亳州话 六级 试题




【2021年】安徽省合肥市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、1.Writing(10题)1. 1. 一些学生认为运动要以兴趣为中心2. 另一些学生认为运动要以健康为中心3. 你的看法Interest-oriented Or Health-oriented Sports2. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled College Student's Job-Hunting. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given bellow.1. 近年来出现大学生就业难的现象。

2. 产生这一现象的原因(如大学生追求目标过高,专业不对口等。

)3. 如何解决这个问题(改变就业观念,大学生在培训等)。

College Student's Job-Hunting3. 1.面对今年的就业形势,很多大学生毕业后选择到农村去发展,比如去农村当“村官”。


4. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Unemployment upon Graduation, You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1.许多大学生毕业后找不到工作3.解决问题的办法是…Unemployment upon Graduation5. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to console your friend who recently failed in TOEFL. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1. 得知好友John未通过托福考试,他情绪低落2.帮他分析可能存在的问题,提出合理建议3.鼓励他战胜失败A Letter of Consolation6. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled on Graduate Mania. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1. 目前很多人报考研究生;2. 你认为此现象的原因是什么;3. 你的看法。



徐州话六级考试徐州话六级考试徐州话六级考试徐州话六级考试 中国标准话语言研究中心命题组中国标准话语言研究中心命题组?? ??准考证号准考证号准考证号_____ _____ _____ 姓名姓名姓名_____ _____ _____ 座位号座位号座位号____?? ____??本份试卷分为选择题本份试卷分为选择题,,简答题两部分简答题两部分..本试卷共有本试卷共有 48 48 48 道小题,总分道小题,总分道小题,总分 150 150 150 分,标准答题时间分,标准答题时间分,标准答题时间 150 150 分钟。



?? ??一、选择题选择题((每小题均有A 、B 、C 三个供选项三个供选项,,其中只有一项符合题目的要求其中只有一项符合题目的要求,,请根据题目选择意思最近的答案。


?? ??(每题2分,共35小题)小题)?? ??1.1.脖梗子脖梗子脖梗子?? ??A.A.花蒂花蒂花蒂??B.??B.??B.花茎花茎花茎??C.??C.??C.脖子脖子脖子?? ??2. 2. 妖冶蛋妖冶蛋妖冶蛋?? ??A.A.一种蛋壳画一种蛋壳画一种蛋壳画??B.??B.??B.禽类产的卵禽类产的卵禽类产的卵??C.??C.??C.形容一个人坏点子特别多形容一个人坏点子特别多形容一个人坏点子特别多3.A. A. 一种旷档旷档的声响一种旷档旷档的声响一种旷档旷档的声响??B.??B.??B.蜻蜓蜻蜓蜻蜓??C.??C.??C.光着身体在听光着身体在听光着身体在听?? ??4. 4. 手捏子手捏子手捏子?? ??A.A.手上拿个物体手上拿个物体手上拿个物体??B.??B.??B.一种手用工具一种手用工具一种手用工具??C. ??C. ??C. 手帕手帕手帕?? ??5. 5. 涨饭涨饭涨饭?? ??A.A.吃饭吃饭吃饭??B.??B.??B.一种食物一种食物一种食物??C.??C.??C.变质的食品变质的食品变质的食品?? ??6.6.吼咸吼咸吼咸?? ??A.A.味道特别咸味道特别咸味道特别咸??B.??B.??B.大声的号叫大声的号叫大声的号叫??C.??C.??C.一种动物的叫声一种动物的叫声一种动物的叫声?? ??7.7.越了(越读轻声)越了(越读轻声)越了(越读轻声)?? ??A.A.超过超过超过??B.??B.??B.呕吐呕吐呕吐??C.??C.??C.跳过某个物体跳过某个物体跳过某个物体?? ??8.8.脏上脏上脏上?? ??A.A.太脏了太脏了太脏了??B.??B.??B.上面的东西脏了上面的东西脏了上面的东西脏了??C.??C.??C.把某个东西加在另一个东西里面把某个东西加在另一个东西里面把某个东西加在另一个东西里面?? ??9.9.验好验好验好?? ??A.A.颜色鲜艳好看颜色鲜艳好看颜色鲜艳好看??B .??B .??B .正好正好正好?? ??10.10.一忽楼群一忽楼群一忽楼群?? ??A.A.一大群人一大群人一大群人??B.??B.??B.楼群密集楼群密集楼群密集??C.??C.??C.正在建设的住宅小区正在建设的住宅小区正在建设的住宅小区?? ??11.11.胳败子胳败子胳败子A.A.割掉肿瘤割掉肿瘤割掉肿瘤??B.??B.??B.除掉田里的杂草除掉田里的杂草除掉田里的杂草??C.??C.??C.膝盖膝盖膝盖?? ??12.12.卯戈卯戈卯戈?? ?? A.A.硬币硬币硬币??B.??B.??B.把某两个东西和在一起把某两个东西和在一起把某两个东西和在一起??C.??C.??C.一种工作一种工作一种工作13.13.槽鱼槽鱼槽鱼?? ??A.A.一种鱼制食品一种鱼制食品一种鱼制食品??B.??B.??B.一种鱼形的槽一种鱼形的槽一种鱼形的槽??C.??C.??C.鲫鱼鲫鱼鲫鱼?? ??14.14.奇叶子奇叶子奇叶子?? ??A.A.形容一个人是二百五形容一个人是二百五形容一个人是二百五??B.??B.??B.奇形怪状的树叶奇形怪状的树叶奇形怪状的树叶??C.??C.??C.叶叶??15.15.许清许清许清A.A.形容河水清澈形容河水清澈形容河水清澈??B.??B.??B.形容女孩长的漂亮形容女孩长的漂亮形容女孩长的漂亮??C.??C.??C.说明一个人清白说明一个人清白说明一个人清白16.16.不吱拉生不吱拉生不吱拉生A. A. 夹生饭夹生饭夹生饭??B.??B.??B.不说话不说话不说话??C.??C.??C.表示行动一点声响都没有表示行动一点声响都没有表示行动一点声响都没有17.17.格斯格斯格斯A.A.跳蚤的别称跳蚤的别称跳蚤的别称??B.??B.??B.骚别人的痒痒处骚别人的痒痒处骚别人的痒痒处??C.??C.??C.跳舞跳舞跳舞?? ??18.18.老灭老灭老灭A.A.最后最后最后B. B. B.消灭消灭消灭C. C. C.熄灯熄灯熄灯?? ??19.19.人脸疯人脸疯人脸疯A.A.疯子疯子疯子B. B. B.长的象疯子长的象疯子长的象疯子C. C. C.形容人调皮捣蛋形容人调皮捣蛋形容人调皮捣蛋?? ??20.20.稀里斜歪稀里斜歪稀里斜歪A.A.形容人不正经形容人不正经形容人不正经??B.??B.??B.形容人长的丑形容人长的丑形容人长的丑??C.??C.??C.形容东西没放正形容东西没放正形容东西没放正?? ??21.21.下才烂下才烂下才烂A.A.形容人嘴很谗形容人嘴很谗形容人嘴很谗??B.??B.??B.伤口腐烂伤口腐烂伤口腐烂??C.??C.??C.形容人很下流形容人很下流形容人很下流?? ??22.22.补土杠烟补土杠烟补土杠烟A.A.形容吸烟时的烟气形容吸烟时的烟气形容吸烟时的烟气??B.??B.??B.空气中灰尘飞舞的样子空气中灰尘飞舞的样子空气中灰尘飞舞的样子??C.??C.??C.地上着火的样子地上着火的样子地上着火的样子?? ??23.23.刀菜刀菜刀菜A.A.用刀切菜用刀切菜用刀切菜??B.??B.??B.用筷子夹菜用筷子夹菜用筷子夹菜??C.??C.??C.一种野菜一种野菜一种野菜?? ??24.24.黑雀子黑雀子黑雀子A.A.一种小鸟一种小鸟一种小鸟??B.??B.??B.麻雀麻雀麻雀??C.??C.??C.黑痣黑痣黑痣?? ??25.25.多口包多口包多口包((包读轻声包读轻声) )A.A.形容人很厉害形容人很厉害形容人很厉害??B.??B.??B.包有很多小口包有很多小口包有很多小口??C.??C.??C.口袋口袋口袋?? ??26.26.西不脏西不脏西不脏A.A.很脏很脏很脏??B.??B.??B.一点也不脏一点也不脏一点也不脏??C.??C.??C.西面很干净西面很干净西面很干净?? ??27.27.月才月才月才A.A.钥匙钥匙钥匙??B.??B.??B.月亮月亮月亮??C.??C.??C.刚刚才做刚刚才做刚刚才做?? ??28.28.窜门子窜门子窜门子A.A.走进屋里走进屋里走进屋里??B.??B.??B.到别人家玩到别人家玩到别人家玩??C.??C.??C.向屋里跑向屋里跑向屋里跑?? ??29.29.和豪拉显和豪拉显和豪拉显 A.A.和人比赛吼叫和人比赛吼叫和人比赛吼叫??B.??B.??B.惨烈的叫声惨烈的叫声惨烈的叫声??C.??C.??C.讽刺一个人没本事还乱显派讽刺一个人没本事还乱显派讽刺一个人没本事还乱显派?? ??30.30.圣人蛋圣人蛋圣人蛋A.A.形容一个人硬充好汉形容一个人硬充好汉形容一个人硬充好汉??B.??B.??B.马铃薯马铃薯马铃薯??C.??C.??C.形容人的脸很圆形容人的脸很圆形容人的脸很圆?? ??31.31.不楼不楼不楼A.A.用嘴咬一个物体用嘴咬一个物体用嘴咬一个物体??B.?? B.?? B.用脚踢一个物体用脚踢一个物体用脚踢一个物体?? C ?? C 来回拨动一个物体来回拨动一个物体?? ??32.32.洒白洒白洒白A.A.形容人很清白形容人很清白形容人很清白??B.?? B.?? B.形容物体很白形容物体很白形容物体很白??C.?? C.?? C.一种白酒一种白酒一种白酒33.33.张文(文读轻声)张文(文读轻声)张文(文读轻声)A.A.为什么为什么为什么??B.?? B.?? B.什么时候什么时候什么时候?? C ?? C 在干什么在干什么?? ??34.34.次木虎次木虎次木虎A.A.眼角的分泌物眼角的分泌物眼角的分泌物??B.?? B.?? B.形容人很坏形容人很坏形容人很坏??C.?? C.?? C.形容人很威猛形容人很威猛形容人很威猛?? ??35.35.和丝和丝和丝 (丝读轻声)(丝读轻声)?? ??A.A.形容人话很多形容人话很多形容人话很多??B.??B.??B.晃动别人或物体晃动别人或物体晃动别人或物体??C.?? C.?? C.哆嗦的样子哆嗦的样子哆嗦的样子?? ??二.简答题简答题((请根据具体语境回答下列问题请根据具体语境回答下列问题,,共计3小题,前两题每小题10分,个、第三题60分。



2025年安徽省亳州市英语高二上学期自测试题与参考答案一、听力第一节(本大题有5小题,每小题1.5分,共7.5分)1、What is the main topic of the conversation?A)The man’s new jobB)The woman’s studiesC)A new restaurant openingD)A recent movie releaseAnswer: CExplanation: The conversation is primarily about the opening of a new restaurant, making option C the correct answer. The other options are not directly related to the main topic discussed in the conversation.2、How does the woman feel about the weather?A)ExcitedB)BoredC)UnhappyD)IndifferentAnswer: CExplanation: The woman expresses dissatisfaction with the weather,indicating that she is unhappy about it. The other options do not reflect her feelings towards the weather.3、You hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans.A. They plan to go hiking in the mountains.B. They plan to visit a museum.C. They plan to go shopping in the city center.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation mentions that they are interested in learning about art, and the museum is the place where they can do that. The phrase “let’s go to the art museum” confirms the answer.4、You hear a weather forecast for a major city.A. The weather will be sunny and warm with a high of 80°F.B. The weather will be cloudy with a chance of rain and a high of 60°F.C. The weather will be snowy with a high of 30°F.Answer: BExplanation: The forecast includes a mention of clouds and a chance of rain, which indicates a cooler day. The temperature of 60°F aligns with the cooler weather described, making option B the correct answer.5、How much money did the woman spend on her new book?A.$20.50B.$25.00D.$35.00Answer: AExplanation: In the conversation, the woman mentions that she spent$20.50 on the book, which is the amount needed to purchase the book at the bookstore.二、听力第二节(本大题有15小题,每小题1.5分,共22.5分)1、Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.Question: What is the main topic of the conversation?A. The weather forecast for the weekend.B. The students’ plans for the upcoming holiday.C. The teacher’s concerns about the students’ study habits.Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue revolves around the students discussing their plans for the upcoming holiday, indicating that the main topic is their holiday plans.2、Listen to the following interview and answer the question you hear.Question: What is the interviewee’s profession?A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. A lawyer.Explanation: The interviewee mentions that they work in a hospital, which implies their profession is related to medicine, thus indicating they are a doctor.3、What does the man suggest the woman do about her term paper?A. She should start working on it immediately.B. She should wait until after the weekend to begin.C. She should take a break before continuing.D. She should ask the professor for an extension.Answer: A. She should start working on it immediately.Explanation: The man advises the woman not to procrastinate and to begin working on her term paper right away, suggesting that starting early will help manage her workload better.4、How will the speakers most likely travel to the conference?A. By train.B. By bus.C. By car.D. By airplane.Answer: D. By airplane.Explanation: During the conversation, one speaker mentions booking flights for the upcoming conference, indicating that they will be traveling by air.5、Question: What did the speaker mean by saying “We should neverunderestimate the power of a small group of committed people”?A)Small groups cannot make a big difference.B) A few committed people can have a significant impact.C)It is impossible to have a committed group.D)People should always work in large groups.Answer: B) A few committed people can have a significant impact.Explanation: The phrase “the power of a small group of committed people” suggests that a small group of dedicated individuals can have a substantial effect or influence. This implies that the speaker believes in the potential of a small committed group.6、Question: What is the main purpose of the speaker’s advice about investing time in relationships?A)To save money in the long run.B)To prioritize personal growth.C)To focus on achieving career goals.D)To invest in meaningful connections.Answer: D) To invest in meaningful connections.Explanation: The speaker’s advice about investing time in relationships implies that it is important to put effort into building and maintaining meaningful connections with others, rather than focusing solely on other aspects of life such as money or career.7、What was the main reason for the increase in tourism last year according to the report?A)The decrease in airfare pricesB)Improved infrastructure in tourist destinationsC) A new marketing campaign promoting local attractionsD)The weakening of the local currency making travel cheaperAnswer: CExplanation: According to the report mentioned in the passage, tourism saw a significant increase last year primarily due to a new marketing campaign that successfully promoted local attractions to both domestic and international travelers. While other factors such as airfare prices and infrastructure did play roles, the marketing campaign had the most substantial impact.8、How did the weather conditions affect the hiking trails during the summer season?A)They were closed due to heavy snowfallB)They remained open but were less crowded than usualC)They experienced an unexpected surge in visitorsD)They were damaged by storms and needed repairsAnswer: CExplanation: The passage states that contrary to expectations, the hiking trails experienced an unexpected surge in visitors during the summer season despite the typically hot weather. This indicates that the trails were not only accessible but also very popular among tourists looking for outdoor activities.9.You hear: “How was your vacation in Paris last summer?”You read:A) It was great, but I didn’t get to see much of the city.B) Paris is my favorite city, and I spent two weeks there.C) I wish I had visited Paris last summer, but it’s too expensive.Answer: BExplanation: The question is asking about the listener’s vacation experience in Paris. Choice B is the most direct response, indicating that Paris is the listener’s favorite city and they spent a significant amount of time there.10.You hear: “I heard you’re planning to go backpacking through Europe this semester.”You read:A) Yes, I’m really excited about it. I’ve been preparing for months.B) No, I think I’ll stay close to home and work on my s tudies.C) That sounds interesting, but I’m not sure if I can afford to travel.Answer: AExplanation: The question is about the listener’s travel plans for backpacking in Europe. Choice A indicates enthusiasm and preparation for the trip, which is the most fitting response to the question. Choices B and C suggest different reactions, but they do not directly address the question about backpacking in Europe.11、What is the main topic of the passage?A) The importance of recycling in daily life.B) Ways to reduce waste at home.C) Benefits of composting food waste.D) How to properly dispose of electronic waste.Answer: CExplanation: The passage details the process of composting and its environmental benefits, making option C the correct choice.Passage 2Listen to the following passage.Question:12、According to the speaker, what is one major advantage of using solar energy?A) It is cheaper than fossil fuels.B) It reduces dependency on non-renewable resources.C) Solar panels require little maintenance.D) It can be installed anywhere regardless of climate.Answer: BExplanation: The speaker emphasizes that solar energy helps reduce our reliance on finite resources like coal and oil, thus making option B the correct answer.13.You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans. Listen and answer the question.What activity does the girl want to do on Sunday afternoon?A. Go to the movies.B. Visit a museum.C. Go shopping.Answer: BExplanation: The girl mentions that she hear d there’s an interesting exhibition at the local museum this weekend, indicating her interest in visiting it. Therefore, she wants to visit a museum on Sunday afternoon.14.You will hear a short lecture about the benefits of exercise. Listen and answer the question.What is one of the main benefits of regular exercise according to the lecture?A. Improved concentration.B. Increased stress levels.C. Reduced immune system function.Answer: AExplanation: The lecture specifically mentions that regular exercise can help improve concentration and cognitive function, which makes “Improved concentration” the correct answer. The other options are mentioned as negative effects of not exercising or stress, not as benefits.15、Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the question you hear. You will hear the conversation ONLY ONCE.Conversation:(M=Man; W=Woman)M: Good morning, Ms. Green. I’m calling about the apartment you advertised.Could you tell me more about it?W: Of course. It’s a one-bedroom apartment on the third floor. Newly renovated with a small balcony. The rent is$800 per month, plus utilities. When would you like to come see it?M: How about tomorrow afternoon around 3 PM?W: That works for me. I’ll see you then.Question:What is the main purpose of the man’s call?A. To ask about the utilities included in the rent.B. To schedule a viewing of the apartment.C. To negotiate the rent price.Answer: B. To schedule a viewing of the apartment.Explanation:The man calls Ms. Green specifically to inquire about the advertised apartment and subsequently schedules a visit for the following day at 3 PM. While he does ask for more information about the apartment, his primary intention based on the dialogue is to arrange a time to view the property in person.三、阅读第一节(第1题7.5分,其余每题10分,总37.5分)第一题Reading PassageIn the small coastal town of Salmon Cove, the residents have always takenpride in their tight-knit community and beautiful natural surroundings. However, with the arrival of a new, environmentally friendly company, the town’s perspective on progress and development is beginning to shift.The company, GreenWave Energy, specializes in renewable energy solutions and has proposed a plan to build a wind farm off the coast of Salmon Cove. The proposed wind farm would not only generate clean energy but also create jobs and boost the local economy. Despite the potential benefits, not everyone in the town is excited about the idea.1.The passage is primarily about:A. the history of Salmon CoveB. the introduction of a new company in Salmon CoveC. the conflicts between the residents of Salmon CoveD. the environmental impact of a wind farm2.What is the main purpose of GreenWave Energy’s p roposal?A. To generate revenue for the townB. To create jobs and boost the local economyC. To improve the town’s infrastructureD. To attract tourists to Salmon Cove3.Why are some residents of Salmon Cove against the wind farm?A. They believe it will harm the town’s natural beautyB. They think it will create noise pollutionC. They fear it will disrupt marine lifeD. All of the above4.What is the author’s attitude towards the proposed wind farm?A. PositiveB. NegativeC. IndifferentD. SkepticalAnswers:1.B2.B3.D4.ASecond Question: Reading Comprehension Section ARead the passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each of the following questions.Passage:The Importance of Reading Aloud to ChildrenReading aloud to children is one of the most powerful tools in developing a child’s literacy skills. Beyond simply entertaining, reading aloud provides numerous benefits that contribute to a child’s cognitive development, emotional growth, and academic success. When parents or educators read aloud to children, they not only introduce new vocabulary but also model correct pronunciation and intonation. This auditory experience can be particularlybeneficial for young children who are just beginning to learn how to read on their own.Moreover, reading aloud fosters a love for books and storytelling, which is essential for lifelong learning. It can also serve as a bonding experience between reader and listener, promoting emotional intimacy and security. Regularly engaging in this activity helps children develop stronger listening skills, improves their concentration span, and prepares them for more complex texts as they grow older.Finally, research has shown that reading aloud can help children develop empathy and social skills by exposing them to different perspectives and cultures through stories. It can also enhance their imagination and creativity, as well as their ability to think critically about the world around them.Questions:1、What is the main benefit of reading aloud to children according to the passage?A. Entertaining the childB. Developing literacy skillsC. Teaching correct spellingD. Improving physical healthAnswer: B. Developing literacy skills2、How does reading aloud contribute to a child’s emotio nal growth?A. By improving their handwritingB. By increasing their physical activityC. By fostering a bond with the readerD. By teaching them to write creativelyAnswer: C. By fostering a bond with the reader3、Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of reading aloud to children?A. Enhancing vocabularyB. Modeling pronunciationC. Promoting academic successD. Enhancing mathematical skillsAnswer: D. Enhancing mathematical skills4、According to th e passage, what role does reading aloud play in a child’s social development?A. It decreases their ability to empathize with others.B. It isolates them from real-life interactions.C. It exposes them to diverse perspectives and cultures.D. It limits their exposure to different languages.Answer: C. It exposes them to diverse perspectives and cultures.This would be the layout for one of the reading comprehension sections in an English exam designed for high school students in their second year.第三题Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.In the small town of Willow Creek, there was once a bustling marketplace that was the heart of the community. Over the years, however, the town had seen better days. The once vibrant marketplace had fallen into disrepair, and many of the shops had closed their doors. The townspeople were concerned about the future of their beloved marketplace.One day, a young architect named Emily came to Willow Creek. She had heard stories about the town’s strugg ling marketplace and wanted to help. Emily believed that with a little creativity and a lot of community effort, the marketplace could be restored to its former glory.Emily started by conducting surveys and holding meetings with the townspeople. She learned that many residents were passionate about the marketplace but didn’t know how to bring it back to life. Emily decided to organize a series of workshops to teach the community about sustainable design and local entrepreneurship.The workshops were a success. They inspired the townspeople to take action. With Emily’s guidance, they began to clean up the marketplace, repaint the buildings, and set up new shops. The local businesses started to thrive again, and the marketplace began to attract visitors from nearby towns.1、What was the condition of the marketplace in Willow Creek before Emily’s arrival?A. It was in excellent condition.B. It was bustling with activity.C. It was in disrepair and many shops had closed.D. It was a popular tourist destination.2、Why did Emily decide to help Willow Creek?A. She was looking for a new project for her architecture firm.B. She wanted to challenge herself with a difficult restoration project.C. She had heard stories about the struggling marketplace and wanted to help.D. She was asked by the town council to take on the project.3、What was the main goal of Emily’s workshops?A. To teach the community about new architectural styles.B. To help the townspeople find new jobs in the construction industry.C. To teach the community about sustainable design and local entrepreneurship.D. To encourage the townspeople to move to a larger city.4、What was the result of the workshops and the community’s e fforts?A. The marketplace remained closed and the town continued to decline.B. The marketplace was restored, and the local businesses started to thrive.C. The workshops were a failure, and the town’s situation worsened.D. The marketplace became a touri st attraction, but the town’s economy remained unchanged.答案:1、C2、C3、C4、BFourth Question: Reading Comprehension Part IPassage:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer for each question that follows.Passage: The Role of Libraries in the Digital AgeIn the age of the internet and digital technology, the role of libraries has transformed significantly. No longer are they simply repositories of books; instead, modern libraries serve as dynamic community hubs that provide a wealth of resources and services to their patrons. This evolution is particularly evident in how libraries have adapted their collections to include digital media and online databases, as well as in the new kinds of spaces they offer for learning and collaboration.One key aspect of this transformation is the shift from physical to digital collections. Many libraries now offer access to e-books, audiobooks, and online journals, making information more accessible than ever before. Moreover, these digital resources can be accessed remotely, extending the reach of libraries far beyond their physical walls. While some argue that this trend diminishes the importance of the physical space of the library, others see it as an opportunity to create hybrid environments that combine the benefits of both online and offline experiences.Another significant change is the way libraries are designed. They have moved away from the traditional quiet spaces filled with rows of bookshelves towards more open, interactive areas that encourage group study, workshops, and community events. Libraries today often feature technology labs equipped with computers and software for digital creation, quiet study rooms for individual work, and meeting spaces where people can gather to discuss ideas or participate in educational programs.The personnel at libraries have also adapted to these changes, expanding their roles to include not just cataloging and lending materials but also providing technical support, facilitating educational workshops, and curating digital content. Librarians are now seen as guides who help navigate the vast sea of information available online, ensuring that users have the skills necessary to find credible sources and evaluate the quality of the information they encounter.In conclusion, while some may view libraries as outdated institutions in the digital age, the reality is quite the opposite. By embracing technology and redefining their purpose, libraries remain vital centers of knowledge and community engagement. Their continued relevance underscores the enduring human need for shared spaces dedicated to learning, creativity, and connection.Questions:1、What is one of the main ways libraries have adapted to the digital age?Answer: One main way libraries have adapted to the digital age is byincorporating digital collections such as e-books, audiobooks, and online databases, allowing patrons to access these resources remotely.2、How have libraries’ designs changed according to the passage?Answer: Libraries’ designs have shifted from traditional quiet spaces with bookshelves to more open, interactive areas that promote group study, workshops, and community events.3、What new responsibilities do librarians have besides cataloging and lending materials?Answer: Besides cataloging and lending materials, librarians now provide technical support, facilitate educational workshops, and curate digital content.4、Why are libraries still considered relevant in the digital age?Answer: Libraries are still considered relevant because they embrace technology and redefine their purpose, serving as vital centers of knowledge and community engagement that meet the enduring human need for shared spaces dedicated to learning, creativity, and connection.四、阅读第二节(12.5分)Reading Section IIPassage:In the world of literature, some authors are renowned for their unique writing styles and ability to captivate readers with their words. One such authoris J.K. Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series. Rowling’s storytelling prowess is evident in her intricate plots, vivid characters, and the way she weaves magical realism into her narratives. This passage explores the reasons behind Rowling’s success and the impact of the Harry Potter series on modern literature.Questions:1.What is the main focus of this passage?A) The success of the Harry Potter series.B) The writing style of J.K. Rowling.C) The impact of magical realism on modern literature.D) The characters in the Harry Potter series.2.According to the p assage, what makes J.K. Rowling’s writing unique?A) Her use of magical realism.B) Her detailed descriptions of magical creatures.C) Her focus on friendship and teamwork.D) Her use of complex wordplay.3.What is the primary reason for the popularity of the Harry Potter series?A) The well-developed characters.B) The intricate plots.C) The magical elements.D) All of the above.4.The passage suggests that Rowling’s writing style has had an impact on which genre of literature?A) Science fiction.B) Fantasy.C) Romance.D) Mystery.5.How does the passage describe the impact of the Harry Potter series on modern literature?A) It has sparked a renewed interest in fantasy novels.B) It has influenced the way contemporary authors approach storytelling.C) It has led to an increase in the number of books published in the fantasy genre.D) All of the above.Answers:1.B2.A3.D4.B5.D五、语言运用第一节 _ 完形填空(15分)Passage:In the small town of Willow Creek, the local library had always been a hub of community activity. The library was more than just a place to borrow books;it was a center for learning, a place where people of all ages gathered to read, discuss, and grow together. However, over the years, the library had begun to struggle with attendance, and the once bustling center was now facing a decline in visitors.One day, the library’s manager, Mrs.Thompson, noticed a local artist, Mr. Brown, painting a beautiful mural on the side of a nearby building. She thoug ht, “Why not bring some of that artistic energy into the library?” She decided to organize an event called “Art in the Library,” where local artists would be invited to display their work and engage with the community.The first event was a great success. Visitors were delighted to see the vibrant paintings, sculptures, and photographs. They also enjoyed the opportunity to meet the artists and learn about their creative process. The library soon became a place where people not only came to read but also to appreciate art and culture.As the weeks went by, the library’s attendance began to rise. People who had not visited the library in years came back, drawn by the new exhibits and the sense of community that had been rekindled. Mrs. Thompson was overjoyed to see the library thriving once again.One afternoon, as Mrs. Thompson was organizing the library, she noticed a young girl sitting alone in a corner, looking lost. She approached her and asked, “Can I help you find something?” The girl nodded and replied,“I’m just looking for a book to read. I don’t know where to start.”Mrs. Thompson smiled and said, “Let me show you.” She led the girl to a shelf filled with books about art and creativity. “These books are perfect for someone interested in art,” she said. The girl’s eyes lit up, and she began to explore the books with great interest.As the library continued to host more events, it became clear that the key to its revival was not just in offering books, but in creating a space where people could come together to share their passions and interests.Questions:15.What was the primary reason the library’s attendance declined over the years?A) The library was too small.B) There were no new books.C) The library lacked community events.D) The local population had decreased.Answer:C) The library lacked community events.六、语言运用第二节 _ 语法填空(15分)Grammar Fill-in the BlanksRead the following passage and complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the words in the brackets.In the small town of Maplewood, the 1 (be) of the old library was scheduledfor a major renovation. The library had been a central 2 (be) in the community for over a century, offering a variety of programs and services to the townspeople. The town council decided to turn the building into a community center, where 3 (be) could gather for cultural and educational activities.The project required a significant amount of 4 (spend) to be allocated for both the structural repairs and the interior design. Local businesses and residents were eager to contribute, knowing that the new community center would bring 5 (be) benefits to the town.The architects were given a strict budget, but they managed to create a 6 (amaze) design that blended the old with the new. The new community center would feature a 7 (hold) room for meetings, a reading area, and a gallery for local artists. It was a testament to the town’s commitment to preserving its history while embracing the future.7.Options:1.being2.being3.people4.spending5.being6.amazing7.holdingAnswer:1.being2.being3.people4.spending5.being6.amazing7.holding七、写作第一节 _ 应用文写作(15分)Question:Write a letter to your school principal, expressing your concerns about the recent changes in the school’s lunch menu and suggesting some improvements. Address the letter to“Mr.Smith, School Principal” and ensure it is formal yet friendly in tone. Include the following points in your letter:1.Your name and class (e.g., Class 2, Grade 10).2.The specific changes in the lunch menu that have raised your concerns.3.The impact these changes have had on students.4.Three suggestions for improving the menu.5.A closing statement expressing your hope for a positive response.Example Letter:[Your Name]Class 2, Grade 10[School Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Date]Mr. Smith, School Principal[School Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Dear Mr. Smith,I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regard ing the recent changes to our school’s lunch menu, which have had a noticeable impact on the student body.As you may be aware, the new menu introduced last month includes fewer options and a significant increase in the price of meals. These changes have led to several issues, which I would like to bring to your attention.Firstly, the reduced variety in the menu has made it difficult for students with different dietary preferences to find something suitable. Many of us have noticed that the meals are often repetitive, and the lack of vegetarian or gluten-free options has been particularly frustrating.Secondly, the increase in price has made it challenging for some students to afford lunch. This has resulted in an increase in students bringing their own food, which can lead to hygiene issues and conflicts over shared space in the cafeteria.To address these concerns, I would like to suggest the following。



六年级毕业考试英语模拟试题(1)Part I Listening 第一部分听力共五大题I. Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的选项。

)( ) 1. A. gift B. hurt C. part D. tall( ) 2. A. drank B. bought C. enjoy D. thin( ) 3. A. shadow B. rode C. star D. friend( ) 4. A. trip B. thinner C. younger D. bedroomII. Listen and tick. (听录音,在正确的图片下面打“√”。

)III. Listen and finish the dialogue. (听录音, 补全对话。

)Sarah: Oliver, I have a new pen pal, his name is Tang Ming. He lives in Hong Kong.Oliver: Is he tall or short?Sarah: He is tall. He is 1.80 metres.Oliver: Oh, he is______ than me. Sarah: Yes, but you are ______than him. He is very thin. Oliver: Does he like doing ______, too?Sarah: Yes. He likes going hiking and other exercises. But last weekend when he ______ a horse, he______ his foot. Oliver: I’m sorry to hear that. I wish him a speedy recovery. Sarah: Thank you.Oliver: You are welcome.A. hurtB. tallerC. strongerD. exerciseE. rodeIV . Listen and choose the correct answer. (听录音,选择正确的答语。



沧州话六级级考试(超劲爆版)03月14日17:42一、听力测试(共5题,每题4分,共20分)1 W:大过街地,泥说埋点儿末嫩?M:奏私蹋啦!(问:这是在什么地方?)A街道B 家里C超市D田野2 W:您拉快别忙活来,打得儿我奏回恰。


(问:他们是什么关系?)A师生B家人C亲戚D雇佣3 W:泥介孩羔子总穿骂也不利骚点儿嫩?看人家滚牛等急喽。


(问:男士要去干什么?)A面试B串门C相亲D出行4 W:您拉吃了末?M:钢尺喽,吃的老虎喝的羊肠子。

(问:你能推断出什么?)A他吃的很多B他吹牛C这是早上D沧州有森林5 W:介孩子,还真鬼儿式!M:你看给我突擦地!介孩子真不着人代见!(问:他对孩子评价如何?)A喜欢B一般C讨厌D没有评价二、选择题(共15题,每题2分,共30分)1.甲:多暂回来的?乙:夜了个轰上。



“乙”回答的意思是A.到盐碱地里转了一圈B.只喝了一碗稀粥C.早起没有吃饭9.“家里来且了”中的“且”的意思是A.客人B.熟人C.起床10.“当天京的随顺洋沟都流到院儿啦”这句话是说A.天京的水沿着修的洋式的沟流到庭院中来B.庭院中的水顺着下水道流到胡同中了C.当天下的雨水沿着一条叫“洋沟”的河流到一个叫“院儿”的地方11.“迎三儿”的意思是A. 东西B.某人的小名C.骂人的话,傻子的意思12.甲:夜拉个黑下你揍嘛气了?乙:也幕嘛四儿,逛荡洲湾儿了。










(44分)1.雪=【说】;恩=【你】;噘人=【骂人】;油果子=【油条】;杠祸=【打架,多指小孩打架】;主贵=【珍贵】;勺=【傻子】;盐好=【正好】2.“长的真排上”意思是长的【长得真漂亮】3.岳父在商城被称做【老干爷】4.东南西北的“北”商城读音为【bie】5.用3个字形容老年妇女【老妈子】6.“欺叼心”的意思为【烦人】7“不叼造”的意思为【不行或不好】8.“打金屁股”的意思为【小时候】9、“搓屁” 的意思为【管闲事】10、“下麻粪子” 的意思为【下毛毛细雨】11、“裸连” 的意思为【罗嗦、絮叨】12、“桨人” 的意思为【磨人、淘气】13、“格应人”是指【讨厌人】14、“一鳖”是指【一百】15、“扯白”是指【撒谎或聊天】二:选择题。

(36分)1.“扛二蛋”的意思是【B】A.扛着两颗蛋;B.说假话;C.阿谀奉承;D.无意义2. “捣痞子”是在游戏中表现得【A】A.不守规矩、耍赖;B.配合默契;C.不和谐;D.捣蛋3.“见天“指的是?【D】A.今天;B.明天;C.昨天;D.每天4.“太巴“是你的?【D】A.爸爸;B.爸爸的爸爸;C.爸爸的爸爸的爸爸;D.爸爸的爸爸的爸爸的爸爸5.“花大姐”指的是什么?【C】A.一位姓花的大姐;B.漂亮的姑娘;C.一种长着花翅膀的昆虫;D.一位脸上长满痘的姑娘6.“点把点“是指?【A】A.很少;B.一大把;C.一小把;D.指指点点7.“浪巴精”直译为【D】A.形容人的精神好;B.一种水里妖精的名字;C.语气词;D.爱臭美女人的代名词8.“丁丁罗儿”指的是什么?【A】A.蜻蜓;B.动画片的名字;C.一种爬行的昆虫;D.蚊子9.“腿老包”是身体的哪个部位?【C】A.大腿;B.小腿;C.膝盖;D.脚脖子10. “对”、“推”、“催”、“岁”、“水”的商城发音为【A】A.“dei”、“tei”、“cei”、“sei”、“sei”;B.“dei”、“tui”、“cui”、“sei”、“sui”;C.“dui”、“tei”、“cui”、“sei”、“sui”;D.“dei”、“tui”、“cei”、“sui”、“sui”11.“二性球”的意思是:【C】A.两只性牌的球;B.两个球迷;C.二愣子、莽撞行事的人;D.形容人很可爱12.“捣衣啰”是?【B】A.洗衣服;B.吃饭;C.带斗笠;D.穿衣服13.“羁作”是指【B】A.动作受限制;B.缺德;C. 工作受限制;D. 语气词14.“堂屋”是房屋的哪个位置?【A】A.客厅;B.厕所;C.卧室;D.厨房15.“手棚盖”是指人体哪个部位?【B】A.手指;B.指甲;C.手背;D.手掌16.“积凉盖”指?【D】A.头顶;B.大腿;C.胸膛;D.脊背17.“(),夹着我的手好疼啊!”商城人在括号里常用的语气词是【D】A.哎哟;B.哇;C.fei(第四声);D.fai(第四声)18、“牛血”是指【B】A.牛的血;B.不讲理、难缠、野蛮;C.像牛血一样红的东西;D.只指水牛的血三、简答题。



宁县方言六级试卷满分100 出题者:李小强一、单项选择题(1×15=15分)1、声调不相同的一组是()A 发-法B 低-滴C 上-伤D 是-世2、声母不相同的一组是()A 轻-清B 明-鸣C 四-事D 乱-暖3、韵母不相同的一组是()A 跃-月B 替-去C 黑-飞D 人-忍4、与“归”读音完全相同的是()A 亏B 国C 锅D 贵5、读音与其他3个不同的是()A 婆B 薄C 脖D 博6、不是表示时间的是()A 人耿B 年四C 交显D 黑了7、不是人称的是()A 达达B 老儿丫C 秀子D 赖搭8、下列哪一项不是骂人的话()A 日八歘B 外天人C 二米汪梁D 舔钩子9、下列词语,意思是“可能性;关系”的是()A 样场B 弦岛C 光党D 麻唐10、下列各项意思与“笨”最接近的是()A 瓜B 词C 梦D 二11、小孩喜欢呆在亲戚家,通常说他()A 戳头子B 磨镰水C 二米米D 窄楞子12、与其他3个词的意思相反的是()A 母囊B 克里马擦C 三锤两绑D 麻利13、以下四句中,对别人所为表示失望的话是()A 歪你错哈茬俩木!B 你烂杏吃得多俩吗?C 羊油把你吃地沁住俩!D 求零儿都莫滴!14、日眼鬼鬼,。

()A 红眼腿腿B 红眼嘴嘴C 馋眼嘴嘴D 馋眼腿腿15、美国长鼻子,跑到中国偷糜子,雀给了一鼻子。


()A 杠;墩B 杠;窜C 粑;墩D 粑;窜二、不定项选择题(2×10=20分)1、声调相同的有()A 平-凭B 棵-科C 节-接D 各-歌2、声母相同的有()A 白-陪B 眼-演C 星-兴D 下-哈3、韵母相同的有()A 拍-客B 位-味C 挪-河D 较-脚4、与“则”读音完全相同的有()A 贼B 窄C 测D 责5、与说话无关的有()A 谝传B 拉擀杖C 杂七八活D 胡吹冒料6、以下是动物的有()A 盖沟娃B 涝涝C 够够D 腿猪娃7、意思是“破坏”的有()A 务依B 日蹋C 操治D 弄零杆8、意思是“生气;感情不合”的有()A 淘神B 扭势C 势反D 犯病9、如果别人问你生意情况如何,你想回答不好也不差,可以用()A 怕俩B 莫迷眼C 搞滴能行D 莫丘向10、“你今儿就吃了该莫!”()A 阴子B 凳C 拉干D 赞点子三、完型填空(1×15=15分)前年骑车子看你期来,搭你 1 放回走了一 2 ,到你村口子前头利该哈坡子 3 。



安徽省亳州市英语小学五年级上学期复习试题及答案解析一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1.Listen to the recording and choose the correct picture that matches the description.(A, B, or C)Recording: “This is a picture of a child reading a book in the library. The child is sitting at a wooden table, surrounded by shelves of books. The child is wearing glasses and looks very focused.”Answer: BExplanation: The description mentions a child reading a book in the library, sitting at a wooden table, and wearing glasses. Picture B should depict this scenario, with a child focused on a book in a library setting.2.Listen to the dialogue and answer the question. What is the girl going to do thisweekend? (A) Go swimming. (B) Watch a movie. (C) Play soccer.Recording: “Boy: Hey, Emily, what are your plans for this weekend? Girl: I’m going to the pool with my family. It’s been really hot lately, and we need to cool off. Boy: Oh, that sounds fun! Swimming is always a great way to beat the heat.”Answer: AExplanation: From the dialogue, the girl mentions that she’s going to the pool with her family to cool off due to the heat. This indicates that she’s going swimming, so the correct answer is (A) Go swimming.3、Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.Question: What is the boy going to do tomorrow?A)He’s going to the park.B)He’s going to the library.C)He’s going to the museum.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, the boy says, “I’m going t o the library to borrow some books for my project tomorrow.” This clearly indicates that he is planning to visit the library, so the correct answer is B.4、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: How many subjects does the student like best?A)One.B)Two.C)Three.Passage: “My favorite subjects in school are Science and Math. I find them both very interesting and challenging. I spend a lot of time studying these subjects and enjoy every moment of it.”Answer: BExplanation: The passage stat es that the student’s favorite subjects are Science and Math. Therefore, there are two subjects that the student likes best, making the correct answer B.5、Listen to the passage and choose the correct answer.Question: What time does the school start?A. 8:00 amB. 8:30 amC. 9:00 amAnswer: BExplanation: The passage states, “Our school starts at 8:30 in the morning.” This directly answers the question about what time the school starts, making option B the correct choice.6、Listen to the conversation between two students and answer the question.Question: What day is it tomorrow?A. MondayB. TuesdayC. WednesdayAnswer: CExplanation: In the conversation, one student says, “I can’t wait for tomorrow. It’s our favorite subject, Science, on Wednesdays.” This indicates that tomorrow is Wednesday, making option C the accurate response.7、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.Question: What time does the boy usually get up on weekends?A. At 6:30.B. At 7:00.C. At 7:30.Answer: B. At 7:00.E xplanation: In the dialogue, the boy says, “On weekends, I usually get up at 7:00.” This directly answers the question about what time he gets up on weekends.8、Listen to the passage and answer the question.Question: How many books does the speaker have in total?A. Five.B. Ten.C. Fifteen.Answer: C. Fifteen.Explanation: The passage mentions that the speaker has five storybooks and ten science books. Adding these two numbers together gives us the total number of books: 5 + 10 = 15. Therefore, the speaker has fifteen books in total.9、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer. (听对话,选择最佳答案)Question: What does the boy want to be in the future?A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. A scientist.Answer: C. A scientist.Explanation: The dialogue might include a conversation where the boy expresses his aspiration to become a scientist in the future. Listeners should pay attention to the key words and phrases related to the boy’s futureaspirations.10、Listen to the passage and answer the question. (听短文,回答问题)Question: How many books does the speaker recommend for beginners?A. Two books.B. Three books.C. Four books.Answer: A. Two books.Explanation: The passage would likely contain information about books recommended for individuals starting out in a particular field or subject. The speaker would mention the number of books that are especially suitable for beginners. Listeners need to focus on the numbers and details related to the books being recommended.11、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. It’s on the desk.B. It’s in the bag.C. It’s under the chair.Answer: BExplanation: In the listening material, the speaker says, “Where is my pencil box? Oh, I found it. It’s in the bag.” Therefore, the correc t answer is B, indicating that the pencil box is inside the bag.12、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What does the girl like to do on Sundays?A. She likes to read books.B. She likes to watch TV.C. She likes to play sports.Answer: AExplanation: The listening passage states, “On Sundays, I like to spend time reading books at home. It’s my favorite thing to do on weekends.” This directly corresponds to option A, indicating that the girl likes to read books on Sundays.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1.What is the plural form of “apple”?A. appleB. applesC. applisD. appelsAnswer: BExplanation: The plural form of “apple” is “apples”. In English, the majority of nouns form their plurals by adding “-s” to the singular form. Option A is the singular form, C and D are incorrect spellings.2.Which of the following is a verb in the present continuous tense?A. She eats an apple.B. He is playing football.C. They went to the park.D. We will go swimming tomorrow.Answer: BExplanation: The present continuous tense is used to describe an action that is happening now, or to talk about something that is happening around now. It is formed using “be” (am, is, are) + the present participle (verb + -ing). Option B, “He is playing football,” matches this structure. Option A is in the simple present tense, C is in the past simple tense, and D is in the future simple tense.3、The dog____under the tree just now.A. was lyingB. is lyingC. liesD. lied Answer: A Explanation: This question tests the use of verb tenses and forms. The adverb “just now” indicates that the action happened in the past and was continuous at that moment. Therefore, we need to use the past continuous tense. The correct form of the verb “lie” in the past continuous tense is “was lying”. Option A is correct. Option B “is lying” is present continuous, Option C “lies” is simple present, and Option D “lied” is simple past, all of which are incorrect for this context.4、There_____a pencil and two pens on the desk.A. isB. areC. hasD. have Answer: A Explanation: This question tests subject-verb agreement and the use of existential “there be” constructions. When using “there be” constructions, the verb form must agree with the first noun in the subject list, regardless of the number of items listed. Here, the first noun is “a pencil,” which is singular. Therefore, the verb should be “is.” OptionA is correct. OptionB “are” would be used if the first noun were plural. “Has” and “have” are used with subjects that possess or contain something, not in existential constructions like “there be,” so OptionsC andD are incorrect.5、_____ did you go to school yesterday?A. HowB. WhatC. WhenD. Where Answer: D Explanation: 这个问题是在询问“你昨天去哪里上学了?”,需要用到表示地点的疑问词。



2024-2025学年安徽省亳州市英语小升初自测试题与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What are the two subjects that Tom is interested in?A. Math and ScienceB. English and HistoryC. Art and MusicD. Sports and GeographyAnswer: AExplanation: The teacher mentioned in the conversation that Tom is particularly interested in Math and Science, so the correct answer is A.2、Where does the girl go after school?A. To the libraryB. To the gymC. To the parkD. To her friend’s houseAnswer: BExplanation: The girl mentioned in the conversation says that she usually goes to the gym after school, so the correct answer is B.3、Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to thequestion.A. What is the weather like today?B. Where is the library?C. How many students are in the class?D. When is the school meeting?Answer: AExplanation: The dialogue is between two students discussing the weather. The first student says, “It’s so sunny today, isn’t it?” which indicates they are talking about the weather.4、Listen to the following passage and complete the sentence with the missing word.The school library is a great place for students to read and learn. It has a variety of books on different subjects, such as science, history, and _.A. literatureB. mathematicsC. geographyD. technologyAnswer: AExplanation: The passage mentions that the library has books on different subjects. The word that fits in the blank and relates to reading and learning is “literature,” which refers to books and writings.5、Question: What does the teacher say about the school’s sports day?A. It will be held on the following Saturday.B. Students are encouraged to participate.C. There will be no sports activities this year.D. The school’s sports day has been canceled.Answer: BExplanation: The teacher says, “I’m excited to announce that our school’s sports day will be held next Saturday. Students are encouraged to participate and show their skills.”6、Question: How does the student feel about the school trip?A. He is looking forward to it.B. He is not interested in going.C. He is worried about the cost.D. He thinks it’s too far away.Answer: AExplanation: The student says, “I can’t wait for the school trip next week. I’ve always wanted to visit that museum, and it’s going to be so much fun!”7.Listen to the conversation between two students, Jack and Lisa, and answer the question.Jack: Hey Lisa, have you started preparing for the upcoming English entrance exam for middle school?Lis a: Yeah, I have. I’m really worried about the listening section.Jack: Don’t worry, Lisa. Practice makes perfect. Listen to this examplequestion and try to answer it.Question: What is the main topic of the conversation?A)Studying for the English entrance examB)Preparing for the sports dayC)Discussing the new school uniformsD)Planning a school tripAnswer: A) Studying for the English entrance examExplanation: The main topic of the conversation is about preparing for the English entrance exam for middle school, as Jack mentions it in the beginning and Lisa expresses her worry about it.8.Listen to the dialogue between a teacher and a student, Sarah, and complete the sentence.Teacher: Sarah, how was your weekend?Sarah: It was good, thank you. I went to the library and did some extra reading.Teacher: That’s great, Sarah. Did you read any specific books?Sarah: Yes, I read a book about “The Little Prince.” It was very interesting.Teacher: I’ve heard that book is a classic. What was your favorite part?Sarah: My favorite part was when the prince met the fox. It taught me a lot about friendship.Complete the sentence: Sarah’s favorite par t of the book was when the prince met the _______.Answer: foxExplanation: The dialogue between the teacher and Sarah reveals that Sarah’s favorite part of the book “The Little Prince” is when the prince meets the fox. The correct word to complete the sen tence is “fox.”9.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question.A. What is the weather like today?B. Where are they going to have their picnic?C. What time are they leaving for the park?Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, one pe rson asks, “Do you think the park will be open today?” The other person replies, “I think it will be fine for our picnic.” This indicates that they are planning to go to the park for a picnic, so the correct answer is B.10.Listen to the short passage and complete the sentence with the missing word.The cat is very __________. It always stays at home and doesn’t like to go out.A. activeB. lazyC. playfulAnswer: BExplanation: The sentence is describing a characteristic of the cat. The word“lazy” best fi ts the context, as it indicates that the cat prefers to stay at home and doesn’t enjoy going outside. Therefore, the correct answer is B.11.What is the name of the capital city of France?A) LondonB) ParisC) RomeD) BerlinAnswer: B) ParisExplanation: The capital city of France is Paris, making option B the correct answer. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, Rome is the capital of Italy, and Berlin is the capital of Germany.12.How many letters are in the English alphabet?A) 21B) 24C) 26D) 30Answer: C) 26Explanation: The English alphabet consists of 26 letters from A to Z. Options A, B, and D are incorrect as they do not reflect the actual number of letters in the English alphabet.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Which of the following words is a homophone of “there” and means “in that place”?A)theirB)they’reC)thereD)theirAnswer: B) they’reExplanation: “They’re” is a homophone of “there” and means “they are.” “Their” refers to possession, “there” is a place, and “their” is also a possessive pronoun.2、Choose the sentence that uses the word “because” correctly.A)I didn’t go to the party because I was feeling sick.B)I didn’t go to the party because I was feeling sick, but I didn’t tell anyone.C)I didn’t go to the party because I was feeling sick, and I decided to rest.D)I didn’t go to the party because I was feeling sick; I didn’t want to spread germs.Answer: A) I didn’t go to the party because I was feeling sick.Explanation: The word “because” is used to introduce a reason or cause. In this case, option A correctly uses “because” to explain the reason for not going to the party. The other options contain additional information that is not directly related to the cause stated.3、The following sentence contains a word that is pronounced differently from the rest. Which word is it?A. LightB. SchoolC. ChildD. HomeAnswer: B. SchoolExplanation: The word “School” is pronounced as /skuːl/, while the other words are pronounced as /laɪt/, /tʃaɪld/, and /hoʊm/ respectively.4、Choose the word that does not belong in the following list:A. CatB. DogC. FishD. TreeAnswer: D. TreeExplanation: The words “Cat”, “Dog”, and “Fish” are all types of animals. “Tree” is a type of plant, making it the odd one out in this list.5.The following sentence has a missing word. Choose the word that best completes the sentence.The cat_______into the room and jumped onto the bed.A)runsB)has runC)is runningD)ranAnswer: D) ranExplanation: The sentence describes a past event that has already finished,so the simple past tense is appropriate. The other options indicate ongoing actions or future actions, which do not fit the context of the sentence.6.Choose the sentence that best expresses the same meaning as the given sentence.Given sentence: “She has finished her homework and is now watching TV.”A)She finished her homework and is now watching TV.B)She has finished her homework, and she is now watching TV.C)She has finished her homework; now she is watching TV.D)She finished her homework and is now watching TV.Answer: B) She has finished her homework, and she is now watching TV.Explanation: The given sentence is a compound sentence with two independent clauses joined by the coordin ating conjunction “and.” Option B correctly uses a comma to separate the two independent clauses and maintains the correct tense and meaning. The other options change the structure or tense of the sentence.7、What is the correct way to spell the word “pencil”?A. penceelB. penicelC. pencelD. pencilAnswer: DExplanation: The correct spelling of the word “pencil” is option D. It is spelled with the letter “c” at the end, not “l” or “el.”8、Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?A. She don’t have any brothers.B. He is running to school yesterday.C. I have finished my homework, and now I am going to watch TV.D. They have went to the cinema last night.Answer: CExplanation: The grammatically correct sentence is option C. “I have finish ed my homework, and now I am going to watch TV” is the only sentence in the options that has correct subject-verb agreement and tense usage.9.What is the correct past tense form of the verb “go”?A. wentB. goesC. goneD. goAnswer: AExplanation: The past tense form of the verb “go” is “went”. The options B, C, and D are incorrect as they represent the present tense, past participle, or the base form of the verb respectively.10.Choose the word that does not belong in the following list: banana, apple, orange, grape.A. grapeB. pearC. tomatoD. watermelonAnswer: CExplanation: All the options except for “tomato” are types of fruits. “Tomato” is a vegetable, making it the word that does not belong in the list.11.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:The boy was fascinated by the______of the book.A)difficultyB)storyC)authorD)priceAnswer: B) storyExplanation: The correct word to complete the sentence is “story” because the boy was interested in the content of the book, which is the story.12.Select the word that is different from the others in terms of meaning:A)BrightB)DarkC)ShinyD)DullAnswer: D) DullExplanation: The word “Dull” is different from the others becaus e “bright,” “dark,” and “shiny” describe qualities of light or appearance, whereas “dull” refers to a lack of light or brightness.三、完型填空(10分)Cloze TestRead the following passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given. Write the letter of your choice in the space provided.In the small town of [1], there was a library that had been around for over a century. It was a [2] place, filled with old books and [3] that told stories of the town’s past. The library had seen many changes ove r the years, but one thing remained constant: its [4] to preserve knowledge and history.One day, the library faced a challenge. Its [5] were aging, and the building was in need of [6]. The town’s residents were concerned, but they also knew the library was a [7] part of the community.1.A. silentB. bustlingC. remoteD. quaint2.A. livelyB. abandonedC. outdatedD. fascinating3.A. relicsB. artifactsC. ruinsD. debris4.A. missionB. secretC. strategyD. debate5.A. floorsB. wallsC. shelvesD. staff6.A. expansionB. renovationC. destructionD. replacement7.A. temporaryB. significantC. invisibleD. distant Answer Key:1.D2.D3.B4.A5.B6.B7.B四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionPassage:The following story is about a young girl named Emily who loves to read. Emily has always been fascinated by books, and she reads every chance she gets. One day, her teacher announced a special project for the class. The project was to read a classic novel and write a book report on it.Emily was excited about the project because she had always wanted to read “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. She borrowed the book from the school library and spent the next two weeks reading it. The story is set in the 1930s in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama. It follows the lives of Scout Finch, her brother Jem, and their father, Atticus, who is a lawyer.One of the most memorable scenes in the novel is when Atticus teaches Scout and Jem about empathy and the importance of treating others fairly, regardless of their skin color. The children’s experiences during this time shape their understanding of the world and the people around them.After finishing the book, Emily was inspired to write her book report. She focused on the themes of courage, injustice, and the human spirit. She alsodiscussed how the novel still resonates with readers today.Questions:1.What is the main project that Emily and her classmates were assigned by their teacher?A) To write a short storyB) To read a classic novel and write a book reportC) To create a book characterD) To design a school poster2.In which town is the story of “To Kill a Mockingbird” set?A) New York, New YorkB) Maycomb, AlabamaC) Chicago, IllinoisD) San Francisco, California3.What is one of the main themes that Emily discusses in her book report?A) The importance of technology in today’s worldB) The courage to stand up against injusticeC) The benefits of physical exerciseD) The fascination with outer spaceAnswers:1.B) To read a classic novel and write a book report2.B) Maycomb, Alabama3.B) The courage to stand up against injustice五、写作题(16分)Title: My Dream SchoolInstructions: Write a short essay of about 100-120 words on “My Dream School.” Describe the feat ures and environment you envision for your ideal school, including its location, facilities, teaching methods, extracurricular activities, and the kind of relationships you hope to foster with teachers and peers. Use your imagination and creativity to bring your dream school to life.Writing Sample:My Dream SchoolNestled in the heart of a lush green valley, surrounded by towering trees and a crystal-clear stream, lies my dream school—a sanctuary of learning and growth. It’s not just a building; it’s a community where every child’s potential blossoms under the warm embrace of nurturing educators and supportive peers.Upon entering its gates, one is greeted by a sprawling campus filled with state-of-the-art facilities. Modern classrooms equipped with smart boards and high-speed internet foster interactive learning experiences, while spacious libraries filled with books from every corner of the world ignite curiosity and inspire exploration. Science labs brim with the latest technology, and art studios overflow with canvases waiting for young minds to unleash their creativity.What truly sets my dream school apart is its holistic approach to education.Lessons are not confined to textbooks; instead, they blend seamlessly with real-world applications and experiential learning. Field trips to local museums, nature reserves, and businesses enrich our understanding of the world around us. Project-based learning encourages collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.Extracurricular activities are abundant and diverse, catering to every interest and passion. From robotics clubs to drama societies, debate teams to environmental groups, there’s something for everyone to discover and excel in. Sports facilities are top-notch, fostering a healthy, active lifestyle amidst friendly competition.But perhaps the most cherished aspect of my dream school is the sense of belonging and camaraderie it fosters. Teachers are not just educators; they are mentors, role models, and friends. They inspire us to dream big and believe in ourselves. Peer relationships are built on mutual respect, empathy, and encouragement. Together, we learn, laugh, and grow, forming bonds that last a lifetime.In this idyllic setting, every child’s journey is unique and celebrated. My dream school is a beacon of hope, a testament to the limitless potential of every young mind.Analysis:The writing sample begins by vividly describing the physical setting of the dream school, painting a picture of a serene and inspiring environment. It thendelves into the school’s educational philosophy, emphasizing a holistic approach to learning that integrates technology, experiential learning, and real-world applications. The variety of extracurricular activities andstate-of-the-art facilities showcase the school’s commitment to nurturing all aspects of a student’s development.The writer highlights the importance of strong relationships within the school community, emphasizing the role of teachers as mentors and peers as supportive companions. This focus on personal connections and belonging underscores the emotional well-being and social development of students, which are crucial components of a truly fulfilling educational experience.Overall, the essay is well-structured, with clear paragraphs that logically progress from the physical setting to the educational approach to the human connections within the school. The language is descriptive and engaging, using sensory details and emotive language to bring the dream school to life. The writing effectively conveys the writer’s passion and vision for an ideal learning environment.。





fēng zheng yóu nìfáng yùtī chúzhēng fāmíng mèi tiě chuípì jìng kān yāchè dǐ2.判断下列每组中加点字的读音是否全对,全对的用“正确”表示,有误的请找出并改正。











安徽省亳州市谯城区2023-2024学年六年级下学期7月期末英语试题一、Listen and choose.1.(10分)听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

(1)A.think B.than C.thin(2)A.wash B.washed C.washing(3)A.smaller B.longer C.heavier(4)A.cycling B.fishing C.camping(5)A.beside B.before C.behind二、Listen and choose.2.(10分)听录音,选出合适的答语。

(1)A.55 kilograms. B.1.66 meters. C.Size 39.(2)A.He is swimming. B.He likes swimming. C.He went swimming.(3)A.I go by bus. B.She goes by car. C.He goes by bike.(4)A.He did homework. B.He does homework. C.He is doing homework.(5)A.Yes,he is. B.Yes,he does. C.Yes,he did.三、Listen and judge.3.(10分)听录音,根据所听短文,判断正(√)误(×)。

(1)Amy is my good friend.(2)I'm taller than Amy.(3)I bought a Peppa Pig for Amy on her birthday.(4)We didn't go boating in the park.(5)We had a good time last weekend.四、Read and write.4.(10分)用单词的正确形式填空。

A.listeningB.leftC.animalsD.goesE.stronger(1)Who is ,Jason or John?(2)There were many in that race.(3)He is to music now.(4)I Shanghai last night.(5)Mike to school on Sundays.五、Read and choose.5.(10分)读句子,选择对应的图片。



亳州话六级考试----- 中国标准话语言研究中心命题组准考证号()姓名()本份试卷分为选择题,简答题两部分.本试卷共有 30 道小题,总分 150 分,标准答题时间 150 分钟。


共25小题,每小题4分)1.格吱A.风吹过树木发出的声音B.骚别人的痒痒处C.跳舞2.搓子A.洗衣服的搓板B.一种小鸟C.黑痣3.浪葬样A.狼的葬里B.感叹词(一塌糊涂.乱七八糟.厉害类很)C.波浪的样子4.月使A.钥匙B.月亮C.月亮上的天使5.吗糊A.迷迷糊糊B.糨糊C.一种小吃6.逞脸A.调皮捣蛋B.脸大C.要面子7.分壳A.乌龟壳B.分开C.硬币8.事味儿A.味道好B.有趣好玩 C事情到来之前的硝烟味道9.学你闻来A.用你的话说B.听说你要来C.向你学习10.老煤红A.媒婆B.煤烧红了C.大红花11.啥家使A.什么意思?B.家里的东西都会用C.谁家的佣人12.一丝拉子A.丝绸B.拉面C.一点点13.管谈,沾闲A.有能力,可以B.谈话C.闲人14.徐A.徐州B.姓氏C.罗嗦15.肉A.食物的一种B.慢吞吞C.长胖16.几老狗子A.小狗B.几条老狗C.蝉17.嗲唠A.唠叨B.撒娇C.罗嗦18.不主贵A.不自重讨人厌B.主人C.不够高贵19.依稀A.稀饭B.依赖C.感叹词,表示惊讶20.啥味儿类A.什么样子B.味道不好C.就这样21.胳勒绷子A.绷带B.胳膊断了C.脖子22.格了瓣A.花瓣B.膝盖C.豆瓣23.干悦(三声)A.悦耳B.呕吐C.干净24.豆不A.豆子的一种B.就不C.豆子不好吃25.管护A.管用B.看护C.管理员二.简答题(请根据具体语境回答下列问题,共计3小题,前两题每小题10分,个、第三题30分。

)1.请根据所给亳州口语单词填出所对应的普通话单词 (10分)1)嫩啥 (2)尖类呦 (3)白慌来 (4)实正 (5)半决2.请根据所给亳州口语单词造句,要有创意 (10分)(1).好百来(2).也比(3).渊(4).些得(5).学你类文3.请把所给亳州口语短文用普通话表述出来,100字以内(30分)(1).大青起来老早类起来老.宿舍类其他人坑都不坑都跑老,我让下铺类给合老醒了.一看手机,我类孩来,这马不豆迟到老忙.没法子.脸也的洗.数头啥家十类.都摆制好以后,拿包牛奶都跑到教室了..哈,些得劲.正好踩路铃进来类.(15分)(2).以前包,有一份真挚类爱情搁我脸门前,我甩都不甩套.等我醒过来捆了,才觉乎住我还孩来,都也毕个闹孙类老.你佛佛杂有这样类事泥,啥家什?如果给我个机会?那我想对泥佛一句,俺相中你老.如果在加一个期限?那豆到你相不中我类那一天包.(15分)。



2022-2023学年度第一学期综合素养阶段评估六年级英语I. Read and choose. (选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。

)(6分)()1. A. subway B. near C. behind()2. A. cinema B. museum C. comic()3. A. aunt B. tonight C. cousin()4. A. today B. trip C. tomorrow()5. A. taxi B. ship C. straight()6. A. stop B. when C. howII、Read and write. (按要求写一写。

)(8分)1. mooncake(复数形式)_______________________2. four(序数词)_______________________3. film(英译汉)_______________________4. evening(英译汉)_______________________5. ship(英译汉)_______________________6. visit(英译汉)_______________________7. 飞机(汉译英)_______________________8. 科学(汉译英)_______________________ III、Choose the best answers. (单项选择。

)(7分)()1. People usually buy postcards in a______________.A. zooB. parkC. post office()2. Go______________ a green light.A. onB. atC. in()3. The woman goes to Beijing by______________.A. trainB. walkC. fast()4. —Do you have comic books?—______________Here they are!A. Thank you!B. Yes!C. No!()5. Zhang Peng is going to______________ a trip.A. makeB. playC. take()6. What are you going to do_____________?A. next toB. next weekC. weekend()7. —Where are you going?—______________A. To the museum.B. Tonight.C. Sure.IV. Choose and fill in the blanks. (选择合适的选项, 补全句子。




























波小子:10 多岁的男孩。




















































2023年安徽亳州中考英语试题及答案注意事项:1. 本试卷共四部分,十大题,满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。

2. 全卷包括“试题卷”(8页)和“答题卡”(2页)两部分。

3. 请务必在“答题卡”上答题,在“试题卷”上答题无效。

4. 考试结束后,请将“试题卷”和“答题卡”一并交回。



每段对话读两遍1. What class is the man taking?A. B. C.2. What did the man do last weekend?A. B. C3. What time is it now?A. 4:45.B. 5:00.C. 5:15.4. How does the woman feel?A. Excited.B. Worried.C. Moved.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In a bookshop.C. In a hospital.Ⅱ.长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到两段对话。



听下面一段对话,回答第6、7题6. Where is the womanA. In the zoo.B. In the park.C. In the study.7. Why do the man and his classmates raise money?A. To help wild animals.B. To buy books.C. To leam cooking.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10题8. What is the woman doing?A. Visiting a library.B. Doing a survey.C. Reading a newspaper.9. What is the man going to make?A. A tie.B. A trce.C. A box.10. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. School meals.B. A sports competition.C. An Earth Day activity.Ⅲ. 短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文。



安徽省亳州市英语中考测试试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.Question: Where is the man going to have lunch?A)At homeB)In a restaurantC)At a friend’s houseAnswer: B) In a restaurantExplanation: The woman in the conversation asks the man if he wants to have lunch at a nearby restaurant, and the man agrees. This indicates that they are planning to have lunch in a restaurant.2.Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main topic of the passage?A)The benefits of readingB)The history of booksC)The types of librariesAnswer: A) The benefits of readingExplanation: The passage discusses various ways in which reading can improve one’s life, such as expanding vocab ulary, improving communication skills, and reducing stress. These points all highlight the benefits of reading, making “The benefits of reading” the main topic of the passage.3、Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the question you hear.Question: What time does the movie start?A)7:30 p.m.B)8:00 p.m.C)8:30 p.m.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation mentions that the movie starts at 8:00 p.m. Specifically, the speaker says, “We should leave now, the movie starts at 8 o’clock sharp.” This d irectly corresponds to option B.4、Listen to the short passage and answer the following question.Question: What is the main topic of the passage?A)The benefits of regular exercise.B)The importance of a balanced diet.C)The challenges of modern lifestyle.Answer: AExplanation: The passage discusses the various benefits of engaging in regular physical exercise. It mentions how it can improve overall health, reduce stress, and even enhance mental clarity. None of the other options (balanced diet or challenges of modern lifestyle) are directly addressed in the passage, making A the correct answer.5、 Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for London?A. At 8:30 am.B. At 9:00 am.C. At 9:30 am.Answer: BExplanation: The recording states, “The train to London leaves at 9:00 am from platform 3.” This directly corresponds to option B, confirming that the train leaves at 9:00 am.6、 Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing word.Conversation: Student: Excuse me, could you tell me where the (blank) room is? Teacher: Sure, it’s on the second floor, next to the library.Answer: computerExplanation: The conversation is about a student asking for the location of a specific room, and the teacher responds by mentioning it’s next to the library on the second floor. The context and typical school facilities suggest that the missing word is likely “computer,” referring to a computer lab or room.7、 Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for New York?A. 7:30 a.m.B. 8:30 a.m.C. 9:30 a.m.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, the man asks the woman, “What time does the train leave for New York?” The woman responds, “The 8:30 a.m. train will take you there.” This clearly indicates that the train leaves at 8:30 a.m., so the answer is B.8、 Listen to the short passage and fill in the missing word.The weather forecast for tomorrow is _________.A. sunnyB. rainyC. cloudyAnswer: AExplanation: The short passage states, “The weather forecast for tomorrow predicts clear skies and warm temperatures, making it an ideal day for outdoor activities.” The word “clear skies” implies sunny weather, so the missing word that completes the sentence accurately is “sunny.” Hence, the answer isA.9、 Listen to the recording and choose the best answer to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for New York?A)8:30 a.m.B)9:00 a.m.C)9:30 a.m.Answer: B) 9:00 a.m.Explanation: The recording states, “The train to New York departs at 9:00 a.m. sharp, so please be at the platform at least 15 minutes before departure.”This clearly indicates that the train leaves at 9:00 a.m.10、 Listen to the conversation between two friends and answer the question.Question: What does the woman suggest the man do for his weekend?A)Go hiking.B)Watch a movie.C)Visit a museum.Answer: A) Go hiking.Explanation: The conversation goes as follows: “Hey, wh at are your plans for the weekend?” The man asks. The woman replies, “I’m thinking of going hiking up that mountain we’ve been talking about. You should come too! It’ll be great exercise and a chance to get away from the city.” This suggests that the woman is encouraging the man to join her for a hike.11、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question.Question: What does the man mean?A. He can’t hear the woman clearly.B. He can’t afford to buy the ticket.C. He can’t attend the concert.Answer: A Explanation: In the dialogue, the woman speaks loudly but the man responds by saying, “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well.” This directly indicates that he has difficulty in hearing her clearly, not that he cannot afford the ticket or that he cannot attend the concert.12、Listen to the passage and complete the following sentence.The main purpose of the passage is to ______________.A. discuss the benefits of outdoor activitiesB. promote a new outdoor adventure programC. explain the challenges of hiking in the mountainsAnswer: B Explanation: The passage likely provides information about a specific outdoor adventure program, emphasizing its features, itinerary, or appeal to potential participants. If the details described are meant to encourage people to sign up or learn more about the program, then the main purpose is to promote it. While the passage may mention benefits of outdoor activities or challenges of hiking, these are likely not the main focus unless they are specifically tied to promoting the program.13、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.Question: What time does the train leave for New York?A)9:30 a.m.B)10:00 a.m.C)10:30 a.m.Answer: A) 9:30 a.m.Explanation: In the dialogue, the woman asks the man when the train leaves for New York, and the man responds by saying, “The train leaves at 9:30 a.m.” Therefore, the correct answer is A) 9:30 a.m.14、Listen to the passage and complete the following sentence.Question: The passage mentions that the main reason for the delay in the project was ___________.A)lack of fundingB)technical difficultiesC)labor shortagesAnswer: B) technical difficultiesExplanation: In the passage, the speaker discusses the reasons for the delay in the project. They mention that although funding was secured and the team was fully staffed, technical difficulties arose that required additional time to resolve. Therefore, the main reason for the delay, as mentioned in the passage, was technical difficulties, making B) the correct answer.15、Listen to the recording and choose the best answer to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for New York?A. 8:30 amB. 9:30 amC. 10:30 amAnswer: B Explanation: The recording clearly states that the train for New York departs at 9:30 am. Listen carefully for the specific time mentioned in the recording.16、Listen to the dialogue and complete the missing information in the sentence.Sentence: The speaker plans to__________on vacation next month.Answer: go hiking Explanation: In the dialogue, the speaker mentions their intention to go hiking on vacation next month. Pay attention to the key words and activities discussed in the recording to fill in the blank accurately.17、Question: Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to thequestion.Recording: “The woman in the red dress is my aunt. She lives in London and she works as a teacher at a university.”A)The woman works in a hospital.B)The woman lives in New York.C)The woman is the speaker’s aunt.Answer: C) The woman is the speaker’s aunt. Explanation: The recording states that the woman in the red dress is the speaker’s aunt and lives in London working as a teacher at a university. Option C correctly reflects this information.18、Question: Listen to the conversation and select the most appropriate response.Recording: “Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is?”A)I’m sorry, I’m not sure.B)No, you can’t go there.C)It’s just around the corner, on the left.Answer: C) It’s just around the corner, on the left. Explanation: The recording is a request for directions to the nearest post office. Option C provides a direct and helpful response, indicating the post office’s location. Option A is a polite but non-committal response, while Option B is an inappropriate negative response that doesn’t address the question.19、Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the question.•Question: What does the man want to do next week?A. Go swimming.B. Go to the concert.C. Visit the museum.Answer: B Explanation: In the conversation, the woman asks the man if he wants to go to the concert next week, and the man responds positively, saying “Yes, that sounds great.” This indicates that the man wants to go to the concert next week.20、Listen to the short passage and fill in the missing word.•Passage: Today, we’re going to talk about the importance of physical exercise. Regular exercise can help improve our physical health and________mental wellbeing.Answer: boost/enhance Explanation: The passage is discussing the benefits of physical exercise, mentioning both physical health and mental wellbeing. The missing wordis related to improving or enhancing mental wellbeing, which can be accurately represented by “boost” or “enhance.”二、阅读理解(30分)Title: The Benefits of ReadingReading is a fundamental skill that opens doors to knowledge, imagination, and personal growth. It is a treasure trove of ideas, emotions, and experiences that transcend time and space. In today’s fast-paced world, where instant gratification often reigns supreme, the act of reading serves as a reminder of the joy and richness that come with delving into a good book.The Importance of Reading:1.Cognitive Development: Regular reading stimulates the mind, enhancingmemory, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills. It helps children develop stronger language abilities, while adults can continue to expand their mental horizons.2.Emotional Intelligence: Stories and novels allow readers to empathizewith characters, fostering empathy and understanding of human emotions.This emotional intelligence is crucial for navigating socialrelationships and personal challenges.3.Stress Relief: Reading can be a calming escape from the stresses of dailylife. It transports us to different worlds, providing moments oftranquility and relaxation.4.Expanded Perspectives: Books introduce us to diverse cultures, histories,and ways of thinking. They broaden our horizons, helping us become more tolerant and accepting of differences.5.Improved Concentration: Reading requires sustained attention,strengthening our ability to focus for extended periods. This skill is invaluable in academic and professional settings.Question:Based on the passage, choose the most appropriate answer for each question:1.What is the primary benefit of reading for children mentioned in the passage?A. Stress reliefB. Improved cognitive developmentC. Increased physical activityD. Faster learning of mathAnswer: B. Improved cognitive development2.Which aspect of reading does the passage not explicitly mention as a benefit?A. Improved emotional intelligenceB. Enhanced physical fitnessC. Expanded perspectivesD. Stress reliefAnswer: B. Enhanced physical fitness3.How does reading contribute to stress relief, according to the passage?A. By providing a physical workoutB. By increasing social interactionsC. By transporting readers to different worldsD. By teaching relaxation techniquesAnswer: C. By transporting readers to different worlds三、完型填空(15分)Section Three: Cloze TestDirections: Complete the following passage by choosing the most suitable word or phrase from the given options. Each blank can only be filled with one word or phrase.The Internet has revolutionized the way we access and share information. It has become an indispensable tool in our daily lives, connecting us to a vastocean of knowledge and entertainment. With just a few clicks, we can explore distant lands, learn about different cultures, and even take online courses that would have been 1 inaccessible in the past.However, this digital revolution has also brought about its own set of challenges. One of the most pressing concerns is the issue of cybersecurity. As we spend more and more time online, our personal information and data are at risk of being compromised. Hacking, identity theft, and other forms of cybercrime are on the 2, making it essential for individuals and organizations alike to take measures to protect themselves.Another challenge is the potential for the Internet to 3our attention spans. The constant barrage of notifications, updates, and distractions can make it difficult to focus on tasks at hand. This can have a negative impact on productivity and mental well-being, as people struggle to maintain concentration in a world that demands their attention constantly.Despite these challenges, the benefits of the Internet far outweigh the drawbacks. It has opened up new avenues for education, communication, and collaboration. It has empowered individuals to connect with like-minded people from all over the world and to make a positive difference in their communities.In conclusion, the Internet is a double-edged sword. While it offers immense opportunities for growth and development, it also presents significant challenges that we must navigate carefully. By being aware of these challenges and taking steps to mitigate them, we can continue to harness the power of theInternet for the betterment of ourselves and society as a whole.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate options:1.A) virtuallyB)fundamentallyC)intentionallyD)initiallyAnswer: A) virtually2.A) raiseB)decreaseC)disappearD)increaseAnswer: D) increase3.A) shortenB)lengthenC)broadenD)strengthenAnswer: A) shorten四、语法填空题(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.Question: Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb. Thechildren_____(play) football when it started to rain heavily.Answer: were playingExplanation: The sentence describes an action that was happening at themoment when another event (the rain starting) occurred. This is a past continuous tense situation, indicating that the children were in the middle of playing football when the rain began. The correct form of the verb “play” in this context is “were playing.”2.Question: Complete the sentence with the correct pronoun. She bought anew dress for _____, and it looked beautiful on her.Answer: herselfExplanation: The sentence indicates that she bought a dress specifically for her own use, not for someone else. When referring to oneself as the object of a verb or preposition, the reflexive pronoun is used. In this case, “herself” is the correct reflexive pronoun to use, signifying that the dress was bought for her own enjoyment or benefit.3、Title: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb given in brackets.Question: The book_______(write) by a famous author last year.Answer: was writtenExplanation: The sentence requires the passive voice form of the verb “write” because the book is the subject and it is being acted upon by the author. The time marker “last year” indicates past tense, so the correct form is “was written.”4、Title: Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition.Question: She is good at playing basketball, but she is evenbetter_______playing football.Answer: atExplanation: The preposition “at” is used to indicate proficiency or skill in a particular activity. Here, the sentence compares her skill in basketball with her even greater skill “at” playing football.5、______ the book, he found a piece of paper with a message on it.Answer: OpeningExplanation: This sentence is a non-finite clause with a participle phrase as the subject. The participle phrase “Opening the book” functions as the subject of the sentence, indicating that the action of opening the book occurred simultaneously with or immediately before the action of finding the paper. The participle “opening” is used here because it describes an action that is simultaneous or closely related to the main verb “found”. The use of the present participle “opening” is appropriate because it co nveys the idea that the action of opening the book is an ongoing or simultaneous process with the action of finding the paper.6、The book,______the author spent ten years writing, was published last week.Answer: whichExplanation: In this sentence, a non-restrictive clause is used to provide additional information about the book. The clause “the author spent ten years writing” is non-restrictive because it does not limit the identity of the book but rather provides additional details about it. To connect this non-restrictiveclause to the main clause, the relative pronoun “which” is used. “Which” refers to the book and introduces the non-restrictive clause. The use of “which” is appropriate here because it allows the clause to be separated from the main clause by commas, indicating that the information is not essential to defining the book but rather provides additional context.7、The company has just released a new mobile phone,_______is believed to be a major breakthrough in technology.Answer: whichExplanation: This sentence is a non-restrictive clause, meaning that the information provided by the clause is not essential to the meaning of the main clause. In non-restrictive clauses, the relative pronoun “which” is typically used to introduce the clause. T he clause “which is believed to be a major breakthrough in technology” provides additional information about the new mobile phone, but it does not define which specific mobile phone is being referred to. Therefore, “which” is the correct choice.8、I have b een in this city for many years, but I still don’t feel_______I belong.Answer: whereExplanation: In this sentence, the phrase “I belong” is incomplete becauseit lacks a location or place where the belonging takes place. The word “where”is a relative adverb that can be used to introduce an adjective clause that describes a place or location. Here, “where” is used to complete the meaningof “I belong” by indicating that the speaker does not feel that he/she belongs to a specific place or community within the city. Therefore, “where” is the appropriate word to fill in the blank.9、______is known to all, the Silk Road is an important passage connecting China with the West. Answer: As Explanation: This sentence uses anas-clause (also known as a non-restrictive attributive clause) to introduce additional information about the Silk Road. The phrase “is known to all” indicates that the information is commonly known, and “as” is used to introduce this known fact. The clause “as is known to all” means “as everyone knows,” and it is set off by commas because it is non-restrictive, meaning it provides extra information that is not necessary to define the Silk Road.10、She______(think) of her mother when she heard the song. Answer: was thinking Explanation: This sentence requires the use of the past continuous tense to describe an action that was happening at a specific moment in the past. The moment in the past is indicated by “when she heard the song.” Since “hearing the song” is a point in time, the action of “thinking of her mother” must have been happening at that exact moment. Therefore, the past continuous tense “was thinking” is appropriate. This tense is formed by using “was/were” plus the present participle (ing form) of the verb.五、简答题(本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1.What is the main theme of the story “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry?Answer: The main theme of “The Gift of the Magi” is the selfless love and sacrifice made by individuals for the sake of their loved ones, despite the material hardships theymay face.Explanation: The story revolves around a young couple, Jim and Della, who are struggling financially but deeply in love. Despite their poverty, they both make great sacrifices to buy each other Christmas gifts. Della sells her prized possession, her long hair, to buy Jim a gold watch chain, while Jim sells his watch to buy Della a set of combs to match her hair. Their actions demonstrate the true essence of love and selflessness, emphasizing that the value of a gift lies not in its material worth but in the thought and effort behind it.2.Explain the use of symbolism in the poem “Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold.Answer: In “Dover Beach,” Matthew Arnold uses symbolism extensively to convey the speaker’s sense of disillusionment with life, love, and the traditional religious beliefs that once offered comfort and solace.Explanation: The poem opens with the image of the sea withdrawing “night and day,” symbolizing the ebbing away of faith and certainty in the face of the changing tides of life. The “melancholy, long, withdrawing roar” of the sea represents the speaker’s disillusionment and despair at the loss of idealistic visions of love and religion. The “lighthouse” is a symbol of hope, but it stands “alone” and “shines in vain,” indicating that the speaker feels abandoned by his former beliefs and sources of comfort. The poem’s closing lines, “And we are here as on a darkling plain / Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, / Where ignorant armies clash by night,” depict humanity’sstruggle in a world devoid of meaning or purpose, where traditional sources of guidance and comfort have failed.3、Question: What is the main purpose of the first paragraph in an expository essay?Answer: The main purpose of the first paragraph in an expository essay is to introduce the topic and provide background information to engage the reader’s interest. It sets the stage for the rest of the essay by clearly stating the thesis statement or the main idea that will be explored throughout the essay.Explanation: The introductory paragraph of an expository essay is crucial as it lays the foundation for the entire piece. It not only introduces the topic but also gives the reader a glimpse of what to expect in the essay. By providing relevant background information and a clear thesis statement, the writer ensures that the reader is well-informed and intrigued enough to continue reading.4、Question: How can a writer effectively use examples to support their argument in a persuasive essay?Answer: A writer can effectively use examples to support their argument in a persuasive essay by selecting relevant, concrete, and specific examples that directly relate to their thesis statement. The examples should be well-explained and easy to understand, with clear connections drawn between the examples and the main points being made. Additionally, the writer should use a variety of examples to avoid repetition and to make their argument more compelling.Explanation: Examples are a powerful tool in persuasive writing as theyprovide concrete evidence to support the writer’s claims. By choosing relevant and specific examples, the writer can make their argument more credible and convincing. The key is to ensure that the examples are clearly explained and directly related to the thesis statement. Additionally, using a variety of examples helps to keep the reader engaged and adds depth to the essay.5.What is the difference between “present simple” and “present continuous” tenses inEnglish grammar?Answer: The main difference between “present simple” and “present continuous” tenses in English grammar lies in their usage and meaning. The present simple tense is used to express habitual, general, or timeless actions, truths, and facts. It does not emphasize the ongoing nature of the action but rather states a regular occurrence or a general truth. For example, “I go to school every day” (habitual action).On the other hand, the present continuous tense is employed to describe actions that are happening now or around now, actions that are temporary or in progress. It emphasizes the ongoing aspect of the action. For instance, “I am going to school now” (ongoing action).Explanation:•Present Simple Tense:•It is used for general truths, facts, and habits.•It doesn’t necessarily refer to the present moment but rather actions that are always true or regularly occur.•The structure is “subject + verb (base form) for I/you/we/they, or verb (3rd person singular form with -s/-es) for he/she/it + object.”• E.g., “She speaks French fluently.” (Fact), “I have lunch at noon.”(Habit)•Present Continuous Tense:•It is used to describe actions happening at the moment of speaking or in the very near future.•It highlights the ongoing or temporary nature of the action.•The structure is “subject + am/is/are + verb-ing (present participle) + object.”• E.g., “I am reading a book now.” (Ongoing action), “They are coming to the party tomorrow evening.” (Future a rrangement, but with a sense of immediacy)Understanding the distinction between these two tenses is crucial for accurate and precise communication in English.六、书面表达题(15分)Section VI: Written ExpressionTask:Write a short essay of about 120 words on the topic “The Importance of Reading in the Digital Age.” In your essay, discuss why reading remains crucial despite the prevalence of digital media and technology, and provide at least two reasons to support your argument.Sample Answer:In the digital age, where screens dominate our lives and information is readily accessible at our fingertips, the importance of reading cannot be overstated. Despite the convenience of digital media, reading books and articles fosters a depth of understanding and appreciation that digital platforms often lack.Firstly, reading cultivates critical thinking skills. As we delve into written works, we are compelled to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. This process sharpens our ability to discern fact from fiction, form opinions, and engage in thoughtful discussions. Digital media, while informative, often presents information in a fragmented and consumable manner, limiting the depth of our cognitive engagement.Secondly, reading fosters empathy and emotional intelligence. Stories, whether fictional or non-fictional, allow us to step into the shoes of others, experiencing their joys, sorrows, and struggles. This emotional connection broadens our perspectives, making us more empathetic and understanding individuals. In contrast, the fast-paced nature of digital content can hinder the development of these vital interpersonal skills.In conclusion, reading remains an indispensable activity in the digital age. It nurtures critical thinking, empathy, and emotional intelligence, qualities that are essential for personal growth and societal progress. As we navigate the vast expanse of digital information, let us not forget the timeless value of turning the pages of a good book.Analysis:The sample answer effectively addresses the prompt by outlining the importance of reading in the digital age. It begins by acknowledging the prevalence of digital media and technology before transitioning to the significance of reading. The essay then presents two clear and compelling reasons why reading remains crucial: it cultivates critical thinking skills and fosters empathy and emotional intelligence. Each reason is supported by relevant examples and explanations, demonstrating the writer’s understandi ng of the topic. The conclusion neatly summarizes the main points and reinforces the importance of reading in today’s world. Overall, the essay is well-structured, coherent, and adheres to the word limit.。



2024-2025学年安徽省亳州市英语小学六年级上学期复习试题与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the following dialogue between two friends and choose the best answer to the question.A. Where are they going?B. What are they doing?C. How are they feeling?Audio:Friend 1: Hi, are you ready for the weekend?Friend 2: Yeah, I’m excited to go to the beach. How about you?A. They are going to the beach.B. They are going to the cinema.C. They are going shopping.Answer: AExplanation: The dialogue mentions “go to the beach,” which indicates that they are planning to go to the beach.2、Listen to the following short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main reason the boy is feeling happy?Audio:Boy: I just got a new bike. It’s really fast and I can go far with it. I’m so happy!A. He received a new book.B. He passed a test.C. He got a new bike.Answer: CExplanation: The passage directly states that the boy is happy because he received a new bike.3、You will hear a short dialogue between two friends. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the question.Question: What is the weather like today?A) It’s sunny.B) It’s rainy.C) It’s cloudy.D) It’s windy.Answer: A) It’s sunny.Explanation: The dialogue starts with one friend saying, “Good morn ing, did you check the weather forecast today?” The other friend replies, “Yes, it’s supposed to be a sunny day.” This indicates that the weather is expected to be sunny.4、Listen to the following sentence and choose the word that best completes it.Sentence: She is a great teacher and always gives us helpful __________.A)advicesB)adviceC)advices’D)advicesAnswer: B) adviceExplanation: The correct form of the noun “advice” is always singular, regardless of the number of pieces of advice being given. Therefore, the correct option is “advice,” which is used in its singular form.5、Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.A: Good morning, class. Today, we’re going to hav e a little quiz about our science lesson from last week.B: Oh, really? What topic are we going to discuss?A: Well, we’re going to talk about the solar system. Can anyone tell me how many planets are in our solar system?B: I think it’s eight.Question: How many planets does the student believe are in the solar system? Answer: 8Explanation: The student believes there are eight planets in our solar system based on the dialogue.6、Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A: Hey, did you watch the movie that came out last night?B: No, I didn’t. What was it about?A: It was about a young girl who discovers she has special powers and goes on a journey to save the world.B: That sounds interesting. I wish I had watched it.Question: What is the movie about?Answer: A young girl who discovers she has special powers and goes on a journey to save the world.Explanation: The movie is described as being about a young girl with special powers who saves the world, which is the main topic of the conversation.7.Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.A: What is the weather like today?B: It’s sunny and warm.Question: What is the weather like today?Answer: Sunny and warm.Explanation: The speaker B directly answers the question by saying “It’s s unny and warm.”8.Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentence.A: What are you doing after school?B: I’m going to the library to borrow some books.Question: What is the speaker B going to do after school?Answer: Borrow some books from the library.Explanation: The speaker B clearly states his plan by saying “I’m going to the library to borrow some books.”9、What are the speakers discussing in this conversation?A)The weather forecast for the next week.B)The school schedule for next term.C)The upcoming school trip.Answer: CExplanation: The conversation mentions the “exciting school trip” and “what we’re going to do,” indicating that the topic is related to a school trip, which makes option C the correct answer.10、How does the teacher suggest the students improve their study habits?A)By watching more TV.B)By playing more video games.C)By setting aside specific times for studying.Answer: CExplanation: The teacher advises the students to “set aside some time each day for studying” and “stick to a regular routine,” which suggests that improving study habits involves organizing study times and maintaining a routine, making option C the correct answer.11.You hear a conversation between a teacher and a student about the upcoming science fair. Listen and answer the following question:Question: What does the teacher ask the student to do?A) To prepare a science experiment.B) To bring a book to class.C) To finish his homework.Answer: A) To prepare a science experiment.Explanation: The teacher asks the student to prepare a science experiment for the upcoming science fair, as mentioned in the conversation.12.You hear a news report about a charity event organized by a local school. Listen and answer the following question:Question: How much money did the charity event raise?A)$200B)$500C)$800Answer: B)$500Explanation: The news report states that the charity event raised a total of$500 for the local community center, as mentioned in the report.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What is the capital city of France?A. LondonB. ParisC. BerlinD. Rome答案:B解析:The capital city of France is Paris. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, Berlin is the capital of Germany, and Rome is the capital of Italy.Therefore, the correct answer is B. Paris.2、Which of the following sentences is correct?A. She doesn’t have any brothers.B. She don’t have any brothers.C. She hasn’t any brothers.D. She have no brothers.答案:A解析:The correct sentence is “She doesn’t have any brothers.” In English, the negative form of “do” is “does” when referring to third person singular subjects like “she.” Option B uses the incorrect form “don’t,” option C is incorrect because it uses “has” instead of “have,” and option D i s incorrect due to the use of “have” instead of “has.”3、What is the correct past tense form of the verb “go”?A)goedB)wentC)goeD)goneAnswer: B) wentExplanation: The past tense of the verb “go” is “went.” “Goed” is incorrect because it’s the Dutch past tense,“goe” is not the correct form, and “gone” is the past participle, not the past tense.4、Choose the word that best completes the sentence.The teacher asked us to__________our homework before the class starts.A)finishesB)finishC)finishedD)finishingAnswer: B) finishExplanation: The correct form to complete the sentence is “finish,” which is the simple present tense form of the verb, indicating a command or instruction. “Finishes” is the third person singular present tense, “finished” is the past tense, and “finishing” is the present participle.5、What is the plural form of the word “child”?A)childB)childsC)childrenD)childesAnswer: C) childrenExplanation: The plural form of “child” is “children.” The other options are incorrect because “childs” and “childes” are not the standard plural forms in English.6、Choose the word that best completes the sentence.The cat sat on the__________and watched the birds.A)groundB)floorC)tableD)bedAnswer: B) floorExplanation: The sentence describes a cat sitting on a flat surface, which is typically referred to as the “floor.” “Ground” is often used outdoors, “table” would imply a piece of furniture, and “bed” would be a place for sleeping, not watching birds.7.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat_______on the mat.A. sitsB. satC. sittingD. sattingAnswer: A. sitsExplanation: The sentence is in the present simple tense, which is used for actions that are regular or habitual. Therefore, “sits” is the correct form to complete the sentence.8.Select the sentence that has the correct use of the past tense.A. She___________her homework yesterday.B. She___________her homework last night.C. She___________her homework today.D. She___________her homework two days ago.Answer: B. She___________her homework last night.Explanation: The past tense is used to describe actions that happened in thepast. “Last night” indicates a specific past time, so the correct past tense form of the verb “do” (to do)is “did.” Therefore, “She did her homework last night” is the correct sentence.9.What is the correct past tense form of the verb “go”?A)goedB)wentC)goesD)goneAnswer: B) wentExplanation: The past tense of the verb “go” is “went.” This is used to describe an action that was completed in the past.10.Choose the word that does not belong in the following list: apple, banana, orange, tomato.A)appleB)bananaC)orangeD)onionAnswer: D) onionExplanation: The word “onion” does not belong with the other fruits listed (app le, banana, orange). “Onion” is a vegetable, while the others are fruits.11.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat is sitting on the __________.A. tableB. deskC. chairD. bedAnswer: DExplanation: The correct answer is “bed” because it is common for a cat to sleep on a bed. The other options, while possible places for a cat, are not as typical as a bed.12.Select the sentence that is grammatically correct.A. She doesn’t like to eat apples, does she?B. She doesn’t like to eat apples, doesn’t she?C. She doesn’t like to eat apples, doesn’t she?D. She doesn’t like to eat apples, doesn’t she?Answer: AExplanation: The correct sentence is “She doesn’t like to eat apples, does she?” This is because the negative form “doesn’t” is followed by the auxiliary verb “does” in a tag question, which is used to ask for confirmation. The other options have incorrect verb conjugations.三、完型填空(10分)Task 3: Cloze CompletionRead the passage and choose the best word to fill in each blank. There are five choices for each blank. Mark the corresponding letter A, B, C, D, or E onthe answer sheet.When I was in Grade 6, I remember a particularly challenging math problem that Mr. Smith, our math teacher, presented to us. The problem was so complex that it took us the whole class period to understand it. The problem was about finding the area of a triangle, but it involved a [1] of different shapes and angles.1.A) combination2.B) sum3.C) difference4.D) product5.E) formulaAfter discussing the problem for a while, Mr. Smith explained the concept of [2], which helped us see how the different shapes and angles could be combined to find the area of the triangle.1.A) multiplication2.B) division3.C) addition4.D) subtraction5.E) integrationHe also showed us a [3] that would guide us through the steps of solving the problem.1.A) diagram2.B) equation3.C) chart4.D) formula5.E) graphBy following the diagram, we were able to solve the problem and find the area of the triangle. It was a very rewarding experience, and it taught us that with patience and persistence, even the most difficult problems can be solved.1.A) simple2.B) complex3.C) creative4.D) innovative5.E) educationalAnswer Key:1.A) combination2.A) multiplication3.A) diagram四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionPassage: The Adventure of Billy and the Lost KeyBilly was a curious boy who loved exploring the woods behind his house. One sunny Saturday morning, he decided to go on an adventure with his faithful dog, Spot. They packed some sandwiches, filled up their water bottles, and set offinto the forest. As they walked deeper into the woods, the trees grew taller and the air felt cooler. Billy was so excited that he hardly noticed how far they had gone until he realized that everything looked unfamiliar.“Spot,” Billy said, “I think we should turn back now.” However, when they reached the place where Billy remembered putting down his backpack, it wasn’t there. “Oh no!” cried Billy, “My backpack with the sandwich es and water must have been taken by a mischievous squirrel or a hungry raccoon!”Feeling a bit discouraged, Billy sat down on a nearby log. That’s when he noticed something shiny under a bush. It was a golden key. Picking it up, Billy wondered what it could unlock. He thought about the old, abandoned cottage he had heard about from his grandfather, which was supposed to be somewhere in these woods. Could this key belong to that cottage?With renewed energy, Billy and Spot searched for the cottage. After walking for another hour, they found it. The door was locked, but the key fit perfectly. Inside, they discovered an old map and a note saying, “To whomever finds this, may your adventures lead you to great discoveries.”Billy felt proud of his discovery and decided to keep the map as a reminder of his adventure. From then on, every time he looked at the map, he was reminded of the importance of never giving up, even when things seem lost.Questions:1.What did Billy realize when he was deep in the woods?•A) He was very thirsty.•B) He had forgotten his dog at home.•C) Everything around him looked unfamiliar.•D) He had lost his way.2.What did Billy find under a bush that gave him hope?•A) A sandwich.•B) A bottle of water.•C) A golden key.•D) An old map.3.What lesson did Billy learn from his adventure?•A) Always carry extra food when going on adventures.•B) Never trust animals in the forest.•C) It’s important to give up when things get difficult.•D) To never give up, even when things seem lost.Answers:1.C) Everything around him looked unfamiliar.2.C) A golden key.3.D) To never give up, even when things seem lost.This passage and questions aim to encourage critical thinking and comprehension skills appropriate for a student in the sixth grade.五、写作题(16分)Write a short story about a day you spent at the beach. Include the following details inyour story:•How you got to the beach.•The activities you enjoyed.•The sights and sounds of the beach.•What you felt after spending the day at the beach.Sample StoryThe day I spent at the beach was one of the most memorable days of my life. It was a sunny Saturday morning, and I decided to go to the beach with my family.We left our house early in the morning and drove to the beach. The journey was filled with excitement as we drove along the scenic coastline. When we finally arrived, we were greeted by the sound of waves crashing against the shore.We immediately set up our beach umbrella and lay down on our towels. I spent most of the day swimming in the crystal-clear water. The cool, refreshing waves were invigorating, and I felt a sense of freedom and relaxation.While swimming, I noticed the colorful fish swimming around me. The sight was mesmerizing, and I spent hours watching them. My family also joined in the fun, playing beach volleyball and building sandcastles.As the sun began to set, the sky turned into a beautiful array of colors. The sun’s rays were warm and c omforting, and I felt a sense of contentment.I listened to the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore and the distant laughter of children playing.As the day came to an end, I felt a mix of sadness and happiness. I was sadto leave the beautiful beach, but I was also happy for the wonderful memories I had created. I knew that this day would be etched in my memory forever.Writing AnalysisThis story effectively captures the essence of a day spent at the beach. The writer provides a clear introduction, describing the day and the decision to go to the beach. The body of the story focuses on the activities and sights enjoyed at the beach, while also incorporating sensory details such as the sound of waves and the warmth of the sun.The writer successfully incorporates the required details, including how they got to the beach, the activities they enjoyed, and the sights and sounds of the beach. The conclusion effectively summarizes the writer’s feelings and the lasting impact of the day.Overall, the story is well-structured, engaging, and conveys the writer’s experiences and emotions vividly.。





问手妈子是()A .戒指B.护手C.手套D.手巾2.“手捏子”是()?A.捏子B.手茧C.手套D.手帕3.“上该”的“该”是()意思?A.家里B.街上C.车D.馆子4.M:你嘎老地哈谬嘎来阿?W:哈谬诶!不晓得到哪落里器桌!W的意思是()?A、我正出去逛逛!B、我家老人还没回家C、我没买到东西D、我丈夫还没回来5. W:嗯爹爹的病好谬好啊?M:哈好,谬么四!谁生病了?()A、W的爷爷B、M的爷爷C、W的父亲D、M的父亲6.“岑[cen3]”指的是什么?()A.爱B.小孩C.讨厌D.动作慢7.W:都是你好四!现在肘不开了!M:我来,就你那滴滴儿力气,这不肘开桌?对话的两人在干什么?()A、吵架,打架B、搬东西C、开瓶盖D、找人8. 下面哪一个不是人身上的?()A耳刀B哈巴子C开提坡D假马9 如果你要骂一个人,你最不可能说对方()A嗯催做磨死B嗯莫杨儿巴西滴C嗯莫痴儿八呆滴D嗯哈真作死啊10 小明带女朋友回家,走到巷子口,小明对女朋友说:请走这边,那边怕死人的!问“怕死人的”指的是()A脏B那边有人死了C光线很暗D 不吉利二、单选填空题:(10分每空2分)1.疑问代词,询问数量,多少。


(写出拼音即可)4.我们常说“卡骂”指的是什么动物?___5.窝尿指的是___三、简单问答题:(5分)1.”高都,底哈“方位词常指什么方位?四、名词解释:(20分每个2分)1 噶公2 膝噶窝3 安金罩4 挑子5 安金刀6 哈港7 嘎几8 披唔子9 透子10 沟鸡五、翻译题(35分)1. 一个安庆的妇女看到下雨时所说的话:(18分)啊也,落雨多卖!赶少收衣哦,楼上的啊,楼上的啊……,落雨咯哦,收衣哦!酸捉卖,忒嘎哞人,忒嘎被骨哈在外头啊,落这大雨,还不嘎来,做某事气着.2.A和B的对话(17分)A 你真岑(念第三声)人嘎!B 我莫四岑耐?!嗯才岑耐!A 嗯敢莫东西啊?嗯再敢一遍得!B 莫四得!?你黑我啊?!A 你再港一遍我一个巴子打嗯往哈一赖!B 切!看你那不黑叼的样子。

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----- 中国标准话语言研究中心命题组
准考证号( ) 姓名 ( )
本份试卷分为选择题,简答题两部分.本试卷共有 30 道小题,总分 150 分,标准答题时间 150 分钟。
1.请根据所给亳州口语单词填出所对应的普通话单词 (10分)
1)嫩啥 (2)尖类呦 (3)白慌来 (4)实正 (5)半决儿
2.请根据所给亳州口语单词造句,要有创意 (10分)
A.悦耳 B.呕吐 C.干净
A.豆子的一种 B.就不 C.豆子不好吃
A.管用 B.看护 C.管理员
3.请把所给亳州口语短文用普通话表述出来,100字以内 (30分)
A.乌龟壳 B.分开 C.硬币
A.味道好 B.有趣 好玩 C事情到来之前的硝烟味道
A.用你的话说 B.听说你要来 C.向你学习
A.媒婆 B.煤烧红了 C.大红花
A.食物的一种 B.慢吞吞 C.长胖
A.小狗 B.几条老狗 C.蝉
A.唠叨 B.撒娇 C.罗嗦
A.不自重讨人厌 B.主人 C.不够高贵
A.稀饭 B.依赖 C.感叹词,表示惊讶
A.什么样子 B.味道不好 C.就这样
A.绷带 B.胳膊断了 C.脖子
A.花瓣 B.膝盖 C.豆瓣
你佛佛杂有这样类事泥,啥家什?如果给我个机会?那我想对泥佛一句,俺相中你老.如果在加一个期限?那豆到你相不三个供选项,其中只有一项符合题目的要求,请根据题目选择意思最近的 答案。共25小题,每小题4分)
A.风吹过树木发出的声音 B.骚别人的痒痒处 C.跳舞
A.洗衣服的搓板 B.一种小鸟 C.黑痣
A.狼的葬里 B.感叹词(一塌糊涂.乱七八糟.厉害类很) C.波浪的样子
A.钥匙 B.月亮 C.月亮上的天使
A.迷迷糊糊 B.糨糊 C.一种小吃
A.调皮捣蛋 B.脸大 C.要面子
A.什么意思? B.家里的东西都会用 C.谁家的佣人
A.丝绸 B.拉面 C.一点点
A.有能力,可以 B.谈话 C.闲人
A.徐州 B.姓氏 C.罗嗦