
tp-link ac控制器主要功能配置实例说明书

tp-link ac控制器主要功能配置实例说明书

声明Copyright © 2021 普联技术有限公司版权所有,保留所有权利未经普联技术有限公司明确书面许可,任何单位或个人不得擅自仿制、复制、誊抄或转译本手册部分或全部内容,且不得以营利为目的进行任何方式(电子、影印、录制等)的传播。





目录第1章前言 (1)目标读者 (1)本书约定 (1)第2章设备管理 (3)如何修改Web登录密码 (3)2.1.1应用介绍 (3)2.1.2需求介绍 (3)2.1.3设置方法 (3)第3章基础联网设置 (5)如何配置连接互联网 (5)3.1.1应用介绍 (5)3.1.2需求介绍 (5)3.1.3设置方法 (5)第4章AP管理 (8)AP管理设置指南 (8)4.1.1应用介绍 (8)4.1.2需求介绍 (8)4.1.3设置方法 (9)4.1.4配置注意事项 (15)AP批量升级如何使用 (16)4.2.1应用介绍 (16)4.2.2需求介绍 (16)4.2.3设置方法 (17)4.2.4配置注意事项 (19)射频调优功能如何使用 (20)4.3.1应用介绍 (20)4.3.2需求介绍 (21)4.3.3设置方法 (21)4.3.4配置注意事项 (26)智能漫游功能如何使用 (27)4.4.1应用介绍 (27)4.4.2需求介绍 (27)4.4.3设置方法 (27)4.4.4配置注意事项 (31)如何设置AP定时重启与条目固化? (32)4.5.1应用介绍 (32)4.5.2需求介绍 (32)4.5.3设置方法 (32)4.5.4配置注意事项 (34)跨网络发现AP的几种方式及配置方法 (35)4.6.1应用介绍 (35)4.6.2需求介绍 (35)4.6.3设置方法 (35)第5章易展管理 (45)AC控制器搭配易展AP设置指南 (45)5.1.1应用介绍 (45)5.1.2需求介绍 (45)5.1.3设置方法 (46)5.1.4配置注意事项 (49)第6章认证管理 (50)无线控制器中MAC认证上网使用方法 (50)6.1.1应用介绍 (50)6.1.2需求介绍 (50)6.1.3设置方法 (50)6.1.4配置注意事项 (54)AC Portal认证设置指南—使用内置WEB服务器和内置认证服务器 (55)6.2.1应用介绍 (55)6.2.2需求介绍 (55)6.2.3设置方法 (56)6.2.4配置注意事项 (58)AC Portal认证设置指南—使用内置WEB服务器和外部认证服务器 (59)6.3.1应用介绍 (59)6.3.2需求介绍 (59)6.3.3设置方法 (60)6.3.4配置注意事项 (65)AC Portal认证设置指南—使用外置WEB服务器和内部认证服务器 (66)6.4.1应用介绍 (66)6.4.2需求介绍 (66)6.4.3设置方法 (67)6.4.4配置注意事项 (71)AC Portal认证设置指南—使用外置WEB服务器和外部认证服务器 (72)6.5.1应用介绍 (72)6.5.2需求介绍 (72)6.5.3设置方法 (73)6.5.4配置注意事项 (77)短信认证设置指南 (78)6.6.1应用介绍 (78)6.6.2需求介绍 (78)6.6.3设置方法 (78)6.6.4配置注意事项 (87)一键上网使用方法 (88)6.7.1应用介绍 (88)6.7.2需求介绍 (88)6.7.3设置方法 (89)6.7.4配置注意事项 (93)微信认证使用方法 (94)6.8.1应用介绍 (94)6.8.2需求介绍 (94)6.8.3设置方法 (95)6.8.4配置注意事项 (106)免认证策略的使用方法 (107)6.9.1应用介绍 (107)6.9.2需求介绍 (107)6.9.3设置方法 (108)6.9.4配置注意事项 (110)Portal认证中外部WEB服务器建立规范 (111)6.10.1应用介绍 (111)6.10.2认证流程 (111)6.10.3流程及规范要求 (112)第7章安全管理 (116)广播风暴抑制配置指南 (116)7.1.1应用介绍 (116)7.1.2需求介绍 (116)7.1.3设置方法 (117)DHCP防护配置指南 (118)7.2.1应用介绍 (118)7.2.2需求介绍 (118)7.2.3设置方法 (119)ARP防护配置指南 (121)7.3.1应用介绍 (121)7.3.2需求介绍 (121)7.3.3设置方法 (121)第8章双链路备份 (124)双链路备份设置方法 (124)8.1.1应用介绍 (124)8.1.2需求介绍 (124)8.1.3设置方法 (125)8.1.4配置注意事项 (129)第9章其他功能 (130)连云配置指南 (130)9.1.1应用介绍 (130)9.1.2需求介绍 (131)9.1.3设置方法 (131)远程管理配置指导 (138)9.2.1应用介绍 (138)9.2.2需求介绍 (138)9.2.3设置方法 (138)9.2.4配置注意事项 (145)第1章前言本手册旨在帮助您正确使用ER 2/3/5/6/7/8系列企业级路由器。

普联TP-LINK TL-AP1900DG工业级 工业级双频无线接入点 安装手册

普联TP-LINK TL-AP1900DG工业级 工业级双频无线接入点 安装手册
第一次登录时,需要确认以下几点: 1.AP已正确连接到电源,且正常启动; 2.管理主机已正确安装有线网卡及该网卡的驱动程序; 3.管理主机已至少安装一种以下浏览器:IE 8.0或以上版本、FireFox最 新版本和Chrome最新版本; 4. 管理主机已连接到AP所在局域网,且IP地址、DNS服务器地址均已 设为自动获取,并已获取到IP地址和DNS服务器地址参数; 5. 为保证能更好地体验Web界面显示效果,建议将显示器的分辨率调 整到1024×768或以上像素;
1. 将负/正DC线插入接线端子的V-/V+端子。 2. 为了防止DC电线松动,请使用小平刃螺丝刀拧紧接线端子前面的线
夹螺丝。 3. 将塑料端子块连接器插入位于接入点顶板上的接线端子,并锁紧接线
承蒙惠顾TP-LINK产品,谨致谢意!为保障您的权益,请您在购机后仔细阅以下内容: 三个月的质保期。
一、下列情况不属于免费维修范围,普联技术有限公司可提供有偿服务, 敬请注意:
已经超出保换、保修期限; 未按使用说明书要求安装、使用、维护、保管导致的产品故障或损坏; 擅自涂改、撕毁产品条形码; 未经普联技术有限公司许可,擅自改动本身固有的设置文件或擅自拆机修理; 意外因素或人为行为导致产品损坏,如输入不合适电压、高温、进水、机械破坏、 摔坏、产品严重氧化或生锈等; 客户发回返修途中由于运输、装卸所导致的损坏; 因不可抗拒力如地震、火灾、水灾、雷击等导致的产品故障或损坏; 其他非产品本身设计、技术、制造、质量等问题而导致的故障或损坏。



现在tp路由器中还有一款是带ac功能,很多人都不知道tp带ac 功能的路由器怎么设置。


登录路由器管理界面,在对象管理 >> IP地址池中添加地址段。



以下我们仅以2.4G无线设置为例,实际使用中根据需要设置2.4G 和5G。

进入无线管理 >> 2.4G无线基本设置,在无线网络列表中修改默认条目,如下


线路均连接好后,在无线管理 >> AP管理中可以发现AP。



tplink ac无线覆盖方案

tplink ac无线覆盖方案

tplink ac无线覆盖方案介绍在现代家庭和办公环境中,无线网络的需求越来越重要。


TP-Link AC无线覆盖方案是通过使用多个无线路由器来扩展无线网络覆盖范围的解决方案。

本文将介绍如何使用TP-Link AC无线覆盖方案来建立一个高效稳定的无线网络。

准备工作在开始使用TP-Link AC无线覆盖方案之前,确保您已经准备好以下材料:1.TP-Link AC无线路由器:您可以选择任意型号,但最好使用相同型号的多个路由器,以确保更好的兼容性和管理性。



步骤步骤1:创建基础网络在开始建立TP-Link AC无线覆盖方案之前,首先需要创建一个基础网络。

















众所周知,TP-LINK 的所有产品性价比都非常高,所以这次在京东扫了比较有代表性的无线设备,只为给大伙呈现TP-LINK全家桶效果▲TP-LINK全家桶由路由器,POE+交换机,AC控制器,AP组成开箱▲路由器选用的是TL-R473G,用于PPPOE拨号,金属外壳,被动散热。

带机量50,够一般家庭使用了▲背部有5个千兆网口,一个WAN口,4个LAN口▲TL-SG1210PE 千兆POE交换机,9个10/100/1000M自适应RJ45端口,1个千兆SFP光纤模块扩展插槽。

其中1-8个千兆RJ45端口支持IEEE 802.3af/at标准PoE供电,单口供电功率可高达30W,供电总功率达121W▲无风扇设计,无噪音这点还是很不错的。

只是非网管这点有点遗憾▲TL-AC100 无线控制器。

可以自动发现所有接入网络中的TP-LINK 吸顶式AP和面板式AP,发现AP后,TL-AC100自动为AP动态分配IP地址,并将AP添加至管理列表中,无需人工手动添加,简单易用。


如果需要漫游的用户,记得买V3版本▲TL-AC300 无线控制器。


TL-AC100最高只能保证100台AP的接入,而TL-AC300可以接入300台AP▲TL-AP1758C-PoE/DC 双频无线吸顶式AP,规格 2.4G 450Mbps+5G 1300Mbps▲TL-AP1758C-PoE/DC AP支持POE和DC两种供电方式,胖瘦一体,支持开关一键切换。

TP-LINK Archer C3200 无线路由器 QoS 配置指南说明书

TP-LINK Archer C3200 无线路由器 QoS 配置指南说明书
The QoS settings on your router enable it to give priority to real-time voice traffic over lower-priority data traffic, such as large downloads. This document provides recommended configuration settings to ensure the highest-possible QoS experience on the TP-LINK Archer C3200 router. Please reference the relevant TCP/UDP settings on the Ports and Firewalls table to complete the recommended setup.
The capacity test should be run using the maximum number of simultaneous call connections needed, and should use the G.711 codec selection.
Specific requirements for QoS: Bandwidth—100 Kbps up and down per call Latency (one-way)—less than 150 ms Jitter—not to exceed 100 ms Packet loss—less than uration Settings for
TP-LINK Archer C3200 Wireless Router
Recommended QoS Configuration | TP-LINK Archer C3200 | Contents



tplinkac2500路由器说明书摘要:1.TP-Link AC2500路由器简介2.路由器设置与使用方法3.无线网络优化与安全设置4.常见问题与解决方案正文:TP-Link AC2500路由器是一款高性能的无线路由器,适用于家庭和企业环境。


一、TP-Link AC2500路由器简介TP-Link AC2500路由器采用IEEE 802.11ac技术,无线速率高达2.5 Gbps。



二、路由器设置与使用方法1.初始设置:- 打开浏览器,输入路由器背面标签上的IP地址(如192.168.1.1或192.168.0.1)。

- 输入默认用户名和密码(一般为admin/admin或admin/空密码)。

- 进入设置界面,按照向导完成基本设置,如上网账号、密码、无线名称和密码等。

2.无线网络优化:- 进入路由器设置界面,找到“无线设置”选项。

- 调整无线频道、功率、加密等参数,以提高无线信号覆盖范围和稳定性。

- 针对不同设备,设置合适的无线信号传输速率。

3.安全设置:- 开启路由器的安全功能,如WPA/WPA2加密、MAC地址过滤等。

- 定期更改路由器管理员密码,以确保账户安全。

- 安装防火墙,防止恶意攻击和网络病毒。

三、常见问题与解决方案1.无线信号弱:- 调整无线天线角度,使其朝向设备所在位置。

- 减少无线信号干扰,如避免与邻居路由器使用同一频道。

2.网络速度慢:- 检查上网账号和密码是否正确。

- 尝试降低无线信号传输速率,以提高稳定性。

3.无法连接无线网络:- 确认设备支持路由器所采用的无线标准(如802.11ac)。

- 检查无线密码是否正确。

总之,TP-Link AC2500路由器是一款功能强大、易于使用的无线路由器。









TP-LINK坚持自主研发、自主制造、自主营销,整合全球优质资源,形成强大的合力,使TP-LINK 在创新能力、研发技术和对产品的控制能力方面始终处于行业领先地位。


二、学校无线案例解决如下:需求分析1、校园内教室、办公室等各区域无线全覆盖;2、 AP外形美观大方,符合学校环境特征;3、实现统一管理、配置,并实时监控各AP工作状态,运维简便;4、 AP部署点位相对灵活,需支持POE供电,满足消防及布线需求;5、 AP设备运行高效、稳定的同时,保证无线网络安全;6、无线终端移动过程中,AP支持接入点自动切换,无缝漫游。

解决方案【拓扑结构】---高品质无线网络解决方案方案特点1.无线网络集中管理,配置简洁,布线方便,美观大方● AP所有配置由无线控制器AC(无线控制器)统一推送,配置方便;● AP支持IEEE802.3af标准POE受电,网线供电,布线容易;●采用入墙式安装,美观大方,营造舒适的视觉环境。


在如下环境中应能正常工作:环境温度-5℃~50℃,相对湿度5%~95% (非凝结)
支持手动配置、二层发现、DHCP OPTION43、DNS方式发现AC
在如下环境中应能正常工作:环境温度-5℃~50℃,相对湿度5%~95% (非凝结)



A C路由器是什么意思有什么特点宽带路由器在一个紧凑的箱子中集成了路由器、防火墙、带宽控制和管理等功能,具备快速转发能力,宽带路由器灵活的网络管理和丰富的网络状态等特点。

这篇文章主要介绍了A C路由器是什么意思?A C路由器知识介绍,本文将简单的介绍什么是A C路由器,路由器的相关知识介绍,需要的朋友可以参考下方法步骤A C路由器知道是使用了I E E E 802.11 A C技术的无线路由器,只要是使用了802.11A C技术的无线路由器,都可以叫做A C路由器,又叫做双频无线路由器,802.11 A C技术是继802.11n之后的新一代W i-F i标准。

之前市面上用得最多的是802.11n技术的无线路由器,最大的传输速率只有300M b p s,无线工作频段是2.4G H Z。

而11A C无线路由器,其无线传输速率可以达到 1.3G B p s,与11n无线路由器相比,具有更高的传输速率,无线信号更加的稳定,更加的适合大数据的传输;同时11A C路由器支持 2.4G H Z、5G H Z两个无线频段,2.4G H Z频段的无线传输速率高达400M b s,5G H Z频段无线传输速率高达900M b p s。

值得一提的是,5G H Z频段的无线信号的干扰较少,可以保障无线W i F i信号的稳定、快速传输,可以让你的无线网速获得质的飞跃。

但是,目前绝大数的无线设备只支持 2.4G H Z频段,如大部分的手机、笔记本电脑、智能电视、微波炉等,支持5G H Z频段无线信号的设备还很少。

也就是说,要使用11A C路由器上的5G H Z频段W i F i信号,必须要你的无线设备支持5G H Z频段,否则是无法使用的。

因为11A C路由器是可以同时工作在 2.4G H Z和5G H Z 两个频段的,而且 2.4G H Z频段的速率可达400M b p s,比11N技术的无线路由器的速率还高100M b p s。



Archer C8AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit RouterREV1.0.0COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKSSpecifications are subject to change without notice. is a registered trademark of TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © 2014 TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.FCC STATEMENTThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1)This device may not cause harmful interference.2)This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Note: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.“To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this grant is applicable to only Mobile Configurations. The antennas used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”CE Mark WarningThis is a class B product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.National RestrictionsThis device is intended for home and office use in all EU countries (and other countries following the EU directive 1999/5/EC) without any limitation except for the countries mentioned below:Country Restriction Reason/remarkBulgaria None General authorization required for outdoor use and public serviceFrance Outdoor use limited to10 mW e.i.r.p. withinthe band 2454-2483.5MHzMilitary Radiolocation use. Refarming of the 2.4 GHzband has been ongoing in recent years to allow currentrelaxed regulation. Full implementation planned 2012Italy None If used outside of own premises, general authorization is requiredLuxembourg None General authorization required for network and service supply(not for spectrum)Norway Implemented This subsection does not apply for the geographical area within a radius of 20 km from the centre of Ny-ÅlesundRussian Federation None Only for indoor applications 5150-5250 MHzCountry Restriction Reason/remarkBulgaria Not implemented PlannedCroatia License requiredItaly General authorization required if used outside own premisesLuxembourg None General authorization required for network and service supply (not for spectrum)Russian Federation No info5250-5350 MHzCountry Restriction Reason/remarkBulgaria NotimplementedPlannedCroatia License requiredItaly General authorization required if used outside own premisesLuxembourg None General authorization required for network and service supply (not for spectrum)Russian Federation No info5470-5725 MHzCountry Restriction Reason/remarkBulgaria NotimplementedPlannedFrance Relevant+ provisions for the implementation of DFS mechanism described in ETSI standard EN 301 893 V1.3.1 and subsequent versionsItaly General authorization required if used outside own premisesLuxembourg None General authorization required for network and service supply (not for spectrum)Russian Federation No infoTurkey Not implemented Defence systems Note: Please don’t use the product outdoors in France.Canadian Compliance StatementThis device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause interference, and(2)This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Cet appareil est conforme aux norms CNR exemptes de licence d’Industrie Canada. Le fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:(1) cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d’interférences et(2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris celles susceptibles de provoquer un fonctionnement non souhaité de l’appareil.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication.Industry Canada StatementComplies with the Canadian ICES-003 Class B specifications.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry Canada. This Class B device meets all the requirements of the Canadian interference-causing equipment regulations.Cet appareil numérique de la Classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.Korea Warning Statements당해무선설비는운용중전파혼신가능성이있음.NCC Notice & BSMI Notice注意!依據低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法第十二條經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性或功能。

TP-LINK TL-XAP3001GP易展版无线AP 安装手册说明书

TP-LINK TL-XAP3001GP易展版无线AP 安装手册说明书

安装手册Enterprise Networking Solution易展版无线APTP-LINK商用网络TP-LINK商云APP目录第1章 产品介绍 —————————————011.1 产品简介 (01)1.2 物品清单 (01)1.3 外观介绍 (02)第2章 硬件连接 —————————————052.1 注意事项 (05)2.2 安装与连接 (05)第3章 组网配置 —————————————093.1 FAT AP模式 (09)3.2 FIT AP模式 (13)附录A 有毒有害物质声明 ————————19附录B 保修说明 —————————————20I目录01产品介绍第1章产品介绍1.1 产品简介该系列易展版无线AP是TP-LINK公司针对室外全向无线覆盖需求而新推出的双频室外无线AP,支持支持IEEE 802.3at标准PoE、53.5V Passive PoE以及12V~53.5V直流供电,支持室外抱杆/壁挂安装,可以外接5dBi全向防水天线,提供360°室外全向无线覆盖,满足室外广场、体育场、小区、景区、公园、游乐场等环境的无线覆盖需求。

采用胖瘦一体模式,在胖AP (FAT AP)模式下,AP可单独使用,为无线客户端提供无线服务;在瘦AP (FIT AP)模式下,AP由TP-LINK无线控制器统一管理,即插即用。

在本手册以下部分,如无特别说明,均以TL-XAP1801GP易展版为例介绍 ,所有产品相关示图仅为示意,请以实际机型为准。

1.2天线2根自攻螺钉(3)电源适配器和非标PoE 供电模块1.3 外观介绍侧面■02产品介绍03产品介绍■底面“易展”按键按下“易展”按键可与任意带有TP-LINK“易展”功能的AP或路由器实现“一键互联”。


LAN(POE)LAN自适应RJ45口,用于连接Passive PoE适配器/PoE交换机的RJ45接口,为无线AP供电。

TP-Link AC1200 AC750 Wi-Fi Range Extender RE315 RE

TP-Link AC1200 AC750 Wi-Fi Range Extender RE315 RE

User GuideAC1200/AC750 Wi-Fi Range ExtenderRE315/RE215ContentsAbout This Guide 1 Chapter 1 Get to Know About Y our Extender 2 1. 1. Product Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1. 2. Appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31. 2. 1. L ED Explanation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31. 2. 2. P ort and Button Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapter 2 Set Up Internet Connection 5 2. 1. Power On the Extender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2. 2. Set Up the Extender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62. 2. 1. M ethod 1: Via the TP-Link T ether App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62. 2. 2. M ethod 2: Via a Web Browser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82. 2.3. M ethod 3: Via the WPS Button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Chapter 3 OneMesh with Seamless Roaming 15 3. 1. What‘s a OneMesh Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 3. 2. How to Set Up a OneMesh Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173. 2. 1. M ethod 1: Via the TP-Link T ether App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173. 2. 2. M ethod 2: Via a Web Browser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 3. 3. Remove Extender from OneMesh Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193. 3. 1. M ethod 1: Via the TP-Link T ether App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193. 3. 2. M ethod 2: Via a Web Browser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Chapter 4 TP-Link Cloud Service 214. 1. Register a TP-Link ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 4. 2. Change Y our TP-Link ID Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 4. 3. Manage the User TP-Link IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234. 3. 1. A dd TP-Link ID to Manage the Extender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244. 3. 2. R emove TP-Link ID(s) from Managing the Extender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 4. 4. Manage the Extender via the TP-Link T ether App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Chapter 5 Customize Y our Network265. 1. Check Internet Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 5. 2. Configure Wireless Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285. 4. Specify DHCP Server Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 5. 5. Set High Speed Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 5.6. Set Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 5.7. Adjust Wi-Fi Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Chapter 6 More Features of Y our Extender 36 6. 1. Use Y our Extender as a Wireless Adapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 6. 2. Transform Y our Existing Wired Network to a Wireless One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .376. 2. 1. T o Set Up the Extender as an Access Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .376. 2. 2. T o Connect Y our Wireless Devices to the Extender via WPS. . . . . . . . . . .38 Chapter 7 Manage Y our Extender 417. 1. Set System Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 7. 2. Control LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 7. 3. Set Power Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 7. 4. Upgrade the Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .447. 4. 1. O nline Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .457. 4. 2. L ocal Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 7. 5. Backup and Restore Configuration Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 7. 6. Reboot the Extender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 7. 7. Change Login Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 7. 8. Check System Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 FAQ 50About This GuideThis guide is a complement to Quick Installation Guide. The Quick Installation Guide provides instructions for quick internet setup, while this guide contains details of each function and demonstrates how to configure them.Features available in the range extender may vary by model and software version. The range extender availability may also vary by region or ISP. All images, steps, and descriptions in this guide are only examples and may not reflect your actual range extender experience.ConventionsMore InfoThe latest software, management app and utility are available from Download Center at https:///support/.The Quick Installation Guide can be found where you find this guide or inside the package of the extender.Specifications can be found on the product page at https://.TP-Link Community is provided for you to discuss our products and share knowledge at https://.Our T echnical Support contact information can be found at the Contact T echnical Support page at https:///support/.Speed/Coverage DisclaimerMaximum wireless signal rates are the physical rates derived from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications. Actual wireless data throughput and wireless coverage are not guaranteed and will vary as a result of 1) environmental factors, including building materials, physical objects, and obstacles, 2) network conditions, including local interference, volume and density of traffic, product location, network complexity, and network overhead, and 3) client limitations, including rated performance, location,Chapter 1Get to Know About Y our ExtenderThis chapter introduces what the extender can do and its appearance. It contains the following sections:• Product Overview• Appearance1 1 Product OverviewBring Dead Zones Back to LifeTired of Wi-Fi “dead zones”? The TP-Link extender is connected to your router wirelessly, strengthening its signal and expanding its coverage into areas that could not otherwise be reached.Easy Installation & Quick PositionThe extender works with any standard wireless router. Instantly connect the extender to a router by pressing the router’s WPS button (if available) followed by the extender’s WPS button. Alternatively, follow the Quick Setup instructions on the extender’s web management page.Once the extender is connected to a router, you can relocate it to your preferred location with no further configuration required. The intelligent signal light can help to find the best location.Easy Management with the TP-Link T ether AppT ether provides a simple, intuitive way to access and manage your extender with your smart devices.1 2 Appearance1 2 1 LED Explanation1 2 2 Port and Button DescriptionChapter 2Set Up Internet ConnectionThis chapter introduces how to boost your host wireless coverage. Please follow the step-by-step instructions to set up the internet connection.It contains the following sections:• Power On the Extender• Set Up the Extender2 1 Power On the ExtenderPlug the extender into an electrical outlet next to your router, and then wait until the Power LED turns solid on.Note:1. The operating temperature should be between 0°C and 40°C (32°F - 104°F).2. For safety, only plug the extender in upright direction as shown below.2 2 Set Up the ExtenderThere are three ways to set up the extender: via the TP-Link T ether app, via a web browser, or via the WPS button.2 2 1 Method 1: Via the TP-Link T ether App1. Launch the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search TP-Link T ether or simply scan the QR code to download and install the app.OR2. Launch the T ether app and log in with your TP-Link ID.Note:If you don’t have a TP-Link ID, create one first.3. Tap the + icon on the upper-right corner and select Range Extender.4. Follow app instructions to set up your extender.5. (Optional) Enable Join OneMesh to copy the router’s wireless settings for seamless roaming. For more information about OneMesh, refer to OneMesh with SeamlessRoaming.Tip:It is recommended to enable Smart Connect on your host router to enjoy a seamless connection between dual-band networks. With Smart Connect enabled, your host router’s 2.4GHz and 5GHz share the same SSID (network name) and password. Refer to your host router’s user guide to enable Smart Connect.6. Relocate your extender for optimal Wi-Fi coverage and performance.Router DevicesHalfway Suitable location T oo far from router No connectionTip: T o minimize signal interference, please choose a location which is far away from Bluetooth devices and other household electronic devices, such as cordless phones, microwave ovens and baby monitors.7. Enjoy! Connect to the extended network and enjoy the internet.Tip:For more intuitive location assistance, access extender settings via T ether and go to T ools > Location Assistant. Y ou can also manage your extender via T ether, such as controlling LEDs, sharing passwords of your networks and blocking devices.2 2 2 Method 2: Via a Web Browser1. Connect your computer to the extender via an Ethernet cable, or connect wirelessly as follows:• For Windows Users 1 ) Unplug the Ethernet cable from your computer (if any).2 ) Click the Wi-Fi icon on the taskbar and connect to the extender’s wireless network: TP-Link_Extender .• For Mac OS X Users1 ) Unplug the Ethernet cable from your computer (if any).2 ) Click the Wi-Fi icon in the top right corner of the screen, and connect to the extender’s network: TP-Link_Extender .2. Follow the instructions of the Quick Setup Wizard to connect the extender to your host router.1 ) Launch a web browser, enter or in the address bar, and then create a password to log in.Note:If the login window does not appear, please refer to FAQ .2 ) Select your host router’s 2.4GHz SSID (network name), enter its password (NOT the password you just created for management), and click NEXT .3 ) Select your host router’s 5GHz SSID (network name), enter its password (NOT the password you just created for management), and click NEXT .Note: 1. If your host router does not support 5GHz wireless network, please click SKIP to continue.2. It is recommended to enable Smart Connect on your host router to enjoy a seamless connection betweendual-band networks. With Smart Connect enabled, your host router’s 2.4GHz and 5GHz share the same SSID (network name) and password. Refer to your host router’s user guide to enable Smart Connect.4 ) Confirm your host network password.5 ) Either keep the default SSIDs (network names) or customize them for the extended networks, and then click NEXT.Tip:If you connect the extender to a TP-Link OneMesh router, the extender will automatically join the router’s OneMesh network and copy the router’s wireless settings. For more information, refer to OneMesh with Seamless Roaming.6 ) Follow web instructions to relocate your extender for optimal Wi-Fi coverage and performance, and then click DONE.7 ) Enjoy! Connect to the extended network and click FINISH to enjoy the internet.Tip:If you connect the extender to a TP-Link OneMesh router and a success screen as below appears at the end of the setup, the extender has successfully joined the router’s OneMesh network and copied the router’s wireless settings. For more information, refer to OneMesh with Seamless Roaming.2 23 Method 3: Via the WPS ButtonUse this way if your router has a WPS button. The button might look like one of these:1. Press the WPS button on your host router, and then press the WPS button on the extender for 1 second within 2 minutes.Note:For more information about using WPS button on your host router, please refer to the router manufacturer’s user guide.2. Wait until the Signal LED changes from blinking to solid on, which indicates that the WPS connection is successful. Note:If the LED does not turn solid on, try again or refer to Method 1: Via the TP-Link T ether App or Method 2: Via a Web Browser .3. (Optional) If the extender connects to a dual band router, repeat steps 1 and 2 above to connect to the other band.4. Relocate your extender for optimal Wi-Fi coverage and performance.1 ) Plug in the extender about halfway between your router and the Wi-Fi dead zone. The location you choose must be within the range of your router.2 ) Wait for about 2 minutes until the Signal LED turns solid white. If it doesn’t, relocate the extender closer to the router to achieve better signal quality.Router DevicesHalfway Suitable location T oo far from router No connectionTip: T o minimize signal interference, please choose a location which is far away from Bluetooth devices and other household electronic devices, such as cordless phones, microwave ovens and baby monitors.5. Enjoy! Connect to the extended network and enjoy the internet.• If you want to customize the extended network name, refer to Configure Wireless Network.• If you cannot find the network names with _EXT in your Wi-Fi network list, this means that the extender has been connected to a OneMesh router and automatically copied its wireless settings. For more information, refer toOneMesh with Seamless Roaming.Chapter 3 OneMesh with Seamless RoamingThis chapter introduces the TP-Link OneMesh TM feature.It contains the following sections:• What‘s a OneMesh Network• How to Set Up a OneMesh Network• Remove Extender from OneMesh Network3 1 What‘s a OneMesh Network TP-Link OneMesh router and TP-Link OneMesh extenders work together to form one unified Wi-Fi network. Walk through your home and stay connected with the fastest possible speeds thanks to OneMesh’s seamless coverage.Unified Wi-Fi Network Router and extenders share the same wireless settings, including network name, password, access control settings and more.Seamless Roaming Devices automatically switch between your router and extenders as you move through your home for the fastest possible speeds.Easy Setup and Management Set up a OneMesh network with a push of WPS buttons. Manage all network devices on the T ether app or at your router’s web management page.T o check full list of TP-Link OneMesh devices, scan the QR code, or visit https:///One-Mesh/compatibility.3 2 How to Set Up a OneMesh NetworkOnce the extender is connected to a TP-Link OneMesh router via web browser or WPS button, the extender will automatically join the router’s OneMesh network and copy the router’s wireless settings. Y ou can manually join a OneMesh network during the configuration via the TP-Link T ether app. For more information about setting up the extender with OneMesh network, refer to Set Up the Extender.If you have already set up the extender before joining the OneMesh network, choose one of the methods below to set up a OneMesh network:Note:Before setting up a OneMesh network, it is recommended to enable Smart Connect on your host router to enjoy a seamless connection between dual-band networks.3 2 1 Method 1: Via the TP-Link T ether App1. Launch T ether and select the extender you want to join the OneMesh network.2. Go to T ools > OneMesh and enable OneMesh.Tip:If your host router does not support OneMesh, you need to reselect a host network first. Go to T ools > Host Network and click Reselect Host Network, and then follow the app instructions to complete the configuration.3. Follow the app instructions to join the OneMesh network.3 2 2 Method 2: Via a Web Browser1. Visit , and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > OneMesh and enable Join OneMesh.Tip:If your host router does not support OneMesh, you need to reselect a host network first. Go to Wireless > Connect to Host Network and follow the instructions to complete the configuration.3. Follow the web instructions to join the OneMesh network. After that, you can view all the devices in OneMesh network in Basic > OneMesh on the web management page of your host router.3 3 Remove Extender from OneMesh NetworkIf you want to remove the extender from the OneMesh network, follow the steps below: 3 3 1 Method 1: Via the TP-Link T ether App1. Launch T ether and select the extender you want to remove from the OneMesh network.2. Go to T ools > OneMesh and disable OneMesh.Or1. Launch T ether and select your host router of the OneMesh network.2. Go to T ools > OneMesh and select the extender you want to remove from the OneMesh network.3. Click Remove Device.3 3 2 Method 2: Via a Web Browser1. Visit , and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > OneMesh and disable Join OneMesh.Chapter 4TP-Link Cloud ServiceTP-Link Cloud service provides a better way to manage your cloud devices. Log in to your cloud device with a TP-Link ID, and you can easily monitor and manage your home network when you are out and about via the T ether app on your smartphone or tablet. T o ensure that your cloud device stays new and gets better over time, the TP-Link Cloud will notify you when an important firmware upgrade is avaliable. Surely you can also manage multiple TP-Link Cloud devices with a single TP-Link ID.This chapter introduces how to register a new TP-Link ID, bind or unbind TP-Link IDs to manage your cloud device, and the T ether app with which you can manage your home network no matter where you may find yourself.It contains the following sections:• Register a TP-Link ID• Change Y our TP-Link ID Information• Manage the User TP-Link IDs• Manage the Extender via the TP-Link T ether App4 1 Register a TP-Link IDWhen you log in after initial setup, the web page will ask whether you need TP-Link Cloud service. Y ou can also access the TP-Link Cloud settings as follows:1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > TP-Link Cloud.3. Click Sign Up and follow the instructions to register a TP-Link ID. The TP-Link ID used to log in to the extender for the first time will be automatically bound as an Admin.Notes:• T o learn more about the Admin and User TP-Link ID, refer to Manage the User TP-Link IDs.• Once you have registered a TP-Link ID on the web management page, you can only register another TP-Link ID via the T ether APP. Please refer to Manage the Extender via the TP-Link T ether App to install the app and register a new one.• If you want to unbind the admin TP-Link ID from your extender, please go to Settings > TP-Link Cloud, an click Unbind in the Device Information section.4 2 Change Y our TP-Link ID InformationFollow the steps below to change your email address and password of your TP-Link ID as needed.1. Visit , and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > TP-Link Cloud, and focus on the Account Information section.• T o change your email address:1. Click behind the Email.2. Enter the password of your TP-Link ID, then a new email address. And click Save.• T o change your password:1. Click behind the Password.2. Enter the current password, then a new password twice. And click Save.4 3 Manage the User TP-Link IDsThe TP-Link ID used to log in to the extender for the first time will be automatically bound as the Admin account. An admin account can add or remove other TP-Link IDs to or from the same extender as User s. All accounts can monitor and manage the extender locally or remotely, but user accounts cannot:• Reset the extender to its factory default settings either on the web management page or in the T ether app.• Add/remove other TP-Link IDs to/from the extender.4 3 1 Add TP-Link ID to Manage the Extender1. Visit , and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > TP-Link Cloud, and focus on the Bound Accounts section.3. Click , enter another TP-Link ID as needed and click Save.Note:If you need another TP-Link ID, please register a new one via the T ether app. Please refer to Manage the Extender via the TP-Link T ether App to install the app and register a new TP-Link ID.4. The new TP-Link ID will be displayed in the Bound Accounts table as a User.4 3 2 Remove TP-Link ID(s) from Managing the Extender1. Visit , and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > TP-Link Cloud, and focus on the Bound Accounts section.3. Tick the checkbox(es) of the TP-Link ID(s) you want to remove and click Unbind.4 4 Manage the Extender via the TP-Link T ether App The T ether app runs on iOS and Android devices, such as smartphones and tablets.1. Launch the Apple App Store or Google Play store and search “TP-Link T ether”or simply scan the QR code to download and install the app.OR2. Launch the T ether app and log in with your TP-Link ID.Note: If you don’t have a TP-Link ID, create one first.3. Connect your device to the extender’s or host router’s wireless network.4. Go back to the T ether app, select the model of your extender and log in with the password your set for the extender.5. Manage your extender as needed.Chapter5Customize Y our Network This chapter guides you on how to configure network settings that are available for this extender.It contains the following sections:• Check Internet Status• Configure Wireless Network• Change LAN Settings• Specify DHCP Server Settings• Set High Speed Mode• Set Access Control• Adjust Wi-Fi CoverageChapter 5Customize Y our Network 5 1 Check Internet StatusY ou can view the internet status of your extender to check whether you have successfully set up the extended network(s).1. Visit , and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Network Map to view the internet status of your extender.• The extender runs normally.• The extender fails to connect to the host networks. Please go to Wireless>Connect to Host Network to check whether the host network passwords are correct. If the problem still exists, relocate the extender closer to the router to achieve better signal quality.• The extender is connected to the host networks, but is not transmitting data.Please check the internet connection of your router.• The extender is connected to the router abnormally. Please go to Settings > Network and try setting your extender to obtain an IP address automatically.Click the icon of the Internet/Router/Range Extender/Clients to view corresponding information.5 2 Configure Wireless NetworkIf you want to extend another host network after Quick Setup, you can refer to this section. Moreover, you can change the wireless settings for your extended networks. Visit , and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the extender.• T o extend another host network:1. Go to Wireless > Connect to Host Network.2. Enable Connect to 2.4GHz Network and click WIRELESS SCANNER to find all available networks.Note:It is unable to change host network settings when the extender is in a OneMesh network.3. Select the 2.4GHz host network you want to extend.Note:If the network you want to extend is on but not listed, please try the following steps.· Move the extender closer to your router, and click Refresh in the top-right corner of the list.· Y ou can manually enter the SSID (network name) and password of the network you want to extend, and click SAVE.4. Once a host network is selected, the SSID and security type will be automatically filled in. If the selected network is encrypted, enter the password in the Password field.5. Click SAVE.• T o enable or disable the extended network:1. Go to Wireless > Extended Network.2. Extended networks are enabled by default. If you want to disable the wireless function of a certain band, just clear the Enable checkbox. In this case, all the wireless settings of this band will be invalid.3. Click SAVE.• T o change the wireless network name (SSID):1. Go to Wireless > Extended Network.2. Create a new SSID in Extended 2.4GHz SSID or click COPY HOST SSID. The value is case-sensitive.3. Click SAVE.Note:If you have changed the wireless settings via a wireless device, you will be disconnected after the settings are applied. Please write down the new SSID for future use.• T o hide the SSID of the extended network:1. Go to Wireless > Extended Network.2. Select Hide SSID broadcast, and the corresponding SSID will not be displayed when wireless devices scan for local wireless networks. Y ou need to manually enter the SSID to join the network.3. Click SAVE.5 3 Change LAN SettingsThe extender is preset with a default LAN IP, with which you can log in to the web management page. The LAN IP address, together with the Subnet Mask, also defines the subnet that the connected devices are on. If the IP address conflicts with another device on your local network or your network requires a specific IP subnet, you can change it.1. Visit , and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > Network > LAN Settings.3. Select Use the following IP address.4. Enter a new IP Address as needed, and leave the Subnet Mask as the default settings.5. Enter the gateway that is in the same subnet as the IP Address. The gateway is usually the LAN IP address of your extender.6. Leave the primary and secondary DNS addresses as the default settings.7. Click SAVE.5 4 Specify DHCP Server SettingsBy default, the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server is auto and the extender acts as a DHCP server and dynamically assigns TCP/IP parameters to client devices from the IP Address Pool when the router’s DHCP server is disabled. Y ou can change the settings of the DHCP Server ifnecessary.1. Visit , and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set。



TP-LINK商用路由器搭配三层交换机、AC、AP实现区分管理VLAN和业务VLAN的配置实例TP-LINK 商用路由器可以配合三层交换机、AC、AP实现区分管理VLAN和业务VLAN的有线和无线组网。







本例中采用的TP-LINK商用路由器TL-ER3220G V4.0,三层交换机TL-SG5428 V3.0,无线控制器 TL-AC300 V3.0,基本设置步骤如下:三、配置三层交换机注意:三层交换机的21-22号端口是空余的,电脑可以接在这两个端口上进行配置,这样就不用担心配置VLAN和接口参数过程中出现无法登录管理界面的问题了。



13-24号口为“Access”,PVID会跟随新建的VLAN ID,所以13-24号口不用修改端口类型和PVID,打开三层交换机配置页面的“VLAN->802.1Q VLAN->端口配置”页面。



TP-Link AC1350双频4G LTE路由器 Archer MR400 产品说明说明书

TP-Link AC1350双频4G LTE路由器 Archer MR400 产品说明说明书

AC1350 Wireless Dual Band 4G LTE Router4G LTE with AC1350 Wi-Fi to Stream From Ever y where4G(TDD&FDD)/3G/2G Compatible 450Mbps+867Mbps Dual Band Wi-Fi MU-MIMO T echnology for 2× Faster Performance150Mbps download and 50Mbps upload. It also shares a simultaneous dual band Wi-Fi network with maximum speeds of 450Mbps on 2.4GHz and 867Mbps on 5GHz for gaming, streaming, file-sharing and more. Beamforming makes sure that your mobile devices can connect on the move by sending targeted Wi-Fi to them for stronger connections. Advanced LTE antennas make efficient andstable connections to everydevices. PowerAmplifier and Low Noise Amplifier boost sending and receiving capabilities,creating a wide-coverage Wi-Fi network for your home.Beamforming Technology for MaximumNetwork Coverage50Mbps150Mbps4G LTE450Mbps 2.4GHz867Mbps 5GHzMU-MIMO Router· 4G LTE – Ideal for cutting-edge 4G LTE network· 150Mbps/50Mbps – Up to150Mbps Download speed and 50Mbps upload speed· Backward Compatible – Compatible with 4G/3G/2G network4G LTE · Superior Wireless Speed – Combined wireless speeds up to 450Mbps over 2.4GHz, and 867Mbps over 5GHz· 802.11 ac Standard – Provides a data transfer rate 3 times faster than 802.11n for each streamWi-Fi Speed· Great Coverage – Powerful, integrated antennas provide stable wireless connections and better coverageWi-Fi Range· Intuitive Web UI – Ensures quick and simple installation without hassle· Fast Encryption – One-touch WPA wireless security encryptionwith the WPS button · Wi-Fi On/Off – Conveniently turn on or off wireless radios as required · Hassle-free Management with Tether App – Network management is made easy with the TP-Link Tether App, available on any Android and iOS device· Online Upgrade – Keeps you informed of the latest firmware and allows online upgrade on the web UI· Guest Network – Keeps your main network secure by creating a separate network for friends and visitors· Access Control – Establishes a whitelist or blacklist to allow or restrict certain devices to access the internet· Parental Controls – Restrict internet access time and contents for children devices· Encryptions for Secure Network – WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK encryptions provide active protection against security threatsEase of UseSecurityReliability· Simultaneous Dual Band – Separate Wi-Fi bands enable more devices to connect to your network without a drop in performance· Easy Bandwidth Management – Advanced QoS makes it easier for you to manage the bandwidth of connected devices· Up to 64 Devices – A powerful processor provides fast andstable networks for up to 64 devices.Hardware· Interface: 3 10/100Mbps LAN Ports, 1 10/100Mbps LAN/WAN Port, 1 SIM Card Slot · Buttons: Wi-Fi On/Off Button, WPS/Reset Button, Power On/Off Button · Antennas: 3 Internal Wi-Fi Antennas, 2 Detachable External 4G LTE Antennas · External Power Supply: 12V/1.5A· Dimensions (W x D x H):7.95 × 5.55 × 1.32 in. (202 × 141 × 33.6 mm)Wireless· Network Type4G: FDD-LTE Cat4 (800/900/1800/2100/2600MHz), TDD-LTE (1900/2300/2500/2600MHz) 3G: DC-HSPA+/HSPA+/HSPA/UMTS (900/2100MHz) 2G: EDGE/GPRS/GSM (850/900/1800/1900MHz)· Wireless Standards: IEEE 802.11ac/n/a 5GHz, IEEE 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz · Frequency: 2.4GHz and 5GHz· Signal Rate: 450Mbps at 2.4GHz, 867Mbps at 5GHz · Transmit Power:CE: <20dBm(2.4GHz), <23dBm(5GHz); · Reception Sensitivity: 5GHz:11a 54M: -74dBm11ac HT20: -67dBm 11ac HT40: -64dBm 11ac HT80 : -60dBm11n HT20: -71dBm 11n HT40: -70dBm 2.4GHz:11g 54M: -76dBm 11n HT20: -73dBm 11n HT40: -67dBm· Wireless Function: Enable/Disable Wireless Radio, WDS Bridge, WMM, Wireless Statistics · Wireless Security: 64/128-bit WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryptionsSpecifications are subject to change without notice. TP-Link is a registered trademark of TP-Link Technologies CO., Ltd. Other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Copyright @ 2017 TP-Link Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Attention: This device may only be used indoors in all EU member states and EFTA countries.* Maximum wireless speed of up to 1350Mbps is the theoretical data rate derived from IEEE standard 802.11 specifications. Actual data throughput and wireless coverage will vary due to network conditions and environmental factors including volume of network traffic, building materials and construction, network overhead, actual data throughput rate, and wireless coverage. TP-Link makes no express or implied representations or warranties about this product’s compatibility with any future standards.For more information, please visit /en/products/details/Archer-MR400.htmlor scan the QR code left· Certification:CE, FCC, RoHS· System Requirements:Microsoft Windows 98SE/NT/2000/XP/Vista™/7/8/8.1/10, MAC OS, NetWare, UNIX or LinuxInternet Explorer 11, Firefox 12.0, Chrome 20.0, Safari 4.0, or other Java-enabled browserSIM Card· Environment:Operating Temperature: 0℃~40℃ (32℉ ~104℉)Storage Temperature: -40℃~70℃ (-40℉ ~158℉)Operating Humidity: 10%~90% non-condensing Storage Humidity: 5%~90% non-condensing· Package Contents AC1350 Wireless Dual Band 4G LTE Router Archer MR400Power AdapterEthernet CableQuick Installation GuideMicro to Strandard SIM Card Adapter Nano to Standard SIM Card AdapterOthers· Quality of Service: Traffic Control (IP QoS)· Operating Modes: 3G/4G Router, Wireless Router· WAN Type: Dynamic IP/Static IP/PPPoE/PPTP(Dual Access)/L2TP(Dual Access)/BigPond· Management: Access Control, Local Management, Remote Management · DHCP: Server, DHCP Client List, Address Reservation · Port Forwarding: Virtual Server, Port Triggering, UPnP, DMZ · Dynamic DNS: DynDns, NO-IP· Access Control: Parental Controls, Local Management Control, Host List, Access Control· Firewall Security: DoS, SPI Firewall, IP and MAC Address Binding · Protocols: IPv4, IPv6· Guest Network: 2.4GHz guest network x 1, 5GHz guest network x 1Software。



TP-LINK无线AP覆盖方案无线网络项目技术方案目录一、概述 (1)一、概述 (5)二、网络现状及需求分析 (5)2.1 无线网络需求分析 (5)2.2无线网络覆盖范围需求 (6)三、WLAN网络设计原则 (6)四、WLAN网络设计方 (8)4.1网络架构选择 (8)4.2 网络管理设计 (9)集中式管理 (10)网络负载均衡 (10)4.3网络安全设计 (11)五、设备选型 (12)5.1无线控制器选型 (12)、支持精细的无线用户接入控制和管理 (13)5.2无线接入点(AP) (17)、产品特点: (17)、无线智能高速云接入 (18)、支持IPv4/IPv6双协议栈 (19)、支持远程捕获分析 (19)、支持智能负载均衡 (19)、支持接口报文统计 (20)、提供only 11n接入功能 (20)、支持中文SSID (20)、支持SNMP特性 (20)、支持无线分布系统(WDS) (20)、支持无线QoS (21)、支持客户端QoS (21)5.3 方案设备配置清单 (21)六、培训及售后服务 (22)6.1、培训 (22)6.2、售后服务 (22)一、概述近年来,随着国内海量信息处理,人们对网速及便捷性的需求爆炸性增长。







tp-link tl-ap1907gc-poe_dc易展版 v2.0安装手册说明书

tp-link tl-ap1907gc-poe_dc易展版 v2.0安装手册说明书

Enterprise Networking Solution安装手册易展版无线吸顶式A P声明Copyright © 2023 普联技术有限公司版权所有,保留所有权利未经普联技术有限公司明确书面许可,任何单位或个人不得擅自仿制、复制、誊抄或转译本手册部分或全部内容,且不得以营利为目的进行任何方式(电子、影印、录制等)的传播。














介绍FAT AP模式和FIT AP模式的组网拓扑及管理模式。


阅读对象 本手册适合下列人员阅读:网络工程师网络管理人员约定 在本手册以下部分,如无特别说明,均以TL-AP1907GC-PoE/DC易展版为例介绍,所提到的“AP”、“本产品”、“易展”AP、主AP、子AP等名词,均指易展版无线吸顶式AP。


本手册采用了如下几种醒目标志来表示操作过程中应该注意的地方,IV 目录目录第1章 产品介绍 —————————————011.1 产品简介 ........................................................011.2 产品外观 .. (01)第2章 安装准备 —————————————042.1 安装所需物品 (04)2.2 安装工具准备 (04)2.3 设备检查 ........................................................042.4 注意事项 .. (05)第3章 产品安装 —————————————06第4章 组网配置 —————————————094.1 FAT AP模式 (09)4.2 FIT AP模式 ....................................................124.3 特别说明 .. (14)附录A 产品保修说明 ———————————16附录B 有毒有害物质声明 ————————18易展版无线吸顶式AP安装手册01产品介绍第1章 产品介绍1.1 产品简介TP-LINK易展版无线吸顶式AP产品,支持IEEE 802.3af/at标准PoE供电和DC供电,实现网线口隐藏设计,支持吸顶/壁挂安装,更好的适用于企业、酒店、餐厅、商场等室内环境无线组网。

无线控制器 招标参数 模板

无线控制器 招标参数 模板
支持SNMP V1/V2/V3和WEB管理
支持用户 TACACS认证、支持SSH 2.0、支持管理VLAN、支持端口隔离、支持端口安全、支持集中式MAC地址认证、支持ARP入侵检测、支持端口下IP地址过滤;






- 无线接入点(AP):H3C的AP产品提供了各种不同规格和功能的无线接入点,可以根据不同环境和需求选择合适的AP。








- 网络容量优化:H3C的无线网络方案采用了一系列的网络容量优化技术,包括负载均衡、流量控制、QoS(Quality of Service)和自适应调度等,可根据网络负载和应用需求进行动态调整和优化,提供更高的网络性能和用户体验。


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