2015_TESLA Model_S电动车紧急响应指导书Emergency_Response_Guide













具体数据如下:1. 2019年,全球电动汽车电池故障率约为10%;2. 2020年,全球电动汽车充电故障率约为15%;3. 2021年,全球电动汽车电气系统故障率约为20%。





2015年特斯拉Model S用户指南说明书

2015年特斯拉Model S用户指南说明书

2015 T au r u sQuick Reference GuideThis Quick Re fe re nce Guide is not inte nde d to re place your ve hicle Owne r’s Manual which contains more de taile d information conce rning the fe ature s of your vehicle, as well as important safety warnings designed to help reduce the risk of injury to you and your passengers. Ple ase re ad your e ntire Owne r’s Manual care fully as you be gin le arning about your ne w ve hicle and re fe r to the appropriate chapte rs whe n que stions arise. All information containe d in this Quick Re fe re nce Guide was accurate at the time of duplication. We reserve the right to change features, operation and/or functionality of any vehicle specification at any time. Your Ford dealer is the be st source for the most curre nt information. For de taile d ope rating and safe ty information, ple ase consult your Owner’s Manual.November 2014 Second PrintingQuick Reference GuideTaurusLitho in U.S.A.Ford Customer Relationship Center 1-800-392-3673 (FORD)(TDD for the hearing impaired: 1-800-232-5952)@FordServiceFord Customer Relationship Centre 1-800-565-3673 (FORD)ford.ca@FordServiceCATABLE OF CONTENTSINSTRUMENT PANEL 4–5GETTING STARTEDWITH YOUR SYNC SYSTEM 6–7SYNC WITH MYFORD TOUCH 8–10COMFORT11–13CONVENIENCE 14–15FUNCTION16–17ESSENTIAL INFORMATION18–19ENTERTAINMENT NAVIGATION **BASIC COMMANDSPHONECLIMATE **W A R N I N Gford.caSOON LIGHT Lights briefly when you switch on the ignition. If it remains on or is blinking after you start INSTRUMENT2374658GETTING STARTED WITH YOUR SYNC® SYSTEMSYNC is a hands-free, voice recognition system used for entertainment, information and communication. SYNC. SAY THE WORD.BEFORE YOU GET STARTED1)S et up your owner account at (U.S.)or SyncMyRide.ca (Canada). Register by following the on-screen instructions. After registering, you can see what services you are eligible for.2)S YNC uses a wireless connection called Bluetooth®to communicate with your phone. Switch on Bluetooth mode in your phone’s menu options. This lets your phone find SYNC. If you need more details on setting up your phone to work with SYNC, visit (U.S.) or SyncMyRide.ca (Canada) or your phone manufacturer’s website.Why Do You Need a SYNC Owner Account?A SYNC owner account gives you the latest software updates that add new places, directions and information; and if you have questions, you’ll get free customer support. For additional support, refer to your Owner’s Manual, visit the website or call the toll-free number. See the inside front cover of this guide for details.PAIRING YOUR PHONE WITH SYNCIn order to use the many features of SYNC, such as making aphone call or receiving a text, you must first connect or pairyour phone with SYNC.To Pair Your Phone for the First Time1)M ake sure that your vehicle is in park (P), then switch onyour ignition and radio.2)P ress the phone button . When the display indicatesno phone is paired, press OK.3)W hen Find SYNC appears in the display, press OK.4)P ut your phone into Bluetooth discovery mode. See yourdevice’s manual, if necessary.5)W hen prompted on your phone’s display, enter the PINprovided by SYNC into your phone.6)The display indicates when the pairing is successful.The System May Prompt You to•S et your phone as primary or favorite (the primary phonereceives messages and voicemail).•D ownload your phone book (a requirement to use the fullset of voice commands).•S witch on 911 Assist®./76/GETTING STARTED WITH YOUR SYNC® SYSTEMTips•M ake sure you accept the request from SYNC to accessyour phone.•T o pair subsequent phones, please refer to Pairing Subsequent Phones in the SYNC chapter of your Owner’s Manual.•I f you are experiencing pairing problems, try performing aclean pairing by deleting your services from SYNC, deletingthe SYNC connection from your phone, and then repeatingthe Pairing Your Phone with SYNC process.USING YOUR PHONE WITH SYNCNote:Enter your phone book contacts with both first and last names to increase the ability of SYNC to select the correct contact. Remember to say the contact name exactly as it appears in your phone book.Making a Phone CallUse SYNC to make a phone call to anyone in your phone book by pressing the voice button and when prompted, give a voice command. For a list of voice commands, say “What can I say?”.For example, you could say “Call Jake Smith at home”. SYNC repeats the command back to you and dials the number. Note:You can also make phone calls by giving say voice command “Dial”, then verbally say the phone number. Answering Incoming CallsWhenever you have an incoming call, the name and number of the person calling appears in your display. Press the phone button to answer an incoming call. You can hang up at any time by pressing and holding the phone button .Do Not Disturb ModeThis feature blocks incoming calls and text messages and saves them for later. You still have access to outgoing calls when this feature is active. Say the voice command “Do not disturb on” to enable and “Do not disturb off” to disable. USING SYNC TO ACCESS DIGITAL MEDIASYNC has a media hub with multiple inputs allowing you to access personal media from your digital devices.Using Voice Commands to Play Music1)P lug your media player into your USB port.2)P ress the voice button . When prompted, say “USB”,then follow-up by saying a voice command. For a list of voice commands, say “What can I say?”.3)T he command repeats back to you and the selecteditem plays.Do MoreCreate your account at (U.S.) or SyncMyRide.ca (Canada) to get the most out of your SYNC experience. Visit the website or call the toll-free number. See the inside front cover of this guide for more details.A REVOLUTIONARY WAY TO CONNECT WITH YOUR VEHICLEon the touchscreen. For heated front seats, press repeatedly to cycle through the various heat modes and off. For cooled front seats, press repeatedly to cycle through the various cooling modes and off. If your vehicle is not equipped with a touchscreen, use The controls are on the back of the center console. Press repeatedly to cycle through the various heat settings and off. Warmer settings are indicated by more indicator lights.You can use the automatic setting toINTELLIGENT ACCESS*Note:Your intelligent access transmitter must be within 3 feet (1 meter) of the vehicle for intelligent access to function properly.To unlock a front door, pull a front exterior door handle. Once your vehicle is unlocked, you can press the exterior trunk release button near the license plate.To lock the doors, press and hold the door handle lock sensor. Allows you to lock or unlock theengine from outside your vehicle. Tostart, press and then presswithin three seconds. Your vehicleruns for 5, 10, or 15 minutes, dependingon the setting. See theFOOT PEDALS*Move the brake and acceleratorSENSING SYSTEM*This system sounds a warning AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION* The feature gives you the abilityEASY FUEL SYSTEMpressure warning lightin your information displaywhen one or more of your With this system, push。



电动车引发自燃后的应急处置流程英文回答:Emergency Response Procedures for Electric Vehicle Fires.Electric vehicle fires present unique challenges for first responders due to the high-voltage electrical systems and the presence of flammable materials. To ensure safety and minimize damage, it is crucial to follow established emergency response procedures.Safety First:Approach the vehicle cautiously from a safe distance.Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, eye protection, and a NIOSH-approved respirator.Establish a safety zone around the vehicle to prevent bystanders from approaching.Initial Assessment:Assess the situation and identify potential hazards, such as downed power lines, escaping gases, or unstable vehicle components.Determine the type of vehicle (e.g., battery electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid electric vehicle) and the location of the fire.Shut off the power if possible by disconnecting the vehicle from the power grid or by removing the battery terminals.Fire Suppression:Class D fire extinguishers are specifically designed for extinguishing electrical fires and should be used as the primary means of suppression.Water or foam extinguishers should not be used, as they can conduct electricity and exacerbate the fire.Continue to suppress the fire from a safe distance until it is completely extinguished.Battery Management:Once the fire is under control, begin cooling down the battery pack to prevent thermal runaway and further ignition.Use large amounts of water to flood the battery compartment and maintain cooling.Do not attempt to remove or disconnect the battery pack unless specifically trained and authorized.Post-Fire Management:Continue to monitor the vehicle for several hours toensure there are no re-ignitions.Secure the vehicle and prevent access to unauthorized personnel.Contact the vehicle manufacturer or a qualified technician for further assessment and repairs.Additional Considerations:Electric vehicle fires can emit toxic gases, including hydrogen fluoride and carbon monoxide. Use appropriate respiratory protection.Be aware of potential electrical hazards, such as downed power lines or charged components.Stay informed about the latest technology and best practices for electric vehicle fire response.中文回答:电动汽车自燃后的应急处置流程。











































一、总则1. 编制目的为有效预防和应对电动汽车事故,保障人员生命财产安全,降低事故损失,特制定本预案。

2. 适用范围本预案适用于我国境内电动汽车在使用、充电、维修等环节中发生的事故处理。

3. 工作原则(1)以人为本,确保人员生命安全;(2)迅速响应,及时处置;(3)信息共享,协同作战;(4)依法依规,科学合理。

二、组织机构及职责1. 事故应急指挥部(1)组成:由政府相关部门、电动汽车企业、消防、公安、医疗等相关部门组成;(2)职责:负责事故应急工作的组织、指挥、协调和监督。

2. 应急处置小组(1)组成:由事故现场指挥、现场救援、医疗救护、事故调查、后勤保障等人员组成;(2)职责:负责事故现场的救援、处置、调查、善后等工作。

三、事故报告与响应1. 事故报告(1)事故发生后,事故单位应立即向当地政府相关部门报告;(2)报告内容包括:事故时间、地点、原因、人员伤亡、财产损失等情况。

2. 响应等级根据事故的性质、规模和影响,分为四个响应等级:(1)一级响应:重大事故;(2)二级响应:较大事故;(3)三级响应:一般事故;(4)四级响应:轻微事故。

3. 响应措施(1)一级响应:启动应急指挥部,全力组织救援;(2)二级响应:启动应急处置小组,全力组织救援;(3)三级响应:启动应急处置小组,全力组织救援;(4)四级响应:启动应急处置小组,全力组织救援。

四、事故现场处置1. 现场救援(1)现场救援人员应穿戴防护装备,进入事故现场;(2)对被困人员进行救援,确保人员生命安全;(3)对事故车辆进行安全处置,防止火势蔓延。

2. 医疗救护(1)现场救护人员应立即对伤员进行救治;(2)对重伤员进行紧急救治,确保生命体征稳定;(3)将伤员送往医院接受进一步治疗。

3. 事故调查(1)事故调查组应立即对事故原因进行调查;(2)查明事故原因,追究相关责任;(3)对事故车辆、设施进行检测,确保安全。

五、事故善后处理1. 事故赔偿(1)按照国家有关法律法规,对事故受害者进行赔偿;(2)对事故责任方进行追责。





二、预案目的1. 提高电动车辆火灾事故的应急处置能力,确保事故发生时能够迅速、有序、有效地进行救援。

2. 提高全员消防安全意识,增强自我保护能力。

3. 建立健全电动车辆火灾事故应急机制,确保事故发生时能够迅速启动应急响应。


四、组织机构及职责1. 成立应急指挥部,负责指挥、协调、监督电动车辆火灾事故的应急处置工作。

2. 应急指挥部下设以下工作组:(1)现场指挥组:负责现场指挥、调度、协调救援力量。





五、应急响应程序1. 火情发现(1)火灾发生时,现场人员应立即报告应急指挥部。


2. 现场处置(1)灭火救援组迅速赶赴现场,使用灭火器材进行灭火。



3. 人员疏散(1)现场指挥组组织人员按照疏散路线迅速疏散。


4. 现场警戒(1)现场警戒组对现场进行警戒,防止无关人员进入。


5. 火灾扑灭(1)灭火救援组根据火势情况,采取针对性灭火措施。


6. 后期处置(1)应急指挥部组织相关部门对事故原因进行调查。



六、应急演练1. 定期组织应急演练,提高应急处置能力。



电动车漏电起火应急预案范文英文回答:Emergency Plan for Electric Vehicle Electrical Leakage and Fire.Introduction:As an electric vehicle owner, it is crucial to have an emergency plan in place in case of electrical leakage and fire. This plan will help ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive emergency plan for dealing with such situations.1. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation:In the event of electrical leakage or fire, it is important to stay calm and assess the situation. Panic can lead to poor decision-making and increase the risk ofinjury. Take a moment to evaluate the severity of the situation and determine the best course of action.2. Evacuate the Area:If the electrical leakage or fire poses an immediate threat to your safety, evacuate the area as quickly as possible. Warn others nearby and ensure that everyone moves to a safe distance away from the vehicle. Remember, personal safety should always be your top priority.3. Call for Help:Once you are in a safe location, call the emergency services immediately. Inform them about the electrical leakage or fire and provide them with accurate information about your location. Stay on the line until they have gathered all the necessary details.4. Use Fire Extinguisher (if safe to do so):If you have access to a fire extinguisher and the fireis still small and manageable, you can attempt toextinguish it. However, only do so if it is safe and you have been trained in the proper use of fire extinguishers. Remember the acronym "PASS" – Pull the pin, Aim at thebase of the fire, Squeeze the handle, and Sweep from sideto side.5. Do Not Open the Hood or Touch the Vehicle:In the event of electrical leakage or fire, it is important to avoid opening the hood or touching the vehicle. Doing so can put you at risk of electric shock or further ignite the fire. Leave the task of handling the vehicle to the professionals.6. Wait for the Authorities:Once you have evacuated the area and called for help, wait for the authorities to arrive. They are trained to handle such situations and will take the necessary steps to ensure everyone's safety. Follow their instructions and cooperate fully.7. Document the Incident:After the incident has been resolved, it is importantto document the details for insurance purposes. Take photos of the damage, gather witness statements, and keep any relevant documents related to the incident. Thisinformation will be useful when filing a claim.中文回答:电动车漏电起火应急预案。











































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电动车紧急预案范文英文回答:Emergency Plan for Electric Bicycles.In case of an emergency while riding an electric bicycle, it is important to have a well-prepared plan to ensure safety. Here is my emergency plan for electric bicycles:1. Stay calm and assess the situation: The first stepis to stay calm and assess the situation. Determine the severity of the emergency and identify any immediate dangers. For example, if there is a sudden heavy rainstorm, it is important to find shelter to avoid getting wet and risking a potential electric shock.2. Activate the emergency braking system: Most electric bicycles are equipped with an emergency braking system. In case of an emergency, such as a sudden obstacle on the road,it is crucial to activate the emergency brakes to quickly stop the bicycle and avoid a collision. For instance, if a dog suddenly runs across the road, I would immediately pull the emergency brake lever to prevent any accidents.3. Use safety gear: Wearing appropriate safety gear is essential for riding an electric bicycle. In case of an emergency, safety gear can provide protection and reduce the risk of injuries. For example, wearing a helmet can prevent head injuries in case of a fall or collision. Additionally, reflective clothing can improve visibility, especially during low-light conditions.4. Call for help if necessary: If the emergency situation requires immediate assistance, it is important to call for help. This can be done by using a mobile phone or asking nearby pedestrians for assistance. For instance, if I encounter a mechanical failure on my electric bicycle and I am unable to fix it myself, I would call a friend or family member for help or contact a nearby bicycle repair shop.5. Follow traffic rules and regulations: Even in an emergency situation, it is important to follow trafficrules and regulations. This includes stopping at red lights, yielding to pedestrians, and using designated bicycle lanes whenever possible. By obeying traffic rules, the risk of accidents and further emergencies can be minimized.中文回答:电动车紧急预案。



电动车应急处置预案范文英文回答:Emergency Response Plan for Electric Vehicles.Introduction:With the increasing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs), it is important to have an emergency response planin place to ensure the safety of both the drivers and the general public in case of any accidents or emergencies involving EVs. This plan should outline the necessary steps to be taken by first responders and other relevant stakeholders to mitigate risks and effectively handle such situations.1. Identification and Assessment:a. English Answer: The first step in the emergency response plan is to identify and assess the situation.First responders should be trained to recognize EVs and understand their unique characteristics and potential hazards.b. 中文回答,应急响应计划的第一步是识别和评估情况。


2. Evacuation and Isolation:a. English Answer: In case of a fire or explosion involving an EV, it is crucial to evacuate the area and isolate the vehicle to prevent the spread of fire or any other hazards.b. 中文回答,如果发生涉及电动车的火灾或爆炸,必须及时疏散人员并隔离车辆,以防止火灾或其他危险的扩散。


Hale Waihona Puke s本指南仅供经过培训和认证的救援人员和紧急响应人员使用。 它假设读者全面了解安全系统的工作原理,并已完成了安全处理救援情况所需的相应 培训并获得认证。 因此,本指南只提供在紧急情况下了解和安全处理全电动 Model S 所需的具体信息, 描述了如何识别 Model S,并提供了用于 车身结 的高压组件、气囊、充气缸、座椅安全带预紧装置以及高强度材料的位置与说明。 本指南包括特定于 Model S 的高压禁用程序和任何安 全注意事项。 未能遵守建议的实践或程序会导致严重人身伤害或死亡。 高压电池是车辆的主要能量来源。 Model S 没有传统的汽油或柴油发动机,因此,没有油箱。 双电机 Model S 中的后置电机有两种类型:普通和 高性能。 本指南中的图片可能与您所处理的车辆不尽相同。
安全信息................................................................................................................................2 重要安全说明:....................................................................................................................2 警告........................................................................................................................................ 2 识





二、突发事件类型及处理方法1. 电池故障- 当新能源车电池出现故障时,应立即停车并迅速联系相关维修服务人员进行处理,切忌私自处理。

2. 充电异常- 电动车在充电过程中出现异常,应及时切断电源并通知专业人员进行检修,不得擅自处理。

3. 事故灾难- 若新能源车发生交通事故,应第一时间拨打报警电话,确保自身安全并协助相关部门进行事故调查。

4. 车辆违规- 当新能源车辆违反交通规则或出现其他违规情况时,应主动配合执法人员进行处理,并遵守相关规定。

三、应急预案执行流程1. 事故发生- 一旦遇到突发事件,驾驶员应保持冷静,及时判断情况严重程度,并按照预案要求采取相应行动。

2. 联系应急机构- 确保在事故发生后第一时间联系应急机构或相关服务人员,协调救援和维修事宜。

3. 救援处理- 在救援人员到达前,驾驶员应做好现场安全措施,确保自身和他人的安全,并积极配合相关人员进行处置。

4. 事后处理- 事故处理完毕后,要及时做好相关报备和事后整理工作,全面梳理事发原因,并制定进一步预防措施。

四、应急预案注意事项1. 长期培训- 定期组织驾驶员进行应急预案培训,提高应对突发事件的能力和应变能力。

2. 定期检查- 定期对新能源车辆进行检查和维护,确保车辆状态良好,减少发生事故的可能性。

3. 持续改进- 对应急预案进行持续改进和优化,根据实际情况不断完善细节和流程,提高应急响应效率。






电动车管理应急预案范文英文回答:Electric Vehicle (EV) Emergency Management Plan.Introduction:As the use of electric vehicles continues to increase, it is crucial for organizations and individuals to have a well-developed emergency management plan in place. This plan will ensure the safety of EV users, as well as the general public, in the event of an emergency or disaster. In this article, I will outline the key components of an effective EV emergency management plan.1. Risk Assessment:The first step in developing an EV emergency management plan is to conduct a thorough risk assessment. This involves identifying potential hazards and evaluating theirlikelihood and potential impact. For example, a risk assessment may identify the risk of a battery fire in an EV charging station. By identifying and assessing these risks, appropriate measures can be put in place to mitigate them.2. Emergency Response Procedures:Once the risks have been identified, it is important to establish clear emergency response procedures. This includes outlining the roles and responsibilities of key personnel, such as EV operators, emergency responders, and facility managers. For instance, EV operators should be trained on how to safely evacuate their vehicles in the event of a fire or other emergency.3. Communication and Coordination:Effective communication and coordination are essential during emergencies. It is important to establish communication protocols and channels to ensure timely and accurate information dissemination. For example, a dedicated hotline or messaging system can be set up toalert EV users about potential hazards or evacuation instructions. Additionally, coordination with local emergency management agencies and other stakeholders is crucial to ensure a coordinated response.4. Training and Education:Proper training and education are vital to ensure that EV users and personnel are well-prepared for emergencies. This includes providing training on EV safety, emergency response procedures, and evacuation protocols. For instance, EV operators should be trained on how to safely disconnect the vehicle from the charging station in an emergency situation.5. Maintenance and Inspection:Regular maintenance and inspection of EV charging stations and vehicles are essential to prevent potential hazards. This includes checking for any signs of damage or malfunction, ensuring proper ventilation, and inspecting electrical connections. Regular inspections can helpidentify and address potential risks before they escalate into emergencies.6. Continual Improvement:An effective EV emergency management plan should be a living document that is regularly reviewed and updated.This allows for continual improvement and adaptation to changing circumstances. For example, lessons learned from past emergencies can be incorporated into the plan to enhance future response efforts.中文回答:电动车应急管理预案。

























特斯拉Model S电动汽车用户指南说明书

特斯拉Model S电动汽车用户指南说明书

Product Data SheetTrigonox 21-CH50tert-Butyl peroxy-2-ethylhexanoate, 50% solution in odorless mineralspiritsTrigonox® 21-CH50 is an efficient initiator for the production of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE). It is used both for tubular and autoclave processes. In most cases a combination with other peroxides is used to ensure a broad reactivity range. Polymerization of styrene: In suspension polymerization processes, Trigonox® 21-CH50 can be used for the polymerization of styrene at approximately 90°C. Trigonox® 21-CH50 has an activity comparable with dibenzoyl peroxide (Perkadox® L-W75). Typically, Trigonox® 21-CH50 is used in combination with initiators such as tert-Butyl peroxybenzoate (Trigonox® C).CAS number3006-82-4EINECS/ELINCS No.221-110-7TSCA statuslisted on inventoryMolecular weight216.3Active oxygen contentperoxide7.40%SpecificationsAcid as 2-ethylhexanoic acid0.3 %Active oxygen 3.70-3.85 %Appearance, 5-10°C Clear liquidAssay50.0-52.0 %tert-Butyl hydroperoxide≤ 0.099 %CharacteristicsDensity, 20 °C0.825 g/cm³ApplicationsTrigonox® 21-CH50 can be used for the market segments: polymer production, thermoset composites and acrylics production with their different applications/functions. For more information please check our website and/or contact us.Half-life dataThe reactivity of an organic peroxide is usually given by its half-life (t1/2) at various temperatures. For Trigonox® 21-CH50 in chlorobenzene half-life at other temperatures can be calculated by using the equations and constants mentioned below:0.1 hr at 113°C1 hr at 91°C10 hr at 72°CFormula 1kd = A·e-Ea/RTFormula 2t½ = (ln2)/kdEa124.90 kJ/moleA 1.54E+14 s-1R8.3142 J/mole·KT(273.15+°C) KThermal stabilityOrganic peroxides are thermally unstable substances, which may undergo self-accelerating decomposition. The lowest temperature at which self-accelerating decomposition of a substance in the original packaging may occur is the Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT). The SADT is determined on the basis of the Heat Accumulation Storage Test.SADT40°CEmergency temperature (Tₑ)35°CControl temperature (Tc)30°CMethod The Heat Accumulation Storage Test is a recognized test method for thedetermination of the SADT of organic peroxides (see Recommendations on theTransport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria - United Nations, NewYork and Geneva).StorageDue to the relatively unstable nature of organic peroxides a loss of quality can be detected over a period of time. To minimize the loss of quality, Nouryon recommends a maximum storage temperature (Ts max. ) for each organic peroxide product.Ts Max.10°CTs Min.-30°C (-25°C IBC)Note When stored under these recommended storage conditions, Trigonox® 21-CH50will remain within the Nouryon specifications for a period of at least 3 months afterdelivery.Packaging and transportThe standard packaging is a 1000 l composite Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC). Both packaging and transport meet the international regulations. For the availability of other packed quantities consult your Nouryon representative. Trigonox®21-CH50 is classified as Organic peroxide type F; liquid, temperature controlled, Division 5. 2; UN 3119.Safety and handlingKeep containers tightly closed. Store and handle Trigonox® 21-CH50 in a dry well-ventilated place away from sources of heat or ignition and direct sunlight. Never weigh out in the storage room. Avoid contact with reducing agents (e. g. amines), acids, alkalis and heavy metal compounds (e. g. accelerators, driers and metal soaps). Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for further information on the safe storage, use and handling of Trigonox® 21-CH50. This information should be thoroughly reviewed prior to acceptance of this product. The SDS is available at /sds-search.Major decomposition productsCarbon dioxide, tert-Butanol, Heptane, 3-tert-ButoxyheptaneAll information concerning this product and/or suggestions for handling and use contained herein are offered in good faith and are believed to be reliable.Nouryon, however, makes no warranty as to accuracy and/or sufficiency of such information and/or suggestions, as to the product's merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, or that any suggested use will not infringe any patent. Nouryon does not accept any liability whatsoever arising out of the use of or reliance on this information, or out of the use or the performance of the product. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent. Customer must determine for himself, by preliminary tests or otherwise, the suitability of this product for his purposes.The information contained herein supersedes all previously issued information on the subject matter covered. The customer may forward, distribute, and/or photocopy this document only if unaltered and complete, including all of its headers and footers, and should refrain from any unauthorized use. Don’t copythis document to a website.Trigonox® and Perkadox are registered trademarks of Nouryon Functional Chemicals B.V. or affiliates in one or more territories.Contact UsPolymer Specialties Americas************************Polymer Specialties Europe, Middle East, India and Africa*************************Polymer Specialties Asia Pacific************************2022-11-2© 2022Polymer production Trigonox 21-CH50。

特斯拉 救援手册电子版

特斯拉 救援手册电子版



Model S
紧急响应指南—Model S双电机–2014/2015
Model X
Model Y



Model S、Model X和Model 3:只需按下换挡手柄顶端的“驻车”







新能源汽车触电急救流程英文回答:Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental benefits and cost savings. However, it is important to be prepared for emergencies involving EVs, such as electric shocks. In this article, I will outline the emergency procedures for dealing with electric shock incidents involving new energy vehicles.Firstly, the safety of the rescuer is of utmost importance. It is crucial to ensure that the rescuer is not in contact with any conductive material or standing on wet ground. This is because electric shocks can be transmitted through conductive materials and water. Therefore, it is advisable to wear rubber gloves and stand on a dry, non-conductive surface before attempting any rescue operations.Once the rescuer is in a safe position, the next stepis to cut off the power source to the vehicle. This can be done by locating the main power switch or disconnecting the battery. It is important to note that the location of the power switch or battery may vary depending on the make and model of the EV. Rescuers should familiarize themselves with the specific EV they are dealing with to ensure a quick and effective response.After cutting off the power source, the rescuer should assess the condition of the victim. If the victim is conscious and breathing, it is important to keep them calm and reassure them until medical help arrives. If the victim is unconscious or not breathing, CPR should be administered immediately. It is crucial to remember that electric shocks can cause cardiac arrest, so prompt action is essential.In addition to providing immediate medical assistance, it is also important to notify the relevant authorities, such as emergency services and the EV manufacturer. This will ensure that proper documentation and investigation can take place, and any necessary repairs or improvements can be made to prevent similar incidents in the future.中文回答:新能源汽车由于其环保和节省成本的优势,正在变得越来越受欢迎。

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2014-2015 ALL-WHEELDRIVE DUAL MOTOREMERGENCY RESPONSEGUIDEThis guide is intended only for use by trained and certifi ed rescuers and fi rst responders. It assumes that readers have a comprehensive understanding of how safety systems work and have completed the appropriate training and certifi cation required to safely handle rescue situations. Therefore, this guide provides only the specifi c information required to understand and safely handle the fully electric Model S in an emergency situation. It describes how to identify Model S, and provides the locations and descriptions of its high voltage components, airbags, infl ation cylinders, seat belt pre-tensioners, and high strength materials used in its body structure. This guide includes the high voltage disabling procedure and any safety considerations specifi c to Model S. Failure to follow recommended practices or procedures can result in serious injury or death.The high voltage battery is the main energy source. Model S does not have a traditional gasoline or diesel engine and therefore does not have a fuel tank. The rear motor in dual motor Model S comes in two types: regular and high performance. The images in this guide might notTABLE OF CONTENTSIDENTIFYING MODEL S (1)BADGING.....................................................................................................................................1LARGE SCREEN .....................................................................................................................2CHARGE PORT .. (2)HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS (3)OVERVIEW OF HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS...................................................3HIGH VOLTAGE BATTERY ................................................................................................4DC-DC CONVERTER AND FRONT JUNCTION BOX ...........................................5HIGH VOLTAGE CABLING .................................................................................................6CHARGERS ................................................................................................................................7FRONT DRIVE UNIT .............................................................................................................8REAR DRIVE UNIT . (9)LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEM (10)12V BATTERY (10)DISABLING HIGH VOLTAGE (11)FIRST RESPONDER CUT LOOP - FRONT TRUNK ...............................................11CUTTING THE FIRST RESPONDER LOOP - FRONT TRUNK .........................12FIRST RESPONDER DISCONNECT POINT - REAR PILLAR ............................13CUTTING THE FIRST RESPONDER DISCONNECT POINT - REAR PILLAR . (14)STABILIZING MODEL S .................................................................................15AIRBAGS AND SUPPLEMENTARY RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) .. (16)AIRBAGS ...................................................................................................................................16AIRBAG INFLATION CYLINDERS .................................................................................16SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONERS .. (17)REINFORCEMENTS ........................................................................................18NO-CUT ZONES...............................................................................................19RESCUE OPERATIONS .. (20)FULL Y OR PARTIALL Y SUBMERGED VEHICLES (20)PUSHING ON THE FLOOR PAN (20)FIREFIGHTING .......................................................................................................................21HIGH VOLTAGE BATTERY - FIRE DAMAGE .. (21)LIFTING MODEL S .........................................................................................22OPENING MODEL S .. (23)USING THE KEY ...................................................................................................................23OPENING DOORS ...............................................................................................................23OPENING REAR DOORS WITH NO POWER .........................................................23OPENING THE TRUNK......................................................................................................24OPENING THE HOOD (FRONT TRUNK) .. (24)HIGH VOLTAGE LABELS .............................................................................25INDEX .. (26)EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEB ADGING Dual motor Model S has four main badges to distinguish it.I DENTIFYING MODEL SEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE IDENTIFYING MODEL SL ARGE SCREEN Model S has a large 17” touchscreen.Instrument panelCHARGE PORTModel S has a charge port that is integrated into the taillight onthe rear left side fender.EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE OVERVIEW OFH IGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS1.A/C compressor2. Battery coolant heater3. High voltage cabling (colored orange)4. 10 kW on-board master charger5. Front motor6. DC-DC converter and front junction box7. Cabin heater8. High Voltage Battery9. OPTIONAL: 10 kW on-board slave charger10. Charge port11. Rear motor/rear high performace motorWARNING: Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingHIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS WARNING: The SRS control unit has a backup power supply with a discharge time of approximately ten seconds.WARNING: After deactivation, the high voltage circuit requires two minutes to deplete.EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE HIGHV OLTAGE BATTERY Model S is equipped with a fl oor-mounted 400 volt lithium-ion high voltage battery. Never breach the high voltage battery when lifting from under the vehicle. When using rescue tools, pay special attention to ensure that you do not breach the fl oor pan.HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTSHigh voltage battery is located below the fl oorWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE DC-DCC ONVERTER AND FRONT JUNCTION BOX High voltage is present at the DC-DC converter and frontj unction box, located behind the front motor. The DC-DC converter transforms the high voltage current from the 400 volt battery to low voltage to charge the Model S 12 volt battery. The front junction box provides power to various components, such as the Battery heater, the air conditioning compressor and the cabin heater. Use caution when cutting in this area during a d ash lift (dash roll) procedure—use work-around techniques, if necessary.HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTSDC-DC converter and frontjunction box are located behind the front trunk, near the center ofthe vehicleWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE HIGH VOLTAGEC ABLING High voltage cabling is highlighted in dark orange in the following illustration.High voltage cabling is routed under the rear seats and inside the rocker panel on the left and right side frontHIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTSWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEC HARGERS Model S has one (standard) or two (optional) chargers under the rear seat. These chargers convert the AC current from a charging station to DC for charging the high voltage battery. The high voltage j unction box, located between the chargers, routes any surplus energy from regenerative braking back to the battery.Charger(s) are located under therear seatHIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTSMaster charger (under rear right side seat)OPTIONAL:Slave charger (under rear left side seat)High Voltage Junction BoxWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEF RONT DRIVE UNIT The front drive unit is located between the front wheels in front of the dash panel of the Model S. It converts the DC current from the high voltage battery into the 3-phase AC current that the electric motor uses to power the front wheels.Drive unit is located between the front wheelsHIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTSWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEREARD RIVE UNIT The rear drive unit is located between the rear wheels under the fl oor pan of the Model S (high performance drive unit shown below). It converts the DC current from the high voltage battery into the 3-phase AC current that the electric motor uses to power the rear wheels.Drive unit is located between the rear wheelsHIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTSWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE12V B ATTERYIn addition to the high voltage system, Model S has a low voltage system, powered by a traditional 12 volt battery. The low voltagesystem operates the same electrical components found in conventional vehicles, including the supplementary restraint system (SRS),airbags, ignition, touchscreen, and interior and exterior lights.The low voltage system interacts with the high voltage system. The DC-DC converter supplies the 12V battery with power to supportlow voltage functions, and the 12V battery supplies power to the high voltage contacts to allow power to fl ow out of the high voltagebattery.12V battery is located under the hoodand the plastic access panelLOW VOLTAGE SYSTEM WARNING: Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingThe front trunk cut loop is located on the right side, under the hood and the plastic access panel DISAB LING H IGH VOLTAGE WARNING: Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingDISAB LING H IGH VO LTAGEDouble cut the loopSTEP 3: DOUBLE CUT the loop to remove an entire section.Removing an entire section of the cut loop eliminates therisk of the wires accidentally touching (reconnecting).WARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingDISAB LING H IGH VOLTAGEWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingCut looplabel DISABLING HIGH VOLTAGEWARNING: Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDESTABILIZING MODEL SCHOCK ALL FOURW HEELS Drivers can choose a setting that determines whether or notModel S will “creep” when a driving gear is selected. If this setting is off, Model S does not move unless the accelerator is pressed, even if shifted into Drive or Reverse. However, never assume thatModel S will not move. Always chock the wheels.STABILIZING MODEL SSHIFT INTO PARKModel S is silent so never assume it is powered off . Pressing the accelerator pedal even slightly can cause Model S to move quickly if the currently active gear is Drive or Reverse. T o ensure that the parking brake is engaged, press the button on the end of the gear selector to shift into Park. Whenever Model S is in Park, the parking brake is automatically engaged so that the vehicle will not move if the accelerator pedal is pressed.WARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE AIRBAGSModel S is equipped with six airbags (eight in North America). Responders should de-energize the airbags by cutting the First Responder Cut Loop (see page 11) or Disconnect Point (seepage 13). Airbags are shown below in blue.AIRBAG INFLATION CYLINDERSAirbag (stored gas) infl ation cylinders are located toward the rear of the vehicle, as shown below in red.AIRBAGS AND SRSAirbag infl ation cylinders are located toward the rearWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touching NOTE: Knee airbags are applicable to North American vehicles only.EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDESEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONERSSeat belt p re-tensioners are located by the B-pillars, as shown below in red.AIRBAGS AND SRSSeat belt pre-tensioners are located by the B-pillarsWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDELOCATION OFR EINFORCEMENTS AND HIGHS TRENGTH STEEL Model S is reinforced to protect occupants in a collision. Reinforcements are shown below in green (high strength steel) and blue (extrudedaluminum).Depending on the tools used, high strength steel can be challenging or impossible to cut. If necessary, use workaround techniques.REINFORCEMENTSWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touching WARNING : Always use appropriate tools (such as a hydraulic cutter), and always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when cutting Model S. Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious injury or death.Only the side B-pillars are reinforcedwith high strength steel The side doors and roof support are reinforced with extruded aluminumExtruded aluminum (vehicles built before mid-2014)Extruded aluminumHigh strengthsteel High strengthsteelHigh strengthsteelExtruded aluminumEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE NO-CUT ZONESModel S has areas that are defi ned as “no-cut zones” due to high voltage, gas struts, and SRS or airbag hazards. Never cut or crushthese areas—doing so can result in serious injury or death.NO CUT ZONESDo not cut through areas shown in redWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touching WARNING : Always use appropriate tools (such as a hydraulic cutter), and always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when cutting Model S. Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious injury or death.EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE FULLY ORP ARTIALLY SUBMERGED VEHICLES Treat a submerged Model S like any other vehicle. The body of the vehicle does not present a risk of shock in water. However, as aprecautionary measure, handle any submerged vehicle while wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Remove the vehicle from the water and continue with normal high voltage disabling.PUSHING ON THE FLOOR PANThe high voltage battery is located below the fl oor pan. Never push down on the fl oor pan from inside Model S. Doing so can breach the high voltage battery, which can cause serious injury or death.RESCUE OPERATIONSWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touching WARNING : Failure to handle a submerged vehicle without appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) can result in serious injury or death.EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEF IREFIGHTING Extinguish small fi res, that do not involve the high voltage battery, using a CO 2 or ABC extinguisher.During overhaul, do not make contact with any high voltage component. Always use insulated tools for overhaul.Stored gas infl ation cylinders, gas struts, and other components can result in a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) in extreme temperatures. Perform an adequate “knock down” on the fi re before entering the incident’s “hot zone.”If the high voltage battery becomes involved in fi re or is bent, twisted, damaged, or breached in any way, or if you suspect that the battery is heating, use large amounts of water to cool the battery. DO NOT extinguish fi re with a small amount of water. Always establish or request an additional water supply.Battery fi res can take up to 24 hours to fully extinguish. Consider allowing the vehicle to burn while protecting exposures.Use a thermal imaging camera to ensure the high voltage battery is completely cooled before leaving the incident. If a thermalimaging camera is not available, you must monitor the battery for re-ignition. Smoke indicates that the battery is still heating. Do not release the vehicle to second responders until there has been no sign of smoke from the battery for at least one hour.Always advise second responders (law enforcement, towpersonnel) that there is a risk of the battery re-igniting. After a Model S has been involved in a submersion, fi re, or a collision that has compromised the high voltage battery, always store it in an open area with no exposures within 50 feet.HIGH VOLTAGE BATTERY - FIRE DAMAGEA burning or heating battery releases toxic vapors. These vapors include sulfuric acid, oxides of carbon, nickel, aluminum, lithium, copper, and cobalt. Responders should wear full personalprotective equipment (PPE), including self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), and take appropriate measures to protectcivilians downwind from the incident. Use fog streams or positive pressure ventilation (PPV) fans to direct vapors.The high voltage battery consists of lithium-ion cells. These are considered dry cell batteries. If damaged, only a small amount of battery fl uid can leak. Lithium-ion battery fl uid is clear in color.The high voltage battery, the drive unit, the charge controllers, and the DC-DC converter are liquid cooled with typical glycol-based coolant. If damaged, blue fl uid can leak out of the battery. A damaged high voltage battery can cause rapid heating of the battery cells. If you notice smoke coming from the battery area, assume the battery is heating and take appropriate action as described under the heading “FIREFIGHTING” on this page.RESCUE OPERATIONSWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touching WARNING : When fi re is involved, consider the entire vehicle energized and DO NOT TOUCH any part of the vehicle. Always wear full PPE, including SCBA.EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDELIFTA REAS The high voltage battery is located below the fl oor, under a fl oor pan. A large section of the undercarriage houses this battery. When lifting Model S, do not push on the high voltage battery. When lifting or jacking, use only the designated lifting areas.Appropriate lifting locationsYellow Safe stabilization points for a side-resting Model SOrangeHigh voltage battery. DO NOT USE THIS AREA TO LIFT OR STABILIZE MODEL S!LIFTING MODEL SWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingEMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE USING THE K EYUse the key’s buttons as shown below.TrunkFront trunk (hood)DoorsOPENING DOORSModel S has unique doorhandles. Under normalconditions, when you press ahandle, it extends* to allow youto open the door.If door handles do not function,open the door manually byreaching inside the window andusing the interior handle.OPENING MODEL SOPENING REAR D OORS WITH NO POWEROpen rear doors from inside by folding back the edge of thecarpet below the rear seats to access the mechanical releasecable. Pull the mechanical release cable toward the center.EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEO PENING THE T RUNKUse one of the following methods:• Press the switch located under the handle.• T ouch Trunk on the touchscreen CONTROLS window.•Double-click the trunk button on the key.OPENING THE H OOD (FRONT TRUNK)Model S does not have a traditional engine. Therefore, the areathat would normally house the engine is used as additionalstorage space. T esla calls this area the “Front Trunk” or “Frunk”. T o open the hood electronically, use one of the following methods:• T ouch Front Trunk on the touchscreen.•Double-click the Front Trunk (hood) button on the key.OPENING MODEL ST o open the hood manually, perform the following steps:1. Pry the nose cone toward you using a plastic pry tool in thetop right corner.NOTE: A cable is connected to the rear of the nose cone.2. Pull the primary release lever under the front middle of thehood to the left.3. Push the secondary release lever under the front middle of thehood to the right and push up on the hood to open it.EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEH IGH VOLTAGE LABELS Vehicle labels associated with high voltage components are shown below. These are examples only. Depending on the region, these labels may be translated into other languages.HIGH VOLTAGE LABELSWARNING : Regardless of the disabling procedure you use, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT ALL HIGH VOLTAGE COMPONENTS ARE ENERGIZED! Cutting, crushing or touchingINDEXAaluminum, extruded 18airbags 16Bbadging 1battery12V 10fi res 21fl uid 21high voltage 4body components 18Ccabling, high voltage 6charge controllers, high voltage 7charge port 2cut loop for fi rst responders 11Ddash lift caution 5DC-DC converter 5disconnect point for fi rstresponders 13door, opening 23drive inverter, front 8drive inverter, rear 9Ffi res 21fl uids 21Hhigh voltage componentsbattery 4battery fi res 21cabling 6charge controllers 7DC-DC converter 5drive inverter, front 8drive inverter, rear 9junction box, front 5junction box, rear 7labels 25overview of 3hood, opening 24Iidentifying Model Sbadging 1charge port 2large screen 2instrument panel 2Jjacking Model S 22junction box, front 5junction box, rear 7Kkey, using 23Llabels, high voltage 25lifting Model S 22lithium-ion cells 21locking, using key 23low voltage system 10PPark gear 15pre-tensioners, seat belt 17Rreinforcements, location of 18rescue operationsfi refi ghting 21fl oor pan 20submerged vehicles 20Sseat belt pre-tensioners 17second responders 21side-resting vehicles 22smoke 21stabilization points (jacking) 22stabilizing Model S 15steel, high strength 18submerged vehicles 20Ttouchscreen 2toxic vapors 21trunk, opening 24Uunlocking, using key 23Vvapors 21Wwheels, chocking 153500 Deer Creek RoadPalo Alto, CA 94304© 2013-2014 TESLA MOTORS, INC. All rights reserved.All information in this document and all MODEL S® software is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights of T esla Motors, Inc. and its licensors. This material may not be modifi ed, reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of T esla Motors, Inc. and its licensors. Additional information is available upon request. TESLA MOTORS®, TESLA ROADSTER®, ®, ®, ®, and MODEL S® are registered trademarks of T esla Motors, Inc. in the United States. TESLA™ is a trademark of T esla Motors, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks contained in this document are the property of their respective owners and their use herein does not imply sponsorship or endorsement of their products or services. The unauthorized use of。
