牛津译林版八年级英语上册《Unit1 Friends》精品课件(共14张PPT)

1. Sandy’s hair is _l_o_n_g_e_r __than Millie’s. (long)
2. Simon is quite _t_a_ll__, but Sandy is _ta_l_le_r_than him. (tall) the most popular
3. “Superstar” is one of ______ songs this year. ( popular) 4. Who isp_re_t_ti_e,rMillie or Amy? (pretty)
8AUnit 1 Friends
1.Key phrases and sentences 2. Grammar 3. Exercises
在一使 赞 面和告 给左个愿弄他同带需某诉某环边真意翻看某笑要直人保某人球的幽想正做我上人容中发分守人让旅那默起的们去的某享秘做座行个感朋的聪事某密某男友书明物事孩
9. Most of us think monkeys are cleverest of all the animals. the cleverest
10. In summer, days get longer and nights get short. shorter
1. ---Is there _____ to eat in your bowls?
明因 最 在尽告帮不未最在给亮一为 受 绘某诉搬人同来好某某住而个某欢画人别家们在的的方人在含社事迎比最人到解将室计男面一隔笑会而的赛大我北决来外划孩有些壁的工著杂中的的京问活之问忠眼作名志努秘题动一题告睛者力密
牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Reading 优课件(共22张PPT)

Some sayings:
Life without a friend is death.
A man is known by his friends.
What does
aypopuer afriaendce
generous helpful true humorous
1. He’d like to share everything with his friends.
He is _g_e_n__e_r_o_u_s___.
2. She often tell funny jokes. We never feel
2._M__a_x is humorous. H__e_t_e_ll_s_f_u_n_ny__j_ok_e_s__a_nd__a_lw_a_y_s__m_akes m__e_l_au_g_h_._I__n_e_v_er__f_e_el__b_or_e_d__w_it_h_him.
3.B_e_t_t_y is helpful. S_h_e__is__r_ea_d_y__t_o_h_e_lp__p_e_op_l_e_a_n_y__ti_me. S_h_e__h_e_lp_s_m__e_w_i_t_h_m_y__h_o_m_e_w_o_r_k_a_n_d she always gives her seat on the bus to people in need.
Personality: has a good sense
of __h_u_m_o_u_r___
Name: May
最新译林版八年级上册英语精品课件:-译林版八年级上Unit 1 Welcome to the unit

• 单击此处编辑母版文本h样on式est
• 第二级
• 第三级
• 第四级
tidy good-looking
• 第五级
clever Are your friends kind/ polite
• 单击此处编辑母版8文A本U样n式it 1 Friends
• 第二级 Welcome to the unit • 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
单击此处编母版标题样式 Free talk
• 单•A击第r此二e 处级yo编u 辑go母od版a文t 本ma样k式ing friends? Do• 第yo三u级have friends?
• 第四级 you are happy? keep a secret• 第五级
c. Can you tell him/her
make me happy
everything about yourself? d. Is he/she ready to help when you have problems?
C•h向单a•着s击第in此明二g 处级t天o编m的辑o太r母r阳o版w追文’s赶本su样nr式ise The sp•ir第it三c级an never die
不会逝去• 第的四• 级第、五级是信念与理想 Sun will shine, my friend
Won’t let you cry, my dear 谁都不会令你流泪
• 第四级
--- the o• n第e五级who comes in when the whole

1.What does Eddie give Hobo? He gives him a cake.
2.Does Hobo want to have something to drink? Yes, he does.
3.What is in the fridge? There’s nothing (not anything) in the fridge.
Questionnaire (问卷调查) about your friend
Do you talk to him/ her when you are
make me happy
Y/ N
Do you talk to him/ her when you are
happy? Y/ N
Honest. (诚实)
Y/ N
1. My friend is __h_e_l_p_f_u_l___ so I talk to him/ her when I have problems.
2. My friend is __h_eo__n_e_s_t_____ so I believe what he/ she says.c 3. My friend can _k_e_e_p__s_e_c_r_e_t_s_so I can talk to him/ her about anyathing.
OK. Thanks. You’re so kind, Eddie. Can I have some more food?
Yes, please. I’m thirsty too. Can I have something to drink?
牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit1 全单元课件

= _an_o_t_h_e_r__ _tw__o_ 2. There’s nothing in the fridge. = _n_o_t__ _a_n_y_t_h_in_g___
Homework: 1. Who is your best friend? Why do you choose him / her as your friend? (Write at least 3sentences.) 2. Copy and recite all the new words and phrases.
_b_u_y__so_m__e_m__o_r_e (再买一些). 4. My best friend often _m_a_k_e_s__m_e_h_a_p_p_y_ (让我开心). 5. He always helps me when I _h_a_v_e_p_r_o_b_le_m__s (有困难).
6. have problems (with sth. )(在…方面)有问题
He __h_a_s_s_o_m_e__p_ro_b_l_e_m_s__w_i_th____his English. (在英语学习上有些问题)
7. believe what he/she says
=__h_i_s/_h_e_r _w_o_r_d_s___
● be honest
['ɒ nɪst] adj. 诚实的
never tell lies

think and discuss
All of you have a task card(任务 卡) now. Work in groups and try do finish it. Task:design a card for your grandparents to show you love and respect(尊重). write down the instructions on your paper. Then share it with us.
Which festival is it?
Double Ninth Festival/ Chongyang Festival.
重阳节,又称敬老节、重九节、晒秋节、 “踏秋”,中国传统节日。庆祝重阳节一 般会包括出游赏秋、登高远眺、观赏菊 花、遍插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒、 摆敬老宴等活动。每年的农历九月初九 日,与除夕、清明节、中元节三节统称 中国传统四大祭祖的节日。
knife knives
crayon color pen
read and finish
Hobo gets a new house . It is a DIY house. And Eddie tells Hobe to read the clear instructions first. He also tells Hobo to get some tools to build the house. But Eddie can’t help Hobo to start because it says, “ Do it yourself ”.
What can we do on that day?
新译林 八年级上U3 Welcome to the unit(共46张PPT)精品课件

ourselves Australia coffee top
president wide
1. come on 2. enjoy oneself 3. go past
If you have a chance to travel to a foreign country, wJhaicphaonne UK would you prefer? France Russia
USA Korea
Look at the following pictures. Do you know the
n. 咖啡 n. 顶部,(物体的)上面 n. 总统,国家主席 adj. ……宽的;宽广的 n. 钢 n. 吨
➢ To learn about the famous places and the places of interest around the world ➢ To learn to talk about the places you are interested in:
He just walked past me a few minutes ago. 他第一个越过了终点线。
He ran past the finishing line first. 英雄驱车经过时人群发出了欢呼声。
The crowd cheer as the hero drives past.
3. It’s 90 feet wide.
enjoy oneself
牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 2 School life Grammar 课件(共27张PPT)

牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 2 School life Grammar 课件(共27张PPT)(共27张PPT)Unit 2 School lifeGrammar课前准备:1.books,exercise books,answer books2.black pens, red pens3.clean your blackboard4.show me yellowIn this lesson, we will learn:Words:least further farther furthest farthest Phrases:among the three of us come first run firstany other student any other of my classmatesall my other classmates the other studentsSentences:lie has more tomatoes than Daniel.lie has less rice than Daniel.3.Kitty has the most eggs.4.Amy came first in the race. She ran the fastest.After this lesson, I hope:98% students can compare the amount of things.95% students can master the comparative and superlative adverbs. Millie has more flowers than Amy.Amy has fewer flowers than Millie.Amy has some flowers in her hands .DanielMillieDaniel has some apples .Millie has more apples than Daniel .Daniel has ______ apples than Millie .fewerDanielKittyDaniel has many CDs .has fewer CDs than Kitty.has more CDs than Daniel.Self-study:Help each other:Tips:1. Read Part A on P23 by yourselves.2. Try to find out and underline:How do we compare the amount of the things知者加速:Reading comprehension or clozeTips: Discuss within your group, and help each other to answer the above question.知者加速:Finish Part A1Betty TomMake sentences with “more/fewer than…”Please write them down on the white boards.stickerssweetspensWhat about uncountable nounsSimon has less orange juice than Sandy.Sandy has more orange juice than Simon .Simon has some orange juice in his glass .Eddie has two pieces of bread .Hobo hasmore bread than Eddie .Eddiehas less bread than Hobo .Peter TomMake sentences with “more/less than…”Please write them down on the white boards. cokemilkbreadDaniel has the most money.Kitty has the least money.Kitty has five yuan .Millie has ______ money than Kitty .Daniel has ______ money than Millie .moremore72 words 68 words 65 words 72 points 68 points 65 points AmySandySimonAmy wrote ___________ words.She scored ___________ points.the mostthe most2. Simon wrote __________ words.He scored ___________ points.the fewestthe fewestConsolidation :Comparing more than two things:the mostthe fewest+ ( ) nouns.the mostthe least+ ( ) nouns.countableuncountableSelf-study:Group work: Check the answersTips: 1.Finish Part A1 by yourseles.知者加速:Reading comprehension or clozeTips: 1. Check the answers within the group.2. Read the answers one by one.3. Don't forget to use your card.知者加速:Reading comprehension or cloze你能写出所给形容词的适当形式吗There are ________ apples on this tree than on that tree. (many) Miss Xia is one of ___________________ (popular) teachers in ourschool.The Yellow River is the second ___________ (long) river in China. This coat is too ______ (small). Have you got a ________ (big) one morethe most popularlongestsmallbigger改错:1. Mr. Smith eats the fewest beef .2 .Tom has least sheep of them .3. Mary has the more bread than her classmate.4. The students in China have little free timethan those in the UK .5. Cindy has less friends in his new school thanin his old school.leastthe fewest去掉lessfewerSelf-study: Comparative and superlative adverbsGroup work: Check the answersTips: 1. Read Part B on P24 by yourselves.2. Discuss in groups to find out how to use comparative and superlative adverbs.3.Finish the four sentences.知者加速:Reading comprehension or clozeTips: 1. Check the answers within the group.2. Read each sentence one by one.3. Don't forget to use your card.知者加速:Reading comprehension or clozeCompetitionLet’s see which group is the best!Choose your lucky number and do the exercise.123456A. Among the four programmes, I watch the first one ___________________ (regular).B. He can run as ________ (fast) as you .the most regularlyfastC. Leo plays basketball ______ (well) thanFrank.better1 The plane landed _______ (safe) at last.2 David writes ______________ (careful)than Millie.3 My mother always gets up ______ (early) in my family.safelymore carefullyearliestA. Who jumped the ______ in the high jumpA longestB higherC highestD most highB. Mrs. Smith was worried about both of her daughters, especially the ______ one.young B. youngerC. youngestD. oldestran the fastestdraws better than Andy1. John ran faster than any other student in his class.John in his class.2. Andy doesn’t draw as well as Millie.Millie .同义句改写1.他学习比我认真,但是他并不是我们班上学习最认真的。
译林版八年级上册英语精品教学课件 unit1 Friends Welcome to the unit

4. A friend without faults (缺点) will never be found. 没有十全十美的朋友。 Try to find more proverbs on the Internet!
Let’s discuss in groups
What makes good friends?
If you agree, you may say: Yes, that’s very important. That’s true. I also think ...
If you disagree, you may say: I’m afraid not. I don’t think so. This might be true, but ...
She thinks good friends should be honest and helpful.
2. What qualities does Daniel think friends should have?
He thinks good friends should be interesting.
Let’s interview and make a report
Ask your partners about friends and make a report in the class.
You may ask questions like:
Who’s your good friend? What do you think of your friend? ...
My advice on making friends:
牛津译林版八年级英语上册课件:Unit 1 Reading1 (共19张PPT)

__M_a_x__ looks _sm__a_rt__ and has a good sense of h_u_m_o_u_r_.
About Max:
I have a w_o_n_de_r_f_u_l __ friend n_a_m_e_d_ Max. He is a_lm_o_s_t__ 1.75 metres. His eyesight is very p_oo_r___. He wears small, round glasses and they make him l_o_ok____ smart. Max has a good sense of h_u_m_o_ur___. I never feel b_or_e_d__ or u_n_h_ap_p_y___. He tells f_u_n_ny____ jokes. His legs are very long and they do not f_it____ under the school desks. He often knocks your books and pens o_f_f____ the desks.
Describing appearance:
straight hair
poor eyesight
A good friend:
1. He’d like to share everything with his friends. He is __g_e_n_e_r_o_u_s___.
2. She never tells lies(说谎). I believe what she says. We all think she is very _h_o_n_e_s_t __.

5. My friend can _s_h_a_r_e__m__y_j_o_y_ so I talk to him / her when I am happy.
Does he / she care about you when you are sad?
Can you tell him / her
everything about yourself?
Is he / she ready to help when
you have problems?
Write to Teenagers magazine about your best friend!
OK. Thanks. You’re so kind, Eddie. Can I have some more food?
Yes, please. I’m thirsty too. Can I have something to drink?
Act out
OK. Thanks. You’re so kind, Eddie. Can I have some more food?
Honest. (诚实)
Y/ N
1. My friend is __h_e_l_p_f_u_l___ so I talk to him/ her when I have problems.
2. My friend is __h_eo__n_e_s_t_____ so I believe what he/ she says.c 3. My friend can _k_e_e_p__s_e_c_r_e_t_s_so I can talk to him/ her about anyathing.

牛津译林版八年级英语上册全册教学课件Unit 1Friends welcome to the unitObjectivesTo master (掌握) the words that talk about a friend’s qualities To think about what qualities are important in a good friend单词回顾学生早读时已预习过本单元单词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。
thirstyhonestsecret keep a secretjoycare care about adj. 口渴的adj. 诚实的;正直的n. 秘密保守秘密n. 欢乐,高兴;乐趣vi. & vt. 关心,关注,在意关心,关怀Words & phrases reviewyourselfteenagermagazine good-looking humorouspolite pron. 你自己n. (13至19岁的)青少年n. 杂志adj. 好看的,漂亮的adj. 幽默的adj. 礼貌的Words reviewtidy make trustlie joke trueadj. 爱整洁的,整洁的linking v. 成为;适合vt. 信任n. 谎言n. 玩笑adj. 确实的;的确Words reviewListenWe have a good friend, Eddie. He is funny and can always make us happy. Who is Eddie’s good friend? Why do you think so? Let’s listen to their conversation.Comic Strip:1. Hobo is hungry. What does Eddie give him?2. Does Hobo want to have something to drink? What is it?3. What else does Hobo want?4. Is there anything else in the fridge?QuestionsEddie gives him a cake. Yes, he wants to have something to drink. It is milk. He wants to have some more food.No, there’s nothing in the fridge.Role playSuppose you are Hobo and your partner is Eddie, make a dialogue by yourselves. Using the dialogue in the text as a model. Will Eddie share his pizza with Hobo? Go on with this dialogue and make it more interesting.TalkAre Eddie and Hobo good friends? Who do you like more?Qualities of a good friendYou all have good friends. What are your friends like?Are your friends helpful?honest?clean and tidy?good-looking?clever?kind / polite?…honest helpfulfriendlypolite good-lookinginterestinghumoroustidyTalkIt’s important for you to have a good friend. What qualities are important in a good friend? What makes your friend special? Please have a talk in pairs, using the following sentences as a model.It is important to be … My friend is …To be … is very important.Good friends should be …I think a friend should be humorous.A good friend is someone who makes me happy.I want anhonest man tobe my friend. Please look at the following answers.helpful honest keep a secret makes me happy shares my joy e c a bd a. Does he/she care about you when you are sad?b. Do you talk to him/ herwhen you are happy?c. Can you tell him/hereverything about yourself?d. Is he/she ready to helpwhen you have problems?e. Do you believe whathe/she says?Match the qualities on the left with the questions on the right.ActivityWho is your friend?Please say hello to him/her loudly, and tell him or her why he/she is your friend.What are the important qualities of a good friend?kindhelpfulbeautiful good-looking politeclever strong richmusical friendly honest funny slim tidy …Work in pairs and talk about what qualities you think are important. Use the conversation below as a model.Daniel: What make good friends, Amy?Amy: Well, good friends should be honest. You can trust them because they never tell lies. Daniel: Yes, that’s very important. I think good friends should be interesting too. They can alsotell you funny jokes.Amy: Yes, that’s true. I also think good friends should be helpful.Daniel: I agree.Listen again and complete the sentences.Amy thinks good friends should be ______ and _______.Daniel thinks good friends should be __________.Amy and Daniel ______ _____ eachother’s opinion.honest helpful interesting agree with1.Can I have something to drink? have something to drink 喝点东西If you are thirsty, have something to drink.如果你渴了就喝点什么吧。
新译林八年级上U4 Grammar(共34张PPT)公开课课件

1. 祈使句的用法。 2. had better (not)…
should (not)…/shouldn’t…
I. 单项选择。
1. _______ cross the road until the traffic
lights turn green.
1. _L_e_t’_s_g_o__ to the hall, Mum. 2. W__a_k_e_ up, Eddie! 3. Great! _L_e_t_’s_c_e_l_e_b_r_a_te__. 4. _L_e_t_’s__h_a_v_e_ a hamburger.
Reagody? 5. _L_e_t’_s_e_a_t__ apples.
You should/had better join a DIY club to learn more about it.
You should not/had better not begin your work without reading them.
You should not/had better not play with them when you do DIY jobs.
You had better refrigerate the beer before
drinking it. 喝啤酒前你最好先把它冷冻一下。
You should exercise more. 你应该多锻炼。
had better (常简略为’d better),是一固定 词组,后面必须跟动词原形,没有人称和 数的变化。构成:had better do sth. 句型。
14、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。2021年5月10日 星期一 2021/5/102021/5/102021/5/10