Blind Source Separation - Finding Needles in Haystacks:盲源分离在草堆里找针




独立分量分析及其应用研究梁端丹;韩政;郝家甲【摘要】独立分量分析是近年来兴起的一种高效的信号处理方法,主要解决的问题是从观测到的混合信号中分离或提取各个源信号.简要介绍了独立分量分析的模型、数学原理等基本问题,详细分析了解决独立分量分析问题的优化准则及对应的算法,最后介绍了独立分离分析的主要应用领域,并对独立分量分析问题的研究方向进行了展望.【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2008(031)003【总页数】4页(P17-20)【关键词】盲源分离;独立分量分析;优化准则;高阶统计;信息论【作者】梁端丹;韩政;郝家甲【作者单位】西安通信学院,陕西,西安,710106;西安通信学院,陕西,西安,710106;西安通信学院,陕西,西安,710106【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN9111 引言盲源分离(Blind Source Separation,BSS)是在源信号和传输通道参数未知的情况下,根据输入源信号的统计特性,仅由观测信号恢复出源信号的过程。

当源信号各个成分具有独立性时,此过程又称为独立分量分析(Inependent Component Analysis,ICA)。



2 ICA的基本理论概述2.1 BSS与ICA的关系BSS是指仅从观测的混合信号中分离出各个原始信号,而ICA技术主要利用了源信号统计独立等容易满足的先验条件,为了解决BSS问题而发展起来的。









一、盲源分离技术的定义盲源分离技术(Blind Source Separation, BSS)是一种通过对多信号的合理分离,从中提取出单一源信号的技术。


利用盲源分离技术,我们可以将多种混合信号分离出来,这样的信号分离又称为独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis, ICA)。













例如,EEG 信号是人脑电位在头皮上引起的电流,具有高时分辨率和灵敏度。



盲源分离的若干算法及应用研究盲源分离的若干算法及应用研究导言盲源分离(Blind Source Separation,简称BSS)指的是在没有任何先验信息的情况下,对于被混合的源信号进行分离和恢复的技术。



一、独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis,简称ICA)独立成分分析是盲源分离中广泛使用的一种方法。



二、非负矩阵分解(Nonnegative Matrix Factorization,简称NMF)非负矩阵分解是一种常用的盲源分离方法,适用于信号的非负性特点。



三、小波变换(Wavelet Transform)小波变换是一种时间-频率分析方法,在盲源分离中也被广泛应用。






应用研究1. 语音信号处理盲源分离在语音信号处理中有着广泛的应用。









盲信号处理中的信号分离问题通常采用独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis,ICA)方法进行研究。






在盲降噪算法中,有一种常用的方法叫做盲源分离与盲降噪(Blind Source Separation and Blind Denoising,BSS-BD)。



除了BSS-BD方法外,还有许多其他的盲降噪算法,比如盲源分离与卷积降噪(Blind Source Separation and Convolutive Denoising,BSS-CD)、盲信号分离与稀疏降噪(Blind Signal Separation and Sparse Denoising,BSS-SD)等。



(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 202010770535.2(22)申请日 2020.08.04(71)申请人 北京英迈琪科技有限公司地址 102488 北京市房山区良乡凯旋大街建设路18号-D11961(72)发明人 赵明瞻 (74)专利代理机构 北京卓特专利代理事务所(普通合伙) 11572代理人 陈变花(51)Int.Cl.G06K 9/62(2006.01)(54)发明名称一种非负盲源分离方法及系统(57)摘要本申请涉及盲源分离技术领域,尤其涉及一种非负盲源分离方法及系统,其中,非负盲源分离方法,包括:估计混合矩阵,使得该混合矩阵的每列元素均为一条直线的斜率的分量,该直线为观测矩阵对应的单锥的边界或边界的交线,并且还使得该混合矩阵的元素为非负值,每列元素之和为1;依据观测矩阵和估计的混合矩阵得到估计的源信号矩阵,从而构建解空间;在解空间中,计算估计的源信号矩阵的每行元素对应的源信号彼此之间的二值相关度;将二值相关度最小的源信号作为分离结果。


权利要求书2页 说明书7页 附图5页CN 111652328 A 2020.09.11C N 111652328A1.一种非负盲源分离方法,其特征在于,包括如下步骤:步骤S110、估计混合矩阵,使得该混合矩阵的每列元素均为一条直线的斜率的分量,该直线为观测矩阵对应的单锥的边界或边界的交线,并且还使得该混合矩阵的元素为非负值,每列元素之和为1;步骤S120、依据观测矩阵和估计的混合矩阵得到估计的源信号矩阵,从而构建解空间;步骤S130、在解空间中,计算估计的源信号矩阵的每行元素对应的源信号彼此之间的二值相关度;步骤S140、将二值相关度最小的源信号作为分离结果。



BLIND SOURCE SEPARATION: A PARTIAL JOINT DIAGONALIZATION (PAJOD) APPROACH Pierre Comon, Ludwig Rota I3S Laboratory, Les Algorithmes/Euclide B, 06903 Sophia-Antipolis - BP 121, France.
∗ ∗ Cq p [si ] = Cum[si (n), . . . , si (n), si (n), . . . , si (n)], p terms q terms def
do not depend on n; for definitions of cumulants, refer to [7] and references therein. H3. At most one source has a zero marginal cumulant of order r. ˘ (z ) = F ˘ (z )H ˘ (z ), satisH4. The global transfer matrix, G H ∗ ˘ ˘ fies the property G(z )G (1/z ) = I where I denotes
,y ∗ ∗ C2 2 [i, j , ℓ] = Cum[yi (n), yi (n) , yj 1 (n − ℓ1 ), yj 2 (n − ℓ2 ) ] (1) where j = (j1 , j2 ) and ℓ = (ℓ1 , ℓ2 ). Also define L a subset of Z2 and J = {1, 2, . . . , N }2 ; unless otherwise specified, L = Z2 . We are now in a position to state the proposition below:



盲源分离什么是盲源分离盲源分离(Blind Source Separation,简称BSS)是一种在数字信号处理中使用的技术,用于从混合信号中分离出源信号。













盲源分离的方法盲源分离有多种方法,下面介绍几种常用的方法:独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis,简称ICA)独立成分分析是一种基于统计特性的盲源分离方法。


因子分析(Factor Analysis)因子分析也是一种基于统计特性的盲源分离方法。


相关矩阵分解(Correlation Matrix Decomposition)相相关矩阵分解是一种非统计的盲源分离方法。




在阵列信号处理技术中仅仅凭借传感器 的观测信号估计未知信号源的波形 在生物医学信号中提取有效信号 在无线通信中利用一个信道实现多用户 通信服务 在语音识别中达到“鸡尾酒会效应”
合肥工业大学 计算机与信息学院 图像信息处理研究室 Tel:2901393 Email:images@ /organ/images
合肥工业大学 计算机与信息学院 图像信息处理研究室 Tel:2901393 Email:images@ /organ/images
盲分离的基本理论 解决盲分离问题的典型算法 盲分离的应用、研究现状和发展趋势

合肥工业大学 计算机与信息学院 图像信息处理研究室 Tel:2901393 Email:images@ /organ/images

线性瞬时混合盲信号分离的数学建模 线性卷积混合盲信号分离的数学建模 非线性(Post-Nonlinear, PNL)混合 盲信号分离的数学建模
合肥工业大学 计算机与信息学院 图像信息处理研究室 Tel:2901393 Email:images@ /organ/images
x(t) =
A(k ) s(t k )

这里x(t)和s(t)分别代表观 察信号和源信号。A(k)为混叠 矩阵,又称为冲激响应。

线性瞬时混合 线性卷积混合 非线性混合

合肥工业大学 计算机与信息学院 图像信息处理研究室 Tel:2901393 Email:images@ /organ/images

盲信号分离是一种功能强大的信号处理方法 对其研究始于二十世纪八十年代中后期 有关的理论和算法都已经取得了较大的发展 对于线性瞬时混合信号的分离问题、卷积混 合信号的分离问题以及非线性混合信号的分 离问题都做了深入的研究,提出了许多经典 算法 用于语音信号分离、图像特征提取和医学脑 电信号的分离等方面



残压测频的工作原理残压测频(Blind Source Separation, BSS)是一种信号处理技术,用于从混合信号中分离出原始信号的方法。



下面将详细介绍残压测频的工作原理:1.混合信号模型假设有n个源信号S1,S2,...,Sn和m个混合器H1,H2,...,Hm,通过线性组合的方式混合成m个观测信号X1,X2,...,Xm,即:X1=H11*S1+H12*S2+...+H1n*SnX2=H21*S1+H22*S2+...+H2n*Sn...Xm = Hm1*S1 + Hm2*S2 + ... + Hmn*Sn其中,Hij表示第i个混合器对于第j个源信号的混合系数。







ICA算法有多种实现方式,其中最常用的是基于最大似然估计(Maximum Likelihood Estimation, MLE)的盲源估计算法。








电子科技大学盲源分离小组招新启事【序】在过去15年里盲信号分离(Blind Source Separation, BSS)问题已成为信号处理、机器学习和神经网络等学界共同的研究热点领域,并获得了迅速的发展。

而独立分量分析(Independent Component Analysis, ICA)是作为一种新的多变量统计分析方法,成为了解决盲信号分离问题的主要方法。





在此背景下,本校博士生张智林同学于2005年3月成立了电子科技大学盲源分离小组(Blind Source Separation Research Group of UESTC),并同时每周六开展BSS/ICA讨论班。







在理论研究上,小组成员在BSS/ICA 以及相关领域发表或收录论文20余篇,其中在国际著名刊物IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Neurocomputing, EURAISP Journal On Applied Signal Processing上发表7篇论文,在国际著名会议ICA2006, ICONIP2006, ICASSP2006, ISCAS2006上发表4篇论文,在其它国际刊物和国际会议上发表十余篇论文。



目录摘要 ............................................................................................................................. I II ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. I V 第一章语音信号及噪声概述................................................................................. - 1 - 语音信号的概述 .................................................................................................... - 1 - 语音特性分析......................................................................................... - 1 -语音信号的基本特征............................................................................. - 2 -..................................................................................................................... - 3 -信噪比(Signal Noise Ratio,SNR) ........................................................ - 3 -信干比(signal-to-Interference Ratio,SIR) ........................................... - 4 - 第二章盲信号处理................................................................................................. - 5 - .................................................................................................................................. - 5 - 盲信号处理的基本概念......................................................................... - 5 -盲信号处理的方法和分类....................................................................... - 5 -盲信号处理技术的研究应用................................................................... - 6 -盲源分离法............................................................................................... - 7 -盲源分离技术........................................................................................... - 7 -盲分离算法实现....................................................................................... - 7 -盲源分离技术的研究发展和应用........................................................... - 8 - 独立成分分析 ........................................................................................................ - 9 - 独立成分分析的定义............................................................................... - 9 -ICA的基本原理..................................................................................... - 10 - 本文对ICA的研究目的及实现.......................................................................... - 12 - 第三章盲语音信号分离的实现及抑噪分析....................................................... - 15 - 盲语音信号分离的实现 ...................................................................................... - 15 - 盲信号分离的三种算法......................................................................... - 15 -不同算法的分离性能比较..................................................................... - 16 - 抑制噪声的算法仿真及结果分析 .................................................................... - 17 -抑噪算法仿真实现................................................................................. - 17 -................................................................................................................... - 20 -不同算法的分离性能比较..................................................................... - 28 - 第四章结论与展望............................................................................................... - 34 - 致谢................................................................................................................. - 36 - 参考文献................................................................................................................. - 37 - 附录................................................................................................................. - 37 -基于盲源分离技术的语音信号噪声分析与处理摘要语音信号盲分离处理的含义是指利用BSS技术对麦克风检测到的一段语音信号进行处理。



课程设计任务书学生姓名:毛丽娟专业班级:通信0906指导教师:黄铮工作单位:信息工程学院题目: 语音信号的盲分离初始条件①matlab软件②盲信号处理知识要求完成的主要任务:根据盲信号分离原理,用matlab采集两路以上的语音信号,选择合适的混合矩阵生成若干混合信号。


设计要求(1)用matlab做出采样之后语音信号的时域和频域波形图(2)选择合适的混合矩阵,得到混合信号,并做出其时域波形和频谱图(3)采用混合声音信号进行训练学习,求出分离矩阵,编写出相应的确matlab 代码。



时间安排第17周,仿真设计第18周,完成(答辩,提交报告,演示)指导教师签名:年月日系主任(或责任教师)签名:年月日目录摘要 (3)Abstract (4)1 语音信号 (5)1.1 语音特性分析 (5)1.2 语音信号的基本特征 (6)2 盲信号处理 (8)2.1 盲信号处理的概述 (8)2.1.1 盲信号处理的基本概念 (8)2.1.2 盲信号处理的方法和分类 (9)2.1.3 盲信号处理技术的研究应用 (9)2.2 盲源分离法 (10)2.2.1 盲源分离技术 (10)2.2.2 盲分离算法实现 (10)2.3 独立成分分析 (11)2.3.1 独立成分分析的定义 (11)2.3.2 ICA的基本原理 (13)3 语音信号盲分离的实现 (15)3.1 盲信号分离的三种算法 (15)3.1.1 二阶盲辨识(SOBI) (15)3.1.2 FastICA算法 (15)3.1.3 CICA算法 (16)3.2 不同算法的分离性能比较 (17)3.3 FastlCA的算法仿真及结果分析 (17)4 结论 (22)5 参考文献 (23)附录 (24)摘要语音信号盲分离处理的含义是指利用BSS技术对麦克风检测到的一段语音信号进行处理。



收稿日期 2007-09-06 收修改稿日期 2008-04-08 Received September 06, 2007; in revised form April 8, 2008 1. 海军大连舰艇学院信号与信息技术研究中心, 大连 116018 1. Research Center of Signal and Information, Dalian
矩阵阵R¯ˆX进行= 奇(1/异L值) 分Lτ解=1R[¯ˆXτ
(X¯ )]. 对得到的平均时间延迟相关 = U¯ RS V¯ H + σ2I, 其中 (·)H 表示
共轭转置, U¯ 和 V¯ 分别称为左右奇异矩阵. 则此时估计的阵
列流形 Aˆ = Q#U¯ = [aˆ1, aˆ2, · · · , aˆN ], 其中 (·)# 表示求伪逆,
离, 完成对阵列流形和源信号的估计, 然后根据 ESPRIT 方 法原理, 利用子阵间的相位延迟完成目标方位估计. 仿真实验 和海上实测数据结果表明, 所提方法能准确估计出目标的方 位和相应的源信号. 同时, 在阵元数、信噪比、快拍数的要求 和方位分辨率上表现出了比多重信号分类 (Multiple signal classification, MUSIC) 方法更优的性能.
4.1 仿真实验
仿真实验考虑均匀线列阵位于两窄带目标源的远场, 目 标源 1 的方位为 15 度, 目标源 2 的方位为 16 度. 用式 (9) 所 定义的圴方根误差 (Root mean square error, RMSE) 来检 验所提方法的有效性[3], 并与经典的高分辨方位估计 MUSIC 方法进行对比.
复数算法或修改的实数算法, 完成对阵列接收信号的分离,
如果能实现对阵列流形 A 的估计, 则完全可实现目标方位 θi 的估计.



脑电信号中眼电伪迹的自动去除算法王魁;叶闯;沈益青;王柏祥【期刊名称】《计算机工程》【年(卷),期】2011(037)023【摘要】为实现眼电伪迹的自动去除,提高算法的有效性和稳健性,提出一种眼电伪迹自动去除算法.采用样本熵和一种通用的伪迹判决方法对眼电伪迹进行自动识别,通过脑电信号的重构实现眼电伪迹的去除.实验结果表明,对于不同长度的真实脑电信号,该算法均能准确地去除眼电伪迹,较好地保留其他的脑电信号成分,且可以完全自动地去除眼电伪迹,适用于实时场合.%In order to automatically remove the ocular artifact from Electroencephalogram(EEG) data, this paper presents an effective and robust algorithm. Blind Source Separation(BSS) algorithm is used to separate real EEG signal, and a universal approach together with sample entropy is employed to identify the artifact components. The artifact is eliminated through reconstruction of EEG data. Simulation results are compared with a robust method based on fractal dimension and show the proposed algorithm can eliminate ocular artifact accurately and do little harm to useful EEG signals that for real EEG data of different lengths. Meanwhile, the proposed method does not need any reference channel, and is fully automated, which is suitable for real-time applications.【总页数】4页(P257-260)【作者】王魁;叶闯;沈益青;王柏祥【作者单位】浙江大学信息与电子工程学系电子电路与信息系统研究所,杭州310027;浙江大学信息与电子工程学系电子电路与信息系统研究所,杭州310027;浙江大学信息与电子工程学系电子电路与信息系统研究所,杭州310027;浙江大学信息与电子工程学系电子电路与信息系统研究所,杭州310027【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911.72【相关文献】1.基于子空间分解的脑电信号眼电伪迹自动去除方法研究 [J], 付荣荣;侯培国;时培明;孟宗2.脑电信号中眼电伪迹自动去除方法的研究 [J], 李明爱;崔燕;杨金福3.脑电信号中眼电伪迹自动识别与去除方法研究 [J], 李佳庆;李海芳;白一帆;阴桂梅;孙丽婷4.精神分裂症患者脑电信号中眼电伪迹自动去除方法 [J], 赵云;于毅;闫岑;司雅静;张红星;史丽娟5.采用样本熵自适应噪声完备经验模态分解的脑电信号眼电伪迹去除算法 [J], 杨磊;杨帆;何艳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



EUSIPCO ’92ITERATIVE TECHNIQUES FOR BLIND SOURCE SEPARATIONUSING ONLY FOURTH-ORDER CUMULANTSJean-François CardosoTélécom Paris.Dept Signal,46rue Barrault,75634Paris CEDEX13,FRANCE.Email:cardoso@sig.enst.frAbstract."Blind source separation"is an array processing problem without a priori information(no array manifold).This model can be identified resorting to4th-order cumulants only via the concept of4th-order signal subspace(FOSS)which is defined as a matrix space.This idea leads to a"Blind MUSIC"approach where identification is achieved by looking for the(approximate)intersections between the FOSS and the manifold of1D projection matrices.Pratical implementations of these ideas are discussed and illustrated with computer simulations.1.INTRODUCTIONThis paper adresses the problem of blind source separation or independent component analysis in the complex case where it can be seen as a narrow-band array processing problem:the output,denoted x(t),of an array of m sensors listening at n discrete sources takes the form: (1)x(t)=p=1,nΣs p(t)a p+n(t)where s p(t)denotes the complex signal emmited by the p-th source;where a p is afixed(deterministic)vector called the p-th source signature;and where n(t)is an independent additive noise assumed to be normally distributed with arbitrary covariance.In"standard"array processing,the same data model is used but the source signatures depend on very few location parameters and this dependence is assumed to be known via the array manifold.In contrast,we adress here the blind problem where no a priori information is available about source signatures.Hence blind qualifies any processing based on the sole obervations."Blindness"is compensated by exploiting the hypothesized assumption of source independence.In the following it is assumed that:•source signals are statistically independent,•source signals have non vanishing kurtosis,•source signatures are linearly independent.Blind source separation is understood as estimation of the source signals s p(t),while blind identification refers to the estimation of the source signatures a p.In the following, we focus on identfication since separation can be based on signature estimates.The blind problem is interesting because its solution allows to process narrow band array data without explicit knowledge about array geometry and without assumptions about wavefront shapes.Various solutions relying on the use of both2nd-order and4th-order cumulant statistics of the array output have already been reported[1-4].These approaches make use of2nd-order information to whiten the data,and4th-order information is then used to process the resulting orthogonalized problem.The additive noise is assumed to be normally distributed:it has no effect on the(exact)4th-order cumulants but2nd-order noise cumulants do not vanish so that the spatial structure of the noise covariance has to be known,modelled or estimated in order to achieve consistent2nd-order prewhitening. These limitations can be overcome by giving up the idea of 2nd-order whitening and resorting to4th-order cumulants only[5-6].It is the purpose of this communication to show how the concept of fourth-order signal subspace yields simple implementations of4th-order only blind identification.2.BLIND IDENTIFICATION2.1On identifiability.The blind context does not lead to full identifiability of the model(1)because any complex factor can be exchanged between s p and a p without modifying the observation.Hence if no a priori information is available,each signature can be identified only up to a scale factor.We take advantage of this to assume,without any loss of generality,that each signature a p has unit norm.With this constraint,an unidentifiable phase term is still present in a p.For each source p,we denote asΠp the orthogonal projector onto the1D space where the p th component lives.It is the space spanned by the signature a p and the projector onto it is(2)Πp=∆a p a p∗This hermitian matrix is unaffected by any phase term in a p and conversely determines a p up to a phase term.It follows that the projectorsΠp are the algebraic quantities that can be,at best,identified in the blind context.It iseasily seen that knowing these projectors is sufficient to perform blind separation of the source signals s p(t) because they allow to construct for each source the linear filter that zeroes all the components but the one specified. We then define blind identification as the problem of estimating the projectorsΠp from sample statistics only. 2.2Blind MUSIC.The approach to blind identification presented in this contribution can be seen as a blind4th-order version of the celebrated MUSIC algorithm.The MUSIC technique is based on the concept of signal subspace which is the vector space spanned by the steering vectors.It can be summarized as i)Estimate the signal subspace using the covariance.ii)Search for the steering vectors which are the closest to the signal subspace.The search is,of course,across the array manifold:this is how MUSIC exploits the a priori information contained in the parameterization of the steering vectors.The fourth-order signal subspace(FOSS)is defined as the real span of the projectorsΠp the linear matrix space made of all possible linear combinations with real coefficients of the projectorsΠp:(3)FOSS={M|M=p=1,nΣγp a p a p∗,γp∈R}Let us now consider the following idea for blind identification i.e.estimation of theΠp:i)Estimate the FOSS using4th-order cumulants.ii)Search for the orthogonal1D projectors which are the closest to the FOSS.The closest projectors to the FOSS are taken as estimates of the source projectorsΠp.Such an idea could be termed"blind MUSIC"because,in spite of its strong analogy with the classical MUSIC,no signature parameterization is assumed here:the search is across the so called rank one manifold(ROM)which is defined as the set of all rank-one unit-norm hermitian matrices i.e.across all the1D orthogonal projectors.The reason why Blind MUSIC works is that a matrix space with structure as in eq.(3)is shown,under mild conditions,to contain no other1D projectors than the ones used in its construction,i.e.theΠp.This is obviously true as soon as the signatures a p are linearly independent since in that case,a matrix M as in eq.(3)has a rank equal to the number of non-zero coefficientsγp.If M is a1D projector, it has rank one,hence all the coefficientsγp but one are zero and M is then necessarily one of theΠp.We now have to discuss i)FOSS estimation from4th-order cumulants ii)practical implementations of the blind MUSIC search.3.FOURTH-ORDER SIGNAL SUBSPACE3.1Quadricovariance.Wefind convenient to make temporary use of indexed notations to express the cumulants of the vector process x.Let us denote by x i the i-th coordinate of vector x and by x i the i-th coordinate of its dual x∗.Of course,only orthonormal basis are used: x i is just the complex conjugate of x i.The covariance classically is the matrix R whose(i,j)-coordinate denoted r i j is the2nd-order cumulant of x i and x j:(4)r i j=∆Cum(x i,x j)1≤i,j≤m Similarly,we define the quadricovariance of x as the set of m4complex scalars,q il jk,1≤i,j,k,l≤m:(5)q il jk=∆Cum(x i,x j,x k,x l)Our approach to process4th-order information is to consider the quadricovariance as a matrix mapping denoted Q,which to any matrix M with coordinates m i j associates the matrix N=Q(M)with coordinates n i j according to:(6)n i j=1≤k,l≤mΣq il jk m k lThe quadricovariance has the two following properties:i) it maps any hermitian matrix to another hermitian matrix. ii)it is itself an hermitian operator in the(usual)sense that for any matrices M and N we have<N|Q(M)>∗= <M|Q(N)>with the Euclidian scalar product <M|N>=∆Tr(NM H).These are trivial consequences of cumulant symmetries.It follows[3]that the quadricovariance admits m2real eigenvalues,denoted µi,i=1,m2and m2corresponding orthonormal hermitian eigen-matrices,denoted E i,i=1,m2,verifying:∀i=1,m2Q(E i)=µi E i withE i=E i H,µi∈R,Tr(E i E j)=δ(i,j)As a simple consequence[3]of cumulant additivity and multilinearity,the quadricovariance of a linear mixture(1) of independent components takes the special form:(7)Q(M)=p=1,nΣk p a p∗Ma a p a p a p∗with no contribution from the additive noise(since it has been assumed Gaussian and independent of the signals) and where the kurtosis of the p-th source is denoted by k p: (8)k p=∆Cum(s p,s p∗,s p∗,s p)Equation(7)evidences that the image space of the quadricovariance Q is spanned by the projectors Πp=a p a p∗(hence the name"FOSS").It has exactly rank n if no kurtosis k p is zero and if the projectorsΠp are linearly independent.This last condition is fulfilled whenever the signatures a p are themselves independent.It follows that quadricovariance eigen-decomposition shows only n non-zero eigenvalues.Let us assume that they are numbered in such a way that the corresponding n eigen-matrices are(E i|i=1,n).These eigen-matrices form an hermitian orthonormal basis of the FOSS.3.2FOSS estimation.When a strongly consistent estimate of the signal covariance is used,the2nd-order signal subspace estimate obtained via eigen-decomposition also is strongly consistent.The same can be shown to hold for the FOSS estimates obtained from an eigen-decomposition of the sample quadricovariance into eigen-matrices.This should be the preferred FOSS estimation method for small arrays but eigen-decomposition of the quadricovariance may be too expensive with large arrays.Note however that only a small number of eigen-matrices need to be estimated(n and not m2)and this fact can lead to large computational savings(see[7]).Even in that case, the whole set of4th-order cumulants is needed,and quadricovariance estimation cost may be prohibitive. Fortunately,the FOSS can be estimated in a simpler manner.We demonstrate this in the(rather common)case where signals are circurlarly distributed.Cumulant expression in terms of the moments then reduces to: (9)q il jk=E{x i x j x k x l}−r i j r l k−r l j r i kand it is readily checked that the quadricovariance image of any matrix M accordingly reduces to:(10)Q(M)=E{(x∗Mx x)x x∗}−RMR−R Tr(MR) This expression admits an obvious sample counterpart showing that Q(M)can be estimated at a cost similar to the covariance.This suggests to choose a priori a set of n hermitian matrices M i and to estimate Q(M i)according to (10).The result will be a set of n almost surely independent matrices of the FOSS.They can then be orthonormalized(by a Gram-Schmidt procedure for instance)into an orthonormal hermitian basis of the FOSS. Such a procedure obviously yields FOSS estimates with higher variance than those obtained by eigen-decomposition of the whole set of4th-order cumulants. Since it is not possible to ensure in advance that the Q(M i) actually are independent,a safer solution would be to use a number of M i larger than n.4.BLIND MUSIC IMPLEMENTATIONFrom now on,we assume that a FOSS estimate is available in the form of a set of n hermitian orthonormal matrices:(M i|i=1,n)forming a basis of the estimated FOSS.The following search implementations do not depend on the particular FOSS estimation technique.Blind MUSIC can be implemented as searching through the FOSS the closest ROM matrix(see the PQN technique below)or,alternatively,as searching through the ROM the closest FOSS matrix(seeΠV3)In both cases,the suggested techniques do not implement the search via a gradient(or similar)approach but expresses the Blind MUSIC estimates asfixed points of an appropriate mapping.In our simulations,we have found that thesefixed points were the only stable points:the blind MUSIC search can then be implemented as the iteration of these mappings with arbitrary starting points.4.1ΠV3Search.The natural approach to blind MUSIC is to maximize the norm of the projection onto the FOSS of a matrix A under the constraint that it is a1D projector. Using an orthonormal hermitian basis,the squared norm of this projection,denoted d,is the sum of the squared projections onto each basis matrix.(11)d=i=1,nΣTr2(A M i)Blind MUSIC estimates are obtained as the maximizers of d under the constraint that A=v v∗with v∗v=1.Since Tr(A M i)=v∗M i v,the variation with respect to v of a Lagrange function L=1/2d−λv∗v associated to this constrained optimization problem is:δL=i=1,nΣ(v∗M i v)(v∗M iδv+δv∗M i v)−λ(v∗δv+v∗δv) Defining the cubic vector mapping v→φ(v)as: (13)φ(v)=∆Σi=1,n(v∗M i v)M i vthe Lagrange function variation is rewritten in:(14)δL=(φ−λv)∗δv+δv∗(φ−λv)which is zero for anyδv iffφ(v)=λv.This is equivalent to v being afixed point of the mapping v→Φ(v)where: (15)Φ(v)=∆φ(v)/|φ(v)|TheΠV3search(where V3is a reminder for the cubic dependence on the iterated vector)starts with a random vector and then iteratively computes its image throughΦ.4.2PQN Search.An alternate approach is to search for matrices of the FOSS that are as close as possible to the ROM.The basic idea is to start with an arbitrary matrix of the FOSS and to repeatedly project it onto the ROM and back onto the FOSS.Projection onto the ROM is equivalent to truncating the matrix to itsfirst principal eigen-component,which requires an eigen-decomposition at each step.On the other hand,repeatedly squaring a matrix has the effect of enhancing the dominant eigenvalue.In our experiments,we have found that the projection onto the ROM,being included in the iteration loop,could be replaced by a simple matrix squaring followed by renormalization The PQN algorithm is just cycling through the three steps of projection,quadration, and normalization,hence the acronym"PQN".After convergence,the dominating eigen-vector is extracted, providing an estimate of one of the source signatures.Quadration and projection can be efficiently implemented in a single step by representing the iterated matrix,say A,by its(real)coordinates a i,i=1,n in the FOSS basis:A=Σa i M i.The squared matrix then is A2=Σa i a j M i M j.Since an orthonormal basis is used, the projection of A2onto the FOSS has coordinates a k′given by:(16)a k′=Σi,j t ijk a i a j with t ijk=∆Tr(M i M j M k) Hence,by pre-computing the table t ijk,each quadration-projection is computed in the single step(16),involving only n3real multiplications.4.3Simulation results The following simulation results are for a uniform linear half-wavelength array of4sensors, two independent PSK modulated sources of unit variance located respectively at0and20degrees(i.e.under the same lobe).The signal is corrupted by additive Gaussian white noise with covarianceσI.We performed20Monte-Carlo runs using the PQN algorithm for data lengths of50, 100,200,500,1000and for noise levelsσ=-10,0,10,20 dB.For each run,we plot a performance indexρdefinedas (17)ρ=n1p =1,nΣ1−Tr (Πˆp Πp)where each Πˆpis the estimated p -th projector.This index also is the squared sine of the angle between each signature and its estimate (averaged on the sources).Perf.index10E-110E-210E-310E-4501002005001000-10dB SNR•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Perf.index10E-110E-210E-310E-45010020050010000dB SNR•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Perf.index10E-110E-210E-310E-450100200500100010dB SNR•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••For negative SNR,the data lengths used here do notallow any correct estimation :the performance index is close to 0.5,indicating "random estimation"!But as the SNR gets positive meaningful estimates are obtained with relatively short data lengths.Also note that there is no significant improvement when the SNR goes from 10dB to 20dB.This is a general feature of 4th-order-only blind techniques :when the noise level is low enough,the performance is dominated by the sample size.This could be contrasted with the standard parametric MUSIC (2nd-order or 4th-order)where,at low noise levels,the varianceSample sizePerf.index10E-110E-210E-310E-450100200500100020dB SNR •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••of the estimates is proportional to the noise power.Another remark is that these simulations are for equipowered sources :the performance would degrade for a source when its power gets weaker.This effect shows at any order but is naturally more severe at fourth-order than at 2nd-order.Just as in the MUSIC case,asymptotic performance can be obtained in closed form but room is definitely lacking for exposition of the results.They will be presented at the conference.CONCLUSION.The notion of fourth-order signal subspace (FOSS)has been introduced.This matrix space,function of the 4th-order cumulants,is the natural 4th-order counterpart of the classical 2nd-order signal subspace.Exploited in a "blind MUSIC"fashion,it allows for blind identification without resorting to 2nd-order information.This can be done with one of the low cost fixed point techniques presented here.REFERENCES[1]on,"Independent Component Analysis",Proc.Int.Workshop on Higher-Order Stat.,Chamrousse,France,Jul.91,pp.111-120.[2]M.Gaeta,coume,"Source Separation Without A Priori Knowledge :the Maximum Likelihood Solution",Proc.EUSIPCO,Barcelona,Spain,Sept.90,pp.621-624.[3]J.F.Cardoso,"Eigen-structure of the fourth-order cumulant tensor with application to the blind source separation problem",Proc.ICASSP’90,pp.2655-2658,Albuquerque,1990.[4]V.C.Soon,L.Tong,Y.F.Huang,R.Liu,"An extended fourth order blind identification algorithm in spatially correlated noise",Proc.ICASSP’90,pp.1365-1368,Albuquerque,1990.[5]J.F.Cardoso,"Super-Symmetric Decomposition of the Fourth-Order Cumulant Tensor.Blind Identification of More Sources than Sensors",Proc.ICASSP’91,pp.3109-3112,Toronto,1991.[6]G.Giannakis,S.Shamsunder,"Modelling of non Gaussian array data using cumulants :DOA estimation with less sensors than sources",Proc.of conf.on Info.Sci.and Syst.,Baltimore,MD,1991.[7]J.F.Cardoso,on,"Tensor-based Independent Component Analysis",Proc.EUSIPCO,Barcelona,Spain,Sept.90,pp.673-676.。



盲源分离技术及其发展王春华,公茂法, 衡泽超时间:2009年11月06日字体:关键词:信号处理语音识别图像处理移动通信医学信号处理摘要:盲源信号分离是一种功能强大的信号处理方法,在生物医学信号处理、阵列信号处理、语音识别、图像处理及移动通信等领域得到了广泛的应用。


关键词:盲源分离;独立分量分析;发展盲源分离BSS(Blind Source Separation)是信号处理中一个传统而又极具挑战性的问题。




其中独立分量分析ICA(Independent Component Analysis)[2]是一种盲源信号分离方法,它已成为阵列信号处理和数据分析的有力工具,而BSS比ICA适用范围更宽。


1 盲源分离基本理论1.1 盲源分离的数学模型盲信号分离研究的信号模型主要有线性混合模型和卷积混合模型,盲源分离源信号线性混合是比较简单的一种混合形式,典型的BSS/ICA问题就是源于对独立源信号的线性混合过程的研究。

1.1.1 盲源分离的线性混合模型所谓的“鸡尾酒会”问题,具体描述是:在一个鸡尾酒会现场,如果用安放在不同位置的多个麦克风现场录音,则所记录的信号实际上是不同声源的混合信号。





中图分类号:T N97111 文献标志码:A 文章编号:C N51-1694(2008)02-0001-05收稿日期:2007-11-29;修回日期:2007-12-30作者简介:陈锡明(1970-),男,高级工程师,博士;黄硕翼(1983-),男,硕士研究生。




关键词:盲源分离;独立分量分析B lind Source Separation :Problem ,Principle and MethodCHE N X i 2ming ,HUANG Shuo 2yi(National In formation C ontrol Lab oratory ,Chengdu 610036,China )Abstract :Blind source separation is to recover unobserved source signals from observed mixtures.As a new technology of array signal processing ,it has attracted wide attention.Blind source separation is classified into three types :linear instantaneous mixtures ,linear conv olutional mixtures ,and nonlinear mixtures ,as per different mixture methods.And a survey is presented on separation principles and methods of each type.The prospect of future development is given too.K ey w ords :blind source separation ;independent com ponent analysis (ICA )1 引言盲源分离(BSS )是信号处理领域的一个基本问题,是根据观测到的信号来分离或恢复出未知源信号的过程。



盲源分离程序流程盲源分离(Blind Source Separation, BSS)是一种无监督的学习方法,其目的是从混合的信号中恢复出原始的独立源信号,而不需要知道混合模型的具体参数。

以下是盲源分离的主要程序流程:1. 信号采集目的:收集需要进行盲源分离的混合信号。



2. 预处理目的:去除或减少信号中的噪声、失真和其他不需要的成分。

操作:+ 滤波:使用滤波器(如低通、高通或带通滤波器)去除噪声。

+ 标准化:调整信号的幅值,使其满足特定范围。

+ 去均值:确保信号的均值为0。

3. 特征提取目的:从预处理后的信号中提取出对于盲源分离有用的特征。

操作:+ 时域分析:计算信号的时域统计特性。

+ 频域分析:通过傅里叶变换等方法分析信号的频域特性。

+ 时频分析:使用短时傅里叶变换、小波变换等方法分析信号的时频特性。

4. 分离算法目的:根据提取的特征,使用适当的算法将混合信号分离成独立的源信号。

操作:+ 独立成分分析(ICA):通过最大化非高斯性来分离独立源。

+ 主成分分析(PCA):通过去除信号中的冗余成分进行分离。

+ 二次规划等优化算法:用于更复杂的盲源分离问题。

5. 结果评估目的:评估盲源分离的效果,判断分离出的信号是否接近真实的源信号。

操作:+ 主观评估:通过人工听测或其他方式,直接评价分离效果。

+ 客观评估:使用如信噪比(SNR)、互信息(MI)等量化指标来评估。

6. 结果输出目的:将分离得到的源信号以适当的方式呈现出来。

操作:+ 信号重构:将分离得到的源信号重构为原始的时间序列。

+ 可视化:使用图表、波形图等方式展示分离结果。

+ 数据存储:将分离得到的源信号保存为文件或数据库,以便后续分析或使用。





盲源分离什么是盲源分离?盲源分离(Blind Source Separation)是一种信号处理技术,用于从混合信号中将源信号分离出来,而不需要关于源信号的先验信息。


盲源分离的原理盲源分离的原理基于独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis,ICA)的概念。
















•BSS Eval:用于评估盲源分离算法性能的工具包。




适应的沉浸式交互和融合⑶.目前,这种BCIC/BMIC已成为国际前沿研究热点,研究旨在变革传统的人机 交互和融合方式,提高人类的生活质量.这类BCIC/BMIC系统的典型控制信号源Electroencephalo­ gram, EEG),其在头皮采集,每个电极的记录值是大量神经元电活动的综合结果⑷.尽管该采集方法无 创、设备便携,价格不昂贵,其时间分辨率高适合实时控制,然而EEG信号信噪比低、空间分辨率低、含有 强的伪迹(如眼动伪迹、肌动伪迹、电极移动和线路噪声等),这给BCIC/BMIC中脑电信号的处理带来了巨 大的挑战⑸.
作者简介:熊馨(1984 -),女,博士,讲师.主要研究方向:脑机接口及其应用.E-maU:xiongxin840826@ 163. com 通信作者:伏云发(1969 -),博士,教授.主要研究方向:脑信息处理与脑机交互融合控制.E -maU:£y£@ ynu. edu. cn
熊 馨,杨秋红,周建华,等:脑机融合控制中脑电伪迹处理方法
中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码:A
文章编号:1007 -855X(2021)03 -0056 - 15
Removing Artifacts from EEG for Brain - Machine Integration Control
XIONG Xin1, YANG Qiuhong1, ZHOU Jianhua1, XU Baolei2, LI Yongcheng2, YIN Xuxian2, FU Yunfa1
脑电信号是一种非线性非平稳性的中枢神经电生理信号,具有丰富的节律活动(其常用的频带范围为 0 ~30 Hz,gamma波则高于30 Hz),并且其瞬变响应中也含有丰富的波形信息(如幅值、潜伏期和相位等事 件相关电位(Event - related potentials, ERPs)信息),它们隐含着一定的神经科学含义,可表征大脑功能的 动态变化.
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• Allows us to evaluate relationships and tradeoffs between different approaches easily and rapidly
• Used to determine when a particular algorithm or approach is appropriate for a particular (acoustic) measurement scenario
Novel Techniques for Speech
• Blind Source Separation: Find all the talker signals in the room - loud and soft, high and low-pitched, near and far away … without knowledge of any of these characteristics.
• Statistical independence is the critical assumption.
Entropy is the Key to Source Separation
Entropy: A measure of regularity
- In physics, entropy increases (less order)
Speech Enhancement Methods
• Classic (frequency selective) linear filtering
Only useful for the simplest of situations
• Single-microphone spectral subtraction:
Separation can be achieved when (# sensors) ≥ (# of sources)
• The talker signals {sj(t)} are statistically-independent of each other and are non-Gaussian in amplitude OR have spectra that differ from each other OR are non-stationary
xi(k) = ai1 s1(k) + ai2 s2(k) + … + aim sm(k) • Sensor noise is neglected
• Dispersion (echo/reverberation) is absent
Blind Source Separation Example (continued)
• Blind Source Separation
General concepts and approaches
• Convolutive Blind Source Separation
Application to multi-microphone speech recordings
• Complex Blind Source Separation
• Multi-Microphone Signal Enhancement: Using only the knowledge of “target present” or “target absent” labels on the data, pull out the target signal from the noisy background.
• BSS requires no knowledge of sensor geometry. The system can be uncalibrated, with unmatched sensors.
• BSS does not need knowledge of source positions relative to the sensor array.
- In biology, entropy decreases (more order)
In BSS, separated signals are demixed and, have “more order” as a group.
First used in 2019 for speech separation.
will yield performance differences
BSS for Convolutive Mixtures
• Idea: Translate separation task into frequency domain and apply multiple independent instantaneous BSS procedures
Blind Source Separation Toolbox
• A MATLAB toolbox of robust source separation algorithms for noisy convolutive mixtures (developed under govt. contract)
Only useful if the signal is reasonably wellseparated to begin with ( > 5dB SINR )
Tends to introduce “musical” artifacts
• Research Focus: How to leverage multiple microphones to achieve robust signal enhancement with minimal knowledge.

Signal Mixtures are Everywhere
• Cell Phones • Radio Astronomy • Brain Activity • Speech/Music
How do we make sense of it all?
Example: Speech Enhancement
What differentiates the complex-valued case
• Conclusions
Blind Source Separation (BSS) A Simple Math Example
• Let s1(k), s2(k),…, sm(k) be signals of interest • Measurements: For 1 ≤ i ≤ m,
Convolutive Blind Source Separation
• Mixing system is dispersive: • Separation System B(z) is a multichannel
Goal of Convolutive BSS
• Key idea: For convolutive BSS, sources are arbitrarily filtered and arbitrarily shuffled
Blind Source Click to edit Master title style Separation:
Finding Needles in Haystacks Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Scott C. Douglas FFDoiftuhertlphevaleervlteml ent of Electrical Engineering Southern Methodist University
• Criteria Based On This Goal:
Density Modeling Contrast Functions Property Restoral [e.g. (Non-)Constant Modulus
• Implications:
Separating capability of the criteria will be similar Implementation details (e.g. optimization strategy)
SMU Multimedia Systems Lab
Acoustic Facility
•Room (Nominal Configuration)
Acoustically-treated RT = 300 ms Non-parallel walls to prevent flutter echo
• Can Show: The si(k)’s can be recovered as yi(k) = bi1 x1(k) + bi2 x2(k) + … + bim xm(k) up to permutation and scaling factors (the
matrix B “is like” the inverse of matrix A)
• BSS requires little to no knowledge of signal types - can push decisions/ detections to the end of the processing chain.
What Properties Are Necessary for BSS to Work?
Problem: How do you find the demixing bij’s when you don’t know the mixing aij’s or sj(k)’s?