Crossed products of locally C-algebras




114Univ. Chem. 2023, 38 (12), 114–119收稿:2023-06-27;录用:2023-08-01;网络发表:2023-08-11*通讯作者,Email:*****************.cn基金资助:2021年基础学科拔尖学生培养计划2.0研究课题(20211014);天津市首批虚拟教研室试点建设项目(化学类交叉人才培养课程建设虚拟教研室)•专题• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202306051 当表面活性剂遇到大环分子阮文娟,李悦,耿文超,郭东升*南开大学化学学院,天津 300071摘要:近年来,表面和胶体化学与大环化学的结合引起了科学家的普遍关注。




关键词:表面活性剂;胶束;大环结构;大环两亲分子;超两亲分子中图分类号:G64;O6Encountering of Surfactants with Macrocyclic MoleculesWen-Juan Ruan, Yue Li, Wen-Chao Geng, Dong-Sheng Guo *College of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China.Abstract: In recent years, the combination of surface and colloid chemistry with macrocyclic chemistry has garnered widespread attention among scientists. The integration of diverse macrocyclic structures into surfactant molecules not only greatly enriches the diversity of surfactants, but also imparts them with the host-guest recognition functionality of macrocycles. Macrocyclic amphiphiles and supra-amphiphiles, developed from this approach, have demonstrated high potential in applications such as bioimaging and drug delivery. The evolution from traditional surfactants to macrocyclic amphiphiles and supra-amphiphiles underscores the importance of interdisciplinary integration in advancing scientific research.Key Words: Surfactants; Micelles; Macrocycles; Macrocyclic amphiphiles; Supra-amphiphiles表面活性剂及其所构筑的胶束是表面和胶体化学中所涉及的一类非常重要的体系。



ABC transporter - 高中教育ABC转运蛋白简介ABC transporter1 What is the ABC transporter? 2 Function 3 Structure 4 Mechanism of transport 5 ABC importers 6 ABC exporters 7 Role in multidrug resistance 8 Reversal of multidrug resistance 9 Physiological role 10 Methods to characterize ABC transporterABC转运蛋白简介1 What is the ABC transporter? Proteins are classified as ABC transporters based on the sequence and organization of their ATP-binding cassette (ABC) domain(s) . ATP-binding cassette transporters ( ABC-transporter ) are transmembrane proteins that utilize the energy of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis to carry out certain biological processes including translocation of various substrates across membranes and non-transport-related processes such as translation of RNA and DNA repair. ABC transporters are involved in tumour resistance, cystic fibrosis, bacterial multidrug resistance, and a range of other inherited human diseases.ABC转运蛋白简介2 Function2.1 Prokaryotic ABC proteins 2.2 Eukaryotic ABC proteins ABC转运蛋白简介ABC transporters utilize the energy of ATP hydrolysis to transport various substrates across cellular membranes. They are divided into three main functional categories. Importers(in prokaryotes) Exporters or effluxers(in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes) The third subgroup do not function as transporters,but are rather involved in translation of RNA and DNA repair processes.ABC转运蛋白简介2.1 Prokaryotic ABC proteins Bacterial ABC importers are essential in cell viability, virulence and pathogenicity. Other than functioning in transport, some bacterial ABC proteins are also involved in the regulation of several physiological processes. In bacterial efflux systems, certain substances include surface components of the bacterial cell, proteins involved in bacterial pathogenesis and so on. They also play important roles in biosynthetic pathways.ABC转运蛋白简介2.2 Eukaryotic ABC proteins Although most eukaryotic ABC transporters are effluxers, some are not directly involved in transporting substrates. Human ABC transporters are involved in several diseases that arise from polymorphisms in ABC genes and rarely due to complete loss of function of single ABC proteins. More recently, ABC-transporters have been shown to exist within the placenta.ABC转运蛋白简介3 Structure3.1 Transmembrane domain (TMD) 3.2 Nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) 3.3 ATP binding and hydrolysisABC转运蛋白简介TMD(transmembrane domain), also known as membrane-spanning domain (MSD) or integral membrane (IM) domain, consists of alpha helices, embedded in the membrane bilayer. NBD(nucleotide-binding domain) or ATPbinding cassette (ABC) domain, on the other hand, is located in the cytoplasm and has a highly conserved sequence.ABC转运蛋白简介The structural architecture of ABC transporters consists minimally of two TMDs and two ABCs. Four individual polypeptide chains including two TMD and two NBD subunits, may combine to form a full transporter. Most exporters are made up of a homodimer consisting of two half transporters or monomers of a TMD fused to a nucleotide-binding domain (NBD). Some ABC transporters have additional elements.ABC转运蛋白简介3.1 Transmembrane domain (TMD)three distinct sets of folds: type I ABC importer type II ABC importer ABC exporter foldsABC转运蛋白简介3.2 Nucleotide-bind ing domain (NBD)the catalytic core subdomainNBD α-helical subdomainABC转运蛋白简介The catalytic core domain consists of two βsheets and six α helices, where the catalytic Walker A motif (GXXGXGKS/T where X is any amino acid) or P-loop and Walker B motif (ΦΦΦΦD, of which Φ is a hydrophobic residue) is situated. The helical domain consists of three or four helices and the ABC signature motif, also known as LSGGQ motif, linker peptide or C motif.ABC转运蛋白简介The ABC domain also has a glutamine residue residing in a flexible loop called Q loop , lid or γ-phosphate switch, that connects the TMD and ABC. The H motif or switch region contains a highly conserved histidine residue that is also important in the interaction of the ABC domain with ATP.ABC转运蛋白简介3.3 ATP binding and hydrolysis Dimer formation of the two ABC domains of transporters requires ATP binding. Two molecules of ATP are positioned at the interface of the dimer, sandwiched between the Walker A motif of one subunit and the LSGGQ motif of the other. 目前有两种观点:一种观点认为两个ATP先后水解,然后二聚体解离;另外一个观点认为一个ATP先水解,其结合位点打开,当它再结合ATP时,其次个ATP才开头水解,此为两个ATP 交互水解模式。



相转移催化(PTC)技术是加快两相之间(液-液、固-液)有机反应的有效手段,在有机合成中占有十分重要的位置[1-2],可使某些用传统方法难以实现的反应顺利进行,而且反应条件温和,操作简便,合成效[Article]物理化学学报(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao )Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin .,2010,26(4):927-932April Received:November 11,2009;Revised:January 7,2010;Published on Web:March 5,2010.*Corresponding author.Email:gaobaojiao@;Tel:+86-351-3921414.The project was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province,China (2008021013).山西省自然科学基金(2008021013)资助项目高保娇,1965-1970年在北京大学化学系就读;1970-1974年在北京大学化学系从事教学工作.鬁Editorial office of Acta Physico -Chimica Sinica固载化冠醚二苯并-18-冠-6在苯甲酸丁酯合成反应中的相转移催化作用王世伟高保娇*高学超王玲(中北大学化工系,太原030051)摘要:在交联聚乙烯醇(CPVA)微球表面固载冠醚二苯并-18-冠-6(DBC),从而制得三相相转移催化剂DBC -CPVA;在此基础上,以苯甲酸钾与溴代正丁烷的酯化反应为模型反应体系,重点研究固体催化剂DBC -CPVA 的相转移催化性能,考察主要因素对液-固-液三相相转移催化反应的影响.结果表明,在本研究体系中,水相中的苯甲酸钾与有机相中的溴代正丁烷可顺利地发生酯化反应,这一结果显示出固载于DBC -CPVA 表面的DBC 与K +离子形成的络合物阳离子,能有效地将苯甲酸根负离子转移至有机相,使酯化反应顺利地进行.有机相的极性越强,酯化反应的速率越快,溴代正丁烷的转化率越高;有机相与水相体积比为1:4时,酯化反应具有最大的速率,溴代正丁烷的转化率可达70%.固体催化剂DBC -CPVA 循环使用8次,催化活性保持稳定.关键词:相转移催化;二苯并-18-冠-6;交联聚乙烯醇微球;固载中图分类号:O643Phase Transfer Catalytic Activity of Immobilized Dibenzo -18-Crown -6for Butyl Benzoate SynthesisWANG Shi -WeiGAO Bao -Jiao *GAO Xue -ChaoWANG Ling(Department of Chemical Engineering,North University of China,Taiyuan030051,P.R.China )Abstract :Dibenzo -18-crown -6(DBC)was immobilized on cross -linked polyvinyl alcohol (CPVA)microspheres to prepare the triphase -transfer catalyst DBC -CPVA.The phase transfer catalytic behavior of DBC -CPVA was mainly studied using the esterification reaction of 1-bromobutane in the organic phase and potassium benzoate in the water phase as a model system.We examined the effects of the main factors on the phase transfer catalytic esterification reaction.The experimental results show that after the benzoic acid in the water phase reacts with KOH to form potassium benzoate,complex cations form between the immobilized DBC and K +ions.The complex cations will effectively carry negative benzoate ions from the water phase into the organic phase and this enables the esterification reaction between benzoate ion and 1-bromobutane to be favorably carried out.Solvent polarity is advantageous to the esterification reaction.When the volume ratio of the organic phase to the water phase is 1:4,a maximum conversion of about 70%for 1-bromobutane is obtained.The catalyst DBC -CPVA has excellent recycle and reuse properties and the catalytic activity remains stable after eight cycles.Key Words :Phase transfer catalysis;Dibenzo -18-crown -6;Crosslinked polyvinyl alcohol microsphere;Immobilization927Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin.,2010Vol.26图1冠醚固载化微球DBC -CPVA 的化学结构Fig.1Chemical structure of crown -immobilizedmicrosphere DBC -CPVA率高,在实验室和工业上都得到了广泛的应用,可用于多种类型的反应,如烷基化反应、取代反应、氧化反应及酯化反应等[3-6],甚至还可用于大分子反应与生化反应[7-8].相转移催化剂有两种类型:一类是鎓盐,包括季铵盐和季鏻盐;另一类是大杂环化合物,包括冠醚和氮杂穴状化合物[9-10].冠醚类化合物由于结构独特,对金属阳离子具有强络合作用,因而可形成稳定的阳-阴离子活性离子对,在以阴离子为反应物种的相转移催化反应体系中,其催化活性往往比鎓盐类催化剂更优[11-12].普通的液-液两相相转移催化体系,催化剂难以分离回收,无法重复使用,而且还影响产物的纯度[13-14],于是研究者们将相转移催化基团固载于聚合物载体或无机载体上,发展了三相相转移催化(TPC)技术[15-16],其明显的优点在于可用简单的过滤方法分离出催化剂,进行循环使用,大大提高了催化剂的使用效率.将鎓盐进行固载化,制备三相相转移催化剂并应用于不同的反应体系,这方面的研究已有不少报道[14,17],冠醚的固载化也已有若干报道[18-21],但是将固载化冠醚用于相转移催化反应,这方面的研究报道尚不多见[12].冠醚类物质往往具有毒性,因此,从提高相转移催化剂的效率与环境因素两方面考虑,冠醚的固载化显得更为重要.本研究以交联聚乙烯醇微球(CPVA)为载体,在实现冠醚二苯并-18-冠-6(DBC)固载化的基础上,即在制得三相相转移催化DBC -CPVA 的基础上,以苯甲酸与溴代正丁烷的酯化反应为模型反应体系,重点研究固载化冠醚DBC -CPVA 的相转移催化活性与机理,并考察主要因素对液-固-液三相相转移催化反应的影响.1实验部分1.1试剂与仪器聚乙烯醇(PVA,聚合度为2200,山西三维化工有限公司),试剂级;戊二醛(50%水溶液,天津市百世化工有限公司),分析纯;液体石蜡(天津市巴斯夫化工有限公司),化学纯;山梨醇酐单硬脂酸酯(Span 60,天津市东丽区天大化学试剂厂),化学纯;1,4-二氯甲氧基丁烷(BCMB),自制[22];无水四氯化锡(天津市元立化工有限公司),分析纯;二苯并-18-冠-6(dibenzo -18-crown -6,DBC,黄岩高仕医药化工有限公司),化学纯;溴代正丁烷(上海晶纯试剂有限公司),分析纯;苯甲酸(天津市新鹏化工有限公司),分析纯;其它化学试剂均为市售分析纯试剂.1700型傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR,美国Perkin -Elmer 公司);SP3400型气相色谱仪(美国Perkin -Elmer 公司);TG16-WS 台式高速离心机(湖南湘仪集团).1.2DBC -CPVA 微球的制备按文献[23]制备固载有二苯并-18-冠-6的微球DBC -CPVA,并进行表征,主要制备过程如下.(1)制备交联聚乙烯醇微球:将聚乙烯醇(PVA)水溶液与戊二醛混合(水相),以Span 60为分散剂,将水相分散于液体石蜡(分散相)中,构成悬浮体系,于65℃下进行缩醛成醚交联反应,形成半透明状的交联微球CPVA.(2)对DBC 进行氯甲基化修饰:以1,4-二氯甲氧基丁烷(BCMB)为氯甲基化试剂,使用Lewis 酸催化剂四氯化锡,在氯仿溶剂中进行二苯并-18-冠-6的氯甲基化反应,制得氯甲基化的二苯并-18-冠-6(CMDBC).(3)实现DBC 的固载化:交联聚乙醇微球CPVA 表面含有大量的羟基,以Na 2CO 3为缚酸剂,使微球CPVA 表面的羟基与CMDBC 的氯甲基与之间发生亲核取代反应,形成醚键,从而将冠醚DBC 化学固载到微球CPVA 表面,制得了固载有冠醚的微球DBC -CPVA,其化学结构示于图1.采用溴百里香酚蓝-固相萃取法测定微球表面DBC 的固载量(mmol ·g -1)[23].本研究使用的固体催化剂其DBC 的固载量为0.96mmol ·g -1.1.3三相相转移催化溴代正丁烷的酯化反应将4mL 溴代正丁烷(约为0.037mol)溶于20mL 硝基苯,构成油相,加入到装有电动搅拌器、回流冷凝管及温度计的四口瓶中,再称量18g 苯甲酸(约为0.147mol),溶入80mL 浓度为2mol ·L -1氢氧化钾水溶液,构成水相;最后加入1.6g 的固体催化剂DBC -CPVA;在600r ·min -1的搅拌速率下,使反应物料充分分散,将体系的温度升高到80℃,在恒温搅拌下进行反应.于不同的反应时间,取出1mL 反应混合物,离心分离,使三相充分分离,取有机相样品,通过气相色谱分析溴代正丁烷的转化率.928No.4王世伟等:固载化冠醚二苯并-18-冠-6在苯甲酸丁酯合成反应中的相转移催化作用在其他条件不变的情况下,分别改变体系的温度、溶剂的种类及有机相与水相比例,进行上述的酯化反应,考察主要因素对液-固-液三相相转移催化反应的影响.固定溴代正丁烷酯化反应的条件,将回收处理的固体催化剂DBC -CPVA 进行循环使用,考察催化剂的重复使用性能.2结果与讨论2.1DBC -CPVA 对溴代正丁烷酯化反应的催化活性与催化机理在1.3节所述的溴代正丁烷(有机相)与苯甲酸钾(水相)的反应体系中,固定其它反应条件,改变催化剂DBC -CPVA 的投加质量,进行液-固-液三相之间的相转移催化反应,图2给出了催化剂投加量不同时,溴代正丁烷转化率随时间的变化曲线.从图2中看出,在无催化剂时,反应速率很慢,溴代正丁烷的转化率很低,或者说基本不发生反应;当加入固体催化剂DBC -CPVA 后,随着催化剂用量的增加,反应速率加快,溴代正丁烷的转化率提高,显示出DBC -CPVA 对溴代正丁烷与苯甲酸钾之间的亲核取代反应具有非常明显的催化作用.当体系中无催化剂时,溴代正丁烷与苯甲酸钾只能在两相界面上进行反应,反应速率很慢;当加入催化剂DBC -CPVA 后,其表面形成的冠醚-钾离子络合阳离子,不断将苯甲酸根负离子转移至有机相,使溴代正丁烷与苯甲酸根在均相中发生亲核取代反应,反应速率加快;随着固体催化剂用量增加,催化剂的相转移作用增强,亲核取代反应的速率不断加快,溴代正丁烷的转化率不断提高.从图2中也发现,当催化剂加入量高于1.6g 后,反应速率增加缓慢.三相之间的相转移催化反应机理可进一步分析如下.在水相中,苯甲酸与KOH 反应生成苯甲酸钾盐;固体催化剂DBC -CPVA 被溶胀,固载的冠醚二苯并-18-冠-6被充分暴露;由于二苯并-18-冠-6的空穴尺寸(0.26-0.32nm)与K +离子(0.266nm)具有高度的匹配性[24-25],因此,相互之间凭借很强的偶极-离子相互作用,发生高度专一的配合作用,形成1∶1的络合阳离子;该络合阳离子与苯甲酸负离子相结合,形成活性离子对;携带活性离子对的DBC -CPVA 微球进入有机相,在溶胀条件下将亲核物种苯甲酸负离子释放出来,使之与有机相中的溴代正丁烷发生亲核取代反应;然后DBC -CPVA 再回到水相,循环不断地发挥相转移催化作用.上述酯化反应及液-固-液三相之间的相转移反应机理可用图3表示.2.2主要因素对相转移催化反应的影响2.2.1搅拌速率的影响为了排除传质阻力,研究本征动力学,使反应过程真正成为化学反应控制的反应过程,本研究固定图3三相催化剂相转移催化剂DBC -CPVA 催化溴代正丁烷与苯甲酸酯化的反应机理Fig.3Mechanism of triphase catalysis for the esterification of 1-bromobutane with benzoic acid图2DBC -CPVA 投加量不同时溴代正丁烷转化率(x )随时间的变化曲线Fig.2Variation of 1-bromobutane conversion (x )with time for systems with different amounts of DBC -CPVAsolvent:C 6H 5NO 2,V (C 6H 5NO 2)∶V (H 2O)=1∶4,reaction temperature:80℃,agitation rate (r ):600r ·min -1929Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin.,2010Vol.26其它反应条件,改变搅拌速率,进行了液-固-液三相之间的相转移催化反应,图4给出了搅拌速率不同时,溴代正丁烷转化率随时间的变化曲线.可以看出,当搅拌速率低于500r·min-1时,相同时间内溴代正丁烷转化率随搅拌速率的升高而增大,意味着反应速率随搅拌速率的升高而提高.这是由于当搅拌速率较低时,反应物(苯甲酸根)在两相之间的传质过程为控制步骤,加快搅拌速率,加快了反应物在两相之间的传质速率,故反应速率随搅拌速率的加快而增高.同时从图4也可以清楚地发现,当搅拌速率高于500r·min-1时,溴代正丁烷转化率几乎不再随搅拌速率的加快而增大,表明此时反应物在两相之间的传质阻力已基本排除,反应速率已进入了本征动力学范围,即化学反应控制的范围,本研究的这一结果,与其他学者所研究的聚合物负载的三相相转移催化体系的规律很吻合[26-27].在下面的所有动力学实验中,均采用600r·min-1的搅拌速率.2.2.2溶剂极性的影响分别使用苯、甲苯、二甲苯、环已酮、苯乙酮及硝基苯六种不同的溶剂进行了相转移催化反应,图5为六种体系中溴代正丁烷转化率随时间的变化曲线.可以看出,六种溶剂对相转移催化的影响顺序为:硝基苯>苯乙酮>环已酮>甲苯>二甲苯>苯.苯、二甲苯、甲苯、环已酮、苯乙酮及硝基苯的极性是不同的,它们的介电常数ε分别是2.275、2.370、2.568、15.34、17.39、34.82.显然,对于本研究的反应体系,以极性最强的硝基苯为溶剂时,反应速率最快;而以极性最弱的苯为溶剂时,反应速率最慢.在负离子为进攻物种的相转移催化体系中,有机相溶剂的极性对催化反应具有很大的影响.使用极性强的溶剂时,溶剂与底物分子之间的强偶极-偶极相互作用,会促进底物分子中卤原子与烷基的分离,而溶剂与活性离子对之间的强离子-偶极相互作用,则会促进活性离子对(存在于三相转移催化剂DBC-CPVA的表面)的拆分,这两者都有利于负离子物种苯甲酸根与底物分子溴代正丁烷之间的反应[28-29];另外,对于交联聚乙烯醇微球负载的三相相转移催化剂,有机溶剂极性越强,在有机相中的溶胀性能越好,越有利于负离子反应物种从活性离子对中的释放过程.有机溶剂极性的上述两种正性影响的结果,使得溴代正丁烷与苯甲酸(钾盐)之间的三相相转移催化的酯化反应,在极性最强的硝基苯中进行时,反应效果最好.2.2.3有机相体积的影响固定其它反应条件,改变有机相与水相的体积比例(溴代正丁烷的用量固定,通过改变溶剂硝基苯的体积,从而改变有机相与水相的体积比例),进行了相转移催化反应.图6给出了在不同有机相/水相比例条件下,溴代正丁烷转化率随时间的变化曲线,图7则给出了反应时间均为11h时,溴代正丁烷转化率与有机相/水相比例之间的关系曲线.由图6与图7可以看出,当有机相含量较小时,随着有机相比例的增大,溴代正丁烷的转化率大幅度提升;当有机相与水相体积比约为0.25∶1(1∶4)时,转化率达最大值(约70%),然后随有机相比例的增大,转化率转而下降.对发生这一变化趋势的可能原因分析如下:苯甲酸根与络合阳离子K+-DBC-CPVA 相结合所形成的离子对,在有机相中被拆分,苯甲酸图4在不同搅拌速率下溴代正丁烷转化率与时间的关系曲线Fig.4Relationship of1-bromobutane conversion and time at different agitation ratessolvent:C6H5NO2,V(C6H5NO2)∶V(H2O)=1∶4,reaction temperature:80℃图5使用不同溶剂时溴代正丁烷转化率与时间的关系曲线Fig.5Relationship of1-bromobutane conversion andtime in different solventstemperature:80℃,V(C6H5NO2)∶V(H2O)=1∶4,r=600r·min -1930No.4王世伟等:固载化冠醚二苯并-18-冠-6在苯甲酸丁酯合成反应中的相转移催化作用根不断被释放出来;当有机相的用量比较小时,限制了有机相中苯甲酸根的溶解程度,直接影响到有机相中的取代反应;随着有机相用量的增多,有机相中能够容纳苯甲酸根的能力增强,加快了有机相中的亲核取代反应;当有机相与水相体积比约为1: 4时,可能此时苯甲酸根的提供已经很充分,控制反应速率快慢的主要因素转变为有机相中溴代正丁烷的浓度;当体系中有机相的比例继续增大时,有机相中溴代正丁烷浓度的稀释效应便充分地显露出来,使亲核取代反应的速率明显地减慢,因而在图7的曲线上出现了最大值.由此看来,与液-液相转移催化体系类似,在三相相转移催化体系中,有机相与水相的比例也有一最适宜的数值,对于本研究体系,适宜的有机相与水相体积之比为0.25∶1(1∶4).2.2.4温度的影响及催化反应动力学固定其它反应条件(有机相与水相体积比取1∶4,使反应落在有机相底物浓度的控制区),改变反应温度,进行了液-固-液三相相转移催化酯化反应,图8给出了不同温度下溴代正丁烷转化率随时间的变化曲线,图9则给出了各温度下-ln(1-x)对反应时间的关系曲线(先按一级反应的动力学规律处理数据,进行探讨).由图8看到,随着反应温度的提高,反应速率加快,相同时间内溴代正丁烷转化率增大.从图9可以清楚地看到,在所考察的温度范围内,-ln(1-x)与反应时间之间均具有良好的直线关系,而且直线均通过原点,表明催化反应服从一级反应的动力学规律.当传质阻力被排除后,相转移催化反应的控制过程发生在有机相.有机相中的亲核取代反应本应该是二级反应,其速率方程如式(1)所示(A、B分别代表水相与有机相中的反应物).在本研究体系中,可能由于水相中的苯甲酸钾大大过量于有机相中的溴代正丁烷,且苯甲酸根能被相转移催图6采用不同的有机相比例时溴代正丁烷转化率与时间的关系曲线Fig.61-Bromobutane conversion curve at different volume ratios of organic phase to water phase solvent:C6H5NO2,temperature:80℃,r=600r·min-1图7有机相用量对溴代正丁烷转化率的影响Fig.7Effect of volume ratio of organic phase to water phase on1-bromobutane conversionreaction time:11h图8不同温度下溴代正丁烷转化率与时间的关系曲线Fig.81-Bromobutane conversion curve at differenttemperaturessolvent:C6H5NO2,V(C6H5NO2)∶V(H2O)=1∶4,r=600r·min-1图9-ln(1-x)与反应时间的关系曲线Fig.9Relationship curve between-ln(1-x)andreaction time931Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin.,2010Vol.26化剂充分地转移、释放至有机相中,故使有机相中c A垌c B,导致有机相中的酯化反应变成了准一级反应,其速率方程的微分形式与积分形式如式(2)及式(3)所示,故导致了上述的动力学特征.-d c B=kc A c B(1)当c A垌c B时,有-d c Bd t=k′c B(2)ln11-x=k′t(3)2.3循环使用性能固体催化剂DBC-CPVA循环使用8次,图10给出了循环使用过程中(每次反应11h),反应体系中溴代正丁烷转化率的变化情况.显然,在8次的循环实验中,在第2次使用时,固体催化剂DBC-CPVA 的催化活性有一定的下降(可能原来物理吸附于固体催化剂表面的冠醚,经首次使用后脱落所致),但此后再循环使用时,催化活性基本保持稳定,表明本研究所制备的固载有冠醚的三相相转移催化剂DBC-CPVA,具有优良的重复使用稳定性.3结论本研究将二苯并-18-冠-6化学固载于交联聚乙烯醇微球表面,制得了固载有冠醚的三相相转移催化剂DBC-CPVA,将其用于苯甲酸与溴代正丁烷的酯化反应,实验结果表明,固体催化剂DBC-CPVA 具有良好的相转移催化活性与循环使用性能.当搅拌速率高于500r·min-1时,传质阻力可基本消除,反应动力学为本征动力学;使用极性强的溶剂,有利于液-固-液之间的相转移催化作用;有机相的用量对三相相转移催化反应有明显的影响,当有机相与水相体积比约为1∶4时,相转移催化的效果最好;当水相中反应物用量大大过量时,整个催化反应呈现一级反应的动力学特征.References1Yadav,G.D.;Lande,S.V.Appl.Catal.A,2005,287:2672Yadav,G.D.;Bisht,P,mun.,2004,5:2593Kong,Y.T.;Kakiuchi,T.J.Electroanal.Chem.,1998,446:194Yadav,G.D.;Jadhav,Y.B.;Sengupta,S.Chem.Eng.Sci.,2003, 58:26815Li,X.;Santos,J.;Bu,X.R.Tetrahedron Lett.,2000,41:40576Yang,H.M.;Li,C.C.J.Mol.Catal.,2006,246:257Sarhan,A.A.;Abdelaal,M.Y.;Abdel-Latiff,E.H.Polymer,1999, 40:2338Yang,H.M.;Lin,C.L.J.Mol.Catal.,2003,206:679覵誰ska,B.;Pankiewicz,R.;Schroeder,G.;Maia,A.J.Mol.Catal., 2007,269:14110覵誰ska,B.;Pankiewicz,R.;Schroeder,G.;Maia,A.Tetrahedron Lett.,2006,47:567311Yang,H.M.;Wu,P.I.;Li,C.M.Appl.Catal.A,2000,193:129. 12Watanabe,H.;Iijima,T.;Fukuda,W.;Tomoi,M.React.Funct.Polym.,1998,37:10113Satrio,J.A.B.;Glatzer,H.J.;Doraiswamy,L.K.Chem.Eng.Sci., 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小学上册英语第二单元真题试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is 2 + 2?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6B2.I want to ______ a superhero. (become)3.Which animal is known for its ability to change colors?A. ChameleonB. ElephantC. TigerD. Bear4.Many plants are ______ (多年生) and return each year.5.I can’t wait to show my friends my new ____. (玩具名称)6.Which fruit is yellow and sour?A. AppleB. LemonC. OrangeD. Cherry7.What do we call the process of making fabric from fibers?A. WeavingB. KnittingC. SewingD. SpinningA8.What is the smallest continent?A. AfricaB. EuropeC. AustraliaD. Asia9.I like to run in the ______ (公园) every morning to stay fit.10. A rabbit has long _______ that help it navigate the world.11.What do we call a young crocodile?A. HatchlingB. CalfC. KitD. PupA Hatchling12.What do we use to write on a blackboard?A. PenB. CrayonC. ChalkD. MarkerC13.I love to _____ (study) different plant species.14.Geologists use the term "strata" to refer to ______ of rock layers.15.We go to the ______ (市场) for fresh fruits.16.What is the term for a large body of salt water?A. RiverB. LakeC. OceanD. PondC17.What do we call a machine used to take pictures?A. CameraB. ProjectorC. ScannerD. Television18.I saw a _________ in the garden. (蜗牛)19.What is the capital city of Indonesia?A. JakartaB. BaliC. BandungD. SurabayaA20.My friend, ______ (我的朋友), loves to play basketball.21.The _____ (铁路) connects cities.22.This game is very _______ (有趣).23.I want to _____ (eat/drink) some water.24.How many states are in the USA?A. 50B. 51C. 52D. 4825. A chemical _______ shows how substances react with each other. (反应式)26.The bee is _____ on the flower. (buzzing)27.I enjoy ______ (与家人一起) playing sports.28.I enjoy playing with my ______ (玩具车) in the living room. It goes ______ (快).29.The classroom is ________ and bright.30.What do frogs live in?A. TreesB. WaterC. DesertD. CavesB31.What is the name of the fairy tale character with long hair?A. Snow WhiteB. RapunzelC. BelleD. ArielB32.The chemical formula for potassium permanganate is _____.33.The _____ (叶片) can be broad or narrow.34.The chemical formula for ammonium phosphate is _____.35.Wildflowers grow __________ (自然) in meadows.36.The cake is ________ (非常好吃).37.I see a _______ (fox) in the distance.38.The capital of Cabo Verde is __________.39.The ancient Egyptians used _______ to write on. (纸草)40.What is the name of the ship that sank in 1912?A. LusitaniaB. TitanicC. BritannicD. MayflowerB41.We will visit our ______ (uncle) next weekend.42. A balanced chemical equation has the same number of ______ on both sides.43.Curtain symbolized the divide between ________ (东西方). The Kore44.Table sugar is also known as _____.45.What do you call the movement of air?A. WindB. BreezeC. StormD. CurrentA46.I like to practice ______ (瑜伽) to relax and stay healthy.47.How many letters are in the word "elephant"?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9答案:B48.My ________ (玩具名称) is a source of inspiration.49.The Sahara is the largest _______ in Africa.50.The _______ (The Enlightenment) emphasized reason and individualism.51.The chemical symbol for germanium is __________.52.What is the name of the longest river in the world?A. AmazonB. NileC. MississippiD. YangtzeB53.What is the name of the famous Egyptian structure built as a tomb?A. ColosseumB. Great WallC. PyramidD. Taj MahalC54.He is a firefighter, ______ (他是一名消防员), responding to emergencies.55.Which day comes after Friday?A. MondayB. SaturdayC. SundayD. ThursdayB56.The first human-made object to land on the moon was _______.57.What is the fastest land animal?A. ElephantB. CheetahC. HorseD. KangarooB58.The ______ teaches us about scientific discoveries.59.How many bones are in a child's body?A. 206B. 205C. 300D. 25060.What is the capital of Greece?A. AthensB. ThessalonikiC. CreteD. Rhodes61. A __________ is a substance that can conduct electricity when dissolved in water.62.The __________ is a major geographical region in Africa. (撒哈拉沙漠)63.The _____ (营养) from the soil is vital for growth.64.The teacher gives us _____ for homework. (assignments)65.The ice is very ___. (slippery)66. A hamster's cheeks can hold a lot of ______ (食物).67.My favorite game is ________ (视频游戏) on the computer.68.The water is ________ in the lake.69.What is the name of the device we use to listen to music?A. RadioB. TelevisionC. ComputerD. PhoneAA. CombB. ToothbrushC. TowelD. SpoonB71.What is 7 + 8?A. 16B. 15C. 14D. 13A72.The ______ (蓝鲸) is known to be the largest animal ever.73. A frog's legs help it swim and ______ (跳).74.I enjoy going to ______ with my family.75.We have a _____ (活动) this weekend.76.The capital of Sri Lanka is __________.77.What is the opposite of 'happy'?A. SadB. ExcitedC. AngryD. Joyful78. A _______ is a measure of the amount of solute in a solution.79.The ________ (地理学) is fascinating to study.80.My brother loves __________ (学习新技能).81.In the spring, I see many ______ (蝴蝶).82.The children are ___ a game. (playing)83.The ____ is a small rodent that likes to nibble on seeds.84. A ______ (松鼠) stores nuts for winter.85.What do farmers grow?A. BooksB. CropsC. CarsD. ClothesB86.The Earth's atmosphere is made up of different gases, primarily ______.87.Which season comes after spring?A. WinterB. SummerC. FallD. Autumn88.Which shape has three sides?A. SquareB. CircleC. TriangleD. RectangleCA. HatB. ShoesC. GlovesD. ScarfB90.They are going to ________ the zoo.91.The _____ (袋鼠) carries its baby in a pouch.92. A _______ is a solution that cannot dissolve any more solute.93.Which animal is known for its ability to change color?A. ChameleonB. EagleC. SharkD. PenguinA Chameleon94.My ________ (玩具名称) is a celebration of fun.95.The first man on the moon was __________ (尼尔·阿姆斯特朗).96.What do we call a baby llama?A. CalfB. FoalC. CriaD. KidC Cria97.Which animal is known for its ability to hop?A. FrogB. DogC. CatD. FishA98.The chemical formula for hydrochloric acid is ________.99.We will _______ (join) the club.100.What do we call the process of making a choice?A. Decision-makingB. PlanningC. OrganizingD. ArrangingA。



山西农业科学2022,50(7):938-944Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences基于主成分分析的糯玉米杂交组合农艺性状综合评价王俊花,邵林生,闫建宾,王瑞钢,张雪彪,庞旭,张沛敏(山西农业大学高粱研究所,山西晋中030600)摘要:为了从玉米大量的农艺性状中筛选出用于可综合评价的主要性状,以提高糯玉米育种效率,以甜糯182号为对照,对60份鲜食糯玉米杂交组合的9个农艺性状进行遗传变异、相关性和主成分分析。





综上可见,在山西省晋中盆地糯玉米高产优质育种中,要注重对单穗鲜质量大、穗长较长、秃尖较短、生育期87d 左右的杂交组合进行选择。

关键词:糯玉米;杂交组合;综合评价;相关分析;主成分分析中图分类号:S513文献标识码:A文章编号:1002‒2481(2022)07‒0938‒07Comprehensive Evaluation of Agronomic Traits Based on PrincipalComponent Analysis of Waxy Cross CombinationsWANG Junhua ,SHAO Linsheng ,YAN Jianbin ,WANG Ruigang ,ZHANG Xuebiao ,PANG Xu ,ZHANG Peimin(Institute of Sorghum ,Shanxi Agricultural University ,Jinzhong 030600,China )Abstract :To select main traits used on comprehensive evaluation from a large number of agronomic traits of maize for improving breeding efficiency of waxy maize,Tiannuo 182was used as the control,genetic variation,correlation,and principal component analysis of nine agronomic traits of 60fresh waxy maize cross combinations were analyzed in this study.The results showed that the variation coefficient of agronomic traits was 5.03%-72.03%,the variation coefficient of bald tip length was the largest and that of growth period was the smallest.The correlation analysis indicated that single ear fresh weight was extremely significantly positively correlated with ear diameter,ear row number,row grain number,ear length,and plant height.The effect was as follows:ear diameter >ear row number >row grain number >ear length >plant height.The bald tip length had a extremely significant negative correlation with single ear fresh weight,ear diameter,and row grain number.The traits of ear had association,there was a extremely significant positive correlation between ear length,ear diameter and row grain number,between ear diameter,ear row number and row grain number,and between ear row number and row grain number.There was a significant positive correlation between ear length and ear row number.Principal component analysis showed the accumulative contribution rates of the first 5principal components reached to 87.629%.The first principal component was yield factor,it was the main index of waxy corn hybrid combination evaluation.The second,third,fourth and fifth principal component was ear height factor,bald tip length factor,growth period factor,and ear length factor respectively.Based on comprehensive evaluation with principal component analysis and fruit ear grading standards of fresh edible waxy corn,18excellent cross combinations of waxy maize were screened out,including J27,J61,J7,J16,J4,J14,J5,J32,J12,J13,J39,J44,J1,J60,J23,J28,J10,J24.In conclusion,selection of cross combinations with large single ear yield,longer ear length,shorter bald tip length,87d growth period should be emphasized in the breeding for high yield and excellent quality waxy maize in Jinzhong Basin of Shanxi.Key words :waxy maize;cross combinations;comprehensive evaluation;correlation analysis;principal component analysisdoidoi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2481.2022.07.03收稿日期:2021-08-16基金项目:山西农业大学生物育种工程项目(YZGC057)作者简介:王俊花(1973-),女,山西垣曲人,副研究员,硕士,主要从事鲜食玉米遗传育种研究工作。



浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)48(5):583~593,2022Journal of Zhejiang University (Agric.&Life Sci.)http :///agr E -mail :zdxbnsb @结球甘蓝香叶基芳樟醇合酶基因的克隆及功能分析汪一萍1,葛洋1,张译心1,Asim MUNAWAR 1,张亚东1,毛黎娟2,祝增荣1,周文武1*(1.浙江大学农业与生物技术学院昆虫科学研究所,农业农村部作物病虫分子生物学重点实验室,杭州310058;2.浙江大学农生环测试中心,杭州310058)摘要萜类化合物在植物防御病虫害等胁迫中具有重要的生物学和生态学功能,香叶基芳樟醇合酶(geranyllinalool synthase,GES )是萜类合成途径中的关键酶。

为解析结球甘蓝中GES 的功能,本研究采用聚合酶链反应方法克隆了该基因,检测其在生物胁迫诱导下的表达特性,并对其蛋白质的原核表达特性及生化功能进行了研究和测定。

结果表明:BoGES 蛋白质的氨基酸序列在十字花科植物中高度保守;小菜蛾、丁香假单胞菌(Pst DC3000)、水杨酸、茉莉酸甲酯诱导均能上调BoGES 基因的表达,说明该基因参与生物胁迫诱导的反应;该蛋白质能够以香叶基香叶基焦磷酸为底物催化合成香叶基芳樟醇。

此外,用“Y ”型嗅觉仪测定玉米螟赤眼蜂对不同浓度香叶基芳樟醇的行为反应,发现香叶基芳樟醇能够吸引赤眼蜂。

综上所述,本研究对结球甘蓝中的BoGES 基因功能进行了系统研究,为进一步研究十字花科植物中萜类合酶及萜类化合物的生物学和生态学功能提供了科学依据。

关键词结球甘蓝;萜类合酶;生物胁迫;香叶基芳樟醇;香叶基芳樟醇合酶中图分类号S 635.1;Q 78文献标志码A引用格式汪一萍,葛洋,张译心,等.结球甘蓝香叶基芳樟醇合酶基因的克隆及功能分析[J].浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2022,48(5):583-593.DOI:10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2021.12.031WANG Yiping,GE Yang,ZHANG Yixin,et al.Cloning and functional analysis of geranyllinalool synthase gene from Brassica oleracea [J].Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture &Life Sciences),2022,48(5):583-593.Cloning and functional analysis of geranyllinalool synthase gene fromBrassica oleraceaWANG Yiping 1,GE Yang 1,ZHANG Yixin 1,Asim MUNAWAR 1,ZHANG Yadong 1,MAO Lijuan 2,ZHU Zengrong 1,ZHOU Wenwu 1*(1.Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Crop Pathogens and Insects,Institute of Insect Sciences,College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;2.Analysis Center of Agrobiology and Environmental Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China )AbstractTerpenoids play important biological and ecological roles in plant defense against the pests ’stress,and geranyllinalool synthase (GES)is a key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of terpenoids.In order to understand the function of GES in Brassica oleracea ,we cloned the BoGES gene by polymerase chain reaction and analyzed its expression levels under different biological stresses,after that we studied the recombinant protein by prokaryotic expression and analyzed its biochemical functions.The results showed that the amino acidDOI :10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2021.12.031基金项目:浙江省教育厅科研项目(Y202045605);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2021FZZX003-02-10);国家自然科学基金项目(31701798,32072432);浙江大学实验技术研究项目(SJS201915)。







关键词芜菁子;挥发油提取物;单核细胞增生李斯特菌;抑菌处理;培养温度;处理时间;培养基pH值;最小抑菌浓度中图分类号TS255.3文献标识码A文章编号1007-5739(2023)18-0193-04DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5739.2023.18.047开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Antibacterial Conditions of Volatile Oil Extracts from Seeds of Brassica rapa L.LU Ke LI Jingyan HE Jingliu*LIU Feng ZHONG Yuanyang CHEN Hong GU Fengyu(Department of Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory,Ya'an Polytechnic College,Ya'an Sichuan625100) Abstract This paper obtained the volatile oil extract of the seeds of Brassica rapa steam distillation,and took the common pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes in fresh cut fruits and vegetables as the test bacterium, used the volatile oil extracts of seeds of Brassica rapa carry out short-term volatile contact bacteriostasis treatment on Listeria monocytogenes at room temperature of25℃,simulated the low temperature storage temperature and pH value of fresh cut fruits and vegetables to culture Listeria monocytogenes.With the minimum inhibitory concentration as the index,this paper carried out the single factor experiment and the orthogonal test of three factors and three levels, including culture temperature,treatment time and the culture medium pH value,in order to optimize the antibacterial treatment conditions.The results showed that under the conditions of culture temperature of10℃,treatment time of 25min,and culture medium pH value of5,the minimum inhibitory concentration of volatile oil extracts from seeds of Brassica rapa L.against Listeria monocytogenes was0.0056%,and the sensory evaluation in the inhibitory space was very slight odor,not pungent,not dazzling,which was65.85%lower than the minimum inhibitory concentration in the routine test.The antibacterial effect was improved,and the odor in the inhibitory space was reduced.The antibacterial treatment conditions are stable,reasonable and feasible,which can provide references for the comprehensive utilization of volatile oil extracts from seeds of Brassica rapa L.Keywords seed of Brassica rapa L.;volatile oil extract;Listeria monocytogenes;antibacterial treatment;cultivation temperature;treatment time;the culture medium pH value;minimum inhibitory concentration基金项目雅安职业技术学院高层次人才科研工作室项目“川蜀农产品保鲜技术研发工作室”(Yzygcky202218)。

sigmaaldrich引用 英文全名

sigmaaldrich引用 英文全名

sigmaaldrich引用英文全名全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Sigma-Aldrich is this really cool company that sells all kinds of chemicals and stuff for science experiments. Their full name is Sigma-Aldrich Corporation and they have been around for a long time, like since 1946!Sigma-Aldrich sells all kinds of chemicals like acids, bases, solvents, and even some fun stuff like glow-in-the-dark powder. They also sell equipment and tools for labs, like beakers and test tubes. It's like a one-stop shop for all your science needs!One of the things that makes Sigma-Aldrich so awesome is that they have a huge catalog with thousands of products. If you need something for your experiment, chances are Sigma-Aldrich has it. And if they don't have it, they can probably make it for you!Another great thing about Sigma-Aldrich is that they have really high-quality products. Scientists all over the world trust Sigma-Aldrich because they know they are getting the best chemicals and equipment for their experiments.But that's not all! Sigma-Aldrich also has a team of experts who can help you with any questions you might have. Whether you need help choosing the right chemical for your experiment or figuring out how to use a piece of equipment, Sigma-Aldrich has you covered.So next time you need something for your science project, remember Sigma-Aldrich. They have everything you need to make your experiment a success!篇2Once upon a time, there was a big and cool website called Sigma-Aldrich. Sigma-Aldrich is like an awesome treasure chest full of all kinds of cool stuff for scientists and researchers to use in their experiments. It's like a magical laboratory where you can find all sorts of chemicals, reagents, and tools to help you do your science projects.Sigma-Aldrich is super popular because it has tons ofhigh-quality products that scientists all around the world trust and use. From fancy chemicals to fancy equipment,Sigma-Aldrich has everything a scientist could ever need. And not just that, they also have all these super helpful resources liketechnical documents, safety data sheets, and even scientific articles for you to read and learn from.One of the best things about Sigma-Aldrich is that they don't just sell stuff, they also help you figure out what you need for your experiments. Their awesome customer service team is always ready to answer your questions and give you expert advice. So if you're ever stuck on a science project, just give Sigma-Aldrich a call and they'll help you out!So if you're a young scientist looking to do some cool experiments or if you're a curious kid who loves learning about science, make sure to check out Sigma-Aldrich. It's like a magical world full of wonders waiting for you to explore. And who knows, maybe one day you'll make a groundbreaking discovery that will change the world, all thanks to Sigma-Aldrich!篇3Title: Sigma Aldrich - The Coolest Science Stuff Ever!Hey guys, have you ever heard of Sigma Aldrich? It's like the ultimate science store where you can find all the coolest stuff for your experiments and projects. They have everything from chemicals to lab equipment to amazing science tools. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, Sigma Aldrich is a super famous company that makes all kinds of high-quality chemicals and materials for scientists and researchers around the world. They have been around for a long time and are known for their top-notch products and excellent customer service.One of the best things about Sigma Aldrich is that they have a huge selection of chemicals for all your science experiments. Whether you need acids, bases, solvents, or specialty chemicals, they have got you covered. And the best part is that everything is super high quality and safe to use, so you don't have to worry about anything going wrong in the lab.But that's not all - Sigma Aldrich also has a ton of awesome lab equipment for all your scientific needs. From glassware to heating equipment to microscopes, they have everything you could ever need to conduct your experiments like a real pro. And the best part is that everything is super affordable, so you won't break the bank stocking up on all your supplies.And let's not forget about all the amazing science tools that Sigma Aldrich has to offer. They have all kinds of cool gadgets and instruments that will help you take your experiments to the next level. Whether you need a pH meter, a spectrophotometer, or a centrifuge, they have it all.So if you're a science lover like me, you definitely need to check out Sigma Aldrich. They have everything you could ever need to conduct your experiments and projects with success. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!篇4Sigma-Aldrich is a super cool company that sells all kinds of science stuff! They have a big name - Sigma-Aldrich Corporation.I know it's a mouthful to say, but they're really famous in the science world. They do all sorts of things like making chemicals, testing materials, and even working with big companies to help them with their science projects.One of the things I like about Sigma-Aldrich is that they have a lot of different products. It's like going to a candy store, but instead of candy, it's all science stuff! They have all sorts of chemicals, lab equipment, and even things like test tubes and beakers. It's like a science lover's dream come true!Not only do they have a ton of awesome products, but Sigma-Aldrich is also really good at helping scientists with their research. They have a team of experts who can answer questions, give advice, and even help you find the right products for your experiments. It's like having your own personal science mentor!One of the things I find the most amazing aboutSigma-Aldrich is that they're always coming up with new and innovative products. They're like the trendsetters of the science world! Whether it's a new chemical compound, a better way to test materials, or a more efficient lab equipment, Sigma-Aldrich is always at the forefront of innovation.I think Sigma-Aldrich is a really awesome company. They're super helpful, have a ton of cool products, and are always pushing the boundaries of science. If you're a science lover like me, you should definitely check them out! Sigma-Aldrich Corporation - it's a name you won't forget!篇5Hey guys! Today I wanna talk to you about something super cool and important for science - Sigma-Aldrich references! Sigma-Aldrich is a big company that makes all kinds of chemicals and materials for scientists to use in their experiments. When we do research or science projects, it's really important to usehigh-quality materials and chemicals, and that's whereSigma-Aldrich comes in.So, what exactly is a Sigma-Aldrich reference? Basically, it's a way for scientists to cite where they got the materials they usedin their research. Just like when we write essays and have to list all the books and articles we used, scientists have to do the same thing when they publish their research. This helps other scientists know where to get the same materials if they want to do similar experiments.When we use Sigma-Aldrich materials in our experiments, we can trust that they are top-notch quality. Sigma-Aldrich is known for making high-purity chemicals and materials that are perfect for scientific research. Plus, they have a huge selection of products to choose from, so we can always find exactly what we need for our experiments.Using Sigma-Aldrich references in our research papers is not only important for giving credit where credit is due, but it also shows that we are using reliable and trustworthy materials in our experiments. It helps to build credibility and trust in the scientific community, which is super important when we are sharing our findings with the world.So next time you're doing a science project or research experiment, remember to check out Sigma-Aldrich for all your chemical and material needs. And don't forget to include Sigma-Aldrich references in your paper to show that you're using the best of the best! Sigma-Aldrich rocks!Sigma-Aldrich is a super cool company that sells lots of fancy science stuff. They have a really long name, it's called Sigma-Aldrich Corporation. Yeah, I know, it's a mouthful!So, what does Sigma-Aldrich do? Well, they sell all kinds of chemicals and materials that scientists use for their experiments. Like, they have stuff for biology, chemistry, and even stuff for making cool things like new medicines or fancy plastics.But Sigma-Aldrich isn't just about selling stuff, they also do research to discover new things and improve the stuff they sell. They have smart scientists who work in labs and come up with new ideas to help other scientists do their experiments better.Oh, and did you know that Sigma-Aldrich is part of a bigger company called Merck Group? Yeah, they're like a big science family working together to make the world a better place with their cool science stuff.I think Sigma-Aldrich is really awesome because they help scientists make new discoveries and inventions that can make our world a better place. So next time you see their name on a bottle in your science class, remember how cool they are and all the amazing things they help scientists do!Sigma-Aldrich is a super cool company that sells all kinds of chemicals and stuff for science experiments. Their full name is Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, and they have lots of labs where they make all the cool chemicals.One time, my science teacher told us about Sigma-Aldrich and how they have this thing called the Sigma-Aldrich Quote. It's like a special way to make sure you're using the right chemicals for your experiments. The Sigma-Aldrich Quote helps scientists know that they're getting good quality chemicals that will work the way they're supposed to.I think it's really cool that Sigma-Aldrich cares so much about making sure scientists have the best stuff to do their experiments. They even have a website where you can go and look up all the chemicals they sell and learn about how to use them safely. It's like a super cool online library for scientists!I heard that Sigma-Aldrich has been around for a really long time, like since 1951. That's older than my grandma! They must be really good at what they do if they've been around for that long. My science teacher said that Sigma-Aldrich is like thesuperhero of the chemical world, always there to save the day with their awesome products.I can't wait to grow up and be a scientist so I can use all the cool chemicals and equipment from Sigma-Aldrich. I bet I'll do some amazing experiments with their stuff and maybe even win a Nobel Prize someday! Sigma-Aldrich is the best!篇8Sigma-Aldrich is a company that sells all kinds of cool science stuff! They have chemicals, lab equipment, and even different types of products for research and development. It's like a science wonderland where scientists can find everything they need to conduct their experiments and studies.One of the coolest things about Sigma-Aldrich is that they have a really big collection of chemicals. They have stuff like acids, bases, solvents, and other chemicals that scientists need for their experiments. The best part is that all of their chemicals are really high quality, so scientists can trust that they are using the best materials for their work.Sigma-Aldrich also sells lab equipment like beakers, test tubes, and microscopes. This equipment is essential for scientists to conduct their experiments and observe their results. WithSigma-Aldrich's high-quality lab equipment, scientists can be confident that they are getting accurate and reliable data.In addition to chemicals and lab equipment, Sigma-Aldrich also offers products for research and development. They have things like antibodies, enzymes, and reagents that scientists can use to further their research projects. These products are essential for scientific advancement and Sigma-Aldrich plays a key role in providing them to the scientific community.Overall, Sigma-Aldrich is a really important company in the world of science. They provide scientists with the tools they need to conduct their research and make important discoveries. Without companies like Sigma-Aldrich, scientific progress would be much slower. So next time you're in the lab conducting experiments, remember to thank Sigma-Aldrich for all the awesome stuff they provide!篇9Once upon a time, there was a super cool company called Sigma-Aldrich. They were like the superheroes of the science world, providing all kinds of fancy chemicals and materials for scientists to use in their experiments.Sigma-Aldrich had a really long name - it was actually called "Sigma-Aldrich Corporation." But nobody really called them that because it was too much of a mouthful. Everyone just called them Sigma-Aldrich for short.Sigma-Aldrich was like a magical store filled with all kinds of potions and powders that scientists could use to make amazing discoveries. They had everything from acids to zwitterions - which is a fancy word for molecules that can be positively or negatively charged.Scientists from all over the world would visit Sigma-Aldrich to buy the special ingredients they needed for their experiments. The scientists would look through the huge catalog that Sigma-Aldrich had and order exactly what they needed. It was like shopping for ingredients to bake a cake, but way more scientific.Sigma-Aldrich also had a website where scientists could order their chemicals online. It was like a magical online store where you could buy all the cool stuff you needed to do your science experiments.One day, a little scientist named Sally went to Sigma-Aldrich to buy some chemicals for her experiment. She needed somespecial enzymes to help her study how plants grow. She looked through the catalog and found exactly what she needed.Sally placed her order online and waited eagerly for her chemicals to arrive. When they did, she couldn't wait to start her experiment. Thanks to Sigma-Aldrich, Sally was able to make a big discovery that helped her win a science fair!From that day on, Sally would always rememberSigma-Aldrich as the place where she got the special ingredients that helped her become a super scientist. Sigma-Aldrich may have a long name, but to Sally, it was like a magical store filled with all the wonders of science.篇10Sigma-Aldrich is like a super cool and helpful store for scientists and researchers. They have all sorts of chemicals and lab supplies that you might need for your experiments and projects. Their official full name is actually Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, but we usually just call them Sigma-Aldrich for short.One of the best things about Sigma-Aldrich is that they have a huge variety of products. They have chemicals for pretty much any experiment you can think of, from basic stuff like acids andbases to more fancy things like reagents and catalysts. They also have lab equipment like beakers, test tubes, and even fancy machines like spectrometers and chromatography systems.But Sigma-Aldrich isn't just about selling stuff – they also do a lot of research and development themselves. They have a team of scientists who work hard to create new and improved products for their customers. They're always coming up with innovative solutions to help make scientific research easier and more efficient.Another cool thing about Sigma-Aldrich is that they have a website where you can easily browse and order products online. It's super convenient – you can just search for what you need, add it to your cart, and check out in a few clicks. And they have really fast shipping, so you can get your stuff delivered right to your lab door in no time.Sigma-Aldrich is like a one-stop shop for all your scientific needs. Whether you're a beginner just starting out in the lab or a seasoned researcher working on cutting-edge projects,Sigma-Aldrich has got you covered. So next time you need supplies for your experiments, remember to check outSigma-Aldrich – they're the best in the biz!。



山西农业科学 2023,51(12):1395-1403Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences不同真菌固态发酵对谷物多酚含量和抗氧化性的影响徐莉娜,郭尚,李艳婷,郭伟伟(山西农业大学山西功能食品研究院,山西太原 030031)摘要:通过大型真菌固态发酵多种谷物,评价真菌固态发酵对谷物基质营养品质的影响,旨在为开发新型功能食品原料提供依据。





关键词:真菌;固态发酵;谷物;多酚;抗氧化性中图分类号:TS213 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002‒2481(2023)12‒1395‒09Effect of Solid- State Fermentation with Different Fungi on PhenolContents and Antioxidant Properties of Cereal GrainsXU Lina,GUO Shang,LI Yanting,GUO Weiwei(Shanxi Institute for Functional Food,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taiyuan 030031,China)Abstract:The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of solid-state fermentation with fungi on the nutritional quality of grain matrix by solid-state fermentation of various grains with large fungi, providing a basis for the development of new functional food raw materials. In this study, taking Helvella lacunose X1,Agaricus bisporus AS2796, and Fomitiporia yanbeiensis G1 as the fermentation strains, ten common grains(wheat, rice, oat, corn, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, soybean, pea, and sorghum) in Shanxi were used as the matrix. The effect of the three large fungal strains on the total phenolic content and antioxidant properties of fermented matrix by solid state fermentation was compared and studied. The results showed that the total phenolic contents of eight grains(corn, rice, millet, oat, sorghum, quinoa, soybean, and pea) fermented by strain AS 2796 were significantly higher than those of the grains fermented by X1 and F. G1 strains. The improvement of total phenolic contents of wheat and buckwheat by F.G1 was significantly higher than that of the grains fermented by X1 and AS2796. According to the indexes including DPPH scavenging capacity, reducing power, O2-· scavenging ability, and Fe2+chelating ability, antioxidant property analysis of fermentation products was analyzed in vitro, it showed that antioxidant properties in vitro of wheat, rice, millet, quinoa, oat, buckwheat, and soybean fermented by F.G1 were significantly higher than those of the grains fermented by AS 2796 and X1, and there were differences in the changes in antioxidant properties of the same grain fermented by different strains, and there were also differences in the antioxidant properties of the fermentation products of the different grains fermented by the same strain .Key words:fungi; solid-state fermentation; grains; phenol; antioxidant properties谷物食品是全球膳食的主要来源。



Mediterranean Journal of MathematicsVol. 10, No. 4(2013), pages 1609-2028ContentsS. Capparelli and P. MarosciaOn Two Sequences of Orthogonal Polynomials Relatedto Jordan Blocks ….…………………………………………………………………….1609-1630 G. Aranda Pino and L. VašNoetherian Leavitt Path Algebras and Their Regular Algebras………………………..1631-1654 S. Ali, A. Fošner, M. Fošner and M. S. KhanOn Generalized Jordan Triple ( α,β )*- Derivations and related Mappings……….…..1655-1666 H. LarkiLeavitt Path Algebras of Edge-Colored Graphs……………….…..…… . …………….1667-1682 F. Qi and C. BergComplete Monotonicity of a Difference Between the Exponential and TrigammaFunctions and Properties Related to a Modified Bessel Function ……………………..1683-1694 M. Krnić, J. Pečarić and P. VukovićA Unified Treatment of Half-Discrete Hilbert-Type Inequalities witha Homogeneous Kernel…………………………………………………………………..1695-1714 B. LisenaAsymptotic Properties in a Delay Differential Inequality withPeriodic Coefficients…………………………………………………………………….1715-1728 Y. Jalilian and R. JalilianExistence of Solution for Delay Fractional Differential Equations…………………….1729-1746 J. Llibre and C. VallsGeneralized Weierstrass Integrability of the Abel Differential Equations………………1747-1758 P. Álvarez-Caudevilla, J. D. Evans and V. A. GalaktionovThe Cauchy problem for a tenth-order thin film equation I. Bifurcationof oscillatory fundamental solutions…………………………………………..…………1759-1790 A. BoughammouraHomogenization of a Highly Heterogeneous Elastic-ViscoelaticComposite Materials……………………………………………………………………...1791-1810M. StojanovicWave Equation Driven by Fractional Generalized Stochastic Processes………..………1811-1829 C. Bardaro and I. MantelliniOn Linear Combinations of Multivariate Generalized Sampling Type Series……………1831-1850 C. Ferreira, J. L. López and E.Pérez SinusíaThe Second Appell Function for one Large Variable…………………………….……….1851-1864 B. WróbelLaplace Type Multipliers for Laguerre Expansions of Hermite Type…………………….1865-1879 A. OsękowskiSharp Logarithmic Bounds for Beurling-Ahlfors Operator Restrictedto the Class of Radial Functions……………………………………………………..……1881-1892 M. Baronti and P. L. PapiniOn Some Types of Rigid Sets in Banach Spaces…………………………………………..1893-1901 Y. Yagoub-ZidiSome Isometric Properties of Subspaces of Function Spaces…………………………….1903-1913 S. Lambert, K. Lee and A. LuttmanOn the Generality of Assuming that a Family of ContinuousFunctions Separates Points…………………………………………………………..……1915-1933 I. Akbarbaglu and S. MaghsoudiBanach-Orlicz Algebras on a Locally Compact Group…………………………………...1935-1945 M. Abel and R. M. Pérez-TiscareñoLocally Pseudoconvex Inductive Limit of Topological Algebras………………….………1947-1961 P. Aiena, J. R. Guillén and P. PeñaLocalized SVEP, property (b) and property (ab)………………………………………….1963-1974 I. K. Erken and C. MurathanA Class of 3-Dimensional Contact Metric Manifolds…………………………………..…1975-1991 D. E. Dobbs and J. ShapiroOn the Strong (A)-Rings of Mahdou and Hassani…………………………………………1993-1995 M. De Falco, F. de Giovanni and C. MusellaGroups whose Proper Subgroups of Infinite Rank Have a TransitiveNormality Relation…………………………………………………………………………………. 1997-2004 S. SamkoVariable Exponent Herz Spaces………………………………………………………..….2005-2023S. SamkoErratum to “Variable exponent Herz spaces”, Mediterr. J. Math.DOI: 10.1007/s00009-013-0285-x, 2013………………………………………………….2025-2028。



小学上册英语第5单元综合卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly?A. MetamorphosisB. EvolutionC. TransformationD. Development 答案: A. Metamorphosis2.Helium was first discovered in the ______ spectrum.3.The capital of Indonesia is _______.4. A ____ has large, flapping ears and can hear very well.5.What do we call the stars and planets in the sky?A. UniverseB. Solar SystemC. GalaxyD. Atmosphere答案: A6.The _______ (The fall of the Berlin Wall) marked the end of Communist control in Eastern Europe.7.My friend is very ________.8.When it snows, I enjoy making __________ with my friends. (雪人)9.What is the main purpose of a refrigerator?A. To heat foodB. To cool foodC. To cook foodD. To freeze food答案: B10. A _____ (植物研究合作) can lead to groundbreaking discoveries.11.The __________ is a natural wonder located in the United States. (黄石公园)12.Turtles can live for a ______ (很长的时间).13.My brother is __________ (富有想象力).14. A ____(mixed-use development) combines residential and commercial spaces.15.What is the name of the famous ancient ruins in Mexico?A. TeotihuacanB. Machu PicchuC. Angkor WatD. Petra答案: A16.We visit the ______ (自然史博物馆) to learn about fossils.17.The discovery of ________ changed the course of history.18. A dolphin leaps gracefully out of the _______ and splashes down again.19.I enjoy playing ________ with my family.20.I like to ___ (play/watch) games.21.What do we call a young female goat?A. KidB. CalfC. LambD. Foal答案:A.Kid22.My friend is __________ (聪明绝顶).23.The _______ can change its shape with the seasons.24.The _____ (养分) in the soil is vital for plant health.25.What is the term for a young goat?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal答案: B26.An electric motor converts electrical energy into _______ energy.27.Animals that have scales are typically __________.28.The capital of Bonaire is __________.29.My favorite animal is a ______ (dolphin).30. A __________ is a reaction that involves a change in temperature.31.The first successful cloning of a mammal was of _____.32.I like to go ________ (爬山) with my friends.33.The ______ (小鸟) builds a nest for its eggs.34.My _____ (仓鼠) runs on its wheel.35.The ______ helps us learn about communication.36.The painting is very ___ (colorful).37.I often visit my ____.38.I can see a ______ in the sky. (bird)39. A strong acid has a pH less than ______.40.The atomic number of an element tells you the number of _____ (protons) it has.41.What do we call the part of the brain that controls balance?A. CerebellumB. CerebrumC. BrainstemD. Cortex答案:A42.The __________ is a famous natural landmark in the United States. (黄石公园)43.The capital of Ecuador is __________.44.The iguana is often seen basking in the ______ (阳光).45.The __________ (农业) is important for our economy.46.The ______ (小龙) is a mythical creature often found in ______ (故事).47.What is the term for a baby capybara?A. PupB. KitC. CalfD. Hatchling答案:c48.The fish swims in the ___. (water)49.The chemical formula for calcium chloride is ______.50.The ancient Romans practiced ________ (宗教多元).51.I want to _____ (go/stay) at home.52.The speed of light is very ______.53.What do we call a baby dog?A. KittenB. PuppyC. CalfD. Chick答案:B54.The chemical formula for yttrium oxide is _____.55.The Earth's surface is shaped by both climatic and ______ factors.56.Understanding plant _____ (结构) helps in gardening.57.The _____ (spoon) is shiny.58.The _____ (温带雨林) hosts a variety of plant species.59.The balloon is ______ (floating) in the air.60.The river is ______ (calm) and clear.61. A solution with a pH of contains more ______ than a solution with a pH of .62. A ____ is a large animal that can be trained to work.ets are made of ice, dust, and ______.64.__________ are used in the beauty industry for skincare.65.The _____ is a phenomenon where the moon blocks the sun.66.My cat enjoys the warmth of the _______ (阳光).67.The __________ is important for keeping bones strong.68.The __________ is the area of land between two rivers.69.The __________ (历史的深度剖析) reveals nuances.70.Certain plants can ______ (提供) habitat for endangered species.71. A _______ can measure the amount of energy consumed by a device.72.The ________ was a significant treaty that fostered diplomatic relations.73.The chemical symbol for silver is ________.74.I like to draw pictures of my ________ (玩具名) and imagine their adventures.75.I share my toys with my ______. (我和我的______分享玩具。


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一、学术委员会(以姓氏笔画为序)马吉溥(南京大学) 卢玉峰(大连理工大学)吉国兴(陕西师范大学) 孙顺华(嘉兴学院)纪友清(吉林大学) 杜鸿科(陕西师范大学)李炳仁(中国科学院) 陈晓漫(复旦大学)武俊德(浙江大学) 郑德超(Vanderbilt 大学,重庆大学)侯晋川(太原理工大学) 徐宪民(嘉兴学院)郭坤宇(复旦大学) 曹广福(华南农业大学)葛力明(中国科学院) 蒋春澜(河北师范大学)二、组织委员会主席:武俊德 (浙江大学)成员: 董浙 (浙江大学) 王海 (浙江大学) 张贵钧 (浙江大学)唐梦玥(浙江大学) 蒋金泽(浙江大学)会议地点:浙江大学玉泉校区邵逸夫科学馆主会场:浙江大学玉泉校区邵逸夫科学馆一楼117分会场A:邵逸夫科学馆二楼211分会场B:邵逸夫科学馆二楼212会议日程大会报告(地点:邵科馆一楼117报告厅)日期 时间 报告人及题目 主持人9 日 上 午 7:50--8:15 步行至会场8:15--8:35 开幕式鲁世杰武俊德 8:35--9:00 照相9:00--9:30 许全华:Analysis on quantum tori徐宪民 9:30--10:00 郭坤宇:The Kozlov completeness problem10:00--10:30卢玉峰:The reducibility of compressedshifts on Beurling type quotient modulesover the bidisk10:30--10:50 茶歇10:50--11:20吉国兴: Subdiagonal algebras withBeurling type invariant subspaces李刚 11:20--11:50姚一隽:Quasiconformal Stuctures andFunctional Analysis11:50—12:20纪奎:On the similarity of Cowen-Douglasoperators with index one12:25 午餐(邵科馆一楼)分组报告一(地点:邵科馆一楼117)日期 时间 报告人及题目 主持人9 日 下 午 13:45--14:10 王航:辫群的Baum-Connes同构的构造胡俊云14:10--14:35王茂发:Rigidity of Volterra-typeintegral operator on the Hardy spaces14:35--15:00王晓峰:Operator theory on Fock-typespaces15:00--15:25段永江:Toeplitz operators on weightedharmonic Bergman spaces15:25--15:45 茶歇15:45--16:10王鹏辉:Eigenvalue problems forstochastic Hamiltonian systems withboundary conditions纪友清 16:10--16:35朱森:Random Bergman shifts16:35--17:00程国正:The Regularity of Random BergmanFunctions17:00--17:25李玉成:On the norm of Hankel operatorrestricted to Fock space17:25--17:50李颂孝:Weighted Bergman spaces inducedby doubling weights in the unit ball ofnC18:00 晚餐(邵科馆一楼)日期 时间 报告人及题目 主持人9 日 下 午 13:45--14:10吴志强:Normal states are determined bytheir facial distances方小春 14:10--14:35刘锐:A toolkit for constructingdilations of operator-valued measures,bounded linear maps and frames14:35--15:00齐霄霏:Additive maps preservingr-nilpotent perturbation of scalars on()B H15:00--15:25陈建华:Closed range weighted compositionoperators on the Hardy space15:25--15:45 茶歇15:45--16:10 李磊:Preservers in function spaces于涛 16:10--16:35董炯:Weyl's theorem and itsperturbations for the functions ofoperators16:35--17:00荣祯:Combinatorial Independence andNaive Entropy17:00--17:25晏福刚:Products of Hankel operators onFock spaces17:25--17:50吴常晖:Wandering subspace property ofthe shift operator 2B on the weightedBergman space18:00 晚餐(邵科馆一楼)日期 时间 报告人及题目 主持人9 日 下 午 13:45--14:10贺衎:基于算子理论的量子程序分离问题研究曹怀信 14:10--14:35吴劲松:Quantum Fourier Analysis: LocallyCompact Quantum Groups14:35--15:00陶继成:Finite Group and the QuantumIsometry Group15:00--15:25白朝芳:Coherence manipulation underincoherent operations15:25--15:45 茶歇15:45--16:10原江涛:Constructions of one-way LOCCindistinguishable sets of generalizedBell states杜拴平 16:10--16:35魏晓敏:The symmetry of field algebra inHopf spin models determined by a Hopf*-subalgebra16:35--17:00黄旻怡:Broadcasting problem in theperspective of quantum networks17:00--17:25熊春河:非耗散退相干下的量子关联17:25--17:50王海:Correlations in evolutions ofquantum systems18:00 晚餐(邵科馆一楼)大会报告(地点:邵科馆一楼117)日期 时间 报告人及题目 主持人10 日 上 午8:20--8:50侯晋川:Entanglement witnessesconstructed by permutation pair曹广福 8:50--9.20陈泽乾:Observable-geometric phases andapplication9:20--9.50王凯:Rigidity of the determinantal pointprocesses9:50--10:10 茶歇10:10--10:40杜鸿科:Some applications ofblock-operator technique and spectraltheory丁宣浩10:40--11:10黄毅青:Double disjointness preserversof Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjesalgebras of locally compact groups11:10--11:40余世霖:Connes-Kasparov isomorphism andrepresentation theory11:50--13.45 午餐(邵科馆一楼)分组报告一(地点:邵科馆一楼117)日期 时间 报告人及题目 主持人10 日 下 午 13:45--14:10黄寒松:Composition operators betweendistinct Bergman spaces over planardomains李建奎 14:10--14:35石瑞:Irreducible and reducible operatorsin factor von Neumann algebras14:35--15:00曹鹏:Perturbation theory for ideals inBanach algebras15:00--15:25 周大鹏:K-theory for p L- Roe - algebras15:25--15:45 茶歇15:45--16:10陈泳:Ranks of commutators of truncatedToeplitz operators王勤 16:10--16:35丁立家:The p L- q L Problems ofBergman-type operators16:35--17:00王晋民:Delocalized eta invariants,cyclic cohomology and higher rhoinvariants17:00--17:25蒋报捷:拟局部Roe代数的相关问题18:00 晚餐(邵科馆一楼)分组报告二(地点:邵科馆二楼211)日期 时间 报告人及题目 主持人10 日 下 午 13:45--14:10石岩月:Reducing subspace for Toeplitzoperators with some non-analytic symbols许庆祥 14:10--14:35刘小松:A new characterization forCarleson measure on the unit ball of nC14:35--15:00马攀:Mixed products of Toeplitz andHankel operators on the Fock space15:00--15:25李然:Conjugations and complex symmetricToeplitz operators15:25--15:45 茶歇15:45--16:10刘超:A Generalization of Littlewood'sTheorem on Random Taylor Series viaGaussian Processes刘永民 16:10--16:35李海绸:Composition Operators onDilichlet Spaces over the Half-plane16:35--17:00李永宁:The First Szego Theorem of theBergman Toeplitz Matrix17:00--17:25郭鑫:New progress for the difference ofcomposition operators on the spaces ofholomorphic functions18:00 晚餐(邵科馆一楼)分组报告三(地点:邵科馆二楼212)日期 时间 报告人及题目 主持人10 日 下 午 13:45--14:10陈伟:Two Weight Inequalities forPositive Operators: Doubling Cubes侯成军 14:10--14:35符玄龙:Tracial Approximation in Simple*C-algebras14:35--15:00孟庆:Invariant means and property T ofcrossed products15:00--15:25蒋兴妮:Positive representations of()C X15:25--15:45 茶歇15:45--16:10李智强:Krein-Milman type theorems for*C-algebras陆芳言 16:10--16:35龙波涛:Twisted Bounded-dilation Group*C-algebras as *C-metric algebras16:35--17:00李辉:On the *C-algebra of the product oftwo odometers17:00--17:25刘成仕:Average values of functionals andconcentration without measure18:00 晚餐(邵科馆一楼)。



广东药科大学学报Journal of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Mar.2024,40(2)基于STING/NF-κB信号通路探讨茯苓酸对去卵巢小鼠骨质疏松的作用黄成硕1,陈驹2,吴晓静3,郑锦畅1,梁振1,郭伟雄1,陈继铭1(1.广东医科大学附属医院骨科中心,广东湛江524001;2.广东医科大学附属医院药学部,广东湛江524001;3.广东医科大学附属医院培训部,广东湛江524001)摘要:目的评价茯苓酸通过调控STING/NF-κB信号通路对去卵巢小鼠骨质疏松的影响。



结果与OVX组比较,E组和FL组小鼠血清StrACP和ALP水平明显降低(P<0.01),2股骨远端骨小梁面积百分数明显增加(P<0.01),皮质骨双荧光间距明显减少(P<0.01),股骨最大载荷和断裂载荷明显升高(P<0.01),股骨STING和p-NF-κB p65/NF-κB p65蛋白表达水平明显降低(P<0.01)。


关键词:茯苓酸;小鼠;卵巢摘除;骨质疏松;17β-雌二醇中图分类号:R285.5文献标识码:A文章编号:2096-3653(2024)02-0119-05DOI:10.16809/ki.2096-3653.2023122001Effect of pachymoic acid on osteoporosis in ovariectomized mice based on STING/NF-κB signaling pathwayHUANG Chengshuo1,CHEN Ju2,WU Xiaojing3,ZHENG Jinchang1,LIANG Zhen1,GUO Weixiong1,CHEN Jiming1*(1.Orthopaedic Center,Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University,Zhanjiang524001,China;2.Department of Pharmacy,Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University,Zhanjiang524001,China;3.Training department,Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University,Zhanjiang524001,China)*Corresponding author Email:**************Abstract:Objective To evaluate the effect of pachymoic acid on osteoporosis in ovariectomized mice by regulatingSTINGNF-κB signaling pathway.Methods Forty SPF female C57BL/6mice were divided into sham operation,10µg/kg)and pachymoic acid group(FL,5mg/kg),and group(Sham),model group(OVX),17β-estradiol group(E2the osteoporosis model of mice was established by bilateral ovariectomy.After8weeks,the levels of serum alkalinephosphatase(ALP)and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase(StrACP)were detected,the morphology of distal femurand the dynamic changes of tibia(cortical bone)bone formation were observed,and the biomechanics of the rightfemur and the expression levels of key proteins in STING/NF-κB pathway were determined.Results Compared withgroup and FL group were significantly lowered(P<0.01),the OVX group,the levels of serum StrACP and ALP in E2area percentage of trabecular bone in distal femur was increased(P<0.01),and the double-fluorescence distancebetween cortical bones was decreased(P<0.01).The maximum load and fracture load of femur were significantlyelevated(P<0.01),and the expression levels of STING and p-NF-κB p65/NF-κB p65protein in femur weresignificantly increased(P<0.01).Conclusion Pachymoic acid can inhibit bone resorption and promote boneformation by regulating STING/NF-κB signaling pathway,thereby effectively reducing bone loss in ovariectomized mice.Key words:pachymoic acid;mice;ovariectomization;osteoporosis;17β-estradiol收稿日期:2023-12-20基金项目:广东省医学科学技术研究基金项目(B2021148);2021年度广东省科技专项资金(“大专项+任务清单”)竞争性分配项目(2021A05234);湛江市非资助课题(2020B01275)作者简介:黄成硕(1986-),男,副主任医师,主要从事骨科疾病诊治,Email:*****************通信作者:陈继铭(1980-),男,主任医师,主要从事骨科疾病诊治,Email:**************。



常诗晗,武俊瑞,李紫晶,等. 复合海藻酸钠益生菌微胶囊研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(3):372−377. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030156CHANG Shihan, WU Junrui, LI Zijing, et al. Research Progress on Probiotic Microcapsules by Compound Sodium Alginate[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(3): 372−377. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030156· 专题综述 ·复合海藻酸钠益生菌微胶囊研究进展常诗晗1,2,武俊瑞1,3,李紫晶1,3,史玉东4, *,乌日娜1,2,*(1.沈阳农业大学食品学院,辽宁沈阳 110866;2.辽宁省食品发酵技术工程研究中心,辽宁沈阳 110161;3.沈阳市微生物发酵技术创新重点实验室,辽宁沈阳 110866;4.内蒙古蒙牛乳业(集团)股份有限公司研发中心,内蒙古呼和浩特 011500)摘 要:海藻酸钠微胶囊制备的研究一直是微胶囊技术的重要组成部分。




关键词:复合海藻酸钠,益生菌,微胶囊化,益生元,纳米材料,涂层成膜本文网刊:中图分类号:TS201.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002−0306(2024)03−0372−06DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030156Research Progress on Probiotic Microcapsules by Compound SodiumAlginateCHANG Shihan 1,2,WU Junrui 1,3,LI Zijing 1,3,SHI Yudong 4, *,WU Rina 1,2, *(1.Food Science College, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China ;2.Engineering Research Center of Food Fermentation Technology, Shenyang 110161, China ;3.Shenyang Key Laboratory of Microbial Fermentation Technology Innovation, Shenyang 110866, China ;4.R & D Center, Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy (Group) Co., Ltd., Hohhot 011500, China )Abstract :The preparation of sodium alginate microcapsules is crucial aspect of microcapsule technology. However,probiotic capsules made solely from sodium alginate tend to have pores and cracks, by using different wall materials combined with sodium alginate to form composite sodium alginate microcapsules, it can play a more effective protective effect on probiotics. This paper provides a summary of the research progress made in compounding sodium alginate microcapsules using three different materials, including addition of prebiotics to enhance the growth of probiotics, the blending of nanomaterials to enhance mechanical properties, and the utilization of coating film-forming materials to minimize the ingress of external substances or the permeation of internal core materials. The paper presents a comprehensive overview of the pros and cons of different embedding structures, and provides a projection of the future development of probiotic microcapsule embedding. The ultimate goal is to provide valuable insights for scientific inquiry and experimentation in the field of compound sodium alginate of probiotic microcapsules.Key words :compound sodium alginate ;probiotics ;microencapsulation ;prebiotics ;nanomaterial ;coating film收稿日期:2023−03−15基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31972047);沈阳市科技创新平台项目(21-103-0-14,21-104-0-28)。



关于跨境电子商务的英语作文对话全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Cross-Border E-Commerce: A ConversationSarah: Hey David, what are you working on there? Looks intense!David: Oh hey Sarah. I'm just doing some research for my business class project on cross-border e-commerce.Sarah: Cross-border e-commerce? That's quite a mouthful! What exactly does it mean?David: Basically, it refers to online sales of products or services across international borders. So an e-commerce business selling products to consumers in other countries would be engaged in cross-border e-commerce.Sarah: Ah I see. That does sound really interesting! I can imagine it's a huge and growing industry with the rise of the internet and globalization.David: You got that right. Cross-border e-commerce has been booming in recent years, driven by factors like increasinginternet penetration, growing middle classes in emerging markets, and improved logistics networks.Sarah: I can understand the appeal for consumers - being able to access products from all over the world with just a few clicks must be really convenient.David: Absolutely. And for businesses, cross-bordere-commerce opens up vast new markets and customer bases beyond their home countries. It allows even small businesses to tap into the global consumer market.Sarah: But I imagine there are also some significant challenges involved, especially when it comes to differing laws, regulations, and cultural norms across countries.David: You're absolutely right, Sarah. Navigating the complex web of regulations, trade policies, and consumer preferences across markets is one of the biggest hurdles for cross-border e-commerce businesses.Sarah: Can you give me some examples of the types of regulations they have to deal with?David: Sure. Some key areas include customs duties and taxes, product compliance and safety standards, data privacy andlocalization laws, and consumer protection regulations. These can vary dramatically from one country to another.Sarah: I can see how that would be a major headache, especially for smaller businesses without huge legal and compliance teams. How do they manage all of that?David: Well, many businesses partner with third-party cross-border solution providers that can help them navigate the regulatory landscape, handle logistics and fulfillment, provide localized customer support, and optimize pricing across markets.Sarah: That makes sense. Still, I imagine the costs of using those third-party services eat into their profit margins significantly.David: You're right, the additional costs are definitely a challenge, especially for smaller merchants. But the potential rewards of tapping into global consumer markets often outweigh the costs for those able to scale successfully.Sarah: I'm curious, which countries or regions are the biggest players in cross-border e-commerce right now?David: China is actually the largest market, driven by behemoths like AliExpress and rapidly growing consumer spending power. The US and Western Europe are also majorsources of demand. But Southeast Asia is really an emerging hotspot with its young, mobile-first population.Sarah: Fascinating! I had no idea the Asian markets were so big for this. Do you see any other major trends or future developments in this space?David: A few key ones come to mind. First, there's increasing demand for more localized, seamless cross-border experiences from consumers. So merchants will need to double down on localization efforts.Second, we're seeing the rise of various regionalcross-border e-commerce facilitators and partnerships between countries to reduce barriers to digital trade. And finally, new technologies like blockchain could help streamline cross-border logistics and payments.Sarah: Those all sound like potential game-changers. Thanks for giving me the lowdown on this fascinating topic! I had no idea how complex and rapidly evolving the world ofcross-border e-commerce was. You've really piqued my interest.David: No problem at all, Sarah! I'm glad I could share some of the insights from my research. Cross-border e-commerce is such an intriguing field at the intersection of business,technology, and public policy. I've become quite passionate about it myself.Sarah: I can certainly see why. The way it's reshaping global commerce and breaking down traditional barriers is pretty amazing. I'll be following the developments in this space more closely from now on.David: Awesome, I'm sure there'll be plenty more interesting developments to track as this industry continues its rapid growth trajectory. Let me know if you ever want to discuss it further!Sarah: Will do! And best of luck with your project. I'm sure you'll do a great job given your clear expertise on the topic.David: Thanks so much, Sarah! Your interest and questions have been really helpful for solidifying my own understanding. Conversations like these make the research process that much more engaging and rewarding.篇2Cross-Border E-Commerce: Opportunities and ChallengesMary: Hey John, what are you working on?John: I'm doing research for my international business class. We have to write a paper analyzing the pros and cons ofcross-border e-commerce.Mary: That sounds really interesting. Cross-bordere-commerce is huge these days with more and more businesses selling their products globally online.John: You're right, the growth has been incredible. But there are definitely some big challenges that companies face when engaging in cross-border e-commerce too.Mary: Like what? I'd imagine things like language barriers, different cultural preferences, and logistics would be tough to navigate.John: Exactly. Those are some of the major hurdles. Businesses have to really understand the markets they are selling into and adapt their website, marketing, payment methods, and product offerings accordingly.Mary: I can see how just having your website only in English would shut you out of many international markets. And payment methods that are popular in one country may not work well in others.John: Precisely. Let me give you an example of a cultural preference challenge. In Saudi Arabia, Amazon had to stop selling clothing with offensive logos or insignia since that goes against their cultural norms. Little things like that can really impact sales if you don't adapt.Mary: Wow, I hadn't even thought about issues like that. It's like businesses have to basically re-strategize for every new country they want to sell into篇3Cross-Border E-Commerce: A ConversationSarah: Hey David, what are you working on over there? You look really focused.David: Oh hey Sarah. I'm doing research for my international business class. We have to write a paper about the growth of cross-border e-commerce and analyze the opportunities and challenges.Sarah: Cross-border e-commerce? That's when people buy products online from companies in other countries, right?David: Exactly. It's become a huge market in recent years as online shopping has taken off globally. Retailers can now easilysell their products to customers anywhere in the world through online marketplaces and platforms.Sarah: That's really interesting. I can see why it would open up all kinds of new opportunities for businesses to reach more customers across borders. But I imagine there are also plenty of challenges involved too?David: You're absolutely right. On one hand, cross-border e-commerce allows companies to tap into massive new consumer markets that were previously out of reach. They can sell to anyone, anywhere as long as they can support international shipping and payments. The potential for expansion is immense.On the other hand, there are a lot of logistical hurdles to overcome - things like differing customs regulations, tax policies, trade agreements and cultural preferences in each country. Not to mention the difficulties of coordinating international supply chains and deliveries. It gets complicated really quickly.Sarah: I can imagine. Just having to navigate different languages, currencies and consumer trends across markets would be a huge undertaking. Businesses would need real expertise to do it effectively.David: Definitely. One of the biggest challenges is actually marketing and advertising to global audiences in a relevant, localized way. You can't just take a one-size-fits-all approach. Companies have to really understand the local market dynamics and tailor their strategies for each region or country.There are also data privacy and security considerations since you're dealing with customers' personal and payment information across borders. Making sure those systems are secure and compliant with each country's regulations is crucial.Sarah: Those are all really great points. It sounds like there is a huge opportunity in this space, but also a ton of potential pitfalls if companies don't have the right knowledge and systems in place to execute globally. No wonder your business school is focused on analyzing this topic!David: Exactly, it's definitely an area that requires a lot of strategic planning and insight to navigate successfully. Retailers have to weigh the costs and investments of going global against the potential payoff of reaching millions of new customers in emerging international markets.Sarah: It makes me appreciate all the convenience of online shopping a little more. I had no idea there was so much complexity involved for companies that operate across borders.We're really witnessing a huge transformation in how business is conducted globally.David: For sure. Can you imagine having to manage compliance, logistics, marketing and everything else involved with selling online to customers in 50 different countries simultaneously? The companies that can master cross-bordere-commerce effectively will be the big winners as consumers everywhere turn to online shopping.It's creating all sorts of new opportunities, but also new challenges that companies will need to be prepared for. I have a feeling this space is going to keep evolving rapidly in the years ahead as the Internet continues to shrink the world. Pretty fascinating stuff!Sarah: You make it sound both exciting and daunting at the same time! I'll be really interested to see what insights you come up with in your paper. This has been a really enlightening discussion - thanks for explaining it all to me!David: You're very welcome! I'm glad I could give you an overview of this huge trend that's reshaping international business and global commerce. Let me know if you have any other questions as I keep researching and writing about it.篇4Cross-Border E-Commerce: A ConversationSarah: Hey Emma, what's up? You look deep in thought.Emma: Oh hey Sarah. Yeah, I've been researchingcross-border e-commerce for my international business class project. It's a really fascinating and rapidly growing industry.Sarah: Cross-border e-commerce? That's like when people buy stuff online from other countries, right?Emma: Exactly! It refers to online transactions where the business and consumer are located in different countries. Websites like AliExpress, eBay, Amazon Global allow consumers to purchase products from overseas retailers and have them shipped directly.Sarah: Oh cool, I've definitely done that before when I couldn't find certain items locally. But isn't it kind of risky buying from random sellers abroad?Emma: You raise a valid point. Cross-border e-commerce does come with its own set of challenges compared to domestic online shopping. Payment security, customs duties, shipping costs and delays are some major concerns.However, many established e-commerce platforms have robust buyer protection policies and only allow verifiedsellers. They also provide detailed product information, reviews and tracking to improve the experience.Sarah: I can see how that would help build trust between buyers and sellers. Still, aren't there a ton of legal and logistical barriers with internationaltrade?Emma: Absolutely, Sarah. Differing laws, languages, currencies and cultures make cross-border transactions incredibly complex. Thankfully, e-commerce companies have dedicated shipping partners, localised websites and multi-lingual customer support to overcome these.They also integrate with customs agencies, leveraging trade agreements and e-commerce zones for seamless processing of orders across borders. Technological solutions like blockchain are being explored too for enhancing supply chain transparency.Sarah: Woah, it really is an intricate web of suppliers, retailers, logistics companies and regulators globally! No wonder you find it so interesting. How big is this industry anyway?Emma: Cross-border e-commerce is one of the fastest growing segments, catalysed hugely by the pandemic. By thelatest estimates, the global cross-border B2C e-commerce market is projected to reach a staggering 2 trillion by 2026!Sarah: 2 trillion?! That's an astronomical figure! I had no idea it was that massive in scale.Emma: I know, right! Evolving consumer behavior, increasing internet penetration and competitive pricing by international sellers are fuelling this monumental growth.Businesses too are actively tapping into cross-bordere-commerce, especially SMEs venturing abroad. It allows them access to billions of consumers without the overheads of a physical presence globally.Sarah: I can totally see the appeal for smaller businesses exploring new markets effortlessly. Though managing operations across different countries sounds like a logistical nightmare!Emma: You make an excellent point. Tackling the complexities is precisely why many firms rely on e-commerce solution providers and consultants specializing in cross-border trade.These experts offer services like localization, tax/duty compliance, multi-currency pricing, inventory sourcing, last-miledelivery etc. Basically, an entire ecosystem has sprung up to facilitate global online selling.Sarah: The scope and potential of this industry is justmind-boggling! No wonder you find it so fascinating. I can see cross-border e-commerce revolutionizing the way the world shops and trades.Emma: Absolutely! By bridging buyers and sellers directly across the world, it is enhancing consumer choice, business scalability and economic integration like never before.Sarah: You make a compelling case! I've certainly developed a newfound appreciation for this booming sector. Thanks for breaking it down in such an insightful way, Emma. Best of luck with your project!Emma: Thanks so much, Sarah! I'm glad I could shed some light on this fascinating domain reshaping global trade. Your questions and thoughts really helped me crystallize my own understanding better.篇5Cross-Border E-Commerce: Opportunities and ChallengesSarah: Hey John, I was just researching cross-bordere-commerce for my international business class. It's such an fascinating and rapidly growing industry.John: Oh yeah, I've heard a bit about that. Isn't it just shopping online from retailers in other countries?Sarah: Well, yes it involves online purchases from foreign retailers and marketplaces. But there's a lot more to it than that. Cross-border e-commerce refers to the whole ecosystem of buying and selling products across national borders through online channels.John: I can see how that would open up a massive global market for businesses and consumers alike. What are some of the major opportunities driving this trend?Sarah: One of the biggest opportunities is access to global customers and merchandise that may not be available domestically. For example, a retailer in the US can now sell to consumers in China, India or Europe through cross-bordere-commerce platforms.John: That's a huge potential customer base. But don't customs, shipping costs and currency conversions make it really expensive and complicated?Sarah: You're right, those are major challenges that this industry has had to overcome through innovative solutions. Many cross-border platforms have streamlined customs clearance, returns, and international payments to make it easier.John: It still seems pretty complex from a business perspective though. Wouldn't language barriers, regulations, and different consumer preferences be an issue when selling globally?Sarah: Absolutely, those are critical challenges businesses must navigate. Having multilingual websites, understanding cultural nuances, and complying with each country's trade laws and product regulations is crucial.Localization of products, marketing, and the overall shopping experience is key for cross-border success. Businesses can partner with local agencies or e-commerce solution providers to overcome these hurdles.John: I can see why businesses are investing heavily into cross-border capabilities then. What about from the consumer side - what are the major benefits and downsides of shopping cross-border?Sarah: For consumers, the ability to access products from around the world that may not be available locally is a huge draw. Cross-border can offer more choices, lower prices through broader competition, and unique or premium items.The flipside is having to pay international shipping fees, duties and taxes. There are also risks around quality control, returns, and protecting consumer rights when purchasing from foreign vendors. Customer reviews and sticking to reputable cross-border platforms helps mitigate these concerns.John: It sounds like an exciting area with amazing potential, but also some considerable growing pains and complexities to iron out. How big is this industry projected to become?Sarah: Cross-border e-commerce sales are projected to reach over 1 trillion annually within the next few years according to some estimates. China and the US are the two largestcross-border markets currently.As more people get comfortable shopping internationally online, and businesses invest in overcoming the challenges, this industry will continue seeing massive growth. Developing economies are likely to be major drivers as their middles class demand more global products.John: Those numbers are staggering! I can definitely see cross-border e-commerce continuing to transform the way we all shop and how businesses reach customers worldwide. Streamlining logistics, customs, and providing localized experiences seem to be the biggest keys to unlocking more growth.Sarah: Exactly, those will be critical success factors along with continuing to build consumer confidence and trust in the cross-border experience. It's such a dynamic and rapidly evolving space - I'm really excited to see how it progresses and disrupts traditional models of international trade and retail.John: Me too, thanks for explaining all the ins and outs! I'll have to pay closer attention to these cross-border platforms and maybe even make some international purchases myself.Sarah: You're very welcome! Let me know if you have any other questions as we continue exploring this topic in our international business studies.篇6Cross-Border E-Commerce: A DialogueSarah: Hey, Mike! I wanted to ask you about something that's been on my mind lately.Mike: Sure, what's up?Sarah: Well, you know how we've been learning about international trade and globalization in our economics class?Mike: Yeah, it's been fascinating stuff. I never realized how interconnected the world's economies are nowadays.Sarah: Exactly! And one of the topics that really caught my attention was cross-border e-commerce. It seems like such a game-changer for businesses and consumers alike.Mike: Oh, definitely. With the rise of online shopping and the increasing accessibility of international markets, cross-bordere-commerce has become a huge deal.Sarah: Exactly! I mean, think about it – we can now purchase products from virtually anywhere in the world with just a few clicks. It's amazing how technology has broken down these geographical barriers.Mike: You're right. And it's not just about convenience for consumers, either. For businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), cross-border e-commerce has opened up a whole new world of opportunities.Sarah: How so?Mike: Well, traditionally, it was incredibly difficult and costly for smaller businesses to access international markets. They had to deal with complex logistics, customs regulations, and a host of other challenges.Sarah: But with cross-border e-commerce, they can essentially bypass a lot of those hurdles, right?Mike: Precisely! Online marketplaces and e-commerce platforms have made it much easier for SMEs to sell their products globally. They can reach customers in different countries without having to establish a physical presence there.Sarah: That's incredible! It must be a game-changer for entrepreneurs and small business owners.Mike: Absolutely. And it's not just about selling products, either. Cross-border e-commerce has also facilitated the exchange of services across borders.Sarah: You mean things like freelancing, consulting, and other digital services?Mike: Exactly. With the rise of remote work and the gig economy, people can now offer their services to clients anywherein the world, thanks to the internet and cross-bordere-commerce platforms.Sarah: That's really cool. It's like the world has become a giant marketplace for both goods and services.Mike: Absolutely. And let's not forget about the consumer benefits, too. Cross-border e-commerce has given us access to a vast array of products that might not be available in our local markets.Sarah: True, true. And it's not just about product variety, either. Cross-border e-commerce can also lead to better prices and more competition, which is ultimately good for consumers.Mike: Definitely. And let's not forget about the cultural exchange aspect, too. By buying products from different countries, we're exposing ourselves to new cultures, traditions, and perspectives.Sarah: That's a great point! Cross-border e-commerce can be a bridge between different cultures and promote understanding and appreciation.Mike: Absolutely. Of course, there are also some challenges and potential downsides to cross-border e-commerce that we should consider.Sarah: Like what?Mike: Well, for one, there are logistical challenges when it comes to shipping products across borders. Customs regulations, taxes, and delivery times can all be potential obstacles.Sarah: That's true. And there are also concerns about product quality and safety, especially when buying from less reputable sellers or platforms.Mike: Exactly. That's why it's important for consumers to be cautious and do their research before making cross-border purchases.Sarah: And for businesses, there are challenges like navigating different legal and regulatory environments, dealing with language barriers, and adapting to different cultural norms and consumer preferences.Mike: Absolutely. Cross-border e-commerce requires a lot of due diligence and preparation to ensure a smooth and successful experience.Sarah: But despite these challenges, it seems like the benefits of cross-border e-commerce far outweigh the drawbacks, don't you think?Mike: I completely agree. The opportunities for businesses and consumers alike are just too compelling to ignore. As technology continues to evolve and global connectivity increases, I can only see cross-border e-commerce becoming even more prevalent and impactful.Sarah: Definitely! It's an exciting time, and I can't wait to see how cross-border e-commerce continues to shape the global economy and our lives as consumers.Mike: Same here! It's been a fascinating topic to explore, and I'm glad we had the chance to discuss it in depth.Sarah: Me too! Thanks for the insightful conversation, Mike. I feel like I have a much better understanding of cross-bordere-commerce now.Mike: Anytime, Sarah! It's always great to engage in these kinds of discussions and learn from each other.。



引用格式:宋 雯,陈 曦,余 君,等. 地衣芽孢杆菌对雪茄烟叶发酵产香及菌群演替的影响[J]. 湖南农业科学,2023(8):69-75. DOI:DOI:10.16498/ki.hnnykx.2023.008.0152021年国产手工雪茄销量超过2 000万支[1],但国产雪茄烟叶香气不够浓郁、化学成分不协调[2],因此需要通过微生物、酶及一些化学作用共同完成雪茄烟叶的发酵以提升烟叶品质。








由于传统分离培地衣芽孢杆菌对雪茄烟叶发酵产香及菌群演替的影响宋 雯1,陈 曦1,余 君2,胡路路1,陈 雄1,王 志1(1. 发酵工程教育部重点实验室,湖北工业大学,湖北武汉 430068;2. 湖北省烟草科学研究院,湖北武汉 430030)摘 要:为揭示施加地衣芽孢杆菌对雪茄烟叶发酵的影响,结合宏基因组学技术对雪茄烟叶发酵后香气物质生成、菌群演替及其功能多样性进行了分析,探讨了各菌属在香气物质形成中的作用,揭示了菌群演替特征与代谢功能变化。

Microbial conversion of CO to valuable chemicals

Microbial conversion of CO to valuable chemicals

Microbial conversion of CO to valuablechemicalsMicrobial conversion of CO to valuable chemicals is a fascinating area of research with the potential to address environmental concerns and contribute tothe development of sustainable technologies. The ability of microorganisms to convert carbon monoxide (CO) into valuable chemicals through metabolic pathwayshas garnered significant attention in recent years. This process has the potential to mitigate CO emissions, which are a major contributor to air pollution and climate change. Additionally, the conversion of CO into valuable chemicalspresents an opportunity to harness a harmful gas and transform it into useful products, thereby promoting a circular economy and reducing reliance on finite resources. One of the key perspectives to consider when examining microbial conversion of CO is the environmental impact. CO is a toxic gas that is released into the atmosphere through various industrial processes, vehicle emissions, and natural sources such as wildfires. By leveraging the metabolic capabilities of microorganisms, researchers are exploring ways to capture and convert CO into valuable chemicals, thereby reducing its harmful effects on the environment. This approach aligns with the principles of green chemistry and sustainable development, as it seeks to transform a pollutant into a resource. Another important perspective to consider is the potential applications of the valuable chemicals produced through microbial conversion of CO. These chemicals can serve as building blocks for the synthesis of a wide range of products, including fuels, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. By establishing efficient microbial CO conversion processes,it becomes possible to create a sustainable source of these valuable chemicals, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to the development of abio-based economy. This has the potential to drive innovation in variousindustries and pave the way for more sustainable production methods. From a technological standpoint, the microbial conversion of CO presents bothopportunities and challenges. Researchers are actively exploring different microbial strains and metabolic pathways to optimize the conversion process and maximize the yield of valuable chemicals. This involves genetic engineering,metabolic engineering, and process optimization to create efficient and cost-effective bioprocesses. Additionally, the integration of microbial CO conversion with other biotechnological processes, such as waste gas fermentation or syngas utilization, holds promise for creating integrated and sustainable biorefinery platforms. In addition to the technical aspects, it is important to consider the economic and societal implications of microbial CO conversion. The development of commercial-scale bioprocesses for CO conversion requires significant investment in research, development, and infrastructure. However, the potential benefits in terms of environmental impact, resource utilization, and product diversification can make it an attractive prospect for industry and policymakers. Furthermore, the establishment of a bio-based economy driven by microbial CO conversion could create new opportunities for job creation and economic growth, particularly in the biotechnology and renewable energy sectors. Finally, it is essential to acknowledge the interdisciplinary nature of microbial CO conversion research. This field brings together expertise from microbiology, biochemistry, chemical engineering, and environmental science, among other disciplines. Collaboration between researchers with diverse backgrounds is crucial for advancing our understanding of microbial CO conversion and translating it into real-world applications. Moreover, effective communication and knowledge exchange between the scientific community, industry stakeholders, and policymakers are essential for driving the development and adoption of microbial CO conversion technologies. In conclusion, the microbial conversion of CO to valuable chemicals represents a promising avenue for addressing environmental challenges, promoting sustainable development, and driving innovation in the bioeconomy. By considering the environmental, technological, economic, and interdisciplinary perspectives, it becomes evident that microbial CO conversion has the potential to make a significant impact on multiple fronts. As research in this field continues to advance, it is important to foster collaboration and dialogue to realize the full potential of microbial CO conversion and pave the way for a more sustainable and resource-efficient future.。

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a rX iv:mat h /512128v1[mat h.OA ]6Dec25CROSSED PRODUCTS OF LOCALLY C ∗-ALGEBRAS MARIA JOIT ¸A February 2,2008ABSTRACT.The crossed products of locally C ∗-algebras are defined and a Takai duality theorem for inverse limit actions of a locally compact group on a locally C ∗-algebra is proved.2000AMS Mathematics subject classification.Primary 46L05,46L55.1Introduction Locally C ∗-algebras are generalizations of C ∗-algebras.Instead of being given by a single C ∗-norm,the topology on a locally C ∗-algebra is defined by a directed family of C ∗-semi-norms.In [9],Phillips defines the notion of action of a locally compact group G on a locally C ∗-algebra A whosetopology is determined by a countable family of C ∗-semi-norms,and also defines the crossed product of A by an inverse limit action α=lim ←nα(n )asbeing the inverse limit of crossed products of A n by α(n ).In this paper,by analogy with the case of C ∗-algebras,we define the concept of crossed product,respectively reduced crossed product of locally C ∗-algebras.1The Takai duality theorem says that ifαis a continuous action of an abelian locally compact group G on a C∗-algebra A,then we can recover the system(G,A,α)up to stable isomorphism from the double dual system in which G= G acts on the crossed product(A×αG)× α G by the dual action of the dual group.In[3],Imai and Takai prove a duality theorem for C∗-crossed products by a locally compact group that generalizes the Takai duality theorem[12].For a given C∗-dynamical system(G,A,α), they construct a”dual”C∗-crossed product of the reduced crossed product A×α,r G by an isomorphismβfrom A×α,r G into L(H),the C∗-algebra of all bounded linear operators on some Hilbert space H,and show that this is isomorphic to the tensor product A⊗K(L2(G))of A and K(L2(G)),the C∗-algebra of all compact operators on L2(G).If G is commutative,the ”dual”C∗-crossed product constructed by Imai and Takai is isomorphic to the double crossed product(A×αG)× α G.Katayama[6]shows that a non-degenerate coactionβof a locally compact group on a C∗-algebra A induces an action βof G on the crossed product A×βG and proves that the C∗-algebras(A×βG)× β,r G and A⊗K(L2(G))are isomorphic.In[13], Vallin shows that there is a bijective correspondence between the set of all actions of a locally compact group G on a C∗-algebra A and the set of all actions of the commutative Kac C∗-algebra C∗K a G associated with G on A.A coaction of G on A is an action of the symmetric Kac C∗-algebra C∗K s G associated with G.If G is commutative,we can identified C∗r(G)with C0( G) via the Fourier transform,whence becomes clear that a coaction of G is the same thing as an action of G.Thus we can regard the coactions of a locally compact group G as”actions of the dual group even there isn’t any dual group”.Also,Vallin shows that an actionα(coactionβ)of G on A induces2a coaction α(action β)of G on the crossed product A×α,r G(respectively A×βG)and proves a version of the Takai duality theorem showing that the double crossed product(A×α,r G)× αG is isomorphic to A⊗K(L2(G)).We propose to prove a version of the Takai duality theorem for crossed products of locally C∗-algebras.The paper is organized follows.In Section2we present some basic definitions and results about locally C∗-algebras and Kac C∗-algebras.In Section3we define the notion of crossed product(reduced crossed product) of a locally C∗-algebra A by an inverse limit actionαof a locally compact group G and prove some basic properties of these.Section4is devoted to actions of a Kac C∗-algebra on a locally C∗-algebra.We show that there is a bijective correspondence between the set of all inverse limit actions of a locally compact group G on a locally C∗-algebra A and the set of all inverse limit actions of the commutative Kac C∗-algebra C∗K a G on A,Proposition 4.4.As a consequence of this result we obtain:for a compact group G,any action of the Kac C∗-algebra C∗K a G on A is an inverse limit of actions of the Kac C∗-algebras C∗K a G on A p,p∈S(A).In Section5,using the same arguments as in[13],we show that any inverse limit actionα(coactionβ)of a locally compact group G on a locally C∗-algebra A induces an inverse limit coaction α(action β)of G on the crossed product A×α,r G(respectively A×βG),Proposition5.5.Finally,we prove that ifαis an inverse limit action of a locally compact group G on a locally C∗-algebra A,then there is an isomorphism of locally C∗-algebras from(A×α,r G)× αG onto A⊗K(L2(G)) and the inverse limit actions αandα⊗adρare equivalent,Theorem5.6.32PreliminariesA locally C∗-algebra is a complete complex Hausdorfftopological∗-algebraA whose topology is determined by a family of C∗-semi-norms,see[1],[2],[4],[9],[10].If S(A)is the set of all continuous C∗-semi-norms on A,then for each p∈S(A),A p=A/ker(p)is a C∗-algebra with respect to theA p.The canonical maps from A onto norm induced by p,and A=lim←p∈S(A)A p,p∈S(A)are denoted byπp,the image of a underπp by a p,and the connecting maps of the inverse system{A p}p∈S(A)byπpq,p,q∈S(A)with p≥q.A morphism of locally C∗-algebras is a continuous∗-morphismΦfrom a locally C∗-algebra A to a locally C∗-algebra B.An isomorphism of locally C∗-algebras is a morphism of locally C∗-algebras which is invertible and its inverse is a morphism of locally C∗-algebras.An S-morphism of locally C∗-algebras is a morphismΦ:A→M(B),where M(B)is the multiplier algebra of B,with the property that for any approximate unit{e i}i of A the net{Φ(e i)}i converges to1with respect to the strict topology on M(B).If Φ:A→M(B)is an S-morphism of locally C∗-algebras,then it extends to a unique morphismlocally compact group,then M(A,C0(G))may be identified with the locallyC∗-algebra C b(G,A)of all bounded continuous functions from G to A.Let G be a locally compact group.C∗K a G=(C0(G),d a G,j a G,ds)is the commutative Kac C∗-algebra associated with G and C∗K s G=(C∗r(G),d s G,j s G,ϕG) is the symmetric Kac C∗-algebra associated with G,see[13].An action of a Kac C∗-algebra K=(B,d,j,ϕ)on a C∗-algebra A isan injective S-morphismαfrom A to M(A,B)such that(id A⊗σB◦d)◦α,see[13].3Crossed productsLet A be a locally C∗-algebra and let G be a locally compact group.Definition3.1An action of G on A is a morphismαfrom G to Aut(A),the set of all isomorphisms of locally C∗-algebras from A to A.The actionαis continuous if the function(t,a)→αt(a)from G×A to A is jointly continuous.Definition3.2A locally C∗-dynamical system is a triple(G,A,α),where Gis a locally compact group,A is a locally C∗-algebra andαis a continuous action of G on A.Definition3.3We say that G,Aδ,α(δ) δ∈∆is an inverse system of C∗-dynamical systems if{Aδ}δ∈∆is an inverse system of C∗-algebras and for each t in G, α(δ)t δ∈∆is an inverse system of C∗-isomorphisms.5Let A=lim←δ∈∆Aδandαt=lim←δ∈∆α(δ)t for each t∈G.Then the mapα:G→Aut(A)defined byα(t)=αt is a continuous action of G on A and (G,A,α)is a locally C∗-dynamical system.We say that(G,A,α)is the in-verse limit of the inverse system of C∗-dynamical systems G,Aδ,α(δ) δ∈∆. Definition3.4A continuous actionαof G on A is an inverse limit action if we can write A as inverse limit lim←δ∈∆Aδof C∗-algebras in such a way thatthere are actionsα(δ)of G on Aδsuch thatαt=lim←δ∈∆α(δ)t for all t in G (Definition5.1,[9]).Remark3.5The actionαof G on A is an inverse limit action if there is a cofinal subset of G-invariant continuous C∗-semi-norms on A(a continuous C∗-semi-norm p on A is G-invariant if p(αt(a))=p(a)for all a in A and for all t in G).The following lemma is Lemma5.2of[9].Lemma3.6Any continuous action of a compact group G on a locally C∗-algebra A is an inverse limit action.Let(G,A,α)be a locally C∗-dynamical system such thatαis an inverse limit action.By Remark3.5,we can suppose that S(A)coincides with the set of all G-invariant continuous C∗-semi-norms on A.Let C c(G,A)be the vector space of all continuous functions from G to A with compact support.6Lemma3.7Let f∈C c(G,A).Then there is a unique element G f(s)ds in A such that for any non-degenerate∗-representation(ϕ,Hϕ)of Aϕ( G f(s)ds)ξ,η = G ϕ(f(s))ξ,η dsfor allξ,ηin Hϕ.Moreover,we have:(1)p( G f(s)ds)≤M sup{p(f(s));s∈supp(f)}for some positive number M and for all p∈S(A);(2)( G f(s)ds)a= G f(s)ads for all a∈A;(3)Φ( G f(s)ds)= GΦ(f(s))ds for any morphism of locally C∗-algebras Φ:A→B;(4)( G f(s)ds)∗= G f(s)∗ds.Proof.Let p∈S(A).Thenπp◦f∈C c(G,A p)and so there is a unique ele-ment G(πp◦f)(s)ds in A p such that for any non-degenerate∗-representation )of A p(ϕp,Hϕpϕp( G(πp◦f)(s)ds)ξ,η = G ϕp((πp◦f)(s))ξ,η ds,see,for instance,Lemma7of[11].for allξ,ηin HϕpTo show that( G(πp◦f)(s)ds)p is a coherent net in A,let p,q∈S(A) with p≥q.Then we haveπpq( G(πp◦f)(s)ds)= Gπpq((πp◦f)(s))dsussing Lemma7of[11]= G(πq◦f)(s)ds.7Therefore( G(πp◦f)(s)ds)p∈A,and we define G f(s)ds=( G(πp◦f)(s)ds)p.Suppose that there is another element b in A such that for any non-degenerate∗-representation(ϕ,Hϕ)of Aϕ(b)ξ,η = G ϕ(f(s))ξ,η dsfor allξ,ηin Hϕ.Then for any p∈S(A)and for any non-degenerate∗-)of A prepresentation(ϕp,Hϕpϕp(πp(b))ξ,η = G ϕp((πp◦f)(s))ξ,η ds.From these facts and Lemma7of[11],we conclude that for allξ,ηin Hϕpπp(b)= G(πp◦f)(s)dsfor all p∈S(A).Therefore b= G f(s)ds and the uniqueness is proved. Using Lemma7of[11]it is easy to check that G f(s)ds satisfies the conditions(1)−(4).For any p ∈S (A ),define N p from C c (G,A )to [0,∞)byN p (f )= Gp (f (s ))ds.Straightforward computations show that N p ,p ∈S (A )are submultiplicative ∗-semi-norms on C c (G,A ).Let L 1(G,A,α)be the Hausdorffcompletion of C c (G,A )with respect to the topology defined by the family of submultiplicative ∗-semi-norms {N p }p ∈S (A ).Then by Theorem III 3.1of [7]L 1(G,A,α)=lim ←p ∈S (A ) L 1(G,A,α) p where L 1(G,A,α)p is the completion of the ∗-algebra C c (G,A )/ker (N p )with respect to the norm · p induced by N p .Lemma 3.8Let (G,A,α)be a locally C ∗-dynamical system such that αis an inverse limit action.ThenL 1(G,A,α) p =L 1 G,A p ,α(p )for all p ∈S (A ),up to a topological algebraic ∗-isomorphism.Proof.Let p ∈S (A )and f in C c (G,A ).Thenf +ker(N p ) p = G p (f (s ))ds =G πp (f (s )) p ds = πp ◦f 1.Therefore we can define a linear map ψp from C c (G,A )/ker (N p )to C c (G,A p )byψp (f +ker(N p ))=πp ◦f.It is not hard to check that ψp is a ∗-morphism,and since ψp is an isometric ∗-morphism from C c (G,A )/ker(N p )to C c (G,A p ),it can be9uniquely extended to an isometric∗-morphismψp from L1(G,A,α) p to L1 G,A p,α(p) .To show thatψp is surjective,let a∈A and f∈C c(G).Define f from G to A by f(s)=f(s)a.Clearly f∈C c(G,A)andψp f+ker(N p) (s)=f(s)πp(a)for all s in G.This implies thatA p⊗alg C c(G)⊆ψp L1(G,A,α) p ⊆L1(G,A p,α(p)) whence,since A p⊗alg C c(G)is dense in L1(G,A p,α(p))and sinceψp is an isometric∗-morphism,we deduce thatψp is surjective and the proposition is proved.Definition3.11A covariant representation of(G,A,α)is a triple(ϕ,u,H), where(ϕ,H)is a∗-representation of A and(u,H)is a unitary representation of G such thatϕ(αt(a))=u tϕ(a)u∗tfor all t∈G and for all a∈A.We say that the covariant representation(ϕ,u,H)of(G,A,α)is non-degenerate if the∗-representation(ϕ,H)of A is non-degenerate.Remark3.12(1).If(ϕ,u,H)is a covariant representation of(G,A,α)such that ϕ(a) ≤p(a)for all a∈A,then there is a unique covariant rep-resentation(ϕp,u,H)of the C∗-dynamical system G,A p,α(p) such that ϕp◦πp=ϕ.(2).If(ϕp,u,H)is a covariant representation of the C∗-dynamical system G,A p,α(p) ,then(ϕp◦πp,u,H)is a covariant representation of the locallyC∗-dynamical system(G,A,α).If R(G,A,α)denotes the non-degenerate covariant representations of (G,A,α),then it is easy to check thatR(G,A,α)= p∈S(A)R p(G,A,α)where R p(G,A,α)={(ϕ,u,H)∈R(G,A,α); ϕ(a) ≤p(a)for all a∈A}. Also it is easy to check that the mapϕp→ϕp◦πp from R(G,A p,α(p))to R p(G,A,α)is bijective.Proposition3.13Let(G,A,α)be a locally C∗-dynamical system such thatαis an inverse limit action.Then there is a bijection between the co-variant non-degenerate representations of(G,A,α)and the non-degenerate ∗-representations of L1(G,A,α).11Proof.Let(ϕ,u,H)∈R(G,A,α).Then,there is p∈S(A)and(ϕp,u,H)∈R(G,A p,α(p))such thatϕ=ϕp◦πp.Since(ϕp,u,H)∈R(G,A p,α(p))there is a unique non-degenerate∗-representation(ϕp×u,H)of L1(G,A p,α(p)) such that(ϕp×u)(f)= Gϕp(f(t))u t dtfor all f∈L1 G,A p,α(p) ,see,for instance,Proposition7.6.4of[8].Letϕ×u=(ϕp×u)◦ πp,where πp is the canonical map from L1(G,A,α) to L1(G,A p,α(p)), πp(f)=πp◦f for all f in L1(G,A,α).Then,clearly (ϕ×u,H)is a non-degenerate∗-representation of L1(G,A,α)and moreover, (ϕ×u)(f)=(ϕp×u)(πp◦f)= Gϕp((πp◦f)(t))u t dt= Gϕ(f(t))u t dt for all f∈L1(G,A,α).Thus we have obtained a map(ϕ,u,H)→(ϕ×u,H) from R(G,A,α)to R(L1(G,A,α)).To show that this map is bijective,let (Φ,H)be a non-degenerate∗-representation of L1(G,A,α).Then there is p∈S(A)and a non-degenerate∗-representation(Φp,H)of L1(G,A p,α(p)) such thatΦ=Φp◦πp.By Proposition7.6.4of[8]there is a unique non-degenerate covariant representation(ϕp,u,H)of(G,A p,α(p))such that (φp,H)=(ϕp×u,H).Therefore there is a non-degenerate covariant rep-resentation(ϕ,u,H)of(G,A,α),whereϕ=ϕp◦πp,such that(Φ,H)= (ϕ×u,H).To show that(ϕ,u,H)is unique,let(ψ,v,K)be another non-degenerate covariant representation of(G,α,A)such that(ψ×v,K)=(Φ,H).Then there is q∈S(A)with q≥p such that(ψ,v,K)∈R q(G,A,α)and(Φ,K)∈R q L1(G,A,α) .ThereforeΦ=Φq◦ πq with(Φq,H)∈R L1(G,A q,α(q)) andψ=ψq◦πq with(ψq,v,K)∈R G,A q,α(q) and moreover,(Φq,H)=12(ψq×v,K).On the other hand,(ϕp◦πpq,u,H)∈R G,A q,α(q) and ((ϕp◦πpq)×u)(f)= G(ϕp◦πpq)(f(t))u t dt= Gϕp( πpq(f)(t))u t dt=φp( πpq(f))=(φp◦ πpq)(f)=φq(f)for all f∈L1(G,A q,α(q)).From these facts and Proposition7.6.4of[8],we conclude that the covariant representations(ψq,v,K)and(ϕp◦πpq,u,H) of G,A q,α(q) coincide,and so the covariant representations(ψ,v,K)and (ϕ,u,H)of(G,A,α)coincide.Proof.Since A×αG is the enveloping locally C∗-algebra of the com-plete locally m-convex∗-algebra L1(G,A,α),there is a bijection between the non-degenerate representations of A×αG and the non-degenerate rep-resentations of L1(G,A,α),[2,pp.37].From this fact and Proposition 3.13we conclude that there is a bijection between the non-degenerate rep-resentations of A×αG and the non-degenerate covariant representations of (G,A,α).Let p∈S(A).The map r p:L1(G,A,α)→[0,∞)defined byr p(f)= ( ϕp×λ)(f)is a C∗-semi-norm on L1(G,A,α)with the property that r p(f)≤N p(f)for all f in L1(G,A,α).14Let I= p∈S(A)ker(r p).Clearly I is a closed two-sided ideal of L1(G,A,α)and L1(G,A,α)/I is a pre-locally C∗-algebra with respect to the topol-ogy determined by the family of C∗-semi-norms{ r p}p∈S(A), r p(f+I)=inf{r p(f+h);h∈I}.Definition3.18The reduced crossed product of A by the actionα,denotedby A×α,r G,is the Hausdorffcompletion of L1(G,A,α),{r p}p∈S(A) (that is,A×α,r G is the completion of the pre-locally C∗-algebra L1(G,A,α)/I,{ r p}p∈S(A) ).Lemma3.19Let(G,A,α)be a locally C∗-dynamical system such thatαis an inverse limit action.Then=A p×α(p),r G(A×α,r G)pfor all p∈S(A),up to an isomorphism of C∗-algebras.Proof.Let p∈S(A).If f∈L1(G,A,α),then we have(f+I)+ker( r p) r p= r p(f+I)=inf{ ( ϕp×λ)(f+h) ;h∈I}=inf{ ( ϕp×λ)(f) ;h∈I}=r p(f)= f+ker(r p).r pis isomorphic to the com-From this relation,we conclude that(A×α,r G)ppletion of L1(G,A,α)/ker(r p)with respect to the C∗-norm induced by r p. On the other hand,A p×α(p),r G is the completion of L1 G,A p,α(p) /I p, where I p={f∈L1 G,A p,α(p) /( ϕp,u×λ)(f)=0},with respect to theϕp,u×λ)(f) ≤ f 1.But the completionnorm · ′given by f+I p ′= (is isomorphic to theof L1(G,A,α)/ker(r p)with respect to the norm · rp15completion of L1 G,A,α(p) /I p with respect to the norm · ′,since=r p(f)= ( ϕp×λ)(f)f+ker(r p)r pϕp,u×λ)(πp◦f) = πp(f)+I p ′= (for all f∈L1(G,A,α).Therefore the C∗-algebras(A×α,r G)and A p×α(p),rpG are isomorphic.α⊗id B ◦α=Two actionsα1andα2of C∗K on the locally C∗-algebras A1respectively A2are said to be equivalent if there is an isomorphism of locally C∗-algebras Φ:A1→A2such thatα2◦Φ=2for all t in U0,and sinceαis a continuous∗-morphism,there is a neighbor-hood V0of a0such thatε α(a)−α(a0) p=sup{p(α(a)(t)−α(a0)(t));t∈G}<<ε217for all(t,a)∈U0×V0and the proposition is proved.β(δ)t for each t in G.By Proposition5.1.5of[13],for eachδ∈∆there is an actionα(δ)of C∗K a G on Aδsuch thatΣ(α(δ))=β(δ).It is not difficult to verify that{α(δ)}δ∈∆is an inverse system of injective S-morphisms ofα(δ).Thenαis an injective S-morphism of locally C∗-algebras.Letα=lim←δ∈∆C∗-algebras andα(δ)⊗id C0(G) ◦α(δ)=lim←δ∈∆ id A⊗σC0(G)◦d a G ◦α.Thereforeαis an inverse limit action of C∗K a G on A andΣ(α)=β.Thus we showed thatΣis bijective.5The Takai duality theoremLet G be a locally compact group and let A be a locally C∗-algebra. Lemma5.1Letαbe an inverse limit action of G on A.Then the re-duced crossed product of A by the actionαis isomorphic to the locally C∗-19subalgebra of M A⊗L L2(G) generated by{α(a) 1M(A)⊗λ(f) ;a∈A,f∈C c(G)},whereλis the left regular representation of L1(G).Proof.Let p∈S(A).By Remark5.2.1.1of[13],the mapΦp from the C∗-subalgebra of M A p⊗L L2(G) generated by{α(p)(a p) 1M(A p)⊗λ(f) ;a p∈A p,f∈C c(G)}to A p×α(p),r G,that appliesα(p)(a p)(1M(Ap)⊗λ(f))to f+I p, where f(t)=f(t)a p,t∈G,see the proof of Lemma3.19,is an isomorphism of C∗-algebras.Ifπ′pq,p,q∈S(A),p≥q are the connecting maps of the inverse system {M(A p⊗L L2(G) )}p∈S(A)and πpq,p,q∈S(A),p≥q are the connecting maps of the inverse system{A p×α(p),r G}p∈S(A),then we have(Φq◦π′pq)(α(p)(a p)(1M(Ap)⊗λ(f)))=Φq(α(q)(πpq(a p))(1M(Aq)⊗λ(f)))=πpq(a p)⊗f+I p= πpq(a p⊗f)+I p= πpq(a p⊗f+I p)=( πpq◦Φp)(α(p)(a p)(1M(Ap)⊗λ(f)))for all a p in A p,for all f in C c(G)and for all p,q∈S(A)with p≥q. Therefore{Φp}p∈S(A)is an inverse system of isomorphisms of C∗-algebras and the lemma is proved.β(δ)be an inverse limit coaction of G on A such Remark5.3Letβ=lim←δ∈∆that the connecting maps of the inverse system{Aδ}δ∈∆are all surjective. Then,by Theorem3.14of[10]M(A⊗L L2(G) )=lim←δ∈∆M(Aδ⊗L L2(G) )up to an isomorphism of locally C∗-algebras,and by Lemma III3.2of[7],A×βG=limAδ×β(δ)G←δ∈∆up to an isomorphism of locally C∗-algebras.Remark5.4Let G be a commutative locally compact group.Exactly as in the proof of Proposition5.1.6of[13]we show that ifβis an inverse limit coaction of G on A,thenβ′=(id A⊗ad F)◦β,where F is the Fourier-Plancherel isomorphism from L2(G)onto L2( G),is an inverse limit action of G on A and conversely,ifαis an inverse limit action of G on A then α′=(id A⊗ad F∗)◦αis an inverse limit coaction of G on A.Therefore an inverse limit coaction of G can be identified with an inverse limit action of G and id A⊗ad F is an isomorphism between A×βG and A×β′,r G.The following proposition is a generalization of Theorem5.2.6of[13]for inverse limit actions of a locally compact group on a locally C∗-algebra. Proposition5.5Let A be a locally C∗-algebra and let G be a locally com-pact group.(1).Ifαis an inverse limit action of G on A,then there is an inverse limit coaction αof G on A×α,r G,called the dual coaction associated toα,21such thatα(α(a)(1M(A)⊗λ(f)))=(α(a)⊗1G)(1M(A)⊗d s G(λ(f)))(*) for all a in A and for all f in C c(G).β(δ)is an inverse limit coaction of G on A such that the(2).Ifβ=lim←δ∈∆connecting maps of the inverse system{Aδ}δ∈∆are all surjective,then there is an inverse limit action βof G on A×βG,called the dual action associated toβ,such thatβ(β(a)(1M(A)⊗f))=(β(a)⊗1G)(1M(A)⊗(⊗j a G)d a G(f))id C0(G)for all aδin Aδand for all f in C c(G).Using this relation and Remark5.3 it is not difficult to check that{ β(δ)}δ∈∆is an inverse system of injective22S-morphisms.Let β=lim←δ∈∆ β(δ).Then βis a continuous action of G on A×βG and moreover,it verifies the condition(∗∗).)◦(α⊗adρ)Π⊗id C0(G)whereρis the right regular representation of L1(G).Proof.By Proposition3.2of[10],A p⊗K(L2(G))A⊗K(L2(G))=lim←p∈S(A)up to an isomorphism of locally C∗-algebrasSinceαis an inverse limit action,according to the proof of Proposition 5.5(1),α=lim←p∈S(A) α(p)where α(p)is the dual coaction associated toα(p)for each p∈S(A).Then, since the connecting maps of the inverse system{A p×α(p),r G}p∈S(A)are all surjective,by Proposition5.5(2),α=lim←p∈S(A) α(p)and by Remark5.3,(A×α,r G)× αG=lim←p∈S(A) A p×α(p),r G × α(p)G23up to an isomorphism of locally C∗-algebras.Let p∈S(A).According to Theorem5.2of[13],there is an isomorphism Π(p)from A p⊗K(L2(G))onto A p×α(p),r G × α(p)G such thatα(p)◦Π(p)=(Π⊗id C(G))◦(α⊗adρ)and the theorem is proved.from A⊗K(L2(G))onto(A×α,r G)× αG such thatα◦Π=([8]G.K.Pedersen,C∗-algebras and their automorphism groups,AcademicPress,London,New-York,San Francisco,1979.[9]N.C.Phillips,Representable K-theory forσ-C∗-algebras,K-Theory,3(1989),5,441-478.[10]N.C.Phillips,Inverse limits of C∗-algebras,J.Operator Theory,19(1988),159-195.[11]I.Raeburn,On crossed products and Takai duality,Proc.EdinburghMath.Soc.,31(1988),321-330.[12]H.Takai,On duality for crossed products of C∗-algebras,J.Func.Anal-ysis,19(1975),25-39.[13]J.M.Vallin,C∗-alg`e bres de Hopf et C∗-alg`e bres de Kac,Proc.LondonMath.Soc.(3),50(1985),131-174.Department of Mathematics,Faculty of Chemistry,Univer-sity of Bucharest,Bd.Regina Elisabeta nr.4-12,Bucharest, Romaniae-mail address:mjoita@fmi.unibuc.ro26。
