Non-Supersymmetric Large N Gauge Theories from Type 0 Brane Configurations
On Non-Perturbative Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories - A Lecture
a rXiv:h ep-th/9611152v12N ov1996CERN-TH/96-268hep-th/9611152ON NON-PERTURBATIVE RESULTS IN SUPERSYMMETRIC GAUGE THEORIES –A LECTURE 1Amit Giveon 2Theory Division,CERN,CH-1211,Geneva 23,Switzerland ABSTRACT Some notions in non-perturbative dynamics of supersymmetric gauge theories are being reviewed.This is done by touring through a few examples.CERN-TH/96-268September 19961IntroductionIn this lecture,we present some notions in supersymmetric Yang-Mills(YM) theories.We do it by touring through a few examples where we face a variety of non-perturbative physics effects–infra-red(IR)dynamics of gauge theories.We shall start with a general review;some of the points we consider follow the beautiful lecture notes in[1].Phases of Gauge TheoriesThere are three known phases of gauge theories:•Coulomb Phase:there are massless vector bosons(massless photonsγ;no confinement of both electric and magnetic charges).The behavior of the potential V(R)between electric test charges,separated by a large distance R,is V(R)∼1/R;the electric charge at large distance behaves like a constant:e2(R)∼constant.The potential of magnetic test charges separated by a large distance behaves like V(R)∼1/R,and the magnetic charge behaves like m2(R)∼constant,e(R)m(R)∼1 (the Dirac condition).•Higgs Phase:there are massive vector bosons(W bosons and Z bosons), electric charges are condensed(screened)and magnetic charges are confined(the Meissner effect).The potential between magnetic test charges separated by a large distance is V(R)∼ρR(the magnetic flux is confined into a thin tube,leading to this linear potential witha string tensionρ).The potential between electric test charges isthe Yukawa potential;at large distances R it behaves like a constant: V(R)∼constant.•Confining Phase:magnetic charges are condensed(screened)and elec-tric charges are confined.The potential between electric test charges separated by a large distance is V(R)∼σR(the electricflux is confined1into a thin tube,leading to the linear potential with a string tensionσ).The potential between magnetic test charges behaves like a constant at large distance R.Remarks1.In addition to the familiar Abelian Coulomb phase,there are theorieswhich have a non-Abelian Coulomb phase[2],namely,a theory with massless interacting quarks and gluons exhibiting the Coulomb poten-tial.This phase occurs when there is a non-trivial IRfixed point of the renormalization group.Such theories are part of other possible cases of non-trivial,interacting4d superconformalfield theories(SCFTs)[3,4]. 2.When there are matterfields in the fundamental representation of thegauge group,virtual pairs can be created from the vacuum and screen the sources.In this situation,there is no invariant distinction between the Higgs and the confining phases[5].In particular,there is no phase with a potential behaving as V(R)∼R at large distance,because the flux tube can break.For large VEVs of thefields,a Higgs description is most natural,while for small VEVs it is more natural to interpret the theory as“confining.”It is possible to smoothly interpolate from one interpretation to the other.3.Electric-Magnetic Duality:Maxwell theory is invariant underE→B,B→−E,(1.1) if we introduce magnetic charge m=2π/e and also interchangee→m,m→−e.(1.2) Similarly,Mandelstam and‘t Hooft suggested that under electric-magnetic duality the Higgs phase is interchanged with a confining phase.Con-finement can then be understood as the dual Meissner effect associated with a condensate of monopoles.2Dualizing a theory in the Coulomb phase,one remains in the same phase.For an Abelian Coulomb phase with massless photons,this electric-magnetic duality follows from a standard duality transforma-tion,and is extended to SL(2,Z)S-duality,acting on the complex gauge coupling byτ→aτ+b2π+i4πBy effective,we mean in Wilson sense:[modes p>µ]e−S=e−S ef f(µ,light modes),(2.3) so,in principle,L eff depends on a scaleµ.But due to supersymmetry,the dependence on the scaleµdisappear(except for the gauge couplingτwhich has a logµdependence).When there are no interacting massless particles,the Wilsonian effec-tive action=the1PI effective action;this is often the case in the Higgs or confining phases.2.1The Effective SuperpotentialWe will focus on a particular contribution to L eff–the effective superpo-tential term:L int∼ d2θW eff(X r,g I,Λ)+c.c,(2.4) where X r=light chiral superfields,g I=various coupling constants,and Λ=dynamically generated scale(associated with the gauge dynamics): log(Λ/µ)∼−8π2/g2(µ).Integrating overθ,the superpotential gives a scalar potential and Yukawa-type interaction of scalars with fermions.The quantum,effective superpotential W eff(X r,g I,Λ)is constrained by holomorphy,global symmetries and various limits[9,1]:1.Holomorphy:supersymmetry requires that W eff is holomorphic in thechiral superfields X r(i.e.,independent of the X†r).Moreover,we will think of all the coupling constants g I in the tree-level superpotential W tree and the scaleΛas background chiral superfield sources.This implies that W eff is holomorphic in g I,Λ(i.e.,independent of g∗I,Λ∗).2.Symmetries and Selection Rules:by assigning transformation laws bothto thefields and to the coupling constants(which are regarded as back-ground chiral superfields),the theory has a large global symmetry.This implies that W eff should be invariant under such global symmetries.43.Various Limits:W eff can be analyzed approximately at weak coupling,and some other limits(like large masses).Sometimes,holomorphy,symmetries and various limits are strong enough to determine W eff!The results can be highly non-trivial,revealing interesting non-perturbative dynamics.2.2The Gauge“Kinetic Term”in a Coulomb Phase When there is a Coulomb phase,there is a term in L eff of the formL gauge∼ d2θIm τeff(X r,g I,Λ)W2α ,(2.5) where Wα=gauge supermultiplet(supersymmetricfield strength);schemat-ically,Wα∼λα+θβσµνβαFµν+....Integrating overθ,W2αgives the term F2+iF˜F and its supersymmetric extension.Therefore,τeff=θeffg2eff(2.6)is the effective,complex gauge coupling.τeff(X r,g I,Λ)is also holomorphic in X r,g I,Λand,sometimes,it can be exactly determined by using holomorphy, symmetries and various limits.2.3The“Kinetic Term”The kinetic term is determined by the K¨a hler potential K:L kin∼ d2θd2¯θK(X r,X†r).(2.7) If there is an N=2supersymmetry,τeff and K are related;for an N=2 supersymmetric YM theory with a gauge group G and in a Coulomb phase, L eff is given in terms of a single holomorphic function F(A i):L eff∼Im d4θ∂F2 d2θ∂2FA manifestly gauge invariant N =2supersymmetric action which reduces to the above at low energies is[10]Imd 4θ∂F2 d 2θ∂2F3Some of these results also appear in the proceedings [13]of the 29th International Symposium on the Theory of Elementary Particles in Buckow,Germany,August 29-September 2,1995,and of the workshop on STU-Dualities and Non-Perturbative Phe-nomena in Superstrings and Supergravity ,CERN,Geneva,November 27-December 1,1995.6N A supermultiplets in the adjoint representation,Φab α,α=1,...,N A ,and N 3/2supermultiplets in the spin 3/2representation,Ψ.Here a,b are fundamental representation indices,and Φab =Φba (we present Ψin a schematic form as we shall not use it much).The numbers N f ,N A and N 3/2are limited by the condition:b 1=6−N f−2N A −5N 3/2≥0,(3.1)where −b 1is the one-loop coefficient of the gauge coupling beta-function.The main result of this section is the following:the effective superpoten-tial of an (asymptotically free or conformal)N =1supersymmetric SU (2)gauge theory,with 2N f doublets and N A triplets (and N 3/2quartets)isW N f ,N A (M,X,Z,N 3/2)=−δN 3/2,0(4−b 1) Λ−b 1Pf 2N f X det N A (Γαβ)2 1/(4−b 1)+Tr N A ˜mM +1√4Integrating in the “glueball”field S =−W 2α,whose source is log Λb 1,gives the non-perturbative superpotential:W (S,M,X,Z )=S log Λb 1S 4−b 1Here,the a,b indices are raised and lowered with anǫab tensor.The gauge-invariant superfields X ij may be considered as a mixture of SU(2)“mesons”and“baryons,”while the gauge-invariant superfields Zαij may be considered as a mixture of SU(2)“meson-like”and“baryon-like”operators.Equation(3.2)is a universal representation of the superpotential for all infra-red non-trivial theories;all the physics we shall discuss(and beyond) is in(3.2).In particular,all the symmetries and quantum numbers of thevarious parameters are already embodied in W Nf,N A .The non-perturbativesuperpotential is derived in refs.[11,12]by an“integrating in”procedure, following refs.[14,15].The details can be found in ref.[12]and will not be presented here5.Instead,in the next sections,we list the main results concerning each of the theories,N f,N A,N3/2,case by case.Moreover,a few generalizations to other gauge groups will be discussed.4b1=6:N f=N A=N3/2=0This is a pure N=1supersymmetric SU(2)gauge theory.The non-perturbative effective superpotential is6W0,0=±2Λ3.(4.1) The superpotential in eq.(4.1)is non-zero due to gaugino(gluino)conden-sation7.Let us consider gaugino condensation for general simple groups[1].Pure N=1Supersymmetric Yang-Mills TheoriesPure N=1supersymmetric gauge theories are theories with pure superglue with no matter.We consider a theory based on a simple group G.The theorycontains vector bosons Aµand gauginosλαin the adjoint representation of G.There is a classical U(1)R symmetry,gaugino number,which is broken tosubgroup by instantons,a discrete Z2C2(λλ)C2 =const.Λ3C2,(4.2) where C2=the Casimir in the adjoint representation normalized such that, for example,C2=N c for G=SU(N c).This theory confines,gets a mass gap,and there are C2vacua associ-symmetry to Z2by gaugino ated with the spontaneous breaking of the Z2C2condensation:λλ =const.e2πin/C2Λ3,n=1,...,C2.(4.3) Each of these C2vacua contributes(−)F=1and thus the Witten index is Tr(−)F=C2.This physics is encoded in the generalization of eq.(4.1)to any G,givingW eff=e2πin/C2C2Λ3,n=1,...,C2.(4.4) For G=SU(2)we have C2=2.Indeed,the“±”in(4.1),which comes from the square-root appearing on the braces in(3.2)when b1=6,corresponds, physically,to the two quantum vacua of a pure N=1supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theory.The superpotentials(4.1),(4.3)can be derived byfirst adding fundamen-tal matter to pure N=1supersymmetric YM theory(as we will do in the next section),and then integrating it out.5b1=5:N f=1,N A=N3/2=0There is one case with b1=5,namely,SU(2)with oneflavor.The superpo-tential isΛ5W1,0=vacuum degeneracy of the classical low-energy effective theory is lifted quan-tum mechanically;from eq.(5.1)we see that,in the massless case,there is no vacuum at all.SU(N c)with N f<N cEquation(5.1)is a particular case of SU(N c)with N f<N c(N f quarks Q i and N f anti-quarks¯Q¯i,i,¯i=1,...,N f)[1].In these theories,by using holomorphy and global symmetries,U(1)Q×U(1)¯Q×U(1)RQ:100¯Q:010(5.2)Λ3N c−N f:N f N f2N c−2N fW:002onefinds thatW eff=(N c−N f) Λ3N c−N f N c−N f,(5.3) whereX i¯i≡Q i¯Q¯i,i,¯i=1,...,N f.(5.4) Classically,SU(N c)with N f<N c is broken down to SU(N c−N f).The ef-fective superpotential in(5.3)is dynamically generated by gaugino condensa-tion in SU(N c−N f)(for N f≤N c−2)8,and by instantons(for N f=N c−1).The SU(2)with N f=1ExampleFor example,let us elaborate on the derivation and physics of eq.(5.1).An SU(2)effective theory with two doublets Q a i has one light degree of freedom: four Q a i(i=1,2is aflavor index,a=1,2is a color index;2×2=4)threeout of which are eaten by SU(2),leaving4−3=1.This single light degree of freedom can be described by the gauge singletX=Q1Q2.(5.5) When X =0,SU(2)is completely broken and,classically,W eff,class=0 (when X =0there are extra masslessfields due to an unbroken SU(2)). Therefore,the classical scalar potential is identically zero.However,the one-instanton action is expected to generate a non-perturbative superpotential.The symmetries of the theory(at the classical level and with their cor-responding charges)are:U(1)Q=number of Q1fields(quarks or squarks),1=number of Q2fields(quarks or squarks),U(1)R={number of U(1)Q2gluinos}−{number of squarks}.At the quantum level these symmetries are anomalous–∂µjµ∼F˜F–and by integrating both sides of this equation one gets a charge violation when there is an instanton background I.The instanton background behaves likeI∼e−8π2/g2(µ)= Λ9For SU(N c)with N fflavors,the instanton background I has2C2=2N c gluino zero-modesλand2N f squark zero-modes q and,therefore,its R-charge is R(I)=number(λ)−number(q)=2N c−2N f.Since I∼Λb1and b1=3N c−N f,we learn thatΛ3N c−N f has an R-charge=2N c−2N f,as it appears in eq.(5.2).11and,therefore,W eff has charges:U(1)Q(5.9)1×U(1)Q2×U(1)RW eff:002Finally,because W eff is holomorphic in X,Λ,and is invariant under symme-tries,we must haveΛ5W eff(X,Λ)=c10This is reflected in eq.(3.2)by the vanishing of the coefficient(4−b1)in front of the braces,leading to W=0,and the singular power1/(4−b1)on the braces,when b1=4, which signals the existence of a constraint.12At the classical limit,Λ→0,the quantum constraint collapses into the clas-sical constraint,Pf X=0.SU(N c)with N f=N cEquations(6.1),(6.2)are a particular case of SU(N c)with N f=N c.[1]In these theories one obtains W eff=0,and the classical constraint det X−B¯B=0is modified quantum mechanically todet X−B¯B=Λ2N c,(6.3) whereX i¯i=Q i¯Q¯i(mesons),B=ǫi1...i N c Q i1···Q i N c(baryon),¯B=ǫ¯i1...¯i N c¯Q¯i1···¯Q¯iN c(anti−baryon).(6.4)6.2N f=0,N A=1,N3/2=0The massless N A=1case is a pure SU(2),N=2supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.This model was considered in detail in ref.[17].The non-perturbative superpotential vanishesW non−per.0,1=0,(6.5) and by the integrating in procedure we also get the quantum constraint:M=±Λ2.(6.6) This result can be understood because the starting point of the integrating in procedure is a pure N=1supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.Therefore,it leads us to the points at the verge of confinement in the moduli space.These are the two singular points in the M moduli space of the theory;they are due to massless monopoles or dyons.Such excitations are not constructed out of the elementary degrees of freedom and,therefore,there is no trace for them in W.(This situation is different if N f=0,N A=1;in this case,monopoles are different manifestations of the elementary degrees of freedom.)137b1=3There are two cases with b1=3:either N f=3,or N A=N f=1.In both cases,for vanishing bare parameters in(3.2),the semi-classical limit,Λ→0, imposes the classical constraints,given by the equations of motion:∂W=0; however,quantum corrections remove the constraints.7.1N f=3,N A=N3/2=0The superpotential isW3,0=−Pf X2Tr mX.(7.1)In the massless case,the equations∂X W=0give the classical constraints; in particular,the superpotential is proportional to a classical constraint: Pf X=0.The negative power ofΛ,in eq.(7.1)with m=0,indicates that small values ofΛimply a semi-classical limit for which the classical constraints are imposed.SU(N c)with N f=N c+1Equation(7.1)is a particular case of SU(N c)with N f=N c+1[1].In these theories one obtainsW eff=−det X−X i¯iB i¯B¯iThis is consistent with the negative power ofΛin W eff which implies that in the semi-classical limit,Λ→0,the classical constraints are imposed. 7.2N f=1,N A=1,N3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in(3.2)readsW1,1=−Pf X2Tr mX+12TrλZ.(7.5)Here m,X are antisymmetric2×2matrices,λ,Z are symmetric2×2 matrices andΓ=M+Tr(ZX−1)2.(7.6) This superpotential was foundfirst in ref.[18].Tofind the quantum vacua, we solve the equations:∂M W=∂X W=∂Z W=0.Let us discuss some properties of this theory:•The equations∂W=0can be re-organized into the singularity condi-tions of an elliptic curve:y2=x3+ax2+bx+c(7.7)(and some other equations),where the coefficients a,b,c are functions of only thefield M,the scaleΛ,the bare quark masses,m,and Yukawa couplings,λ.Explicitly,a=−M,b=Λ316,(7.8)whereα=Λ62Γ.(7.10)15•W1,1has2+N f=3vacua,namely,the three singularities of the elliptic curve in(7.7),(7.8).These are the three solutions,M(x),of the equations:y2=∂y2/∂x=0;the solutions for X,Z are given by the other equations of motion.•The3quantum vacua are the vacua of the theory in the Higgs-confinement phase.•Phase transition points to the Coulomb branch are at X=0⇔˜m= 0.Two of these singularities correspond to a massless monopole or dyon,and are the quantum splitting of the classically enhanced SU(2) point.A third singularity is due to a massless quark;it is a classical singularity:M∼m2/λ2for large m,and thus M→∞when m→∞, leaving the two quantum singularities of the N A=1,N f=0theory.•The elliptic curve defines the effective Abelian coupling,τ(M,Λ,m,λ), in the Coulomb branch:Elliptic Curves and Effective Abelian CouplingsA torus can be described by the one complex dimensional curve in C2 y2=x3+ax2+bx+c,where(x,y)∈C2and a,b,c are complex parameters.The modular parameter of the torus isτ(a,b,c)= βdx αdxIn this form,the modular parameterτis determined(modulo SL(2,Z)) by the ratio f3/g2through the relation4(24f)3j(τ)=8b1=2There are three cases with b1=2:N f=4,or N A=1,N f=2,or N A=2.In all three cases,for vanishing bare parameters in(3.2),there are extra massless degrees of freedom not included in the procedure;those are expected due toa non-Abelian conformal theory.8.1N f=4,N A=N3/2=0The superpotential isW4,0=−2(Pf X)1Λ+12N c<N f<3N c the theory is in an interacting,non-AbelianCoulomb phase(in the IR and for m=0).In this range of N f the theory is asymptotically ly,at short distance the coupling18constant g is small,and it becomes larger at larger distance.However, it is argued that for32N c<N f<3N c,the IR theory is a non-trivial4d SCFT.The elementary quarks and gluons are not confined but appear as in-teracting massless particles.The potential between external massless electric sources behaves as V∼1/R,and thus one refers to this phase of the theory as the non-Abelian Coulomb phase.•The Seiberg Duality:it is claimed[2]that in the IR an SU(N c)theory with N fflavors is dual to SU(N f−N c)with N fflavors but,in addition to dual quarks,one should also include interacting,massless scalars. This is the origin to the branch cut in W eff at X =0,because W eff does not include these light modes which must appear at X =0. The quantum numbers of the quarks and anti-quarks of the SU(N c) theory with N fflavors(=theory A)are11A.SU(N c),N f:The Electric TheorySU(N f)L×SU(N f)R×U(1)B×U(1)RQ:N f111−N cN f(8.2)The quantum numbers of the dual quarks q i and anti-quarks¯q¯i of the SU(N f−N c)theory with N fflavors theory(=theory B)and its mass-less scalars X i¯iareB.SU(N f−N c),N f:The Magnetic TheorySU(N f)L×SU(N f)R×U(1)B×U(1)R q:¯N f1N cN f ¯q:1N f−N c N fX:N f¯N f02 1−N ctheory A and theory B have the same anomalies:U(1)3B:0U(1)B U(1)2R:0U(1)2B U(1)R:−2N2cSU(N f)3:N c d(3)(N f)SU(N f)2U(1)R:−N2cN2f(8.5)Here d(3)(N f)=Tr T3f of the global SU(N f)symmetries,where T fare generators in the fundamental representation,and d(2)(N f)=Tr T2f2.Deformations:theory A and theory B have the same quantummoduli space of deformations.Remarks•Electric-magnetic duality exchanges strong coupling with weak cou-pling(this can be read offfrom the beta-functions),and it interchanges a theory in the Higgs phase with a theory in the confining phase.•Strong-weak coupling duality also relates an SU(N c)theory with N f≥3N c to an SU(N f−N c)theory.SU(N c)with N f≥3N c is in a non-Abelian free electric phase:in this range the theory is not asymptoti-cally ly,because of screening,the coupling constant becomes smaller at large distance.Therefore,the spectrum of the theory at large distance can be read offfrom the Lagrangian–it consists of the elemen-tary quarks and gluons.The long distance behavior of the potential between external electric test charges isV(R)∼1R,e(R→∞)→0.(8.6)For N f≥3N c,the theory is thus in a non-Abelian free electric phase; the massless electrically chargedfields renormalize the charge to zero21at long distance as e −2(R )∼log(R Λ).The potential of magnetic test charges behave at large distance R asV (R )∼log(R Λ)R ,⇒e (R )m (R )∼1.(8.7)SU (N c )with N f ≥3N c is dual to SU (˜N c )with ˜N c +2≤N f ≤3R ∼e 2(R )2˜N c ,the massless magnetic monopoles renormal-ize the electric coupling constant to infinity at large distance,with a conjectured behavior e 2(R )∼log(R Λ).The potential of magnetic test charges behaves at large distance R asV (R )∼1R ⇒e (R )m (R )∼1.(8.9)•The Seiberg duality can be generalized in many other cases,includ-ing a variety of matter supermultiplets (like superfields in the adjoint representation [20])and other gauge groups [21].8.2N f =2,N A =1,N 3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in (3.2)readsW 2,1=−2(Pf X )1ΛΓ+˜mM +1√•The equations∂W=0can be re-organized into the singularity condi-tions of an elliptic curve(7.7)(and some other equations),where the coefficients a,b,c are functions of only thefield M,the scaleΛ,the bare quark masses,m,and Yukawa couplings,λ.Explicitly[11,12],a=−M,b=−α4Pf m,c=α16detλ,µ=λ−1m.(8.12)•As in section7.2,the parameter x,in the elliptic curve(7.7),is given in terms of the compositefield:x≡1•As in section7.2,the negative power ofΛ,in eq.(8.10)with˜m= m=λ=0,indicates that small values ofΛimply a semi-classical limit for which the classical constraints are imposed.Indeed,for vanishing bare parameters,the equations∂W=0are equivalent to the classical constraints,and their solutions span the Higgs moduli space[22].•For special values of the bare masses and Yukawa couplings,some of the 4vacua degenerate.In some cases,it may lead to points where mutually non-local degrees of freedom are massless,similar to the situation in pure N=2supersymmetric gauge theories,considered in[3].For example,when the masses and Yukawa couplings approach zero,all the 4singularities collapse to the origin.Such points might be interpreted as in a non-Abelian Coulomb phase[1]or new non-trivial,interacting, N=1SCFTs.•The singularity at X=0(inΓ)and the branch cut at Pf X=0 (due to the1/2power in eq.(8.10))signal the appearance of extra massless degrees of freedom at these points;those are expected similar to references[2,20].Therefore,we make use of the superpotential only in the presence of bare parameters,whichfix the vacua away from such points.8.3N f=0,N A=2,N3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in eq.(3.2)readsdet MW0,2=±212The fractional power1/(4−b1)on the braces in(3.2),for any theory with b1≤2, may indicate a similar phenomenon,namely,the existence of confinement and oblique24theory has two quantum vacua;these become the phase transition points to the Coulomb branch when det˜m=0.The moduli space may also contain a non-Abelian Coulomb phase when the two singularities degenerate at the point M=0[18];this happens when˜m=0.At this point,the theory has extra massless degrees of freedom and,therefore,W0,2fails to describe the physics at˜m=0.Moreover,at˜m=0,the theory has other descriptions via an electric-magnetic triality[1].9b1=1There are four cases with b1=1:N f=5,or N A=1,N f=3,or N A=2, N f=1,or N3/2=1.9.1N f=5,N A=N3/2=0The superpotential isW5,0=−3(Pf X)1Λ12Tr mX.(9.1)This theory is a particular case of SU(N c)with N f>N c+1.The discussion in section8.1is relevant in this case too.9.2N f=3,N A=1,N3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in(3.2)readsW3,1=−3(Pf X)1Λ13+˜mM+1√confinement branches of the theory,corresponding to the4−b1phases due to the fractional power.It is plausible that,for SU(2),such branches are related by a discrete symmetry.25•The equations∂W=0can be re-organized into the singularity condi-tions of an elliptic curve(7.7)(and some other equations),where the coefficients a,b,c are[11,12]a=−M−α,b=2αM+α4Pf m,c=α64detλ,µ=λ−1m.(9.4) In eq.(9.3)we have shifted the quantumfield M toM→M−α/4.(9.5)•The parameter x,in the elliptic curve(7.7),is given in terms of thecompositefield:x≡12.(9.6)Therefore,as before,we have identified a physical meaning of the pa-rameter x.•W3,1has2+N f=5quantum vacua,corresponding to the5singularities of the elliptic curve(7.7),(9.3);these are the vacua of the theory in the Higgs-confinement phase.•From the phase transition points to the Coulomb branch,we conclude that the elliptic curve defines the effective Abelian coupling,τ(M,Λ,m,λ), for arbitrary bare masses and Yukawa couplings.As before,on the sub-space of bare parameters,where the theory has N=2supersymmetry, the result in eq.(9.3)coincides with the result in[7]for N f=3.•For special values of the bare masses and Yukawa couplings,some of the 5vacua degenerate.In some cases,it may lead to points where mutually non-local degrees of freedom are massless,and might be interpreted as in a non-Abelian Coulomb phase or another new superconformal theory in four dimensions(see the discussion in sections7.2and8.2).26•The singularity and branch cuts in W3,1signal the appearance of extra massless degrees of freedom at these points.•The discussion in the end of sections7.2and8.2is relevant here too.9.3N f=1,N A=2,N3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in(3.2)reads[12]W1,2=−3(Pf X)1/32Tr mX+12TrλαZα.(9.7)Here m and X are antisymmetric2×2matrices,λαand Zαare symmetric 2×2matrices,α=1,2,˜m,M are2×2symmetric matrices andΓαβis given in eq.(3.3).This theory has3quantum vacua in the Higgs-confinement branch.At the phase transition points to the Coulomb branch,namely, when det˜m=0⇔det M=0,the equations of motion can be re-organized into the singularity conditions of an elliptic curve(7.7).Explicitly,when ˜m22=˜m12=0,the coefficients a,b,c in(7.7)are[12]a=−M22,b=Λ˜m21132 2detλ2.(9.8)However,unlike the N A=1cases,the equations∂W=0cannot be re-organized into the singularity condition of an elliptic curve,in general.This result makes sense,physically,since an elliptic curve is expected to“show up”only at the phase transition points to the Coulomb branch.For special values of the bare parameters,there are points in the moduli space where (some of)the singularities degenerate;such points might be interpreted as in a non-Abelian Coulomb phase,or new superconformal theories.For more details,see ref.[12].9.4N f=N A=0,N3/2=1This chiral theory was shown to have W non−per.0,0(N3/2=1)=0;[24]perturb-ing it by a tree-level superpotential,W tree=gU,where U is given in(3.4), may lead to dynamical supersymmetry breaking[24].2710b1=0There arefive cases with b1=0:N f=6,or N A=1,N f=4,or N A= N f=2,or N A=3,or N3/2=N f=1.These theories have vanishing one-loop beta-functions in either conformal or infra-red free beta-functions and, therefore,will possess extra structure.10.1N f=6,N A=N3/2=0This theory is a particular case of SU(N c)with N f=3N c;the electric theory is free in the infra-red[1].1310.2N f=4,N A=1,N3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in(3.2)readsW4,1=−4(Pf X)1Λb12+˜mM+1√β2 2α+1β2α13A related fact is that(unlike the N A=1,N f=4case,considered next)in the(would be)superpotential,W6,0=−4Λ−b1/4(Pf X)1/4+1。
a r X i v :0803.2889v 2 [h e p -p h ] 14 J u l 2008Mapping Out SU (5)GUTs with Non-Abelian Discrete Flavor SymmetriesFlorian Plentinger ∗and Gerhart Seidl †Institut f¨u r Physik und Astrophysik,Universit¨a t W¨u rzburg,Am Hubland,D 97074W¨u rzburg,Germany(Dated:December 25,2013)We construct a class of supersymmetric SU (5)GUT models that produce nearly tribimaximal lepton mixing,the observed quark mixing matrix,and the quark and lepton masses,from discrete non-Abelian flavor symmetries.The SU (5)GUTs are formulated on five-dimensional throats in the flat limit and the neutrino masses become small due to the type-I seesaw mechanism.The discrete non-Abelian flavor symmetries are given by semi-direct products of cyclic groups that are broken at the infrared branes at the tip of the throats.As a result,we obtain SU (5)GUTs that provide a combined description of non-Abelian flavor symmetries and quark-lepton complementarity.PACS numbers:12.15.Ff,11.30.Hv,12.10.Dm,One possibility to explore the physics of grand unified theories (GUTs)[1,2]at low energies is to analyze the neutrino sector.This is due to the explanation of small neutrino masses via the seesaw mechanism [3,4],which is naturally incorporated in GUTs.In fact,from the perspective of quark-lepton unification,it is interesting to study in GUTs the drastic differences between the masses and mixings of quarks and leptons as revealed by current neutrino oscillation data.In recent years,there have been many attempts to re-produce a tribimaximal mixing form [5]for the leptonic Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (PMNS)[6]mixing matrix U PMNS using non-Abelian discrete flavor symme-tries such as the tetrahedral [7]and double (or binary)tetrahedral [8]groupA 4≃Z 3⋉(Z 2×Z 2)and T ′≃Z 2⋉Q,(1)where Q is the quaternion group of order eight,or [9]∆(27)≃Z 3⋉(Z 3×Z 3),(2)which is a subgroup of SU (3)(for reviews see, e.g.,Ref.[10]).Existing models,however,have generally dif-ficulties to predict also the observed fermion mass hierar-chies as well as the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM)quark mixing matrix V CKM [11],which applies especially to GUTs (for very recent examples,see Ref.[12]).An-other approach,on the other hand,is offered by the idea of quark-lepton complementarity (QLC),where the so-lar neutrino angle is a combination of maximal mixing and the Cabibbo angle θC [13].Subsequently,this has,in an interpretation of QLC [14,15],led to a machine-aided survey of several thousand lepton flavor models for nearly tribimaximal lepton mixing [16].Here,we investigate the embedding of the models found in Ref.[16]into five-dimensional (5D)supersym-metric (SUSY)SU (5)GUTs.The hierarchical pattern of quark and lepton masses,V CKM ,and nearly tribi-maximal lepton mixing,arise from the local breaking of non-Abelian discrete flavor symmetries in the extra-dimensional geometry.This has the advantage that theFIG.1:SUSY SU (5)GUT on two 5D intervals or throats.The zero modes of the matter fields 10i ,5H,24H ,and the gauge supermul-tiplet,propagate freely in the two throats.scalar sector of these models is extremely simple without the need for a vacuum alignment mechanism,while of-fering an intuitive geometrical interpretation of the non-Abelian flavor symmetries.As a consequence,we obtain,for the first time,a realization of non-Abelian flavor sym-metries and QLC in SU (5)GUTs.We will describe our models by considering a specific minimal realization as an example.The main features of this example model,however,should be viewed as generic and representative for a large class of possible realiza-tions.Our model is given by a SUSY SU (5)GUT in 5D flat space,which is defined on two 5D intervals that have been glued together at a common endpoint.The geom-etry and the location of the 5D hypermultiplets in the model is depicted in FIG.1.The two intervals consti-tute a simple example for a two-throat setup in the flat limit (see,e.g.,Refs.[17,18]),where the two 5D inter-vals,or throats,have the lengths πR 1and πR 2,and the coordinates y 1∈[0,πR 1]and y 2∈[0,πR 2].The point at y 1=y 2=0is called ultraviolet (UV)brane,whereas the two endpoints at y 1=πR 1and y 2=πR 2will be referred to as infrared (IR)branes.The throats are supposed to be GUT-scale sized,i.e.1/R 1,2 M GUT ≃1016GeV,and the SU (5)gauge supermultiplet and the Higgs hy-permultiplets 5H and2neously broken to G SM by a 24H bulk Higgs hypermulti-plet propagating in the two throats that acquires a vac-uum expectation value pointing in the hypercharge direc-tion 24H ∝diag(−12,13,15i ,where i =1,2,3is the generation index.Toobtainsmall neutrino masses via the type-I seesaw mechanism [3],we introduce three right-handed SU (5)singlet neutrino superfields 1i .The 5D Lagrangian for the Yukawa couplings of the zero mode fermions then readsL 5D =d 2θ δ(y 1−πR 1) ˜Y uij,R 110i 10j 5H +˜Y d ij,R 110i 5H +˜Y νij,R 15j5i 1j 5H +M R ˜Y R ij,R 21i 1j+h.c. ,(3)where ˜Y x ij,R 1and ˜Y x ij,R 2(x =u,d,ν,R )are Yukawa cou-pling matrices (with mass dimension −1/2)and M R ≃1014GeV is the B −L breaking scale.In the four-dimensional (4D)low energy effective theory,L 5D gives rise to the 4D Yukawa couplingsL 4D =d 2θ Y u ij 10i 10j 5H +Y dij10i 5H +Y νij5i ∼(q i 1,q i 2,...,q i m ),(5)1i ∼(r i 1,r i 2,...,r im ),where the j th entry in each row vector denotes the Z n jcharge of the representation.In the 5D theory,we sup-pose that the group G A is spontaneously broken by singly charged flavon fields located at the IR branes.The Yukawa coupling matrices of quarks and leptons are then generated by the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism [21].Applying a straightforward generalization of the flavor group space scan in Ref.[16]to the SU (5)×G A represen-tations in Eq.(5),we find a large number of about 4×102flavor models that produce the hierarchies of quark and lepton masses and yield the CKM and PMNS mixing angles in perfect agreement with current data.A distri-bution of these models as a function of the group G A for increasing group order is shown in FIG.2.The selection criteria for the flavor models are as follows:First,all models have to be consistent with the quark and charged3 lepton mass ratiosm u:m c:m t=ǫ6:ǫ4:1,m d:m s:m b=ǫ4:ǫ2:1,(6)m e:mµ:mτ=ǫ4:ǫ2:1,and a normal hierarchical neutrino mass spectrumm1:m2:m3=ǫ2:ǫ:1,(7)whereǫ≃θC≃0.2is of the order of the Cabibbo angle.Second,each model has to reproduce the CKM anglesV us∼ǫ,V cb∼ǫ2,V ub∼ǫ3,(8)as well as nearly tribimaximal lepton mixing at3σCLwith an extremely small reactor angle 1◦.In perform-ing the group space scan,we have restricted ourselves togroups G A with orders roughly up to 102and FIG.2shows only groups admitting more than three valid mod-els.In FIG.2,we can observe the general trend thatwith increasing group order the number of valid modelsper group generally increases too.This rough observa-tion,however,is modified by a large“periodic”fluctu-ation of the number of models,which possibly singlesout certain groups G A as particularly interesting.Thehighly populated groups would deserve further system-atic investigation,which is,however,beyond the scopeof this paper.From this large set of models,let us choose the groupG A=Z3×Z8×Z9and,in the notation of Eq.(5),thecharge assignment101∼(1,1,6),102∼(0,3,1),103∼(0,0,0),52∼(0,7,0),52↔4FIG.3:Effect of the non-Abelian flavor symmetry on θ23for a 10%variation of all Yukawa couplings.Shown is θ23as a function of ǫfor the flavor group G A (left)and G A ⋉G B (right).The right plot illustrates the exact prediction of the zeroth order term π/4in the expansion θ23=π/4+ǫ/√2and the relation θ13≃ǫ2.The important point is that in the expression for θ23,the leading order term π/4is exactly predicted by thenon-Abelian flavor symmetry G F =G A ⋉G B (see FIG.3),while θ13≃θ2C is extremely small due to a suppression by the square of the Cabibbo angle.We thus predict a devi-ation ∼ǫ/√2,which is the well-known QLC relation for the solar angle.There have been attempts in the literature to reproduce QLC in quark-lepton unified models [26],however,the model presented here is the first realization of QLC in an SU (5)GUT.Although our analysis has been carried out for the CP conserving case,a simple numerical study shows that CP violating phases (cf.Ref.[27])relevant for neutri-noless double beta decay and leptogenesis can be easily included as well.Concerning proton decay,note that since SU (5)is bro-ken by a bulk Higgs field,the broken gauge boson masses are ≃M GUT .Therefore,all fermion zero modes can be localized at the IR branes of the throats without intro-ducing rapid proton decay through d =6operators.To achieve doublet-triplet splitting and suppress d =5pro-ton decay,we may then,e.g.,resort to suitable extensions of the Higgs sector [28].Moreover,although the flavor symmetry G F is global,quantum gravity effects might require G F to be gauged [29].Anomalies can then be canceled by Chern-Simons terms in the 5D bulk.We emphasize that the above discussion is focussed on a specific minimal example realization of the model.Many SU (5)GUTs with non-Abelian flavor symmetries,however,can be constructed along the same lines by varying the flavor charge assignment,choosing different groups G F ,or by modifying the throat geometry.A de-tailed analysis of these models and variations thereof will be presented in a future publication [30].To summarize,we have discussed the construction of 5D SUSY SU (5)GUTs that yield nearly tribimaximal lepton mixing,as well as the observed CKM mixing matrix,together with the hierarchy of quark and lepton masses.Small neutrino masses are generated only by the type-I seesaw mechanism.The fermion masses and mixings arise from the local breaking of non-Abelian flavor symmetries at the IR branes of a flat multi-throat geometry.For an example realization,we have shown that the non-Abelian flavor symmetries can exactly predict the leading order term π/4in the sum rule for the atmospheric mixing angle,while strongly suppress-ing the reactor angle.This makes this class of models testable in future neutrino oscillation experiments.In addition,we arrive,for the first time,at a combined description of QLC and non-Abelian flavor symmetries in SU (5)GUTs.One main advantage of our setup with throats is that the necessary symmetry breaking can be realized with a very simple Higgs sector and that it can be applied to and generalized for a large class of unified models.We would like to thank T.Ohl for useful comments.The research of supported by Research Train-ing Group 1147“Theoretical Astrophysics and Particle Physics ”of Deutsche supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Re-search (BMBF)under contract number 05HT6WWA.∗********************************.de †**************************.de[1]H.Georgi and S.L.Glashow,Phys.Rev.Lett.32,438(1974);H.Georgi,in Proceedings of Coral Gables 1975,Theories and Experiments in High Energy Physics ,New York,1975.[2]J.C.Pati and A.Salam,Phys.Rev.D 10,275(1974)[Erratum-ibid.D 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One-loop effective potential of N=1 supersymmetric theory and decoupling effects
a r X i v :h e p -t h /9906141v 2 19 O c t 1999UPR-0849-T hep-th/9906141One-loop effective potential of N=1supersymmetrictheory and decoupling effectsI.L.Buchbinder ∗,M.Cvetiˇc +and A.Yu.Petrov ∗∗Department of Theoretical Physics,Tomsk State Pedagogical University634041Tomsk,Russia+Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia,PA 19104–6396,USAAbstractWe study the decoupling effects in N =1(global)supersymmetric theories with chiral superfields at the one-loop level.Examples of gauge neutral chiral superfields with minimal (renormalizable)as well as non-minimal (non-renormalizable)couplings are considered,and decoupling in gauge theories with U (1)gauge superfields that cou-ple to heavy chiral matter is studied.We calculate the one-loop corrected effective Lagrangians that involve light fields and heavy fields with mass of order M .Elimina-tion of heavy fields by equations of motion leads to decoupling effects with terms that grow logarithmically with M .These corrections renormalize light fields and couplings in the theory (in accordance with the “decoupling theorem”).When the field theory is an effective theory of the underlying fundamental theory,like superstring theory,where the couplings are calculable,such decoupling effects modify the low energy predictions for the effective couplings of light fields.In particular,for the class of string vacua with an “anomalous”U (1),the vacuum restabilization triggers decoupling effects,which can significantly modify the low energy predictions for couplings of the surviving light fields.We also demonstrate that quantum corrections to the chiral potential depend-ing on massive background superfields and corresponding to supergraphs with internal massless lines and external massive lines can also arise at the two-loop level.Contents1Introduction22Effective action in the model of interacting light and heavy superfields42.1General structure of the effective action ......................52.2The effective equations of motion .........................82.3Calculation of the one-loop k¨a hlerian effective potential .............93One-loop effective action for minimal models133.1Calculation of the effective action (13)3.1.1The one-loop k¨a hlerian effective potential (13)3.1.2Corrections to the chiral potential (14)3.2The effective action for light superfields (18)3.2.1Contribution of the self-interaction of the light superfield (20)3.2.2Absence of the self-interaction of the light superfield (23)4One-loop effective action for non-minimal models244.1The model with heavy quantum superfields and external light superfields (25)4.1.1Calculation of the effective action (25)4.1.2Solving the effective equations of motion (27)4.2The model with light and heavy quantum superfields and light and heavyexternal superfields (29)4.2.1Calculation of the effective action (29)4.2.2Solution of the effective equations of motion (32)5Quantum corrections to the effective action in gauge theories335.1Gauge invariant model of massive chiral superfields (33)5.2One-loop k¨a hlerian potential in supersymmetric gauge theory (35)5.3Chiral potential corrections (40)5.4Strength depending contributions in the effective action (41)6Summary45 Appendix A47 Appendix B49 Appendix C52 1IntroductionThis paper is devoted to the calculation of the one-loop effective action for several models of the global N=1supersymmetric theory with chiral superfields and a subsequent study of some of their phenomenologically interesting aspects.In particular,we investigate in detail the decoupling effects due to the couplings of heavy and light chiral superfields in the theory and subsequent implications for the low energy effective action of light superfields.In principle the decoupling effects of heavyfields infield theory are well understood. According to the decoupling theorem[1,2](for additional references see,e.g.,[3])in thefield theory of interacting light(with masses m)and heavyfields(with masses M)the heavyfields decouple;the effective Lagrangian of the lightfields can be written in terms of the original classical Lagrangian of lightfields with loop effects of heavyfields absorbed into redefinitionsof new lightfields,masses and couplings,and the only new terms in this effective Lagrangianare non-renormalizable,proportional to inverse powers of M(both at tree-and loop-levels).In afield theory as an effective description of phenomena at certain energies,the rescaling of thefields and couplings due to heavyfields does not affect the structure of the couplings,since those are free parameters whose values are determined by experiments.On the other hand if thefield theory is describing an effective theory of an underlying fundamental theory,like superstring theory,where the couplings at the string scale are calculable,the decouplingeffects of the heavyfield can be important and can significantly affect the low energy pre-dictions for the couplings of lightfields at low energies.Therefore the quantitative study ofdecoupling effects at the loop-level in effective supersymmetric theories is important;it should improve our understanding of such effects for the effective Lagrangians from superstring the-ory and provide us with calculable corrections for the low energy predictions of the theory.We also note that as the decoupling theorem is based onfinite renormalization offields and parameters as all parameters in the effective theory(fields,masses,couplings)are determinedfrom the corresponding string theory and hence cannot be renormalized.Therefore we willuse consistence with the decoupling theorem only to check the results.Effective theories of N=1supersymmetric four-dimensional perturbative string vacuacan be obtained by employing techniques of two-dimensional conformalfield theory[4].In particular the k¨a hlerian and the chiral(super-)potential can be calculated explicitly at thetree level.While the chiral potential terms calculated at the string tree-level are protectedfrom higher genus corrections(for a representative work on the subject see,e.g.,[5,6],and references therein),the k¨a hlerian potential is not.Such higher genus corrections to thek¨a hlerian potential could be significant;however,their structure has not been studied verymuch.In this paper we shall not address these issues and assume that the string theory calculation provides us with a(reliable,calculable)form of the effective theory at M string,which would in turn serve as a starting point of our study.One of the compelling motivations for a detailed study of decoupling effects is the phe-nomenon of vacuum restabilization[7]for a class of four-dimensional(quasi-realistic)heteroticsuperstring vacua with an“anomalous”U(1).(On the open Type I string side these effects are closely related to the blowing-up procedure of Type I orientifolds and were recently stud-ied in[8].)For such string vacua of perturbative heterotic string theory,the Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI)D-term is generated at genus-one[9],thus triggering certainfields to acquire vacuumexpectation values(VEV’s)of order M String∼g gauge M P lanck∼5×1017GeV along D-and F-flat directions of the effective N=1supersymmetric theory.(Here g gauge is the gauge coupling and M P lanck the Planck scale.)Due to these large string-scale VEV’s a numberof additionalfields obtain large string-scale masses.Some of them in turn couple through(renormalizable)interactions to the remaining lightfields,and thus through decoupling ef-fects affect the effective theory of lightfields at low energies.(For the study of the effective Lagrangians and their phenomenological implications for a class of such four-dimensional string vacua see,e.g.,[10]–[12]and references therein.)The tree level decoupling effects within N=1supersymmetric theories,were studiedwithin an effective string theory in[13].In a related work[14]it was shown that the lead-ing order corrections of order1important next order effects in the effective chiral potential[15].In addition,in[15]the nonrenormalizable modifications of the k¨a hlerian potential(as was also pointed out in[16]) were systematically studied.These tree level decoupling effects(as triggered by,e.g.,vac-uum restabilization for a class of string vacua)lead to new nonrenormalizable interactions which are competitive with the nonrenormalizable terms that are calculated directly in the superstring theory.In this paper we consider one-loop decoupling effects in N=1supersymmetric theory. We study both the effects on chiral(gauge neutral)superfields and on the effects of gauge superfields.(In another context see[17].)It turns out that an essential modification of low energy predictions takes place not only for chiral superfields[18]but also for gauge superfields. As stated earlier such effective Lagrangians arise naturally due to the vacuum restabilization for a class of supersymmetric string vacua and trigger couplings between heavyfields with mass scale M∼1017GeV and the light(massless)fields[19].(Note however,that we do not include supergravity effects which could also be significant.)As a result wefind that the one-loop effective action after a redefinition offields,masses and couplings coincides with the one-loop effective action of the corresponding theory where heavy superfields are completely absent,in accordance with the decoupling theorem.How-ever,since the masses and the couplings of thefields are calculable in string theory(at the mass scale M string),the decoupling effects add additional corrections to the effective action of the light superfields.These corrections grow logarithmically with M(mass of the heavy superfields)and modify the effective couplings in an essential way,which for a class of string vacua under consideration can be significant.Another interesting result presented in this paper pertains to the chiral effective potential. When the chiral potential depends on massive superfields,quantum corrections due to these fields appear earlier than in the case when one considers lightfields only.This paper is organized as follows.In Section2the general structure of the effective action studied is given and the general approach to addressing the decoupling effects is presented. Section3is devoted to the study of the effective action for the“minimal”model with one heavy and one light(gauge neutral)chiral superfield.In Section4the leading order decou-pling corrections to the effective action for non-minimal models(with more general couplings) are considered.Section5is devoted to the investigation of the one-loop decoupling effects in N=1supersymmetric theory with U(1)gauge vector superfields and chiral superfields charged under U(1).A summary and discussion of the obtained results are given in Section 6.In Appendix A details of the calculation of the one-loop k¨a hlerian effective potential for the minimal model are presented,in Appendix B the calculation of the one-loop k¨a hlerian effective action via diagram technique for the minimal model is described,and in Appendix C details of the calculation for the effective action of non-minimal models are given.2Effective action in the model of interacting light and heavy superfields2.1General structure of the effective actionN=1supersymmetric actions with chiral supermultiplets arise as a subsector of an effective theory of N=1supersymmetric string vacua.Such calculations are carried out for per-turbative string vacua primarily by employing conformalfield theory techniques.(Though less powerful techniques,e.g.,sigma-model approach,in which the integration over massivestring modes is carried out in the the background of the ten-dimensional manifold with thestructure M4×K where M4is a four-dimensional Minkowski space and K is a suitable six-dimensional compact(Calabi-Yau)manifold,can also be employed.)The resulting effectivetheories contain as an ingredient N=1chiral superfieldsΦi with actionS[Φ,¯Φ]= d8zK(¯Φi,Φi)+( d6zW(Φi)+h.c.)(2.1) HereΦi=Φi(z),z A≡(x a,θα,¯θ˙α);a=0,1,2,3;α=1,2,˙α=˙1,˙2,d8z=d4xd2θd2¯θ. Real function K(¯Φi,Φi)is called the k¨a hlerian potential,the holomorphic function W(Φi)is called the chiral potential[20].Expression(2.1)represents the most general action of gauge neutral chiral superfields which does not contain higher derivatives at a component level[20]. We refer to this action as the chiral superfield model of a general form.In a special case K(¯Φi,Φi)=Φ¯Φ,W(Φi)∼Φ3we obtain the well-known Wess-Zumino model.For W(Φi)=0 the present theory represents itself as a N=1supersymmetric four-dimensional sigma-model (see,e.g.,[6]).The action(2.1),which originates from superstring theory,can be treated as a classical effective action of the fundamental theory,suitable for description of phenomena at energies much less than the Planck scale.Such models of chiral superfields are widely used for the study of possible phenomenological implications of superstring theories(see,e.g.,recent papers[8,10,11,12,18]and references therein).One of the most important aspects of the study of these models pertains to the investigation of the decoupling effects,which is the main subject of the present paper.The starting point in the study of the decoupling effects is the model with the classicalaction(2.1)and,for the sake of simplicity,two chiral superfields:a light one,φ,and a heavyone,Φ,i.e.Φi={Φ,φ}.The aim is to to calculate the low-energy effective action in the one-loop approximation and to compute the one-loop corrected effective action of light superfield, only.We refer to the model in which the k¨a hlerian potential is of the canonical(minimal)form:K(Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ)=Φ¯Φ+φ¯φ(2.2) as the minimal model,and the model in whichK(Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ)=Φ¯Φ+φ¯φ+˜K(Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ)(2.3) with˜K=0–as the non-minimal one(in analogy with[10]).We assume that the function ˜K(Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ)can be expanded into power series in superfieldsΦ,¯Φ,φ,¯φwhere the leading order term is at least of the third order in the chiral superfields(and thus proportional to at least one inverse power of M)˜K(Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ)=φ¯Φ2M...(2.4)The chiral potential M is taken to be of the form:W=MM+...(2.6) with M as a massive parameter.Hence the possible vertices of interaction of superfields havethe formφΦ2,Φφ2,Φ¯φ2M...The effective actionΓ[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ]is defined as the Legendre transform from the generating functional of connected Green functions[21]W[J,¯J]:exp(i¯h(S[Ψ,¯Ψ,ϕ,¯ϕ]++( d6z(JΨ+jϕ)+h.c.)))(2.7)Γ[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ]=W[J,¯J]−( d6z(JΦ+jφ)+h.c.)Γ[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ]can be calculated using the loop-expansion method.This method employs the splitting of all the chiral superfields into a sum of the background superfieldsΦ,φand the quantum onesΦq,φq,using the ruleΦ→Φ+√¯hφqAs a result the action(2.1)after such changes can be written asS q= d8zK(Φ+√¯h¯Φq,φ+√¯h¯φq)++[ d6zW(Φ+√¯hφq)+h.c.](2.9) and the effective action takes the form:exp(i¯hS[Φ+√¯h¯Φq,φ+√¯h¯φq]−−√δΦ(z)Φq(z)+δΓ(for details see[20,21]).The effective action(2.10)can be cast in the formΓ[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ]= S[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ]+˜Γ[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ].Here˜Γ[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ]is a quantum correction in effective action which can be expanded into power series in¯h as˜Γ[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ]=∞ n=1¯h nΓ(n)[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ](2.11) The one-loop quantum correctionΓ(1)to the effective action is defined through the fol-lowing expression[21]:e iΓ(1)= DΦq D¯Φq Dφq D¯φq exp(iS(2)q)(2.12) Here S(2)q corresponds to the part of S q(2.9)which is quadratic in quantum superfields.It is of the formS(2)q= d8z(KΦ¯ΦΦq¯Φq+Kφ¯Φφq¯Φq+KΦ¯φΦq¯φq+Kφ¯φφq¯φq)++[ d6zWΦΦΦ2q+WφΦΦqφq+Wφφφ2q+h.c.](2.13) As a result we arrive at the one-loop effective action of the formΓ[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ]=S+¯hΓ(1)= d8zK(Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ)+[ d6zW(Φ,φ)+h.c.]++¯h( d8zK(1)(Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ)+( d6zW(1)(Φ,φ)+h.c.))(2.14)Here we suppose that the one-loop correction in the effective actionΓ(1)can be represented in the formΓ(1)= d8zK(1)(Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ)+( d6zW(1)(Φ,φ)+h.c.)+...(2.15) Dots denote terms that depend on the supercovariant derivatives of the chiral superfields.The loop corrected effective action has the following structureΓ[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ]= d8zL eff(Φ,D AΦ,D A D BΦ,¯Φ,D A¯Φ,D A D B¯Φ,φ,D Aφ,D A D Bφ,¯φ,D A¯φ,D A D B¯φ)+( d6zL(c)eff(Φ,φ)+h.c.)+...(2.16)Here D A are supercovariant derivatives,D A=(∂a,Dα,¯D˙α).L eff is the effective super-Lagrangian that we write in the formL eff=K eff(Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ)+...K=K(Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ)+∞n=1¯h n K(n)(2.17)and L(c)is the effective chiral LagrangianL(c)=W eff(Φ,φ)+...(2.18)K eff is the k¨a hlerian effective potential that depends only on the chiral superfieldsΦ,¯Φ,φ,¯φbut not on their(covariant)derivatives.W eff is the chiral effective potential that depends on on(holomorphic)chiral superfields{Φ,φ},only.Dots denote the terms that depend on the the space-time derivatives of chiral superfields only.Furthermore,one can prove that the one-loop correction to the chiral potential is zero(for the N=1supersymmetric theory which does not include gauge superfields).However,higher corrections can exist(cf.[22]–[24]),i.e.W eff(Φ,φ)=W(Φ,¯φ)+∞n=2¯h n W(n)(Φ,φ)(2.19)Here K(n)and W(n)are loop corrections to the k¨a hlerian and chiral potential,respectively.Since in this paper we concentrate on the one-loop corrected effective action only,we are mainly interested in the correction to the k¨a hlerian potential which is the leading term in the one-loop corrected low-energy effective action.(At low energies(E≪M)higher derivative terms are suppressed.)Our ultimate goal is to obtain the effective action for light superfields,only.For that purpose one must eliminate heavy superfields from the one-loop effective actionΓ[Φ,¯Φ,φ,¯φ] (2.14)by means of the effective equations of motion.These equations can be solved by an iterative method up to a certain order in the inverse mass M of heavy superfield.Substituting a solution of these equations into the effective action(2.14)we then obtain the one-loop corrected effective action of light superfields only.In the following subsection we shall describe the procedure in detail.2.2The effective equations of motionThe effective equations of motion for heavy superfields in the model with the effective action (2.14,2.15)are of the formδΓ4¯D2(∂K∂Φ)+∂Wδ¯Φ=0:−1∂¯Φ+∂K(1)∂¯Φ=0(2.20)The effective equations of motion for light superfields have an analogous form.We consider the case when the interactions with the gauge superfields are absent(see however Section5) and W(1)=0(which is absent at one-loop level(cf.,discussion above)).The equations(2.20)can be solved via an iterative method,described below.We can represent the heavy superfieldΦin the formΦ=Φ0+Φ1+...+Φn+...(2.21) whereΦ0is zeroth-order approximation,Φ1isfirst-order one,etc..We assume that|D2Φ|≪M¯Φsince the superfieldΦis heavy,and thus the assumption is valid.The zeroth-order approximationΦ0can be found from the condition∂WAfter a substitution of the expansion(2.21)into equations(2.20)we arrive at the following equation for the(n+1)-th-order solution for¯Φn+1(∂¯W∂¯Φ)|Φ=Φ0+...+Φn=(2.22)=¯D2∂Φ|Φ=Φ0+...+Φn−∂K∂Φ|Φ=Φ0+...+Φn−∂K(1)2Φ2+˜W(see eqs.(2.5-2.6),eq.(2.23))can be rewritten in the formM¯Φn+1+(∂¯˜W∂¯Φ)|Φ=Φ0+...+Φn=(2.23)=¯D2∂Φ|Φ=Φ0+...+Φn−∂K∂Φ|Φ=Φ0+...+Φn−∂K(1)which represents itself as a column q =uv.The action for q reads asS 0q =−14¯D 2q −ψand ¯χ[q ]=14D 2q −¯ψ)δ(14¯D2−1214D 2q −¯ψ)δ(12T r log ∆(2.32)Here T r is a functional supertrace,andS [q ]=116(K ψ¯ψ−1){D 2,¯D2}−14¯W′′D 2(2.34)The terms proportional to the supercovariant derivatives of K ψ¯ψ,W ′′and ¯W′′are omitted since the one-loop k¨a hlerian effective potential by definition does not depend on the deriva-tives of superfields.In order to determine T r log ∆we use the Schwinger representationT r log ∆=trds∂sΩ=Ω˜∆(2.35)Here ˜∆is a matrix operator of the form ˜∆=−14W ′′¯D2−116A (s )D 2¯D2+18B α(s )D α¯D2+14C (s )D 2+1i˙A=F +AF 2−CW ′′(2.38)1i˙C=−¯W ′′−A ¯W ′′2+CF 2and an analogous system of equations for ˜A,˜B,˜C ,which can be obtained from this one by changing W ′′into ¯W ′′and vice versa.Here F =1−K ψ¯ψ.Since the initial condition for ΩisΩ|s =0=1the initial conditions for A,˜A,B,˜B,C,˜C )are A |s =0=˜A |s =0=C |s =0=˜C |s =0=0.The solution for B α,˜B ˙αevidently has the form B α=˜B ˙α=0.The manifest form of thematrices A,˜AC,˜C ,necessary for exact calculations,is of the form A =A 11A 12A 21A 22;C =C 11C 12C 21C 22(2.39)Here index 1denotes the sector of heavy superfield Φand 2the sector of light superfield φ.Now let us solve the system for matrices A,C .The solution for ˜A,˜C can be easily obtained in an analogous way since the system with B α=˜B ˙α=0is invariant under the change A →˜A,C →˜C.Let us study the solution for A,C which should be chosen in the formA =A i +A 0(2.40)C =C i +C 0Here A i ,C i is a partial solution of the inhomogeneous system,and A 0,C 0is a general solution of the homogeneous system.It is straightforward to see that A i =−12−1,C i =0.And A 0,C 0should satisfy the system of equations1i˙C0=A 0¯G 2+C 0F 2A 0,C 0should be chosen to be of the form A 0=a 0exp(iωs ),C 0=c 0exp(iωs )where a 0,c 0,ωare some functions of the background superfields and the d’Alembertian operator,but are independent of s .As a result we arrive at the equations for a 0,c 0:a 0(ω1−F 2)+c 0W ′′=0(2.42)c 0(ω1−F 2)+a 0¯W′′2=0This system of equations has a non-trivial solution atdetω12−F 2W′′¯W ′′2ω12−F 2=0(2.43)In principle,parameters ωcan be found from this equation.Their exact form is determined by the structure of the matrix W ′′and F .It turns out that for the specific cases studied in detail the subsequent sections (minimal (Section 3)and non-minimal (Section 4)cases)these parameters are different.As a result the final solution can be cast in the form:A =ka 0k exp(iωk s )−12∞dsi∂16π2(is )2.A ,and ˜Aare functions of 2.Hence in order to calculate the one-loop k¨a hlerian effective potential it is necessary to find A and ˜Aand to expand them into a power series in 2.In this section we addressed in detail the techniques needed to calculate the one-loop corrected effective action,to eliminate the heavyfields and to obtain the effective action of lightfields only.In the subsequent sections these techniques will be applied to obtain the explicit form of the one-loop corrected actions for specific models.In Section5we shall also include interactions with the U(1)vector superfields and modify the procedure accordingly. 3One-loop effective action for minimal modelsIn this section we study decoupling effects for the model with minimal k¨a hlerian potential (2.2)K=Φ¯Φ+φ¯φ.Thefirst part consists of calculating the one-loop correction to the k¨a hlerian effective potential.In the second part we solve the effective equations of motion for the heavy superfields.As a result we arrive at the effective action of the light superfields.3.1Calculation of the effective action3.1.1The one-loop k¨a hlerian effective potentialHere we are going to calculate the one-loop contribution to k¨a hlerian effective potential by means of the effective equations of motion.We study the minimal model with the chiral potential in the formW=13!gφ3(3.1)with the corresponding functions in W′′(see eq.(2.25))Wφφ=λΦ+gφWφΦ=λφWΦΦ=M(3.2) The total classical action with the chiral potential(3.1)is of the formS= d8z(φ¯φ+Φ¯Φ)+[ d6z(13!gφ3)+h.c.](3.3)Note that the chiral potential used is of the“minimal”form:it involves the renormalizable terms only and the renormalizable coupling between the light and heavy superfields is linear in the heavyfields,which yields a dominant contribution in the study of the decoupling effects.These types of couplings are typical for a class of effective string models after the vacuum restabilization was taken into account,and thus this minimal model provides a prototype example for the study of decoupling effects in N=1supersymmetric theories. (The results for this model and the physics consequences were presented in[18].For the sake of completeness we present here the intermediate steps in the derivation.)In order tofind the one-loop k¨a hlerian effective potential we should determine the operator Ω(s)that satisfies the equation(2.35).For the case of this minimal model this equation leads to the following system of equations for matrices A,C:1i˙C=−¯W′′−A¯W′′2with the analogous equations for˜A,˜C.Initial conditions are A|s=0=˜A|s=0=C|s=0=˜C|s=0=0.Calculations described in Appendix A show that the one-loop contribution to k¨a hlerian effective potential is of the form:K(1)=−1(|λΦ+gφ|2−M2)2+4|λ2Φ¯φ+λMφ+λg|φ|2)|2)××log(|λΦ+gφ|2+2λ2φ¯φ+M2+ µ2+ +(|λΦ+gφ|2+2λ2φ¯φ+M2− (|λΦ+gφ|2−M2)2+4|λ2Φ¯φ+λMφ+λg|φ|2|2)2MΦ2+Φφ2)+h.c.)−1(|λΦ+gφ|2−M2)2+4|λ2Φ¯φ+λMφ+λg|φ|2)|2)××log(|λΦ+gφ|2+2λ2φ¯φ+M2+ µ2+ +(|λΦ+gφ|2+2λ2φ¯φ+M2− (|λΦ+gφ|2−M2)2+4|λ2Φ¯φ+λMφ+λg|φ|2|2)corrections to the chiral effective potential one must set¯Φ=¯φ=0.Possible vertices contributing to one-loop effective potential should be quadratic in quantum superfields[21]. They have the formK¯φ¯φ¯φ2,Kφφφ2,(Kφ¯φ−1)φ¯φ,12WΦφΦφ,K¯Φ¯Φ¯Φ2,KΦΦΦ2,(KΦ¯Φ−1)Φ¯Φ,142)g(Φ)(3.6)Namely,after a transformation to an integral over the chiral superspace by the ruled8zF(Φ,¯Φ)= d6z(−¯D24(2−m2))g(Φ)(3.8) A transformation to the form of an integral over the chiral superspace leads tod6zf(Φ)(2(2π)4f(Φ)(p2decreases a number of D,¯D-factors by4and the corresponding scaling dimension by2.Each propagator of a massless superfield gives no contribution(scaling dimension0)since it has the form(cf.[20])G(z1,z2)=−D21¯D2216δ12=0.Hence a contribution of such a diagram is equal to zero,and a one-loop contribution to the chiral effective potential is absent:W(1)(Φ)=0.We note that this situation is analogous to the general model of one chiral superfield studied in[27].However,higher order(loop)corrections to the chiral effective potential can arise not only for diagrams with external massless lines but also for those with heavy external lines, in spite of the fact that it was commonly believed that quantum corrections to the chiral effective potential for massive superfields are absent.For example,consider the supergraph|¯D 2||¯D 2¯D2D 2D 2D 2D 2−−−−Here a double line denotes the external superfield Φ,and a single line corresponds to thepropagator <φ¯φ>of the massless superfield φ.A contribution of such a supergraph is of the form I =d 4p 1d 4p 2(2π)8d 4θ1d 4θ2d 4θ3d 4θ4d 4θ5(gk 2l 2(k+p 1)2(l +p 2)2(l +k )2(l +k +p 1+p 2)2××δ13¯D 2316δ14δ42D 21¯D 253!)2λ3d 4p 1d 4p 2(2π)8d 2θΦ(−p 1,θ)Φ(−p 2,θ)Φ(p 1+p 2,θ)××k 2p 21+l 2p 22+2(kl )(p 1p 2)3!)2λ3d 2θd 4p 1d 4p 2(2π)8k 2p 21+l 2p 22+2(kl )(p 1p 2)3!)2λ3d 2θd 4x 1d 4x 2d 4x 3d 4p 1d 4p 2。
i n T r o D U C T i o nString theory is a mystery. it’s supposed to be the the-ory of everything. But it hasn’t been verified experimen-tally. And it’s so esoteric. it’s all about extra dimensions, quantum fluctuations, and black holes. how can that be the world? Why can’t everything be simpler?String theory is a mystery. its practitioners (of which i am one) admit they don’t understand the theory. But calculation after calculation yields unexpectedly beautiful, connected results. one gets a sense of inevitability from studying string theory. how can this not be the world? how can such deep truths fail to connect to reality?String theory is a mystery. it draws many talented gradu-ate students away from other fascinating topics, like super-conductivity, that already have industrial applications. it attracts media attention like few other fields in science. And it has vociferous detractors who deplore the spread of its influence and dismiss its achievements as unrelated to em-pirical science.Briefly, the claim of string theory is that the fundamental objects that make up all matter are not particles, but strings. Strings are like little rubber bands, but very thin and very strong. An electron is supposed to be actually a string, vibrat-ing and rotating on a length scale too small for us to probe even with the most advanced particle accelerators to date. in2some versions of string theory, an electron is a closed loop of string. in others, it is a segment of string, with two endpoints. Let’s take a brief tour of the historical development of string theory.String theory is sometimes described as a theory that was invented backwards. Backwards means that people had pieces of it quite well worked out without understanding the deep meaning of their results. first, in 1968, came a beautiful for-mula describing how strings bounce off one another. The formula was proposed before anyone realized that strings had anything to do with it. Math is funny that way. formulas can sometimes be manipulated, checked, and extended without being deeply understood. Deep understanding did follow in this case, though, including the insight that string theory in-cluded gravity as described by the theory of general relativity. in the 1970s and early ’80s, string theory teetered on the brink of oblivion. it didn’t seem to work for its original pur-pose, which was the description of nuclear forces. While it incorporated quantum mechanics, it seemed likely to have a subtle inconsistency called an anomaly. An example of an anomaly is that if there were particles similar to neutrinos, but electrically charged, then certain types of gravitational fields could spontaneously create electric charge. That’s bad because quantum mechanics needs the universe to maintain a strict balance between negative charges, like electrons, and positive charges, like protons. So it was a big relief when, in 1984, it was shown that string theory was free of anomalies. it was then perceived as a viable candidate to describe the universe. This apparently technical result started the “first super-string revolution”: a period of frantic activity and dramatic advances, which nevertheless fell short of its stated goal, to produce a theory of everything. i was a kid when it got going,i n T r o D U C T i o n3 and i lived close to the Aspen Center for Physics, a hotbed of activity. i remember people muttering about whether super-string theory might be tested at the Superconducting Super Collider, and i wondered what was so super about it all. Well, superstrings are strings with the special property of supersym-metry. And what might supersymmetry be? i’ll try to tell you more clearly later in this book, but for now, let’s settle for two very partial statements. first: Supersymmetry relates particles with different spins. The spin of a particle is like the spin of a top, but unlike a top, a particle can never stop spinning. Sec-ond: Supersymmetric string theories are the string theories that we understand the best. Whereas non-supersymmetric string theories require 26 dimensions, supersymmetric ones only require ten. naturally, one has to admit that even ten dimensions is six too many, because we perceive only three of space and one of time. Part of making string theory into a theory of the real world is somehow getting rid of those extra dimensions, or finding some useful role for them.for the rest of the 1980s, string theorists raced furiously to uncover the theory of everything. But they didn’t under-stand enough about string theory. it turns out that strings are not the whole story. The theory also requires the existence of branes: objects that extend in several dimensions. The sim-plest brane is a membrane. Like the surface of a drum, a membrane extends in two spatial dimensions. it is a surface that can vibrate. There are also 3-branes, which can fill the three dimensions of space that we experience and vibrate in the additional dimensions that string theory requires. There can also be 4-branes, 5-branes, and so on up to 9-branes. All of this starts to sound like a lot to swallow, but there are solid reasons to believe that you can’t make sense of string theory without all these branes included. Some of these reasons havei n T r o D U C T i o n4to do with “string dualities.” A duality is a relation between two apparently different objects, or two apparently differ-ent viewpoints. A simplistic example is a checkerboard. one view is that it’s a red board with black squares. Another view is that it’s a black board with red squares. Both viewpoints (made suitably precise) provide an adequate description of what a checkerboard looks like. They’re different, but related under the interchange of red and black.The middle 1990s saw a second superstring revolution, based on the emerging understanding of string dualities and the role of branes. Again, efforts were made to parlay this new understanding into a theoretical framework that would qualify as a theory of everything. “everything” here means all the aspects of fundamental physics we understand and have tested. gravity is part of fundamental physics. So are electromagnetism and nuclear forces. So are the particles, like electrons, protons, and neutrons, from which all atoms are made. While string theory constructions are known that reproduce the broad outlines of what we know, there are some persistent difficulties in arriving at a fully viable theory. At the same time, the more we learn about string theory, the more we realize we don’t know. So it seems like a third superstring revolution is needed. But there hasn’t been one yet. instead, what is happening is that string theorists are trying to make do with their existing level of understanding to make partial statements about what string theory might say about experiments both current and imminent. The most vigorous efforts along these lines aim to connect string theory with high-energy collisions of protons or heavy ions. The connections we hope for will probably hinge on the ideas of supersymmetry, or extra dimensions, or black hole horizons, or maybe all three at once.i n T r o D U C T i o n5 now that we’re up to the modern day, let’s detour to con-sider the two types of collisions i just mentioned.Proton collisions will soon be the main focus of experi-mental high-energy physics, thanks to a big experimental fa-cility near geneva called the Large hadron Collider (LhC). The LhC will accelerate protons in counter-rotating beams and slam them together in head-on collisions near the speed of light. This type of collision is chaotic and uncontrolled. What experimentalists will look for is the rare event where a collision produces an extremely massive, unstable particle. one such particle—still hypothetical—is called the higgs boson, and it is believed to be responsible for the mass of the electron. Supersymmetry predicts many other particles, and if they are discovered, it would be clear evidence that string theory is on the right track. There is also a remote possi-bility that proton-proton collisions will produce tiny black holes whose subsequent decay could be heavy ion collisions, a gold or lead atom is stripped of all its electrons and whirled around the same machine that carries out proton-proton collisions. When heavy ions collide head-on, it is even more chaotic than a proton-proton collision. it’s believed that protons and neutrons melt into their constituent quarks and gluons. The quarks and gluons then form a fluid, which expands, cools, and eventually freezes back into the particles that are then observed by the detectors. This fluid is called the quark-gluon plasma. The connection with string theory hinges on comparing the quark-gluon plasma to a black hole. Strangely, the kind of black hole that could be dual to the quark-gluon plasma is not in the four dimensions of our every-day experience, but in a five-dimensional curved spacetime. it should be emphasized that string theory’s connections to the real world are speculative. Supersymmetry might simplyi n T r o D U C T i o n6not be there. The quark-gluon plasma produced at the LhC may really not behave much like a five-dimensional black hole. What is exciting is that string theorists are placing their bets, along with theorists of other stripes, and holding their breaths for experimental discoveries that may vindicate or shatter their hopes.This book builds up to some of the core ideas of modern string theory, including further discussion of its potential applications to collider physics. String theory rests on two foundations: quantum mechanics and the theory of relativ-ity. from those foundations it reaches out in a multitude of directions, and it’s hard to do justice to even a small fraction of them. The topics discussed in this book represent a slice across string theory that largely avoids its more mathemati-cal side. The choice of topics also reflects my preferences and prejudices, and probably even the limits of my understand-ing of the subject.Another choice i’ve made in writing this book is to dis-cuss physics but not physicists. That is, i’m going to do my best to tell you what string theory is about, but i’m not going to tell you about the people who figured it all out (although i will say up front that mostly it wasn’t me). To illustrate the difficulties of doing a proper job of attributing ideas to people, let’s start by asking who figured out relativity. it was Albert einstein, right? yes—but if we just stop with that one name, we’re missing a lot. hendrik Lorentz and henri Poincaré did important work that predated einstein; her-mann Minkowski introduced a crucially important math-ematical framework; David hilbert independently figured out a key building block of general relativity; and there are several more important early figures like James Clerk Max-well, george fitzgerald, and Joseph Larmor who deservei n T r o D U C T i o n7 mention, as well as later pioneers like John Wheeler and Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar. The development of quan-tum mechanics is considerably more intricate, as there is no single figure like einstein whose contributions tower above all others. rather, there is a fascinating and heterogeneous group, including Max Planck, einstein, ernest rutherford, niels Bohr, Louis de Broglie, Werner heisenberg, erwin Schrödinger, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli, Pascual Jordan, and John von neumann, who contributed in essential ways—and sometimes famously disagreed with one another. it would be an even more ambitious project to properly as-sign credit for the vast swath of ideas that is string theory. My feeling is that an attempt to do so would actually de-tract from my primary aim, which is to convey the ideas themselves.The aim of the first three chapters of this book is to in-troduce ideas that are crucial to the understanding of string theory, but that are not properly part of it. These ideas— energy, quantum mechanics, and general relativity—are more important (so far) than string theory itself, because we know that they describe the real world. Chapter 4, where i introduce string theory, is thus a step into the unknown. While i attempt in chapters 4, 5, and 6 to make string the-ory, D-branes, and string dualities seem as reasonable and well motivated as i can, the fact remains that they are un-verified as descriptions of the real world. Chapters 7 and 8 are devoted to modern attempts to relate string theory to experiments involving high-energy particle collisions. Supersymmetry, string dualities, and black holes in a fifth dimension all figure in string theorists’ attempts to under-stand what is happening, and what will happen, in particle accelerators.i n T r o D U C T i o n8In various places in this book, I quote numerical values for physical quantities: things like the energy released in nuclear fission or the amount of time dilation experienced by an Olympic sprinter. Part of why I do this is that physics is a quantitative science, where the numerical sizes of things matter. However, to a physicist, what’s usually most interesting is the approximate size, or order of magnitude, of a physical quantity. So, for example, I remark that the time dilation experienced by an Olympic sprinter is about a part in 1015 even though a more precise estimate, based on a speed of 10 m/s, is a part in 1.8 × 1015. Readers wishing to see more precise, explicit, and/or extended versions of the calculations I describe in the book can visit this website: /titles/9133.html.Where is string theory going? String theory promises to unify gravity and quantum mechanics. It promises to provide a single theory encompassing all the forces of nature. It promises a new understanding of time, space, and additional dimensions as yet undiscovered. It promises to relate ideas as seemingly distant as black holes and the quarkgluon plasma. Truly it is a “promising” theory!How can string theorists ever deliver on the promise of their field? The fact is, much has been delivered. String theory does provide an elegant chain of reasoning starting with quantum mechanics and ending with general relativity. I’ll describe the framework of this reasoning in chapter 4. String theory does provide a provisional picture of how to describe all the forces of nature. I’ll outline this picture in chapter 7 and tell you some of the difficulties with making it more precise. And as I’ll explain in chapter 8, string theory calculations are already being compared to data from heavy ion collisions.I N TR O D U C TI O N9i don’t aim to settle any debates about string theory in this book, but i’ll go so far as to say that i think a lot of the disagreement is about points of view. When a noteworthy result comes out of string theory, a proponent of the theory might say, “That was fantastic! But it would be so much bet-ter if only we could do thus-and-such.” At the same time, a critic might say, “That was pathetic! if only they had done thus-and-such, i might be impressed.” in the end, the pro-ponents and the critics (at least, the more serious and in-formed members of each camp) are not that far apart on matters of substance. everyone agrees that there are some deep mysteries in fundamental physics. nearly everyone agrees that string theorists have mounted serious attempts to solve them. And surely it can be agreed that much of string theory’s promise has yet to be delivered upon.i n T r o D U C T i o n。
Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory as a String Theory
a rXiv:h ep-th/951218v14D ec1995UTPT-95-26Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory as a String Theory J.W.Moffat Department of Physics,University of Toronto,Toronto,Ontario,Canada M5S 1A7(February 7,2008)Abstract It is shown that the new version of nonsymmetric gravitational theory (NGT)corresponds in the linear approximation to linear Einstein gravity theory and antisymmetric tensor potential field equations with a non-conserved string source current.The Hamiltonian for the antisymmetric field equations is bounded from below and describes the exchange of a spin 1+massive vec-tor boson between open strings.The non-Riemannian geometrical theory is formulated in terms of a nonsymmetric fundamental tensor g µν.The weak field limit,g [µν]→0,associated with large distance scales,corresponds to the limit to a confinement region at low energies described by an effective Yukawapotential at galactic distance scales.The limit to this low-energy confinementregion is expected to be singular and non-perturbative.The NGT stringtheory predicts that there are no black hole event horizons associated withinfinite red shift null surfaces.Typeset using REVT E XI.INTRODUCTIONA new version of nonsymmetric gravitational theory(NGT)has recently been published [1–5],which was shown to have a linear approximation free of ghost poles and tachyons with a Hamiltonian bounded from below.The expansion to linear order in g[µν]about afixed GR background also has a ghost-free Lagrangian with physical asymptotic behavior.The theory produces goodfits to galaxy rotation curves and can explain gravitational lensing and cluster dynamics without appreciable amounts of dark matter[7].In the following,we shall show that the linear approximation for weakfields corresponds to the spin2+graviton linear equations of general relativity(GR)and to massive spin 1+field equations.The source for the gravitonfield is the standard point particle energy-momentum tensor of GR,while the source for the antisymmetric tensorfield is a string source current for open strings which is not conserved.The rigorous nonlinear action of NGT is a nontrivial non-Riemannian geometrical unification of GR and string theory,which has as one of its predictions that black hole event horizons are not exected to form during gravitational collapse[6,9].The predictions of the new NGT at cosmological scales is expected to produce a novel dynamical scenario,as an alternative to the standard inflationary model[8].Clayton has developed a canonical Hamiltonian formalism for NGT,and shown that the rigorous theory possesses six degrees of freedom[10].He also showed that the limit to the weakfield linear theory for g[µν]→0may be singular,i.e.,a Lagrange multiplier associated with the skewfields behaves as∼1/g[0i]as g[0i]→0(i=1,2,3),so that the very low-energy limit of NGT,going from six degrees of freedom of the rigorous theory to the three degrees of freedom of the linear theory,may be a singular limit.In the following,this limit is interpreted physically to be the weakfield galactic scale limit of NGT,for which the Newtonian and GR predictions fail to be valid.We shall argue that this is a low-energy string confinement limit for large distance scales of NGT,which is a non-perturbative sector of the theory in which three degrees of freedom are not excited.II.NGT ACTION AND STRING THEORYThe nonsymmetric gravitational theory(NGT)is based on the decomposition of the fundamental tensor gµν:gµν=g(µν)+g[µν],(1)whereg(µν)=12(gµν−gνµ).The connectionΓλ[µν]also has the decomposition:Γλµν=Γλ(µν)+Γλ[µν].The Lagrangian density takes the form:L NGT=L R+L M,(2) whereL R=gµνRµν(W)−2Λ√4µ2gµνg[νµ]−1−ggµνand Rµν(W)is the NGT contracted curvature tensor:Rµν(W)=Wβµν,β−13δλµWν,(6) whereWµ=12(1)Wµ=16πµ2T[[µσ],ν],σ).(8) The action has the form:S= d4x 14µ2ψµνψµν+8πψµνT[µν] .(9) The form of thefield equation,Eq.(8),is the same as that derived by Kalb and Ramond from a string action[11]:I=−Σaµ2a (−dσa·dσa)1/2+Σa,b g a g b dσµνa dσbµν∆(s2ab),(10) where∆(s2ab)is a Green’s function describing time-symmetric interactions,ands2ab=(x a−x b)·(x a−x b).Moreover,dσµνa=dτa dξaσµνa,whereσµνa=˙xµa x′νa−x′µa˙xνaand˙xµa=∂xµa∂ξa.The coupling constants g a have the units of mass,µa is chosen to make the action dimen-sionless in natural units and the sums are over all strings.A string is a one-dimensionally extended object,xµa(τa,ξa),which is traced out by a world sheet in spacetime by the invariant parametersτa andξa.The action is manifestly parametrization invariant.The current density T a[µν]has the form:T a[µν]=g a dσaµνδ(4)(y−x a(τ,ξ)).(11) For the open string interactions the current is not conserved:T[µν]a,ν(y)=g a τfτi dτ[˙xνa(τ,ξ)δ(4)(y−x a(τ,ξ))]ξ=lξ=0,(12)where l is a constant with dimensions of a length.The non-conservation of the source is due to the dependence of the right-hand side on the end points of the string.The Hamiltonian obtained from the action,Eq.(9),is bounded from below for reasons similar to those that apply to the point particle action of the massive Maxwell-Proca theory.A more general string action in spacetime can be written[12,13]:I=−1−gg ab∂a Xµ∂b Xν,(13)where gµνis the nonsymmetric fundamental tensor,g=Det(g ab)(a,b=1,2)andα′is related to the string tension T by T=(2πα′)−1.III.THE LOW-ENERGY CONFINEMENT SECTOR OF THE NGT STRINGTHEORYThe vibrations of the strings in the theory generate modes of excitation corresponding to differentfield degrees of freedom.Clayton has used a canonical Hamiltonian formulation of NGT to demonstrate that the full non-linear theory possesses six degrees of freedom [10].The diffeomorphism invariance of the action,Eq.(2),reduces the number of degrees of freedom of gµνfrom16to12;their is no further reduction of the degrees of freedom in the rigorous theory,owing to a lack of further gauge invariance constraints in the antisymmetric sector.However,the linear approximation for weakfields is characterized byfield equations with only3degrees of freedom,since the three g[0i]components can be gauged away due to the gauge invariance of the kinetic energy term:1onset of the“confinement”distance scale.It corresponds to the low-energy scale for very weak g[µν]fields,and is taken to be of galactic dimensions,r0∼25kpc.The transition from the non-confining to the confining energy region is characterized by a reduction in the number of degrees of freedom in the“effective”NGTfield theory description of the string theory. Thus,an increase in energy as the strings vibrate,excites the additional three degrees of freedom associated with g[0i],although these degrees of freedom are only measurable“locally”in the spacetime structure,due to the short-range nature of the antisymmetricfield g[µν]. The singular limit of the theory,as g[µν]→0,is due to the non-perturbative nature of the confinement region.An effective model of the the low-energy confinement limit has been derived from the weakfield point particle limit of NGT[7,14].The total radial acceleration on a test particle in the weakfield limit has the form:G0M M0a(r)=−M0+b ln r,rwhere a and b are constants.This describes a phenomenological1/r plus a confining string√potential.The non-additive nature of the Yukawa contribution in(14),caused by the[7].It is also possible to explain gravitational lensing effects and cluster dynamics without significant amounts of dark matter.At somewhat higher energies–corresponding to the scale of the solar system–the Newtonian law of gravity and the corrections due to GR are valid,and the standard tests of Newtonian and GR theories will be predicted,in agreement with observations.The weak equivalence principle is retained in the new version of NGT,although the strong equivalence principle,which states that the non-gravitational laws of physics will not be the same in different local frames of reference,will not be valid.The string sources in NGT may also be responsible for the elimination of black hole event horizons in gravitational collapse[6,9,15,16].For strongfields near the Schwarzschild radius, r=2GM/c2,the static spherically symmetric vacuum solution does not possess any null surfaces in the range0<r≤∞,which results in a coordinate invariant,finite red shift for collapsed astrophysical objects.Nonetheless,their can exist a collapsed,massive compact object with a large butfinite red shift that simulates the putative observational evidence for black holes.Near the Schwarzschild event horizon,the string theory is described by a high energy or short distance scale,and the effects of the g[µν]fields become of critical importance. The elimination of black hole event horizons would remove the potential information loss problem at the classical level.The possibility that string theory may eliminate black hole event horizons has also been suggested by Cornish[17].IV.CONCLUSIONSWe have shown that NGT has to be associated with string theory,because the source of the antisymmetricfield g[µν]is naturally described by strings as demonstrated by Kalb and Ramond[11].This means that NGT can be interpreted as a geometrical unification of Einstein gravity and bosonic string theory.The weakfield linear approximation corresponds to a non-perturbative limit reached at galactic scales,where Newtonian and Einstein grav-ity fail to be valid.The transition from a Newtonian and Einstein potential energy to aconfinement potential energy,described by an effective point-like Yukawa potential,predicts radically different gravitational dynamics at the galactic scale,exhibited observationally by theflat rotational velocity curves of spiral galaxies.The gravitational constant runs with en-ergy in analogy to the coupling constant in quantum chromodynamics,and the gravitational confinement region at low energy is non-perturbative.Another interesting consequence of NGT is at the cosmological scale,when the g[µν]field can be a natural source of inhomogeneities in the early universe.The NGTfield equations could dynamically evolve towards a solution close to the standard big bang model with a small effective cosmological constant at the present epoch,produced by the antisymmetric field.Thus,the standard big bang model with a cosmological constant would act as an attractor for the solutions of the NGTfield equations.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.I thank I.Yu.Sokolov for several helpful suggestions and comments.I also thank M.A.Clayton,L.Demopoulos and P.Savaria for helpful and stimulating discussions.REFERENCES[1]J.W.Moffat,Phys.Lett.B355,447(1995).[2]J.W.Moffat,J.Math.Phys.36,3722(1995);erratum,J.Math.Phys.,to be published.[3]J.W.Moffat,J.Math.Phys.36,58971995.[4]J.L´e gar´e and J.W.Moffat,Gen.Rel.Grav.27,761(1995).[5]M.A.Clayton,J.Math.Phys.,to be published.[6]J.W.Moffat,University of Toronto preprint,UTPT-95-18,1995.astro-phy/9510024.[7]J.W.Moffat and I.Yu.Sokolov,University of Toronto preprint,UTPT-95-17,1995.astro-phy/9509143.[8]J.W.Moffat,University of Toronto preprint,UTPT-95-27,1995.[9]J.W.Moffat and I.Yu Sokolov,University of Toronto preprint,UTPT-95-21,1995.astro-phy/9510068.[10]M.A.Clayton,University of Toronto preprint,UTPT-95-20,[11]M.Kalb and P.Ramond,Phys.Rev.D9,2273(1974).[12]M.B.Green,J.H.Schwarz,and E.Witten,Superstring Theory I,(Cambridge UniversityPress,1987).[13]For a review,see:J.W.Moffat,Superstring Physics,Can.J.Phys.64,561(1986).[14]J.L´e gar´e and J.W.Moffat,University of Toronto preprint,[15]N.J.Cornish and J.W.Moffat,Phys.Lett.B336,337(1994).[16]N.J.Cornish and J.W.Moffat,J.Math.Phys.35,6628(1994).[17]N.J.Cornish,University of Toronto preprint,UTPT-95-3,。
The origin of space-time as seen from matrix model simulations:时空的起源,从矩阵模型模拟
Gauge/gravity duality predicts that this should be reproduced by 1d SYM. large-N, low T
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Comparison including corrections
Hanada-Hyakutake-J.N.-Takeuchi, PRL 102 (’09) 191602 [arXiv:0811.3102]
3. Direct test of gauge-gravity correspondence
Matrix model formulation of superstring/M theories
Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind (2019), Ishibashi-Kawai-Kitazawa-Tsuchiya (2019)
Dynamical origin of space-time Applications to the physics beyond the Standard Model
interactions between D-branes string field theory from SD eqs. for Wilson loops
Fukuma-Kawai-Kitazawa-Tsuchiya (’98) c.f.) Matrix Theory Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind (’96)
Geometrically Induced Metastability and Holography
1. Introduction One of the central questions currently facing string theory is how to break supersymmetry in a controllable way. The most obvious ways to break it typically lead to instabilities signaled by the appearance of tachyons in the theory. One would like to find vacua in which supersymmetry is broken, but stability is not lost. It seems difficult (or impossible, at present) to obtain exactly stable non-supersymmetric vacua from string theory. Therefore, the only candidates would appear to be meta-stable non-supersymmetric vacua. This idea has already been realized in certain models (See [1] for a review and the relevant literature). More recently, the fact that metastable vacua are also generic in ordinary supersymmetric gauge theories [2] has added further motivation for taking this method of breaking supersymmetry seriously within string theory. Potential realizations of such metastable gauge theories have been considered in string theory [3] (see also [4]). The aim of this paper is to study an alternative approach to breaking supersymmetry via metastable configurations, as suggested in [5]. In this scenario, we wrap branes and anti-branes on cycles of local Calabi-Yau manifolds, and metastability is a consequence of the Calabi-Yau geometry. In a sense, this is a geometrically induced metastability. The branes and the anti-branes are wrapped over 2-cycles which are rigid and separated. In order for the branes to annihilate, they have to move, which costs energy as the relevant minimal 2-spheres are rigid. This leads to a potential barrier due to the stretching of the brane and results in a configuration which is metastable. It is particularly interesting to study the same system at large N , where we have a large number of branes and anti-branes. In this case, it is better to use a dual description obtained via a geometric transition in which the 2-spheres are shrunk, and get replaced by 3-spheres with fluxes through them. The dual theory has N = 2 supersymmetry, which the flux breaks spontaneously. If we have only branes in the original description, then the supersymmetry is broken to an N = 1 subgroup. With only anti-branes present, we expect it to be broken to a different N = 1 subgroup, and with both branes and anti-branes, the supersymmetry should be completely broken. The vacuum structure can be analyzed from a potential which can be computed exactly using topological string theory [6] or matrix models [7]. Unlike the cases studied before – involving only branes – with branes and anti-branes present, we expect to find a meta-stable vacuum which breaks supersymmetry. We will find that this is the case, and moreover this leads to a controllable way of breaking supersymmetry at large N where to all orders in the ‘t Hooft coupling, but to leading order 2
Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Gravitational Instantons
a rXiv:h ep-th/987237v13J ul1998CALT-68-2190SUPERSYMMETRIC GAUGE THEORIES AND GRA VITATIONAL INSTANTONS SERGEY A.CHERKIS California Institute of Technology,Pasadena CA 91125,USA E-mail:cherkis@ Various string theory realizations of three-dimensional gauge theories relate them to gravitational instantons 1,Nahm equations 2and monopoles 3.We use this correspondence to model self-dual gravitational instantons of D k -type as moduli spaces of singular monopoles,find their twistor spaces and metrics.This work provides yet another example of how string theory unites seem-ingly distant physical problems.(See references for detailed results.)The central object considered here is supersymmetric gauge theories in three di-mensions.In particular,we shall be interested in their vacuum structure.The other three problems that turn out to be closely related to these gauge theories are:•Nonabelian monopoles of Prasad and Sommerfield,which are solutions of the Bogomolny equation ∗F =D Φ(where F is the field-strength of a nonabelian connection A =A 1dx 1+A 2dx 2+A 3dx 3and Φis a nonabelian Higgs field).•An integrable system of equations named after Nahm dT i2εijk [T j ,T k ],(1)for T i (s )∈u (n ).These generalize Euler equations for a rotating top.•Solutions of the Euclideanized vacuum Einstein equation called self-dual gravitational instantons ,which are four-dimensional manifolds with self-dual curvature tensorR αβγδ=1The latter provide compactifications of string theory and supergravity that preserve supersymmetry and are of importance in euclidean quantum gravity.The compact examples are delivered by a four-torus and K3.The noncom-pact ones are classified according to their asymptotic behavior and topology.Asymptotically Locally Euclidean (ALE)gravitational instantons asymptoti-cally approach R 4/Γ(Γis a finite subgroup of SU (2)).These were classified by Kronheimer into two infinite (A k and D k )series and three exceptional (E 6,E 7and E 8)cases according to the intersection matrix of their two-cycles.Asymp-totically Locally Flat (ALF)spaces approach the R 3×S 1 /Γmetric.(To be more precise S 1is Hopf fibered over the two-sphere at infinity of R 3.)Sending the radius of the asymptotic S 1to infinity we recover an ALE space of some type,which will determine the type of the initial ALF space.For example,the A k ALF is a (k+1)-centered multi-Taub-NUT space.Here we shall seek to describe the D k ALF space.M theory on an A k ALF space is known to describe (k+1)D6-branes of type IIA string theory.Probing this background with a D2-brane we obtain an N =4U (1)gauge theory with (k+1)electron in the D2-brane worldvolume.As the D2-brane corresponds to an M2-brane in M theory,a vacuum of the above gauge theory corresponds to a position of the M2-brane on the A k ALF space we started with.Thus the moduli space of this gauge theory is the A k ALF.Next,considering M theory on a D k ALF one recovers 4k D6-branes parallel to an orientifold O 6−.On a D2-brane probe this time we find an N =4SU(2)gauge theory with k matter multiplets.Its moduli space is the D k ALF.So far we have related gauge theories and gravitational instantons .D3NS5NS5pp p k D3Figure 1:The brane configuration corresponding to U (2)gauge theory with k matter mul-tiplets on the internal D3-branes.There is another way of realizing these gauge theories.Consider the Chalmers-Hanany-Witten configuration in type IIB string theory (Figure 1).2In the extreme infrared limit the theory in the internal D3-branes will appear to be three-dimensional with N=4supersymmetry.This realizes the gauge theory we are interested in.A vacuum of this theory describes a particular position of the D3-branes.In the U(2)theory on the NS5-branes the internal D3-branes appear as nonabelian monopoles,while every external semiinfinite D3-brane appears as a Dirac monopole in the U(1)of the lower right corner of the U(2).Thus the moduli space of such monopole configurations of non-abelian charge two and with k singularities is also a moduli space of the gauge theory in question.Another way of describing the vacua of the three-dimensional theory on the D3-branes is by considering the reduction of the four-dimensional theory on the interval.For this reduction to respect enough supersymmetry thefields (namely the Higgsfields of the theory on the D3-branes)should depend on the reduced coordinate so that Nahm Equations(1)are satisfied.Thus the Coulomb branch of the three-dimensional gauge theory is described as a moduli space of solutions to Nahm Equations.At this point we have two convenient descriptions of D k ALF space as a moduli space of solutions to Nahm equations and as a moduli space of sin-gular monopoles.It is the latter description that we shall make use of here. Regular monopoles can be described5by considering a scattering problem u·( ∂+ A)−iΦ s=0on every lineγin the three-dimensional space di-rected along u.The space of all lines is a tangent bundle to a sphere T=TP1. Let(ζ,η)be standard coordinates on T,such thatζis a coordinate on the sphere andηon the tangent space.Then the set of lines on which the scat-tering problem has a bound state forms a curve S∈T.S is called a spectral curve and it encodes the monopole data we started with.In case of singular monopoles some of the linesγ∈S will pass through the singular points.These lines define two sets of points Q and P in S,such that Q and P are conjugate to each other with respect to the change of orientation of the lines.Analysis of this situation1shows,that in addition to the spectral curve,we have to consider two sectionsρandξof the line bundles over S with transition functions eµη/ζand e−µη/ζcorrespondingly.Alsoρvanishes at the points of Q andξat those of P.Since we are interested in the case of two monopoles the spectral curve is given byη2+η2(ζ)=0whereη2(ζ)=z+vζ+wζ2−¯vζ3+¯zζ4.z,v and w are the moduli.z and v are complex and w is real.The sectionsρand ξsatisfyρξ= k i=1(η−P i(ζ)),where P i are quadratic inζwith coefficients given by the coordinates of the singularities.The above equations provide the description of the twistor space of the singular monopole moduli space.3Knowing the twistor space one can use the generalized Legendre transform techniques6tofind the auxiliary function F of the moduliF(z,¯z,v,¯v,w)=1ζ3+2 ωr dζ√ζ2−a1ζ2(√−η2−za(ζ)).(2)Imposing the consistency constraint∂F/∂w=0expresses w as a function of z and v.Then the Legendre transform of FK(z,¯z,u,¯u)=F(z,¯z,v,¯v)−uv−¯u¯v,(3) with∂F/∂v=u and∂F/∂¯v=¯u,gives the K¨a hler potential for the D k ALF metric.This agrees with the conjecture of Chalmers7.AcknowledgmentsThe results presented here are obtained in collaboration with Anton Kapustin. This work is partially supported by DOE grant DE-FG03-92-ER40701. References1.S.A.Cherkis and A.Kapustin,“Singular Monopoles and GravitationalInstantons,”hep-th/9711145to appear in Nucl.Phys.B.2.S.A.Cherkis and A.Kapustin,“D k Gravitational Instantons and NahmEquations,”hep-th/9803112.3.S.A.Cherkis and A.Kapustin,“Singular Monopoles and SupersymmetricGauge Theories in Three Dimensions,”hep-th/9711145.4.A.Sen,“A Note on Enhanced Gauge Symmetries in M-and String The-ory,”JHEP09,1(1997)hep-th/9707123.5.M.Atiyah and N.Hitchin,The Geometry and Dynamics of MagneticMonopoles,Princeton Univ.Press,Princeton(1988).6.N.J.Hitchin,A.Karlhede,U.Lindstr¨o m,and M.Roˇc ek,“Hyperk¨a hlerMetrics and Supersymmetry,”Comm.Math.Phys.108535-589(1987), Lindstrom,U.and Roˇc ek,M.“New HyperK¨a hler metrics and New Su-permultiplets,”Comm.Math.Phys115,21(1988).7.G.Chalmers,“The Implicit Metric on a Deformation of the Atiyah-Hitchin Manifold,”hep-th/9709082,“Multi-monopole Moduli Spaces for SU(N)Gauge Group,”hep-th/9605182.4。
• Discrete symmetries: C, P, and T.
dimensional supersymmetry algebra is given in the Appendix; here we will be content with checking some of the features of this algebra. The anticommutator of the QA α with their adjoints is: { QA ˙ } α , QβB =
A where the CB are complex Lorentz scalar coefficients. Taking the adjoint of the left-hand side of Eq. 2, using m σα ˙ β † m = σβ α ˙
, , (3)
† QA α
= Qα ˙
A tells us that CB is a hermitian matrix. Furthermore, since {Q, Q} is a positive A definite operator, CB is a positive definite hermitian matrix. This means that A A we can always choose a basis for the QA α such that CB is proportional to δB . The factor of two in Eq. 2 is simply a convention. The SUSY generators QA α commute with the translation generators:
Gravity Dual to Pure Confining Gauge Theory
a rXiv:0712.4269v2[he p-th]3Ja n28Preprint typeset in JHEP style -HYPER VERSION Girma Hailu ∗Newman Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics Cornell University Ithaca,NY 14853Abstract:We find a dual gravity theory to pure confining N =1supersymmetric SU (N )gauge theory in four dimensions which has the correct gauge coupling running in addition to reproducing the appropriate pattern of chiral symmetry breaking.It is constructed in type IIB string theory on R 1,3×R 1×S 2×S 3background with N number of electric D5and 2N number of magnetic D7-branes filling four dimensional spacetime and wrapping respectively two and four cycles.Introduction.—The theory of quantum chromodynamics(QCD)of the strong nuclear interactions becomes highly nonperturbative and hard at low energies.The gauge/gravity duality[1,2,3]relates a gauge theory in strongly coupled nonperturba-tive region to a gravity theory in weakly coupled perturbative region and,therefore, provides the possibility for a calculable classical gravity description to low energy QCD.Thefirst example of gauge/gravity duality in[1]involves conformalfield the-ory with N=4supersymmetry.A gravity dual to pure N=1supersymmetric SU(N)gauge theory is highly desirable for several reasons.First,N=1super-symmetric SU(N)gauge theory exhibits phenomena such as confinement and chiral supersymmetry breaking and could serve as a laboratory to gain new insight into QCD.Second,there is a possibility that N=1supersymmetry may be part of nature at energies accessible in the coming generation of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider(LHC)and a gravity description is useful for calculating physical quantities such as glueball mass spectra in the N=1gauge theory.Third,if a suit-able supersymmetry breaking scheme which removes the gaugino in the pure N=1 theory is found,it could be used to study the real world QCD itself.Fourth,the supergravity background has nonsingular geometry due to nonperturbative quan-tum effects which is useful for studying early universe cosmological scenarios and possibilities that a universe like ours could reside on the background.Indeed,there has been extensive effort towardsfinding a gravity dual to pure N= 1supersymmetric gauge theory,[4,5,6]most notably laid the foundational work.The work in[5]produced a gravity dual to N=1supersymmetric SU(N+M)×SU(N) gauge theory with N number of D3and M number of D5-branes on AdS5×T1,1 conifold background involving novel cascading renormalization groupflow towards pure N=1supersymmetric SU(M)gauge theory in the infrared and deformation of the conifold,but the gravity theory has constant dilaton and does not reproduce the gauge coupling running of a pure confining gauge theory.The work in[6]produced supergravity solutions with N number of NS5or D5-branes involving running dilaton and appropriate pattern of chiral symmetry breaking,but it does not reproduce the gauge coupling running of pure N=1supersymmetric SU(N)gauge theory in four dimensions.In this note,wefind a dual gravity theory to pure N=1supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theory in four dimensions which has the correct gauge coupling running and which reproduces the appropriate pattern of chiral symmetry breaking robustly.The important new ingredients which facilitate our construction are the gauge/gravity duality mapping with running dilaton and running axion obtained recently in[7] with magnetic D7and Dirac8-branes playing crucial role and the set of equations obtained in[8]which allows studying systematically type IIBflows with N=1 supersymmetry.Our starting point is the running of the Yang-Mills coupling in the gauge theory and its mapping to the running of the dilaton in the gravity theory.Wefind asupergravity dual in type IIB string theory on R1,3×R1×S2×S3background with N number of D5and2N number of D7-branesfilling four dimensional(4-d) spacetime and wrapping respectively2and4-cycles.The gauge theory is engineered by wrapping N electrically charged D5-branes on non-zero S2cycle with S3of zero-size in the base at the tip which leads to blown-down S2and R-R3-form F3flux through blown-up S3after the familiar geometric transition which deforms the tip as in[5].See[9]for a conifold transition on a setting in the topological A-model with S2and S3interchanging roles.The running of the gauge coupling leads to a running dilaton on the gravity side which is related to R-R F1flux such that the background follows the equations for the class offlows with imaginary self-dual3-formflux in[8]and the supergravity solutions are read offfrom[7]with appropriate changes of variables.The runnings of the dilaton and the axion are due to magnetic coupling of the axion to D7-branes and Dirac8-branes which emanate from the D7-branes.Demanding that the correct renormalization groupflow of the gauge theory living on the N electrically charged D5-branes be reproduced leads to2N magnetic D7-branesfilling4-d spacetime and wrapping4-cycles at the ultraviolet edge of the background.The background with the F1and the F3fluxes induces3-from NS-NS H3flux and also5-form R-R F5flux which can be viewed as coming from the wrapped D5-branes,which are fractional D3-branes,via backreaction NS-NS2-form potential and the F3flux.The axion potential C0in the axion-dilaton coupling coefficient is related to the Yang-Mills angle and preserves only a Z2N discrete symmetry in the ultraviolet which matches with the anomaly-free R-symmetry in the gauge theory. The supergravity solutions preserve only a Z2symmetry in the infrared and the breaking of the Z2N symmetry down to Z2gives N discrete vacua,reproducing the same pattern of symmetry breaking by gaugino condensation in the gauge theory.Gauge theory.—Consider N=1supersymmetric pure SU(N)gauge theory.The classical theory has global U(1)R-symmetry which is anomalous in the quantum theory.The anomaly-free quantum theory has a reduced Z2N discrete symmetry. Gaugino condensation breaks the Z2N symmetry down to Z2giving N number of discrete vacua.The low energy infrared dynamic of this theory at the scaleΛis described by the Veneziano-Yankielowicz superpotential[10],W VY=NS−NS log(S32π2Tr WαWα,(1)where S is the glueball superfield defined in terms of the gauge chiral superfield Wαcontaining the gauge and the gauginofields in the N=1vector multiplet.Ex-tremizing W VY with S gives the vacuum expectation value of the glueball superfield corresponding to the N vacua,S =Λ3e2πik/N,k=1,2,···,N.(2) Let us define T=8π2/g2,where g is the Yang-Mills coupling constant in the gauge theory.The quantum loop corrections to the running of the gauge coupling areexhausted at one loop and with the exactβfunction we havedTdτ(e−Φ)=g s N2e1,G2=A e x+g2˜ǫ2,G3=ex−g2e2−A e x−g2dτ,G6=e−6p−xF3=−12α′Ne−Φ(h1+bh2),F1=−Ne−Φc+g s N4α′g s N(1−τcothτ)cschτ,h1=h2coshτ,K=−12πe6p+x2π˜ǫ3.(14)Defining v=e6p+2x,u=e2x and h=e−4A,the equations for v,u and h arev′+(2cothτ+3g s Ndτln(uv−g s N4g s eΦKh2πeΦh=0,(17)withΦgiven by(11)and K given in(13).A consistent set of solutions requires the boundary conditions v(0)=0,u(0)=0,and h(0)=h0.Equation(15)is easily solved for v,(16)is then solved for u/h and the result is used for h/u in(17)to write integral solution for h which is then used with the expression for u/h tofind u.The values of u and v increase towards the ultraviolet asτincreases.The value of h also starts increasing asτincreases fromτ=0because of the sign of the third term in (17)which comes from the running of the dilaton in the asymptotically-free gauge theory here and is opposite to that in[7]where h decreases.D7and Dirac8-branes.—As it is shown in[7],the runnings of the axion and the dilaton are due to magnetic D7-branesfilling4-d spacetime and wrapping the 4-cycle1ω4=sinθ1sinθ2dθ1∧dφ1∧dθ2∧dφ2=ψ,˜Q7= 04πdC0=2N.(20)2πTherefore,we have2N number of D7-branes.Bottom of background.—Now we explore the geometry at the bottom of the background.Let us expand the variables in the metric given by(12)and solving(15)-(17)to leading order inτnearτ=0,e g=τ+O(τ3),a=−1+O(τ3),A=τ+O(τ3),B=1+O(τ2),h=h0+O(τ),v=τ+O(τ2),u=e2Φc h0τ2+O(τ3),(21) where h0=h(0).Therefore,nearτ=0,we have e x+g=u1/2e g=eΦc h1/20τ2+O(τ3), e x−g=u1/2/e g=eΦc h1/20+O(τ),e−6p−x=u1/2/v=eΦc h1/20+O(τ).The1-forms in the metric given by(5)nearτ=0have the forms G1∼(e2Φc h0)1/4τe1,G2∼(e2Φc h0)1/4˜ǫ2,G3∼(e2Φc h0)1/4˜ǫ1,G4∼−(e2Φc h0)1/4τǫ2,G5∼(e2Φc h0)1/4dτ,and G6∼(e2Φc h0)1/4˜ǫ3.The metric nearτ=0is thenηµνdxµdxν+eΦc h1/20 dτ2+˜ǫ21+˜ǫ22+˜ǫ23+τ2(e21+ǫ22) ,(22) ds2∼h−1/2where the˜ǫi are given by(7)with a∼−1.Therefore,the geometry atτ=0is R1,3×S3with the radius of S3a function of the magnitude of the vacuum expectation value of the glueball superfield S atτ=0which is simply the’t Hooft coupling[14] eΦc g s N and confinement via gaugino condensation is the source for the deformationof the tip as established in[5].The boundary value h0in solving(15)-(17)is then related to the radius of S3atτ=0and,therefore,a function of the’t Hooft coupling.Large N and large’t Hooft coupling.—Let us check the conditions on the param-eters in the theory for the supergravity description to be good.We need a large value of N so that only planar Feynman graphs survive and a large’t Hooft coupling.The ’t Hooft coupling is related to the magnitude of the vacuum expectation value of the glueball superfield and the size of the holes in’t Hooft’s ribbon graphs have large size and can define Riemann surface for a string worldsheet for large’t Hooft cou-pling iffilled by D-brane disks[15].On the other hand,for small’t Hooft coupling, the gauge theory has a good perturbative description.Let us see the implication of the large’t Hooft coupling constraint in our case,particulary now that we have a dilaton whose magnitude decreases asτincreases.The running of the dilaton is given by(11).In order for eΦg s N>>1,we need eΦc g s N(1−τg s e−Φ+C0=i2πψ,(23)where we have used(20)for C0and the subscript inτad is for axion-dilaton in order to avoid confusion in notation with the radial variableτ.Note that the second term in(23)corresponds to a Yang-Mills angle ofΘ=−Nψand clearly shows thatψ→ψ+c,whereψ=ψ+4π,is anomalous U(1)symmetry andΘis left invariant underψ→ψ+4π2N n,where1≤n≤2N.This discretesymmetry inτad corresponds to the symmetry in the locations onψ,where dψis related to G6as given in(6)and(7),at which the D7-branes in the ultraviolet edge wrap theω4cycle.Both the F1flux and the F3flux in the ultraviolet contain dψand are single-valued.Thefluxes in the supergravity solutions have non-vanishing components which explicitly contain sinψand cosψin the infrared as we see in the expressions(8)and(9)together with(12)and(13)and preserve only a Z2symmetrycorresponding toψ→ψ+2π.Therefore,the Z2N symmetry is broken down to Z2 by the solutions in the gravity theory and gives the same N number of discrete vacua in the infrared as in the gauge theory.Conclusions.—Thefinal picture we have is that the electric N=1supersym-metric SU(N)gauge theory lives on the electrically charged N number of D5-branes filling4-d spacetime and wrapping S2with vanishing S3at the infrared end before geometric transition.The supergravity solutions involve the background withfluxes after the transition with S2blown-down and S3offinite size at the tip which gives the familiar gravitational description to confinement via gaugino condensation in the gauge theory.The2N number of magnetic D7-branesfill up4-d spacetime and wrap 4-cycles at the ultraviolet edge with invisible Dirac8-branesfilling4-d spacetime and emanating from the D7-branes and the F1flux through G6which is related to the running of the dilaton.We also have the backreaction NS-NS H3flux and the F5flux effectively coming from the wrapped D5fractional D3-branes.The quan-tum theory has Z2N discrete symmetry in the ultraviolet and arises robustly from our solution for the axion potential.The Z2N symmetry is broken down to Z2by the supergravity solutions in the infrared giving N vacua as in the gauge theory.It is satisfying that the C0potential which comes from the F1flux which is a crucial component of our construction obtained using the equations for type IIBflows with N=1supersymmetry we obtained in[8]and the gauge/gravity duality mapping with running dilaton and running axion we obtained in[7]has provided a consistent picture.Most importantly,the renormalization groupflow of the gauge theory is reproduced in the gravity theory.What can we say about the gauge theory which lives on the2N magnetic D7-branes?Because the number of D7-branes is the same as the order in the Z2N discrete symmetry in the ultraviolet,it is convenient to wrap each one of the D7-branes over a4-cycle at each one pointψ=4πReferences[1]J.Maldacena,Adv.Theor.Math.Phys.2(1998)231–252,[hep-th/9711200].[2]S.S.Gubser,I.R.Klebanov,and 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A model for gauge theories with Higgs fields
6. The double scaling limits
A. General solitary waves solutions A.1 General analysis A.2 The solitons for general N A.2.1 Basic equations A.2.2 Description of the solutions A.3 Formulas for the case N=3 B. The functional s[f ] B.1 s[f ] for constant f B.2 s[f ] for arbitrary f C. The C.1 C.2 C.3 1/N corrections to the critical hypersurface The effective potential The equation for Hq Formulas for Iϕ , Iα and Iϕ − Iα
a large class of theories which are simple enough to be tractable even in their strongly coupled, non-supersymmetric, regime, but complex enough so that many interesting questions about gauge theories have a counterpart in the simple models. More precisely, and as will be explained in the following, our simple models have all of the following general properties: a) The models are tractable from the non-supersymmetric versions to the supersymmetric ones. In the latter case exact results can be obtained (BPS mass formulas in particular) in strict parallel with what is known for four dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories. Formulas can actually quantitatively coincide in these cases. Asymptotically free as well as conformal field theories can be studied. b) The models have an analogue of a moduli space, with generically both weakly coupled and strongly coupled regions. Strong quantum corrections then drastically modify the classical structure. At weak coupling we can have solitons playing the rˆ ole of magnetic monopoles or dyons, and these can become massless at strong coupling singularities. Argyres-Douglas -like CFTs [7] can appear at strong coupling. All these phenomena can occur and be studied in both supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric theories. c) The supersymmetric versions of the models admit constructions in terms of branes, and they can be solved via M theory. d) The models have a non-trivial 1/N expansion ` a la ’t Hooft [8]. The large N limit can be unconventional, as for N = 2 super Yang-Mills [9]. We will illustrate a), b) and d) in this article; c) is already known, as we will review below. Two additional properties would also be desirable, e) The supersymmetric versions of the models can be geometrically engineered as in [10]. f) The models are dual ` a la Maldacena to some kind of string theory. Though I am not aware of any explicit construction, it is very likely that e) is true, as explained later. As for f), it is plausible that it could be true in view of c) and d), but we will have unfortunately nothing to say about this fascinating possibility in this paper. A fundamental question of principle, that we would also like to address, is whether it is possible to prove, or at least to get a good general understanding, that gauge theories (supersymmetric or not) or other four dimensional field theories can have a description in terms of string theories. The modern starting point is a conjecture [11] motivated by the relationship between supersymmetric D-branes and solitons in closed string theories. It is not clear whether this intuitive understanding of the gauge theory/string theory correspondence makes sense in the general non-supersymmetric case. Interestingly, the results of the present paper suggest a way to understand the possible proliferation of dualities between four dimensional field theories and string
A Nonstandard Supersymmetric KP Hierarchy
a r X i v :h e p -t h /9408049v 1 8 A u g 1994UR-1367ER-40685-817hep-th/9408049A Nonstandard Supersymmetric KP HierarchyJ.C.BrunelliDepartment of Physics University of Rochester Rochester,NY 14627,USAand Ashok Das ∗Instituto de F´ısicaUniversidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroCaixa Postal 6852821945,Rio de Janeiro,BrasilAbstractWe show that the supersymmetric nonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation can be written as a constrained super KP flow in a nonstandard representation of the Lax equation.We construct the conserved charges and show that this system reduces to the super mKdV equation with appropriate identifications.We construct various flows generated by the general nonstandard super Lax equation and show that they contain both the KP and mKP flows in the bosonic limits.This nonstandard supersymmetric KP hierarchy allows us to construct a new super KP equation which is nonlocal.∗Permanent address:Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Rochester,Rochester,NY 14627,USA.1.IntroductionIntegrable models have been studied vigorously in recent years from various points of view[1-3].In particular,we note that various two dimensional gravity theories and continuum string equations arise naturally from the study of such stystems.Even matrix models,in their continuum limit,contain such systems and this has led to a lot of interest in their study(see[4]and references therein).These are models in1+1or2+1dimensions which are most commonly represented in terms of a Lax operator which is a pseudo-differential operator of the general form[5]L=∂n+u−1∂n−1+u0∂n−2+···+u n−3∂−1+···(1.1)Here u i(x)’s are dynamical variables and their time evolution is given in terms of a Lax equation which in the standard representation has the form∂L= L,(L k/n)≥1 (1.3)∂t kwhere()≥1represents the projection onto the purely differential part of a pseudo-differential operator.The dispersive long water wave equation[6]or equivalently the two boson hierarchy[7-11]has been studied from this point of view and this in turn has led to the study of constrained KP hierarchies[12].However,not much is known about the properties of the supersymmetric generalizations of such system.In a recent paper [13],we studied the supersymmetrization of the two boson hierarchy and showed how it gives the supersymmetric nonlinear Schr¨o dinger(NLS)equation[14,15]with appropriate field redefinitions.In the present paper we report on further general results in the study of nonstandard supersymmetric Lax systems.In sec.2we review briefly known results on the formulation of the nonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation as a constrained KP system with our observations that become useful in the later sections.In sec.3,we shown how the supersymmetric nonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation can be written as a constrained super KP system but with a nonstandard Lax representation.We construct the conserved charges and one of the Hamiltonian structures associated with this system.We also show how the supersymmetric mKdV equation can be embedded into this system with appropriatefield identifications.In sec.4we study variousflows associated with a supersymmetric nonstandard KP system.We show that in the bosonic limit,this system contains both the KP as well as the mKPflows.This allows us to construct in sec.5a new supersymmetric KP equation which is nonlocal. It,however,leads upon reduction to the supersymmetric KdV equation.We present our conclusions in sec.6.2.NSE As a Constrained KP SystemThe two boson hierarchy is represented by a Lax operator of the form[6,11]L=∂−J0+∂−1J1(2.1) and the nonstandard Lax equation∂L=(2J1+J20−J′0)′∂t∂J1=−(ln q)′q(2.4)J1=¯q qthe system of equations in (2.3)reduce to the nonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation∂q∂t=¯q ′′+2(¯q q )¯q(2.5)Let us next consider the Lax operator (2.1)with the field identifications in (2.4)and note thatL =∂+q ′∂t= L,( L 2)+(2.8)Let us note that the Lax operator, L,in (2.7)can also be written as L =∂+q ¯q ∂−1−q ¯q ′∂−2+q ¯q ′′∂−3+···=∂+∞ n =0u n ∂−n −1(2.9)withu n =(−1)n q ¯q (n )(2.10)Here f (n )represents the n th derivative with respect to x .Note that the form of Lin the last expression in (2.9)is the same as that of a KP system.In this case,however,the coefficient functions are constrained by (2.10).Therefore,we can think of the nonlinearSchr¨o dinger equation as a constrained KP system [7,9,12].We will next make some observations on this system which will be useful in our later discussions.First,let us note that given L,we can define its formal adjoint[17]L= L∗=−(∂+¯q∂−1q)(2.11) It is straight forward to check that the standard Lax equation∂L= L,( L3)+ (2.14)∂tleads to the mKdV equation(the signs and factors can be appropriately redefined by scaling of variables)∂q= L3 +,L (2.17)∂tThis shows that the mKdV equation can be embedded into the nonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation and it appears from our discussion that the Lax operator and its formal adjoint yield equivalent results.3.Super NSE As a Nonstandard Constrained Super KP SystemWe have shown in an earlier publication[13]that the supersymmetric two boson hierarchy can be represented in the superspace by the Lax operatorL=D2−(DΦ0)+D−1Φ1(3.1)whereΦ0andΦ1are two fermionic superfields and D is the covariant derivative in the superspace of the formD=∂∂x(3.2)The nonstandard Lax equation∂L∂t=−(D4Φ0)+2(DΦ0)(D2Φ0)+2(D2Φ1)∂Φ1∂t=−(D4Q)+2 D((DQ)QQ)−2 D((D Q(3.5) with thefield identificationsΦ0=−D ln(DQ)+D−1(Q(DQ)(3.6) Here Q and(DQ)−Q(DQ)=(DQ)−1 D2−Q (DQ) =G LG−1(3.7)whereG=(DQ)−1L=D2−Q(3.8) The two Lax operators,L and L,are related by a gauge transformation in superspace. This is very much like the bosonic case.However,unlike our earlier discussion, L does notlead to any consistent equation in the standard or nonstandard representation of the Lax equation.Let us next note that the formal adjoint of L in(3.8)can be written asL= L∗=− D2+QD−1(DQ) (3.9) Through straight forward calculations,it can now be checked that the nonstandard Lax equation∂LQQ−QQ−Q(D2Q)D−2+]2From the structure of the Lax equation in (3.10),one can show that the conserved quantities of the system are given byH (n )=1ndµsRes L n(3.13)where “sRes”stands for the super residue which is defined to be the coefficient of D −1(D −1is assumed to be on the right).The first few conserved quantities have the formH (1)=dµ2 dµQ )QH (3)=−1Q )(D 2Q )+(D 2Q )(DQ )(DQ (DQ )−Q )(DQ )−(DQ (x 2,θ2,t )}=−1Q (x 2,θ2,t )D −11∆12{Q (x 2,θ2,t )}=Q (x 2,θ2,t )D −11∆12(3.15)where∆12=δ(x 1−x 2)δ(θ1−θ2)(3.16)To conclude this section,let us note that if we identifyand unlike the bosonic case,it is different from its formal adjoint with the same identifi-cation.It can also be checked that with the identification in(3.17),the nonstandard Lax equation∂L∂t=−(D6Q)+3 D2(Q(DQ)) (DQ)(3.20) This is nothing other than the supersymmetric mKdV equation[21]and this shows how the susy mKdV equation can be embedded into the susy nonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation in a nonstandard Lax representation.This is quite analogous to the embedding of the supersymmetric KdV equation in the supersymmetric two boson hierarchy(see ref.13for details).4.General Flows of the Nonstandard Super KP HierarchyLet us consider a general super Lax operator of the form(3.11)L=D2+Φ0+Φ1D−1+Φ2D−2+···=D2+∞n=0Φn D−n(4.1)where the Grassmann parity of the superfieldsΦn are|Φn|=1−(−1)n∂t n= (L n)≥1,L (4.4) For n=1,theflow is quite trivial and gives∂Φn∂x (4.5)This implies that the time coordinate t1can be identified with x.For n=2,theflow in(4.4)gives∂Φn=q′′2n+2q′2n+2+2q0q′2n+2φ1φ2n−4φ1φ2n+1∂t2+2 ℓ≥1(−1)ℓ − 2n+12ℓ q2n−2ℓ+2q(ℓ)0+ 2n+12ℓ−1 φ2n−2ℓ+3φ(ℓ−1)0(4.7)+ 2n2ℓ φ2n−2ℓ+1φ(ℓ)1− 2n2ℓ−1 q2n−2ℓ+2q(ℓ−1)1 ∂q2n+1In the bosonic limit–when all theφn’s are zero–we note that if we setq2n=0,for all n(4.9)and identifyq2n+1=u n,for all n(4.10)then(4.8)gives∂u0=u′′1+2u′2+2u0u′0∂t2∂u2=u′′0+2u′1+2u0u′0∂t2∂u1(4.14)=u′′2+2u′3−2u1u′′0+2u0u′2+4u2u′0∂t2...which are nothing other than the t2-flows associated with the mKP hierarchy[16,22].For n=3,equation(4.4)gives∂Φn=q′′′2n+3q′′2n+2+3q′2n+4+3q0q′′2n+6q0q′2n+2+3φ1φ′2n∂t3+3φ1φ2n+2−3φ1φ′2n+1−6φ1φ2n+3−6(φ′1+2q0φ1+φ3)φ2n+1+3(q20+q′0+q2)q′2n+3(φ′1+2q0φ1+φ3)φ2n+3 ℓ≥1(−1)ℓ − 2n+32ℓ q2n−2ℓ+4q(ℓ)0+ 2n+32ℓ−1 φ2n−2ℓ+5φ(ℓ−1)0+ 2n+22ℓ φ2n−2ℓ+3φ(ℓ)1− 2n+22ℓ−1 q2n−2ℓ+4q(ℓ−1)1(4.16)− 2n+12ℓ q2n−2ℓ+2(q20+q′0+q2)(ℓ)+ 2n+12ℓ−1 φ2n−2ℓ+3(2q0φ0+φ′0+φ2)(ℓ−1)+ 2n2ℓ φ2n−2ℓ+1(φ′1+2q0φ1+φ3)(ℓ)− 2n2ℓ−1 q2n−2ℓ+2(q′1+2q0q1+2φ0φ1+q3)(ℓ−1)∂q2n+1∂u0(4.18)=u′′′1+3u′′2+3u′3+6u0u′1+6u′0u1∂t3...which are the t3-flows for the standard KP hierarchy[16,22].On the other hand,the identifications in(4.12)and(4.13)lead to(from(4.16))∂u0=(D4Φ1)+2(D2Φ3)∂t2∂Φ3=(D6Φ1)+3(D4Φ3)+3(D2Φ5)+3(D2(Φ1(DΦ1)))(5.3)∂t3From(5.2)and(5.3),we obtainD2 ∂Φ14(D6Φ1)−32(D(Φ1(D−2∂Φ14∂2Φ1With the identificationst2=y,t3=t andΦ1=Φ=φ+θu(5.5) equation(5.4)becomesD2 ∂Φ4(D6Φ)−32(D(Φ(∂−1∂Φ4∂2Φ∂x ∂u4u′′′−3uu′ =3∂y2(5.7)which is the KP equation.The supersymmetric generalization in(5.6),however,differs from the Manin-Radul equation[18,23]because of the presence of the nonlocal terms.We note that in components(5.6)takes the form∂∂t −12φφ′′−3∂y)−3∂y =3∂y2∂∂t −12(uφ)′−3∂y)+3∂y) =3∂y2(5.8)These equations are not invariant undery↔−y(5.9)unlike the Manin-Radul equations.However,we note that when we restric the variables u andφto be independent of y,these equations reduce to the supersymmetric KdV equation [21].These,therefore,represent a new supersymmetric generalization of the KP equation.6.ConclusionWe have shown that the supersymmetric nonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation can be rep-resented as a nonstandard,constrained super KPflow.We have constructed the conserved quantities of the system in this formalism and we have shown how the supersymmetric mKdV equation can be embedded into this system.We have worked out thefirst three flows associated with a general,nonstandard,super KP system and we have shown thattheseflows contain both the standard KPflows as well as the mKPflows in their bosonic limit.We have shown that theseflows lead to a new supersymmetrization of the KP equation that is nonlocal.It has the correct bosonic limit and when properly restricted, it reduces to the supersymmetric KdV equation.However,this equation is different from the Manin-Radul equation because of nonlocal terms which are also antisymmetric un-der y↔−y.Properties of this system are under study and will be reported in a later publication.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported in part by the U.S.Department of Energy Grant No.DE-FG-02-91ER40685.We would also like to thank CNPq,Brazil,forfinancial support.References1.L.D.Faddeev and 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Exceptional Confinement in G(2) Gauge Theory
The triviality of the center has profound consequences for the way in which confinement is realized. In particular, a static “quark” in the fundamental {7} representation of G(2) can be screened by three G(2) “gluons” in the adjoint {14} representation. As a result, in G(2) Yang-Mills theory the color flux string connecting two static G(2) “quarks” can break due to the creation of dynamical gluons. This phenomenon is reminiscent of full QCD (with an SU (3) color gauge group) in which the string connecting a static quark and anti-quark can break due to the pair creation of light dynamical quarks. Indeed, 6 of the 14 G(2) gluons transform as {3} and {3} under the SU (3) subgroup of G(2) and thus qualitatively behave like dynamical quarks and anti-quarks. In particular, they explicitly break the Z Z(3) center symmetry of the SU (3) subgroup down to the trivial center of G(2). The remaining 14 − 6 = 8 G(2) “gluons” transform as {8} under the SU (3) subgroup and hence resemble the ordinary gluons familiar from QCD. It should be pointed out that — despite the broken string — just like full QCD, G(2) Yang-Mills theory is still expected to confine color. In particular, one does not expect colored states of single G(2) “gluons” in the physical spectrum. The triviality of the center of G(2) Yang-Mills theory also affects the physics at high temperatures. In particular, there is not necessarily a deconfinement phase transition, and we expect merely a crossover between a low-temperature “glueball” regime and a high-temperature G(2) “gluon” plasma. Due to the triviality of the center, unlike e.g. for SU (Nc ) Yang-Mills theory, there is no qualitative difference between the low- and the high-temperature regimes because the Polyakov loop is no longer a good order parameter. It is often being asked which degrees of freedom are responsible for confinement. Popular candidates are dense instantons, merons, Abelian monopoles and center vortices. Center vortices (and ’t Hooft twist sectors) are absent in G(2) gauge theories, while the other topological objects potentially exist, although their identification is a very subtle issue that often involves unsatisfactory gauge fixing procedures. At strong coupling G(2) lattice gauge theories still confine without a center. Hence, center vortices should not be necessary to explain the absence of colored states in the physical spectrum [13]. Still, the center plays an important role for the finite temperature deconfinement phase transition in SU (Nc ) Yang-Mills theory, and center vortices may well be relevant for this physics. If G(2) Yang-Mills theory indeed has no finite temperature deconfinement phase transition, one might argue that this is due to the absence of center vortices and twist sectors. Assuming that they can be properly defined, Abelian monopoles are potentially present in G(2) gauge theory, and might be responsible for the absence of colored states. On the other hand, if — despite of the existence of Abelian monopoles — a deconfinement phase transition does not exist in G(2) Yang-Mills theory, monopoles might not be responsible for the physics of deconfinement. In any case, quantifying these issues in a concrete way is a very difficult task. The exceptional confinement in G(2) gauge theory can be smoothly connected with the usual SU (3) confinement by exploiting the Higgs mechanism. When a
Supersymmetric Quantization of Gauge Theories
We develop a new operator quantization scheme for gauge theories in which the dynamics of the ghost sector is described by a N = 2 supersymmetry. In this scheme no gauge condition is imposed on the gauge elds. The corresponding path integral is explicitly Lorentz invariant and, in contrast to the BRST-BVF path integral in the Lorentz gauge, it is free of the Gribov ambiguity, i.e., it is also valid in the non-perturbative domain. The formalism can therefore be used to study the nonperturbative es of gauge theories in the infra-red region (gluon con nement).
From the previous introductory remarks it should be clear that one needs to develop a quantization procedure which eliminates the unphysical degrees of freedom while it (a) avoids imposing a gauge condition on the gauge elds, i.e., the Gribov ambiguity and (b) leads to a Lorentz covariant theory. The basic ingredients for such a scheme were given in 12]. The idea of 12] is to extend the theory in a supersymmetric and gauge invariant way by introducing bosonic and fermionic ghosts transforming in a gauge multiplet. The supersymmetry insures that the contributions of the boson and fermion ghosts cancel in the partition function, while the gauge invariance makes it possible to avoid imposing a gauge condition on the gauge elds, but rather to eliminate the unphysical degrees of freedom by imposing a gauge condition on the bosonic ghost elds. Finally the whole procedure respects the Lorentz invariance of the theory. This program was, however, performed within the functional integral setting and, given the ambiguities that arise in the functional integral formalism, it is highly desirable to develop this program on the operator level and derive the corresponding functional integral representation from there. Our aim with the present paper is to develop this operator quantization scheme. The steps we follow in doing this are essentially the same as outlined above. We show how any quantum mechanical system (regardless whether it has a gauge symmetry or not) can be extended by adding N = 2 supersymmetric ghosts. In the extended theory physical states are identi ed as those invariant under SUSY transformations. Matrix elements of any system operator calculated in the physical subspace coincide with those of the original system. In the case of gauge theories this extension is done by putting the ghosts in a gauge multiplet. This implies (a) that we not only modify the Hamiltonian, but also the constraints and (b) that the extension respects the gauge symmetry, i.e, commutators of the extended Hamiltonian with the extended constraints and the extended constraints with each other vanish weekly. The presence of scalar ghosts is then exploited to impose gauge xing on them and remove the unphysical degrees of freedom. We organize the paper as follows: In section 2 we consider a 1-dimensional quantum system to illustrate the supersymmetric extension and to construct the functional integral representation of the system transition amplitude in the extended space. In section 3 a simple mechanical model with a gauge symmetry is considered to show how the ghosts can be added to the theory and how gauge xing of the variables describing the original gauge system can be avoided. We emphasize that the choice of simple mechanical models to illustrate the procedure is only for the convenience of presentation since the generalization is straightforward. In section 4 the scheme is applied to Yang-Mills theories. Section 5 discusses the relation to normal gauge xing and section 6 contains our conclusions. 2. Ghost extension of a quantum system. Consider a 1-dimensional quantum system with Hamiltonian 2 ^ ^ Hs = p2 + V (^) ; x; p] = i : x ^^ (1) We denote by jsi (or j is) vectors in the system Hilbert space. Consider the ghost Hamiltonian ^ Hgh = py p + py pz + !2(x)(^yz + ^y ^) ^ ^ ^z ^ z^ (2) Here (^y)2 = ^2 = (^y )2 = p2 = 0, i.e., they are Grassmann canonical operators, while z , p ^ ^ 2
Low--dimensional sisters of Seiberg-Witten effective theory
(5)Βιβλιοθήκη where a, b = (nothing, tilde) are the global SU (2) indices. The superfield W can be naturally expressed in the framework of harmonic superspace approach (see the monography [4] and also recent [5] ), but do not themselves depend on harmonics in the chosen basis. This theory has (infinitely) many different classical vacua. Supersymmetric vacuum has zero energy. At the classical level, it has zero potential energy. Note ¯ φ] = 0, which now that the potential commutator term in (2) vanishes when [φ, implies that φ belongs to the Cartan subalgebra of the corresponding Lie algebra.
α ˙ ¯θ ¯2 = 1. In ¯2 = θα d2 θ θ2 = d2 θ Our convention is close to that of Ref. [2], θ2 = θα θα θ ˙θ , ˙ ˙ the following we will also use (σ µ )αβ σ µ )βα = {1, −τ }βα . But our Minkowski metric ˙ = {1, τ }αβ ˙ , (¯ ηµν = diag(1, −1, −1, −1) differs in sign from Wess and Bagger’s conventions and we include the extra factor 2 in the definition of V . 3
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a rXiv:h ep-th/99681v228J un1999TAUP-2577-99February 7,2008Non-Supersymmetric Large N Gauge Theories from Type 0Brane Configurations Adi Armoni and Barak Kol School of Physics and Astronomy Beverly and Raymond Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences Tel Aviv University,Ramat Aviv,69978,Israel, Abstract We use dyonic brane configurations of type 0string theory to study large N non-supersymmetric 4d gauge theories.The brane configura-tions define theories similar to the supersymmetric ones which arise in type II.We find the non-SUSY analogues of N =2and N =1.In particular we suggest new non-SUSY CFT’s and a brane realization of a non-SUSY Seiberg duality.1IntroductionIn recent years we learned that D-branes can be used as a tool to study supersymmetric gauge theories[1](for a recent review and references see[2]). Using brane configurations of type IIA/B string theory the Seiberg-Witten curves of N=2[3]were given a geometrical realization[4],the running of the coupling was related to the bending of the NS branes[4],and N=1Seiberg duality[5]was realized by the exchange of the NS supports[6,7].Though much understanding was gained for supersymmetric theories, branes configurations failed to teach us about non-supersymmetric gauge theories,since non-SUSY brane configurations are usually not stable.An important direction in the study of non-SUSY gauge theories is the use of branes in the context of type0string theory[8].Type0string theory is defined on the world sheet exactly like type II,except that a non-chiral GSO projection is performed.The resulting sectors of the theory are the(NS-,NS-),(NS+,NS+)and a doubled set of R-Rfields.The low-energyfields of the theory are therefore a tachyon,the bosonic(NS,NS)fields of type II and two-copies of R-Rfields.Accordingly two types of D-branes exists.We will refer to the two kinds as’electric’and’magnetic’,and to a pair of electric and magnetic as’dyonic’.The’dyonic’combination of branes was called also ’untwisted’by[9],as it belongs to the untwisted sector in their description of type0as an orbifold of M theory.Klebanov and Tseytlin argued that in the background of D-branes,the R-Rflux will cure the tachyon instability and that the gauge theory on the branes is perfectly ing the electric D3branes they constructed an SU(N)gauge theory with six adjoint scalars[8]and studied its behavior in an AdS/CFT inspired way[10].For recent related works see[11,12].Another interesting construction uses a stack of N coincident dyonic D3 branes[11].In this case each dyonic brane can be thought of as a pair made of an electric and a magnetic brane.The strings that connect the electric-electric and the magnetic-magnetic branes yields a SU e(N)×SU m(N)gauge theory with6magnetic adjoint scalars and6electric adjoint scalars.In addi-tion the strings that connect electric-magnetic branes give rise to additional 4bifundamental Weyl fermions in the(N,¯N)and another4bifundamental Weyl fermions in the(¯N,N)[13].The model has similarities to the orbifold models of Kachru and Silverstein[14].Although it cannot be obtained by a string orbifold of type IIB,it can be viewed as afield theory“orbifold”1truncation(in the sense of ref.[15])of N=4U(2N)Super Yang-Mills[16]. An interesting remark is that although the theory is non-SUSY it admits a moduli space of vacua[17,18].The gravity solution of this configuration is an AdS5×S5space with con-stant dilaton and zero tachyon.Therefore Klebanov and Tseytlin interpreted this theory as a non-SUSY CFT[11].The fact that the stringy solution of type0dyonic D3branes is the same as that of type II is not surprising.When we consider dyonic branes in type0(i.e.identifying electric and magnetic branes),a solution with zero tachyon and the same massless bosonicfields as in type II would exist.The only additional conditions are large N and small enough’t Hooft coupling[11].The reason for the similarity is that in these cases,the S-matrix of sphere amplitudes forfields common to type0 and type II coincide[8].Therefore the low-energy effective action of type 0is almost the same.The differences are the existence of two R-Rfields and the presence of the tachyon which is coupled to otherfields with even powers.As a result,wefind a solution of the equations of motion in which the tachyon is zero and the two kinds of R-Rfields are identified.This is exactly the type II solution.An important remark is the necessity of large N.Higher order contributions to the tree level action(string loops)may contribute terms which do not have even powers of tachyon,hence the zero tachyon solution cease to exist.However,these contributions are suppressed in the large N limit.Another remark is that the R-Rflux is expected to shift the tachyon mass to positive values only when the’t Hooft coupling is small enough.Therefore only in this limit,the solution with zero tachyon is expected to be stable.From thefield theory point of view,the class of theories that we consider here fall into the class of“orbifoldfield theories”.It was shown in ref.[15],and later generalized to the case of product groups in[19],that certain truncation of supersymmetricfield theories would yield a non-supersymmetric gauge theory with exactly the same large N Green functions(in the untwisted sector).As we will show,the type0truncation corresponds to such an orbifold projection.An important feature of these theories is that they exist only for small enough values of the’t Hooft coupling([11]findλ<100for the“N= 4”theories).The orbifold non-SUSY theories inherit only a subset of the operators.In particular the operator tr F21−tr F22does not exist in the SUSY theory.This operator couples to the tachyon in the bulk.As long as2λis small enough,the two point function of this operator is non-tachyonic. However,for large values ofλthe dimension of the operator becomes complex and the non-SUSY theory is not well defined.In the parent SUSY theory there is no such operator and therefore it is well defined for all values ofλ.1 In this paper,we would like to generalize the D3solution to the more complicated cases when we include NS branes.Since the above reasoning should hold in this case also,we expect that the non-supersymmetric theory which lives on the analogous brane configuration would share many of the properties of supersymmetric one.In particular,in the large N limit,these theories would have the same perturbative Green functions and hence the same perturbative beta function.An important remark is that the validity of this approach is subjected to the assumption of non-perturbative equivalence of the non-SUSY untwisted sector and the parent.The simplest example is the N=2brane configuration of type II.Here we also expect to have exactlyflat dyonic directions and a mass spectrum in the dyonic sector which is Bose-Fermi degenerate,though non-SUSY.For the special case of N f= 2N c we will have a large N non-SUSY CFT.Another class of large N non-SUSY CFT’s can be constructed from the type0analogue of the brane-boxes configurations[20,21].The type0analogue of the N=1configuration yields a non-supersymmetric version of Seiberg duality.In particular,the type0theories are expected to maintain the phase structure in the N f/N c axis.These theories are a special case of the theories considered in the past by Schmaltz who showed that the large N“orbifoldfield theories”of N=1admits duality[19].It is interesting that in the present case the duality can be understood also via branes.Some open questions are raised by this discussion.We discuss large N non-SUSYfield theories which have the same dynamics as supersymmet-ric ones.In particular these theories have the same number of bosons and fermions.One wonders if there is any symmetry(not SUSY)which is re-sponsible for that.In the supersymmetric parent the particle spectrum is divided to BPS and non-BPS.We expect the distinction to carry over to the non-SUSY theory,such that the masses of the“BPS”particles is given by a BPS-like formula.Is there an intrinsic way to distinguish the two kinds?The organization of the paper is as follows:In section2we describe the type0string theories and their relation to the II string theories.In section3we explain the orbifold truncation of field theory and its relation to type 0theories.Section 4is devoted to the study of the non-SUSY analogues of N =2.In section 5we consider the non-SUSY version of Seiberg duality.We describe finite non-SUSY models using brane boxes in section 6.Section 7is devoted to conclusions.2Type 0String TheoryType II A/B string theories have non-supersymmetric analogues called type 0A/B.The type 0theories are constructed via a non-chiral GSO projection which keeps the following bosonic sectorstype 0A:(NS −,NS −)⊕(NS +,NS +)⊕(R +,R −)⊕(R −,R +)type 0B:(NS −,NS −)⊕(NS +,NS +)⊕(R +,R +)⊕(R −,R −)The tree level type 0B action from the (NS +,NS +)sector is exactly the same as the type IIB action[8]S =−2 d D x √12H 2mnk ,(1)where H mnk is the field strength of the anti-symmetric two-form B mn .The action of the tachyon which comes from the (NS −,NS −)sector isS = d D x √2G mn ∂m T ∂n T +14α′is themass of the tachyon.The leading R-R terms in theaction are S = d D x √While this statement is trivial in the tree level,it is certainly wrong forg s>0[11],since torus amplitudes generate odd tachyon contributions to the action.Therefore similarities between supersymmetric type II gauge theoriesand non-supersymmetric type0theories are expected to occur in the largeN limit,like the D3type0case[11],the orbifold models of Kachru and Silverstein[14]and the non-supersymmetric version of Seiberg N=1dualitywhich was considered by Schmaltz[19].Note also that in order to have a stable T=0solution,we must shift thetachyon mass.Since the function h(T)contains a T2part,for large enoughR-Rflux the tachyon mass-squared becomes positive.In the background of a Dp brane,this condition translates into a requirement of small’t Hooftcoupling.3“Type0”projectedfield theoriesGiven a brane configuration in type II string theory,one can construct a newnon-supersymmetricfield theory by considering the same brane configuration in type0with dyonic branes replacing the type II D-branes.This procedurecan be given an intrinsic definition infield theory,which we shall discuss now. The newfield theory will be constructed by a certain(orbifold)projectionof a SUSYfield theory.All amplitudes with untwisted external legs of thenon-SUSY theory will be identical,in the large N limit,to amplitudes of the parent theory.For“N=4”(the type0version of N=4)this was shown by[16]whoput the type0projection in a form suitable for the more general methods of[14,23,15].One starts with a U(2N c)N=4theory and performs aZ2projection,keeping only the invariantfields.The Z2is embedded into the Z4center of the SO(6)R-symmetry and its generator acts on the gauge group asγ= 100−1 ,where the entries are N c×N c blocks.The result-ing spectrum is made of bosons in the adjoint of SU e(N c)×SU m(N c)andfermions in the bifundamental.The projection will preserve all amplitudes in the large N limit,since if satisfies the condition that the matrixγbe traceless.The generalization to theories with less SUSY and with the addition of flavor was discussed by[19].As SUSY QCD-like theories include matter5with indices in a SU(2N f)L×SU(2N f)R global symmetry,they are not explicitly included in the previous discussion that assumes matter in the adjoint.One needs to embed the Z2into theflavor group as well.The flavor indices are divided into electric and magnetic in the same manner as the color indices.Allfields in QCD-like theories carry two indices which are either color-color or color-flavor.The projected matter content turns out to be made,again,of bosons when both indices are of the same kind(say electric-electric),and fermions for magnetic-electric,where now each index can be either color orflavor.In[19]it was checked and proven that the large N amplitudes are preserved.An important remark is that the non-SUSY theory contains operators,such as tr F21−tr F22,which do not exist in the parent theory.These operators may become tachyonic(their anomalous dimension may become complex)and therefore the non-SUSY theory will be sick.4The“N=2”Brane ConfigurationConsider the type0analogue of an N=2theory with gauge group SU(N c) and N f matter hypermultiplets.We refer to it as a“N=2”theory.To determine the matter content one can either use the“type0”projection of a SU(2N c)theory with2N f hypers,or read it offthe appropriate brane configuration,as we shall.In type II,the relevant brane configuration is a stack of N c”color”D4branes extending between two NS5supports,and N f semi-infinite”flavor”D4’s ending on the supports.Strings stretched between the color branes give the vectors in the adjoint,while the strings between the color andflavor branes give hypers in the fundamental.In passing to type 0,we replace both color andflavor D4’s by dyonic D4’s-a mix of an equal number of electric and magnetic branes.6N magnetic N electric NSNS N magnetic ff c cN electric Figure 1:The “N =2“type 0brane configuration.Each dyonic brane can be viewed as a pair of electric and magnetic branes.One can now read the matter content after recalling that electric-electric (EE)or magnetic-magnetic (MM)strings are bosons,while electric-magnetic (EM)strings are fermions.The matter content is summarized in table (1)below.7SU e(N c)×SU m(N c)×SU e(N f)×SU m(N f)112fermionscomplex scalar1complex scalar1Weyl fermionWeyl fermion11Table1:The matter content of the“N=2”theory It is immediately seen that the“N=2”theory has the same1-loop beta function as its parent N=2theory:β=2N c−N f.(4) In comparison with the original N=2theory we have the same number offields in the fundamental,while we traded the gauginos in the adjoint with fermions in the bifundamental(and its complex conjugate).But these two representations have the same group theoretic factor N c=T(adj)= 2N c T(fund),T(R)δab=tr R[T a T b].However,other group theoretical factors of the two representations do differ,and so will higher loop computations (forfinite N c).One can hope for simplifications in the large N c limit.In addition to keeping the’t Hooft couplingλ=g2Y M N c,fixed,wefix theflavor ratio νf=N f/N c and the scale of mass of the W’s(we are assuming that the large N c theory has a moduli space).For“N=4”theories is was proven[16,23,24,15]that in the large N limit,it has the same untwisted amplitudes as the parent N=4-one views8both U(N c)“N=4”and U(N c),N=4as projections of U(2N c),N=4,and hence correlation functions offields which are shared by both theories (namely,untwisted bosons in the adjoint)must be the same.As discussed inthe previous section,wefind that this is the case for the“N=2”theoriesas well.Supporting evidence comes from the gravitational background of the type0brane configuration-as the type0background is identical to the onein type II,and given thefield theory-gravity correspondence[10],one expects the theories to have the same amplitudes.This implies some exact results forthese non-SUSY large N c theories:the N f=2N c theory would be exactlyconformal.For anyνf the theories would have exact dyonicflat directions, leading to an(infinite dimensional)moduli space.For“N=4”a modulispace is expected to exist as a consequence of the no force between dyonic 3branes in type0[8,18].And Finally,the mass of dyonic“BPS”particleswould be expected to be free of corrections.In particular,the masses of theW’s are expected to be the same as of the supersymmetric theory,since the relevant Green functions are the same.5“N=1”and Seiberg DualityLet us consider now the type0analogue of N=1SQCD.The supersym-metric(electric)theory consists of a SU(N c)vector multiplet and two chiralSU(N f)multiplets.The brane realization of the theory is similar to the N=2configuration and it is obtained by rotating one of the NS5branes such that half of the supersymmetries are broken.Passing to the type0theory,the matter content is summarized in the following table9SU e(N c)×SU m(N c)×SU e(N f)×SU m(N f)×SU e(N f)×SU m(N f)1111 fermionscalar1 scalar1fermionfermion11 Table2:The content of the electric“N=1”theoryOne may consider also a magnetic theory which is based on SU(N f−N c) gauge group,N fflavors and elementary Mesonfield.The type0analogue of this theory is10SU e(˜N c)×SU m(˜N c)×SU e(N f)×SU m(N f)×SU e(N f)×SU m(N f)1111 fermionscalar11111 scalar11111fermion111111fermion11111 scalar1111fermion111electric theory type0theory isβ=3N c−N f,(5) exactly as of the N=1theory.Moreover,thefield theory analysis of[15,19] suggests that a conformal window exists for3NS’NS’6NSNSNSNSNSFigure2:Finite brane-boxes theories.There are k×k′boxes.The drawn46 plane is a torus.Let us denote the number of horizontal boxes by k and the number of vertical boxes by k′.Each box describes an SU(N)gauge group which in-teracts with the other boxes via open strings.The allowed directions of strings(which are drawn as arrows)are north,south,east,west and two of the diagonals:northwest and southeast.Note that the northeast and the southwest diagonal arrows are not allowed[20].Each triangle of arrows form a contribution to the superpotential W.The sign of the contribution to the superpotential is dictated by the handedness of the triangle.Thus a generic finite model is an SU(N)×...×SU(N)(kk′times)gauge theory with bi-fundamental matter.In addition there might be additional matter due to the intersection of the NS-NS’branes.This issue was addressed lately in the framework of’diamonds’models[22],where it was pointed out that the intersection singularity should be blown up as give rise to a more involved diamond interactions.However,in the specific case that we present here,13namely a zero size diamond,we will adopt the conservative view that the field content should be the same as of[21].The NS/NS’branes do not bend since there are the same number of D branes in each side of them.In addition there is a superpotential.The form of the superpotential together with the fact that the NS/NS’branes do not bend guarantee that these models are indeedfinite.The case of k=k′=1is special.In this case the supersymmetry is enhanced to N=4.When k=1,k′>1the supersymmetry is enhanced to N=2.The generic case k,k′>1corresponds to N=1supersymmetry.These models can be constructed in type0also.In the large N we will have non-supersymmetric CFT’s which are analogues to the above N=4, N=2and N=1models.The rule of constructing the type0gauge theory is described in section3.Put N electric and N magnetic D-branes in each box.Accordingly the gauge group will be SU e(N)×SU m(N)×...×SU e(N)×SU m(N)(kk′electric and kk′magnetic groups).Strings that connect electric-electric or magnetic-magnetic branes are bosons whereas strings that connect electric-magnetic branes are fermions.Let us consider the special example of k=k′=2.The supersymmetric model consist of a gauge group SU(N)×SU(N)×SU(N)×SU(N)with vector like matter in the bifundamental of each of the two groups.The analogous type0theory contains eight gauge groups.The vectors (“gluons”)are in the adjoints of the gauge groups,the“gauginos”are in the bifundamental of SU e(N)×SU m(N)pairs which originate from a same gauge group,i.e.eight Weyl fermions.The matter consist of six com-plex scalars(“squarks”)in SU e(N)×SU e(N)and six complex scalars in SU m(N)×SU m(N).In addition there are twelve Weyl fermions(“quarks”) which belong to SU e(N)×SU m(N).The matterfields originate from distinct SU(N)groups.Again,it is easy to see that the one loop beta function is zero.The proofs of[15,19]guarantee that the theory is indeedfinite.These non-SUSY CFT’s are new in the sense that they cannot be con-structed by an orbifold of type IIB[14,24].147ConclusionsIn this paper we constructed various non-supersymmetric large N gauge the-ories which were suggested to share many properties of their supersymmetric parents.In particular,we found CFT’s,a special version of Seiberg duality (which was consideredfirst in[19]),a degenerate mass spectrum and a moduli space of vacua.The construction of non-supersymmetric brane configurations suggests many directions of research.We didn’t consider theories in higher or lower dimensions than four and we didn’t consider branes in the presence of orien-tifolds(orientifolds of type0theories were discussed in[25]).It seems that many results which were obtained via type II brane configurations can be easily copied to the type0case.Finally,we would like to refer the reader to phenomenological aspects of orbifold gauge theories[26].It was argued that the standard model may be included in“N=4”like theories.This scenario suggests that the underlying theory is not supersymmetric but conformal.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe thank Ofer Aharony,Vadim Kaplunovsky,Arvind Rajaraman,Jacob Sonnenschein and Shimon Yankielowicz for useful discussions. 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