

最新GMDSS题库 英语+业务

最新GMDSS题库 英语+业务

GMDSS题库汉语部分第一部分:GMDSS系统概述1、GMDSS的首要功能是():A、日常通信B、播发海上安全信息C、驾驶台与驾驶台通信D、遇险船舶的可靠报警D2、下面那一项不属于GMDSS的功能():A、现场通信B、遇险报警C、常规通信D、船位报告D3、下面那一项不属于GMDSS的七大功能():A、现场通信B、搜救现场通信C、船队业务D、常规通信C4、下面那一种系统不属于GMDSS的系统():A、INMARSAT—C B 、GPS C、SART D、MSI播发系统B5、GMDSS中遇险报警指():A.船对岸的报警B、船对船的报警C、岸对船的报警D、A+B+CD6、GMDSS中的MSI的播发是通过()来进行的:A、NA VTEX系统B、EGC系统C、高频电传方式D、A+B+CD7、船对船的遇险报警应使用()设备:A、卫星EPIRB和VHF/EPIRBB、VHF/DSC和MF/DSCC、INMARSA T—B船站和SARTD、INMARSAT—B船站或C船站B8、GMDSS中的寻位是靠()来完成的:A、GPSB、SART 和雷达C、EPIRBD、MF/VHF设备B9、GMDSS中,不能用以下()设备接收气象信息:A、NA VTEXB、NBDPC、EGC接收机D、DSC设备D10、每艘船舶应配备SART()台,双向手提式无线电话()台:A、1/2B、2/3C、2/1D、3/2 BB11、遇险的现场通信常使用():A、HF设备的无线电话和电传B、INMARSAT船站的电话和电传C、MF/VHF的无线电话和电传D、VHF/DSCC12、GMDSS按航区划分为():A、16海区B、太平洋、大西洋、印度洋C、大西洋西区、大西洋东区、太平洋、印度洋D、4个海区D13、位于()航区的船站可以利用INMARSAT系统进行通信:A、A1B、A2C、A3D、A4C14、IMO规定的:至少一个具有DSC功能的MF海岸电台的覆盖范围是()海区:A、A1B、A2C、A3D、A4B15、在同一INMARSA T卫星覆盖区中的岸站数目不能超过()个:A、5B、15C、25D、30B16、只有()种船站采用模拟通信方式:A、INMARSAT—AB、INMARSA T—BC、INMARSAT—CD、INMARSAT—M A17、在INMARSA T系统中网络协调站的缩写为():A、CESB、NCSC、NCCD、LESB18、IMO规定的:至少一个具有DSC功能的VHF海岸电台的覆盖范围是()海区:A、A1B、A2C、A3D、A4A19、GMDSS船载设备的基本配备是():A VHF无线电话,有CH70DSC功能的VHF和VHF/DSC值守机B 至少两台SART和EPIRB C、NA VTEX接收机,EGC设备D.A+B+CD20、A1航区船舶必须增配的设备是():A、用于常规通信的VHF电话设备B、MF/DSC值守机和MF/DSCC、可用VHF/EPIRB代替卫星EPIRBD、A+CD21、GMDSS中,对A1海区EPIRB有()规定:A、必须配备406MH Z的EPIRBB、必须配备406MH Z的EPIRB或VHF/EPIRBC、必须配备406MH Z的EPIRB和VHF/EPIRBD、在VHF/EPIRB,406MHZ的EPIRB与1.6GHZEPIRB中任选一种示位标D22、GMDSS中规定,航行在A1+A2+A3+A4海区的船舶,其无线电设备增配方案包括():A、INMARSAT船站B、MF/HF电台C、MF电台和INMARSAT船站D、HF电台和INMARSA T船站B23、SOLAS公约对航行于A1或A2海区的船舶,无线电设备维修配备方案应采用():A、双套设备B、海上电子维修C、岸基维修D、三种中任选一种D24、SOLAS公约对航行于A3或A4海区的船舶,无线电设备维修配备方案应采用():A、双套设备B、海上电子维修C、岸基维修D、三种中任选两种D25、GMDSS设备主要是以()为依据进行配备的:A、船舶吨位B、船舶航区C、各国自定规范D、船舶动力推进装置的功率B26、IMO关于船舶配备双套设备的要求():A 一个VHF电台(VHF收发机+DSC设备+CH70A值守机)B 一个组合电台(MF/HF收发机+DSC设备+DSC值守机+NBDP)或INMARSAT SES一台C、NA VTEX接收机D、A+BD27、下面那一项不属于GMDSS的功能():A.WEATHER FAXB.遇险报警C.常规通信D.现场通信A28、没有报警功能的设备为():A.EPIRBB.NA VTEXC.DSCD.卫星移动站B29、航行在A2、或者A3、或者A4海区的船舶应至少有()名持有普通操作员证书的通信设备操作人员。



第一部分单项选择题第一章 GMDSS通信基础知识001. Which of the following is a required GMDSS function?A. Bridge-to-bridge communications.B. Reception of weather map facsimile broadcasts.C. Both of these.D. None of these.002. Which of the following is a required GMDSS function?A. Transmit and receive location signals.B. Transmit and receive general communications.C. Both of these.D. None of these.003. GMDS is required for which of the followings?A. All vessels capable of international voyages.B. SOLAS Convention ships of 300 gross tonnage or more.C. Vessels operating outside of the range of VHF coastal radio stations.D. Coastal vessels of less than 300 gross tons.004. What is the fundamental concept of the GMDSS?A. It is intended to automate and improve existing digital selective calling procedures and techniques.B. It is intended to automate and improve emergency communications in the maritime industry.C. It is intended to provide more effective but lower cost commercial communications.D. It is intended to provide compulsory vessels with a collision avoidance system when they areoperating in waters that are also occupied by non-compulsory vessels.005. What equipment can be used to receive Maritime Safety Information?A. HF NBDP.B. NA VTESC. EGC receiver.D. All of these.006. Which statement is false regarding the radio operator requirements for a GMDSS-equipment ship station?A. One of the qualified GMDSS operators must be designated to have primary responsibility for radiocommunications during distress incidents.B. A qualified GMDSS operator, and a qualified backup, must be designated to perform distress,urgency and safety communications.C. Maintaining a record of all incidents connected with the radio communication service which appearto be of importance to safety of life at sea is not required.D. While at sea, all adjustments or radio installations, servicing or maintenance of such installationswhich may affect the proper operation of the GMDSS station must be performed by, or under the supervision of, a qualified GMDSS operator.007. Which statement is false regarding the maintenance of GMDSS equipment at sea?A. The GMDSS operator may not be the person designated to have primary responsibility for radiocommunications during distress incidents.B. Ships must carry at least one person who qualifies as a GMDSS maintainer for the maintenance andrepair of equipment if the at sea maintenance option is selected.C. All at sea maintenance and repairs must be performed by, or under the supervision of a personholding a GMDSS First/Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. The GMDSS maintainer may be the person responsible for ensuring that the watches are properlymaintained and that the proper guard channels and the vessel’s position are entered in the DSC equipment.008. What is defined as an area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3?A. AOR-E.B. AOR-W.C. Coastal and inland waters.D. A4.009. Which radio equipment is not necessary for the ships sailing in the sea area A1?A. NA VTES receiver.B. VHF EPIRB.C. 406MHz EPIRBD. VHF DSC.010. Which of the following is a functional or carriage requirement for compulsory vessels?A. A compulsory vessel must satisfy certain equipment carriage requirements that are determined bywhere the vessel sails.B. A compulsory vessel must carry licensed GMDSS operators, the number should be determined bythe associated administration.C. A compulsory vessel must be bale to transmit and respond to distress alerts.D. All of these.011. Which radio equipment is not necessary for the ships sailing in the sea area A1?A. NA VTES receiver.B. EPIRB.C. HF DSCD. VHF DSC..012. Which radio equipment is not necessary for the ships sailing in the sea area A2?A. MF DSC.B. VHF radio telephone.C. VHF DSCD. VHF EPIRB..013. Which radio equipment is not necessary for the ships sailing in the sea area A3?A. GSM radiotelephone.B. MF DSC.C. Enhanced Group Calling receiver.D. Satellite EPIRB.014. What is the approximate range of MF radio waves during the day time?A. 30 nautical miles.B. 600 nautical miles.C. 150 nautical miles.D. 1200 nautical miles.015. What is the approximate range of VHF radio waves during the day time?A. 30 nautical miles.B. 600 nautical miles.C. 150 nautical miles.D. 1200 nautical miles.016. What is the wavelength, if the frequency is 6MHz?A. 180m.B. 18m.C. 50m.D. 500m.017. Which equation shows right ratio between the frequency (f) and the wavelength (Lambda) of radio waves?A. f=Lambda/CB. f=C x LambdaC. f=C/LambdaD. f=C x 6.28 x Lambda018. Which system is often used to provide accurate vessel position information to the GMDSS equipment?A. COSPAS-SARSATB. GPSC. EPIRBD. INMSRSAT-F019. What is defined as the area within the radiotelephone coverage area of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the IMO regulation for GMDSS?A. Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IORB. Sea Area A2C. Sea Area A1D. Coastal and Inland Waters.020. What is “Protocol”?A. NMEA protocol is often selected by engineer onboard.B. A defined set of communications standards which lay down the parameters to which all users mustabide.C. Protocols in general use are X.25 and X.400D. All of these021. Which of the following is true regarding the definition of the sea areas?A. It is assured that INMARSAT services are available in sea area A3.B. It is assured that INMARSAT services are available in sea area A1.C. It is assured that INMARSAT services are available in sea area A2.D. It is assured that INMARSAT services are available in sea area A4.022. In which sea areas(s), INMARSAT service are available?A. Sea Area A3 only.B. Sea Area A1, A2 and A3C. Sea Area A3 is included.D. Excluding sea area A1023. What is defined as and area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an INMARSAT geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available?A. Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IORB. Sea Area A3C. Sea Area A4D. Coastal and Inland Waters.024. Which channel is designated for VHF Digital Selective Calling?A. Channel 70B. Channel 06C. Channel 13D. Channel 16025. What is defined as an area, excluding sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage area of at least one MF coast station, in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the IMO?A. Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IORB. Sea Area A4C. Sea Area A3D. Sea Area A2026. What is the minimum requirement of a GMDSS operator?A. GMDS operator license.B. Third officer license.C. General Radiotelephone Operator license and Radar Endorsement.D. General Radiotelephone license or First or Second Class Radiotelegraph license with GMDSSRadio Officer’s endorsement.027. Which is not a functional requirement of GMDSS MF/HF equipment?A. Radiotelephony on 2152 KHz.B. Transmitting distress signals by DSC on 2187.5 KHz.C. Receiving and Watch keeping by DSC on 2187.5 KHz.D. Transmitting and receiving by NBDP with MF.028. Which statement is false regarding a GMDSS-equipped ship?A. A conditional or partial exemption may be granted, in exceptional circumstances, for a singlevoyage outside the sea area for which the vessel is equipped.B. ships must have the required equipment inspected at least once every 12 months.C. Ships must carry at least three persons holding GMDSS operator’s license for distress and safetyradio communications purposes.D. The regulations apply to all passenger ships regardless of size and cargo ships of 300 gross tons andupwards.029. Which statement is false regarding a GMDSS-equipped ship?A. A conditional or partial exemption may be granted, in exceptional circumstances, for a singlevoyage outside the sea area for which the vessel is equipped.B. ships must have the required equipment inspected at least once every five years.C. The regulations apply to all passenger ships regardless of size and cargo ships of 300 gross tons andupwards.D. Ships must carry person(s) holding a GMDSS operator’s license for distress and safety radiocommunications purposes.030. What is the term which refers to the supply of electrical energy required to supply radio installations on every ship for the purpose of conducting distress and safety radio communications in the event of failure of the ship’s main and emergency sources of electrical power?A. Emergency power.B. Reserve source of energy.C. Ship’s emergency diesel generator.D. Ship’s standby generator.031. GMDSS-equipped ships will be required to perform which of the following communications functions?A. Distress alerting and maritime safety information.B. Search and Rescue coordination and on-scene communications.C. Bridge-to-bridge and general radio communications.D. All of these032. A vertical antenna (whip) has a radiation pattern best described by which statement?A. A Figure eightB. A cardioids.C. A circle.D. An ellipse.033. Under GMDSS, the proper functioning of the DSC facilities shall be tested periodically without radiation of signals, by use of the means provided by equipment. What is the period?A. Weekly.B. Annually, by a representative of the MSA.C. DailyD. Monthly.34. Under GMDSS, the reserve source of energy is not a battery (for example, a motor generator) the reserve source of energy must be tested at what minimum intervals?A. Weekly.B. Annually, by a representative of the MSA.C. At the annual SOLAS inspection.D. Monthly.035. Who can make the determination to suspend AIS continuous listening watch?A. The operator, when the vessel is no longer operating in open sea.B. The Master, when determining that armed robbery may occur.C. An operator when it is determined that the noise becomes annoying to personnel on the bridge.D. Anyone, if it is determined that the noise interferes with listening on 97.5MHz FM transmissions. 036. Which of the following documents are required by GMDSS for vessels on international voyages?A. A copy of the IMO master plan of shore-based facilities.B. Station logs.C. ITU Radio Regulations.D. All of these.037. What equipment is used in or near the survival craft?A. NA VTEXB. Fathometer.C. COSPAS-SARSATD. EPIRB038. Which statement is false regarding a GMDSS-equipped ship?A. A conditional or partial exemption may not be granted, even in exceptional circumstances, for asingle voyage outside the sea area for which the vessel is equipped.B. ships must have the required equipment inspected at least once every 12 months.C. The regulations apply to all passenger ships regardless of size and cargo ships of 300 gross tons andupwards.D. Ships must carry person(s) holding a GMDSS operator’s license for distress and safety radiocommunications purposes.039. Every A3 ship, while at sea, shall maintain a continuous watch:A. On VHF DSC channel 70B. On the distress and safety DSC frequency 2,187.5 KHz and 8,414.5 KHz and also on at least one ofthe distress and safety DSC frequencies 4,207.5 KHz, 6,312 KHz, 12,577 KHz or 16,804.5 KHz, appropriate to the time of day and the geographical position of the ship.C. For satellite shore-to-ship distress alerts.D. All of these.040. What statement is generally correct regarding the maintenance requirements for ships under GMDSS?A. Redundancy of functions of certain equipment will partially meet this requirement.B. On-board maintenance provided by a person holding a Second Class Electronic Certificate licensewill partially meet the requirements.C. shore based maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially meet this requirement.D. All of these.041. What is the primary purpose of the GMDSS?A. Environmental protection.B. A common international communications system for all shipping.C. Automate and improve emergency communications for the world’s shipping industry.D. Effective and inexpensive communications.042. What is the minimum operation time of reserve source of energy on ships without an emergency energy source?A. 1 hourB. 6 hoursC. 12 hoursD. 24 hours043. What is the minimum operation time of reserve source of energy on ships with an emergency energy source?A. 1 hourB. 6 hoursC. 12 hoursD. 24 hours044. Vessel operating in which sea area(s) are required to carry either INMARSAT or HF equipment or a combination thereof under GMDSS?A. All sea areas.B. A3.C. A4.D. A3 and A4045. Which system is most likely to be affected by atmospheric disturbances?A. VHF DSCB. INMARSAT Standard-CC. MF/HF radiotelephony.D. Safety NET046. Which system is least likely to be affected by atmospheric disturbances?A. NA VTESB. MF NBDP.C. SESD. HF NBDP047. Which of the following systems is most likely to be subject to fading or static interference?A. HF NBDPB. INMARSATC. Digital Selective Calling on channel 70.D. VHF ARQ048. Which system has the least effective radius of operation?A. HF SITORB. MF NBDPC. VHF DSCD. NA TTEX049. What is the basic concept of GMDSS?A. Search and rescue authorities shore can be alerted to a distress situation.B. shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alerted.C. Shore-side authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum delay.D. All of these.050. A ship operating in sea area A1 must have the following provisions of maintenance:A. Shore maintenance.B. Duplication of equipment.C. At Sea Maintenance.D. Any one of these.051. A ship operating in sea area A3 must have the following provisions for maintenance:A. Duplication of Equipment.B. Shore Maintenance.C. At Sea Maintenance.D. Any two of these.052. What is the minimum operator license required to perform or supervise the performance of at sea maintenance which may affect the proper operation of the GMDSS station in sea area A3?A. Second Class Radio Electronic CertificateB. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.C. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate.053. What is the minimum operator license required to perform or supervise the performance of at sea maintenance which may affect the proper operation of the GMDSS station in sea area A1?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.C. Second Class Radio Electronic CertificateD. GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate.054. What is the minimum operator license required to perform or supervise the performance of at sea maintenance which may affect the proper operation of the GMDSS station in sea area A2?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.C. Second Class Radio Electronic CertificateD. GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate.055. What is the minimum operator license required to perform or supervise the performance of at sea maintenance which may affect the proper operation of the GMDSS station in sea area A4?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. Second Class Radio Electronic CertificateC. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate.056. How many pieces of portable GMDSS VHF transceivers must a passenger ship of 400 tons gross tonnage be provided with?A. 3B. 1C. 2D. 6057. How many pieces of portable GMDSS VHF transceivers must a cargo ship of 400 tons gross tonnage be provided with?A. 1B. 3C. 2D. 6058. How many pieces of portable GMDSS VHF transceivers must a passenger ship of 1700 tons gross tonnage be provided with?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 6059. How many pieces of portable GMDSS VHF transceivers must a cargo ship of 1700 tons gross tonnage be provided with?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 6060. Where are the operational details of NA VTES stations to be found?A. ITU List of ship Stations.B. Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals, Volume IIIC. IEC Publication 945, Marine Navigational Equipment.D. Frequency Allocation Tables.061. Where are the operational details of stations transmitting maritime safety information to be found?A. ITU List of ship Stations.B. Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals, Volume IIIC. IEC Publication 945, Marine Navigational Equipment.D. Frequency Allocation Tables.062. Where are the operational details of the stations for timing signals?A. Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals, V olume IB. Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals, Volume IIC. Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals, V olume IIID. Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals, V olume IV063. Where are the operational details of the stations for public correspondence?A. Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals, V olume IB. Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals, Volume IIC. Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals, Volume IIID. Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals, V olume IV064. Which is not vessel or personnel requirement of GMDSS?A. Regular equipment upgrading standards requirement.B. Licensed radio operators.C. Equipment carriage requirements.D. Distress alerting and response.065. Which statement is false regarding the maintenance requirement for GMDSS equipped vessels?A. On ships engaged on voyages in sea area A1 and A2, maintenance availability must be assured byduplication of equipment, shore-based maintenance, or at-sea maintenance capability or a combination of these.B. On ships engaged on voyages in sea areas A2 and A3, maintenance availability must be ensured byusing a combination of as least two choices between duplication of equipment, shore-based maintenance, or at-sea maintenance capability.C. if the shore-based maintenance method is used, maintenance services must be completed andperformance verified and noted in the ship’s record before departure from the first port of call entered after any failure occurs.D. All at-sea maintenance and repairs must be performed by, or under the supervision of a personholding a suitable GMDSS license.066. What are the vessel equipment and personnel requirements of GMDSS?A. Licensed radio operators.B. Equipment carriage requirements.C, Distress alerting and response.D. All of these067. What is the minimum GMDSS personnel requirement of Non-GMDSS ships operating in sea area A1?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.C. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. None GMDSS requirements are compelled.068. What is the minimum personnel requirement of GMDSS ships trading in sea area A1?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. General Operator’s CertificateC. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.069. What is the minimum GMDSS personnel requirement of drill platforms operating in sea area A1?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. General Operator’s CertificateC. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.070. What is the minimum personnel requirement of GMDSS ships trading in sea area A2?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. General Operator’s CertificateC. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.071. What is the minimum personnel requirement of GMDSS drill platforms operating in sea area A2?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.C. General Operator’s CertificateD. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.072. What is the minimum GMDSS personnel requirement of ship with At-sea Maintenance method operating in sea area A3?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.C. General Operator’s CertificateD. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.073. What is the minimum GMDSS personnel requirement of ships with Duplication of Equipment method operating in sea area A3?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.C. General Operator’s CertificateD. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.074. Which of the following regarding AAIC (accounting authority identification code) is false?A. The AAIC of vessels registered in China is HX08.B. The AAIC of vessels registered in China is CN03.C. It is a unique code assigned by the ITU to identify an accounting authority.D. It should be submitted to the operators ashore when ships are requesting services from CRS. 075. Which of the following regarding AUSREP is false?A. A vessel position-reporting system similar to AMVER.B. It is a compulsory system.C. It is operated by the Austrian Authorities.D. It is an active system which means when vessels send position overdue, search and rescue unitsashore will take action to connect with them.076. Which of the following regarding AMVER is false?A. A vessel position-reporting system operated by the United Kingdom.B. It can be taken port in by any merchant vessel of 1000grt or more on a voyage lasting longer than24 hours, to and from anywhere on the world.C. It is the abbreviation of Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue system.D. It is a ship reporting system in practice.077. Gold Franc (GF):A. A nominal currency used by LESs and accounting authorities to calculate communication chargesincurred by an MES. A fixed rate of exchange exists between the GF and the nominal currency the SDR: 1 SDR = 3.061 GF.B. It is a currency used in France.C. The coins are made of gold.D. The exchange rate between the GF and SDR is invariable.078. What is the minimum GMDSS personnel requirement of ships with Shore-based Maintenance method operating in sea area A3?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. General Operator’s CertificateC. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.079. What is the minimum GMDSS personnel requirement of drill platforms with At-Sea Maintenance method operating in sea area A3?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. General Operator’s CertificateC. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.080. What is the minimum GMDSS personnel requirement of drill platforms with Duplication of Equipment method operating in sea area A3?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. General Operator’s CertificateC. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.081. What is the minimum GMDSS personnel requirement of drill platforms with At-Sea Maintenance method operating in sea area A4?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. General Operator’s CertificateC. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.082. GMDSS is primarily a system based on:A. Ship-to-ship distress communication using MF or HF radiotelephony.B. VHF digital selective calling from ship to shore.C. Distress, urgency and safety communication carried out by the use of narrow-band direct printingtelegraphy.D. The linking of search and rescue authorities ashore with shipping in the immediate vicinity of aship in distress or in need of assistance.083. What is the minimum GMDSS personnel requirement of drill platforms with Shore-based Maintenance method operating in sea area A4?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. General Operator’s CertificateC. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.084. What is the minimum GMDSS personnel requirement of drill platforms with Duplication of Equipment method operating in sea area A4?A. Restricted Operator’s Certificate.B. General Operator’s CertificateC. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate.D. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate.085. Which statement is false regarding a vessel equipped with GMDSS equipment that remains in Sea Area A1 at all times?A. The vessel must be provided with a radio installation capable of initiating the transmission ofship-to-shore distress alerting from the position from which the ship is normally navigated.B. VHF DSC alerting may be the sole means of distress alerting.C. EPRIB may satisfy the equipment requirement.D. MF SSB with 2182 kHz automatic alarm generator may satisfy the equipment requirement.086. What is the total voltage and capacity of two 12 batteries coupled in series if each battery has capacity of 100 Ah?A. 12V 100Ah.B. 24V 100Ah.C. 12V 200Ah.D. 24V 200Ah087. Which statement is false regarding the GMDSS requirement for ship sources of energy?A. At all times while the vessel is at sea, a sufficient supply of electrical energy to operate the radioinstallations and charge any batteries which may be part of the reserve source of energy is required.B. All of these.C. The reserve sources of energy need to supply, INMARSAT-B/F, HF and MF radio installations atthe same time.D. An uninterruptible power supply or other means of ensuring a continuous supply of electricalpower to GMDSS equipment that could be affected by normal variations and interruptions of ship’s power is required.088 Which of the following service or maintenance functions may be performed by the holder of First Class Radio Electronic Certificates?A. Reset tripped circuit breakers or replace defective fuses.B. Routine battery maintenance if used as port of the GMDSS station.C. Any adjustments or maintenance which may affect the proper operation of the station.D. all of these089. Which of the following service or maintenance functions may be performed by the holder of Second Class Radio Electronic Certificates?A. Reset tripped circuit breakers or replace defective fuses.B. Routine battery maintenance if used as port of the GMDSS station.C. Any adjustments or maintenance which may affect the proper operation of the station.D. all of these090. Which of the following service or maintenance functions may not be performed by the holder of GMDSS General Operator’s Certificates?A. Any adjustments or maintenance which may affect the proper operation of the station.B. Replacement of consumable items such as paper, ribbons, etc.C. Reset tripped circuit breakers or replace defective fuses.D. Routine battery maintenance if used as part of the GMDSS station.091. Which of the following service or maintenance functions may not be performed by the holder of Restricted Operator’s Certificates?A. Reset tripped circuit breakers or replace defective fuses.B. Routine battery maintenance if used as part of the GMDSS station.C. Any adjustments or maintenance which may affect the proper operation of the stationD. Replacement of consumable items such as paper, ribbons, etc.092. What are the conditions, under GMDSS, whereby a ship is not allowed to depart from any port?A. The vessel is not capable of performing all required distress and safety functions.B. The vessel is carrying more than the required number of qualified GMDSS operators.C. The vessel has a temporary waiver o fits radio license and Safety Certificate.D. The vessel is not carry a GMDSS radio maintainer, but has provided for shore-side maintenance. 093. Which of the following areas would be considered Ocean Area A2?A. An area within coverage of INMARSAT geostationary satellites.B. An area within coverage of Medium Frequency (MF) coastal radio stations in which continuousDSC alerting is available.C. an area within coverage of VHF coast radio stations in which continuous DSC alerting is available.D. The extreme polar regions.。



GMDSS听力考试题型一.码语听写(20分,错6组以上0分)NO.1 [ ] NO.2 [ ]………NO.20 [ ]二.单句及会话选择题(一)单句(10小题)1.It takes 10 from hard port to hard starboard..a. seeds b, kinds c. seconds d. second2. Vessel Utopia is spilling oil.a. speedb. spilingc. spinningd. spilling3. Maintain search speed 3 knots.a. nots b, knots c, normal d, lord4. The anchors are away.a. wayb. awayc. awardd. weigh5. Air draft 31 meters.a. metersb. millerc. milesd. mad6. M/V seven star is aground.a. kaundb. agroundc. groundd. grounding7. Aircraft ETA at….a. airb. craftc.airraftd. aircraft8. The anchors are foul.a. foundb. foulc. findd. five9. Place in convoy is NO.3.A, convoy b. command c. count d. coward10. I an drifting from north to southeast.a. southb. southwestc. southeastd.sound(二)会话题(10小题)1. New harbour pilot this is Utopia, change to channel 6, over.Utopia this is New harbour pilot change to channel 6, over,Question: Which channel is for communication ?a. b. c. channel 6 d.2.Big apple this is pilot station. You will meet pilot at the position 33 degrees45 minutes north 10 degrees 15 minutes east.Pilot station this Big apple. I will meet pilot at 33 degrees 45 minutes north 10 degrees 15 minutes east.Question: Where will the vessel meet the pilot?a. b. c. 33 degrees 45 minutes north 10 degrees 15 minutes east d.3.Utopia this is VTS center. Report your relative course and speed. Over.VTS center this is Utopia. My relative course is 030 degrees, speed 35 knots. Question: What are relative course and speed?a. b. c. 030 degrees, 35 knots d.4.Pilot boat this Utopia. On which side would I rig pilot ladder? Over.Utopia this is pilot boat. Please rig pilot ladder on lee side.Question: On which side would the pilot ladder be rigged?a. b. c. lee side d.5.Utopia this is New harbour pilot station. What is the visibility in your position?Over.New harbour pilot station this is Utopia. The visibility in my position is 2.5 miles. Question: What is the visibility in the vicinity of Utopia?a. b. c. 2.5 miles d.6.Utopia this is pilot station. What is your present position. Over.Pilot station this is Utopia. My present position is 55 degrees 00 minutes north, 16 degrees 22 minutes east. Over.Question: What is the present position of Utopia?a. b. c. 55 degrees 00 minutes north, 16 degrees 22 minutes east d.7.Blue sea this Seven star. You are in the dangerous position. You should altercourse to 250 degrees. Over.Seven star this is Blue sea. I will alter course to 250 degrees. Over. Question: What course will Blue sea alter to?a. b. c. 2.5 miles d.8.Xinhe this is pilot station. You should follow the vessel ahead. Over.Pilot station this is Xinhe I will follow the vessel ahead. Over.Question: What is Xinhe asked to do?a. b. c. follow the vessel ahead d.9.Blue sea the New harbour station. You should anchor near NO.10 light-buoy. Over. New harbour this is Blue sea. I will anchor near NO.10 light-buoy. Over. Question: Where will Blue sea anchor?a. b. c. NO.10 d.10.New harbour this is Utopia. What is the tropical storm direction? Over. Utopia this is New harbour. The tropical storm direction is 270 degrees. Over. Question: What is the tropical storm direction?a. b. c. 270 degrees d.三.短文题(一)1.What`s the call sign?a b. BRPD c d2. What happened to the vessel?a b c. She`d an explosion d3.What`s the position?a b c d 40 degrees 00 minutes north 016 degrees 22 minutes west4.What assistance is requireda. firefighting b c d(一) 1. Which one is not true according to the conversation?a. Iolande send a MAYDAY signalb. Iolande is in position 160 degrees 4 miles from Barwater Pierc. Iolande is sinkingd. Utopia is sinking2. What is the vessel Utopia doing?a. She is coming to the berthb. She is coming to the assistancec. She is entering the main fairwayd. She is calling for help3. When will Utopia expects to reach Iolande?a. at 0900 hours zone timeb. at 1900 hours zone timec. at 1900 hours UTCd. at 0900 hours UTC4. What is the suggestion of Iolande?a. She needs a ladderb. She needs a hoistc. She needs a boatd. She needs a rocket(二)1. What`s the vessel`s call sign?a. LIMAb. LOMEc. LONE d LAMI2. What`s the vessel`s position?a. 35 14N 050 08 Wb. 46 13 N 050 08 Wc. 43 16 N 090 08 Wd. 46 13 N 090 08 W3. What happened to the vessel?a She was under attack by piratesb Her steering gear broken downc Her engine broken downd She had a person overboard4. What kind of assistance does the vessel require?a medical assistanceb tug assistancec fire-fighting assistanced navigation assistance(三)1. What happened to MV Blue Whale?a She`s agroundb She`s got a person overboardc She was under attack by piratesd She`s in collision2. From which side die the man fall overboard?a starboard sideb starboard quarterc port sided port bow3. What is the vessel going to do?a To lower the rescue boatb To lower the liferaftc To lower the lifeboatd To lower the rescue basket4. What does the captain ask the mate to do?a To ask him for adviceb To jump into the rescue boatc To keep him informed d To get away from the rescue boat单句-关键词 122.She will be expected to berth port side alongside on NO.23.One tug on the port bow and two tug on the starboard side4.Have heavy wire ready fore and aft, and keep passenger gangway stowed5.master6.cargo ship7.officer and crew8.They will abandon the passenger vessel9.rudder10.boarding11.Check anchor position every 15 minutes12.Walk back starboard anchor13.unlit14.canal15.swell16.increase the distance17.864118472964018.urgency19.SW-salt water FW-fresh waterGMDSS英语会话问答题1.Which channel is designated for VHF/DSC alerting?CH70 is designated for VHF DSC alerting.2.What is an emergency signal fixed by?An emergency signal is fixed by urgency signal PANPAN, spoken three times.3.Which mode is normally used when carrying out safety communication by NBDP?When carrying out safety communication by NBDP, FEC mode is normally used.4.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?A ship can get in touch with a port by VHF radiotelephone before her arrival.5.What does fairway speed mean?Fairway speed means safe speed for ships sailing in the fairway.6.What’s your present speed and course?My present speed is 6 knots, and my course is 120 degrees.7.What does Pan-Pan mean in marine communication?PANPAN means to announce urgency message.8.What does SECURITE mean in marine communication?SECURITE means to announce safety message,9.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?The pilot station should confirm that when and where the ship can meet the pilot.10.Please spell your ship’s name and call sign?例如:船名/呼号Hongqi/BOTCMy ship`s name is Hongqi HOTEL OSCAR NOVEMBER GOLF QUBEC INDIA Hongqi, call sign BRAVO OSCAR TANGO CHARLIE, BOTC.11.What does Mayday mean in marine communication?Mayday means to announce distress message.12.What does MRCC stand for and What’s the function?MRCC stands for maritime rescue coordination center, its function is promoting and coordinating search and rescue operations.13.What means can be often used to provide vessel position information to GMDSSequipment?GPS can be often used to provide vessel position information to GMDSS equipment.14.When a station transmitting or intervening …, what does distress alert do? The station interfering with distress traffic will be imposed to keep radio silence. 或 (The distress station or on-scene commander will say “silence MAYDAY”to impose the station interfering with distress traffic to keep radio silence.)15.Relating to DSC facility, what is the period of self-test?The period of self-test for DSC facility is once a day.16.What does safety format or safety signal indicate?Safety format or safety signal indicates that safety message will be announced.17.What should be included in mayday message?Mayday message should include the following information: ship’s name or other identifications, position in degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude , nature of distress, assistance required, and other important information useful for the rescue.18.When your ship enters VTS area, what should be reported?When my ship enters VTS area, the following information should be reported: my ship’s name and call sign, present position, draft and maximum draft, speed and course, etc.19.What does ETD stand for?ETD stands for expected(estimated) time of departure.20. What should a signal be prefixed by for distress traffic by radiotelephony? Distress traffic by radiotelephony should be prefixed by distress signal MAYDAY.21. Can an RCC (rescue coordination center) coordinating distress traffic imposesilence on stations which are interfering with the distress traffic?No, it ca n`t impose radio silence on the stations which are interfering with the distress traffic. The on-scene-commander, distress vessel and rescue vessels can impose radio silence on the stations which are interfering with the distress traffic.22. Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on distress frequencies, whatfrequencies are they?Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on the following distress frequencies: 156.525MHz, 2187.5/4207.5/6312/8414.5/12577/16804.5KHz.23. What should a station do when transmitt ing an inadvertent distress alert orcall?She should send cancellation to the relevant RCC, and her notification of accidental transmission should be transmitted.24. According to the SOLAS, which radio equipment is not necessary for the shipssailing in sea area A2?INMARSAT SES and HF equipment are not necessary for the ships sailing in sea area A2.25. How many times should the urgency signal “PANPAN” be spoken when sending anurgency call?When sending an urgency call, the urgency signal “PANPAN” should be spoken three times.26. Shall an urgency communication have priority over all other communicationsexcept distress?Yes, an urgency communication has priority over all other communications except distress.27. In accordance with SOLAS convention, what is the area outside areas A1\A2 andA3?The area outside areas A1\A2 and A3 is area A4.28.What is safety signal prefixed by for sending a safety call?Safety call should be prefixed by safety signal SECURITE.29. How many times should the safety signal “SECURITE” be spoken when sending asafety call?Safety signal SECURITE should be spoken three times when sending a safety call.30.What should a master do before sailing?Before sailing, master should check the sailing plan and the state of the ship, and inform chief engineer to get the engine standby.31. What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station?Before arrival, ships should report to the pilot station the following particulars: ship’s name and call sign, LOA , draft and air draft,etc.32. What is general cargo?General cargo is the different cargo which can be stowed together in one hold. 34. What does SOLAS stand for?SOLAS stands for international convention for the safety of life at sea.35. What does “STCW” stand for?STCW stands for international convention on standards of training, certification and watch-keeping for seafarers.36. Which parties are those on-scene communications carried out between?On-scene communications are carried out between the distress ship and assisting units.37. What is the approximate range of MF radio waves during the day time? During the day time, the approximate range of MF radio waves is about 100 miles.38.Should a ship station in receipt of an urgency call address her acknowledgmentto all other stations?No, she shouldn’t. When the urgency call is addressed to her, she should send acknowledgement to the station sending the urgency call.39.Who should be addressed to when acknowledging the receipt of a distress alertsent by DSC?When acknowledging the receipt of a distress alert sent by DSC, we address the acknowledgement to all stations.40. How many times should the distress signal MAYDAY RELAY be spoken when relayinga distress alert by radiotelephony?When relaying a distress alert by radiotelephony, the distress signal MAYDAY RELAY should be spoken three times.41. in which sea areas, is it out of question that you can obtain inmarsat services?在什么海区你毫无疑问地获得INMARSAT服务?——— In sea area A3, it is out of question that I can obtain inmarsat services.42. what should a station do when transmitting an advertent distress alert or call?当电台无意发送了遇险报警或遇险呼叫后应该怎么处理?———When a station transmitting an advertent distress alert or call, the operator should stop the transmitting and make a cancellation to the associated RCC.43. relating the reserve of energy if it is not a battery, what is the period of test?对于不是蓄电池的备用电源,多长时间检测一次?------If the reserve of energy is not a battery, the period of test should be a month.GMDSS英语会话口述题1. There is floating ice in position 47 00 N, 50 00 W, it is dangerous to navigation, BANKS RADIO let YUQIANG (Call sign: YUQI) keep clear of it, YUQIANG will do as advised.Please make a safety communicationThe safety signal SECURITETHIS IS + the name of the station transmitting the safety messageThe text of the message参考答案(B-BANK RADIO Y-YUQIANG)B: SECURITE SECURITE SECURITEMV YUQIANG,YUQIANG, YUQIANGThis is BANKS RADIO, BANKS RADIO, BANKS RADIOSECURITE, BANKS RADIONavigational warningThere is floating ice in position latitude 4700N, longitude 5000W. It is dangerous to navigation. You must navigate with caution and keep clear of it.Over.Y: SECURITEBANKS RADIOThis is MV YUQIANG, call sign YUQI(用码语)Navigational warning is received. I will follow your advice. Thank you! out2、 TAOYUANHAI (call sign: BSJX) is in collision with a fishing boat at 30°04’N 120°20’E and sinking, please send a distress alert.The distress signal MAYDAY, which is read for three times.This is +the name of the vessel in distress, which is read for three times.The call sign and other identification.The nature of distress.参考答案MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is MV TAOYUANHAI TAOYUANHAI TAIYUANHAICall sign: BSJX BSJX BSJX(用码语)MAYDAY, MV TAOYUANHAI, call sign BSJXI am in collision with a fishing boat at 30°04’N 120°20’E. I am sinking. I require immediate assistance. Over.3. please describe the alerting procedures in voice services in Inmarsat-F system 参考答案------switch on the power supply------login appropriate ocean region------select appropriate coast earth station within the ocean region for communication.——open the cover of the “distress” button and press the “distress” button for 6 seconds._____pick up the handset and waiting for RCC’s answering._____when RCC answers, send distress alert on standard format. The MAYDAY alert should include the following information: ship’s name, call sign, nature of distress, ship’s position, assistance required, and other information useful for rescue._____communicate with RCC, receive instructions from RCC._____ end of communication. Put down the handset.4. Describe how to coordinate with the give-way vessel by VHF in crossing situation. Stand-on vessel MV GATE, course 030 degrees speed 15 knotsGive- way vessel MV STAR , course 170 degrees, speed 18knots, pass port to port.How to change VHF channel?How to identify the calling vessel?How to coordinate the passing actions in crossing situation?MV GATE calling on VHF CH 16:SECURITE NAVIGATION, SECURITE NAVIGATION, SECURITE NAVIGATIONMV STAR, MV STAR, MV STARThis is MV GATE, GATE, GATE calling, please change to ch13, over.MV GATE, MV GATE, MV GATEThis is MV STAR, agree to ch13, over.Communication on ch13:MV STAR, MV STAR, MV STARThis is MV GATE, MV GATE, coming please. OVERMV GATE, this is MV STAR, go ahead please, over.MV STAR, this is MV GATE. I am stand-on vessel, my course is 030 degrees and the speed is 15 knots. You are give-way vessel, what is your course and speed? Over. MV GATE, this is MV STAR, my course is 170 degrees and speed is 18 knots. Over.MV STAR, this is MV GATE, please slow down your speed and alter your course to starboard, stop crossing from my port bow. And pass port to port, over.MV GATE, this is MV STAR, roger, I will slow down my speed and alter course to starboard, pass port to port. Over.MV STAR, this is MV GATE, thank you, keep contact on this channel, out.5.YUYING(call sign: YUYG)’s main engine is broken down severely, SHANGHAI RADIO STATION will send a tug for her, they are going on the urgency traffic.Vessel in urgency: the urgency signal PANPAN, which is read for three times.This is + the name and call sign of the vessel in urgency.SHANGHAI RADIO: the urgency signal PANPANThe necessary informationTug will be made fast on port bow.参考答案PANPAN PANPAN PANPANSHANGHAI RADIO, SHANGHAI RADIO, SHANGHAIRADIOThis is MV YUYING, YUYING, YUYING,Call sign: YUYG(用码语)PANPAN, MV YUYING My main engine is broken down severely. Position: bearing 124 degrees and distance 5 miles from NO.1 light vessel, require tug assistance immediately. OVERPANPAN MV YUYING This is SHANGHAI RADIOPANPAN received.A tug is coming to your assistance. please get towing line ready, The tug will be made fast on your port bow. Over.PANPAN SHANGHAI RADIO This is MV YUYINGRoger. The tug will be made fast on my port bow. Over.PANPAN MV YUYING This is SHANGHAI RADIOKeep watch on channel 16. Out.PANPAN SHANGHAI RADIO This is MV YUYINGI will keep watch on channel 16. Out.6. If you are the operator onboard a bulk vessel, which run aground at 1645UTC at position 26°45’S 104°17’W,( in sea area A1), please describe the alerting procedures in the terrestrial system.(your ship’s name is YUFENG).参考答案Because my vessel is sailing in sea area A1, so the first suitable means of alerting is VHF DSC. Then sending a MAYDAY voice alert on CH16. The alerting procedures as follows:-----switch on VHF equipment, use the DSC menu-----select the calling type “distress call” the nature of distress “grounding”------enter the time 1645UTC and position 26°45’S 104°17’W------select the subsequent communication mode “simplex”------make a distress call by pressing the distress button not less than 4 seconds. -------waiting for the acknowledgement. Then make distress alert by radiotelephone on channel 16 as follows:MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is bulk carrier YUFENG, YUFENG, YUFENGMAYDAY, YUFENG I have run aground at 1645UTC at position 26°45’S 104°17’W, I require towing assistance immediately. Over.7. Give an example of a Mayday call.参考答案MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is MV TAISHAN TAISHAN TAISHAN, call sign BOSY(用码语)MAYDAY, TAISHAN I am aground in position 12 degrees 12minutes N 123 degrees 12minutes E. I require tug assistance. OVER.8. Describe watch keeping arrangements in SOLAS Chapter IV of 1988 amendment. (这是公约中的值班规定!)(另一种问法:please elaborate the watch keeping arrangements made in the Chapter IV of the 1988 Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention(concerning communication of GMDSS) 参考答案According to the SOLAS chapter IV, GMDSS station should keep watch on the frequencies as follows: VHF DSC keep watch on CH70, MF DSC keep watch on 2187.5KHZ. for MF/HF radio station, DSC keep watch on 2187.5KHZ, 8414.5KHZ and one of other HF DSC frequencies. And keep watch on the frequency for receiving maritime safety information. For INMARSAT terminal equipped vessel, keep INMARSAT terminal in operation for receiving distress alert from shore to ship.9. TAOYUANHAI (Call sign BSJX) sends a distress alert, YUQIANG (Call sign BQRS) acknowledges the receipt of the distress alertThe distress signal MAYDAYThe name followed by the call sign of the station sending the distress message and the station acknowledging receiptRECEIVED MAYDAY参考答案Distress alert from MV TAOYUANHAI:MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is MV TAOYUANHAI TAOYUANHAI TAOYUANHAI Call sign BSJX(用码语)MAYDAY MV TAOYUANHAI I am on fire in position 12 degrees 12minutes N 123 degrees 12minutes E. I require firefighting assistance. OVER.YUQIANG (Call sign BQRS) give an acknowledgement:MAYDAY MV TAOYUANHAI,TAOYUANHAI,TAOYUANHAIThis is MV YUQIANG, YUQIANG, YUQIANGReceived MAYDAY. I am coming to your assistance at full speed, ETA at your position is one hour. Over.10. Describe the actions you will take when you, an operator onboard, receive an alert at sea.参考答案when I receive an alert at sea,------I will report master at once ,-------tune the transmitter and receiver on appropriate frequencies and select proper communication mode.-------keep continuous watch on the frequency on which the distress communication is going on.-------prepare to take part in distress communication, in accordance with radio regulations and under master’s order.------ make a good record of the distress communication in logbook.11. If you are the operator onboard a general cargo ship, whose name is COTON TREE, provides your vessel is disabled at position 17°25’N 35°21’ W, please warn vessels in your vicinity to keep clear of you.(drifting speed:2 knots, direction: 090degrees)参考答案Calling on VHF CH 16:SECURITE SECURITE SECURITEAttention all ships , attention all ships, attention all shipsThis is MV COTON TREE, COTON TREE, COTON TREESECURITE, MV COTON TREENavigational warning follows on CH13 Over.Sending message on VHF CH13:SECURITE SECURITE SECURITEAttention all ships , attention all ships, attention all shipsThis is MV COTON TREE, COTON TREE, COTON TREESECURITE, MV COTON TREE Navigational warningI am disabled at position 17°25’N 35°21’W, drafting speed is 2 knots, direction is 090 degrees. Vessels in vicinity please navigate with caution and keep clear of me. Out.12. describe the proper way of using VHF.参考答案When using VHF set, the following should be noted:------the lowest transmitter power necessary for satisfactory communication should be used.------Avoid superfluous transmission.-------routine call should not be carried out in silence period.------Standard marine communication phrase should be used.------the ship called indicates channel for subsequent communication.------distress call or messages are carried out on channel 16, and have absolute priority over all other communications.------routine call and reply on channel 16 should not last more than one minute. ------every ship while at sea, should keep listening watch on channel 16.13. Please describe the procedures of sending distress messages by using Inmarsat--C Terminals.参考答案In emergency situation:---------switch on the power supply---------login appropriate ocean region----------select column “distress” in the main menu---------select appropriate LES---------select the nature of distress.--------Then press the distress button at least 4 seconds to transmit alert.If time permit:---------switch on the power supply---------login appropriate ocean region-------edit a distress alert message and save it in the memory-------- select the “transmit”menu, open the “Transmit Message”window, select the priority “distress”,-------select a suitable LES for communication--------select the distress message to be transmitted-------move the cursor to “Transmit”, PRESS “ENTER”key on the keyboard to transmit the alert.------waiting for RCC’s answering.14. Please describe what is urgency communication, the means used to transmit urgency communication, and the cautions should be taken when urgency communication is transmitted by operators at sea. What is safety communication?参考答案Urgency communication includes: medical assistance, medical advice and maritime assistance etc. Urgency communication can only be transmitted on the authority of master. It can be conducted by satellite system or terrestrial system. It can be announced by DSC terminal, and transmitted by means of radiotelephone or NBDP. Urgency communication must be preceded by urgency signal “PAN PAN” when it is made by radiotelephone.Safety communication indicates that the calling station has a message concerning about safety of navigation to be sent. Safety communication must be prefixed safety signal. It can be conducted by satellite system or terrestrial system. It can be announced by DSC terminal, and transmitted by means of radiotelephone or NBDP. If it is transmitted through satellite system, it need not be called by DSC terminal. When a ship receives a safety call, she needs not acknowledge the call, and just receives the call only. Safety communication must be preceded by urgency signal “SECURITE” when it is made by radiotelephone.15.Send a PAN-PAN message according to the given information: Ship’s name: BlueSea; Call sign: BERN; Distress position: 22°04`N, 127°08`E; Nature of distress suffered: breakdown of steering gears; Assistance required: convoy. (根据所给的信息发送无线电话紧急呼叫, BLUE SEA 船舶舵机设备损坏,要求护航援助)回答:PANPAN PANPAN PANPANThis is MV BLUE SEA, BLUE SEA, BLUE SEACall sign BERN, BERN, BERNPANPAN, MV BLUE SEA, call sign BERNMy steering gear is broken down in position 22°04`N, 127°08`E, require convoyassistance, over.16.YUQING (Call-Sign YOBK) has a man ill and is ready for helicopter, she willidentify herself by directing signal lamp at helicopter, they are going on the urgency traffic.Vessel in urgency: the distress(urgency) signal PAN-PAN, which is read for three times.THIS IS+the name and call sign of the vessel in distress(urgency).Helicopter: the distress (urgency) signal PAN-PAN.The necessary information.参考答案MV YUQING CALLING:PANPAN PANPAN PANPANThis is MV YUQING, YUQING, YUQINGCall sign YOBK, YOBK, YOBK(用码语)PANPAN, MV YUQING I have a man is ill seriously on board my vessel. I require a helicopter to send him to hospital. I am ready for the helicopter. My position is bearing 124 degrees and distance 3 miles from Greenisland. OverHelicopter answering:PANPANMV YUQING This is helicopterI am coming to your assistance. Please show signal lamp for identification. Over. MV YUQING :PANPAN Helicopter This is MV YUQINGRoger. I will identify myself by directing signal lamp. Landing party ready to receive you. you may land on fore deck. Over.17. MINGHUA(call sign BJWK) is in distress, YUQIANG(call sign BBGD) sends a rescue information: her position at 1430 GMT is 36 04 N,120 05 E; speed is 18knots, ETA IS 1530GMT.MINGHUA affirms it.The distress signal MAYDAYTHIS IS +the name and call sign of the vessel in distress.Repeat the information of the rescue station.参考答案MINGHUA calling:MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAYThis is MV MINGHUA, MINGHUA, MINGHUACall sign BJWK, BJWK, BJWK(用码语)MAYDAY, MV MINGHUA I am aground in position 35 05 N,123 23 E, I require immediate assistance. Over.YUQIANG ACKNOWLEDGE:MAYDAY MV MINGHUA MINGHUA MINGHUA。



gmdss英语模拟试题11. What does GMDSS stand for?A. Global Maritime Distress and Safety SystemB. Great Marine Discovery and Security ServiceC. General Maritime Data Simulation SystemD. Global Maritime Deployment and Support Structure2. When was the GMDSS officially implemented?A. 1990B. 2000C. 1988D. 19953. Which organization is responsible for the implementation and oversight of the GMDSS?A. International Maritime Organization (IMO)B. United Nations (UN)C. World Health Organization (WHO)D. European Space Agency (ESA)4. Which communication device is NOT required to be carried by vessels under GMDSS regulations?A. VHF radioB. MF/HF radioC. EPIRBD. Satellite phone5. In an emergency situation, which of the following is the correct order of communication priorities according to GMDSS procedures?A. Distress alert, distress call, urgency call, safety callB. Safety call, distress alert, distress call, urgency callC. Distress alert, urgency call, safety call, distress callD. Urgency call, safety call, distress alert, distress call6. When should a vessel transmit a Mayday call?A. When in imminent danger and requiring immediate assistanceB. When experiencing a minor mechanical issueC. When contacting another vessel for routine communicationD. When in need of weather updates7. Which international radio frequency is designated for distress and safety communications under GMDSS?A. 156.800 MHzB. 2182 kHzC. 27.555 MHzD. 462.675 MHz8. What is the purpose of a NAVTEX system in the GMDSS network?A. To provide weather forecasts and navigational warningsB. To communicate with nearby vessels for coordinationC. To transmit distress signals directly to coast guard stationsD. To relay distress calls to satellite providers9. Which type of signal should be used to indicate a non-distress urgency situation?A. Pan-PanB. MaydayC. SecuriteD. SOS10. Which GMDSS component is responsible for relaying digital distress alerts and messages between vessels and rescue coordination centers?A. InmarsatB. NAVTEXC. DSCD. VHF以上为GMDSS英语模拟试题1,希望能够帮助您更好地了解和掌握全球海上遇险和安全系统。



GMDSS通信英语朗读题1.Mayday Mayday MaydayThis is motor-vessel Noble PrinceMayday Noble Prince One seven nine degrees true, three miles off Stone Point I have struck a submerged object, taking in water fast, engine damaged. I can not keep afloat more than three hours, crew thirty. Chief engineer and two ratings seriously injured, I need assistance and rescue. I am keeping continuous watch on two one eight two KHZ. This is motor vessel Noble Prince. Over.Questions:1) What happened to Noble Prince?2) What is the position of the distress vessel?3) How long can the vessel keep afloat'?4) How many persons were seriously injured?5) On what frequency is she keeping continuous watch?Answers to the questions above:1) She has struck a submerged object, taking in water fast, engine damaged.2) One seven nine degrees true, three miles off Stone Point.3) Less than three hours.4) Three persons were seriously injured.5) 2182 KHZ.2. Mayday-Relay Mayday-Relay Mayday-RelayAll ships. This is Barin Radio.Following received from motor vessel "Selin" There is a collision between two motor vessels in position forty-two fourteen degrees' north, sixteen seventeen degrees east. After a few minutes one ship tank and fourteen persons were lost. Some ships and helicopters are searching now. Ships in vicinity please keep sharp lookout.Mayday-relay. This is Barin Radio.Questions:1) What happened in position 42˚14'N, 16˚17'E?2) Has anything serious happened to either of the ships? If m, what is it?3) Are there any search and rescue operations in the distress area?4) What are ships in vicinity advised to do?5) Who relays the Mayday message?Answers to the questions above:1 ) There is a collision between two motor vessels in position forty-two fourteen degrees north, sixteen seventeen degrees east.2) Yes. One ship sank and fourteen persons were lost.3) Yes. ,Some ships and helicopters are searching now.4) They are advised to keep sharp lookout.5) Barin Radio.3. Pan-Pan Pan-Pan Pan-PanThis is Bravo Oscar November November.My ship's main engine is out of order. I am floating and no longer under control. My present position is 19 degrees 21 minutes north and 039 degrees 26 minutes east. Please keep clear of me and navigate with caution. Over.Questions:1) What is the ship's call sign?2) What happened to your ship?3) Can you control your ship?4) What is your present position?5) What are vessels nearby asked to do?Answers to the questions above:1) Bravo Oscar November November.2) My ship's main engine is out of order.3) No. 1 can not control my ship.4) 19-degrees 21 minutes north and 039 degrees 26 minutes east.5) Keep clear of me and navigate with caution.4. Attention all vessels. This is Newharbour Pilot Station. Navigational information follows on channel 12. Visibility is reduced by fog. Visibility at No. 1 buoy is 2000 metres. Visibility is expected to decrease to 1000 metres in one hour. There are salvage operations in position, south side offairway at Fishhaven. Vessels must navigate with caution. Questions:1) What is this passage about'?2) What is the visibility at No. 1 buoy?3) When will the visibility be reduced to 1000 metres?4) What is the position of the mirage operation?5) What are vessels in vicinity asked to do'?Answers to the questions above:1) Navigational information.2) 2000 metres.3) In one hour.4) South side of fairway at Fishhaven.5) They must navigate with caution.5. Vessel Nonsuch in position 34º14'N., 134º17'E. It is on fire in the engine room. It cannot put out the fire by its own means. The fire is spreading to cargo holds with flammable dangerous cargo. There is going to be danger of explosion on board. Some fire boats will stand by to give assistance. Vessels in vicinity please keep well clear of the vessel in distress.Questions:1) What is the position of the vessel in distress?2) Where is the fire73) Can you control the fire by your own means?4) Why is there going to be danger of explosion on Nonsuch?5) What are vessels in vicinity required to do?Answers to the questions above:1) 34º14'N, 134º17'E.2) In the engine room.3) No.4) Because there is flammable dangerous cargo.5) To keep well clear of the vessel in distress.6. All vessels, this is Avonport. Navigational Warnings. There is a gas leakage from fractured pipeline near refinery quay. There are pipe-laying operations near gas leakage. There is a yellow buoy established in position 156 degrees, 1 cable from end refinery quay. Vessels are advised to avoid this area. There is a vessel carrying out hydrographic survey in area off Oilmouth No. 1 quay. Abnormally low tides are expected in Avonport channel around 1400 hours local time. Charted depths are decreased by 0.5 metres.Questions:l) What is leaking from fractured pipe line, gas or petroleum?2) What operations are in progress near the gas leakage?3) Where is a yellow buoy established?4) What are the vessels advised to do when parsing the area?5) Is there any difference between the charted depths and the truedepths in this area? if so, what is it?Answers to the questions above:1) Gas.2) Pipe. laying operations.3) In position 156 degrees, I cable from end refinery quay4) To avoid this area.5) Yes. Charted depths are decreased by 0.5 metres.7. Digital .Selective Calling or DSC, is the globally adopted general purpose system for selective calling in the ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and shore-to- ship directions. The system is used on both MF/HF and VHF frequencies. The DSC system is used for both Safety and Convenience. The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System or GMDSS requires the use of DSC for distress alerting and safety calls.Questions:1) What does DSC stand for?2) The DSC is used for selective calling just in ship-to-ship direction, is it true?3) What is the DSC system used for?4) For what purpose does the GMDSS require the use of DSC?5) Will you translate the initial GMDSS into Chinese?Answers to the questions above;1) Digital Selective Calling.2) No. The DSC is used in the ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and shore- to-ship directions.3) It is used for both Safety and Convenience.4) GMDSS requires the use of DSC for distress alerting and safety calls.5)全球海上遇险和安全系统。



1.what is the date today ?Today is December third 20122.what day is today?Today is Monday3.what are you?I am a student of Gongdong Ocean University4.what’s the weather like today ?It is sunny /cloudy /rainy/overcast5.would you please say something about yourself (or your family)Self introduction: My name is xxx ,a student of Gongdong Ocean university ,majoring in navigation,I am very outgoing and easy to get along with.Family: I am from xxx province ,there are six people in my family ,both my parents are peasants ,my two brothers and sister work in the factory ,although we are not rich ,we love each other very much 6.What is the time by your watch?It is 9 o’clock /ten past nine (9:10)/half past nine (9:30)/ten to nine(8:50)7.Please give a brief introduction about yourself (your company, your family or your college)My college is GDOU, we have a very big campus and it is very beautiful almost like a big garden, there are many places of interest around ourschool, such as Huguangyan ,Donghai Island and there are lots of outstanding teachers teaching us.8.wht’s your impression about zhanjiang (some port you have been to ) Zhanjiang is a very beautiful place especially the Donghai Island and Naozhou Island ,and the people are very friendly .9.are you chief officer(second officer, third officer or captain)?And what’s your responsibility on board?10.what’s your duty(responsibility) on board?11.what do you usually do in your spare time?Read books and play basketball12.what do you usually do when you are on duty ?13.what radio equipment do you have on board your ship?MF/HF radio station , DSC,NPDP and VHF radio station and ship earthstation14.what will you learn in this training class?We’ll learn about the operation of MF/HF radio station, DSC, NPDP, NMARSATB/C/F and so on.15 what do you expect to learn in this training class?I want to learn how to operate the communication equipment on board ships16 do you know how to operate radar?Yes I do. And it is compulsory for us to be able to us these equipment.17. please make a distress call18. please make a general call19 chief ,which department are you in charge of ?I am in charge of the deck department20,what does GMDSS SOLAS, IMO, STCW, DSC, SART ,EPIRB ,EGC stand for ?GMDSS stands for global maritime distress and safety system .SOLAS stands for international convention for safety of life at seaIMO stands for international maritime organizationSTCW stands for international convention on standard of training certification and watch-keeping for seafarersDSC stands for digital selective callingSART stands for search and rescue radar transponderEPIRB stands for emergency position indicating radar beaconEGC stands for enhanced group call21.would you say something about your voyage ?I went to the USA last month , and it was the first time for me to work onboard ship ,at first I felt very sick and it takes me about a moth to adapt to the working conditions onboard ship. My colleagues are very friendly to me and I have a lot of free time to chat with them, I love this kind of life very there anything interesting happened during your voyage ?23,where are you from.?I am from xxx province China24.which college (or university)did you graduate from? And when?I graduated from GDOU in 200325how many countries (foreign ports)have you been to? And what are they ?I have been to about twenty countries such as the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom and so on26. What is EPIRB? And where should it be installed according to PSC? EPIRB stands for emergency position indicating radar beacon.,27.what is PSC?PSC stands for port state control, it is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and it equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules .28.what equipment does the terrestrial system consist of ?MF/HF radio station ,DSC ,NBDP ,VHF radio station ,NA VTEX29how many years have you worked onboard ?I have worded onboard for five years30.what does GMDSS consist of ?GMDSS is made up of terrestrial communication system and satellite communication system .。




. Distress alerting is the rapid and successful reporting of a distress incident to a unit, which can provide or co-ordinate assistance. This would be another ship in the vicinity or a rescue coordina- tion centre (RCC). When an alert is received by an RCC, normally via a coast station or coast earth station, the RCC will relay the alert to SAR units and to ships in the vicinity of the dis- tress incident. A distress alert should indicate the identification and position of the distress and, where practicable, its nature and other information which could be used for rescue operation.
Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu Nadazero Unaone Bissotwo Terratree Kartefour Pantafive

Soxisix Setteseven Oktoeight Novenine Decimal
6 All vessels, this is Avonport. Navigational Warnings. There is a gas leakage from fractured pipeline near refinery quay. There are pipe-laying operations near gas leakage. There is a yellow buoy established in position 156 degrees, 1 cable from end refinery quay. Vessels are advised to avoid this area. There is a vessel carrying out hydrographic survey in area off Oilmouth No. 1 quay. Abnormally low tides are expected in Avonport channel around 1400 hours local time. Charted depths are decreased by 0.5 metres.



一、单项选择题(共59题)1、COSPAS/SARSAT 系统不能完成下列任务_____。

(130559:第6章EPIRB-SART设备)A、测定遇险船舶的船位B、进行遇险通信C、A4 海区遇险报警与定位D、接收和转发遇险报警2、COSPAS/SARSAT 系统中不能使用下列示位标_____。

(130561:第6章EPIRB-SART设备)A、156.525MHz EPIRBB、406MHz EPIRBC、121.5MHz EPIRBD、243MHz EPIRB3、406MHz EPIRB 每小时发射_____ 。

(130564:第6章EPIRB-SART设备)A、36 次B、72 次C、108 次D、144 次4、406MHz EPIRB 发射的遇险报警,必须给出的信息是_____。

(130567:第6章EPIRB-SART设备)A、船位B、遇险性质C、船舶电台识别数字D、时间5、406MHz EPIRB 的位置信息是_____。

(130569:第6章EPIRB-SART设备)A、由与EPIRB 相接的导航仪给出B、EPIRB 发射的121.5/243MHz 给出C、由COSPAS/SARSAT 系统的卫星检测D、由COSPAS/SARSAT 系统卫星共视区的LUT 检测6、COSPAS/SARSAT 卫星通信系统具有_______功能。

(130570:第6章EPIRB-SART设备)A、报警B、通信C、海上安全信息播发D、A、B、C 均是7、COSPAS/SARSAT 卫星通信系统覆盖范围是_____。

(130572:第6章EPIRB-SART设备)A、全球B、南北纬70 度以内C、南北纬70 度以外D、二极8、406MHz EPIRB 发射功率为_____。

(130575:第6章EPIRB-SART设备)A、5WB、1WC、25WD、10W9、406MHz EPIRB,每50s 发射时间为_____。



《GMDSS通信英语》理论复习题单选题(每题1分,共403题)1、_____ means the finding of ships, aircraft, units or persons in distress.A、shore-based radar assistanceB、locatingC、search and rescueD、salvage参考答案:B_____是指船舶,航空器,单位或遇险人员发现。

A,岸基雷达援助B,定位C,搜索和救援D, 打捞2、_____ will form the basis for distress alerting and safety calling.A、GMDSSB、EGCC、MSID、DSC参考答案:D______将提醒遇险和安全呼叫的基础上形成的。

A,GMDSS B,EGC C,微星D, DSC3、______ are used for distress alerting as a rule .A、SES/DSC/EPIRBB、SART/radiotelephoneC、COSPAS-SARSATD、both a and c参考答案:A,______是用于遇险报警作为一个规则。

A,SES/ DSC / EPIRB B,SART /无线电话C,COSPAS-SARSAT系统,D, 同时A和C4、A digital calling system used to call ships and coast stations using frequencies in the MF, HF or VHF bands, as is defined by CCIR recommendations 493 and 541, is a ______ .A、DSC systemB、EGCC、Terrestrial RadioD、Alerting information参考答案:A,数字电话系统,用来调用船舶和海岸电台在MF,HF或VHF频段使用频率,定义和CCIR建议493和541,是______。



GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(一)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:BLUE SEAB)呼号:WXCPC)遇险位置:4704N 5008WD)遇险性质:机舱爆炸后失火E)需要援助:消防援助二、朗诵题The GMDSS installation on ships include one or more search and rescue radar transponders, devices which are used to locate survival craft or distressed vessels by creating a series of dots on a rescuing ship's 3 cm radar display.三、口语会话港口国官员(PSCO)上船检查,请回答下列问题:1)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for ?3) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ? 4)What do you think is the most important thing on board?5) Which ports do you often call at?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:South PacificB)呼号:NOPEC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:船首搁浅E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题The GMDSS, which entered fully into force on 1 February 1999, ensures that a ship in distress anywhere in the world can be virtually guaranteed assistance. Even if its crew does not have time to radio for help, a distress alert will be transmitted automatically via an EPIRB.三、口语会话1)What do you think is the most important thing on board?2)Which ports do you often call at?3)What is your favorite TV program?4)What is your favorite web site?5)What is your favorite kind of music?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(三)一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:White SnowB)呼号:ALMIC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:主机故障E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题Maritime safety services via Inmarsat provide distress alerting and distress messaging as top priority at all times. Maritime urgency and safety follow as the two next most important services. Inmarsat maritime safety services include the global distribution of maritime safety information (MSI).三、口语会话1)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for ?3) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ? 4)What is your favorite kind of movie?5)What is your favorite kind of music?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(四)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)遇险位置:2514N 1120WD)遇险性质:机舱进水E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题Maritime safety services via Inmarsat provide distress alerting and distress messaging as top priority at all times. Maritime urgency and safety follow as the two next most important services. Inmarsat maritime safety services include the global distribution of maritime safety information (MSI).三、口语会话1)What is your hometown like?2)Do you have many disasters in your country which caused by weather? 3)What sports do you like to watch on TV?4)What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?5)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(五)一、自述题根据所给信息发送警告信息A) 船名:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:发现冰山E)目的:警告附近所有船舶谨慎驾驶二、朗诵题Channel 16 may only be used for distress urgency and very brief safety communications and for calling to establish other communications which be conducted on suitable working channel.三、口语会话1)What is your favorite magazine?2)What is the population of your hometown?3)What is the population of your country?4)What is the best thing about your hometown?5)What is your date of birth?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条申请引水信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)引航站名:上海E)目的:申请引水二、朗诵题When the beacon in the upright position is put into water, transmission will start independent of the switch at the top of the beacon. Transmission will stop when the beacon is lifted out of the water.三、口语会话What is your date of birth?What is your seamen’s book number?What do you think is the most important thing on board?What is the population of your country?What is the best thing about your hometown?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条取消误报警信息A) 发送单位:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)接受单位:上海海岸无线电台D)误报警发送时间:2月8号14:30 LT二、朗诵题Maritime Safety Information is defined as: Navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety related messages broadcast ships三、口语会话What is the population of your country?What is the best thing about your hometown?What is your date of birth?What is your seamen’s book number?What do you think is the most important thing on board?一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:YUJIEB)呼号:BOWHC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:主机故障E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题The port Authorities all over the world have established Port State Control systems and enhanced the inspections at the Port in order to avoid substandard ships.三、口语会话What kind of GMDSS license do you have?What areas does your license apply for?What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system? What is your hometown like?What is the best thing about your hometown?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)被呼叫单位:Shanghai PENAVICO(上海外代)C)目的:需要淡水和食物供应二、朗诵题The port Authorities all over the world have established Port State Control systems and enhanced the inspections at the Port in order to avoid substandard ships.三、口语会话1)What is the population of your country?2)What is the best thing about your hometown?3)What is the worst thing about your hometown?4)What is your hometown like?5)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条申请引水信息A) 船名:YUJIEB)呼号:BOWHC)位置:CHANGJIANGKOU NO.1 LIGHT VESSEL 锚地D)引航站名:上海E)目的:申请引水二、朗诵题The GMDSS, which entered fully into force on 1 February 1999, ensures that a ship in distress anywhere in the world can be virtually guaranteed assistance. Even if its crew does not have time to radio for help, a distress alert will be transmitted automatically via an EPIRB三、口语会话1)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for?3)What is your date of birth ?4)What is your seamen’s book number ?5)What’s your captain’s nationality ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十一)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:BLUE SEAB)呼号:WXCPC)遇险位置:4704N 5008WD)遇险性质:机舱爆炸后失火E)需要援助:消防援助二、朗诵题When a ship requires a pilot, she should hoist flag G. Before the pilot comes on board, prepare the pilot ladder, a heaving line and a lifebuoy. Report the ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station and at the same time; confirm the pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side on which pilot ladder will be put. After receiving the pilot, hoist the flag H.三、口语会话1 What is your date of birth ?2 What is your seamen’s book number ?3、Where are you from ?4、What’s your captain’s nationality5 What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十二)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:South PacificB)呼号:NOPEC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:船首搁浅E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗读题Major coast radio stations all over the world transmit, at regular intervals and in code, weather information for ships within range. Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and forecast.三口语会话1、Where are you from ?2、What’s your captain’s nationality ?3 What is your date of birth ?4 What is your seamen’s book number ?5 What kind of GMDSS license do you haveGMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十三)一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:White SnowB)呼号:ALMIC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:主机故障E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗读题Merchant ship is designed to carry cargo. Some are also to carry passengers. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of theie arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not.三、口语会话1、What do you think is the most important thing on board ?2、Which ports do you often call at ?3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十四)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Sun FlowerB)被呼叫单位:集装箱船C)目的:Sun Flower询问集装箱船能否追越二、朗读题An Automatic Identification System or AIS for short is device that transmits information about your ship and receives the same from other ships. The SOLAS convention already states that an AIS must be fitted on ships over a period os time, ranging from 2002 to 2008 depending on ship type and tonnage.三、口语会话1、What is your favorite TV program ?2、What is your favorite web site ?3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十五)一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:White SnowB)呼号:ALMIC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:主机故障E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗读题Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the latter carry containerized or conventional cargo on short routes. Ferries are also classed as liners.三、口语会话1、What is your favorite day of the day ? Why ?2、What is your favorite kind of movie ?3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十六)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)被呼叫单位:Shanghai PENAVICO(上海外代)C)目的:需要淡水和食物供应二、朗读题With weather information, mariners are able to keep away from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions beforehand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place.三、口语会话1、What is your favorite kind of music ?2、What is your favorite magazine ?3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十七)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)被呼叫单位:port controlE)目的:询问能否进入航道二、朗读题These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe TO North America and to the Far East.三、口语会话1、What is the population of your hometown ?2、What is the population of your country ?3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十八)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)被呼叫单位:上海引航站E)目的:询问引水何时到达二、朗读题As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions beforehand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place. If there is a high sea or a long swell, they can take some measures to safeguard the cargo and the ship.三、口语会话1、What sports do you like to watch on TV ?2、What do you think is the most popular sport in the world ?3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十九)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条申请引水信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)引航站名:上海E)目的:申请引水二、朗读题A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe TO North America and to the Far East.Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year.三、口语会话1、What is the worst thing about your hometown ?2、What is your hometown like ?3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条取消误报警信息A) 发送单位:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)接受单位:上海海岸无线电台D)误报警发送时间:2月8号14:30二、朗读题Pilot age at most of the ports in the world is compulsory. Therefore, when s ship is sailing in the water of a country, there must be a pilot on board taking the ship into and out of the harbour, or through a canal. The job to take the pilot on and off the ship is done by the third officer or the duty sailor. They are responsible for the safety of the pilot.三、口语会话1、What is the best thing about your hometown ?2、Do you have many disasters in your country which caused byweather ?3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十一)一、自述题根据所给信息发送警告信息A) 船名:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:发现冰山E)目的:警告附近所有船舶谨慎驾驶二、朗读题A list of theie arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the latter carry containerized or conventional cargo on short routes. Ferries are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas.三、口语会话1、What is the best thing about your hometown ?2、Do you have many disasters in your country which caused by weather ? 3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十二)一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:有人落水E)需要援助:嘹望并通知我船二、朗读题Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and forecast. With weather information, mariners are able to keep away from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal.三、口语会话1、What is your favorite magazine?2、What is the population of your hometown?3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-Csystem ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十三)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)遇险位置:2514N 1120WD)遇险性质:机舱进水E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗读题Merchant ship is designed to carry cargo. Some are also to carry passengers. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of theie arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the latter carry containerized or conventional cargo on short routes.三、口语会话1、What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system?2、What is the population of your country?3)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What’s your captain’s nationality?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十四)一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:舵机故障E)需要援助:护航二、朗读题These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe TO North America and to the Far East.Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year.三、口语会话1、Where are you from?2、What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system?3、What is the population of your country?4)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?5 What’s your captain’s nationality?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十五)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条申请引水信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)引航站名:上海E)目的:申请引水二、朗读题Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and forecast. With weather information, mariners are able to keep away from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions beforehand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place.三、口语会话1、What is the worst thing about your hometown?2、What is your hometown like?3、What’s your captain’s nationality?4、Where are you from?5、What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system?一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)遇险位置:2514N 1120WD)遇险性质:机舱进水E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题The GMDSS, which entered fully into force on 1 February 1999, ensures that a ship in distress anywhere in the world can be virtually guaranteed assistance. Even if its crew does not have time to radio for help, a distress alert will be transmitted automatically via an EPIRB.三、口语会话港口国官员(PSCO)上船检查,请回答下列问题:1)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for ?3) 、What is your favorite magazine?4)、What is the population of your hometown?5)What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条申请引水信息A) 船名:M/V YUJIEB)呼号:BOWHC)位置:CHANGJIANGKOU NO.1 LIGHT VESSEL锚地D)引航站名:上海E)目的:申请引水二、朗诵题Pilot age at most of the ports in the world is compulsory. Therefore, when s ship is sailing in the water of a country, there must be a pilot on board taking the ship into and out of the harbour, or through a canal. The job to take the pilot on and off the ship is done by the third officer or the duty sailor. They are responsible for the safety of the pilot.三、口语会话港口国官员(PSCO)上船检查,请回答下列问题:1)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for ?3) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?4、What is your favorite magazine?5、What is the population of your hometown?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条取消误报警信息A) 发送单位:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)接受单位:上海海岸无线电台D)误报警发送时间:2月8号14:30二、朗诵题When a ship requires a pilot, she should hoist flag G. Before the pilot comes on board, prepare the pilot ladder, a heaving line and a lifebuoy. Report the ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station and at the same time; confirm the pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side on which pilot ladder will be put. After receiving the pilot, hoist the flag H.三、口语会话Could you tell me what your name is?Where are you from?How old are you?How many people are there in your family?What is the population of your hometown?一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:M/V YUJIEB)呼号:BERNC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:有人落水E)需要援助:嘹望并通知我船二、朗诵题Safety NET, along with NAVTEX, is recognized by the GMDSS as the primary means for disseminating maritime safety information. Ships regulated by the Safety of Life at Sea Convention traveling outside areas covered by NAVTEX must carry an Inmarsat C Safety NET receiver by 1 February 1999三、口语会话Could you tell me what your name is?Where are you from?How old are you?How many people are there in your family?What is the population of your hometown?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)被呼叫单位:上海引航站E)目的:询问引水何时到达二、朗诵题An Automatic Identification System or AIS for short is device that transmits information about your ship and receives the same from other ships. The SOLAS convention already states that an AIS must be fitted on ships over a period os time, ranging from 2002 to 2008 depending on ship type and tonnage. An example of information transmitted would be: Call sign, ship’s name, the ship’s speed, its course and destination. The AIS is an important tool for coastal states to monitorship traffic and to detect possible threats. Coast stations can also receive this information.三、口语会话What is your date of birth?What is your seamen’s book number?Where are you from? What sports do you like to watch on TV?What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?。



GMDSS英语口语练习题问答题:44道1.According to the SOLAS, which radio equipment is not necessary for the ships sailing inthe sea area A2?(HF、INMARSAT、EGC are not necessary for the ships sailing in the sea area A2)2.What does MRCC stand for and what is its function?(MRCC stands for Maritime rescue coordination center. It coordinates maritime rescue operation.)3.Please spell your ship’s name and call sign (yuqiang/boxz)4.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?A ship can use VHF or radio to contact a port before her arrival.)5.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is usually requested to report?(When the vessel enters the VTS area, she should report her name, call sign, course, speed, ETA and so on)6.What does “fairway speed” mean? ( mandatory speed in the fairway)(It is a speed at which a ship is sailing in a port.)7.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?(Pilot’s boarding time, place to meet pilot, and on which side will the pilot ladder be rigged.)8.Which mode is normally used when carrying out safety communications by NBDP?(FEC (Forward Error Correction)mode is used to carry out safety communication by NBDP)9.What’s a safety signal prefixed by for sending a safety call?(SECURITE is used to send a safety call)10.What does SECURITE mean in marine communications?(SECURITE is a safety signal for sending a safety call)11.What does the safety call format or the safety signal indicate?(Safety signal indicates that the following information is about ship’s safety.)12.Relating the reserve source of energy, if it is not a battery, what is the period of the test?(At least once a week)13.How many times should the urgency signal “PAN PAN”be spoken when sending anurgency call? (Three times)14.What’s an urgency signal prefixed by for sending an urgency call? (PAN PAN)15.In accordance with the SOLAS Convention, what is the area outside sea areas A1, A2and A3? (A4)16.Shall an urgency communication have priority over all other communications exceptdistress?(Yes, an urgency communication have priority over all other communications except distress) 17.Relating DSC facilities, what is the period of self test?(VHF DSC should be tested every day, MF/HF DSC should be tested once a week)18.Which parties are those on-scene communications carried out between?(On-scene communication is carried out between SAR party and ship in distress)19.What should a signal be prefixed by for distress traffic by radiotelephony?(MAYDAY)with the distress traffic?(Yes, it can. Only RCC has the right to do that)21.What should be included in MAYDAY message?(Distress call, s hip’s name, call sign, position, nature of distress and assistance required.) 22.Which channel is designated for VHF DSC alerting?(VHF channel 70)23.Who should be addressed to when acknowledging the receipt of a distress alert sent byDSC?(All ships should be addressed)24.Which channel is designated for MF DSC alerting?(2187.5 kHz)25.Should a ship station in receipt of an urgency call address her acknowledgment to allother stations?(Yes, it should)26.Coast radio station keeps a constant watch on distress frequencies. What frequencies arethey?(VHF channel 70, 2187.5 kHz, 8414.5 kHz, and at least one of the distress and safety DSC frequencies)27.How many times should the safety signal “securite”be spoken when sending a safetycall?(Three times)28.What is the meaning of “ ETD ”?(It means the estimated time of departure.)29.What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station?(Vessel’s present pos ition, ETA at pilot station.)30.What is general cargo?(They are many types and packings for general cargo, they can be divided into containerized, non-containerized and refrigerated cargo.)31.What is your present speed and course?(My present speed 10 knots and course 134. )32.What should a station do when transmitting inadvertent distress alert or call?The equipment should be switched off and notify the RCC and all ships.33.Can an RCC co-ordinating distress traffic imposed silence on stations which areinterfering with distress traffic?Yes, it can impose silence on that station.34.Which means is often used to provide vessel’s position information to the GMDSSequipment? The vessel can provide vessel’s position information to the GMDSS equipment either automatically by an electronic navigational device or a GPS, or manually by keying the position at least once every 4 hours.35.What should a master do before sailing?There is a lot of things to do for a master before sailing, for example, make a voyage plan, take in water, fuel oil and food necessary for the voyage, buy marine publications necessary for the voyage.36.Actions you take when you receive alert at seaSilent the alarm sound and check the content of the alert, and inform the captain the alert and keep watch on appropriate frequency.37.Range of VHF radio waves during the day time20-30 nautical mileswith distress traffic?(Yes, it can. Only RCC has the right to do that)39.Which means is often used to provide vessel’s position information to the GMDSSequipment?(The vessel can provide vessel’s position information to the GMDSS equipment either automatically by an electronic navigational device or a GPS, or manually by keying the position at least once every 4 hours.)40.What should a master do before sailing?(There is a lot of things to do for a master before sailing, for example, make a voyage plan, take in water, fuel oil and food necessary for the voyage, buy marine publications necessary for the voyage.)41.What should a station do when transmitting inadvertent distress alert or call?(If you send a false distress alert, you should make a cancellation message or a voice announcement to cancel the alert.)42.what is general cargo?general cargo is one kind of dry cargo,include cargo in general package cargo, cargo in bag, cargo in box, cargo in drum,etc.43.Who should be addressed to when acknowledging the receipt of a distress alert sent byDSC?All staion.或者All station should be addressed about the acknowledgment.44.What information is transmitted in a DSC distress alert?The ship’s name, the position, the nature of the distress, the following traffic mode for further distress and safety communication.。

GMDSS通信英语500题带翻译 权威性很高

GMDSS通信英语500题带翻译 权威性很高

英语阅读500题(单项选择题)1.IMO has decided决定that all ships over 300TGt must be fitted with a NAVTEX receiver ______ .IMO在什么时候决定300总吨以上必须配备NAVTEX接收机。

A. by 01 Feb 1992B. by 01 Aug 1993C. between 01 Feb 1992 and 01 Feb 1999D. before 01 Feb 19922.GMDSS is to provide ______ with reliable可靠的communication .GMDSS提供给--所有客船和300总吨及以上货船在海上航行--的可靠通信。

A. all large passenger vesselsB. freighters of more than 300gt in coastal watersC. all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international-voyagesD. all passenger ships and cargo ships of 300gt upwards in open sea3.The complying遵从vessels can transmit ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least ______ .这个遵守船舶(公约船)能发送船到岸遇险报警至少通过--两套分开和独立设备方法,使用不同的无线电通信业务。

A. One means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniquesB. Two means,途径whether无论satellite or terrestrial techniquesC. Two separate and independent独立的means, each using different radio communication servicesD. Two means, such as MF DSC and HF DSC4.The quality of the message can be affected 受到影响by ___ .信息的质量会受--气候--影响。



问答1.What is the approximate range of VHF radio waves during the day time?About 25 nm.2.Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on distrees frequencies. What frequencies are they?CH70, 2M, 8M and also on at least one of frequencies 4M ,6M, 12M or 16M.3.Can a RCC (rescue coordination centre) coordinating distress traffic impose silence on stations which are interfering with the distress traffic?No, it can’t (The on-scene-commander, distress vessel and rescue vessels can impose radio silence on the stations which are interfering with the distress traffic.) 4.What should a signal be prefixed by for distress traffic by radiotelephony?The distress signal MAYDAY, which should be spoken three times5.What is the approximate range of MF radio waves during the day time?During the day time, the approximate range of MF radio waves is about 200 miles.6.What should a station do when transmitting aninadvertent distress alert or call?The station should stop the transmitting and send a message to RCC to cancel false distress alert.7.What does MAYDAY mean in marine communications?Mayday means to announce distress message.8.How many times should the distress signal “MAYDAY”be spoken when sending a distress alert by radiotelephony?The distress signal MAYDAY should be spoken three times.9.Who should be addressed to when acknowledging the receipt of a distress alert sent by DSC?When acknowledging the receipt of a distress alert sent by DSC, we address the acknowledgement to all stations.10.What's a distress signal prefixed by for sending a distress call?The distress signal MAYDAY, which should be spoken three times11.Which means is often used to provide vessel's position information to the GMDSSequipment?GPS can be often used to provide vessel position information to GMDSS equipment.12.How many times should the urgency signal “PAN PAN”be spoken when sending an urgency call?The urgency signal PANPAN should be spoken three times.13.Should a ship station in receipt of an urgency call address her acknowledgement to all other stations?No , she shouldn’t.14.Relating the reserve source of energy, if it is not a battery, what is the period of test?Once a month..15.Shall an urgency communication have priority over all other communications except distress?Yes, it should be.16.Relating DSC facilities, what is the period of self-test?The period of self-test for DSC is once aday.17.What does PAN-PAN mean in marine communications?PANPAN means to announce urgency message.18.According to the SOLAS, which radio equipment is not necessary for the ships sailing in the sea area A2?INMARSAT SES and HF equipment are not necessary for the ships sailing in sea area A2.19.Which type of mode is normally used when carrying out urgency communications by NBDP?FEC mode.20.In accordance with the SOLAS Convention, what is the area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3?The area outside areas A1\A2 and A3 is area A4.21What does SECURITE mean in marine communications?SECURITE means to announce safetymessage.22.Which mode is normally used when carrying out safety communications by NBDP?FEC mode23.How many times should the safety signal “SECURITE” be spoken when send a safety call?The safety signal SECURITE should be spoken three times.24.What's a safety signal prefixed by for sending a safety call?The safety signal SECURITE, which should be spoken three times.25.What does the safety call format or the safety signal indicate?Safety format or safety signal indicates that safety message will be announced.26.What is the meaning of “ETD”?ETD stands for Estimated Time of Departure.27.When the vessel enters the VTS area, whatis usually requested to report?Ship’s name and call sign, present position, draft and maximum draft, speed and course destination, come from which port, ETA, the port of call, etc.28.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?A ship can get in touch with a port by VHF radiotelephone before her arrival.29.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?The pilot station should confirm POB time, which side is the pilot ladder rigged and how many meters above water30.What should a master do before sailing?Before sailing, master should check the sailing plan and the state of the ship, and inform chief engineer to get the engine standby.31.What does “fairway speed”mean?The fairway speed is the vessel pass this fairway ‘s limited speed.32.What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station?The pilot station should be reported ship’s name and call sign, ETA, vessel’s particular (LOA , draft)and so on. 33What does MRCC stand for and what is its function?MRCC stand for maritime rescue coordination center. Its function is for coordinating search and rescue on the sea.34What's your present speed and course?My present speed is 10knots and course is 125°. 35.Please spell your ship's name and call sign? (YUQIANG/BOXZ)36.What is general cargo? General cargo is the different cargo which can be stowed together in one hold, such as corn , iron oral and so on.37.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?A ship can get in touch with a port by VHF radiotelephone before her arrival.。



gmdss通用英语试题及答案GMDSS通用英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What does GMDSS stand for?A. Global Maritime Distress and Safety SystemB. Global Maritime Development and Safety SystemC. Global Maritime Department and Safety ServiceD. Global Maritime Disaster and Safety System答案:A2. Which of the following is NOT a function of GMDSS?A. Search and rescue coordinationB. NavigationC. Distress alertingD. Maritime safety information答案:B3. What is the primary purpose of a distress signal in GMDSS?A. To request assistanceB. To report a crimeC. To communicate with other vesselsD. To provide weather updates答案:A4. Which frequency is used for the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) in GMDSS?A. 2182 kHzB. 156.8 MHzC. 518 kHzD. 2187.5 kHz答案:B5. What is the role of an EPIRB in GMDSS?A. To send a distress signalB. To receive distress signalsC. To provide navigation dataD. To communicate with land stations答案:A6. Which of the following is a requirement for GMDSS operators?A. Must be a national of the flag stateB. Must have a minimum age of 18C. Must have a specific medical examinationD. Must be fluent in English答案:D7. What is the maximum range of VHF radio communication in GMDSS?A. 20 nautical milesB. 100 nautical milesC. 200 nautical milesD. 500 nautical miles答案:A8. What is the primary language used for GMDSS communication?A. EnglishB. FrenchC. SpanishD. The language of the vessel's flag state答案:A9. Which of the following is NOT a type of GMDSS equipment?A. NAVTEXB. INMARSATC. RADARD. AIS答案:C10. What does AIS stand for?A. Automatic Identification SystemB. Automatic Information SystemC. Advanced Integrated SystemD. All of the above答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. GMDSS provides a global network for the __________ of maritime distress and safety information.答案:communication2. The __________ is responsible for coordinating search and rescue operations in GMDSS.答案:Coast Guard/Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC)3. The __________ is a device that can be manually activated to send a distress signal.答案:SART (Search and Rescue Transponder)4. The __________ is used to receive maritime safety information broadcasts.答案:NAVTEX (Navigational Telex)5. In GMDSS, the __________ is used for long-range communication.答案:INMARSAT (International Maritime Satellite)6. The __________ is a system that can automatically send a distress signal with the vessel's identification.答案:EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon)7. __________ is the process of locating a distress signal source.答案:Direction Finding (DF)8. The __________ is a system that provides real-time information about the position of vessels.答案:AIS (Automatic Identification System)9. GMDSS operators must be able to communicate effectively in __________.答案:English10. The __________ is a device that can receive weather forecasts and other safety-related information.答案:Weather Fax三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. Explain the importance of GMDSS in maritime safety.答案:GMDSS is crucial for maritime safety as it provides a comprehensive communication system for distress alerting, search and rescue coordination, and the dissemination of maritime safety information. It ensures that vessels can quickly communicate their location and situation in an emergency, facilitating timely rescue operations and potentially saving lives.2. Describe the role of the EPIRB in a maritime emergency.答案:The EPIRB plays a vital role in a maritime emergency by automatically or manually sending a distress signal that includes the vessel's identification, position, and time of activation to search and rescue authorities. This allows for a rapid response to the emergency, increasing the chances of a successful rescue.3. What are the benefits of using AIS in maritime navigation?答案:AIS offers several benefits in maritime navigation,。



Gmdss试题答案第一份题一、单选题:1 C2 D3 D4 B5 B6 D7 A8 A9 C 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 B 14 A 15 C 16 D 17 D 18 C 19 A 20 B21 C 22 A 23 B 24 D 25 C 26 A 27 B 28 C 29 C 30 B 31 B 32 C 33A 34 C 35B 36 B 37 D 38C 39 B 40 B 41 C 42D 43 A 44 A 45 A46 A 47 C 48 D 49 C 50 A 51 D 52 A 53 D 54 C 55 B 56 B 57 D 58A 59 A 60 A 61 D 62 D 63 A 64B 65C 66 A 67 B 68 B 69 C 70 C71 C 72 A73 B 74 D 75 B 76 D 77 D 78 B 79 D 80 B二、问答题:1、GMDSS的基本概念及基本功能?答:(一)、基本概念:该系统是以岸基为中心,陆上负责搜救的主管部门和遇险船舶附近的船舶参与,一旦有遇险事件发生,将能迅速的报警,并能进行迅速有效的搜索和营救工作。

(二)、基本功能:(1)遇险报警功能;(2)搜救协调通信功能;(3)现场通信功能;(4)寻位功能;(5)海上安全信息播发功能;(6)常规通信功能;(7)驾驶台对驾驶台通信的功能2、简述COSPAS/SARSA T系统的组成及各部分的作用?答:(一)COSPAS/SARSA T系统由S—EPIRB、低高度极轨道卫星、本地用户终端和任务控制中心四部分组成。






1 根据本船船位:( )选择一洋区入网申请;( ) 根据本船船位:( :(1)选择一洋区入网申请;( ;(2) 功能入网;( 用SCAN功能入网;( )本船在 功能入网;(3)本船在32-16S,123, 42E搁浅,当时航向 搁浅, 搁浅 当时航向070,航速 节,请选用任一 ,航速0节 岸站,发出遇险报警。 岸站,发出遇险报警。 2 请对 请对25-30S,140-150W的海域进行紧急呼叫, 的海域进行紧急呼叫, , 的海域进行紧急呼叫 希望该海域的船舶在14CH上与本船通信。 上与本船通信。 希望该海域的船舶在 上与本船通信 3 请通过上海海岸电台,用ARQ方式给上海远洋运 请通过上海海岸电台, 方式给上海远洋运 输公司( 输公司(33057 COSCO CN)调度室发一份抵港 ) 电报。 电报。 4 如何对 如何对SART进行全面检查?请操作并说明。 进行全面检查? 进行全面检查 请操作并说明。
1 请根据本船船位,设置本船附近 个航行警告区域 请根据本船船位,设置本船附近3个航行警告区域 的冰况报告,气象预报,引水业务, 的冰况报告,气象预报,引水业务,卫星导航信 息 2 本船搁浅,请根据本船资料发射遇险呼叫:要求 本船搁浅 请根据本船资料发射遇险呼叫 搁浅, 遇险呼叫: 收到此呼叫的船舶用SSB无线电话与本船通信。 无线电话与本船通信 收到此呼叫的船舶用 无线电话与本船通信。 3 编辑一份电报发给“红河”轮MMSI=412345678, 编辑一份电报发给“红河” , 方式发送。 用ARQ方式发送。 方式发送 4 船舶遇险时如何正确使用SART?请操作并说明。 船舶遇险时如何正确使用 ?请操作并说明。
1 根据本船船位:( )选择一洋区入网申请;( )用 根据本船船位:( :(1)选择一洋区入网申请;( ;(2) SCAN功能入网。( )任选一岸站,采用编辑地址方式, 功能入网。( 功能入网。(3)任选一岸站,采用编辑地址方式, 立即向日本东京代理( 立即向日本东京代理(TLX:720-471564 TOKYO J)发 : ) 一份电传,并要求收妥证实。 一份电传,并要求收妥证实。 2 本船根据本船资料发射遇险呼叫: 叫的船舶用SSB无线电话与本船通信。 叫的船舶用 无线电话与本船通信。 无线电话与本船通信 3 请登记上海海岸电台(2010 SHANGHAIRADIO)的 请登记上海海岸电台( ) TLX[频率的资料: 频率的资料: 频率的资料 频道号410,625,828,12142,16172 频道号 , , , , 请用复合频率呼叫上海海岸电台, 请用复合频率呼叫上海海岸电台,并发一份电传给上远 (TLX:33057 COSCO CN)船技处。 : )船技处。 4 船舶遇险时,卫星示位标有几种方式发射遇险报警信息? 船舶遇险时,卫星示位标有几种方式发射遇险报警信息? 请操作并说明。 请操作并说明。
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GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(一)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:BLUE SEAB)呼号:WXCPC)遇险位置:4704N 5008WD)遇险性质:机舱爆炸后失火E)需要援助:消防援助二、朗诵题The GMDSS installation on ships include one or more search and rescue radar transponders, devices which are used to locate survival craft or distressed vessels by creating a series of dots on a rescuing ship's 3 cm radar display.三、口语会话港口国官员(PSCO)上船检查,请回答下列问题:1) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for ?3) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ? 4) What do you think is the most important thing on board?5) Which ports do you often call at?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:South PacificB)呼号:NOPEC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:船首搁浅E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题The GMDSS, which entered fully into force on 1 February 1999, ensures that a ship in distress anywhere in the world can be virtually guaranteed assistance. Even if its crew does not have time to radio for help, a distress alert will be transmitted automatically via an EPIRB.三、口语会话1) What do you think is the most important thing on board?2) Which ports do you often call at?3) What is your favorite TV program?4) What is your favorite web site?5) What is your favorite kind of music?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(三)一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:White SnowB)呼号:ALMIC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:主机故障E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题Maritime safety services via Inmarsat provide distress alerting and distress messaging as top priority at all times. Maritime urgency and safety follow as the two next most important services. Inmarsat maritime safety services include the global distribution of maritime safety information (MSI).三、口语会话1) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for ?3) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ? 4) What is your favorite kind of movie?5) What is your favorite kind of music?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(四)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)遇险位置:2514N 1120WD)遇险性质:机舱进水E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题Maritime safety services via Inmarsat provide distress alerting and distress messaging as top priority at all times. Maritime urgency and safety follow as the two next most important services. Inmarsat maritime safety services include the global distribution of maritime safety information (MSI).三、口语会话1) What is your hometown like?2) Do you have many disasters in your country which caused by weather? 3) What sports do you like to watch on TV?4) What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?5) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送警告信息A) 船名:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:发现冰山E)目的:警告附近所有船舶谨慎驾驶二、朗诵题Channel 16 may only be used for distress urgency and very brief safety communications and for calling to establish other communications which be conducted on suitable working channel.三、口语会话1) What is your favorite magazine?2) What is the population of your hometown?3) What is the population of your country?4) What is the best thing about your hometown?5) What is your date of birth?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条申请引水信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)引航站名:上海E)目的:申请引水二、朗诵题When the beacon in the upright position is put into water, transmission will start independent of the switch at the top of the beacon. Transmission will stop when the beacon is lifted out of the water.三、口语会话What is your date of birth?What is your seamen’s book number?What do you think is the most important thing on board?What is the population of your country?What is the best thing about your hometown?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条取消误报警信息A) 发送单位:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)接受单位:上海海岸无线电台D)误报警发送时间:2月8号 14:30 LT二、朗诵题Maritime Safety Information is defined as: Navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety related messages broadcast ships三、口语会话What is the population of your country?What is the best thing about your hometown?What is your date of birth?What is your seamen’s book number?What do you think is the most important thing on board?一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:YUJIEB)呼号:BOWHC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:主机故障E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题The port Authorities all over the world have established Port State Control systems and enhanced the inspections at the Port in order to avoid substandard ships.三、口语会话What kind of GMDSS license do you have?What areas does your license apply for?What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system? What is your hometown like?What is the best thing about your hometown?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)被呼叫单位:Shanghai PENAVICO(上海外代)C)目的:需要淡水和食物供应二、朗诵题The port Authorities all over the world have established Port State Control systems and enhanced the inspections at the Port in order to avoid substandard ships.三、口语会话1) What is the population of your country?2) What is the best thing about your hometown?3) What is the worst thing about your hometown?4) What is your hometown like?5)What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条申请引水信息A) 船名:YUJIEB)呼号:BOWHC)位置:CHANGJIANGKOU NO.1 LIGHT VESSEL 锚地D)引航站名:上海E)目的:申请引水二、朗诵题The GMDSS, which entered fully into force on 1 February 1999, ensures that a ship in distress anywhere in the world can be virtually guaranteed assistance. Even if its crew does not have time to radio for help, a distress alert will be transmitted automatically via an EPIRB三、口语会话1) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for?3) What is your date of birth ?4) What is your seamen’s book number ?5) What’s your captain’s nationality ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:BLUE SEAB)呼号:WXCPC)遇险位置:4704N 5008WD)遇险性质:机舱爆炸后失火E)需要援助:消防援助二、朗诵题When a ship requires a pilot, she should hoist flag G. Before the pilot comes on board, prepare the pilot ladder, a heaving line and a lifebuoy. Report the ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station and at the same time; confirm the pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side on which pilot ladder will be put. After receiving the pilot, hoist the flag H.三、口语会话1 What is your date of birth ?2 What is your seamen’s book number ?3、Where are you from ?4、What’s your captain’s nationality5 What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十二)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:South PacificB)呼号:NOPEC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:船首搁浅E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗读题Major coast radio stations all over the world transmit, at regular intervals and in code, weather information for ships within range. Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and forecast.三口语会话1、Where are you from ?2、What’s your captain’s nationality ?3 What is your date of birth ?4 What is your seamen’s book number ?5 What kind of GMDSS license do you have一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:White SnowB)呼号:ALMIC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:主机故障E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗读题Merchant ship is designed to carry cargo. Some are also to carry passengers. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of theie arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not.三、口语会话1、What do you think is the most important thing on board ?2、Which ports do you often call at ?3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十四)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Sun FlowerB)被呼叫单位:集装箱船C)目的:Sun Flower询问集装箱船能否追越二、朗读题An Automatic Identification System or AIS for short is device that transmits information about your ship and receives the same from other ships. The SOLAS convention already states that an AIS must be fitted on ships over a period os time, ranging from 2002 to 2008 depending on ship type and tonnage.三、口语会话1、What is your favorite TV program ?2、What is your favorite web site ?3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:White SnowB)呼号:ALMIC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:主机故障E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗读题Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the latter carry containerized or conventional cargo on short routes. Ferries are also classed as liners.三、口语会话1、What is your favorite day of the day ? Why ?2、What is your favorite kind of movie ?3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十六)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)被呼叫单位:Shanghai PENAVICO(上海外代)C)目的:需要淡水和食物供应二、朗读题With weather information, mariners are able to keep away from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions beforehand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place.三、口语会话1、What is your favorite kind of music ?2、What is your favorite magazine ?3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)被呼叫单位:port controlE)目的:询问能否进入航道二、朗读题These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe TO North America and to the Far East.三、口语会话1、What is the population of your hometown ?2、What is the population of your country ?3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(十八)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)被呼叫单位:上海引航站E)目的:询问引水何时到达二、朗读题As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions beforehand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place. If there is a high sea or a long swell, they can take some measures to safeguard the cargo and the ship.三、口语会话1、What sports do you like to watch on TV ?2、What do you think is the most popular sport in the world ?3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条申请引水信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)引航站名:上海E)目的:申请引水二、朗读题A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe TO North America and to the Far East.Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year.三、口语会话1、What is the worst thing about your hometown ?2、What is your hometown like ?3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条取消误报警信息A) 发送单位:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)接受单位:上海海岸无线电台D)误报警发送时间:2月8号 14:30二、朗读题Pilot age at most of the ports in the world is compulsory. Therefore, when s ship is sailing in the water of a country, there must be a pilot on board taking the ship into and out of the harbour, or through a canal. The job to take the pilot on and off the ship is done by the third officer or the duty sailor. They are responsible for the safety of the pilot.三、口语会话1、What is the best thing about your hometown ?2、Do you have many disasters in your country which caused by weather ?3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十一)一、自述题根据所给信息发送警告信息A) 船名:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:发现冰山E)目的:警告附近所有船舶谨慎驾驶二、朗读题A list of theie arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the latter carry containerized or conventional cargo on short routes. Ferries are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas.三、口语会话1、What is the best thing about your hometown ?2、Do you have many disasters in your country which caused by weather ? 3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十二)一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:有人落水E)需要援助:嘹望并通知我船二、朗读题Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and forecast. With weather information, mariners are able to keep away from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal.三、口语会话1、What is your favorite magazine?2、What is the population of your hometown?3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十三)一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)遇险位置:2514N 1120WD)遇险性质:机舱进水E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗读题Merchant ship is designed to carry cargo. Some are also to carry passengers. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of theie arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the latter carry containerized or conventional cargo on short routes.三、口语会话1、What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system?2、What is the population of your country?3) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?4) What areas does your license apply for ?5) What’s your captain’s nationality?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十四)一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:舵机故障E)需要援助:护航二、朗读题These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe TO North America and to the Far East.Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year.三、口语会话1、Where are you from?2、What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system?3、What is the population of your country?4) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?5 What’s your captain’s nationality?GMDSS英语口语评估答题卡(二十五)一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条申请引水信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)引航站名:上海E)目的:申请引水二、朗读题Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and forecast. With weather information, mariners are able to keep away from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions beforehand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place.三、口语会话1、What is the worst thing about your hometown?2、What is your hometown like?3、What’s your captain’s nationality?4、Where are you from?5、What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system?一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)遇险位置:2514N 1120WD)遇险性质:机舱进水E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题The GMDSS, which entered fully into force on 1 February 1999, ensures that a ship in distress anywhere in the world can be virtually guaranteed assistance. Even if its crew does not have time to radio for help, a distress alert will be transmitted automatically via an EPIRB.三、口语会话港口国官员(PSCO)上船检查,请回答下列问题:1) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for ?3) 、What is your favorite magazine?4)、What is the population of your hometown?5) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条申请引水信息A) 船名:M/V YUJIEB)呼号:BOWHC)位置:CHANGJIANGKOU NO.1 LIGHT VESSEL锚地D)引航站名:上海E)目的:申请引水二、朗诵题Pilot age at most of the ports in the world is compulsory. Therefore, when s ship is sailing in the water of a country, there must be a pilot on board taking the ship into and out of the harbour, or through a canal. The job to take the pilot on and off the ship is done by the third officer or the duty sailor. They are responsible for the safety of the pilot. 三、口语会话港口国官员(PSCO)上船检查,请回答下列问题:1) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for ?3) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ?4、What is your favorite magazine?5、What is the population of your hometown?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条取消误报警信息A) 发送单位:Blue SeaB)呼号:BERNC)接受单位:上海海岸无线电台D)误报警发送时间:2月8号 14:30二、朗诵题When a ship requires a pilot, she should hoist flag G. Before the pilot comes on board, prepare the pilot ladder, a heaving line and a lifebuoy. Report the ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station and at the same time; confirm the pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side on which pilot ladder will be put. After receiving the pilot, hoist the flag H.三、口语会话Could you tell me what your name is?Where are you from?How old are you?How many people are there in your family?What is the population of your hometown?一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:M/V YUJIEB)呼号:BERNC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:有人落水E)需要援助:嘹望并通知我船二、朗诵题Safety NET, along with NAVTEX, is recognized by the GMDSS as the primary means for disseminating maritime safety information. Ships regulated by the Safety of Life at Sea Convention traveling outside areas covered by NAVTEX must carry an Inmarsat C Safety NET receiver by 1 February 1999 三、口语会话Could you tell me what your name is?Where are you from?How old are you?How many people are there in your family?What is the population of your hometown?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)位置:A1锚地D)被呼叫单位:上海引航站E)目的:询问引水何时到达二、朗诵题An Automatic Identification System or AIS for short is device that transmits information about your ship and receives the same from other ships. The SOLAS convention already states that an AIS must be fitted on ships over a period os time, ranging from 2002 to 2008 depending on ship type and tonnage. An example of information transmitted would be: Call sign, ship’s name, the ship’s speed, its course and destination. The AIS is an important tool for coastal states to monitorship traffic and to detect possible threats. Coast stations can also receive this information.三、口语会话What is your date of birth?What is your seamen’s book number?Where are you from? What sports do you like to watch on TV?What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?一、自述题根据所给信息发送MAYDAY信息A) 船名:Blue WhaleB)呼号:CMDCC)遇险位置:2514N 1120WD)遇险性质:机舱进水E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题Maritime safety services via Inmarsat provide distress alerting and distress messaging as top priority at all times. Maritime urgency and safety follow as the two next most important services. Inmarsat maritime safety services include the global distribution of maritime safety information (MSI).三、口语会话What is your hometown like?Do you have many disasters in your country which caused by weather? What sports do you like to watch on TV?What is your favorite day of the day? Why?What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:M/V YUJIEB)被呼叫单位:PENAVICO Shanghai (上海外代)C)目的:需要淡水和食物供应二、朗诵题The GMDSS, which entered fully into force on 1 February 1999, ensures that a ship in distress anywhere in the world can be virtually guaranteed assistance. Even if its crew does not have time to radio for help, a distress alert will be transmitted automatically via an EPIRB.三、口语会话Which ports do you often call at ?What is your favorite TV program?What is your favorite web site ?What is your favorite day of the day? Why?What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送PAN-PAN信息A) 船名:White SnowB)呼号:ALMIC)遇险位置:2204N 12708WD)遇险性质:主机故障E)需要援助:拖轮援助二、朗诵题The GMDSS installation on ships include one or more search and rescue radar transponders, devices which are used to locate survival craft or distressed vessels by creating a series of dots on a rescuing ship's 3 cm radar display.三、口语会话1) What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?2) What areas does your license apply for ?3) What kind of checks do you usually do on your INMARSAT-C system ? 4) Which ports do you often call at ?5) What is your favorite TV program?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条取消误报警信息A) 发送单位:M/V YUJIEB)呼号:BOWHC)接受单位:上海海岸无线电台D)误报警发送时间:2月8号 14:30二、朗诵题When the beacon in the upright position is put into water, transmission will start independent of the switch at the top of the beacon. Transmission will stop when the beacon is lifted out of the water.三、口语会话Which ports do you often call at ?What is your favorite TV program?What is your favorite web site ?What is your favorite day of the day? Why?What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?一、自述题根据所给信息发送一条信息A) 呼叫单位船名:Blue WhaleB)被呼叫单位:Shanghai PENAVICO(上海外代)C)目的:需要淡水和食物供应二、朗诵题Major coast radio stations all over the world transmit, at regular intervals and in code, weather information for ships within range. Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and forecast. With weather information, mariners are able to keep away from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions beforehand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place. If there is a high sea or a long swell, they can take some measures to safeguard the cargo and the ship.三、口语会话What is your hometown like?Do you have many disasters in your country which caused by weather? What sports do you like to watch on TV?What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?What kind of GMDSS license do you have ?。
