



关于计算参数设置主要有几个参数需要注意1 对于Electronic 页面,需要注意的是Core treatment,对于过渡金属原子通常需要考虑相对论效应,因此一般不使用All Electron 方法。


Basis set 应为DNP,Setup 下的Quality 一般选fine。

为了提高计算速度,一个较好的办法是先用粗糙的Basis set 和Quality 进行优化,然后再提高精度。

2 还有一个非常重要的选项是Electronic>More>SCF 里的Use smearing。












SetupDFT-DSpin unrestricted=spin polarized自旋不受限制:当选择时,表示计算将使用不同的轨道进行不同的自旋。





Use formal spin as initial使用形式自旋作为初始值:当勾选时,表示每个原子的未配对电子数的初始值将取自为每个原子引入的形式自旋。



文章编号:1001-9731(2021)01-01180-05P t/α-A l2O3表面氢气的吸附㊁解离和传质的计算*李建飞,吴亚云,付笑盈,王冰,周仕学(山东科技大学化学与生物工程学院,山东青岛266590)摘要:基于第一性原理,研究了H2分子在α-A l2O3表面负载的P t原子以及P t4团簇上面的吸附㊁解离和传质㊂研究结果表明,P t原子和P t4团簇在α-A l2O3表面形成稳定的化学吸附㊂在H2分子的吸附过程中,H2分子吸附在P t原子上,自发解离,形成P t-H键㊂这一过程P t原子提供电子,H原子得到电子,P t与H发生电子云重叠,形成P t H2化合物㊂在单原子P t上,H溢流到O原子上的能垒为1.46e V,该过程强吸热,这说明H不容易溢流㊂形成P t H2化合物以后,P t原子失去了吸附解离H2的作用㊂P t4团簇可以吸附解离多个H2分子,H的最大溢流能垒为0.70e V,该过程自发放热,远远低于单原子P t上H的溢流能垒㊂原因在于P t4团簇中P t-P t之间的强相互作用力分散了P t-H之间的相互作用,H容易溢流下来㊂H在α-A l2O3表面从O原子到O原子的传质过程中,α-A l2O3表面的A l原子对H的传质有强阻碍作用,H不容易在α-A l2O3稳定的表面传质㊂关键词: P t;α-A l2O3;单原子;团簇;氢传质中图分类号: T K91文献标识码:A D O I:10.3969/j.i s s n.1001-9731.2021.01.0260引言氢化反应通常需要添加催化剂才能有效地进行㊂大多催化加氢机理涉及到氢气解离传质过程[1-3]㊂吸附在催化剂上的氢气分子会在活性位点发生解离然后传质到另一活性位点与被催化剂活化了的烯㊁炔进行加氢反应[4-6]㊂氢的解离和传质过程在催化加氢中起着重要的作用㊂氢解多发生于贵金属上,取决于贵金属的性质和状态,而氢的传质转移过程则发生于载体的表面,与载体表面的性质有着密切的关系[7]㊂许多研究氢的溢流和传质的方法都取得了一定的成果,T r i w a h y o n o等[8]研究了氢气在M o O3和P t/ M o O3的吸附动力学㊂研究结果表明,M o O3很难解离和吸附氢,而P t/M o O3吸附的氢能够达到M o O3的200倍㊂原因在于氢气在P t原子上发生吸附㊁解离和溢流㊂Z h a n等[9]用套层的Z I F-67@Z I F-8纳米立方块研究了氢的溢流和传质现象,通过调控不同厚度Z I F-8 (0-50n m)的壳层来直接探测氢传质的距离,他们不仅证明了氢的溢流传质距离,还为Z I F中的氢的溢流和传质提供了直接证据㊂P t/A l2O3是工业中常用的加氢催化剂,研究其结构以及与氢之间的相互作用对指导工业生产有重要作用㊂L i等[10]建立了P t/γ-A l2O3异质结结构模型,并通过密度泛函理论(D F T)计算和分子动力学模拟(M D)进行了研究,结果表明,由于P t 和γ-A l2O3晶格失配,P t原子与γ-A l2O3(110)载体之间的相互作用强度随着P t尺寸的减小而增加㊂K a-r i m等[11]通过实验结合理论计算比较了H在P t/γ-A l2O3上和P t/T i O2上的溢出传质效率,结果表明,与P t/T i O2相比,γ-A l2O3上的H传质效率十分缓慢,该结论为探索多相催化提供了理论依据㊂Z h a n g等[12]研究了氢在α-A l2O3(0001)/α-C r2O3(0001)界面上的吸附和相互作用,发现界面处的氢的渗透更有效㊂学者多研究P t/γ-A l2O3,而忽略了A l2O3催化剂本身常含有一定比例的α-A l2O3以及高温下A l2O3的晶相转变㊂催化剂中的α-A l2O3与P t㊁H2之间的复杂相互作用也是值得探究的问题㊂本文基于第一性原理,在考虑到计算量的前提下,以P t单原子和P t4团簇作为研究对象,探究了P t与α-A l2O3之间的相互作用㊁P t的不同状态对H溢出的影响以及α-A l2O3表面H的传质㊂研究结果对探究氢气在载体催化剂上的传质机理,设计和改良加氢催化剂有着重要的意义㊂1计算D F T计算是由C A S TE P软件包完成的(由深圳超算中心提供软件包与计算)[13]㊂采用超软赝势[14],并通过广义梯度近似(G G A)进行结构优化,采用P B E 泛函进行电子关联[15]㊂为保证计算精度,几何优化的能量收敛容差,最大外应力和最大内应力分别为1ˑ10-5e V/a t m,0.3e V/n m和0.05G P a,最大位移为0.0001n m㊂使用能量截断为500e V,使用M o n k h o r s t-P a c k s c h e m e方法[16],原胞k点数为3ˑ3ˑ2㊂计算均考虑自旋极化,涉及到表面计算的k点收敛性测试结果081102021年第1期(52)卷*基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(21978156)收到初稿日期:2020-09-04收到修改稿日期:2020-11-11通讯作者:周仕学,E-m a i l:s k d992438@s d u s t.e d u.c n 作者简介:李建飞(1996 ),男,山东济宁人,在读硕士,师承周仕学教授,从事储氢材料研究㊂为2ˑ2ˑ1㊂图1α-A l2O3(0001)的模拟结构(A l-1表示第一层的A l原子,A l-2表示第二层的A l原子,A l-3表示第三层的A l原子)F i g1S i m u l a t i o n s t r u c t u r e o fα-A l2O3(0001)(A l-1r e p r e s e n t s t h eA l a t o m s i n t h e f i r s t l a y e r,A l-2r e p r e s e n t st h e A la t o m si nt h es e c o n dl a y e r,a n d A l-3r e p r e s e n t st h e A l a t o m s i nt h et h i r dl a y e r)经过D F T计算,其几何优化结构如图1所示㊂α-A l2O3(0001)的晶格参数为0.961ˑ0.961ˑ1.262n m,结构模型采用2.0n m真空层的(2ˑ2ˑ1)超胞减少邻近的原子团簇之间的相互作用,避免由周期性边界条件引起的晶面间的相互作用㊂α-A l2O3(0001)表面是最稳定的表面,最外面的表层有3个不同的终端面[17]㊂为了满足电荷中性㊁化学计量平衡和零偶极矩,表面应终止在铝原子单层[18]㊂在这项研究中,α-A l2O3的底部4层被固定,上面9层被弛豫㊂将H2分子放到1.0ˑ1.0ˑ1.0n m的盒子里进行几何结构优化,其结构优化没有任何约束,截断能为260e V,k点数为1ˑ1ˑ1,其余参数和α-A l2O3结构优化参数保持一致㊂P t4团簇的稳定结构为正四面体,将P t4团簇放到1.5ˑ1.5ˑ1.5n m的盒子里进行几何结构优化,截断能为500e V,k点数为1ˑ1ˑ1,其余参数和α-A l2O3结构优化参数保持一致㊂P t原子和P t4团簇在α-A l2O3(0001)表面的吸附能E a d(P t)是通过以下公式来计算[10]:E a d(P t)=E P t(P t4)/α-A l2O3-Eα-A l2O3-E P t(P t4)其中E P t(P t4)/α-A l2O3表示P t(P t4)/α-A l2O3体系的总能量;Eα-A l2O3表示α-A l2O3体系的总能量;E P t(P t4)表示P t 单原子或P t4团簇的总能量2结果与讨论2.1 P t原子和P t4团簇在α-A l2O3(0001)表面的吸附经过几何优化后,P t原子和P t4团簇在α-A l2O3 (0001)表面的稳定吸附构型如图2所示㊂在清洁的α-A l2O3(0001)表面,我们尝试计算了P t原子和P t4团簇在α-A l2O3(0001)表面所有可能的吸附构型㊂最稳定的构型是P t原子在A l-3原子上方相邻两个O 原子的桥位上与两个O成键,P t4正四面体团簇的3个P t原子分别在A l-2原子上方相邻3个O原子的顶位上成键㊂P t-O的键长在0.22n m左右(图2(b)),P t 单原子和P t4团簇吸附在表面的吸附能分别为-2.48和-3.16e V㊂这一过程发生电荷的转移,这是一个稳定的化学吸附过程㊂图2几何优化后的P t(P t4)/α-A l2O3F i g2G e o m e t r i c a l l y o p t i m i z e dP t(P t4)/α-A l2O32.2 H2在P t/α-A l2O3表面的吸附H2分子在金属P t表面的吸附和解离是一个无能垒的主动过程㊂在α-A l2O3表面的O桥位上,单原子P t有很高的活性,能够吸附解离一个H2分子形成P t H2㊂这期间发生了电荷转移,P t失去电子,H得电子,形成P t-H键,键长为0.1556㊁0.1565n m(图3)㊂我们再次在距离P t原子0.2n m的位置添加一个H2分子,优化后的H2分子会被排斥开0.3n m以上,说明此时的P t原子对H2分子不吸附或为极弱的物理吸附,P t原子丧失了催化能力㊂P t4团簇能吸附解离多个H2分子,吸附1个H2分子时,P t-H键的键长为0.1577㊁0.1574n m,对比P t单原子上的P t-H键,键长稍微增加,键能会有所减弱㊂P t4团簇吸附的H2分子越多,溢流能垒越低,当氢气的覆盖度十分低时,P t4团簇吸附解离1个H2分子,此时有最大的溢流能垒㊂图3几何优化后的2H/P t(P t4)/α-A l2O3F i g3G e o m e t r i c a l l y o p t i m i z e d2H/P t(P t4)/α-A l2O3采用单点能计算B a n ds t r u c t u r e㊁D O S(P D O S)㊁E l e c t r o nd e n s i t y d i f f e r e n c e和P o p u l a t i o na n a l y s i s分析㊂α-A l2O3到P t/α-A l2O3再到2H/P t/α-A l2O3的能带经历了0.477e V到0.032e V再到0.491e V的转变,其导电性质由绝缘体到半导体再到绝缘体的转变,18110李建飞等:P t/α-A l2O3表面氢气的吸附㊁解离和传质的计算说明P t 原子的存在改变了其导电性,形成类似半导体结构㊂H 2在P t 原子上吸附后解离形成P t -H 键,形成了类似氢化物负载在α-A l 2O 3(0001)表面的体系,恢复了α-A l 2O 3的绝缘体性质㊂这与D O S 的结果一致,如图4所示㊂P t 的存在,使α-A l 2O 3(0001)表面的体系能量区间整体向低能量区移动,H 的存在又逐渐恢复原来体系的能量区间(图4(a ),图4(c))㊂在费米能级附近可以看出,P t -O 之间的强相互作用,主要是P t 原子的S 和d 轨道与O 原子的p 轨道之间的杂化相互作用,P t -H 之间的强相互作用主要是P t 的d 轨道和H 的s 轨道的杂化相互作用㊂从P D O S 图可以看出,在费米能级附近,相比于P t 单原子中的P t 的d轨道,费米能级处P t 4中的Pt 的态密度的强峰减弱,H 的s 轨道在费米能级附近的态密度的峰明显减弱或消失㊂综上分析,在P t 4中的P t 和H 原子之间的相互作用被弱化㊂图4 α-A l 2O 3体系的DO S 和P D O S F i g 4D O Sa n dP D O S r e s u l t s o f α-A l 2O 3sy s t e m 图5是P t (P t 4)/α-A l 2O 3和2H /P t (P t 4)/α-A l 2O 3的差分电荷密度图㊂图5中灰色代表电子的富集,而黑色则代表电子的缺失㊂在差分电荷密度图上,从图(a )和图(b)可以看到P t 周围电子缺失,说明在吸附过程中P t 原子失去电子,α-A l 2O 3表面得到电子㊂由Mu l i k e n 电荷布居分析可知,在吸附过程中,α-A l 2O 3表面是电子受体,与表面接触的P t 原子以及团簇是电子供体,得到少量的正电荷㊂从图5(c )和图5(d )可以看出,在H 2分子稳定吸附过程中解离的两个H 原子明显与P t 原子的电子云重叠㊂P t 作为电子供体,P t /α-A l 2O 3表面H 原子分别得到-0.15e 和-0.13e 的电荷,P t 4/α-A l 2O 3表面H 原子则得到-0.06e 和-0.12e 的电荷㊂这也说明在P t /α-A l 2O 3体系中P t -H 之间的相互作用比P t 4/α-A l 2O 3体系中的P t -H 之间的相互作用更大㊂即P t 4团簇形成的电子局域环境有利于H 2分子解离后的溢流过程,P t 原子在此过程中还起着传输电子的作用㊂图5 P t /P t 4/α-A l 2O 3表面(a ,b )和2H /P t (P t 4)/α-A l 2O 3表面(c ,d )的差分电荷密度图F i g 5T he d if f e r e n t i a l c h a rg e d e n s i t y m a p s o f P t /(P t 4)/α-A l 2O 3s u r f a c e (a ,b )a n d 2H /P t (P t 4)/α-A l 2O 3su r f a c e (c ,d )281102021年第1期(52)卷2.3 H在P t(P t4)/α-A l2O3表面的溢流和传质P t原子上的H原子溢流到α-A l2O3表面上的O 原子的能垒很高,约1.46e V,如图6所示,CңD过程吸热,说明单原子P t极其容易吸附解离H2形成稳定的类氢化物,且H难以溢流㊂P t4团簇中P t-P t之间的强相互作用削弱了P t-H键,H2分子在P t4团簇上容易解离和溢流,CңE过程自发放热,且能垒约为0. 70e V㊂H原子不会与表面A l原子成键,会溢流到表面的氧上形成-O H,H在相邻氧位上进行传质㊂图6 H在P t(P t4)/α-A l2O3表面的溢流过程F i g6T h eo v e r f l o w p r o c e s so fH o nt h es u r f a c eo fP t(P t4)/α-A l2O3为探讨氧化铝表面氢传质的机理,我们对α-A l2O3的表面氢传质的能量变化进行了计算,以此来探究氢传质的趋势㊂在切出来的稳定氧化铝表面,A l 原子上的H原子不能稳定存在,我们把H放到A l原子上,优化后H原子跑到A l原子附近的O原子上形成-O H,这说明H原子不容易与A l原子成键,而是倾向于与氧原子结合,这与以前的理论很好的符合[7]㊂计算以-O H作为中间体,研究了在α-A l2O3清洁表面上H传质的能量变化㊂如图7所示,可以看出,清洁表面上,AңB㊁AңC和AңD的能垒依次降低,这表明,表面的A l原子对H的传质有着不利的影响,最外层的A l原子对氢传质有强阻碍的作用,在这种不可还原性的氧化物金属稳定的表面,H传质效率很低㊂图7 H在α-A l2O3表面上的传质过程F i g7M a s s t r a n s f e r o fHo nα-A l2O3s u r f a c e3结论本文根据第一性原理,计算P t单原子以及P t4团簇在α-A l2O3(0001)表面的稳定吸附构型,以及H2在其复合体系的吸附㊁解离和传质过程㊂结果表明,P t 原子的稳定吸附位点在两个O原子的桥位,而P t4团簇的稳定吸附位点则是3个P t原子吸附在O原子的顶位㊂α-A l2O3的表面吸附的P t原子的活性很高,形成类氢化物,H不容易脱离溢流㊂对于P t4团簇,P t-P t之间的强相互作用削弱了P t-H键,氢气吸附解离后容易溢流㊂此外,H不与表面饱和金属原子成键,而是迁移到稳定的O原子的位置上形成-O H,表面A l 原子的存在对H的传质有着强阻碍作用㊂研究结果对理解氢溢流催化机理和设计加氢催化剂的结构起着非常重要的作用,并促进了对多相催化机理的认识㊂参考文献:[1] Q i nR X,Z h o uL Y,L i uP X,e t a l.A l k a l i i o n ss e c u r eh y d r i d e s f o r c a t a l y t 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一维光子晶体能带结构特性分析 山东农业大学

一维光子晶体能带结构特性分析  山东农业大学

Abstract : Based on plane wave expansion method,the influences of different parameters on the band gap of one - dimensional photonic crystal were studied according to numerical method. Experimental results show that when the normalized frequency range light beams into one - dimensional photonic crystal surface,the light generates a plurality of photonic band gap. When the difference of medium refractive index is increased,the number of band gap is increased and the width of band gap is enlarged. The band gap center moves towards the low frequency range. The necessary and sufficient condition of Omni directional photonic band gap is that grazing incidence light cone has no the transmission state in TE mode and TM mode, and Brewster angle of medium is outside of the light cone. Key words: One - dimensional photonic crystal; plane wave expansion method; photonic band gap; omni directional photonic band gap 1987 年, E. Yablonovitch 与 S. John 根据半导体材料中形成电子能隙的物理机理 , 提出了在介电材料 [1 ][2 ] 。将介电材料在三维空间进行周期性排列 , 周期性排列的光子系统中也会出现光子能隙 固定波段的 [3 ][4 ] 。 相对于三维、 色散关系呈现带状, 此种现象称为光子晶体带隙 电磁波会因为干涉呈现衰减性传输 , 二维的复杂结构, 两种介电材料周期性堆叠在一起形成的一维光子晶体 , 具有结构简单, 计算方便, 便于制 [4 ][5 ] 。通过理论分析发现, 作的优势, 受到众多科研工作者的重视 一维光子晶体结构满足一定的条件, 能 够实现全向反射光子禁带。



Band Structure Calculations;Electronic and OpticalPropertiesStewart ClarkUniversity of DurhamOutline•Introduction to band structures •Calculating band structures using Castep •Calculating optical properties•Examples results•Some applicationsBand Structure Stewart Clark -University of 2Band StructureStewart Clark -University of 3Band Structures•Bloch’s theorem introduces a wavevector k .•It can always be confined to the 1st BZ (any k outside the 1st BZ can be mapped back into it).•The band index appears in Bloch’s theorem; for each k there are many k n k n E H ,,.Ψ=ΨThis leads to a description of the energy levels of electrons in a periodic potential in terms of a family of continuous functions E n,k .This is the band structure of the solid.Band Structure Stewart Clark -University of4Simple MethodsFree electrons give parabolic bands Using a basic basis set for the wavefunctions improves resultsslightlyIn Castep we use an accurate plane wave basis set.Band Structure Stewart Clark -University ofAlgorithm•Calculate self-consistent density and potential.•For a chosen k-point in the band structure calculate it’s eigenvalues and eigenvectors (wavefunctions) as follows:–Start from random wavefunction.–For the first band, calculate the search direction using self-consistent potential.–Assuming parabolic energy curve, step wavefunction coefficients to bottom in given direction.–Repeat previous two steps (using orthogonal search direction) until no change occurs.–For subsequent bands at this k-point, perform similar process, ensuring the bands remain orthogonal to all lower bands.Band Structure Stewart Clark -University of 6Castep Input Files•Can control k-points used in band structures by several cell keywords-bs_kpoints_list-bs_kpoints_path-bs_kpoints_mp_grid•Controlled by param keyword task -task : BandStructureBand Structure Stewart Clark -University of 7Band StructureStewart Clark -University of 9Silicon Band StructureBand StructureStewart Clark -University of 10Conventional Cell?•Although the full set of levels can be described with restricted k , it is often useful to allow k to range over more of k -space.•The set of wavefunctions and energy levels for 2 values of k differing by a reciprocal lattice vector K are K k n k n K k n E E r r ,,,,)()(=Ψ=Ψ++By not using a primitive cell, the band structure contains redundant information.For each of the k =k +K we can map them back into the 1st Brillouin zone of the primitive cell.Band StructureStewart Clark -University of 11Non-primitive CellDensity of States•Many electronic properties depend on the electronic structure throughout the whole Brillouin zone.• A band structure usually shows the electronic states along lines of high symmetry.•Instead, we need to sample the whole Brillouin zone in a method similar to the SCF.Band Structure Stewart Clark -University of 12Castep Input filesFor DOS calculations, get regular sampling grid using:bs_kpoints_mp_grid : i j k Plotting a DOS from k-points on high symmetry lines (from bs_kpoints_path) is not correctBand Structure Stewart Clark -University of 13Example of DOS CalculationBand Structure Stewart Clark -University of 14More interesting examples•Defect states-Local density of states (project onto atoms)•Magnetic Materials-Spins not degenerate-Spin initialisation (ferro vs antiferro, etc)•Optical properties-Dielectric functions, refractive index•Band offsets-Examining the electrostatic potential•Other examples-Surface states,Kohn-Sham orbitalsBand Structure Stewart Clark -University of 15H 0t ates Al bulkH +Magnetic Materials•By default CASTEP calculations are non-magnetic•All bands are doubly degenerate•To release this constraint use either: -spin_polarised : true-nspins : 2Band Structure Stewart Clark -University of 17Magnetic Materials•Can also set initial magnetic state (param file):–spin : 3•Can constrain spin (param file):–spin_fix : 6•Can initialise atom spin states (cell file): %block positions_fracFe 0.0 0.0 0.0 SPIN=2Fe 0.5 0.5 0.5 SPIN=-2%endblock positions_fracBand Structure Stewart Clark -University of 18Band StructureStewart Clark -University of 19Magnetic MaterialsCalculating Optical Properties•task keyword in param file-task : Optics•In the cell file use one of-optics_kpoints_list-optics_kpoints_path-optics_kpoints_mp_grid •Calculation similar to bandstructure, but optical matrix elements also calculated Band Structure Stewart Clark -University of 20Optical Properties •Properties include-Reflectivity-Absorption-Refractive Index-Dielectric Function-Conductivity•For-Polarised light-Unpolarised light-Polycrystalline materialsBand Structure Stewart Clark -University of 21Band StructureStewart Clark -University of22Example of Optical PropertiesBand StructureStewart Clark -University of 23BS Application –Band Offsets •Heterojunctions are formed when two different types of semiconductor are joined together.•Heterostructures are used extensively in the electronic (e.g. transistors) and optoelectronic (e.g.LED’s) industry.Calculating Band Offsets •Knowledge of the band structures of the two individual materials is not sufficient to determine the band offset.•Band energies are determined with respect to the average potential in the solid.•It is also necessary to perform a supercell calculation to determine how the potentials are lined up withrespect to each other.Band Structure Stewart Clark -University of 242useful for LED’s and near-IR detectorsBand StructureStewart Clark -University of 28Applications -Surfaces •We can also use the supercell method to calculate the band structures of surfaces.•The wavefunctions at surfaces decay exponentiallyinto the vacuum region.Band StructureStewart Clark -University of 29Details of GaAs SurfaceSurface supercell There is reconstruction of the surface –this is calculated first.A band structure of the supercell is then used for the surface band structure.Band StructureStewart Clark -University of 30The GaAs Band Structure •K-points are chosenusing the surfaceBrillouin zone.•Many regions have acontinuous energyspectrum, while gapsstill exist.•The details of thesurface band structuredepend on the details ofthe surfacereconstruction.Applications -Orbitals•In addition to the energy eigenvalues for a given material, a band structure calculation also gives the eigenvectors (wavefunctions) for any point in theBrillouin zone.•It should be noted that no proof exists which confirms that the DFT single particle wavefunctions generated here correspond to the many particle wavefunction.•However, the orbitals generated can lead to useful physics and give further insight in the the nature ofthe bonding in materials.Band Structure Stewart Clark -University of 31Example of DFT Orbitals •Instead of summing up the squares of all the wavefunctions from each electron, we can look ateach one individually.•Each one will be the charge density for a Kohn-Sham orbital.•This gives a chemistry point of view!•We can examine the electronic structure electron by electron.•Note: Kohn-Sham orbitals/one electron orbitals: meaning is not necessarily well defined!Band Structure Stewart Clark -University of 32Band StructureStewart Clark -University of 33Example of OrbitalsExample shown is for LaMnO 3–a magnetic material.Castep Band Structure KeywordsType the following:castep -help search bsBS_NEXTRA_BANDS *! number of extra bandstructure bandsBS_PERC_EXTRA_BANDS *! percentage of extra bandstructure bandsBS_NBANDS *! number of bands/k-point in band structure calculationBS_EIGENVALUE_TOL *! band convergence toleranceBS_XC_FUNCTIONAL *! BS exchange-correlation functionalBS_KPOINT_PATH *! Band structure pathBS_KPOINT_PATH_SPACING *! Band structure path spacingBS_KPOINT_LIST *! Band structure k-point listBS_KPOINT_MP_GRID *! Band structure Monkhorst-Pack grid Band Structure Stewart Clark -University of 34。



n C(Vg V0 )
p-doped: V0 0
C: capacitance
EF can be adjusted by carrier injection through Vg .
Experimental Arrangement
Slope of the line allows deduction of slope of the band structure
(Dirac cone) vF 0.83106 m / s
V0 70 v
2D Plot of Monolayer Spectrum
Quantum Hall Effect
Y. Zhang et al, Nature 438, 201(2005)
Optical Studies of Graphene
Optical microscopy contrast; Raman spectroscopy; Landau level spectroscopy.
Lowest peak resistance corresponds to Db = Dt = 0 Vb0 , Vt0 .
Optical Transitions in Bilayer
I: Direct gap transition (tunable, <250 meV)
II, IV: Transition between conduction/valence bands (~400 meV, dominated by van Hove singularity)

Bandstructures and Density of States 能带以及态密度

Bandstructures and Density of States 能带以及态密度

Free Electrons
Recap The Brillouin zone Band structure DOS Phonons
Free Electrons
Recap The Brillouin zone Band structure DOS Phonons
Each state has an energy that changes with k – they form energy bands in reciprocal space. Recall that the energies are periodic in reciprocal-space – there are parabolae centred on each of the reciprocal lattice points.
Free Electrons
Recap The Brillouin zone Band structure DOS Phogs get complicated. In general the reciprocal lattice vectors do not form a simple cubic lattice, and the Brillouin zone can have all kinds of shapes.
First Brillouin Zone (2D)
The region of reciprocal space nearer to the origin than any other allowed wavevector is called the 1st Brillouin zone.
Recap The Brillouin zone Band structure DOS Phonons


• There should be other configuration with lower energy
a -
one electron per ion site
• standing waves at k = π/a (Bragg diffraction)
• energy is lowered for valence band electrons.
Peierls’ Theorem (1955)
Peierls' Theorem states that:
“a one-dimensional equally spaced chain with one electron per ion is unstable”.
a one-dimensional equally spaced chain
• Now the gap opens there, so the electronic energy is lowered!
• There is a fundamental change of the electronic property, what?
MIT due to Peierls transition
Sir Rudolf Ernst Peierls (1907 – 1995)
• He was the first to use the concept of "holes".
• He established "zones" before Brillouin and applied it to phonons.
• He discovered the Boltzmann equations for phonons and the Umklapp process.



参考文献 1. T. Markussen, A.-P. Jauho , M. Brandbyge , Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 055502, 2009.
热电品质因数 接下来你可以计算在两电极温度差()或电压差()下的输运性质的线性响应系数: 电导 Peltier 系数 Seebeck 系数 电子和声子热输运系数和 其中是热流。 有了这些系数,就可以计算热电品质因数,热电品质因数描述了热电转换的效率。 这些线 性响应系数可以用 Transport Coefficient 插件计算。 同时选中 PhononTransmissionSpectrum 和 ElectronTransmissionSpectrum,点击 Calculate 按钮即可。 未掺杂的纳米带,费米能级位于能隙中间。为了得到大的 Peltier 系数,费米能级必须位于 能带的边缘,这可以用掺杂实现。这个计算插件可以手动移动费米能级,下图显示将费米能 级移动了的结果,对应了纳米带的 n-型掺杂。
造成负频率的原因 负能带说明该结构并不在能量曲面的稳定点上,进一步的结构弛豫可以进一步的降低能量。 前面的操作中仅优化了原子受力但是没有优化张力, 因此结构有沿垂直石墨烯方向弛豫的倾 向。 弛豫结构的张力 重新打开 Script Generator,打开 OptmizeGeometry。 3 将 Maximum Stress 设置为 0.0001 eV/Å 去掉 constrain cell 下的 z 前面的勾选
调整脚本参数 按以下步骤设置计算参数: 双击打开 New Calculator,选择 ATK-Classical 计算器和 Tersoff 势。 双击打开 PhononTransmissionSepctrum,将 energy range 设置为 0 eV 到 0.5 eV 双击打开第二个 New Calculator,选择 ATK-SE:Slater-Koster 计算器,选择 Hancock.C ppPi 基组 不用设置 TransmissionSpectrum 将脚本传送至 Job Manager,运行计算。 结果分析 计算结束后,在主窗口找到 文件,你可以选择声子或是电子的透射系数 谱,用 Transmission Analyzer…或 Show 2D plot 进行分析。



金属的英语单词篇一:金属英语单词物料科学Material Science物料科学定义Material Science Definition加工性能Machinability强度Strength抗腐蚀及耐用Corrosion & resistance durability金属特性Special metallic features抗敏感及环境保护Allergic, re-cycling & environmental protection 化学元素Chemical element元素的原子序数Atom of Elements原子及固体物质Atom and solid material原子的组成、大小、体积和单位图表The size, mass, charge of an atom, and is particles (Pronton,Nentron and Electron)原子的组织图Atom Constitutes周期表Periodic Table原子键结Atom Bonding金属与合金Metal and Alloy铁及非铁金属Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal金属的特性Features of Metal晶体结构Crystal Pattern晶体结构,定向格子及单位晶格Crystal structure, Space lattice & Unit cellX线结晶分析法X –ray crystal analyics method金属结晶格子Metal space lattice格子常数Lattice constant米勒指数Mill's Index金相及相律Metal Phase and Phase Rule固熔体Solid solution置换型固熔体Substitutional type solid solution 插入型固熔体Interstital solid solution金属间化物Intermetallic compound金属变态Transformation变态点Transformation Point磁性变态Magnetic Transformation同素变态Allotropic Transformation合金平衡状态Thermal Equilibrium相律Phase Rule自由度Degree of freedom临界温度Critical temperture共晶Eutectic包晶温度Peritectic Temperature包晶反应Peritectic Reaction包晶合金Peritectic Alloy亚共晶体Hypoeutetic Alloy过共晶体Hyper-ectectic Alloy金属的相融、相融温度、晶体反应及合金在共晶合金、固熔孻共晶合金及偏晶反应的比较Equilibrium Comparision金属塑性Plastic Deformation滑动面Slip Plan畸变Distortion硬化Work Hardening退火Annealing回复柔软Crystal Recovery再结晶Recrystallization金属材料的性能及试验Properties & testing of metal化学性能Chemical Properties物理性能Physical Properties颜色Colour磁性Magnetisum比电阻Specific resistivity & specific resistance比重Specific gravity & specific density比热Specific Heat热膨胀系数Coefficient of thermal expansion导热度Heat conductivity机械性能Mechanical properties屈服强度(降伏强度) (Yield strangth)弹性限度、阳氏弹性系数及屈服点elastic limit, Yeung's module of elasticity to yield point 伸长度Elongation断面缩率Reduction of area金属材料的试验方法The Method of Metal inspection不破坏检验篇二:金属材料相关英语词汇物料科学Material Science物料科学定义Material Science Definition加工性能Machinability强度Strength抗腐蚀及耐用Corrosion & resistance durability金属特性Special metallic features抗敏感及环境保护Allergic, re-cycling & environmental protection 化学元素Chemical element元素的原子序数Atom of Elements原子及固体物质Atom and solid material原子的组成、大小、体积和单位图表The size, mass, charge of an atom, and is particles (Pronton,Nentronand Electron)原子的组织图Atom Constitutes周期表Periodic Table原子键结Atom Bonding金属与合金Metal and Alloy铁及非铁金属Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal金属的特性Features of Metal晶体结构Crystal Pattern晶体结构,定向格子及单位晶格Crystal structure, Space lattice & Unit cellX线结晶分析法X –ray crystal analyics method金属结晶格子Metal space lattice格子常数Lattice constant米勒指数Mill's Index金相及相律Metal Phase and Phase Rule固熔体Solid solution置换型固熔体Substitutional type solid solution 插入型固熔体Interstital solid solution金属间化物Intermetallic compound金属变态Transformation变态点Transformation Point磁性变态Magnetic Transformation同素变态Allotropic Transformation合金平衡状态Thermal Equilibrium相律Phase Rule自由度Degree of freedom临界温度Critical tempertureEutectic包晶温度Peritectic Temperature包晶反应Peritectic Reaction包晶合金Peritectic Alloy亚共晶体Hypoeutetic Alloy过共晶体Hyper-ectectic Alloy金属的相融、相融温度、晶体反应及合金在共晶合金、固熔孻共晶合金及偏晶反应的比较Equilibrium Comparision金属塑性Plastic Deformation滑动面Slip Plan畸变Distortion硬化Work Hardening退火Annealing回复柔软Crystal Recovery再结晶Recrystallization金属材料的性能及试验Properties & testing of metal化学性能Chemical Properties物理性能Physical PropertiesColour磁性Magnetisum比电阻Specific resistivity & specific resistance比重Specific gravity & specific density比热Specific Heat热膨胀系数Coefficient of thermal expansion导热度Heat conductivity机械性能Mechanical properties屈服强度(降伏强度) (Yield strangth)弹性限度、阳氏弹性系数及屈服点elastic limit, Yeung's module of elasticity to yield point 伸长度Elongation断面缩率Reduction of area金属材料的试验方法The Method of Metal inspection 不破坏检验Non –destructive inspections 渗透探伤法Penetrate inspection磁粉探伤法Magnetic particle inspection放射线探伤法Radiographic inspection超声波探伤法Ultrasonic inspection显微观察法Microscopic inspection破坏的检验Destructive Inspection冲击测试Impact Test疲劳测试Fatigue Test潜变测试Creep Test潜变强度Creeps Strength第壹潜变期Primary Creep第二潜变期Secondary Creep第三潜变期Tertiary Creep主要金属元素之物理性质Physical properties of major Metal Elements工业标准及规格–铁及非铁金属Industrial Standard –Ferrous & Non –ferrous Metal磁力Magnetic简介General软磁Soft Magnetic硬磁Hard Magnetic磁场Magnetic Field磁性感应Magnetic Induction透磁度Magnetic Permeability磁化率Magnetic Susceptibility (Xm)磁力(Magnetic Force)及磁场(Magnetic Field)是因物料里的电子(Electron)活动而产生抗磁体、顺磁体、铁磁体、反铁磁体及亚铁磁体Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic, Ferromagnetism,Antiferromagnetism &Ferrimagnetism抗磁体Diamagnetism磁偶极子Dipole负磁力效应Negative effect顺磁体Paramagnetic正磁化率Positive magnetic susceptibility铁磁体Ferromagnetism转变元素Transition element交换能量Positive energy exchange外价电子Outer valence electrons化学结合Chemical bond自发上磁Spontaneous magnetization磁畴Magnetic domain相反旋转Opposite span比较抗磁体、顺磁体及铁磁体Comparison of Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic & Ferromagnetism反铁磁体Antiferromagnetism亚铁磁体Ferrimagnetism磁矩magnetic moment净磁矩Net magnetic moment钢铁的主要成份The major element of steel钢铁用"碳"之含量来分类Classification of Steel according to Carbon contents铁相Steel Phases钢铁的名称Name of steel纯铁体Ferrite渗碳体Cementitle奥氏体Austenite(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。

pymatgen用法 -回复

pymatgen用法 -回复




打开命令行终端,并输入以下命令:pip install pymatgen这将自动下载并安装最新版的pymatgen库。


输入以下命令:pythonfrom pymatgen import Structure, Lattice, Moleculefrom import Kpoints, Incar, Poscar, Potcar from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer from pymatgen.analysis.diffraction.xrd import XRDCalculatorfrom pymatgen.ext.matproj import MPRester在这个例子中,我们导入了pymatgen的一些常用模块,如Structure用于表示晶体结构,Lattice用于表示晶格,Molecule用于表示分子结构等等。


第三步:读取结构文件假设我们有一个VASP POSCAR文件,用于描述晶体结构。


输入以下命令:pythonstructure = Poscar.from_file("POSCAR").structure这将读取POSCAR文件,并将其转化为Structure对象存储在structure 变量中。



Abrupt junction 突变结[?'br?pt] 突然的;Accelerated testing 加速实验[?k'sel?reitid]Acceptor 受主Acceptor atom 受主原子['?t?m] n. 原子Accumulation [?,kju:mju'lei??n]积累,堆积Accumulating contact(n. 接触,联系)积累接触Accumulation region['ri:d??n]地区积累区Accumulation layer['lei?] 层积累层Active region 有源区['?ktiv]积极的,有源的Active component [k?m'p?un?nt]元件有源元Active device 有源器件Activation 激活Activation energy 激活能Active region 有源(放大)区Admittance [?d'mit?ns]导纳Allowed band [b?nd]带允带Alloy-junction device ['?l??]合金结器件Aluminum(Aluminium) [?'lju:min?m]铝Aluminum – oxide ['?ksaid]铝氧化物Aluminum passivation [p?si'vei??n]钝化铝钝化Ambipolar [,?mbi'p?ul?]双极的Ambient temperature ['?mbi?nt]环境温度Amorphous [?'m?:f?s]无定形的,非晶体的Amplifier ['?mplifai?]功放扩音器放大器Analogue(Analog) ['?n?l?ɡ]comparator ['k?mp?reit?]模拟比较器Angstrom ['??str?m]埃Anneal [?'ni:l]退火Anisotropic [?n,ais?u'tr?pik]各向异性的Anode ['?n?ud]阳极Arsenic ['ɑ:s?nik (AS) 砷Auger ['?:ɡ?]俄歇Auger process 俄歇过程Avalanche ['?v?lɑ:nt?]雪崩Avalanche breakdown(击穿) 雪崩击穿Avalanche excitation [,eksi'tei??n](激发)雪崩激发Background(背景,本底,基底) carrier 本底载流子Background doping 本底掺杂Backward ['b?kw?d]反向Backward bias ['bai?s](偏置,)偏爱反向偏置Ballasting ['b?l?st] resistor 整流电阻Ball bond [b?nd](结合)球形键合Band 能带Band gap [ɡ?p](间隙)能带间隙Barrier 势垒Barrier layer 势垒层Barrier ['b?ri?] width 势垒宽度Base 基极Base contact 基区接触Base stretching 基区扩展效应Base transit(运输)time基区渡越时间Base transport efficiency [i'fi??nsi](效率)基区输运系数Base-width modulation [,m?dju'lei??n(?调制)基区宽度调制Basis vector ['vekt?]矢量基矢Bias 偏置Bilateral [,bai'l?t?r?l] switch 双向开关Binary ['bain?ri]code(代码)二进制代码Binary compound semiconductor二元化合物半导体Bipolar [bai'p?ul?]双极性的Bipolar Junction Transistor (晶体管)(BJT)双极晶体管Bloch [bl?k]布洛赫Blocking ['bl?ki?](截止,阻塞)band 阻挡能带Blocking contact 阻挡接触Body(身体,主题)- centered(居中的)体心立方Body-centred cubic ['kju:bik]立方体structure ['str?kt??]结构体立心结构Boltzmann 波尔兹曼Bond 键、键合Bonding electron 价电子Bonding pad 键合点Bootstrap circuit ['s?:kit]电路自举电路Bootstrapped emitter [i'mit?]发射器follower(追随者)自举射极跟随器Boron ['b?:r?n]硼Borosilicate [,b?:r?u'silikit]硼硅酸盐glass 硼硅玻璃Boundary condition 边界条件Bound electron 束缚电子Breadboard 模拟板、实验板Break down 击穿Break over 转折Brillouin 布里渊Brillouin zone 布里渊区Built-in 内建的Build-in electric field 内建电场Bulk [b?lk]体/体内Bulk absorption 体吸收Bulk generation 体产生Bulk recombination [,ri:k?mbi'nei??n]体复合Burn - in 老化Burn out 烧毁Buried ['berid]埋葬的channel埋沟Buried diffusion扩散region 隐埋扩散区Can 外壳Capacitance[k?'p?s?t(?)ns]电容Capture俘获cross section 俘获截面Capture carrier 俘获载流子Carrier 载流子、载波Carry bit 进位位Carry-in bit 进位输入Carry-out bit 进位输出Cascade [k?s'keid]级联,串联级联Case 管壳Cathode['k?θ?ud]阴极Center 中心Ceramic [si'r?mik]陶瓷(的)Channel['t??n?l] (频道)沟道Channel breakdown 沟道击穿Channel current 沟道电流Channel doping 沟道掺杂Channel shortening 沟道缩短Channel width 沟道宽度Characteristic impedance[im'pi:d?ns]特征阻抗Charge (控告)电荷,充电Charge-compensation[,k?mpen'sei??n](补偿) effects 电荷补偿效应Charge conservation(保存,保持) 电荷守恒Charge neutrality[nju?'tr?l?t?](中性) condition电中性条件Charge drive/exchange/sharing/transfer/storage 电荷驱动/交换/共享/转移/存储Chemmical etching[nju?'tr?l?t?]化学腐蚀法Chemically-Polish['p?l??](磨光)化学抛光Chemmically-Mechanically [m?'k?n?k?l?](机械地)Polish (CMP) 化学机械抛光Chip 芯片Chip yield(产量)芯片成品率Clamped 箝位Clamping diode 箝位二极管Cleavage['kli?v?d?] plane(平面)解理面Clock rate(比率)时钟频率Clock generator 时钟发生器Clock flip-flop(触发器)时钟触发器Close-packed structure(构造)密堆积结构Close-loop(环)gain(获利,增加)闭环增益Collector 集电极Collision[k?'l??(?)n](冲突)碰撞Compensated(补偿)OP-AMP 补偿运放Common-base/collector/emitter connection 共基极/集电极/发射极连接Common-gate/drain/source connection 共栅/漏/源连接Common-mode gain 共模增益Common-mode input 共模输入Common-mode rejection(抑制,拒绝)ratio (CMRR) 共模抑制比Compatibility[k?m,p?t?'b?l?t?]兼容性Compensation 补偿Compensated impurities(杂质)补偿杂质Compensated semiconductor 补偿半导体Complementary(补足的)Darlington circuit(电路,回路)互补达林顿电路Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor(晶体管)(CMOS) 互补金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管Complementary error function(功能,函数)余误差函数Computer-aided【辅助的】design (CAD)/test(CAT)/manufacture(CAM)Compound['k?mpa?nd] Semiconductor 化合物半导体Conductance[k?n'd?kt(?)ns]电导Conduction(传导band (edge) 导带(底) Conduction level/state 导带态Conductor 导体Conductivity 电导率Configuration(配置)组态Conlomb?['ku?l?m]库仑Conpled Configuration Devices 结构组态Constants(常量,常数)物理常数Constant energy surface 等能面Constant-source diffusion(扩散,传播)恒定源扩散Contact(联系,接触)接触Contamination[k?n,t?m?'ne???n]玷污Continuity[,k?nt?'nju??t?](连续性)equation(方程式,等式)连续性方程Contact hole孔接触孔Contact potential(潜能,潜在的)接触电势Continuity condition 连续性条件Contra['k?ntr?]相反doping 反掺杂Controlled 受控的Converter[k?n'v??t?](converter转变,转换)转换器Conveyer[k?n've?]传输器Copper(铜)interconnection[,?nt?k?'n?k??n](互联)system 铜互连系统Couping 耦合Covalent[k??'ve?l(?)nt](共价的)共阶的Crossover 跨交Critical (批评的)临界的Crossunder 穿交Crucible['kru?s?b(?)l]坩埚Crystal defect缺陷/face/orientation/lattice 晶体缺陷/晶面/晶向/晶格Current density(密度)电流密度Curvature'k??v?t??曲率Cut off 截止Current drift(漂移)/dirve/sharing电流漂移/驱动/共享Current Sense(感觉,检测)电流取样Curvature 弯曲Custom(风俗,习惯,定制的integrated circuit 定制集成电路Cylindrical 柱面的Czochralshicrystal 直立单晶crystal(晶体,单晶)Czochralski technique 切克劳斯基技术(Cz 法直拉晶体J)Dangling ['d??g(?)l??;bonds 悬挂键Dark current 暗电流Dead time 空载时间Debye length 德拜长度De.broglie 德布洛意Decderate 减速Decibel ['des?bel] (dB) 分贝Decode 译码Deep acceptor level 深受主能级Deep donor['d??n?(捐赠者level 深施主能级Deep impurity(杂质,不存,不洁)level 深度杂质能级Deep trap 深陷阱Defeat 缺陷Degenerate semiconductor 简并半导体Degeneracy 简并度Degradation?[,degr?'de??(?)n]退化Degree Celsius(centigrade) /Kelvin 摄氏/开氏温度Delay 延迟Density 密度Density of states 态密度Depletion 耗尽Depletion approximation 耗尽近似Depletion contact 耗尽接触Depletion depth 耗尽深度Depletion effect 耗尽效应Depletion layer 耗尽层Depletion MOS 耗尽MOSDepletion region 耗尽区Deposited film(电影,薄膜) 淀积薄膜Deposition process 淀积工艺Design rules 设计规则Die 芯片(复数dice)Diode 二极管Dielectric 介电的Dielectric isolation(隔离。

Band structure

Band structure











在castep里,分析能带结构的时候给定scissors 这个选项某个值,就可以加大价带和导带之间的空隙,把绝缘体的价带和导带清楚地区分出来。












这些是我看书的体会,不一定准确,大家多多批评啊!摘要:本文总结了对于第一原理计算工作的结果分析的三个重要方面,以及各自的若干要点用第一原理计算软件开展的工作,分析结果主要是从以下三个方面进行定性/定量的讨论:1、电荷密度图(charge density);2、能带结构(Energy Band Structure);3、态密度(Density of States,简称DOS)。



用origin画Si-BAND STRUCTURE测band gap
1.双击打开BandStr Band Structure.xcd文件,从File下拉菜单中选Export…,保存文件为Si_BandStr Band




改对应的横坐标(选中此列,右击,在下拉菜单中选Set as x),如此往复至16组数据完全分开,如下图:
7.放大此区域并测量可得近似禁带宽度0.4630,与CASTEP计算的band gap=0.443接近:



accelerometer 加速度计amplitude 振幅amplitude function 振幅函数analytic function 解析函数artificial earthquake 人工地震autocorrelation 自相关average 平均值axial force 轴向力axial force wave 轴力波band limited white noise 有限带宽白噪声band width method 带宽法bar diagram 条形图base moment 基底力矩base shear 基底剪力beating 拍bilinear 双线性blast 冲击波body wave 体波boundary condition 边界条件buckling load 屈曲荷载central limit theorem 中心极限定理chain structure 链式结构change of variable 更换变量characteristic value 特征值combined generalized stiffness 联合广义刚度combined stiffness matrix 联合刚度矩阵complex-frequency-response function 复频率反应函数conditional probability 条件概率conditionally stable 有条件稳定consistant geometric stiffness 一致几何刚度consistant mass matrix 一致质量矩阵consistant nodal load 一致节点荷载contour integration 围道积分contribution 贡献convolution integral 卷积公式coordinate transformation 坐标转换core 地核correlation 相关性correlation coefficient 相关系数coupled 耦合的coupling term 耦合项covariance 协方差covariance functioncovariance matrixcritical damping 临界阻尼cross correlation function 互相关函数cross-spectral density function 交叉谱密度函数crustal plate 地壳板块curvature 曲率damped mode 阻尼振型damper 阻尼器damping 阻尼damping coupling 阻尼耦合damping influence coefficient 阻尼影响系数damping matrixdamping modulus 阻尼模量damping ratiodashpot 缓冲器dead load decouplingdegree of freedomdesign earthquakedeterministicdiffusion equationdilatation wave 伸缩波direct iteration 正迭代direct stiffness method 直接刚度法discrete Fourier transform 离散傅里叶变换discretization 离散化discrete-parameter system 离散参数系统displacement meter 位移计displacement shape 位移形式divergent solution 发散解double pendulum 双摆drift of storey 层间侧移ductility factor 延性系数ductility ratio 延性比dummy variable 虚变量duration 持续时间dynamic load 动力荷载dynamic matrix 动力矩阵dynamic stiffness 动力刚度earthquake engineering 地震工程earthquake excitation factor 地震干扰因子earthquake focus 震源earthquake intensity 地震烈度earthquake waves 地震波effective load 等效荷载effective shear area 有效剪切面积effective stiffness 等效刚度eigen problem 特征问题eigenvalue 特征值eigenvalue-economizer procedure 特征值缩减程序elastic rebound 弹性回弹energy loss mechanism 能量耗散机理ensemble 总体ensemble averageenvelope 保线epicenter 震中equal-probability contour 等概率曲线equation of motion 运动方程equivalent viscous dampe 等效粘滞阻尼ergodic process 遍历性过程expected time 期望时间explicit damping matrix 显阻尼矩阵explosion 爆炸extreme value 极值extreme value response 极值反应fast Fourier transform 快速傅里叶变换fatigue prediction 疲劳预估fault 断层field matrix 场矩阵filtered white noise 过滤白噪声filter transfor function 过滤转换函数finite element 有限单元flexibility 柔度flexibility influence coefficient柔度影响系数flexibility matrix 柔度矩阵forward reduction 正消free-field motion 自由场地运动frequency frequency domain 频域frequency equation 频率方程frequency of occurrence 出现频率game of chance 机会对策generalized coordinate 广义坐标generalized damping 广义阻尼generalized forcing function 广义力函数generalized geometric stiffness 广义几何刚度generalized load 广义荷载generalized mass 广义质量generalized stiffnessgeometric stiffness coefficient 几何刚度系数geometic stiffness matrix 几何刚度矩阵global –coordinate system 整体坐标系half-power method 半功率法harmonic amplitude function 调幅函数harmonic loading 谐振荷载harmonics 谐波hypocenter 震源hysteresis loop 滞变曲线hysteresis dampingimpulse 脉冲impulse-length ratio 冲击长度比impulsive loadingincident wave 入射波influence vector 影响向量informationinitial conditioninput processintensity function 强度函数intensity of earthquake 地震烈度interpolation function 差值函数inverse analysis反演分析inverse iteration 逆迭代inverse relation isolation effectiveness 隔震效率isometric view 等距投影图isoseismal map 等震线图iteration with shafts 带有位移的迭代jointjoint probability density function 联合概率密度函数kinetic energy 动能left-hand eigenvector 左特征向量linear accumulative damage criterion 线性累积损伤准则linear transformation 线性变换link 连杆loading history 荷载时程logarithmic decrement 对数衰减率lumped mass 集中质量magnification factor 放大系数magnitude of earthquake 地震震级mantle地幔marginal probability 边缘概率mass 质量mass coefficient 质量系数mass coupling 质量耦合mass influence coefficient质量系数mass matrix 质量矩阵mass moment of inertia 质量惯距matrix iteration 矩阵迭代maxima 极大mean extreme value 平均极值mean square response 均方反应mean square value 均方值mean value 均值minima 极小mode amplitude 振型幅值mode of vibration 振型mode shape 振型形式mode superposition 振型叠加most probable value 最可能值multi-degree of freedom 多自由度multiplier 乘子multivariate probability density function 多元概率密度函数narrow-band process 窄频带过程narrow-band system 窄频带体系neutral stability随遇平衡nodal point 节点nondeterministic 非数定的nonergodic process 非遍历性过程nonsingular matrix 非奇异矩阵nonstationay process 非平稳过程nontrivial solution 非平凡解nonuniform beam 变截面梁normal coordinate 正规坐标normal distribution 正态分布normalization factor 规格化因子normalize 规格化orthogonality relationship 正交关系orthonormal 正交规格化output process 输出过程overdamped system 超阻尼体系overstress 超限应力peak response 峰值反应permanent set 残余变形phase angle 相变角point matrix 点矩阵positive definite matrix 正定矩阵potential energy 位能power spedtrum 功率谱power spectral density function 功率谱密度函数predominant frequency 卓越频率prescribed dynamic loading 非随机动荷载principal variance 主方差probability distribution function 功率谱密度函数probability function 概率函数probable period 或然周期pseudostatic 拟静力pseudo-velocity 拟速度purified vector 净化向量quadratic form 二次型radius of gyration 回转半径random dynamic loading 随机动荷载random process 随机过程random variable 随机变量random vibration 随机震动random walk 随机走动reduced equation 约化方程reduced potential energy 约化位能reflected wave 反射波reflection 反射refracted wave 折射波refraction 折射residual 余量resonance 共振response 反应response history 反应时程response spectra 反应谱response spectrum 反应谱response spectrum intensity 反应谱烈度return period 重现期right hand eigenvector 右特征向量root sum square method 平方和的开方的方法rotational inertia 转动惯量rotatory moment of inertia 转动惯量sampled value 样本值sampled waveform 样本波形sampling pair 样本对scatter diagram 散布图secant damping 割线阻尼secant stiffness 割线刚度seismicity 地震活动seismology 地震学shape function 形状函数shear building 剪切型建筑shear wave 剪切波shifted matrix 被移位矩阵shift 移位shock load 震动荷载shock spectra 震动谱simple degree of freedom 单自由度simple haimonic 简谐的simple pendulum 单摆simple summation 简单求和法simultaneous iteration 同时迭代single random variable 单随机变量stability matrix 稳定矩阵standard deviation 标准差state vector 状态向量static condensation 静力凝聚static displacement influence function 静力位移影响函数stationary process 平稳过程statistically dependent 统计相关statistically independent 统计无关steady state response 稳态反应step by step integration procedure 逐步积分法step length 步长step loading 单阶荷载stiffness 刚度stiffness degrating model 刚度退化模型stiff influence coefficient 刚度影响系数stiffness matrix 刚度矩阵stochastic response 随机反应stochastic process 随机过程strength ratio 强度比sub-increment 子增量subspace iteration 子空间迭代subsidiary fault 分枝断层sweeping matrix 淘汰矩阵tangent damping 切线阻尼tangent stiffnesstectonic process 构造运动time averagetime domain 时域time varying 随时间变化的transfer function 转换函数、传递函数transfer matrix 传递矩阵transform 变换transform pair 变换对transient response 瞬态反应transmissibility 传导比trapezoidal 梯形法则trial-and-error method 试错法trial vector 试探向量trivial solution 平凡解uncoupled 非耦合的underdamped system 低阻尼系统uniform beam 等截面梁unit complex forcing function 单位复抗力函数unit impulse response function 单位脉冲反应函数variance 方差vibrationvibration isolation 隔振viscous damping 粘滞阻尼waveformwave front 波前wave propagationweighting factor 加权系数whiplash effect 鞭梢效应white noise。



MS计算所需要的文件的探讨(1)一、MS运行需要哪些文件在ms模块中搭建好所需要的的结构,然后点一个模块比如castep下拉菜单中的“calcualtion”,出现一个菜单,在该菜单最下方出现三个选项,run,files,help,我们选择点击“files”,然后点击“save files”。



1. 结构优化将会在目录中发现如下文件:非隐藏文件(*.param,*.xsd, SMCastep_Extension_*.xms),隐藏文件(*.cell,*.kpaux,*.trjaux)。

1)*.param文件:comment : CASTEP calculation from Materials Studiotask : GeometryOptimizationxc_functional : PBEspin_polarized : falseopt_strategy : Speedpage_wvfns : 0cut_off_energy : 550.000000000000000grid_scale : 1.500000000000000finite_basis_corr : 2finite_basis_npoints : 3elec_energy_tol : 5.000000000000000e-007max_scf_cycles : 100fix_occupancy : truemetals_method : dmmixing_scheme : Pulaymix_charge_amp : 0.500000000000000mix_charge_gmax : 1.500000000000000mix_history_length : 20nextra_bands : 0geom_energy_tol : 5.000000000000000e-006geom_force_tol : 0.010000000000000geom_stress_tol : 0.020000000000000geom_disp_tol : 5.000000000000000e-004geom_max_iter : 100geom_method : BFGSfixed_npw : falsegeom_modulus_est : 500.000000000000000 GPacalculate_stress : truepopn_calculate : falsecalculate_densdiff : falsepdos_calculate_weights : falsenum_dump_cycles : 0由此可以看出*.param文件为参数文件,具体意义和castep中的calculation TAB一样2)*.xsd为ms特有的晶体结构文件3) SMCastep_Extension_*.xms为计算任务文件4)*.cell文件%BLOCK LATTICE_CART4.433337044187580 0.000000000000000 0.0000000000000000.000000000000000 4.436194********* 0.0000000000000000.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 2.964214040510110%ENDBLOCK LATTICE_CART直角坐标系下晶格常数a,b,c%BLOCK POSITIONS_FRACO 0.3056677837013660 0.3069474983283770 0.0000000000000000O -0.3056677837013660 -0.3069474983283770 0.0000000000000000O 0.1943322162986340 0.8069474983283771 0.5000000000000000O 0.8056677837013661 0.1930525016716231 0.5000000000000000Sn 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000Sn 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000%ENDBLOCK POSITIONS_FRAC原子的分数坐标%BLOCK KPOINTS_LIST0.4166666666666667 0.4166666666666667 0.4375000000000000 0.0277777777777780.4166666666666667 0.4166666666666667 0.3125000000000000 0.027777777777778 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. %ENDBLOCK KPOINTS_LIST结构优化所需要的K点%BLOCK SYMMETRY_OPS1.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.0000000000000000.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 …………………………………………………………………………………………….%ENDBLOCK SYMMETRY_OPS对称性操作FIX_COM : false%BLOCK IONIC_CONSTRAINTS%ENDBLOCK IONIC_CONSTRAINTS如果结构优化时候有把原子固定,这里就有被固定的原子的坐标了%BLOCK EXTERNAL_PRESSURE0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.00000000000.0000000000 0.00000000000.0000000000%ENDBLOCK EXTERNAL_PRESSURE结构优化时候如果设置压力,将会出现压力值,这里压力值为0%BLOCK SPECIES_MASSO 15.9989995956Sn 118.6900024414%ENDBLOCK SPECIES_MASS元素的质量%BLOCK SPECIES_POTO O_00.recpotSn Sn_00.recpot%ENDBLOCK SPECIES_POT所用的赝势%BLOCK SPECIES_LCAO_STATESO 2Sn 3%ENDBLOCK SPECIES_LCAO_STATES这个没弄明白:(5) *.kpauxMP_GRID : 6 6 8MP_OFFSET : 0.000000000000000e+000 0.000000000000000e+000 0.000000000000000e+000%BLOCK KPOINT_IMAGES8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 88 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8………………………………………………%ENDBLOCK KPOINT_IMAGESMP_GRID:K点采样密度MP_OFFSET:KPOINT_IMAGES:这个不大理解6) *.trjaux# Atom IDs to appear in any .trj file to be generated.# Correspond to atom IDs which will be used in exported .msi file# required for animation/analysis of trajectory within Cerius2.134526#Origin 0.000000000000000e+000 0.000000000000000e+000 0.000000000000000e+000这个不大理解2. 能带计算比结构优化多出几个文件(*_BandStr.cell,*_ BandStr.kptaux,*_ BandStr.param)7) *_BandStr.cell%BLOCK LATTICE_CART4.433337044187580 0.000000000000000 0.0000000000000000.000000000000000 4.436194********* 0.0000000000000000.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 2.964214040510110%ENDBLOCK LATTICE_CART%BLOCK POSITIONS_FRACO 0.3056677837013660 0.3069474983283770 0.0000000000000000O -0.3056677837013660 -0.3069474983283770 0.0000000000000000O 0.1943322162986340 0.8069474983283771 0.5000000000000000O 0.8056677837013661 0.1930525016716231 0.5000000000000000Sn 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000Sn 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000%ENDBLOCK POSITIONS_FRAC%BLOCK BS_KPOINT_LIST0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0454545454545455 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0909090909090909 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.1363636363636364 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.1818181818181818 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.2272727272727273 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.2727272727272727 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.3181818181818182 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.3636363636363637 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.4090909090909091 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.4545454545454546 0.0151515151515150.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.015151515151515 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. %ENDBLOCK BS_KPOINT_LISTFIX_COM : false%BLOCK IONIC_CONSTRAINTS%ENDBLOCK IONIC_CONSTRAINTS%BLOCK SPECIES_MASSO 15.9989995956Sn 118.6900024414%ENDBLOCK SPECIES_MASS%BLOCK SPECIES_POTO O_00.recpotSn Sn_00.recpot%ENDBLOCK SPECIES_POT%BLOCK SPECIES_LCAO_STATESO 2Sn 3%ENDBLOCK SPECIES_LCAO_STATES说明:与结构优化不同的地方就是KPOINT_LIST,这些都是沿着布里渊区的特殊K点8)*_BandStr.kptaux%BLOCK KPOINT_PATH_INFO1 G123456789101112 Z1314151617181920 T2122232425262728293031 Y3233343536373839 S4041424344454647 X4849505152535455565758 U5960616263646566 R2%ENDBLOCK KPOINT_PATH_INFO说明:这是表示计算band structure时候沿着特殊K点计算,并对特殊K点标记9) *_BandStr.paramtask : BandStructurecontinuation : defaultspin_polarized : falsebs_nextra_bands : 12opt_strategy : Memorypage_wvfns : -1bs_eigenvalue_tol : 1.000000000000000e-005 calculate_stress : falsepopn_calculate : falsecalculate_densdiff : falsepdos_calculate_weights : falsenum_dump_cycles : 0说明:能带计算的参数文件。



李兰等:铂团簇负载锐钛矿二氧化钛纳米管电子结构及光学性质· 1617 ·第39卷第10期钴掺杂锐钛矿二氧化钛能带结构的第一性原理计算刘慧,孙晓君,孙苗,张艳,薛宾泰,刘毅(哈尔滨理工大学化学与环境工程学院,绿色化工技术黑龙江省高校重点实验室,哈尔滨 150040)摘要:基于第一性原理的密度泛函理论,利用平面波超软赝势方法计算了纯锐钛矿相TiO2及Co掺杂TiO2的晶体结构、带隙、态密度及其光吸收系数。


关键词:锐钛矿二氧化钛;钴掺杂;能带结构;态密度中图分类号:O614.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0454–5648(2011)10–1617–05网络出版时间:2011–09–27 13:49:21 DOI:CNKI:11-2310/TQ.20110927.1349.017网络出版地址:/kcms/detail/11.2310.TQ.20110927.1349.017.htmlFirst-Principles Calculation on the Band Structure of Co-Doped Anatase TiO2LIU Hui,SUN Xiaojun,SUN Miao,ZHANG Yan,XUE Bingtai,LIU Yi(Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Technology of the University in Heilongjiang, School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China)Abstract: The crystal structure, band gap, density of states and optical absorption coefficient of pure anatase TiO2 and cobalt (Co) doped anatase TiO2 were calculated by a plane-wave ultrasoft pseudopotential method based on the density functional theory of the first-principles. The results show that the formation of doping level is mainly contributed to 3d orbital of Co, which involves in the formation of the valence band and conduction band, leading to the formation of hybrid orbital. An impurity level appears between valence band and conduction band, reducing the band gap. The Co-doped TiO2 exhibited some absorptions in the visible light region and its optical absorption threshold shifted towards the long wavelength at >400nm.Key words: anatase titanium dioxide; cobalt-doped; band gap; density of states自1972年日本学者Fujishima和Honda在金红石TiO2半导体单晶电极上发现了水的光电分解现象[1]以来,二氧化钛(TiO2)作为一种很有前途的半导体光催化剂倍受关注。

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在castep里,分析能带结构的时候给定scissors 这个选项某个值,就可以加大价带和导带之间的空隙,把绝缘体的价带和导带清楚地区分出来。












这些是我看书的体会,不一定准确,大家多多批评啊!摘要:本文总结了对于第一原理计算工作的结果分析的三个重要方面,以及各自的若干要点用第一原理计算软件开展的工作,分析结果主要是从以下三个方面进行定性/定量的讨论:1、电荷密度图(charge density);2、能带结构(Energy Band Structure);3、态密度(Density of States,简称DOS)。


唯一需要注意的就是这种分析的种种衍生形式,比如差分电荷密图(def-ormation charge density)和二次差分图(difference charge density)等等,加自旋极化的工作还可能有自旋极化电荷密度图(spin-polarized charge density)。

















如果形状近似于抛物线形状,一般而言会被冠以类sp带(sp-like band)之名。



这就是通常所谓的杂质态(doping state),或者按照掺杂半导体的类型称为受主态或者施主态。

4)关于自旋极化的能带,一般是画出两幅图:majority spin和minority spin。



如果费米能级与majority spin的能带图相交而处于minority spin的能隙中,则此体系具有明显的自旋极化现象,而该体系也可称之为半金属(half metal)。

因为majority spin与费米能级相交的能带主要由杂质原子轨道组成,所以也可以此为出发点讨论杂质的磁性特征。





















4)对于自旋极化的体系,与能带分析类似,也应该将majority spin和minority spin分别画出,若费米能级与majority的DOS相交而处于minority的DOS的能隙之中,可以说明该体系的自旋极化。

5)考虑LDOS,如果相邻原子的LDOS在同一个能量上同时出现了尖峰,则我们将其称之为杂化峰(hybridized peak),这个概念直观地向我们展示了相邻原子之间的作用强弱。






在castep 中0k下的计算,是将单电子能级采用Gaussian函数展宽,展开宽度就是smearing width。


