The new issues are so arranged that the students can see the covers of the current magazines. Daily newspapers are also in this area. There are eight comfortable chair and two tables for the student reading newspapers and periodicals. The card catalog is in the middle of the room just in front of the doors. The cards are in alphabetical order according to the title of a book or periodical the author and the subject which makes it easier for the student to find the book they want. The major part of the room on the left is another study area. Beside four tables all books are on shelves in order. The shelves are called the stacks. This library has open stacks so that the students can look for books themselves. If you want to borrow or return books the librarians at the circulation desk will he at your service. If you want to photocopy some good articles from books you can go to the leftmost end of the room. The photocopy machine in the corner will do it for you.。
世界十大绝美图书馆老佛爷有个“藏经阁”作为old fashion的书虫一枚,觉得只有亲身到承载着万千读物的图书馆里寻寻觅觅一本好书,仔细品味着泛黄的每一页才更让人身心满足,全球不乏历史悠久并且设计唯美的图书馆,身在其中让阅读都变成了一次妙不可言的身心之旅。
1.Admont Abbey Library, AustriaAdmont Abbey LibraryAdmont Abbey Library坐落在奥地利的恩斯河河畔的Admont Abbey堪称世上最美最大的修道院图书馆,于1776年建成,70米长的正厅藏书量超过7万册,其中还包含有大量手写的古旧书籍。
2.George Peabody Library, BaltimoreGeorge Peabody LibraryGeorge Peabody LibraryGeorge Peabody图书馆位于美国Baltimore的Johns Hopkins 大学内,始建于19世纪中期,是著名建筑师Edmund Lind手下的作品,也是商人兼慈善家George Peabody送赠给亲切好客的Baltimore市的一份大礼。
3.The Walker Library of the History of Human Imagination, ConetticutThe Walker Library of the History of Human ImaginationThe Walker Library of the History of Human ImaginationThe Walker Library of the History of Human Imagination这是著名发明家兼企业家Jay Walker的私人图书馆,位于美国Conetticut。
世界各国国家图书馆藏书大全(2010-03-26 20:56:53| 分类:在线服务|字号订阅本文转载自难得糊涂《世界各国国家图书馆藏书大全(建议收藏)》世界各国国家图书馆亚洲阿拉伯联合酋长国国家图书馆(National Library of The United ArabEmirates)阿塞拜疆国家图书馆(State Library of Azerbaijan)巴基斯坦国家图书馆(National Library of Pakistan)不丹国家图书馆(National Library of Bhutan)朝鲜人民大学习堂(The Grand People's Study House DPRK)菲律宾国家图书馆(National Library of Philippines)格鲁吉亚国立公共图书馆(Georgian State Pulbic Library)哈萨克斯坦国家图书馆(National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan)韩国国立中央图书馆(National Library of Korea)吉尔吉斯斯坦国立公共图书馆(State Public Library of Kyrgyzstan)柬埔寨国家图书馆(National Library of Cambodia)卡塔尔国家图书馆(Qatar National Library)科威特中央图书馆(Kuwait Central Library)老挝国家图书馆(National Library of Laos)黎巴嫩国家图书馆(National Library of Lebanon)马尔代夫国家图书馆(National Library of Maldives)蒙古国立中央图书馆(State Central Library of Mongolia)孟加拉国家图书馆与档案馆(Bangladesh National Library & Archives)缅甸国家图书馆(National Library of Myanmar (Burma))尼泊尔国家图书馆(Nepal National Library)日本国立国会图书馆(National Diet Library)塞浦路斯图书馆(Cyprus Library)沙特阿拉伯法赫德国王国家图书馆(King Fahd National Library)斯里兰卡国家图书馆与文献中心(National Library of Sri Lanka)塔吉克斯坦国家图书馆(Firdousi Tajik National Library)泰国国家图书馆(Ho Samut Haeng Chat = National Library of Thailand)土耳其国家图书馆(Milli Kutuphane = National Library of Turkey)土库曼斯坦国立巴沙尔图书馆(National Library of Turkmenistan)文莱国家图书馆(The National Library of Brunei)乌兹别克斯坦国立阿利舍尔·纳沃伊图书馆(Alisher Navoi State Libraryof Uzbekistan)新加坡国家图书馆(National Library of Singapore)叙利亚阿萨德国家图书馆(Assad National Library)亚美尼亚国家图书馆(National Library of Armenia)伊拉克国家图书馆(National Library of Iraq)伊朗国家图书馆(National Library of the Islamic Republic of Iran)以色列犹太国家与大学图书馆(The Jewish National &University Library)印度国家图书馆(National Library of India)印度尼西亚国家图书馆(National Library of Indonesia)约旦国家图书馆(National Library of Jordan)越南国家图书馆(National Library of Vietnam)世界各国国家图书馆欧洲阿尔巴尼亚国家图书馆(Biblioteka Kombetare=National Library of theRepublic of Albania)爱尔兰国家图书馆(National Library of Ireland)爱沙尼亚国家图书馆(Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu = The National Library ofEstonia)安道尔国家图书馆(Biblioteca Naciona l d’Andorra=Andorra NationalLibrary)奥地利国家图书馆(Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek=AustrianNational Library)白俄罗斯国家图书馆(National Library of Belarus)保加利亚圣·西里尔与圣·美多迪乌斯国家图书馆(St. Cyrill & St.Methodius National Library)比利时皇家图书馆(Royal Library of Belgium)冰岛国家与大学图书馆(The National and University Library ofIceland=Landsbokasafn Islands – Haskolabokasafn)波兰国家图书馆(Biblioteka Narodowa = The National Library)波斯尼亚与黑塞哥维那国家与大学图书馆(National & University Library,Bosnia & Herzegovinia)丹麦皇家图书馆(Det Kongelige Bibliotek = The Royal Library)德国柏林国立普鲁士文化基金会图书馆(Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin–Preuβ ischer Kulturbesitz = State Library of Berlin—Prussian Cultural Foundation)德国国家图书馆(Die Deutsche Bibliothek = The National Library of Germany)俄罗斯国家图书馆(Российскаянациональнаябиблиотека= The National Library of Russia)俄罗斯国立图书馆(The Russian State Library)法国国家图书馆(Bibliotheque nationale de France(BNF)= French National Library)梵蒂冈图书馆(Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana = Vatican Library)芬兰赫尔辛基大学图书馆—芬兰国家图书馆(Helsinki University Library – the National Library of Finland)立陶宛马蒂纳斯·马齐达斯国立图书馆(Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania)列支敦士登国家图书馆(Liechtensteinische Landesbibliothek= Liechtenstein National Library)卢森堡国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale de Luxembourg = The National Library of Luxembourg)马耳他国家图书馆(Bibljoteka Nazzjonali t a’ Malta= National Library of Malta)摩尔多瓦共和国国家图书馆(National Library of the Republic of Moldova)摩纳哥路易斯·诺塔里图书馆(Bibliotheque Louis Notari)南斯拉夫塞尔维亚国家图书馆(Narodna Biblioteka Srbije = National Library of Serbia)瑞典皇家图书馆(Kungl. Biblioteket = The Royal Library or Sweden)瑞士国家图书馆(Swiss National Library)圣马力诺国家图书馆与图书遗产馆(Biblioteca di Stato e BeniLibrari=National Library and Book Patrimony)斯洛伐克国家图书馆(Slovenska nnarodna kniznica v matici slovenska=The Slovak National Library in Matica slovenska)斯洛文尼亚国家与大学图书馆(Slovenian National and UniversityLibrary)乌克兰国家图书馆(The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)西班牙国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional de Espana = National Library ofSpain)希腊国家图书馆(National Library of Greece)匈牙利国立塞切尼图书馆(National Szechenyi Library)英国图书馆(The British Library)世界各国国家图书馆非洲阿尔及利亚国家图书馆(The National Library of Algeria)埃及国家图书馆与档案馆(National Library & Archives of Egypt)埃及亚历山大图书馆(Bibliotheca Alexandrian – The Library ofAlexandria, Egypt)埃塞俄比亚国家图书馆与档案馆(National Library and Archives ofEthiopia)安哥拉国家图书馆(Angola National Library )贝宁国家图书馆(National Library of Benin)博茨瓦纳国家图书馆服务处(The Botswana National Library Service)冈比亚国家图书馆(Gambia National Library)刚果人民共和国国家图书馆(The People's National Library of Congo)吉布提国家图书档案馆(National Library and Archives of Kiribati)几内亚比绍国家图书馆(National Library of Guinea-Bissau)几内亚国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale = National Library)加纳图书馆理事会(Ghana Library Board)加蓬国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale = National Library)津巴布韦国家图书馆(National Library of Zimbabwe)喀麦隆国家图书馆(National Library of Cameroon)科特迪瓦国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale = National Library)莱索托国家图书馆(Lesotho National Library Service)卢旺达国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale)马达加斯加国家图书馆(Bibliotheque National)马拉维国家图书馆服务处(National Library Service)毛里塔尼亚国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale =National Library)莫桑比克国家图书馆(National Library of Mozambique)纳米比亚国家图书馆(National Libraries of Namibia)南非国家图书馆(South African Library)尼日利亚国家图书馆(National Library of Nigeria)塞拉里昂国家图书馆理事会(Sierra Leone Library Board)塞舌尔国家图书馆(Seychelles National Library)斯威士兰国家图书馆服务处(Swaziland National Library Service)索马里国家图书馆(National Library of Somalia)坦桑尼亚图书馆服务董事会(Tanzania Library Services Board)突尼斯国家图书馆(Biblitheque Nationale)扎伊尔国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale of Zaire)世界各国国家图书馆美洲阿根廷共和国国家图书馆(The National Library of Argentina)巴拉圭国家图书馆与档案馆(Biblioteca y Archivo Nacional)巴拿马国家图书馆(National Library of Panama)巴西国家图书馆(Fundacao Biblioteca Nacional = Brazilian NationalLibrary)玻利维亚国家图书馆(Bolivia National Library & Archives)多米尼加共和国国家图书馆(National Library of Dominican Republic)哥伦比亚国家图书馆(National Library of Colombia)哥斯达黎加国家图书馆(National Library of Costa Rica)古巴约瑟·马丁国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional ‘Jose Marti’=National Library of Cuba)圭亚那国家图书馆(National Library)加拿大国家图书馆(The National Library of Canada)美国国会图书馆(Library of Congress)秘鲁国家图书馆(National Library of Peru)墨西哥国家图书馆(National Library of Mexico)尼加拉瓜鲁文·达里奥国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional Ruben Dario=TheRuben Dario National Library of Nicaragua)萨尔瓦多国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional)危地马拉国家图书馆(Bibliotecan Nacional de Guatemala = NationalLibrary of Guatemala)委内瑞拉(Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela =National Library ofVenezuela)乌拉圭国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional del Uruguar = National Libraryof Uruguay)智利国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional de Chile = National Library ofChile)世界各国国家图书馆大洋洲澳大利亚国家图书馆(National Library of Australia)巴布亚新几内亚国家图书馆服务处(The National Library Service of PapuaNew Guinea)基里巴斯国家图书馆与档案馆(Kiribati National Library and Archives)库克群岛国家图书馆(Cook Islands National Library)所罗门群岛国家图书馆服务处(National Library Service)瓦努阿图国家图书馆(National Library of Vanuatu)新西兰国家图书馆(National Library of New Zealand)。
The Library of Congress (美国国立图书馆)
Located in three buildings in Washington DC. ,it is
the largest library in the world by shelf space
and number of books. The head of the Library is the Librarian of Congress, currently James H. Billington The Library of Congress is the research library of the United States Congress and the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States..
• World Top Ten Library
Spain‘s “fun” magazine in July 2001 Report No.: ranking the world’s largest library Library of Congress (Washington DC) 26 million volumes Russian Library (Moscow) 17.6 million Chinese Library (Beijing) 15.9 million Russian Library (St. Petersburg) 13.62 million British Library (London) 13 million Harvard Library (Massachusetts) 11 million National Library of France (Paris) 11 million Library of Leipzig(德国莱比锡) 9 million The Japanese Diet Library (Tokyo) 7.27 million Library in Frankfort (法兰克福) 7 million
全国著名图书馆英语作文National Famous Libraries。
Libraries play a crucial role in preserving knowledge, promoting literacy, and fostering a love for reading. Among the many libraries in the world, some stand out for their historical significance, architectural beauty, and vast collections of books. In this essay, we will explore some of the most famous libraries in the world.The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. is the largest library in the world by shelf space and number of books. It was established in 1800 and serves as the research library for the United States Congress. Thelibrary's collection includes over 170 million items, including books, manuscripts, photographs, maps, and recordings. The Library of Congress is also known for its stunning architecture, with its iconic dome and marble columns.The British Library in London is another renowned library, housing over 150 million items in various languages and formats. It was established in 1973 and is the national library of the United Kingdom. The library's collection includes rare books, manuscripts, and historical documents, such as the Magna Carta and the Gutenberg Bible. The British Library is also known for its exhibitions, events, and public programs.The Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris is one of the oldest and most prestigious libraries in the world. It was founded in 1461 and serves as the national library of France. The library's collection includes over 40million items, including books, manuscripts, prints, and photographs. The Bibliothèque nationale de F rance is also known for its stunning architecture, with its glass towers and reading rooms.The New York Public Library is one of the largest public libraries in the United States, with over 50 million items in its collection. It was established in 1895 and serves as a research library for the people of New YorkCity. The library's main branch, located on Fifth Avenue, is known for its iconic lion statues and grand reading rooms. The New York Public Library is also known for its extensive digital collections and online resources.In conclusion, libraries are important institutionsthat preserve knowledge, promote literacy, and foster a love for reading. The libraries mentioned in this essay are just a few examples of the many famous libraries in the world. Each library has its own unique history, architecture, and collection of books. Whether you are a scholar, a student, or a book lover, visiting theselibraries can be a rewarding and enriching experience.。
西雅图中央图书馆2005年;西雅图中央图书馆(seattle public library)的落成,是OMA在21世纪的第一个经典作品。
此案也使OMA获得《时代杂志》2004年最佳建筑奖与2005年AIA 荣誉奖(美国建筑业界最高成就奖)。
Visiting a library for fun might not seem like a good idea.But there are many beautiful libraries around the world,the following might just top the list.去图书馆玩似乎不是个好主意。
1.Handelingenkamer Library,Netherlands The Handelingenkamer Library inside The Hague,Netherlands,is also known as the Old Library of the Dutch Parliament 1.This beautiful building has a glasstop so the light can go through the building.It was finishedat the close of the 19th century and is well known for the beautiful building and its history.1.荷兰海牙老图书馆位于荷兰海牙的海牙老图书馆,也被称为荷兰议会的老图书馆。
2.Biblioteca Joanina,PortugalBiblioteca Joanina was built between 1717and1728.It is one of the world ’s libraries with the most beautiful decoration 2.It is famous for a collection 3ofbooks in the 16th to 18th centuries.The library,which was built in the University of Coimbra,has a 300,000-book collection.The library is a big tourist attraction 4because people love the decoration inside it.2.葡萄牙乔安娜图书馆乔安娜图书馆建于1717至1728年,它是世界上装饰最美的图书馆之一。
世界各国国家图书馆藏书大全(2010-03-26 20:56:53| 分类:在线服务|字号订阅本文转载自难得糊涂《世界各国国家图书馆藏书大全(建议收藏)》世界各国国家图书馆亚洲阿拉伯联合酋长国国家图书馆(National Library of The United ArabEmirates)阿塞拜疆国家图书馆(State Library of Azerbaijan)巴基斯坦国家图书馆(National Library of Pakistan)不丹国家图书馆(National Library of Bhutan)朝鲜人民大学习堂(The Grand People's Study House DPRK)菲律宾国家图书馆(National Library of Philippines)格鲁吉亚国立公共图书馆(Georgian State Pulbic Library)哈萨克斯坦国家图书馆(National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan)韩国国立中央图书馆(National Library of Korea)吉尔吉斯斯坦国立公共图书馆(State Public Library of Kyrgyzstan)柬埔寨国家图书馆(National Library of Cambodia)卡塔尔国家图书馆(Qatar National Library)科威特中央图书馆(Kuwait Central Library)老挝国家图书馆(National Library of Laos)黎巴嫩国家图书馆(National Library of Lebanon)马尔代夫国家图书馆(National Library of Maldives)蒙古国立中央图书馆(State Central Library of Mongolia)孟加拉国家图书馆与档案馆(Bangladesh National Library & Archives)缅甸国家图书馆(National Library of Myanmar (Burma))尼泊尔国家图书馆(Nepal National Library)日本国立国会图书馆(National Diet Library)塞浦路斯图书馆(Cyprus Library)沙特阿拉伯法赫德国王国家图书馆(King Fahd National Library)斯里兰卡国家图书馆与文献中心(National Library of Sri Lanka)塔吉克斯坦国家图书馆(Firdousi Tajik National Library)泰国国家图书馆(Ho Samut Haeng Chat = National Library of Thailand)土耳其国家图书馆(Milli Kutuphane = National Library of Turkey)土库曼斯坦国立巴沙尔图书馆(National Library of Turkmenistan)文莱国家图书馆(The National Library of Brunei)乌兹别克斯坦国立阿利舍尔·纳沃伊图书馆(Alisher Navoi State Libraryof Uzbekistan)新加坡国家图书馆(National Library of Singapore)叙利亚阿萨德国家图书馆(Assad National Library)亚美尼亚国家图书馆(National Library of Armenia)伊拉克国家图书馆(National Library of Iraq)伊朗国家图书馆(National Library of the Islamic Republic of Iran)以色列犹太国家与大学图书馆(The Jewish National &University Library)印度国家图书馆(National Library of India)印度尼西亚国家图书馆(National Library of Indonesia)约旦国家图书馆(National Library of Jordan)越南国家图书馆(National Library of Vietnam)世界各国国家图书馆欧洲阿尔巴尼亚国家图书馆(Biblioteka Kombetare=National Library of theRepublic of Albania)爱尔兰国家图书馆(National Library of Ireland)爱沙尼亚国家图书馆(Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu = The National Library ofEstonia)安道尔国家图书馆(Biblioteca Naciona l d’Andorra=Andorra NationalLibrary)奥地利国家图书馆(Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek=AustrianNational Library)白俄罗斯国家图书馆(National Library of Belarus)保加利亚圣·西里尔与圣·美多迪乌斯国家图书馆(St. Cyrill & St.Methodius National Library)比利时皇家图书馆(Royal Library of Belgium)冰岛国家与大学图书馆(The National and University Library ofIceland=Landsbokasafn Islands – Haskolabokasafn)波兰国家图书馆(Biblioteka Narodowa = The National Library)波斯尼亚与黑塞哥维那国家与大学图书馆(National & University Library,Bosnia & Herzegovinia)丹麦皇家图书馆(Det Kongelige Bibliotek = The Royal Library)德国柏林国立普鲁士文化基金会图书馆(Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin–Preuβ ischer Kulturbesitz = State Library of Berlin—Prussian Cultural Foundation)德国国家图书馆(Die Deutsche Bibliothek = The National Library of Germany)俄罗斯国家图书馆(Российскаянациональнаябиблиотека= The National Library of Russia)俄罗斯国立图书馆(The Russian State Library)法国国家图书馆(Bibliotheque nationale de France(BNF)= French National Library)梵蒂冈图书馆(Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana = Vatican Library)芬兰赫尔辛基大学图书馆—芬兰国家图书馆(Helsinki University Library – the National Library of Finland)立陶宛马蒂纳斯·马齐达斯国立图书馆(Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania)列支敦士登国家图书馆(Liechtensteinische Landesbibliothek= Liechtenstein National Library)卢森堡国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale de Luxembourg = The National Library of Luxembourg)马耳他国家图书馆(Bibljoteka Nazzjonali t a’ Malta= National Library of Malta)摩尔多瓦共和国国家图书馆(National Library of the Republic of Moldova)摩纳哥路易斯·诺塔里图书馆(Bibliotheque Louis Notari)南斯拉夫塞尔维亚国家图书馆(Narodna Biblioteka Srbije = National Library of Serbia)瑞典皇家图书馆(Kungl. Biblioteket = The Royal Library or Sweden)瑞士国家图书馆(Swiss National Library)圣马力诺国家图书馆与图书遗产馆(Biblioteca di Stato e BeniLibrari=National Library and Book Patrimony)斯洛伐克国家图书馆(Slovenska nnarodna kniznica v matici slovenska=The Slovak National Library in Matica slovenska)斯洛文尼亚国家与大学图书馆(Slovenian National and UniversityLibrary)乌克兰国家图书馆(The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)西班牙国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional de Espana = National Library ofSpain)希腊国家图书馆(National Library of Greece)匈牙利国立塞切尼图书馆(National Szechenyi Library)英国图书馆(The British Library)世界各国国家图书馆非洲阿尔及利亚国家图书馆(The National Library of Algeria)埃及国家图书馆与档案馆(National Library & Archives of Egypt)埃及亚历山大图书馆(Bibliotheca Alexandrian – The Library ofAlexandria, Egypt)埃塞俄比亚国家图书馆与档案馆(National Library and Archives ofEthiopia)安哥拉国家图书馆(Angola National Library )贝宁国家图书馆(National Library of Benin)博茨瓦纳国家图书馆服务处(The Botswana National Library Service)冈比亚国家图书馆(Gambia National Library)刚果人民共和国国家图书馆(The People's National Library of Congo)吉布提国家图书档案馆(National Library and Archives of Kiribati)几内亚比绍国家图书馆(National Library of Guinea-Bissau)几内亚国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale = National Library)加纳图书馆理事会(Ghana Library Board)加蓬国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale = National Library)津巴布韦国家图书馆(National Library of Zimbabwe)喀麦隆国家图书馆(National Library of Cameroon)科特迪瓦国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale = National Library)莱索托国家图书馆(Lesotho National Library Service)卢旺达国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale)马达加斯加国家图书馆(Bibliotheque National)马拉维国家图书馆服务处(National Library Service)毛里塔尼亚国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale =National Library)莫桑比克国家图书馆(National Library of Mozambique)纳米比亚国家图书馆(National Libraries of Namibia)南非国家图书馆(South African Library)尼日利亚国家图书馆(National Library of Nigeria)塞拉里昂国家图书馆理事会(Sierra Leone Library Board)塞舌尔国家图书馆(Seychelles National Library)斯威士兰国家图书馆服务处(Swaziland National Library Service)索马里国家图书馆(National Library of Somalia)坦桑尼亚图书馆服务董事会(Tanzania Library Services Board)突尼斯国家图书馆(Biblitheque Nationale)扎伊尔国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale of Zaire)世界各国国家图书馆美洲阿根廷共和国国家图书馆(The National Library of Argentina)巴拉圭国家图书馆与档案馆(Biblioteca y Archivo Nacional)巴拿马国家图书馆(National Library of Panama)巴西国家图书馆(Fundacao Biblioteca Nacional = Brazilian NationalLibrary)玻利维亚国家图书馆(Bolivia National Library & Archives)多米尼加共和国国家图书馆(National Library of Dominican Republic)哥伦比亚国家图书馆(National Library of Colombia)哥斯达黎加国家图书馆(National Library of Costa Rica)古巴约瑟·马丁国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional ‘Jose Marti’=National Library of Cuba)圭亚那国家图书馆(National Library)加拿大国家图书馆(The National Library of Canada)美国国会图书馆(Library of Congress)秘鲁国家图书馆(National Library of Peru)墨西哥国家图书馆(National Library of Mexico)尼加拉瓜鲁文·达里奥国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional Ruben Dario=TheRuben Dario National Library of Nicaragua)萨尔瓦多国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional)危地马拉国家图书馆(Bibliotecan Nacional de Guatemala = NationalLibrary of Guatemala)委内瑞拉(Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela =National Library ofVenezuela)乌拉圭国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional del Uruguar = National Libraryof Uruguay)智利国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional de Chile = National Library ofChile)世界各国国家图书馆大洋洲澳大利亚国家图书馆(National Library of Australia)巴布亚新几内亚国家图书馆服务处(The National Library Service of PapuaNew Guinea)基里巴斯国家图书馆与档案馆(Kiribati National Library and Archives)库克群岛国家图书馆(Cook Islands National Library)所罗门群岛国家图书馆服务处(National Library Service)瓦努阿图国家图书馆(National Library of Vanuatu)新西兰国家图书馆(National Library of New Zealand)。
向别人介绍图书馆的英语作文英文回答:The library is a repository of knowledge and information, a place where people can go to learn, explore, and discover. It is a place where people can find books, magazines, newspapers, and other resources that can help them learn about the world around them. The library is also a place where people can go to relax and enjoy themselves.The library has a long history, dating back to the ancient world. The first libraries were established in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, where they were used tostore and preserve important documents. Over time,libraries evolved and grew, and they became an essentialpart of education and scholarship.Today, libraries are found in communities all over the world. They are an important part of our educational system, and they provide a valuable service to the community.Libraries offer a wide range of resources and services, including books, magazines, newspapers, computers, and DVDs. They also offer programs and activities for people of all ages.The library is a place for everyone. It is a placewhere people can go to learn, explore, and discover. It isa place where people can find knowledge, information, and inspiration.中文回答:图书馆是知识和信息的宝库,人们可以去学习、探索和发现。
英语作文《介绍图书馆》Title: An Introduction to the LibraryThe library, an ocean of knowledge, stands as a symbol of intellectual pursuit and academic excellence. It serves as a sanctuary for book lovers, researchers, and learners of all ages. This essay aims to provide a brief introduction to the library and highlight its significance in our lives.Location and Infrastructureestled in the heart of our city, the library spans across a vast area, boasting a impressive collection of books, journals, and other resources. With multiple floors and well-equipped reading rooms, it caters to the diverse needs of its visitors. The library also features a state-of-the-art digital section, ensuring easy access to online resources.Collection and ResourcesThe library's collection is its most valuable asset. It encompasses a wide range of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, science, literature, history, and more. Moreover, the library subscribes to numerous national and international journals, ensuring that readers stay updated with the latest research and developments. The children's section is especially well-stocked, promoting reading habits from a young age.Services OfferedApart from providing a vast collection of books and resources, the library offers several services to facilitate learning and research. Theseinclude:1. Lending services: Visitors can borrow books, journals, and other materials for a specific duration.2. Reference services: Librarians assist readers in finding relevant resources and provide guidance for research purposes.3. Reading rooms: Comfortable seating arrangements and a quiet environment enable visitors to read and study without any distractions.4. Digital services: Access to online databases, e-books, and other digital resources is available to members.5. Events and workshops: The library regularly organizes events, book clubs, and workshops to foster a love for reading and learning.Significance of the LibraryThe library plays a crucial role in society for several reasons:1. democratization of knowledge: It provides access to information and educational resources, regardless of a person's financial background.2. Encouraging lifelong learning: The library promotes continuous learning and intellectual growth, serving as a source of inspiration for readers of all ages.3. Fostering creativity and critical thinking: The diverse collection of books and resources stimulates creativity and encourages critical thinking among visitors.4. Preserving history and culture: Libraries serve as custodians ofknowledge, preserving historical documents, rare books, and cultural artifacts for future generations.ConclusionIn conclusion, the library is more than just a building filled with books. It is a hub of learning, discovery, and cultural enrichment. With its extensive collection, diverse services, and significant role in society, the library remains an indispensable institution in our quest for knowledge and self-improvement.。
英语作文介绍图书馆英文回答:The library is a haven for bibliophiles and knowledge seekers alike. It is a place where words come alive and stories unfold. Within its hallowed halls, one can journey across time, explore distant lands, and delve into the depths of human imagination.As I step into the library, I am greeted by a symphonyof hushed whispers and the gentle rustling of turning pages. The air is thick with the scent of old paper and thepromise of adventure. Bookshelves tower over me, their spines adorned with an eclectic tapestry of titles. Each shelf is a portal to a different realm, inviting me to embark on a literary odyssey.The library is not merely a repository of books. It isa sanctuary for the mind. Here, one can lose oneself in the written word, free from the distractions of the outsideworld. The act of reading transports us to distant lands, introduces us to unforgettable characters, and broadens our understanding of the human condition.In the library, I can be a time traveler, journeying back to ancient civilizations or leaping forward into the distant future. I can become an explorer, traversing uncharted territories and discovering hidden worlds. I can be a scientist, delving into the mysteries of the universe and unlocking the secrets of nature.The library is also a place of learning and discovery. It houses a wealth of information, from textbooks and encyclopedias to academic journals and rare manuscripts. Whether one seeks knowledge for personal enrichment or professional advancement, the library is an invaluable resource.In addition to its vast collection of books, thelibrary also offers a range of services and programs. I can attend author readings, participate in book clubs, and take advantage of research assistance. The librarians are alwayson hand to provide friendly and knowledgeable guidance.The library is more than just a building filled with books. It is a place where knowledge, imagination, and community intersect. It is a place where I can grow intellectually, expand my horizons, and connect with fellow book lovers.中文回答:图书馆是爱书者和知识探索者的天堂。
一、美国图书馆(Library of Congress)美国图书馆是世界上最大的图书馆,其藏书量高达1.7亿册,其中包括超过3800万印刷品、5000万手稿、1500万地图、700万照片和1.3万小时的电影和录音。
二、英国图书馆(British Library)英国图书馆是世界上规模最大的学术图书馆之一,其藏书量已经达到1500万册以上。
三、法国国家图书馆(Bibliothèque nationale de France)法国国家图书馆是世界上最古老和最著名的图书馆之一。
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九、丹麦皇家图书馆Det Kongelige Bibliotek
于1648年,1673年在克里斯蒂安堡(现在的议会) 对面一座适合当图书馆的建筑物中开馆。1661— 1664年间,弗里德里克三世还得到4座私人图书馆, 其藏书(主要为罗曼语)构成皇家图书馆的核心。 在18世纪,馆藏的增加主要靠购买私人藏书、礼 品和战争掠夺。在18世纪末,图书馆性质有了改 变,成为一个学术性的国家图书馆。
史,是美国的四个官方国家图书馆之一,也是全球最重要的图书 馆之一。它保存各类收藏近1 亿2100 万项,超过三分之二的书籍是以多媒体形式存放的。其 中包括很多稀有图书、特色
收藏、世界上最大的地图、电影胶片和电视片等(除农业技术和 临床医学方面的信息分别由
国家农业图书馆和国家医学图书馆收藏外,其它信息均被国会图 书馆收藏)。
60 多万册。随着政府更迭图书馆几度更名。
据2000 年年底的统计各馆的藏书量分别为:
(1) 黎塞留图书馆的馆藏:地图与涉及图、制图学文献及地球
仪等89 万件;图片及照 片1200 万幅;手稿22.5 万卷;乐谱170 万件(套);古 币、证章、古董52 万件(套)。 (2) 密特朗图书馆:印本书及承袭的藏书1000 万卷,其中善 本20 万卷,供开架使用的40 万卷;期刊总计35 万种,其中 法文现刊3.2 万种,外文现刊8500 种;缩微胶卷7.6 万卷, 缩微平片95 万张;数字化图片10 万幅;数字化文本作品10 万种;录音90 万件;多媒体资料4.5 万件;录像83000 件。 (3) 阿斯纳图书馆:图书及期刊100 万卷;手稿、图片地图、 乐谱12 万件;表演艺术 招贴画、照片、手稿、舞台设计等190 万种。
图书馆介绍英语作文In the heart of our bustling city lies a sanctuary of knowledge and tranquility—the City Central Library. It is a place where the whispers of the past echo through the stacks, and the future is written with every turn of a page.The library is a grand building with a facade that speaks of architectural elegance. Its towering pillars and intricately designed arches give it a classical charm that invites the curious and the studious alike. Upon entering, one is greeted by the warm glow of natural light filtering through the high windows, casting a serene ambiance.The main hall is a spacious affair, with high ceilings and a polished marble floor that reflects the light. The walls are lined with shelves that reach to the ceiling, each one laden with books of every genre and language. From the classics of literature to the latest bestsellers, from scientificjournals to historical accounts, the library is a treasure trove for the avid reader.At the center of the hall, there is an information desk manned by friendly and knowledgeable staff who are always ready to assist with any inquiries. They can guide you through the labyrinth of books and resources, ensuring you find exactly what you're looking for.The library also boasts a state-of-the-art digital mediasection, where patrons can access online databases, e-books, and audiobooks. This modern touch ensures that the library remains relevant in the digital age, catering to the needs of all learners.For those seeking a quiet corner to study or read, thelibrary offers a number of cozy reading nooks. These are equipped with comfortable seating and soft lighting, creating an ideal environment for concentration and relaxation.In addition to its vast collection of books, the City Central Library hosts a variety of events and workshops. These include author readings, book clubs, and language classes, which foster a sense of community and learning.The library is not just a place to borrow books; it is a community hub that encourages lifelong learning and the pursuit of knowledge. It is a place where anyone can come to explore new ideas, learn a new skill, or simply escape into the pages of a good book.Whether you are a student preparing for exams, a professional seeking to expand your knowledge, or a casual reader looking for a good story, the City Central Library is a place that welcomes you with open arms and endless possibilities. It is a testament to the power of knowledge and the joy of discovery.。
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Private Non-profit
The Metropolitan源自Museum of ArtThe Winter Palace
British Museum
The Louvre
In order to encourage and develop application in
The Palace is now part of a complex of buildings known as the State Hermitage Museum which holds one of the world's greatest collections of art.
As part of the museum, many of the Winter Palace‘s 1,057 halls and rooms are open to the public.
years,and become an important milestone in the study of ancient Egyptian history today.
Elgin Marbles(爱尔金大理石雕像)
Elgin Marbles is part of the ancient Greek Parthenon carvings and architectural pieces, so far more than 2,500 years of history.
Benois Madonna | Leonardo da Vinci | 1478-1480 Madonna Litta | Leonardo da Vinci | 1490 The Return of the Prodigal Son | Rembrandt | 16681669
英语作文 图书馆介绍
![英语作文 图书馆介绍](
英语作文图书馆介绍Library Introduction。
A library is a place where books, magazines, newspapers, and other materials are kept for people to read, study, or borrow. It is a treasure trove of knowledge and a sanctuary for those seeking information. Libraries come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from small community libraries to large university libraries. In this essay, we will explore the importance of libraries and the various services they offer.First and foremost, libraries play a crucial role in providing access to information for everyone. They serve as a hub for learning and research, catering to the needs of students, scholars, and the general public. Libraries house a wide range of resources, including books, e-books, periodicals, and audiovisual materials, covering diverse subjects such as history, science, literature, and technology. With the advent of digital libraries, users can now access a vast collection of online resources from thecomfort of their homes.Moreover, libraries offer a variety of services to meet the needs of their patrons. These services may include reference assistance, interlibrary loan, computer and internet access, and educational programs. Librarians are trained professionals who can help users locate information, conduct research, and navigate the library's resources. Additionally, many libraries host events and workshops,such as author readings, book clubs, and technology classes, to engage the community and promote literacy.Furthermore, libraries serve as a quiet and peaceful environment for reading and studying. They provide a space for individuals to concentrate on their work without distractions. Many libraries offer study rooms, carrels,and reading areas where patrons can focus on their academic pursuits. Some libraries even have designated children's areas with age-appropriate books and activities to foster a love of reading from a young age.In addition to their educational and informationalfunctions, libraries also contribute to the cultural and social life of a community. They often serve as gathering places for people with diverse interests and backgrounds. Whether it's attending a lecture, participating in a book discussion, or simply browsing the shelves, patrons can connect with others who share their passion for learning and knowledge.In conclusion, libraries are invaluable institutions that provide access to information, support lifelong learning, and foster a sense of community. They offer a wide range of resources and services to meet the needs of their users, making them essential hubs for education and intellectual enrichment. As technology continues to evolve, libraries will undoubtedly adapt to meet the changing needs of their patrons, ensuring that they remain relevant and accessible in the digital age. So, let's make the most of our libraries and continue to support these vital centers of knowledge and culture.。
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• The Library makes millions of digital objects, comprising tens of petabytes (10的15次方字节), available at its American Memory site. American Memory is a source for public domain image resources, as well as audio, video, and archived Web content. Nearly all of the lists of holdings, the catalogs of the library, can be consulted directly on its web site.
As the national library, the Library of Congress promotes literacy(精通文学) and American literature through projects such as the American Folklife Center, American Memory, Center for the Book and Poet Laureate.
• World Top Ten Library
Spain„s “fun” magazine in July 2001 Report No.: ranking the world‟s largest library Library of Congress (Washington DC) 26 million volumes Russian Library (Moscow) 17.6 million Chinese Library (Beijing) 15.9 million Russian Library (St. Petersburg) 13.62 million British Library (London) 13 million Harvard Library (Massachusetts) 11 million National Library of France (Paris) 11 million Library of Leipzig(德国莱比锡) 9 million The Japanese Diet Library (Tokyo) 7.27 million Library in Frankfort (法兰克福) 7 million
• over 6,000 comic book titles; films; 5.3 million maps; 6 million works of sheet music; 3 million sound recordings; more than 14.7 million prints and photographic images including fine and popular art pieces and architectural drawings; The Library developed a system of book classification called Library of Congress Classification (LCC), which is used by most US research and university libraries
bookshelves, while the British Library reports about 625 kilometers (388 mi) of shelves. The Library of Congress holds about 147 million items with 33 million books against approximately 150 million items with 25 million books for the British Library
• During the rapid expansion of the 20th century the Library of Congress assumed a preeminent(卓越的、杰 出的) public role, becoming a "library of last resort" and expanding its mission for the benefit scholars and the American people.
Using the Library
• The library is open to the general public for academic research and tourists. Only those who are issued a Reader Identification Card may enter the reading rooms and access the collection. The Reader Identification Card is available in the Madison building to persons who are at least 16 years of age upon presentation of a government issued picture
1815.After a period of decline
during the mid-19th century the Library of Congress began to grow rapidly in both size and importance after the American Civil War, culminating in the construction of a separate library building and the transference of all copyright deposit holdings to the Library
Located in three buildings in Washington DC. ,it is
The Library of Congress (美国国立图书馆)
the largest library in the world by shelf space and number of books. The head of the Library is the Librarian of Congress, currently James H. Billington The Library of Congress is the research library of the United States Congress and the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States..
• Nearly 22,000 new items published in the U.S. arrive every business day at the Library. Contrary to popular belief, however, the Library does not retain all of these works in its permanent (持久 的)collection, although it does add an average of 10,000 items per day. Rejected items are used in trades with other libraries around the world, distributed to federal agencies, or donated to schools, communities,
The Library's primary mission is researching inquiries made by members of Congress through the Congressional Research Service. Although it is open to the public, only Members of Congress, Supreme Court justices and other high-ranking government officials may check out books.
• The collections of the Library of Congress include more than 32 million cataloged books and other print materials in 470 languages; more than 61 million manuscripts; the largest rare book collection in north America, including the rough draft of the Declaration of Independence, a Gutenberg Bible (one of only four perfect vellum copies known to exist); over 1 million us government publications; 1 million issues of world newspapers spanning the past three centuries; 33,000 bound newspaper volumes; 500,000 microfilm reels;.
• The Library serves as a legal repository for copyright protection and copyright registration, and as the base for the United States Copyright Office. Regardless of whether they register their copyright, all publishers are required to submit (提交)two complete copies of their published works to the Library if requested—this requirement is known as mandatory (强制的义务的) deposit(寄存物). Parties wishing not to publish, need only submit one copy of their of Congress was built by Congress in 1800, and was housed in the United States capital for most of the 19th century. After much of the original collection had been destroyed during the War of 1812, Thomas Jefferson sold 6,487 books, his entire personal collection, to the library in