人教版高中英语必修4:Women of achievement_课件43
becoming an international class dancer came true.Over the
next decade she gained great honour for herself and the
本 课
troupe with her graceful performances.
behave v.举动;(举止或行为)表现
behaviour n.举止,行为;习性
behave well/badly 表现好/差
behave oneself 表现得体,有礼貌;行为规矩
be on one’s best behaviour 尽量表现得体
(1) She behaved with great courage.
2.However,the evening makes it all worthwhile.
本 课
栏 目
worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的
开 关
It is worthwhile to do/doing sth.做某事是值得的
to be respected.他值得尊敬。
The book is worth reading.
=It is _w_o_r_t_h_w__h_il_e_ _t_o_ read the book.
本 =The book is __w_o_r_t_h_y__ _o_f_ being read.
(2)When I was studying in England last year,my host family
1.决定,决心做 be determined to 2.建立 set up 3.(想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海 crowd in 4.蔑视 look down upon/on 5.研究,调查 do some research on 6.吸引某人旳注意力 catch one’s eye
【注意】 在口语中,behave as if常用 behave like替代。Behave yourself!用在口 语交际中表达“规矩点!”另外behave可与 某些副词构成形容词,如well behaved(体 现好旳),badly behaved(体现差旳)。
1.完毕句子 (1)I want you to ____________________(举 止得体)while I’m away. (2)She has been __________________(体现 得颇为古怪). (3)I’m sorry about what I did last night— ______________________(我太幼稚了). 答案:(1)behave yourself (2)behaving rather oddly(3)I behaved like a child
14. strike (v.) 打击,打动 15. explain (v.) 解释,阐明 16.medical (adj.) 医学旳,医疗旳 17. consideration (n.) 考虑;体谅 18.deliver (vt.) 递送,生小孩 19. modest (adj.) 谦虚旳;忍让旳
(2)The lecture is well ________________(值得一听),though it is rather long.
高中英语必修四Unit 1 Women of Achievement全套超精品课件
√ • She has spent more than forty years helping people
understand her work.
√ • She has built many homes for the wild animals to live in.
Para 4
The first discovery
The second discovery
She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat. She observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it.
Unit 1
Women of achievement
Women can hold up half of the sky.
Guess Game
I will describe some women to you, please guess who they are according to my description.
• She went to Africa and studied chimps.
• Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings.
• She works to protect chimps everywhere.
• She was the only female monarch(君主) of China.
• She remains the most remarkable(非凡的) and mysterious woman in Chinese history.
√ • She has spent more than forty years helping people
understand her work.
√ • She has built many homes for the wild animals to live in.
Para 4
The first discovery
The second discovery
She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat. She observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it.
Unit 1
Women of achievement
Women can hold up half of the sky.
Guess Game
I will describe some women to you, please guess who they are according to my description.
• She went to Africa and studied chimps.
• Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings.
• She works to protect chimps everywhere.
• She was the only female monarch(君主) of China.
• She remains the most remarkable(非凡的) and mysterious woman in Chinese history.
Hillary Clinton
1969年 希拉里在大学毕业 典礼(university graduation celebration) 上演讲(deliver a speech)。 她的演讲引起全国的注意 (catch one’s eye)。她是美 国最有野心的(ambitious) 女政治家(female statesmen)之一。尽管在 2008年的总统选举中失败, 她现在是美国的国务卿 ( Secretary of States)。
Finish the exercises on P11-13
/ 时彩三星做号缩水软件
关心、体贴、呵护 她怎么体会别到?那些陈芝麻烂谷子の事情与他对她の爱情相比较 还算得上啥啊呢?他们曾经彼此相爱 也曾经彼此伤害 虽然别是谁对谁错の事情 但是 已经 长大成熟の她 别再锱铢必较 而是学会咯有选择性の记忆 他们再也别会相爱 此情只待成追忆 所以 他の好 她要永远牢记在心间 而他の别好 就让往事壹切随风 抬手轻轻地推开 房门 展现在水清眼前の卧房 出乎她意料の大!而且没什么分里外间 只是用屏风在中间稍稍进行咯隔断 由于水清是第壹次来到他の后院 她哪里晓得 现在展现在她面前の 根本就 别是他日常使用の卧房 真正の那间卧房其实很小 在正房の东侧 只是因为现在他正在养病之中 女眷们、奴才们人来人往 他才将那各平常の休憩室临时权充咯卧房 对于那各变故 初来乍到の水清别咯解情况 以为王爷の卧室就是那么气派非凡 那么宏伟壮观 第壹卷 第822章 看书秦顺儿退下他晓得 水清进来他也晓得 幸好那房间里还有壹各屏风 还给咯他 几秒钟の喘息时间 刚刚被打咯壹各措手别及の他根本就没什么想好如何来面对那各从天而降の令他既爱且恨の诸人 然后就在他还没什么想好对策の时候 水清の脚步马上就要转过 屏风咯!慌乱之中 他赶快随手抓起床头の壹本书 装模做样地看咯起来 将书放到眼前 他才后知后觉地暗自庆幸:还是装作看书の法子好 装作睡觉の话 总会因为喝药之类の事情 而别得别“醒来” 到那各时候 他别得别被她从锦被中扶起 岂别是更尴尬、更被动?好歹现在还有壹本书可以挡在两各人の中间 转过屏风 水清就望到咯正半靠在床上看书 身上 搭着薄被の王爷 那是她第壹次进入男子の卧室 从小到大 她壹直生活在脂粉气十足の闺房里 所以现在当身处那各男性气息扑面而来の王爷の卧房 令她非常の别习惯 幸好那股强 烈の男性气息当中掺杂着水清十分熟悉の檀香味道 极为有效地降低咯她の别适感 别管有多么の别习惯 多么の别适应 水清当然格外清楚自己此行の重要职责 所以她只有强压下心 中の慌乱 目光低垂 只望着自己の脚尖在壹步步地移动中 习惯性地紧咬着朱唇 脸颊也微微有些泛红 同时状似勇敢而坚定地走近他 走近他……他晓得水清越走越近 越走越近 那 是他们自从分手の大半年以来第壹次单独相处 还是在他の卧室中 别但是水清 就是他自己也觉得很是尴尬别扭 虽然有壹本书挡在两各人之间 可是他总别能看壹下午の书吧 直到 现在他都没什么想好如何面对她の对策 是对继续对她横眉冷对?还是对她知错就改表示宽宏大量?还是对她の主动示好心存感激?可是刚刚秦顺儿禀报の时候都没什么想出来の对 策 现在水清已经马上就要走到他の眼跟前咯 时间如此紧迫 更是令他手忙脚乱 在那么短の时间里根本就没什么理清壹各思路来 余光中已经发现水清走到咯桌几边 马上就要走到 他の床边 急得他脱口而出:“别再往前走咯 小心别过咯病气给您!”说完 连他自己都是万分庆幸 那各理由真是找得太好咯 合情合理 滴水别漏 更是没什么将他壹丝壹毫の慌张 之情泄露出来 假设对她冷淡 担心将她气走后 他自己会后悔别迭;可是对她热情 岂别又是助长咯她の气焰?壹想到她将他の感情玩弄于股掌之间 宁可手烂掉也肯弹琴以示清白 最终发展到在香山上别但寻死觅活还坚决别穿他特意送过去の披风 简直就是斑斑劣迹 罄竹难书 如鲠在喉 真是天底下最最可恶の诸人!他壹边在心中狠狠地暗骂道 壹边为他壹会 儿能够有效抵御她の“妖媚之术”而提前做好各种心理建设 第壹卷 第823章 探病 水清壹听他说担心过咯病气 反倒别那么别扭咯 她干啥啊来咯?别是来伺候照料生病中の他 吗?既然是服侍他 还有啥啊可以难为情の?放下咯心理负担 她反而更是快步上前 才三两步就走到咯他の床前 来到咯床前 水清本想抬手拭壹下他の额头 看看是否还发烧 可是 她那辈子也没什么对壹各男人那般主动、如此亲密地接触过!虽然她与他曾在玉泉山下牵过手 但是那是他主动别由分说地拉上她の手 而别是她主动投怀送抱!而且他们之间还隔 着壹本厚厚の书 怎么绕过那本书 将手放在他の额头确实是壹各很大の问题 所以她刚刚抬到半路の手迟迟半天别晓得往哪儿落下去 咬咯半天嘴唇 最后还是决定讪讪地把手收咯回 来 虽然他装作壹副认真读书の样子 可是眼睛の余光早就看到咯她の窘迫 虽然还没什么想好对策如何面对她 虽然刚刚还在心中恶狠狠地骂过她是壹各“天底下最最可恶の诸人” 可是竟然是他率先于心别忍起来 主动替她解围道:“就在桌边坐下吧 爷没什么啥啊大病 也已经养咯那么多天 好得差别多咯 ”听到他の吩咐 她终于暗暗地长舒咯壹口气 赶快依 言退到桌边坐下 两各人之间保持咯壹定の距离 令水清の窘境大有好转 心里稍稍平静咯壹些 他装作身边没什么她那各人似地 继续假模假样地翻看着书籍 可是心思却像是壹匹脱 缰の野马 天马行空般地任意驰骋起来:他们那是有好些日子别见咯?还是去年底の腊月 现在竟是转年の夏末秋初 她病咯将近四各多月 他怎么竟然狠心地壹次都没什么去怡然居 探望过她?那大半年以来 他们并别是从别曾见面 在五月初五の宫宴上 时隔半年 他们作为夫妻 竟是在宫宴上见咯香山事件后の第壹次面 想起来就是那么の可笑 可是自从宫宴上 见过她之后 他竟开始无休无止地思念起她来 那股思念之情 竟如荒原の野草 恣意地疯长 那时の她 远远地坐在女宾席上 还是那么の淡静、恬然 看着她 他の心中却是莫名地也跟 着安定下来 在那各人员众多 小心谨慎の宫宴上 他无数次情别自禁地望向她 无数次地担心撞上她の目光 生怕泄露咯他心中の秘密 可是 幸运の是 他壹次都没什么遇到那种情 况;可是别幸の是 没什么被她撞见他心底の秘密 他竟然更是惆怅 继而恼恨她の无情 恼恨自己の痴情 自从端午节宫宴过后 他那原本已经强压下平静心情 又壹次心生波澜 开始 别停地无数次次地说服自己 去就看看她吧 可是她病成那各样子の时候都没什么前去探望 现在水清の身体已经完全康复 连宫宴都能够出席咯 他还有啥啊理由 臊眉搭眼地自己主 动往她の跟前凑?第壹卷 第824章 私扣就在他因为找别到前去探望她の借口和理由而心烦气燥の时候 那天他无意中回想起他们曾经の过往 然后就想到咯刻骨铭心の香山之行 就 想到咯他给她留下の披风!可是她当时跪在书院门前请罪の时候竟然没什么穿在身上 那件披风去咯哪里?后来他好像确实是从来也没什么再见到过那件披风 披风の事情出咯岔子 当时王爷是吩咐小德子去将披风给年侧福晋送去 而他平时の物品都是秦顺儿负责保管 所以小德子送完披风 当然就算是完成咯任务 至于披风后来去咯哪里 别是他の责任范围 而 秦顺儿当时并没什么经手那件事情 以为小德子会负责到底 所以事后也没什么主动去查找 壹来王爷の衣裳有很多 又别指着那壹件 二来那件披风既然别在朗吟阁 那就壹定是在怡 然居 要么由怡然居の奴才主动还回来 要么由小德子负责催要回来 总而言之 那件事情与他秦顺儿没什么壹丁点儿关系 王爷意识到披风の问题后 第壹各找咯秦顺儿 果然如他所猜 测の壹样 那件披风还真就没在朗吟阁 既然别在自己の书院 那就壹定是在怡然居 水清竟然没什么将他の披风还回来!那各新发现令他半是激动 半是疑惑 为啥啊没什么还回来? 难道是舍别得还给他吗?别用想他也晓得 那各答案简直就是太阳从西边出来!倒别如猜测她将披风丢在咯香山更有说服力 别管是妥善保管在怡然居 还是被她无情地丢弃在咯香山 他终于找到咯壹各去怡然居の借口 就说“爷披风在哪里?怎么还没什么还回来?”可是 那么壹件小事情 由任何壹各小太监去做都可以 怎么还需要劳烦他の大驾?就算是派咯小 太监去索要 假设
英语必修4 unit 1 Women of achievement 课件
Jane Goodall博士于2002年 4月16日被任命为联合国和 平使者。她因其在保护坦桑 尼亚黑猩猩方面所做的开拓 性工作而享有盛誉,这一工 作在42年前就开始了。为表 彰其在环保研究、环保教育、 环保倡议等方面所作出的贡 献,联合国秘书长任命她为 可持续发展峰会顾问小组的 成员,协助峰会达到预定目 标。
Song Qingling,the second wife of the Chinese revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen. She became an influential Chinese political figure after her husband's death. In 1981 she was named honorary Chairman of the People's Republic. she busied herself with various welfare activities, ranging from heading the Women's Federation to a number of committees of (orphaned) children. (1893--1981)
"Of the love or hatred God has for the English, I know nothing, but I do know that they will all be thrown out of France, except those who die there." (Joan of Arc )
She has been revered as a national symbol in French patriotic circles since the 19th century. Joan of Arc's campaigns were responsible for a revitalization of Charles VII's faction during the Hundred Years' War. The United States Military, also, has recognized women who have shown such spirit like Joan's.
Unit 1
Women of achievement
A Chinese saying goes:
Women can hold up half of the sky.
Guess: Who was shSeh? e was a Quaker. She helped improve prison conditions and gave prisoners work and education. Her work helped the Quakers get the
Main ideas
Para 1:
Jane’s achievements
Para 2: Para 3: Para 4:
what Jane discovered about chimps
a day in the forest
her attitude to the animals
careful reading
A. practise
B. to practise
C. practising D. practised
spend sb. spend sth. (on sth.)/ (in) doing sth
Jane Goodall (l934-- ), Britain
As a young girl, she always wanted to study animals. She went to Africa and studied chimps. Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings. She works to protect chimps everywhere.
Women of achievement
A Chinese saying goes:
Women can hold up half of the sky.
Guess: Who was shSeh? e was a Quaker. She helped improve prison conditions and gave prisoners work and education. Her work helped the Quakers get the
Main ideas
Para 1:
Jane’s achievements
Para 2: Para 3: Para 4:
what Jane discovered about chimps
a day in the forest
her attitude to the animals
careful reading
A. practise
B. to practise
C. practising D. practised
spend sb. spend sth. (on sth.)/ (in) doing sth
Jane Goodall (l934-- ), Britain
As a young girl, she always wanted to study animals. She went to Africa and studied chimps. Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings. She works to protect chimps everywhere.
1. behave vt.&vi.举止;举动;行为表现 behaviour n.行为;表现 behave oneself 守规矩 behave well/badly (towards sb.) (对……)态度/举止好/恶劣 well-behaved adj. 表现好的 badly-behaved adj. 表现差的 be on one‘s best behaviour 举止规矩
6.ca_m__p_a_ig_nn.运动;战役;活动 vi.作战; 参加运动
7._o_rg__a_n_iz_a_t_io_n_ n.组织;机构;团体 →_o_r_g_a_n_i_z_e__vt.组织 8._b_e_h_a_v_e__vt. & vi.举动;(举止或行为) 表现→_b_e_h_a_v_i_o_(u__)r_ n.行为;举止;习性 9._s_h_a_d_e__ n.荫;阴凉处 vt.遮住光线 10._w_o__rt_h_w_h_i_le__ adj.值得的;值得做的
15._i_n_s_p_ir_e_vt.鼓舞;感动;激发;启示 →_in_s_p_i_ra_t_io_nn.灵感;鼓舞或激励人的人或事物 →_in_s_p__ir_e_d_ adj.受感动的→inspiring adj.鼓舞 人的 16._s_u__p_p_o_rt___ n. & vt.支持;拥护 17.in_t_e_n_d_vt.计划;打算→i_n_t_e_n_ti_o_n__ n.打算 18.d_e_li_v_e_r vt.递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表( 演说等)→__d_e_l_ivf_f _ 离开;起程;出发 2._le_a_d__ a...life 过着……的生活 3.crowd _in__ (想法、问题等)涌上心头;
人教版新课标 必修四Unit 1 Women of achievement Writing (共11张PPT)
Through her life she managed to reach the summits of many highest mountains and many least known places on the earth.
(3)在她50岁时,成功地徒步到达北极,成为历 史上第一位独身去北极旅行的女性。 When she was 50 years old, she walked to the North Pole by herself, making her the first woman in history to travel alone to the North Pole. (4)她开设了Adventure Classroom网站,在那 里分享她的冒险经历,鼓励人们要树立远大目 标,为成功做好计划,永不言弃。 She set up a website called Adventure Classroom, in which she shares her adventures in order to inspire people to set great goals, plan for success and never give up.
1. 写作思路:这是一篇人物介绍类写作。写作时 要围绕所写人物组织材料,包括:人物、时间、地 点、主要事件以及对人物的简要评价等内容。写作 时,要做到主题鲜明,内容清楚,并注意结构的完 整性。写作前,我们可根据题目提供的信息首先列 出所需要的单词和短语;然后把这些词语扩充成句 子;最后根据所给信息,使用适当的过渡词语把这 些句子连成一篇短文。 2. 时态与人称分析:介绍人物的事迹通常要用一 般过去时,涉及到人物评价时可用一般现在时;人 称用第三人称。
Madame Curie (1867-1934)
In the year1903, she and another scientist were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery of radium.
On July 4,1934, she died in Paris, killed by her own experiments. She died of radiation poisoning.
What made her a great success?
her true love to the animals her determination, devotion,
consideration, persistence work hard at her chosen work stick to her idea, never give up full of wisdom and courage
Who is she?
பைடு நூலகம்
A student of African wildlife
A student here refers to Jane Goodall and the African wildlife refers to chimps .
Fast reading
the main idea of each paragraph:
She was the only
female monarch (君主 )
of China.
She lived in Tang Dynasty.
Empress Wu Zetian (624 - 705)
nest worthwhile
1. Worth The school is worth visiting. The school is worth a visit. It is worth visiting the school.
2. Worthy The school is worthy to be visited. The school is worthy of being visited. The school is worthy of a visit.
3. Worthwhile It is worthwhile visiting/to visit the school.
by observing and recording their daily activities in their own environment
Will you go if you are asked to study animals in that way? Why or why not?
JaAnceh’isevaecmhieenvtsem(peanrtas.4a)s a researcher.
1. Working with animals in their own environment. 2. Gaining a doctor’s degree.
3. Showing that women can live in the forest as men can.
3.Her study of their body language__________.
helped her work out their social system.
1. Worth The school is worth visiting. The school is worth a visit. It is worth visiting the school.
2. Worthy The school is worthy to be visited. The school is worthy of being visited. The school is worthy of a visit.
3. Worthwhile It is worthwhile visiting/to visit the school.
by observing and recording their daily activities in their own environment
Will you go if you are asked to study animals in that way? Why or why not?
JaAnceh’isevaecmhieenvtsem(peanrtas.4a)s a researcher.
1. Working with animals in their own environment. 2. Gaining a doctor’s degree.
3. Showing that women can live in the forest as men can.
3.Her study of their body language__________.
helped her work out their social system.
Unit 1 Women of achievement
2020最新人教版高二英语必修四全 册完整课件
Unit 2 Working the land
2020最新人教版高二英语必修四全 册完整课件
Unit 3 A taste of English humour
2020最新人教版高二英语必修四全 册完整课件
WorkbookUnit 1 Women of a修四全 册完整课件
Unit 4 Body language
2020最新人教版高二英语必修四全 册完整课件
Unit 5 Theme parks
2020最新人教版高二英语必修四全 册完整课件
Unit 2 Working the land
2020最新人教版高二英语必修四全 册完整课件
Unit 3 A taste of English humour
2020最新人教版高二英语必修四全 册完整课件
2020最新人教版高二英语必修四 全册完整课件目录
0002页 0074页 0140页 0302页 0325页 0520页
Unit 1 Women of achievement Unit 3 A taste of English humour Unit 5 Theme parks Unit 2 Working the land Unit 4 Body language Appendices 附录
人教版英语必修四人教版 Unit1 Women of achievement(共28张PPT)
◆ Inspiring those who want to
cheer the _a_c_h_ie_v_e_m__e_n_ts_ of
1. Why do you think Jane is called a student of African wildlife? Becausens from them in their own habitat.
Who are they?
Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall went to Tanzania and studied chimps from 1960s. She went with three African helpers to live in the Gombe National Park in East Africa. Her life was spent following and recording the social life and relationships of the chimps. Because of her research, we now know that chimpanzees hunt for meat, use tools, and have different personalities.
brave confident
kind of the great considerate
modest people helpful
broad-and-open minded
1. Finish exercise 1 on page 3. 2. Surf the Internet to find more
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• argue with sb about sth
• 他跟mary争论最佳旅游地点 • He argued with mary about the best place for a holiday.
• argue for / argue against 赞同、反对
Inspire v do sth • 他的演讲鼓舞了我们去学母语 • His speech inspire us to learn our mother tongue. • Inspired 受到鼓舞 • Inspiring 鼓舞人心的 • All the students were inspired by his inspiring story.
connection n. 联系 connect vt
• 吸烟与肺癌之间有很大关系 • There is a strong connection between smoking and lung cancer. • 这家公司与许多日本影片有关系 • The company has connections with many Japanese films.
Devote…to 献身于…致力于…
• 他把自己献身于事业 • He devoted himself to his career. • 他致力于在空些时间集邮 • He devoted his spare time to collecting stamps.
worthwhile adj. 值得 it’s worthwhile( to do)/doing sth
Jody Williams
Joan of Arc
Lin Qiaozhi
Warming Up
2. Read the passages and answer the questions.
1)What did Joan of Arc do? fight for / drive sb out of … 2) What did Elizabeth Fry do? help improve … 3) What did Song Qingling do? concern oneself with … 4) What did Lin Qiaozhi do? devote one’s life to … 5) What did Jane Goodall do? show the connections between … 6) What did Jody Williams do? found a campaign to …
Warming Up
4. Scan the passages and fill in the table.
Name Nationality Occupation Achievement
Warming Up Tips
soldier scientist chimps Quaker leader doctor (specialist) teacher & organiser the Nobel Peace Prize
condition n. 状态 in…condition 处于…状态中
• 虽然这辆车很旧,但性能很好 • Although the car is old, it’s still in good condition. • conditions 条件
• 我们的生活条件已经有了很大的提升 • Our living conditions have been improve greatly.
Unit 1 Women of achievement Culture corner
I. Warming Up
Elizabeth Fry
Song Qingling
Jane Goodall
1. Do you know who these women are? Say something about them if you can.
IV. Discussion
It is said that “it is more difficult for a woman to be successful”. Do you agree or disagree? State your reasons.
V. Summary
1. Remember the following words and expressions.
2. Preview the reading “A student of African wildlife”.
Study the new words and finish Exercise 1 on page 4.
achieve vt. 完成,实现 achievement n. 成就
• 除非努力工作否则你不能实现你的目标 • Unless you study hard , you can’t achieve your goal. • 没有人不努力可以获得成就 • No one can achieve anything without effort.
• • • • • • • • • 建一所学校是值得的 It is worthwhile to build a school. be worth doing sth 这本小说值得阅读 This novel is worth reading. be worthy of dong sth The novel is worthy of being read. Be worthy to be done The novel is worthy to be read.
behave vt. 行为.举止 behavior n.
• 请注意你的言行 • Please pay attention to your behavior. • • Behavior 行为举止好
observe vt. 观察,遵守
• observe+ sb.+ do/doing sth
respect. vt. 尊敬
• • • • • • 他的诚实赢得了我们的尊敬 His honesty gained our respect. respectable adj 体面的 respectful adj 有礼貌的 respected adj 受人尊敬的 Respective adj 各自的
argue vt.争论 argument n.
achievement, welfare project, institute, specialist, connection,
human beings, campaign, organization, found a campaign
dress as / fight for / help drive sb out of some place / help improve / concern oneself with / devote one’s life to / show the connections between …
dress as help do sth concern oneself with sth devote one’s life to sth
II. Discussion
1. What do these six women have in common? devoted, determined, committed,responsible, independent inspiring, influential, had careers, hard-working, unselflish
• 他跟mary争论最佳旅游地点 • He argued with mary about the best place for a holiday.
• argue for / argue against 赞同、反对
Inspire v do sth • 他的演讲鼓舞了我们去学母语 • His speech inspire us to learn our mother tongue. • Inspired 受到鼓舞 • Inspiring 鼓舞人心的 • All the students were inspired by his inspiring story.
connection n. 联系 connect vt
• 吸烟与肺癌之间有很大关系 • There is a strong connection between smoking and lung cancer. • 这家公司与许多日本影片有关系 • The company has connections with many Japanese films.
Devote…to 献身于…致力于…
• 他把自己献身于事业 • He devoted himself to his career. • 他致力于在空些时间集邮 • He devoted his spare time to collecting stamps.
worthwhile adj. 值得 it’s worthwhile( to do)/doing sth
Jody Williams
Joan of Arc
Lin Qiaozhi
Warming Up
2. Read the passages and answer the questions.
1)What did Joan of Arc do? fight for / drive sb out of … 2) What did Elizabeth Fry do? help improve … 3) What did Song Qingling do? concern oneself with … 4) What did Lin Qiaozhi do? devote one’s life to … 5) What did Jane Goodall do? show the connections between … 6) What did Jody Williams do? found a campaign to …
Warming Up
4. Scan the passages and fill in the table.
Name Nationality Occupation Achievement
Warming Up Tips
soldier scientist chimps Quaker leader doctor (specialist) teacher & organiser the Nobel Peace Prize
condition n. 状态 in…condition 处于…状态中
• 虽然这辆车很旧,但性能很好 • Although the car is old, it’s still in good condition. • conditions 条件
• 我们的生活条件已经有了很大的提升 • Our living conditions have been improve greatly.
Unit 1 Women of achievement Culture corner
I. Warming Up
Elizabeth Fry
Song Qingling
Jane Goodall
1. Do you know who these women are? Say something about them if you can.
IV. Discussion
It is said that “it is more difficult for a woman to be successful”. Do you agree or disagree? State your reasons.
V. Summary
1. Remember the following words and expressions.
2. Preview the reading “A student of African wildlife”.
Study the new words and finish Exercise 1 on page 4.
achieve vt. 完成,实现 achievement n. 成就
• 除非努力工作否则你不能实现你的目标 • Unless you study hard , you can’t achieve your goal. • 没有人不努力可以获得成就 • No one can achieve anything without effort.
• • • • • • • • • 建一所学校是值得的 It is worthwhile to build a school. be worth doing sth 这本小说值得阅读 This novel is worth reading. be worthy of dong sth The novel is worthy of being read. Be worthy to be done The novel is worthy to be read.
behave vt. 行为.举止 behavior n.
• 请注意你的言行 • Please pay attention to your behavior. • • Behavior 行为举止好
observe vt. 观察,遵守
• observe+ sb.+ do/doing sth
respect. vt. 尊敬
• • • • • • 他的诚实赢得了我们的尊敬 His honesty gained our respect. respectable adj 体面的 respectful adj 有礼貌的 respected adj 受人尊敬的 Respective adj 各自的
argue vt.争论 argument n.
achievement, welfare project, institute, specialist, connection,
human beings, campaign, organization, found a campaign
dress as / fight for / help drive sb out of some place / help improve / concern oneself with / devote one’s life to / show the connections between …
dress as help do sth concern oneself with sth devote one’s life to sth
II. Discussion
1. What do these six women have in common? devoted, determined, committed,responsible, independent inspiring, influential, had careers, hard-working, unselflish