Fisher HP 低温直行程控制阀说明书
Fisher™HP低温直行程控制阀Fisher HP低温阀采用单阀座直通式阀体,不锈钢结构材料并配备焊接式加长型阀盖。
配备657型执行机构的FISHER HP-C阀门特点低温弹簧加载密封环——HPT-C阀门中的密封环和相关的阀门内部零件经过专门设计和制造,在低温下具有出色的性能。
3.弹簧仅可搭配PTFE V形环填料使用。
−0.5V to +6V −0.5V to +6V −0.5V to +6V −50 mA +20 mA −50 mA +20 mA ±50 mA ±50 mA −65°C to +150 °C
150 °C
Recommended Operating Conditions (Note 2)
Supply Voltage Operating (VCC) Supply Voltage Data Retention (VCC) Input Voltage (VIN) Output Voltage (VOUT) Operating Temperature (TA) Thermal Resistance (θJA) SOT23-5 SC70-5 300°C/W 425°C/W 1.65V to 5.5V 1.5V to 5.5V 0V to 5.5V 0V to VCC
© 2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1)
Supply Voltage (VCC ) DC Input Voltage (VIN) DC Output Voltage (VOUT) DC Input Diode Current (IIK) @VIN < −0.5V @VIN > 6V DC Output Diode Current (IOK) @VOUT < −0.5V @VOUT > 6V, VCC = GND DC Output Current (IOUT) DC VCC/GND Current (ICC/IGND) Storage Temperature (TSTG) Junction Temperature under Bias (TJ) Junction Lead Temperature (T1); (Soldering, 10 seconds) Power Dissipation (PD) @ +85°C SOT23-5 SC70-5 200 mW 150 mW 260 °C
■ᅠ高技术应用的控制器■ᅠ基于工业以太网的运动控制系统■ᅠ集成多轴运动控制器■ᅠ智能伺服驱动器■ᅠ工业以太网多轴伺服驱动器■ᅠ通用伺服驱动器■ᅠ智能直流调速器■ᅠ通用直流调速器派克机电产品纵览运动控制驱动技术直流调速器■ᅠ智能交流变频器■ᅠ通用交流变频器交流变频器2■ᅠ滚珠丝杠驱动工作台■ᅠ直线电机驱动工作台■ᅠ高精度微型工作台■ᅠ经济型■ᅠ高精度高精度执行器与工作台行星齿轮减速机■ᅠ伺服电机■ᅠ防爆伺服电机■ᅠ高速大功率伺服电机■ᅠ高性能车载电机■ᅠ直线电机组件■ᅠ直驱电机■ᅠ高性能伺服电机■ᅠ电动缸■ᅠ线性执行器电机执行器3ACR 系列是派克主要的独立封装的运动控制器,能够实现多达八轴的运动控制。
ACR74C/78C 是4轴/8轴运动控制器;ACR74T 是集成4轴步进电机驱动器的驱控一体机;ACR74V/78V 是集成4轴/8轴低压伺服驱动器的驱控一体机。
强大、集成化和为机械市场设计的派克自动化运动控制器(PAC)为OEM 提供了基于标准的自动化解决方案,能够满足严苛的应用要求。
PAC 将先进逻辑、多轴运动、信号处理和网络发布的可视化整合到一个以性能为导向的解决方案中,进而消除不必要的硬件和通信链接,并提高开发者的效率。
PAC网络架构派克自动化运动控制器 - PACACR 控制器系列•ᅠ K eywords: PAC CPU 运算能力更强•ᅠP AC: EtherCAT, 多轴插补•ᅠA CR:模拟量模式,简单易用ACR7C/7V ACR7000PAC3404智能伺服驱动器 - Compax3Compax3是派克汉尼汾不同国家和地区推出的伺服驱动器产品。
Parker Hose 产品目录说明书
More of what you need to work smarter,AccessoriesV i s u a l I n d e x59RG D-17T1RG D-17Partek Sleeve D-18ParKoil™ (PG) D-19GuardsO-Rings for CA, CE,CF MetricFlange “D” Rings Caterpillar ® Style FlangesT ube O-Ring Fittings and CompressorFittingsO-Rings for Compression Fittings (IT126)O-Rings for C9, OC, 1C Metric Swivels88HC-H Clamp D-2488DB Clamp D-24Hose Assembly D-26Workstations3/4 Reel Rack D-2772B-Cabinet D-28HR6 Hose Bin D-28Hose Adapters D437° Flare Metric Triple-Lok ®Sizes: 6 mm – 38 mmMaterials : Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures : Up to 7200 psi60° Cone BSPPK4Sizes : 1/8” – 2”Materials : Steel Pressures : Up to 5000 psi30° Flare Komatsu StyleSizes : M14 x 1.5 – M33 x 1.5Materials : Steel Pressures : Up to 4000 psiO-Ring Face-Seal Metric Seal-Lok™Sizes: 1/4” – 2”Materials: Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures: Up to 9200 psiJapanese Industrial Standard JISSizes : 1/4” – 1”Materials : Steel Pressures : Up to 5000 psiWhen ordering Parker Adapters, please state the Catalogued Number of each type of adapter desired. Be sure to double check tube and hose sizes of items required.To select proper seal materials for specific applications, refer to Media Compatibility Chart in Tube Fitting Catalog 4300, or contact your Parker Tube Fitting Distributor.If in doubt about which type or size of fitting to specify, consult your Parker Tube Fitting Distributor. In addition Parker Field Sales, Technical Services,the Tube Fitting Division and your local Parker Service Center will help you find answers to all your issues.Phone: (614) 279-7070Fax: (614) 279-7685Web: /tfdNote: Refer to Parker Catalog 4300 for more detailed application information.CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-C PARKER (1-800-272-7537)Parker Information Center for catalogs, literature or additional information.O-Ring Face-Seal Seal-Lok™ Sizes: 6 mm – 38 mm Materials: Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures: Up to 9200 psi37° Flare FittingsTriple-Lok ®Sizes: 1/8” – 2”Materials: Steel, Stainless Steel, BrassPressures: Up to 9000 psiPipe Fittings and Port AdaptersSizes: 1/8” – 2”Materials : Steel, Stainless Steel, BrassPressures : Up to 7200 psiPipe SwivelsSizes : 1/8” – 2”Materials : Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures : Up to 5000 psiConversion AdaptersSizes: 1/4” – 1-1/2”Materials : Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures : Up to 7700 psiHydraulic Flange and Flange AdaptersSizes : 3/4” – 3”Materials : Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures : Up to 6000 psi15T3SAE (Code 61) Flange – Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ FlareCaution: Do not use the T3 flange to tube or swivel nut to tube adapter in hose assembly applications inwhich pressures exceed the SAE100R2 working pressure range.17T3SAE (Code 61) Flange – Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 45˚ Elbow19T3SAE (Code 61) Flange – Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 90˚ Elbow39T3Male - Female Swivel - SAE (JIC) 37˚ - 90˚ Elbow41T3Male - Female Swivel - SAE (JIC) 37˚ - 90˚ Elbow - Long4AH3SAE Code 61 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 5000 psi Caution: Do not use the T3 flange to tube or swivel nut to tube adapter in hose assembly applications in which pressures exceed the SAE100R2 working pressure range.4FH3SAE Code 61 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 5000 psi -45˚ Elbow4NH3SAE Code 61 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 5000 psi -90˚ Elbow6AH3SAE Code 62 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare6FH3SAE Code 62 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 45˚ Elbow4AJMCode 61 Flange - Male Seal-Lok4FJMCode 61 Flange - Male Seal-Lok - 45˚ Elbow4NJMCode 61 Flange - Male Seal-Lok - 90˚ Elbow6NH3SAE Code 62 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 90˚ Elbow6NJMCode 62 Flange - Male Seal-Lok - 90˚ Elbow6FJMCode 62 Flange - Male Seal-Lok - 45˚ Elbow6AJMCode 62 Flange - Male Seal-LokNote:*5000 psi with 4A, 4F and 4N Fittings and 50H Flange Halves.There are two non-interchangeable SAE split flanges: a: S tandard or Code 61 is for 3,000psi to 5,000psi maximum, depending on size.b.H igh Pressure or Code 62 is for 6,000psi maximum, r egardless of size. The flange head is “V” notched for identification.Consult these tables to determine flange halves and flange kits specifications.High Pressure (Code 62)Standard Pressure (Code 61)Note: For use with 4A, 4F and 4N Flanges.50H5000 psi Flange Half (Code 61)Note: For use with 4A, 4F and 4N Flanges.Note: High pressure applications also require the use of Code 61 Flange End hose fittings.51HSAE Flange Half (Code 61)5050HK5000 psi Flange Kit (Code 61)5151HKSAE Flange Kit (Code 61)HFHSAE Flange Half (Code 62) HFHFHKSAE Flange Kit (Code 62) 8FHFlange Half (8000 psi)8FHFHKFlange Kit (8000 psi)DIN and ISO Metric PortsDIN (German) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) flange heads are the same as SAE flange heads. By comparison, the ports have the same configura-tion except that the DIN and ISO Type I ports accept metric bolts. This requires specialflange halves in most sizes.Note: High pressure applications also require the use of Code 62 Flange End hose fittings.M1HDIN (ISO) Flange HalfM1M1HKDIN (ISO) Flange Kit (Code 61)M2M2HKDIN (ISO) Flange Kit (Code 62)M2HDIN (ISO) Flange Half (Code 62)711509O-Rings - SAE Thread (Compound N552-90)*711510O-Rings - Code 61 and Code 62 Flanges (Compound N552-90)**Note: F or use with petroleum base fluids, other compounds available for Phosphate Ester fluids.Please contact The Parker Hannifin Seal Group/O-Ring Division (1-800-C-PARKER) for additional information.C9RG O-Rings for CA, CE, CF MetricC9RG O-Rings for C9, OC, 1C Metric SwivelsD9DTBonded Seal for BSPP Port Fittings*Note: D 9DT must be ordered from the Tube FittingsDivision. Please contact TFD for additional size and product information.XARGFlange “D” Rings Caterpillar ®Style FlangesJ0RGO-Rings - Seal-Lok ®Note: O -Rings for use in Seal-Lok ® connections are illustrated in actual size. Part numbers for O-Ringsused in Seal-Lok ® and in SAE port connections are also listed in the table. O-Rings are supplied in Nitrile NBR compound, 90 durometer hardness.SAE 711509-4-8Seal-Lok J0RG-8-8Photo shows an actual comparison between an SAE port O-Ring (top) and a Seal-Lok ® O-Ring (bottom). They differ in both diameter and cross section.8ARGFlange “D” Rings for 76 Series Style FlangeT1RGO-Rings for Compression Fittings (1T126)Charge Ports CapsR134aR12CORGCaptive O-Ring Assembly ToolsParker’s new CORG Assembly Tools are designed to facilitate the installation of the O-Ring into the half-dovetail groove of the O-Ring face seal fitting.Note: C ORG Assembly T ools must be ordered from the T ube Fittings Division (614) 279-7070.Note: O -Rings listed are for use with petroleum base fluids. Other compounds are available for Phosphate Ester fluids by special order. For Viton ® or otherO-Ring compounds, consult Parker Hannifin, Seal/O-Rings Products Division (1-800-C-PARKER.)Bench TypeHand Type59RGO-Rings for Tube O-Ring Fittingsand Compressor FittingsNote:T he above O-Rings (RG) have HNBR compound number N1195-70 (green).Accessory Selection Guide – Partek Sleeve (AS-B, AS-Y or PS)Note: T he inside flat “A” dimension correspondswith the inside diameter “B” dimension. For example, AS-Y -13 flat surface “A” is 1.34 in. This offers a .86 in. inside diam-eter “B”. Hose with a smaller O.D. can be specified for this size sleeve. Parker 201-5 hose has a .58 in. O.D. and can easily be inserted in the Partek AS-Y -13Sleeve.Note: 1. T he dimensions shown are related to the hose outside diameter and may not fit over the fitting. For over the fitting applications, a larger sizesleeve may be required.2. Cut lengths are available. Contact your local distributor for prices ().Partek SleevePartek “PS” SleeveParker’s Partek Nylon Protective Sleeving gives you tough hose abrasion protection two ways. First, per the ISO 6945 specification, Partek has a unique tubular weave nylon construction, Partek “AS” is strong enough to withstand greater than 200,000 abrasion cycles without wearing through the fabric at any loca-tion. Partek “PS” can withstand greater than 50,000 abrasion cycles. In addition, this weave also gives an exceptionally smooth interior wall, allowing rubber hose to move freely inside the sleeve. This provides easy installation and prevents any internal abrasion problems. Partek sleeving is available in either black or yellow and in sizes to fit most hydraulic hose. Partek, the quick and easy solution to hose protection in high-abrasion areas.Temperature Range: -67°F to +248°F (-53°C to +120°C)Accessory Selection Guide – PolyGuard (HG)• S hield hose from abrasion and cuts • Minimize kinking• Cannot rust or corrode • R esist water, oil, gasoline, hydraulic fluid, and most solvents • I deal for bundling plastic tubing or hose lines • E asy to install without removing hose lines; no clamps neededPolyGuardHeavy-duty polyethylene provides protection in rugged operating conditions.Great for b undling high-pressure hose lines.Cut edges can be smoothed by applying heat.CAUTION: This material will support combustion.Color: BlackTemperature Range:0˚F to +200˚F (-17˚C to +93˚C)Parkoil ™Lower-cost protection for applications that call for a tighter bend radius and are less demanding.Cut edges can be smoothed by applying heat.CAUTION: This material will support combustion.Color: BlackTemperature Range:0˚F to +200˚F (-17˚C to +93˚C)Accessory Selection Guide – ParKoil ™ (PG)Accessory Selection Guide – Spring Guard and Armor GuardNote:Spring Guard and Armor Guard are packaged in 10 ft. pieces.Parker Spring Guard and Armor Guard are two products that prolong the life of hose lines that are exposed to rugged operating conditions. They distribute bending radii to avoid kinking in hose lines and protect hose from abrasion and deep cuts. Guards areconstructed of steel wire and plated to resist rust.Spring Guard (SG)Armor Guard (AG)Accessory Selection Guide – Firesleeve (FS-F)Parker Firesleeve is a flame resistant sheath that protects the hose from extreme temperature conditions. Firesleeve easily slides over hoses and readily expands over fitting. It can be assembled with Parker FSC or properly sized wormgear clamp.Construction: Braided fiberglass sleeve and an orange,bonded and seamless silicone rubber cover.Specifications: Conforms to SAE Aerospace Standard 1072A Type 2A.Temperature Range:-54˚C to +260˚C (-65˚F to +500˚F).Note: T he Firesleeve inside dimension (I.D.)must exceed the outside diameter (O.D.) of the hose and offer an allowance for easy hose insertion. For example, 201-16 has a 1.23 in. O.D. FS-S-24, with an I.D. of 1.46 in., is the suggested Firesleeve. Note: P arker FSC Clamp fits all hoses up to2 in. O.D. Note: P arker HC Clamps (wormgear) are listedon page D-24.Note: See Page D-22 for Firesleeve assembly instructions.Firesleeve (FS-F)FSC ClampPart Number: FSC(One size fits all hoses up to 2 inch O.D.)Accessory Selection Guide – Firesleeve (cont.)1. A ssemble one end fitting on hose. Cut firesleeve to same length as hose. Cover approximately 1” of each end of fire-sleeve with FSS sealant and allow to dry.2. P ush firesleeve back from cut end of hose and assemble the second end fitting. Then pull firesleeve completely over both sockets.3. I nsert tail of FSC clamp into FST clamping tool.4. P osition clamp around middle of socket and tighten with tool. Bend end of band back over buckle. Repeat on other end.Repair any scuffs or abrasions in firesleeve with FSS sealant.FSC ClampUsed to attach firesleeve around socket on hose sizes with a 2” maximum O.D.FST Clamp ToolPart Number: FST -711617 Used to secure FSC clamp.FSS Firesleeve SealantKeeps end of firesleeve from fraying - for neater, longer lasting installation.FiresleeveAssembly InstructionsAccessory Selection Guide – CL ClampVinyl coated steel clamps provide hose support where long lengths are used. Provides neater installation of hose lines, minimizes hose chafing and prevents damage to hose.Material: CR Steel with Zinc PlatingCoating: Black Vinyl Plastisol - 0,8 mm (0.03 inch) thick.Temperature Range:-40°C to +107°C (-40°F to +225°F).Accessory Selection Guide – HC, 88HC-H and 88DB ClampThe Parker HC Clamp is a stainless steel worm gear clamp designed for low presure industrial hose applications.Material: Stainless steelSpecifications: SAE J1508, Type F and Type HD88HC-HSeries Hose Clamp(High Torque Wormgear)88DBSeries Heavy Duty Hose Clamp(Double Bolt Hose Clamp)HC Hose Clamp TableNote: See 88 Series Assembly Instructions for proper 88HC-H clamp attachment.Accessory Selection Guide – Protection Shields (HP , HT, and HP-B)Prevent hose abrasion while extending your hose life. Parker Hose Protection Shields extend hose life by protecting the hose from abrasion that occurs when hose rubs against other hose, metal or concrete. Parker hose shields are resistant to oil, lubricants, gasoline, most solvents and can withstand ambient temperatures from -40° to +300° F . Easily installed and secured by cable ties without disconnect-ing any hose lines. Use with hose from 1/4” to 2” I.D.♦ Eliminate hose abrasion on concrete, metal or any rough surface. ♦ Guard against hose deterioration on mobile hydraulic equipment. ♦Let Parker fill all your hydraulic and pneumatic hose product needs.Hose Protector Shields are a fast and extremely cost effective way to isolate fluid lines from direct contact with other lines, components or structural members. They’re available in 4-inch, 6-inch and 8-inch lengths and the width can be trimmed to satisfy a variety of situations. These flexible protectors simply clamp around the hose and are securely held in place by nylon cable ties which are included. The cable ties are recessed in molded grooves to protect them from abrasion. You don’t need to disconnect a line to install a Parker Hose Protector Shield the way you do with a continuous tubular sleeve. Just wait until the installation is up and running to see exactly where contact needs to be prevented.Parker Hose Protector Shields are available in bulk quantities and in convenient assortments in 4”, 6” and 8” sizes. Cable ties are included with all protectors and are also available in bulk.Hose ShieldsTie Wraps HP-B-13X18-KIT2 ea. HP-13 RFL HT -12-KIT 30 ea. HT -12 Tie Wraps 2 ea. HP-15 RFL HT -16-KIT 30 ea. HT -16 Tie Wraps4 ea. HP-18 RFLHT -22-KIT15 ea. HT -22 Tie Wraps20 Hose Protectors and 60 Tie Wraps for each size are in point of purchase display box.HP-B-13-RFL 10 ea. HP-B-13 Hose Protectors (4”). 30 ea. HT -12 Tie Wraps in a sealed plastic bag.HP-B-15-RFL10 ea. HP-B-15 Hose Protectors (6”). 30 ea. HT -16 Tie Wraps in a sealed plastic bag.HP-B-18-RFL5 ea. HP-B-18 Hose Protectors (8”). 15 ea. HT -22 Tie Wraps in a sealed plastic bag.Contact your authorized Parker Hose Products Distributor for pricing and delivery information.Note: Parker Hose Protector Shield products are intended to prevent damage. They are not suitable as patches or repairs for lines which are already damaged or worn beyond safe use standards.Counter DisplayThe complete on-site complete hose assembly workstation design (above) includes:• TH7-5-C—6’ table with 1 hose reel and 1 bottom shelf • TH7-6—16 hose reel system, with rotating base • T H7-7—15” wide table set up for Parker 239 or 339 Cut-Off Saw Specifications: HoseFab Table (heavy duty)• Laminated wood table top • 1-1/2” square tubing structure • Gussetted corner braces • 6-leg design• All legs have adjustable feet • Hose reel/shelf combinations• 40B-Cabinet or 72B-Cabinet for fitting storage • Optional: Hose trough for measurement of hose • Calibrated to line up to Saw Table • Adjustable stop for standard length cuts• Built-in tape measureSpecifications: Rotary Reel Rack (TH7-6)• 16 Hose reel capacity • Compact design• Rotates for 1 man use• Center post bolts to floor in 4 places • Optional: Overhead craneSpecifications: Saw Table (TH7-7)• Calibrated to line up to Hose trough • Adjustable feet• Mounts to 6-foot benchSpecifications: 3 or 4 Reel Rack • Free standing 3 reel rack (TH7-8)• Bolts to floor• Optional: 4th reel capacity with wall mounts (TH7-8-F)• (2) 40B-Cabinet 40 openings - 4·1/2” x 4·1/2” x 12” in size • TH7-6-C—Optional overhead crane • T H7-5-HT—Optional 6’ measured hose trough with ad -justable hose stopPictured left is a complete on-site hose assembly workstation, the Parker Kart:The Parker Kart, TH7-4, is a portable all-in-one unit designed to hold a Minikrimp, Karrykrimp, Karrykrimp 2, or Parkrimp 1; a 332T -115V Cut-off Saw; 4 reels of hose; and has a 40 bin cabinet with 3 drawers for tools. The TH7-4 can be customized to fit your specific hose assembly needs. Contact Parker HPD or your Parker Hose distributor for details.Note: Part number TH7-4 does not include hose, fittings or equipment.Note: Part number and specifications of components for both workstations are listed on the following pages.HPD Hose Assembly WorkstationsHose Products Division has set up an agreement to allow Hose Products customers to purchase directly from our vendor, Safety Step.Safety Step’s contact information is:Safety Step Annette Cox 888-448-4237*********************See Safety Step contact information at the top of this pageSaw TableFeaturesThe Saw Table, specially designed for Parker 239 or 339 Hose Cut-Off Saw, attaches directly to the HoseFab Table.Part Number DescriptionTH7-715” wide table set up for Parker 239 or 339 Cut-Off Saw Table measurements:H eight - 18” Width - 28”Length - 14”3/4 Reel RackFeaturesCompact in its design, the standard version will hold 3 reels of hose. Optional 4th reel capacity designed with wall anchor mounts.P art Number DescriptionTH7-8 Upright 3 hose reel rackTH7-8-FO ptional extension with wall anchor for 4th reel Rack measurements:Height - 59” (82·1/2” with 4th reel option) Width - 27·3/4”Length - 27·1/2”HoseFab TableFeaturesHeavy duty constructed table for mounting Minikrimp, Karrykrimp, Karrykrimp 2, or Parkrimp 1. HoseFab Table is available in 3 versions to meet your require-ments. Options include two 40B-Cabinets or 72B-Cabinets for fitting storage.Part Number Description TH7-5-R 6’ table with 2 hose reels TH7-5-S 6’ table with 2 bottom shelves TH7-5-C 6’ table with 1 hose reel and 1 bottom shelf TH7-5-HT O ptional 6’ measured hose trough with adjustable hose stop 40B-Cabinet 40 openings - 4·1/2” x 4·1/2” x 12” in size 72B-Cabinet 72 openings - 4·1/2” x 4·1/2” x 12” in size Table measurements: Height - 31-3/4” Width - 29”Length - 72”Rotary Reel RackFeatures16 Hose reel capacity that fits in a compact area. Supplied with heavy duty casters which allow for ease of turning, even when fully loaded. Optional overhead crane available.Part Number DescriptionTH7-6 16 hose reel system, with rotating base TH7-6-C Optional overhead craneRack measurements:Height - 104” (120” with optional overhead crane) Width - 67”Length - 67”See Safety Step contact information on page D-26See Safety Step contact information on page D-26See Safety Step contact information on page D-26See Safety Step contact information on page D-26Parker Kart Part No. TH7-4Parker Kart organizes and stores all your necessary Parker hoses, fittings, power and hand tools - everything you need to make fast hose assemblies on site. As a valued addition to any facility, Parker Kart will save on downtime and labor costs, as well as eliminate errors in cutting and fitting attachment. With Parker Kart, you’ll always have the materials you need, right when and where you need them.• Easy one-man movement• Eight-inch urethane casters with brakes• Forklift carry tubes• Electric receptable with cord• Fitting bins and drawers• Large tool drawer• Four hose reel holders• Choice of Parker crimping equipment• Optional accessories availableParker Kart can be customized to fit specific hose assem-bly needs. Parker Kart does not include hose, fittings orequipment.Fitting Stock Bins72B-Cabinet36” wide, 43” high, 12” deep, with 72 openings each 4-1/2”x 4-1/2” x 12”, heavy duty steel, all welded construction.Product bin labels are available.Hose Stock BinsHR6-Hose-BinRugged metal cabinet for stocking coils of Parker hose 36”wide, 28” high, 20” deep, with upright separators to provide6 compartments varying in width from 4” to 8”.Provides suitable base on which to place the fittings stockbin (top measures 36” x 20”, bottom of fittings bin measures36” x 12”.)Yellow with black “Parker Hose” lettering.See Safety Step contact information on page D-26。
HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 产品介绍说明书
HP Z Turbo Quad ProIntroductionThe demands on Workstations continue to increase, especially in segments like digital media or imaging, where resolutions and file sizes are increasing. SSD technology is improving to enable greater bandwidth at lower costs/GB. The most intense workflows require greater capacity and greater performance than individual M.2 modules can offer. Combining 4 modules into a card that occupies only one PCIe x16 slot is efficient and meets the requirements for performance and capacity.PerformanceHP Z Turbo Drive Quad ProThe HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro enables up to four M.2 PCIe SSD modules to be connected to one PCIe Gen3 x16 slot. This M.2 form factor device uses PCIe Gen3 x4 which enables sequential performance levels greater than 2GB/s for each module.The devices can be set up with RAID for additional performance and redundancy using software RAID.Note: There are restrictions to using RAID with boot volumes.ModelsHP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 2x256GB PCIe SSD N2M98AA HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 2x512GB PCIe SSD N2M99AA HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 2x1TB PCIe SSD T9H99AA HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 256GB SSD module N2N00AA HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 512GB SSD module N2N01AA HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 1TB SSD module T9J00AABenefits∙Supports up to four PCIe M.2 SSD modules (NVMe) in one card, PCIe Gen3 x16 slot required.∙The HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro is equipped with Power Loss Protection circuitry that employs a bank of super caps to provide the power to fully finish data storage operations in the event of a power loss condition.∙The active cooling solution ensures that the M.2 SSD modules will not throttle to low performance levels due to over-heating.∙Support for single and double sided PCIe M.2 SSDs, up to 110mm in length.∙One of the M.2 SSD modules on the card can be used as a Boot device, and the other devices can be used as Data storage.Alternatively, all of the M.2 SSD modules can be used as Data devices.∙Additional storage devices, e.g. HDDs, SATA SSDs, can be used in combination with the HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro.∙Multiple HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro cards can be installed into HP Z Workstations. A card with 3 or 4 M.2 SSD modules requires a PCIe Gen3 x16 slot.CompatibilityThe HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro is supported on desktop platforms of HP Z Workstations, including Z440, Z640, and Z840. It will support storage configurations as a Boot device and as a Data device. It also can be configured with other storage components including SATA and SAS drives and controllers. Not all configurations are available from the factory.NOTE: Not all models are available in all regions.Recommended Slot OrderFor all HP Workstation platforms the tested and approved slots for the HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro are as follows (in order of preference):Z840: Slot #6, #4 (requires 2nd CPU), and #2*Z640 and Z440: Slot #5 and #2** Use of Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro in Slot 2 will necessitate moving the primary graphics card to an x8 or x4 PCIe slot, which could lead to reduced graphics performance.Raid SupportFor RAID support, there are some specific differences and thus restrictions as compared to SATA/SAS HDDs or SSDs, because software RAID is used.∙Windows® RAID with Boot Configuration: Limited support for RAID 1*, No support for RAID 0, 5, 10∙Windows® RAID with Data Configuration: Support for RAID 0, 1; No support for RAID 5, 10∙Linux® RAID with Boot Configuration: Functional for RAID 0, 1*; No support for RAID 5, 10∙Linux® RAID with Data Configuration: Functional for RAID 0, 1, 5, 10***RAID 1 can be set up, yet will not provide complete, redundant protection as the boot partition is not replicated on both drives. An OS boot partition cannot be protected by software RAID 1.** Limited testing has been done with Linux® to confirm RAID support and performance characteristics.Note: When using more than one HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro in a system, please ensure that the card ID switches are set up correctly. See installation guide for complete details.Service and SupportThe HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro has a one-year Limited Warranty or the remainder of the warranty of the HP supported product in which it is installed. Technical support is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, by phone, as well as online support forums. Certain restrictions and exclusions apply.M.2 PCIe SSD Modules256GB M.2 PCIe SSD (NVMe)Capacity: 256GB M.2 PCIe SSD (NVMe) Interface PCIe Gen3 x16 architectureNVMe ControllerNAND Type: MLCRead Bandwidth (128KB): 2150 MB/sWrite Bandwidth (1MB): 1260 MB/sRandom Read IOPS (4KB): 300KRandom Write IOPS (4KB): 100KEndurance (Total Bytes Written):512GB M.2 PCIe SSD (NVMe)Capacity: 512GB M.2 PCIe SSD (NVMe) Interface PCIe Gen3 x16 architectureNVMe ControllerNAND Type: MLCRead Bandwidth (128KB): 2150 MB/sWrite Bandwidth (1MB): 1550 MB/sRandom Read IOPS (4KB): 300KRandom Write IOPS (4KB): 100KEndurance (Total Bytes Written): 292 TBHP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 2x1TB PCIe SSDCapacity: 2x1TB M.2 PCIe SSD (NVMe) modules Interface PCIe Gen3 x16 architectureNVMe ControllerOperating Temperature 32° to 158° F (0° to 70° C)HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 512GB SSD moduleCapacity: 512GB (one M.2 PCIe NVMe module)Interface PCI Express 3.0 x4 electrical x4 physicalNVMe ControllerOperating Temperature 32° to 158° F (0° to 70° C)Note: NVMe devices require a driver for proper detection and operation. Windows® 8 and higher have an inbox NVMe driver. For Windows® 7, HP recommends using the Samsung NVMe driver, version, which will be available online. It is important to note that Microsoft has also published a hotfix that provides an NVMe driver, yet this driver is not recommended by HP. Also note that the new NVMe driver will not support the original HP Z Turbo Drive, which requires an AHCI driver.Support for OPAL hardware encryption: NoSupport for Secure Erase: YesSupport in HP Performance Advisor: yes, with the exception that the wear gauge support is not available yet.HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 2x256 PCIe SSDCapacity: 2x256GB (two M.2 PCIe NVMe modules) Interface: PCI Express Gen3 x16Operating Temperature: 32° to 158° F (0° to 70° C)HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 2x512GB PCIe SSDCapacity: 2x512GB (two M.2 PCIe NVMe modules) Interface: PCI Express Gen3 x16Operating Temperature: 32° to 158° F (0° to 70° C)HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 2x1TB PCIe SSDCapacity: 2x1TB (two M.2 PCIe NVMe modules) Interface: PCI Express Gen3 x16Operating Temperature: 32° to 158° F (0° to 70° C)HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 256GB SSD moduleCapacity 256GB (one M.2 PCIe NVMe module) Interface PCI Express 3.0 x4 electrical x4 physical Operating Temperature 32° to 158° F (0° to 70° C)HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 512GB SSD moduleCapacity: 512GB (one M.2 PCIe NVMe module) Interface: PCI Express 3.0 x4 electrical x4 physical Operating Temperature: 32° to 158° F (0° to 70° C)HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 1TB SSD moduleCapacity: 1TB (one M.2 PCIe NVMe module) Interface PCI Express 3.0 x4 electrical x4 physicalNVMe ControllerOperating Temperature 32° to 158° F (0° to 70° C)Device Interface Protocol PCIe Gen3Devices Supported HP qualifies and supports certain M.2 PCIe SSD modules to be used with this card.Bus Type PCIe card, full height PCIe slotsBIOS Minimum BIOS required:Z840, Z640, Z440: 1.62Data Protection Features Full Power Loss Protection circuitry, including multiple onboard super caps to provide powerin the event of a power loss event.Temperature - Operating 10 to 55C with 20 to 30% relative humidityTemperature - Storage -30 to 60C, with 5 to 90% relative humidityOperating Systems Supported Genuine Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, Genuine Windows 8.1 64-bit, Genuine Windows 1064-bit, RHEL 6, SLED 11 SP3, Ubuntu 14.04.Kit Contents HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro card + M.2 SSD Modules ordered, full height bulkhead bracket,),Installation documentation and warranty card.Options & AccessoriesThe HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro supports up to 4 SSD modules. It is initially sold configured with two modules. Additional modules can be purchased separately:HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 256GB SSD module (individual module) N2N00AA HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro 512GB SSD module (individual module) N2N01AASummary of ChangesDate of change: Version History: Description of change:December 1, 2015 From v1 to v2 Changed Part numbers for HP Z Turbo Drive Quad Pro modules May 1, 2016 From v2 to v3 Changed Wording of Benefits section bullet #7November 1, 2016 From v3 to v4 Added Quad Pro 2x1TB and 1TB modules© Copyright 2016 HP Development Company, L.P.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.。
2. NMR 检测
B0 C
RF pulse
M Receiver
A: 磁化强度矢量, Larmor 频率 B: RF 脉冲, 脉冲功率, 探头, 电击放电 C: 磁化强度矢量进动, 旋转坐标系, 接收器,前置放大器 D: 接收器增益值, 弛预时间 (T1,T2)
2. a: Larmor 频率
核磁矩沿外磁场方向进动的频率称为Larmor 频率w或共振 频率.此频率的大小取决于原子核的种类及外磁场的大小.
w ~ B0
是磁旋比. 它是原子核本身的属性并只能通过实验获取.
symbol abundance(%) frequency(MHz)
频率控制单元 Frequency Control Unit 频辐设置单元 Amplitude Setting Unit 时间控制单元 Timing Control Unit 协调控制单元 Communication Control Unit 接收控制单元 Receiver Control Unit 布鲁可智能磁体控制系统 Bruker Smart Magnet System 发射/调谐开关 Local Oscillator and Tune Board 功放控制板 Amplifier Control Board 接收器 Receiver 数字/摸拟转换器 Analog to Digital Converter 前置放大器 Pre-amplifier 锁场控制板 Lock Control Board 频率合成器 brand of synthesizer used 运行软件 Operating Software 计算机操作系统 SGI Operating Software 脉冲程序 Operator Instructions for experiment
iF product design award 2012:SAX and SAL产品概览Acvatix 阀门执行器─经济高效的HVAC 系统的决定性组成部件以多年的实践经验、广泛的专业知识和先进的技术为依托,西门子推出了AcvatixTM系列阀门和执行器产品,为暖通水力系统提供理想的解决方案。
适用于各种应用的阀门执行器产品只有机组内每个设备都能可靠、精确的运转时,HVAC 和制冷系统才能正常的工作。
来自西门子的Acvatix 产品线根据您的需要、介质类型和应用类型,总能为您提供合适的阀门执行器:- 用于小型、中型和大型HVAC 和制冷系统的阀门执行器- 用于房间、区域等末端控制的阀门执行器- 两通和三通座阀、蝶阀- 法兰、螺纹和焊接连接- 用于高精度、复杂控制系统的电磁调节阀- 带调节功能和3位或开/关控制信号的执行器地板采暖,辐射采暖TEVA 产品线,见第16页利用散热器控制区域温度TEVA 产品线,见第15和16页生活热水混合系统反应迅速的电磁调节阀, 见第5页法兰和螺纹连接的阀, 见第7-10页生活热水存储罐反应迅速的电磁调节阀,见第5页法兰和螺纹连接的阀, 见第7-10页法兰和螺纹连接的阀, 见第7-10页关闭功能蝶阀,见第13页区域供热分站法兰和螺纹连接的阀, 见第7-10页关闭冷却水塔见第13页控制风机盘管装置TEVA 产品线,见第16页冷吊顶TEVA 产品线,见第16页控制终端装置TEVA 产品线,见第16页用于空气调节设备的制冷盘管反应迅速的电磁调节阀,见第5页法兰和螺纹连接的阀,见第7-12页用于空气调节设备的供暖盘管法兰和螺纹连接的阀,见第7-12页冷冻水环路反应迅速的电磁调节阀,见第5页法兰和螺纹连接的阀,见第7-13页冷却水环路反应迅速的电磁调节阀,见第5页法兰和螺纹的阀,见第7-13页■ 实现能源优化■产品种类多样,适合于各种应用■ 便捷选择阀门执行器■高效配送- 工作电压为AC / DC 24 V 或AC 110 / 230 V 的执行器- 大量专利技术应用于各阀门或执行器,优化系统控制便捷选型西门子为您提供了各种阀门执行器的选型工具,阀门选型尺,技术资料和在线工具。
士兰微电子 SVDZ24NT 说明书 - 17A、55V N沟道增强型场效应管
17A 、55V N 沟道增强型场效应管描述SVDZ24NT N 沟道增强型功率MOS 场效应晶体管,采用士兰微电子新的平面VDMOS 工艺技术制造。
特点♦ 17A ,55V ,R DS(on)(典型值)=45m Ω@V GS =10V ♦ 低栅极电荷量 ♦ 低反向传输电容 ♦ 开关速度快 ♦提升了dv/dt 能力产品规格分类产 品 名 称 封装形式 打印名称 材料 包装 SVDZ24NTTO-220-3LSVDZ24NT无铅料管极限参数(除非特殊说明,T C =25°C)参 数符 号 参数范围 单位 漏源电压 V DS 55 V 栅源电压 V GS ±20 V 漏极电流 T C =25°C I D 17 A T C =100°C12 漏极脉冲电流 I DM 68 A 耗散功率(T C =25°C ) - 大于25°C 每摄氏度减少 P D 45 W 0.36 W/°C 单脉冲雪崩能量(注1) E AS 122 mJ 工作结温范围 T J -55~+175 °C 贮存温度范围T stg-55~+175°C热阻特性参 数符 号 参数范围 单位 芯片对管壳热阻 R θJC 2.78 °C/W 芯片对环境的热阻R θJA62.5°C/W电性参数(除非特殊说明,TC=25°C)参数符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位漏源击穿电压B VDSS V GS=0V,I D=250µA 55 -- -- V 漏源漏电流I DSS V DS=55V,V GS=0V -- -- 20 µA 栅源漏电流I GSS V GS=±20V,V DS=0V -- -- ±100 nA 栅极开启电压V GS(th)V GS= V DS,I D=250µA 2.0 -- 4.0 V 导通电阻R DS(on)V GS=10V,I D=10A -- 45 70 mΩ输入电容C issV DS=25V,V GS=0V,f=1.0MHz -- 400 --pF输出电容C oss-- 130 -- 反向传输电容C rss-- 12.5 --开启延迟时间t d(on)V DD=28V,V GS=10V,R G=25Ω,I D=10A(注2,3) -- 5.4 --ns开启上升时间t r-- 32.5 -- 关断延迟时间t d(off)-- 22.1 -- 关断下降时间t f-- 12.4 --栅极电荷量Q g V DD=44V,V GS=10V,I D=10A(注2,3) -- 10.5 --nC栅极-源极电荷量Q gs-- 2.5 --栅极-漏极电荷量Q gd-- 4.0 --源-漏二极管特性参数参数符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位源极电流I S MOS管中源极、漏极构成的反偏P-N结-- -- 17A源极脉冲电流I SM-- -- 68源-漏二极管压降V SD I S=10A,V GS=0V -- -- 1.3 V反向恢复时间T rr I S=10A,V GS=0V,dI F/dt=100A/µs(注2)-- 43 -- ns反向恢复电荷Q rr-- 0.05 -- μC 注:1. L=1mH,I AS=13A,V DD=25V,R G=25Ω,开始温度T J=25°C;2. 脉冲测试:脉冲宽度≤300μs,占空比≤2%;3. 基本上不受工作温度的影响。
完美的密封环和蝶板设计结构 坚固的蝶板连同椭圆型的支撑表面为层 叠式密封环提供了最好的支撑和固定, 特殊精密加工的密封环实现了零泄露。
支撑式轴承轴套 对阀杆的完美定位减小了阀杆的弯曲, 保证了在最大压差下也可实现双向的零 泄露密封。
阀 长: DIN EN 558 ISO 5752 MSSP-SP-68 API 609
标 记: EN 12266 MSSP-SP-25
法 兰 连 接: DIN 2501 ISO 7005 PN10,16,25,40,64, 100,160 ANSI B16.5 CL 150-300-600 API MSS-SP 44 CL 150-300-600
拥有专利的零泄露轴套设计 保证没有任何介质可以渗入轴套的腔 内,而其它的设计可能会由于轴套和轴 之间的卡涩或磨损而失效。
中心自定位阀板 ZWICK TRI-CON独 特 的 蝶 板 设 计 保 证 了 固定在蝶板上的密封环同阀座间的完美 结合,避免了因温度变化而引起的热胀 冷缩所造成的阀板抱死或卡死等故障。
ZWICK三 偏 心 蝶 阀 适 用 温 度 满 足 从- 196℃ 到+ 815℃(其 它 温 度 需 特 殊 定 制), 阀 门 口 径 满 足 从2″ 到88″( DN50到DN2200)的 使 用 , 其 专 利 的 轴 承 密 封 结 构 设 计 能 够 实 现 在815℃ 高 温 及16MPa高 压 条 件 下 的 德 国 零 泄 露 等 级, 密 封 等 级 高 于ANSI VI,专 业 设 计 的 金 属 多 层 次密封环结构和经特殊硬化处理的阀座,保证了阀门的双面密封结构,也实现了并通过 了 阀 门 在 真 空 条 件 下 连 续3 5万 次 无 故 障 测 试 。
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
5) 驱动器规格 WEIDE20,WEIDE30,WEIDE50 系列。
u 参与接线或检查的人员都必须具有做此工作的充分能力,接线和检查必须在 电源切断 5 分以后进行,防止电击。
7 50 8 70 12 95 12 95
60 70 4.5 14 80 90 4.5 19 110 130 9 19 110 130 9 19
WD90-M03520 750W 171 35 3 12 80 90 100 6.5 16
中 WD130-M05025 1.3KW 173 57 5 14 110 130 信号出现
相 集 电 极 ZCOM
模 拟 指 令 ADCI
最大允许输入电压 ±10v
模 拟 输 入 AGND
指 令 脉 冲 PULS+
指 令 脉 冲 SIGN+
器。 4)安装方向
伺服电机,可以采取水平方向和垂直方向的任何一种安装方式。 5)防止水滴及油滴
在有水滴和油滴的场所使用,需要对电机加以处理。请使用带油封的电 机。
6)电线的张紧度 不要使电线过于弯曲或对其施加张力。 特别是信号线的芯线为 0.2,0.3mm,非常细,所以配线时,请不要张拉过紧。
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
WEIDE 系列交流伺服随机手册
125~300 8~25
20~63 32~100
07年8月 06年8月 06年8月 06年8月 06年8月 07年8月
说明:1.中国四版06年1月份正式印刷完成,06年8月份第一次增印,改动10页,07年8月份第二次增印,改动15页, 07年11月第三次增印,改动18页。
缸径(mm) 中文样本编号 英文样本编号 日文样本编号 页号
页数 P3.55 P4.25 P4.26
错误内容 可换件型号错误 数值表示错误 型号表示错误、易造成选型错误
P4.34 P4.42
词汇更正、录入错误 型号表示不清、易造成选型错误
P4.64 P4.70
词汇更正、录入错误 追加系列
P4.102 型号表示内容错误
P4.110 型号表示内容错误
P5.09 数值表示错误
CA2系列 ( ~ )
。 。
除A54外 仅A54 BT-04 BT-06 BT-08
FG 43
电机 4 芯插头
光电编码器 15 芯插头
编码器 信号输出 编码器 Z 信号 集电极开路输出 编码器信号地
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 w–w1w.0fi–
三相AC220V(≥1.0KW) 单相AC220V(<1.0KW)
功 率 零速转矩 额定转速 额定电流
(Kw) (Nm) (Rpm) (A)
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ww–w7.f–
使用环境 防护
伺服驱动器自身结构无防护,因此必须安装在防护良好的电柜内,并防接触 腐蚀性、易燃性气体,防止导电物体、金属粉尘、油雾及液体进入内部。
名义直径: 总长度:
3.18 mm (0.125″) 6200mm(244″)
KX170 机械说明书(B)
Kayex 机密
KX170 设备说明书
2.5 热屏提升
在设备的炉盖上设计有两点式的热屏提升机构。热屏的位置可以通过在 手动模式下的触摸屏来控制,同样也可以通过自动模式下的计算机控 制。自动模式下通过斜率表来控制移动。两个热屏提升口在炉盖上相隔 180 度分布。
极限真空压力: 泄漏率(压力上升速率):
一般 25mtorr(该值是由真空泵和真空系 统决定) 50mtorr/hr
2.6.5. 氧化物控制系统
主真空系统在两个主真空接口的下游处都配置了一个空气注射阀用来 控制氧化物,通过计算机可以同时控制两个阀的开启,每个注射口的流 量稳定在大约或少于 5 升/分钟。
305mm(12″) 2800mm(110″)
KX170 机械说明书(B)
Kayex 机密
KX170 设备说明书
2.1.7 副室延长室
延长室高度: 延长室内径:
508mm(20″) 191mm(7.5″)
2.1.8 水平调整器
水平调整器是封闭副室延长室上部并用来支撑籽晶提升的装配组件。通 过调整上法兰可以使籽晶旋转轴铅直垂直。水平调整器有两个氩气接入 口,一个熔体温度计接口,一个辅助真空接口。
2.1.6 副炉室(接收室)
副炉室是位于隔离阀上的一圆筒形腔体。副炉室上设有便于操作者观察 的观察窗口(1)和籽晶位置监测口(2)。在副炉室上方的水平调整器 设有氩气进气接口(2),熔体测温计(1),一个辅助真空系统抽真空接 口。在副炉室上端还有一个清扫口。
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Boeing C-17 Transport2 EATON Aerospace C5-14G April 2014Eaton is a recognized leader in the aerospace industry and is a key supplier of hydraulics, fuel, conveyance and actuation products on the C-17. With this cutting edge technology, Eaton provides a broad array ofproducts including a 4000 psi quad-redundant hydraulic system. Two of four systems are connected using a reversible motorpump, in case ofemergency shutdown of any engine. All four systems incorpo-rate a primary and secondary engine-driven pump, part of Eaton's Vickers ® product line, ensuring a constant supply of hydraulic power during all phases of flight. Underemergency conditions, hydraulic power is generated by a ram air turbine (RAT) pump, which is deployed automatically and drives an Eaton pump.The C-17's unique capability to land on short runways is assisted by Eaton's pitch trim motors. The pitch trim motors position the horizontal stabilizer during the short landings and takeoffs for optimal performance.The C-17 hydraulic system incor-porates main engine and AC motor-driven pumps as well as pitch trim and OBIGGS drive motors. Eaton also provides additional system hydraulic and pneumatic units. These include servo control valves, a brake pressure metering valve, winch modules and a cargo AirDelivery System (ADS) control manifold. Electrical equipment provided by Eaton includes the Auxilary Power Unit (APU) air inlet actuator, ramp lock, logistic rail locks and RAT release actuator.The C-17 is also equipped with Eaton fluid health monitoring technology. The magnetic chip collectors, electro-optic and float activated sensors and system check valves are on allsecondary power systems. These products are primarily used to monitor harmfulmaterials in the flow of hydraulic and lube fluids during the run time of the aircraft.Other products on the C-17 include Eaton’s Aeroquip ®product line of quick disconnect couplings and self sealing “B”nut fittings and hose products, including high pressure Kevlar ® hoses. In addition, Eaton provides thepylon-mounted main fuel line for each engine, incorporating two quick disconnects into a convo-luted hose joined with a complex bent tube.Eaton also provides fuel boost pumps and canisters which were specifically designed for the C-17. They were designed and manufactured to provide excellent pumping performance at high climb rates and altitudes with many different types of fuel. To enhance fire safety, Eaton also provides the aircraft mounted valves that control the flow of nitrogen gas from the OBIGGS system to the fuel tanks.The United States Air Force Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a high-wing, four-engine, T-tailed aircraft with a rear-loading ramp. It is 174 feet in length, has a height of 55.08 feet and a wingspan of 169.75 feet. Maximum takeoff gross weight is 585,000 lbs; maximum payload is 164,900 lbs. It was designed to expand the capability of the AirMobility Command (AMC) by enabling the long distance transport of troops and heavy combat equipment directly to small austere landing sites. The austere landing site capability of the aircraft is further enhanced by having all systems fully independent of ground support equipment.The Boeing C-17 alsoembodies Short T akeoff and Landing (STOL) technology. The unique ability to land cargo on very short airstrips and then take off again is achieved through theutilization of propulsive lift aerodynamics and advanced composite structures for lighter weight.The aircraft is powered by four Pratt & Whitney PW2040 series (Boeing 757 Derivative) turbofan engines, designated by the Air Force as F117 PW-100, each producing 40,440 lbs of thrust, located on pylons ahead of andbelow the wing leading edge. Engine thrust is blown through the fully extended flaps to create additional lift. This feature is useful in short takeoff and landings, and in low speed maneuvers. The engines are also equipped with directed-flow thrust reversers capable of deploy-ment in flight. On theground, a fully loaded aircraft using engine thrust reversers, can back up a 2% slope.Boeing C-17 Component and Systems OverviewEaton’s Aerospace Product Capabilitiesmponent and Systems OverviewEATON Aerospace C5-14G April 2014 31234567891011121314151617181920212324252627282930313940412232333435363738Eaton’s Boeing C-17 Systems Components6.OBIGGS LP Valve7.OBIGGS Compressor Motor8.OBIGGS II Super Joint Assembly9.OBIGGS HP Valve 10.Fuel Boost Pump11.Fuel Crossfeed Gate Valve 12.Float Activated Level Sensors 13.Main Fuel Line14.Low Flow Shutoff Valve 15.Breathers16.Engine-Driven Pumps 17.Dual Brake Metering Valves 18.AC Motorpump19.Fluid Conveyance Line Assembly 20.RAT Pump21.RAT Release Actuator22.Steering & Bypass Control Valves 23.Pitch Trim Motors24.Variable Restraint Assembly 25.Gate Release Assembly26.Ramp Lock Actuator 27.Winch Control Module 28.Cargo Rail Actuator29.Cable Tension Arm Assembly 30.Flap/Slat Position Transmitter 31.APU Air Inlet Actuator 32.Aft/Flap Slat Module33.Ratio Changer Actuator - Aileron Ratio Changer Assembly34.Rudder Cable Control Assembly 35.Aileron Load Feel Assembly 36.Rudder Load Feel Assembly 37.Trim Actuator Control,Elevator Load Feel Assembly38.Control Stick Rudder Pedal Assembly, Park Brake Mechanism39.Cargo Air Delivery Manifold 40.Stabilzation Strut System 41.Levelmaster ®1.Magnetic Chip Collectors2.Differential Pressure Switch3.Hydraulic Pressure Switch4.Mainshaft Carbon Seals5.Gear Box Seals4 EATON Aerospace C5-14G April 2014145/155 Series Soft Seal Ground Support CouplingsEaton's 145/155 series couplings have been the industry standard for ground service applications for over 50 years. During this time the design has been continuously improved to increase reliability, safety and ease of operation. Improvements have been made to include elastomeric soft seals in both the aircraft half and ground cart half to virtually eliminate fluid spillage and air inclusion during operation, and blunt start threadsto prevent cross threading.Main Fuel Line Eaton's main fuel line provides fuelfrom the engine pylon to the engine fuel pumps on each C-17 engine. The product features 2-in diameter convoluted T eflon ® hoses, covered with slip-on silicon fire protection sleeves, and integrally mated with two quick disconnect coupling halves and a complex bent tube. The convoluted hose combines the routing flexibility of lightweight rubber hose with the temperature range and fluid compatibility of T eflon. The assembly can be disconnected from the pylon withno fuel spillage.1817 Low Profile Ball Bearing Plane Swivel JointsRotational movement in the landing gear hydraulic system of the C-17 is supplied by Eaton 1817 series low profile ball bearing plane swivel joints. The 1817 series was designed and qualified to MIL-J-5513 for low torque, high side load applications.Flexible Hose Assemblies Eaton's hose assemblies are utilized extensively throughout the C-17 aircraft. The assemblies can be found in the hydraulic system, the oxygen system, the fuel system and lube oil system. Eaton provides lightweightNomex braided, convoluted hose assemblies to AS1227. Kevlarreinforced T eflon ® hoses toAS4623 are used in the 4,000-psi (27579 kPa) hydraulic system offering a significant weightsavings over more traditional wire reinforced hose assemblies.Low Profile, Self-Sealing Hydraulic "B" Nut Fittings Eaton's low profile, self-sealing hydraulic "B" nut fittings, offer a small envelope size with minimal weight. The "B" nut design is for both 4,000 psi high pressure and low pressure hydraulic systems used on the Boeing C-17.OBIGGS II Flex-CouplingAssemblyEaton provides its flex-coupling assembly that supports the second generation on-board inert gas generator system that replaces gas bottles used in older generation aircraft and replaces a first generation OBIGGS system.Mainshaft SealsMainshaft seals are used along the aircraft engine main shaft, sealing in lubrication of themain bearings.Gearbox SealsGearbox seals are installedin the engine gearbox that contains bearing lubrication which the accessories receive their power. This includes acces-sories that power the ancillary functions around the engine including the starter, fuelcontrols, fuel pumps, hydraulicpumps, and more.Magnetic Chip Collectors The C-17 engine oil system incorporates Eaton’s magnetic chip collectors for the capture of ferrous engine wear debris. These collectors have a self-closing valve which will prevent oil leaks up to 300 psig (20.69 bar), and rare earth magnets foreffective debris capture over long periods of time.System Check ValveThe C-17 integrated drive gener-ator (IDG) contains an Eaton 2C6107 system check valve. This valve has a 10 micron sintered disc for filtering capability, and a flow restrictor that controls air flow through the valve.Float-Activated Level Sensor The 2E6139 float-activated liquid level sensor is located in the C-17 integrated drive generator. The sensor, weighing approxi-mately 30 grams, providesfeedback upon sensing an insuf-ficient fluid level in the IDG.Breather (supplied to Hamilton Sundstrand)Eaton’s breather provides pressure equalization and air filtration for the lubrication circuit for the OBIGGScompressor. The filter element is made of corrosion resistant mono filament material.5 Cargo/Air Delivery System(ADS) Control ManifoldThe cargo/ADS control manifold isdesigned for air drop operationsand on/off loading on the ground.The cargo/ADS control manifoldcontains all valving necessary tocontrol the cylinders in the aerialdelivery system including thecargo ramp, ramp latches, ramptoes, and cargo door actuators.It also controls the cargo doorup and down locks, the left andright drouge parachute and thedeploy mechanisms, and thetow/release and drogue chutejettison mechanism. Themanifold can be operatedelectrically from the forwardloadmaster station, or manuallyfrom the rear station.Winch Control ModuleEaton’s control moduleprovides control of fluid flow tothe hydraulic motor operatedwinch when commanded by theloadmaster. The moduleregulates hydraulic flow inresponse to an electrical inputcommand from the winchcontrol panel.The winch control moduleconsists of a servo valve, reliefvalve across the motor ports,anti-cavitation make up checkvalve and two inlet pressureblocking valves. One is usedfor the winch brake releaseand the other is for control ofthe hydraulic motor dualspeed feature.Dual Brake PressureMetering Valve AssemblyThese valve assemblies areinstalled in the landing gearwheel well and are controlled bythe pilot through a mechanicalclosed loop cable system. Theassembly controls the hydraulicactuation pressures to thebrakes as a function of inputposition from the rudder pedals.Included in the assembly aretwo force command meteringvalves for modulating brakepressure and a despin actuatorto stop the wheels fromspinning upon landing gearretraction.Steering and BypassControl ValvesThe C-17 hydraulic systemincludes a set of nosewheelsteering controls and nosewheelsteering bypass valves. Thebypass valve is used to unloadthe steering actuators duringtowing and allows for centeringof the nose gear while beingstowed. The steering valvereceives a clockwise or counter-clockwise manual input from therudder pedals, and provideshydraulic fluid flow to thenosewheel steering controlactuators. Position feedback tothe valve is achieved through aclosed loop cable system. Thevalves are tandem redundant,dual system with rip stopconstruction between the twohydraulic systems.Pitch T rim Actuator MotorThe C-17 pitch control ismaintained by a rotary actuatorlocated in the aircraft empen-nage. The pitch trim actuatormotor provides positional controlof the horizontal stabilizer. TwoEaton bi-directional inlinehydraulic motors, with adisplacement of .22 cu in/rev(3.60 ml/rev), produce a theoret-ical torque of 137 in-Ibs at3900 psi (26,889 kPa) pressuredifferential. The motor isdesigned to withstand twomillion reverse load cycles, and2000 psi return pressure. TheMF3-022 motor contains anti-cavitation check valves andweighs 6.2 Ibs (2.81 kg).Engine-Driven Hydraulic PumpThe unique design and constructionof Eaton's 4000 psi (27,579 kPa)pumps allow them to operate atrelatively high efficiencies, thusenabling each unit to generatenearly 80 hydraulic horsepower.Additional features of the pumpsinclude an electrical depressuriza-tion valve (EDV), a blocking valve,and an inlet boost impeller. Thepackage also weighs less than28 Ibs dry. (12.25 kg).OBIGGS CompressorDrive MotorThe OBIGGS compressor isdriven by Eaton's inline,constant speed hydraulic motorwhich features integral speedcontrol and an electricallyoperated shut-off valve. When28 VDC is applied to thesolenoid, the motor will rotate,creating a constant speedbetween 2250 and 2550 rpm,over the power range requiredby the compressor output flow.Motor displacement is .598 cuin/rev (9.80 ml/rev). The weightof the OBIGGS drive motor andcontrols is 14.6 Ibs (6.62 kg).AC Motor-Driven PumpEaton provides four .42 cuin/rev (6.88 ml/rev) displacementAC motor-driven pumps peraircraft.The AC motor-driven provideflow to each of the four aircrafthydraulic systems. This allowsthe aircraft to be fully checkedout before flight without theneed of a ground cart. The ACmotor-driven is also used topower the on-board cargoloading system, and to stabilizethe aircraft during loading. Thevariable displacement motor-driven produces up to 10 gpm(37.87 L/min) at 6000 rpm. The3-phase, 200/115 volt, 400 Hzelectric motor is a dry rotor oiljacket cooled design withintegral thermal annunciation.Dry weight of this completeassembly is 42.5 1bs (19.28 kg).EATON Aerospace C5-14G April 20146 EATON AerospaceC5-14G April 2014Gate Release Assembly The Eaton Gate Release Actuator is used on the C-17 aircraft to trip cargo pallet tie-downs during airborne off-loading. Operation of the actuator is electrically controlled by the aircraft loadmaster.A 28 Vdc brush-type motor, directly coupled to a ballscrew, provides the quick retraction stroke required for a clean release of the load. An internal extension spring returns the actuator to the "locked"position after electrical power is removed.Rotary ActuatorEaton's rotary actuator operates the APU air inlet and consists of a reversible DC motor with an electrical brake. The brake isdisengaged when electric power is applied to the motor, and engaged when power is off, preventing the output shaft from being back driven.Rotation of the output shaft is controlled by applying voltage to the CW or CCW fields.Internal limit switches open at the end of the stroke to limit rotation of the outputshaft. Internal mechanical stops limit the travel in the event of an overrun of the electrical limit switchesAileron & Rudder T rim ActuatorEaton's actuator provides a linear output force which operates the slat hydraulic control valve and trims the aileron and rudder control systems on the C-17.The actuator is powered by two redundant DC motors. Four linear variable differential trans-formers (LVDT) are mounted integrally with the actuator housing and provides position feedback to the four flight control computers.A direct gear drive permitsindividual or simultaneous motor operation. Each motor is locked in position by a spring loaded brake. The brake holds the actuator in place and prevents backdriving of the other motor during single motor operation. Mechanical stops limits both extend and retract travel.Rudder Ratio Changer and Door Lock Actuator Eaton’s rudder travel actuator imparts controlled linear motion to change the rudder input to output ratio of the control mechanism. This feature is engaged when part or fullmanual reversion control of the aircraft surfaces is required. In this mode, the mechanicalinputs to the aileron and elevator control valves are changed depending on the authority required. The actuator consists of reduction gears, a screw jack, and attached fittings that are driven by an integral 28 Vdc electric motor. The actuator is capable of having its direction reversed at any intermediate position. Stroke reversal is accomplished by reversing DC voltage polarity to the motor by means of external switching. This function removes power from the motor at each end of the stroke.Fuel Crossfeed Gate Valve Eaton's crossfeed gate valve is a 2-1/2 inch gate valve used to control the transfer of fuel from one tank’s boost pumps toanother tank’s engine. The valve assembly consists of a tank mounted body assembly, amotor operated actuator, and an actuator support assembly. The actuator, gate body, and primary seals are interchangeable and removable without draining the tank. The weight of thecomplete valve assembly is 4.4lbs (2.0 kg).High and Low Pressure Regulating ValvesEaton's aircraft mountedpressure valves control the flow of nitrogen gas from theOnboard Inert Gas Generation System (OBIGGS) to the fuel tanks to enhance fire safety. Pressure regulation reduces the elevated pressure of the stored gas down to the near-atmospheric levels required for the fuel tanks. Each system comprises one High Pressure Regulating Valve (HPRV) and two Low Pressure Regulating Valves (LPRV), each incorporatingshut-off valves.Hydraulic Pressure SwitchThis small, lightweight, extremely reliable hydraulic pressure switch is usedextensively in aerospace and is qualified for both commercial and military applications. These Eaton switches are designed to be used in any fluid that is compatible with stainless steel or aluminum. The pressure switch design incorporates a snap-action electricalmicroswitch which is actuatedby a piston-sensing element.Levelmaster®The C-17 Levelmaster® provides four discrete bits of potable water level information. The assembly consists of fourelectro-optic sensors positioned at customer specified levels of: full, 2/3, 1/3 and empty. As liquid covers each prism point, a light is activated in a panel mounted indicator, providing level status. A press-to-test button on the indicator will energize those lights corresponding to thesensors which are not immersed in liquid.EATON Aerospace C5-14G April 20147Ramp Lock ActuatorEaton's ramp lock actuator provides control of the cargo ramp lock on the aircraft. A helical spring on the actuator helps to overcome flight loads and extends the actuator to release the ramp lock.The actuator is operated by a 28 Vdc motor driving through a two-stage spur gear drive train into a multiplate slip clutch and a ball screw assembly. Motor direction is controlled by electro-mechanical relays that areenergized and de-energized by the aerial delivery system controller. Actuator controlfeedback is provided by external position sensors. The multiplate slip clutch allows the actuator to be overridden in the event that power is lost to the actuator.Cargo Rail ActuatorEaton's cargo rail actuator is used to perform the lock/arm/release function for the cargo pallets constrained by cargo bay logistics and aerial delivery rails on the C-17 aircraft. The actuator is operated by a 115 Vdc, 400 Hz, three-phase motor that drives a reduction gear to a ball screw and output rod. The input gear for the ball screw is located between two pairs of Belleville spring washers, which absorb the peaks of shock loads when the output contacts the mechan-ical stops. The actuator is avail-able with or without a brake on the motor. The manual brake override allows the actuator to be back driven when power is removed.Fuel Boost Pump and Canister Eaton’s fuel boost pump is fitted in a tank mounted canister for ease of installation and to avoid draining the tank when removing the pump.It is specifically designed and manufactured to provide excel-lent pumping performance at high climb rates and altitudes with many different types of fuel. This pump has the ability to provide vapor free fuel, even at near boiling conditions, with hotvolatile fuels.RAT Deployment Actuator Eaton’s RAT actuator is a quick, short stroke device designed to release the latch that holds the ram air turbine in stowed position, on the aircraft.The actuator is operated by a 28 VDC motor splined directly to an acme screw. An acme nut, restrained from rotation by a spline interface with the housing, provides the linear action to position an output rod. An acme screw is held between two pairs of Belleville spring washers in contact with thrust bearings, which absorb peakshock loads when the output rod strikes the mechanical stops.Stabilization Strut System Eaton's stabilization strut system is used to stabilize the aircraft for cargo loading and unloading and to jack up the rear of the aircraft for changing the main landing gear tires. The system consists of four different compo-nents, the stabilization strut, the door deployment actuator, the control manifold, and the isola-tion valve. The control manifold is used to operate the system manually or electronically, and maintains a set pressure in the stabilization strut as cargo is loaded. The door actuator is used to open the strut compart-ment door to deploy the strut.Variable Restraint Assembly Eaton’s rotary actuators are used to adjust the release point on the variable restraint lock mechanisms on the aircraft’s aerial delivery rail.The actuator is powered by a bi-directional 115 VAC single phase motor. The motor has an integral brake which holds the output shaft in position when power is removed. The brake is released upon re-application of power.A film type multi-turn potenti-ometer is connected to the epicyclic gear train and is used to track the number of revolu-tions of the output shaft and displays the load setting at thesidewall control panel.Copyright © 2014 EatonTeflon® is a registered trademark of Dupont. All Rights ReservedForm No. C5-14GApril 2014EatonAerospace Group9650 Jeronimo Road Irvine, California 92618Ph 949 452-9500Fax 949 452-9555/aerospace。