Green house gas introduction




Natural disasters and human destruction
Floods and droughts
Extreme weather events such as floods and droughts can cause widespad damage to human settlements and infrastructure
• The impact of human activities on the environment
• Environmental protection measures and policies
Thhis writing is focused on the relationship between the English writing environment and nature, exploring how the natural world influences and inspirations English writing
Analysis of current environmental issues
Global climate change
1 2
Rising global cultures
Caused by greenhouse gas emissions, leading to melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events
English Writing Environment and
• Introduction • Analysis of current environmental issues • The impact of natural environment on human



Interpretation of your energy consciousness scores:
• Between 11-16 points You display a good awareness of energy saving, but there’s still room for improvement. • Between 17- 20 points You can rightly call yourself an “Energy Saving Champion”—well done and keep up the good work!
10. Do you walk or encourage your parents to walk rather than drive when going shopping nearby your home?
Always Sometimes Never
Now add up your score:
4 7 UNIT Energy and Food Crises
Section A The coming energy crisis
To talk about energy crisis To further understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the essay writing skill
1. How energy-conscious are you?
With constant warnings about climate change and the depletion of natural resources, many people become aware that they need to live a green lifestyle. What about you? Have you adopted an eco-friendly lifestyle, or are you just paying lip service to the idea? Complete the following questionnaire and find out how energy-conscious you are.



iCET Introduction 能源与交通创新中心简介
• The Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET) is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization (NGO) registered in Beijing, China and Pasadena, California. iCET’s core mission is to mitigate climate change through the promotion of clean, low-carbon and energy-efficient policies and technologies in China. 能源与交通创新中心是一家在中国北京和美国加州注册的非赢利,非政府组织,其宗旨是 通过在中国推动清洁,低碳和高能效的政策和技术来减缓气候变化的压力。
Supported by Charity Foundations, United Kingdom and California Government. 主要的支持单nd Carbon Registry 中国能源与碳注册系统
• Funded by Rockefeller Brother Fund and Hewlett Foundation • 由美国洛克菲勒兄弟基金会和惠普基金会的资助 • The goal is to set up a reporting system for Energy and Carbon Registry, this system is complied with ISO GHG emission standard. • 为中国开发和建立一套符合ISO标准的碳排放与能效注册系统— —―中国能源与碳注册系统(CECR)‖ • Establish baseline to inform reduction strategy – You can‘t manage what you don‘t measure! – Prepare for regulation • 建立一个节能和减排的基准:你无法控制你不知道的参数, 同 时为将来对温室气体的监控打下基础。

Climate crisis (气候危机)

Climate crisis (气候危机)

• Opinion:
International cooperations play a significant role in solving climate crisis.
• What are the harmful impacts of climate crisis?
(Langenberger 2015)
Langenberger, K 2015, Pitiful polar bear, Kerstin Langenberger Photography, 22 August, viewed 23 November 2015, /post/127342930652/powrd-by-plants-by-kerstin-langenberger
Fox , T 2009, ‘Clear the air: the fight against climate change requires a strategic plan combining mitigation, adaptation and geo-engineering, says Tim Fox’, Engineer, 7 December, p. 14.

The Los Angeles Times, 2013, Doing the Right Thing, The Los Angeles Times, 11 October, viewed 23 November 2015, </2013/10/11/the-l-a-times-doing-the-right-thing/>
Smith, A 2013, Unburnable: Risky Fossil Fuel Investments & Climate Crisis, Radio Ecoshock, 17 May, viewed 23 November 2015, </stories/2013-05-17/unburnable-risky-fossil-fuel-investmentsclimate-crisis>

Gas & Chemical Hazard

Gas & Chemical Hazard

健康危害程度 (藍色)
火災危險程度 (紅色)
其它危險 (白色)
危險反應活性程度 (黃色)
危險標誌 - NFPA (2/3)

等級依程度分0-4級,數字愈大危害性愈高。 等級3-4之物質,通稱為HPM (Hazardous Production Material)。 藍3、4專櫃上鎖,紅、黃3、4則須放置於防 火櫃;並均各依其特性,小心儲放。 健康危害程度H(藍色)

物質分開。 腐蝕性(鹼類) 須與酸類分開。 可燃物質須與強氧化性物質或引火源或氧化劑分開。 氧化物質須與可燃或可焚燒之物質分開。 硫化物、氧化物須與酸類分開。

危險物:係指爆炸性物質、著火性物質﹝易 燃固體、自燃物質、禁水性物質﹞、氧化性 物質、引火性物體、可燃性氣體及其它之物 質,經中央主管機關指定者。 →造成立即危害short-term 危害物:係指有機溶劑、鉛、四烷基鉛、特 定化學物質及其它之物質,經中央主管機關 指定者。 →可能產生慢性病變long-term
類號 第一類 第二類 第三類 第四類 第五類 第六類 第七類 第八類 第九類 類別 說明
爆炸性物質 自1.1-1.6共六組 易燃性氣體、非易燃、非毒性氣體、 氣體 毒性氣體 易燃液體 固體 易燃固體、自燃物質、禁水性物質 氧化性物質 毒性物質 放射性物質 腐蝕性物質 其他物質

容許濃度 (PEL, Permissible Exposure Limit)



全国高等学校英语应用能力考试(A级)词汇表*AAa/an abandon ability able aboard about above abroad absent absolute absorb abstract abundant accent accept access accident accommodation accompany accomplish according account accumulate accurate accuse accustomed ache achieve achievement acknowledge acquire across act action active activity actor actress actual actually adapt add addition additional address adequate adjective adjust admire admission admit adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure adverb advertisement advice advisable advise aeroplane affair affect affection afford Africa African after afternoon afterward again against age agency agent aggressive ago agony agreement agriculture ahead aid aim air aircraft airline airplane airport alarm alcohol alike alive all allow allowance almost alone along alphabet already also alter alternative although altogether always a.m. amaze ambassador ambition ambitious amend America American among amount amuse analysis ancestor ancient and anger angry animal anniversary announce annoy annual another answer anticipate anxiety anxious any anybody anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apologize apology apparent appeal appear appearance appendix appetite appetizing applause apple appliance applicant application applyappoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve April arbitration area argue argument arise arm army around arouse arrange arrest arrival arrive arrow art article artificial artist as ash Asia Asian aside ask asleep aspect assess assign assignment assist assistant associate association assume assure astonish at athlete Atlantic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attendant attention attitude attract attractive audience August aunt Australia Australian author authority authorize auto automatic automobile autumn available avenue average avoid await awake award aware away awful awkwardBB.C. baby bachelor back background backward bad badly bag baggage balance ball banana bank banquet bar bare bargain barrier base basic basin basis basket basketball bath bathe bathroom battery battle bay be beach bear beast beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom bee beef beer before beg begin behalf behave behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit berth beside besides best bet better between beyond Bible bicycle- 1 -bid big bill billion bind biology bird birth birthday bit bitebitter black blackboard blade blame blank blend blind block blood blouse blow blue board boat body boil bold bomb bond bone bonus book bookshop border bore boring born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom bound boundary bowl box boy brain branch brand brave breadbreak breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief bright brilliant brim bring Britain British broad broadcast brochure broker broken broom brother brown brush budget build building bulletin burden bureau burn burst bury bus business busy but butter button buy by bye-byeCcable cafe cage cake calculate calendar call calm camera camp campaign campus can Canada Canadian canal cancel cancer candidate cap capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care career careful careless cargo carpet carry cart cartoon case cash cashier cassette cast casual cat catalog catch cattle cause caveCD(Compact Disc) cease ceiling celebrate cell cent center/center centigrade centimeter/centimeter central century ceremony certain certainly certificate chain chair chairman challenge champagne champion chance change channel chapter character characteristic charge chart chase chat cheap cheat check cheer cheerful cheese chemical chemist chemistry cheque chess chest chicken chief child childhood China Chinese chocolate choice choose Christian Christmas church cigarette cinema circle circumstance circuit citizen city civilization claim clarify class classic classical classify classmate classroom clause clean clear clerk clever client climate climb clock clockwise close cloth clothe clothes cloud cloudy club coach coal coarse coast coat cock code coffee coin coke cold collar colleague collect collection collective college color column combcombination combine come comfort comfortable command comment commerce commercial commission commit committee commodity common communicate communication community commute compact companion company comparable compare compatible compensate compete competent competition competitive complain complaint complete complex complicated component compose composition compound comprehension comprise compromise computer concentrate concept concern concerning concert conclude conclusionFface facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure faint fair fairly faith faithful faithfully fall false fame familiar family famous fan fancy far fare farewell farm farmer farther- 2 -fashion fast fasten fat fatal fate father fatigue fault faulty favor/favour favorable/favourable favorite/favourite fax/facsimile fear fearful feasible feather feature February fee feed feedback feel feeling fellow fellowman female fence festival fetch fever few fiber field fierce fifteen fifth fifty fight figure file fill film filter final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fit five fix flag flash flatflavour/flavor flexible flight flood floor flow flower fluent fluently fluid fly focus fog fold folk follow following fond food fool foolish foot football for forbid force forecast foreign foreigner forest forever forget forgive fork form formless formalformat former formula forth fortnight fortnightly fortunate fortunately fortune forty forward found founder foundation fundamental fountain four fourteen fourth fox frame framework France frankly frankness free freedom freeze French Frenchman frequency frequent frequently fresh freshman Friday fridge friend friendly friendship frighten frightened from front fruit fruitful frustrate frustration fry fuel fulfill full full-time full-hearted funfunction functional fund fundamental funeral funny fur furniture further furthermore futureGgain game gap garage garden gas gate gather guy gene general generally generate generation generous genius gentle gentleman genuine geography geometry German Germany gesture get ghost giftgirl give glad glance glass global globe glorious glory glove glow go goal goat God gold golden good goodbye goods goose govern government graceful grade gradual gradually graduate graingram/gramme grand grandfather grandmother grant graph graphic grasp grass grateful gratitude grave great greedy Greek green greenhouse greet greeting grey/gray grocer gross ground group grow growth guarantee guard guess guidance guide guilty gun gym/gymnasiumHhabit hair half hall halt hammer hand handkerchief handle handsome handwriting hang happen happy harbour/harbor hard hardly hardship hardware harm harmful harvest haste hat hate hatred have he headheadache heading headline headmaster headquarters health hear heart heat heaven heavy heel height hello/hullo help helpful hence her here hero heroic hers herself hesitate Hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hint hire his history hit hi-tech hobby hold hole holiday home homework honest honey honor/honourhonorable/honourable hope hopeful horizon horror horse horsepower hospitable hospital host hostile hot hotel hour house household- 3 -housewife how however huge human humble humor/humourhumorous/humourous hundred hunger hungry hunt hurry hurt husbandII ice ice-cream idea ideal identical identification identify idle if ignore ill illegal illness illustrate illustration image imagine imitate imitation immediate immediately immense immigrant immigrate impatient implication imply import importer importance important impose impossible impress impression improve improvement in inch incident incline include inclusive income increase indeed independence independent index India Indian indicate individual induce industrial industry inevitable infect infection infectious inference inferior infinite influence inform information initial initiative injection injure injury ink inn inner innocent input inquiry/enquiry insect insert inside insight insist inspect inspection inspire install installment instance instant instead instinct institute institution instruct instruction instrumentinsult insurance insure integrate intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intended intense intensely intensify intention interact interaction interest interested interesting interfere interference interior intermediate internal international internet interpret interpretation interrupt interval interview into introduce introduction invade invader invent invest investigate investigation investment invisible invitation invite invoice involve involvement iron irrevocable island isolate isolation issue it Italian item itinerary its itselfJjacket jam January Japan Japanese jazz jealous jeans jet job join joint joke journal journalist journey joy judge judgment/judgement juice July jump June junior just justice justifyKkaraoke keen keep key keyboard kick kid kill kilogrammekilometre/kilometer kind kindness king kingdom kiss kitchen kite knee knife knock know knowledgeLlabel labour/labor laboratory lack ladder lady lag lake lamp land landlord lane language large last late later Latin latter laugh laughter launch laundry law lawyer lay layout lazy lead leader leadership leaf league leak lean leap earn learned learner learning least leave lecture left leg legal leisure lend length less lesson lest let letter level liable liberate liberation liberty library- 4 -licence/license lie life lifetime lift light lightning like likely likewise limit limited line link lion lip liquid list listen literature litre/liter little live lively living load loaf loanlocal locate location lock log logic logical lonely long look loose lord lorry lose loss lot loud love lovely low lower loyal luck lucky luckily luggage lunch lungMmachine mad madman magazine magic magical magnificent mail mailbag mailbox main mainland maintain maintenance major majority make male mall man manage management manager mankind manner manual manufacture many map march margin mark marked market marriage marrymarvelous/marvellous mask masked mass master match material mathematics math/maths matter mature maximize maximum may maybe me meal mean meaning meaningful means meantime meanwhile measure meat mechanical mechanism medal medical medicine medium mediumterm mediumsized meet meeting member memo/memorandum memorial memory mend mental mentin menu merchant merchantlike mercy mere merely merit merry message metal meter/metre method microphone microscope middle midnight mild mile military milk mill millimetre/millimeter million mind mindful mindless mine minimum minister minor minority minus minute miracle mirror miserable mislead Miss miss missing mission mistake mistakable mistaken misunderstand mix mixed mixture mobile mode model moderate modern modest modification modify moisturemoment Monday money monitor monkey month monthly momument mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mother motherly motion motivate motive motor mount mouse mouth move movable moment movie much multiple multiply mum municipal murder muscle museum music musician must mutual my myself mysterious mysteryNnail nailless naked nakedly name namely narrow nation nationwide national nationality natural naturally nature navigation navy near nearby nearly neat necessary necessity neck necktie need needle negative neglect negotiate neighbour/neighbor neighbourhood/ neighborhood neither nephew nerve nervous nest net network neutral neutrally never nevertheless new newcomer news newsletter newspaper next nice niece night nine nineteen ninety ninth no noble nobody nod noise noisy noisily noisiness none nonsense noon nor normal normally north northern nose not note notebook nothing notice noun novel November now nowadays nowhere nuclear number numerous nurse nursery nut- 5 -SSad safe safety sail sailor sake salary sale salesman saltsalutation same sample sand sandwich satellite satisfactory satisfy Saturday save saving say scale scan scarce scarcely scare scatter scene scenery scenic schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist score scream screen screw sea sealsearch season seat second secondary secret secretary section secure security see seed seek seem seize seldom select selection selective self selfish sell semester seminar senate send senior sense sensible sensitive sentence separate September sequence series serious servant serve service set settle settlement seven seventeen seventy several severe sew sex shade shadow shake shall shallow shame shape share shareholder sharp shave she sheep sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shipment shirt shock shoe shoot shop shore short shortage shortcoming shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shut shy sick side sight sightseeing sign signal signature significance silence silent silk silly silver similar simple simultaneous since sincere sincerely sing single singular sink sir sister sit site situation six sixteen sixty size skate sketch skill skilled skillful skin skirt sky slave sleep sleeve slice slideslight slope slow small smart smell smile smoke smooth smuggle snack snake snow so soap social society sock soda soft software soil sole solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sorrow sorry sort soul sound soup source south southern souvenir space spacecraft spade span Spanish spare speak special specialist specialize specific specification specimen spectator speech speed spell spend sphere spirit splendid spit spoil sponsor spoon sport spot spread spring square stable staff stage stain stair stamp stand standard star stare start starve state statement station statisticsstatue status stay steady steal steam steel steep step stereo stereotype stick stiff still stimulate stipulate stir stock stocking stomach stone stop store storm story stove straight strange stranger strategy straw stream street strength strengthen stress stretchstrict strike stroke strong structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submission submit substance substantial substitute suburb subway succeed success sudden suddenly suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suit suitable sumsummarize/summarise summary summer sun Sunday sunlight sunny sunrise sunset sunshine superficial superior supermarket supper supplement supply support suppose sure surface surgery surprise surround surroundings survey survive suspect suspicion suspicious swallow sweat sweater sweep sweet swim swing switch sword symbol sympathy- 6 -symphony symptom synthetic system systematicTTable tablet tackle tag tail tailor take tale talent talented talk talkative talker tall tank tape tape measure tape recorder target task taste tasteful tastefully tasteless tasty tax tax-free tax collector taxpayer taxi taxicab tea teach teaching teacher team team mate team spirit tear teardrop tearful technical technically technician technique technology teenager telegram telephone telephone booth telephone directory telescope television/TV telex tell teller temper temperature temple temporary temporarily tempttemptation tempting ten tenth tend tendency tender tender-hearted tenderly tennis tense tensely tenseness tent term terminal terrible territory test text than thank thankful thankfully thankless that the theatre/theater theatrical their theirs them themselves then theory there therefore thermometer these they thick thickly thickness thief thin thinly thinness thing think thinking third thirsty thirteen thirty this thorough thoroughly thoroughness those though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughtfulness thousand thread threat threaten threatening three throat through throughout throw thumb thunder thunderstorm Thursday thus ticket tide tidy tie tiger tight till time tin tiny tip tired tissue title to toast tobacco today toe together toilet tolerate tomato tomorrow ton tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic torch total touch tough tour tourist towards towel tower town toy trace traceable traceless track trade trademark tradition traffic train training transactiontransfer transform transit translate translation transparent transport trap travel tray treasure treat treatment treaty tree tremendous trend trial triangle trick trip troop trouble troubled troublesome trousers truck true truly trust truth try tube Tuesday tuition tune tunnel turn tutor twelfthtwelve twentieth twenty twenty-first twice twin twist two type typewriter typical typistUugly ultimate umbrella unable uncle under underground underlineunderstand understanding undertake undertaker undo undoubtedly uneasy uneasily uneasiness unexpected unfair unfortunately uniform union unique unit unite united universal universe university unless unlike unnecessary unprecedented until unusual up upon upper upset upstairs upward urge urgent us usage use used useful usual usually utility utilizeV- 7 -vacation vain valid validity valley valuable value vanish variable variety various vary vegetable vehicle venture verb verify version versus vertical very veteran veto via vice victim victory video view village violence violent violin virtual virtually virtue virus visa visible vision visit visitor visual vital vivid vocabulary voicevolt voltage volume vote voyageWwage wait waiter waitress wake walk walkman wall wander want war warm warn wash waste watch water wave way we weak wealth weapon wear weather web website Wednesday week weekend weekly weep weigh weight welcome welfare well west western wet what whatever wheat wheel when whenever where wherever whether which whichever whisky whisper white who whole whom whose why wide widespread wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish wit with withdraw withdrawal within without withstand witness wolf woman wonder wonderful wood word work worker workshop world worry worseworship worst worth worthwhile worthy would wound wrap wrist write writer writing wrongXx-rayYyard year yearly yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your yours yourself yourselves youthZzero zone zoo- 8 -。

研究生英语读写教程(提高级)教学课件Unit 13

研究生英语读写教程(提高级)教学课件Unit 13
English Reading and Writing for Graduate Students
Unit 13 Energy and Environment
English Reading and Writing for Graduate Students Advanced Edition Unit 13
English Reading and Writing for Graduate Students Advanced Edition Unit 13
Warming up
Question 4
Is nuclear power the cleanest and most environmentally friendly energy? Are there any alternatives to nuclear energy?
1. Introduction (Para.1-2)
2. Development: risks of nuclear energy (Para. 3-17)
3. Conclusion: impossible to quantify the risks (Para. 18-19)
English Reading and Writing for Graduate Students Advanced Edition Unit 13
English Reading and Writing for Graduate Students Advanced Edition Unit 13
Warming up
Question 5
Considering all the risks nuclear energy pose, do you think it is worth the effort for China to develop nuclear energy?



介绍温室大棚英语小作文Title: Introduction to Greenhouse。

A greenhouse, also known as a glasshouse or a hothouse, is a structure primarily made of transparent material, such as glass or plastic, designed to cultivate plants that require controlled climatic conditions. These structures are widely used in agriculture, horticulture, and botanyfor various purposes ranging from growing vegetables and flowers to conducting research experiments.Greenhouses provide an environment that allows for the regulation of temperature, humidity, light exposure, and ventilation, creating optimal conditions for plant growth throughout the year. The controlled environment inside a greenhouse offers several advantages over traditional outdoor cultivation, including protection from adverse weather conditions such as frost, excessive heat, and strong winds. This enables farmers and gardeners to extend the growing season and cultivate crops that may not thrivein their natural climate.One of the key components of a greenhouse is its transparent covering, which allows sunlight to enter the structure and trap heat, creating a warm and conducive environment for plant growth. The most common materials used for greenhouse coverings include glass and various types of plastic, such as polyethylene and polycarbonate. These materials differ in their durability, insulation properties, and light transmission characteristics, allowing growers to choose the most suitable option based on their specific requirements and budget.In addition to the transparent covering, greenhouses are equipped with various heating and cooling systems to maintain optimal temperatures year-round. Heating systems such as gas furnaces, electric heaters, or geothermal heat pumps are used to supplement sunlight during colder months, while ventilation systems such as fans and louvers help regulate temperature and humidity levels by allowing fresh air to circulate within the greenhouse.Furthermore, greenhouses may be equipped withirrigation systems to ensure that plants receive adequate water, as well as supplemental lighting systems to extend daylight hours or provide specific light spectra for plant growth. These technological advancements enhance the efficiency and productivity of greenhouse cultivation, allowing growers to achieve higher yields and better quality crops.In addition to their practical applications in agriculture, greenhouses also play a vital role in scientific research and education. Botanical gardens, universities, and research institutions use greenhouses to study plant physiology, genetics, and ecology, as well as to preserve rare and endangered species. Educational programs conducted in greenhouses provide students with hands-on experience in plant cultivation and environmental science, fostering an appreciation for nature and sustainable agriculture.In conclusion, greenhouses are versatile structures that offer a controlled environment for plant cultivation,research, and education. By providing protection from adverse weather conditions and enabling year-round production, greenhouses contribute to food security, environmental conservation, and scientific advancement. Whether used by commercial growers, hobbyists, or researchers, greenhouses play a crucial role in meeting the growing demand for fresh produce and advancing our understanding of plant biology.。



辽宁省沈阳市皇姑区沈阳市翔宇中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题一、听力选择题1.What is probably the woman?A.A teacher.B.A driver.C.A doctor.2.What happened to Mr. Ray?A.He had an accident.B.He was caught in a traffic jam.C.He missed an important appointment.3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A person.B.A bag.C.A store.4.Why will the man call Mr. Thomason?A.To make an appointment.B.To talk about the possibility.C.To see if he has a better idea.5.What time is it now?A.8: 20.B.9: 50.C.7: 30.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

6.What’s the man doing?A.Watching a match.B.Studying for an exam.C.Playing computer games.7.What problem does the woman think she has?A.She has no confidence in herself.B.She’s too fat for the dancing club.C.She is late for the fitness training.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

8.What’s the man’s hobby?A.Reading.B.Traveling.C.Fishing. 9.When do the speakers decide to see the river view houses?A.Today.B.Tomorrow.C.Next weekend. 10.What is one of the advantages of the river view houses?A.They’re close to Mathew’s school.B.They’re close to the man’s parents’.C.They’re close to the man’s company.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

go green英语作文

go green英语作文

Go Green is a movement that encourages individuals,communities,and businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability.Heres an essay on the importance of going green and how it can be achieved.Title:Embracing the Go Green Movement for a Sustainable Future Introduction:The world is facing an environmental crisis,with climate change,pollution,and the depletion of natural resources becoming increasingly urgent issues.The Go Green movement has emerged as a response to these challenges,advocating for a lifestyle that is more harmonious with nature.This essay will explore the significance of the Go Green movement and the practical steps that can be taken to contribute to a sustainable future. The Importance of Going Green:bating Climate Change:Green practices help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which are a major contributor to global warming.2.Preserving Biodiversity:By reducing our impact on the environment,we can help protect ecosystems and the species that inhabit them.3.Promoting Health:A cleaner environment leads to better air and water quality,which in turn promotes public health.4.Economic Benefits:Investing in green technologies and practices can create jobs and stimulate economic growth.Individual Actions:1.Reducing,Reusing,and Recycling:Simple habits like reducing waste,reusing items, and recycling can significantly cut down on the amount of trash that ends up in landfills.2.Conserving Energy:Turning off lights and appliances when not in use,and using energyefficient products can lower energy consumption.3.Sustainable Transportation:Opting for walking,cycling,public transport,or carpooling instead of driving alone can reduce carbon emissions.Community Initiatives:1.Green Spaces:Creating and maintaining parks and green areas in urban environments can improve air quality and provide habitats for wildlife.munity Gardens:These not only provide fresh produce but also foster a sense of community and environmental stewardship.cation Programs:Schools and community centers can offer programs to educate the public about the importance of environmental conservation.Business Practices:1.Sustainable Sourcing:Businesses can choose to source materials from suppliers that practice sustainable methods.2.Green Technologies:Implementing renewable energy sources and energyefficient technologies can reduce a companys environmental impact.3.Corporate Social Responsibility:Companies can demonstrate their commitment to the environment through CSR initiatives that support green projects.Government Policies:1.Regulations:Governments can enforce regulations that limit pollution and encourage the use of renewable energy.2.Incentives:Providing tax breaks or subsidies for green technologies can motivate individuals and businesses to adopt ecofriendly practices.3.Public Awareness Campaigns:Governments can run campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation.Conclusion:The Go Green movement is not just a trend but a necessary step towards ensuring the survival of our planet.By adopting green practices at the individual,community,business, and governmental levels,we can work together to combat climate change,preserve our natural resources,and create a healthier,more sustainable world for future generations.It is a collective responsibility that requires immediate action and ongoing commitment.。

unit 8 Focus on global warming

unit 8 Focus on global warming

/v/b/515583441828899703.html • These basic conclusions have been endorsed by at least 30 scientific societies and academies of science, including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries. While individual scientists have voiced disagreement with these findings, the overwhelming with these findings, the overwhelming majority of scientists working on climate change agree with the IPCC‘S main conclusions.
What are the Green House gases?
In the atmosphere surrounding the
earth there are gases, which are
called “greenhouse gases”,
including carbon dioxide,
methane(甲烷, 沼气)
• 厄尔尼诺(El Nino Phenomenon)又称厄尔尼诺海 流,(西班牙语:El Nino)或称圣婴现象,是秘鲁、厄 瓜多尔一带的渔民用以称呼一种异常气候现象的名词。 主要指太平洋东部和中部的热带海洋的海水温度异常地持 续变暖,使整个世界气候模式发生变化,造成一些地区干 旱而另一些地区又降雨量过多。其出现频率并不规则,但 平均约每4年发生一次。基本上,如果现象持续期少于五 个月,会称为厄尔尼诺情况(condition);如果持续期 是五个月或以上,便会称为厄尔尼诺事件(episode)。 • 厄尔尼诺在西班牙语中意为“圣婴”,因为这种气候 现象通常在圣诞节前后开始发生。而其中nino在西班牙 语是“男孩”之意,El是定冠词。这现象往往持续好几个 月甚至1年以上,影响范围极广。厄尔尼诺相反 • 的自然现象称为拉尼娜(La Nina),拉尼娜就是“女孩”erves as the introduction to the whole passage. In this part the author mentions how global warming has become a matter of increasing public concern. • Giant asteroid: it refers to one of the small planets moving around the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. In the text it suggests the possible collision of our Earth with an asteroid. • Question: Why have people shown increasing concern about global warming? • A: it is harbinger of what is to come– the threat to low-lying nations, changes of rain and drought patterns, frequent hurricanes and intense El Ninos.



Aabsorbent吸收剂accessory附件absorber吸附器liquid air ~液空吸附器liquid oxygen ~液氧吸附器accumulater蓄压器oxygen~贮氧罐acetylene乙炔acting作用double ~双程,双作用single ~单程,单作用action动作,作用direct ~直接动作reverse ~转换动作,反向动作actuator促动器torque ~转矩促动器adiabatically在绝热条件下adjuster调整器adsorbate被吸附物aircompressed ~压缩空气compressor delivery ~原料空气cooled ~冷却空气feed ~吸入空气fractionated ~分馏空气liquefied ~液化空气liquid ~液体空气reflux ~回流空气returning ~环流空气~ seperation空气分离~ seperation apparatus空分塔~ seperation equipment空分设备~ seperation plant空分车间alloy合金aluminum ~铝合金aluminum铝brazed ~钎焊铝板(热交换器用)ammeter电流计A C ~交流电流计angle角钢equal ~等边角钢supporting ~支撑角钢annealing退火annunciator信号器、报号器apparatus装置、设备control ~控制装置argon氩arrester捕捉器lightning ~避雷器noise ~隔音器assembly装配、总成orifice ~双孔板attachment附件Bbaghouse袋室~air filter袋式气滤器band袋、环wear ~支撑环bars母线base底座beam梁bearing轴承ball ~滚珠轴承forced-lubricated ~强制润滑轴承increasing gear ~增速齿轮轴承journal ~轴颈轴承thrust ~止推轴承~ metals for air compressor motor空压机电机金属轴承~metals for oxygen compressor motor氧压机电机金属轴承bellow吹风机、皮老虎bias偏压blade叶片backward ~反向叶片block部件terminal ~接线板blower风机brake ~制动风机deforsting air ~解冻风机Roots ~罗茨风机single flow ~单级风机~ impeller风机叶轮board板ceiling ~顶板front ~前板semigraphic ~半模拟板side ~侧板switching ~切换板body体main ~主体bolt螺栓anchor ~地脚螺栓coupling ~ set称套的联接螺栓foundation ~地脚螺栓bonnet阀帽box箱盒check valve ~自动阀箱(交换器)cold ~冷箱relay ~继电器箱switch ~开关箱terminal ~分线盒bracket托架breaker断路器no-fuse circuit ~无熔断器的断路器oil immersed circuit ~油浸断路器brush电刷~ holder电刷架~ spring电刷弹簧buffer缓冲~ plate缓冲板bulb玻璃泡、测温仪表、外壳resistance ~电阻温度计bulk支架~ head上部支架buna-N布纳-N、丁晴橡胶bush衬套neck ~轴套、轴瓦button钮push ~按钮push ~ with lamp带灯按钮butyl rubber丁基橡胶buzzer蜂鸣器Ccable电缆extention ~补偿导线external ~外部电缆power ~电力电缆calibration校准cam凸轮cantileveredly悬臂地capacity容量interrupting ~遮断容量rupturing ~遮断容量casing箱、盒bearing ~轴承箱1st ~一级外壳turbine ~透平机壳casting铸造、铸件precision ~精密铸件spheroidal graphite iron ~球墨铸铁件channel槽钢base ~槽钢基础chart图、表、记录纸chiller过冷器chiller-liquefier过冷液化器liquid air-liquid nitrogen ~液空-液氮过冷器chipping凿circuit线路、电路electric ~电路high tension ~高压线路interlocking ~连锁线路printed ~印刷电路clutch离合器cock旋塞,旋阀code规范、符号、编号coil线圈tripping ~跳闸线圈、解扣线圈~ for trip跳闸线圈、解扣线圈column塔lower ~下塔rectifier ~精馏塔upper ~上塔compressor压缩机air ~空压机balanced opposed type ~相对平衡式压缩机centrifugal ~离心式压缩机instrument air ~仪表空压机integral speed-up gear type isothermal centrifugal ~整体增速齿轮式等温离心压缩机loop-sketch for oxygen ~氧压机线路系统图multi-stage ~多级压缩机one-shaft ~单轴压缩机one-shaft multi-stage ~单轴多级压缩机reciprocating ~活塞式压缩机turbo ~透平压缩机concentric同心的condenser冷凝器、电容器the main ~-reboiler主冷凝蒸发器evaporator ~冷凝蒸发器conduit导管、线管connection接头、接管conspectus大纲、概要consumptionpower ~电耗contact接头、触头alarming ~警报接头fixed ~固定触头moving ~滑动触头contactor接触器magnetic ~电磁接触器controllerlevel indicating ~液位指示控制器pressure indicating ~压力指示控制器cooler冷却器after ~后冷却器evaporator ~蒸发冷却器inter ~中间冷却器liquid air super ~液空过冷器liquid nitrogen super ~液氮过冷器oil ~油冷却器spray ~喷淋冷却器trickling ~水淋冷却器core芯子cold ~冷单元,冷端warm ~热单元,热端coupling联轴节rubber ~橡皮联轴节shaft ~轴接手联轴器cover盖end ~端盖sealing ~密封盖sound insulating ~隔音罩~ for lamp灯罩crankshaft曲轴、曲柄轴cubicle柜、小房间local electric control ~机旁电控柜motor ~电动机柜receiving ~受电柜static exciter ~静止励磁柜cutout截口panel ~盘上装仪表的洞cylinder气缸pneumatic ~气动气缸single ~单缸~ cover气缸盖~ gasket气缸垫圈~ liner气缸内衬Ddamper蝶阀、开闭器motorized ~电动蝶阀piston ~活塞阀~ for switching valve切换阀的蝶阀defrosting解冻~ air解冻空气~ air blower解冻风机deriming去霜detector检验器revolution ~转数检验器deviation 偏差~ and tolerances公差与配合devicecleaning ~净化装置delivery control ~输出(压力)控制装置discharge pressure control ~排出(压力)控制装置safety ~安全装置sampling ~取样分析装置silicon control rectifier ~可控硅正流装置suction pressure control ~吸入压力控制装置switching ~切换装置tripping ~断路装置wind up ~上弦装置、调整旋组dial标度盘diaphragm薄片disk盘cover ~盖盘hub ~壳盘distance~ piece距离块distillation column精馏塔drawingoutline ~外形图、布置总图driver驱动机~ tripped驱动机跳闸drum罐back pressure ~反压力罐surge ~缓冲罐dryer干燥器air ~空气干燥器defrosting air ~解冻空气干燥器duct槽wiring ~配线槽wiring & piping ~导线和管道槽Eelbow肘管、弯管、弯头enamel珐琅、搪瓷wrinkled ~皱纹珐琅endcold ~冷端energyabsorbed ~吸收能equipmentelectric ~电气设备liners for ~设备衬垫erection安装exchangerreversing heat ~可逆式换热器exciter激磁器exciting激励expansion~ joint膨胀接头~ turbine透平膨胀机Ffactor系数、因数power ~功率因数~ of safety安全系数fan风扇film膜oil ~油膜filter过滤器air ~空气过滤器defrosting air ~解冻空气过滤器liquid air ~液空过滤器multi-duty automatic air ~高效自动空气过滤器oil ~primary oil ~初级油过滤器secondary oil ~二级油过滤器sintered metallic ~烧结金属过滤器suction air ~吸入空气过滤器~ before turbine透平前过滤器fin翅片、波纹板cooling ~冷却片fitting配件、零件flange法兰、法兰盘flicker闪光float浮标floor楼板、层first ~一楼second ~flow流量air ~空气流量radial inward ~径向内流reflux ~回流流量~ rate流量速度flowmeter流量计flow-sheet流程、流程图general ~总流程图~ of cooling water line冷却水流程图~ of gas line气体流程图fluid流体flux焊剂、溶剂forcehorizontal ~水平力inertia ~forging锻件foundationgeneral ~基础总图oxygen compressor ~氧压机基础oxygen compressor general ~氧压机基础总图~ bolt and liner地脚螺栓和垫板frame框架、架子freeze致冷、冷冻fully-open全开furnaceflame ~火焰炉shaft ~竖炉blast ~高炉open hearth ~平炉cupola ~熔铁炉、冲天炉continuous ~连续加热炉travelling-bottom ~步进底式炉pusher-type ~推钢式加热炉rotary hearth ~转底炉electric-arc ~电弧炉electric ~电炉coke oven~焦炉converter~转炉fuse保险丝、熔断器Ggasdry ~干燥气generated ~返回气体impure nitrogen ~污氮sealing ~密封气gauge表、计level ~液位表oil level ~pressure ~gasket垫片、衬special ~特殊垫圈~ for transmitter and receiver变压器和记录器的垫圈gearbevel ~斜齿轮、伞形齿轮helical ~螺旋齿轮pinion ~小齿轮speed-up ~增速齿轮gel胶silica ~硅胶general概述glasshard ~硬质玻璃organic ~有机玻璃grinding磨光grounding接地grout灌浆~ bond灌浆结合grouting混凝土浇灌guarantee保证guide导板cross head ~十字头导板guide-vane导向叶片remote control of ~遥控导向叶片Hheader集管、集管箱heaterdefrosting ~解冻加热器heat-exchangerreversing ~可逆式热交换器helium氦housing室、罩insulating ~绝热室、绝热罩noise arresting ~隔音罩humidityrelative ~相对湿度hydrocarbon碳氢化合物~ absorber碳氢化合物吸收器I impeller叶轮blower ~风机叶轮high pressure stage ~高压级叶轮turbine ~透平叶轮~ of first stage一级叶轮impurities杂质indicatordamper opening ~蝶阀开度指示器different pressure ~阻力指示器fault ~故障指示器flow ~流量指示器level ~opening ~开度指示器pressure ~temperature ~thermal ~温度指示器inlet进口reference gas ~工作气体入口sample gas ~取样气体instrument仪表loop sketch of ~仪表连续表insulation绝缘、绝热~ over wrenching绝缘过热intake吸入air at the ~吸入之空气integrator积算器~ assembly积算器总成introduction引言ironcast ~铸铁iron-constantan铁-镍铜isothermal等温的Jjoint接头、接管、连接expansion ~膨胀接头、异径管Kkit工具箱Llabyrinth迷宫、曲径~ case迷宫盒~ cover迷宫盖~ packing迷宫填料~ sleeve迷宫套管lampannouncement ~指示灯announciator ~(报警)信号灯completion ~完成灯fluorometric ~ with glow lamps带辉光放电管的荧光灯green ~绿灯illumination ~照明灯pilot ~起动信号灯semigraphic ~半模拟盘灯signal ~信号灯layout布置(图)lineaerial ~架空线air ~空气管线defrost air ~解冻空气管道drain ~排出管道liquid air ~液空管线liquid nitrogen ~液氮管线liquid oxygen ~液氧管线liquid oxygen recirculating ~液氧循环线路waste nitrogen ~废氮管liner垫板liquefier液花器liquidlean ~贫液(poor ~)rich ~富液list清单instrument ~仪表清单load载荷、负荷braking ~ of blower风机的制动负荷dynamic ~动载荷full ~满负荷static ~静负荷loop sketch线路系统~ for oxygen compressor氧压机线路系统图lubricant润滑油lubrication润滑force feed ~强迫润滑、压油润滑forced ~强迫润滑pressure feed ~强迫润滑Mmagnesium镁manifold歧管manometer压力计manual指南、手册、手动mechanism机构driving ~传动机构、驱动机构metal金属、合金瓦white ~轴承合金、白色合金、钨金瓦~ case合金瓦套meter测量仪表frequency ~周波表over flow rotor ~溢流转子流量计3 phase indicating watt三相瓦特指示表3 phase power-factor ~三相功率因素表3 phase watt-hour ~三相瓦特-小时表set-~阀位指示计metric system公制micro-switch微型开关molecular sieve 分子筛motor电动机、马达chart ~记录纸传送电机induction ~感应电动机main ~主电动机synchronous ~同步电动机multi-stage多级的Nname名称~ plate名牌neon氖neoprene氯丁橡胶nipple螺纹接头、螺纹接嘴nitrogengenerated impure ~返回污氮liquid ~液氮pure ~纯氮noise噪音~ arresting housing隔音罩nozzle喷嘴~ ring喷嘴环nut螺母Ooillube ~润滑油lubricating ~润滑油transformer ~变压器油viscosine ~粘性油、精制残油~ free无油~ head tank高位油箱~ reservior贮油箱~ whip油抖动~ whirl油涡流orifice孔~ plate孔板~ plate assembly双孔板overhung悬臂地overspeed过速oxygenhigh purity ~高纯氧~ accumulator贮养器~ ion dry cell氧离子电池Ppacking填料gland ~压盖填料piston rod ~活塞杆填料seat ~座圈填料wiper ~擦油填料panel盘、板air compressor ~空压机表盘center ~中心盘general service ~公用表盘high tension ~高压盘instrument ~仪表板、仪表盘local ~机旁盘、机侧盘oxygen delivery device ~氧气输送装置仪表sub-~副线板part部件、零件、部分main ~主要部件middle ~中部spare ~备件P.B.(push button)按钮perlite 珠光砂pick-up传感器tachometer ~转速计传感器pin针、销crank ~曲柄销cross head ~十字头销pinion小齿轮pipeflexible ~软管、挠性管siphon ~弯管、虹吸管pit 坑、孔planning计划、布置plate板、牌、片bed ~底板checkered ~花纹(钢)板name ~名称牌orifice ~孔板plug塞子vent ~通风塞plunger柱塞point liquefaction ~液化点pointerred ~红指针positioner位置控制器potentiometer电位表press压力、阻力absorber ~吸附器阻力cold core different ~冷端各种压力delivery ~输出压力evaporator condenser ~冷凝蒸发器压力feed air ~吸入空气压力inlet air ~入口空气压力lubricating oil ~润滑油压力rectifier ~精馏塔压力recycle air ~循环空气压力surge tank ~缓冲罐压力pressurecompressor delivery ~压缩机输出压力compressor suction ~压缩机吸入压力lubricating oil ~润滑油压力max working ~最大工作压力normal ~标准压力test ~试验压力~ of input进口压力~ switch压力开关pressure-gauge压力表differential ~压差计~ with alarmer带报警器的压力计pressure-meter压力表differential ~压差计printing印,记录~ assembly for 3 points三点记录仪product成品、产品~ nitrogen产品氮project设计premilinary ~初步设计psychometer湿度计pumpaxial ~径流泵circulating ~循环泵gear ~齿轮泵liquid circulating ~液体循环泵motor driven oil lubricating ~电动机传动的润滑油泵screw ~螺旋泵stand-by ~备用泵suction ~抽气泵turbine oil ~透平油泵water circulating ~水循环泵purge清洗purificationair ~空气净化raw mixture argon ~原氩混合物净化Qquantity数量Rradial inward flow径向内流rating定额receiver接受器recorderflow ~流量记录器1-pen ~1笔记录器rectificationfinishing ~最后精馏rectifierupper ~上精馏塔~ column精馏塔recycle反流、回流(气体)air ~反流空气reducer减压阀、减压器、减速器、异径接头reflux回流(液)regeneration再生~ heater再生加热器regulation规则regulatorpress ~压力调整器reinforce加固relayannunciator ~警报器继电器auxiliary ~辅助继电器delay ~延迟继电器flow ~流量继电器interlocking ~连锁继电器oil pressure ~油压继电器over current ~过电流继电器over-speed ~过速继电器over voltage ground ~过电压接地继电器protective ~保护继电器selective ground ~选择性接地继电器under voltage ~低电压继电器water flow ~水流量继电器~ box继电器箱remark备注reservoirpressurized oil ~压力油箱reset重调、回零位without ~无零位、不能重调、不回零位resistor电阻器return回路R.H.E(reversing heat exchanger)可逆式换热器ringnozzle ~喷嘴环oil wiper ~刮油环piston ~活塞环Raschig ~拉西环Raschig ~ air filter拉西环式空气过滤器seal ~密封环seat ~座环、座圈ripple脉动、波动amperes ~电流波动rock wool岩棉rod杆connecting ~连杆rotator旋转器rotorassembled ~ 转子总成roughness粗糙度route流路flowing ~流动线路r.p.m(revolution per minute)转/分ruby红宝石runningcontinuous ~连续运转normal ~正常运转SS.A.C.E.(single acting crank end)单作用曲柄侧S.A.H.E.(single acting head end)单作用头端部sampling取样saturated~ state饱和状态scope~ of supply供应范围scraper刮刀screw螺丝scroll外壳、壳体seal密封dust ~尘土密封grease ~油脂密封oil ~ for piston rod活塞杆的油密封~ ring密封环~ing cover密封盖section截面manual selector手动选择器seperator分离器drain ~水分离器liquid air ~液空分离器service 服务、操作cold ~冷操作general ~公用仪表盘set装置、组、套air ~气动定值器three-valve ~平衡阀shaft轴crank ~曲柄轴imput ~大齿轮轴、输入轴pinion ~小齿轮轴turbine ~透平轴~ sealing device轴密封装置sheet板corrugated ~波纹板shell外壳shift(作业)班shrunk-fitted冷缩配合side 侧high-pressure ~高压侧sieve tray塞板塔sight glass观察玻璃signalpneumatic ~气动信号~ on信号指示signalization信号装置silica gel硅胶site位置sleeve套管、套垫shaft ~轴套slinger甩子oil ~甩油子、油吊环space距离liner ~二次浇注厚度spacer隔离物,垫片spare-parts备品、备件speedrated ~额定速度spindle心轴drive ~主动心轴spring~ for safety valve安全阀弹簧stack塔、烟囱air intake ~空气吸入塔stanchion 支柱stand架、台local ~机旁座、机旁台架local gauge ~机旁仪表台架stator定子motor ~电机定子steam蒸汽saturated ~饱和蒸汽steelangle ~角钢carbon ~碳钢channel ~槽钢cold rolled ~冷轧钢板equal angle ~等边角钢forged ~锻钢high finished ~高光洁度钢mild ~软钢stainless ~不锈钢stop停车emergency ~紧急停车strainer过滤器air ~空气过滤器strip带stroke行程structured packing填料塔subpane副板push button ~按钮副板support支座、支架switch开关ball float ~浮球开关change over ~转换开关、换向开关handle interlock ~手柄连锁开关level ~液位开关measure ~测量开关selector ~选择开关torque ~转矩开关~board配电盘、配电板switchgear开关机构、开关装置high tension ~高压开关metal-clad ~金属外壳开关symbol符号、记号system系统、方式braking ~制动方式、制动系统metric ~公制shell and coil ~盘管式Ttachometer测速计turbine ~透平测速计tag.标签~ No.位号图、标图tangentially切向tank槽、罐blow down ~排放槽cushion ~缓冲箱、缓冲罐oxygen surge ~氧气缓冲罐teflon聚四氟乙烯~ wear ring聚四氟乙烯支撑环temperatureambient ~环境温度packing gas ~充填气温度tempering回火tension电压hign ~高压terminal端子cable ~电缆接头grounding ~接地端子testbend ~弯曲测试tension ~张力测试、拉伸测试thermometer测温计dial ~盘式温度计electronic type auto-balance recording ~电子管式自动平衡记录温度计indicating resistance ~电阻温度指示计indicating thermoelectric ~热电温度指示计moving coil type point system recording ~动圈式多点温度记录仪recording ~记录温度计~ low pressure flat type扁平型低压测温计thread螺纹coarse screw ~粗螺纹fine screw ~细螺纹timerating ~定额时间response ~作用时间start up ~起动时间transformer变压器current ~电流互感器potential ~电压互感器transmission传送、传送装置electrical singal ~电动信号传送器transmitter变送器、传送器trap阱drain ~排水阀trouble事故、故障unforeseen~意外事故tubeflexible ~软管、挠性管trident ~三叉形管turbine透平centrifugal expension ~离心透平膨胀机expension ~透平膨胀机(ET)~ runner透平转子typebalanced opposed ~对称平衡式low pressure ~全低压型magnetic operated draw-out ~电磁脱扣型multi-plate ~多板式radial inward-flow~径向内流式Uunion联管节half ~半联管节(连接件)tee ~三通管alarm ~报警装置up-scaleburn out ~烧完的向上刻度Vvacuum真空valuelimited ~规定值、限定值valveadditional air slide ~补给空气分气阀air ~空气平衡阀angle ~角阀blow-off ~排气阀by-pass ~旁通阀check ~止回阀control ~ single seated单座式控制阀diaphragm ~隔膜阀drain ~放洩阀discharge ~排气阀emergency shut-off ~紧急切断阀flanged angle ~法兰角阀flange gate ~法兰闸阀flange globe ~法兰球阀gas change ~气体切换阀insulation type angle ~绝热式角阀main suction ~主吸入阀miniature ~微型阀needle ~针(形)阀non-return ~止回阀on-off ~双位阀(开关阀)pilot ~导阀reducing ~减压阀reflux ~回流阀regulating ~调节阀safety ~安全阀sampling ~取样阀screwed gate ~螺旋闸阀screwed angle ~螺旋角阀screwed globe ~螺旋球阀screwed lift check ~螺旋升降逆止阀screwed swing check ~螺旋摆动逆止阀slide ~滑阀solenoid ~电磁阀switching ~切换阀tap ~ for orifice孔板用内螺纹截止阀three way ~三通阀three-way switching ~三通切换阀turbine shut off ~透平关闭阀~ body阀体~ buffer plate阀缓冲板~ cap阀盖~ gasket阀垫圈~ guard阀防护盖~ positioner阀定位器~ rod阀杆~ seat阀座~ spring阀弹簧~ stand阀座vane叶片guide ~导向叶片variation变动、波动frequency ~频率波动voltage ~电压波动vent气孔、出口oil ~油出口vertical立式的vessel容器air ~空气罐vibration amplitude振幅vibration-proof防震的view图rear ~后面图、背视图voltmeter电压表AC ~交流电压表Wwasher垫圈locking ~锁紧垫圈spring ~弹簧垫圈wheel轮gear ~叶轮radial turbine ~径向透平叶轮wire钢丝、线notch ~凹形线圈、凹形钢丝圈notch ~ type oil filter element凹形线圈式滤油元件wiring接线、配线wool毛glass ~玻璃毛glass ~ element assembly玻璃毛元件work功external ~对外做功worm蜗杆~ wheel蜗轮补充:sieve tray塞板塔structured packing填料塔。



《垃圾场》英文书籍Title: The Book "Landfill"Introduction:The book "Landfill" provides a comprehensive exploration of the issues surrounding waste management and the impact of landfills on the environment. It delves into the challenges faced by society in dealing with waste disposal and offers insights into potential solutions. This article will delve into the key points discussed in the book, providing a detailed analysis of each aspect.Main Body:1. The Problem of Waste Management:1.1 The exponential growth of waste: The book highlights the alarming increase in waste generation due to population growth and consumerism.1.2 Environmental consequences: It explores the detrimental effects of improper waste disposal, including pollution of air, water, and soil, as well as the release of greenhouse gases.1.3 Health hazards: The book addresses the health risks associated with landfills, such as the release of toxic substances and the attraction of disease-carrying vectors.2. Landfill Design and Operation:2.1 Landfill siting: The book discusses the importance of selecting appropriate locations for landfills, considering factors such as proximity to residential areas, geological stability, and environmental impact.2.2 Liner systems: It explores the use of engineered liner systems to prevent leachate from contaminating groundwater and surrounding ecosystems.2.3 Gas collection and management: The book emphasizes the need for effective gas collection systems to mitigate the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from landfills.3. Waste Minimization and Recycling:3.1 Source reduction: The book highlights the significance of waste minimization strategies, such as promoting sustainable consumption patterns and reducing packaging waste.3.2 Recycling initiatives: It discusses the importance of implementing comprehensive recycling programs to divert waste from landfills and conserve resources.3.3 Composting: The book explores the benefits of composting organic waste, which reduces the volume of waste sent to landfills and provides nutrient-rich soil amendments.4. Alternative Waste Treatment Technologies:4.1 Incineration: The book examines the use of waste-to-energy incineration technologies, discussing their potential to generate electricity while minimizing the volume of waste.4.2 Anaerobic digestion: It explores the process of anaerobic digestion, which converts organic waste into biogas and nutrient-rich digestate, offering a sustainable waste treatment solution.4.3 Mechanical biological treatment: The book discusses the use of mechanical biological treatment plants, which combine mechanical sorting with biological decomposition to recover recyclable materials and produce compost.5. Policy and Education:5.1 Government regulations: The book emphasizes the need for stringent waste management regulations to ensure proper waste disposal practices and promote sustainable waste management.5.2 Public awareness and education: It highlights the importance of educating the public about waste management issues, encouraging responsible waste disposal, and promoting recycling and composting practices.5.3 Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): The book discusses the concept of EPR, which holds manufacturers responsible for the entire lifecycle of their products, including their eventual disposal.Conclusion:The book "Landfill" provides a comprehensive examination of the challenges and potential solutions related to waste management. It emphasizes the need for responsible waste disposal practices, recycling initiatives, and the adoption of alternative waste treatment technologies. By implementing effective policies, raising public awareness, and promoting sustainable practices, society can work towards minimizing the environmental and health impacts of landfills.。



温室效应英语Greenhouse EffectIntroductionThe greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that has been occurring on Earth for millions of years. It is a process by which certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere, called 'greenhouse gases', trap heat from the sun and keep the planet warm enough to support life. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth's surface temperature would be an average of -18°C, instead of thecurrent average of 15°C. However, human activities over the past century have led to an increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, causing an enhanced greenhouse effect and contributing to global warming.What is the Greenhouse Effect?The greenhouse effect is a natural process that occurs when certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere, including water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone, absorb and re-emit infrared radiation or heat. These gases act as a blanket, trapping heat from the sun and preventing it from escaping into space, keeping the Earth's temperature within a range suitable for life.Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth's surface temperature would be much colder than it is today. On the other hand, an enhanced greenhouse effect, caused by an increase in the concentration of these gases in the atmosphere, can result in global warming and climate change.Human Activities and the Enhanced Greenhouse EffectHuman activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, have led to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The concentration of carbon dioxide, the most significant greenhouse gas, has increased by about 45% since the pre-industrial era, primarily due to burning fossil fuels.Methane, another potent greenhouse gas, is produced by agricultural practices, sewage treatment, and the decomposition of organic waste. The use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture also releases nitrous oxide, another potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.The destruction of forests, which absorb and store carbon dioxide, also contributes to global warming. Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, and storing it in trees and soil. Deforestation, however, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide that can be absorbed.Effects of the Enhanced Greenhouse EffectThe enhanced greenhouse effect is leading to global warming, which is causing significant changes to the Earth's climate. The effects of global warming can include:Rising temperatures - The Earth's average surface temperature has already increased by about 1°C since the pre-industrial era, and it is projected to continue to rise.Extreme weather events - Global warming can lead to more severe heatwaves, droughts, hurricanes, and flooding.Melting ice caps and glaciers - Rising temperatures are causing glaciers and ice caps to melt, leading to a rise in sea levels.Ocean acidification - The absorption of excess carbon dioxide by the oceans is leading to ocean acidification, making it difficult for marine organisms to build shells and skeletons.What Can We Do?To reduce the enhanced greenhouse effect and mitigate the impacts of global warming, we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through a combination of measures, including:Switching to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, instead of burning fossil fuelsReducing our energy consumption through energy conservation and efficiency measuresImproving agricultural practices, such as reducing livestock farming and fertilizer usePlanting more trees and reducing deforestationConclusionThe greenhouse effect is a natural process that has helped to maintain the Earth's temperature within a range suitable for life. However, human activities have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to an enhanced greenhouse effect and contributing to global warming. To mitigate the impacts of global warming, we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through a combination of measures aimed at reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, improving agricultural practices, and planting more trees.。


Thermal power plants exit greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere, causing environmental pollution and climate change
Operation and Maintenance
Low Steam Pressure
Symptoms: Lower than normal steam pressure readings
Cause: It may be due to low boiler feed water temperature or low boiler combustion efficiency.
Start and stop
Start up Process
Preparation: Ensure all necessary equipment is in place and operational, and that all safety measures are in effect
Initiation: Turn on the control system, check for any errors, and verify that all systems are operational
Start and stop
• Ignition: Start the ignition sequence, and monitor for any issues or malfunctioning
Start and stop
Shutdown Process



2022-2023学年吉林省长春十七中高二(上)期末英语试卷AFour Best Language Exchange AppsHelloTalkHelloTalk is a language exchange application that allows you to talk with others from around the world for free.You can write a brief summary about yourself in your profile(简介),choose your native language and select the language and level that you're currently learning.Then you're able to search for native language partners from around the world!What sets HelloTalk apart from similar apps is that native speakers can edit your messages and cor-rect your grammar while you chat together.Lext TalkLext Talk is an application that allows users to connect with people from around the world.Once your profile is complete,you can select which language you speak and which language you'd like to learn.A very convenient feature that Lext Talk offers is its ers can use Lext Talk's map to search for language partners in their areas,or find a partner in a specific region.DoongleLike the feature of Lext Talk but you have an Android phone?Don't worry,there's a similar app for all Android users too!Doongle allows its users to share voice messages,photos and more.Like Lext Talk,Doongle also has a map feature.Doongle offers a particular group chat feature,where you can talk about English grammar or share tips on how to make a pizza with others.ItalkiWith italki,you get to choose your teachers based on your interests and goals.You pay per lesson but you get what you pay for.You can choose to take lessons anytime and anywhere to your liking.If you don't know which teacher to choose,don't worry.All teachers will have a video introduction of themselves and you could also judge by looking through previous re-views from students.1. What's special about HelloTalk?______A. It is the best application to learn grammar.B. Users' errors can be corrected in the message.C. HelloTalk offers quality lessons at a low price.D. Users can choose language partners by gender.2. Which offers professional guidance to a language learner?______A. HelloTalk.B. Lext Talk.C. Doongle.D. italki.3. What can be inferred from the text?______A. Doongle doesn't have a map feature.B. HelloTalk doesn't offer a text chat feature.C. Lext Talk is not suitable for Android users.D. italki doesn't offer much detail of teachers.BThe example of a foreign teacher who volunteered to help fight the wildfires in Chongqing's Beibei District with other local residents has touched many.In the unbearable heat and drought conditions,multiple wildfires hit parts of Chongqing.On Sunday night,a forest fire broke out and spread in Beibei District.The local government issued an urgent call for volunteers with certain skills and experience,such as chain saw(链锯)operation,to join in the firefighting.Chain saws were used to create fire barriers."I was happy to help," said Francis Stonier,a professor in a university. "I used to cut trees around my yard and neighborhood and had volunteered many times in the US in the past."Stonier found a translator-50-year-old He Wu,a foreign language professor-who also signed up to fight fires.Soon after arriving at the volunteer area,the pair were assigned to one of the chain sawgroups-examining and adjusting chain saws."Stonier is responsible and focused,and is doing a really good job," said He,adding that Stonier checked each chain saw carefully,to see if it was too tight or too loose. "Wherever I went,the volunteers and local residents gave me a big thumbs-up.It was an unforgettable experience," Stonier said.Thanks to the joint efforts of fire and rescue workers,as well as volunteers and residents,the scaring wildfire in Beibei had been put out as of Thursday night."It was great to see such an outpouring of help in the extreme heat," Stonier said,noting that he was impressed with the number of locals who came to help.Motorcyclists gave up their jobs to transport materials and people up and down the mountains.Others gave their time to carry heavy supplies,prepare and serve meals or help organize.4. What caused the outbreak of the forest fire in Beibci District?______A. The extreme heat and drought.B. The local area being short of water.C. The existence of enough oil materials.D. The lack of people guarding the forest.5. Why was Stonier accepted to participate in the firefighting?______A. He was capable of creating fire barriers.B. He was experienced in chain saw operation.C. He was determined to become a firefighter.D. He showed no consideration for his own safety.6. Which words can best describe Stonier?______A. Determined and creative.B. Generous and independent.C. Devoted and courageous.D. Humorous and passionate.7. What message does the author intend to convey in the last paragraph?______A. To care is to help.B. Many hands make light work.C. Dare to challenge and achieve yourself.D. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.CCarbon dioxide emissions from transportation are now thought as the top source of green-house gases.One of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to reconsider how much,and how often,you travel.Going car free for a year could save about 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide,according to a study from the University of British Columbia.How can you stop using a car?Try taking a train,bus or better yet,riding a bike.But let's be realistic.You will likely need to use a car this year.So,when you do,here are some tips to make your trip more climate-friendly.Driving efficiently can help to reduce emissions.Go easy on the gas and brakes and drive like you have an egg under your foot.Regularly service your car to keep it more efficient.Keeping your tires pumped correctly can reduce emissions.Low tire pressure will hurt your fuel economy.Air conditioning and frequent city driving can make emissions go up So cut down on these as often as e cruise control(定速巡航)on long drives-in most cases,this can help to save gas.Don't weigh your car down with extra things that you don't need on your trip.Fly often?Taking one fewer long round-trip flight could reduce your personal carbon footprint significantly.If you use public transportation often and fly less,your carbon foot print might still be relatively sustainable,but if you drive and fly a lot,your emissions will be higher.If you can't avoid flying,you can them by donating money to sustainable projects,such as supplying efficient stoves to rural homes,or projects which help farmers deal with crop waste environmentally.8. What does the author think of going car free?______A. Efficient.B. Costly.C. Impractical.D. Reliable.9. Which can be adopted to save fuel of your car?______A. Maintaining your car properly.B. Using cruise control in the city.C. Stepping hard on the gas and brakes.D. Getting rid of all the necessary loads.10. What does the underlined word "offset" in paragraph 4 mean?______A. Put up with.B. Team up with.C. Set foot in.D. Make up for.11. Which is the best title for the text?______A. Lower carbon footprint in transportationB. How to reduce your carbon footprintC. Reduce carbon footprint by all meansD. How to save fuel when driving carsDChinese astronauts have successfully grown rice seedlings(幼苗)aboard the Tiangong space station and this experiment may offer key insights into how astronauts can grow food to support long—term space missions,experts said on Monday.This experiment is the first to produce the complete life cycle of the plant,which begins with a seed and ends with a mature plant producing new seeds.The breakthrough was conducted in the Wentian space laboratory,which was launched into orbit on July 24,2022.Three astronauts were conducting the experiment smoothly and testing the plants according to the plan."The rice seedlings are growing very well," said Zheng Huiqiong,a researcher of the task,adding that the experiment also contained seedlings of a small flowering plant often used by scientists to study mutations(变异). "The astronauts will keep monitoring the plants,and if is successful,they will collect the newly produced seeds and bring them back to Earth for further studies," she noted.The flowering stage is crucial for plant reproductive development. "We want to investigate how microgravity can affect the plant flowering time and whether it is possible to use the microgravity environment to control the related process," she said.Since the 1980s,China has been taking seeds of rice and other crops to space to help them mutate and produce higher yields once they were planted on Earth.But growing rice in orbit is a different challenge due to the tough conditions of space such as microgravity and lack of air.Rice has been a main food for astronauts since the early days of space exploration.Freeze—dried chicken and rice was the menu for the Apollo 11 mission,which carried the first humans to land on the moon in July 1969."But if we want to land on and explore Mars,bringing food from Earth is not enough to provide for the astronauts' long journey and mission in space.We have to find a food source for long term space explorations," Zheng added.12. What's the significance of Chinese recent space rice experiment?______A. It enables human beings to move to another planet.B. It helps people get a better idea of the human life cycle.C. It inspires more other countries to do space explorations.D. It makes it possible to carry out long—term space missions.13. What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 3 refer to?______A. The mutation.B. The experiment.C. The exploration.D. The space mission.14. Why have crop seeds been brought to space since the last century?______A. To promote genetic changes and increase crop harvest.B. To figure out how to create an earth—like environment.C. To study the impact of microgravity on crop growth.D. To develop new crop species with strong ability to adapt.15. Where is the text most probably from?______A. A medical report.B. A fashion magazine.C. A science newspaper.D. A history book.If you're a high school student,you have a lot of scholarship resources available to you.Here are some tips on how to get college scholarships.Enter high school career centers.First,go to your high school career center. (1) ,your school's counselor (辅导员)can help you find similar resources online or in your local community.Most high school career centers keep an updated list of scholarships sorted by date.Go through this list and make note of every single scholarship.Make full use of library and bookstore scholarship resources..Once you use up all of the scholarships from your high school,head to a bookstore or library and pick up the latest copy of an annual scholarship reference book. (2) .But it's cheaper to borrow a copy from the library.The scholarship books are all catalogs (目录)of scholarships you can earn as a high school student.(3) .Once you've found all the scholarships through the above resources,you can turn to different search engines and websites that can help you find scholarships.The easiest-to-find scholarships on the web will be the most competitive. (4) .Find scholarships through friends and family. (5) ,which can help see if they know of any scholarships.There are a lot of companies that offer college scholarships-companies that the people you know work at.So ask around!Some of the best scholarships come from some of the most unexpected places.A.Make college scholarship webB.Search college scholarship sitesC.You'll also find these books onlineD.If your high school doesn't have a career centerE.Talk to your friends,parents and even parents' friendsF.That's why we recommend career centers and books firstG.After arriving career center,you can update resources online16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. G17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. G18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. G19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. G20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. GA car with three teenage girls ran into the Pascagoula River accidentally.The car floated 25 yards into the river and then began to (21).The girls (22) to the vehicle's top where they screamed for help.A strong and confident swimmer since childhood,Corion Evans,16,heard their calls.He (23) threw down his phone,(24) his shirt and shoes and jumped into the river.With the vehicle nearly out of sight,he (25) the situation called for quick action.He (26) task of pulling the girls to safety as quickly as possible.Corion helped calm the (27) girls when he reached the vehicle.Finally,he guided the three girls safely back to the shore.The girls were all treated at a nearby (28) and are expected to make a full (29).One of the (30) survivors became emotional as she reflected on the scary (31).She thought it might be the end of her (32) as she hopelessly tried to stay afloat."Mr.Evans is a true (33).He displayed incredible bravery and selflessness by (34) his own safety to help people in danger," she added. "If Mr.Evans had not assisted,it could have possibly (35) a tragedy(悲剧)instead of all of us rescued safely."21. A. crash B. sink C. appear D. launch22. A. escaped B. flooded C. raced D. flew23. A. easily B. eventually C. gradually D. immediately24. A. changed B. found C. removed D. fastened25. A. mentioned B. knew C. doubted D. guessed26. A. relied on B. focused on C. agreed on D. insisted on27. A. confused B. cautious C. anxious D. frightened28. A. school B. party C. hospital D. factory29. A. commitment B. description C. examination D. recovery30. A. ashamed B. original C. grateful D. curious31. A. experience B. movie C. instance D. imagination32. A. dream B. life C. career D. task33. A. genius B. soldier C. assistant D. hero34. A. risking B. ensuring C. maintaining D. concerning35. A. aimed at B. suffered from C. turned out D. adapted into36. With high yield and superior quality,Chinese hybrid rice varieties have been introduced around the world,(1) (benefit)more people.The export of China's hybrid rice technology started many years ago.In 1979,China provided hybrid rice seeds to another country for the first time,and 40 years later,in (2) (real),China's hybrid rice has been planted in dozens of countries in the world.In the past 40 years,Chinese scientists (3) (devote)to providing assistance to many other countries.China has trained more than 14,000 hybrid rice professionals for more than 80 developing countries through international training courses.This technology has spread (4) more and more places in the world so far.Yuan Longping,(5) cultivated the world's first high-yield hybrid rice strain not only earned respect from Chinese people but also the global community.His hybrid rice research has been (6) (entire)saving millions of people from hunger.Yuan's dream was (7) (solve)the global food shortage and promote hybrid rice around the world.China has achieved (8) great wonder,feeding nearly one fifth of the world's population with less than nine percent of the world's total land.And China is (9) (will)to contribute to global food security and calls for joint efforts to end global hunger and poverty.It (10) (believe)that Yuan's dream will come true one day.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)37. Ear i ______(感染)are common in preschool children.38. There was no p ______(证据)that the knife belonged to her.39. Building up a dream team is more c ______(复杂的)than simply hiring the best talent.40. This is an original play,not an a ______(改编版).41. He has a bad t ______(脾气)and will not listen to anybody,so you'd better not stand in his path.42. As soon as we heard his a ______(口音)we knew he was from Sichuan.43. It will help you respond quickly to emergencies if you know basic first-aid t ______(技术).44. It was obvious that Mary had broken her leg,because it immediately started to s ______(肿胀).45. I don't think there's enough information to make an ______(假设). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)46. The battle for third place was i ______(激烈的).47. 你校正在举办题为"The Road to Success"的英文演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:(1)成功之路上可能面对的困难;(2)身体对于成功的重要性;(3)学习对于成功的重要性。



主题:气候变化对海平面上升的影响(英文)Title: "The Impacts of Climate Change on Sea Level Rise"IntroductionClimate change and sea level rise have become crucial concerns in today's world. This paper aims to explore the phenomenon of sea level rise caused by climate change and its potential impacts on global and regional environmental, economic, and social systems.1. Climate Change and Sea Level Rise RelationshipThe link between greenhouse gas emissions and global warming should be explained.- Discuss the role of greenhouse gases in trapping heat within the Earth's atmosphere and contributing to climate change.- Explain how global warming leads to the melting of glaciers and the thermal expansion of oceans, both contributing factors to sea level rise.2. Factors and Processes Influencing Sea Level RiseAnalyze the differences in sea level rise rates in various regions.- Explore the primary factors contributing to sea level rise, such asmelting glaciers and polar ice caps.- Discuss how the melting of ice at the poles affects sea level rise differently than melting glaciers.3. Environmental ImpactsDiscuss the impacts of sea level rise on ecosystems and human societies.- Examine the effects of coastline recession and coastal erosion on ecosystems, including loss of habitat and increased vulnerability to storms.- Explore phenomena like saltwater intrusion and intensified tides, affecting coastal regions.4. Social and Economic ImpactsAnalyze the effects of sea level rise on ports, urban infrastructure, and population migration.- Discuss the potential consequences of sea level rise on port operations, trade routes, and coastal cities.- Explore government policies and urban planning measures to address sea level rise.5. Adaptation and Mitigation StrategiesDiscuss global-level responses, international cooperation, and carbon emission reduction strategies.- Explore international agreements and initiatives aimed at mitigating climate change and reducing carbon emissions.- Discuss local-level strategies for coastal city construction and ecological restoration to adapt to sea level rise.6. ConclusionSummarize the impacts and challenges of sea level rise caused by climate change.- Emphasize the need for global society to work together in addressing the problems brought by sea level rise.In conclusion, this paper aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the impacts of climate change on sea level rise. By analyzing the relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, as well as the various factors and processes influencing sea level rise, we can understand the potential environmental, social, and economic consequences. Additionally, discussing adaptation and mitigation strategies at both global and local levels can help in developing effective responses to sea level rise. It is crucial for the global community to make collective efforts to address the challenges posed by sea level rise.。



Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16(5) 715—721 (2008)Pilot-scale Experiment for Purification of CO from Industrial Tail Gases by Pressure Swing Adsorption*CHEN Yubao (陈玉保)1,2, NING Ping (宁平)2,**, XIE Youchang (谢有畅)3, CHEN Yunhua (陈云华)2, SUN Hao (孙暠)2 and LIU Zhiyun (刘志云)41 Department of Energy and Environmental Science, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650092, China2 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kun-ming 650093, China3 Department of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China4 Yunnan Jiehua Chemistry Group Co., Ltd, Kaiyuan 661600, ChinaAbstract Using pressure swing adsorption (PSA) technology to purify carbon monoxide (CO) discharged from industrial gases is a high-efficiency and economical method. In this article, a four-bed PSA experiment for CO puri-fication was improved and optimized, in which a set of 120 m3·h-1 pilot-scale PSA device was developed to purify CO from industrial tail gases, a set of control systems suitable for industry production was developed, and the in-fluences of the operating parameters on CO purification were investigated. The experimental results indicated that the pilot-scale PSA device could produce qualified product gas and get high CO recovery ratio under optimized conditions. The research may provide reliable fundamental data, for industrial scale utilization of CO, from indus-trial tail gases, and have strong market competitive power and a broad promoted application prospect.Keywords pressure swing adsorption, purification, separation, carbon monoxide1 INTRODUCTIONThe demand for energy and synthetic materials is increasing gradually in the modern economic world. Petroleum, coal, and natural gas, which are flammable mineral resources, occupy 85% of the world’s energy and organic synthesis industry [1]. However, all of these industrial tail gases include green-house gases [2], in which CO2 contributes 55% to the green-house effect [3], which brings about global climate change, one of the greatest environmental problems of modern society [4].With the shortage in energy and chemical materi-als, especially the increasing consumption of petro-leum resources, C1 chemical industry, which primarily includes coal and natural gas, is significantly impor-tant. In 2006, the output of organic products produced by CO was close to 20 thousand million RMB in China and was over one hundred billion RMB in the world. The demand for carbonyl synthetic products and the element material CO are increasing gradually [5]. High-purity CO is a very important production mate-rial in the C1 chemical industry. However, many in-dustrial processes discharge CO in tail gases [6, 7], and most of them are used as fuel because that CO con-centration is too low to retrieve as the recovery of CO is expensive [8, 9]. If CO in tail gases can be purified and used in the C1 chemical industry, it will not only achieve great economic benefit because of the lower production costs [10], but there will also be an envi-ronmental benefit, as there will be less discharge of greenhouse gases, CO and CO2. For using CO from industrial tail gases effectively, high-efficiency CO pu-rification technology needs to be developed and applied.In this study, CO, purified by the method of PSA has higher purity, higher recovery ratio, and lower cost and energy consumption. Compared with the other methods of PSA to purify CO [11-14], the characters of the optimized four-bed PSA process for CO purifica-tion are as follows: (1) the pressure process is divided into direct and indirect pressure equalization, (2) the purge step is canceled in PSA circulation, resulting in high productivity and high CO recovery ratio, (3) the final pressurization step is canceled, which promotes productivity again.2 EXPERIMENTAL2.1 Experimental devices and operational procedureThe PSA process with four parallel connected towers was applied in this study to purify CO from the purge gas in liquid nitrogen, in the washing section of the ammonia synthesis system in Yunnan Jiehua Chemistry Group Co., Ltd. (a kind of industrial tail gas containing CO). The designed gas flow rate was 120 m3·h-1. The flowchart of the system is shown in Fig. 1. This system was composed of four parallel connected adsorbers filled with PU-1 adsorbent [15-19], (CuCl/zeolite adsorbent featured with a high adsorb capacity and selectivity), which had been made by the Peking University and the Beijing Peking University Pioneer Technology Co., Ltd. According to the princi-ple that compounds can spontaneously disperse to the surface of supports to form a monolayer, CuCl might highly disperse to the surface of the zeolite. Inductors and sensors were connected to the adsorber and pro-gram-controlled machine (with computer), to monitor the change in the adsorption process and collect data. Computer programs were developed to analyze the data and control the valves in the process. EveryReceived 2007-11-13, accepted 2008-05-03.* Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50768006) and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (2004AA649040).** To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ningping58@Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 5, October 2008716 adsorber had one pressure sensor and three K-type thermocouples. CO concentration in feed gas, waste gas, and product gas were analyzed by QGS-08D online CO analyzer, and the ingredients of the product gas were analyzed by a SC3000 chromatography workstation. Additionally, the pilot-scale device was equipped with one water circulation vacuum pump (WCVP) to regenerate the desiccant and two WCVPs to regenerate the adsorbent. Besides four adsorbers (A to D), there were seven pressure equalization buffers (PEBs) to equalize the pressure in the adsorber be-tween the adsorption and regeneration steps, under dif-ferent pressures. The system was also equipped with some devices, including feed gas buffer, product gas buffer, ZW-1.5/7 product gas compressor, and so on.The equipment of the pilot-scale experiment is shown in Table 1. Main parameters of the stuff filledin the pilot-scale device are shown in Table 2. TheFigure 1 Flowchart of pilot-scale device for four-bed PSA processTA/B/C/D —A/B/C/D adsorber; TE -K —PEB; V1—feed gas buffer; V2A/B —tank next to vacuum pump; V2C —CO container; V3—rinse gas buffer; V4—product gas buffer; V5—final buffer; V6—water segregator; P1A/B —product gas vacuum pump; P2—desiccant vacuum pump; C1—product gas compressor; T2A/B —drying tower; T3A/B —deoxidizingtower;needle P pressure meter or pressure sensor ; T thermal couple;Fmass flow meter; Asample or online gas analytical apparatusTable 1 The equipment of the pilot-scale experimentNo. Name Code number SpecificationAmount1 feed gas buffer V1 φ1200 mm V =2.0 m 3 12 tank next to vacuum pumpV2A/B φ400 mm V =0.5 m 3 2 3 rinse gas buffer V3 φ500 mm V =0.25 m 3 1 4product gas bufferV4φ1200 mmV =2.0 m 3 1 5 final buffer V5 φ500 mm V =0.5 m 3 1 6 water segregator V6φ400 mm V =0.5 m 3 1 7adsorber (with insulation)TA/B/C/Dφ500 mm V =0.25 m 3 4 8 PEB TE -Kφ500 mmV =0.25 m 3 7 9 drying tower T2A/B φ500 mm V =0.25 m 3 2 10 deoxidizing tower T3A/Bφ500 mm V =0.25 m 3 211 product gas vacuum pump P1A/B Q =3m 3·h -1 N =5.5 kW n =1450 r·min -1 2 12 desiccant vacuum pump P2 Q =3m 3·h -1 N =5.5 kW n =1450 r·min -1 1 13 product gas compressorC1 ZW-1.5/7; Q =1.5 m 3·min -1; N =15 kW;n =730 r·min -1; Suction pressure =0.1 MPa114 CO container V2C 50 m 3 115noxious gases alarm system-- 5Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 5, October 2008717optimized four-bed PSA process and parameters are shown in Table 3 and Table 4 respectively.During the process, twelve steps occurred in every adsorber. An adsorber TA was taken as an ex-ample below. (1) AD: After being pressurized by a gas compressor, the feed gas went through buffer V1 and flowed into TA, in which CO was selectively adsorbed and other ingredients were released. (2) DD1: The gas-control valve in the TA entrance was closed and TA was connected to TC, which had completed the IR2 process, and then the first depressurization oc-curred. (3) ID2: TA was connected to the first PEB, and the second depressurization happened in TA. (4) ID3: TA was connected to the second PEB, and the third depressurization happened in TA. (5) ID4: TA was connected to the third PEB, and the fourth de-pressurization happened in TA. (6) DD5: TA was connected to TB, which had completed the EV process and depressurization for the last time was fulfilled. (7) EV: TA was connected to P1A and then vacuumized. CO adsorbed by PU-1adsorbent was desorbed and flowed into V2A. If the product gas CO was up to standard, it would be sent into T3A and V4 and used for C 1 chemical industry. Else it would be sent into V3 and the adsorber. (8) DR5: TA was connected to TB, which had completed the ID4 process and had begun the first repressurization. The sequence was counted in inverted order to match the sequence of depressuriza-tion. (9) IR4: TA was connected to the third PEB and began the second repressurization. (10) IR3: TA wasconnected to the second PEB and began the third rep-ressurization. (11) IR2: TA was connected to the first PEB and began the fourth repressurization. (12) DR1: TA was connected to TD, which had finished the AD process and had begun the last repressurization of TA. Then TA went to the next circulation.According to the results over a long run, the in-gredients of the purge gas in the liquid nitrogen wash-ing section of ammonia synthesis system are shown in Table 5.Table 5 Ingredient analysis of the purge gas from liquid nitrogen washing section in ammonia synthesis systemIngredient V olume fraction/%CO 25-45 N 2 41-64 CH 4 9.3-17.8 H 22.5-82.2 Processing method for experimental data 2.2.1 Dynamic equilibrium adsorption quantityThe dynamic equilibrium adsorption quantity can be measured by Dynamic Column Breakthrough Test (DCBT) [20]. The dynamic equilibrium adsorption quantity formula, under certain adsorption pressure and temperature, is shown in Eq. (1).Table 2 Main parameters of the stuff filled in the pilot-scale deviceParts Tower volume/m 3 Filled stuff Mass of filled stuff per tower/kgDensity of filled stuff×10-3/kg·m -3 Bed voidageadsorber TA/B/C/D 0.25 PU-1 adsorbent 226±1 0.904 0.33 drying tower 0.25 activated alumina 184 0.736 - deoxidizing tower0.25deoxidizer1720.688-Table 3 The optimized four-bed PSA process for CO purificationStep 1 2 3 4 56 789 10 11 12 13(1)TA AD DD ID ID ID PG DD EV DR IR IR IR DR (AD) 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1TBEV DR IR IR IR DR ADDD ID ID ID PG DD (EV) 5 4 3 2112345 TC EV DR IR IR IR DR AD DD ID ID ID PG DD (EV)543 21 12345TD PG DDEVDR IR IR IR DR AD DD ID ID ID5543211 234Note: (1) AD —adsorption; DD —direct depressurization; ID —indirect depressurization; PG —purge; EV —evacuation; DR —directrepressurization; IR —indirect repressurization.(2) Purge process and system connection should be kept, whereas, the purge process needs to be removed when the system is running.(3) The values in the table are the indirect average pressure (n =3) as a result of the study.Table 4 Experimental conditions of a PSA cyclic processTime/s Adsorption pressure /kPa Desorption pressure /kPa Feed gas flow rate /m 3·h -1 CO concentration in feed gas/% Temperature of feed gas /K DR5IR4IR3IR2DR1AD DD1ID2 ID3 ID4 DD5 EVThe total cycle time/s 300 20 120 38.71-41.45 304 1616161616100161616 16 16 228488Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 5, October 2008718 ()in end d *0273.15101.32522400ii PV V V C T q m−×−××=× (1)2.2.2 Product gas recovery ratioThe product gas recovery ratio represents the de-gree of recovery of active ingredients in feed gas and is an important index to measure the efficiency of the PSA device. It indicates the consumption of the active ingredient, and can be calculated by the ratio of abso-lute quantity of the active ingredient in product gas and feed gas. The formula is shown in Eq. (2).P P F F V X V X η×=× (2)3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Breakthrough curveBreakthrough curve is an important characteristic curve in the PSA process. It reflects adsorption equilib-rium relations, adsorption kinetics, and mass-transfer mechanism in the mobile phase and fixed phase and is also the main basis of engineering design and opera-tion [21]. Breakthrough curves of the four adsorption beds are shown in Fig. 2. It was obtained under the conditions where the adsorption temperature was 318 K, adsorption pressure was 300 kPa, CO concentration in the feed gas varied from 37.8% to 40% and the feedgas flow rates were 120 m 3·h -1 (TA), 118 m 3·h -1 (TB),119 m 3·h -1 (TC), and 118 m 3·h -1 (TD), respectively. Influences of adsorption pressure on breakthrough curves of the adsorption bed were shown in Fig. 3, under the condition that CO concentration in the feed gas was about 40%. PU-1 adsorbent was first regener-ated by the product gas vacuum pump. To prevent air going into the adsorber, the opening of the discharging gas-control valve was delayed by 10 s. As shown in Fig. 2, there were some differences in the break-through curves because of the differences in the ad-sorbent filled in the adsorber, filling ways, tempera-ture, flow rate of feed gas, CO concentration, and so on. However there were no big differences in the breakthrough time of the four adsorption beds, which was around 130 s. At the beginning, there was a higher point of CO concentration in the waste gas. And then the breakthrough curve proceeded steadily. It could be explained that the adsorbent could not be desorbed completely and a certain amount remainedbehind. When the next circulation began, part of these remains would be desorbed with the flushing action of the feed gas, under the condition that CO partial pres-sure was lower than CO balanced partial pressure, which led to high instant CO concentration in waste gas. Although, in the normal adsorption process (130 s), CO concentration in waste gas increased from 2% to 4%.From Fig. 3, it can be seen that there were no big differences in breakthrough time of the same adsorp-tion bed under different pressures, which indicated that the influences of adsorption pressure on break-through curves of the adsorption bed were acceptable.Figure 3 Influences of adsorption pressure on breakthrough curves of adsorption bed ■ P =250 kPa, Q =112 m 3·h -1; ▲ P =300 kPa, Q =119 m 3·h -1;▼ P =350 kPa, Q =120 m 3·h -13.2 Influences of feed gas flow rate on relative CO adsorption quantityIt can be seen from Fig. 4 that there were some differences in adsorption time under different feed gas flow rate. The adsorption time was 200 s and the rela-tive adsorption quantity of PU-1 adsorbent was 0.35mol·kg -1 when adsorption pressure was 300 kPa, feedgas flow rate was 78 m 3·h -1 and CO concentration in feed gas was 40.5%. Although, the adsorption time was 135 s and the relative adsorption quantity of PU-1adsorbent was 0.33 mol·kg -1 when the adsorption pressure was 300 kPa, the feed gas flow rate was 119m 3·h -1 and CO concentration in feed gas was 37.2%. Therefore, it showed that the relative adsorption quan-tity of PU-1 adsorbent declined with the increase in feed gas flow rate. It could be explained that with the increase in feed gas flow rate, gas residence time (GRT) decreased and the breakthrough point occurred in advance, though generally relative adsorption quan-tity was in positive correlation with GRT.Figure 4 Influence of feed gas flow rate on experimental result▲ P =300 kPa, Q =78 m 3·h -1; ▼ P =300 kPa, Q =119 m 3·h -1Figure 2 Breakthrough curve of the four adsorption beds ■ TA; ● TB; ▲ TC; ▼ TDChin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 5, October 2008 7193.3 Influence of CO concentration in feed gas on product gas purityUsually, CO concentration in feed gas varies with time because of the discontinuous operation of the ammonia synthesis system. Actually CO concentration in feed gas varies from 25% to 45%. The influence of the fluctuation on product gas purity is shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that the influence of CO fluctuation on product gas purity is slight, because when CO con-centration in feed gas is low (25%), the product gas purity is still high. It can be explained by the mass transfer zone (MTZ) in the adsorber, which reaches the controlling station when the adsorption step is complete and results in little quantities of other ingre-dients getting into the product gas. However, when the CO concentration in the feed gas is higher (45%), be-cause of the control of the MTZ station, the increasing quantity of CO in waste gas is less and a large quan-tity of it is saved in the adsorber and PEB, which is adsorbed by the next circulation. CO concentration in product gas can be kept at more than 98%, with fluc-tuation, over a long run. According to the actual de-mand of CO concentration in product gas, higher pu-rity product gas can be obtained by the purge processwith lower CO recovery ratio.Figure 5 Influence of CO concentration in feed gas on product gas purity ● product gas purity; ○ CO concentration in feed gas3.4 Stability analysis of experimental operationThe purification influence of feed gas on the pilot-scale device is shown in Fig. 6. As presented in Fig. 6, in any period of 20 cycles, when the adsorption pres-sure was constant at 300 kPa, the CO concentrationwas 25%-45%, and flow rate was 115-123 m 3·h -1. The CO concentration of product gas fluctuated from 97.98% to 99.74%, and correspondingly CO recovery efficiency fluctuated from 89.1% to 91.3%. This indi-cated that CO purification of the purge gas from the ammonia synthesis system had higher stability by PSA. This high stability was because of the efficiency of the pilot-scale facility and the optimization of the operation procedure.3.5 T emperature variation of adsorption bed dur-ing a PSA cyclic processIt is well known that there was an exothermic phenomenon in the adsorption process and an endo-thermic phenomenon in the desorption process. There-fore the fluctuation of temperature in the adsorption bed was unavoidable, which was disadvantageous to CO purification. It was indicated in many studies [22] that the best separation condition was isothermal, in the adsorption bed. Consequently, it was necessary to study the influences of the thermal effect on the ad-sorption bed temperature during the adsorption and desorption process. Temperature variation of the ad-sorption bed during a PSA cyclic process is shown in Fig. 7, under the conditions that are shown in Table 4.It showed that the temperature of the adsorption bedFigure 6 Influences of cycle times on product gas purity and CO recovery ratio ■ product gas purity; ● CO recovery ratioFigure 7 Temperature variation of adsorption bed during a PSA cyclic process ■ lower part of tower; ● middle part of tower; ▲ upper part of towerChin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 5, October 2008 720was less increased in the repressurization process as MTZ had not yet reached the temperature measure-ment point of the lower part of the adsorption bed. However, in the adsorption process, the temperature of the adsorption bed increased gradually from the lower part to the upper part with MTZ moving forward, adding up to 6.5 K, and the adsorption bed had al-ready reached the breakthrough point, whereas, the upper-part temperature kept on rising. With decreasing of pressure in the depressurization process, the tem-perature of the lower part and middle part of the ad-sorption bed fell a bit, whereas, the upper-part tem-perature continued to increase. Moreover, the tem-perature decreased in the evacuation process, which indicated that there was an endothermic phenomenon in the desorption process. The temperature decreased rapidly in the beginning 80 s of the evacuation process, which showed that the desorption quantity was large, and later gradually became constant when the desorp-tion time was prolonged.4 CONCLUSIONS(1) There was no big difference in breakthrough time in the four adsorption beds, which was around 130 s, and CO concentration in waste gas was kept within 4% when adsorption temperature was 318 K, adsorption pressure was 300 kPa, feed gas flow rate was 120 m3·h-1, and CO concentration in feed gas was kept at 40%. Fur-thermore, there was no big difference in breakthrough time of the same adsorption bed under different pressure.(2) Product gas purity was higher than 98% and CO recovery ratio was about 90% under normal op-erations, which indicated that CO purification by PSA was very stable.(3) The temperature of adsorption bed was less increased in the repressurization process. As in the adsorption process, the temperature of the adsorption bed increased gradually from the lower part to the upper part, and the adsorption bed had already reached the breakthrough point, whereas, the upper-part tem-perature kept on rising. In the depressurization process, the temperature of the adsorption bed’s lower part and middle part fell a bit, whereas, the upper-part tem-perature continued to increase. The temperature de-creased in the evacuation process, rapidly in the be-ginning 80 s, which showed that the desorption quan-tity was large, and then gradually became constant as the desorption time was prolonged.(4) The relative adsorption quantity of PU-1 ad-sorbent reduced with an increase in the feed gas flow rate, which was 0.33 mol·kg-1 under normal operations.The conclusions are reliable fundamental data for industrial design, on the condition that adsorption temperature is 318 K, adsorption pressure is 300 kPa, and breakthrough time is 130 s, the relative adsorption quantity of the adsorbent is about 0.33 mol·kg-1, product gas purity is higher than 98% and CO recov-ery ratio is about 90%.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors are grateful to YANG Hao for his cooperation in the experiment. 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Multiscale Modelling of Polymer Properties assembles research done on modeling of polymeric materials from a hierarchical point of view, in which several methods are combined in a multilevel approach to complex polymeric materials. Contributions from academic and industrial experts are organized in two parts: the first one addresses the meth-odological aspects while the second one focuses on specific applications. The book aims at comprehensively assessing the current state of the field, including the strengths and shortcomings of available modelling techniques, and at identifying future needs and trends.Single Crystal Growth of Semiconductors from Metallic SolutionsBy Dost and LentProduct Type: HardcoverPrice: $245.00Subject Area: Chemistry & Chemical Engineering - Chemical EngineeringSingle Crystal Growth of Semiconductors from Metallic Solutions covers the four principal growth techniques currently in use for the growth of semiconductor single crystals from metallic solutions. Providing an in-depth review of the state-of-the-art of each, both experimentally and by numerical simulations. The importance of a close interaction between the numerical and experimental aspects of the processes is also emphasized. Advances in the fields of electronics and opto-electronics are hampered by the limited number of substrate materials which can be readily produced by melt-growth techniques such as the Czochralski and Bridgman methods. This can be alleviated by the use of alternative growth techniques, and in particular, growth from metallic solutions. The principal techniques currently in use are: Liquid Phase Epitaxy; Liquid Phase Electroepitaxy; the Travelling Heater Method, and; Liquid Phase Diffusion. Single Crystal Growth of Semiconductors from Metallic Solutions will serve as a valuable reference tool for researchers, and graduate and senior undergraduate students in the field of crystal growth. It covers most of the models developed in recent years. The detailed development of basic and constitutive equations and the associated interface and boundary conditions given for each technique will be very valuable to researchers for the development of their new models.。



问题1:通过检索conventional后的一个词,发现conventional 后常接名词。









期刊检索结果 1学习者论文介绍检索结果 1问题6:无论是期刊论文还是学习者论文,都是用被动语态多。


期刊文章介绍检索结果 2学习者论文介绍检索结果 2问题7:能检索出第一个句型。



Introduction 1reenhouse gas (GHG) restrictions implemented by some nations can increase emissions in nations without climate policies. Leakage of emissions can occur via at least two channels. First, climate policies reduce fossil fuel prices which result in increased energy consumption in countries without restrictions. Second, energy-intensive production in countries without GHG restrictions can increase at the expense of energy-intensive production in countries with climate policies. The second form of leakage highlights competitiveness issues that arise when a subset of nations restricts emissions.Border carbon adjustments (BCAs) -- tariffs on emissions embodied in imports from nations without emissions restrictions -- have been proposed to address leakage and competitiveness concerns. In the US, the House of Representatives recently passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (H. R. 2454), commonly known as the Waxman-Markey Bill (US Congress 2009). In addition to outlining emissions restrictions, H. R. 2454 details charges on emissions embodied in imports. In general, BCA provisions in the bill target energy-intensive imports from countries that do not have economy-wide GHG reduction programs at least as stringent as in the US. An important feature of BCAs yet to be detailed is how embodied emissions will be calculated. For example, H. R. 2454 requires that "a general methodology" is established to determine emissions embodied in imports (US Congress 2009, p. 1123).//M1:引入话题,介绍研究背景In economic analyses of BCAs (Felder and Rutherford 1993; Babiker and Rutherford 2005; Demailly and Quirion 2008; Ponssard and Walker 2008; Mattoo et al. 2009; Burniaux, Chateau and Duval 2010; and Winchester, Paltsev and Reilly 2010), producers in nations without emissions restrictions regard BCAs as an output tax on goods shipped to countries with climate policies. An alternative assumption is that exporting firms view BCAs as an implicit tax on GHG emissions. In this regard, producer responses to BCAs will depend on embodied emissions legislation. If embodied emissions calculations are never or rarely updated, firms will view BCAs as a tax on exports. If embodied emissions calculations are frequently updated, producers will regard BCAs as an emissions tax and respond to BCAs by reducing the GHG intensity of production. In this situation, producer responses will further be influenced by the degree to which producers can operate separate production lines for different markets (and produce a low-GHG variety for some markets).//M2:介绍现有方法及成果This paper contributes to the BCA literature by examining the impact of BCAs for alternative firm responses to embodied emissions charges.//M3:引出自己的研究Introduction2uman and natural disturbances produce greenhouse gas emissions that alter carbon and hydrologic cycles, mean surface air temperature, the spatial and temporal distribution of energy, water, and nutrients, atmospheric CO2 concentration, and the frequency and severity of storms (Adams and others 1990; National Research Council 2001; Reilly 2002; Wang and Schimel 2003; Smith 2004; IPCC 2007). Climate change modifies crop growing conditions, which can alter crop yields and the profitability of crop production. Crop yields have been projected to increase in production areas that experience slightly higher surface air temperature and growing season precipitation, and decrease in production areas that experience significantly higher surface air temperature, reduced growing season precipitation, and inadequate irrigation water supplies (McCarthy and others2001).//M1:引入研究主题If other growing conditions (e.g., nutrient availability, weed infestation, and water availability) do not become more limiting with global climate change, yields for C3 plants, which include most temperate plants, excluding many grasses, could increase with higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations due to higher water use efficiency. Some crop farmers may be able to take advantage of the benefits or reduce the risks of future climate change by adapting crop enterprises to actual or expected climate change (Stewart and others 1998; Smit and others 2000; Walther and others 2002; Spittlehouse and Stewart 2003; Antle and others 2004; Easterling and others 2004; Inkley and others 2004).//M2:介绍现有研究成果This article compares crop enterprise net returns and net farm income (NFI) between an historical period (1960篓C2005) and a future climate period (2006篓C2050) for small and large representative farms in Flathead Valley in Montana. A representative farm has characteristics (i.e., mix of crop enterprises, farming operations, crop acreages, total acreage, etc.) similar to those of actual farms in a local production area. Results from the economic comparisons are used to determine whether adapting agricultural production systems (APSs) to future climate change in the Flathead Valley is advantageous for farmers. Crop yields are simulated using the Environmental/Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model (Williams and others 1989) and NFI for APSs in the two climate periods are compared using the stochastic efficiency with respect to a function (SERF) criterion (Hardaker and others 2004). Climate conditions in the future climate period are based on CO2 emission scenarios A1B, B1, and A2 from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (2007). Daily climate variables for the three climate scenarios were derived using the "delta" method (e.g., McGinn and others 1999).//M3:引出自己的研究,说明自己的研究内容和方法。


Aerodynamics is considered with the force acting on objects as they move through the air, such as lift, drag, and thrust, as well as the pressure force acting on the surface of objects It also deals with the flow of gases around objects, including the flow patterns and turbulence
Aerodynamics is also important in the design of cars, trucks, trains, and other vehicles that move through the air It is used to understand the flow of air around these vehicles and to optimize their design for better performance, fuel efficiency, and reduced drag
Friction between the air and the surface of an object moving through it. It is caused by the visibility of air and depends on the surface roughness of the object
Aerodynamics English
Introduction to aerodynamics Basic Theory Principles of aerodynamics Aerodynamic applications Future development and challenges Aerodynamics English terminology
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1 CO2 2 CH4 3 N2O 4 HFCs 5 PFCs 6 SF6
Written by Kyoto Protocol
*GWP : Global Worming Potential
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Configuration of measurement system
☆ Long-term stability with unique cross flow modulation method ☆ Easy maintenance by selective combustion method
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
GA-360E (N2O analyzer)
N2O range : 0-1/2/5/10ppm Principle : NDIR L.D.L : 10ppb Repeatability : ±2.0% F.S. Drift : ±2.0% F.S./day ±4.0% F.S. /14 days
Thank you
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cross Flow Modulation Method
Sample gas
CH4 + nmHC CH4 nmHC Zero FID Detector
CH4 + nmHC
Removal of nmHC
HC without CH4 in the sample gas is removed by nmC(non-CH4 cutter). Sample gases are switched to the THC, CH4 and zero gas lines by a solenoid valve at a constant frequency of 1 Hz. It always compares reference gas and signals to achieve a stable concentration signal without zero drift.
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
What is the green house gas ?
Amount of emission @Japan (Mt)
1275 23.8 25.4 6.7 6.3 4.1
*GWP 1 21 310 140-11,700 6500-9200 23900
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
To avoid interference of CO
CO scrubber
CO scrubber N2O catalyzer
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
APHA-370 Principle (2)
Flame ionization detection method
HC introduced into a hydrogen flame is ionized by the high energy of very hot hydrogen produced at the end of a jet nozzle. Two opposing electrodes are located within the flame and between them a direct current is generated, proportional to the number of carbon atoms in the HC sample. This current is converted to a voltage drop across a high resistance to provide a measure of HC contained in the samtd. All rights reserved.
Outline of systems
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
VIA-510 (CO2 analyzer)
CO2 range Principle Repeatability Drift : 0-400/500/800/1000 ppm : NDIR : ±0.5% F.S. : ±1.0% F.S.
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
APHA-370 (THC / CH4 analyzer)
Ambient HC measurement (CH4, NMHC, THC)
Range Principle L.D.L Repeatability Drift Optional 0-5/10/20/50 ppmC 4 ranges selective combustion, cross modulation, flame ionization detection method 0.022 ppm (3 sigma) ±1.0% F.S. ±0.1ppmC/day or ±2.0% F.S./day RS-232C,TCP/IP,CF
APHA-370 Principle (1)
Selective combustion method The combustion temperature of HC varies and depends on the number of “C” carbon. The combustion temperature of C3H8 is lower than CH4. By utilizing this characteristic, controlling the temperature of special catalytic converters and eliminating all HC except CH4, APHA-370 can measure CH4 in sample gas.
CO2 : VIA-510 (NDIR) CH4 : APHA-370 (FID) N2O : GA-360E (NDIR)
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Flow schematics for analyzer system
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Parts name Pressure regulator Cal. Cylinder Flow Meter Pump Pressure regulator CO purifier N2O catalyzer Pressure gage N2O analyzer Thermo-electric dehumidifier Tubing pump Drain pot Selector valve Filter Humidifier Sampling unit CH4 analyzer CO2 analyzer PVC VS-3001 APHA-370 VIA-510 0-50kPa GA-360E GCS-22A SR25 PVC PVC Hard grass GD6EH UA type Notes
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Green House Gas Measurement
International Sales Dept. Norio Kobayashi Date: March.1st 2010
Sales record
Osaka × 1set of system
Yunnan province × 1set of system Qinghai province × 3sets of system
© 2010 HORIBA, Ltd. All rights reserved.