

AutoDock 4.2 官方使用教程中文版(Bioms小组翻译)AutoDock4.2

AutoDock 4.2 官方使用教程中文版(Bioms小组翻译)AutoDock4.2

兼容性:我们确保在 AutoDock4.0 中可用的对接文件同样可在 AutoDock4.2 中使用。
软件技术支持 AutoDock 是免费软件,但是由于支持经费有限,我们不能对安装和使用中出现的具体问题进行快速的响应。虽 然这里有一份 AutoDock 使用教程,但是同样需要用户具有一些 Unix 的基本知识。如果你还需要一些帮助的 话: 1. 找你当地懂 Unix 的人帮忙 2. 登录 AutoDock 的 FAQ 网站: /faqs-help 3. 如果你不能找到你问题的答案,把你的问题提交到 AutoDock 的 List (ADL)或者 AutoDock 的论坛上。那里有 很多计算化学软件使用高手和一些可能知道你问题答案的 AutoDock 的用户。你可以在下列网址找到 ADL 的更 多信息: /mailman/listinfo/autodock AutoDock 的论坛网站为:/forum 4. 如果以上的方法你尝试了都不行,请给 goodsell@ 发邮件询问 AutoGrid 或者 AutoDock 的相关问题,或 者给 rhuey@ 发邮件询问 AutoDockTools 的相关问题。
扩展的原子类型:系统添加了卤素原子和常见的金属离子类型,并为其生成了对应的参数文件。 去溶剂化模型:去溶剂化模型现已支持系统所有的原子类型,而不像以前只支持碳原子。因此,AutoGrid 已不 再使用 constant 函数,因为极性原子的去溶剂化已经可以处理。新的模型需要用 AutoGrid 计算生成一个新的 map 文件,这一文件包含了基于电荷的去溶剂化信息。
未结合态:有一些模型可用于估算未结合态体系的能量,包含了一个扩展的模型和一个将未结合态作为类似于 蛋白结合态处理的模型。
AutoDock4.2 针对于 Autodock4.0 的更新:



New Wire
平面 (Guide Plane) 定義對話框
New Shape
Fit Contour (保持曲線輪廓邊界線,其設變曲面依新輪廓曲線,保持順滑建立曲面 )
New Contour
Old Contour
Old Faces
曲面 舊曲線 新曲線 緩衝區 邊界線
New Faces
Top Gauge (在保持邊牆厚度情況下,置換鞋模3D模口線)
Parting Line Fix Boundary
拔模方向 (Draft Direction) 定義對話框
By Control Points (指定曲面設變造型線,其曲面依新的造型線自動設變)
物件 舊曲線 新曲線 邊界線 平面 緩衝區 1 緩衝區 2
Old Styling Surface
Pattern Project To Faces
物件 投影曲面 包覆曲面 邊界線
By Spin
Wrap To Faces
此範例選擇的花紋(Pattern)為3D 花紋
Wrap Surface
功功能能表表 Wire (複合線)
Edge (曲線)
分解 (Wire分解出Edge) 方向 邊界 複合曲線轉換單一曲線
Reverse (曲線方向設定)
重設 轉向
Join Wire (連結複合曲線)
選擇曲線 公差設定
析出 (析出曲面邊界曲線) 合併 (合併曲線) 修剪
功功能能表表 Assembly (組合)
物件 舊模口線(左) 舊模口線(左) 新模口線(左) 新模口線(右)
New Gauge L.H New Gauge R.H



液压顶出 后退 / 前进
气阀 1-4 打开
中子 抽芯 / 进芯
自动安全门 打开 / 关闭
Rotary table index bolt move in / move out
模厚调整 增加 / 减小
旋转模板 逆时针 /顺时针
提示 “模厚调整”按钮只针对曲轴式机床。“自动安全门”和“气阀 1-4”按钮只有当这些功 能配置以后才起作用。“Rotary table latches”, Rotary table index bolt” and “旋转模板”应 用于带转转模板的多色注塑 。
Sfu服EnRc务tVio页InC面Egr功oup 能组
Fig. 2: 功能选择键
1.2 手动功能键
在手动和点动模式下可通过下面的按钮(见Fig. 3 和 Fig. 4)进行相应的操作。 Fig. 3: 手动模具装置功能
模具 打开 / 闭合
Rotary table latches move in / move out
帮助功能键和专家系统 .......................................................................................................19
频幕 ..........................................................................................................20
Process 过Pfu程RnOc控tCio制EnS功gSr能oCu组pONTROL



优化产品并安排分配头 显示插件路径位置(可选)为单板创建新产品达到目标给定板,学员将: 1. 命名产品并创建单板 2. 选择工装板夹具(单体机). 3. 向板上放元件4. 定义BEC 校核位置(可选)5. 为元件安排分配头(有排序部分的机器).6. 优化产品并显示插件路径.7. 保存产品并拷贝到磁盘上参考手册IM-UPS 参考手册在这个模块,将创建程序并告诉机器,在板上何处、怎样、何时放置 元件,创建的程序作为产品来参考。

介绍产品创建步骤下图表明如何用单板来创建单板产品命名产品并创建板介绍必须为机器编程以使元件在希望的位置插入,在 IM-UPS 中,此程序被 参考作为产品。

对于那些熟悉 PPU 编程的人来说,一个产品就象旧的.PUT 、.MAG 、以及.ERV 程序的组合。

将会看到,新的编程方法 IM-UPS 与旧的编程方法PPU 有很多区别,在进行这个模块时将提到。

创建板在创建产品之前,首先必须定义为其写程序的板的尺寸,这是 IM-UPS与PPU 的一个主要区别。

因为IM-UPS 是图形界面,所以首先必须定义一个 图形区域”来与计算机相联系。

例如,如果想在3” x3的板上插入元件,就必须向计算机输 入这一数据,负责计算机将不知道这些元件应该去哪里。

一个好的分析 方法是,当你想画一个上面有元件的完整的 PCB 时,你首先需要有一页 纸。


注意:贯穿整个产品编辑器,可以用F4功能键返回前一动作,这非常有用,因为我们都会 犯错误!1. 我们将手动创建板,PC 板是方形的(实际上是正方形)。

在IM-UPS 主屏上,点击 Product Editor Icon .产品编辑器图标练习: 创建板最新资料推荐1从菜单栏选择Board (板),然后选择Create/Edit.(创建/编辑)2. 在图框内输入板的长度和宽度,长度 (千分之一英寸单位)测量沿着 机器的X 轴,宽度沿着丫轴。

Virtual Iron Version 4.2 软件发布说明书

Virtual Iron Version 4.2 软件发布说明书

Virtual Iron® Version 4.2Virtual Iron® Software Release Notes ®Copyright (c) 2008 Virtual Iron Software, Inc.000012808R1This information is the intellectual property of Virtual Iron Software, Inc. This content is for your personal use only, subject to Terms and Conditions. No redistribution allowed.Contents Enterprise Edition Upgrade Instructions (3)Single Server Edition Upgrade Instructions (3)New in this Release (4)Fixed in this Release (5)Open Issues in this Release (6)Product Documentation (14)Contacting Virtual Iron Support (14)E NTERPRISE E DITION U PGRADE I NSTRUCTIONSIf you are running an earlier version of Virtual Iron® EE or XEE, use this link and fol-low the instructions to upgrade to the current version of the product. Install the newVS Tools onto each of your Virtual Servers./services/virtual-iron-42-upgrade.cfmS INGLE S ERVER E DITION U PGRADE I NSTRUCTIONSIf you are running an earlier version of Virtual Iron® SSE, use this link and followthe instructions to upgrade to the current version of the product./services/virtual-iron-ss-42-upgrade.cfmRelease 4.2 includes the following major enhancements:•VS Tools support for the following additional operating systems: - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 32-bit and 64-bit- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 32-bit and 64-bit•The addition of RPM and tar source kits for building and installing VS Tools natively on a guest operating system.•Multi-pathing for virtual server Ethernet and Fibre Channel networks to support business continuity and redundancy.•Substantial improvements to disk performance.•LiveSnapshot TM, which provides logical disk and virtual server snapshots for hot backup and patch management. These capabilities enable off-loaded, space efficient, and no-downtime backups on live virtual machines running in produc-tion and development environments.•The ability to reboot virtual servers without the Virtualization Manager running.•Support for NDB CD ROM .iso files, which can now be used as data disks in addition to boot disks.•The packaging of VSTools as an ISO, which appears to the administrator as a virtual CD ROM, to further simplify deployments and upgrades.• A significant reduction in node boot and discovery times when there are large numbers of iSCSI physical disks.•Increased storage on demand with support for the dynamic addition of physical disks to a disk group, which can also now contain more than one physical disk.Number Fixed in This Release458CTRL-ESCAPE, ALT-ESCAPE AND ALT-TAB WERE NOT FUNCTIONALCtrl-Escape, Alt-Escape, and Alt-Tab in the pull-down menu entitledCommands in the Virtual Server Console window, were not functioning.1504 4159THE VIRTUALIZATION MANAGER USER INTERFACE RAN SLOWLY IF ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE WAS RUNNING ON THE MANAGEMENT SERVER HOST.Some anti-virus software inspects Java applications, which had the potential of reducing Virtualization Manager client performance.3803D EDICATED MANAGEMENT NETWORKS MUST USE A C LASS C ADDRESSFor management networks, the requirement to use Class C addresses only isno longer necessary.O PEN I SSUES IN THIS R ELEASEFollowing are known issues related to this release.ReferenceOpen in This ReleaseNumber29LINUX TIMER ISSUEOccasionally during Linux boot or kernel calibration issues, the following errorwill appear and the operating system will crash:MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC Kernel panic - not syncing:IO-APIC + timer doesn't work! Try using 'noapic'Please report crashes to Virtual Iron Technical Support. See Contacting VirtualIron Support.172QL OGIC HBA S NOT REPORTING PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONNodes with QLogic HBAs will not report disk performance data in the VirtualServer Performance chart.355JBOD SAN DISKS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED AS VIRTUAL SERVER STORAGEDEVICESJBODs can be used for storage devices for Virtual Servers, but they are notrecommended. If JBOD disks go off-line and then back on-line while con-nected to managed nodes, the node will go into an error state that requires anode reboot. Use SAN disks connected via a SAN controller.537KEYBOARD INPUT INTO VIRTUAL CONSOLE OCCASIONALLY RESULTS IN REPEATEDCHARACTERSWhen you type into a virtual console that contains an X windows display, occa-sionally the keyboard output will be repeated. For example if you type ls into aterminal window in X, you may see lllllssss output in the virtual console. Theworkaround is to disable the keyboard repeat function.619VIRTUALIZATION MANAGER SHUTDOWN CAUSES VS S BOOTED FROM A NETWORKBOOT DEVICE TO HANGStopping or Restarting the management server takes down the NBD server.This takes down all VSs booted using NBD. To resolve this issue, restart themanagement server. Then, perform a hard reset on each impacted VS.723POOR NETWORK PERFORMANCE ON 3COM NIC SPoor network performance has been observed on 3COM NICs. This mayimpact the performance of virtual server network operations.892APPLICATIONS THAT ATTEMPT TO COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY TO AN HBA ARE NOT SUPPORTEDKernel-level management applications or agents (such as Emulex HBAny-where, QLogic SANSurfer) in a guest operating system that communicatedirectly to an HBA or directly to other specific devices are not supported. Run-ning these types of applications may cause virtual servers to become unre-sponsive.1122A FTER A R ED H AT INSTALL, THE VCONSOLE IS BLANK WHEN VIRTUAL SERVER BOOTS TO RUN L EVEL 5The first time Red Hat boots after an OS installation, the virtual console may beblank when the system goes into run level 5.Workaround: Remove rhgb from the boot line in /boot/grub/menu.lst.1189 2278 3006ADDING OR REMOVING LUN S COULD REQUIRE A NODE REBOOTWhen adding or removing LUNs to the system to modify storage capacity, it is sometimes necessary to reboot the nodes to accurately display the LUN con-figuration. If a LUN is removed or offline and the Virtualization Manager shows it as online, errors could result if a user attempts to perform operations on that LUN, such as creating virtual hard disks.First, LiveMigrate all virtual servers off the node, then reboot the node. You can then LiveMigrate servers back onto the node.1816VIRTUALIZATION MANAGER INSTALL FAILS WITH BONDED ETHERNETThe Virtualization Manager installer does not handle bonded Ethernet control-lers. Make sure the network controller on the node that will be running themanagement server is not bonded before starting the installation.1962D ATA C ORE THIN PROVISIONING CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTSDataCore LUNs used for logical volume groups must have sufficient backingstorage for the size of the Virtual Iron volume group. Set the Datacore NMVchunk size to be 4 MB.2028RH3-U8 C ONSOLE K EYBOARD N OT W ORKING WITH K UDZUIf RedHat 3 is installed while the virtual server is configured in the VirtualizationManager with a USB mouse (for example, RHEL4 LINUX) instead of a PS2mouse, you will be in Kudzu after you boot with a PS2 mouse configuration.Kudzu can not use the mouse or keyboard at that point and will time-out. Thesystem will continue to boot.Workaround: Configure the virtual server properly in the Virtualization Managerprior to installing.If the problem does occur, correct the Virtualization Manager virtual serverconfiguration. Then, boot the virtual server and manually invoke Kudzu from aconsole window. Remove the USB drive when you are prompted to do so.2244THE ADMINISTRATION MANAGER IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH JAVA BUILD1.5.0_06_B05.Virtual Iron® recommends running the latest Java Version 1.5.0 (build1.5.0_10-b03 or later) on the system that is running the Administration Man-ager client.2549DYNAMIC RESIZING OF LUN SUse the following procedure if you have to resize a LUN.1.Cause the LUN you wish to resize to go offline, which is depicted in theManagement Server Hardware view as offline.2.Delete that LUN from the Management Server Hardware view.3.Resize the LUN to your needs.4.Rediscover the LUN in your Management Server Hardware view with theNode--> Rediscover option or the Node--> Rescan SAN Port s option. 2763IPV6 N ETWORKS ARE NOT SUPPORTED.IPV6 networks are not supported for dedicated management networks, iSCSInetworks, or networks used by virtual servers.2884VS S HUTDOWN DOES NOT WORK IF YOU ARE NOT LOGGED INTO THE CONSOLEFor a Windows 2003 server, if the login popup is visible in the console window,you cannot shut down the virtual server via the management server.2978R ED H AT 3 V IRTUAL S ERVER T OOLS HAVE SEPARATE RPM S FOR I NTEL AND AMD PROCESSORSVS Tools for RH3 have separate RPMs for Intel and AMD processors. TheRPM you install in a virtual server must match the processor type (Intel orAMD) of the node (physical server) on which the virtual server is installed.Name these virtual servers, since they will only run on that processor type fromthat point forward.AMD: virtualiron-2.4.21-47.ELsmp-4.1.*.athlon.rpmIntel: virtualiron-2.4.21-47.ELsmp-4.1.*.i686.rpmUse the standard rpm -Uvh to install the proper VS Tools as described in theVirtualization Manager Administrator Guide, Creating and Configuring VirtualServers.3006S EE 1189.3045W INDOWS MOUSE LOSES CONNECTIVITY UPON FIRST BOOT AFTER V IRTUAL I RON UPGRADE F ROM V3.X TO V4.XWhen Virtual Iron is upgraded, the first time each existing Windows virtualserver is booted, the mouse loses connectivity. You may see the hardware wiz-ard notification that a PCI device cannot be found and that a new device is dis-covered.Workaround: Please go through the hardware wizard as it is connecting thenew virtual mouse hardware. The mouse will function correctly once you com-plete the steps in the hardware wizard.3445V IRTUAL I RON AND M ICROSOFT RISWhen using Windows RIS to install Windows into virtual servers, note thatWindows 2000 RIS Server is unsupported; Windows 2000 does not provideRealTek NIC driver support. (Windows 2003 Server and RIS is supported.)Workaround: Configure the Windows DHCP server to use options 66 (bootserver host name) and 67 (boot file name). Set DHCP option 67 to point to thelocation of your . This causes the DHCP and PXE boot process toboot the RIS kernel. Refer to figure below.For additional information, refer to:/kb/244036/3466W INDOWS RE-ACTIVATION MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN UPGRADING FROM VI V3.X TO V4.XVirtual Iron v4.x presents a significantly different virtual motherboard to virtualservers than v3.x. In some cases, these differences may be enough to triggera Windows request to reactivate the virtual server’s copy of Windows withMicrosoft.3494W INDOWS 2000 MAY REPORT AN UNKNOWN PCI DEVICEWhen a Windows 2000 virtual server boots, you may see an unknown PCIdevice reported as found. This is an innocuous message, and this PCI deviceshould be disabled. This device is the HPET timer which is not used in the VIvirtual environment.3831U PGRADING TO V4.X FROM V3.X CAUSES W INDOWS VIRTUAL SERVERS TO LOSE STATIC NETWORK CONFIGURATION INFORMATIONWhen a Virtual Iron installation is upgraded to v4.x from v3.x, any Windows vir-tual servers will lose any static IP address assignments they may have whenthey are first booted without VSTools, and then again when they are firstbooted with the 4.x VSTools.To restore network connectivity, manually re-enter the static network configura-tion for the Virtualization Manager. This does not affect Windows VMs that useDHCP to auto-configure network settings.3839L EFT H AND N ETWORKS I SCSI S ERVERS ONLY SUPPORT 90 I SCSI D ISKSDuring qualification testing of LeftHand Networks (LHN) iSCSI servers, it wasfound that LeftHand Networks iSCSI Servers support a maximum of 90 iSCSIdisks.If you need more than 90 disks with LHN iSCSI storage, you can use the Vir-tual Iron virtual disk management features to partition raw iSCSI disks into mul-tiple logical disks.4172VNIC S DO NOT PRESENTLY SUPPORT DYNAMICALLY CHANGING THE MAC ADDRESSThis attribute is used by Windows Network Load Balancing (NLB). RemovingNLB and the secondary IP and then rebooting restores connectivity.4317/ 4330B ONDED E THERNET NIC S SHOULD BE CONFIGURED TO SEPARATE SWITCHESIf you configure bonded Ethernet NICs to the same switch, you can experience up to 60 seconds of connection failure when a port fails. Outgoing data traffic experiences no issues.It is recommended to configure bonded Ethernet NICs to separate switches, creating a fully-redundant topology, and no incoming connection failure win-dow.4333C LONING L OGICAL D ISKS WITH SAN-BASED C ONTROLLERSIf physical disks that contain logical disks are cloned by a SAN-based storagecontroller, the resultant cloned logical disks will have identical IDs to the mas-ters. This creates naming issues within the managed node. Logical disksshould only be cloned via the Virtualization Manager.Raw physical disks that do not contain logical disks can be cloned by SAN-based storage controllers without issue.4577W INDOWS V IRTUAL S ERVERS CREATED IN V3.X NEED TO CHANGE HAL S TO RUN SMP IN V4.XWindows virtual servers created in Virtual Iron v3.x were created with a uni-processor Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). In order to run these virtualservers as SMP virtual servers in v4.x, replace the uni-processor HAL with amultiprocessor HAL. Please consult Microsoft’s knowledge base (#299340) forthe procedure to replace the HAL.4779H IGH CPU USAGE ON MANAGEMENT SERVER AFTER UPGRADEWhen performing an upgrade to the Virtualization Manager, you must insurethat the Virtualization Manager is completely stopped and that there are no cli-ents running and connected to the server. Once you have ensured that every-thing has been stopped, you may proceed with the upgrade.4781I F U PGRADE LOCATION IS ON A DISK PATH WITH SPACES IN THE FOLDERS, UPGRADE FAILSOn a Linux system, ensure that there are no spaces in the installation path sothat you can later upgrade the product. For example, if you attempt to upgradeyour Virtualization Manager originally installed into/opt/Virtual Iron/it will fail in the upgrade script.4803T RYING TO INSTALL VST OOLS ON SLES 10 64-B IT RETURNS ERRORInstalling VSTools on SLES 10 64-bit returns the following error:linux-sl9o:~ # rpm -ivh virtualiron- Failed dependencies:xen-kmp conflicts with virtualiron- # uname -aLinux linux-sl9o #1 SMP Thu May 17 14:00:09 UTC 2007x86_64x86_64 x86_64 GNU/LinuxThe XEN kernel packages should not be installed inside a virtual server. If theyhave been installed, remove them:1. Start up YaST.2. Select Software Management.3. Under the Filter option, select Search.4. Search for xen, and remove all packages related to xen.4807 F OURTH LUN (<1TB) FROM MD3000 (I SCSI) SHOWS OFFLINEWhen allocating LUNs to managed nodes, some storage array managersassign LUNs to controllers as they are created. In dual controller configura-tions, this can be a problem if only one controller is in use. The LUNs assignedto the preferred path will show up online in Virtualization Manager and theLUNs assigned to the non-preferred (or not used) path will show up offline inthe virtual machines.The solution is to assign all LUNs to the preferred path when only one control-ler is in use; the virtual machines will display all LUNs as online.4843U PGRADE ERROR FROM 4.1 TO 4.2 VST OOLSVirtual Iron recommends installing with the 32- or 64-bit Setup.exe file in yourmanagement server’s VSTools directory. If you use the MSI to install, save thefile first to your local server. This error occurs when MSI is not in the samelocation as it was when originally installed.When this error occurs, first try to remove the existing VSTools with the Win-dows Add or Remove programs in the Control Panel. After the reboot, try toinstall the new VSTools. If this is not successful, use the following from a com-mand prompt:msiexec /i VSTools.msi /L*V VSTools.log REINSTALLMODE=voums REINSTALL=ALL The VSTools will then be installed.4874SSE INSTALL PANIC ON DL360/DL365'SIf you Install Virtual Iron SSE on HP DL36x G5 series machines configuredwith 2GB of memory or less, you will encounter the following error when itstarts to partition the hard drive:-kernel panic- not syncing:PCI-DMAYou can get around this problem by entering a new boot option, “altboot”, atthe boot splash screen. You will only have to do this the first time Virtual IronSSE is installed.4936W INDOWS V IRTUALIZATION M ANAGER DHCP SERVER PROCESS SOMETIMES DOES NOT START AFTER UPGRADING TO V4.2It is possible, that in some circumstances, after the Virtualization Managerupgrade the dhcpd process fails to start when the Virtualization Manager isrestarted. This is caused by an incorrect setting of file permissions (ACLs) onthe following file during the upgrade:VirtualIron\VirtualizationManager\system\bin\cygwin1.dllTo work around the problem, set the permissions on that file to:SYSTEM(Local Acct) – read, execute, writeN ONE SAN M ULTIPATH S UPPORTSAN multipath for fibre channel-based SAN has been tested on limited config-urations in Virtual Iron. Please see the Virtual Iron HCL for complete multipathsupport information:/products/servers.cfmSAN multipath for iSCSI-based SAN will be tested and supported in a futurerelease.P RODUCT D OCUMENTATIONThe following documents are also available online:•Virtualization Manager™ Administrator Guide - Explains how to configure andmanage virtual data centers and virtual servers.•Virtualization Manager™ Getting Started Guide - Guides you through the pro-cess of getting a virtual server up and running•Virtual Iron Tutorial - Guides you through installation, and storage, boot, andmemory configuration options of a virtual server.C ONTACTING V IRTUAL I RON S UPPORTUse this information to reach Virtual Iron® customer support.Phone: 1-800-314-9872 (Select option 2)Mail: ***********************Web: /services/support_login.cfm。

Meta trader 4使用手册.

Meta trader 4使用手册.



▪进行技术分析;▪创建智能交易系统、用户自定义技术指标和MQL 4语言脚本;▪交易策略的测试和优化。





此程序能在Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003下运行,硬件需求由操作系统决定。












例如,terminal.exe "123456-'British Pound'"是"123456"账户数字,British Pound数据图表名称。



例如, terminal.exe 123456-'GBPUSD'。






[技术]MortScript使用教程(4.3b11BETA版)一、MortScript概述:Mort:批量;Script:脚本;MortScript:批处理脚本;(故为顺序逐条执行)它是一种解释程序,就象Visual Basic的即时解释环境一样。


























整理:Kawvin 二〇一〇年十月十三日

1 2 3

MorScript 是什么?/使用许可 ......................................................................................................................................1 功能范围.......................................................................................................................................................................1 安装...............................................................................................................................................................................1 3.1 不同的 MortScript 版本 ...................................................................................................................................1 3.2 PC 安装 .............................

Step Servo Quick Tuner 用户手册 中文 pdf

Step Servo Quick Tuner 用户手册 中文 pdf
Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件手册
©版权所有 上海安浦鸣志自动化设备有限公司
Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件手册
1 版本历史
Байду номын сангаас
Frank, Jimmy
2013-7-19 首次发布
2014-12-31 增加 Step-Servo Quick Tuner 3.0 的新特性
2 目录
Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件手册
1 版本历史 ........................................................................................................................ 2 2 目录................................................................................................................................ 3 3 Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件介绍 ............................................................................... 6


USERS GUIDE rES ( Engineering units display resolution)
This option delines the Illllllber of decllllal places displayed fix the process van able . There are lour options
Thennocouple open Circuli Cold Junction thenTiistor temperature out of bounds Cold Junction then11lstor electncal fall]t Any RTD wire becOiTIIng open CirCUit
The followllIg filter factors are available :
( Filterlllg sWItched off)
O.S SEC ( Filtcr Factor 0,5 seconds)
lSEC ( Filter Factor I second)
2 SEC ( FiIter Factor 2 seconds )
On all ranges, a 7% overhead IS allowed on the scale before the unit detects an out-of-range sll:,'nal. If the mput slgJlal IS out of range at the positive end of the scale, OVEr IS displayed JIIstead of the Process Vanable . If out-of~range at the negative end. Under IS displayed



基于Web Service的3G手机应用《小小翻译》用户操作手册拟制人:***审核人:***批准人:***2010年09月02日济南职业学院小小鸟团队用户操作手册目录重要声明............................................................................................................................................. 客户忠告............................................................................................................................................. 小小鸟队联系方式.............................................................................................................................1. 概述...............................................................................................................................................1.1 编写目的.............................................................................................................................1.2 背景.....................................................................................................................................1.3 定义.....................................................................................................................................1.4 软件开发参考书籍.............................................................................................................2.软件概述.........................................................................................................................................2.1代码结构..............................................................................................................................2.2运行说明..............................................................................................................................3.运行环境.........................................................................................................................................3.1硬设备..................................................................................................................................4.安装信息.........................................................................................................................................4.1 用户安装说明..................................................................................................................... 5.其他信息.......................................................................................................................................5.1 加载程序.............................................................................................................................5.2 异常情况处理.....................................................................................................................重要声明感谢你使用由济南职业学院小小鸟团队开发的基于Web Service的3G手机应用《小小翻译》软件。


例子:曲面点的定位标注.................................................... 21 例子:边界点的定位标注.................................................... 22
曲面:综述 ...................................................................................... 23 单击鼠标选择曲面 ....................................................................... 23 突出显示背面曲面 ....................................................................... 24 反转曲面的方向 ........................................................................... 26
显示标注: 综述 ............................................................................. 18 显示环绕标注 ............................................................................... 18 操作 CAD 查看时查看环绕标注................................................. 20 显示定位标注 ............................................................................... 21



第一步:打开安装盘。所显 示文件为安装程式对应文 件
第二步:寻找 setup.exe安装文件,双击此 文件(或按回车键)即执行软件的安装
如何实现软件安装 (续)
如何实现软件安装 (续)
第二步:按要求设置设备强行闯入的基本参数(3),强行闯入项: “警报有效“打” ∨“表示门非法打开时,产生警报,”时区控制 功能“打” ∨“表示强行闯入警报信号的产生受时区的限制,”自 动重置功能“表警报状态的自动取消功能,其右边的数值表警报自 动重置的时间范围,最大取值为”5959“;控制箱打开项:“警报 有效”打“∨”表控制箱非法打开时产生控制箱被非法打开警报
第三步:系统登陆,在“User ID”中输入系统用户 名,在“Password”中输入系统密码,按 进 行登陆,按 取消登陆
第三步:数据库压缩、加密设置,在“Database compaction setup”中选 择数据库压缩的条件,在“Backup Data setting”中选择数据库压缩的路 径,在“Compact database”进行人工压缩数据库,在“Change database password”中进行数据库操作密码的更改。
第二步:选择要复位的设备进行复 位,在设备复位前,要将界面右边 相应的项目选择好,按 将选 择项进行复位,复位成功后, “∨”符号应消失



目录目录 (1)第一章简介 (7)一、前言 (7)二、特点 (7)三、控制性能 (8)第二章安装和运行 (9)一、运行环境 (9)二、安装 (9)1、硬件安装步骤 (9)2、驱动程序安装步骤 (9)3、SmartTest程序安装 (12)三、卸载 (14)四、修复 (15)五、拆卸步骤 (15)第三章界面操作 (16)一、主窗口 (16)二、力、变形和时间显示板 (17)三、位移显示板 (18)四、曲线显示板 (19)五、控制板 (20)1、控制方式选择卡片 (20)程控:可编程序控制方式 (21)3、阀芯中位 (21)4、位移控制调整位置 (23)5、位移控制 (24)6、力控制 (25)7、变形控制 (26)8、自定义程序控制 (26)六、刻度板 (26)七、数据板 (27)1、数据板窗口 (27)2、数据板工具栏 (27)3、数据库显示定位按钮 (28)八、数据分析 (28)第四章定制试验方法 (31)一、在配置工具箱中选择试验方法(定制1—定制20) (31)二、在软件主程序的数据板上选择【定制*】(最后一项) (31)三、定制试验方法 (32)四、定制试验方法的步骤 (33)五、部分功能概括 (34)1、内部定义 (34)2、字段 (35)第五章试验过程 (36)一、选择试验类型 (36)二、输入试件信息 (36)三、打开历史数据 (40)四、试验操作 (41)1、安装试件 (42)2、选择试验方法 (42)3、开始试验操作 (42)4、试验结束 (42)五、结果保存 (42)六、数据分析 (43)第六章报表的使用与制作 (44)一、报告打印(经典) (44)二、报表打印 (46)三、输出报表至O FFICE (50)1、新建模块 (50)2、Excel报表的制作(方法一) (52)3、Excel报表的制作(方法二) (55)4、曲线 (57)5、Word报表的制作 (58)6、Excel中求平均值 (59)7、Word求平均值 (60)第七章系统设置和调整 (61)一、系统参数 (61)1、系统 (61)2、显示 (62)3、曲线 (63)4、保护 (63)5、选项 (64)二、选择力传感器和引伸计 (64)三、校准、检定 (65)四、控制参数调整 (67)五、硬件测试 (69)六、控制观察 (69)第八章配置工具箱SMARTDEBUG使用说明 (70)一、安装和运行 (70)二、使用 (70)1、系统 (71)2、力传感器 (71)3、引伸计 (71)4、横向引伸计 (72)5、大变形 (72)6、位移 (72)7、控制 (72)8、选项 (73)9、试验方法 (74)10、外部控制 (75)第九章程序编制和程序执行 (76)一、用途 (76)二、程序执行 (76)三、程序编制 (76)1、控制程序的新建、删除和重命名 (76)2、加载方向 (77)3、程序内容 (77)4、编辑程序结构 (77)5、编辑程序内容 (78)6、编程实例 (81)第十章错误信息 (84)一、安装时 (84)二、启动时 (84)三、运行时 (85)附录:万能试验卡接线定义 (86)一、万能试验卡主要接线引脚定义 (86)二、电子万能接线方式 (87)1、J1、J2(DB-9)传感器、引伸计接线图 (87)2、J3(DB-25)接线图 (87)3、J4(DB-9)大变形接线图 (91)三、电液伺服万能试验机接线方式 (91)1、电液伺服控制器(比例阀) (91)2、电液伺服控制器(伺服阀) (92)3、其他接线 (93)四、试验机测控卡与板卡标识一览表: (93)第一章简介一、前言SmartTest程序根据不同的配置参数,适用于不同类型的材料试验机,如微机屏显万能试验机、微机控制电液伺服万能试验机、微机控制电液比例万能试验机以及微机控制电子万能试验机等。



MortScript教程(一)(2009-10-03 21:21:26)转载标签:it语法------允许的参数格式:- "字符串"被引用的字符串: 包含空格逗号下划线, 使用双引号引起来包含逗号s (举例来说"这是""quoted"""), ^CR^=回车,^LF^=换行, ^NL^=新的一行(Windows/DOS = ^CR^^LF^), ^TAB^=制表符.另起一行可以使用"\" 做为最后的字符.例如:Message message, \"Title"注释必须以"#" 开头(尾随空格被允许).例如:# This is a comment如果"x =" 被使用, 它后面的是一个函数. (详见◆条件◆)这种情况下, 它返回一个值,且必须用在一个表达式中(命令参数或条件) 例如:var = Input( "输入一个值" )Message( "你的输入: " & Input( "值:" ) )If(wndExists( "Explorer" ) )if(FileExists(fontpath & "\font.mscr"))if(fds<fs) #比较变量大小if(not DirExists("\storage\ROM"))#弹出询问框,根据回复选择操作if(question("Delete all files in " & <变量>& " ?"))Error handling--------------ErrorLevel( "off"|"critical"|"syntax"|"error"|"warn" )■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■设定变量-------------Set( <变量>,<表达式> ) (好于使用<变量> = <表达式>)<变量> = <表达式>例如:CmName="" #将变量CmName的值清空%j%=%j%+1%j%=%LevelNum%+1FontPath = RegRead("HKLM","\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FontPath","FontPath" )fs=FileSize(xxx)+1000 #变量fs等于文件<xxx>的大小+1000fds=FreeDiskSpace( fontpath ) #变量fds等于<路径>的自由空间大小适用的操作(变量= 表达式), 列表, 表达式变量左右的百分号是可选的(也就是, %x% = %y[%z%]% 等同于x = y[z]), 字符串必须引起来.布尔参数(yes/no, true/false), 1 is yes/true, 0 is no/false.这里是所有预定义变量:ON, YES, TRUE = 1OFF, NO, FALSE = 0CANCEL = 2◆变量的使用◆-------------1,直接使用变量的值例:Message %month% 若month=04,则只显示04Sleep %iDelay%MouseClick %ClsBL_xPos%,%ClsBL_yPos%2,用&连接变量与字符串:GetTime(hour, minute, seconds, day, month, year) day=30,month=04, year=2008run ("\存储卡\备份\"&year&"-"&month&"-"&day-1&".pbf") 执行2008-04-29.pdf3,比较变量大小if(fds<fs)◆字符串操作◆-------------x = Split( <字符串>,<seperator>,<trim?>,<变量>{,<变量>} ) (如果只有一个变量, it's used as 排列)例:Split( Tahoma,",",false,TahomaFilePath,TahomaFontName )x = Part( <字符串>,<seperator>,<index>[,<trim?>] )x = Length( <字符串> )x = SubStr( <字符串>,<start>,<长度> )x = Find( <字符串>,<search 字符串> )x = ReverseFind( <字符串>,<搜索字符> )x = ToUpper( <字符串> )x = ToLower( <字符串> )◆评价表达的字符串◆-------------------------------x = ( <表达式as 字符串> )例:res = ("var" & index & " & ""...""")◆执行◆---------Run( <应用程序> [, <参数>] )例如:run "\Windows\LockAppp.exe","-startup"run "\Temp\TPDisable.exe"run "\Windows\s" 直接执行已经关联了应用程序的文件run "\Storage\rom\gsfind.reg"Run("\Windows\MortScript.exe","""\Storage\rom\_AutoSetup.mscr""")GetTime(hour, minute, seconds, day, month, year) day=30,month=04, year=2008run ("\存储卡\备份\"&year&"-"&month&"-"&day-1&".pbf") 执行2008-04-29.pdf RunWait( <应用程序> [, <参数>] )例如:runwait(fontpath & "\font.mscr") #执行font.mscrrunwait("\Windows\MortScript.exe","\Storage\_sys.mscr")#用CeleCmd导入reg文件runwait("\Windows\CeleCmd.exe",fontpath & "\font.reg")runwait("CeleCmd.exe","\Storage Card\reg\*.reg") 无效,被biaosoft骗了再说CeleCmd并不能把reg文件里的所有信息全部导入注册表,不信大家可以试试RunWait Ctlpnl.exe,"Cplmain.cpl,4"New( <menu entry> ) (仅用于Windows Mobile)RunAt( <unix timestamp>, <应用程序> [, <参数>] )RunAt( <year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, <应用程序> [, <参数>] ) RunOnPowerOn( <应用程序> [, <参数>] ) 开机时运行RemoveNotifications( <应用程序> [, <参数>] ) 删除通知◆Dialog 对话框◆(给变量x赋值)--------------;选择列表x = Choice( "<标题>","<注解信息>","<默认>",<超时>,"<array>" ) (如果只给出一个文本, 将是一个默认设置项)x = Choice( "<标题>","<注解信息>","<默认>",<超时>",\"<文本1>",\"<文本2>"{,\"<文本3>"}…… )x = Input( "<注解信息>" [,<标题> [,<numeric?> [, <超时> [, <默认> ]]]] )例如:CardName=input("请输入存储卡名称:","更改存储卡名称",0,0,"Storage Card") ringpath=input("请输入铃声路径","更改铃声目录",0,0,"\Windows\Rings\")Message <text>[,<title>]Message "通知" 等同于Message ("通知")Message %month% 引用month的值。



1 概述.................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2 操作说明.......................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.1 软件的安装 (1)2.1.1 配置与环境 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 运行环境........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 配置文件 (1)2.1.2 安装及运行 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.2 主界面窗口 (1)2.2.1 菜单和键盘操作 (1)2.2.2 主界面介绍 (2)2.3 系统功能窗口界面 (6)2.3.1 文件 (6) 读取数据 (6) 存储数据 (7) 数据另存为 (7) 测试方法读取 (7) 测试方法存储 (8) 试验过程数据导出到Excel (9) 打印设置........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

kormorgen 中文说明书

kormorgen 中文说明书

Contents 内容1Users guide to the display and menu structure 用户指南(主机显示及菜单结构)1.1Function of the push buttons and menu structure按键的功能及菜单结构1.2Structure of the Kollmorgen-Menu控制系统菜单的结构1.3Defining the location indicator in the fl. Modules ETGM24/ETGB004(MPK 400/4000)确定“层模块”的位置显示器ETG M24/ETG B004(MPK 400/4000)1.4Access management进入系统的管理1.5Input-field for test calls“测试呼叫”的输入范围1.6Free programmable terminals (BST/Net)可自由编程的端子(BST/Net网)1.6.1MPK 40/4000(BST)1.6.2MPK 400(BST)1.6.3MPK 400/4000(NET 网)1.6.4MPK 40 (NET网)1.6.5Identifying of the module-terminals ETGB 004(MPK 400/4000) in the menu在菜单中识认模块-端子ETG B004(MPK 400/4000)2LED-indicators on the front panel 主机面板上的LED显示3Help by faults 故障的解读及处理3.1Event log事故记录3.2Operational status操作状态3.3Test module function测试模块功能3.3.1Address-set-up BST-inputs各BST-输入的位置设置3.3.2Address-set-up BST-outputs各BST-输出的位置设置3.3.3MPK 400: address-set-up extension modulesMPK 400:扩展模块的位置设置3.3.4MPK400/4000; address-set-up FKI with IM 10/IM11MPK400/4000:FKI连同IM01/IM10/IM11的位置设置3.3.5MPK40; set-up of the modules; FKI/IM 40-01/IM 40-11/IM 40-10, WFA 40MPK 40:模块的设置(FKI/IM40-01/IM40-11/IM40-10,WFA 40)3.4Group members群控电梯ers guide to the display and menu structure 用户指南(主机板显示及菜单结构)1.1Function of the push buttons and menu structure按键的功能及菜单结构Attention: The character “R” in the display shows youthat a parameter into the basic settings was changed!注意:在显示屏上打出“R”是告诉你在“基本设定”内的一个数据已被改变!Notice: The structure contains all menu function of MPK 40/400/4000. it is possible that not all menu functions are available at your control-system, because the menu is depended on the parameters in the basic-settings and on the MPK-type!注意:此结构包含MPK 40/400/4000所有的菜单功能,你所拥有的控制系统可能不包括本结构所有功能。

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