conflicting declaration'float a' -回复
conflicting declaration'float a' -回复解决这样一个编译错误的主要方法是通过检查并修复代码中存在的声明冲突。
在这种情况下,编译器无法确定具体使用哪个声明,因此会抛出"conflicting declaration"错误。
为了解决这个错误,我们需要进行以下步骤:1. 确认错误的发生位置:了解错误发生的位置是解决问题的第一步。
2. 检查声明冲突:一旦我们找到了发生声明冲突的位置,我们需要检查代码并确认这是否是一个冲突声明错误。
3. 检查变量和函数名称:确保变量或函数名称在代码中是唯一的是解决此问题的重要一步。
4. 修改声明:根据具体情况,我们可能会选择删除重复声明中的一个或将其重命名。
5. 使用作用域:另一种解决声明冲突的方法是通过在变量或函数名称前添加作用域解决冲突。
6. 引入命名空间:如果问题与命名空间有关,我们可以检查是否存在重复的命名空间导入,并删除其中一个。
7. 重构代码:如果代码中存在多个不同的声明并且修改它们将导致其他问题,我们可能需要重新考虑代码结构并进行重构。
8. 编译并测试修复后的代码:一旦完成了对代码的修改,我们应该重新编译代码并运行测试以验证解决方案是否成功。
VC++6.0常见编译错误中英文对照表fatal error C1003: error count exceeds number; stopping compilation中文对照:(编译错误)错误太多,停止编译分析:修改之前的错误,再次编译fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found中文对照:(编译错误)文件未结束分析:一个函数或者一个结构定义缺少“}”、或者在一个函数调用或表达式中括号没有配对出现、或者注释符“/*…*/”不完整等fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'xxx': No such file or directory 中文对照:(编译错误)无法打开头文件xxx:没有这个文件或路径分析:头文件不存在、或者头文件拼写错误、或者文件为只读fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation 中文对照:(编译错误)无法从之前的错误中恢复,停止编译分析:引起错误的原因很多,建议先修改之前的错误error C2001: newline in constant中文对照:(编译错误)常量中创建新行分析:字符串常量多行书写error C2006: #include expected a filename, found 'identifier'中文对照:(编译错误)#include命令中需要文件名分析:一般是头文件未用一对双引号或尖括号括起来,例如“#include stdio.h”error C2007: #define syntax中文对照:(编译错误)#define语法错误分析:例如“#define”后缺少宏名,例如“#define”error C2008: 'xxx' : unexpected in macro definition中文对照:(编译错误)宏定义时出现了意外的xxx分析:宏定义时宏名与替换串之间应有空格,例如“#define TRUE"1"”error C2009: reuse of macro formal 'identifier'中文对照:(编译错误)带参宏的形式参数重复使用分析:宏定义如有参数不能重名,例如“#define s(a,a) (a*a)”中参数a重复error C2010: 'character' : unexpected in macro formal parameter list中文对照:(编译错误)带参宏的形式参数表中出现未知字符分析:例如“#define s(r|) r*r”中参数多了一个字符‘|’error C2014: preprocessor command must start as first nonwhite space中文对照:(编译错误)预处理命令前面只允许空格分析:每一条预处理命令都应独占一行,不应出现其他非空格字符error C2015: too many characters in constant中文对照:(编译错误)常量中包含多个字符分析:字符型常量的单引号中只能有一个字符,或是以“\”开始的一个转义字符,例如“char error = 'error';”error C2017: illegal escape sequence中文对照:(编译错误)转义字符非法分析:一般是转义字符位于 ' ' 或 " " 之外,例如“char error = ' '\n;”error C2018: unknown character '0xhh'中文对照:(编译错误)未知的字符0xhh分析:一般是输入了中文标点符号,例如“char error = 'E';”中“;”为中文标点符号error C2019: expected preprocessor directive, found 'character'中文对照:(编译错误)期待预处理命令,但有无效字符分析:一般是预处理命令的#号后误输入其他无效字符,例如“#!define TRUE 1”error C2021: expected exponent value, not 'character'中文对照:(编译错误)期待指数值,不能是字符分析:一般是浮点数的指数表示形式有误,例如123.456Eerror C2039: 'identifier1' : is not a member of 'identifier2'中文对照:(编译错误)标识符1不是标识符2的成员分析:程序错误地调用或引用结构体、共用体、类的成员error C2041: illegal digit 'x' for base 'n'中文对照:(编译错误)对于n进制来说数字x非法分析:一般是八进制或十六进制数表示错误,例如“int i = 081;”语句中数字‘8’不是八进制的基数error C2048: more than one default中文对照:(编译错误)default语句多于一个分析:switch语句中只能有一个default,删去多余的defaulterror C2050: switch expression not integral中文对照:(编译错误)switch表达式不是整型的分析:switch表达式必须是整型(或字符型),例如“switch ("a")”中表达式为字符串,这是非法的error C2051: case expression not constant中文对照:(编译错误)case表达式不是常量分析:case表达式应为常量表达式,例如“case "a"”中“"a"”为字符串,这是非法的error C2052: 'type' : illegal type for case expression中文对照:(编译错误)case表达式类型非法分析:case表达式必须是一个整型常量(包括字符型)error C2057: expected constant expression中文对照:(编译错误)期待常量表达式分析:一般是定义数组时数组长度为变量,例如“int n=10; int a[n];”中n为变量,这是非法的error C2058: constant expression is not integral中文对照:(编译错误)常量表达式不是整数分析:一般是定义数组时数组长度不是整型常量error C2059: syntax error : 'xxx'中文对照:(编译错误)‘xxx’语法错误分析:引起错误的原因很多,可能多加或少加了符号xxxerror C2064: term does not evaluate to a function中文对照:(编译错误)无法识别函数语言分析:1、函数参数有误,表达式可能不正确,例如“sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c));”中表达式不正确2、变量与函数重名或该标识符不是函数,例如“int i,j; j=i();”中i不是函数error C2065: 'xxx' : undeclared identifier中文对照:(编译错误)未定义的标识符xxx分析:1、如果xxx为cout、cin、scanf、printf、sqrt等,则程序中包含头文件有误2、未定义变量、数组、函数原型等,注意拼写错误或区分大小写。
支持 16 进制的浮点数的描述。 printf scanf 的格式化串增加了对 long long int 类型的支持。 浮点数的内部数据描述支持了新标准,可以使用 #pragma 编译器指令指定。 除了已有的 __line__ __file__ 以外,增加了 __func__ 得到当前的函数名。 允许编译器化简非常数的表达式。 修改了 / % 处理负数时的定义,这样可以给出明确的结果,例如在C89中-22 / 7 = -3, -22 % 7 = -1,也可以-22 / 7= -4, -22 % 7 = 6。 而C99中明确为 -22 / 7 = -3, -22 % 7 = -1,只有一种结果。 取消了函数返回类型默认为 int 的规定。 允许 struct 定义的最后一个数组不指定其长度,写做 [](flexible array member)。 const const int i 将被当作 const int i 处理。 增加和修改了一些标准头文件,比如定义 bool 的 ,定义一些标准长度的 int 的 ,定义复数的 ,定义宽字符的 ,类似于泛型的数学 函数 , 浮点数相关的 。 在 增加了 va_copy 用于复制 ... 的参数。 里增加了 struct tmx ,对 struct tm 做了扩展。
struct test{int a[3],b;} foo[] = { [0].a = {1}, [1].a = 2 };
struct test{int a, b, c, d;} foo = { .a = 1, .c = 3, 4, .b = 5} // 3,4 是对 .c,.d 赋值的
格式化字符串中,利用 \u 支持 unicode 的字符。
勾选C99 Mode
附c99特性: 在ANSI的标准确立后,C语言的规范在一段时间内没有大的变动,然而C++在自己的标准化创建过程中继续发展壮大。《标准修正案 一》在1994年为C语言创建了一个新标准,但是只修正了一些C89标准中的细节和增加更多更广的国际字符集支持。不过,这个标准引 出了1999年ISO 9899:1999的发表。它通常被称为C99。C99被ANSI于2000年3月采用。 在C99中包括的特性有:
编译make的出错提⽰解决⽅案编译出错笔记:start.s:20: Error: no such instruction: `ldr r0,=WTCON'错误:没有这样的指令解决:编译⽂件后缀名必须为⼤写S,改为start.Sstart.S:34: Error: bad instruction `ldr,r0,=0x4C000004'错误:坏的指令,指令名ldr后⾯不能跟逗号解决:改为ldr r0,=0x4C000004start.S:52: Error: bad expression -- `ldr r0,#0'错误:指令参数出错,使⽤#0参数是使⽤mov,不是ldr解决:改为mov r0,#0start.o(.text+0xc8): In function `SDRAM_CONFIG': : undefined reference to `lr'错误:在start.S中对LR未定义的引⽤解决:在start.S中找到 ldr pc,=lr ,编译器误解lr是⼀个变量,这⾥应该写成mov pc,lr(完成⼀个⼦程序返回)12: error: syntax error before "int"错误:'int'符号之前有语法错误13: warning: comparison of distinct pointer types lacks a cast错误:指针与其它不同类型的值⽐较,没有使⽤强制转换解决:使⽤强制转换使两个变量改为相同类型comparison: ⽐较distinct pointer types: 不同的类型指针a cast:强制转换19: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 'strcpy'错误:strcpy函数与内置函数库冲突,(⽐如:printf,strlen,puts,scanf等都是内置函数库)解决: 1.在arm-linux-gcc编译命令后⾯加上-fno-builtin或者-fno-builtin-FUNCTION 选项,你就可以⾃⼰实现这些函数⽽不冲突了。
Formality_Debugg...Overview of Formality Labs forDebugging Failing VerificationsPurpose: These labs are designed for you to find, analyze, and solve common equivalency checking problems using Formality. You can use these labs to increase your awareness of Formality and to practice debugging skills.Content: These labs use public-domain RTL source. The netlists were generated using Design Compiler F-2011.09 release software. Procedure:There is a README file for every lab describing what to do.Each lab has a “runme.fms” FM Tcl script you can use initially.Each lab has a “hint” directory containing a README file if you need some helpful pointers on what to do.If you find that a l ab is too difficult, there is a “.solution”sub-directory with the correct solution.Please compare your results with the correct results when you finish each lab.This lab document will guide you through each lab.Invoke Formality in this manner:"fm_shell -gui -f runme.fms |tee runme.log" or"formality -f runme.fms |tee runme.log"FM Lab1: Missing Verification Files Objective: This lab shows an example of what happens in verificationif pieces of the reference and implementation designs are missing andif guidance is missing. The focus of this lab is to review transcript messages. You need to change the "runme.fms" FM Tclscript to get a successful verification.Lab flow:1.) Run the verification using the existing "runme.fms" script.2.)Finding clues to indicate potential problems:2a) Transcript messages:Formality debugging involves collecting information that may point to the reason why the design fails verification. Always look at the transcript messages first.Note the following warning messages in the transcript:Status: Creating black-box designs...Created technology library 'FM_BBOX' in container 'r' for black-box designsCreated black-box design 'mAlu' in library 'FM_BBOX'Warning: 1 blackbox designs were created for missing references. (FM-064)Status: Attempting to resolve unlinked cells by using black-boxes...Warning: 150 black-box pins of unknown direction found; see formality.log for list (FM-230)Top design set to 'r:/WORK/mR4000' with warningsFormality is creating a black-box in the reference design to represent a missing piece of the design. The missing piece is “mAlu”. Perhapsan engineer forgot to send over that portion of the RTL, or merely left it out of the FM Tcl script.This transcript message is only a warning instead of an error because the customer included this variable setting in the FM TCL script: set hdlin_unresolved_modules black_boxOtherwise, by default Formality would have stopped processing the design.When faced with a missing piece of the reference design, you can either find the missing piece and try verification again. Or, you can try to black-box the equivalent sub-design in the implementation design, ifthe hierarchy was retained during synthesis.3.) For this lab, you can find the missing RTL by quickly browsing in the “rtl” sub-directory and include the missing file in your FM Tcl script. Re-run verification.4.) After running verification again, notice that the transcript still has these messages:set_top i:/WORK/mR4000Setting top design to 'i:/WORK/mR4000'Warning: Cannot link cell '/WORK/mR4000/DP_OP_94J1_124_8045_U32' to its reference design 'fa2a0'. (FE-LINK-2)Warning: Cannot link cell '/WORK/mR4000/DP_OP_94J1_124_8045_U31' to its reference design 'fa1b0'. (FE-LINK-2)Warning: Cannot link cell '/WORK/mR4000/DP_OP_94J1_124_8045_U30' to its reference design 'fa2a0'. (FE-LINK-2)Warning: Cannot link cell '/WORK/mR4000/DP_OP_94J1_124_8045_U29' to its reference design 'fa1b0'. (FE-LINK-2)Warning: Cannot link cell '/WORK/mR4000/DP_OP_94J1_124_8045_U28' to its reference design 'fa2a0'. (FE-LINK-2)Warning: Cannot link cell '/WORK/mR4000/DP_OP_94J1_124_8045_U27' to its reference design 'fa1b0'. (FE-LINK-2)Warning: Cannot link cell '/WORK/mR4000/DP_OP_94J1_124_8045_U26' to its reference design 'fa2a0'. (FE-LINK-2)Warning: Cannot link cell '/WORK/mR4000/DP_OP_94J1_124_8045_U25' to its reference design 'fa1b0'. (FE-LINK-2)This indicates that Formality cannot find several library componentcells for the implementation design. Formality is creating black-boxes for them. This is a sign that a library is missing from the setup. 5.) Since verification already ran, i f you run the “Analyze” command, Formality will indicate that there are unmatched black-box nets in the implementation design that do not exist in the reference design. Thisis another indication of something missing in the implementation design.6.) Find the missing library and include it in the FM Tcl script. Re-run verification.7.) During this verification run, Formality located all of the design pieces and library information. However, verification is stillfailing. The only clue for this issue is the following statement inthe transcript:Info: Formality Guide Files (SVF) can improve verification success by automating setup.You need to include the SVF guidance file in the FM Tcl script: set_svf mR4000.svf8.) Since there is no clock-gating nor scan involved, there is no additional setup needed. Auto setup mode is not required.9.) Try verification again. You should now get a successfulverification.9.) You can automatically create a FM Tcl script by using UNIX command “fm_mk_script”. Try the following:fm_mk_script mR4000.svf10.)View the resulting FM Tcl script “fm_mk_script.tcl”, and try it out with Formality.FM Lab2: Synthesis PragmasObjective: This lab contains Verilog RTL using Synopsys Parallel Case and Full Case synthesis pragmas. You must change the "runme.fms" FM TCL script to get a successful verification.Lab flow:1.) Run the verification using the existing "runme.fms" script.2.)Find clues to indicate potential problems.2a) Transcript messages:Formality debugging involves collecting information that may point to the reason why the design fails verification. Always review the transcript messages first.Note the following warning message in the transcript:************ RTL Interpretation Summary ************************ Design: r:/WORK/mR4000full_case ignored (7 total, 1 with unspecified cases)parallel_case ignored (7 total, 1 with overlapping cases)Please refer to the Formality log file for more details,or execute report_hdlin_mismatches.****************************************************This is our first clue that there may be simulation/synthesis mismatches due to specifying full case and parallel case pragmas in the RTL.2b) Messages from analyze_point commands:Under the Debug tab, run "Analyze". Formality knows that the logic cones are different, but cannot pinpoint the specific problem.2d) Pattern Viewer:View the pattern window of one of the failing compare points. Notice that the logic just seems to be different even though the logic cone inputs are the same:In many situations where one compare point is holding a value while the other compare point is loading a different value, this is an indication of RTL interpretation differences between Formality and Design Compiler. It is likely that something like parallel/full case pragma interpretation is making a difference in the verification of this design.3.) Resolve the RTL interpretation issue. You can set these variables:set synopsys_auto_setup trueOr, set these:set hdlin_ignore_parallel_case falseset hdlin_ignore_full_case falseset hdlin_error_on_mismatch_message false4.) Fix up the FM TCL script and re-run verification. If you do notget a successful verification, view the .solution directory.FM Lab3: Scan ModeObjective: This lab contains an implementation design with scan and clock-gating inserted. You must change the "runme.fms" FM TCL scriptto get a successful verification.Lab flow:1.) Run the verification using the existing "runme.fms" script.2.)Find clues to indicate potential problems and fix them.2a) Transcript messages:Formality debugging involves collecting information that may point to the reason why the design fails verification. Always review the transcript messages first.Note the SVF Guidance Summary in the transcript:***************************** Guidance Summary *****************************StatusCommand Accepted Rejected Unsupported Unprocessed Total----------------------------------------------------------------------------change_names : 2 0 0 0 2environment : 4 0 0 0 4instance_map : 3 0 0 0 3mark : 4 0 0 0 4reg_constant : 24 0 0 0 24scan_input : 0 1 0 0 1uniquify : 33 0 0 0 33Unless the Auto Setup Mode is enabled, Formality will ignore scan_input guidance found in the SVF file. You will need to disable scan mode in your FM T cl script. Continue on with the debugging first.2b) Using the GUI, run “Analyze” on the failing compare points. Youwill see the following:There appear to be two different problems with this verification. The first is a list of unmatched implementation latches that are named “clk_gate_....”. This is an indication that clock-gating is in the design. Since these are not recognized as clock-gating latches, it is probable that the variable “verification_clock_gate_hold_mode” was not set. So, Formality is treating these latches as compare points, and failing the verification.The second issue is an unconstrained implementation input “test_se”. From this we can a ssume that no constant was set onthe test input to disable scan mode. This needs to be done to have a successful verification.3.) Before changing the FM Tcl script, view the Match tab. Look at theunmatched points listed for the implementation design.Again, note the unmatched input port “test_se” in the implementation design. This is an indication of scan in the netlist.Also note that the “clk_gate_...” latches are of type “LAT” and not “CGLAT” denoting clock-gating latches.4.) Set a constant on the test input as recommended by the analyze points command. Also, set the clock-gating variable to “low”.s etupset_constant i:/WORK/aes_cipher_top/test_se 0set verification_clock_gate_hold_mode lowverify5.) Fix up the FM TCL script and re-run verification. If you do not get a successful verification, view the .solution directory.6.) Note that if you use the Auto Setup Mode with “setsynopsys_auto_setup true”, Formality will automatically disable scan and turn on clock-gating. You would not have to do anything else forsetup.FM Lab4: Constant Register Recognition(Modifying SVF File)Objective: This lab requires you to modify the SVF file so that Formality can recognize a constant register to successfully verify the design.Note that this is a design contrived specifically to show an example of a naming issue between DC and Formality.Key ideas:a.) Practice using these Formality SVF debugging command:“analyze_points” with the option “-failing”“report_svf_operation” with the options“-summary”“-status rejected”“compare_point(s)”b.) Practice modifying an ASCII SVF file:Use your favorite text editor to replace DC name in SVF with the corresponding Formality name of the potentially constant registerLab flow:1.) Run the verification using the existing "runme.fms" script.2.)Find clues to indicate potential problems.2a) Transcript messages:Formality debugging involves collecting information that may point to the reason why the design fails verification. Always review the transcript messages first.Note the SVF Guidance Summary in the transcript:***************************** Guidance Summary *****************************StatusCommand Accepted Rejected Unsupported Unprocessed Total----------------------------------------------------------------------------change_names : 7 0 0 0 7environment : 3 0 0 0 3instance_map : 2 0 0 0 2mark : 2 0 0 0 2reg_constant : 0 1 0 0 1uniquify : 2 0 0 0 2There is 1 rejected SVF guide_reg_constant operation. For several designs, this may be fine. Formality can figure out most constant registers; however, for this lab, this testcase will fail verification because this register is not recognized as a constant register.This Guidance Summary table can be produced anytime after matching by using the command “report_guidan ce –summary”.2b) Here is a picture of the GUI unmatched points tab. Notice the single unmatched register in the reference design that does not exist in the implementation design. Sometimes this is fine. We need to confirm with using either the “analyze” c ommand or the patte rn viewer to see if this register contributes to failing compare points.2c) Run “analyze –failing” on the testcase.fm_shell (verify)> analyze_points -failing*********************************** Analysis Results***********************************Found 1 Unmatched Cone Input--------------------------------Unmatched cone inputs result either from mismatched compare pointsor from differences in the logic within the cones. Only unmatchedinputs that are suspected of contributing to verificationfailuresare included in the report.The source of the matching or logical differences may be determinedusing the schematic, cone and source views.--------------------------------r:/WORK/crc_insert/rs_crcblock_regIs globally unmatched affecting 4 compare point(s):i:/WORK/crc_insert/crc_block/S1/q_regi:/WORK/crc_insert/crc_block/S2/q_regi:/WORK/crc_insert/crc_block/S3/q_regi:/WORK/crc_insert/reset_crc4-------------------------------------------Found 1 Rejected Guidance Command--------------------------------The rejection of some SVF guidance commands will almost invariablycause verification failures. For more information use:'report_svf_operation -status rejected -command command_name--------------------------------reg_constant-------------------------------------------*************************************************************** ******************* ******Notice the suggestion to run the command report_svf_operation. We will do that after just a few more steps.3.) Let’s take a quick view of the failing patterns:The patterns indicate that single unmatched reference register has a value of “0” for every failing pattern. Perhaps it is a constant1 register?4.) Now, l et’s look at the reason for Formality rejecting the SVFreg_constant guidance.fm_shell (verify)> report_svf_operation -status rejected -command reg_constant## SVF Operation 11 (Line: 82) - reg_constant. Status: rejected## Operation Id: 11guide_reg_constant \-design { crc_insert } \{ rs_crcblk_reg } 1Info: guide_reg_constant 11 (Line: 82) Cannot find master reference cell'rs_crcblk_reg'.Formality cannot find the register named “rs_crcblk_reg” in the reference design it created. However, the unmatched register i n the reference design is named “rs_crcblock_reg”. The names are close, but do not completely match up, so Formality rejected the guidance. The problem could be a naming concordance difference between DesignCompiler and Formality when each tool created the design from the RTL.5.) Modify the svf.txt file located under “formality_svf” directorythat was automatically generated during the “set_svf crc_insert.svf” command. Change the name of the register in the SVF from“rs_crcblk_reg” to “rs_crcblock_reg” which Formality will recognize in its reference container.6.) After modifying the svf.txt file, rename the directory from “formality_svf” to “modified_svf”. Change the Formality TCL script to point to the new directory. Formality will look for SVF files in the specified directory.7.) After running with the modified SVF file, the Guidance Summary should be clean. You should have a successful verification.***************************** Guidance Summary *****************************StatusCommand Accepted Rejected Unsupported Unprocessed Total----------------------------------------------------------------------------change_names : 7 0 0 0 7environment : 3 0 0 0 3instance_map : 2 0 0 0 2mark : 2 0 0 0 2reg_constant : 1 0 0 0 1uniquify : 2 0 0 0 2 Formality will perform an internal verification check on thepotentially constant register before accepting reg_constant guidance.8.) Instead of modifying the SVF, you could have verified this register against a constant1, and found that it was truly a constant 1. Then, you could use the set_constant command to manually set this register to a constant1 value. This will also give a successful verification result.FM Lab5: Recognizing Clock-gatingObjective: This is a gate_vs_gate verification. This testcase has clock-gating circuitry in both the reference and implementation designs. You must change the "runme.fms" FM TCL script to get a successful verification.Note: The legacy variable verification_clock_gate_hold_mode turns on functionality that identifies clock-gating circuitry leading to a clk-pin of a rising edge DFF.Lab flow:1.) Run the verification using the existing "runme.fms" script.2.)Find clues to indicate potential problems.2a) Transcript messages:The only message is the name of the failing compare point: Status: Verifying...Compare point u1/LOCKUP failed (is not equivalent)Lockup latches are usually positioned at the end of the clock-gating chain during clock tree synthesis.Let’s investi gate this failure further.2b) Messages from matching:Bring up the GUI and view the Match tab. Here is a picture of the GUI unmatched points tab.Remember that this is a gate_vs_gate design with clk-gating latches in both the reference and implementation. Here we see an extra clock-gating latch in the implementation only.It is common for a clock-gating cell to be split into multiple clock-gating cells to satisfy fanout requirements and skew requirements during clock-tree synthesis.2c) Run “analyze –failing” on the testcase.Here we see some hints about what is happening. The failing compare point r:/WORK/core/u1/LOCKUP is affected by a globally unmatched latch i:/WORK/core/u1/clk_gate_stage1_reg2/latch1.3.) Viewing the pattern viewer for the failing compare point:It appears that even though these latches are clk-gating latches, they are not acting like clock-gating latches for this failing compare point. It appears that the failures are happening if FM places opposite values on them. Normally, clock-gating latches do not act as “active” logic cone inpu ts.4.) The logic cones confirm that Formality is placing and usingdifferent values on these supposed clock-gating latches:。
ABB EC Declaration of Conformity 说明书
EC Declaration of ConformityThe manufacturer: ABB Automation Technologies AB, LV Motors S-721 70 Västerås, Sweden Hereby declares that The VSD drive combinations: ABB Frequency converters ACS550, ACH550, ACS350 and ACS800 and3-phase induction motors EEx nA II T3 (200 °) Group II – Category 3G – Temperature class T3 (200 °) and 3-phase induction motors ‘Dust Ignition Protection’Group II – Category 2D/3D – Temperature class T 125 °CM otor Type I EC Size C ertification no M2AA 112 – 250 NEMKO 04 ATEX 1448, CE 0470 (Cat. 2D) NEMKO 04 ATEX 3449, (Cat. 3D and 3G) M3AA 112 - 280 NEMKO 04 ATEX 1448, CE 0470 (Cat. 2D) NEMKO 04 ATEX 3449, (Cat. 3D and 3G) Are in conformity with provisions of the following Council Directives: ATEX of 23 March 1994 94/9/EC In respect of category: 3G: EN 50014:1997 +A1:1999, A2:1999, EN 60079-15:2003, IEC 60079-15:2001 2D/3D: EN 50014:1997 +A1:1999, A2:1999, EN 50281-1-1:1998, EN 61241-1:2004, IEC 61241-1:2004, IEC 61241-0:2004 Conditions : The motor loading must conform to the derating curve A1 on page 2. A temperature measurement device must be installed in the motor. The ambient temperature must be limited to –20ºC - +40ºC. S1 duty frequency ranges are 0-90 Hz for ACS800 and 5-90 Hz for ACS350 and ACS550. Max speed of the motor type must be respected. Year of CE marking: CE05 Signed by Gunnar Kylander , Product responsible EEx and Marine Products Date: Dec 2005 3GZV 500 002 – 5Motor loadability with ACS converter drives (50 Hz) Non-sparking Aluminum motors, Ex nA/EEx nA T3, frame sizes 112-280 Dust ignition proof Aluminum motors T125°C, frame sizes 112- 280N otes:•Field weakening point at 50 Hz•ACS800 with DTC control and S1 duty 0-90 Hz•ACS550 and ACS 350 with S1 duty 5-90 HzA1. Derating curve for ACS type converters and M2AA/M3AA DIP/EEx nA motors。
Declaration of Conformity说明书
NumberK86656/02IssuedJuly 9th, 2015ValidJuly 10th, 2016Declaration of Conformity,based on parts of UL subject 2775, regardingDSPANon-Pressurized Condensed Aerosol Generators andComponentsKiwa Nederland B.V.Groningenweg 10Postbus 2562800 AG GoudaTel. +31-182-820460Fax +31-182-820465Internet www.kiwafss.nlCompanyDSPA B.V.Hulzenseweg 10-206534 AN NIJMEGENP.O. Box 65726503 GB NIJMEGENThe NetherlandsTel. +31 24 352 25 73Fax +31 24 37 87 583www.dspa.nlThis declaration consists of 11 pages.Publication of the declaration is allowed.Note: Publication of only this front page or parts of the declaration is considered as “not valid”.Underwriters Laboratories (or UL in short) was not involved with the performed tests asmentioned in this product declaration.STATEMENT BY KIWAWith this declaration, Kiwa declares that legitimate confidence exists that theproducts supplied byDSPA B.V.complying with the technical specifications as laid down in this productdeclaration and marked with the Kiwa®-mark in the manner as indicated inthis product declaration.Bouke MeekmaKiwaDeclarationThis product declaration by Kiwa is based on test protocol PRO10-001-AFG-nk rev 06 and parts of UL subject 2775.Please note that Underwriters Laboratories (or UL in short) was not involved with the performed tests as mentioned in this product declaration.Generator specificationsThe products mentioned below belong to this product declaration.DSPA 11-1, DSPA 11-2, DSPA 11-3, DSPA 11-4, DSPA 11-5, DSPA 11-6, DSPA 11-7 and DSPA 8-1.Type HousingRed coated steelActivationDSPA 11-1 Disk, radial, double shaped plate ElectricalDSPA 11-2 Disk, radial, double shaped plate ElectricalDSPA 11-3 Disk, radial, double shaped plate ElectricalDSPA 11-4 Disk, radial, double shaped plate ElectricalDSPA 11-5 Disk, radial, double shaped plate ElectricalDSPA 11-6 Disk, radial, double shaped plate ElectricalDSPA 11-7 Disk, axial, double shaped plate ElectricalDSPA 8-1 Cylindrical, axial ElectricalNon-pressurized generator.Application and useThis product declaration covers the construction and operation of condensed aerosol generators for total flooding applications when installed, inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with the Standard for Fixed Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 2010. The fire extinguishing components shall be suitable for extinguishing fires of the following classes:•Class A according NFPA 2010•Class B according NFPA 2010•Class C according NFPA 2010Conditions for application•The numbers and types of the extinguishing components have to be determined in conformity with the guidelines and calculation methods of the supplier.•Distribution is to be done by supplier or companies authorised by the supplier.•Before usage an instruction is to be given by a trainer or instructor for this product authorized by the supplier.•The installation and maintenance of the fire extinguishing components have to take place according to the specifications of the supplier, NFPA 2010 or evaluation guideline BRL-K23003.Point of interest during use or limitation of useThe condensed aerosol extinguishing components should not be used on fires involving the following unless relevant testing by accredited testing laboratories has been carried out to the satisfaction of the Authority:•Deep seated fires in Class A materials•Certain chemicals or mixtures of chemicals material, such as cellulose nitrate and gunpowder, that are capable of rapid oxidation in the absence of air•Reactive metals such as lithium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, titanium, zirconium, uranium and plutonium.•Metal hydrides•Chemicals capable of undergoing auto thermal decomposition, such as certain organic peroxides and hydrazine•Condensed aerosol generators shall not be used to protect classified hazards or similar spaces containing flammable liquids or dusts that can be present in explosive air–fuel mixtures unless the generators are specifically listed for use in those environments. •Temperatures for use of aerosol extinguishing agents shall be within the supplier’s listed limits.•Unless specifically approved as an agent blend or mixture, systems employing the simultaneous discharge of different agents to protect the same enclosed space shall not be permitted.•Where unrelated extinguishing or suppression systems, such as a sprinkler system or a gaseous fire-extinguishing system are provided and can operate prior to or during the hold time of the aerosol system, the other agent shall not adversely affect the aerosol.The above list may not be exhaustive.•The design, installation, service, and maintenance of aerosol systems shall be performed by persons skilled in aerosol fire-extinguishing system technology.•Local applications 1) of condensed aerosol extinguishing systems are not covered by this product declaration.•Local applications require a pre-engineered and pre-designed system which has been tested and approved for a specific application by a authority such as Kiwa or by an accredited testing laboratory.1) a local application is used for the extinguishment of surface fires in flammable liquids, gasses, and shallow solids, where theenclosure does not conform to the requirements for total flooding.Owner’s manualAt delivery the product should be accompanied by an operation manual in the English language, known and authorized by Kiwa.Following minimum items shall be described according UL 2775:•Clear indication that it is not a detailed design, installation, operation, and maintenance instruction manual.•Clear reference to the availability of the design, installation, operation, and maintenance instruction manual by contacting the supplier.• A statement that periodic inspection is conducted by trained personnel.•Information regarding the essentials required to maintain the extinguishing system unit in operation both before and after a fire. •For extinguishing system units, a statement that no modifications are to be made to the extinguishing system unit without consultinga qualified designer who is to refer to the detailed design, installation, operation, and maintenance instruction manual. The statementshall include the following or equivalent wording: “This system is made up of units tested within limitations contained in the detailed design, installation, operation, and maintenance instruction manual.The designer must be consulted whenever changes are planned for the system or area of protection. An authorized installer or designer must be consulted after discharge”.Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Instruction ManualAt delivery the product should be accompanied by an operation manual in the English language, known and authorized by Kiwa.Following minimum items shall be described according UL 2775:•Description of all variations of each unit, including the limitations for each variation;•Operating temperature range limitations;•Mass of aerosol-forming compound for each condensed aerosol generator size;•Discharge time for each condensed aerosol generator size;•Reference to the type of occupancy to be protected;•Reference to NFPA 2010, “Standard for Fixed Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems” for installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements;•Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information and cautionary instructions;•Description of the design procedure and typical layout with specific limitations and recommendations for correct installation and effective protection;•Specific information for condensed aerosol generator placement within the enclosure and orientation of discharge port(s); •Minimum safe distance between condensed aerosol generator discharge ports and personnel;•Minimum safe distance between condensed aerosol generator discharge ports and combustible materials;•Minimum safe distance between condensed aerosol generator casing and personnel;•Minimum safe distance between condensed aerosol generator casing and combustible materials;•Information on inspection after installation;•Description of requirements for maintenance of all equipment;• A list of part numbers for all replacement parts;•Useful life limitation for mandatory replacement of the condensed aerosol generators;•The name of the supplier or private labeller, or equivalent designation; and•Date and manual designation number on each page.•Description and operating details of each unit, mounting brackets, and all accessory equipment (as applicable), including identification by part or model number;•Degree and type of protection with associated design application densities for surface-type Class A and Class B fires including design application density limitations;•Condensed aerosol generator discharge port limitations, including maximum dimensional and area coverage, minimum and maximum height limitations, and location in the protected volume.•For extinguishing system units, reference to the specific types of detection and control panels (when applicable) intended to be connected to the extinguishing system unit;•For extinguishing system units, specifications and instructions for interconnection of multiple extinguishing system units; or when a means for interconnecting is unavailable, a caution statement to not use multiples of extinguishing system units;•Details on installation of each unit, mounting brackets, and all accessory equipment (as applicable);MarkingThe products should be marked with the Kiwa®-mark.Place of the mark Required specifications Method of marking•On the generator •Name of the product and supplier•Supplier’s type designation•Production date and serial number•Mass of aerosol-forming compound•Temperature range•Storage humidity range•Service life•Distances as specified in table 5•Reference to the applicationinstructions•Certification mark•Fire Class A according EN2•Fire Class B according EN2 •Non-erasable and non-detachable; •Non-flammable;•Permanent an legibleRecommendations for CustomersCheck at the time of delivery whether:•The supplier has delivered in accordance with the agreement;•The mark and the marking method are correct;•The products show no visible defects as a result of transport etc.If you should reject a product on the basis of the above, please contact:•DSPA B.V.and, if necessary,•Kiwa Nederland B.V.Consult the suppliers processing guidelines for the proper storage and transport methods.Cross referenceUL subject 2775, outline of investigation for fixed condensed aerosol extinguishing system units, November 5, 2008Chapter Description Demand 1)Result RemarksIntroduction1. Scope Implemented2. Components Implemented3 Units of measurements Implemented4 Undated references Implemented5 Glossary ImplementedConstruction6 General Implemented7 Electrically operating alarm N/A8 Control and indicators N/A9 Pneumatic control assembly pressure vessels N/A10 Pressure relief devices for pneumatic control assemblies N/A11 Gaskets and O-rings N/A12 Pressure gauges for pneumatic control assemblies N/A13 Puncturing mechanisms N/A14 Electrically operating devices N/A15 Condensed aerosol extinguishing agents A Pass See SNAP listing by USEnvironmental ProtectionAgency (EPA)16 Pneumatic control gases N/A17 Polymeric materials and nonmetallic parts N/A18 Anti-recoil devices N/A19 Pressure switches N/APerformance20 General Implemented21 Discharge test A See table 4.Discharge time of DSPA 8-1 isover 60 sec.Chapter Description Demand 1)Result Remarks22 Temperature measurement test A Pass See table 5.23 Mounting device test A Pass24 Rough Usage test A Pass25 Vibration test A Pass ImplementedDSPA 11-3, DSPA 11-6, DSPA11-7 and DSPA 8-1 were tested.DSPA 11-1, DSPA 11-2, DSPA11-4 and DSPA 11-5 aremembers of the same generatorfamily as DSPA 11-3 and DSPA11-6.DSPA 8-1 only at 0,5G26 Pyrotechnic reaction containment test Not Tested27 Fire exposure test Not Tested28 High humidity test A Pass29 Moist hydrogen sulfide air mixture corrosion test A Pass30 Moist carbon dioxide sulfur dioxide air mixture corrosionA Passtest31 Salt spray corrosion test A Pass32 Thirty day elevated temperature test A Pass33 Temperature cycling test A Pass34 One-year time leakage test N/A35 Hydrostatic pressure test N/A36 Pressure relief tests N/A37 Flexible hose assembly hose low temperature test N/A38 Calibration test gauges N/A39 Burst strength test gauges N/A40 Overpressure test gauges N/A41 Impulse test gauges N/A42 Pressure relief test gauges N/A43 Water resistance test gauges N/A44 Pneumatic operation test N/AChapter Description Demand 1)Result Remarks45 Pneumatic time delay verification test N/A46 Pressure operated alarm test N/AN/A47 Operation test of manual activators and manual pullstations48 500 cycle operation test Implemented48.1 Electrical initiators A Pass Aging test 116 days at 90 ºC =15 years and Temperature range-40°C and +75°C48.2 Other devices N/A49 Class A and B fire extinguishment tests Implemented49.1 General Implemented49.2 Class A fire extinguishment tests A Pass Not tested:Wood cribs according 49.2.2See table 1.49.3 Class B fire extinguishment tests A Pass See table 1.Implemented50 Distribution verification extinguishment tests withextinguishing system units50.1 General Implemented50.2 Test enclosure Implemented50.3 Maximum area coverage and minimum height testA Pass See table 3.arrangement procedure50.4 Maximum height test procedure A Pass See table 3.N/A51 Distribution verification extinguishment test with automaticextinguisher unit51.1 General N/A51.2 Test enclosure N/AN/A51.3 Maximum area coverage, minimum height and maximumvolume test arrangement procedure51.4 Maximum height and maximum volume test arrangementN/AprocedureN/A52 Automatic extinguisher unit automatic operationextinguishment unitChapter Description Demand 1)Result Remarks52.1 General N/A52.2 Test enclosures N/A52.3 Test arrangement procedure N/A53 Elastomeric parts test N/A54 Stress corrosion cracking test for brass parts A Pass Materials used in theconstruction are not susceptibleto ammonia stress corrosion.55 Aging test condensed aerosol generator Pass 116 days at 90 ºC = 15 years56 Aging test plastic materials N/A56.1 Air-oven aging test N/A56.2 Light and water test N/A57 Nameplate exposure test N/A58 Nameplate adhesion test N/A59 Nameplate abrasion test N/A60 Locking device and tamper indicator test N/AManufacturing and production tests61 General Implemented61.1 General Implemented61.2 Aerosol-forming compound A Pass61.3 Electrical initiators A PassN/A61.4 Hydraustatic pressure test – shells for pneumatic controlassemblies61.5 Gauge calibration test for pneumatic control assemblies N/A61.6 Leakage test for pneumatic control assemblies N/AMarkings62 General A PassInstructions63 General Implemented64 Owner’s manual A Pass See DSPA Manual V7.3 201565 Design, installation, operating and maintenance instruction A Pass See DSPA Manual V7.3 2015Chapter Description Demand 1)Result Remarks manual1) A = Applicable N/A = Not Applicable Not testedTests not performed (with requirements):•Aerosol generator explosive atmosphere test according to UL 2775 § 26•Fire Exposure test according to UL 2775 § 27•Wood cribs test according to UL 2775 § 49.2.2Page 10 of 11DSPA Non-Pressurized Condensed Aerosol Generators and Components Product specificationsTable 1Fire Class Listing AccordingUL 2775Pre burntimeSoak period Test room Density Material / fuel in seconds in seconds in m3in grams per m3A & C Polymethylmethacrylate 49.2.3 210 600 112.12 97 A & C Polypropylene 49.2.3 210 600 112.12 58A & C ABS 49.2.3 210 600 112.12 87B Heptane 49.3 30 30 112.12 34 Table 2Type Efficiency in %DSPA 11-1 100DSPA 11-2 88 - 100DSPA 11-3 90 - 100DSPA 11-4 100DSPA 11-5 94 - 100DSPA 11-6 100DSPA 11-7 100DSPA 8-1 100Table 3Type HousingType andDischargemethod Agent distribution according UL2775Minimum height /Maximum area coverage (in m)Maximum height /Maximum area coverage (in m)DSPA 11-1 Disk, radial 0.5 3.66 x 1.22 1.83 1.22 x 1.22 DSPA 11-2 Disk, radial0.5 3.66 x 2.44 2.44 1.22 x 1.22 DSPA 11-3 Disk, radial0.5 3.66 x 2.44 2.44 1.22 x 1.22 DSPA 11-4 Disk, radial 1.22 3.66 x 3.66 3.05 1.83 x 1.83 DSPA 11-5 Disk, radial 1.22 4.88 x 3.66 3.66 2.44 x 2.44 DSPA 11-6 Disk, radial 1.227.32 x 3.66 3.66 2.44 x 2.44 DSPA 11-7 Disk, axial 1.227.32 x 1.22 3.05 1.83 x 1.83 DSPA 8-1 Cylinder, axial 2.44 9.76 x 3.66 4.88 4.88 x 3.66Table 4Type Discharge timeIn SecDSPA 11-1 6 - 10DSPA 11-2 9 - 15DSPA 11-3 14 - 26DSPA 11-4 19 - 31DSPA 11-5 40 - 60DSPA 11-6 30 - 50DSPA 11-7 30 - 50DSPA 8-1 67 - 89Kiwa® product declaration K86656/02 Page 11 of 11DSPA Non-Pressurized Condensed Aerosol Generators and ComponentsTable 5Type Distance in m75°C 200°C 400°CDSPA 11-1 0.5 0.15 0.05DSPA 11-2 0.5 0.15 0.05DSPA 11-3 0.5 0.15 0.05DSPA 11-4 1.0 0.25 0.15DSPA 11-5 1.0 0.25 0.15DSPA 11-6 1.5 0.35 0.15DSPA 11-7 1.5 0.50 0.10DSPA 8-1 1.5 0.75 0.15。
Infoprint 250 導入と計画の手引き 第 7 章ホスト
Type of service...............: TOS
Maximum transmission unit.....: MTU
60 1500
: xxxx
48 Infoprint 250
31. AS/400
WRKAFP2 (V3R1 & V3R6)
Advanced function printing............:
AFP attachment........................:
Online at IPL.........................:
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1.release版本下编译报错:unresolved external symbol __invalid_parameter_noinfo原因:由于引用的dcmtk库的版本不对,可能在release版本下引用了dcmtk的debug版本库;解决方法:将Tools->Options中的Library files中指向dcmtk库文件的路径都删除,如图1,并且在项目属性->Linker->General的Additional Library Directories中添加dcmtk的release版本库文件路径(记得在debug版本编译时也需要指定dcmtk的debug版本库文件路径),例如图2:图1图2继续编译,如果还是出现此错误,可能是dcmtk开发包中各项目的运行时库和本程序的运行时库设置不对,解决方法:1)在dcmtk开发包源码工程中release版本下对各项目设置运行时库为/MTd,设置方法如下,所有项目设置完成后再编译ALL_BIULD项目:图32)在第1)步完成后,生成了/MTd模式下的dcmnet.lib等库文件,再在本程序(使用DCMTK库文件的程序)中设置运行时库为/MTd:图42.如果报错:unresolved external symbol __security_check_cookie,则可以如图4所示设置C/C++->Code Generation->Buffer Security Check的值为No(/GS-),就是不检查内存溢出,如果要检查内存溢出,则需要增加一个支持库bufferoverflowU.lib,这个库可以在网上下载,我放在E:\DCMTK\lib3.6\release下,即和dcmtk的库文件放一起,可以不再设置另外的库路径就可以找到它:图53.如果报错:unresolved external symbol wmain referenced in function mainWCRTStartup解决方法:Link >> Advanced >> entry-point 改为wWinMainCRTStartup:图63.如果报错大体如下:LIBCMT.lib(crt0init.obj) : error LNK2005: _sprintf_s 已经在msvcrtd.lib(MSVCR80D.dll) 中定义,这类错误是由于LIBCMT.lib库和其它库冲突造成的,可以在Linker->Input –>Ignore Specific Library中忽略这个Libcmt.lib库:图7或者在引用dcmtk库的地方加上:#pragma comment(linker,"/NOD:LIBCMT"):。
在改掉所有的warning时⽼报⼀个implicit declaration of function 的警告错误,上⽹查了下原因,原来有两种情况会产⽣这种情况
1 没有把函数所在的c⽂件⽣成.o⽬标⽂件。
2 在函数所在的c⽂件中定义了,但是没有在与之相关联的.h⽂件中声明。
3 其头⽂件都声明过了,所调⽤的函数的原型与所传的实参类型不匹配。
This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.UK Declaration of ConformityNo. A5E51260020A; REV.: 005Product group identification/-modelAntenna Cables, Serial Cables, PROFIBUS / PROFINET / ETHERNET Cables, Power Cables, USB Cables, Fiber Opitc Cables, Assembled /Not Assembled, PB Bus TerminalsManufacturer Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Digital Industries, Process Automation (DI PA)Address DE-76181 Karlsruhe, GermanyThis declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.The designated products in Table 1 as part of the object of the declaration described above are in conformity with the relevant statutory requirements: RoHS Regulations:SI 2012/3032 Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2012, and related amendmentsThe conformity of the designated products of the object described above with the provisions of the applied Regulation(s) is proved by full compliance with the following standards:Designated standards (RoHS):Reference number Issue Reference number Issue EN IEC 630002018Further information about the conformity to this Regulation(s) is given in annex Products which is integral part of this declaration of conformity.Signed for and on behalf of:Siemens AktiengesellschaftKarlsruhe, the 11.08.2023PlaceDate of issueNameSignatureName SignatureHead of Quality Management, DI PA DCP QMVice President R&D, DI PA DCP R&DFunctionFunctionAnnex Productsto UK Declaration of ConformityNo. A5E51260020A; REV.: 005Product group identification/-model Antenna Cables, Serial Cables, PROFIBUS / PROFINET / ETHERNET Cables, PowerCables, USB Cables, Fiber Opitc Cables, Assembled /Not Assembled, PB Bus Terminals Table 11The unique identification of products and accessory is given by the Order number, Product names and Accessory descriptions shall just support the distinctness of products and its accessory.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties.The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.This declaration certifies the compliance with the indicated directives but does not imply any warranty for properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying product documentation shall be observed.。
redefinition of main怎么解决
redefinition of main怎么解决当你在编程中遇到“redefinition of main”的错误,这通常意味着你在同一个源文件中多次定义了main函数。
4.检查项目设置:如果你使用IDE(如Visual Studio、Code::Blocks等),检查项目设置,确保没有错误地包含了多个包含main函数的源文件。
总之,当你遇到“redefinition of main”的错误时,最重要的是确保你的程序中只有一个main函数,并且它被正确地定义和链接。
Original Declaration of Incorporation of PartlyCompleted Machinery (EC Directive 2006/42/EC) and EC Declaration of Conformity in compliance with theDirectives on EMC and Low VoltageSIPOS Aktorik GmbH as manufacturer declares herewith, that the above mentioned electric actuators meet the following basic requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC: Annex I, articles 1.1.2, 1.1.3,1.1.5, 1.2.1; 1.2.6, 1.3.1, 1.3.7, 1.5.1, 1.6.3, 1.7.1, 1.7.3, 1.7.4.Manufacturer:SIPOS Aktorik GmbH, Im Erlet 2, 90518 Altdorf, Germany Type of product:Electric actuator Authorised personfor documentation:Dr. Matthias Rebhan, Im Erlet 2, 90518 Altdorf, Germany Type range: 2SA5..., 2SB5..., 2SC5..., 2SG5…The product complies with the following harmonised standards with respect to the EC Machinery Directive: EN 12100-1: 2003 EN 12100-2: 2003 EN 60204-1: 2006Furthermore the following safety relevant standards are regarded:ISO 5210: 1996 ISO 5211: 2001 DIN 3358: 1982With regard to the partly completed machinery, the manufacturer commits to submitting the documents to the competent national authority via electronic transmission upon request. The relevant technical documentation pertaining to the machinery described in Annex VII, part B has been prepared.SIPOS actuators are designed to be installed on industrial valves. SIPOS actuators must not be put into service until the final machinery into which they are to be incorporated has been declared in conformity with the provisions of the EC Directive 2006/42/EC.As partly completed machinery, the actuators further comply with the requirements of the following directives and the respective approximation of national laws as well as the respective harmonised standards as listed below:• Directive relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (2004/108/EC):EN 61800-3: 2005• Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC):EN 60204-1: 2006 EN 60034-1: 2004 EN 50178: 1997 EN 61010-1: 2001Year of affixing of the CE marking: 2010 Altdorf, 29.12.2009This declaration does not contain any guarantees. The safety instructions in product documentation supplied with the devices must be observed. Non-concerted modification of the devices voids this declaration.Dr. Matthias RebhanGeneral ManagerY070.154/GB。
swiftlint 自定义规则
swiftlint 自定义规则SwiftLint是一个用于检测Swift代码样式和潜在问题的工具。
1. 安装SwiftLint首先,需要安装SwiftLint。
可以通过Homebrew执行以下命令来安装:brew install swiftlint也可以通过CocoaPods将SwiftLint添加到项目中:pod 'SwiftLint'2. 创建自定义规则要创建自定义规则,需要创建一个YAML文件。
例如,以下是一个检查if语句中是否使用大括号的示例:# if语句必须使用大括号if-statement-braces:na 'If Statement Braces'message: 'If statements must use braces'severity: warningregex: 'ifs*.*?{[^}]*}|S*s*ifs*(.+?)s*S*s*s*[^{]*?s*S*s*'在这个规则中,如果遇到if语句没有使用大括号,将会收到一个警告消息。
3. 配置SwiftLint要使用自定义规则,需要在SwiftLint配置文件中添加规则。
例如:# 配置文件名称为.swiftlint.ymlcustom_rules:- path/to/custom/rules/file.yml在这个例子中,文件路径指向自定义规则文件,这意味着SwiftLint将使用该文件中定义的规则。
4. 运行SwiftLint配置文件设置完毕后,可以通过运行SwiftLint来检查代码中的潜在问题。
可以通过以下命令来运行:swiftlint lint如果代码中存在任何问题,SwiftLint将列出问题和警告消息。
编译器错误信息中文翻译Ambiguous operators need parentheses不明确的运算需要用括号括起Ambiguous symbol ``xxx``不明确的符号Argument list syntax error参数表语法错误Array bounds missing丢失数组界限符Array size toolarge数组尺寸太大Bad character in paramenters 参数中有不适当的字符Bad file name format in include directive包含命令中文件名格式不正确Bad ifdef directive synatax编译预处理ifdef 有语法错Bad undef directive syntax编译预处理undef 有语法错Bit field too large位字段太长Call of non-function调用未定义的函数Call to function with no prototype调用函数时没有函数的说明Cannot modify a const object 不允许修改常量对象Case outside of switch漏掉了case 语句Case syntax errorCase 语法错误Code has no effect代码不可述不可能执行到Compound statement missing{ 分程序漏掉"{"Conflicting type modifiers不明确的类型说明符Constant expression required 要求常量表达式Constant out of range in comparison在比较中常量超出范围Conversion may losesignificant digits转换时会丢失意义的数字Conversion of near pointer not allowed不允许转换近指针Could not find file ``xxx``找不到XXX 文件Declaration missing ;说明缺少";"Declaration syntax error说明中出现语法错误Default outside of switch Default 出现在switch 语句之外Define directive needs an identifier定义编译预处理需要标识符Division by zero用零作除数Do statement must have whileDo-while 语句中缺少while 部分Enum syntax error枚举类型语法错误Enumeration constant syntax error枚举常数语法错误Error directive :xxx错误的编译预处理命令Error writing output file写输出文件错误Expression syntax error表达式语法错误Extra parameter in call调用时出现多余错误File name too long文件名太长Function call missing )函数调用缺少右括号Fuction definition out of place 函数定义位置错误Fuction should return a value 函数必需返回一个值Goto statement missing labelGoto 语句没有标号Hexadecimal or octal constant too large16 进制或8 进制常数太大Illegal character ``x``非法字符xIllegal initialization非法的初始化Illegal octal digit非法的8 进制数字Illegal pointer subtraction非法的指针相减Illegal structure operation非法的结构体操作Illegal use of floating point非法的浮点运算Illegal use of pointer指针使用非法Improper use of a typedefsymbol类型定义符号使用不恰当In-line assembly not allowed不允许使用行间汇编Incompatible storage class存储类别不相容Incompatible type conversion 不相容的类型转换Incorrect number format错误的数据格式Incorrect use of default Default 使用不当Invalid indirection无效的间接运算Invalid pointer addition指针相加无效Irreducible expression tree无法执行的表达式运算Lvalue required需要逻辑值0 或非0 值Macro argument syntax error 宏参数语法错误Macro expansion too long宏的扩展以后太长Mismatched number ofparameters in definition定义中参数个数不匹配Misplaced break此处不应出现break 语句Misplaced continue此处不应出现continue 语句Misplaced decimal point此处不应出现小数点Misplaced elif directive不应编译预处理elif Misplaced else此处不应出现elseMisplaced else directive此处不应出现编译预处理else Misplaced endif directive此处不应出现编译预处理endif Must be addressable必须是可以编址的Must take address of memory location必须存储定位的地址No declaration for function``xxx``没有函数xxx 的说明No stack缺少堆栈No type information没有类型信息Non-portable pointer assignment不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值Non-portable pointer comparison不可移动的指针(地址常数)比较Non-portable pointer conversion不可移动的指针(地址常数)转换Not a valid expression format type不合法的表达式格式Not an allowed type不允许使用的类型Numeric constant too large数值常太大Out of memory内存不够用Parameter ``xxx`` is neverused能数xxx 没有用到Pointer required on left side of ->符号->的左边必须是指针Possible use of ``xxx`` before definition在定义之前就使用了xxx(警告)Possibly incorrect assignment赋值可能不正确Redeclaration of ``xxx``重复定义了xxxRedefinition of ``xxx`` is not identicalxxx 的两次定义不一致Register allocation failure寄存器定址失败Repeat count needs an lvalue 重复计数需要逻辑值Size of structure or array not known结构体或数给大小不确定Statement missing ;语句后缺少";"Structure or union syntax error 结构体或联合体语法错误Structure size too large结构体尺寸太大Sub scripting missing ]下标缺少右方括号Superfluous & with function or array函数或数组中有多余的"&" Suspicious pointer conversion 可疑的指针转换Symbol limit exceeded符号超限Too few parameters in call函数调用时的实参少于函数的参数不Too many default cases Default 太多(switch 语句中一个)Too many error or warning messages错误或警告信息太多Too many type in declaration 说明中类型太多Too much auto memory in function函数用到的局部存储太多Too much global data defined in file文件中全局数据太多Two consecutive dots两个连续的句点Type mismatch in parameter xxx参数xxx 类型不匹配Type mismatch inredeclaration of ``xxx``xxx 重定义的类型不匹配Unable to create output file``xxx``无法建立输出文件xxxUnable to open include file``xxx``无法打开被包含的文件xxx Unable to open input file ``xxx`` 无法打开输入文件xxx Undefined label ``xxx``没有定义的标号xxx Undefined structure ``xxx``没有定义的结构xxx Undefined symbol ``xxx``没有定义的符号xxx Unexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx从xxx 行开始的注解尚未结束文件不能结束Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx从xxx 开始的条件语句尚未结束文件不能结束Unknown assemble instruction 未知的汇编结构Unknown option未知的操作Unknown preprocessor directive: ``xxx``不认识的预处理命令xxx Unreachable code无路可达的代码Unterminated string or character constant字符串缺少引号User break用户强行中断了程序V oid functions may not return a valueV oid 类型的函数不应有返回值Wrong number of arguments调用函数的参数数目错``xxx`` not an argumentxxx 不是参数``xxx`` not part of structurexxx 不是结构体的一部分xxx statement missing (xxx 语句缺少左括号xxx statement missing )xxx 语句缺少右括号xxx statement missing ;xxx 缺少分号xxx`` declared but never used说明了xxx 但没有使用xxx`` is assigned a value whichis never used给xxx 赋了值但未用过Zero length structure结构体的长度为零error C141: syntax error near '{', expected 'const'语法附近错误需要常量;syntax error near 'unsigned', expected ';'错误C141:语法错误附近'符号',需要';' WARNING L16: UNCALLED SEGMENT, IGNORED FOR OVERLAY PROCESS ,表示你写的某些函数,在主程序中没有被调用到.UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL SYMBOL 一般是由于定义了某个函数,但是在引用的时候把名字打错了,跟原来的不一致造成的. 编译的时候编译器发现主程序里调用了某个函数,但是却找不到对应函数定义.。
iar expected a declaration
"iar expected a declaration" 是一个编程错误信息,通常出现在C或C++语言中。
IAR编译错误总结1. 错误:"undefined reference to"(未定义引用错误)解决方法:这种错误通常是由于函数或变量的定义缺失导致的。
2. 错误:"no such file or directory"(文件或目录不存在错误)解决方法:这种错误通常是由于指定的文件或目录不存在而导致的。
3. 错误:"multiple definition of"(多重定义错误)解决方法:这种错误通常是由于同一个函数或变量在多个源文件中被定义而导致的。
可以通过在定义函数或变量的地方加上关键字 "extern"来解决这个问题。
4. 错误:"expected ';' before"(在之前缺少分号错误)解决方法:这种错误通常是由于在行代码中缺少了分号导致的。
5. 错误:"syntax error"(语法错误)解决方法:这种错误通常是由于书写的代码有语法错误导致的。
6. 错误:"cannot open source file"(无法打开源文件错误)解决方法:这种错误通常是由于指定的源文件无法被找到或打开而导致的。
7. 错误:"too few arguments to function"(函数参数数量过少错误)解决方法:这种错误通常是由于调用函数时传递的参数数量少于函数定义时所需的参数数量导致的。