惠普 LaserJet 1020 打印机 用户指南说明书
2 列印工作 .................................................................................................................................................... 13 手動送紙 ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 取消列印工作 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 列印品質的設定值 ............................................................................................................................................. 16 最佳化紙材類型的列印品質 ............................................................................................................................. 17 紙材使用原則 ...
惠普 LaserJet 3050 3052 3055 3390 3392 多功能一体机 说明书
HP LaserJet 3050/3052/3055/3390/3392 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3050/3052/3055/3390/ 3392 多功能一体机)用户指南版权与许可© 2006 版权所有 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。
HP 产品和服务的所有保修事项已在产品和服务所附带的保修声明中列出,此处内容不代表任何额外保修。
HP 公司对此处任何技术性或编辑性的错误或遗漏概不负责。
产品号 Q6500-90939Edition 1, 4/2006商标声明Adobe Photoshop® 和 PostScript® 是Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
Corel® 是 Corel Corporation 或 Corel Corporation Limited 的商标或注册商标。
Linux 是 Linus Torvalds 在美国的注册商标。
Microsoft®、Windows®、Windows NT® 和Windows® XP 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
UNIX® 是 Open Group 的注册商标。
ENERGY STAR® 和 ENERGY STAR 徽标®是美国环保署在美国的注册标记。
目录1 多功能一体机基本信息多功能一体机配置 (2)HP LaserJet 3050 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3050 多功能一体机) (2)HP LaserJet 3052/3055 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3052/3055 多功能一体机) (3)HP LaserJet 3390/3392 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3390/3392 多功能一体机) (4)多功能一体机功能 (5)多功能一体机部件 (7)HP LaserJet 3050 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3050 多功能一体机) 部件 (7)正视图 (7)后视图 (7)接口 (8)控制面板 (8)HP LaserJet 3052/3055 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3052/3055 多功能一体机) 部件 (9)正视图 (9)后视图 (9)接口 (10)控制面板 (10)HP LaserJet 3390/3392 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3390/3392 多功能一体机) 部件 (11)正视图 (11)后视图 (11)接口 (12)控制面板 (12)2 软件软件安装 (14)典型安装 (14)最小安装 (14)打印机驱动程序 (15)支持的打印机驱动程序 (15)附加驱动程序 (15)选择正确的打印机驱动程序 (15)打印机驱动程序帮助 (Windows) (16)访问打印机驱动程序 (17)其它还有哪些软件可用? (17)Windows 软件 (18)用于 Windows 的软件组件 (18)HP ToolboxFX (18)嵌入式 Web 服务器 (EWS) (18)使用“添加或删除程序”卸载 (18)ZHCN iiiMacintosh 软件 (19)HP Director (HP 控制器) (19)Macintosh Configure Device (Macintosh 配置设备)(Mac OS X V10.3 与Mac OS X V10.4) (19)PDE(Mac OS X V10.3 与 Mac OS X V10.4) (20)安装 Macintosh 软件 (20)安装适用于直接连接 (USB) 的 Macintosh 打印系统软件 (20)安装用于网络的 Macintosh 打印系统软件 (20)从 Macintosh 操作系统中删除软件 (21)3 介质规格一般准则 (24)选择纸张和其它介质 (24)HP 介质 (24)避免使用的介质 (25)可能损坏多功能一体机的介质 (25)介质使用准则 (26)纸张 (26)标签 (26)标签结构 (27)投影胶片 (27)信封 (28)信封结构 (28)双面接缝信封 (28)带不干胶封条或封舌的信封 (29)信封存放 (29)卡片纸和重磅介质 (29)卡片纸结构 (29)卡片纸准则 (29)信头纸和预打印表单 (30)支持的介质重量和尺寸 (31)打印和存放环境 (34)4 使用多功能一体机将介质装入进纸盘 (36)装入要传真、复印或扫描的文档 (36)将纸张装入进纸盘,HP LaserJet 3050/3052/3055 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3050/3052/3055 多功能一体机) (37)优先进纸槽 (37)250 张进纸盘(纸盘 1) (38)将纸张装入进纸盘,HP LaserJet 3390/3392 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3390/3392 多功能一体机) (39)单张优先进纸槽(纸盘 1) (39)250 张进纸盘(纸盘 2 或可选纸盘 3) (39)控制打印作业 (40)打印设置优先级 (40)选择来源 (40)选择类型或尺寸 (40)使用多功能一体机控制面板 (41)iv ZHCN更改多功能一体机控制面板显示语言 (41)更改默认介质尺寸和类型 (41)更改默认介质尺寸 (41)更改默认介质类型 (42)更改默认纸盘配置 (42)使用多功能一体机音量控制键 (42)更改警报音量 (43)更改传真音量 (43)更改传真响铃音量 (44)更改多功能一体机控制面板按键音量。
HP LaserJet P3005 系列打印机 说明书
HP LaserJet P3005 系列打印机用户指南版权与许可未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。
部件号: Q7812-90934Edition 1, 10/2006商标声明Adobe®、Acrobat®和 PostScript®是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
Linux 是 Linus Torvalds 在美国的注册商标。
Microsoft®、Windows®和 Windows NT®均为 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
UNIX®是 The Open Group 的注册商标。
ENERGY STAR®和 ENERGY STAR 徽标®均为美国环保署在美国的注册标志。
© 2006 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.HP 产品及服务的保修仅以随该产品及服务提供的书面保修声明为准。
对任何技术或编辑错误或者本文所述内容的遗漏,HP 不承担任何责任。
目录1 设备基本信息设备比较 (2)功能比较 (3)打印机视图 (5)设备部件 (5)接口端口 (6)设备软件 (7)支持的操作系统 (7)支持的打印机驱动程序 (7)选择正确的打印机驱动程序 (7)驱动程序自动配置 (8)立即更新 (8)HP 驱动程序预配置 (8)打印设置优先级 (8)打开打印机驱动程序 (9)用于 Macintosh 计算机的软件 (9)从 Macintosh 操作系统中删除软件 (10)实用程序 (10)HP Web Jetadmin (10)内嵌式 Web 服务器 (10)HP Easy Printer Care 软件 (11)支持的操作系统 (11)支持的浏览器 (11)其它组件和实用程序 (11)2 控制面板概述 (14)控制面板布局 (15)使用控制面板菜单 (17)使用菜单 (17)显示如何操作菜单 (18)检索作业菜单 (19)信息菜单 (20)纸张处理菜单 (21)配置设备菜单 (22)打印子菜单 (22)打印质量子菜单 (24)系统设置子菜单 (26)I/O 子菜单 (28)ZHCN iii复位子菜单 (29)诊断菜单 (30)维修菜单 (31)更改设备控制面板配置设置 (32)更改控制面板设置 (32)更改控制面板设置 (32)显示地址 (32)纸盘动作选项 (33)休眠延迟 (33)个性 (34)可清除警告 (34)自动继续 (35)碳粉盒碳粉不足 (35)碳粉盒碳粉耗尽响应 (35)卡塞恢复 (36)RAM 磁盘 (36)语言 (37)3 输入/输出 (I/O) 配置并行配置 (40)USB 配置 (41)连接 USB 电缆 (41)网络配置 (42)从控制面板手动配置 TCP/IP 参数 (42)设置 IPv4 地址 (42)设置子网掩码 (42)设置默认网关 (43)禁用网络协议(可选) (43)禁用 IPX/SPX (44)禁用 AppleTalk (44)禁用 DLC/LLC (44)增强 I/O (EIO) 配置 (45)HP Jetdirect EIO 打印服务器 (45)4 介质和纸盘一般介质准则 (48)避免使用的纸张 (48)可损坏设备的纸张 (48)一般介质规格 (49)介质注意事项 (50)信封 (50)双侧接缝的信封 (50)带粘性封条或封盖的信封 (50)信封边距 (51)信封存放 (51)标签 (51)标签结构 (51)投影胶片 (51)卡片纸和重磅介质 (52)iv ZHCN卡片纸结构 (52)卡片纸准则 (52)信头纸和预印表格 (52)选择打印介质 (54)支持的介质尺寸 (54)支持的介质类型 (55)打印和纸张存放环境 (56)装入介质 (57)装入纸盘 1(多用途纸盘) (57)自定义纸盘 1 操作 (59)装入纸盘 2 和可选纸盘 3 (59)装入特殊介质 (61)控制打印作业 (62)来源 (62)类型和尺寸 (62)选择出纸槽 (63)打印到顶部出纸槽 (63)打印到后出纸槽 (64)5 打印使用 Windows 设备驱动程序中的功能 (66)创建和使用快速设置 (66)使用水印 (67)调整文档大小 (67)从打印机驱动程序设置自定义纸张尺寸 (67)使用不同纸张和打印封面 (68)打印空白的第一页 (68)在一张纸上打印多个页面 (68)在纸张两面打印 (69)使用自动双面打印 (69)手动双面打印 (70)双面打印的布局选项 (70)使用维修选项卡 (71)使用 Macintosh 设备驱动程序中的功能 (72)创建和使用预置 (72)打印封面 (72)在一张纸上打印多个页面 (72)在纸张两面打印 (73)取消打印作业 (75)从打印机控制面板停止当前打印作业 (75)从软件程序停止当前打印作业 (75)管理存储的作业 (76)6 管理和维护设备使用信息页 (78)配置电子邮件警报 (79)使用 HP Easy Printer Care 软件 (80)打开 HP Easy Printer Care 软件 (80)HP Easy Printer Care 软件各部分 (80)ZHCN v使用内嵌式 Web 服务器 (82)通过网络连接打开内嵌式 Web 服务器 (82)内嵌式 Web 服务器各部分 (82)使用 HP Web Jetadmin 软件 (84)使用适用于 Macintosh 的 HP Printer Utility (85)打开 HP Printer Utility (85)HP Printer Utility 功能 (85)管理耗材 (87)耗材寿命 (87)打印碳粉盒大致更换时间间隔 (87)管理打印碳粉盒 (87)打印碳粉盒存放 (87)使用原装 HP 打印碳粉盒 (87)HP 对非 HP 打印碳粉盒的策略 (87)打印碳粉盒鉴别 (88)HP 打假热线和网站 (88)更换耗材和部件 (89)耗材更换准则 (89)更换打印碳粉盒 (89)清洁设备 (92)清洁外部 (92)清洁送纸道 (92)7 故障排除问题解决检查清单 (94)影响设备性能的因素 (94)问题解决流程图 (95)步骤 1:控制面板显示屏上是否显示“就绪”? (95)步骤 2:您能打印配置页吗? (95)步骤 3:是否能从程序打印? (96)步骤 4:作业是否按预期方式打印? (96)步骤 5:设备是否选择了纸盘? (97)解决一般打印问题 (99)控制面板消息类型 (102)控制面板消息 (103)卡纸常见原因 (116)卡塞位置 (117)卡塞恢复 (117)清除卡纸 (118)从进纸盘区域清除卡纸 (118)清除打印碳粉盒区域中的卡纸 (119)从出纸槽区域清除卡纸 (120)从可选双面打印器清除卡纸 (122)解决重复卡纸 (123)解决打印质量问题 (125)与介质有关的打印质量问题 (125)与环境有关的打印质量问题 (125)与卡纸有关的打印质量问题 (125)图像缺陷示例 (125)vi ZHCN打印颜色浅(部分页面) (127)打印浓度淡(整个页面) (127)斑点 (127)丢字 (128)线条 (128)灰色背景 (128)碳粉污迹 (129)松散的碳粉 (129)重复缺陷 (130)重复图像 (130)变形字符 (130)页面倾斜 (131)卷曲或呈波形 (131)皱纹或折痕 (132)白色垂直线 (132)胎迹 (133)黑底上的白色斑点 (133)分散的线条 (133)模糊打印 (134)随机图像重复 (134)解决网络打印问题 (135)解决常见的 Windows 问题 (136)解决常见的 Macintosh 问题 (137)解决 Linux 问题 (140)解决常见的 PostScript 问题 (141)一般问题 (141)附录 A 耗材和附件订购部件、附件和耗材 (144)直接从 HP 订购 (144)通过服务或支持提供商订购 (144)通过内嵌式 Web 服务器直接订购(适用于连接到网络上的设备) (144)通过内嵌式 Web 服务器订购 (144)直接通过 HP Easy Printer Care 软件订购(适用于直接连接到计算机上的设备) (144)产品号 (145)纸张处理附件 (145)打印碳粉盒 (145)内存 (145)电缆和接口 (145)打印介质 (146)附录 B 服务与支持Hewlett-Packard 有限保修声明 (149)打印碳粉盒有限保修声明 (150)HP 客户服务 (151)联机服务 (151)电话支持 (151)软件实用程序、驱动程序和电子信息 (151)直接订购 HP 附件或耗材 (151)ZHCN viiHP 服务信息 (151)HP 服务协议 (151)HP Easy Printer Care 软件 (151)有关 Macintosh 计算机的 HP 支持及信息 (152)HP 维护协议 (153)现场服务协议 (153)次日现场服务 (153)每周(批量)现场服务 (153)重新包装设备 (153)延长保修期 (153)附录 C 规格物理规格 (156)电气规格 (157)声音规格 (158)操作环境 (159)附录 D 规范信息FCC 规则 (162)环境产品管理计划 (163)保护环境 (163)产生臭氧 (163)能耗 (163)碳粉消耗 (163)纸张使用 (163)塑料 (163)HP LaserJet 打印耗材 (163)HP 打印耗材的退回和回收利用计划信息 (164)纸张 (164)材料限制 (164)欧盟用户丢弃私人废弃设备的规定 (165)材料安全数据表 (MSDS) (165)更多信息 (165)一致性声明 (166)一致性声明 (166)安全声明 (167)激光安全 (167)加拿大 DOC 规则 (167)VCCI 声明(日本) (167)电源线声明(日本) (167)EMI 声明(韩国) (167)芬兰激光声明 (167)附录 E 处理内存和打印服务器卡概述 (170)安装内存 (171)安装设备内存 (171)检查 DIMM 安装 (175)保存资源(永久资源) (176)viii ZHCN为 Windows 启用内存 (177)使用 HP Jetdirect 打印服务器卡 (178)安装 HP Jetdirect 打印服务器卡 (178)取出 HP Jetdirect 打印服务器卡 (179)词汇 (181)索引 (183)ZHCN ixx ZHCN1设备基本信息设备安装就绪并可以使用后,请花几分钟时间熟悉该设备。
惠普 瘦客户机 用户指南
HP 瘦客户机©Copyright 2018 HP Development Company, L.P.Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家/地区的注册商标或商标。
HP 产品和服务附带的明示保修声明中阐明了此类产品和服务的全部保修服务。
HP 对本文档中出现的技术错误、编辑错误或遗漏之处不承担任何责任。
第一版:2018 年 5 月文档部件号:L18409-AA1产品通告本用户指南介绍大多数机型的常见功能。
并非所有功能在所有 Windows 版本中都可用。
系统可能需要升级和/或单独购买硬件、驱动程序或 BIOS 更新,以充分利用 Windows 功能。
Windows 10 会自动更新,此功能始终处于启用状态。
可能会收取 ISP 费用,在更新过程中可能还会有其他要求。
软件条款如果安装、复制、下载或以其他方式使用此计算机上预安装的任何软件产品,即表明您同意受 HP 最终用户许可协议(EULA) 条款的约束。
如果您不接受这些许可协议条款,只需将未使用的产品(包括硬件和软件)在 14 天内完整地退回给您的经销商,并依据其退款政策申请全额退款即可。
都是网上抄来的IHG 优惠code
Various points Codes and Promos that are being discussedSince the post above is quite long, we will add the new codes with a date, when they are added. We hope this makes it easier for you to track them.1012 - Elite Member next stay bonus (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20131023 - Welcome Back bonus (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20131027 - New Member bonus (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20131037 - Elite Member next stay bonus (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20131038 - HP Gold Upgrade (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20131041 - 2000 Bonus Points for 60 days (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 2013 1228 - 3000 Bonus Priority Club Points for your next stay Worldwide. Stay must be made within 90 days of registering.1593 - 1000 Bonus Priority Club Points for your next stay in Canada. -- added Aug. 05, 20122120 - 1500 Bonus Priority Club Points for your next stay Worldwide. Stay must be made within 90 days of registering. -- added Aug. 05, 20122169 - HCV Fall Rental Giveback (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20132184 - AeroPlan Summer Campaign - Register, Stay, Earn 3X -- added Jun. 03, 2013 2619 - Book direct 2013 (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20132656 - 1500 Bonus Points - Welcome Back Bonus 1500 points on next stay within 90 days -- added May 07, 20132670 - 1000 Points Gold Bonus(not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20132785 - Elite Member Next stay bonus (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20132954 - Business Transient Offer (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20133107 - 1500 Bonus Priority Club Points or 500 Bonus Airline Miles for your next stay Worldwide. Stay must be made within 90 days of registering. -- added Aug. 05, 2012 3136 - 5000 Bonus Priority Club Points for your next weekend (Fri+Sat or Sat+Sun) stay Worldwide. Stay must be made within 90 days of registering. -- added Aug. 05, 20123168 - Just 5 nights to Platinum Elite status. Plus, 5,000 bonus points (get 5000 points if you are five nights short of Platinum) until November 30, 2012 -- added May 30, 2012; date added Aug 08, 20123241 - Holiday Unn Resoirt - Shop Dine Entertain (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20133825 - Elite Member Next stay bonus (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20134041 - Next stay bonus (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20134644 - ANNIVERSARY BONUS OFFER - earn 1000 pts / stay in 90days -- added Apr. 23, 20134648 - New Member bonus (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20134709 - 1000 Bonus Points Per Stay For 60 Days -- added May 25, 20134777 - 5000 Points Platinum Bonus (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20134994 - 2000 extra points on each of your next 4 stays -- added July 25, 20135109 - 1500 Bonus Priority Club Points for your next stay Worldwide. Stay must be made within 90 days of registering. -- added Aug. 05, 20125130 - 5000 Bonus Priority Club Points for your next weekend (Fri+Sat or Sat+Sun) stay Worldwide. Stay must be made within 90 days of registering. -- added Aug. 05, 20126102 - 1000 Bonus Priority Club Points for your next stay Worldwide. Stay must be made within 90 days of registering. -- added Aug. 05, 20126113 - 1000 pts per stay for 90days. ANNIVERSARY BONUS OFFER (10 years). -- added June 26, 20126487 - STAY 3 nights at Intercontinental Hotels, gat Ambassador free -- added August 30, 20127620 - Next Stay 1000 pts (registration says for some CANADA FCOM) -- added November 13, 2012; remark added December 31, 20127637 - Birthdays, family reunions, anniversaries – whatever the occasion, plan to celebrate with us soon. Enjoy a fun and rewarding weekend at any of our hotels and we’ll treat you to 5,000 bonus points. Simply stay Friday and Saturday, or Saturday and Sunday nights (two consecutive nights total) within 90 days. -- added March 23, 20137641 - Next stay bonus (not details known) -- added Sep. 21, 20137974 - Next Stay 3000 pts (Might be invalid) -- added December 31, 20128108 - 1000 Bonus Points for 60 Days -- added June 21, 20128926 - 1st stay: Earns you 2,000 points. 2nd stay: Earns you another 3,000 points. 3rd stay: Earns you 5,000 more points. Seems to be targetted (see this post and that post for details. mighzt not even be real) -- added May 15, 20131098 - HOLIDAY NIGHTS PROMOTION1228 - 3000 points next 90 days1310 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus1357 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus1414 - New Mover Bonus (whatever this is ... ???)1593 CANADA STAY BONUS 1000 pts after next Canada stay1712 - New member bonus1767 - AMBASSADOR ACTIVATION HURDLE1848 - Next Stay 1500 Points [/strike]1871– Elite Jump Start in 2011 (not confirmed !)1935– book online bonus points1971– book online bonus points1997 - book online bonus points[/strike]2010– book online bonus points2012 - HOLIDAY INN CLUB BONUS2101 - 1000 POINTS FOR NEXT STAY2101 - Welcome Back Bonus2120 - Next stay within 90 days get 1500 points2161 - IC 2010 Europe Spring Offer2162 - RGSTR, STAY, GET 5K POINTS within next 90 days2275 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus2698– Welcome Back Bonus (1500 bonus points)2318 - Anniversay bonus points, no number of points mentioned2345– book online bonus points2697– 3000 bonus points for your next stay within in 90 days (Platinum)2698– 1500 bonus points for your next stay within in 90 days2702- 1000 bonus points for your next stay within 60 days2703- 1000 bonus points for your next stay within 60 days2775- 1000 bonus points for your next stay within 90 days2884– Elite Jump Start in 2011 (not confirmed !)3010 - Book online 2000 points3022 - Reward night / 10% rebate (only valid for PC Visa card holders)3016– PCR Visa book online bonus points3028– PCR Visaa book online bonus3046– 5k Point Platinum Bonus (After you reach platinum, 5000 bonus code)3048 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus3195– book online bonus points3219 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus3311 - Double points for 30 days3312 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus3782- Stay a Friday AND Saturday or Saturday AND Sunday (2 night min) and receive 5,000 bonus points. Stay must be within 90 days of registering for promo 3890 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus4019 - Welcome back bonus points4036 - E-statement opt in bonus4038– PC Bonus Offer seems not to work anymore4081 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus4157 - Welcome back 1,500 points seems not to work anymore4158– book online 5000 bonus points4310- 5k Point Platinum Bonus (After you reach platinum, 5000 bonus code)may have expired4323 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus4466 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus4804 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus5008 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus (1000 bonus points)5013 - New Mover bonus5109 - 1500 bonus points for next stay in next 90 days (added March 17th, 2012) 5221 - ELITE MEMBER NEXT STAY BONUS5267 - 30000 points or 10000 miles5426– book online bonus points5711 - Anniversay offer5712– Anniversary Bonus6102– 1000 pts for next 90 days6173– book online bonus points6186- 5k Point Platinum Bonus (After you reach platinum, 5000 bonus code)may have expired6198 - Welcome back 1,500 points6199 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6200 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6201 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6363 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6364 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus (1500 bonus points)6365 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus (1500 bonus points)6370- 1,500 bonus points for your next stay within 90 days.6376 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6395 - Stay 12, Get 25 GBP M+S Voucher6676 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6680- Welcome back bonus points6740 - Emirates book online bonus6778 - 1,000 bonus points every stay next 60 days6835 - Earn 1,500 bonus points for your next stay within 90 days7004 - New Mover (sic !!) bonus7019– E-Mail Opt In 250 bonus points7373– book online bonus points7807 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus7830 - WELCOME BACK BONUS7885 - for a $25 reward certificate ($25 Reward Choice® Certificate that can be redeemed online at hundreds of national and regional merchants† for clothing, electronics, sports equipment, home accessories, travel and much more.) if you register and stay within 90 days.8020 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus (1000 bonus points)8390 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus8447 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus8803; 8804- triple points (old codes, not confirmed they are still working ?)8805- Whole World Half off Promotion8805- 4000 bonus points8853 - receive 1500 points for a stay within 90 days8856 - Elite Jump Start 20119003 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus9079 - Elite Members Next Stay Bonus9408 - Staybridge Suites BBQ Offer9587–stay 8 get $50 cert (appears to eliminate normal stay 3/4 etc bonuses for Q1) 20,000 POINTS OR 4,000 MILES9633 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus9663 - BIGGEST FREE NIGHT OFFER9835 - PCR Bouns offer.9945 - HI Double points activation expired December 2010.9998 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonusNew Member Bonus / Next Stay Bonus1310 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus1357 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus1414 - New Mover Bonus (whatever this is ... ???)1712 - New member bonus1848 - Next Stay 1500 Points2120 - Next stay within 90 days get 1500 points2275 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus2318 - Anniversay bonus points, no number of points mentioned3046– 5000 pts for next stay after you reach Platinum only3048 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus3219 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus3311 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus3312 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus3890 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus4081 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus4323 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus4466 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus4804 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus5008 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus (1000 bonus points)5109 - 1500 bonus points for next stay in next 90 days (added March 17th, 2012) 5221 - ELITE MEMBER NEXT STAY BONUS6199 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6200 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6201 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6363 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6364 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus (1500 bonus points)6365 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus (1500 bonus points)6376 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus6676 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus7807 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus8020 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus (1000 bonus points)8390 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus8447 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus8853 - receive 1500 points for a stay within 90 days8917 - receive 25000 points for a four consecutive nights stay at any Holiday Inn Club Vacations resort from mid-April through May 259003 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus9633 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus9998 - New member bonus / Welcome back bonus9079 - Elite Member Next Stay BonusBooking online Promotion1935– book online bonus points1971– book online bonus points1997 - book online bonus points2010– book online bonus points2345– book online bonus points3010 - Book online 2000 points3016– PCR Visa book online bonus3028– PCR Visa olnine bonus3195– book online bonus points4158– book online 5000 pointsWelcome Back Bonus1228 - 3000 points next 90 days2101 - 1,000 POINTS FOR NEXT STAY2101 - Welcome Back Bonus2162 - RGSTR, STAY, GET 5K POINTS within next 90 days2698– Welcome Back Bonus (1500 bonus points)2697– 3000 bonus points for your next stay within in 90 days (Platinum)2698– 1500 bonus points for your next stay within in 90 days2702- 1000 bonus points for your next stay within 60 days2703- 1,000 bonus points for your next stay within 60 days2775- 1000 bonus points for your next stay within 90 days3311 - Double points for 30 days3782- Stay a Friday AND Saturday or Saturday AND Sunday (2 night min) and receive 5,000 bonus points. Stay must be within 90 days of registering for promo 4019 - Welcome back points4157 - Welcome back 1,500 points5267 - 30000 points or 10000 miles5711 - Anniversary Bonus offer6102– 1000 pts for next 90 days6198 - Welcome back 1,500 points6370- 1,500 bonus points for your next stay within 90 days.6680- Elite Member Next Stay Bonus6778 - 1,000 bonus points every stay next 60 days6835 - Earn 1,500 bonus points for your next stay within 90 days7830 - WELCOME BACK BONUS8803; 8804- triple points (old codes, not confirmed they are still working ?)8853 - receive 1500 points for a stay within 90 days9945 - HI Double points activation. expired December 2010Platinum Bonus Points and Elite Only (i.e. Elite Jump Start)1871– Elite Jump Start in 2011 (not confirmed !)2884– Elite Jump Start in 2011 (not confirmed !)4038– PC Bonus Offer seems not to work anymore4310 - 5k Point Platinum Bonus (After you reach platinum, 5000 bonus code)6186 - 5k Point Platinum Bonus (After you reach platinum, 5000 bonus code)8856 - Elite Jump Start 2011E-Mail Bonus4036 - E-statement opt in bonus5426– book online bonus points6173– book online bonus points7019– E-Mail Opt In 250 bonus points7373– book online bonus pointsMisc.1098 - HOLIDAY NIGHTS PROMOTION1593 - CANADA STAY BONUS 1000 pts after next Canada stay1767 - AMBASSADOR ACTIVATION HURDLE2012 - HOLIDAY INN CLUB BONUS3022 - Reward night / 10% rebate (only valid for PC Visa card holders)5013 - New Mover Bonus5712– Anniversary Bonus6395 - Stay 12, Get 25 GBP M+S Voucher6740 - Emirates book online bonus7004 - New mover (sicc !!) bonus7885 - for a $25 reward certificate ($25 Reward Choice® Certificate that can be redeemed online at hundreds of national and regional merchants† for clothing, electronics, sports equipment, home accessories, travel and much more.) if you register and stay within 90 days.8805- Whole World Half off Promotion8805- 4000 bonus points8917 - receive 25000 points for a four consecutive nights stay at any Holiday Inn Club Vacations resort from mid-April through May 259408 - Staybridge Suites BBQ Offer9587–stay 8 get $50 cert (appears to eliminate normal stay 3/4 etc bonuses for Q1) 20,000 POINTS OR 4,000 MILES9945 - HI Double points activation.9835 - PCR Bonus offer.There is no guarantee that the above mentioned codes are still working and you get the points; so do not blame your fellow flyertalkers and do not even think about calling Priority Club! A few codes are striked. These codes seem not to work for a couple of people and I made this experience as well with more than one account. However this does not necessarily mean that they will not work for you. You should also only register for one type promotion at the same time and track the codes you have used so far yourself. This thread is only a source for codes. Codes which work for some might not work for others. Therefore we could only make a common approach and I will not delete post simply because they not work for some of us. The above list is only for reference, I have added another post with all new codes with the date when they were posted for the first time.Thank you for your understandingAirline Miles Bonus Points1700 - Welcome Back Platinum Member - American Airlines Bonus Miles7489 - Welcome Back Gold Member - American Airlines Bonus Miles。
二、技术要求:Substance DetailsCAS Registry Number: 9004-32-4CA Index Name: Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt Synonyms:∙114: PN: WO2004099237 PAGE: 34 claimed sequence ∙12M31XP∙1400LC∙2000MH∙7H3SF∙7H3SX∙7H4XF∙7L2C∙7MXF∙9H4F-CMC∙9H4XF∙9M31X∙ A 0111∙ A 01H∙ A 01L∙ A 01M∙ A 02SH∙ A 10M∙ A 50M∙Ac-Of-Sol∙Admiral 3541∙AG∙AG Gum∙AG Gum HE 2∙AG Gum HG∙AG Gum LV 1∙AG Gum LV 2∙AG Gum M∙AG Gum SG∙Akucell 07071∙Akucell AF 0305 ∙Akucell AF 2205 ∙Akucell AF 2805 ∙Akucell AF 2881 ∙Akucell AF 2895 ∙Akucell AF 2985 ∙Akucell AF 3185 ∙Akucell AF 3275 ∙Akucell HF 300∙AKU-W 515∙Akzo 1.1CMC∙Akzo 1.2CMC∙Akzo 1.3DS∙AL 12355∙Ambergum 1221 ∙Ambergum 1521 ∙Ambergum 1570 ∙Ambergum 3021 ∙Ambergum 99-3021 ∙Anestogam 9450 ∙AOIH∙APP 84∙Aquacel∙Aquacel Hydrofiber ∙Aquacide I∙Aquacide II∙Aqualon 12M31∙Aqualon 12M31P∙Aqualon 7H∙Aqualon 7H3SXF-PH ∙Aqualon 7HF∙Aqualon 7LFH∙Aqualon 7LF-PH∙Aqualon 7M2∙Aqualon 7M8SFPH ∙Aqualon 7MF∙Aqualon 9H4F∙Aqualon CMC∙Aqualon CMC 12M8 ∙Aqualon CMC 7H∙Aqualon CMC 7H4F ∙Aqualon CMC 7H4XF ∙Aqualon CMC 7HCF ∙Aqualon CMC 7HX ∙Aqualon CMC 7L∙Aqualon CMC 7L2 ∙Aqualon CMC 7L2T ∙Aqualon CMC 7LT ∙Aqualon CMC 7M∙Aqualon CMC 9H4F ∙Aquaplast∙Aquasorb F-C∙Aquasorb FC 1/16 ∙Aquasorb F-R∙ B 10∙ B 10 (polysaccharide) ∙Blanosa 7L∙Blanose∙Blanose 12M31P∙Blanose 721C1∙Blanose 7ELC1∙Blanose 7H∙Blanose 7H3SXF∙Blanose 7H4∙Blanose 7H4FD∙Blanose 7H4XF∙Blanose 7HC∙Blanose 7HF∙Blanose 7HOF∙Blanose 7HXF∙Blanose 7L1∙Blanose 7L2C∙Blanose 7LC∙Blanose 7LF∙Blanose 7LFD∙Blanose 7M1∙Blanose 7M31CF∙Blanose 7MC1∙Blanose 7MD∙Blanose 7MF∙Blanose 931M∙Blanose 9H4XF∙Blanose 9HF∙Blanose 9M31F∙Blanose 9M31XF∙Blanose BS 190∙Blanose BWH∙Blanose BWM∙Blanose BWS∙Blanose CMC 7M65C∙Blanose JH 4FD∙ C 5013∙ C 5678∙Carbocel 300∙Carbocel 500∙Carbocel EHV∙Carbocel LV∙Carbocel MB 2C150∙Carbocel MM 3∙Carbocel MM 30∙Carbocel TM 500S∙Carbocell MM 3-150∙Carbose 1M∙Carbose D 72∙Carboxymethyl cellulose∙Carboxymethyl cellulose sodium∙Carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt∙Carboxymethylated cellulose sodium salt ∙Carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt∙Carmellose sodium∙Cekol 10000∙Cekol 100000∙Cekol 2000∙Cekol 30∙Cekol 30000P∙Cekol 4000∙Cekol 50000∙Cekol 500T∙Cekol 700P∙Cekol DVG∙Cekol FF 2∙Celbase Gum CRM ∙Celbase Mud RB 35 ∙Celfix 5∙Celkol CMC 2000 ∙Cellcosan∙Cellex CMC∙Cellofas∙Cellofas B 5∙Cellofas B 50∙Cellofas B 6∙Cellofas C∙Cellogel C∙Cellogen∙Cellogen 1A∙Cellogen 3H∙Cellogen 412C∙Cellogen 4H∙Cellogen 5A∙Cellogen 6A∙Cellogen 7A∙Cellogen AG∙Cellogen AG-Gum M ∙Cellogen B 2∙Cellogen BS∙Cellogen BS-H∙Cellogen BSH 12 ∙Cellogen BS-H 3∙Cellogen BSH 6∙Cellogen EP∙Cellogen F 3H∙Cellogen F 5A∙Cellogen F 6HS9 ∙Cellogen F 7A∙Cellogen F 810A∙Cellogen F 8R∙Cellogen F-AG∙Cellogen F-SA∙Cellogen F-SB∙Cellogen F-SC∙Cellogen FS-C∙Cellogen F-SL∙Cellogen FSR∙Cellogen HE 1500∙Cellogen HE 1500F∙Cellogen HF 600F∙Cellogen HH∙Cellogen HP 1050B∙Cellogen HP 1215C∙Cellogen HP 3HS∙Cellogen HP 6HS9∙Cellogen HP 8A∙Cellogen NB-P∙Cellogen OT∙Cellogen P 815C∙Cellogen PL 15∙Cellogen PR∙Cellogen PRS∙Cellogen PR-S∙Cellogen WS∙Cellogen WSA∙Cellogen WS-C∙Cellogen WS-CN∙Cellpro∙Cellufix FF 100∙Cellufix FF 20∙Cellufix P∙Cellugel∙Cellulose carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt∙Cellulose carboxymethylate sodium salt∙Cellulose glycolate∙Cellulose sodium glycolate∙Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt∙CELLULOSE,CARBOXYMETHYL ETHER,SODIUM SALT ∙Celpol RX∙Cepol∙Cepol (polysaccharide)∙Chimcell CMS 30G∙CM 23∙CM 52∙CMC∙CMC 1105∙CMC 1120∙CMC 1160∙CMC 1180∙CMC 1190∙CMC 1205∙CMC 1260∙CMC 1280∙CMC 12M31∙CMC 1380∙CMC 2∙CMC 2000∙CMC 2260∙CMC 3000∙CMC 3M5T∙CMC 41A∙CMC 4H1∙CMC 4M6∙CMC 50∙CMC 7A∙CMC 7H∙CMC 7H3SF∙CMC 7H3SX∙CMC 7H4F∙CMC 7HF∙CMC 7HOF∙CMC 7HX4∙CMC 7L1∙CMC 7LD∙CMC 7LF∙CMC 7M∙CMC 7M31CFPH ∙CMC 7MC∙CMC 7MF∙CMC 7MT∙CMC 9H4∙CMC CS 800∙CMC Daicel∙CMC Daicel 1110 ∙CMC Daicel 1120 ∙CMC Daicel 1130 ∙CMC Daicel 1150 ∙CMC Daicel 1170∙CMC Daicel 1180∙CMC Daicel 1190∙CMC Daicel 1201∙CMC Daicel 1205∙CMC Daicel 1208∙CMC Daicel 1220∙CMC Daicel 1260∙CMC Daicel 1290∙CMC Daicel 1310∙CMC Daicel 1330∙CMC Daicel 1350∙CMC Daicel 1380∙CMC Daicel 2000∙CMC Daicel 2200∙CMC Daicel 2280∙CMC sodium salt∙CMC-CLT∙CMC-D 72∙CM-Cellulose 600∙CM-cellulose Na∙CM-cellulose Na salt∙CM-Cellulose sodium salt ∙CMC-H 6∙CMC-TSB 46∙Collowel∙Copagel PB 25∙Courbose F75∙Courlose 850∙Courlose A 590∙Courlose A 610∙Courlose A 650∙Courlose F 1000G∙Courlose F 20∙Courlose F 20G∙Courlose F 350∙Courlose F 370∙Courlose F 4∙Courlose F 75P∙Courlose F 8∙Courlose F 8P∙Courlose SCMC F 20∙Courlose Z 608∙Covagel∙Daicel 1102∙Daicel 1105∙Daicel 1120∙Daicel 1130∙Daicel 1140∙Daicel 1150∙Daicel 1160∙Daicel 1170∙Daicel 1180∙Daicel 1190∙Daicel 1193∙Daicel 1201∙Daicel 1207∙Daicel 1240∙Daicel 1280∙Daicel 1290∙Daicel 1330∙Daicel 1350∙Daicel 1390∙Daicel 2170∙Daicel 2253∙Daicel 2280∙Daicel 2340∙Daicel 3043∙Daicel 3403∙Daicel 5380∙Daicel F 500∙Dehydazol∙DIKO∙Dissolvo∙DKS Fine Gum HE ∙DKS Fine Gum HEL 3 ∙DKS Fine Gum HE-S ∙DKS Fine Gum SA-M ∙DP 31∙Drispac Plus∙Drispac Regular∙DTE-NV∙DWP 311∙ E 466∙Edifas B∙Ethoxose∙ F 1400LC∙ F 20LC∙ F 5A∙ F 7A∙FF 10∙FF 30∙Fine Gum G 1∙Fine Gum HE∙Fine Gum HE 600∙Fine Gum HEL∙Fine Gum HEL 3∙Fine Gum HES∙Fine Gum HESK∙Fine Gum HESS∙Fine Gum HFL∙Fine Gum LV∙Fine Gum LV 2∙Fine Gum MC 8∙Fine Gum SA 2L∙Fine Gum SA 3L∙Fine Gum SA-H∙Fine Gum SA-L∙Fine Gum SA-M∙Fine Gum SH∙Fine Gum SH 20∙Fine Gum SP 1∙Fine Gum SP 150∙Finnfix∙Finnfix 10∙Finnfix 150∙Finnfix 2000∙FinnFix 30∙Finnfix 300∙Finnfix 4000∙Finnfix 4000P∙Finnfix 5∙Finnfix 5.0∙Finnfix BDA∙Finnfix BW∙Finnfix BX∙Finnfix F 4∙Finnfix FF 5∙Finnfix WRH∙F-SL∙FT 1∙FT 1 (cellulose derivative) ∙FT 3∙FT 3 (binder)∙FVH 6∙Gabrosa PA 186∙Gabrosa PA 386∙Gabrosa PA 947∙Gabrosa PAC-EHP∙Glikocel AS∙Glikocel AS 2∙Glikocel AS 30∙Glikocel AS 60∙Glikocel TA∙H 110∙H 110 (cellulose)∙H 921∙Hi Vis Cellex∙Honest gum∙Honest Gum FDM∙Horsil NV-U∙HP 7T∙HP 8A guar∙HPC-MFP∙IH 6∙IH 8∙IM 8∙IM 8 (polysaccharide) ∙Jelocel AS 30∙Kiccolate∙Kiccolate HC-GR∙Kiccolate P 2005A∙Kiccolate ULV∙Kiprogum M 800A∙KMTs∙KMTs 212∙KMTs 300∙KMTs 500∙KMTs 600∙KMTs 75/400∙KMTs 85/700∙KMTs 900∙L 3600∙L 3600 (polysaccharide) ∙LC Kote∙Lignin ML∙Lovosa∙Lovosa 20alk.∙Lovosa T 20∙Lovosa TN∙Lovosa TS 20∙Lucel∙Lucel (polysaccharide)∙Majol PLX∙Marpolose∙Mavibond CPA 2000∙Mavibond CPA 3000∙Modocoll 1200∙NATRIUM-CARBOXYMETHYL-CELLULOSE ∙Needs Gum DM∙Nikka Gum C 150∙Nikka Gum C 170∙Nikka Gum C 66R∙Nikka Gum M 47∙Nikka Gum MA 44∙Niklacell T 100∙Niklacell T 30∙Niklacell T 50∙NS 300∙Nymcel∙Nymcel S∙Nymcel SLC-T∙Nymcel ZSB∙Nymcel ZSB 10∙Nymcel ZSB 16∙Nymcel ZSF 23∙OK 2∙Optapix C 1000G∙Optapix C 12G∙Optapix KG 6∙Orabase∙Palsgaard 7409∙Parasolv 30∙PE 29XLX3∙Peridur 3002∙Perilan CMC∙Phricolat RT 20∙PM 6∙PM 6 (cellulose derivative)∙Politsell SK 1∙Politsell-KMTs 9S∙Pollocet As 2/60∙Polofix LV∙Polyfibron 120∙Procell CMC 813LZR∙PSW 3∙Quellax C 25S∙Relatin∙Relatin U 300S9∙S 75M∙San Rose A 10SHG∙Sanwet IN 30∙Sarcell TEL∙SCMC∙Sel de sodium de l'ether carboxymethylique de la cellulose ∙Serofin K 60∙Serogel∙Serogel LE 95∙Serogel N 60∙SG Cellogen 7A∙SG Cellogen FSB∙SG Cellogen PR∙SG Cellogen WSC∙SGAG Gum HE 2∙SG-AG-HE 300∙SGLC Coat 2∙Sichozell∙SNIACE-S 2000∙Sodium carboxylatomethyl cellulose∙SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYL CELLULOSE∙Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ether∙Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose salt∙Sodium carmellose∙Sodium cellulose glycolate∙SODIUM CMC∙Sodium CM-cellulose∙Sodium glycolate cellulose∙SPP 15∙Sunrose∙Sunrose A 01H∙Sunrose A 01MC∙Sunrose A 02SH∙Sunrose A 04SH∙Sunrose A 10MC∙Sunrose A 50MC∙Sunrose Alosh∙Sunrose AOIL∙Sunrose APP 100∙Sunrose APP 84∙Sunrose B 1B∙Sunrose B 2B∙Sunrose F 01MC∙Sunrose F 100MC∙Sunrose F 10LC∙Sunrose F 10MC∙Sunrose F 1400MC∙Sunrose F 300HC∙Sunrose F 30HC∙Sunrose F 30LC∙Sunrose F 30MC∙Sunrose F 50MC∙Sunrose FT 1∙Sunrose FT 2∙Sunrose FT 3∙Sunrose GK 91∙Sunrose MAC 1054∙Sunrose PNO 5A∙Sunrose SLD F1∙Sunrose SN 05L∙Sunrose SN 20A∙Sunrose SN 30C∙T 50∙T 50 (cellulose derivative) ∙Telcellose TE-DS∙Telpolymer 13∙Telpolymer 30∙Tylopur C 10000∙Tylopur C 10000P2∙Tylopur C 30G1∙Tylopur C 600∙Tylose 666∙Tylose C∙Tylose C 10000∙Tylose C 1000P∙Tylose C 20∙Tylose C 30∙Tylose C 300∙Tylose C 600∙Tylose C 6000G1∙Tylose CB 200∙Tylose CBR 10000∙Tylose CBR 10000G1∙Tylose CBR 200∙Tylose CBR 400∙Tylose CBS 30∙Tylose CBS 70∙Tylose Chimcell 10G∙Tylose CP 1500W∙Tylose CR 1500G2∙Tylose CR 1500P∙Tylose CR 50∙Tylose DKL∙Tylose K 30∙Tylose KN 25∙Unisol RH∙V 25∙V 25 (cellulose derivative) ∙Viscol CM 400∙Viscol CM 60∙VPZS 1∙Walocel 40000∙Walocel C∙Walocel CRT 10.000∙Walocel CRT 10.000P ∙Walocel CRT 100∙Walocel CRT 1000∙Walocel CRT 10000GA ∙Walocel CRT 10000PA ∙Walocel CRT 30∙Walocel CRT 30000PA ∙Walocel CRT 30GA∙Walocel CRT 30PA/GA ∙Walocel CRT 30PA/PG ∙Walocel CRT 40.000∙Walocel CRT 5847∙Walocel VP-C 2204G∙Walocel VP-C 2427∙Walsroder CMC∙YO-EH∙YO-LYO-M。
5013塔吊基础设计计算书工程名称:万山项目二期工程 编制单位:广东建粤建设工程有限公司 1.计算参数 (1)基本参数采用1台QZT63(5013)塔式起重机,塔身尺寸1.40m ;现场地面标高0.00m,基础底标高-3.00m ,基础埋设深度3.00m 。
(2)塔吊基础受力情况荷载情况基础荷载P(kN)M(kN .m)F kF h M M z 工作状态 332.10 14.80 1052.00 204.60 非工作状态281.7060.10868.00M塔吊基础受力示意图kF M zkF =F =M =z M =基础顶面所受垂直力基础顶面所受水平力基础所受扭矩基础顶面所受倾覆力矩hF h比较塔吊基础的工作状态和非工作状态的受力情况,塔吊基础按工作状态计算 F k =332.10kN ,F h =14.80kN ,M k =1052.00+14.80×1.40=1072.72kN.mF k ,=332.10×1.35=448.34kN ,F h ,=14.80×1.35=19.98kN ,M k ,=(1052.00+14.80×1.40)×1.35=1448.17kN .m2.基础底面尺寸验算 (1)基础尺寸长(a)=5.00m ,宽(b)=5.00m ,高(h)=1.40m (2)基础混凝土强度等级C25,f t =1.27N/mm 2,γ砼=25kN/m 3(3)基础底面尺寸验算G k=abhγ砼=5.00×5.00×1.40×25=875.00kNP k=(F k+G k)/A=(332.10+875.00)/(5.00×5.00)=48.28kPa基础底面矩W=0.1179a3=0.1179×5.003=14.74m3M k/W=1072.72/14.74=72.78kPaM k/w=72.78kPa>P k=48.28kPa,则进行偏心距计算(M k+F v h)/(F k+G k)=(1072.72+14.80×1.40)/(14.80+875.00)=1.23m偏心距e=1.23m<0.25×5.00=1.25m,基础底面尺寸满足要求。
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HP DesignJet T1530 打印机系列说明书
DatasheetHP DesignJet T1530PrinterseriesMaximize workgroup productivity and enterprise securityDual-roll 914-mm (36-inch),6-ink printer for professional-quality CAD and GIS applicationsFor more information,please visit/go/designjett15301Local printing requires mobile device and printer to be on the same network (usually Wi-Fi access points bridge wireless to wired connections).Wireless performance is dependent on physical environment and distance from access point.Wireless operations arecompatible with 2.4GHz operations only.Remote printing requires an Internet connection to an HP web-connected printer.Wireless broadband use requires separately purchased service contract for mobile devices.Check with service provider for coverage and availability in your area.See /go/designjetmobility for more details.2The HP All-in-One Printer Remote mobile app is available for Apple®iPad,iPhone,and iPod Touch running iOS v7.0or later and for Android™mobile devices running Android™v4.4or later.The HP All-in-One Printer Remote mobile app is available for free from the Apple®App Store for Apple®mobile devices and from the Google Play Store for Android™mobile devices.3Optional security solutions include Secure Disk Erase (available for all models)and Encrypted HD (available only in specific models).4The HP Print Service Plugin app is available for Android™mobile devices running Android™v.4.4or later.The app is free from Google Play.QUALITY—Your projects,presented at their best●Six Original HP inks produce a wide color gamut ideal for color graphics.●Original HP gray and photo black inks achieve precise line accuracy,dark blacks,and true neutral grays.●Make your architectural prints shine with professional,high-resolutiongraphics—opt for Adobe PostScript®.●Communicate with precision—produce plans,drawings,and maps with fine line quality,and up to 2400dpi.PRODUCTIVITY—Ease,efficiency empower workgroups●Stay organized and on task—theintegrated 50-page output stacking tray delivers flat,collated prints.●Two rolls help save time—easy front loading,automatic alignment;two media types/sizes,smart switching.●Print complex files fast—one A1/D in 21sec (120A1/D per hr),96GB virtual memory (based on 1.5GB RAM).●Print from your mobile device/USB drive with HP Mobile Printing 1;add features with HP AiO Printer Remote 2SECURITY—Enterprise compatible,IT manageable●Enable highly unattended printing with two 91.4-m (300-ft)rolls and Original HP ink cartridges up to 300ml.●Safeguard information with securityprotocols like IPSec,802.1x,SNMPv3,PIN printing,and other options.3●Use HP Embedded Web Server and Web Jetadmin to easily manage your printer and fleet while also tracking costs.●Integrates easily with your other office devices—iOS and Android™4compatibility with HP Mobile Printing.1Data sheet|HP DesignJet T1530Printer seriesTechnical specificationsPrintLine drawings21sec/page on A1;120A1prints per hour1Print resolution Up to2400x1200optimized dpiMargins Roll:3x3x3x3mmSheet:3x22x3x3mmTechnology HP Thermal InkjetInk types Dye-based(C,G,M,pK,Y);Pigment-based(mK)Ink drop6pl(C,M,Y,G,pK);9pl(mK)Printheads1(cyan,grey,magenta,matte black,photo black,yellow)Line accuracy±0.1%2Minimum line width0.02mm(HP-GL/2addressable)Guaranteed minimumline width0.07mm(ISO/IEC13660:2001(E))3MediaHandling Input:two automatic front-loading roll feeds,smart roll switching,sheet feedOutput:integrated output stacking tray(from A4/A to AO/E,with up to50A1/D-size capacity),media bin,automatic cutterSize210to914mm wide sheets;279to914mm rolls;A4;A3;A2;A1;A0Thickness Up to0.5mmApplications Line drawings;Renderings;Presentations;Maps;OrthophotosMemory96GB(file processing);Standard,500GB hard diskConnectivityInterfaces(standard)Gigabit Ethernet(1000Base-T)Print languages (standard)Basic printer HP-GL/2,HP-RTL,TIFF,JPEG,CALS G4,HP-PCL3GUI,URFPostScript printer Adobe PostScript3,Adobe PDF1.7Extension Level3,HP-GL/2,HP-RTL,TIFF,JPEG,CALS G4,HP-PCL3GUI,URFPrinting paths Direct printing from USB flash drive,email printing,HP driver for Windows,HP driver for MAC OS X,HP Print Service for Android,Apple AirPrint driver,HP Print for Chrome OSDrivers(included)HP-GL/2,HP-PCL3GUI drivers for Windows and Mac OS X;PostScript drivers for Windows,Linux,and Mac OS X Dimensions(w x d x h)Printer1399x916x1110mmShipping1500x781x815mmWeightPrinter88kgShipping120kgWhat's in the box HP DesignJet T1530Printer;printhead;introductory ink cartridges;stacking tray;media bin;spindles;quick reference guide;setup poster;startup software;power cordEnvironmental rangesOperating temperature5to40ºCStorage temperature-25to55ºCOperating humidity20to80%RHAcousticsSound pressure47dB(A)(active);39dB(A)(standby);<16dB(A)(sleep)Sound power 6.5B(A)(active);5.8B(A)(standby);<1.9B(A)(sleep)PowerConsumption120watts(printing);1.3watts(5watts with embedded Digital Front End)(sleep)Requirements Input voltage(auto ranging)100-240V(±10%),50/60Hz(±3Hz),2A max(peak current)CertificationSafety USA and Canada(CSA certified);EU(LVD and EN60950-1compliant);Russia(GOST);Singapore(PSB);China (CCC);Argentina(IRAM);Mexico(NYCE);Korea(KATS)Electromagnetic Compliant with Class B requirements,including:USA(FCC rules),Canada(ICES),EU(EMC Directive),Australia (ACMA),New Zealand(RSM),China(CCC),Japan(VCCI);Certified as Class A product:Korea(KCC) Environmental ENERGY STAR®;WEEE;EU RoHS;China RoHS;REACH;EPEAT BronzeWarranty Two-year limited warranty.Warranty and support options vary by product,country and local legalrequirements Ordering informationProductL2Y24AL2Y24BL2Y23AHP DesignJet T1530914-mm PostScript PrinterHP DesignJet T1530914-mm PostScript Printer with Encrypted Hard DiskHP DesignJet T1530914-mm PrinterAccessoriesC0C66A HP DesignJet PostScript/PDF Upgrade KitCN538A HP DesignJet3-in Core AdapterG6H50B HP SD Pro44-in ScannerG6H51B HP HD Pro42-in ScannerL4R66A HP DesignJet36-in SpindleOriginal HP printheadsB3P06A HP727DesignJet PrintheadOriginal HP ink cartridgesB3P19A HP727130-ml Cyan DesignJet Ink CartridgeB3P20A HP727130-ml Magenta DesignJet Ink CartridgeB3P21A HP727130-ml Yellow DesignJet Ink CartridgeB3P22A HP727130-ml Matte Black DesignJet Ink CartridgeB3P23A HP727130-ml Photo Black DesignJet Ink CartridgeB3P24A HP727130-ml Gray DesignJet Ink CartridgeC1Q12A HP727300-ml Matte Black DesignJet Ink CartridgeF9J76A HP727300-ml Cyan DesignJet Ink CartridgeF9J77A HP727300-ml Magenta DesignJet Ink CartridgeF9J78A HP727300-ml Yellow DesignJet Ink CartridgeF9J79A HP727300-ml Photo Black DesignJet Ink CartridgeF9J80A HP727300-ml Gray DesignJet Ink CartridgeOriginal HP large format printing materialsC6810A HP Bright White Inkjet Paper-914mm x91.4m(36in x300ft)Q1397A HP Universal Bond Paper-914mm x45.7m(36in x150ft)Service and SupportH4518E HP Installation Service with Network SetupU1XV4E Preventive Maintenance ServiceU8PM8E HP3year Next business day Onsite Support with Defective MediaU8UB4E HP4year Next business day Onsite Support with Defective MediaU8PM9E HP5year Next business day Onsite Support with Defective MediaU8PN0PE HP1year Post Warranty Next business day Onsite Support with Defective MediaU8UA5PE HP2year Post Warranty Next business day Onsite Support with Defective Media HP DesignJet Support Services offer solutions for business critical environments—installation, extended support and maintenance,as well as variety of value-added services.For more information,please visit /go/designjetsupport.Use Original HP inks and printheads to experience consistent high quality and reliable performance that enable less downtime.These critical components are designed and engineered together as an optimized printing system to provide precise line accuracy as well as dark blacks and true neutral grays.For more information,visit /go/OriginalHPinks.For the entire HP Large Format Printing Materials portfolio,please see . Eco HighlightsENERGY STAR®qualified and EPEAT Bronze registered1Free,convenient HP ink cartridge recycling2FSC®-certified papers3and a range of recyclable HP media with a take-back program21EPEAT registered where applicable and/or supported.See for registration statusby country.2Program availability varies.Please check /recycle for details.Many HP printingmaterials are recyclable through commonly available recycling programs.For information about HP largeformat printing materials,please visit .3BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319,see .HP trademark license codeFSC®-C017543,see .Not all FSC®-certified products are available in all regions.For information about HP large format printing materials,please visit .Please recycle large-format printing hardware and printing supplies.Findout how at our website/ecosolutions1Mechanical printing time2±0.1%of the specified vector length or±0.2mm(whichever greater)at23ºC,50-60%relative humidity,on A0/E HP Matte Film in Best or Normal mode withOriginal HP inks3Measured on HP MatteFilm©Copyright2015,2017HP Development Company,L.P.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered trademarks owned by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency.Adobe,PostScript,and Adobe PostScript3are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Windows is a U.S.registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer,Inc.,registered in the U.S.and other countries.4AA5-9760EEE Published in EMEA May2017。
HP打印机错误代码及解决方法1 FFFF FFFF XXXX XXXX 一般软件版本问题,重启即可2 FFFF FFFF 02B301B0 软件版本问题,升级版本即可3 FFFF FFFF 0101C XXXX I/O 接口问题,检查网线网卡或更换4 FFFF FFFF 030D010170~1 检测到小于 42寸的纸张,检查Y 轴马达,轨道平滑5 FFFF FFFF 031609XX 更换主板时没有取下纸,取下纸再重启即可6 FFFF FFFF 03450097 开机时没关好面盖,关上面盖重启7 FFFF FFFF 036000BD 服务站的清洁器没装好,复位、校准服务站或更换8 FFFF FFFF 036E0136 有软件冲突,重启即可9 01002D(不继续运行)主板与笔架小车板信号通,检查数据线与小车板或更换10 010023(不继续运行) EEROM TEST FAILURE 内存测试不通过,复位或更换内存条或换主板11 010030 034C095E 电源问题,重启一下或更换电源组件12 010040 介质马达数据线问题,检查数据线或更换介质马达或更换主板13 010041 光栅太脏或破损,更换光栅或光栅传感吕或笔架小车或主板14 010042 服务站检测有问题,检查服务站数据线,更换服务站或主板15 010090 介质马达数据线问题,检查数据线或更换介质马达或更换主板16 010091(可继续运行)介质马达有问题,或齿轮有老化或破损现象,更换马达或主板17 010092(可继续运行)清洁透镜,清洁滚轴(CLEAN THE ROLLER),清洁面板18 0110000 重启即可,NIB冲突19 040000 01E603D9 VIA主板网卡要装新的PP4inl补丁,来支持打印机网络设备20 050000或050001(可运行)清洁透镜,清洁滚轴(CLEAN THE ROLLER),清洁面板21 06030C或06040C 线传感器有问题,检查或更换线传感器,检查数据线22 0AXXXX(APS ERROR)空气压力系统有问题,检查空气压力管和墨管的情况是否有漏气或更换23 0A0070-BACKUP EERPM FAIL 打开BACKUP EEROM和全部校准程序,再安装SETUP EEROM (隐藏菜单)24 0B0000 机器运转温度过高,0~55℃室温,主板温度高,立刻降温25 0B0001 更换供墨系统板或主板,潮湿使板接触不良,检查供墨数据线26 0B0002 检查供墨系统和空气压力系统数据线,空气管有问题或更换主板27 0B0003 更换主板,ADCO INTERNAL CHANNEL CHECK FAILURE 主板内通道不通28 0B0004 空气压力系统问题,检查供墨系统和空气压力系统数据线与管道29 0B0005 空气压力系统问题,检查供墨系统和空气压力系统数据线与管道30 0B0006 笔架小车上的数据线没接好,重插一下数据线31 0B0007 吸纸风扇有问题,检查吸纸风扇连接或更换32 0B0008 电源风扇有问题,检查电源风扇连接或更换33 0B0009 面板下面的风扇有问题,检查连接或更换34 0B0010 XXXX(不运行)服务站清洁器没插好,或没校准,检查服务站或更换35 0B000A 检查服务站数据线或更换36 0B000B 空气压力系统问题,检查供墨系统和空气压力系统数据线与管道37 0B000C 序列装置 ADC测试失败,更换主板38 0B000D 机器认为纸张小于 42寸,检查介质通道39 0B000F(可继续运行)加热板有问题,请检查连接或更换40 0C0030 服务站滴墨感应器有问题,检查连接或更换,也可能是喷头不行41 0C0032 服务站没校准,进行校准或更换服务站42 0C0040 滴墨感应器有问题,检查喷头和数据线,更换滴墨感应器或服务站43 0C00FF 重启,不要应用TERNAL RIP,也可能是喷并没有报 XX21 引起的(喷头老化)44 0C1000 机器没校准服务站,或更换服务站45 0C1001 服务站数据线没接好,或更换服务站46 0D0000(可继续运行)没安装好介质属性文件,下载一个,或到主板按RESET键复位再重启47 0D0000 033F019C 没检查到介质属性文件,升级版本时没安装属性文件,主板复位一下48 0D0002(可继续运行)内存少,应调到静态菜单 STATISTICS MENUS49 0D0003 XXXX XXXX 版本问题,出现在喷头校准,升级版本50 0D0004 XXXX XXXX 重启机器51 0D0005 0318082 没有检测到切纸器,检查笔架小车,切纸器52 0FXXXX 版本问题错误,打印服务设置表,SERVICE CONFIGURATION53 0F0200 00B007BC 重启机器,升级版本54 0F0200 00B007EC 重启机器,升级版本55 0F0200 01E603D2 网卡via 的不支持,检查PP电脑和打印机网卡56 0F0100 03180382 切纸器有问题,检查笔架小车和切纸器57 0F0100 030C0916 线传感器测不到左面的滚轴孔,清洁孔和白条和透镜,检查调试笔架58 1F500XX(BOOT FAIL)硬盘错误,S检查启动卡红绿灯亮否,都亮才正常,复位并启动或更换59 0F001 036B011B 硬盘错误,重装硬盘或更换60 0F001 036B0117 重设网卡61 0F A000 033016B 硬盘错误,重装硬盘或更换62 E50000 硬盘错误,数据线接触有问题,检查启动卡上红绿灯亮否,如否更换;重装硬盘或更换或更换电源组件63 打印通道1、2 检查光栅、皮带、拉紧器、Y 轴马达、笔架状态,帮轨道打油,检查阻力大小,清洁面板,最后检查服务站清洁器是否有障碍物64 介质通道问题检查介质马达、数据线、高速齿轮,滚轴有否障碍物65 不能上纸更换介质传感器66 开机面板灯全闪而不启动启动卡问题,重插启动卡或更换67 机器运行有明显异响,或打印区域有奇怪色点帮机器接地线,检查电源是否有漏电或受潮或天气干燥有静电68 画面尺寸不对,画有重影介质背面太滑,打画时打滑,更换打印介质,调紧压纸板,用胶布69 打印测试条色块叠一起喷头有问题或小车板有问题,更换可解决问题70 机器IP地址混乱用驱动光盘安装驱动,重建打印机网络端口71 打印时按取消键会死机版本问题,升级版本就可以解决问题,(更换解密卡)XX02 reseat XX06 reseat XX08 reseat可能只是打印头安装错误,这表示打印头和打印机笔架间的电路连接有问题XX10 reseat 出现电路故障1.卸下打印头,然后再次插入打印头2.卸下打印头并清洁接点后重安装 3 .更换打印头xx03 replace 打印头智能芯片故障更换打印头或卸下打印头并清洁接点后重安装xx04 xx05 replace 您已安装新管道系统,并且打印机正在向它们注墨:打印机检测到打印头仍安装在打印机中。
0084 怀旧信封 レトロメール RETRO MAIL
0085 树果01 クラボのみ CHERI BERRY
0086 树果02 カゴのみ CHESTO BERRY
0087 树果03 モモンのみ PECHA BERRY
0088 树果04 チーゴのみ RAWST BERRY
009B 树果23 タポルのみ QUALOT BERRY
009C 树果24 ロメのみ HONDEW BERRY
009D 树果25 ウブのみ GREPA BERRY
009h 树果26 マトマのみ TAMATO BERRY
009F 树果27 モコシのみ CORNN BERRY
00A0 树果28 ゴスのみ MAGOST BERRY
0024 全PP增加剂 ピーピーエイダー ELIXIR
0025 全PP回复剂 ピーピーマックス MAX ELIXIR
0026 芬氏煎饼 フエンせんべい LAVA COOKIE
0027 蓝色玻璃 あおいビードロ BLUE FLUTE
0028 黄色玻璃 きいろビードロ YELLOW FLUTE
000C 纪念球 プレミアボール PREMIER BALL
000D 疗伤药 キズぐすり POTION
000E 消毒药 どくけし ANTIDOTE
000F 烧伤药 やけどなおし BURN HEAL
0010 冻伤药 こおりなおし ICE HEAL
0011 苏醒药 ねむけざまし AWAKENING
00C7 金钢外套 メタルコート METAL COAT
00C8 剩饭 たべのこし LEFTOVERS
二、技术要求:Substance DetailsCAS Registry Number: 9004-32-4CA Index Name: Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt Synonyms:∙114: PN: WO2004099237 PAGE: 34 claimed sequence ∙12M31XP∙1400LC∙2000MH∙7H3SF∙7H3SX∙7H4XF∙7L2C∙7MXF∙9H4F-CMC∙9H4XF∙9M31X∙ A 0111∙ A 01H∙ A 01L∙ A 01M∙ A 02SH∙ A 10M∙ A 50M∙Ac-Of-Sol∙Admiral 3541∙AG∙AG Gum∙AG Gum HE 2∙AG Gum HG∙AG Gum LV 1∙AG Gum LV 2∙AG Gum M∙AG Gum SG∙Akucell 07071∙Akucell AF 0305 ∙Akucell AF 2205 ∙Akucell AF 2805 ∙Akucell AF 2881 ∙Akucell AF 2895 ∙Akucell AF 2985 ∙Akucell AF 3185 ∙Akucell AF 3275 ∙Akucell HF 300∙AKU-W 515∙Akzo 1.1CMC∙Akzo 1.2CMC∙Akzo 1.3DS∙AL 12355∙Ambergum 1221 ∙Ambergum 1521 ∙Ambergum 1570 ∙Ambergum 3021 ∙Ambergum 99-3021 ∙Anestogam 9450 ∙AOIH∙APP 84∙Aquacel∙Aquacel Hydrofiber ∙Aquacide I∙Aquacide II∙Aqualon 12M31∙Aqualon 12M31P∙Aqualon 7H∙Aqualon 7H3SXF-PH ∙Aqualon 7HF∙Aqualon 7LFH∙Aqualon 7LF-PH∙Aqualon 7M2∙Aqualon 7M8SFPH ∙Aqualon 7MF∙Aqualon 9H4F∙Aqualon CMC∙Aqualon CMC 12M8 ∙Aqualon CMC 7H∙Aqualon CMC 7H4F ∙Aqualon CMC 7H4XF ∙Aqualon CMC 7HCF ∙Aqualon CMC 7HX ∙Aqualon CMC 7L∙Aqualon CMC 7L2 ∙Aqualon CMC 7L2T ∙Aqualon CMC 7LT ∙Aqualon CMC 7M∙Aqualon CMC 9H4F ∙Aquaplast∙Aquasorb F-C∙Aquasorb FC 1/16 ∙Aquasorb F-R∙ B 10∙ B 10 (polysaccharide) ∙Blanosa 7L∙Blanose∙Blanose 12M31P∙Blanose 721C1∙Blanose 7ELC1∙Blanose 7H∙Blanose 7H3SXF∙Blanose 7H4∙Blanose 7H4FD∙Blanose 7H4XF∙Blanose 7HC∙Blanose 7HF∙Blanose 7HOF∙Blanose 7HXF∙Blanose 7L1∙Blanose 7L2C∙Blanose 7LC∙Blanose 7LF∙Blanose 7LFD∙Blanose 7M1∙Blanose 7M31CF∙Blanose 7MC1∙Blanose 7MD∙Blanose 7MF∙Blanose 931M∙Blanose 9H4XF∙Blanose 9HF∙Blanose 9M31F∙Blanose 9M31XF∙Blanose BS 190∙Blanose BWH∙Blanose BWM∙Blanose BWS∙Blanose CMC 7M65C∙Blanose JH 4FD∙ C 5013∙ C 5678∙Carbocel 300∙Carbocel 500∙Carbocel EHV∙Carbocel LV∙Carbocel MB 2C150∙Carbocel MM 3∙Carbocel MM 30∙Carbocel TM 500S∙Carbocell MM 3-150∙Carbose 1M∙Carbose D 72∙Carboxymethyl cellulose∙Carboxymethyl cellulose sodium∙Carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt∙Carboxymethylated cellulose sodium salt ∙Carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt∙Carmellose sodium∙Cekol 10000∙Cekol 100000∙Cekol 2000∙Cekol 30∙Cekol 30000P∙Cekol 4000∙Cekol 50000∙Cekol 500T∙Cekol 700P∙Cekol DVG∙Cekol FF 2∙Celbase Gum CRM ∙Celbase Mud RB 35 ∙Celfix 5∙Celkol CMC 2000 ∙Cellcosan∙Cellex CMC∙Cellofas∙Cellofas B 5∙Cellofas B 50∙Cellofas B 6∙Cellofas C∙Cellogel C∙Cellogen∙Cellogen 1A∙Cellogen 3H∙Cellogen 412C∙Cellogen 4H∙Cellogen 5A∙Cellogen 6A∙Cellogen 7A∙Cellogen AG∙Cellogen AG-Gum M ∙Cellogen B 2∙Cellogen BS∙Cellogen BS-H∙Cellogen BSH 12 ∙Cellogen BS-H 3∙Cellogen BSH 6∙Cellogen EP∙Cellogen F 3H∙Cellogen F 5A∙Cellogen F 6HS9 ∙Cellogen F 7A∙Cellogen F 810A∙Cellogen F 8R∙Cellogen F-AG∙Cellogen F-SA∙Cellogen F-SB∙Cellogen F-SC∙Cellogen FS-C∙Cellogen F-SL∙Cellogen FSR∙Cellogen HE 1500∙Cellogen HE 1500F∙Cellogen HF 600F∙Cellogen HH∙Cellogen HP 1050B∙Cellogen HP 1215C∙Cellogen HP 3HS∙Cellogen HP 6HS9∙Cellogen HP 8A∙Cellogen NB-P∙Cellogen OT∙Cellogen P 815C∙Cellogen PL 15∙Cellogen PR∙Cellogen PRS∙Cellogen PR-S∙Cellogen WS∙Cellogen WSA∙Cellogen WS-C∙Cellogen WS-CN∙Cellpro∙Cellufix FF 100∙Cellufix FF 20∙Cellufix P∙Cellugel∙Cellulose carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt∙Cellulose carboxymethylate sodium salt∙Cellulose glycolate∙Cellulose sodium glycolate∙Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt∙CELLULOSE,CARBOXYMETHYL ETHER,SODIUM SALT ∙Celpol RX∙Cepol∙Cepol (polysaccharide)∙Chimcell CMS 30G∙CM 23∙CM 52∙CMC∙CMC 1105∙CMC 1120∙CMC 1160∙CMC 1180∙CMC 1190∙CMC 1205∙CMC 1260∙CMC 1280∙CMC 12M31∙CMC 1380∙CMC 2∙CMC 2000∙CMC 2260∙CMC 3000∙CMC 3M5T∙CMC 41A∙CMC 4H1∙CMC 4M6∙CMC 50∙CMC 7A∙CMC 7H∙CMC 7H3SF∙CMC 7H3SX∙CMC 7H4F∙CMC 7HF∙CMC 7HOF∙CMC 7HX4∙CMC 7L1∙CMC 7LD∙CMC 7LF∙CMC 7M∙CMC 7M31CFPH ∙CMC 7MC∙CMC 7MF∙CMC 7MT∙CMC 9H4∙CMC CS 800∙CMC Daicel∙CMC Daicel 1110 ∙CMC Daicel 1120 ∙CMC Daicel 1130 ∙CMC Daicel 1150 ∙CMC Daicel 1170∙CMC Daicel 1180∙CMC Daicel 1190∙CMC Daicel 1201∙CMC Daicel 1205∙CMC Daicel 1208∙CMC Daicel 1220∙CMC Daicel 1260∙CMC Daicel 1290∙CMC Daicel 1310∙CMC Daicel 1330∙CMC Daicel 1350∙CMC Daicel 1380∙CMC Daicel 2000∙CMC Daicel 2200∙CMC Daicel 2280∙CMC sodium salt∙CMC-CLT∙CMC-D 72∙CM-Cellulose 600∙CM-cellulose Na∙CM-cellulose Na salt∙CM-Cellulose sodium salt ∙CMC-H 6∙CMC-TSB 46∙Collowel∙Copagel PB 25∙Courbose F75∙Courlose 850∙Courlose A 590∙Courlose A 610∙Courlose A 650∙Courlose F 1000G∙Courlose F 20∙Courlose F 20G∙Courlose F 350∙Courlose F 370∙Courlose F 4∙Courlose F 75P∙Courlose F 8∙Courlose F 8P∙Courlose SCMC F 20∙Courlose Z 608∙Covagel∙Daicel 1102∙Daicel 1105∙Daicel 1120∙Daicel 1130∙Daicel 1140∙Daicel 1150∙Daicel 1160∙Daicel 1170∙Daicel 1180∙Daicel 1190∙Daicel 1193∙Daicel 1201∙Daicel 1207∙Daicel 1240∙Daicel 1280∙Daicel 1290∙Daicel 1330∙Daicel 1350∙Daicel 1390∙Daicel 2170∙Daicel 2253∙Daicel 2280∙Daicel 2340∙Daicel 3043∙Daicel 3403∙Daicel 5380∙Daicel F 500∙Dehydazol∙DIKO∙Dissolvo∙DKS Fine Gum HE ∙DKS Fine Gum HEL 3 ∙DKS Fine Gum HE-S ∙DKS Fine Gum SA-M ∙DP 31∙Drispac Plus∙Drispac Regular∙DTE-NV∙DWP 311∙ E 466∙Edifas B∙Ethoxose∙ F 1400LC∙ F 20LC∙ F 5A∙ F 7A∙FF 10∙FF 30∙Fine Gum G 1∙Fine Gum HE∙Fine Gum HE 600∙Fine Gum HEL∙Fine Gum HEL 3∙Fine Gum HES∙Fine Gum HESK∙Fine Gum HESS∙Fine Gum HFL∙Fine Gum LV∙Fine Gum LV 2∙Fine Gum MC 8∙Fine Gum SA 2L∙Fine Gum SA 3L∙Fine Gum SA-H∙Fine Gum SA-L∙Fine Gum SA-M∙Fine Gum SH∙Fine Gum SH 20∙Fine Gum SP 1∙Fine Gum SP 150∙Finnfix∙Finnfix 10∙Finnfix 150∙Finnfix 2000∙FinnFix 30∙Finnfix 300∙Finnfix 4000∙Finnfix 4000P∙Finnfix 5∙Finnfix 5.0∙Finnfix BDA∙Finnfix BW∙Finnfix BX∙Finnfix F 4∙Finnfix FF 5∙Finnfix WRH∙F-SL∙FT 1∙FT 1 (cellulose derivative) ∙FT 3∙FT 3 (binder)∙FVH 6∙Gabrosa PA 186∙Gabrosa PA 386∙Gabrosa PA 947∙Gabrosa PAC-EHP∙Glikocel AS∙Glikocel AS 2∙Glikocel AS 30∙Glikocel AS 60∙Glikocel TA∙H 110∙H 110 (cellulose)∙H 921∙Hi Vis Cellex∙Honest gum∙Honest Gum FDM∙Horsil NV-U∙HP 7T∙HP 8A guar∙HPC-MFP∙IH 6∙IH 8∙IM 8∙IM 8 (polysaccharide) ∙Jelocel AS 30∙Kiccolate∙Kiccolate HC-GR∙Kiccolate P 2005A∙Kiccolate ULV∙Kiprogum M 800A∙KMTs∙KMTs 212∙KMTs 300∙KMTs 500∙KMTs 600∙KMTs 75/400∙KMTs 85/700∙KMTs 900∙L 3600∙L 3600 (polysaccharide) ∙LC Kote∙Lignin ML∙Lovosa∙Lovosa 20alk.∙Lovosa T 20∙Lovosa TN∙Lovosa TS 20∙Lucel∙Lucel (polysaccharide)∙Majol PLX∙Marpolose∙Mavibond CPA 2000∙Mavibond CPA 3000∙Modocoll 1200∙NATRIUM-CARBOXYMETHYL-CELLULOSE ∙Needs Gum DM∙Nikka Gum C 150∙Nikka Gum C 170∙Nikka Gum C 66R∙Nikka Gum M 47∙Nikka Gum MA 44∙Niklacell T 100∙Niklacell T 30∙Niklacell T 50∙NS 300∙Nymcel∙Nymcel S∙Nymcel SLC-T∙Nymcel ZSB∙Nymcel ZSB 10∙Nymcel ZSB 16∙Nymcel ZSF 23∙OK 2∙Optapix C 1000G∙Optapix C 12G∙Optapix KG 6∙Orabase∙Palsgaard 7409∙Parasolv 30∙PE 29XLX3∙Peridur 3002∙Perilan CMC∙Phricolat RT 20∙PM 6∙PM 6 (cellulose derivative)∙Politsell SK 1∙Politsell-KMTs 9S∙Pollocet As 2/60∙Polofix LV∙Polyfibron 120∙Procell CMC 813LZR∙PSW 3∙Quellax C 25S∙Relatin∙Relatin U 300S9∙S 75M∙San Rose A 10SHG∙Sanwet IN 30∙Sarcell TEL∙SCMC∙Sel de sodium de l'ether carboxymethylique de la cellulose ∙Serofin K 60∙Serogel∙Serogel LE 95∙Serogel N 60∙SG Cellogen 7A∙SG Cellogen FSB∙SG Cellogen PR∙SG Cellogen WSC∙SGAG Gum HE 2∙SG-AG-HE 300∙SGLC Coat 2∙Sichozell∙SNIACE-S 2000∙Sodium carboxylatomethyl cellulose∙SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYL CELLULOSE∙Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ether∙Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose salt∙Sodium carmellose∙Sodium cellulose glycolate∙SODIUM CMC∙Sodium CM-cellulose∙Sodium glycolate cellulose∙SPP 15∙Sunrose∙Sunrose A 01H∙Sunrose A 01MC∙Sunrose A 02SH∙Sunrose A 04SH∙Sunrose A 10MC∙Sunrose A 50MC∙Sunrose Alosh∙Sunrose AOIL∙Sunrose APP 100∙Sunrose APP 84∙Sunrose B 1B∙Sunrose B 2B∙Sunrose F 01MC∙Sunrose F 100MC∙Sunrose F 10LC∙Sunrose F 10MC∙Sunrose F 1400MC∙Sunrose F 300HC∙Sunrose F 30HC∙Sunrose F 30LC∙Sunrose F 30MC∙Sunrose F 50MC∙Sunrose FT 1∙Sunrose FT 2∙Sunrose FT 3∙Sunrose GK 91∙Sunrose MAC 1054∙Sunrose PNO 5A∙Sunrose SLD F1∙Sunrose SN 05L∙Sunrose SN 20A∙Sunrose SN 30C∙T 50∙T 50 (cellulose derivative) ∙Telcellose TE-DS∙Telpolymer 13∙Telpolymer 30∙Tylopur C 10000∙Tylopur C 10000P2∙Tylopur C 30G1∙Tylopur C 600∙Tylose 666∙Tylose C∙Tylose C 10000∙Tylose C 1000P∙Tylose C 20∙Tylose C 30∙Tylose C 300∙Tylose C 600∙Tylose C 6000G1∙Tylose CB 200∙Tylose CBR 10000∙Tylose CBR 10000G1∙Tylose CBR 200∙Tylose CBR 400∙Tylose CBS 30∙Tylose CBS 70∙Tylose Chimcell 10G∙Tylose CP 1500W∙Tylose CR 1500G2∙Tylose CR 1500P∙Tylose CR 50∙Tylose DKL∙Tylose K 30∙Tylose KN 25∙Unisol RH∙V 25∙V 25 (cellulose derivative) ∙Viscol CM 400∙Viscol CM 60∙VPZS 1∙Walocel 40000∙Walocel C∙Walocel CRT 10.000∙Walocel CRT 10.000P ∙Walocel CRT 100∙Walocel CRT 1000∙Walocel CRT 10000GA ∙Walocel CRT 10000PA ∙Walocel CRT 30∙Walocel CRT 30000PA ∙Walocel CRT 30GA∙Walocel CRT 30PA/GA ∙Walocel CRT 30PA/PG ∙Walocel CRT 40.000∙Walocel CRT 5847∙Walocel VP-C 2204G∙Walocel VP-C 2427∙Walsroder CMC∙YO-EH∙YO-LYO-M。
惠普(Compaq)CQ326 13.3英寸笔记本电脑 (P320 1G 320G 512独显 DVD刻录 无线 摄像头 LINUX)性价比之王~~~~~~~3599
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惠普(hp)5310M(VT214PA)13.3英寸笔记本电脑(SP9300 2G 250G 无线 摄像头 win7)3519
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惠普(hp)ENVY 14-1214TX 14.5英寸笔记本电脑 (i7-740 4G 640G 1G独显 D刻 无线 蓝牙 摄像头 W7)16699
惠普(hp)8740w-LH906PA 17英寸移动工作站 (i7-740QM 8G 500G 1G独显 D刻 无线 蓝牙 指纹 摄像头 W7)29999
HP OfficeJet 200 Mobile系列使用手册说明书
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HP OfficeJet 200
HP OfficeJet 200 Mobile series
© 2016 版权所有 HP Development Company, L.P.
2016 年 3 月,第 1 版
HP 公司通告
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2 使用入门 ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 辅助功能 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 HP EcoSolutions(惠普与环境) .....................................................................
(一)、参数信息塔吊型号:TC5013B,塔吊起升高度H:40.00m,塔身宽度B:1.5m,基础埋深d:5.00m,自重G:500kN,基础承台厚度hc:1.00m,最大起重荷载Q:60kN,基础承台宽度Bc:5.50m,混凝土强度等级:C30,钢筋级别:HRB335,基础底面配筋直径:25mm额定起重力矩Me:630kN·m,基础所受的水平力P:30kN,标准节长度b:2.8m,主弦杆材料:角钢/方钢, 宽度/直径c:120mm,所处城市:河南周口,基本风压ω0:0.45kN/m2,地面粗糙度类别:C类有密集建筑群的城市郊区,风荷载高度变化系数μz:1.13 。
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HP打印机常见错误代码列表显示信息信息解释解除方法13.1paper jam 打印纸在送纸部分被延迟或停止•1) 确定纸盒被正确安装;•2) 确定送纸部分没有阻碍物;•3) 检查PS402、PS403是否正常工作,必要时需更换相关传感器13.213.5paper jam 打印纸在加热组件部分被延迟或停止•1) 确定转印辊和传送皮带能正常工作; •2) 确定输纸路径没有阻碍物;•3) 检查PS1307是否正常工作,必要时需更换此传感器13.613.10 paper jam 打印纸在吸纸区被延迟或卡住•1) 检查送纸器的送纸部分是否有阻碍物; •2) 检查送纸器中PS1701、PS1703传感器是否复位,必要时,更换相关传感器13.20paper jam 打印纸被卡在输纸路径上或打印机上盖被打开•1) 检查整个输纸路径,清除阻碍物; •2) 检查所有的输纸部件是否复位(包括上盖是否盖上);•3) 检查输纸路径上的所有传感器是否复位,必要时需更换13.2120 insuffient memory 打印机接受太多的数据,超出了打印机的内存范围•1) 按[GO]按钮,继续打印(部分打印内容可能丢失);•2) 增加打印机内存21 page too comlex 打印的内容太复杂•1) 按[GO]按钮,继续打印(部分打印内容可能丢失);•2) 将PAGE PROTECT值设置为AUTO22 EIOхbuffer overflow 送到指定的EIO外设的数据太多按[GO]按钮清除此信息(传送的数据也将会丢失)41.3 UNEXPECTED PAPER SIZE 打印纸型号设置不匹配正确设置打印纸的型号50.* FUSER ERROR 加热组件错误,其*值表示如下:• 1 加热温度偏低• 2 加热组件预热保护• 3 加热温度偏高• 4 电源电压不稳• 1. 关掉电源,20分钟后再开机;• 2. 重新安装加热组件;• 3. 关掉电源,取出加热组件,检查J1307-1和J1307-2以及J1308-1和J1308-2是否相通,如不通,更换另热组件• 5 加热组件不匹配51.* PRINTER ERROR 激光扫描错误,*值表示如下:• 1 激光器检测错误• 2 激光器错误• 1 重新启动;• 2 重新安装激光器及相连的电缆线;• 3 更换激光器52.* PRINTER ERROR 激光器扫描速度不匹配,*值表示如下:• 1 扫描启动错误• 2 扫描旋转错误• 1 重新启动;• 2 重新安装激光器及相连的电缆线;• 3 更换激光器53.xy.zz PRINTER ERROR 附加内存错误,其中xyz的含义如下:•X=DIMM类型:0=ROM;1=RAM•y=设备位置:1-3表示错误的内存插槽位置•zz=错误号:0=不支持安装的内存;1=不兼容安装的内存2=不支持安装内存的型号3=RAM检测失败4=超过最大RAM的范围5=超过最大ROM的范围6=无效的DIMM速度7=DIMM报错误信号8=DIMM RAM奇偶校验错误9=ROM地址映射错误10=DIMM地址冲突11=PDC XROM超出范围12=无法完成内存缓冲• 1 关掉电源,重新安装插入的内存;• 2 交换插入内存的位置;• 3 更换产生错误的内存55 PRINTER ERROR 内部通讯错误• 1.检查电源位置• 2.更换接口板• 3.更换DC控制板56 * PRINTER ERROR 临时打印错误,*值表示:1.不正确的输入或错误的附加设备被连接2.不正确的输出• 1.重新启动打印机;• 2.检查打印机的配置;• 3.校正连接的附加设备57 PRINTER ERROR 风扇错误• 1.检查打印机的风扇是否被正确的接入以及是否被阻碍物卡住;•2.更换风扇59.*PRINTER ERROR 马达错误,*值表示如下:• 0 马达错误 • 1 马达启动错误 •2 马达运转错误• 1.重新启动打印机;• 2.确定各连接齿轮能正常运转; • 3.确定连接马达的电缆被正确插入 •4.更换马达62.*PRINTER ERROR 打印机内存错误,*值表示如下:• 0=内部内存 •1-3=DIMM 插槽1-3• 1.重新安装插入的内存; •2.交换安装位置; •3.更换插入的内存64PRINTER ERROR 接受数据缓冲错误 •1.重新启动打印机; •2.更换接口板66 xx.yyPRINTER ERROR 外部送纸错误,XY 描述如下1stX=使用的设备编号2ndX=设备类型:• a) 输入设备 • b) 输出设备•c) 分装/装订设备yy=错误设备的编号•1.重新启动打印机; •2.检查所有的连接电缆; •3.重新安装外部送纸设备79PRINTER ERROR 打印机检测到错误• 1.重新启动打印机;• 2.判断所使用的打印软件是否和打印机相匹配;•3.更换传输电缆和电源; •4.拆除DIMM• 5.如可能,使用并口传输数据; • 6.拆除EIO 设备; •7.更换接口卡。
HP DeskJet Plus 4155 All-in-One Printer 使用指南
DatasheetHP DeskJet Plus 4155 All-in-One PrinterSimple multitaskingAll the features. All the value. Print, scan, copy , 24 months send mobile fax with HP Smart App, and get a 35-page automatic feeder and worry-free wireless.1 Count on simple setup with HP Smart App.2Dynamic security enabled printer. Intended to be used with cartridges using only HP original electronic circuitry. Cartridges with modified or non-HPelectronic circuitry may not work, and those that work today may not work in the future./go/learnaboutsuppliesISO Speed: Black: Up to 8.5 ppm; Color: Up to 5.5 ppmPrint Resolution: Black (best): Up to 1200 x 1200 rendered dpi; Color (best): Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi color (whenprinting from a computer on selected HP photo papers and1200 input dpi)Scan Resolution: Hardware: Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi; Optical: Up to 1200 dpiCopy Resolution: Black (text & graphics): Up to 300 x 300 dpi;Color (text & graphics): Up to 300 x 300 dpi Standard Connectivity: 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0Mobile Printing Capability: HP Smart app; Apple AirPrint™ Duty cycle: Monthly (letter): Up to 1000 pages Display: Icon LCD displayPaper Handling: 60-sheet input tray; 25-sheet output trayAdded extras so you can do moreWork fast and hands-free—the 35-page auto-feeder helps you complete scan and copy jobs quickly.Easily handle tasks and get a lot from one device – print, scan, and copy.Easily print, scan, and copy everyday documents from your smartphone, using HP Smart app.Save time by sending a mobile fax from your smartphone, tablet, or PC for 24 months,with HP Smart app.Simple setup. Simple printing.Get started fast with simple setup that guides you through each step, using HP Smart app.Get better range and faster , more reliable connections using dual-band Wi-Fi® with self-reset.Get connected with Bluetooth® and start printing fast from your smartphone or tablet –easy setup.Get connected and start printing. Easily connect your printer to your computer with the built-in USB port.Save up to 50% on ink and never run out With HP Instant Ink, ink is automatically ordered and delivered to your door , and you pay a lot less.With HP Instant Ink, you can enroll in a plan that enables you to print up to 15 pages per month for free.Original HP ink cartridges deliver sharp text and vibrant graphics for all your everyday documents and photos.Wireless operations are compatible with 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz operations only. Learn more at /go/mobileprinting. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®. Supports both 5.0 GHz and 2.4 GHz using up to 12 non-overlapping channels vs only 3 non-overlapping channels for 2.4 GHz only. Supports 5.0 GHz band (up to 150 mbps) vs 2.4 GHz band (up to 72.2 mbps). Internet access required and must be purchased separately. Requires the HP Smart app download.For details on local printing requirements see /go/mobileprinting. Certain features/software are available in English language only. Internet access required and must be purchased separately. Fax capabilities are for sending a fax only, and may require additional purchase. For more information, see /mobile-fax. Compared to majority of OEM mobile printing apps for inkjet & laser printers & all-in-ones for home & home office, priced less than or equal to $429.99 USD. Market share as reported by IDC CYQ2 2018 Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker. Claim based on lab testing and research of printer manufacturer's mobile print apps and Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab studycommissioned by HP. See Sept 2018 report at /HPSmartApp. Mobile device needs to support Bluetooth v4.2+ and be enabled. A mobile app such as HP ePrint or HP Smart must be installed and opened for printing. Mobile device must be within 5 feet of the printer. For details, see /go/bleprinting. Bluetooth is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by HP under license. Wireless operations are compatible with 2.4GHz and 5.0 GHz operations only. Learn more at /go/mobileprinting. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®. USB cable not included; purchase separately. Compared with standard-fill Original HP ink cartridges. High-yield ink cartridges not included; purchase separately. For more information, see /go/learnaboutsupplies.2221463,43,491234567Data sheet | HP DeskJet Plus 4155 All-in-One PrinterHP DeskJet Plus 4155 All-in-One Printer Technical specificationsFunctions / Multitasking supported Print, copy, scan, wireless, send mobile fax / NoPrint speed Black (ISO): Up to 8.5 ppm; Color (ISO): Up to 5.5 ppm; First page out black: As fast as 15 sec; First Page Out Color: As fast as 19 secPrint resolution Black (best): Up to 1200 x 1200 rendered dpi; Color (best): Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi color (when printing from a computer on selected HP photo papers and 1200 input dpi)Print technology HP Thermal Inkjet Print cartridges number 2 (1 each black, tri-color)Borderless printing NoStandard print languages HP PCL 3 GUI; HP PCLm (HP Apps/UPD); URF (AirPrint)Scan type / Technology Flatbed, ADF Contact Image Sensor (CIS)Scan resolution Hardware: Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi; Optical: Up to 1200 dpi Scan file format JPEG, TIFF , PDF , BMP , PNG Scan input modes Front-panel scan Scan size maximum Flatbed: 8.5 x 11.69 in Scan speedN/A Bit depth / Grayscale levels 24-bit/256Digital sending standard features NoCopy speed Black (ISO): Up to 6 cpm; Color (ISO): Up to 3 cpmCopy resolutionBlack (text and graphics): Up to 300 x 300 dpi; Up to 300 x 300 dpi Color (text and graphics):Up to 300 x 300 dpi Maximum number of copies Up to 9 copies Copier settings Auto-enlargeFax resolution Black (best): Up to 150 x 150 dpi; Color (best): 150 x 150 dpi; Black (standard): 150 x 150 dpi;Color (standard): 150 x 150 dpi Fax speed14.4 kbpsFax smart software featuresOption to add files from your phone file/photos, Camera scan or Printer scanner , Option to easily add cover page and save the cover page template, Access to Fax history to see all send faxes and drafts, Ability to edit and resent fax from History, Easily print fax confirmation Fax Features Fax memory: Unlimited storage; Auto fax reduction supported: No; Auto-redialing: Yes; Fax delayed sending: No; Distinctive ring detection supported: No; Fax forwarding supported: Yes; Fax phone TAM interface supported: No; Fax polling supported: No; Fax telephone mode supported: No; PC interface supported: Yes, using HP Smart app for Desktop; Remote retrieval capability s Yes (with HP Smart app using mobile device)Standard connectivity 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0Network capabilities Yes, built-in Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless capability Yes, built-in Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/nMobile printing capability HP Smart app; Apple AirPrint™; Mopria™-certified Memory Standard: 86 MB; Maximum: 512 MB DDR1; 160 MB flash Processor speed 180 MHz/Hard disk: NoDuty cycleMonthly, letter: Up to 1000 pagesRecommended monthly page volume100 to 300Media types supported Plain paper , photo paper , brochure paper , envelopes and other specialty inkjet papers Media weight supported Letter: 16 to 32 lb; HP envelopes: 20 to 24 lb; HP cards: up to 110 lb; HP 4 x 6 inch photo paper: up to 145 lbMedia sizes supported Letter; legal; 4 x 6 in; 5 x 7 in; 8 x 10 in; No. 10 envelopes Media Sizes Custom 3 x 5 to 8.5 x 14 inPaper handlingInput Capacities: Up to 60 sheets Standard; Up to 5 envelopes; Up to 20 cards; Up to 10 sheets Labels; Up to 60 sheets LegalAuto Document Feeder: Standard, 35 sheetsOutput Capacities: Up to 25 sheets Standard; Up to 5 envelopes; Up to 20 cards; Up to 10sheets Labels; Up to 25 sheets LegalDuplex Options: Manual (driver support provided)Envelope feeder: No Standard paper trays: 1What's in the box 3XV13A HP DeskJet 4155 All-in-One; HP 67 Setup Black Instant Ink Ready Cartridge; HP 67 Setup Tri-color Instant Ink Ready Cartridge; Regulatory flyer;Setup guide; Reference guide; Power cord (1.5 m) [For ink volume and page yield information, visit /go/learnaboutsupplies]Replacement cartridges HP 67 Black Original Ink Cartridge (~120 pages yield) 3YM56AN; HP 67XL BlackHigh Yield Original Ink Cartridge (~240 pages yield) 3YM57AN; HP 67XXL Black Extra High-Yield Original Ink Cartridge (~400 pages yield) 3YM59AN; HP 67 Tri-Color Original Ink Cartridge (~100 pages yield) 3YM55AN; HP 67XL Tri-Color High-Yield Original Ink Cartridge (~200 pages yield) 3YM58AN; HP 67XXL Tri-Color Extra High-Yield Original Ink Cartridge (~330 pages yield) 6ZA16AN.Instant ink eligible HP Instant Ink eligible / Save up to 50% on ink. For more information visit Product dimensions W x d x h: 16.85 x 13.07 x 7.87 in; Maximum: 16.8 x 22.8 x 10.3 in (Output Extension Fully Out)Product weight 10.6 lbWarranty features One-year limited hardware warranty; 24-hour , 7 days a week support Control panel Fixed icons display; 7 buttons (Power , Cancel Job, Resume, Info, Wireless, Color Copy & Black Copy); 5 LED indicator lights (Power , Ink level, Wifi, resume & Info).Display description Icon LCD displaySoftware included WW: HP Printer Software, available online; AP Indo: CD Software included Compatible operating systemsWindows 10, 7; MacOS Sierra v10.12 (previously OS X), macOS High Sierra v10.13, macOS Mojave v10.14, macOS Catalina v10.15Compatible network operating systems Windows 10, 7; MacOS Sierra v10.12 (previously OS X), macOS High Sierra v10.13, macOS Mojave v10.14, macOS Catalina v10.15Minimum system requirementsPC: Windows 10, 7: 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor , 2 GB available hard disk space, Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer.; Mac: MacOS Sierra v10.12 (previously OS X), macOS High Sierra v10.13, macOS Mojave v10.14, macOS Catalina v10.15, 2 GB Available Space, Internet Access.Power Power supply type: internal; Power requirements: Input voltage: 100 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50/60 Hz (+/- 3 Hz). Input voltage: 200 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50/60Hz (+/- 3Hz) (China & India) Power consumption: 1.0 watts (sleep), 0.1 watts (off), 0.1 watts (auto-off)AcousticsAcoustic power emissions: 6.4 B(A)Operating environmentOperating temperature range: 41 to 104°F; Recommended operating temperature: 59 to 86°F; Storage temperature range: -40 to 140°F; Non-operating humidity range: 5 to 90% RH (non-condensing); Operating humidity range: 15 to 80% RH (non-condensing); Recommended humidity operating range: 20 to 80% RH (non-condensing)AccessoriesNoneLearn more atDimensions vary as per configuration Power requirements are based on the country/region where the printer is sold. Do not convert operating voltages. This will damage the printer and void the product warranty. Speed specifications have been updated to reflect current industry testing methods. Average based on ISO/IEC 24711 or HP testing methodology and continuous printing. Actual yield varies considerably based on content of printed pages and other factors. For details see /go/learnaboutsupplies Either after first page or after first set of ISO test pages. For details see /go/printerclaims Wireless performance is dependent upon physical environment and distance from the access point. Wireless operations are compatible with 2.4 GHz routers only; excludes wireless direct. Wireless direct may require driver or apps be installed and connected on wireless-enabled mobile device or PC. Wireless functionality may vary by computer and mobile operating systems, see . Separately purchased data plans or usage fees may apply. Print times and connection speeds may vary. AirPrint supports OS X v10.11 ElCapitan and devices running iOS 4.2 or later and requires the printer be connected to the same network as your OS X or iOS device. AirPrint, the AirPrint Logo, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple® Inc. Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies. Weight vary as per configuration For more information about page yields for replacement cartridges see /go/learnaboutsupplies for setup cartridges click on Setup supplies link on the same page. Based on cloud storage Set by Fax service Provider© Copyright 2020 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in theexpress warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR logo are registered U.S. marks. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. AirPrint, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.4AA7-6901ENUS, March 2020, R15396847212345678910。
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High Speed LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. low noise, Series Description: Features:
Typical Application: The series are highly accurate, low noise, CMOS LDO Voltage Regulators. Offering low output noise, high ripple rejection ratio, low dropout and very fast turn-on times, the HP5013 series is ideal for today’s cutting edge mobile phone. Internally the HP5013 includes a reference voltage source, error amplifiers, driver transistors, current limiters and phase compensators. The HP5013’s current limiters' foldback circuit also operates as a short protect for the output current limiter and. the output pin. The HP5013 series is also fully compatible with low ESR ceramic capacitors, reducing cost and improving output stability. This high level of output stability is
maintained even during frequent load fluctuations, due to the excellent transient response performance and high PSRR achieved across a broad range of frequencies.The CE function allows the output of regulator to be turned off, resulting in greatly reduced power consumption.
z Maximum Output Current: 500mA (Vin =5V ,V out =
3.3V )
z Dropout Voltage: 100mV@Iout=100mA z Operating Voltage Range: 2V ~6.5V z Highly Accuracy: ±2%
z Low Power Consumption: 50uA (TYP.) z Standby Current: 0.1uA (TPY .)
z High Ripple Rejection: 75dB@1KHz (HP5013C33) z Low output noise: 50uVrms
z Line Regulation: 0.05%(TYP.)
z Ultra Small Packages: SOT89,SOT23,DFN6L
z Mobile phones
z Cordless phones, radio communication equipment z Portable games
z Cameras, Video cameras z Reference voltage sources z
Battery powered equipment
Typical Application Circuit:
Pin Configuration:
Pin Assignment :
Pin Number
SOT23-3 SOT89-3
Pin Name Functions
1 1 Vss Ground
3 V out Output 3 2 Vin Power Input
Pin Number
Pin Name
1 3 Vin Power Input
2 2 Vss Ground 3
ON / OFF Control
4 5,6 NC NC
5 4 Vout
Absolute Maximum Ratings:
Symbol Ratings
Input Voltage Vin
Output Current Iout
600 mA Output Voltage Vout
Vss-0.3~Vin+0.3 V CE Pin Voltage
Vss-0.3~Vin+0.3 V SOT23
Power Dissipation SOT89
Pd 500 mW Operating Temperature Range Topr
-40~+85 ℃ Storage Temperature Range
-55~+125 ℃
Block Diagram:
Electrical Characteristics:
1. V OUT (T) :Specified Output V oltage
2.V OUT (E) :Effective Output V oltage ( le. The output voltage when “V OUT (T)+1.0V”is provided at the Vin pin while
maintaining a certain Iout value.)
3.V dif :V IN1 –V OUT (E)’
V IN1 :The input voltage when V OUT (E)’ appears as input voltage is gradually decreased.
V OUT (E)’=A voltage equal to 98% of the output voltage whenever an amply stabilized Iout {V OUT (T)+1.0V} is input.
Type Characteristics
HP5013B HP5013
Packaging Information: