为,儿子对父亲的力记为,则( )A.B.和大小相等C.先于产生D.后于产生第(5)题如图所示,在竖直杆上的A点系一不可伸长的轻质细绳,绳子的长度为,绳的另一端连接一质量为的小球,小球可看作质点,现让小球以不同的角速度绕竖直轴做匀速圆周运动,小球离A点的竖直高度为,重力加速度为,下列说法正确的是( )A.小球离A点的竖直高度与小球运动的角速度成正比B.小球离A点的竖直高度与小球运动的角速度成反比C.绳子的拉力与小球运动的角速度成正比D.绳子的拉力与小球运动的角速度的平方成正比第(6)题某田径运动员,在一次铅球比赛中,他先后两次以不同的抛射角度将铅球从同一位置掷出,铅球在空中两次运动过程中动量的变化量相同,不计空气阻力,则下列说法正确的是( )A.铅球两次在空中运动时间相同B.两次掷铅球,运动员做的功相同C.两次掷铅球,运动员对铅球的冲量相同D.铅球两次在空中运动的最小速度大小相同第(7)题如图所示,电路中线圈L的自感系数足够大,两个灯泡和的规格相同,与线圈L串联后接到电源上,与可调电阻串联后接到电源上。



2022-2023学年山东省烟台市高一下学期期末学业水平诊断英语试题1. With so much history packed in Washington, D. C. -the United States capital city, you can learn about the birth of the nation and many notable people who helped shape it to what it is today. Let’s enjoy four of its landmarks for an unforgettable getaway.Washington Monument (纪念碑)The Washington Monument was built in 1884 to honor the first president of the United States. At the base, there are fifty American flags that fly in a circle surrounding the monument. You can also get tickets to ride a lift to the top of the monument and look out at the historical city from above!Lincoln Memorial (纪念馆)A main stop on everyone’s trip to D. C. is a stop at the Lincoln Memorial. The memorial was built to honor the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The memorial finished Romanesque construction in 1920 and has been a major tourist attraction ever since. It is open 24 hours a day.Jefferson MemorialCompleted in 1947, the Jefferson Memorial honors and memorializes the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. The building features marble steps and a shallow round roof with a 19-foot sculpture of President Thomas Jefferson in the center.White HouseKnown as the workplace for the president of the United States since 1800, the White House features beautiful architecture (建筑) with Roman style influences. Many tourists to the area walk along its outside gates, hoping to see the present president.1. Where can tourists enjoy a bird view of the capital city of America?A.At the Washington Monument. B.At the Lincoln Memorial.C.At the Jefferson Memorial. D.At the White House.2. What do the Lincoln Memorial and the White House have in common?A.They honor famous figures in history. B.They have the same architectural style.C.They are open to visitors the whole day. D.They offer interaction with the president.3. What is the purpose of the text?A.To introduce a travel plan. B.To recall the American history.C.To recommend excellent exhibits. D.To draw visitors to the attractions.2. Born in 1887 in a Russian-Jewish town, Chagall started painting at the age of 19. Disappointed with the colors of traditional Russian art, he loved to paint with strong blues, reds and yellows.So in 1911, he moved to Paris, France, where artists from around the world were creating novel art forms and he acquired fresh ways of painting eagerly. He stayed true to his childhood memories. While others chose modern subjects, he painted scenes of fantasy based on an older, farmer-like way of life. Blue dogs, yellow skies and red trees were all creations of his imagination.Chagall went through two world wars and personal sufferings. In 1941, because his family were Jewish, the Chagalls had to leave France to escape the Nazis during World War Ⅱ. In 1944 came another blow. Chagall’s beloved wife Bella died of an illness. Despite the hardships, his passion for painting never faded. In the 1950s, he returned to France and continued to make his dreamlike paintings.One day, during a walk in a village, he discovered a 700-year-old church (教堂), where he saw a stained-glass (彩色玻璃) window that contained a green horse. It looked as if Chagall might have created it himself. Here was a sure sign, he thought, that he should create his own stained-glass windows.Then Chagall devoted all his energy and time to the work. As we know, many stained-glass windows are made of flat colors, but Chagall used various techniques to create the effects he wanted. He made flexible use of bright colors, putting light into the works. He painted images on glass, then had them fired to high temperatures, making the lines and colors part of the glass.Chagall created the stained-glass windows for churches and other buildings around the world until his death in 1985. He gave them as gifts to the world and often refused payment. Today, people are still amazed at how his stained-glass creations shine and change with the sun.1. Why did Chagall choose to go to Paris?A.To learn new painting skills. B.To publicize his new ideas about art.C.To experience the colorful local life. D.To participate in modern art exhibitions.2. What led Chagall to design stained-glass windows?A.Desire to let in more sunlight.B.Intention to improve the quality of glass.C.Encouragement from some famous artists.D.Inspiration from an ancient church window.3. What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?A.Chagall’s working attitude.B.The images Chagall created.C.Chagall’s artistic experiences.D.The features of Chagall’s works.4. Which of the following can best describe Chagall as an artist?A.Imaginative and honest. B.Generous and easy-going.C.Creative and strong-willed. D.Energetic and traditional.3. Sharks are among the best swimmers on the planet, but a new research suggests that even they sometimes “hold their breath” while diving deep underwater. The reason is that sharks are cold-blooded and their body temperature matches the waters they swim in. To do deep dives, they must maintain body heat, and the best way to do that is to close their gills (腮).Royer, a leading researcher at the University of Hawaii, set out to study the diving habits of hammerheads sharks. They’re known for swimming in war mer coastal waters, but earlier studies showed they can also dive to over 800 meters below the surface. At those cold depths, the water temperature falls to as low as 5℃.For these sharks, the fall in temperature is a matter of life and death. Because a sh ark can’t produce its own body heat, it begins to freeze the deeper it goes. Its muscles, eyes and brain become sluggish (迟钝). If it gets too cold, it can’t swim. And if it stops swimming, water doesn’t go across its gills. It can’t breathe and will eventu ally drown (溺亡).How is it that hammerheads are able to go down into these deep depths and survive? To find out, Royer and his colleagues caught the fish and attached an electronic sensor to each shark. The sensor would release itself from the shark’s body after several weeks. The data they found amazed them: The sharks dived, spent just a few minutes at depths and then they shot towards the surface. They closed their gills and kept water out of their gills so that their body wouldn’t cool down.“Unlike animals with lungs, the sharks don’t return to the surface to breathe. Instead, they simply go to a depth where it’s warm enough for them to feel comfortable and reopen their gills. Hammerheads are probably not the only species doing so. Our work is another example of how new electronic sensors help to explain the extraordinary ability of these animals across 400 million years of changing ocean environments,” Royer said.1. What does the new research focus on concerning the sharks?A.Their hunting habits. B.Their basic types.C.Their special behaviors. D.Their body structures.2. What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph I refer to?A.Keeping body heat. B.Holding their breath.C.Swimming on the surface. D.Diving deep in the sea.3. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about hammerheads sharks?A.How their gills work in the sea.B.How the temperature drop affects them.C.Why they can survive the terrible environment.D.Why they can protect themselves from the cold.4. What can we know from Royer’s words?A.Hammerheads depend on their lungs to breathe.B.The diving strategy may not be unique to hammerheads.C.It’s hard for hammerheads to adapt to the cold conditions.D.It’s common for hammerheads to stay long at great depths.4. Scientists have created a new tool that can turn people’s thoughts into words. It works by using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) program to translate brain activity into words. The scientists say the program could help people who cannot speak because of damage to the brain.Alexander Huth, a team leader of the scientists, says, “We’re engaged in the study and are looking forward to the benefits the study can bring to people.”The study involves two main parts. The first is a scanner (扫描仪) that allows the scientists to record brain activity. The second is an AI system that the researchers train to turn videos of brain activity into words.To record brain activity without surgery (外科手术), Alexander and his team used a big machine called FMRI, which uses strong radio waves to create pictures showing which parts of the brain are active. FMRI can record the activity of the brain as it happens. To translate these recordings into words, they used an AI tool called “GPT-I”. It guesses which word is most likely to come next, based on the facts and details that came before.The researchers first trained GPT-1 on lots of stories people had told about their lives. Next, they trained it to make connections between brain scans and spoken words. Then a test was done on three human volunteers to see whether the AI tool really worked. Each person spent sixteen hours in FMRI listening to stories. The people imagined the stories as they heard them, and FMRI recorded their brain activity. GPT-1 then used these recordings of brain activity to make connections between the words and ideas in the stories and the brain activity of the listeners.Alexander found the words GPT-1 guessed were very similar to the words in the story that the people were listening to. Although the words weren’t exactly the same, they often carried the same meaning.Alexander says that GPT-I is the first AI program to tum what people are thinking into words without brain surgery. The program isn’t something that can be easily used today, mainly because of the size and cost of FMRI.1. Who is the AI program targeted at?A.Health experts studying human brains. B.Volunteers performing medical service.C.Doctors in need of advanced equipment. D.Speech-disabled patients with braininjury.2. On what basis does GPT-1 translate brain activity into words?A.Previously gained information. B.Processed radio waves.C.Instructions from the scientists. D.Videos of brain surgery.3. For what purpose was the test carried out?A.To improve the function of FMRI. B.To confirm the weaknesses of the scanner.C.To check the effectiveness of the AI system. D.To measure the volunteers’ memory abilities.4. What can be the best title of the text?A.FMRI: A Powerful Device to Cure Brain Illness.B.FMRI Has Been Used and Won Public Recognition.C.Scientists Are Training AI to Read Human Thoughts.D.Alexander: An Expert Devoted to Developing AI Language.5. Turn FOMO into JOMOIt’s weekend. You friends are throwing a party while you stay in. Then suddenly you begin to imagine the fun your friends are having in your absence. 1 You can’t help turning to social media to find out. If so, chances are that you are suffering FOMO-the fear of missing out. You have a great desire to stay connected with what others are doing.2 They don’t feel the need to attend everything. Instead, they find comfort in sticking to their own plans. They focus not on what they lack but on what they have. Rather than feeling FOMO, such people enjoy JOMO-the joy of missing out. JOMO is the emotionally intelligent solution to FOMO. And it is the secret to finding happiness. Then how can we turn FOMO into JOMO?Enjoy your own company (陪伴). 3 It means abandoning (放弃) the need to catch up, keep up and measure up in exchange for a chance to engage in your own life. Watching movies, getting a workout or taking up a new hobby are all fun ways to spend your time.Keep a journal. If you always post the fun things you do on social media, you may find yourself caring too much about whether people are validating (确认) your experiences online. To make a change, you might as well keep a personal journal on paper. 4 And this can also help keep your secrets to yourself.Switch off. We usually keep our devices on in case someone needs to reach us. But when your minds are always on your phone, you simply cannot be present. You are very likely to be distracted and unaware of what matters to you. So try to reduce your screen time and live in the moment. 56. Despite their lack of long-time attention, children do hear the words and watch the actions of the adults around them. In other words, adults are major ________ on children. For one elderly woman, thankfully, this is the case.It was a mid-January afternoon and school was over. As usual, 70-year-old Patricia ________ her grandchild, 7-year-old Mariah, from school.However, when they arrived at Mariah’s home, things took a terrible ________. Once the car was in the driveway, Patricia ________ it. Patricia thought the car was in park but it was actually in reverse (倒挡). The car then continued to roll ________. Patricia attempted ________ to stop it. However, she fell and her leg got ________ under the front tire (轮胎) on the driver’s side.Mariah, who was still in the car at the time, sprang into ________. She quickly ________ the key out after watching her mother and other adults often do so. What Mariah did successfully stopped the car from moving further.The next moment, Mariah ________ up to her house and rang the doorbell ________. Mariah’s mother, Porchia, was shocked at the ________ and cal led 911 immediately. It was Mariah’s________ move that allowed her grandma to free her leg from under the car. Fortunately, Patricia was not seriously ________. Days after the ________ incident (事件), Patricia recovered and left the hospital.1.A.challenges B.influences C.comments D.concerns2.A.picked up B.looked after C.helped out D.sent for3.A.chance B.start C.effect D.turn4.A.locked B.adjusted C.exited D.approached5.A.outside B.backward C.sideways D.around6.A.in panic B.with care C.by accident D.on purpose7.A.broken B.lost C.stuck D.separated8.A.touch B.life C.interest D.action9.A.knocked B.pulled C.directed D.lifted10.A.walked B.jumped C.climbed D.raced11.A.anxiously B.actively C.rudely D.calmly12.A.adventure B.emergency C.interaction D.atmosphere13.A.well-behaved B.hard-won C.quick-thinking D.eye-catching 14.A.injured B.impacted C.threatened D.weakened15.A.cruel B.harmful C.scary D.embarrassing7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

2016届山东省烟台栖霞市高三英语综合模拟月考卷 二 word版

2016届山东省烟台栖霞市高三英语综合模拟月考卷 二 word版

综合模拟月考卷2(必修3~5)(120分钟150分)第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。

听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1. Who is the woman?A. Mary.B. Mary’s sister.C. Mary’s mother.2. When did the man live in London?A. Last year.B. Last month.C. When he was a child.3. When will the man leave for Tianjin?A. 5:30B. 6:00C. 2:004. What does the woman probably think of the film?A. Enjoyable.B. Attractive.C. Disappointing.5. What taste does the woman want to try?A. Sweet.B. Sour.C. Hot.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白, 每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。

听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。


听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。

6. Who is the man?A. A musician.B. A shop assistant.C. A record producer.7. What will the woman probably do next?A. Listen to the CD.B. Pay for the CD.C. Look for another CD.听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。





第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。




例:How much is the shirt?A. $ 19.15.B. $9.15.C. $9.18.答案是B。

1. Why was Ben in the bookstore?A. He wanted to buy books.B. He sold books there.C. He liked to read books.2. What does the man advise the woman to do?A. Wait for the result.B. Announce the result.C. Ask the teacher for the result.3. Where did the woman put his socks?A. In the dustbin.B. On the table.C. In the drawer.4. When will the concert begin?A. At 3:20.B. At 3:30.C. At 3:40.5. What are the two speakers talking about?A. Advertisements in the newspaper.B. The working environment.C. Renting a new flat.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。














例:How much is the shirt?A.19.1 5 pounds. B.9.15 pounds. C.9.18 pounds.答案是B。

1.When does Mr.Green always finish his class?A.At 4:55 pm. B.At 5:00 pm. C.At 5:1 0 pm.2.What are the speakers talking about?A.How to pay for the house.B.Whether to find a better job.C.Whether to go on a holiday.3.What does the woman mean?A.She will support the man.B.The man asked for her support too late.C.She may run for class monitor too.4.What is the woman doing?A.Trying on a piece of clothing.B.Buying a handbag.C.Drawing a colorful picture.5.Why is the man angry with the woman driver?A.She had an accident.B.She telephoned while driving.C.She wanted to kill the man.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分.满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。











1.What will the woman bring to the barbecue?A Meat B. Drinks C. Vegetables.2. Why does the man read the book? AFor his interest. B.For his final paper. C. For his travel plan.3.What does the woman order?A. Milk and bread.B. Bread and fruit.C. Milk and fruit.4, What does the woman mean? A.She doesn't support JennyB. She isn't satisfied with the result TTOTEC. She thinks Jenny might be the winner.5,What made the company’s sales increase according to the woman? A. The online marketing B.The extra salespeople. C. The seasonal discounts.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。







第I卷(共100分)注意事项:1. 答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。

2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。










1. Why hasn’t the woman finished her homework?A. Her hands are injured.B. She has a low fever.C. It is too cold.2. What do you know about the man?A. He is a taxi driver.B. He is an airport clerk.C. He is a computer operator.3. Where has the woman been to recently?A. Germany.B. West Africa.C. France.4. What Does the woman want the man to do?A. To get a haircut.B. To do some shopping.C. To attend a party.5. How does the man know the advertisement?A. By calling the manager.B. By visiting the hotel.C. By reading today’s newspaper. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



绝密★启用前试卷类型A山东师大附中2013级高三模拟考试英语试卷第Ⅰ卷注意事项:1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。









1. What will the man do this winter?A. Get a job in a supermarket.B. Work in the garden.C. Do building work abroad.2. What is the time now?A. 9:50.B. 10:10.C. 10:30.3. What is the man going to do?A. Take a flight.B. See a friend off.C. Make a telephone call.4. Where is the woman?A. At a restaurant.B. At a cinema.C. On a motorway.5. What do the speakers talk about in general?A. Photos.B. Animals.C. Snow.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。











Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a bookshop。


In a restaurant。

C. On the road.2。

What are the speakers going to do?A. Go shopping。


See a film。


Have their hair cut.3. When will the next bus leave for Beijing?A. 10:07。






What can we learn about the boy?A。

He often finds excuses lo be off.B。

His grandfather is often ill。


His grandfather died。


What is the woman likely to do tonight?A. Go swimming。

B. Dine out. C。

WatchTV at home。








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