



贴片三极管上的印字与型号对照表直插封装的型号贴片的型号9011 1T9012 2T9013 J39014 J69015 M69016 Y69018 J8S8050 J3YS8550 2TY8050 Y18550 Y22SA1015 BA2SC1815 HF2SC945 CRMMBT3904 1AMMMBT3906 2AMMBT2222 1PMMBT5401 2LMMBT5551 G11F BC847B Phi N SOT23 BC547B1F BC847BT Phi N SOT416 BC547B1F MMBT5550 Mot N SOT23 2N5550 140V npn 1F- BC847BW Phi N SOT323 BC547B1Fp BC847B Phi N SOT23 BC547B1FR BC847BR Phi R SOT23R BC547B1Fs BC847B Sie N SOT23 BC547B1Fs BC847BT Sie N SC75 BC547B1Ft BC847B Phi N SOT23 BC547B1Ft BC847BW Phi N SOT323 BC547B1FZ FMBT5550 Zet N SOT23 2N5550 140V npn 1G BC847C Phi N SOT23 BC547C1G BC847CT Phi N SOT416 BC547C1G FMMT-A06 Zet N SOT23 MPSA061G MMBTA06 Mot N SOT23 MPSA061G- BC847CW Phi N SOT323 BC547C1GM MMBTA06 Mot N SOT23 MPSA061Gp BC847C Phi N SOT23 BC547C1GR BC847CR Phi R SOT23R BC547C1Gs BC847C Sie N SOT23 BC547C1Gs BC847CW Sie N SOT323 BC547C1Gt BC847CW Phi N SOT323 BC547C1GT SOA06 SGS N SOT23 MPSA061H FMMT-A05 Zet N - MPSA051H MMBTA05 Mot N SOT23 MPSA051H- BC847W Phi N SOT323 BC5471Hp BC847 Phi N SOT23 BC5471Ht BC847 Phi N SOT23 BC5471Ht BC847W Phi N SOT323 BC5471HT SOA05 SGS N SOT23 MPSA051J BC848A Phi N SOT23 BC548A1J FMMT2369 Zet N SOT23 2N23691J MMBT2369 Mot N SOT23 MPS23691JA MMBT2369A Mot N SOT23 MPS2369A1Jp BCV61A Phi VQ SOT143 npn current mirror hFe 180 1JR BC848AR Phi R SOT23R BC548A1Js BC848A Sie N SOT23 BC548A1Js BCV61A Sie VQ SOT143 npn current mirror hFe 180 1JZ BC848A Zet N SOT23 BC548A1K BC848B ITT N SOT23 BC548B1K MMBT6428 Mot N SOT23 MPSA18 50V1K FMMT4400 Zet N SOT23 2N44001KM MMBT6428L Mot N SOT23 MPSA18 50V1Kp BC848B Phi N SOT23 BC548B1Kp BCV61B Phi VQ SOT143B npn current mirror hFe 290 1KR BC848BR Phi R SOT23R BC548B1Ks BC848B Sie N SOT23 BC548B1Ks BC848BW Sie N SOT323 BC548B1Ks BCV61B Sie VQ SOT143B npn current mirror hFe 290 1KZ FMMT4400 Zet N SOT23 2N44001L BC848C ITT N SOT23 BC548C1L MMBT6429 Mot N - MPSA18 45V1L FMMT4401 Zet N - 2N44011L BCV61C Sie VQ SOT143B npn current mirror hFe 520 1Lp BC848C Phi N SOT23 BC548C1Lp BCV61C Phi VQ SOT143B npn current mirror hFe 520 1LR BC848CR Phi R SOT23R BC548C1Ls BC848C Sie N SOT23 BC548C1Ls BC848CW Sie N SOT323 BC548C1M MMBTA13 Mot N SOT23 MPSA13 darlington1M FMMT-A13 Zet N SOT23 MPSA131Mp BC848 Phi N SOT23 BC5481Mp BCV61 Phi VQ SOT143B npn current mirror1N FMMT-A14 Zet N SOT23 MPSA141N MMBTA14 Mot N SOT23 MPSA14 darlington1N5 ZTX11N15DF Zet N SOT23 npn 15V 3A low saturation V1P FMMT2222A Zet N - 2N2222A1P MMBT2222A Mot N SOT23 2N2222A1P BC847PN Sie DI - pnp/npn separate pair gp AF1Q MMBT5088 Mot N SOT23 MPSA18 Vce 30V1R MMBT5089 Mot N SOT23 MPSA18 Vce 25V1S MMBT2369A Nat N SOT23 2N2369A 500MHz sw npn1S MSC3130 Mot H SOT346 npn RF fT 1.4GHz 10V1T MMBT3960A Mot N - 2N3960A1U MMBT2484L Mot N SOT23 MPSA181V MMBT6427 Mot H SOT23 2N6426/7 darlington npn1V- BF820W Phi N SOT323 npn 300V 50mA BF4201Vp BF820 Phi N SOT23 npn 300V 50mA BF4201Vt BF820 Phi N SOT23 npn 300V 50mA BF4201Vt BF820W Phi N SOT323 npn 300V 50mA BF4201W FMMT3903 Zet N SOT23 2N39031W - BF822W Phi N SOT323 pnp 300V 50mA BF4211W t BF822W Phi N SOT323 pnp 300V 50mA BF4211Wp BF821 Phi N SOT23 pnp 300V 50mA BF4211Wt BF821 Phi N SOT23 pnp 300V 50mA BF4211X MMBT930L Mot N SOT23 MPS39041Xp BF822 Phi N SOT23 npn 250V 50mA BF4221Xt BF822 Phi N SOT23 npn 250V 50mA BF4221Y MMBT3903 Mot N SOT23 2N39031Yp BF823 Phi N SOT23 pnp 250V 50mA BF4231Yt BF823 Phi N SOT23 pnp 250V 50mA BF4231Z BAS70-06 Zet A SOT23 dual RF CA schottky diode 1Z MMBT6517 Mot N SOT23 2N6517 npn Vce 350V2 (blue) BAR64-03W Sie I SOD323 pin diode2 (white) BB439 Sie I SOD323 29-5 pF varicap20F TSDF1220 Tfk X SOT143 fT 12GHz npn 6V 20mA20V PZM20NB Phi C SOT346 20V 300mW zener20Y BZV49-C20 Phi O SOT89 20V 1W zener22V PZM22NB Phi C SOT346 22V 300mW zener22Y BZV49-C22 Phi O SOT89 22V 1W zener24V PZM24NB Phi C SOT346 24V 300mW Zener24Y BZV49-C24 Phi O SOT89 24V 1W zener27V PZM27NB Phi C SOT346 27V 300mW Zener27Y BZV49-C27 Phi O SOT89 27V 1W zener2A MMBT3906L Mot N SOT23 2N39062A MMBT3906W Mot N SOT323 2N39062A FMMT3906 Zet N SOT23 2N39062A4 PZM2.4NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual 2.4V cc Zener 2A7 PZM2.7NB2A Phi A SOT346 dual 2.7V cc Zener 2B BC849B ITT N SOT23 BC549B2B FMMT2907 Zet N SOT23 2N29072B MMBT2907 Mot N SOT23 MPS29072B- BC849BW Phi N SOT323 BC549B2Bp BC849B Phi N SOT23 BC549B2BR BC849BR Phi R SOT23R BC549B2Bs BC849B Sie N SOT23 BC549B2Bs BC849BW Sie N SOT323 BC549B2Bt BC849BW Phi N SOT323 BC549B2BZ FMMT2907 Zet N SOT23 2N29072C BC849C ITT N SOT23 BC549C2C MMBTA70 Mot N SOT23 MPSA702C- BC849CW Phi N SOT323 BC549C2Cp BC849C Phi N SOT23 BC549C2CR BC849CR Phi R SOT23R BC549C2Cs BC849C Sie N SOT23 BC549C2Cs BC849CW Sie N SOT323 BC549C2Ct BC849C Phi N SOT23 BC549C2Ct BC849CW Phi N SOT323 BC549C2CZ FMMTA70 Zet N SOT23 MPSA702D MMBTA92 Mot N SOT23 MPSA92 pnp Vce 300V 2E MMBTA93 Mot N SOT23 MPSA93 pnp Vce 200V 2E FMMT-A93 Zet N SOT23 MPSA932F BC850B ITT N SOT23 BC550B2F FMMT2907A Zet N SOT23 2N2907A2F MMBT2907A Mot N SOT23 MPS2907A2F MMBT2907AW Mot N SOT323 MPS2907A2F- BC850BW Phi N SOT323 BC550B2Fp BC850B Phi N SOT23 BC550B2FR BC850BR Phi R SOT23R BC550B2Fs BC850B Sie N SOT23 BC550B2Fs BC850BW Sie N SOT323 BC550B2Ft BC850B Phi N SOT23 BC550B2Ft BC850BW Phi N SOT323 BC550B2G BC850C ITT&, nbsp; N SOT23 BC550C2G FMMT-A56 Zet N SOT23 MPSA562G MMBTA56 Mot N SOT23 MPSA562G- BC850CW Phi N SOT323 BC550C2GM MMBTA56 Mot N SOT23 MPSA562Gp BC850C Phi N SOT23 BC550C2GR BC850CR Phi R SOT23R BC550C2Gs BC850C Sie N SOT23 BC550C2Gt BC850C Phi N SOT323 BC550C2Gt BC850CW Phi N SOT323 BC550C2GT SOA56 SGS N SOT23 MPSA562H FMMT-A55 Zet N SOT23 MPSA552H MMBTA55 Mot N SOT23 MPSA552HT SOA55 SGS N SOT23 MPSA552J MMBT3640 Mot N SOT23 MPS3640 pnp sw2K FMMT4402 Zet N SOT23 2N44022K MMBT8598 Mot N - 2N4125 pnp 60V2L MMBT5401 Mot N SOT23 2N5401 pnp 150V2L FMMT4403 Zet N SOT23 2N44032M FMMT5087 Zet N SOT23 2N50872M MMBT404 Mot N SOT23 pnp-chopper 24V 150mA2N MMBT404A Mot N SOT23 pnp-chopper 35V 150mA2N0 ZXT11N20DF Zet N SOT23 npn 20V 2.5A low sat switch 2P FMMT2222R Zet R SOT23R 2N22222P MMBT5086 Mot N SOT23 2N50862Q MMBT5087 Mot N SOT23 2N50872R HSMS-8102 HP Z SOT23 10-14GHz schottky mixer pair 2T SO4403 SGS N SOT23 2N44032T MMBT4403 Mot N SOT23 2N44032T HT2 Zet N SOT23 pnp 80V 100mA2U MMBTA63 Mot N SOT23 MPSA63 darlington2V MMBTA64 Mot N SOT23 MPSA64 darlington2V4 PZM2.4NB Phi C SOT346 2.4V 300mW Zener2V7 PZM2.7NB Phi C SOT346 2.7V 300mW Zener2W FMMT3905 Zet N SOT23 2N39052W MMBT8599 Mot N - 2N4125 Vce 80V pnp2X SO4401 SGS N SOT23 2N44012X MMBT4401 Mot N SOT23 2N44012Y4 BZV49-C2V4 Phi O SOT89 2.4V 1W zener2Y7 BZV49-C2V7 Phi O SOT89 2.7V 1W zener2Z MMBT6520 Mot N SOT23 2N6520 pnp Vce 350V2Z BAS70-04 Zet D SOT23 dual series RF schottky 70V 15mA 2Z5 BAS70-05 Zet B SOT23 dual cc RF Schottky 70V 15mA 30V PZM30NB1 Phi C SOT346 30V 300mW zener30Y BZV49-C30 Phi O SOT89 30V 1W zener33V PZM33NB1 Phi C SOT346 33 300mW zener33Y BZV49-C33 Phi O SOT89 33V 1W zener36V PZM36NB1 Phi C SOT346 36V 300mW Zener36Y BZV49-C36 Phi O SOT89 36V 1W zener39V PZM39NB1 Phi C SOT346 39V 300mW Zener39Y BZV49-C39 Phi O SOT89 39V 1W zener3A BC856A ITT N SOT23 BC556A3A BC856AT Phi N SOT416 BC556A3A MMBTH24 Mot N SOT23 VHF mixer npn fT 600MHz3A- BC856AW Phi N SOT323 BC556A3A0 PZM3.0NB2A Phi C SOT346 dual 3.0V Zener3A3 PZM3.3NB2A Phi C SOT346 dual 3.3V Zener3A6 PZM3.6NB2A Phi C SOT346 dual 3.6V Zener3A9 PZM3.9NB2A Phi C SOT346 dual 3.9V Zener3Ap BC856A Phi N SOT23 BC556A3AR BC856AR Phi R SOT23R BC556A3As BC856A Sie N SOT23 BC556A3At BC856A Phi N SOT23 BC556A3At BC856AW Phi N SOT323 BC556A3B BC856B ITT N SOT23 BC556B3B BC856BT Phi N SOT416 BC556B3B FMMT918 Zet N SOT23 2N9183B MMBT918 Mot N SOT23 2N9183B- BC856BW Phi N SOT323 BC556B3Bp BC856B Phi N SOT23 BC556B3BR BC856BR Phi R SOT23 BC556B3Bs BC856B Sie N SOT23 BC556B3Bt BC856B Phi N SOT23 BC556B3Bt BC856BW Phi N SOT323 BC556B3C FMMTA20R Zet R SOT23R MPSA203C BC857 Sie DO - pnp separate pair gp AF3D BC856 Phi N SOT23 BC556 hfe 75 min3D MMBTH81L Mot N SOT23 UHF pnp fT 600MHz 3D BC856S Sie DO - pnp separate pair gp AF3D- BC856W Phi N SOT323 BC556 hfe 75 min3Dp BC856 Phi N SOT23 BC556 hfe 75 min3Dt BC856 Phi N SOT23 BC556 hfe 75 min3Dt BC856W Phi N SOT323 BC556 hfe 75 min3E BC857A Phi N SOT23 BC557A3E BC857AT Phi N SOT416 BC557A3E MMBTH10 Mot N SOT23 MPSH10 fT 650MHz3E FMMT-A42 Zet N SOT23 MPSA423E- BC857A Phi N SOT323 BC557A3EM MMBTH10L Mot N SOT23 VHF amp 650MHz fT 3Ep BC857A Phi N SOT23 BC557A3ER BC857AR Phi R SOT23R BC557A3Et BC857A Phi N SOT23 BC557A3Et BC857A Phi N SOT323 BC557A3EZ FMMTH10 Zet N SOT23 npn fT 650MHz3F BC857B Phi N SOT23 BC557B3F BC857BT Phi N SOT416 BC557B3F- BC857BW Phi N SOT323 BC557B3Fp BC857B Phi N SOT23 BC557B3FR BC857BR Phi R SOT23R BC557B3Fs BC857B Sie N SOT23 BC557B3Ft BC857B Phi N SOT23 BC557B3Ft BC857BW Phi N SOT323 BC557B3Ft BC857BS Phi N SOT363 BC557B3G BC857C Phi N SOT23 BC557C3G BC857C Phi N SOT23 BC557C3G MMBTH11 NS N SOT23 -3G MGSF3454X Mot DK TSOP6 n-ch enh tmosfet 1.75A 3G- BC857CW Phi N SOT323 BC557C3Gp BC857C Phi N SOT23 BC557C3GR BC857CR Phi R SOT23R BC557CR3Gs BC857C Sie N SOT23 BC557C3Gt BC857C Phi N SOT23 BC557C3Gt BC857CW Phi N-28PDTA114WU Phi N SOT323 pnp dtr-24 PDTC114TU Phi N SOT323 npn dtr R1 10k-23 PDTA114TU Phi N SOT323 pnp dtr R1 10k-20 PDTC114WU Phi N SOT323 npn dtr-6 PMSS3906 Phi N SOT323 2N3906-4 PMSS3904 Phi N SOT323 2N39040 2SC3603 Nec CX SOT173 Npn RF fT 7GHz1 Gali-1 MC AZ SOT89 DC-8GHz MMIC amp 12dB gain1 2SC3587 Nec CX - npn RF fT10GHz1 BA277 Phi I SOD523 VHF Tuner band switch diode2 BST82 Phi M - n-ch mosfet 80V 175mA2 MRF5711L Mot X SOT143 npn RF MRF5712 DTCC114T Roh N - 50V 100mA npn sw + 10k base res 2 Gali-2 MC AZ SOT89 DC-8GHz MMIC amp 16dB gain2 BAT62-02W Sie I SCD80 BAT16 schottky diode2 2SC3604 Nec CX - npn RF fT8GHz 12dB@2GHz3 Gali-3 MC AZ SOT89 DC-3GHz MMIC amp 22dB gain3 DTC143TE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA3 DTC143TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA3 DTC143TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA3 BAT60A Sie I SOD323 10V 3A sw schottky3 BAT62-02W Sie I SCD80 -4 DTC114TCA Roh N SOT23 npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA 4 DTC114TE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA 4 DTC114TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA 4 DTC114TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA 4 MRF5211L Mot X SOT143 pnp RF MRF5214 Gali-4 MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 17.5 dBm4 BB664 Sie I SCD80 Varicap 42-2.5pF5 SSTPAD5 Sil J - PAD-5 5pA leakage diode5 Gali-4 MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 18 dBm o/p5 DTC124TE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA 5 DTC124TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA5 DTC124TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA6 Gali-6 MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 115 dBm o/p6 DTC144TE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA 6 DTC144TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA 6 DTC144TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA 9 DTC115TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA 9 DTC115TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA9 BC849 Mot N SOT23 BC 549B10 SSTPAD10 Sil J - PAD-10 10pA leakage diode10 MRF9411L Mot X SOT143 npn Rf 8GHz MRF94111 SO2369R SGS R SOT23R 2N236911 MRF9511L Mot X SOT143 npn RF 8GHz MRF95111 MUN5311DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 10k+10k11 PDTA114EU Phi N SOT416 pnp dtr12 MUN5312DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 22k+22k12 DTA123EUA Rho N SC70 pnp dtr 2k2+2k2 50V 100ma12 DTA123EKA Rho N SC59 pnp dtr 2k2+2k2 res 50V 100ma13 DTA143EUA Rho N SC70 pnp dtr 4k7+4k7 50V 100ma 13 DTA143EKA Rho N SC59 pnp dtr 4k7+4k7 50V 100ma 13 DTA143ECA Rho N SOT23 pnp dtr 4k7+4k7 50V 100ma 13 MA4CS103A M/A C SOT23 Schottky RF 20V 100mA13 MUN5313DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 47k+47k14 BAT114-099R Sie DQ - Quad Schottky crossover ring 14 DTA114EUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 10k + 10k14 DTA114EKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 10k + 10k14 MUN5314DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 10k R114 DTA114ECA Roh N SOT23 pnp dtr 10k + 10k15 DTA124EUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 22k+22k15 DTA124EKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 22k+22k15 DTA124ECA Roh N SOT23 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 22k+22k 15 MUN5315DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 10k R115 MMBT3960 Mot N - 2N396016 MUN5316DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 4k7 R116 DTA144EUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 47k+47k16 DTA144EKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 47k+47k18 BFP181T Tfk X - npn Rf fT 7.8GHz 10V 20mA18 PDTC143ZK Phi N SOT346 npn dtr 4k7+47k19 PDTA143ZK Phi N SOT346 pnp dtr 4k7+47k19 DTA115EUA Rho N SC70 pnp dtr 100k+100k 50V 100ma19 DTA115EKA Rho N SC59 pnp dtr 100k+100k 50V 100ma20 SSTPAD20 Sil J - PAD-20 20pA leakage diode20 MRF5811 Mot X SOT143 npn Rf fT 5GHz 0.2A21 Gali-21 MC AZ SOT89 DC-8GHz MMIC amp 14 dB gain22 MMBT4209 Nat N SOT23 pnp sw 850MHz 2N420922 DTC123EUA Rho N SC70 npn dtr 2k2+2k2 50V 100ma22 DTC123EKA Rho N SC59 npn dtr 2k2+2k2 50V 100ma23 MMBT3646 Nat N SOT23 npn sw 350MHz 2N364623 DTC143EUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 50V 100mA 4k7+ 4k723 DTC143EKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 50V 100mA 4k7+ 4k724 MMBD2101 Nat C SOT23 Si diode 100V 200mA24 DTC114ECA Roh N SOT23 npn dtr 50V 100mA 10k + 10k 24 DTC114EUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 50V 100mA 10k + 10k24 DTC114EKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 50V 100mA 10k + 10k24 2SC5006 Nec N - npn RF fT 4.5GHz @3V 7mA25 MMBD2102 Nat K SOT23 Si diode 100V 200mA25 DTC124ECA Roh N SOT23 npn dtr 50V 100mA 22k + 22k 25 DTC124EKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 50V 100mA 22k + 22k25 DTC124EUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 50V 100mA 22k + 22k26 MMBD2103 Nat D SOT23 dual MMBD120126 DTC144EKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 50V 30mA 47k + 47k26 DTC144EUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 50V 30mA 47k + 47k27 MMBD2104 Nat B SOT23 dual cc MMBD120128 BFP280T Tfk W - npn RF fT 7GHz 8V 10mA28 MMBD2105 Nat A SOT23 dual ca MMBD120129 MMBD1401 Nat C SOT23 Si diode 200V 100mA29 DTC115EE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 100k +100k 50V 20mA 29 DTC115EUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 100k +100k 50V 20mA29 DTC115EKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 100k +100k 50V 20mA30 MUN5330DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 1k0+1k031 MUN5331DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 2k2+2k231 MMBD1402 Nat K SOT23 Si diode 200V 100mA32 MUN5332DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 4k7+4k732 MMBD1403 Nat D SOT23 dual Si diode 200V 100mA32 BAT32 Sie CS - 18GHz zero-bias schottky33 MUN5333DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 4k7+47k33 DTA143XE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr 4k7+10k 50V 100mA33 DTA143XUA Roh N SC70 pnp sw 4k7+10k bias res 50V 100mA33 DTA143XKA Roh N SC59 pnp sw 4k7+10k bias res 50V 100mA33 MMBD1404 Nat B SOT23 dual cc Si diode 200V 100mA33 Gali-33 MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 19dB gain34 MUN5334DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 22k+47k34 MMBD1405 Nat A SOT23 dual ca Si diode 200V 100mA34 2SC5007 Nec N - npn RF fT 7GHz @3V 7mA35 MUN5335DW1 Mot DP SOT363 npn/pnp dtr 2k2+47k35 DTA124XE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA35 DTA124XUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA35 DTA124XKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA41 BAT14-115S Sie CS SOT173 40GHz schottky diode41 BAT14-115R Sie CZ SOT173 40GHz schottky ring quad42 BAT14-025S Sie CS SOT173 4GHz schottky diode42 BAT14-025R Sie CZ SOT173 4GHz schottky ring quad43 BAS40 Sie C SOT23 schottky diode 40V 100mA43 DTA143EE Mot N SOT416 pnp dtr 4k7 + 4k743 DTC143XE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 4k7+10k 50V 100mA43 DTC143XUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 4k7+10k 50V 100mA43 DTC143XKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 4k7+10k 50V 100mA44 BAS40-04 Sie D SOT23 dual series BAS4044 BAS40-04W Sie D SOT323 dual series BAS4044 2SC5009 Nec N - npn RF fT 12GHz @3V 5mA45 BAS40-05 Sie A SOT23 dual ca BAS4045 BAS40-05W Sie A SOT323 dual ca BAS4045 BAT14-055S Sie CS SOT173 8GHz schottky diode45 BAT14-055R Sie CZ SOT173 8GHz schottky ring quad 45 DTC124XE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA45 DTC124XUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA45 DTC124XKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 22k+47k 50V 50mA46 BAS40-06 Sie B SOT23 dual cc BAS4046 BAS40-06W Sie B SOT323 dual cc BAS4046 MBT3946DW Mot DP - 2N3904/2N3906 pair47 BAS40-07 Sie S SOT143 dual BAS4047 BAS40-07W Sie S SOT343 dual BAS4049 BAT14-095S Sie CS SOT173 18GHz shottky diode49 BAT14-095R Sie CZ SOT173 18GHz schottky ring quad50 SSTPAD50 Sil J - PAD-50 50pA leakage diode51 BAT15-115S Sie CS SOT173 40GHz schottky diode51 BAT15-115R Sie CZ SOT173 40GHz schottky ring quad52 BAT15-025S Sie CS SOT173 4GHz schottky diode52 BAT15-025R Sie CZ SOT173 4GHz schottky ring quad 52 Gali-52 MC AZ SOT89 DC-2GHz MMIC amp 23 dB gain 52 BAS52-02V Inf I SC79 Schottky diode 45V 750mA52 DTA123YE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA 52 DTA123YUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA 52 DTA123YKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA 54 DTA114YE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA 54 DTA114YUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA54 DTA114YKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA55 BAT15-055S Sie CS SOT173 8GHz schottky diode55 BAT15-055R Sie CZ SOT173 8GHz schottky ring quad 55 Gali-55 MC AZ SOT89 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 21 dB gain57 BFQ57 Sie CX SOT173 npn 6.5GHz 16V/35mA58 BFQ58 Sie CX SOT173 npn 6.5GHz 16V/30mA59 BAT15-095S Sie CS SOT173 18GHz schottky diode59 BAT15-095R Sie CZ SOT173 18GHz schottky ring quad 62 DTC123YE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA 62 DTC123YUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA 62 DTC123YKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 2k2 +10k 50V 100mA 64 DTC114YE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA 64 DTC114YUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA 64 DTC114YKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 10k + 47k 50V 100mA 67 BFP67 Tfk X - npn Rf fT 7.5GHz 10V 50mA69 DTA114YE Mot N SOT416 pnp dtr 10k +47k69 DTC115EE Roh N EMT3 npn dtr 100k+100k 50V 20mA 69 DTC115EUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 100k+100k 50V 20mA69 DTC115EKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr 100k+100k 50V 20mA70 BFQ70 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 5.2GHz 15V 35mA71 BFQ71 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 5.2GHz 15V 30mA72 BFQ72 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 5.1GHz 15V 50mA72 2N7002 Sil M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 60V 170mA73 MA4CS101A M/A C SOT23 schottky diode 70V 50mA73 BFQ73 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 4.9GHz 15V 75mA73 2SC5004 Nec N - npn RF 5GHz @5V 5mA74 BFQ74 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 6GHz 16V 35mA74 MA4CS101B M/A D SOT23 dual series MA4CS101A (73) 74 DTA114WE Rho N EMT3 pnp dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA 74 DTA114WUA Rho N SC70 pnp dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA 74 DTA114WKA Rho N SC59 pnp dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA74 2SC5005 Nec N - npn RF 5.5GHz @5V 5mA75 BFQ75 Sie CX SOT173 pnp fT 5GHz 12V 50mA76 BFQ76 Sie CX SOT173 pnp fT 5GHz 15V 30mA76 DTA144WE Rho N EMT3 pnp dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA 76DTA144WUA Rho N SC70 pnp dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA76 DTA144WKA Rho N SC59 pnp dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA77 MA4CS101E M/A S SOT143 dual MA4CS101A (73)77 BFQ77 Sie CX SOT173 npn fT 7GHz 15V 20mA78 MMBT4258 Nat N SOT23 pnp sw fT 700MHz81 SO2369AR SGS R SOT23R 2N2369A81 ZMV831BV2 Zet I SOD523 28V hyperabrupt varicap 15pF @2V82 2SC5009 Nec N - npn RF fT 12GHz @ 3V 5mA82 ZMV832BV2 Zet I SOD523 28V hyperabrupt varicap 22pF @2V83 MMBT4400 Nat N - npn 2N440083 2SC5010 Nec N - npn RF fT 12GHz 3V 10mA83 MA4CS102A M/A C SOT23 schottky diode 8V 30mA84 MA4CS102B M/A D SOT23 dual ser schottky diode 8V 30mA84 DTC114WE Rho N EMT3 npn dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA 84 DTC114WUA Rho N SC70 npn dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA84 DTC114WKA Rho N SC59 npn dtr 10k + 4k7 50V 100mA85 MMBD1701 Nat C - Fast Si diode 30V 50mA85 MA4CS102A M/A B SOT23 dual cc schottky diode 8V 30mA86 MMBD1702 Nat K - Fast Si diode 30V 50mA86 DTC144WE Rho N EMT3 npn dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA 86 DTC144WUA Rho N SC70 npn dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA86 DTC144WKA Rho N SC59 npn dtr 47k + 22k 50V 30mA87 MMBD1703 Nat D - dual ser MMBD170187 MA4CS102A M/A S SOT143 dual schottky diode 8V30mA88 MMBD1704 Nat B - dual cc MMBD170189 MMBD1705 Nat A - dual ca MMBD170191 ZV931V2 Zet I SOD523 4-13.5pF hyperabruptvaricap91 DTA113TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R11k0 50V 100mA92 ZV932V2 Zet I SOD523 5.5-17pF hyperabruptvaricap93 ZV933V2 Zet I SOD523 12-42pF hyperabrupt varicap 93 DTA143TE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA93 DTA143TUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA93 DTA143TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA94 DTA114TE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA94 DTA114TUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA94 DTA114TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA95 DTA124TE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA95 DTA124TCA Roh N SOT23 pnp dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA95 DTA124TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA96 DTA144TE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA96 DTA144TUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA96 DTA144TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA99 DTA115TE Roh N EMT3 pnp dtr R1 100k 50V 100mA99 DTA115TUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr R1 100k 50V 100mA 99 DTA115TKA Roh N SC59 pnp dtr R1 100k 50V 100mA 100 SSTPAD100 Sil J SOT23 PAD-100 100pA leakage diode 101 PZM10NB1 Phi C SOT346 10V 0.3W zener102 PZM10NB2 Phi C SOT346 10V 0.3W zener103 PZM10NB3 Phi C SOT346 10V 0.3W zener111 PZM11NB1 Phi C SOT346 11V 0.3W zener111 DTA113ZUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 1k+10k 50V 100mA 112 PZM11NB2 Phi C SOT346 11V 0.3W zener113 PZM11NB3 Phi C SOT346 11V 0.3W zener113 DTA143ZUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 4k7+47k 50V 100mA 121 PZM12NB1 Phi C SOT346 12V 0.3W zener121 DTC113ZUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 1k+10k 50V 100mA 122 PZM12NB2 Phi C SOT346 12V 0.3W zener123 PZM12NB3 Phi C SOT346 12V 0.3W zener123 DTC143ZUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 4k7+47k 50V 100mA 131 PZM13NB1 Phi C SOT346 13V 0.3W zener132 PZM13NB2 Phi C SOT346 13V 0.3W zener132 DTA123JUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 2k2+47k 50V 100mA 133 PZM13NB3 Phi C SOT346 13V 0.3W zener142 DTA123JUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 2k2+47k 50V 100mA 151 PZM15NB1 Phi C SOT346 15V 0.3W zener152 PZM15NB2 Phi C SOT346 15V 0.3W zener153 PZM15NB3 Phi C SOT346 15V 0.3W zener156 DTA144VUA Roh N SC70 pnp dtr 47k+10k 50V 100mA 161 PZM16NB1 Phi C SOT346 16V 0.3W zener162 PZM16NB2 Phi C SOT346 16V 0.3W zener163 PZM16NB3 Phi C SOT346 16V 0.3W zener166 DTC144VUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr 47k+10k 50V 100mA 179 FMMT5179 Zet N - 2N5179181 PZM18NB1 Phi C SOT346 18V 0.3W zener182 PZM18NB2 Phi C SOT346 18V 0.3W zener183 PZM18NB3 Phi C SOT346 18V 0.3W zener200 SSTPAD200 Sil J - PAD-200 200pA leakage diode 201 PZM20NB1 Phi C SOT346 20V 300mW Zener202 PZM20NB2 Phi C SOT346 20V 300mW Zener203 PZM20NB3 Phi C SOT346 20V 300mW Zener221 PZM22NB1 Phi C SOT346 22V 300mW Zener222 PZM22NB2 Phi C SOT346 22V 300mW Zener223 PZM22NB3 Phi C SOT346 22V 300mW Zener241 PZM24NB Phi C SOT346 24V 300mW Zener242 PZM24NB Phi C SOT346 24V 300mW Zener243 PZM20NB Phi C SOT346 24V 300mW Zener271 PZM2.7NB1 Phi C SOT346 2.7V 300mW Zener272 PZM2.7NB2 Phi C SOT346 2.7V 300mW Zener301 FDV301N Fch M SOT23 n-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.22A 302 FDV302P Fch M SOT23 p-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.13A 303 FDV303N Fch M SOT23 n-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.68A 304 FDV304P Fch M SOT23 p-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.46A 331 NDS331N Fch M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 1.3A 20V331 PZM3.3NB1 Phi C SOT346 3.3V 300mW zener332 PZM3.3NB2 Phi C SOT346 3.3V 300mW zener332 NDS332N Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 0.4A, 1A pk, 20V"335 NDS335N Fch M SOT23 "n-ch mosfet 70 mA, 1.7A pk, 20V"336 NDS336N Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 0.27A, 1.2A pk, 20V"337 NDS337N Fch M SOT23 "n-ch mosfet 50 mA, 2.5A pk 20V"338 NDS338N Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 0.13A, 1.6Apk 20V"340 FDV340P Fch M SOT23 p-ch mosfet 20V 70 mA351 NDS351N Fch M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 1.1A 30V352 NDS352N Fch M SOT23 p-ch mosfet 0.5A 20V355 NDS355N Fch M SOT23 "n-ch mosfet 0.1A, 1.6A pk 30V"356 NDS356N Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 0.3A, 1.1A pk 20V"357 NDS357N Fch M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 2.5Apk 30V358 NDS358N Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 0.2A, 1.6A pk 30V"358 FDN358N Fch M SOT23 p-ch mosfet 0.2A 1.6A pk 30V 360 FDN360P Fch M SOT23 "p-ch mosfet 80mA, 2a PK, 30V"361 PZM3.6NB1 Phi C SOT346 3.6V 300mW Zener362 PZM3.3NB2 Phi C SOT346 3.6V 300mW Zener391 PZM3.9NB1 Phi C SOT346 3.9V 300mW Zener392 PZM3.9NB2 Phi C SOT346 3.9V 300mW Zener413 FMMT413 Zet N SOT23 npn avalanche 150v 0.1A415 FMMT415 Zet N SOT23 npn avalanche 260v 0.1A417 FMMT417 Zet N SOT23 npn avalanche 320v 0.1A431 PZM4.3NB1 Phi C SOT346 4.3V 0.3W zener432 PZM4.3NB2 Phi C SOT346 4.3V 0.3W zener433 PZM4.3NB3 Phi C SOT346 4.3V 0.3W zener449 FMMT449 Zet N SOT23 npn 50V 1A low Vce sat 451 FMMT451 Zet N SOT23 npn 60V 1A455 FMMT455 Zet N SOT23 NPN 140V 1A458 FMMT458 Zet N SOT23 npn 400V 0.4A471 PZM4.7NB1 Phi C SOT346 4.7V 0.3W zener472 PZM4.7NB2 Phi C SOT346 4.7V 0.3W zener473 PZM4.7NB3 Phi C SOT346 4.7V 0.3W zener491 FMMT491 Zet N SOT23 ZTX 450/451493 FMMT493 Zet N SOT23 ZTX 453494 FMMT494 Zet N SOT23 npn 120V 1A495 FMMT495 Zet N SOT23 npn 170V 1A497 FMMT497 Zet N SOT23 npn 300V 0.5A500 SSTPAD500 Sil J PAD-500 500pA leakage diode 511 PZM5.1NB1 Phi C SOT346 5.1V 0.3W zener512 PZM5.1NB2 Phi C SOT346 5.1V 0.3W zener513 PZM5.1NB3 Phi C SOT346 5.1V 0.3W zener558 FMMT558 Zet N SOT23 pnp 400V 0.15A561 PZM5.1NB1 Phi C SOT346 5.6V 0.3W zener562 PZM5.1NB2 Phi C SOT346 5.6V 0.3W zener563 PZM5.1NB3 Phi C SOT346 5.6V 0.3W zener589 FMMT589 Zet N SOT23 pnp 30V 1A593 FMMT593 Zet N SOT23 ZTX 553605 NDS0605 Fch M SOT23 P-ch mosfet 60V 180mA 605 NDS0605 Fch M - p-ch sw mosfet 60V610 NDS0610 Fch M - p-ch sw mosfet 60V614 FMMT614 Zet N SOT23 sw617 FMMT617 Zet N SOT23 npn sw 15V 3A618 FMMT618 Zet N SOT23 npn sw 20V 2.5A619 FMMT619 Zet N SOT23 npn sw 50V 2A621 PZM6.2NB1 Phi C SOT346 6.2V 0.3W zener622 PZM6.2NB2 Phi C SOT346 6.2V 0.3W zener623 PZM6.2NB3 Phi C SOT346 6.2V 0.3W zener624 FMMT624 Zet N SOT23 -625 FMMT625 Zet N SOT23 -634 FMMT634 Zet N SOT23 100V 0.9A darlington npn 651 PZT651 Mot N SOT223 npn 60V 1A681 PZM6.8NB1 Phi C SOT346 6.8V 0.3W zener682 PZM6.8NB2 Phi C SOT346 6.8V 0.3W zener683 PZM6.8NB1 Phi C SOT346 6.8V 0.3W zener701 2N7001 Mot M SOT23 n-ch mosfet702 2N7002 Mot M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 60V 0.11A703 2N7003 Mot M SOT23 n-ch mosfet712 NDS7002A Nat M SOT23 n-ch mosfet 60V 0.28A717 FMMT717 Zet N SOT23 pnp sw 0.625W 2.5A 12V718 FMMT718 Zet N SOT23 pnp sw 0.625W 1.5A 20V720 FMMT720 Zet N SOT23 pnp sw 0.625W 1.5A722 FMMT722 Zet N SOT23 pnp sw723 FMMT723 Zet N SOT23 pnp sw730 FMMT730 Zet N SOT23 ZTX550/551751 PZM7.5NB1 Phi C SOT346 7.5V 0.3W zener752 PZM7.5NB2 Phi C SOT346 7.5V 0.3W zener753 PZM7.5NB3 Phi C SOT346 7.5V 0.3W zener821 PZM8.2NB1 Phi C SOT23 8.2V 0.3W zener822 PZM8.2NB2 Phi C SOT23 8.2V 0.3W zener822 S822T Tfk X - npn RF fT 5.2GHz 6V 8mA823 PZM8.2NB3 Phi C SOT23 8.2V 0.3W zener852 S852T Tfk N SOT23 npn RF fT 5.2GHz 6V 8mA887 S887T Tfk W SOT143 n-ch dg uhf mosfet888 S888T Tfk W SOT142 n-ch dg uhf mosfet911 PZM9.1NB1 Phi C SOT346 9.1V 0.3W zener912 PZM9.1NB2 Phi C SOT346 9.1V 0.3W zener913 PZM9.1NB3 Phi C SOT346 9.1V 0.3W zener05F TSDF1205R Tfk WQ - fT12GHz npn 4V 5mA0A MUN5111DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr10k+10k0A DTC125TUA Roh N SC70 npn dtr R2 100k 50V100mA0A DTC125TKA Roh N SC59 npn dtr R2 100k 50V100mA0B MUN5112DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr22k+22k0C MUN5113DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr47k+47k0D MUN5114DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr10k+47k0E MUN5115DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr R1 10k 0F MUN5116DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr R1 4k7 0G MUN5130DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr1k0+1k00H MUN5131DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual pnp dtr2k2+2k2。



汽车连接器,插接件德尔福,安普,型号,国产型号对照表,0.6系列DJ7031-0.6-21 1-967642-10.7系列DJ7062-0.7-21 1074 8105(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7062-0.7-21-1 1075 6974(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7062-0.7-25 1075 6975(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7061-0.7-21 1-967616-1DJ7241-0.7-21 C-1318917(AMP安普号)DJ7401-0.7-21 1318389-1(AMP安普号)DJ7282-0.7-21 1565380-1(AMP安普号)1系列DJ7021-1-21 1-967644-1(AMP安普号)DJ7161-1-21 MG610360(KET)DJ7161-1-20 MG630362-3(KET)DJ3241-1-21 4-1437287-5(AMP安普号)DJ3242-1-21 4-1437287-6(AMP安普号)DJ7121-1-21 HV12FWDJ7122-1-21 HLH12FWDJ7023-1-21 P42001DJ7082-1-21 1419158-8DJ7161-1-11 174053-2(AMP安普号)1.2系列DJ7022-1.2-21 12052643(DELPHI德尔福号)329959718DJ7022-1.2-20 12052845(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7023-1.2-20 12052634(DELPHI德尔福号) 0440702(哈飞)DJ7023-1.2-21 12052644(DELPHI德尔福号) DJH98036 DJ7024-1.2-21 12162188(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7025-1.2-21 12162193(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7032-1.2-20 12052485(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7032-1.2-21 12110293(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7033-1.2-21 PCD0006DJ7033-1.2-21 PCD0015DJ7035-1.2-21 12078090(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7041-1.2-21 174966-2(AMP安普号) 202-966(LVS)DJ7042-1.2-21 12162144(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7044-1.2-21 12162834(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7046-1.2-21 PCD0010DJ7046-1.2-21 PCD0004.2DJ7151-1.2-21 156544DJ7151-1.2-21锁件156544锁件DJ7161-1.2-20 179054-6锁件(AMP安普号)DJ7161-1.2-21 179054-6(AMP安普号) 206-054(LVS)DJ7161F-1.6-21 12110250(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7051-1.2-20 12066304(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7051-1.2-21 12051600(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7201-1.2-21 174047-2(AMP安普号) 202-047(LVS)DJ7036-1.2-21 MG641234-5(KET)DJ7036-1.2-20 MG631233-7(KET)DJ7163-1.2-21 60981624(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7202-1.2-21 60981626(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7242-1.2-21 316371(AMP安普号) HTK24FWDJ7243-1.2-21 316372(AMP安普号) HTK24FFGYDJ7061-1.2-21 7283-8760-30DJ7061-1.2-22 443504DJ7061-1.2-20 7157-4605-80DJ7481-1.2-11 316370-6(AMP)1.5系列DJ7011-1.5-21 282079-1(AMP安普号)DJ7011-1.5-11 282103-1(AMP安普号)DJ7021-1.5-21 282080-1(AMP安普号)DJ7021-1.5-11 282104-1(AMP安普号)DJ7031-1.5-21 282087-1(AMP安普号)DJ7031-1.5-11 282105-1(AMP安普号)DJ7041-1.5-21 282088-1(AMP安普号)DJ7041-1.5-11 282106-1(AMP安普号)DJ7045-1.5-21 444515-1(AMP安普号) 1717892-1(AMP安普号)DJ7051-1.5-21 282089-1(AMP安普号) 201-089(LVS)DJ7051-1.5-11 282107-1(AMP安普号)DJ7061-1.5-21 282090-1(AMP安普号)DJ7061-1.5-11 282108-1(AMP安普号)DJ7042-1.5-11 15326423(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7042-1.5-15 12160826(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7024-1.5-21 FC1211TC022S0(吉士玉士号) 6216683F0(武汉友德号)DJ7029-1.5-11 121623431.8系列DJ7022-1.8-11 348794-3(AMP安普号)DJ7042-1.8-21 174922-1(AMP安普号) 368501-1(AMP安普号)DJ7044-1.8-21 444046-1(AMP安普号)DJ7062-1.8-21 7123-8365(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7101-1.8-20 7157-4588-10(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7101-1.8-21 7183-4000(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7163-1.8-21 179631-1(AMP安普号)DJ7181-1.8-21 19000888(天津津住)DJ7201-1.8-11 174936-1(AMP安普号)DJ7201-1.8-21 174952-1(AMP安普号) 368511-1(AMP安普号)DJ7043-1.8-21 MG60396(KET)DJ7023-1.8-21 348793-3(AMP安普号)DJ7021-1.8-11 MG640322(KET)DJ7021-1.8-21 MG610320(KET)DJ7021-1.8-10/20 MG630326-7(KET)DJ7031-1.8-21 MG610327(KET)DJ7031-1.8-20 MG630330-7(KET)DJ7031-1.8-11 MG640329(KET)DJ7061-1.8-11 MG640337(KET)DJ7061-1.8-21 MG610335(KET)DJ7061-1.8-10/20 MG630338-7(KET)DJ7063-1.8-21 174923-1(AMP安普号)DJ7033-1.8-21 174921-1(AMP安普号) 1536 4420(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7121-1.8-21 19000887(天津津住)DJ7026-1.8-21 HDL02FWDJ7035-1.8-21 HDL03FWDJ7221-1.8-21 HDL22FWDJY7201-1.8-11 175785-1(AMP)2系列DJ7026-2-21 174352-2(AMP安普号)DJ7026-2-20 174353-7(AMP安普号)DJ7026-2-11 174354-2(AMP安普号)DJ7026-2-10 174355-7(AMP安普号)DJ7012-2-21 6180-1181(矢崎号)DJ7166-2-20 368049-1(AMP安普号)DJ7166-2-21 368047-1(AMP安普号)DJ7012-2-21 6180-1181(SUMITOMO住友号)DJY7021-2-21 71231520(YAZAKI矢崎号)MG610070(KET)DJY7021-2-11 6242-1011(SUMITOMO住友号)MG620074(KET)DJY7011-2-11 6242-1011(SUMITOMO住友号)MG610089(KET)DJ3021-2-21 353377-7(AMP安普号)DJ3021-2-21-1 353378-2(AMP安普号)DJ7106-2-21 174655-2(AMP安普号)DJ7021-2-21 MG640605(KET)DJ3022-2-21 HX63080-2PDJ7047-2-21 HYSTDCY-04DJ7034-2.0-21 HYST03FWDJ7063-2-11 174264-2DJ7124-2-11 174663-2DJ7124-2-21 174661-2DJ7026-2-11 174354-27143-2-21 6401-76012.2系列DJ7023-2.2-20 11848锁件DJ7023-2.2-21 11148DJ7024-2.2-10 11074锁件DJ7024-2.2-11 11074DJ7024-2.2-11-1 11074卡套DJ7024-2.2-12 11074密封圈DJ7024-2.2-20 7283-7029锁件(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7024-2.2-21 7283-7029(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7026-2.2-20 82821-47020(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7026-2.2-21 7283-1096-30(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ70222-2.2-21 61890553(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ70222-2.2-20 61891265(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7031-2.2-21 61890443(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7031-2.2-20 6189-0443锁件(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7031-2.2-22 6189-0443密封圈(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7044-2.2-21 11841DJ7063-2.2-20 936269-1(AMP安普号)DJ7063-2.2-21 936268-1(AMP安普号) 15386294(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7064-2.2-21 11780DJ7104-2.2-21 10801DJ7163-2.2-10/20 936203-1(AMP安普号)DJ7163-2.2-11 936211-1(AMP安普号)DJ7163-2.2-21 936201-1(AMP安普号)DJ7163-2.2-11装配体936211-1(AMP安普号)DJ7021-2.2-21 PE165422(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ70212-2.2-21 1545 8679(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7051-2.2-21 1362 8878(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7046-2.2-11 MG641041 MG631268(KET)DJ7046-2.2-11连体卡子MG641041(KET)DJ7046-2.2-11 MG641041(KET)DJ70213-2.2-21 0443401(THB)DJ7047-2.2-21 HMWP04FB-MDJ7047-2.2-20 HMWP04FP-CDJ7014-2.2-11 H0902-01MWDJ70214-2.2-21 HMWP02FB-MDJ70214-2.2-20 HMWP02FP-CDJ70215-2.2-21 6189-0322(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ70216-2.2-21 3TS02FWDJ7048-2.2-21 MG651038(KET)DJ7049-2.2-21 6098-0144(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ70216-2.2-11 3TS02MW7202-2.2-21 936095-12.3系列DJ7011-2.3-11 62343-1011(SUMITOMO住友号)DJY7011-2.3-11 6243-1011(SUMITOMO住友号)DJY7121-2.3-11 6188-0375(SUMITOMO住友号)DJY7121-2.3-21 6181-2594(SUMITOMO住友号)DJY7161-2.3-21 6185-0510(SUMITOMO住友号)DJY7161-2.3-11 6188-0353(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7042-2.3-21 61890763(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7042-2.3-20 69181659(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7032-2.3-21 61890154(SUMITOMO住友号)65200180(MSSL)DJ7032-2.3-20 69180358(SUMITOMO住友号)62445061(MSSL)DJ7024-2.3-21 6189-0552(SUMITOMO住友号)62401081(MSSL)DJ7024-2.3-20 69181260(SUMITOMO住友号)62405081(MSSL)DJ7061-2.3-11 MG620153(KET) 62401101(MSSL)DJ7061-2.3-21 MG610152(KET) 13606005(DELPHI德尔福号) 62405101(MSSL)DJ7081-2.3-11 MG620053(KET)DJ7081-2.3-21 MG610054(KET) MG651050(KET)DJ7101-2.3-11 MG620055(KET) MG641059(KET) HYST10MW DJ7101-2.3-21 MG610056(KET) MG651056(KET) HYST10FW DJ7033-2.3-21 61890442(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7043-2.3-21 61950305(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7131-2.3-21 62405131(SUMITOMO住友号)HSR7022-2.3-11 96405886S(金亭号)DJ7081-2.2-11 MG641053-3DJ7081-2.2-21 MG651050-4DJ7102-2.2-11 MG641059-3DJ7102-2.2-21 MG651056-82.8系列DJ7033-2.8-21 15326614(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7063-2.8-21锁件15326905(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7081A-2.8-21 7.865.362(US)DJ7081A-2.8-21 8.078.121(US)DJ7021A-2.8-21 13519982(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7021A-2.8-11 13609010(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7031A-2.8-21 15458347(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7031A-2.8-11 15458349(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7024-2.8-21 15326679(DELPHI德尔福号)3系列DJ7021-3-21 610207-5(AMP安普号)DJ7032-3-21 7123-1933-30(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7032-3-20 7157-6830-20(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7022-3-21 15318080(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7022-3-20 12147502(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7044-3-21 4F0440-0000(TOKAT RIKA)DJ7112-3-21 321665507(武汉友德) 0-144521-4(AMP安普号)DJ7092-3-21 321665515(武汉友德) 0-144520-2(AMP安普号) DJ7052-3-21 321665556(武汉友德) 0-144518-1(AMP安普号)DJ7031-3-11 MG620210(KET)DJ7031-3-21 MG610209(KET)DJ7091-3-21 MG610154(KET)DJ7072-3-21 MG610203(KET)DJ7051-3-21 13607259(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7051-3-11 15458218(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7025-3-21 7283-1248(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7061-3-21 DJ7061-3-21(长春灯泡厂)DJ7251-3-11 827535-1(AMP安普号)3.5系列DJ7023-3.5-21 282189-1(AMP安普号)DJ7022-3.5-21 037 906 240GDJ7024-3.5-21 357 972 752DJ7024-3.5-11 357 972 762 929741-5(AMP安普号)DJ7031-3.5-21 443 906 233 828840-1(AMP安普号)DJ7031A-3.5-21 282246-1(AMP安普号)DJ7033-3.5-21 282191-1(AMP安普号)DJ7041K-3.5-21 144998-5(AMP安普号)DJ7043-3.5-21 282192-1(AMP安普号)DJ7551-3.5-21外壳282092-1(AMP安普号) 85214-1(AMP安普号)DJ7553-3.5-21外壳963534-1(AMP安普号) 1-85121-1(AMP安普号)DJ7042-3.5-21 1.928.403.736(BOSCH-4)DJ7082A-3.5-21 962189-1(AMP安普号)DJ7029-3.5-21 1-1355668-24.0系列DJ7021-4-25 15300014(DELPHI德尔福号)142680-4(AMP安普号)4.8系列DJ7041-4.8-11 7282-7041-30(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7041-4.8-21 10990(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7101-4.8-21 6098-0156(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7032-4.8-11 357 919 321DJ7032-4.8-21 1JO 919 3215.5系列DJ7032-5.5-21 321751042(武汉友德)989361039(molex)DJ7022-5.5-21 321750960(武汉友德)989361029(molex)/15364385(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7011-5.5-21 7.865.176(US)6系列DJ7023-6-21 MG610263(KET)DJ7012-6-11 7122-2810(YAZAKI矢崎号)174195-1(AMP安普号)DJ7012-6-21 7123-2810(YAZAKI矢崎号)172128-2(AMP安普号)DJ7022-6-11 7122-2820(YAZAKI矢崎号)172129-2(AMP安普号) HET02-1WDJ7022-6-21 / 172130-2(AMP安普号)DJ7034-6-11 7122-2830(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7031-6-21 7123-2830(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7042-6-21 7123-2840(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7042-6-11 7122-2840(YAZAKI矢崎号)HET04-1BDJ7062-6-21 7123-2860(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7063-6-21(7.865.214)(US)DJ7034-6-21 HET03-2W6.3系列DJ7033-6.3-21 1J0 906 233(大众号)DJ7025-6.3-21 MG640188-4(KET)DJ7025-6.3-20 MG630537-7(KET)DJ70225-6.3-21 10214DJ70226-6.3-21 MG610043(KET) 6070-2911(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7052-6.3-21 443 972 995DJ7067-6.3-21 8250-6PDJM7021-6.3-21 7123-9028(YAZAKI矢崎号)IJO 971.971 1JO 971.971(大众号)DJ7019-6.3-21 180984-1(AMP安普号)DJ7022-6.3-11 MG620042-5(KET)DJ7022-6.3-21 MG610043(KET) 174198-1(AMP安普号)DJ7042-6.3-21 MG610047(KET)DJ7011-6.3-21 MG610041(KET)171 959 999 13607755(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7068-6.3-21 MG610049(KET) 174204-1(AMP安普号)DJ7015-6.3-21 13609009(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7022-6.3-11 15458346(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7022-6.3-21 15458348(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ7056-6.3-21 65200714(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7018-6.3-21 161 971 990A(黑色) 161 971 990B(透明)DJ70112-6.3-11 HM01MW-MDJ70111-6.3-21 HET01-2WDJ70120-6.3-21 HM01FW-MDJ7026-6.3-11 DJ70217-6.3-11DJ7026-6.3-21 DJ70217-6.3-21DJ7032-6.3-11 DJ70310-6.3-11DJ7014-6.3-21 HET01-2UW6.5系列DJ7041-6.5-217.865.270(US)DJ7041-6.5-25 8.078.118(US)DJ7061-6.5-21 7.865.166(US)DJ7061-6.5-25 8.078.103(US)7.8系列DJ7022-7.8-11 MG620282(KET)DJ7022-7.8-21 MG610281(KET)8系列DJ7021-8-11 10838 6188-0096(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7021-8-21 10839 6189-0172(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7022A-8-11 321683518灰(武汉友德)1544459-2(AMP安普号)DJ7022C-8-11 321683500黑(武汉友德)1544459-1(AMP安普号)DJ7022B-8-11 321683526棕(武汉友德)1544459-3(AMP安普号)DJ7012-8-21 HP01FB/Z9.5系列DJ7021-9.5-11 7122-4129-90(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7021-9.5-10 7157-6420-80(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7021-9.5-21 7123-4123-30(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7021-9.5-20 7157-6421-80(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7014-9.5-21 7223-3616仪表系列 DJY7061-1 94509-5610(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJY7132-1 7225-2483-90(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJY7161-1 7225-2482(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJY7141-1 HMETER14P-FW复合系列 DJ7181-2/6-21 7123-1550-90(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7221-2/6-21 7123-1421(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7081-2.3/6-11 4G0880-0000(TOKAI RIKA)DJ7081-2.3/6-21 4F0860-0000(TOKAI RIKA)DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-1 368290-1(AMP安普号)DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-3 368333-1(AMP安普号)DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-4 368293-1(AMP安普号)DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-5 368294-1(AMP安普号)DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-6 368297-1(AMP安普号)DJ7171-1.2/2.2-21 6098-1998(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7181-1.2/2.2-21 6098-1164(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ7141-1.8/2.8-21 7.865.193(US)DJ7141-1.8/2.8-20 8.078.117(US)DJ7161-1.8/2.8-11 967376-2(AMP安普号) 202-376(LVS) DJ7161-2.3/6.3-21 368454-1(AMP安普号)DJ7181-2.3/6.3-21 368497-1(AMP安普号)DJ7201-2.3/6.3-21 368457-1(AMP安普号)DJ7241-2.2/4.8-21 7283-1248(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7241-2.2/4.8-11 7282-1248(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ7221-1/1.8-21 HLH26FWDJ7061-1.5/3.5-21DJ7081-1.8/3-21线卡系列 82711-87726 C82711-87726 3724202J1SXK-H2-7 3724285J1182711-87730 C82711-87729 3724503J1弹簧卡头3724400J81 68101073(MSSL)82711-87725 C2711-87728 82711-87728SXK-H1-7 3724273J1182711-87728 C82711-87725 3724501J182711-87723 C82711-87723 175031529(3724402J1)82711-87724 C82711-87724 3724201J182711-87726 68101072(MSSL)82711-87729 C82711-87730 3724501J2JZ-XK-05 7147-8749(YAZAKI矢崎号)JZ-XK-06 255-3510-0010JZ-XK-07 455-4455-0080JZ-XK-10 345484-1(AMP安普号) 301-484(LVS)JZ-XK-13 68102203(SUMITOMO住友号)Z-XK-16 KDW-13JZ-XK-17 M32483JZ-XK-18 1706703JZ-XK-19 DWJ-B25/8JZ-XK-20 DWJ-B25/9JZ-XK-21 HF0209JZ-XK-22 M23438JZ-XK-23 M32481JZ-XK-24 M32482JZ-XK-48 CDJCL-38JZ-XK-49 CDJCL9-42扎带系列扎带4×1501928401713JZ-ZD-02 68102553(MSSL)SXK-M1-7 68103289(MSSL)SXK-M8-7 68103550(MSSL)JZ-ZD-08 M32408继电器系列DJJ7033-6.3-21 DJ7032-6-21(7.865.110) DJJ7054-6.3-21 DJ7051-6-21(7.865.113)DJJ7053-6.3-21 35883-0501开关系列三路分电器盒1725003灯座系列 DJD031-1 SL-3P PH-2O443201密封堵系列MFD003-2 828905-1(AMP安普号)MG680448/680449/680450/680451(KET)MFD011-0 PE165726(DELPHI德尔福号)MFD006-4 828904-1(AMP安普号)MFD005-4 963293-1(AMP安普号)MFD001-8 963530-1(AMP安普号)MFD026-5 7165-0395(YAZAKI矢崎号)软护套系列DJ3011A-4-21 DJ221-2.5-25.5发动机系列DJF7031A-6.3-21 13608455(DELPHI德尔福号)杂件系列 1393449-1 1-1393449-1(AMP安普号)20070830 PE161160 13682772(DELPHI德尔福号)JB214 284352-1(AMP)此对照表供公司查询使用,解释和修改权属技术部今朝号其它号1 其它号20.6系列DJ621-0.6S-1 928999-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-0.6A-1 963715-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-0.6S/S 962885-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-0.6A/S 965906-1(AMP安普号)1系列DJ621-1A 730 517-3(KET) TVF-TYDJ624-1S 1123343-1(AMP安普号)1.2系列DJ6210-1.2A 173 716-1(安普号) 173 681-1(AMP安普号)DJ624-1.2A 1210 3881(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ625-1.2A 1204 8074(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ626-1.2A 1212 9484(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ629-1.2T 719002 8100-0544(矢崎)DJ629-D1.2T 7116-4231-02(YAZAKI矢崎号) 35421-6302(矢崎) 15383364(DELPHI德尔福号) T175265-1DJ627-1.2A 1212 4075(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ221-1.2A T42000-SDJ622-1.2A TCDRF-S1.5系列DJ623-E1.5A N 103 358 02(大众号)962 876-1(AMP 安普号)DJ611-1.5×0.8A282 109-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-F1.5B 7116-1305(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ612-1.5×0.8A1204 5773(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ624-1.5A 211CC2S1160P(宁波玉士)1.8系列DJ614-G1.8A 173 645-1(AMP安普号)DJ622-1.8A 7116-1486-02(YAZAKI矢崎号) ST730 497-3(KET)DJ624C-1.8A 282438-1(AMP安普号)DJ624C-1.8B 282 466-1(AMP安普号)DJ624B-1.8B 776 001-1(AMP安普号)DJ624-G1.8A 173 631-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-1.8A ST730495-3(KET)DJ611-1.8A ST740484-3(KET)DJ624-1.8A 282403-1(AMP安普号)2系列DJ623-2×0.6A171 662-1(AMP安普号) 184030-3(AMP安普号)DJ613-2×0.6A171 661-1(AMP安普号) 171631-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-G2×0.6S 730 365-3(KET)DJ621-G2×0.6A 730 366-3(KET) TYSTF-LDJ621A-G2×0.6A730 502-3(KET) 1500-0110(DELPHI德尔福号)2.2系列DJ621A-F2.2×0.6C 7116-4027(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ612-2.2×0.6A1500 0105(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ612-2.2×0.6C8230-4408(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ611-F2.2×0.6A7114-4021(YAZAKI矢崎号)8230-4492(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ621-F2.2×0.6S7116-4020(YAZAKI矢崎号)8240-4882(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ621-F2.2×0.6A7116-4021(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ621-F2.2×0.6B7116-4022(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ622-F2.2×0.6A ST730 676-3(KET)DJ611A-2.2×0.6A7114-4025(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ611A-2.2×0.6B7114-4026(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ621A-F2.2×0.6A 7116-4025(YAZAKI矢崎号)8100-0461(SUMITOMO住友号) PE165620(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ622A-2.2×0.6A8100-3808(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ625-2.2B 7116-1530(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ628-2.2S TNMWPF-S,GMWP-SDJ628-2.2A TNMWPF-0.3,GDWPDJ626-2.2B TMWP-FGMWPDJ627-2.2X0.6A 368084-1(AMP安普号)DJ627-2.2X0.6S 368085-1(AMP安普号)DJ624-2.2*0.6A TARF-S2.3系列DJ611-2.3×0.6S740 367-3(KET)DJ611-2.3×0.6B740 368-3(KET) 8230-4282(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ625A-2.3S 8240-4862(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ613-2.3×0.6A13517856(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ613-2.3×0.6B13519984(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ621-G2.3×0.6A15458363(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ621-G2.3×0.6B15458364(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ614-2.3×0.6A82304282(MSSL)DJ621-2.3B 82404422(MSSL)2.8系列DJ612-2.8×0.8A1530-4722(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ612-2.8×0.8B1530-4720(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ623-2.8×0.6B1530-4724(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ613-2.8×0.8A N904 886.02(大众号) 962880-2(AMP安普号)DJ623-E2.8×0.5B8240-4050(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ616-2.8×0.8A N904 886.01(大众号) 962883-2(AMP安普号)DJ616-2.8×0.8B N904 887 01(大众号) 962884-2(AMP安普号)LC968H.1.1-4 N103 190.02(大众号) 962841-1(AMP安普号)DJ614-2.8*0.8A 142754-1(AMP安普号)DJ611-2.8×0.5A15458340(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ621-E2.8×0.5A15458361(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ621-E2.8×0.5B82404050(MSSL)DJ625-2.8×0.8A1360 9538(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ625-2.8×0.8B1360 9539(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ625-A2.8×0.8B1360 9537(DELPHI德尔福号) 1813 01833系列DJ611-3×0.6B740 187-3(KET)13519981(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ611-3×0.6A15458316(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ621-F3×0.6A 730 383-3(KET)DJ621-F3×0.6B 730 186-3(KET)DJ6232-E3A 925590-1(AMP安普号)DJ613-3A 18002097(MSSL)3.5系列DJ623B-E3.5A-1 N 906 844 01(大众号)964284-2(AMP安普号)DJ623B-E3.5B-1 N 906 845 01(大众号)965999-2(AMP安普号)DJ611-3.5A 928 781-1(AMP安普号)DJ623-E3.5A/S 185 026-1(AMP安普号) N 906 844 02(大众号)DJ623-E3.5B/S 185 027-1(AMP安普号)DJ623-E3.5A/S镀金2-964 286-1(AMP安普号)DJ623C-E3.5S N906 843 01(大众号) 0-0964280-2(AMP安普号)DJ623C-E3.5S/S N906 843 02(大众号) 0-0964282-2(AMP安普号)DJ623C-E3.5C N906 845 01(大众号) 0-0965999-2(AMP安普号)DJ623C-E3.5C/S N906 845 02(大众号) 0-0964273-2(AMP安普号)4.8系列DJ624-4.8×0.8C ST730 646-3(KET)7116-4037(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ624-4.8×0.8B 7116-4036(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ613-4.8×0.8C ST740 633-3(KET) 7114-4037(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ622-4.8×0.8A1500-0177(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ622-D4.8B 54-0160430-7(AMP安普号)DJ615-4.8×0.8B962904-2(AMP安普号) N 904 890(大众号)DJ629-4.8X0.8C 6618811BSS(胡连)DJ629-4.8X0.8B 6618812BSS(胡连)DJ629-4.8X0.8A 6618813BSS(胡连)DJ617-4.8X0.8C 6618711BSS(胡连)DJ617-4.8X0.8B 6618712BSS(胡连)5.5系列DJ621-5.5B 7116 7150(YAZAKI矢崎号)6系列DJ6118-6.0B 7114-2631(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ6118-6.0A 7114-2630(YAZAKI矢崎号) TET2-SDJ626-6.0A 7116-2640(YAZAKI矢崎号) 1800-2094(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ626-6.0B 7116-2641(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ626-6.0C 7116-2642(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ626-D6B 170 032-1(AMP安普号)6.3系列DJ624-D6.3B N 017 852.04(大众号)927854-2(AMP安普号) 15458370(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ624-D6.3C 154 717-1(AMP安普号)DJ624- D6.3A NO17 851 3(大众号) 0-0927852-2(AMP安普号) 15458369(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ6218-E6.3A N907 326.01(大众号) 964324-1(AMP安普号) 15327893(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ6218-E6.3B 969042-1(AMP安普号)DJ6218-E6.3C N907 966.01(大众号) 964328-1(AMP安普号)DJ628-6.3B NO17 491 9(大众号)963887-2(AMP安普号)DJ6210-6.3B 170454-1(AMP安普号)DJ6211-6.3B 171632-1(AMP安普号)DJ6212-6.3A ST730468-1(KET)DJ6212-6.3B ST730469-1(KET)DJ621-C6.3A ST730411-3(KET)DJ621-F6.3A 730188-3(KET)DJ611-F6.3C 7114-2873-02(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ626-6.3B 170032-5(AMP安普号)DJ6232-E6.3A 927847-2(AMP安普号) N017 184 5(大众号) DJ612-6.3B NO17 461 5(大众号)0-0928962-3(AMP安普号)O124601 ST730267-1(KET) MT025-23200 TDSD-F-SO124602 ST730267-2(KET) MT025-23300O124603 ST730267-3(KET)DJ627-D6.3(0.5~1.0平方线) 160861-1(AMP安普号)DJ628A-6.3B N017 491 10(大众号) 963887-2(AMP安普号)DJ627-D6.3B NO17 465 1(大众号)2-0180464-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-B6.3D 15458359(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ621-B6.3C 15458324(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ623-E6.3B 15386523(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ621-E6.3B 82404140(MSSL)DJ621-F6.3B 82404010(MSSL) TET250FU-SDJ622-D6.3B 140760-4(AMP安普号)DJ621-A6.3A 160870-3(AMP安普号)DJ621-A6.3B 160824-6(AMP安普号)DJ6210-6.3S TET250M-SDJ629-6.3*0.8 N 907 327(大众号)7.0系列DJ622-7B 7116 2783(YAZAKI矢崎号)7.8系列DJ627-7.8×0.8D8100-0452(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ627-7.8×0.8E8100-2980(SUMITOMO住友号)8系列DJ611F-8D 8100-0507(SUMITOMO住友号)DJ611F-8E 8100-0508(SUMITOMO住友号)9.5系列DJ621-9.5 17116-3250(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ611-9.5 17114-3250(YAZAKI矢崎号)DJ623-9.5H 7116-3095-02圆柱形系列DJ221-1.8A 15401440(DELPHI德尔福号) 15356827(DELPHI德尔福号)DJ221-2S 353376-3(AMP安普号)DJ221-1S 1437284-9(AMP安普号)灯座系列 DJD035-2 SN860-99280ADJD036-2 SN860-99362A129801QR-P005-TR 42511仪表系列 DJY7161-2 15000601(DELPHI德尔福号) 8100-0960(SUMITOMO住友号)DJY7162-2 7125-1481(YAZAKI矢崎号)孔式接头 DJ471A-ZL6B ST710504-3(KET)DJ471A-ZL6C ST710505-3(KET)DJ471A-ZL6C ST710506-3(KET)DJ471A-ZR6C ST710507-3(KET)DJ471A-ZR8C ST710559-3(KET)1214 6365 1-13-3-062(上海金亭号)1533 5993 1-13-3-066(上海金亭号)Y6-2.5 13608457(DELPHI德尔福号)Y6-6 13609445(DELPHI德尔福号)Y106 81101060(MSSL)Y206 81102060(MSSL)Y306 81103060(MSSL)Y308 81103080(MSSL)DJ432-8G 1074 8236(DELPHI德尔福号)Y405 0296 2869(DELPHI德尔福号)保险端子系列24601-6.3A21B 8100-1236(SUMITOMO住友号)24601-6.3A21C 8240-4242(SUMITOMO住友号)继电器系列DJJ7042-4.8/6.3-21 PP0338401(南通号)杂件系列 20061201 I2670J1(上海特索号)20061202 311045(上海特索号)20061203 200003/200027(上海特索号)37QA-24153 7.752.112(US)12160242 1-13-3-065(国产号)15335993 1-13-3-066(国产号)15369332 1-13-3-067(国产号)15430901 1-13-3-068(国产号)12146365 1-13-3-062(国产号)15495906 1-13-5-005(国产号) 1-13-5W-002(国产号) 15495909 1-13-5W-001(国产号)DJ20070305 157017-00BP-WGT 1-18-5-041(上海金亭号)BP-CIT 1-18-5-042(上海金亭号)密封堵MFD027-8 1538 5785(DELPHI德尔福号)。









二、技术参数1. 工作电压:3.3V2. 工作温度:-40℃~85℃3. 输入端口:双通道模拟输入、SPDIF数字输入4. 输出端口:双通道模拟输出、I2S数字输出5. 稳定性:±0.1dB6. 信噪比:120dB7. 总谐波失真:-110dB以上是PL6517A的主要技术参数,从这些参数可以看出,PL6517A具有工作电压低、工作温度范围广、输出稳定性高、信噪比高等优秀的特点,非常适合于高要求的音频处理场景。

三、性能特点1. 高精度信号处理能力:PL6517A内置了先进的数字信号处理算法,能够对音频信号进行高精度的处理和解码,保证了音质的优异性能。

2. 低功耗设计:PL6517A采用了先进的低功耗设计,使得产品在高性能的能够保持较低的功耗水平,有利于节能环保。

3. 稳定可靠:PL6517A使用稳定可靠的硬件和软件设计,经过严格的测试和验证,可以确保产品在各种复杂环境下稳定运行。

四、应用领域PL6517A数字信号处理器适用于多种领域,主要包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 高端音响设备:PL6517A能够提供高品质的音频处理和解码功能,适用于高端家庭音响、专业音响设备等领域。



'---------[Program begins here.]----------------------------------------------PAUSE 3000 FOR i = 1 TO 5 Counter(LEFT) = 0 DO WHILE (Counter(LEFT) < 50) PULSOUT MotorL, 850 PULSOUT MotorR, 650 GOSUB Update PAUSE 20 LOOP PAUSE 500 Counter(RIGHT) = 0 DO WHILE (Counter(RIGHT) < 20) PULSOUT MotorR, 650 GOSUB Update PAUSE 20 LOOP PAUSE 500 NEXT END 'Time to remove finger from reset button... 'Initialize LEFT counter. 'Pulse the servos to go straight 'by 50 pulse edges (about 25"). 'Update the encoder counts. '20 ms pulse gap. 'Wait 1/2 second before turn. 'Initialize RIGHT counter. 'Pulse the RIGHT servo to turn a 40% circle. 'Update the encoder counts. '20 ms pulse gap. 'Wait 1/2 second before next side.
2 ea. #4-40 x 1/4" Panhead Machine Screw 2 ea. #4-40 Hex Nut 2 ea. 10K 1/4W Resistor



查询TEA5767HN供应商INTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETTEA5767HNLow-power FM stereo radio for handheld applicationsPreliminary specification2002Sep13handheld applicationsTEA5767HNCONTENTS1FEATURES2GENERAL DESCRIPTION3ORDERING INFORMATION4QUICK REFERENCE DATA5BLOCK DIAGRAM6PINNING7FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION7.1Low-noise RF amplifier7.2FM mixer7.3VCO7.4Crystal oscillator7.5PLL tuning system7.6RF AGC7.7IF filter7.8FM demodulator7.9Level voltage generator and analog-to-digitalconverter7.10IF counter7.11Soft mute7.12MPX decoder7.13Signal dependent mono to stereo blend7.14Signal dependent AF response7.15Software programmable ports7.16I2C-bus and 3-wire bus8I2C-BUS, 3-WIRE BUS ANDBUS-CONTROLLED FUNCTIONS8.1I2C-bus specification8.1.1Data transfer8.1.2Power-on reset8.2I2C-bus protocol8.33-wire bus specification8.3.1Data transfer8.3.2Power-on reset8.4Writing data8.5Reading data8.6Bus timing 9LIMITING VALUES10THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS11DC CHARACTERISTICS12AC CHARACTERISTICS13INTERNAL PIN CONFIGURATION14APPLICATION INFORMATION15PACKAGE OUTLINE16SOLDERING16.1Introduction to soldering surface mountpackages16.2Reflow soldering16.3Wave soldering16.4Manual soldering16.5Suitability of surface mount IC packages forwave and reflow soldering methods17DATA SHEET STATUS18DEFINITIONS19DISCLAIMERS20PURCHASE OF PHILIPS I2C COMPONENTShandheld applicationsTEA5767HN1FEATURES•High sensitivity due to integrated low-noise RF inputamplifier•FM mixer for conversion to IF of the US/Europe(87.5to108MHz) and Japanese (76to91MHz)FM band•Preset tuning to receive Japanese TV audio up to108MHz•RF Automatic Gain Control (AGC) circuit•LC tuner oscillator operating with low cost fixed chip inductors•FM IF selectivity performed internally•No external discriminator needed due to fully integrated FM demodulator•Crystal reference frequency oscillator; the oscillator operates with a 32.768kHz clock crystal or with a13MHz crystal and with an externally applied 6.5MHz reference frequency•PLL synthesizer tuning system•I2C-bus and 3-wire bus, selectable via pin BUSMODE •7-bit IF counter output via the bus•4-bit level information output via the bus•Soft mute•Signal dependent mono to stereo blend [Stereo Noise Cancelling (SNC)]•Signal dependent High Cut Control (HCC)•Soft mute, SNC and HCC can be switched off via the bus•Adjustment-free stereo decoder•Autonomous search tuning function•Standby mode•Two software programmable ports•Bus enable line to switch the bus input and output lines into 3-state mode•Automotive temperature range (at V CCA, V CC(VCO) and V CCD=5V).2GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TEA5767HN is a single-chip electronically tuned FM stereo radio for low-voltage application with fully integrated IF selectivity and demodulation. The radio is completely adjustment-free and only requires a minimum of small and low cost external components. The radio can be tuned tothe European, US and Japanese FM bands.3ORDERING INFORMATIONTYPE NUMBERPACKAGENAME DESCRIPTION VERSIONTEA5767HN HVQFN40plastic,heatsink very thin quadflat package;no leads;40terminals;body6×6×0.85mmSOT618-1handheld applicationsTEA5767HN4QUICK REFERENCE DATA V CCA =V CC(VCO)=V CCD .Note1.LOW side and HIGH side selectivity can be switched by changing the mixer from HIGH side to LOW side LO injection.SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.TYP .MAX.UNIT V CCA analog supply voltage 2.5 3.0 5.0V V CC(VCO)voltage controlled oscillator supply voltage 2.5 3.0 5.0V V CCD digital supply voltage 2.5 3.0 5.0V I CCA analog supply current operating; V CCA =3V 6.08.410.5mA standby mode; V CCA =3V−36µA I CC(VCO)voltage controlled oscillator supply current operating; V VCOTANK1=V VCOTANK2=3V 560750940µA standby mode; V VCOTANK1=V VCOT ANK2=3V −12µA I CCDdigital supply currentoperating; V CCD =3V 2.13.0 3.9mA standby mode; V CCD =3V bus enable line HIGH 305680µA bus enable line LOW111926µA f FM(ant)FM input frequency 76−108MHz T ambambient temperatureV CCA =V CC(VCO)=V CCD =2.5V −10−+75°C V CCA =V CC(VCO)=V CCD =5V−40−+85°C FM overall system parameters;see Fig.7V RFRF sensitivity input voltagef RF =76to 108MHz;∆f =22.5kHz;f mod =1kHz; (S+N)/N =26dB;de-emphasis =75µs; L =R;B AF =300Hz to 15kHz−23.5µVS −200LOW side 200kHz selectivity ∆f =−200kHz; f RF =76to 108MHz; note 13236−dB S +200HIGH side 200kHz selectivity∆f =+200kHz; f RF =76to 108MHz; note 13943−dB V AFL ; V AFR left and right audio frequency output voltage V RF =1mV; L =R;∆f =22.5kHz;f mod =1kHz; de-emphasis =75µs 607590mV (S+N)/Nmaximum signal plus noise-to-noise ratio V RF =1mV; L =R;∆f =22.5kHz;f mod =1kHz; de-emphasis =75µs;B AF =300Hz to 15kHz5460−dBαcs(stereo)stereo channel separationV RF =1mV; R =L =0 or R =0 and L =1including 9% pilot;∆f =75kHz; f mod =1kHz;data byte 3 bit 3=0; data byte 4 bit 1=12430−dBTHD total harmonic distortionV RF =1mV;L =R;∆f =75kHz;f mod =1kHz;de-emphasis =75µs−0.41%handheld applicationsTEA5767HNT h i s t e x t i s h e r e i n w h i t e t o f o r c e l a n d s c a p e p a g e s t o b e r o t a t e d c o r r e c t l y w h e n b r o w s i n g t h r o u g h t h e p d f i n t h e A c r o b a t r e a d e r .T h i s t e x t i s h e r e i n _w h i t e t o f o r c e l a n d s c a p e p a g e s t o b e r o t a t e d c o r r e c t l y w h e n b r o w s i n g t h r o u g h t h e p d f i n t h e A c r o b a t r e a d e r .T h i s t e x t i s h e r e i n T h i s t e x t i s h e r e i n w h i t e t o f o r c e l a n d s c a p e p a g e s t o b e r o t a t e d c o r r e c t l y w h e n b r o w s i n g t h r o u g h t h e p d f i n t h e A c r o b a t r e a d e r .w h i t e t o f o r c e l a n d s c a p e p a g e s t o b e ...5BLOCK DIAGRAMh a n d b o o k , f u l l p a g e w i d t hM H C 283I /Q -M I X E R 1s t F M I F C E N T R E F R E Q U E N C Y A D J U S T100 p F22 n FV C C A35323334292827262527 p F L 147 p F 22 µF36373839R F I 1I g a i n A G N D V C C AR F G N D R F I 2T A G C L O O P S W 23V C O T A N K 145C P O U T V C O T A N K 2V C C (V C O )6789D A T A V C C D D G N D C L O C K A G CF M a n t e n n a p r o g r a m m a b l e d i v i d e r o u t p u tr e f e r e n c e f r e q u e n c y d i v i d e r o u t p u tT U N I N G S Y S T E M4.7 n F47 n F 47 n F 33 n F 242322L I M D E C 2L I M D E C 1T I F C V r e f M P X O T M U T E V A F R V A F L19181716151413B U S E N A B L EW R I T E /R E A DS W P O R T 1S W P O R T 2X T A L 1X T A L 2P H A S E F I LP I L F I L11S D S 33 n F1 n F 22 n F22 n FC c o m p (1)C p u l l (1)32.768 k H z o r 13 M H z33 k Ω10 k Ω10 k Ω47 n F V C O 39 n F10 n F R 14.7 Ω100 k Ω10 k Ω47 ΩV C C (V C O )12 Ω22 n F D 1L 3D 2L 222 n FL E V E L A D C I F C O U N T E RL I M I T E RD E M O D U L A T O R I r e f R E S O N A N C E A M P L I F I E RS O F T W A R E P R O G R A M M A B L E P O R TM U XI 2C -B U SA N D 3-W I R EB U SV C C D G A I N S T A B I L I Z A T I O NP O W E R S U P P L YS O F T M U T E M P X D E C O D E RC R Y S T A LO S C I L L A T O RT E A 5767H NV C C A2N 11, 10, 20, 21,30, 31, 40n .c .12B U S M O D Ep i l o tm o n oF i g .1 B l o c k d i a g r a m .T h e c o m p o n e n t l i s t i s g i v e n i n C h a p t e r 14.(1)C c o m p a n d C p u l l d a t a d e p e n d s o n c r y s t a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n .TEA5767HN handheld applications6PINNINGSYMBOL PIN DESCRIPTIONn.c.1not connectedCPOUT2charge pump output of synthesizer PLLVCOTANK13voltage controlled oscillator tuned circuit output1VCOTANK24voltage controlled oscillator tuned circuit output2V CC(VCO)5voltage controlled oscillator supply voltageDGND6digital groundV CCD7digital supply voltageDA TA8bus data line input/outputCLOCK9bus clock line inputn.c.10not connectedWRITE/READ11write/read control input for the 3-wire busBUSMODE12bus mode select inputBUSENABLE13bus enable inputSWPORT114software programmable port1SWPORT215software programmable port2XTAL116crystal oscillator input1XTAL217crystal oscillator input2PHASEFIL18phase detector loop filterPILFIL19pilot detector low-pass filtern.c.20not connectedn.c.21not connectedV AFL22left audio frequency output voltageV AFR23right audio frequency output voltageTMUTE24time constant for soft muteMPXO25FM demodulator MPX signal outputV ref26reference voltageTIFC27time constant for IF centre adjustLIMDEC128decoupling IF limiter1LIMDEC229decoupling IF limiter2n.c.30not connectedn.c.31not connectedI gain32gain control current for IF filterAGND33analog groundV CCA34analog supply voltageRFI135RF input1RFGND36RF groundRFI237RF input2T AGC38time constant RF AGCLOOPSW39switch output of synthesizer PLL loop filtern.c.40not connectedhandheld applicationsTEA5767HNhandbook, full pagewidthB U S E N A B L EX T A L 2S W P O R T 2X T A L 1W R I T E /R E A DS W P O R T 1B U S M O D EP H A S E F I Ln .c .P I L F I LT A G C V C C A R F G N D R F I 1n .c .R F I 2L O O P S W A G N D n .c .I g a i n TEA5767HNMHC282V AFL TMUTE V ref LIMDEC1n.c.V AFR MPXO TIFC LIMDEC2n.c.n.c.n.c.21345687201614181917151312113136333234353738394091030282526292724232221CPOUTVCOTANK1VCOTANK2V CC(VCO)DGND V CCD DATA CLOCK Fig.2 Pin configuration (bottom view).7FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 7.1Low-noise RF amplifierThe LNA input impedance together with the LC RF input circuit defines an FM band filter. The gain of the LNA is controlled by the RF AGC circuit.7.2FM mixerThe FM quadrature mixer converts the FM RF (76to 108MHz) to an IF of 225kHz.7.3VCOThe varactor tuned LC VCO provides the Local Oscillator (LO) signal for the FM quadrature mixer. The VCO frequency range is 150to 217MHz.7.4Crystal oscillatorThe crystal oscillator can operate with a 32.768kHz clock crystal or a 13MHz crystal. The temperature drift ofstandard 32.768kHz clock crystals limits the operational temperature range from −10to +60°C.The PLL synthesizer can be clocked externally with a 32.768kHz,a 6.5MHz or a 13MHz signal via pin XTAL2.The crystal oscillator generates the reference frequency for:•The reference frequency divider for the synthesizer PLL •The timing for the IF counter•The free-running frequency adjustment of the stereo decoder VCO•The centre frequency adjustment of the IF filters.7.5PLL tuning systemThe PLL synthesizer tuning system is suitable to operate with a 32.768kHz or a 13MHz reference frequencygenerated by the crystal oscillator or applied to the IC from an external source. The synthesizer can also be clocked via pin XTAL2 at 6.5MHz. The PLL tuning system can perform an autonomous search tuning function.7.6RF AGCThe RF AGC prevents overloading and limits the amount of intermodulation products created by strong adjacent channels.handheld applicationsTEA5767HN7.7IF filterFully integrated IF filter.7.8FM demodulatorThe FM quadrature demodulator has an integrated resonator to perform the phase shift of the IF signal.7.9Level voltage generator and analog-to-digitalconverterThe FM IF analog level voltage is converted to4bits digital data and output via the bus.7.10IF counterThe IF counter outputs a 7-bit count result via the bus. 7.11Soft muteThe low-pass filtered level voltage drives the soft mute attenuator at low RF input levels. The soft mute function can be switched off via the bus.7.12MPX decoderThe PLL stereo decoder is adjustment-free. The stereo decoder can be switched to mono via the bus.7.13Signal dependent mono to stereo blendWith a decreasing RF input level the MPX decoder blends from stereo to mono to limit the output noise. The continuous mono to stereo blend can also be programmed via the bus to an RF level depending switched mono to stereo transition. Stereo Noise Cancelling (SNC) can be switched off via the bus.7.14Signal dependent AF responseThe audio bandwidth will be reduced with a decreasing RF input level. The function can be switched off via the bus.7.15Software programmable portsTwo software programmable ports(open-collector)can be addressed via the bus.The port1(pin SWPORT1)function can be changed with write data byte4 bit0 (see Table13). Pin SWPORT1 is then output for the ready flag of read byte1.7.16I2C-bus and 3-wire busThe3-wire bus operates with a maximum clock frequency of 1MHz.The I2C-bus operates with a maximum clock frequency of 400kHz.The I2C-bus mode is selected when pin BUSMODE is LOW,when pin BUSMODE is HIGH the3-wire bus mode is selected.8I2C-BUS, 3-WIRE BUS AND BUS-CONTROLLED FUNCTIONS8.1I2C-bus specificationInformation about the I2C-bus can be found in the brochure “The I2C-bus and how to use it” (order number 939839340011).The standard I2C-bus specification is expanded by the following definitions.IC address C0: 1100000.Structure of the I2C-bus logic: slave transceiver. Subaddresses are not used.The maximum LOW-level input and the minimumHIGH-level input are specified to 0.2V CCD and 0.45V CCD respectively.The pin BUSMODE must be connected to ground to operate the IC with the I2C-bus.Note:The bus operates at a maximum clock frequency of 400kHz. It is not allowed to connect the IC to a bus operating at a higher clock rate.8.1.1D A TA TRANSFERData sequence:address,byte1,byte2,byte3,byte4and byte5 (the data transfer has to be in this order). The LSB=0of the address indicates a WRITE operation to the TEA5767HN.Bit7of each byte is considered as the MSB and has to be transferred as the first bit of the byte.The data becomes valid bitwise at the appropriate falling edge of the clock. A STOP condition after any byte can shorten transmission times.When writing to the transceiver by using the STOP condition before completion of the whole transfer:•The remaining bytes will contain the old information •If the transfer of a byte is not completed,the new bits will be used, but a new tuning cycle will not be started.handheld applicationsTEA5767HNThe IC can be switched into a low current standby mode with the standby bit; the bus is then still active. Thestandby current can be reduced by deactivating the bus interface (pin BUSENABLE LOW). If the bus interface is deactivated (pin BUSENABLE LOW) without the standby mode being programmed, the IC maintains normal operation, but is isolated from the bus lines.The software programmable output (SWPORT1) can be programmed to operate as a tuning indicator output.As long as the IC has not completed a tuning action,pin SWPORT1 remains LOW. The pin becomes HIGH,when a preset or search tuning is completed or when a band limit is reached.The reference frequency divider of the synthesizer PLL is changed when the MSB in byte 5 is set to logic 1. The tuning system can then be clocked via pin XTAL2 at 6.5MHz.8.1.2P OWER -ON RESETAt Power-on reset the mute is set, all other bits are set to LOW. To initialize the IC all bytes have to be transferred.8.2I 2C-bus protocol Table 1Write modeNotes1.S =START condition.2.A =acknowledge.3.P =STOP condition.Table 2Read modeNotes1.S =START condition.2.A =acknowledge.Table 3IC address byteNote1.Read or write mode:a)0=write operation to the TEA5767HN b)1=read operation from the TEA5767HN.S (1)address (write)A (2)data byte(s)A (2)P (3)S (1)address (read)A (2)data byte 1IC ADDRESSMODE 11R/W (1)handheld applicationsTEA5767HN8.33-wire bus specificationThe3-wire bus controls the write/read,clock and data lines and operates at a maximum clock frequency of 1MHz. Hint:By using the standby bit the IC can be switched into a low current standby mode.In standby mode the IC must be in the WRITE mode.When the IC is switched to READ mode,during standby,the IC will hold the data line down. The standby current can be reduced by deactivating the bus interface(pin BUSENABLE LOW).If the bus interface is deactivated (pin BUSENABLE LOW) without the standby mode being programmed, the IC maintains normal operation, but is isolated from the clock and data line.8.3.1D A TA TRANSFERData sequence: byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4 and byte5 (the data transfer has to be in this order).A positive edge at pin WRITE/READ enables the data transfer into the IC. The data has to be stable at the positive edge of the clock. Data may change while the clock is LOW and is written into the IC on the positive edge of the clock. Data transfer can be stopped after the transmission of new tuning information with the first two bytes or after each following byte.A negative edge at pin WRITE/READ enables the data transfer from the IC.The WRITE/READ pin changes while the clock is LOW. With the negative edge atpin WRITE/READ the MSB of the first byte occurs atpin DATA.The bits are shifted on the negative clock edge to pin DATA and can be read on the positive edge.To do two consecutive read or write actions,pin WRITE/READ has to be toggled for at least one clock period. When a search tuning request is sent, the IC autonomously starts searching the FM band; the search direction and search stop level can be selected. When a station with a field-strength equal to or greater than the stop level is found,the tuning system stops and the ready flag bit is set to HIGH.When,during search,a band limit is reached,the tuning system stops at the band limit and the band limit flag bit is set to HIGH.The ready flag is also set to HIGH in this case.The software programmable output (SWPORT1) can be programmed to operate as a tuning indicator output.As long as the IC has not completed a tuning actionpin SWPORT1 remains LOW. The pin becomes HIGH, when a preset or search tuning is completed or when a band limit is reached.The reference frequency divider of the synthesizer PLL is changed when the MSB in byte5 is set to logic1. The tuning system can then be clocked via pin XTAL2 at6.5MHz.8.3.2P OWER-ON RESETAt Power-on reset the mute is set, all other bits are random.To initialize the IC all bytes have to be transferred.handheld applicationsTEA5767HN8.4Writing datahandbook, full pagewidthMHC25050%t su(clk)t su(write)valid datat W(write)50%50%50%WRITE/READ CLOCK DA T A t h(write)Fig.3 3-wire bus write data.Table 4Write modeTable 5Format of 1st data byteTable 6Description of 1st data byte bitsTable 7Format of 2nd data byteTable 8Description of 2nd data byte bitsDA T A BYTE 1DA T A BYTE 2DA TA BYTE 3DA TA BYTE 4DA T A BYTE 5BIT 7 (MSB)BIT 6BIT 5BIT 4BIT 3BIT 2BIT 1BIT 0 (LSB)MUTE SMPLL13PLL12PLL11PLL10PLL9PLL8BIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION7MUTE if MUTE =1 then L and R audio are muted; if MUTE =0 then L and R audio are not muted6SM Search Mode: if SM =1 then in search mode; if SM =0 then not in search mode 5to 0PLL[13:8]setting of synthesizer programmable counter for search or presetBIT 7 (MSB)BIT 6BIT 5BIT 4BIT 3BIT 2BIT 1BIT 0 (LSB)PLL7PLL6PLL5PLL4PLL3PLL2PLL1PLL0BIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION7to 0PLL[7:0]setting of synthesizer programmable counter for search or presethandheld applicationsTEA5767HNTable 9Format of 3rd data byteTable 10Description of 3rd data byte bitsTable 11Search stop level settingTable 12Format of 4th data byte Table 13Description of 4th data byte bitsBIT 7 (MSB)BIT 6BIT 5BIT 4BIT 3BIT 2BIT 1BIT 0 (LSB)SUDSSL1SSL0HLSIMSMLMRSWP1BIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION7SUD Search Up/Down: if SUD =1 then search up; if SUD =0 then search down6and 5SSL[1:0]Search Stop Level: see T able 114HLSI HIGH/LOW Side Injection: if HLSI =1 then HIGH side LO injection; if HLSI =0 then LOW side LO injection3MS Mono to Stereo: if MS =1 then forced mono; if MS =0 then stereo ON2ML Mute Left: if ML =1 then the left audio channel is muted and forced mono; if ML =0then the left audio channel is not muted1MR Mute Right:if MR =1then the right audio channel is muted and forced mono;if MR =0then the right audio channel is not mutedSWP1Software programmable port 1: if SWP1=1 then port 1 is HIGH; if SWP1=0 then port 1 is LOWSSL1SSL0SEARCH STOP LEVEL00not allowed in search mode 01low; level ADC output =510mid; level ADC output =711high; level ADC output =10BIT 7 (MSB)BIT 6BIT 5BIT 4BIT 3BIT 2BIT 1BIT 0 (LSB)SWP2STBYBLXTALSMUTEHCCSNCSIBIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION7SWP2Software programmable port 2: if SWP2=1 then port 2 is HIGH; if SWP2=0 then port 2 is LOW6STBY Standby: if STBY =1 then in standby mode; if STBY =0 then not in standby mode 5BL Band Limits: if BL =1 then Japanese FM band; if BL =0 then US/Europe FM band 4XTAL if XT AL =1 then f xtal =32.768kHz; if XTAL =0 then f xtal =13MHz3SMUTE Soft MUTE: if SMUTE =1 then soft mute is ON; if SMUTE =0 then soft mute is OFF 2HCC High Cut Control: if HCC =1 then high cut control is ON; if HCC =0 then high cut control is OFF1SNC Stereo Noise Cancelling: if SNC =1 then stereo noise cancelling is ON; if SNC =0then stereo noise cancelling is OFFSISearch Indicator:if SI =1then pin SWPORT1is output for the ready flag;if SI =0then pin SWPORT1 is software programmable port 1handheld applicationsTEA5767HNTable 14Format of 5th data byte Table 15Description of 5th data byte bits8.5Reading dataBIT 7 (MSB)BIT 6BIT 5BIT 4BIT 3BIT 2BIT 1BIT 0 (LSB)PLLREFDTC−−−−−−BIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION7PLLREF if PLLREF =1 then the 6.5MHz reference frequency for the PLL is enabled;if PLLREF =0 then the 6.5MHz reference frequency for the PLL is disabled 6DTC if DTC =1 then the de-emphasis time constant is 75µs; if DTC =0 then the de-emphasis time constant is 50µs 5to 0−not used; position is don’t carehandbook, full pagewidthMHC24950%t h(out)t LOWt su(clk)t W(read)50%50%50%WRITE/READ CLOCK DATA 50%t d(out)t HIGHFig.4 3-wire bus read data.handheld applicationsTEA5767HNTable 16Read modeTable 17Format of 1st data byte Table 18Description of 1st data byte bitsTable 19Format of 2nd data byte Table 20Description of 2nd data byte bitsTable 21Format of 3rd data byte Table 22Description of 3rd data byte bitsTable 23Format of 4th data byte Table 24Description of 4th data byte bitsDA T A BYTE 1DA T A BYTE 2DA TA BYTE 3DA TA BYTE 4DA T A BYTE 5BIT 7 (MSB)BIT 6BIT 5BIT 4BIT 3BIT 2BIT 1BIT 0 (LSB)RFBLFPLL13PLL12PLL11PLL10PLL9PLL8BIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION7RF Ready Flag: if RF =1 then a station has been found or the band limit has been reached; if RF =0 then no station has been found6BLF Band Limit Flag: if BLF =1 then the band limit has been reached; if BLF =0 then the band limit has not been reached5to 0PLL[13:8]setting of synthesizer programmable counter after search or presetBIT 7 (MSB)BIT 6BIT 5BIT 4BIT 3BIT 2BIT 1BIT 0 (LSB)PLL7PLL6PLL5PLL4PLL3PLL2PLL1PLL0BIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION7to 0PLL[7:0]setting of synthesizer programmable counter after search or presetBIT 7 (MSB)BIT 6BIT 5BIT 4BIT 3BIT 2BIT 1BIT 0 (LSB)STEREOIF6IF5IF4IF3IF2IF1IF0BIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION7STEREO Stereo indication: if STEREO =1 then stereo reception; if STEREO =0 then mono reception 6to 0PLL[13:8]IF counter resultBIT 7 (MSB)BIT 6BIT 5BIT 4BIT 3BIT 2BIT 1BIT 0 (LSB)LEV3LEV2LEV1LEV0CI3CI2CI1BIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION7to 4LEV[3:0]level ADC output3to 1CI[3:1]Chip Identification: these bits have to be set to logic 00−this bit is internally set to logic 0handheld applicationsTEA5767HNTable 25Format of 5th data byte Table 26Description of 5th data byte bits8.6Bus timingTable 27Digital levels and timing BIT 7 (MSB)BIT 6BIT 5BIT 4BIT 3BIT 2BIT 1BIT 0 (LSB)BIT SYMBOLDESCRIPTION7to 0−reserved for future extensions; these bits are internally set to logic 0SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.MAX.UNITDigital inputs V IH HIGH-level input voltage 0.45V CCD −V V IL LOW-level input voltage −0.2V CCD V Digital outputsI sink(L)LOW-level sink current 500−µA V OL LOW-level output voltageI OL =500µA−450mVTiming f clk clock input frequency I 2C-bus enabled −400kHz 3-wire bus enabled −1MHz t HIGH clock HIGH time I 2C-bus enabled 1−µs 3-wire bus enabled 300−ns t LOW clock LOW timeI 2C-bus enabled 1−µs 3-wire bus enabled 300−ns t W(write)pulse width for write enable 3-wire bus enabled 1−µs t W(read)pulse width for read enable 3-wire bus enabled 1−µs t su(clk)clock set-up time3-wire bus enabled 300−ns t h(out)read mode data output hold time 3-wire bus enabled10−ns t d(out)read mode output delay time 3-wire bus enabled −100ns t su(write)write mode set-up time 3-wire bus enabled 100−ns t h(write)write mode hold time3-wire bus enabled100−nshandheld applicationsTEA5767HN9LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Notes1.Machine model (R =0Ω, C =200pF).2.Human body model (R =1.5k Ω, C =100pF).10THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSSYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.MAX.UNITV VCOTANK1VCO tuned circuit output voltage 1−0.3+8V V VCOTANK2VCO tuned circuit output voltage 2−0.3+8V V CCD digital supply voltage −0.3+5V V CCA analog supply voltage −0.3+8VT stg storage temperature −55+150°C T amb ambient temperature −40+85°C V eselectrostatic handling voltage for all pins except pin DATA note 1−200+200V note 2−2000+2000V for pin DATAnote 1−150+200V note 2−2000+2000VSYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSVALUE UNIT R th(j-a)thermal resistance from junction to ambient in free air29K/Whandheld applicationsTEA5767HN11DC CHARACTERISTICSV CCA=V VCOT ANK1=V VCOTANK2=V CCD=2.7V; T amb=25°C; unless otherwise specified.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Supply voltagesV CCA analog supply voltage 2.5 3.0 5.0VV CC(VCO)voltage controlledoscillator supply voltage2.53.0 5.0VV CCD digital supply voltage 2.5 3.0 5.0V Supply currentsI CCA analog supply current operatingV CCA=3V 6.08.410.5mAV CCA=5V 6.28.610.7mAstandby modeV CCA=3V−36µAV CCA=5V− 3.2 6.2µAI CC(VCO)voltage controlledoscillator supply current operatingV VCOTANK1=V VCOTANK2=3V560750940µA V VCOTANK1=V VCOTANK2=5V570760950µA standby modeV VCOTANK1=V VCOTANK2=3V−12µA V VCOTANK1=V VCOTANK2=5V− 1.2 2.2µAI CCD digital supply current operatingV CCD=3V 2.1 3.0 3.9mAV CCD=5V 2.25 3.15 4.05mAstandby mode; V CCD=3Vbus enable line HIGH305680µAbus enable line LOW111926µAstandby mode; V CCD=5Vbus enable line HIGH5078105µAbus enable line LOW203345µA。

keithley 6517 中文手册

keithley 6517 中文手册

!"#$%&'()*+,-./0 !"#$%&'()* !"#$%&'()*+,-./ !"#$%&'()*+,#-. ! !" #$%&'()*+ !"#$% !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 !"#$%&'()*+ !"#$%&'()*+,- !. !"#$%&'%( !"#$%&' !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 !"#$%&'( ! !"#$% !"#$%&'()* !"#$%&'( ! !"#$%&'()*+,-./01 ! !"#$%&'()*+ 1000V !"#$ !"#!$%& !" !"#$%&'()* !"#$%&' !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678'9:; !"#$%&' !"#$%&'()* !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456'789 !"#$%&'( !"#$%&'()*+, !"#$% !"#$%&'()!*+ !"#$%&' !"#$%&' !"#$% !"#$%&'( Keithley !"#$%&' !"#$%&'()*+,%-./0 ! !"#$%&'()*+,-./01 !"#$%&'()*+, !"#$ Keithley !"#$%&'()* + !"#$%&'()*+,-. Keithley !"#$% !"#$%&' !"#$%&'()*+, !"#$%&' !" !"#$% !"# $#%&' !"#$%&'()*+,-./ ! !"#$%&'( ) !"#$%&'()*+ !"#$%&'()*+,!"#$%&'()*+, /



31 1/2
32 1/2
后身长 从后中领
46 胸围 夹下1"
15 1/2
16 1/2
பைடு நூலகம்41
44 腰围
下摆开口 沿卷边缘拉量
1 1/2
1 1/2
Version 1
+ Tol - Tol Grade

EN6337QI中文资料(Enpirion)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

EN6337QI中文资料(Enpirion)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
2.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 6.6V 0A ≤ ILOAD ≤ 3A, T A = -40至85°C
逻辑高门槛,当V 达到其最终值. C
SS = 15 nF
PWM模式 LLM模式(注2) VIN = 5V, V OUT = 1.2V ENABLE引脚逻辑低.
2.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 6.6V
自由运行频率 振荡器
外部同步时钟 频率锁定范围
SYNC输入阈值 低(LLM / SYNC引脚) SYNC输入阈值 高(LLM / SYNC引脚) (注3)
图 1:整体解决方案足迹 PWM模式
(未按比例) ,总面产品
75 mm 2
纹波敏感应用 拍频率敏感应用
图 2:典型应用电路图( PWM模式)
EN6337QI EN6337QI3 EN6337QI-E
V IN = 5V, ILOAD = 0, T A = 25°C











二、特征1.集成低噪声RF输入放大器,灵敏度高2.用于转换为美国/欧洲(87.5MHz至108MHz)和日本(76MHz至91MHz)FM频段的IF的FM调音台3.预设调谐以接收高达108MHz的日本电视音频4.RF自动增益控制(AGC)电路5.LC调谐器振荡器采用低成本固定芯片电感器工作6.内部执行FM IF选择性7.由于完全集成的FM解调器,无需外部鉴别器8.晶体参考频率振荡器;振荡器以32.768kHz时钟工作9.晶体或13MHz晶体,外部施加6.5MHz参考频率10.PLL合成器调谐系统11.I2C总线和3线总线,可通过引脚BUSMODE选择12.通过总线输出7位IF计数器13.通过总线输出4位信息14.柔软的静音15.信号相关的单声道到立体声混合[立体声降噪(SNC)16.信号相关高切控制(HCC)17.可以通过总线关闭软静音,SNC和HCC18.免调整立体声解码器19.自主搜索调整功能20.待机模式21.两个软件可编程端口22.总线使能线将总线输入和输出线路切换为3态模式三、快速参考数据表1.快速参考数据V CCA=V CC(VCO)=V CCD;AC值以RMS给出;对于V RF,给出了EMF值;除非另有规定。



1N系列常用整流二极管的主要参数正向不重反向工作额定正向正向反向工作复浪涌峰外形峰值电压整流电流压降电流频率型号值电流封装URM/V IF/A IFSM/A UF/V IR/uA f/KHZ 1N4000 251N4001 501N4002 1001N4003 200 1 30 ?1 ,5 3 DO-41 1N4004 4001N4005 6001N4006 8001N4007 10001N5100 501N5101 1001N5102 2001N5103 3001N5104 400 1(5 75 ?1 ,5 3 1N5105 5001N5106 6001N5107 8001N5108 1000 DO-15 1N5200 501N5201 1001N5202 2001N5203 3001N5204 400 2 100 ?1 ,10 3 1N5205 5001N5206 6001N5207 8001N5208 10001N5400 501N5401 1001N5402 2001N5403 3001N5404 400 3 150 ?0.8 ,10 3 DO-271N5405 5001N5406 6001N5407 8001N5408 1000常用二极管参数:05Z6.2Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=6~6.35V,Pzm=500mW,05Z7.5Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=7.34~7.70V,Pzm=500mW, 05Z13X 硅稳压二极管Vz=12.4~13.1V,Pzm=500mW,05Z15Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=14.4~15.15V,Pzm=500mW,05Z18Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=17.55~18.45V,Pzm=500mW,稳压二极管参数大全常用稳压二极管参数代换型号稳定电压(V) 最大功电流型号国产稳压管日立稳耗(mW) (mA) 压管最小值最大值新型号旧型号 HZ4B2 500 3.8 4.0 5 2CW102 2CW21 4B2 HZ4C1 500 4.0 4.2 5 2CW102 2CW21 4C1HZ6 500 5.5 5.8 5 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1HZ6A 500 5.2 5.7 5 2CW103 2CW21A HZ6C3 500 6 6.4 5 2CW104 2CW21B 6C3 HZ7 500 6.9 7.2 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ7A 500 6.3 6.9 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ7B 500 6.7 7.3 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ9A 500 7.7 8.5 5 2CW106 2CW21D HZ9CTA 500 8.9 9.7 5 2CW107 2CW21E HZ11 500 9.5 11.9 5 2CW109 2CW21GHZ12 500 11.6 14.3 5 2CW111 2CW21H HZ12B 500 12.4 13.4 5 2CW1112CW21H HZ12B2 500 12.6 13.1 5 2CW111 2CW21H 12B2 HZ18Y 500 16.5 18.5 52CW113 2CW21J HZ20-1 500 18.86 19.44 2 2CW114 2CW21KHZ27 500 27.2 28.6 2 2CW117 2CW21L 27-3 HZT33-02 400 31 33.5 52CW119 2CW21M RD2.0E(B) 500 1.88 2.12 20 2CW100 2CW21P 2B1 RD2.7E 400 2.5 2.93 20 2CW101 2CW21S RD3.9EL1 500 3.7 4 20 2CW102 2CW21 4B2RD5.6EN1 500 5.2 5.5 20 2CW103 2CW21A 6A1 RD5.6EN3 500 5.6 5.9 20 2CW104 2CW21B 6B2 RD5.6EL2 500 5.5 5.7 20 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1 RD6.2E(B) 500 5.88 6.6 20 2CW104 2CW21B RD7.5E(B) 500 7.0 7.9 20 2CW105 2CW21C RD10EN3 500 9.7 10.0 20 2CW108 2CW21F 11A2 RD11E(B) 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21G RD12E 500 11.74 12.35 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A1 RD12F 1000 11.19 11.77 202CW109 2CW21GRD13EN1 500 12 12.7 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 RD15EL2 500 13.8 14.6 152CW112 2CW21J 12C3 RD24E 400 22 25 10 2CW116 2CW21H 24-1 RD24F 400 24 28 10 2CW117 2CW21L RD36EL1 500 32 34 15 2CW119 2CW21M 33-2 RD57E 500 48 54 10 1DS55-18 05Z5.1Y 500 4.94 5.20 2CW103 2CW21A 5C2 05Z5.6Z 500 5.615.91 2CW104 2CW21B 6B2 05Z6.2Y 500 5.96 6.27 41 2CW104 2CW21B 6C205Z7.5Y 500 7.07 7.45 34 2CW105 2CW21C 05Z7.5Z 500 7.3 7.7 34 2CW1052CW21C 7C2 05Z9.1Y 500 8.9 9.3 30 2CW107 2CW21E 9C1 05Z12 500 11.1312.35 21 2CW110 2CW21H 05Z12Z 500 12.0 12.6 20 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 05Z13X500 12.11 12.75 19 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 05Z13Z 500 13.5 14.1 18 2CW1112CW21H 12C2 05Z13Y 500 12.55 13.21 19 2CW111 2CW21H 12B2 05Z15 500 14.4 15.0 17 2CW112 2CW21J 15-2 05Z15Y 500 13.89 14.62 17 2CW111 2CW21H 12C3 05Z18 500 16.5 18.5 14 2CW113 2CW21J 05Z18Y 500 16.82 17.70 14 2CW1132CW21J 18-1 EQA01-11B 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21G EQA01-12Z 500 11.2 13.1 15 2CW110 2CW21H EQA02-07B 400 6.66 7.01 20 2CW105 2CW21C 7A3EQA02-25A 500 24 25.5 2CW116 2CW21L 24-3 TVSQA106SB 500 5.88 6.6 202CW104 2CW21B TVSQA111SB 500 10.4 11.6 10 2CW109 2CW21G TVSQA111SE 500 11 11.5 10 2CW109 2CW21G 11C2 MA1130 1000 12.4 14.1 5 2CW111 2CW21HMA1330 500 31 35 25 2CW120 2CW21N M4030 500 2.9 3 5 2CW101 2CW21SuPC574JAG 200 31 35 25 2CW120 2CW21NRIMV 135 160 ZDW59快恢复二极管参数型号品牌电流电压时间极性 IN5817 GJ 1A 20V 10ns IN5819 GJ 1A 40V 10ns IN5819 MOT 1A 40V 10ns IN5822 MOT 3A 40V 10ns 21D-06 FUI 3A 60V10ns SBR360 GI 3A 60V 10ns C81-004 FUI 3A 40V 10ns 8TQ080 IR 8A 80V 10ns 单管 MBR1045 MOT 10A 45V 10ns 单管 MBR1545CT MOT 15A 45V 10ns 双管MBR1654 MOT 16A 45V 10ns 双管 16CTQ100 IR 16A 100V 10ns 双管 MBR2035CT MOT 20A 35V 10ns 双管 MBR2045CT MOT 20A 45V 10ns 双管 MBR2060CT MOT 20A 60V 10ns 双管 MBR20100CT IR 20A 100V 10ns 双管 025CTQ045 IR 25A 45V 10ns 双管 30CTQ045 IR 30A 45V 10ns 双管 C85-009* FUI 20A 90V 10ns 双管 D83-004* FUI 30A 40V 10ns 双管 D83-009* FUI 30A 90V 10ns 双管 MBR4060* IR40A 60V 10ns 双管 MBR30045 MOT 300A 45V 10ns MUR120 MOT 1A 200V 35ns MUR160 MOT 1A 600V 35ns MUR180 MOT 1A 800V 35ns MUR460 MOT 4A 600V 35nsBYV95 PHI 1.5A 1000V 250ns BYV27-50 PHI 2A 55V 25ns BYV927-100 PHI 2A 100V 25ns BYV927-300 PHI 2A 300V 25ns BYW76 PHI 3A 1000V 200ns BYT56G PHI 3A 600V 100ns BYT56M PHI 3A 1000V 100ns BYV26C PHI 1A 600V 30ns BYV26E PHI 1A 1000V 30ns FR607 GI 6A 1000V 200ns MUR8100 MOT 8A 1000V 35ns 单管HFA15TB60 IR 15A 600V 35ns 单管HFA25TB60 IR 25A 600V 35ns 单管MUR30100 HAR 30A 1000V 35ns 单管MUR30120 HAR 30A 1200V 35ns 单管MUR1620 PHI 16A 200V 35ns 双管MUR1620CT MOT 16A 200V 35ns 双管MUR1620P MOT 16A 200V 35ns 双管MUR1660CT MOT 16A 600V 35ns 双管HFA16TA600 IR 16A 600V 35ns 双管MUR3030 GI 30A 300V 35ns 双管MUR3040 MOT 30A 400V 35ns 双管MUR3060 MOT 30A 600V 35ns 双管HFA30TA600 IR 30A 600V 35ns 双管MUR20040 MOT 200A 400V 35ns 双管B92M-02 FUI 20A 200V 35ns 单管C92-02 FUI 20A 200V 35ns 双管D92M-02 FUI 30A 200V 35ns 双管D92M-03 FUI 30A 300V 35ns 双管DSE130-06 DSET 30A 600V 35ns 双管DSE160-06 DSET 60A 600V 35ns 双管稳压二极管常见稳压二极管的详细参数数据表代换型号稳定电压(V) 最大功耗电流型号国产稳压管日立稳压(mW) (mA) 管最小值最大值新型号旧型号 HZ4B2 500 3.8 4.0 5 2CW102 2CW21 4B2HZ4C1 500 4.0 4.2 5 2CW102 2CW21 4C1 HZ6 500 5.5 5.8 5 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1 HZ6A 500 5.2 5.7 5 2CW103 2CW21A HZ6C3 500 6 6.4 5 2CW104 2CW21B 6C3 HZ7 500 6.9 7.2 5 2CW105 2CW21C HZ7A 500 6.3 6.9 5 2CW105 2CW21C HZ7B 5006.77.3 5 2CW105 2CW21C HZ9A 500 7.78.5 5 2CW106 2CW21D HZ9CTA 500 8.99.7 5 2CW107 2CW21E HZ11 500 9.5 11.9 5 2CW109 2CW21G HZ12 500 11.6 14.3 5 2CW111 2CW21H HZ12B 500 12.4 13.4 5 2CW111 2CW21HHZ12B2 500 12.6 13.1 5 2CW111 2CW21H 12B2 HZ18Y 500 16.5 18.5 52CW113 2CW21J HZ20-1 500 18.86 19.44 2 2CW114 2CW21K HZ27 500 27.2 28.62 2CW117 2CW21L 27-3 HZT33-02 400 31 33.5 5 2CW119 2CW21M RD2.0E(B) 500 1.88 2.12 20 2CW100 2CW21P 2B1 RD2.7E 400 2.5 2.93 20 2CW101 2CW21SRD3.9EL1 500 3.7 4 20 2CW102 2CW21 4B2 RD5.6EN1 500 5.2 5.5 20 2CW1032CW21A 6A1 RD5.6EN3 500 5.6 5.9 20 2CW104 2CW21B 6B2 RD5.6EL2 500 5.55.7 20 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1 RD6.2E(B) 500 5.88 6.6 20 2CW104 2CW21BRD7.5E(B) 500 7.0 7.9 20 2CW105 2CW21C RD10EN3 500 9.7 10.0 20 2CW1082CW21F 11A2 RD11E(B) 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21G RD12E 500 11.7412.35 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A1 RD12F 1000 11.19 11.77 20 2CW109 2CW21GRD13EN1 500 12 12.7 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 RD15EL2 500 13.8 14.6 152CW112 2CW21J 12C3 RD24E 400 22 25 10 2CW116 2CW21H 24-1 RD24F 400 24 28 10 2CW117 2CW21L RD36EL1 500 32 34 15 2CW119 2CW21M 33-2 RD57E 500 48 5410 1DS55-18 05Z5.1Y 500 4.94 5.20 2CW103 2CW21A 5C2 05Z5.6Z 500 5.615.91 2CW104 2CW21B 6B2 05Z6.2Y 500 5.96 6.27 41 2CW104 2CW21B 6C205Z7.5Y 500 7.07 7.45 34 2CW105 2CW21C 05Z7.5Z 500 7.3 7.7 34 2CW1052CW21C 7C2 05Z9.1Y 500 8.9 9.3 30 2CW107 2CW21E 9C1 05Z12 500 11.1312.35 21 2CW110 2CW21H 05Z12Z 500 12.0 12.6 20 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 05Z13X 500 12.11 12.75 19 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 05Z13Z 500 13.5 14.1 18 2CW1112CW21H 12C2 05Z13Y 500 12.55 13.21 19 2CW111 2CW21H 12B2 05Z15 500 14.4 15.0 17 2CW112 2CW21J 15-2 05Z15Y 500 13.89 14.62 17 2CW111 2CW21H 12C3 05Z18 500 16.5 18.5 14 2CW113 2CW21J 05Z18Y 500 16.82 17.70 14 2CW1132CW21J 18-1 EQA01-11B 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21G EQA01-12Z 500 11.2 13.1 15 2CW110 2CW21HEQA02-07B 400 6.66 7.01 20 2CW105 2CW21C 7A3 EQA02-25A 500 24 25.52CW116 2CW21L 24-3 TVSQA106SB 500 5.88 6.6 20 2CW104 2CW21B TVSQA111SB 500 10.4 11.6 10 2CW109 2CW21G TVSQA111SE 500 11 11.5 10 2CW109 2CW21G 11C2 MA1130 1000 12.4 14.1 5 2CW111 2CW21H MA1330 500 31 35 25 2CW1202CW21N M4030 500 2.9 3 5 2CW101 2CW21S uPC574JAG 200 31 35 25 2CW1202CW21NRIMV 135 160 ZDW59最大耗散功最大工作型号额定电压(V) 可代换型号率(W) 电流(mA)1N708 0.25 5.6 40 BWA54、2CW28-5.6V 1N709 0.25 6.2 40 2CW55/B、BWA55/E 1N710 0.25 6.8 36 2CW55A、2CW105-6.8V2CW56A、2CW28-7.5V、1N711 0.25 7.5 30 2CW106-7.5V 1N712 0.25 8.2 30 2CW57/B、2CW106-8.2V 1N713 0.25 9.1 27 2CW58A/B、2CW74 1N714 0.25 10 25 2CW18、2CW59/A/B 1N715 0.25 11 20 2CW76、2DW12F.BS31-12 1N716 0.25 12 202CW61/A、2CW77/A 1N717 0.25 13 18 2CW62/A、2DW12G 1N718 0.25 15 162CW112-15V、2CW78/A 1N719 0.25 16 15 2CW63/A/B、2DW12H 1N720 0.25 18 13 2CW20B、2CW64/B、2CW64-18 1N721 0.25 20 12 2CW65-20、2DW12I、BWA65 1N722 0.25 22 11 2CW20C、2DW12J 1N723 0.25 24 10 WCW116、2DW13A 1N724 0.25 27 9 2CW20D、2CW68、BWA68/D 1N725 0.40 30 13 2CW119-30V 1N726 0.40 33 122CW120-33V 1N727 0.40 36 11 2CW120-36V 1N728 0.40 39 10 2CW121-39V 1N748 0.50 3.8,4.0 125 HZ4B21N752 0.50 5.2,5.7 80 HZ6A1N753 0.50 5.8,6.1 80 2CW1321N754 0.5 6.3,6.8 70 H27A1N755 0.50 7.1,7.3 65 HZ7.5EB1N757 0.50 8.9,9.3 52 HZ9C1N962 0.50 9.5,11 45 2CW137 1N963 0.50 11,11.5 40 2CW138、HZ12A-21N964 0.50 12,12.5 40 HZ12C-2、MA1130TA 1N969 0.50 21,22.5 20 RD245B1N4240A 1 10 100 2CW108-10V、2CW109、2DW5 1N4724A 1 12 76 2DW6A、2CW110-12V 1N4728 1 3.3 270 2CW101-3V3 1N4729 1 3.6 252 2CW101-3V6 1N4729A 1 3.6 252 2CW101-3V6 1N4730A 1 3.9 234 2CW102-3V9 1N4731 1 4.3 217 2CW102-4V3 1N4731A 1 4.3 217 2CW102-4V3 1N4732/A 1 4.7 193 2CW102-4V7 1N4733/A 1 5.1 179 2CW103-5V1 1N4734/A 1 5.6 162 2CW103-5V6 1N4735/A 1 6.2 1461W6V2、2CW104-6V2 1N4736/A 1 6.8 138 1W6V8、2CW104-6V8 1N4737/A 1 7.5 121 1W7V5、2CW105-7V5 1N4738/A 1 8.2 110 1W8V2、2CW106-8V2 1N4739/A 1 9.1 100 1W9V1、2CW107-9V1 1N4740/A 1 10 91 2CW286-10V、B563-10 1N4741/A 1 11 83 2CW109-11V、2DW6 1N4742/A 1 12 76 2CW110-12V、2DW6A 1N4743/A 1 13 69 2CW111-13V、2DW6B、BWC114D 1N4744/A 1 15 57 2CW112-15V、2DW6D1N4745/A 1 16 51 2CW112-16V、2DW6E 1N4746/A 1 18 50 2CW113-18V、1W18V1N4747/A 1 20 45 2CW114-20V、BWC115E 1N4748/A 1 22 41 2CW115-22V、1W22V 1N4749/A 1 24 38 2CW116-24V、1W24V 1N4750/A 1 27 34 2CW117-27V、1W27V1N4751/A 1 30 30 2CW118-30V、1W30V、2DW19F 1N4752/A 1 33 27 2CW119-33V、1W33V 1N4753 0.5 36 13 2CW120-36V、1/2W36V 1N4754 0.5 39 12 2CW121-39V、1/2W39V 1N4755 0.5 43 12 2CW122-43V、1/2W43V 1N4756 0.5 47 10 2CW122-47V、1/2W47V 1N4757 0.5 51 9 2CW123-51V、1/2W51V 1N4758 0.5 56 8 2CW124-56V、1/2W56V 1N4759 0.5 62 8 2CW124-62V、1/2W62V1N4760 0.5 68 7 2CW125-68V、1/2W68V 1N4761 0.5 75 6.7 2CW126-75V、1/2W75V 1N4762 0.5 82 6 2CW126-82V、1/2W82V 1N4763 0.5 91 5.6 2CW127-91V、1/2W91V 1N4764 0.5 100 5 2CW128-100V、1/2W100V 1N5226/A 0.5 3.3 138 2CW51-3V3、2CW5226 1N5227/A/B 0.5 3.6 126 2CW51-3V6、2CW5227 1N5228/A/B 0.5 3.9 115 2CW52-3V9、2CW5228 1N5229/A/B 0.5 4.3 106 2CW52-4V3、2CW5229 1N5230/A/B 0.5 4.7 97 2CW53-4V7、2CW5230 1N5231/A/B 0.5 5.1 89 2CW53-5V1、2CW5231 1N5232/A/B 0.5 5.6 81 2CW103-5.6、2CW5232 1N5233/A/B 0.5 6 76 2CW104-6V、2CW5233 1N5234/A/B 0.5 6.2 73 2CW104-6.2V、2CW52341N5235/A/B 0.5 6.8 67 2CW105-6.8V、2CW5235稳压值稳定电流稳压值稳定电流型号功率(mW) 型号功率(mW) (V) (MA) (V) (MA) MA1030 3 5 400 MA2180 18 20 1000 MA1033 3.3 5 400 MA2200 20 20 1000 MA1036 3.6 5 400 MA2220 22 10 1000 MA1039 3.9 5 400 MA2240 24 10 1000 MA1043 4.3 5 400 MA2270 27 5 1000 MA1047 4.7 5 400 MA2300 30 5 1000 MA1051 5.1 5 400 MA2330 33 5 1000 MA1056 5.6 5 400 MA2360 36 5 1000MA1062 6.2 5 400 MA3047 4.7 5 150 MA1068 6.8 5 400 MA3051 5.1 5 150MA1075 7.5 5 400 MA3056 5.6 5 150 MA1082 8.2 5 400 MA3062 6.2 5 150MA1091 9.1 5 400 MA3082 8.2 5 150 MA1100 10 5 400 MA3091 9.1 5 150MA1110 11 5 400 MA3100 10 5 150 MA1114 11.4 10 400 MA3110 11 5 150MA1120 12 5 400 MA3120 12 5 150 MA1130 13 5 400 MA3130 13 5 150 MA1140 14 5 400 MA3150 15 5 150 MA1150 15 5 400 MA3160 16 5 150 MA1160 16 5 400 MA3180 18 5 150 MA1180 18 5 400 MA3200 20 5 150MA1200 20 5 400 MA3220 22 5 150 MA1220 22 5 400 MA3240 24 5 150MA1240 24 5 400 MA3270 27 2 150 MA1270 27 2 400 MA3300 30 2 150 MA1300 30 2 400 MA3330 33 2 150 MA1330 33 2 400 MA3360 36 2 150 MA1360 36 2 400 MA4030 3 5 370 MA2051 5.1 40 1000 MA4033 3.3 5 370 MA2056 5.6 40 1000 MA4036 3.6 5 370 MA2062 6.2 40 1000 MA4039 3.9 5 370 MA2068 6.8 40 1000 MA4043 4.3 5 370 MA2075 7.5 40 1000 MA4047 4.7 5 370 MA2082 8.2 40 1000 MA4051 5.1 5 370 MA2091 9.1 40 1000 MA4056 5.6 5 370 MA2100 10 40 1000 MA4062 6.2 5 370 MA2110 11 5 1000 MA4068 6.8 5 370 MA2120 12 5 1000MA4075 7.5 5 370 MA2130 13 5 1000 MA4082 8.2 5 370 MA2150 15 5 1000MA4091 9.1 5 370 MA2160 16 5 1000 MA4100 10 5 370 MA4110 11 5 370BZX55C6V8 6.8 5 500 MA4120 12 5 370 BZX55C7V5 7.5 5 500 MA4130 13 5 370 BZX55C8V2 8.2 5 500 MA4140 14 5 370 BZX55C9V1 9.1 5 500 MA4150 15 5 370 BZX55C10 10 5 500 MA4160 16 5 370 BZX55C11 11 5 500 MA4180 18 5 370BZX55C12 12 5 500 MA4200 20 5 370 BZX55C13 13 5 500 MA4220 22 5 370BZX55C15 15 5 500 MA4240 24 5 370 BZX55C16 16 5 500 MA4270 27 2 370BZX55C18 18 5 500 MA4300 30 2 370 BZX55C20 20 5 500 MA4330 33 2 370BZX55C22 22 5 500 MA4360 36 2 370 BZX55C24 24 5 500 MA5047 4.7 5 500 BZX55C27 27 5 500 MA5051 5.1 5 500 BZX55C30 30 5 500 MA5056 5.6 5 500BZX55C33 33 5 500 MA5062 6.2 5 500 BZX55C36 36 5 500 MA5068 6.8 5 500 BZX55C39 39 5 500 MA5075 7.5 5 500 BZX55C43 43 2.5 500MA5082 8.2 5 500 BZX55C47 47 2.5 500 MA5091 9.1 5 500 BZX55C51 51 2.5 500 MA5100 10 5 500 BZX55C56 56 2.5 500 MA5110 11 5 500 BZX55C62 622.5 500 MA5120 12 5 500 BZX85C2V7 2.7 80 1300 MA5130 13 5 500 BZX85C3V03.0 80 1300 MA5150 15 5 500 BZX85C3V3 3.3 80 1300 MA5160 16 5 500BZX85C3V6 3.6 70 1300 MA5180 18 5 500 BZX85C3V9 3.9 60 1300 MA5200 20 5 500 BZX85C4V3 4.3 50 1300 MA5240 24 5 500 BZX85C4V7 4.7 45 1300BZX55C2V4 2.4 5 500 BZX85C5V1 5.1 45 1300 BZX55C2V7 2.7 5 500 BZX85C5V6 5.6 45 1300 BZX55C3V0 3.0 5 500 BZX85C6V2 6.2 35 1300 BZX55C3V3 3.3 5 500 BZX85C6V8 6.8 35 1300 BZX55C3V6 3.6 5 500 BZX85C7V5 7.5 35 1300 BZX55C3V9 3.9 5 500 BZX85C8V2 8.2 25 1300 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1 500 BZX79A68 68 2 400 BZX55C120 120 1 500 BZX79A75 75 2 400 BZX55C130 130 1 500BZX79C2V4 2.4 5 500 BZX55C150 150 1 500 BZX79C2V7 2.7 5 500 BZX55C160 160 1 500 BZX79C3V0 3.0 5 500 BZX55C180 180 1 500 BZX79C3V3 3.3 5 500 BZX55C200 200 1 500 BZX79C3V6 3.6 5 500 BZX79A2V4 2.4 5 400 BZX79C3V9 3.9 5 500 BZX79A2V7 2.7 5 400 BZX79C4V3 4.3 5 500 BZX79A3V0 3.0 5 400 BZX79C4V7 4.7 5 500 BZX79A3V3 3.3 5 400 BZX79C5V1 5.1 5 500 BZX79A3V6 3.6 5 400 BZX79C5V6 5.6 5 500 BZX79A3V9 3.9 5 400 BZX79C6V2 6.2 5 500 BZX79A4V3 4.3 5 400 BZX79C6V8 6.8 5 500 BZX79A4V7 4.7 5 400 BZX79C7V5 7.5 5 500 BZX79A5V1 5.1 5 400 BZX79C8V2 8.2 5 500 BZX79A5V6 5.6 5 400 BZX79C9V1 9.1 5 500 BZX79A6V2 6.2 5 400 BZX79C10 10 5 500 BZX79A6V8 6.8 5 400 BZX79C11 11 5 500 BZX79A7V5 7.5 5 400 BZX79C12 12 5 500 BZX79A8V2 8.2 5 400 BZX79C13 13 5 500变容二极管。

6517硅锰合金 国标

6517硅锰合金 国标

3.6517 硅锰合金的特性
4.6517 硅锰合金的应用领域



其中,6517 硅锰合金是我国硅锰合金的一个代表品种,其名称中的“6517”代表了这种合金的化学成分,即含硅量65%,含锰量17%。

6517 硅锰合金具有优良的力学性能和耐腐蚀性能,可以显著提高钢铁的强度和硬度,因此在钢铁行业中得到了广泛应用。

此外,6517 硅锰合金还可以用于制造耐磨零件、弹簧等产品。




总的来说,6517 硅锰合金是我国硅锰合金产业的重要组成部分,其在钢铁等行业的应用前景广阔。

6517硅锰合金 国标

6517硅锰合金 国标

6517硅锰合金国标摘要:1.6517 硅锰合金的概述2.国标的定义和作用3.6517 硅锰合金的国标规定4.国标对6517 硅锰合金生产的影响5.6517 硅锰合金在我国的应用领域6.结论正文:1.6517 硅锰合金的概述6517 硅锰合金是一种铁合金,主要成分是铁、硅和锰。




3.6517 硅锰合金的国标规定我国关于6517硅锰合金的国标主要有GB/T 28023-2011《硅锰合金》和GB/T 28024-2011《硅锰合金化学分析方法》两个标准。

这些标准规定了6517 硅锰合金的牌号、技术要求、试验方法等内容。

4.国标对6517 硅锰合金生产的影响国标对6517 硅锰合金生产的影响主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)保证产品质量:国标为生产厂家提供了明确的技术要求,有助于确保产品质量符合市场需求。



5.6517 硅锰合金在我国的应用领域6517 硅锰合金在我国的应用领域非常广泛,主要包括:(1)铸铁:用于生产高强度、高韧性的铸铁件。




6.结论6517 硅锰合金的国标规定对保障产品质量、促进技术进步和提高市场竞争力具有重要意义。

6517硅锰合金 国标

6517硅锰合金 国标

6517硅锰合金国标【原创版】目录1.6517 硅锰合金的概述2.我国对 6517 硅锰合金的标准规定3.6517 硅锰合金的性能特点4.6517 硅锰合金的应用领域5.6517 硅锰合金的发展前景正文1.6517 硅锰合金的概述6517 硅锰合金,是一种以硅、锰为主要元素的合金,因含硅量高达65%,故得名 6517 硅锰合金。


2.我国对 6517 硅锰合金的标准规定我国对 6517 硅锰合金的生产和使用有着严格的标准规定。

根据我国的相关标准,6517 硅锰合金的化学成分应符合以下要求:硅含量 62-68%,锰含量 15-20%,碳含量≤0.3%,硫含量≤0.03%,磷含量≤0.04%。

3.6517 硅锰合金的性能特点6517 硅锰合金具有以下优良性能:(1)高强度:由于硅、锰元素的加入,使合金的强度和硬度得到显著提高。

(2)高硬度:硅锰合金的硬度一般在 HRC55-60 之间,耐磨性能优良。


(4)耐高温:硅锰合金在高温环境下具有优良的稳定性,可在 500℃以上的高温环境中长期工作。

4.6517 硅锰合金的应用领域6517 硅锰合金因其优良的性能,广泛应用于以下领域:(1)建筑行业:用于制作各类建筑构件,如梁、柱、桩等。




5.6517 硅锰合金的发展前景随着科技的发展和环保要求的提高,6517 硅锰合金因其高强度、高硬度、高耐磨性等性能,将在未来的建筑、机械、汽车等行业中发挥更大的作用。



6.1 6.0 5.02012-06-272012-04-302007-01-25SStSStSMuSStSMu-Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyTel. +49 (0) 79 42 945 - 0A Dimensions: [mm]Additional FeaturesSafety key to lock/ unkock74271D2 General Properties:Ferrite core Ferrite core Ferrite core Plastic housing Plastic housing Test cable Test cablePropertiesMaterial Initial permeability Curie temperatureColourFlammability ClassificationApplicable cable Applicable cable lengthµi T CValue 4 W 620620150Grey UL94-V0AWG26120Unit°Cmm Tol.typ.typ.F Typical Impedance Characteristics:I Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-STAR RINGof Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:All recommendations according to the general technical specifications of the data sheet have to be complied with.The disposal and operation of the product within ambient conditions which probably alloy or harm the component surface has to be avoided.The packaging of the product is to encase the needed humidity of the plastic housing. To ensure the humidity level, the products have to be stored in this delivered packaging. If not, the products are losing their humidity. In this case you can re-condition the components according to the internal standard WE1883 to ensure the necessary humidity in the plastic.To ensure the operating mode of the product, the ambient temperature at processing (when the part will be mounted on the cable) has to be in the range of 15 to 25 °C.Before mounting, the part should be stored for one hour in this condition.The responsibility for the applicability of customer specific products and the use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products do also apply for customer specific products.Direct mechanical impact to the product and the forcible closing of this shall be prevented as the ferrite material of the ferrite body or the pla-stic housing could flake or in the worst case it could break.Product specific:Follow all instructions mentioned in the datasheet, especially:•The cable diameter must be pointed out, otherwise no warranty will be sustained.•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will result in the loss of warranty.1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the are-as, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibi-lity for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime can-not be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component.3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, warnings and cautions must be strictly observed.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve spe-cific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Secti-on 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a stan-dard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability ex-pectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered.The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .J Important Notes:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:分销商库存信息: WURTH-ELECTRONICS 7427155。

微量电压差分信号传输7 1 产品规格书说明书

微量电压差分信号传输7 1 产品规格书说明书

UG0645User Guide Low Voltage Differential Signaling 7:1Microsemi Corporate Headquarters One Enterprise, Aliso Viejo,CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113 Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100 Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996Email: *************************** © 2016 Microsemi Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.Microsemi makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose, nor does Microsemi assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit. The products sold hereunder and any other products sold by Microsemi have been subject to limited testing and should not be used in conjunction with mission-critical equipment or applications. Any performance specifications are believed to be reliable but are not verified, and Buyer must conduct and complete all performance and other testing of the products, alone and together with, or installed in, any end-products. Buyer shall not rely on any data and performance specifications or parameters provided by Microsemi. It is the Buyer's responsibility to independently determine suitability of any products and to test and verify the same. The information provided by Microsemi hereunder is provided “as is, where is” and with all faults, and the entire risk associated with such information is entirely with the Buyer. Microsemi does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other IP rights, whether with regard to such information itself or anything described by such information. Information provided in this document is proprietary to Microsemi, and Microsemi reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document or to any products and services at any time without notice.About MicrosemiMicrosemi Corporation (Nasdaq: MSCC) offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for aerospace & defense, communications, data center and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world's standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; enterprise storage and communication solutions, security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California, and has approximately 4,800 employees globally.Learn more at .Contents1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Hardware Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32.1Design Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.1.1LVDS 7:1 Receive Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.1.2LVDS 7:1 Transmit Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.2Inputs and Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.3Timing Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.4Loopback Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.5Performance Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.6Resource Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.1Revision4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.2Revision 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.3Revision 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.4Revision 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Table 1LVDS 7:1 Receiver Interface Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Table 2LVDS 7:1 Transmitter Interface Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Table 3LVDS 7:1 Receiver Resource Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Table 4LVDS 7:1 Transmitter Resource Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Figure 1LVDS 7:1 Top-Level Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure 2LVDS 7:1 Receiver Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Figure 3LVDS 7:1 Transmitter Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 4LVDS 7:1 Receiver Timing Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 5LVDS 7:1 Transmitter Timing Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 6LVDS 7:1 Loopback Test Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71IntroductionLow-voltage differential signaling (LVDS) is a high-speed, low-power, general-purpose interfacestandard. Also known as the ANSI/TIA/EIA-644 standard, LVDS was approved in March 1996. LVDSuses differential signaling with a nominal signal swing of 350 mV differential. The low signal swingdecreases rise and fall times to achieve the maximum transmission rates specified in the LVDS standard.With LVDS, signal swing does not depend on the voltage of any specific supply.LVDS uses current mode drivers, which limit power consumption. The differential signals are immune to±1 V common voltage noise. The Channel-Link technology was originally developed as a solution for flatpanel displays, using LVDS for the physical layer (PHY). The technology was then extended into amethod for general purpose data transmission. Channel-Link consists of a driver pair and a receiver pair.The driver accepts 28 single-ended data signals and a single-ended clock. The data is 7:1 serialized, andfour data streams and a dedicated clock are driven over five LVDS pairs. The receiver accepts all fourLVDS data streams and the LVDS clock, and then drives the 28 bits of data and the clock to the board.Microsemi LVDS 7:1 is a source-synchronous interface that consists of multiple data bits and a clock.The LVDS 7:1 solution consists of five LVDS pairs: four data pairs and a clock pair. It provides fourindependent, source-synchronous channels, and on each channel, one cycle of parallel clock includesseven bits of serialized data. The serial data on the four channels together translates to 28 bits paralleldata. It is recommended that the pinouts and clocks of all the four data channels be placed in the sameI/O bank. However, the pinouts can be assigned to different banks, provided the clocking requirementsfor the design are met.The following figure shows the top-level block diagram of the four-channel LVDS 7:1 interface.Figure 1 • LVDS 7:1 Top-Level Block DiagramThe LVDS 7:1 transmit and receive blocks perform the following:•The transmit block uses double data rate registers to transmit data on both the rising and falling edges of the clock. It multiplies the parallel clock by 3.5 and uses the clock to transmit seven serial bits of data in one parallel clock cycle.•The receive block uses double data rate registers to capture data on both the rising and falling edgeof the clock. It multiplies the captured clock by 3.5 to generate the input for the DDR_IN macro.2Hardware Implementation2.1Design DescriptionThis section provides information on the implementation of the LVDS 7:1 receive and transmit modules.2.1.1LVDS 7:1 Receive ModuleThe LVDS 7:1 receive module receives LVDS data and an LVDS clock from the FPGA’s high-speedLVDS buffers. The source-synchronous LVDS clock is passed to the fabric clock conditioning circuitry(CCC) block while the LVDS data is sent to the DDR_IN macro.The fabric CCC block generates a serial clock (serial_clk) with a frequency of 3.5 times the input clockreceived from the transmitter (RX_CLK_IN).The DDR_IN macro generates two streams of data at the rising edge of the serial clock. This data is thensent to the deserializer, which aligns the incoming data to a pre-defined training pattern. Once the data isaligned according to the word boundary defined in the training pattern, the align_serializer signal isenabled, and 14 bits of serialized data are sent to the RX_SYNC module. The RX_SYNC modulesynchronizes the 14-bit serial data to a parallel clock (parallel_clk), and then transmits a 7-bit paralleldata as output.The following block diagram shows the LVDS 7:1 receiver implementation, including input and outputsignals.Figure 2 • LVDS 7:1 Receiver Block DiagramThe LVDS 7:1 transmit module receives seven bits of parallel data and a parallel clock, TX_CLK_in.TX_CLK_in is sent to the fabric CCC block, which generates two output clocks: a parallel clock with thesame frequency as TX_CLK_in, and a serial clock with a frequency 3.5x that of TX_CLK_in.The TX SYNC module synchronizes the incoming seven bits of parallel data with the output clocks andtransmits the synchronized data to the serializer block. The serializer block then serializes the seven bitsof parallel data into two bits of serial data. These two bits of serial data are passed to the DDR_OUTmacro, which operates at the serial clock’s frequency. The serialized output data of the DDR_OUT macrois then transmitted out of the device using high-speed LVDS buffers.The following block diagram shows the LVDS 7:1 transmitter implementation, including input and outputsignals.Figure 3 • LVDS 7:1 Transmitter Block DiagramThe following table lists the LVDS 7:1 receiver interface input and output ports.Table 1 • LVDS 7:1 Receiver Interface PortsSignal Name Direction Width (in bits)DescriptionReset_n Input–System resetSerial_Clk Input–System serial clockparallel_clk Input–Parallel clockCAM_D3_P Input–Serial input channel D risingCAM_D3_N Input–Serial input channel D fallingCAM_D2_P Input–Serial input channel C risingCAM_D2_N Input–Serial input channel C fallingCAM_D1_P Input–Serial input channel B risingCAM_D1_N Input–Serial input channel B fallingCAM_D0_P Input–Serial input channel A risingCAM_D0_N Input–Serial input channel A fallingRDATA_A Output7 Parallel output data channel ARDATA_B Output7 Parallel output data channel BRDATA_C Output7 Parallel output data channel CRDATA_D Output7 Parallel output data channel DAlign_serializer_a Output–Channel A Rx alignment signal to thetraining patternAlign_serializer_b Output–Channel B Rx alignment signal to thetraining patternAlign_serializer_c Output–Channel C Rx alignment signal to thetraining patternThe following table lists the LVDS 7:1 transmit interface input and output ports.Table 2 •LVDS 7:1 Transmitter Interface PortsAlign_serializer_d Output –Channel D Rx alignment signal to the training patternTraining pattern Input –Pattern used to align Rx to Tx CAM_CLKOUT_N Input –Clock from fabric CAM_CLKOUT_P Input –Clock from fabricRclk_oInput–LVDS receiver clock outputSignal Name Direction Width (in bits)Description RESET Input –System reset serial_clock Input –System serial clock parallel_clk Input –Parallel clockWDATA_A Input 7 parallel data channel A WDATA_B Input 7Parallel data channel B WDATA_C Input 7 Parallel data channel C WDATA_D Input 7 Parallel data channel D PADP_TX_0Output –Serial channel A rising data PADN_TX_0Output –Serial channel A falling data PADP_TX_1Output –Serial channel B rising data PADN_TX_1Output –Serial channel B falling data PADP_TX_2Output –Serial channel C rising data PADN_TX_2Output –Serial channel C falling data PADP_TX_3Output –Serial channel D rising data PADN_TX_3Output –Serial channel D falling data PADN_CLK_OUT Output –Output differential negative TX clock PADP_CLK_OUTOutput–Output differential positive TX clockTable 1 • LVDS 7:1 Receiver Interface PortsSignal Name Direction Width (in bits)Description2.3Timing DiagramsThe following figure shows the timing diagram for the LVDS 7:1 receiver.Figure 4 •LVDS 7:1 Receiver Timing DiagramThe following figure shows the timing diagram for the LVDS 7:1 transmitter.Figure 5 •LVDS 7:1 Transmitter Timing Diagram2.4Loopback TestA loopback test performed on the Microsemi SmartFusion2® M2S150 Advanced Development Kit to validate the LVDS 7:1 functionality. The test setup consisted of five parallel transmit and receive channels (four data channels and one clock channel), and the test was performed at varying speeds up to 90 MHz.The M2S150 Advanced Development Kit provides an FMC high pin count (HPC) J64 connectorinterface. For the test, an LVDS QSE daughter card was installed on the HPC connector. This daughter card provides four Samtec QSE family connectors, which break out as a subset of the FMC HPC signal set.The FMC HPC signals were connected as length-matched pairs to the QSE connectors. The pairs were then loop-backed using the Samtec loopback cable.The following figure shows the test setup for the LVDS 7:1 loopback test.Figure 6 •LVDS 7:1 Loopback Test Setup2.5Performance StatisticsDuring the LVDS 7:1 interface design validation performed using M2S150 Advanced Development Kit, it was found that the LVDS 7:1 interface design successfully operated at a maximum frequency of 90 MHz for the parallel clock and 315 MHz for the serial clock with 3.5x the parallel clock’s frequency. Overall data transfer rates of up to 630 Mbps of data were achieved per LVDS pair. For more information about the test setup used for the validation, see Loopback Test, page 6./9'6 46( 'DXJKWHU &DUG607( 46( )DPLO\ &RQQHFWRU)0& +3& &RQQHFWRU2.6Resource UtilizationThe following table shows the resource utilization of a sample LVDS 7:1 block implemented in a SmartFusion2 M2S150T-1152FC device.Table 3 •LVDS 7:1 Receiver Resource UtilizationTable 4 • LVDS 7:1 Transmitter Resource UtilizationResource Usage D flip-flops (DFF)9904-input look-up tables (LUT)590Math blocks (MACC)0RAM1Kx180RAM64x184Resource Usage DFFs 1904-input LUTs 80MACC 0RAM1Kx180RAM64x18Revision History3Revision HistoryThe revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document. The changes arelisted by revision, starting with the most current publication.3.1Revision4.0Updated the Figure2, page3.3.2Revision 3.0The following is a summary of the changes in revision 3.0 of this document:•Added the information about LVDS 7:1 loopback test For more information, see Loopback Test, page6.•Updated Performance statistics. For more information, see Performance Statistics, page7.•Updated Resource utilization details. For more information, see Resource Utilization, page8. 3.3Revision 2.0Updated the SAR (76159).3.4Revision 1.0The first publication of this document.。

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CHA6517RoHS COMPLIANT Ref. : DSCHA6517-8205 - 25 Jun 08 1/10 Specifications subject to change without notice6 - 18 GHz High Power AmplifierGaAs Monolithic Microwave ICDescriptionThe CHA6517is a Dual channelmonolithic three-stage GaAs high poweramplifier designed for wide bandapplications.This device is manufactured using a UMS0.25 µm Power pHEMT process, including,via holes through the substrate and airbridges.To simplify the assembly process:•the backside of the chip is both RF andDC grounded•bond pads and back side are goldplated for compatibility with eutectic dieattach method and thermosonic orthermocompression bonding process.Main Features0.25 µm Power pHEMT Technology6 – 18 GHz Frequency Range32dBm Output Power per channelCompatible for balanced configuration22dB nominal GainQuiescent Bias point : 600mA @ 8Vper channelChip size: 4.32 x 3.90 x 0.07 mmOutput Power versus FrequencyMain CharacteristicsTamb = +25°C (Tamb is the back-side of the chip)Symbol Parameter Min Typ MaxUnitF_op Operating frequency range 6 18 GHz Psat Saturated output power 30 32 dBm G_lin Linear gain 19 22 dBVg Vd3OUTPUT AOUTPUT BVg Vd3Vd1 Vd2 Vd3INPUT BINPUT ACHA6517X-band High Power AmplifierElectrical CharacteristicsTamb = 25°C (2), Vd=8V, Id (Quiescient) = 0.6A, Pu lsed biasing mode, each channelSymbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit F_op Operating frequency 6 18 GHz G_lin Linear gain (Pin=-5dBm) 19 22 dB RL_in Input Return Loss -14 -8 dB RL_out Output Return Loss -8 -4 dB Psat Saturated output power (Pin=11dBm) 30 32 dBm PAE_sat Power Added Efficiency in saturation 15%Vd Positive supply voltage8 V Id Power supply quiescent current (1) 0.6 A Vg Negative supply voltage -0.4 V Top Operating temperature range (2) -40 +70°C(1) This parameter is fixed by gate voltage Vg (2) The reference is the back-side of the chipAbsolute Maximum Ratings (1)Symbol ParameterValues Unit Pin (2) Maximum Input power19 dBm Vd (2) Positive supply voltage without RF power 8.5 V Id (2) Positive supply quiescent current 1 A Pd (2) Power dissipation 13.5 W Tj Junction temperature175 °C TstgStorage temperature range -55 to +125 °C(1) Operation of this device above anyone of these parameters may cause permanent damage.(2) These values are specified for Tamb = 25°CX-band High Power AmplifierCHA6517Typical measured characteristicsOn Wafer Measurements, S parameters (one channel): Tamb=25°C, Vd=8V, Id (Quiescient) = 0.6A, pulsed mo de:GainInput and Output Return lossesdBS11dBS22CHA6517X-band High Power AmplifierOn Wafer Measurements (one channel): Tamb=25°C, Vd=8V, Id (Quiescient) = 0.6A, Pin=11dBm , pulsed mode:Output Power versus FrequencyId versus Pin18GHz 12GHz6GHzX-band High Power AmplifierCHA6517In test jig Measurements (one channel):Vd=8V, Id (Quiescient) = 0.6A, S parameters, CW mode:Gain versus Frequency and Temperature (-40°C, +25°C and +70°C)Input and Output Return losses versus Frequency and TemperaturedBS11dBS22Temp= -40°C Temp= +25°CTemp= +70°CCHA6517X-band High Power AmplifierIn test jig Measurements (one channel):Vd=8V, Id (Quiescient) = 0.6A, Power measurements, CW modeOutput power versus Frequency and Temperature (Pin=+12dBm)Gain versus Frequency and Input power (Temp.=+25°C)Pin=+15dBmPin=+17dBmPin=+19dBmTemp.=-40°CTemp.=+25°CTemp.=+70°CPin=-5dBmPin=+12dBmX-band High Power AmplifierCHA6517Output power versus Frequency and Temperature (Freq=18GHz)Id current versus Frequency and Temperature (Pin=+17dBm)Temp.=-40°CTemp.=+70°CTemp.=+25°CTemp.=-40°CTemp.=+25°CTemp.=+70°CCHA6517X-band High Power AmplifierChip Mechanical Data and Pin referencesChip thickness = 70µm +/- 10µm HF pads (1, 7, 16, 22) = 118 x 196 DC pads = 96 x 96Pin numberPin nameDescription 1, 22IN Input RF port2, 3, 4, 19, 20, 21 VG Negative supply voltage5, 9, 14, 18GND Ground (NC)6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17VD Positive supply voltage7, 16OUTOutput RF port4 195990840 29020X-band High Power Amplifier CHA6517Assembly recommendations (one channel) For thermal and electrical considerations, the chip should be brazed on a metal base plate.The RF and DC connections should be done according to the following table:Port Connection External capacitor IN (1, 22) Inductance (Lbonding) = 0.3nHOUT (7, 16) Inductance (Lbonding) = 0.3nHVD (6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13,15, 17 ) Inductance ≤ 1nH C1 ~ 22pFC3~ 1nFC4~100nFVG (2, 3, 4, 19, 20, 21) Inductance ≤ 1nH C2~ 120pFCHA6517 X-band High Power AmplifierOrdering InformationChip form : CHA6517-99F/00Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However United Monolithic SemiconductorsS.A.S.assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S. products are not authorised for useas critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval from United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S。
