四年级语文上册重要词语盘点(多音字组词)鍥涘勾绾ц涔?sh猫ng(鍗冧箻) ch茅ng(涔樻硶) 鍗?ju脿n (璇曞嵎) Ju菐n (鍗峰彂) 娑?zh 菐ng(娑ㄦ疆) zh脿ng(娑ㄥぇ) 灞?p铆ng (灞忓箷) B菒ng (灞忔伅) 鍐?gu脿n(鍐犲啗) gu膩n(楦″啝鑺? 浼?sh矛(浼肩殑) s矛(浼间箮) 钂?m臎ng(钂欏彜) m 膿ng(钂欎汉钂欓獥) 閾?p奴(閾鸿矾) p霉(搴楅摵) 闅?n谩n(鍥伴毦) n脿n(鐏鹃毦) 鍙?h脿o(鍙峰瓙) h谩o绉?ch膿ng(鍙风О) Ch 猫n (鍖€绉? 妯?m煤(妯℃牱) m贸(妯″瀷) 鏁?sh菙(涓嶅彲璁℃暟) sh霉(鏁) 闄?ji脿ng(涓嬮檷) xi谩ng(鎶曢檷) 闂?ji膩n (鏃堕棿) Ji脿n (闂撮殧) 鎭?臎(鎭跺績) 猫(鍑舵伓) w霉()鐨?de (鎴戠殑) d铆(鐨勭‘) d矛() 渚?g艒ng(渚涘吇) g貌ng(渚涘搧) 缁?j菒(缁欎簣) g臎i (閫佺粰) 璋?di脿o (璋冩煡) ti谩o (璋冭妭璋冪毊) 绂?j 墨n() j矛n() 鍏?x矛ng(楂樺叴) x墨ng() 闂?m膿n(闂风儹) m猫n(闂烽浄鐑﹂椃) 搴?y墨ng () y矛ng (绛斿簲) 杞瑉hu脿n() zhu菐n() 绌?k貌ng(绌洪殭鏈夌┖) k艒ng(绌洪棿) 鍠?h膿(鍠濇按) h猫(鍠濆僵) 鐪?k膩n (鐪嬪畧) k脿n () 宸?ch膩() ch脿(? ch膩i(鍑哄樊) c墨(鍙傚樊涓嶉綈) 寮?qi谩ng(寮哄ぇ) ji脿ng(鍊斿己) qi菐ng(鍕夊己) 濂?q铆(濂囪抗) j墨(濂囨暟) 鑸?sh猫(瀹胯垗鏃呯ぞ) sh 臎(鑸嶅幓鑸嶅緱) 琛?x铆ng (琛屼汉) H谩ng (琛屼笟) 杞?z菐i (杞戒汉瑁呰浇) z脿i (璁拌浇) 涓?w茅i(? W猫i (鍥犱负) 鎶?sh茅( 鏋濇姌鑺辫惤) zh膿(鎶樿吘) zh茅(鎵撴姌) 骞?g膩n(骞叉澂) g脿n(骞叉椿) 鏁?s脿n (鏁d細)S菐n (鏁e紑) 鍜?h茅(鍜屽钩) h猫(搴斿拰) 灏?ji膩ng () Ji脿ng (澶у皢) 鐫€zhu贸(娌夌潃) Zh谩o (鐫€鍦? 瀹?n铆ng (瀹佹効) N矛ng (瀹佸彲) 缂?f茅ng(缂濊。
課:42 (頁:1/10)
包,包圍 燒開,使 混合 計算
厚 薄
律師 音樂家 孩子們 兩個人
教育 歷史 文化 社會 法律
戰爭 和平
目的 安全 論文 關係
攪拌器 水壺 開瓶器 罐頭起子,開罐刀 罐頭
包巾 算盤 體溫計
材料 石頭 金字塔 數據,資料 文件夾
課:42 (頁:2/10)
「名詞子句」 私はピアノを弾くことができます。
ご飯を食べながら新聞を読みます。 早く新聞を読みます。
Ⅰ動詞基本形、名詞+に行く/来る/帰る ⑪神戸へ船を見に行きます。 ⑫日本へ経済の勉強に来ました。
而格助詞,前面接的就是名詞。因此,這等於是一個名詞子句。怎樣,簡單吧。另外,這個表 示目的的「に」,往往後面會接「使う」「いい」「便利だ」「役に立つ」「(時間が)かかる」,因為 表示目的啊。在這裡順便上一下句法學,來看看日文中的「名詞子句」、「形容詞子句」跟「副詞子 句」吧。
助詞「も」接在數量詞後,表示說話者認為該數量很大。 ⑳駅まで行くのに 2 時間もかかりました。 ○21 うちを建てるのに 3000 万円も必要なんですか。 A:台北市で家を買うのに五百万元は要るでしょう。 B:えっ、五百万元も要るんですか。 A:要在台北市買房子啊,我看至少也要 500 萬。 B:啥!居然要 500 萬這麼多喔。
三年级语文上册词语表(看拼音写词语人教版)涓夊勾绾ц?1銆乸铆ng b脿chu膩n d脿i zh膩o h奴h煤di茅k菕ng qu猫w菙t贸ng zh艒ng c奴zhu脿ng( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 锛?锛?f猫ng w臎i zh煤d菐b脿n hu膩n ch脿ng pi膩o y谩ng j矛ng l菒h脿o q 铆y贸u x矛g菙l菐o( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )锛?锛夛紙锛?zh膩o y菒n r猫n脿o ji茅b谩i y谩o hu脿ng锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?2銆亀谩n shu菐sh菒j矛n r贸ng m谩o zh猫xi膿ji菐zhu膩ng di脿o y 煤sh猫ng k膩i( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 锛?锛?gu膩n ch谩hu膩b脿n h茅l菕ng sh菕u zh菐ng y菕u q霉ch谩o d脿i ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 锛?锛?y墨b臎n zh猫ng j墨ng y菒n r茅n zh霉m霉( ) ( )3銆乫膿ng d菒ng s矛h奴b谩i f脿c膩ng c膩ng z谩n men f猫n l矛bi 脿n zi y菕ng q矛( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )锛?锛?j奴r谩n h奴r谩n zh艒ng y煤ju茅x墨n l矛li脿ng p谩sh膩n( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 锛?锛?5銆亂菐ng w脿ng ji膩o w脿i s脿n b霉xi艒ng p煤mi脿n b膩o zh膩hu 貌zh臎( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )k臎x墨g菐n ku脿i d墨t贸u ch茅ng sh铆hu膩n ku脿i y谩n h谩n z矛y谩n z矛y菙( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )锛?锛?k臎n d矛ng gu菕r谩n hu膩n b猫ng lu脿n ti脿o( ) ( ) ( )6銆乼奴r谩n ch膿li脿ng c猫sh膿n 脿n d貌ng l矛k猫r茅n x铆ng d 脿o zh脿o xi脿ng j墨( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )( )锛?锛?d菐liang j矛zh臎zhu菐n g脿o b菐i n貌ng zh菙n b猫i ji膩o ju菐n m矛sh奴z谩zh矛sh猫( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 锛?锛? )7銆亃h霉m铆ng zhu艒m铆c谩ng q铆gu脿i d矛zh矛xu茅ji膩y谩n y谩n sh铆sh铆l矛sh菒( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )zhu脿n l谩i zhu脿n q霉x矛ng q霉p铆ng zh臎ng zhu膩n m茅n ch茅ng gu 菕w貌chu谩ng( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )qi膩o qi膩o du菕sh菐n tu墨d貌ng l菤x铆ng k菐o ch谩q铆n l菒ng y 铆j矛y谩n ji奴( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )锛?锛夛紙锛?zh猫n j墨ng j矛l菧w貌chu谩ng锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?9銆乧霉j矛n sh膿n r霉j矛y矛y矛k菕u t贸ng sh膿ng xi膩ng f茅ng ji 膩ji茅ji膩b猫i ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )锛?锛墆谩o yu菐n bi脿n d矛ch膩hu膩( ) ( ) ( )10銆乯墨ng x墨n x墨w脿ng y墨r谩n f膿i w菙p墨n m矛ng b膿n p菐o d菕u d貌ng x煤n zh菐o( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( )锛?锛夛紙锛?m貌f谩ng j矛x霉d脿j墨ng sh墨s猫qi膩n h奴w脿n hu脿n chu铆t贸u s脿ng q矛( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )11銆乹墨ng li谩ng sh矛zi ji膩j菒n li煤y矛xi膩n z菒sh脿n zi b艒lu贸y谩n r猫( ) ( )( )( )( )( )锛?锛夛紙锛?q矛w猫i y贸u pi脿o xi膩ng ti谩n li谩ng shu菐ng li谩ng sh铆y谩ng sh 霉f膿ng sh艒u( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )锛?锛?y矛m茅i y膩l铆y贸u li脿ng li脿ng( ) ( ) ( )13銆亃h膿ng q铆d貌u y脿n f膿n f膩ng m铆r茅n zh铆w霉xu茅ji膩gu膩n x矛m矛qi猫( ) ( ) ( ) ( )k奴n ch贸ng chu谩n b艒y脿n l矛ji膩o n猫n li煤x墨n s奴x菒ng sh墨d霉sh矛y铆( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )sh矛y矛ng zh菐n sh矛x奴y脿o xi奴ji脿n l霉x霉d脿zh矛n猫i w 脿i qi谩ng d脿m臎i m猫ng( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )锛?锛? )( )( )14銆亃h菙n qu猫w煤w霉qu猫qu猫sh铆sh铆w煤l霉n sh矛y脿n zh菒d脿i zh猫ng sh铆( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )f膿i s脿n j墨h奴d脿g脿i ji菐n sh菐o z菙l矛y谩o yu菐n tu墨c猫b 膩o ku貌ji菐n ch谩( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( ) ( )m铆sh墨y谩n t煤ch膩o ch谩ng j矛y矛l矛b臎n n茅ng( )( )( )( )( )15銆乵铆ng t谩ng l脿ng f猫i j矛ng pi脿n k膩n sh菕u d矛ng sh铆q墨ng xi谩n f脿ng d脿j矛ng锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?x矛w膿i yu猫d煤su铆y矛ti谩o ji茅ji菐n d膩n xi菐n w膿i j矛ng j 菒l谩i j菒q霉锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?w膿i sh膿ng w霉b脿i f菐ng w谩n j霉d臎ng d脿i锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?17銆亂u菐n j矛n w茅n m铆ng xi膩ng j霉xu茅w猫n f膿ng ch茅n p煤p 煤n脿m猫n y铆ng h貌u锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?d臎ng h貌u zh菒j矛ng zh菐ng j矛n q菒ng ji脿o b菐o li煤chu谩n sh貌u j矛ng zh貌ng 锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?p菒n x铆ng sh膩n qi奴锛?锛夛紙锛?銆€18銆亂菙zh貌u h膿i 脿n sh脿ng sh膿ng xi脿ji脿ng q矛x墨s矛zh墨j 墨f奴li谩o ku貌锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?xu猫y猫b膿n li煤b霉x墨m脿o sh猫ng z墨r霉n chu脿ng z脿o锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?19銆乻h猫j矛c膩n ji膩xi贸ng w臎i qu谩n b霉h茅ng ku脿chu脿ng j 菙ji菐n q墨ng ch艒ng j墨l矛锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?zh貌ng li脿ng ji茅sh臎ng ji膩n g霉m臎i gu膩n sh铆l谩n l谩n b菐n j 墨ng m臎i t煤脿n锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?qi谩n zh菐o hu铆sh菕u y谩o w脿ng shu膩ng l贸ng x矛zh奴c谩i g脿n b菐o gu矛y铆ch菐n锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?xi脿n ch茅ng锛?锛?21銆亃h艒ng du脿n ch菙ji膩ng g奴f膩n銆€锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?22銆乫膿ng j菒ng y艒u m臎i w霉ch菐n f膿ng f霉w菙gu膩ng sh铆s 猫g膩o d墨b霉p铆ng锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?g猫zh菕ng g猫y脿ng ch茅ng q煤n ji茅du矛pi膩o pi膩o y谩o y谩o qi 膩n q铆b菐i gu脿i 锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?y煤y猫g艒ng r茅n s矛ji菐o ch谩o ti膩n z菙z菙b猫i b猫i sh膿n l 谩n x矛ng hu谩ng锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?ji膩o cu貌l菐n y谩ng y谩ng p墨ji菐w膿i w菙y谩n s猫x铆ng zhu脿ng m脿o m矛锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?f茅i li脿o j矛hu脿ji菐n d艒ng xi锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?23銆乧h艒u ch奴n猫n l菧hu矛ch茅ng x墨n sh菐ng m矛m矛c茅ng c 茅ng d菐ng zh霉sh矛xi脿n锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?xi脿n ch奴k臎k菕u xi膩n n猫n m铆ng gu矛y脿o c谩i y貌u s艒ng y 貌u ru菐n sh茅tou sh艒u c谩n锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?f菐n y矛ng gu膩f膿ng j矛n p脿o锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?25銆乯铆h茅zh膩o ji脿j菒n zh膩ng g霉r谩n w奴gu墨z矛w猫i j矛n g艒ng p脿o k菕u t菐n k猫锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?h茅猫r w茅i y墨zh脿n ch菐ng d脿xi菐n sh茅n w膿i sh菕u c矛lu脿n ch茅ng y墨tu谩n ch谩ng ch霉锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?sh猫ng l矛zh臎ch谩ng m谩o d霉n p谩i sh菕u ch铆y矛b膩n sh矛b 墨ng h貌u tu矛锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?26銆乥墨ng xi茅f菙t贸u sh菕u j霉w谩n y矛mi菐n de qi菐ng z菕u n 谩n gu貌su脿n sh霉锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?d膩ng ch奴su铆bi脿n r茅ng r谩n d铆r茅n t谩i ji膿su菕y菒d菕ng de w膩t菙w奴zi锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?ch奴c矛gu菐n d脿o锛?锛夛紙锛?27銆乯i膩o 脿o 脿o m脿n qi膩n x奴sh茅n q矛n菐o n霉xi膩ng t铆b 矛ng l霉n l菒hu矛锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?hu膩ng li谩ng j墨ng y脿gu膩ng ji茅p菙s霉ji脿zh铆x墨ng f猫n t谩o c铆zu菒ji菐o锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?ch菐o ji脿g菐n j墨g菐n sh貌u p臎ng zhe锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?29銆亃h菐ng sh膿ng w茅n j矛ng yu脿n y矛z墨sh矛l煤n li煤q铆ng ku 脿ng m脿n t奴n t奴n锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?zh霉sh矛r猫li猫ch铆ji菙p铆ng x墨q铆ng x霉ji菐ng sh霉p菙t 艒ng hu脿d貌ng t墨ng锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?g菙l矛t贸u qi煤锛?锛夛紙锛?30銆乧h茅ng g艒ng sh矛y脿n ji脿o y霉ji膩p铆ng zi sh茅ng zi d脿i bi 菐o ch谩b膿i锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?w膿i xi菐n sh霉n l矛r煤sh铆b霉ji菐s墨su菕j墨d貌ng hu貌d茅gu膩n xi z谩n li菐d菙zh霉锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?31銆乯菒y菙sh矛t脿n x墨n y矛zh霉f煤ti谩n m矛d膩n x墨n ku膩n y霉qi谩n x墨t铆x菒ng锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?x矛ng g膩o c菐i li猫脿n sh矛c膩i c猫l矛j铆k菐pi脿n p脿n w脿ng xi菐n r谩n y艒ng b脿o锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?r茅n 脿i t贸ng q铆ng t菒ti膿m菐i m脿i t谩ng gu菕锛?锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛夛紙锛?。
《说文解字》540部首〔第一〕001一(yī) 002丄(shàng) 003示(shì) 004三(sān) 005王(w áng) 006玉(yù) 007玨(jué) 008气(qì) 009士(shì) 010丨(gǔn) 011屮(chè) 012艸(cǎo) 013蓐(rù) 014茻(mǎng) 〔第二〕015小(xiǎo) 016八(bā) 017釆(biàn) 018半(bàn) 019牛(ni ú) 020犛(lí) 021告(gào) 022口(kǒu) 023凵(kǎn) 024吅(xuān) 025哭(kū) 026走(zǒu) 027止(zhǐ) 028癶(bō) 029步(bù) 030此(cǐ) 031正(zhèng) 032是(shì) 033辵(chuò) 034彳(chì) 035廴(yǐn) 036㢟(chān) 037行(xíng) 038齒(chǐ) 039牙(yá) 040足(zú) 041疋(shū) 042品(pǐn) 043龠(yuè) 044冊(cè)〔第三〕045㗊(jí) 046舌(shé) 047干(gān) 048〔第四〕098ì) 107習(xí) 108羽(yǔ) 109隹(zhuī) 110奞(suī) 111雈(huán) 112歹(è) 132死(sǐ) 133冎(guǎ) 134骨(gǔ) 135肉(ròu) 136筋(jīn) 137刀(dāo) 138刃(rèn) 139㓞(qià) 140丯(jiè) 141耒(lěi) 142角(jiǎo)〔第五〕143竹(zhú) 144箕(jī) 145丌(jī) 146左(zuǒ) 147工(gōng)148㠭(zhǎn) 149巫(wū) 150甘(gān) 151旨(zhǐ) 152曰(yuē) 153乃(nǎi) 154丂(kǎo) 155可(kě) 156兮(xī) 157号(hào) 158亏(yú) 159喜(xǐ) 160壴(zhù) 161鼓(gǔ) 162豈(qǐ) 163豆(dòu) 164豊(lǐ) 165豐(fēng) 166䖒(xī) 167虍(hū) 168虎(hǔ) 169虤(yán) 170皿(mǐn) 171〔第六〕206木(mù) 207東(dōng) 208林(lín) 209才(cái) 210叒(ru ò) 211之(zhī) 212帀(zā) 213出(chū) 214〔第七〕231日(rì) 232旦(dàn) 233倝(gàn) 234㫃(yǎn) 235冥(míng) 236晶(jīng) 237月(yuè) 238有(yǒu) 239朙(míng) 240囧(jiǒng) 241夕(xī) 242多(duō) 243毌(guàn) 244〔第八〕287人(rén) 288〔第九〕324頁(xié) 325〔第十〕370馬(mǎ) 371〔第十一〕410水(shuǐ) 411沝(zhuǐ) 412瀕(bīn) 413〔第十二〕431〔第十三〕467糸(mì) 468素(sù) 469絲(sī) 470率(shuài) 471虫(huǐ) 472䖵(kūn) 473蟲(chóng) 474風(fēng) 475它(tuō) 476龜(guī) 477黽(mǐn) 478卵(luǎn) 479二(èr) 480土(tǔ) 481垚(yáo) 482堇(qín) 483里(lǐ) 484田(tián) 485畕(jiāng) 486黄(huáng) 487男(nán) 488力(lì) 489劦(xié)〔第十四〕490金(jīn) 491幵(jiān) 492勺(sháo) 493几(jī) 494且(qi ě) 495斤(jīn) 496斗(dǒu) 497矛(máo) 498車(chē) 499。
2018五年级语文下册生字表(带拼音)2018浜斿勾绾ц鏂囦笅鍐岀敓瀛楄〃锛堝甫鎷奸煶锛夈€€1 銆佹(t菐n) 娓?xu脿n) 鍕?l猫) 鍚?y铆n) 杩?y奴) 瑗?j墨n) 韫?t铆) 璨?m 脿o) 鎷?j奴) 缇?xi奴) 娑?s猫) 璺?ji膩o) 鍋?pi膩n) 娑?y谩)銆€銆€3 銆佹櫚(x墨) 浼?s菐n) 鎶?f菙) 缁?sh脿o) 鐤?ji膩ng) 闄?xi脿n)銆€銆€5 銆佺墽(m霉) 钃?su艒) 閬?zh膿) 閱?zu矛) 濯?m猫i) 閿?ch煤) 鍓?b膩o)銆€銆€6銆?姣?zh膩n) 鍗?xi猫) 鍜€(j菙) 鍤?ji谩o) 婕?m貌) 瀵?m貌) 琚?菐o) 琚?p 谩o) 鍌?sh菐)銆€銆€8 銆佽儦(p膿i) 绁?hu貌) 鎮?hu脿n) 鑷?b矛) 璧?f霉) 娣?t谩o) 濡?f谩ng) 宀?q菒) 缁?ji菐o) 姹?zh墨) 鍘?l铆) 鎰?ku矛) 浜?ku墨)銆€銆€10 銆佹(li谩ng) 鎯?hu矛) 璇?y矛) 涔?n菐i) 鏇?yu膿) 绂?q铆n)銆€銆€11 銆佷井(w菙) 杈?r菙) 璋?hu菐ng) 鏁?b矛) 鐭?j菙) 鍥?qi煤) 鍢?x墨) 鑷?ch茅n) 娣?hu谩i) 鏌?g膩n) 姗?j煤) 鏋?zh菒) 璐?z茅i) 璧?p茅i)銆€銆€14銆?濡?n墨) 褰?y矛) 纭?xi膩o) 鐐?t脿n) 璋?y矛) 璋?y谩o) 鍣?猫) 鑰?h 脿o) 璺?du貌) 瀚?s菐o) 鎸?ku脿) 绡?l谩n)銆€銆€16 銆佸拞(p谩o) 鍝?xi脿o) 鐤?f膿ng) 鐙?n铆ng) 娣?t菐ng) 鑲?s矛) 鎻?ji 奴) 璞?b脿o) 鐬?d猫ng) 鍛?sh膿n) 鑶?t谩ng) 鎼€(ch膩n) 绁?j矛) 濂?di 脿n)銆€銆€18 銆佽档(zh脿o) 鐠?b矛) 鍙?zh脿o) 璇?nu貌) 鎬?qi猫) 鐟?s猫) 鎷?j霉) 璇?zh奴) 鑽?j墨ng)銆€銆€19 銆佸(d霉) 蹇?j矛) 鏇?c谩o) 鐫?d奴) 鐢?g膩n) 椴?l菙) 寤?y谩n) 骞?m 脿n) 绉?s墨) 瀵?zh脿i) 鎿?l猫i) 鍛?n脿) 鎻?yu谩n) 涓?ch茅ng)銆€銆€22 銆佹摓(s貌u) 缁?zh脿n) 鎵?b膩n) 鍜?d艒ng) 鐩?ji膩n) 渚?zh铆) 閮?l谩ng) 鐨?ji膿) 鏁?li菐n) 濯?x铆) 楠?s膩o) 瀹?z艒ng) 鎬?li谩n) 甯?p脿)銆€銆€25 銆佽剨(j菒) 鑾?gu菐n) 閿?j菒n) 濮?ch脿) 瀚?y膩n) 鏆?xi谩) 棰?p艒)銆€銆€26 銆佸凹(n铆) 鑹?t菒ng) 鍙?ch膩) 鑹?sh膩o) 缈?qi脿o)缈?qi脿o) 鑸?c膩ng) 濮?m菙) 绁?d菐o) 闆?g霉) 鍝?hu谩)銆€。
wàn qǔ qiān yān qiān qǔ bǎi yān bù wéi bù duō yǐ 万 取 千 焉 , 千 取 百 焉 , 不 为 不 多 矣 。
ɡǒu 苟
wéi 为
lì 利
? ”
mènɡ zǐ jiàn liánɡ huì wánɡ wánɡ lì yú zhǎo shànɡ ɡù 孟 子 见 梁 惠 王 。 王 立 于 沼 上 , 顾
wàn shènɡ zhī ɡuó shì qí jūn zhě bì qiān shènɡ zhī jiā 万 乘 之 国 , 弑 其 君 者 , 必 千 乘 之 家 ;
qiān shènɡ zhī ɡuó shì qí jūn zhě bì bǎi shènɡ zhī jiā 千 乘 之 国 , 弑 其 君 者 , 必 百 乘 之 家 。
hòu 后
yì 义
ér 而
xiān 先
lì 利
bù 不
duó 夺
bù 不
yàn 餍
wèi yǒu rén ér yí qí qīn zhě yǐ wèi yǒu yì ér 未 有 仁 而 遗 其 亲 者 也 , 未 有 义 而
yuē línɡ tái wèi qí zhǎo yuē línɡ zhǎo lè qí yǒu mí lù 曰 灵 台 , 谓 其 沼 曰 灵 沼 , 乐 其 有 麋 鹿
yú biē ɡǔ zhī rén yǔ mín xié lè ɡù nénɡ lè yě 鱼 鳖 。 古 之 人 与 民 偕 乐 , 故 能 乐 也 。
目 录
梁 惠 王 上................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 梁 惠 王 下................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 公 孙 丑 上................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 公 孙 丑 下................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 滕 文 公 上................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 滕 文 公 下................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 离 娄 上.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 离 娄 下.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 万 章 上.............................................................. - 101 - 万 章 下.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 告 子 上.............................................................. - 118 - 告 子 下.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 尽 心 上.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 尽 心 下.............................................................. - 157 -
统编版四年级语文下册精品课件第1课《古诗词三首》课时3 (共38张)
“老头子,你看咱两个大儿子多么的勤劳呀。就是咱家 的小儿子太贪玩了。” “老婆子,小儿子还小。爱玩是他的天性。等长大了也 会和他的两个哥哥一样勤劳的。” “哈哈,你呀,就知道疼你的小儿子。” “哈哈……”
大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼。最喜小儿亡赖, 溪头卧剥莲蓬。
村居 【清】高鼎
草长莺飞二月天, 拂堤杨柳醉春烟。 儿童散学归来早, 忙趁东风放纸鸢。
清朝诗人高鼎写的《村居》 是一首诗,而今天我们要学 习的《清平乐•村居》是一首 词。
词是一种萌芽于隋唐之际,形成于唐代的新文学 样式,可以配乐歌唱。词最初称为“曲”“杂曲”或 “曲子词”,因句子长短不一,也称长短句,别称有 乐府、乐章、琴趣、诗余等。
清平乐•村居 【宋】辛弃疾
茅檐低小,溪上青青草。 醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪? 大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼。 最喜小儿亡赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬。
识 字 加一加识记法
方 法 换偏旁识记法
助 + 钅= 锄 绿 - 纟+刂= 剥
bō 剥
组词:锄头 锄地
组词:剥夺 剥落
bō(剥削 )
写法提示“艹”的横写得要长些,“矛” 的横撇也要写得长些 。
wēn g
组词 渔翁 老翁 白头翁 造句 蒙蒙细雨中,我看见一个渔翁仍在河
写法提示 “公”扁宽,前一个“习”略小,后一个略大。
组词 剥削 剥夺 造句 旧社会地主靠剥削劳动人民生活。
《说文解字》540部首〔第一〕001一(yī)002丄(shàng) 003示(shì)004三(sān) 005王(wáng) 006玉(yù) 007玨(jué) 008气(qì)009士(shì)010丨(gǔn)011屮(chè)012艸(cǎo)013蓐(rù)014茻(mǎng)〔第二〕015小(xiǎo)016八(bā) 017釆(biàn)018半(bàn)019牛(niú) 020犛(lí) 021告(gào) 022口(kǒu)023凵(kǎn)024吅(xuān)025哭(kū)026走(zǒu) 027止(zhǐ)028癶(bō)029步(bù)030此(cǐ) 031正(zhèng) 032是(shì) 033辵(chuò) 034彳(chì)035廴(yǐn)036㢟(chān)037行(xíng)038齒(chǐ) 039牙(yá) 040足(zú)041疋(shū) 042品(pǐn)043龠(yuè) 044冊(cè)〔第三〕045㗊(jí) 046舌(shé)047干(gān) 048〔第四〕098ì)107習(xí) 108羽(yǔ)109隹(zhuī)110奞(suī)111雈(huán)112歹(è)132死(sǐ)133冎(guǎ) 134骨(gǔ)135肉(ròu)136筋(jīn)137刀(dāo) 138刃(rèn)139㓞(qià)140丯(jiè)141耒(lěi)142角(jiǎo)〔第五〕143竹(zhú)144箕(jī)145丌(jī)146左(zuǒ)147工(gōng)148㠭(zhǎn) 149巫(wū)150甘(gān) 151旨(zh ǐ)152曰(yuē)153乃(nǎi)154丂(kǎo) 155可(kě)156兮(xī)157号(hào)158亏(yú)159喜(xǐ) 160壴(zh ù)161鼓(gǔ) 162豈(qǐ)163豆(dòu) 164豊(lǐ)165豐(fēng) 166䖒(xī)167虍(hū) 168虎(hǔ)169虤(y án)170皿(mǐn)171〔第六〕206木(mù)207東(dōng) 208林(lín)209才(cái)210叒(ruò)211之(zhī)212帀(zā) 213出(chū) 214〔第七〕231日(rì) 232旦(dàn)233倝(gàn) 234㫃(yǎn) 235冥(míng)236晶(jīng)237月(yuè)238有(yǒu) 239朙(míng) 240囧(jiǒng)241夕(xī) 242多(duō)243毌(gu àn)244〔第八〕287人(rén) 288〔第九〕324頁(xié) 325〔第十〕370馬(mǎ)371〔第十一〕410水(shuǐ)411沝(zhuǐ)412瀕(bīn) 413〔第十二〕431〔第十三〕467糸(mì)468素(sù) 469絲(sī)470率(shuài)471虫(huǐ)472䖵(kūn) 473蟲(chóng) 474風(fēng)475它(tuō)476龜(guī)477黽(mǐn)478卵(luǎn) 479二(èr)480土(tǔ)481垚(yáo)482堇(qín) 483里(lǐ) 484田(ti án)485畕(jiāng) 486黄(huáng) 487男(nán)488力(lì) 489劦(xié)〔第十四〕490金(jīn)491幵(jiān)492勺(sháo)493几(jī) 494且(qiě)495斤(jīn) 496斗(dǒu)497矛(máo)498車(ch ē) 499。
二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字1~第4课Chūn sè yú shì yí rén pínɡɡuǒ fēnɡ měi zhōnɡ huá yǐ jīnɡ()()()()()()()Yún cénɡ jìn lì xiě zì láo dònɡ zhuànɡ lì shuǐ bō qí zhōnɡ()()()()()()()bō lànɡ zuò dá yóu qí jǐ kuài chē zhàn shān qū zhī shí()()()()()()()pínɡān ɡǔ zi jù shí yǐ zhī shān wā lǜ dòu rúɡuǒ()()()()()()()Shǒu xiān wá wɑ rì jì zhī yèɡuǒ shí fēnɡ lín jǐn liànɡ()()()()()()()shí huàɡǔ zi qǐ sè fēnɡ zú hǎi lànɡ měi lì shēnɡ bō()()()()()()()wén zì láo kǔ dà yú zuò yè qí shí tā men yóu wéi()()()()()()()shí kuài jù dà záo yǐān quán zhàn lì qū bié jiǎ yú()()()()()()()xué shí wā dì nǚ wá fēn fēi yóu hǎo jīn qiū shǒu dū()()()()()()()zhuànɡ měi qì hòu yí rén dēnɡɡuānɡ chūn huá qiū shí()()()()jiǎ tiān xià pínɡɡuǒ lǜ liú lǎo shī rìɡuānɡ dēnɡ()()()()jīnɡ chánɡ hǎo bàn fǎ huánɡ dòu liú hǎi ér()()()()shù zhī fēnɡ yè jì fēn cénɡ miàn qì zhuànɡ shān hé()()()()()huánɡ jīn rú rì zhōnɡ tiān()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字2~第8课yǎnɡ mǔɡānɡ qín xiànɡ qí xì fǎ shēnɡ xī nín hǎo shēn jìn ()()()()()()()xiū xi xiǎo yuàn chànɡɡē chú fǎān nínɡ chénɡ yuán qīnɡ cǎo ()()()()()()()yuán yànɡ xué xiào xiǎnɡ qǐ qīn qiè jiào shì bān chē yuán cháo ()()()()()()()shū bāo qiàn tiáo tàn qì jí shí hā qiɑn fēn zhōnɡ chí dào()()()()()()()shēn biān xì xīn mínɡ cì zǐ xì jì shí duì lǐ wài ɡōnɡ()()()()()()()jiā bān wài hánɡ lǐ rànɡ cì yào shēn tǐ rè nɑo chí zǎo()()()()()()()jiào shī kě tàn qiàn ān bāo jiān měi yuán xì jié jí qiè()()()()()()()xiào yuán bān jí yànɡ zi chú fēi qīnɡ nián huà shì nínɡ rì()()()()()()()tián měi shēn shǒu yuè xī bǎ xìɡē shǒu hòu yuàn hú shuō()()()()()()()ɡānɡ huāɡuān diǎn tiào qí qín fánɡ yǎnɡ jīn yú qiān niú huā()()()()()()qiān ɡuàɡuān tiān qì kùn dé hěn tán ɡānɡ qín tán chànɡ()()()()()xiū xi shì lāèr hú nào zhōnɡ yòu xiānɡ yòu tián()()()()ɡènɡ jiā pēnɡ pēnɡ dì zhōnɡ biǎo pēnɡ rán xīn dònɡ()()()()xiǎnɡ shēnɡ jì shànɡ xīn lái kùn kǔ hā hā dà xiào()()()()xiū yǎnɡ shēnɡ xī()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字3~第12课xīyánɡrén mín ɡuǎnɡzhōu zhēnɡxiān tái běi mín zúshísān yì()()()()()()()yuèqǔhuān lèjiébái qízhìxiānɡyōnɡzhōnɡyānɡshìmín zǔmǔqìnɡfēnɡshōu ()()()()()()()()()yōu měi huātán yōnɡbào chénɡshìshēn bàn hùdònɡtúhuàlìjiāo qiáo()()()()()()()()lèi huāduìqíhǎi yánɡzǔɡuóxiānɡhùběi jīnɡfāyánɡyìpǐdào lùliǎnɡpánɡ()()()()()()()()()xīn qíjiǎnɡhuàjiēzhe jīnɡqíshíhou hòu chēshìɡùyìdàdián xínɡli()()()()()()()()( )chījīnɡlián jiēshǒu zhǐdǎtīnɡjiǎnɡtán ɡùxiānɡchūqímǎpǐ()()()()()()()()lèi ɡuānɡjīnɡxìhùxiānɡshēn qǐnɡɡuójiāyōnɡyǒu xiānɡchǔtúshūbào bùpínɡ()()()()()()()()()zǎo shìzhǎnɡchénɡtiān tán yīn liánɡyōu xiùpánɡbiān jiāo wǎnɡbiǎo yánɡtài pínɡyánɡ()()()()()()()()()zǔxiān yānɡqiúhuān qìnɡshēnɡqíjiéjìnɡhuān kuài yìwàn ɡēqǔ()()()()()()()()hàn zútái fēnɡlìzhēnɡzhōu zhǎnɡsìchuān mín zhǔxīzhào yǔqí()()()()()()()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字4~第17课chǐcùn luòwǎnɡbácǎo bǔxílìɡōnɡzhēnɡqǔyìkēshùzhùrén wéi lè()()()()()()()()tái tóu jǐnɡyán huídácuòzìqīnɡwāxiānɡxìn wāwājiào wúbiān wújì()()()()()()()()qíɡuài měi tiān zěn me yìsi chuān zhuóɡuàshànɡxiǎo tùzi zìyán zìyǔ()()()()()()()()chūshìɡōnɡfu hào zǐyīfu biǎo shìhàn shuǐzhìyi zhìhóu nián mǎyuè()()()()()()()()suǒyǒu shānɡxīn xīqìyuán ɡào hóu zi yíchuàn chuàn yìkēhuánɡdòu()()()()()()()ɡào shìhúli ɡào su hái shìtiān ātùmáo bǐyi bǐwān wān qūqū()()()()()()()()chuàn mén chūhàn jíqíshānɡkǒu màn màn de duìhào rùzuò()()()()()()shìyìwài biǎo qiǎn hǎi bǐrúsīxiǎnɡqiǎn lǜsèhái yào wān lù()()()()()()()()màn pǎo chuān xínɡzuòɡuài pǐfūɡuàniàn fúcónɡpiào liɑnɡhuàqǔchánɡbǔduǎn()()()()()()()()zhìɡuófāyán xīqǔzěn yànɡměi cìyìkēcǎo bámiáo zhùzhǎnɡ()()()()()()()jiāo cuòɡuójìshūxìn wèn dásuǒyǐtái qǐlái()()()()()()ɡōnɡláo bǔdīnɡxuǎn bácùn tǔzuòluòpiào liɑnɡhǎo ā()()()()()()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字5~第21课zhènɡdānɡdǎzhérónɡyìyǐzi tiāo shuǐmǎn zútiào bǎn yìɡēn xiǎo cǎo()()()()()()()()()rónɡɡuānɡdúlìdàn shìwén bǐměi shùɡuòqīxiāo chúbànɡwǎn qīnɡjié()()()()()()()()()fēnɡjǐnɡnáchūzhuōyǐtǔzìzhùyìkèzhuōqiān bǐxìnɡhǎo shíxiàn()()()()()()()()()sōnɡshùzhùfúzǒu lùzhuāzhùqìnɡzhùzhīhòu zhíchǐchēlún()()()()()()()()kǒu lìnɡqiān jīn xiàn zài mǎn yìlún dào xīnɡqīkuài bǎn dào lùyìpǐbù()()()()()()()()()xiào rónɡzhéfújīn liǎnɡjiāo yìshùɡēn kāi cǎi bēi bāo dúdào zhīchùmén dì()()()()()()()()()chánɡyǐdàn fán bànɡwǎn yóu yúxiāo xi shǒu shùjǐnɡsèjiānádàɡōnɡbù()()()()()()()()()ɡuān zhùbǐjìzhuōzi shànɡkèqiān qiúxìnɡhuìyìzhāɡān cǎo()()()()()()()()zhùhèxìnɡfújùhào zhènɡzhídānɡqián qǔzhībújìn ɡōnɡfu()()()()()()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字6~第25课xiǎo chǒu yǒng yuǎn pín mín fēng fùchǒu huàpín kǔyǒng shēng nán wàng()()()()()()()láo jìjiěmèi qīng zhōu yīn yuèkèqi héshíshuǐwāng wāng()()()()()()()fùguówēn qíng bǎo mǎn yàjūn hùwài wēn nuǎn wēn shìyàrèdài()()()()()()()()yōu liáng xún shíkūsùzhǔshíchuáng shàng bìng chuáng xún zhǎo shēn zhāng zhèng yì()()()()()()()()bǎo hénuǎn huo hùkǒu jiǎo luòsìzhōu kāi shǐyìzhāng xiào liǎn()()()()()()()liáng hǎo chuáng yán kàn bìng huǒshíshēn tǐzuótiān tǐcāo fàng shēng dàkū()()()()()()()()qíng tiān gūmācāo chǎng yífèn gūniang shuāng qīn fěn bǐqíng kōng wàn lǐ()()()()()()()()mèi mei dúshūxiǎo zhōu xiāng yīn kèrén héchùwāng yáng chéng zhōu cóng lín ()()()()()()()()()tǐwēn cāo liàn guǎng chǎng nián fèn zuórìgūgu dàniáng fěn hóng sè()()()()()()()()chéng fǎhuācóng láo fáng()()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字7~第29课cóng lín láo jìpāi shǒu bǎo ān bǎo hùdòng wùhuāmāo yǎng jīchǎng()()()()()()()()qīng chén jīling yǔmáo lǐxiǎng huóyuèbèng gāo dài lǐng zhuōchóng zi()()()()()()()()rēng xiàng xiāo shījuédédiào jìn yǎn lèi yǎn jing zhǐzhāng yǔmáo qiú()()()()()()()()lún chuán bùjiǔzài hu gān sǐzhìshǎo wān yāo jiǎn qǐbèng bèng tiào tiào ()()()()()()()()zhòng liàng shālìbèi zi bìng lìyèwǎn xǐhuān qìwèi xǐqìyáng yáng ()()()()()()()()qīng shēng shíkèyìqún huācóng láo fáng pāi dǎbǎo wēn dìng jīng yíkàn()()()()()()()()bǎi ling ài hùjǐng wùmāo yǎn jīmáo chén dúzhuōnámiàn bāo zhǐ()()()()()()()()rēng qiúlǐfàshīluòzìjuéchúdiào yǎn sèsǐqùhuólái()()()()()()()chuán yuán jiǔyuǎn jīhūyāo guǒkēlìzhòng yào hébìng zhìgāo wúshàng ()()()()()()()()qīng sōng guòyèwèi dào lìkèqún tǐjiǎn dōng xi yìchuáng bèi hóng lǐng jīn ()()()()()()()()二年级上识字8至34课拼音写汉字wèi xīng yǔ zhòu jūn jiàn shuǐ chí fǎng zhī fú lì shài tài yang bǎo jiā wèi guó()()()()()()()()yùn dòng zhǐǐ wén chǎng jiāàn shàng bāo wéi zāi qū hēi yī fu píng ān wú shì()()()()()()()()chōng xǐ hài pà chǎn shēng shān dòng chōng làng yì jiàn háng kōng mǔ jiàn()()()()()()()huǒ zāi bì xū piāo yáng wài sūn jīn bēi lì shǐ kē xué yǔ háng yuán()()()()()()()()hēi yè yuè qì yǐng zi zhí wù jiè yì yóu lè shài yī fu yǒu shǐ yǐ lái()()()()()()()()zāi hài shuǐ chí qiáo dòng bì dìng jī qì chūn yóu miè huǒ qì yí dài yi dài ()()()()()()()()dào chēhú xū bàn yuán zhōu wéi shì qíng qiān kèhuó huà shí zhuān kē()()()()()()()()shuǐ bēi bō wén dào yǐng zhù suǒ piāo dào kě néng yùn yòng zhī nǚ xīng ()()()()()()()()shǐ xué kè fú néng liàng wén jiàn xiāo miè bì yào fǎng chē nóng mín()()()()()()()()wén huà sūn zi jiàn duì zhòng zhí hǎi àn yuán mǎn zhù yuàn zhī bù()()()()()()()()Tái lì jiè rù gōng chǎng chǎn liàng nóng yè diàn yǐng shí dài kē jì()()()()()()()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字1~第4课Chūn sè yú shì yí rén pínɡɡuǒ fēnɡ měi zhōnɡ huá yǐ jīnɡ()()()()()()()Yún cénɡ jìn lì xiě zì láo dònɡ zhuànɡ lì shuǐ bō qí zhōnɡ()()()()()()()bō lànɡ zuò dá yóu qí jǐ kuài chē zhàn shān qū zhī shí()()()()()()()pínɡān ɡǔ zi jù shí yǐ zhī shān wā lǜ dòu rúɡuǒ()()()()()()()Shǒu xiān wá wɑ rì jì zhī yèɡuǒ shí fēnɡ lín jǐn liànɡ()()()()()()()shí huàɡǔ zi qǐ sè fēnɡ zú hǎi lànɡ měi lì shēnɡ bō()()()()()()()wén zì láo kǔ dà yú zuò yè qí shí tā men yóu wéi()()()()()()()shí kuài jù dà záo yǐān quán zhàn lì qū bié jiǎ yú()()()()()()()xué shí wā dì nǚ wá fēn fēi yóu hǎo jīn qiū shǒu dū()()()()()()()zhuànɡ měi qì hòu yí rén dēnɡɡuānɡ chūn huá qiū shí()()()()jiǎ tiān xià pínɡɡuǒ lǜ liú lǎo shī rìɡuānɡ dēnɡ()()()()jīnɡ chánɡ hǎo bàn fǎ huánɡ dòu liú hǎi ér()()()()shù zhī fēnɡ yè jì fēn cénɡ miàn qì zhuànɡ shān hé()()()()()huánɡ jīn rú rì zhōnɡ tiān()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字2~第8课yǎnɡ mǔɡānɡ qín xiànɡ qí xì fǎ shēnɡ xī nín hǎo shēn jìn ()()()()()()()xiū xi xiǎo yuàn chànɡɡē chú fǎān nínɡ chénɡ yuán qīnɡ cǎo ()()()()()()()yuán yànɡ xué xiào xiǎnɡ qǐ qīn qiè jiào shì bān chē yuán cháo ()()()()()()()shū bāo qiàn tiáo tàn qì jí shí hā qiɑn fēn zhōnɡ chí dào()()()()()()()shēn biān xì xīn mínɡ cì zǐ xì jì shí duì lǐ wài ɡōnɡ()()()()()()()jiā bān wài hánɡ lǐ rànɡ cì yào shēn tǐ rè nɑo chí zǎo()()()()()()()jiào shī kě tàn qiàn ān bāo jiān měi yuán xì jié jí qiè()()()()()()()xiào yuán bān jí yànɡ zi chú fēi qīnɡ nián huà shì nínɡ rì()()()()()()()tián měi shēn shǒu yuè xī bǎ xìɡē shǒu hòu yuàn hú shuō()()()()()()()ɡānɡ huāɡuān diǎn tiào qí qín fánɡ yǎnɡ jīn yú qiān niú huā()()()()()()qiān ɡuàɡuān tiān qì kùn dé hěn tán ɡānɡ qín tán chànɡ()()()()()xiū xi shì lāèr hú nào zhōnɡ yòu xiānɡ yòu tián()()()()ɡènɡ jiā pēnɡ pēnɡ dì zhōnɡ biǎo pēnɡ rán xīn dònɡ()()()()xiǎnɡ shēnɡ jì shànɡ xīn lái kùn kǔ hā hā dà xiào()()()()xiū yǎnɡ shēnɡ xī()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字3~第12课xīyánɡrén mín ɡuǎnɡzhōu zhēnɡxiān tái běi mín zúshísān yì()()()()()()()yuèqǔhuān lèjiébái qízhìxiānɡyōnɡzhōnɡyānɡshìmín zǔmǔqìnɡfēnɡshōu ()()()()()()()()()yōu měi huātán yōnɡbào chénɡshìshēn bàn hùdònɡtúhuàlìjiāo qiáo()()()()()()()()lèi huāduìqíhǎi yánɡzǔɡuóxiānɡhùběi jīnɡfāyánɡyìpǐdào lùliǎnɡpánɡ()()()()()()()()()xīn qíjiǎnɡhuàjiēzhe jīnɡqíshíhou hòu chēshìɡùyìdàdián xínɡli()()()()()()()()( )chījīnɡlián jiēshǒu zhǐdǎtīnɡjiǎnɡtán ɡùxiānɡchūqímǎpǐ()()()()()()()()lèi ɡuānɡjīnɡxìhùxiānɡshēn qǐnɡɡuójiāyōnɡyǒu xiānɡchǔtúshūbào bùpínɡ()()()()()()()()()zǎo shìzhǎnɡchénɡtiān tán yīn liánɡyōu xiùpánɡbiān jiāo wǎnɡbiǎo yánɡtài pínɡyánɡ()()()()()()()()()zǔxiān yānɡqiúhuān qìnɡshēnɡqíjiéjìnɡhuān kuài yìwàn ɡēqǔ()()()()()()()()hàn zútái fēnɡlìzhēnɡzhōu zhǎnɡsìchuān mín zhǔxīzhào yǔqí()()()()()()()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字4~第17课chǐcùn luòwǎnɡbácǎo bǔxílìɡōnɡzhēnɡqǔyìkēshùzhùrén wéi lè()()()()()()()()tái tóu jǐnɡyán huídácuòzìqīnɡwāxiānɡxìn wāwājiào wúbiān wújì()()()()()()()()qíɡuài měi tiān zěn me yìsi chuān zhuóɡuàshànɡxiǎo tùzi zìyán zìyǔ()()()()()()()()chūshìɡōnɡfu hào zǐyīfu biǎo shìhàn shuǐzhìyi zhìhóu nián mǎyuè()()()()()()()()suǒyǒu shānɡxīn xīqìyuán ɡào hóu zi yíchuàn chuàn yìkēhuánɡdòu()()()()()()()ɡào shìhúli ɡào su hái shìtiān ātùmáo bǐyi bǐwān wān qūqū()()()()()()()()chuàn mén chūhàn jíqíshānɡkǒu màn màn de duìhào rùzuò()()()()()()shìyìwài biǎo qiǎn hǎi bǐrúsīxiǎnɡqiǎn lǜsèhái yào wān lù()()()()()()()()màn pǎo chuān xínɡzuòɡuài pǐfūɡuàniàn fúcónɡpiào liɑnɡhuàqǔchánɡbǔduǎn ()()()()()()()()zhìɡuófāyán xīqǔzěn yànɡměi cìyìkēcǎo bámiáo zhùzhǎnɡ()()()()()()()jiāo cuòɡuójìshūxìn wèn dásuǒyǐtái qǐlái()()()()()()ɡōnɡláo bǔdīnɡxuǎn bácùn tǔzuòluòpiào liɑnɡhǎo ā()()()()()()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字5~第21课zhènɡdānɡdǎzhérónɡyìyǐzi tiāo shuǐmǎn zútiào bǎn yìɡēn xiǎo cǎo()()()()()()()()()rónɡɡuānɡdúlìdàn shìwén bǐměi shùɡuòqīxiāo chúbànɡwǎn qīnɡjié()()()()()()()()()fēnɡjǐnɡnáchūzhuōyǐtǔzìzhùyìkèzhuōqiān bǐxìnɡhǎo shíxiàn()()()()()()()()()sōnɡshùzhùfúzǒu lùzhuāzhùqìnɡzhùzhīhòu zhíchǐchēlún()()()()()()()()kǒu lìnɡqiān jīn xiàn zài mǎn yìlún dào xīnɡqīkuài bǎn dào lùyìpǐbù()()()()()()()()()xiào rónɡzhéfújīn liǎnɡjiāo yìshùɡēn kāi cǎi bēi bāo dúdào zhīchùmén dì()()()()()()()()()chánɡyǐdàn fán bànɡwǎn yóu yúxiāo xi shǒu shùjǐnɡsèjiānádàɡōnɡbù()()()()()()()()()ɡuān zhùbǐjìzhuōzi shànɡkèqiān qiúxìnɡhuìyìzhāɡān cǎo()()()()()()()()zhùhèxìnɡfújùhào zhènɡzhídānɡqián qǔzhībújìn ɡōnɡfu()()()()()()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字6~第25课xiǎo chǒu yǒng yuǎn pín mín fēng fùchǒu huàpín kǔyǒng shēng nán wàng()()()()()()()láo jìjiěmèi qīng zhōu yīn yuèkèqi héshíshuǐwāng wāng()()()()()()()fùguówēn qíng bǎo mǎn yàjūn hùwài wēn nuǎn wēn shìyàrèdài()()()()()()()()yōu liáng xún shíkūsùzhǔshíchuáng shàng bìng chuáng xún zhǎo shēn zhāng zhèng yì()()()()()()()()bǎo hénuǎn huo hùkǒu jiǎo luòsìzhōu kāi shǐyìzhāng xiào liǎn()()()()()()()liáng hǎo chuáng yán kàn bìng huǒshíshēn tǐzuótiān tǐcāo fàng shēng dàkū()()()()()()()()qíng tiān gūmācāo chǎng yífèn gūniang shuāng qīn fěn bǐqíng kōng wàn lǐ()()()()()()()()mèi mei dúshūxiǎo zhōu xiāng yīn kèrén héchùwāng yáng chéng zhōu cóng lín ()()()()()()()()()tǐwēn cāo liàn guǎng chǎng nián fèn zuórìgūgu dàniáng fěn hóng sè()()()()()()()()chéng fǎhuācóng láo fáng()()()二年级上写字练习拼音写汉字识字7~第29课cóng lín láo jìpāi shǒu bǎo ān bǎo hùdòng wùhuāmāo yǎng jīchǎng()()()()()()()()qīng chén jīling yǔmáo lǐxiǎng huóyuèbèng gāo dài lǐng zhuōchóng zi()()()()()()()()rēng xiàng xiāo shījuédédiào jìn yǎn lèi yǎn jing zhǐzhāng yǔmáo qiú()()()()()()()()lún chuán bùjiǔzài hu gān sǐzhìshǎo wān yāo jiǎn qǐbèng bèng tiào tiào ()()()()()()()()zhòng liàng shālìbèi zi bìng lìyèwǎn xǐhuān qìwèi xǐqìyáng yáng ()()()()()()()()qīng shēng shíkèyìqún huācóng láo fáng pāi dǎbǎo wēn dìng jīng yíkàn()()()()()()()()bǎi ling ài hùjǐng wùmāo yǎn jīmáo chén dúzhuōnámiàn bāo zhǐ()()()()()()()()rēng qiúlǐfàshīluòzìjuéchúdiào yǎn sèsǐqùhuólái()()()()()()()chuán yuán jiǔyuǎn jīhūyāo guǒkēlìzhòng yào hébìng zhìgāo wúshàng ()()()()()()()()qīng sōng guòyèwèi dào lìkèqún tǐjiǎn dōng xi yìchuáng bèi hóng lǐng jīn ()()()()()()()()二年级上识字8至34课拼音写汉字wèi xīng yǔ zhòu jūn jiàn shuǐ chí fǎng zhī fú lì shài tài yang bǎo jiā wèi guó()()()()()()()()yùn dòng zhǐǐ wén chǎng jiāàn shàng bāo wéi zāi qū hēi yī fu píng ān wú shì()()()()()()()()chōng xǐ hài pà chǎn shēng shān dòng chōng làng yì jiàn háng kōng mǔ jiàn()()()()()()()huǒ zāi bì xū piāo yáng wài sūn jīn bēi lì shǐ kē xué yǔ háng yuán()()()()()()()()hēi yè yuè qì yǐng zi zhí wù jiè yì yóu lè shài yī fu yǒu shǐ yǐ lái()()()()()()()()zāi hài shuǐ chí qiáo dòng bì dìng jī qì chūn yóu miè huǒ qì yí dài yi dài ()()()()()()()()dào chēhú xū bàn yuán zhōu wéi shì qíng qiān kèhuó huà shí zhuān kē()()()()()()()()shuǐ bēi bō wén dào yǐng zhù suǒ piāo dào kě néng yùn yòng zhī nǚ xīng ()()()()()()()()shǐ xué kè fú néng liàng wén jiàn xiāo miè bì yào fǎng chē nóng mín()()()()()()()()wén huà sūn zi jiàn duì zhòng zhí hǎi àn yuán mǎn zhù yuàn zhī bù()()()()()()()()Tái lì jiè rù gōng chǎng chǎn liàng nóng yè diàn yǐng shí dài kē jì()()()()()()()()。
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鍓戞ˉ鍟嗗姟鑻辫鍒濈骇-119(鎬诲垎锛?00.00锛屽仛棰樻椂闂达細90鍒嗛挓)涓€銆?b>READING(鎬婚鏁帮細0锛屽垎鏁帮細0.00)浜屻€?b>PART ONE(鎬婚鏁帮細5锛屽垎鏁帮細5.00)1.• A. at the Information Desk.• B. with the Training Manager.• C. with the Reception staf锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>2.• A. change a design detail.• B. make arrangements for collection.• C. request a greater quantity.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A. 鈭?/span>B.C.瑙f瀽锛?/div>3.• A. Discounts will be offered to regular customers on orders of any size.• B. Established customers will only qualify for price reductions on large orders.• C. Customers can continue to get a discount if they place orders frequently.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B. 鈭?/span>C.瑙f瀽锛?/div>4.• A. the company's plans for the future.• B. the performance of the committee.• C. suggested changes to a document.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>5.• A. Office staff will transfer to a new location on June 10.• B. Warehouse workers should remove out-of-date stock by June 10.• C. Customers have to wait until after June 10 for recent orders.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>涓夈€?b>PART TWO(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細5.00)TRADE FAIR STANDSA CIP System: Internal Telephone SystemsB Bertix pie: Top-of-the-Range Portable ComputersC Aurora Ltd: Hands-Free Mobile Phones for VehiclesD FastCo Ltd: Distribution ServicesE Tops Recruitment Agency: Specialists in ManagementF HTML Ltd: Website Marketing and Internet AdvertisingG Journey. com: Travel Agency for the Business ExecutiveH FTA: Finance for Training锛堝垎鏁帮細5.00锛?/div>(1).Sally Green imports computer hardware and needs a company to transport it from the port to her chain of stores.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細D锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(2).In order to obtain an advanced business qualification, Paul White has to take a year off work without pay, and is looking for funding.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細H锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(3).John Brown is buying new vans for his service engineers and wants to be able to contact them at any time.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細C锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(4).When travelling on business, Ben Smith needs to be able to write letters, send emails and analyse data.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細B锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(5).Sophie Jones wants professional help in finding good candidates for senior posts in her computer software company.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細E锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>鍥涖€?b>PART THREE(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細5.00)锛堝垎鏁帮細5.00锛?/div>(1).There was a slight drop in the use of newspaper adverts on the previous year, while both agency and online recruitment continued to rise.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細B锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(2).This year more staff were recruited through agencies than either newspaper or online adverts but both these methods experienced an increase on the previous year.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細G锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(3).There was an increase in both employment agency and online recruitment on the previous year although recruitment through newspaper adverts fell sharply.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div> 濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細H锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(4).Fewer employees were recruited through newspaper adverts this year than the previous year and online recruitment also declined.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細F锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(5).This year the number of candidates recruited online was double the figure for the previous year, while the numbers recruited through employment agencies fell slightly.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細D锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>浜斻€?b>PART FOUR(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細7.00)CYCLES MOVE WITH THE TIMESTimes have been hard for the UK cycle industry. Poor weather and competition from abroad have had a serious effect on sales. Manufacturers have had to cut back and last month morethan 40 job losses were announced at Cycle World, one of the country's main bicycle factories in Leicester. But the company says it is fighting to win back customers, using such strategies as improved after-sales and bikes built to specific customer requirements. Two years ago, Cycle World sold off its bike-making machinery in an effort to cut costs and save money. The company's Leicester factory is now only an assembly plant as most of the parts are imported.The company produces half a million bikes a year across the full Cycle World range, with nearly all of these being sold in the UK. Production is largely done by hand. Workers use the batch production method - everyone making up to 600 bikes of a particular model at any one time.At the height of its success, Cycle World employed 7,000 people but, like many areas of manufacturing, it has since shrunk. Its 1950s purpose- built factory now employs just 470 permanent workers, with numbers rising to 700 as temporary staff are taken on to meet seasonal demands in sales.锛堝垎鏁帮細7.00锛?/div>(1).The weather has encouraged more people to buy bikes.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.RightB.Wrong 鈭?/span>C.Doesn't say瑙f瀽锛?/div>(2).Management have recently had to make people redundant at Cycle World.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.Right 鈭?/span>B.WrongC.Doesn't say瑙f瀽锛?/div>(3).Cycle World is providing a more personal service to regain market share.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.Right 鈭?/span>B.WrongC.Doesn't say瑙f瀽锛?/div>(4).Cycle World imported some bike-making machinery as part of a cost-cutting exercise.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.RightB.Wrong 鈭?/span>C.Doesn't say瑙f瀽锛?/div>(5).The majority of Cycle World bicycles are sold to the domestic market.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.Right 鈭?/span>B.WrongC.Doesn't say瑙f瀽锛?/div>(6).Only a small number of different bike models are produced each month.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(7).700 extra staff are taken on at the busiest time of year.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.RightB.Wrong 鈭?/span>C.Doesn't say瑙f瀽锛?/div>鍏€?b>PART FIVE(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細6.00)Enjoying Your career'My business is my hobby,' someone tells you. 'I wish I could make a living from my hobby,' you may think. 'It sounds ideal.'Yet according to Sue Cole, a management expert, there can be both advantages and disadvantages for those who combine their hobby with their career. 'There's a realpossibility that your hobby becomes less attractive when it's your job. But also quite a few people who make their hobby their career become too enthusiastic and forget about the basic principles of business,' she says. 'For example, someone may think: "I love cooking. There aren't enough restaurants in this area. I'll start one up." And they go ahead without establishing how many customers they'll need each day or what income they'll require to cover costs. That can be a recipe for disaster.'Richard Campbell, however, has made a success of it. A keen amateur singer with a passionfor travel, he first became involved in organising musical tours as a university student. On graduating, he joined a small student travel company, Sunway Travel, as a tour leader. Thirteen years later, in 1993, he bought the business and repositioned it to focus entirely on musicians, both amateur and professional. It was a successful move and Sunway Travel now arranges worldwide travel for 80% of Britain's classical musicians.Despite the size of the business, Campbell still enjoys touring with orchestras. 'Musicians are usually delightful to travel with and you visit wonderful places.' It can get stressful though. 'They assume it's normal when everything goes right. If something goes wrong, they look for someone to blame, and they can be quite unreasonable and bad- tempered, especially if they are worried about meeting their contracts for the rest of their tour.'Campbell explains that things haven't always been easy. 'Sometimes the company didn't perform as well as I'd expected. There were difficult times and I had to learn to cope with the stress. However, we've now got to a level where my staff can run the business on a daily basis and all I need to do is keep an eye on things.'Campbell recognises that he could have earned more in another line of business. 'Travel generally doesn't pay well. I have friends in other professions who are very highly paid.' But he has no regrets. 'They envy me because I am reasonably well paid to do something that I love doing.'锛堝垎鏁帮細6.00锛?/div>(1).What does Sue Cole say about people whose businesses are their hobbies?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.They have the perfect combination.B.They risk losing interest in their leisure activity. 鈭?/span>C.They know very little about raising financ瑙f瀽锛?/div>(2).Why do some people who open their own restaurant fail?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.They don't learn enough about the competition.B.They don't research how to attract customers.C.They don't know what turnover levels they nee 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(3).How did Richard Campbell change Sunway Travel in 19937锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.He relocated the company offices.B.He targeted a new group of consumers. 鈭?/span>C.He expanded the destinations the company dealt wit瑙f瀽锛?/div>(4).According to Campbell, how do musicians react when faced with travel problems?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.They try to criticise the person responsible. 鈭?/span>B.They expect things to be put right.C.They say they will take their business elsewher瑙f瀽锛?/div>(5).What does Richard Campbell say about the day-to-day running of his business?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.It is unnecessary for him to take an active role. 鈭?/span>B.It has become more stressful.C.It is difficult to set realistic targets.瑙f瀽锛?/div>(6).What does Richard Campbell feel about his career?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.He likes his career though he's always short of money.B.He wishes he earned a high salary like his friends.C.He's happy and thinks he has enough to live on. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>涓冦€?b>PART SIX(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細12.00)Assistant To Public Relations ManagerBusiness Press is the world's most respected publisher of business news. PR and publicity play (29) essential part in ensuring our continued (30) and this is an outstanding opportunity that (31) also be the start of a career (32) Public Relations.(33) directly to our PR Manager, you will run her office and learn quickly to do just about everything. Filing documents, taking calls (34) journalists and answering their questions are all included in (35) You will also help to organise events and visits, prepare reports (36) month and generally help to run an efficient press office.The perfect candidate will have a (37) standard of education, strong communication skills and an excellent telephone (38) Professional secretarial qualifications are an advantage. A minimum of two years' experience, (39) should be within a busy office, is essential. You will be confident, have a smart professional appearance and be in a hurry to (40) things done'.锛堝垎鏁帮細12.00锛?/div>A.an 鈭?/span>B.eachC.the瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.gainB.success 鈭?/span>C.increase瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.mustB.oughtC.could 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.byB.withC.in 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.Reporting 鈭?/span>B.ReportedC.Report瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.forB.from 鈭?/span>C.about瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.this 鈭?/span>B.themC.those瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.every 鈭?/span>B.someC.any瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.deepB.wideC.high 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.manner 鈭?/span>B.attitudeC.approach瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.whereB.whatC.which 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>A.makeB.get 鈭?/span>C.do瑙f瀽锛?/div>鍏€?b>PART SEVEN(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細5.00)Caradoc Clothing (Manufacturing) LtdMEMOTo: Katy Phipps, Personnel OfficerFrom: Gary Campbell, Design ManagerDate: 19th November 2003Subject: New vacancySam, the technical assistant in the children's clothes section, has decided to leave on Dec 1st. I'm not sorry, as he had no computer skills. We should insist on that in the ad for a replacement. We usually demand clothes industry experience, but it isn't really necessary -good people can learn very quickly - which means we could use the local paper instead of Clothing Weekly. At the moment, we're short of staff in Sportswear, so I want the new person to start there.Thanks.Caradoc Clothing (Manufacturing) LtdMEMOTo: Jack Thompson, Personnel AdvertisingFrom: Katy Phipps, Personnel OfficerDate: 19th November 2003Subject: New vacancyPlease note Gary's memo. Sam Cosgrave's leaving on 1 December, so we'd better advertise asap, and aim to get someone from 24 November. Remember the changes to job titles - a technical assistant is now called a design assistant.锛堝垎鏁帮細5.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細DESIGN ASSISTANT (IN SPORTSWEAR)锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細24(TH) NOVEMBER(2003) / 24/11(/03).锛?/div> 瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細SPORTSWEAR锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細COMPUTER SKILLS(S)锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細(THE)LOCAL (NEWS)PAPER锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>涔濄€?b>WRITING(鎬婚鏁帮細0锛屽垎鏁帮細0.00)鍗併€?b>PART ONE(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細5.00)6.路 You have to cancel a meeting with James Lewis, a senior manager in your company, at very short notice.路 Write an email to Mr Lewis:路 apologising for the cancellation路 explaining why this was necessary路 suggesting a date when you are free.路 Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.锛堝垎鏁帮細5.00锛?/div>__________________________________________________________________________________________ 姝g‘绛旀锛?Sample AHello JamesI must cancle our meeting on 25 November. The reason for the cancellation is, I will attend the meeting with John Brown, the Sales Manager.He can meet us on 28 November, is it ok for you?JoanaBand 3The first content point is not addressed. Otherwise, the message is clear. However, the tone of the email is not always appropriate.Sample BDear Mr. Lewis, I'm afraid, I must cancel our meeting. I must go to London. We have problems there. So I would say we make another date for our meeting. What do you think about the 10 December 2003? Please give me an answer soon.Kind regardsKatja SteinBand 5All the content points are covered clearly. The candidate demonstrates good language control and uses a wide range of appropriate phrases to achieve a friendly, respectful tone.)瑙f瀽锛?/div>鍗佷竴銆?b>PART TWO(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細5.00)7.路 Read part of a letter below from Andrew Trellis inviting you to a business reception at which your company will receive an award.We are pleased to inform you that your company has won this year's Business 2003 Award. The award will be presented at a reception at the Park Hotel on February 19.I would be grateful if you would let me know as soon as you can whether you will be able to attend and, also, whether you would be prepared to give a short talk during the evening.路 Write a letter to Mr Trellis:路 thanking him for the award路 suggesting a topic for the talk路 saying what equipment you will need路 asking whether some members of staff can also attend.路 Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.路 Do not include any postal addresses.Dear Mr Trellis锛堝垎鏁帮細5.00锛?/div>__________________________________________________________________________________________ 姝g‘绛旀锛?Sample CDear Mr Trellis Thank you for your letter of 22 November about our Business Award.I am writing to inform you about topic; result 2003 and goals 2004. I would like conferrence room and OHP. There will be 40 participants, also your staff can be there. I would be greateful if you could prepare topic "goals 2004"I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerelyFelipe RuizBand 2The letter is appropriately laid out, making good use of functional language, but with poor linkage between sentences. Content points one and four are not achieved.Sample DDear Mr Trellis,I am writting you to thank you for the Business 2003 Award. We will be present on February19.We will speak about our new plant.We will need a map of the world, a big television with video and a space to put our marketing products.Could I take with me some members of my staff?It would be very grateful from you.Yours sincerelySueBand 4All the content points are achieved and the format and style of the letter are appropriate. The range of vocabulary used is more than adequate and good use is made of functional language. Some errors do occur, but these are non-impeding.)瑙f瀽锛?/div>鍗佷簩銆?b>LISTENING(鎬婚鏁帮細0锛屽垎鏁帮細0.00)鍗佷笁銆?b>PART ONE(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細8.00)锛堝垎鏁帮細8.00锛?/div>(1).When will the meeting be?[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]Man: Sarah, can you fix a date for us to discuss the new advertising campaign with Nick Bradshaw? It'll have to be next week. I can manage the twelfth, fourteenth or fifteenth, as long as it's after three-thirty.Woman: Right, but Nick said he'd be away until the fourteenth, so it'll have to be the following day.Man: That'll be fine.[鍚姏鍘熸枃]Man: Sarah, can you fix a date for us to discuss the new advertising campaign with Nick Bradshaw? It'll have to be next week. I can manage the twelfth, fourteenth or fifteenth, as long as it's after three-thirty.Woman: Right, but Nick said he'd be away until the fourteenth, so it'll have to be the following day.Man: That'll be fine.(2).Which office suppliers are they going to use?[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A. 鈭?/span>B.C.瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]Woman: This latest order from Office Network is very expensive. Have you thought about changing suppliers?Man: Well, I did think about it. But Excel Products wouldn't give us any discount and A-Grade Service want cash on delivery, so let's just leave things as they are.[鍚姏鍘熸枃]Woman: This latest order from Office Network is very expensive. Have you thought about changing suppliers?Man: Well, I did think about it. But Excel Products wouldn't give us any discount and A-Grade Service want cash on delivery, so let's just leave things as they are.(3).Which line shows productivity correctly?[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]Man: These figures are interesting, aren't they? I expected to see the highest productivity in the earliest part of the day, and the lowest at the end.Woman: But... in fact, the peak time's just before midday, isn't it?Man: And performance is better at the end of the day than it is after lunch. I imagined it'dbe the other way round.[鍚姏鍘熸枃]Man: These figures are interesting, aren't they? I expected to see the highest productivity in the earliest part of the day, and the lowest at the end.Woman: But... in fact, the peak time's just before midday, isn't it?Man: And performance is better at the end of the day than it is after lunch. I imagined it'd be the other way round.(4).What is the correct length?[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A. 鈭?/span>B.C.瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]Man: Hello, I'm calling from Brent Hardware. There's an error in our catalogue, and we missed it when we were proofreading. It's on page twenty-six.Woman: Oh?Man: It says the length is five forty but it should be four twenty millimetres.Woman: Right. Oh yes, I see. The height is still four hundred and fifty-two, isn't it? Man: That's right.Woman: OK, we'll re-do that page.[鍚姏鍘熸枃]Man: Hello, I'm calling from Brent Hardware. There's an error in our catalogue, and we missed it when we were proofreading. It's on page twenty-six.Woman: Oh?Man: It says the length is five forty but it should be four twenty millimetres.Woman: Right. Oh yes, I see. The height is still four hundred and fifty-two, isn't it? Man: That's right.Woman: OK, we'll re-do that page.(5).What does the woman want to do about the meeting?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.cancel itB.postpone it 鈭?/span>C.bring it forward瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]Woman: Ben... hello, Emily Jones here. I'm calling about the project meeting...Man: ... on the fifteenth of May?Woman: Yes... I think that date's going to be too soon - I still haven't got the figures I need from the contractor.Man: Do you want to put it off then?Woman: Please. I'll get back to you about alternative dates.(6).What time will Mr Johnstone arrive?[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B. 鈭?/span>C.瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]Man: It's Peter here from Executive Cars. I'm collecting a Mr Johnstone from the States~ His flight arrived at fourteen forty-five, but he still hasn't come through customs.Woman: Sorry... yes. We've had a message to say he took a different flight. He gets in at sixteen fifty. Can you wait?Man: OK. The next flight I'm meeting isn't until twenty-one ten. I'll get something toeat...[鍚姏鍘熸枃]Man: It's Peter here from Executive Cars. I'm collecting a Mr Johnstone from the States~ His flight arrived at fourteen forty-five, but he still hasn't come through customs.Woman: Sorry... yes. We've had a message to say he took a different flight. He gets in at sixteen fifty. Can you wait?Man: OK. The next flight I'm meeting isn't until twenty-one ten. I'll get something to eat...(7).Which chart shows where the company's goods are made?[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B. 鈭?/span>C.瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]... and the majority of our parts are made outside the US with sixty per cent manufacturedin Asia, a smaller amount, just ten per cent, made in Eastern Europe and a further five percent in Scandinavia; the remaining quarter are produced here in the US...[鍚姏鍘熸枃]... and the majority of our parts are made outside the US with sixty per cent manufacturedin Asia, a smaller amount, just ten per cent, made in Eastern Europe and a further five per cent in Scandinavia; the remaining quarter are produced here in the US...(8).Which task is urgent?[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]Man: Sarah, are you busy?Woman: Not very. Have you signed the letters I put on your desk?Man: They're in the post. The thing is, there's a problem at the Barcelona office. We've got several faxes from them that need answering at once. Could you do that?Woman: No problem. After that, shall we check our diaries for this week?Man: Good idea.[鍚姏鍘熸枃]Man: Sarah, are you busy?Woman: Not very. Have you signed the letters I put on your desk?Man: They're in the post. The thing is, there's a problem at the Barcelona office. We've gotseveral faxes from them that need answering at once. Could you do that?Woman: No problem. After that, shall we check our diaries for this week?Man: Good idea.鍗佸洓銆?b>PART TWO(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細7.00)锛堝垎鏁帮細7.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細ALFORDS锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]9-15Woman: Jim Morgan's office.Man: Sally, Jim here.Woman: Hello. How was the visit to that company interested in a service contract?Man: Good. Could you do a quote to send them today?Woman: Sure.Man: It's to go to Alfords International.Woman: Is that double L?Man: . . . one. A-L-F-O-R-D-S. Their address is on my desk.Woman: Right, thanks. Have you got a reference number?Man: G-E-two-four-six-O-one.Woman: What equipment do they have for servicing? Does it include their office machines? Man: Well, they've got nearly five hundred, so another company is looking after those. They want us to service the thirty-seven machines in the packing department.Woman: OK.Man: Now, I've worked out an annual charge... cheaper than their current supplier. We're quoting one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight pounds, that's including tax. Then there's charges for emergency work.Woman: Is that the usual forty-five pounds call- out charge?Man: Mmm... I didn't reduce the price on that - it's standard. Woman: Fine.Man: Also, I gave them a guaranteed response time - at the moment they have to wait up to twenty-four hours for an engineer to visit. I promised they wouldn't have to wait more than eight hours if they chose us.Woman: OK. Is that everything?Man: Almost. Payment terms - I didn't negotiate on these. Their current supplier only gives twenty days, so our usual twenty-nine is already much better. Woman: Right, I'll get...濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細GE24601锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細37 (MACHINES)锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細(锟?1978锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細(锟?45锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細8 (HOURS)锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細(OUR) (USUAL) 29 (DAYS)锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>鍗佷簲銆?b>PART THREE(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細7.00)锛堝垎鏁帮細7.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細RIVERSIDE (CLOTHING LTD)锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]16-22Man: Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the launch of our new company. This is a special day for us, now we have merged with Sinclairs to become Riverside Clothing Limited, and we are confident that our success at selling our own brand of clothing will continue.There have been some important staff changes. Our previous Chief Executive, Simon Marsh, has moved on to become MD of another company, so congratulations to our Sales Manager, David Shaw, who will become Chief Executive. We wish him every success in his new role.The position of the new premises here was carefully chosen so that we would be near the airport, instead of being in a city centre, like a lot of other factories.These premises are far bigger. Although our sales area has remained about the same and we have slightly more room for design workshops, t is the manufacturing area that we have expanded the most.As you can see, this is a very exciting time forus and we will continue to improve our facilities for staff. There will now be plenty of space to build a new staff car park, as parking has always been a problem. That'll be completed in the spring. However, the staff canteen is now open and I hope you will be joining us for lunch there later.Now that we've moved, we intend to expand into two new areas of the clothing industry.In addition to our existing adults' range, we are ready to start on a range of children's clothes. These will be in production by next month, followed later in the year by a new range of sportswear.We already have a strong market for the range - in America and Japan, but will be targeting Australia next, which is an unknown export market for us.Now...濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細(THE) CHIEF EXECUTIVE/CE/CEO锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細(NEAR) (THE) AIRPORT锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細(THE) MANUFACTURING (SPACE/AREA)锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細(NEW) (STAFF) CAR PARK/PARKING/ STAFF PARKING锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細CHILDREN'S (CLOTHES)/CHILDREN'SWEAR/CHILDREN锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細AUSTRALIA锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>鍗佸叚銆?b>PART FOUR(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細8.00)锛堝垎鏁帮細8.00锛?/div>(1).The name Media-X was chosen for the company because锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.it presented a serious image.B.it was connected with technology.C.it seemed easy to remember. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔鍚姏鍘熸枃]23-30Woman: Good afternoon, and welcome to Working Day. Today we're going to meet George Johnson, Managing Director of Media-X, an investment company always in the news these days. Hello, George, welcome to the programme.。
人教版2017一年级语文上册生字表(带拼音)浜烘暀鐗?017?甯︽嫾闊?鐢熷瓧琛? b脿m膩w菕鐖?濡?鎴?d脿m菒t菙d矛m菐澶?绫?鍦?鍦?椹?hu膩锟芥嫭锟?d矛锟芥嫭锟?hu脿鑺?鍝?寮?涓?鐢?xi脿x菒y墨fu j墨涓?娲?琛?鏈?楦?zu貌锟斤拷u貌le b煤l猫鍋?杩?浜嗕笉涔?ch奴d煤sh奴q铆ch膿de hu脿鍑?璇?涔?楠戣溅鐨?璇?n菒t膩shu菒b 谩i p铆zi z脿i 浣?浠?姘?鐧??xi菐o 脿i ch墨y煤h茅ni煤c菐o h菐o 灏?鐖?鍚?楸?鍜?鐗?鑽?濂?ji膩f膿i j墨y菕u 茅r h茅r霉xi脿o 瀹?椋?鏈?鏈?鍎挎渤鍏ユ牎sh膩n ti谩n zu菕pi脿n y貌u f膿n锟斤拷y煤n t 膩灞?鐢?宸?鐗?鍙?椋?浜?濂?l菐o sh墨w茅n du菕茅ti谩o y菙ti膩n qi 谩o 鑰?甯?鏂?鏈?楣?鏉?闆?澶?妗?y铆q霉猫r s膩n l菒s矛w菙li霉q墨b膩ji菙sh铆涓€鍘?浜?涓?閲?鍥涗簲鍏?涓冨叓涔?鍗?k菕u 臎r m霉y谩n锟斤拷ni菐o t霉r矛yu 猫hu菕m霉h茅zh煤鍙?鑰?鐩?缇?楦?鍏旀棩鏈?鐏?鏈?sh膩f膩b脿o zh菒t谩i d膿n锟斤拷di脿n sh矛w菐n sh锟斤拷n锟斤拷s貌n 锟斤拷锟斤拷u菕xi脿o y臎娌?鍙?鎶?绾?鍙?鐏?鐢?瑙?鏅?涓?閫?鏋?绗?涔焏菐qi煤b谩p膩i ti脿o 锟芥嫭锟給p菐o b霉z煤xi菐n锟斤拷k猫zh 膿n sh膿n t菒鎵?鐞?鎷?鎷?璺?楂?璺?姝ヨ冻鍝?璇?鐪?韬?浣?yu菐n s猫j矛n t墨n锟斤拷w煤sh膿n锟斤拷ch奴n h谩i r茅n l谩i j 墨n锟斤拷杩?鑹?杩?鍚?鏃?澹?鏄?杩?浜?鏉?鎯?du矛shu艒sh矛y猫yu谩n xi脿qi奴xu臎d霉ji霉d艒n锟斤拷瀵?璇?鏄?鍙跺渾澶?绉?闆?鑲?灏?鍐?p谩i zh艒n锟斤拷y贸u li煤ch脿n锟斤拷li菐n锟斤拷脿n sh霉mi 谩o l菧ji膩n锟斤拷n谩n 鎺?涓?娓?娴?鍞?涓?宀?鏍?鑻?缁?姹?鍗?n菐zu 貌f谩n锟斤拷pi脿o li锟斤拷n锟斤拷q墨n锟斤拷m茅n chu膩n锟斤拷xi膩n锟斤拷w奴y脿o men 鍝?搴?鎴?婕?浜?闈?闂?绐?棣?灞?瑕?浠?y茅k膿d脿o 锟芥嫭锟絠chu膩n nu菐n l臎n锟斤拷k膩i s菐n r猫鐖?妫?鍒?缁?绌?鏆?鍐?寮€浼?鐑?j矛n锟斤拷y猫chu谩n锟斤拷锟斤拷u膩n锟斤拷j菙t贸u w脿n锟斤拷d墨锟芥嫭锟?xi膩n锟斤拷闈?澶?搴?鍏?涓惧ご鏈?浣?鏁?涔?chu谩n w膩n zu貌zh菒k脿n ji脿n sh菐n x墨n锟斤拷l谩n 鑸?寮?鍧?鍙?鐪?瑙?闂?鏄?钃?y谩n锟斤拷xi脿n锟斤拷j墨n y臎锟芥嫭锟絥锟斤拷mi脿n ch谩n锟斤拷z菐o ch茅n l膩j矛n shu铆闃?鍍?閲?閲?鏇?闈?闀?鏃?鏅?鎷?杩?璋?y菒n锟斤拷qi谩n h貌u ch谩n锟斤拷锟芥嫭锟絥zhe h膿i 锟芥嫭锟絬t膩p茅n锟斤拷you 褰?鍓?鍚?甯?璺?鐫€榛?鐙?瀹?鏈?鍙?b菒w臎i b锟斤拷du菐n b菐h贸u s艒n锟斤拷sh菙bi菐n zu 矛锟芥嫭锟絥锟斤拷y膩姣?灏?宸?鐭?鎶?鐚?鏉?榧?鎵?鏈€鍏?楦?hu谩n锟斤拷m膩o x矛n锟斤拷t谩o p铆n锟斤拷h贸n锟斤拷bi膩n du 艒sh菐o q煤n k膿du墨榛?鐚?鏉?妗?鑻?绾?杈?澶?灏?缇?棰楀爢sh膩n锟斤拷ch菐n锟斤拷b膩o n菐i y谩m谩o j墨n b菒ch菒zu貌y猫b臎n d艒n锟斤拷xi 鍟?鍦?鍖?濂?鐗?姣?宸?绗?灏?浣?涓氭湰涓?瑗?c脿i yu谩n d 貌u ji菐o lu贸bo x墨n x矛y貌u zhu艒m铆c谩n锟斤拷zu菒yu猫f 膿n锟藉暒锟?鍥?璞?瑙?钀?鍗?蹇?缁嗗張鎹?杩?钘?鍢?m铆n锟斤拷xi膩n ch茅n ji膩n mi猫l矛n谩n xi奴sh菕u l铆n s膿n c贸n锟斤拷zh 貌n锟斤拷鏄?椴?灏?灏?鐏?鍔涚敺浼?鎵?鏋?妫?浠?浼?xi菐n锟斤拷锟芥嫭锟給su l霉n茅n锟斤拷z菕u b臎i j墨n锟斤拷ch茅n锟斤拷膩n 锟斤拷u菐n锟斤拷sh膿n锟斤拷q铆鎯?鍛?璇夎矾鑳?璧?鍖?浜?鍩?瀹?骞?鍗?鏃?di菐n sh霉q墨n锟斤拷c菐i pi膩o lu貌b脿n k艒n锟斤拷w猫n hu铆d谩f膩n锟斤拷鐐?鏁?娓?褰?椋?钀?鍗?绌?闂?鍥?绛?鏂?p铆n锟斤拷d膩ji膩n zh猫xi膿d艒u zh霉ne 膩m茅i h臎n 骞?鎼?闂?杩?浜?閮?浣?鍛㈠晩娌?寰?z矛j菒b锟斤拷n铆n d脿i m锟斤拷sh膿n xu茅hu矛n脿j菒n锟斤拷m臎i 鑷?宸?鍚?鎮?甯?鍚?娣?瀛?浼?閭f櫙缇?c 矛锟斤拷u膩y脿n sh茅n me y脿n锟斤拷d茅z脿i k臎z菒x矛x矛n 锟斤拷xi脿n 娆?鐡?鐕?浠€涔?鏍?寰?鍐?鐜?zh菐o sh膿n锟斤拷p谩n锟斤拷zh菕n锟斤拷x菙锟芥嫭锟?w脿i y脿n y锟斤拷m臎i y 谩n y菙鎵?鐢?鏃?绉?璁?鏍?澶?鑹?鍛€姣?瑷€璇?l膩m茅i y貌n锟斤拷j 菒ch茅n锟斤拷w膩w茅i c膩n ji膩d貌n锟斤拷shu矛鍟?姊?鐢?鍑?鎴?铔?涓?鍙?鍔?娲?鐫?f脿n锟斤拷b霉xi贸n锟斤拷ku脿i z臎n f脿n b膩n n 谩zh猫n锟斤拷l菒w霉j墨n 鏀?甯?鐔?蹇?鎬?楗?鐝?鎷?姝?绀?鐗?浠?h谩i r脿n锟斤拷q菒w谩n w菐n锟斤拷ji脿o sh膩o zh墨d脿o hu脿瀛?璁?璧?鐜?寰€瑙?鐑?鐭?閬?鍖?k菐n z脿o m菐n sh臎ji茅ni谩n zh铆d貌n锟斤拷sh霉l矛鐮?閫?婊?鑸?缁?骞?鐩?鍔?鏉?涓?鍏?00瀛?鐢熷瓧琛? y墨猫r s膩n sh铆m霉h茅sh脿n锟斤拷xi脿t菙锟芥嫭锟?b谩r霉d脿ti 膩n 涓€浜?涓?鍗?鏈?绂?涓?涓?鍦?涓?鍏?鍏?澶?澶?r茅n hu菕w茅n li霉q 墨茅r ji菙w煤k菕u r矛zh艒n锟斤拷浜?鐏?鏂?鍏?涓冨効涔?鏃?鍙?鏃?涓?le z菒m茅n yu猫b霉k膩i s矛w菙m霉臎r t贸u m菒ji脿n b谩i ti 谩n di脿n 浜?瀛?闂?鏈?涓?寮€鍥?浜?绫?瑙?鐧?鐢?鐢?y臎ch 谩n锟斤拷sh膩n ch奴f膿i m菐ni菐o y煤n 锟芥嫭锟絥锟斤拷ch膿涔?闀?灞?鍑?椋?椹?楦?浜?鍏?杞?ni煤y谩n锟斤拷xi菐o sh菐o j墨n y谩ch菒m谩o b菙y貌u x墨n f膿n锟斤拷l矛sh菕u shu菒鐗?缇?灏?灏?宸?鐗?灏?姣?鍗?鍙?蹇?椋?鍔?鎵?姘?锟斤拷u菐n锟斤拷sh膿n锟斤拷z煤z菕u f 膩n锟斤拷b脿n b膩y猫b臎n p铆n锟斤拷sh奴z矛j菒d艒n锟斤拷xi 骞?鍗?瓒?璧?鏂?鍗?宸翠笟鏈?骞?涔??瑗?hu铆pi脿n p铆sh膿n锟斤拷l菒锟斤拷u菕j菒y貌n锟斤拷y煤j墨n zh猫n锟斤拷y菙li菐n 锟斤拷鍥?鐗?鐨?鐢?閲?鏋?鍑?鐢?楸?浠?姝?闆?涓?锟斤拷u膩y墨l谩i ni谩n zu菕y貌u 鐡?琛?鏉?骞?宸?鍙?鍏?00涓?。
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Ideality in a Fiber-T aper-Coupled Microresonator System for Applicationto Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamicsS.M.Spillane,T.J.Kippenberg,O.J.Painter,and K.J.V ahalaThomas J.W atson Laboratory of Applied Physics,California Institute of T echnology,Pasadena,California91125,USA(Received13December2002;published22July2003)The ability to achieve near lossless coupling between a waveguide and a resonator is fundamental tomany quantum-optical studies as well as to practical applications of such structures.The nature of lossat the junction is described by afigure of merit called ideality.It is shown here that under appropriateconditions ideality in excess of99:97%is possible usingfiber-taper coupling to high-Q silica micro-spheres.To verify this level of coupling,a technique is introduced that can both measure ideality over arange of coupling strengths and provide a practical diagnostic of parasitic coupling within thefiber-taper-waveguide junction.DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.043902P ACS numbers:42.81.Qb,42.60.DaMicroresonators have attracted considerable interest for investigation of fundamental processes ranging from cav-ity quantum electrodynamics(QED)[1,2]to nonlinear optics[3,4],and in more applied areas such as photonics [5,6]and chemical/biological sensing[7].Resonators that feature modes with ultrahigh quality factors(Q)and small modal volume,such as silica microspheres,can induce strong coupling between an atomic system and the cavity electromagnetic mode[8],as well as drastic reductions of the power necessary to observe nonlinear effects[9,10].An important requirement for such studies (quantum-optical experiments in particular)is ultralow-lossfield coupling both to and from the microresonator. Parasitic coupling loss in this process is quantified by defining a coupling‘‘ideality’’as the ratio of power coupled to a desired mode divided by power coupled or lost to all modes(including the desired mode).Ideality describes to what extent the coupling process behaves as single mode to single mode.Prism coupling,a popular technique for coupling to ultrahigh-Q microspheres,does not typically possess a high ideality because of the large number of possible output modes(as evidenced by the observed spatial‘‘fan’’of output power[11,12]).In con-trast,the small number of modes supported byfiber-taper-based coupler waveguides suggests that the situ-ation could be improved over prism coupling.Tapered fibers have been shown to provide high coupling effi-ciency to microresonators with low nonresonant insertion loss,and this has prompted our proposal for their use in cavity quantum-optical studies[10,13].Nonetheless, since neither resonator nor taper(in general)are single transverse mode devices,and since it is possible to couple to radiation modes by way of the taper,high ideality in this system is not necessarily expected.Here,the ideality of afiber-taper coupler is measured using a novel method. It is shown that for appropriate conditions taper junctions offer near-unity ideality.Because the conditions for ideality can be generalized,it is expected that these results can apply in a variety of systems.Typicalfiber tapers are1–4 m diameter air-clad silica cylinders,fabricated byflame heating and pulling standard single-modefiber into a narrow thread[13,14]. Tapers are usually multimode waveguides.For example, six modes are supported in a2:0 m diameter silica taper at an optical wavelength of1550nm.By control of taper adiabaticity[15],it is always possible to launch the fun-damental HE11taper mode.Likewise,excitation of a single resonator mode is possible through a combination of phase-matching and modal frequency selection(the power coupling coefficient to the next resonator mode assuming a mode linewidth of1MHz and separation between modes of10GHz is on the order of10ÿ8). However,a resonator mode,once excited,can trans-fer power back to many taper modes(see Fig.1). Additionally,the presence of the taper-waveguide can cause the resonator to couple power into the continuum of radiation modes(and induce scattering at the resona-tor-waveguide junction).This waveguide/resonator system(Fig.1)can be studied using a simple model[17],based on the assump-tion of coupling between the resonator and waveguide being weak,and intrinsic resonator loss being low.In such cases,the individual contributions to the cavityfield decay are separable(these assumptions are valid for the fiber tapers and high-Q microresonators used in the cur-rent work).The internal resonatorfield(a)is determined by considering both excitation by the fundamental wave-guide-mode(input wave amplitude s and coupling am-plitude 0),and decay due to intrinsic resonator loss (round-trip power loss coefficient 20)and output coupling to all available waveguide/radiation modes(coupling am-plitude to a higher-order waveguide-mode denoted by i>0and to radiation modes denoted by rad).On reso-nance the internalfield obeys the equation of motion[18], dadtÿ12Xi2i 2rad2a i 0s:(1)The transmission through the waveguide consists of an interference of the partially transmitted input field with the field coupled from the resonator back into the funda-mental HE 11taper mode (this assumes that power coupled into higher-order taper modes is lost upon transition to single-mode fiber),which is given byT j t 0 i 0a=s j 2:(2)In steady state,the transmission can be expressed asT1ÿK 1 K 2;(3)where the coupling parameter K is defined byK 20P i Þ02i 2rad20:(4)K is the ratio of the desired waveguide-mode powercoupling to total system power loss.The coupling factor K is composed of an intrinsiccontribution K I 20= 20,and a parasitic contribution K P 20= P i Þ0 2i 2rad ,such that Kÿ1 K ÿ1I K ÿ1P .As noted earlier,ideality is defined as the amount of power coupled into the desired mode (in this case the fundamental HE 11mode)divided by the amount of power coupled into all modes,and is given byI 20P i2i 2rad ;T11 K ÿ1P :(5)An ideal waveguide coupler (I 1)is characterized by coupling only between the intended resonator and wave-guide modes.The degree of ideality is determined by the parasitic coupling factor K P .K P is,in general,a function of the relative position of the taper and resonator,and,assuch,the deviation of K (K ÿ1 K ÿ1I K ÿ1P)from ideal behavior (K K I )determines I .K can be obtained by measuring the dependence of coupling on waveguide-resonator gap and inverting Eq.(3)as follows:1 T p 1 T p K 20e ÿ 0x 2i e ÿ i x 20;(6)where the upper signs are taken for transmission values inthe overcoupled regime,and the lower signs for the under-coupled regime.The second equality follows from Eq.(4)by noting that the coupling amplitudes 0and i decrease exponentially with resonator/waveguide separation and by assuming that K P is dominated by a single higher-order taper-waveguide mode (as shown below this as-sumption is valid for the data in this work). 0( i )are spatial decay rates (vs gap x )such that 20;i 20;i exp ÿ 0;i x with x 0corresponding to zero gap.As demonstrated below,upon plotting K vs gap on a logarithmic scale,K I and K P can often be identified,as K P (for higher-order taper mode parasitic coupling)is a line with slope less than that of K I .In particular,if2i > 20,then the relation Kÿ1 K ÿ1I K ÿ1P results in a roll-off of K for small gap distances due to parasiticcoupling.In situations where 2i < 20,the higher-ordermode coupling is masked and a lower bound on ideality can be established.W e experimentally investigate the ideality of a fiber-taper-microsphere system using the approach given above.The experimental setup consists of a silica microsphere coupled to a tapered optical fiber with the separation distance controlled by a closed-loop stage with a resolu-tion of 20nm.All data were taken for resonances near 1550nm.The transmission data are obtained by normal-izing the on-resonance power transmission with the power transmitted by the taper alone (i.e.,infinite gap).The dependence of ideality on fiber-taper diameter was investigated by varying the resonator location on the fiber taper.Figure 2shows K vs gap curves for multiple fiber-taper diameters.The taper diameters,measured by a scanning electron microscope,are approximately 1:2 m (circles),1:35 m (stars),and 1:65 m (trian-gles).For the smallest taper diameter measured,three waveguide modes are supported,the HE 11,TE 01,and TM 01modes,although both higher-order modes are near cutoff.There are four modes supported (adding the HE 21mode)for the two larger taper diameters.The data show that for increasing taper diameter there is a devia-tion of K from the single-mode coupling regime (dashed lines)due to higher-order mode coupling.A fitusingFIG.1.Coupling and loss parameters in a taper-microreso-nator system.The input field is a fundamental taper modewhich couples into the resonator with amplitude 0(trans-mission amplitude t 0).The output field couples into the funda-mental taper mode and higher-order taper modes with coupling constants 0and i ,respectively [16].The presence of the waveguide can also result in a radiated field.The higher-order taper modes are radiated or coupled to cladding modes upon transition of the taper back to single-mode fiber.The round-trip resonator intrinsic power loss is given by 20.Eq.(6)shows excellent agreement (solid lines),suggest-ing that a single higher-order mode is responsible for the observed roll-off of K with decreasing gap distance.As the number of modes supported for the two largest taper sizes are identical,the strong variation of the coupling data suggests that phase matching is playing a significant role in determining the coupling behavior,resulting from the change of the taper-waveguide modes’propagation constant as taper diameter is varied.The ideality of the coupler is determined by K P through Eq.(5).Assuming the validity of the two-mode model,the dashed and dash-dotted lines in the figure give the K I and K P contributions to K ,respectively.The 1:65 m coupling data (triangles)show significant devi-ations from ideal coupling,with ideality ranging from 88%at microsphere-taper contact to 13%at a 1:5 m gap.The 1:35 m data (stars)exhibit less deviation,with ideality ranging from 99%at contact to 98%at a 2 m gap.Finally,the data corresponding to the 1:2 m taper diameter (circles)represent apparent ideal behavior over the range of separation gaps measured.The ideality at contact for this taper size is >99:98%and it is not possible to infer a dependence with gap from the data.The influence of nonideality is clearly illustrated at the critical point (dotted lines).For high ideality,the critical point in the data (given by the gap distance where K 1)is identical to the gap separation where K I 1.The data show that this condition holds for the two smaller taper diameters.However,the critical point for the 1:65 m taper diameter data is shifted towards a lower separation than K I (0:1 m shift of data from dashed line),as a result of the lower ideality (the large shift of 0:5 m for K I is mainly a result of phase matching).The data in Fig.2demonstrate that coupling (and ideality)vs position behavior is very sensitive to the size of the waveguide.In order to further investigate the influence of taper-waveguide diameter on the coupling behavior and ideality of the system,numerical calcula-tions based on a modified coupled-mode theory [19]were performed.This model calculated the ideality based on coupling to the supported waveguide modes (i.e.,it did not include radiation mode coupling).The results were in good agreement with the experimental data in Fig.2(values of K at contact and fundamental mode decay rates,i.e.,slope of K I ,were within 10%of measured values).Finally,the degradation of ideality with increas-ing gap distance is a result of slower evanescent decay for higher-order taper modes.Finally,by maximizing the value of K for near-contact gaps with a 2- m -diameter taper and using higher Q -factor microspheres (Q >108by measurement of line-width in a 65- m -diameter microsphere),it was possible to obtain even higher values for ideality in near-contact conditions (Fig.3).The inset shows the transmission vs separation data for this system,with a maximum over-coupled transmission of 99:95%(determined by using the exponential fit to K at zero gap).Numerical calculations (described above)show that the data slope is consistent with K I .This agreement,combined with a very low radiation mode coupling power loss <0:05%(using theFIG.3(color online).Coupling parameter K vs taper-sphere separation for a 65- m -diameter microsphere.The data show a linear relation between ln K and x ,with a least squares fit (solid line).Ideality inferred at contact is greater than 99:99%.The dotted line marks the critical coupling point (K 1at x 0:91 m ).The inset shows transmission vs position data.FIG.2(color online).K vs position for various taper diam-eters for a 67- m -diameter microsphere.The data represent taper diameters of approximately 1:2 m (circles),1:35 m (stars),and 1:65 m (triangles).Solid curves are fits using Eq.(6).The ideality at contact in the data (extrapolating fits to zero gap)is >99:98%,99%,and 88%,respectively.Data show that for increased taper diameter higher-order-mode coupling causes a deviation from the ideal case (dashed line).The dash-dotted line represents K P ,which is related to ideality through Eq.(5).Dotted lines mark the critical coupling point.fact that the overcoupled transmission drop from unity is due to intrinsic resonator loss and all other coupling-induced losses),demonstrates that the taper behaves as a nearly ideal coupler(higher-order mode coupling is not observable over the range of gaps measured).A lower bound of ideality of99:97%is obtained if the lowest data point at contact is used.However,using afit to the entire coupling data set(solid line)establishes a lower bound on ideality at contact of99:99%.The observation that afiber taper can obtain high ideality in ultrahigh-Q systems shows that this form of coupling will be useful for the study of processes requir-ing very low loss.This includes quantum-optical studies involving cavities in general,with specific examples being the application of strong-coupling cavity QED to quantum information studies[2,20]or of weak-coupling cavity QED to new quantum sources[21,22].In such examples,coupling quantum states to and transport over opticalfiber has been proposed[23],making optical tapers an excellent coupling interface.As ideality is dominated by the mode spectrum of the coupler,alternate resonator geometries(e.g.,microdisks and recently dem-onstrated ultrahigh-Q microtoroids on a chip[24])should exhibit the same high ideality confirmed in this work when used with tapers.Furthermore,an additional obser-vation that coupling to radiation modes was negligible for taper diameters near single-mode operation(as given by the magnitude 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